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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 2 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:

    Dear Michael,

    I didn't mean to suggest that Gloria Calvery Woman In Black actually needed assistance, but that her co-worker Carol Reed or Karan Hicks Woman In White was trying to force her to cut off her conversation with Billy Nolan Lovelady and come up the steps (and probably go up to their office) with her.

    --  Tommy :sun

    Roger That.



  2. 6 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:

    Thanks, Michael.

    Apparently you agree that Woman In White is trying to pull Woman In Black up the steps while the latter is talking with Billy Lovelady.

    --  Tommy :sun

    Essentially, yes. I see the two physically engaging as they confront Lovelady. I don't see the WiB as being being an old waif who needs the assistance of the WIW.



  3. 15 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    Thanks Jim.

    Your conclusion (or current belief) pretty much matches my own, uneasy, conclusion.

    I think that these days it should go without saying that the sack the authorities had was self-fabricated. And that the only question remaining is whether what Frazier and his sister said about a shorter sack is true. I'm inclined to believe the whole story was fabricated. The only things keeping me from settling on that conclusion are 1) Frazier's insistence that the sack was too short for a rifle -- a young Frazier strikes me as one who would have submitted entirely to the insistence of authority figures; and 2) that Frazier hasn't in his later years admitted that he was coerced into testifying there was a sack -- an old Frazier strikes me as one who would want the truth to be known.

    But personalities are complex. Frazier may have insisted upon the short length in order to ease his conscience for the lies he was pressured into making. And now, in his later years, he may feel there is no point in changing his story.


    I think he would be torn apart in the media and in his community. The prosperity of his children would be threatened. I don't think that, at this point, he would be killed or suicided. The bad guys may also have some irrelevant dirt on him that they were able to, at some point, drag him through.



  4. 1 hour ago, David Josephs said:

    Mr. Butler,

    You have reached a level of ignorance and stubbornness I truly never thought possible.

    Your lack in understanding the physical realities of filming moving objects while the camera moves as well has spread out across this forum like a plague.

    We have thread after thread where you attempt to prove or question what you see before you bother doing a simple "reality" check yet you continue on as if you're the only person to have ever seen an anomaly which was never there and contradicts the bounds of reality...

    In some areas of the films and photos that indeed does happen...  yet the kinds of "error" you believe you spot are only in your mind's eye.  The rest of us see perfectly well, well enough in fact that your presentations actually make me physically ill they are so poor.

    I honestly can't tell if you're playing with yourself here too much and we're all not in on your little joke... or you truly are this deaf, dumb and blind.  Only a complete idiot keeps up with the sell job you are trying to pass of as your "work" and believes a contribution is being made.

    "FAKE" composites?  your really have just fallen off the banana-boat, haven't you...  

    I know the moderators are powerless.  You simply can't fix stupid and your Mr. Br have taken that to a whole new level.


    Here's a thought.  When those with years and years of experience question your pitiful opinions with logic, sense and image maybe you'd consider LEARNING a little something rather than keep pi$$ing into the wind and covering yourself with your own excrement...

    Then again, maybe you're just too ignorant to know how stupid your presentations are.   You actually try to convince me that the woman with grey hair becomes Hill and the woman in blue without white pants becomes Moorman.

    And then you get insulted when your betters show you differently...   You're either a great COINTELPRO agent for continuously interrupting these threads with complete nonsense... or you're too lost to know any better...  I'm thinking the latter, even agents know better than that...

    Please give it a rest JB.  Regroup maybe and learn about film, light, speed, aperture, and cameras...  LEARN first, open mouth and insert your foot later...  Please.

    Hill and Moorman compared to the SW corner of Elm-Houston.jpg

    Are you guys seeing what I am seeing just behind and between MM and JH? I see a guy with a green gun, he's dressed in all green, camouflaged, real hard to see. I think we should call him All Green Man (AGM). He looks as guilty as sin to me. I wonder if the commission tracked him down?



  5. 1 hour ago, Paul Trejo said:


    1. What reasons do you offer to claim that Marina Oswald lied about the beatings?

    -Money, salvation, threats of deportation, perhaps?

    2. Among the "19 witnesses" are 9 witnesses who claimed to have seen the bruises -- not just heard about them.  These 9 include Lee's own mother.  Was that hearsay?

    - better expressed as 19 "witnesses". 

    - 9 people saw a bruise. "Bruises" implies multiple injuries and/or multiple occasions.

    3. The CIA-did-it theory that the CIA wanted "someone to take Marina in" never offers any reason why.  Why would the CIA want someone to "take Marina in?" 

    -This is self evident.., if "someone took Marina in" it is presumed that she needed to be taken in, for whatever reason, Res Pisa loquitur, "the thing speaks" or "it speaks for itself". Any reason that Marina was separated from Lee was manipulated, just as easily by providing no explanation, into the situation where Marina had to be separated from Lee.

