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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. On 4/2/2017 at 8:42 PM, George Sawtelle said:

    Michael C

    Lois Gibson identified the three tramps as Harrelson, Rogers and Holt. She has a good track record.

    Harrelson was a hitman for hire. I think Harrelson was the shooter on the grassy knoll who shot Kennedy in the head. Harrelson was charged with the murder of a federal judge in Texas who was shot with an exploding bullet (Sheehan). Similar to the bullet that blew out the back of Kennedy´s head.

    Rogers was a navy vet who worked for naval intelligence. He was a cold blooded killer.

    Holt worked for Meyer Lansky and the syndicate.

    Thanks George, Harrelson and Rogers have always been been solid ID's for me. The old guy looks just like Hunt to me except for his age. I was unaware or Holt mob connection. I find it hard to believe that Rogers was the one to actually dissected his parents, wrapped them up, and put them in the fridge. 



  2. 9 minutes ago, Michael Clark said:

    Yeah, I get it. I kind of knew I was doing it whist doing it. It's just surprising. I didn't know it was possible to be so completely agnostic on the issue.



    Dear, "Tommy-Don't-Tell"

    It is not lost on me that I ended-up labeling you as "agnostic".

    Label removed

    Back to whatever it is you are doing. I'll do likewise.



  3. 2 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:

    Dear Michael,

    No, there isn't.

    My "theory" is kinda like my so-called mind -- scattered all over the frickin' place.  (Pardon my German.)

    Not to sound rude, but am I required to have a coherent theory?  If not required, expected, then?

    In other words, what does it matter?

    Am I really all that "influential" here?

    Gosh.  I'm flattered!

    Or is it that I;m just so gosh darned ... suspicious?

    Would you rather that I leave?

    --  Tommy :sun

    Just wondering Tommy. No, you don't HAVE to have a prevailing theory. You've been at this a long time, I just figured that you did, or would. To be sure, do you have a position on LHO having fired THE shots or any shots. Again, I don't mean to persist in finding a label for you. I would just be surprised if, on that item, you did not have a position.



  4. 2 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:


    Ninth paragraph down.


    Note the scar on Morales' left eyebrow.

    FWIW, He was half Spanish (his mother was from Spain), and half Yaqui Indian.

    Image result for "david sanchez morales"


    "A certain person who is known to you"  (Morales?)



    Camera-toting (note the thin leather strap around his neck) "Neck Scratcher" enters from the left at 03:55 while scratching his neck.

    No, this was not filmed at the Maison Blanche Building, but down the same street (Canal) on the same day (August 9, 1963).  This short clip was shot by 16-year old James Doyle from Portland, Oregon.



    --  Tommy :sun

    I am thinking that those guys are these guys in disguise. If we could just figure out who these guys are....








  5. 8 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:

    Researcher Greg Parker has pointed out that Oswald may have suffered from Asperger syndrome.  If true, it could account for his acting awkwardly or strangely in some social situations. 

    --  Tommy :sun

    It also may account for his exceptional abilities in some respects and less than stellar abilities in others. I.e. His ability to plck-up Russian very well; yet, look at his diary, his spelling sucks.



  6. 12 minutes ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

    There is no source, Fonzi thought it was the Southland Center and said this in his book and it has been repeated by others. But Veciana never said this at least not in the 1976 interviews with Fonzi and Dick Russell. We know this because the section on Veciana in HSCA volume X, which was written by Fonzi and based on those interviews, doesn't mention Southland at all. Neither does the article Russell wrote for the Village Voice based on his interview with Veciana that is reprinted in his book On the Trail of the JFK Assassins. So the Southland Center is an invention for whatever reason. I'll have more on this and the whole Maurice Bishop story in an upcoming article series.

    Agreed, Tracy. I have failed to find any sources for the Southland Center, apart from Wynne's. Thanks for confirming that it is not out there.



  7. 5 minutes ago, George Sawtelle said:

    Michael C

    I agree with Michael W ... excellent post.

    I think it was Prouty or maybe it came out in the movie ¨JFK¨, apparently a brigade of army troops was placed on standby in Washington DC to respond to rioting after the assassination. It looks like maybe our seat of government was to be protected at all costs.

    What was said in your post makes a lot of sense. Backup plans had to be in place because Kennedy would never be allowed to survive that day.

    Thanks, I shudder at what were the incremental plans for the Cabinet Plane that was flying over the Pacific at the time.

    Plan B: return to Hawaii, all air traffic shut down??? Defecto sequestration.

    Plan C: Return to Hawaii: Sort, incarcerate the cabinet, and forward the perps and conspitors to Washington?

    Plan D: A Cuban "fishing boat" in the Pacific with an anti-aircraft missile? 

    It gets ugly when one considers what might have happened if the LN plan did not work.



