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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 6 minutes ago, Michael Walton said:

    See Tom, this is what I mean.  It's just very very hard to take you seriously on this board.  You claim to want to get to the bottom of the truth of the case and then you go to a dormant thread that hadn't been posted on since 2015 and type HUNGARIANS? You post a rude PM to me (e.g., "Hey! Embarrassed to post again, eh?!") then in that ex-car salesman way of yours (you did say you're an ex-car salesman, right?) worm and weasel your way around on replies.

    You're either extremely bored or with too much time on your hands or both. As another member on here said why are you bumping long-closed threads if they don't anything to the dialogue of the case?

    :) Thank you,

    Michael Walton :(

    Michael, his handlers are telling him to do it...... He's been pretty clear about that.

  2. And now the reason for this bump...

    Bullets of a smaller caliber can be fired from a larger bored gun by using a sobot. For example, I used .45 caliber bullets in my .50 caliber muzzleloader, using a sabot.

    Likewise, I would think, and barring other fitment issues, a 6.5 mm bullet could be fired from a larger (.30 cal.?) rifle, using a sobot.

    More to the point, a pre-fired 6.5 mm bullet could be re-used, with a sabot, in a gun with a larger bore. That bullet could then be only identified as having been fired from the 6.5 mm weapon.

    Just a thought,




  3. On 9/22/2010 at 4:37 PM, Bernice Moore said:


    Can anyone explain what is going on with crossed-out posts like this? I have been trying to figure it out for a while, and I figured I would just ask. Some times I see this in a new post and I am wondering why it doesn't just get edited before posting. Is there a rhetorical device being used that I am missing?



  4. 18 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:


    As a CTer I resent being placed in the same category as Ray.

    Here is how LHO's rifle came to be in Ruth Paine's garage.

    1.  LHO held his rifle back when he loaded up Ruth Paine's station wagon in New Orleans on September 23, 1963.

    2. LHO took his rifle with him to Mexico City, where he traveled in an automobile with two accomplices: "Leopoldo" and "Angelo."  It was in the trunk.

    3. LHO took rifle with him to Dallas from Mexico City after he failed miserably to get his instant visa into Cuba.  "Leopoldo"and "Angelo" drove LHO to Dallas.

    4.  LHO had it in his duffle bags when he roomed in Dallas in various places.

    5.  Without Ruth Paine's knowledge, LHO brought it to her garage one day in October, and placed it among the wide variety of junk that Ruth had in her garage from Marina Oswald's move from New Orleans.

    6. Viola!

    7.  As a continuing member of Guy Banister's team to Kill Fidel Castro, including "Leopoldo" and "Angelo" (who were members of Interpen), LHO was clueless that he was soon to become their Patsy.

    --Paul Trejo

    LHO was going to take his Manlicher Carcano from Mexico City, to Cuba, on a transit visa to Russia, and shoot Castro while laying over in Havana?

    And of course, Lee put a tag on his duffel-bag that read: "handle with care, rifle enclosed, carefully sighted-in to shoot a head-of-state".

    "viola!" Indeed....

    And Paul, "As a CTer ... resent(s)'being placed in the same category as Ray"

    At least Ray knows when he is telling funnies.



  5. 23 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:


    We have hundreds of pages of WC testimony of Russian Expatriates, and not one of them expressed anything like this radical stuff.

    Every one of them was conservative American -- loving Liberty and Freedom of Speech, Religion and the US Constitution. 

    Not one of them had anything in the slightest to do with the JFK assassination.   

    Also, none of them thought that LHO had ever threatened to kill JFK.   They thought of him as a young man who was not serious about taking care of his wife and child.  They pitied him.  LHO was like a sad clown -- a circus sideshow -- and a lazy ass.

    Why didn't he just hold on to a job and wait for a promotion like a normal person?  Why not take care of his wife and baby?  Every normal Russian Expatriate would do that -- and they would make tremendous gains in a free nation like the USA.  

    For them, LHO was an ignoramus.  But not an assassin.

    --Paul Trejo

    And your Walker-did-it CT exonerates a host of powerful people and entities that had a hand in the assassination.