    Re4. Kleinlerer had no reason to lie about LHO that I can see.  What reason do you offer for his blunt, eye-witness testimony of LHO slapping Marina -- hard -- twice?

    -Why did he not testify? For all we know, he signed a blank paper.

    5. George De Mohrenschildt testified to the WC that he personally separated Lee and Marina because of the beatings.   He suggests that the beatings were due to jealousy over the actions of George Bouhe, who showered Marina with gifts -- "over a hundred dresses" according to Jeanne De Mohrenschildt.  It has already been granted that Lee never beat Marina in the USSR, and never beat Marina in New Orleans.  It was only during this four-month period in 1962, when the Russian Expatriates in Fort Worth and Dallas were showering Marina with gifts that the beatings allegedly occurred.  Lee was poor as a church mouse.  What reasons do we have for doubting that Lee was jealous of George Bouhe?

    -Because we should not trust hearsay testimony from George De M., an unindicted co-conspirator, leveled against a Patsy who was led into a trap by George De M, perhaps?

    6.  Is it also your CT, like Jim's written CT, that Ruth Paine was part of the Fort Worth and Dallas Russian Expatriate Community?

    -Ruth Paine is not a Russian ex-pat.

    --Paul Trejo

    Replies in bold, above.

  6. 10 hours ago, George Sawtelle said:

    Paul T

    If the radical right killed Kennedy what is the CIA worried about with regard to holding back it´s files on the JFK assassination. I mean they didn´t do JFK, the radical right did, so why worry about what may be in their files. Why does the CIA continue to protect the radical right when all their leaders are probably dead (H.L. Hunt, Murchison, General Walker, the radical CIA agents like Philips, etc.). The leaders of the radical right have no legacy to protect or do they. 

    Please address the above and then I´m done questioning you on the radical right.

    Here is an Edwin Walker thread. I am linking it to the page in the thread where Paul T begins posting. It is a Good thread because there is a lot of anlysis on Paul Trejo's posts; including posts from Robert Charles Dunne.


  7. 1 hour ago, Bill Miller said:

     You have referenced me as another Albert Doyle who is a lunatic Holocaust denier. For your information - I totally believe the Holocaust happened. Just sayin' ... the one with the loudest voice doesn't mean that person is right.



    That is incorrect. I didn't make such a reference. I don't know who Albert Doyle is. I think I have seen his name, possibly as a member here, but I have no recollections of his opinions or postings.

    Again, I have made no reference to him all, and, of course, no reference to him in relation to you.



  8. 19 hours ago, Bill Miller said:

    I have no intention of going back over everything I have ever read in my 45 years of reading about the assassination over a coke. Especially when it doesn't add anything to Prayer Man being Lee or Lee being confronted by Truly and Baker on the second floor. Did you think you were going to run a distraction with me - really?.

    Bill, the hyperbole in your complaint that you are being expected to do an onerous amount, (26 volumes of WC testimony), of research to back the vulumnous totality of your assertions on these threads is utterly disingenuous, at best. Surely, given your apparent tremendous interest in this portion of the larger investigation, it would be expected that you would familiarize yourself with the relevant testimony after being divorced from those readings for thirty years. Of course, if your purpose is to pull up some popcorn and toy with some folks who are trying to come-up with answers to this mystery, then semantics, misdirection, a faux scepticism and a paper cap declaring your expertise will surely get you through your daily excercise. It appears you have been fooling people for years. I don't see that fact as a guarantee of your future experience; but I don't make it a habit of trying to predict the future, yet I do tend towards optimism.



  9. 37 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Michael - Oswald was gay? I didn't say that. I am aware of the bits of evidence pointing in that direction, but I haven't signed on to the idea he was a homosexual. 

    I was referring to General Walker. 

    I was following-on in your response to Paul Trejo.

    Oswald had a wife, kids, mother, brother.


  10. 2 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    And every person you just mentioned was CIA, whether contract, agent, whatever - all CIA connected. But CIA is not a monolith, nor disconnected from the military or the government. Plenty of far right folks on board in all areas of Government, elected and appointed. No impenetrable line between current and former in any branch. It's too pat Paul, too neat. 

    And typical. find a gay man, with no family, no ancestry, no progeny, an outsider even among his peers, and lay the blame on him.  Like then USS Iowa turret explosion, the Navy initially blamed the incident on a sailor whom they claimed to be a homosexual.

  11. On 12/28/2013 at 11:05 PM, Don Jeffries said:


    The important point here is that, no matter what you or I think, Jim Garrison regarded del Valle as one of his most important witnesses, and he wound up dead. Shot and with a hatchet through his head dead. Those kinds of very, very unnatural deaths are all too familiar to those of us who research the JFK assassination and similar cases. Combined with Ferrie's own unnatural death, it defies credulity to believe there was no connection to the Garrison investigation.

