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W. Tracy Parnell

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Everything posted by W. Tracy Parnell

  1. Nope. She wasn't rich but she got by with penny pinching and begging. http://wtracyparnell.blogspot.com/2017/04/marguerites-finances.html As far as what marguerite told people, she lied continually-where do you think LHO got it from?
  2. Excellent post Jeremy. An interesting fact is that Armstrong actually mentions the exhumation in his book. He laments the fact that a DNA test could not be performed on "Harvey" as that would have proved if he was related to Robert or not. But Armstrong doesn't bother to inform the reader that his theory is destroyed by the exhumation result. The idea that "Harvey" was given a mastoid operation while in NY is a recent invention by Jim Hargrove, perhaps with Armstrong's blessing, to try and explain away the issue. My other point is after Michael Eddowes theory was disproved he was soon back at it working on another angle. Armstrong would undoubtedly do the same thing if a DNA test ever were performed which we know would show "Harvey" was the one and only LHO.
  3. It's proof that four people saw someone who looked to them like Oswald.
  4. Another document that is a "lie." I used to wonder how Armstrong figured out what documents and witnesses and other evidence to rely on. After all, he thinks the FBI faked just about everything. Jim and Sandy say much of what the HSCA did was forged. But yet you go through the citations in H&L and you see the FBI, HSCA, and all the other official sources listed. Then one day I figured it out. Anything that supports the H&L theory wherever it comes from is legitimate. And anything that doesn't support H&L is fake. BTW, Parker is replying to Jim and Sandy: https://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t1399-the-skagit-according-to-a-former-crew-member
  5. There were people not just in Dealey plaza, but in many places who thought they saw someone that looked like Oswald-correct.
  6. But if two men are not twins, how do you put their photos together and make a new ID? Or are you saying you are not defending H&L?
  7. As far as H&L they are identical when the theory requires it and non-identical when it better fits the theory. As far as the photo you posted, I stand by my comment that nobody would think these were identical twins or twins of any kind. Things like the ears would give it away. That is just something for newspapers and websites to use to fill up space.
  8. As I predicted, Sandy says the HSCA scientific evidence was fake. But what else can he say? And my other question remains-hoe do you put together two photos of men who are not identical twins and fool people with it?
  9. The point is they are saying that there were two boys who the CIA somehow found. These two boys at one point in time didn't look that much alike. One was taller and husky. One was shorter and looked like he had been in a concentration camp. Yet they selected these boys for a project whose ultimate goal wasn't even known. And somehow the CIA knew that these boys would grow up to look enough alike to put their photos together and make a new ID that would fool everybody. How likely does that seem?
  10. Why don't you do us all a favor Ray. Go get a photo of your twin and then take a photo of yourself. Then see if you can cut the photos in half and put them together to make a new photo that will fool everybody here.
  11. Let's stick to H&L: A comprehensive photo analysis, also done by the HSCA, is another solid proof that the Armstrong theory is bogus. Unfortunately, most of the photos selected for analysis by the committee were of “Harvey” since their work was not done to specifically refute Armstrong. However, a December, 1956, photo which is supposed to be “Lee”, per Armstrong, was compared with several photos of “Harvey” and the HSCA photo panel proved using morphological data that the photos were of the same individual. (HSCA Photo Analysis) Now speaking of predictable, I can tell you what Ray or Jim or whoever will say next-the HSCA was in on it.
  12. And when they are not dressed alike and do not have their hair cut alike and are not wearing identical glasses and with a different camera angle you would find they would not look that much alike. This is just one of those dumb things people put on the Internet and everyone believes for whatever reason. There have never been in the history of the world two unrelated people who look like twins without pulling this kind of trickery. And there has never been two boys who could be predicted to look alike several years later especially when they did not look alike at one point in time. It is impossible and anyone that says otherwise is spreading disinformation.
  13. George, the answer to all your questions is no. And yes, before anyone posts a bunch a silly photos with people dressed alike and so on, I am aware that there are people that look somewhat alike. But not enough to pass for twins in real life situations. And I'll tell you something else. I know for a fact that it is impossible to find two boys who you can determine will grow up to look identical later on, especially when at one point in time they don't look very much alike at all. I'll tell you this-the number of people who thought they saw an "Oswald" and really did is less than five (I won't say what I think the number was). The remainder were mistaken as we know happens during a high profile case.
  14. What was the purpose of these "lies"? Are you saying that the HSCA was lying to protect the "Oswald project"? If so, why did they do the work they did on the 2 Oswald theory?
  15. The key word there is recalled. No report, no documentation, just his recollection, no doubt honestly given, but wrong.
  16. The H&L gang seems to not understand that when people report their remembrances to the FBI or other agency that they are making their best guess as to the time. But unless they have a diary or other documentation to refer to it is just that a guess. William Trail remembered LHO being in the brig, he was just a little off on the timing. LHO went in the brig on June 29 and was released on August 13. Trail’s memory was actually pretty good and he remember LHO again during 1959 at Santa Ana when he was indeed there. Armstrong had the LHO “being different” thing highlighted, but Trail was referring to LHO showing off his superior knowledge to others which we know the historic Oswald did. Similarly, Felde’s recollections were no doubt sincerely provided but mistaken. He recounted his own service and assumed that LHO was with him the entire time which was not the case. Likewise, LHO’s notes are wrong. This is why people keep diaries and and other documentation because memory is fallible. Another point-this is why Hargrove and company argue so violently about Japan and the LA/NY school records. Because they think in those cases they have “documentation” of H&L and know that the vast majority of the time they do not and their points are witness based only. In other words, 99% of the time either "Harvey" or "Lee" is doing what the historic LHO was doing while his doppelganger is doing what a witness reported.
  17. Here is my writeup on Marguerite's finances: http://wtracyparnell.blogspot.com/2017/04/marguerites-finances.html She had over $17000 in extra income, that is a lot of money in those days.
  18. Michael, More holes than swiss cheese for sure. But the H&L gang continue on and so do I and you and many others.
  19. https://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t1408-the-bolton-ford-incident
  20. You are correct on this point. They have the two men together at different points in time when they could have been easily noticed. All it would have taken is one person to see something funny was going on and the plot is ruined.
  21. Np, actually I'm too lazy. And I think he is doing a good job on this issue. There are only so many hours in a day so why reinvent the wheel.
  22. Parker answers here and also refutes some other things: https://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t1399-the-skagit-according-to-a-former-crew-member
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