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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 5 hours ago, Eddy Bainbridge said:

    Thank you very much for your post Michael, it has enlightened me somewhat. If your conclusion is that this was a reliable assassination technique then my further information is irrelevant. I would however like to ask you to expand on the idea that this type of shot would require the victim to be neglected to ensure fatality. That interests me because Oswald was removed from where he fell (is that good practice?), a room full of possible lifesavers, to a room where presumably access was controlled.

    I have no idea what a third year medical student is capable of, and no evidence he did anything. But it is stated a medical student was on the scene and he , under normal circumstances would have been the go-to-guy.


    Well, Eddy, ,,,,, that would require me to admit that I have more experience with gut-shots to deer than I to.

    That said, Any bullet I have fired at a deer and has hit its mark (the chest cavity) has transited the chest cavity and exited the deer. Any bullet that has hit a deer in the chest cavity, at a bad angle, and has entered the gut, has remained in the gut. Any bullet that has hit the gut has remained in the gut.

    Beyond that, a description of such a scene is not something that I would care to relate, in any detail, on this forum. Suffice it to say that the mass of intestines is housed in what I am referring to as "the gut". Any compromise of that area is necessarily a highly unsanitary predicament. 

    I can't speak to what are the best EMT practices now, nor in 1963. I will venteure to guess that not much could be done on scene for two reasons. 1) A gut shot produces far less (sometimes none) external bleeding than you might think, so efforts to stop bleeding at the scene might have no apparent starting point. 2) The rupture of intestines would make, from my experience with deer anyway, the need for opening and cleaning of the gut area a priority. Any bleeding that would require abatement would also need to be done in a procedure that explores the Internals of the the gut.

    To be sure, only a sadistic mobster would prefer to kill someone with a single shot to the gut. It seems to me that if one shot, in cramped-quarters, with injury to no-one else, was to be risked, or at least such risk was to be minimized, then Ruby's MO would be the best prescribed course of action.



  2. 1 hour ago, David Lifton said:

    Way back when, on this thread, its originator (Paul Brancato, who started this thread, on April 3) made the polite request that he wished the thread could stay on topic.

    He made this request after another poster (Paul Trejo( entered the thread, and –it seems to me, anyway—has been using it to promote a  (largely) unrelated thesis about Walker being responsible for the Kennedy assassination, and prominently mentioning---both at the beginning of his post, and again at the end—that (somehow) this is all related to the validity of my work, which contains a chapter noting that there was, or appears to have been, a “pre-autopsy autopsy” on the body of President Kennedy.


    I started this post by noting that Paul Brancato had begun this thread on April 3 (2017) by asking a simple question: “Does Lifton's Best Evidence indicate that the coverup and the crime were committed by the same people?”

    For reasons that I don’t completely understand—and  I have attempted to treat somewhat humorously in the opening paragraphs—Paul Trejo has jumped in, with his theories about Walker, the result being that this discussion has been steered way off track.  



    4/10/2017 – 8:20 a.m. PDT

    Los Angeles, California

    Thank you David for this helpful and informative post. Beyond informative and detailed information which it offers surrounding the the assassination, it represents the latest, most elegant and indeed humorous illustration of the incessant manner in which a particular forum member bloats so many threads with his particular theory.

    I don't know if you saw the most recent, and now hidden or deleted, egregious example of that proclivity. A few weeks ago a death notice for a respected and beloved long-time member of the forum became a rostrum from which this member gave a Walker-Did-It sermon, sprinkled with a hint of fare-thee-well refrains.

    I am convinced that he cannot help himself and indeed enjoys the attention even if it comes in the form of admonishment of his habit.

    Thaks again, and



  3. 12 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    Just to be clear, you are saying that there was no desire by the assassination conspirators to cover up the fact that there were multiple shooters. Is that right?



    Sandy, I think that there is a bit of confusion. Ron is saying, I think, that in fact the number of shooters was greater than one. On the other hand, the cover story was that there was only one.