    Honestly, I was looking forward to being on your ignore list. I may have to polish-up and revert to my excremental vision when replying to you.



  6. 35 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:


    This underhanded defense of the JBS turns out to be your trademark.

    Harry Dean, on the other hand, was ...........

    Harry ........

    So -- in response -- Harry began to ..........

    Also in response, Harry joined the ..........

    Harry was a  ........

    Anyway, that was Harry's............ - he did not .......   With this in mind, Harry also ..........   

    .................., says Harry,  ..........  Harry thought .............   Harry never .........

    Then, according to Harry Dean, ...........

    Harry Dean also took this as ...... Harry ......he himself..........he could 

    Harry added that ........ Harry Dean laughed......... he didn't ........  Harry thought .........  he had.......

    However, when JFK really was killed on 11/22/1963, and when Lee Harvey Oswald was named as the "Lone Assassin," Harry practically fainted.  That name had been burned in his soul since that day -- all the memories came rushing back to him.  Everything fell into place for him.  

    However -- Harry Dean's personal politics remain a different story.  Harry remains convinced, I have heard, that the Mormon Church was behind the JBS in this plot.  

    --Paul Trejo

    Harry is a member here. Do you have his blessing to speak for him, and tell HIS tale? Is he OK with your marriage of your exploits with his?



  7. 26 minutes ago, Alistair Briggs said:

    ... what they aren't saying is just as important... they aren't saying that Oswald spoke often about a hatred of America or a hatred of Kennedy, they aren't saying that he was often out practicing with his rifle, they aren't saying that they thought, after the event, that he was capable of doing such a thing.

    Anyway, always glad to have your input Michael :)


    Thanks Alistair,

    The point quoted above is very well taken.

    I can't help but think that some of the White Russians had hopes of returning to Russia some day under a system of 19th century politics, with a landed aristocracy. This hope may be the source and extent of their "involvement" in any effort to remove JFK from power.



  8. 10 minutes ago, Alistair Briggs said:

    This may be a presumption on my part, but I would have thought that had Oswald's job been in the intelligence business, part of that job be to get 'intel' on the Russian community' and if so would he not 'buddy' up to them... yet as you say he was not interested in being cozy with the Russian's... so what was his job then? A double-bluff? lol To me it just seems that Oswald's behaviour drove the Russian Community away from him, perhaps that was his plan all along, for whatever reason.

    Certainly though, the more I delve in to the world of Oswald the more, I too, have a hard time saying one way or another what is going on with Oswald.


    I really don't know. But, his purported Marxist leanings would not mesh well with White Russians, in any case. If White Russians had a hand in any part of the plot, their job would be to suffer his presence and besmirch his character until he was dispensed with.



  9. 14 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:


    You're a considerate writer, so I'll bend to your diplomacy here.

    If Michael Clark will re-phrase his rude question to me, in a considerate manner like yours, then I'll be glad to answer it. 

    --Paul Trejo

    While my scatalogical allusions have a solid foundation in literary sources (Jonathan Swift, Chaucer), I realize it is not everyone's cup of tea and it often fails to amuse as it is meant to do. To be sure, it has gotten me in trouble before. I'll avoid such references going forward.



  10. 5 hours ago, Alistair Briggs said:

    If Oswald was indeed trying to work his way into an intelligence niche within the White Russian community would he not try and be overly friendly with them to initiate himself within the group as much as possible - yet, to all intents and purposes, it would seem, that he did the polar opposite; from reading through the WC testimony of the 'White Russian Community' quite the picture of Oswald emerges, a picture that paints him in a rather 'unfriendly light'... that may be down to the circumstances of course... I can imagine someone like Oswald may well have been the kind of person who didn't like the 'charity' being offered, he would have been too 'stubborn' to accept the help that circumstances may have dictated were needed...

    ... the part of the WC testimony of Lydia Dymitruk highlights something quite telling imo. Here is the next wee bit of it as well as it ties in with it...

    It's not a bad point Oswald is making, if it's free in Russia why is it not free in America, why should he be required to pay in America if he wouldn't need to if he was in Russia... thinking it should be free in the US is a good thing, but ipso facto it wasn't free and, 'when in Rome'...

