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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. My thinking is very much in flux about all of this. Some other points: keeping in mind, if you will, that I hold no photo evidence, or any Parkland or Bethesda accounts to be necessarily factual.

    -I've seen no photos of Connally wounds

    -Any back wound photos that exist or might turn-up could be from either victim

    -Any chest wound photos that exist or might turn-up could be from either victim





  2. This a subject that I have been wanting to raise. I am glad that I found this thread, but I am shocked that DVP was able to get-in the last word. So I am superseding that last word and opening a new thread. I hope that, and will ask that, in the new thread, this thread can be used as a reference to the new thread and that the new thread can be addressed with brevity; inasmuch as this thread can retain the details and minutia.


    Another back wound thread: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/22956-jfks-shallow-back-wound-revisited-for-the-umpteenth-time/&page=15





  3. This thread became unwieldy inasmuch as someone wanting to browse it for some answers quickly gets bogged down in loads of information. : 


    I am opening this thread with the idea that the linked thread might retain the abundant data and minutia while the foregoing thread might demonstrate some  brevity. (Callmeadreamer)

    Another back wound thread: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/22956-jfks-shallow-back-wound-revisited-for-the-umpteenth-time/&page=15




  4. In this thread there is a link to a site with a number of out of print PDF's and other documents. I thought I would isolate that link and bump this thread which is interesting in its own right.

    "One can download this extremely rare and valuable Joesten book here"


    Also, a related EF thread.






  5. 7 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    Does anybody understand what is meant by the statement, "They were much more interested in holding Billie Lovelady for three days?"

    Sorry to answer a question with a question but I am unaware of how long he WAS held. What's your understanding of that Sandy? I have no clue.

  6. On February 7, 2013 at 9:50 PM, Paul Brancato said:

    That speech by Salandria, which I read for the first time a few weeks ago, is must reading for anyone. It is precisely the point that Leonard Bernstein, of all people, made in 1980, posted by Bill Kelly on another thread. We waste so much time dickering about details when the obvious is staring us in our faces. As Bernstein said, we know the conspiracy was at the top, and we don't know what to do about it. Its the forest, not the trees. We will probably never find the smoking gun that proves conspiracy in a legal sense, but we keep looking because we are disempowered and ultimately afraid. Bernstein noted that Nov 22 goes by each year with barely a mention. Then he asked for two minutes of silence, hoping I am sure that people would use those minutes to examine why they are collectively allowing this destruction of our democracy. Its a tough question.

    Good thread. I'm looking for more on Bundy, the cabinet plane trip, and BOPI.

    quoting because I am curious about the Bernstein reference.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

    M. Clark, I didn't read all of the postings in that thread ( have to get on with my day ) but did any of them ask the question, how a man blinded in one eye was accepted into the Air Force as an AP?

    Sorry Joe, I didn't read the whole thing either. I read some of it just now to clarify the JL story for myself. 



  8. Bill Miller Wrote:

    "Now earlier Michael Clark mentioned the image I posted was Lovelady on the steps. However, the face was not Lovelady's, but instead belonged to the little girl seen in this film capture as she stood even closer to the camera than Washout Man had (see below)------

    That's right!  I took this little girl's degraded facial image and placed it onto the face of what has been described as Billy Lovelady's. I have repeatedly explained how unreliable those types of images are and all I heard was more rhetoric about how ever more a few here were convinced this person was Billy Lovelady. This little girl appears to have a receding hairline as well from her face being washed out. 

    Then came T Graves asking about what other people had a hairline like Lovelady's as if he had just come out of a long coma because I had posted those images several times in recent times. One being the man walking with the Shelley hairdo guy who not only has Lovelady's receding hairline, but his plaid shirt and bald spot which Bart Kamp pointed out some time ago. 'What individuals had Lovelady's hairline?'    smileyvault-cute-big-smiley-animated-013   That question was a real hoot - it was!!!"



    This thread has how many pages over how many days, with how many iterations of that pic, and the same person? And we're confused about what pic and which person I was referring to? 

    Its just a reinforcement of my inclination to stay out of photo analysis pics.



  9. On 6/1/2005 at 0:43 PM, Steve Thomas said:

    I posted this on Lancer, but nobody seemed very interested.

    This was posted on the Dallas Historical Society forum last week by a man named Jim Conner, who said that his mother, sister and brother-in-law worked at the TSBD. He said his brother-in-law was Billie Lovelady:


    Re: My Dad was a Dallas Police Officer

    Posted By: jim conner <pyrpinz@aol.com>

    Date: Wednesday, 25 May 2005, at 2:51 p.m.

    In Response To: Re: My Dad was a Dallas Police Officer (gene morris)

    "Dear Gene:

    After the incident, everyone at TSB was interviewed. My mother's story then and now has stayed the same. Her parking space was just behind the fence at the grassy knoll. When she arrived for work that morning, she confronted several men in a car parked in her parking spot. Being the fiesty, Scotch-Irish she was, she told them they were not supposed to be parking there. They ignored her and continued to involve themselves in removing packages from the trunk of their car. Packages she described as could have contained rifles. She went inside and reported the incident to the manager of TSB Mr. Truly.

    Throughout the rest of the day no mention was made of the incident and when interviewed by DPD she told the same story. There was no SS followup, nor was FBI interested. They were much more interested in holding Billie Lovelady for three days. Finally when a photograph of the front steps of TSB, showing Billie and most of the crew, surfaced, they figured he could not have been in two places at the same time. For years after that they still pestered him, just certain that he was involved in some way."

    I emailed Jim Conner and asked him if his mother ever told him what kind of car the men were in and if she had ever described the men. So far, Mr. Conner hasn't answered me.

    Steve Thomas

    Interesting account of Lovelady by a relative.

  10. Ok guys, instead of picking on the funny accent of a suburban upstate New Yorker, who didn't grow-up around guns, can you speak to my point about a round-nosed bullet being an "odd-ball" round (or should I say "Aught-ball" B))? That was my point and, as I said, I'm no expert.



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