  4. 56 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:


    I still see no reason to change from a Commie-did-it CT to a Lone Nut theory just because Oswald outdrew HAD Tippit.


    --Paul Trejo


    I still see no reason to change from a Commie-did-it CT to a Lone Nut theory just because Oswald outdrew Tippit.


    --Paul Trejo


    I edited Paul's sentence because I think he had a mistake in there. My apologies if I am incorrect.

    Tippit, for some reason, got in the way. Either he was trying cover himself, cover someone else, trying to be a hero, or trying to extricate himself from the plot that he thought was closing in on him. He probably would have been fine if he didn't wander off-base.



  5. Welcome to the forum Eddy!

    I don't have a great answer for you but I didn't want to leave you hanging without a response.

    I have a partial answer for you. Some of it based on experience. From my experience as a hunter, a shot to the gut will be more likely to not pass through than a shot to the chest cavity. So I would say that Ruby shot low on LHO so as not to risk injuring anyone else. Also, while a gut shot might seem more survivable, a close-up, point-blank shot to the gut would likely be devastating. If there was no real intention to save LHO, I think the likelihood of him lingering for any length of time is slim.

    I have no answer to your question about the student.

    Again, Welcome to the forum..

    and Cheers,


  6. A related thread for reference:


    In support of the above thread, here is a video:



    This murder would fit into my theory as such:

    An individual who could or would be later identified as a Pro-Castro Cuban was murdered near the GK. This would be part of the fulfillment of the plot to blame a Communist conspiracy, including LHO, for the murder of JFK.

    As part of the double-cross, this murdered individual was made to disappear; and the story changed to a lone nut scenario. This individual, like Bernard Barker (as per Seymour Wetzman) would have been carrying fake Secret Service credentials. 


  7. reserved so I can Add without bumping

    ---- odd, random thoughts...

    -thinking of Hunt/Phillips penchant for writing spy novels, I am noting that:

    -If the theory I am posing is correct, it necessarily supports the development of two conspiracies; ie. the fake one that was dangled in front of the Mafia and ACC's, and the real one, especially inasmuch as the latter was dependent on the DPD, Far-right entities and G-Spooks on the ground in Dallas at the time, and stretching to Washington with the cover-up. The convergence of these two conspiracies would necessarily confuse observers and investigators, as they did, both immediately and eventually. Questions would be raised and abandoned in a manner such as.... " if such-and-such were the case, then why the hell would this-and-that have happened? That makes no sense! Maybe if....." ..... and so on, and so on. Could Hunt have written such a dual-conflicting-conspiracy to sew future confusion? Is there any evidence in his books for such a story line?

    I think I'll poke around for some of Hunts old books. It will give me an excuse to read some fiction, apart from the WCR.


    The Veciana/Oswald meeting is now looking to me as a sort of sheep-dipping of the Anti-Castro Cubans. Clandestine cameras or photographers may have taken pictures of AV and LHO together, or  coming and going at the same time. Perhaps DAP was taking the pics.

    These photos could be used to implicate the Ant-Castro Cubans as part of the conspiracy, blowing the plan to blame it on Commie-Cubans. Once LHO became news on the afternoon of 11-22-63, Vecania would have known that they were double-crossed.

    A Similar situation/scenario probably happened with Ruby and the Mob.


    I am thinking that the supposed planned assassination attempts in Miami and Chicago were not real plots. I am thinking that they were distractions, background noise, and static. The purpose was to spread resources thin in order to keep the actual plot in Dallas less detectable. There seems to be too much forethought and contingency planning in place for the actual plot to be pulled-off in a number of potential cites. LHO, as a patsy was probably the easiest function to replicate in any of the the other locations, yet he is one example of an asset that was in a single place and could not also be in Chicago and Miami for a hit.

  8. 16 hours ago, Ron Ecker said:

    And to use a military style multiple shooter crossfire to blame a lone gunman really makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?



