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Andrej Stancak

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Posts posted by Andrej Stancak

  1. Pat:

    I guess I understand why you have experienced being lit by sunlight when you tried to reproduce the one-foot down pose in the Depository doorway. The railing has been installed so handily that it prevents anyone to stand exactly as my model predicts - the vertical pole of the railing on the top step interferes. You had to stand slightly to the east (away from the western wall) because the rail did not allow you to come close enough to the wall. 

  2. I am not sure why could Prayer Man not stand in the shadow while standing with one foot on the second step? The two orange blobs superimposed on your picture shows approximate locations of Prayer Man's feet in the solution "one-foot-down-one-foot-up". Prayer Man's face and his body would be in the shadow and only the back of his right hand, the fleshy part of his right elbow and the left thigh and knee would be lit by the sunlight. The picture on the right is a preliminary and unfinished fit I made with a new posture of Lee Oswald (the one constructed based on the 3D reconstruction of the brightness map) and it is as I left it in June. The left thigh should be exposed to the sun more than it is shown in my preliminary fit, however, I hope you got my point. 

    Prayer Man's location is not something we can just guess or arbitrarily change as it suits us. He stood at one particular location in the doorway and his figure features need to show specific relationships to the important landmarks in the doorway such as the vertical pole of the aluminium door frame (crossing Prayer Man's head) and the distance of his right elbow from the brick column. If you place Prayer Man to the back of the doorway, to the corner, he certainly will be in full shadow (but then, Prayer Man's right hand does reflect sunlight and he therefore needs to be close to the plane separating the shadow from sunlight) but other features would not be at appropriate distances from the doorway landmarks, in particular, Prayer man's right elbow would be too far from the brick column. 

    I wrote a blog article on the landmarks and body height back then in 2016, only few days after I joined the Forum. In retrospect, it contains simple graphics and the doorway was not based on realistic measurements yet, however, it is still useful in explaining what to watch for when estimating Prayer Man's location and body height.



    If you would place Prayer Man anywhere on the top landing, his body height would be only 5' 2 1/2''. This is, namely, the height at which a plane just touching the top of Prayer Man's head would be relative to the top landing. However, such small person would also have short arms and they would be about 2 inches too high compared to how they appear in Darnell film. This is because two people standing on two different platforms 7 inches apart and having their heads at the same height would also show differences in their body proportions. The short person on the top plane (=top landing) would have his arms about two inches above the arms of a tall person standing on the lower plane (second step). We do not see a short person on the top landing in Darnell, the only accurate fit is achieved with a tall person (5' 9 5/8') standing effectively on the second step. Please find here a comparison of the effects of the platform height on body proportions of two people having heads at the same height.





  3. 31 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

    But I seem to remember someone holding out that Prayer person was straddled on the top two steps. And there's no way he/she could have done that without being at least halfway in the sun. 



    I appreciate your effort. Your findings could be potentially very useful. However, I feel that your conclusions are not based on a well documented experiment. Where exactly did you stand when you were halfway in the sun and standing on steps? Were you rotated in parallel with the plane of the shadow? It would require somebody to have photographed you from Darnell vantage point at different locations and postures. Without any supporting data on where exactly you stood and the corresponding images, I find your conclusion about impossibility of Prayer Man standing with his right foot on the second step and his left foot on the top step as not substantiated.

    As the shadows on the steps and top landing are concerned, does the new railing paralleling the western wall contribute to the shadow on steps? In my view, i does.


  4. 1 hour ago, Pat Speer said:

    Dr. Wecht did the same presentation at the CAPA conference. As i recall he said Jack Ruby could not have been killed via a cancer cell injection.

    Thanks, Pat, for confirming Dr Wecht's opinion on the possibility of Ruby (or anyone else) being be killed by being injected cancer cells. This eliminates one whole  part in Mrs Baker's story, including the devilish testing of cancer cells' killing ability on two Angola prisoners, the purpose of Lee Oswald's visit to Mexico City (to hand over the thermos with cancer cells to a medical student), spending time with Lee in Ferrie's kitchen and many other components. 

