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Pamela Brown

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Everything posted by Pamela Brown

  1. The new Discovery Channel show, which uses some of Don Robidaux's data, posits that there is no place to make a clear shot from the Grassy Knoll. How does James Files say he managed to do this?
  2. Well, when you have Gary Mack of the 6th FM(govt) looking over your shoulder, you might be surprised how quickly things can become 'impossible'.
  3. I just watched the preview shown on NBC (taped from Thursday). The shots of the replica limo are great, but the logic is not. They are taking a WC stance, eg "Did LHO act alone?" which in itself falls prey to the fallacy of false alternatives. A more objective assumption might be "what happened?" When I was involved in the show I did what I could to offer them advice outside of the narrow area of research in which they tried to dump me, talking with the producer Robert Erickson about issues of logic. I did the best I could to discuss sticking to one scenario or another for a test (that was part of the failure of their "SBT" test in BTMB). Everything seemed to fall on deaf ears. By the preview it looks as though they only examined a few possible locations for shots. They then may try to claim that they have exhausted the possibilities. That again is false logic. So, they are taking a very narrow stance and trying to re-prove the WCR. Of course, now they have Gary Mack as a living version of Earl Warren, who can then counsel all the innocent newbies from his post at the TSBD/6th FM. Not since Posner has there been such hubris. Or is it just job security in these difficult times? :-0
  4. The board is now available where you can post comments to this show: http://blogs.discovery.com/jfk/
  5. Beyond the Magic Bullet, another DC offering, discusses the SBT. This new show focuses on the fatal headshot at Z313. They seem to be blithely ignorant of the high bar they have set for themselves in the press release. The axiom of their test falls prey to the fallacy of false assumptions, they have used different Z313 scenarios (maybe not realizing that, for example, Z313 is in confict with the HSCA angle of JFK's head, little things like that). There will be a lot to analyze, for anyone with the time and stomach to do so.
  6. Yes, this is the spin. There are a number of problems with their assertions, the first one being that the premise of the test falls into the fallacy of false alternatives. Next, it looks like they will try to mix scenarios -- WC, HSCA, and now Don R. has had some of his work added. If there is an assumption that all these sources of information are in agreement, that alone would be a serious error. It seems logical that Gary will be a 'convert' in the show, going from stated belief in the badgeman theory to becoming 'convinced' that the shot was fired from the TSBD. The higher bar that they make claim to is that they think they have 're-proven' the WCR. That is simply ludicrous. For one thing, it would be GIGO. For another, the prior programs in this area were unsuccessful in their attempts to successfully demonstrate their claim. Interestingly, we seem to be observing yet another offering of the ongoing cover-up.
  7. The bloody leather of the back seat originally belonged to Vaughn Ferguson, who was with the limo after the assassination. This artifact was one of a number of his that was stolen from him by someone who was ostensibly going to have them appraised. These items were then sold at an auction.
  8. I really wish people would get off the soapbox of trying to label Judyth Baker a 'hoax' when she has better credentials than most witnesses who have come forth, and has created a greater upheaval in the community than just about anyone else I can recall. Judyth is a documented witness who deserves to be heard as such in an open forum. People are free to decide for themselves what to think about what she has to say. That is certainly fair, a level ground. We have few enough witnesses still alive -- the last thing we should be doing is trying to shut them down.
  9. Apparently, the idea of using a tv show to persuade the masses is part of the American way of life. The networks are under the impression that they determine what we think about an issue. Remember before the start of the 2nd Gulf War how all the networks had those silly maps of Iraq on their floors and all the newscasters stumbled around on them? This was an unjust and illegal war, but the media blitz was intended to dull our senses and get us to go along with W and Blair. Of course, the irony is that the Disco Channel will try to call something like this a 'documentary' when it is nothing more than a one-sided polemic. It looks to be consistent with some of Leni Reifenstahls' offerings to her buddy Hitler, based on the hysterical press release. I do hope to be mistaken, but am not holding my breath. Getting anyone to say anything conspiracy-based on the networks is quite a challenge. There is very little money for that, but tons of money for those touting the party line. I worked on the FoxNews special in 2003 on the assassination and was pleased that they were more objective and discussed some CT issues. It was disappointing too, however, in that they had the opportunity to present new limo information that would have blown away the WCR scenario of the SBT, but chose not to use it. Apparently, they didn't really want to make waves. I agree too that there is much more pressure and control on our movie stars and celebrities to tow the party line as well. Not many have been able to speak their mind. There must be consequences if they do. The TMWKK segments I agree are a curious anomaly. They are quite far-out in the CT stratosphere, and yet were allowed to be viewed for a number of years. The last three episodes, however, must have caused great controversy, and for that reason were bought up and supressed (except for Youtube). Perhaps the earlier ones were 'safer'. The witness statements of Madeline Brown and Judyth Baker alone would be enough to shake things up.
  10. I am speaking prior to the release. We can tell that the DC has thrown down a gauntlet. The intention appears to be not only to find some new converts, but to cause a reaction in the CT community. My advice is to not react, but just to calmly analyze whatever is shown and how it is shown. Why would anyone try to use a tv program to conclusively *prove* anything? What were they thinking? Even the press release shows us that this is not a show intended for critical scrutiny. They are attempting to tell the public what to think -- and any researcher ought to know better than to allow that to happen. The intent seems to be to discard all *possible* sources of the Z313 shot *except* for the TSBD. Trying to make a case for a TSBD shot is one thing, and perfectly ok; trying to claim it proves something *exclusively* puts them at a higher level, with an almost impossibly high bar.