    I though of that after I signed-off last night. :)

    But hey, it's the plan A, B, C, D thing


    ******** edit: Paul. Here is a short thread you may be interested in


  9. 8 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Michael - Yes, but no. Not part of the kill team. To my way of viewing it, the kill and coverup are managed by a central group of conspirators. Sure, planning wasn't perfect. But I think the military control of the autopsy suggests that it was always the plan to stage a military style multiple shooter crossfire and then cover it up by controlling the evidence afterwards. The sniper's nest, the commandeering of the body, the change of venue for the autopsy, lead me to that conclusion. I don't suggest that the shooters knew the full plan. But the sniper's nest was faked and in place, the hunt for Oswald was way too clever, and likely managed by the reserve 488th military Intelligence unit in charge of the Continuity of Government bunker. I think, unlike Trejo and like Varnell, that Bundy was a central part of the conspiracy, and that the decision to blame a lone gunman was always the plan.

    Thanks Paul, I am getting a fuller view of your view of 11-22. One thing that seems to have a place in the above is some mention of Parkland, but it is not there.

    I'll understand if it was not addressed intentionally; I have found that it is a sore spot.

    Another point that just popped into my head regards the 6th floor. It is said that the floors were being re-done up there. I recall mention of Shelly being mentioned as a supervisor for that work, and other TSBD workers doing the work. That strikes me as being odd. I will keep my eyes open as I read or re-read testimony to see who says tha TSBD employees were doing floor-work on the 6th floor. I don't recall any of that sort of testimony.

    Hardhats come to mind.......

    Edit *** flooring crew thread...




  10. 4 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Thanks Paul - this thread was intended to be about the autopsy sham being possible evidence that the kill and coverup were done, or at least managed, by the same entity. 

    Hello Paul, In my reading of the above, we are necessarily being asked if the autopsy, or Parkland line and staff, were part of the "kill Team".

    *****on second reading, the autopsy people's function could fall under "management"****



  11. My synopsis explained on another thread....

    Well Eddy, I believe you have heard this from me before on another thread, but I don't post it frequently because I don't want to sound like a broken record ( it's funny how out-of-date that idiom is), but here is my take on that.

    My working theory is that the assassination was set-up to be a pre-text for a Cuban invasion, but that invasion plan was undermined by a far-right industrial faction.

    It is often said that the invasion was aborted for fear of WW3; I am not buying that because that possibility would have been present prior to the planning of, and the act of assassination. So that problem didn't pop-up after the DP hit.

    I am thinking that Texas industrialists and right-wingers double-crossed Anti-Castro / Mafia element, (who actually did the shooting), by eliminating the evidence of conspiracy and mixed that with a little bit of blackmail. They foiled the conspiracy angle. They did this, hypothetically, by making evidence disappear and making other evidence appear. I suspect a shooter or operative was killed in the Plaza, who was supposed to be ID'd as a Pro-Castro Cuban. They made this body, or person, and other evidence, disappear. 

    They, The Texas industrial and right wing faction, were able to do this because their original responsibility was passive; they were supposed to do nothing, therefore there would be no evidence implicating them locally. Perhaps they were supposed to create a lot of noise, static and background noise so the hit would not come as much of a surprise as well as causing resources to be stretched thin, but that was it. There was noise and static about a hit all over the country.

    The reason for Double crossing the Pro-invasion faction is that they (the industrial-far right) were not interested in giving Cuba back to Mafia interests and free, independent and prosperous, Spanish-speaking black and Hispanic Catholics. They wanted the war in Vietnam. I also believe that the continued American control of Guantanamo bay was in jeopardy; indeed Guantanamo has never become an issue in all of the intervening years.

    This also explains why these same anti-Castro elements showed up at Watergate in 1972 and caused Nixon to soil his shorts. They wanted follow-through on the Cuban invasion.