  5. The JFK conferences are useful and I would love to attend any of the two conferences. I would have some hard time talking to Mrs Baker but I would surely manage because one always can view the other person as  a human in the first place. If she asked me if I read her book I would answer I did. If she asked me if I believe her story, I would say that an essesntial part of her story could not be achieved.

    However, there are risks in taking part in a conference, co-organised by Mrs Baker, as a presenter. Here is a screenshot of Mrs Baker post on her Facebook dated November 12. It is a very clever post. It connects the possibility of being killed by being injected with cancer cells with the name of Dr Wecht which, if people are not attentive enough, makes an impression that Dr Wecht would be speaking about Ruby's death in context of being killed by live cancer cells and that was the main premise in Mrs Baker's bioweapon story. I am sure Dr Wecht did not seriously consider such a possibility, however, not being at the conference, I am left only with a combined effect of: Ruby believed he was killed by cancer cells+Dr Wecht will speak about Jack Ruby's death + Dr Wecht is a remarkable authority in the area of forensic pathology + Mrs Baker and Dr Wecht are friends + Lee and Judyth were working on the bioweapon based on injecting Castro with live cancer cells. 

    Thus, there is a risk of presenting at TrineDay conference owing to the presenter's name being used for a purpose of supporting one of the organiser's false story. 




  6. It is very likely that Oliver Stone will listen to what the expert advisers with detailed knowledge of Mrs Baker's story would certainly tell him before making a decision to incorporate Me&Lee into his new film. It would be unusually damaging to the whole JFK research community if Mr Baker's story would appear in Mr Stone's new film as  something explaining all major aspect of JFK assassination.   

  7. frame003627-e1561149345383.jpg

    The top figure is from my June 21 post. It shows a brightness coded image of original Prayer Man (the one in the left panel). The bottom panel is the Prayer Man image coded according to the brightness of each pixel with brightness depicted as the height, creating a 3-D image. This 3-D brightness-coded Prayer Man is orientated in supine position with his head pointing to the right. The shape of the purple line copies the course of the left leg and suggests that Prayer Man had his left leg bent in the knee joint.




    This new figure shows the bottom panel from the above figure with a few captions highlighting important landmarks on Prayer Man's body. I have now added a realistic  Poser 11.2 model of Prayer Man with body proportions matching Lee Oswald's body proportions. This comparison is useful for determining the locations  and mutual relationships among Prayer Man's different body parts. It also shows, encouragingly,  that it is possible to reconstruct Prayer Man's posture quite accurately. Please note that the details of clothing in Poser mannequin do not match Prayer Man's clothing at this stage (e.g., the belt, the shape and colour of the shirt, etc.).

  8. I am not an immunology expert, however, it is well known that there are immunosuppressant drugs which are used for therapeutic purposes, e.g. in people receiving a transplant organ. While there may be past studies investigating how to decrease immune system to the extent that the organism falls victim to an infectious disease, this is not the type of science which can receive support from medical institutions as the ethics aspect of such research is very questionable.  

    In the context of the this thread, Mrs Baker and her collaborators were not planning to inject any viruses into Castro's body, and cancer cells are not viruses (but some viruses and bacteria can cause specific types of cancer). Cancer cells are malignant cells originating in patient's own tissues (therefore, they are not attacked by patient's immune system) and having altered genetic code which enables them to proliferate without any control until they kill the host. 

  9. There is one more interesting aspect to Mrs Baker's story. Her profile is not that dissimilar from the roles and actions of so called psychic detectives who claim to be able to use their spiritual abilities to contact people who died in a crime to identify their killer or to identify the location of a missing person. First, psychic detectives always claim to have respectable history, such as working with the FBI or some university or a research centre. These affiliations increase their credibility in the eyes of the public. (Those credentials are usually highly inflated or even false). Mrs Baker also offers her credentials as a scientist and a cancer expert which ticks the box.

    Second, psychic detectives tap on people who desperately seek a resolution, such as where is my beloved child or who killed my partner. A much suffering person will not be able to grieve until the essential question of where or who is resolved. The sufferers are able to pay high amounts of money to psychic detectives just to come to some resolution. Is our JFK research community not similar to the people who desperately seek a resolution? Don't we buy books, travel distances or spend time on reading and researching in hope to somehow bring the case to its logical end which is: who and why killed President Kennedy and what was Lee Oswald's role? Thus, a good psychic detective a has large pool of sufficiently prepared subjects to lure in the JFK community. Mrs Baker offers answers to all unanswered questions pertaining the case and some of those desperately seeking a resolution and grateful.