  8. 2 hours ago, Michael Walton said:

    Mike C,

    This is a great post because when you look at the day that way, a lot of things become very clear.  Such as:

    1. If LHO was alone and hell-bent on making a name for himself, why didn't he just shoot Kennedy as the car came toward him up on the 6th floor?  Or even better, why not just be down on the ground with a pistol, run up to him and blow his brains out in a showy way?

    Personally, I think that if you believe that LHO didn't do what he is said to have done then focusing any time or attention on him is a waste of time. I know that others feel differently, and I respect that. You really can't argue against a notion which  state that if can prove that LHO didn't or couldn't have done it, then you have made a huge leap. There's no getting around that.

    Instead, the planners had it set up in that short and sweet 6-second area down there. Right where the umbrella guy and the tall black guy starts waving. (PS - not saying they were involved but using them as the benchmarks for where it starts).

    2. Your thinking here completely washes away the "shots were started way up earlier on Elm" theory.  The reason is simple - would they really have gone through all of this effort to throw down bullet shells, hide a throw down gun, stack boxes, but actually FORGET that a large tree was blocking the view from the staged 6th floor sniper's nest? And start shooting when the car was obscured up there?

    All,of that goes out the door once you accept that LHO didn't do it.

    3. This completely demolishes the ridiculous "Oswald did it because he hated Ed Walker" theory. No organization that low down in the pecking order would have been able to pull this off with this much detail and planning. I say this for one reason - like every president before or since, Kennedy was loved and loathed by the public in equal measures but he was *loathed* by members of his own government. If you're a student of those times, LBJ, Hoover, Dulles and others had no scruples and their own personal agendas. So he was basically swimming upstream in his own government (PS - not saying those names were involved but just making a point of what was going on then).

    I am moving to a largely organic theory that many players and entities, up and down the line, passively and actively, all played a part. It's kind of The Rolling Stones theory..... "I shouted out "who killed the Kennedy's", when after all, it was you and me!". Indeed all of us who believe their was a conspiracy, and do nothing about it, are complicit. 

    This raises the interesting point. One way to catch the bad guys would be to set a trap. But it's dangerous. Have a guy or guys scratch and pick at sensitive scabs, to the point that it can't be ignored, and must be acted upon. Then have people ready to be there and catch the guys who come to stop the scratching and picking. 

    4. It proves the BYP were fake.  And how am I taking that much of a leap of faith related to your post?  Simple.  Someone needed to take the fall for a detailed coup like this. From all indications, Oswald would make a perfect one.  He was being shuttled around - almost as if he had a hand pressed firmly onto his back - most probably unwittingly to get him into the building a month before 11/22.

    Ive had no doubts about any of that. But the focus there, again, is on LHO, not the perps.

    5. It proves that he was also a patsy. From all indications, I'm going to take his word for it "I'm here because I was in Russia...I'm a patsy."

    Same answer as above.

    6. This completely demolishes the ridiculous Harvey and Lee nonsense. That whole story is based on the idea that because military and school records were not 100% accurate, well, therefore, there just HAD to be an Oswald double.  And the double was an orphan from Hungary with no family. And the double is linked up with a woman who looks almost exactly like the real Oswald's mother. But she has a unibrow. It's good to give the planners credit but not THAT much credit.

    As I mentioned in another thread, it seems inarguable that there were imposters, it's just a matter of degrees. I hold no grudge against the H&L guys. They turn up a lot of important information, and in the depth and breadth of that theory, they certainly cover the truth about the impersonation, wherever that begins and ends.

    7. The "flurry of shells." Once Connally was wounded and yanked down out of the way, it was a free for all as heard from Kellerman (or Greer) - the "flurry of shells." Also Connally yelling out "THEY'RE going to kill us all."  Pure speculation here but I wonder if JBC knew it was coming but did NOT know he was going to be shot.  As in [thinking] "OMG here it comes....Ughh! My God, THEY'RE going to kill us all!"

    That question has crossed my mind, but I just don't think that he would have put his wife in jeopardy. Perhaps he thought the hit was going to come at the Trade Mart, who knows.

    8. The total befuddlement of the witnesses around the shooting that day. Very quick - in and out.  No one was standing around expecting this so therefore, it's why there are some really WTF witness statements from that day.


    Nice post.


    Thanks Michael, I am glad that you find this interesting. I added some responses above, in red.

  9. Interesting after-thought. Of course there would be no physical Communist credentials on them. There would have to have been intelligence profiles which would quickly (sound familiar) identify them as such.

    Perhaps evidence of those profiles, and of that plot, existed as long as, and were useful for blackmail in, The Watergate Coup.



  10. My last post is not relevant. I just dropped a quote here for further use.

    But this whole scenario is developing well for me.