  12. How was Ruby compelled to kill Oswald?...... brainstorming

    I am imagining something like this took place to coerce Ruby.....

    When the double-cross plan was triggered, the double crossers told the Mob / ACC there was a problem with the original plan, namely

    -That information turned-up connecting Ruby to LHO, or OHL, or whatever....

    -Nuclear weapons were "discovered" to still be present on Cuba. That info was new and was released only after the hit, in order to avert nuclear war.

    -That information "surfaced" that tied Carlos Marcello diriectly to Oswald; and that a world of hurt was going to come down on the Mafia.

    -That information surfaced that tied Myer Lansky to the hit, or made some other Jewish/Mafia connection that would bring a world of hurt down on Jews. This could explain Ruby's comments about (need to verify the exact words) another holocaust.

    -I am imagining something like this conversation... "Jack, your the only one that can get to him. You have to do it or it's going to mean nuclear war (Or haulocaust, or Mafia Purge)!" And... "Jack, we'll get you a bunch of the best lawyers. You'll be a hero to most of the country. We'll get you out on bail. We'll keep this thing wrapped-up in court for years. We might be able to get you off Scott-free! But, You've got to do it before the funeral is over!"


    Jim Garrison, Playboy interview: "

    "Remember his (Ruby's) repeated lament, "Now there will be pogroms. They will kill all the Jews."?  "


    Warren Comission testimony of Jack Ruby:

    "Mr. RUBY. I have been used for a purpose, and there will be a certain tragic occurrence happening if you don't take my testimony and somehow vindicate me so my people don't suffer because of what I have done."


    From the first post of this thread:


    "But, I digress. My purpose in starting this thread is to show Forum members a page from 'Documents and Photos for John Armstrong's book Harvey and Lee' by Jerry Robertson

    This is page 1-05:06

    Here is a list of people who place Oswald and Ruby Together"

    Attorney Carrol Jarnagin

    Wiburn Litchfield

    Dorothy Marcum

    Karl Wahrmund

    Irene Hise

    W.M. Hannie

    Bill DeMar

    Robert Roy

    Mary Lawrence

    Beverly Oliver

    Ester Ann Mash

    Wally Weston

    Bobbie Louise Meserole

    Raymond Cummings

    Robert Patterson

    Walter Ochs

    Karen Carlin Willis

    Janet Conforto

    Kathy Kay

    Myron Thomas Billet

    Melba Mercades Preston

    Dixie Lynn

    Robie Love

    Daniel Thomas McGown

    Nancy Perrin Rich

    Mike Calahan

    Ben Cash

    Vern Davis

    Maudie Crane

    George Faraldo

    Raymond Acker

    Clyde Malcolm Limbaugh

    Robert Allen Price

    Dolores Price

    Corrine Verges Villard

    Harvey Wade

    Helen McIntosh

    Marion Hayes

    Karl Wise



    Edited May 24, 2006 by Robert Howard


    Another Ruby knew Oswald thread:







  13. Reserved

    Re: Veciana, Phillips, Oswald meeting

    This is making sense to me I as I place it against the backdrop of my theory. DAP Phillips is, again, bolstering the confidence of the Anti Castro Cubans. DAP and AV meet and Oswald is produced; a Russian speaking, former defector, former military, (a crack shot Phillips says).. This all happens in the presence of a high-level CIA contact. Perhaps Veciana is told that this Oswald is the fall guy; perhaps he is told that another Oswald whom he has met, or has yet-to-meet is the fall-guy. I am assuming the former right now as I don't really see our DPD LHO inspiring much confidence.

    I would think that the sheep-dipping operations in New Orleans would have already made LHO known the ACC's in New Orleans. Perhaps the LHO that DAP and Veciana met was not the NOLA sheep-dipped LHO.

    Maybe Wynne has looked at the whole H&L thing and can speak to whether he now has any doubts about whether he saw H or L.