    Third, a psychic detective wants to be paid for his/her services. The money issue is always floating around. Does it tick the box?

    Fourth, psychic detectives want media attention. Media is the vehicle how psychic detectives spread their nets. If a journal article with a catchy heading "Psychic detective found missing girl in the lake" appears in the news, more and more people start to believe them. The larger is the number of believers the better. Does it tick the box?

    Besides this intriguing similarity between psychic detectives and the author's profile, there is one more peculiar detail which contributes to the acceptance of Mrs Baker's story and which is hardwired in how we people perceive the probability of something to be true. Our mind does not interpret objective probabilities of events (ranging from 0.0 to 1.0) in a linear and proportional manner. Our mind cannot appreciate very low and very high probabilities. For that reason people buy lottery tickets because while objective probability of winning is mathematically close to zero, our mind perceives it as something having a low probability but still much higher than zero. Similarly, if an event has a very high probability of happening  ( e.g., 0.9) we think it will surely happen and ignore the 0.1 portion which says that the phenomenon is still uncertain. Subjectively, we are not able to discern that A is more likely to happen than B if A has a chance of 0.95 and B a chance of 0.90. To translate this fooling of probabilities by our mind to the Me&Lee story, the story has basically close to zero probability of being true and yet people would say it is probable because of the diminished sensitivity to extremely low probabilities.


  10. The case of Judyth Baker and her story appears to be a combination of two threads: her love affair with Lee Oswald and her role in the development of a biological weapon aimed to assassinate Fidel Castro and thereby save John Kennedy as Kennedy's death would not be necessary if Castro had died. The love story is supported by the fact that both Judyth Baker and Lee Oswald worked at Reily Coffe Company in New Orleans. There appears to be no other factual evidence that would prove this part of story but also no clear evidence that would refute it. It is possible that the two people knew each other but it is not known whether Judyth and Lee were a couple. The other thread refers to the effort of a group of people around Dr Ochsner to develop a biological weapon based on the idea that live cancer cells, obtained from rapidly developing tumors grown in mice would be injected into a human to induce cancer and kill him or her. This line of Mrs. Baker's story is completely unsubstantiated and impossible in the light of biological science. Cancer is not a contagious disease, it is not spread by body contacts or by planting live cells into someone else's body. We can come into contact with cancer patients without any fear of cancer being biologically transmitted onto us. The principle is that our immune system can recognise a foreign cell, e.g., a bacterium, by comparing that cells protein marker called major histocompatibility complex with our marker. The MHC marks every cell which is foreign to our body, and presents on its surface molecules which bind to the immune system cells' receptors. Thus, injecting live cancer cells into a human body would activate that person's immune system and the cancer cells would be rapidly eliminated. Actually, one of the early studies leading to the discovery of MHC was a study in which researchers attempted to transplant cancer cells from one animal into another animal and failed. 

    In the book, the rejection of injected cancer cells by the immune system was solved by having the prospective victim to voluntarily take repeated X rays to suppress the immune system first. Thus, it was a two-stage "treatment", one to suppress the immune system and another to allow cancer cells to live and multiply in the host's body. In Castro's case, this young and strong man would have to take a number of repeated X rays at doses dramatically exceeding a standard diagnostic X-ray investigation. The patient whose immune system would be continuously ruined by repeated mega X-rays would develop a number of health issues such as bleeding from internal organs, ulcers, and would likely die from common infections. How likely would it be that Castro's doctors and Castro himself would just decide to wipe out Castro's immune system? Were Castro's doctors murderers? Was Castro an idiot to agree to such "treatment"? 