  11. At least Obama was not elected in a zero year. Ironically, W was, and is still here. But then, he is a Bush, and if 41 had anything to do with what happened to JFK, RFK or MLK, then his own family would not be affected. No matter how angry he became at W...
  12. Ouch! That was unnecessary.I'd have to guess that I was talking about the article you provided a link to the article "Replica JFK Limo comes to State Fair" in the Eden Prairie News online. The show, I'm thinking, is the one referred to at the end of the article, in the sentence reading "McElwain-Brown was also interviewed at the Henry Ford Museum for an upcoming Discovery Channel program set to air on Nov. 4." The sky is yellow and the sun is blue. Roy Kellerman is portrayed by a Dallas-area researcher. Your speculations are way off. The program consists of a few different things, such as an interview with David Talbot wo wrote BROTHERS, and footage of the limo (using the replica limo) of Dealey Plaza, Love Field, Parkland and the White House Garage (simulated to look like). They will be following the timeline of the assassination. In addition, there is an experiment regarding the firing of Z-313 from, I think, two different locations. Then there are other interviews, including me as myself and Bob Casey, curator or Henry Ford Museum, done at Dearborn in front of the rebuilt limo. Nobody will be portraying any historical figures. Of course, they are also trotting out Gary Mack, who has had some say in the program itself, so we'll have to see just what the slant and conclusions end up being. I am hopeful that there will be objectivity, but have my reservations. Seems that my posts are being monitored. Apparently this one caught the eye of someone who reported back to the DC. As a result I was rebuked by RE, producer of the show. I have also been recently cut loose, for reasons of 'time'. These facts, coupled with the press release for the finished show, which describes only a shot from the TSBD, are beginning to give a clear indication as to the actual reason for doing the show in the first place.
  13. Since I have been cut loose from the program and did not sign anything but a typical release for the interview, I should be able to discuss it.
  14. That would be the JFK 'stare of death' photo. A copy of it is included in the updated BE.
  15. Biden has already made some controversial statements about the fact that other world leaders will undoubtedly create a crisis in order to test Obama. It may already be in the works, and the course may already have been set by W's administration. We can anticipate another BOP. Let's hope Obama and his inner group are wise and smart enough to spot the landmines ahead of time.
  16. Both parties have failed the citizens of the US. Both need to be dismantled. New parties need to emerge that actually maintain on all levels a commitment to the wellbeing of all the citizens, not just that of certain groups.
  17. Good points John. We must do everything we can to help our new President realize how important the release of the remaining files is. Unfortunately, to whatever extent Bush 41 (also past head of CIA) may have been involved in any or all of those events, the files may have been gutted.
  18. Watching the crowds at Grant Park in Chicago with Jesse Jackson in tears, makes me wonder if our country is again finding its heart.
  19. I voted at about 11a.m. in our Minneapolis suburb and the scene was unremarkable.
  20. This is new material from a test done this summer. It says that in the press release, but not clearly. The press release goes from one level of acknowledging that they were making a case for the Z313 bullet coming from the TSBD to claiming they had duplicated the WCR. This jump to the next level isn't even valid. We have watched over the years how the media has been used to push the WCR agendas. The NBC White Paper against Garrison had a devastating effect on his credibility until people could re-orient it for the propaganda piece that it was. There also seems to be a great deal of money available for pushing the WCR line too. Another factor is Gary Mack -- he sits in the TSBD/6th Floor Museum with a purpose of maintaining the ongoing cover-up. That is his job. He controls to a big extent the programs that are produced. Almost everyone goes to him at one point or another; so the question becomes, once you see that he is involved, to what extent is the program co-opted?
  21. What does it tell us when 45 years after the assassination books such as CASE CLOSED and RECLAIMING HISTORY as well as tv programs such as the ABC/Peter Jennings 2003 show are spun through their publicity to be presented as though their had never been years of research and questioning? Aren't they simply the WCR redux? The spin process used with them is just the same as that used with the WCR when it came out in 1964, isn't it? People in high places, whom we are supposed to 'trust', tell us that something is so, even though it makes no sense, and we are supposed to follow like sheeple and not think for ourselves? What about the Garrison case in 1967 and the NBC White Paper that was simply a piece of distorted propaganda? We can take a step back if we wish and observe the ongoing coverup that is taking place. Even boards such as this one are monitored by some who lurk and then report back to others. What does that tell us? Who is it who makes the decisions to try yet another xxxxx? If there is nothing to hide, why would this even be necessary?
  22. Surprisingly, there was a FoxNews 2-hour special in 2003 that I did limo research for that did take a conspiracy stance. That was refreshing. However, they didn't do much more than pull out the usual suspects, such as Cyril Wecht, and go through issues that were not new. Ironically, some of the work on the limo would have been new research, because it discussed how the WC used incorrect measurements and the wrong car for the re-enactment. That part was cut at the last minute, so it is possible that they too fell prey to the forces of the ongoing coverup. But a tv program is basically entertainment that may also inform. A program can certainly present a case for an issue, but that's about it. Anything that attempts to tell the public what to think, such as the ABC/Peter Jennings show in 2003, is over-reaching its format.
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