    Either way, I have to go over all of the DAP/AV Dallas meeting materials. All of this would imply that Veciana may have known about the Dallas hit and I don't think that he has admitted to that.

    This also might have been a sheep dipping of Anti-Castro Cubans. Once Veciana Saw LHO being paraded around as the lone patsy, he would have known that he could be personally implicated by virtue of having known and met Oswald, in Dallas. He would also known that a Cuban invasion would not be happening.


    There might be some repetition from above, but I'll drop this here:


    The Veciana/Oswald meeting is now looking to me as a sort of sheep-dipping of the Anti-Castro Cubans. Clandestine cameras or photographers may have taken pictures of AV and LHO together, or  coming and going at the same time. Perhaps DAP was taking the pics.

    These photos could be used to implicate the Ant-Castro Cubans as part of the conspiracy, blowing the plan to blame it on Commie-Cubans. Once LHO became news on the afternoon of 11-22-63, Vecania would have known that they were double-crossed.

    A Similar situation/scenario probably happened with Ruby and the Mob.

  14. Guantanamo Bay----------

    -After a wiki-reading of the Guantanamo lease, It looks like item one would be up for interpretation based on how friendly our relations were. Certainly Cuba would want more than $5000 by now, and probably in 1959 as well.

    I am thinking that a hostile, illegitimate, Communist Cuba would convincingly be argued to be a government that we would no longer need to deal with. The fact that we have sent lease checks is an odd caveat to that situation. I imagine that the fact that we attempt to pay in checks rather than gold is only a notional matter.


    The 1903 lease agreement was executed in two parts. The first, signed in February, included the following provisions:

    1. a promise by Cuba to lease to the United States a specified area at Guantanamo Bay "for the time required for the purposes of coaling and naval stations";
    2. the right to acquire any privately owned land within the leased area "by purchase or by exercise of eminent domain with full compensation to the owners thereof";
    3. the right to use the areas as naval stations, and for no other purpose, with a non-exclusive easement to adjacent waters;
    4. consent on the part of Cuba to the US exercising "complete jurisdiction and control over" within the leased area;
    5. recognition by the US of Cuba's "ultimate sovereignty" over the leased area.

    The second agreement, signed five months later in July 1903, established the amount of USD$2,000 to be paid to Cuba annually by the US. Additional stipulations included the following:

    1. payments were to be made in gold coin.
    2. the US would pay to build and maintain fences marking the boundary of the leased area;
    3. commercial and industrial activities in the area would be restricted;
    4. mutual right of extradition
    5. a duty-free zone, but not a port of entry for weapons or other goods into Cuba proper
    6. Cuban shipping to have the right of access to the Bay
    7. ratification to be within seven months.

    The lease amount was changed in 1933 to $3676.50 and in 1934 to $4085. Payments have been sent annually, but only one lease payment has been cashed since the Cuban Revolution and Fidel Castro claimed that this check was deposited due to confusion in 1959, and the Cuban government has not cashed further checks.


    I am assuming there is more to dig into in this matter.




  15. Just dropping this quote here for future use..

    George Smathers:

    from this thread:


    Nixon is commonly supposed to have been introduced to Bebe Rebozo by Richard Danner, the courier and connecter who left the FBI to become city manager of Miami Beach at. a time when it was under the all-but-open control of the Mob. Danner first met Nixon at a party thrown in Washington in 1947 by another newly elected congressman, George Smathers. Smathers was by that time already an intimate friend and business partner of Rebozo and a friend of Batista. When Nixon vacationed in Havana after his 1952 election to the vice-presidency, Syndicate-wise Danner used his clout with Lansky's man Norman "Roughhouse" Rothman to get gambling credit at the Sans Souci for Nixon's traveling companion, Dana Smith. We recall Dana , Smith as the manager of the secret slush fund set up to finance Pat Nixon's cloth coats, the exposure of which led to the famous Checkers TV speech during the 1952 campaign. Smith dropped a bundle at the Sans Souci and left Cuba: without paying it back. Safe in the States, he repudiated the debt. That infuriated Rothman. Nixon was forced to ask the State Department to intervene in Smith's behalf.