    In the meantime, the live cancer cells, frantically grown up in David Ferrie's kitchen within several weeks and tested on two Angola prisoners at the psychiatric institution in Jackson, would be transported in a thermos from New Orleans to Mexico City. Live cells need a proper environment to survive and can survive only for a brief period of time if conditions are less than optimal. High ambient temperature (such as in Mexico City, or on board of a hot bus) would continuously rise the temperature in the thermos and at some point the cells would degrade. The fluids in thermos would need to have several parameters spot on to survive, such as osmolality, temperature and acidity. Once some cells would start perishing, it would instigate a vicious cycle of more and more cells dying at a fast rate. Lee Oswald was supposed to "feed" the cells from time to time by opening the lid of the thermos and adding a solid substance (powder?) which is described as being similar to glucose. Opening the lid would, of course, allow a number of bacteria to invade the thermos and join the fray. How much of "glucose" would be added? Glucose would increase the osmolality of the fluid in the thermos and an increased osmolality would suck the water from the cells. The shrunk cells would suffer rupturing their membranes and emptying their content into the fluids thereby increasing the osmolality. The fluid in the thermos would be continuously shaken during walking or while on a bus. However, even small cells have a mass and therefore bump onto the inner surface of the thermos and many get smashed. To make this bleak outlook of cancer cells short, Lee Oswald would bring to Mexico City a stinking soup rather than live cancer cells. That soup would likely kill anyone by causing sepsis. But then, would it not be easier to kill Castro by injecting him with a soup he had for his lunch a day or two ago than to bring a CIA-own soup from New Orleans?

    If one removes the bio-weapon part from Judyth Baker's story, there is not much left. She and Lee Oswald may have known each other and, who knows, may even have ridden a bus together. But this would be a different story, a story which maybe could be closer to the truth but a story which would be hardly too relevant.







  11. John:

    Did you read the book? Judy and Lee Oswald allegedly grew tumors in mice and extracted the strongest cancer cells to use them again for some kind of breeding. Judyth' story was not about any viruses, they allegedly took live cancer cells after several weeks of growing them in Ferries's kitchen and used a thermos to transport them. When Lee though the cells were hungry, he opened the lid of the thermos and dropped some kind of solid foodstuff to them.  It is beyond comprehension that people can believe this.

  12. Nothing is just black or white in real life. I do not believe Mrs. Baker's story as described in her book Me &Lee simply because there is no scientific ground for her bio-weapon story - it is not possible to cause cancer by injecting mice cancer cells into a healthy human, this is a complete nonsense. That said, Mrs. Baker must have her reasons or there may be motives stronger than herself for creating the Me&Lee story, and I am not the judge of her motives. The white side is that Mrs. Judy Baker is enthusiastically promoting the idea of Lee Oswald's innocence and by doing so she also attracts a lot of good researchers for the conferences she happens to organise. And for that she deserves credit.

  13. Chris:

    you raised the problem whether some specific details such as wrist watch or maybe a metal band were on Prayer Man's arms. I do not know yet. The pictures I saw do not indicate this but we are in realm of guessing. I would hope that the higher resolution of Darnell available to the Sixth Floor Museum could one day be also accessible to us.

    I work on reviving Tom Wilson's image analysis method in the hope to maybe disclose some more layers of information in Darnell film and this would also address the points you raised. I hope to have the whole of Tom Wilson's setup ready by Christmas or early next year. There is a lot of technical stuff to solve there. Together with a better resolution scan of Darnell, it should be possible to extract as much information as possible from Darnell and other pictures or films.


  14. 5 hours ago, Chris Bristow said:

    Andrej, I re posted your overhead view from the Prayerman thread. To have sunlight on both the hand and forearm  would he have to have the forearm at almost the same angle the Sun is coming in at?


    the version of my 3D reconstruction you posted does not take into account the sequencing of brightness which I first saw only in June. I should be in the process of re-modelling Prayer Man to a new pose in which his left hand is in the shadow and his right arm parallels the shadow line with only the back of the hand and a tiny portion his right upper forearm and upper part of his left leg exposed to the sunlight. Instead, I have worked on a video demonstrating Mrs. Stanton in Altgens6 as this project is long overdue. For some people, it is merely saying how things are or should be. For me, there are months of tedious work to come up with a new solution.

    In the picture below, the "old" solution is the one you posted. The "new" solution is the one which reproduces the brightness maps reconstructed with ImageJ program (the sequence of maps with red background) - in that solution, the left hand is not hit by sunlight and the right forearm parallels the shadow line. You may see that the differences between the versions look like very small but this is the thing: only a half of an inch or inch difference decides about how each version fits the original. The left panel shows Prayer Man with "new" solution overlaid.