    Someone must have thought Garrison was on the right track, because his witnesses were either dying before they could help him, or being denied extradition in unprecedented, uncooperative actions by Governors like Ronald Reagan and John Connally.

    It wasn't mentioned in this thread, so I'll add that Eladio del Valle and David Ferrie died within hours of each other.



  12. 1 hour ago, Paul Trejo said:


    Yes, most of us are aware that Jim Garrison learned from Jack S. Martin almost everything he knew about the JFK assassination, including the 544 Camp Street linkage.

    HOWEVER -- Jack S. Martin didn't name any Dallas people, any Dallas police, any Dallas officials, any Dallas LEADERS, according to Jim Garrison's superb and original CT book, On the Trail of the Assassins (1989).

    That book is so great that it was used as the basis for Oliver Stone's movie, JFK (1991).

    Yet the Dallas Connection was missing in that book, because it was missing from Jack S. Martin, and it was also missing from David Ferrie.  They knew all about the 544 Camp Street connections in New Orleans -- but that's all they knew.

    The New Orleans people didn't kill JFK.   All they did was sheep-dip the Patsy.

    The Dallas people killed JFK.   But Jim Garrison failed to get inside data on the Dallas people.

    Garrison ended up with a feeble CIA-did-it CT, and almost all CTers to this very day are still spinning around that endless maze, going nowhere.

    Jim Garrison, for all his greatness, failed to investigate General Walker.  Frank Church failed to investigate General Walker.  The HSCA failed to investigate General Walker.   

    The whole world had to wait a full half-century for one man to investigate General Walker, namely, Dr. Jeffrey Caufield, in his amazing book, General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy: the Extensive New Evidence of a Radical Right Conspiracy (2015).

    To tie this back to Joachim Joesten and his great book, HOW KENNEDY WAS KILLED (1967), we should focus on Joesten's claim that the Dallas Police, under the leadership of the Radical Right in Dallas, killed JFK.  

    I say Joeston was right.   Joesten thought Garrison was close -- but this charge did not arise in Jim Garrison's trial of Clay Shaw.  By that time, Garrison was beat down to a feeble CIA-did-it CT.

    --Paul Trejo

    Paul Trejo wrote: "Jim Garrison learned from Jack S. Martin almost everything he knew about the JFK assassination".

    Spartacus: "On 25th November, Martin was contacted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He told them that he thought Ferrie had hypnotized Oswald into assassinating Kennedy."

    I see no reason why Martin would have told the FBI this, but would not tell Garrison. Where the "hypnosis" thing comes from, I don't know; but Martin knew of the LHO connection to Dallas hit on JFK. Bannister and his partner, Carlos Marcello are implicated by all this, IMO.



  13. On 3/1/2013 at 0:04 PM, Paul Trejo said:


    Along with Major Archibald E. Roberts, Walker began his Pro-Blue program the very first day that he arrived in Germany. He spent most of his time on this project, and he influenced thousands of young soldiers with the JBS doctrine -- similar to the doctrine of the late Senator Joseph McCarthy -- that the US Government was filled with Communists.

    This treasonous talk, laughingly called Anticommunism, was really Anti-American. This is what Robert Welch and his followers had always wanted. They objected to WW2, because as they said, the USA joined the Communists to defeat Germany, while they should have supported Germany to defeat Communism.

    While in Germany, Walker evidently increased his communication with the new German Anticommunists like Dr. Gerhard Frey, Hasso Thorsten and others, and they evidently impressed him very much. For example, only 18 hours after the JFK assassination, Walker called the Deutsche Nationalzeitung to boast that the same shooter who killed JFK (Lee Harvey Oswald) was the same shooter who shot at him on 10 April 1963.

    This was several days before Marina Oswald announced this allegation to the FBI and the world. There is plenty of smoke there, I say.

    Best regards,

    --Paul Trejo

    The FBI interviewed Martin on 11-25. Garrison became involved as the DA investigating the pistol whipping. My sources aren't showing when Garrison got the JFKA lead; still looking.

    Bannister died n June 6th. Jack Martin's details and date of death are, for me, always difficult to dig-up.


    from Spartacus....

    "On 25th November, Martin was contacted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He told them that he thought Ferrie had hypnotized Oswald into assassinating Kennedy. The FBI considered Martin's evidence unreliable and decided not to investigate Banister and Ferrie.

    This information eventually reached Jim Garrison, the district attorney of New Orleans. He interviewed Martin about these accusations. Martin claimed that during the summer of 1963 Banister and David Ferrie were involved in something very sinister with a group of Cuban exiles."


  14. 2 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:

    I agree with this -- and yet Jim Garrison lost the Clay Shaw trial.  