    It is poetically satisfying to imagine Nixon and Rebozo meeting through Danner. When Danner reenters in the next to last act of Watergate with the $100,000 from Hughes which only he seems to have been able to deliver, we may sense a wheel coming full circle. But there is the possibility also that Rebozo and Nixon actually connected in Miami in 1942, and it is almost certain that they knew of each other then, as will emerge.

    Here are the fragments with which we reconstruct Rebozo: (1) he is associated with the anti-Castro Cuban exile community in Florida; (2) an all-Cuban shopping center in Miami is constructed for him by Polizzi Construction Co., headed by Cleveland Mafioso Al "The Owl" Polizzi, listed by the McClellan crime committee as one of "the most influential members of the underworld in. the United States"; (3) his Key Biscayne Bank was involved in the E. F. Hutton stock theft, in which the Mafia fenced stolen securities through his bank.

    Rebozo's will to power appears to have developed during the war, when he made it big in the "used-tire" and "retread'' business. Used-tire distributors all over the country; of course, were willingly and unwillingly turned into fences of Mafia black market tires during the war. Rebozo could have been used and still not know it.

    He was born in 1912 in Florida to a family of poor Cuban immigrants, was ambitious, and by 1935 had his first gas station. By the time the war was over, his lucrative retread business had turned him into a capitalist and he was buying up Florida land. Before long he was buying vast amounts of it in partnership with Smathers and spreading thence into the small-loans business, sometimes called loan-sharking. From lending he went to insuring. He and Smathers insured each other's business operations. His successes soon carried him to the sphere of principalities and powers the likes of W. Clement Stone of Chicago and the aerosol king Robert Abplanalp, both of whom met Nixon through him. Also during the war, Rebozo was navigator in a part-time Military Air Transport Command crew that flew military transports to Europe full and back empty, which some find a Minderbinderesque detail.

    During the first year of the war, before going into the Navy, Nixon worked in the interpretations unit of the legal section of the tire-rationing branch of the Office of Price Administration. Investigator Jeff Gerth has discovered that three weeks after Nixon began this job, his close friend-to¬-be, George Smathers, came to federal court for the defendant in this case, United States vs. Standard Oil of Kansas. U.S. Customs had confiscated a load of American-made tires reentering the country through Cuba in an "attempt to circumvent national tire rationing," i.e., bootleg tires. Smathers wanted to speed up the case for his client, and so wrote to the OPA for a ruling. His letter must have come to Nixon, who, OPA records show, was responsible for all correspondence on tire rationing questions. It was therefore Nixon's business to answer Smathers. Especially since this was the first knock on the door, it would be nice to know what Nixon said and how the matter was disposed of. "Unfortunately," reports Gerth, "most OPA records were destroyed after the war. The court file for this case is supposed to be in the Atlanta Records Center, but a written request submitted to the clerk of the civil court on July 6, 1972, has not been honored, despite the usual one week response time. Written questions submitted to President Nixon and Bebe Robozo have also gone unanswered. Among the relevant questions is whether Miami was one of the regional offices Nixon set up.

    Was this the bending of the twig? And if Rebozo and Nixon actually did meet then, even if only through bureaucratic transactions around the flow of tires, then they met within the sphere of intense Syndicate activity at a time when Roosevelt's Operation Underworld had conferred immense prestige and freedom of movement on Syndicate activities. Could the Nixon-Rebozo relationship escape being affected by FDR's truce between law arid crime?

    Let us spell out this theory of Nixon's beginnings in A-B-C simplicity.

    Prohibition: Organized crime takes over the distilleries industry.

    Repeal: Bootlegging goes legit, the Syndicate thereby expanding into the sphere of "legal" operations. This is the first big foothold of organized crime in the operations of the state.