    The distributed light from a generally illuminated area of the street would not cause the bright spot on Prayer Man's right hand. Such distributed light would be homogeneous and equally spread over the entire Prayer Man's body and Prayer Man's right hand and left hand would be of equal brightness (they are not). This is demonstrated in the right-hand column of images in my previous post. 




  15. Ray:

    I did some more experiments with a generally distributed light and how it could affect distribution of brightness on my arm. I am away from home at the moment and cannot retrieve the photographs to show them right now but will post in due time. Basically, I stood in the back of the room away from a window during a cloudy day. Thus, there was, of course, light that illuminated my arm and it was more intense as I was getting closer to the window. However, the light was distributed with equal intensity over my entire arm and hand and my hand never showed a bright spot. The fleshy upper forearm appeared brighter than the hand under such circumstance. The walls were not really continuous high-reflective surfaces (there were bricks  and tiles on parts of the wall) with only perhaps the white inner pillar at the entrance giving some reflected light. Thus, I am not convinced that the opposite wall could possibly reflect enough light to cause somewhat brighter spots on Prayer Man's right arm and hand.

  16. 6 hours ago, Ray Mitcham said:

    At no time, IMo is Prayerman's arm in sunlight. Lovelady obviously moved eastwards towards the center of the entrance in order to get a better view of the motorcade moving own the ramp. PM's light coloured arm is probably caused by borrowed light.


    I did some photographic experiments on how could the slightly brighter hand and upper forearm in Prayer Man's figure be explained. First, there is nothing like "borrowed" light as far as Prayer Man is concerned. You may think about some kind of reflection from a very bright plane similar to the one used by professional photographers to cast some distributed light on their objects. However, there is no such plane in the vicinity of Prayer Man. The man seen below him stands on the 6th step, very far from Prayer Man.  Furthermore, although the face of the man standing on the sixth step is clearly reflecting light, the back of his had would not reflect any light as it was hidden from sunlight .

    I played with shadows on my arm while having my  hand bent slightly backward and the long axis of my arm paralleling the sunlight. Any bright spots on my arm could only be seen if the arm was hit directly by the sun, not when the arm was just close to the division plane separating sunlight and shadow. If my right arm was in shadow (but close to the sunlight space), it was as dark as my left hand which was even further back in the shadow. To make the narrative short, if the entire Prayer Man's right arm was in shadow, there would not be any bright spots on Prayer Man's right arm/hand. 

    The question then is why did not the two spots which in my view were exposed to the sunlight shine bright the same way as for instance the face of the man standing on the lower step. There are few factors causing this:

    1. The direction of light was of almost the same angle as the orientation of the long axis of Prayer Man's right arm. Therefore, the angle at which the incident light hit the fleshy part of the forearm close to the elbow was very flat and consequently the reflection angle was also very flat; the reflected light would mostly go in direction of the glass door, not into Darnell's camera. The light that reflected directly into Darnell's camera would come from only a very tiny portion of the forearm. The hand was bent backwards and therefore more of reflected light would be directed towards Darnell's camera. This is what is evidenced in Darnell - the hand reflects more light than the upper forearm.

    2. The illuminated spots on the forearm were tiny and got smeared by the  combined smoothing effects of: 1. the distance , 2. the quality of the lens, 3. possible motion blur, 4. unknown processing steps such as the resolution during the digitisation process. Therefore, the brightness of the two bright spots decreased due to them being averaged with surrounding darker spots.

    The figure below shows the grey values at different spots including those being safely in the shadow or those being in full sunlight. Prayer Man's face was in the shadow and the value was 81, similar to Mr. Frazier's face, or Prayer Man's left hand (the value not shown in the figure).The face of the man standing on the sixth step was very bright - 232. The back of Prayer Man's hand was certainly brighter than the skin in the shadow (face), its brightness was 112. Thus, this area of Prayer Man was brighter than his face. 