    Even Jim Garrison's closest friends say that Jim was his worst enemy -- a very emotional man.

    Dr. Jeff Caufield's take on Jim Garrison is interesting.   Caufield says that Jim Garrison began to investigate the Radical Right in Dallas, and got burned badly.  He kept hoping somebody in Dallas would rise up from the depths to help Garrison dig deeper into Dallas, but nobody did.  On the contrary -- there was only fire.

    Jim Garrison gave us the best portrait of New Orleans in 1963 than anybody else did, or could have.  But what was needed to solve the JFK murder was an equally good portrait of Dallas in 1963.  Yet people were terrified to step forward.  Witnesses in Dallas who stepped up were regularly found dead the next day.

    Even Deputy Roger Craig -- perhaps the most outspoken of them all -- was eventually beaten down to an apparent suicide after many years of cooperation with Penn Jones, Jr.

    Jim Garrison almost solved the JFK case in 1968 -- and he would have solved it if he had more help from Dallas.  He got none. 

    Most of the blows to Jim Garrison, however, came from the FBI.  J. Edgar Hoover had laid down the US Dogma of a "Lone Nut" Oswald, and Jim Garrison refused to accept it.  So the FBI rained down very hard on Jim Garrison.

    This wasn't because J. Edgar Hoover was part of the JFK murder plot -- but Jim Garrison didn't know that.  It was because J. Edgar Hoover had figured out the whole plot on 11/22/1963 -- the players and everything -- but he refused to share this data with Jim Garrison or anybody except LBJ, Earl Warren and Allen Dulles.

    --Paul Trejo

    Garrison had things traced to Dallas within days of the assassination due to the pistol whipping of Jack Martin by Bannister on 11-22. Garrison stood down in deference to the announcement of the formation of the Warren Comission.

  15. 23 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:


    I agree with this -- however --  There was no CIA plot.  There was, however, a Radical Right plot centered in Dallas that extended to New Orleans and 544 Camp Street, that cross-referenced plotters out to kill Fidel Castro.  

    IMHO, this was LHO's actual plot, and how he was seduced into becoming the Patsy of the secret Radical Right plot to kill JFK. 

    --Paul Trejo

    I am not seeing a plot masterminded by Walker, DPD, Birchers, And Minutemen, that happens to reach out to 544 Camp St, N.O.L.A, and Guy Banister, snagging LHO; but it has nothing to do with the Mafia, O.N.I, CIA, and commercial shipping interests; and Jim Garrison was completely wrong about his Clay Shaw Case.



  16. 10 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    If the motive of the plotters was only to blame Castro and mount a military action to remove him, it would only have been necessary to connect the would be assassin(s) to Castro. Killing JFK would not be necessary to further that cause. Therefore killing him was the plan. And Castro remained in place for 50 years. 

    Midhael - I think the place to look for the Seven Days in May scenario is the 488th military reserve unit, full of ex-military that were members of the DPD. They controlled the Continuity of Government underground bunker, which offered secure communications between the military and the motorcade. COG was in place specifically for emergency operations in case of nuclear war and presumably also for civilian unrest. 

    Yes Paul, it is the recent threads about the "Colonels" that are informing some of my posts in this thread.



  17. 51 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:

    Paul B..

    But Walker's biggest sin was failing to get along with the Overseas Weekly newspaper in Europe.


    --Paul Trejo

    I have looked for, but cannot find where I read this, but it was said that General Walker did not associate, socially, with any of his fellow officers while in Germany. Attending socal functions with other military brass was important and necessary to being accepted and trusted. Add to that the belief that he was a homosexual. He was later charged twice and convicted once for lewd acts, at least one of those acts being homosexual in nature.

    While I am not calling "sin", in his circles, and during his time, this is probably Walkers biggest transgression, or what Paul refers to as a figurative "sin".



  18. 1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

    I think that if the Dealey Plaza plan messed up, and JFK survived and got back to Washington with less than totally disabling injuries, there may have been a general military take over.

    Otherwise LBJ's corruption investigation may have not been stopped as it was on 11,22,1963 and he and all those connected to and dependent on him might have seen themselves destroyed.

    The film "Seven Days In May" might have become our reality. 

    Incredibly frightening stuff.  But not totally unimaginable.

    Look at how close a coup became reality with Franklin Roosevelt and that was preemptively exposed by his loyal soldier guardian General Smedley Butler.

    I don't think he was going to get out of Dodge, no-way, no-how.

    Presuming he did get safely to Washington, I can't see their being enough unanimity amongst military line and staff, to try to force a bloody military coup in Washington.

    I have to think that a Texas cessation might have been part of a plan D, E, F, G........

    LBJ could not have returned to Washington, and he may have been very close to meeting his demise that day.



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