    Cuba/Batista: Lansky goes to Cuba in 1934 in search of a molasses source, meets and courts the newly ascendant strongman Batista, stays three weeks and lays plans for developing Havana into the major off-shore freezone of State-side organized crime, Cuba playing the role in the Caribbean of Sicily and Corsica in the Mediterranean.

    World War II: In despair of otherwise securing the physical security of the docks against sabotage which may or may not have been Fascist-inspired, Roosevelt accepts a secret arrangement with organized crime. He comforts Luciano in prison and agrees to release him to exile at the end of the war. He generates an atmosphere of coalition with crime for the duration. In that atmosphere, Syndicate projects prosper. But one of the smugglers, Kansas Standard, gets too brazen and is caught, perhaps, by naive customs officials. Smathers takes the case for the defendant and thus comes into contact with Nixon.

    Noting Gerth's discovery that the records of this case have inexplicably disappeared from the files, noting Rebozo's involvement in the tire business and his rapid enrichment during World War II, and noting Smathers's well-known affection for Cuban associations, we generalize to the straight-forward hypothesis that Nixon may have been fused to the Syndicate already in 1942. Was his 1944 stint in the Navy a sheep-dipping? Look at this rise: 1946: Nixon for Congress; 1948: Nixon for Congress (II); 1950: Nixon for Senate; 1952: a heartbeat away.k

    So it is another Dr. Frankenstein story. The Yankees beget in sheer expediency and offhandedness the forces that will later grow strong enough to challenge them for leadership. Operation Underworld was the supreme pioneering joint effort of crime and the state, the first major direct step taken toward their ultimate covert integration in the Dallas-Watergate decade.


    Gil Jesus wrote

    The subject of assassination as a tool of state (in regard to Cuba) was discussed by JFK and Smathers. Smathers could not remember whether he brought it up or JFK did, but Smathers suggested, according to Warren Hinkle and William Turner (Deadly Secrets-The CIA/Mafia War against Castro and the Assassination of JFK, pg. 73) , that any assassination attempt be coupled with a staged incident at the Guantanamo Naval Base that would provide a pretext for intervention by American Forces.

    Smathers' suggestion about using Guantanamo as an excuse to invade Cuba was similar to the plan suggested by Richard Nixon in his post-invasion visit to the White House when he suggested finding "legal cover" such as "defending our base at Guantanamo" as an excuse for "going in ".

    Shortly thereafter, Kennedy learned enough of Smathers' right-wing associations to make him wary.


  16. Various name entries......................

    David Yaras 


    I have always considered Dave Yaras an important figure in the assassination of JFK. As a young man he became friendly with Jack Ruby. Yaras later worked as a hit man for Mafia boss Sam Giancana. Yaras was also a close associate of Jimmy Hoffa, president of the Teamsters Union and helped establish Teamster Local 320 in Miami. 

    After the Second World War Yaras worked for the Mafia in Cuba. According to a federal narcotics officer, Yaras "ran a number of gambling operations on the island". After the fall of Fulgencio Batista, Yaras was the "Chicago mob's liaison to the Cuban exile community". 

    Yaras, considered to be the prime suspect in several gangland killings, was arrested 14 times by the police. In 1947 he was arrested for the murder of James M. Ragen, the national manager of the Continental Press Service, an organization that was in conflict with Mafia leader, Carlos Marcello. As G. Robert Blakey and Richard Billings have pointed out in their book, The Plot to Kill the President: "Four witnesses identified Lenny Patrick, Dave Yarras, and William Block as the gunmen, but after one witness was murdered, two recanted, and another fled, the indictment was dropped." Yaras was released and no charges were ever brought against him for the killing. When the Kefauver Senate Committee later investigated the murder of Ragen, something they regarded as a landmark syndicate event, another key witness in the case was murdered. 