    The degradation of the brightness due to blurring the image is shown in the next figure. The top left inset shows what I think happened with Prayer Man's right arm. There possibly were two bright spots, one brighter on the back of the hand and one less bright in the flashy part of the upper forearm. The latter is less bright than the former because the long axis of the forearm is orientated in parallel with sunlight and therefore, less of reflected light is directed to the camera. If you look at brightness level of the spot in the upper forearm, it is 157 and it drops down to 115 after blurring the image with Gaussian blur and downsizing in two steps. The brighter spot on the back of the hand drops from 254 (the second top inset in the left column) to 155 in the final degradation step. There are multiple versions of Darnell, and the one shown in the lowest inset in the right column (from Darnell frame #003636 ) shows quite similar values of brightness for the hand (140) and the fleshy part of upper forearm (114) as my arm after blurring the image (156 and 115 for the back of the hand and upper forearm, respectively). It is not realistic that my example would reproduce exact grey values seen in Darnell, however, I hope I could turn your mind toward considering my explanation. 

    The right column shows my arm kept close to the space being exposed to the light but still in the shadow. After blurring the image the same way as the one with two bright spots (left column), the right hand gets as dark as my right arm and it is even less bright than the upper forearm. Thus, if Prayer Man's arm was in shadow, we would hardly see his right hand, it would be darker than the rest of his arm or even his left  arm. Thus, Prayer Man had to have his right hand bent as shown in the top left inset.






  17. 4 hours ago, David Josephs said:

    The sun?  Is anything of PM lit by the sun, deep in that corner?


    I spent some time on analysis of Darnell and most of my findings can be found in the thread "Prayer Man is a Man" .

    There is only one possible location for Prayer Man and that location needs to satisfy several objective criteria such as: 1) The vertical pole of the aluminium door frame needs to cross Prayer Man's head, 2. There is a comparatively short distance between Prayer Man's right elbow the brick column in the western wall (or, from the head standing on the seconds step who some researchers including myself believe was Billy Lovelady), 3. Small parts of Prayer Man's right hand and the fleshy part of his right arm are illuminated by the sunlight meaning that he stood close to the shadow plane cast by the western vertical edge of the doorway.  It is also needed to add Prayer Man's body height as another constrain. If all these aspects of Prayer Man's figure are taken into account, it becomes clear that Prayer Man could only stand in the front of the top landing, actually Prayer Man had his right foot on the seconds step. This also means that Prayer Man's left leg needed to be bent in the knee joint and therefore, his left thigh was also lightly illuminated by the sunlight. Without wishing to be dogmatic or argumentative, there is no other solution which would fit all the above criteria than the one having Prayer Man in the front part of top landing, with his right arm and left thigh partially illuminated by sunlight and with his right foot on the seconds step.) 

    Please find here my analysis of evolution of brightness showing from left to light how the right hand and then left knee and right elbow emerged as the first three spots meaning that they were the closest to the sunlight. I am also re-posting a 3D rendering of Prayer Man's brightness map showing  the left leg being progressively more exposed to sunlight from the hip to the knee.




    In the bottom panel of the above composite picture, the course of the left leg is highlighted with purple line. The knee would be at x=45, arms between x=25 and 20. The peak at x=20 is the right hand. Prayer Man's face is between x=0 and x=4. The very bright blob below x=55 appears to be the radiator in the background.






  18. There is one possibility that Lee Oswald was Prayer Man and the second floor lunchroom encounter happened. In that scenario nobody lied. The possibility is the one suggested by Bill Kelley right there on page 2 of the original thread started in August 2013. It may be possible that Lee heard the excitement when the motorcade turned to Dealey Plaza and walked fast from Domino room to the glass door and then out. He was photographed there as Prayer Man by Wiegman and Darnell and after staying in the doorway gor some 40 seconds or so he returned to the building with an intention to find out how bad his situation was, e.g. where was his rifle. He may have searched through the two closets, one on the first floor and the other on the second floor next to the passenger lift and not finding it he continued walking toward the stairs in the back of the building. At that moment he heard voices and steps and decided to take a refuge in the second floor lunchroom. Officer Baker appeared to enter the building only after first checking the fire escape route. I am working on a more precise timeline of this scenario, however, would be interested in knowing opinions of other debaters.