    ... Paul infers that Oswald wouldn't pay, but perhaps it is more likely that he couldn't pay. Perhaps it was his 'stubborness' that stopped him asking for help from the White Russian Community on this count, which is somewhat ironic because they seemed to be more than willing to help - Marina's dental work for example - and as an other example, the clothes and baby stuff that they gave to them, well, not really 'them', it's more like Marina and baby really. There seemed to be, in quite a short period of time, no love lost between the White Russian community and Lee Oswald because of his attitude but a lot of 'concern' for Marina. If Lee had just swallowed his pride a bit and had been a bit more appreciative of the help being given then things could have been different... on the flip side, had the White Russian Community not been so interfeering then things could have been different. I tend to see it from both points of view. lol ;)


    as mentioned in the part of George DeMohrenschildt's WC testimony that you quote: " my car was loaded with her dresses. It was all contributions from the various people, in Fort Worth and Dallas." - in furtherance to that I would like to take this opportunity to quote another passage from his WC testimony and one from the WC testimony of his wife.

    The way I look at it is that the 'White Russian Community' were trying to be helpful, and Marina was certainly grateful for the help, but the help was too helpful to the point that it was 'counter-productive' and Lee certainly wasn't grateful for the help because he saw it as interfeering, and he was not wrong.


    P.S. sorry to hear Paul has put you on ignore. I will have a word with him. ;)

    I have a hard time saying one way or another what is going on with Oswald. I don't know what behaviors are Oswalds and what is a ploy. I seem to think that George De M.'s was as he stated, he would have gotten Lee a job in the oil business. As it was, it seems that he was doing what he was supposed to be doing. I think he was desirous of getting, and actually was, in the intelligence business. I don't think he was that interested in being cozy with the Russian's in Dallas. It was part of his job.



  11. 15 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    I didn't realize that the admins had moved those threads. I thought you guys had put them there. I though it was a good idea and started going there tho look at things. It seemed unfortunate that they no longer seemed adjacent to the JFKA forum.


    Regarding past members... I don't know, but I've looked into it and it seems to me that this forum is a shell of its past life in terms of authors and researchers who have left.

    There seems to be many reasons but I suggested the "exclusive" forum in hopes of getting some of them back. Again, I am thinking of peer reviewed and published authors and researchers. This forum has an illustrious history, IMHO. 

    If I were in charge here, I would sacrifice ten of me for every one of those folks I could get to come back. More importantly, a place for those folks to do their thing without having to set the plebes straight would be beneficial.

    To be sure, I am a plebe.


  12. Just now, Thomas Graves said:

    I don't want to get into trouble with James Gordon, but if he could create a special section for most of the official announcements, it would free up a lot of space on the home page.

    --  Tommy :sun

    Yeah, it seems that some of the stickies could be condensed. And, like I mentioned, removing stickies was the solution to a reduced traffic problem a few years ago. IiRC there were 8 stickies, and deleting 3 or 4 of them made a difference. Not that anyone is indicating a search problem, as before. Jus sayin.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    I just checked Michael, and there are a grand total of 5 threads on the home page due to your bumping them there! Are you aware that you have been flooding the home page, and thereby burying other threads?

    LOL!  Too funny!

    (BTW I'm not saying there is anything wrong with your bumping those threads. I just thinks it is exceedingly ironic in light of your charge against me!)


    Please don't see it as a charge, or attack. As I said above, the front page is kind of squashed for space. You can see my point in my initial bump of this thread. Also, perhaps you have noticed similar comments from another member recently.

    My intent in mentioning you and Tommy was to point out, again, that the home page is busy. You and Tommy are doing good work. I was pointing out that space was getting tight. You can see that in my comments regarding stickies and past remedies to the search function problem. It was not an attack at you.


  14. Just now, Sandy Larsen said:

    I just checked Michael, and there are a grand total of 5 threads on the home page due to your bumping them there! Are you aware that you have been flooding the home page, and thereby burying other threads?

    LOL!  Too funny!

    (BTW I'm not saying there is anything wrong with your bumping those threads. I just thinks it is exceedingly ironic in light of your charge against me!)


    I've been busy tonight! ;)

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