    Suppose that multiple shooters failed to kill JFK in Dealy Plaza (as it was, things went so well that they were able to claim a LN scenario). As I said above, more aggressive attacks had to be ready at the underpass and beyond. There HAD to be more Cubans to blame; a veritable pile of Patsies. 

    What has led me back here is the Weitzman-Barker encounter on the knoll, and, of course, Dark Complectioned Man. They had to be there to follow-up, and fall if necessary.

    Everything was in place, the Pro Castro, LN, LHO; and a pile of Anti Castro Cubans were back-up. Were the Anti-Castro Cubans set-up with Communist credentials? Surely they must have been, or a world of hurt would have come down on Cuban exiles and an excuse to invade Cuba would be a difficult case to make.

    Those Credentials and covers for the B, C and D team are, or were, evidence, clues. Surely those clues are no longer in existence or even detecible now.




    *** I just re-read everything and figured-out that I am repeating myself ;). There's nothing like confirming your own genius! xa-xa-xa !!!

  11. On 11/5/2004 at 4:08 AM, Tim Carroll said:

    I agree with James that Harrelson is the tall tramp; IMO brought to the Plaza under the guise of the gunrunning operation upon which the assassination team piggy-backed. Regarding Holt, he was the first to raise the Agatha Christie-type scenario of the Plaza being peppered with potential patsies and incriminatingly misleading witnesses. Holt's background as a counterfeiter on the West Coast, along with his legit business providing i.d. cards and badges for LE, dovetails very well with the presence of numerous men flashing SS credentials, which is the essential element of his story's stated purpose for his presence being to deliver these SS credentials. These facts, coupled with his strong resemblance to the older tramp makes him at least as likely as Harrelson as being one of the tramps. As one of Oswald's daughters has asserted in recent years, the DPD records of this gunrunning operation, and the assertion that the boxcar in which the tramps were hiding was filled with munitions, could provide an important lead as to the presence and purpose of these men. Dismissing Holt based on photo impressions is one thing, but there can be no reasonable dismissal of his assertion that his expertise in creating false credentials fits with the strong witness testimony of SS agents flashing credentials that could not have been legitimate. He was the logical man for that job.


    Just dumping this quote that I found elsewhere here because I thought I might be useful. The plan is to get back to it....

    sorry for the bump.

  12. 3 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Well, that is a good reason to hitchhike from Texas to Michigan over four days with seven bucks in you rocket, right?

    Works for me, after having been on a call for four hours, from 11 PM - 3 AM, the same night that the president has been assassinated, blocks from your home-and-workplace, from a stripper, who is calling about a job, but she plans to leave on a bus, first thing in the morning; then, on an hours worth of sleep, Jack calls wanting to take a ride with George Senator, to take some Polaroid pictures, and have some coffee, after stopping at the post office, and get back to the club before daylight.

    Hey, if it works for the WC, it works for me...



  13. 1 minute ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Crafard is interesting because of his sudden departure from Dallas, his story about  hitchhiking back to Michigan, and the fact the WC asked him so many questions. His is one of the longer interview sessions. To be exact, they asked him 3,972 questions.

    Crafard left on the 23rd, which is the day after the JFK murder, but the day before Ruby shot Oswald. Therefore, what was the reason he left if Ruby had not been overtly invoked yet?  His excuse was he left because his sister had not answered his last letter.  COuldn't he have just called her or wired her to see if she was OK?

     And although they said he looked like Oswald, and so did Ruth Paine, most others say he did not.  For example, he had his form teeth pulled at the time.

    He testifies that he quit his job because Jack yelled at him when he called Jack to ask if he could take some money to feed the dogs, IIRC.

  14. On 6/18/2013 at 10:39 AM, David Mignery said:

    The following is a shameless plug but here goes:

    I have written a political conspiracy novel called “Small Spiders” (written under the name J.T. Conroe) which is based to a large extent on information gathered from the Education Forum and Spartacus Educational, and which I hope might be both entertaining and interesting to some of the members. The plot is tied closely to verified and alleged facts surrounding the CIA’s MK Ultra program, the assassination attempt against George Wallace, the Watergate break-in, and the crash of United Flight 553. It is definitely a work of fiction, but I have attempted to produce a reasonably plausible scenario for the interlinking of these events. The main characters are Michele Clark, Howard Hunt, Arthur Bremer, Dennis Cossini, and Dorothy Hunt. Dr. William J. Bryan, Harold Metcalf, Richard Nixon, Frank Stanton, and “the girl in the polka-dot dress” also play important roles.

    Although my novel “proves” nothing, I am hoping it will provoke some renewed interest in and scrutiny of the criminal behavior of the Nixon administration. It is available from Amazon at


    This post by member, David Mignery, was his last. He last checked in 2 weeks later. He was a member since 2004. He was writing a political conspiracy play at the time.



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