  19. Mark:

    congratulations on your elaborate model, I find it very useful. I have two questions: 1. You do not seem to include slowing down (stopping) of the President's limo? I assume it is hard as there are no accurate data on that part of Zapruder film. Some frames are surely missing in Zapruder film, and this may confound the speed estimates. 2. The other question is something I could perhaps verify myself using your model, anyway, I would be grateful if you would provide an estimate. It refers to the time elapsing between the instant when Hughes filmed the President's limo just in front of the Depository doorway and the time when the doorway first appeared in Wiegman film. Thanks.

  20. This is about Lee's stance again. The way Lee used to stand in upright stance, with putting weight on his right foot, appears to also affect the  way he walked. Here is one of a few famous assassination pictures from the Dallas Police basement. Lee has just pushed his left foot forward and he does not seem to recognise the danger coming from Ruby yet. 

    His right foot is left  backward and the left-right distance between his feet appears to be too short posing a question of how stable his gait was. The short distance along the left-right (axial) axis seems to be achieved by some degree of backward rotation of his pelvis. His trunk appears to be tilted toward his right and slightly back. 

     Of course, one can walk like this but the gait appears not very natural and makes an impression of being unstable. There was something very specific with the mobility of Lee's joints and muscle tone which affected both his stance and gait. 


  21. Here is one more example of Lee Oswald's stance. He used to stand with his body weight resting on his right foot and having his right leg extended and slightly backward. His left foot is forward and his left leg slightly bent in the knee joint. 

    This sparsely seen photograph below is from Minsk when Lee was on a fishing trip with Ziger (Zeger?) family. The three ladies are Mrs. Ziger, Leanora (older daughter) and Anita (turned away from camera).




  22. There is nothing improbable in Lee Oswald, if he was not the one who shot the President from the sixth floor window, going out for several tens of seconds. All people but Prayer Man and Mr. Frazier were transfixed on the Triple Underpass, the place where the limousine disappeared and where people were running  in an effort to capture the assassin that could shoot from the Grassy Knoll. They certainly did not try to look upwards in direction of the sixth floor. As the doorway occupants focused all their attention toward Triple Underpass they could miss a person who came out during those tense moments and returned back into the building while they were still engaged in trying to understand what happened. Some reported not seeing who was to their left or right (Otis Williams), some told seeing only one person and being unsure about others (Pauline Sanders), some were not asked at all. During that short time window, Lee Oswald could have come out, only to find out that he was in deep trouble, without being spotted by anyone. That man, Prayer Man, does not behave the same way as other people at all. He stares east about in direction of Records building while the rest of people watch the scene at opposite direction. 

    Of course, there is no visual evidence as to how long that unknown man in Darnell continued standing like he stood, however, he was not at his spot in Hughes film.  I have not analysed the timeline of various films that carefully yet, however, it is reasonable to assume that about 45 seconds elapsed between the moments when the Depository doorway is visible in Hughes and the doorway scene in Darnell which itself lasts only about 2 seconds. The absence of visual evidence of Prayer Man's departure from the doorway does not prove but also does not disprove the possibility that he left the doorway right away after Darnell stopped filming.

    I do not agree with labeling Prayer Man's figure in Darnell as a blob. One can extract quite a lot of information from that picture if one wishes so and if tools are applied which were not available just several years ago. If one says that Prayer Man is a blob, it is logical not to analyse it further. If one asks what information can possibly be extracted from Darnell scene to learn about Prayer Man and other people in the doorway, the logical continuation is to invest some time and effort into learning as much as possible. That effort may fail, however, it is a worthy effort and an effort which may shed new light on Prayer Man and other people who stood in the doorway during those fateful moments. There is something magic and hypnotic in claiming that extracting information from Darnell film is impossible - it exonerates from investigating those who are not willing to try or know they do not have the capacities. It also sheds quite a damning light on those who actually try because those could only be some weird people who do not know how to waste their time and decided to waste it on a blob. However, one thing I know. If we ever learn with some certainty who Prayer Man was, it will not be thanks to those seeing merely a blob, it will rather be thanks to those who keep searching.

    It took Barry Ernest more than 30 years to find Vicki Adams, however, he eventually found her because he never stopped searching. Did he give up, Vicki Adams herself would never come forwards.


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