    In their book, Deadly Secrets (1992), Warren Hinckle and William Turner argue that the McClellan Senate Rackets Committee "credited" Yaras with playing a significant mob role in Havana. The historian, David Kaiser, pointed out in The Road to Dallas (2008) that Yaras was linked to Sam Giancana: "Bugs and phone taps revealed his associations with hit men Lenny Patrick and David Yaras of Chicago (both childhood friends of Jack Ruby)." 

    In 1962 an electronic eavesdropping device installed in a Mafia hangout by the FBI picked up a conversation where Jackie Cerone commissioned Yaras to murder Frank Esposito. Yaras said on the tape: "Leave it to us. As soon as he walks in the door. Boom! We'll hit him with an ax or something. He won't get away from us." According to a FBI informant, Yaras and Lenny Patrick were responsible for the killing of City Alderman, Benjamin F. Lewis on 13th February, 1963. One official report stated that Yaras was one of "more than a score of top-rated exterminators who work strictly on contracts for the board of directors." 

    The night before the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Yaras telephoned another hit man, Robert Barney Baker. A few days earlier, Jack Ruby also received a 17 minute telephone-call from Baker. Yaras was interviewed by the FBI and admitted that he had known Ruby for about 15 years in Chicago. However, as Bernard Fensterwald has pointed out: "The FBI never asked Yaras about his own Mafia connections, but did ask him whether he thought Ruby was connected with the syndicate. Yaras, as one might guess, stated that he doubted that Ruby had such connections."

    Jack Ruby's sister, Eva Rubinstein Grant, told the Warren Commission that Yarras and Lenny Patrick, were two of his closest friends in Chicago. This evidence was ignored and General Counsel J. Lee Rankin told Commission members that Ruby only had links to "the minor underworld". 

    According to Peter Dale Scott, the Warren Commission covered-up Ruby's connections with Yaras. In his book Deep Politics and the Death of JFK (1993) he wrote: "The Commission did not receive an important interview with Luis Kutner, a Chicago lawyer who had just told the press (correctly) about Ruby's connections to Chicago mobsters Lennie Patrick and Dave Yaras. All the FBI transmitted was a meaningless follow-up interview in which Kutner merely said he had no additional information. Apparently the FBI also failed to transmit a teletype revealing that Yaras, a national hit man for the Chicago syndicate who had grown up with Ruby, and who had been telephoned by one of Ruby's Teamster contacts on the eve of the assassination, was about to attend a 'hoodlum meeting' of top East and West Coast syndicate representatives, including some from the 'family' of the former Havana crime lord Santos Trafficante." 

    Dave Yaras was murdered in 1974. Lenny Patrick gave a deposition in 1978. He claimed he did not have any relevant information on Jack Ruby. However, he did accept that his friend, Yaras, "was closer to Ruby than he was".


    Another article about another, possibly unrelated, Yaras...

    Mobster Slain As Rackets Boss Enters Custody

    January 11, 1985|By Philip Wattley and William B. Crawford Jr.

    A REPUTED CRIME SYNDICATE gambling boss who once was an associate of mobster Joseph DiVarco was shot to death Thursday, the day DiVarco was ordered into federal custody as a danger to the community.

    The gangland-style killing of Leonard Yaras, 44, of 6400 N. Cicero Ave., Lincolnwood, and the action against DiVarco, 73, prompted authorities to reconsider a string of past gangland killings for possible relationships to the two men.

    But police said a motive for the Yaras killing was still under investigation.

    Yaras was slain by two men wearing ski masks as he sat in his car in the 4200 block of West Division Street moments after leaving the building that houses A-1 Industrial Uniforms Co. and three other laundries, at 4224 W. Division, witnesses told police.

    YARAS ONCE told authorities he was a ``consultant`` to A-1 Industrial Uniforms, investigators said.

    Chicago police said Yaras was once regarded as a lieutenant to DiVarco, who was convicted of gambling charges and tax violations on Wednesday in U.S. District Court here.

    But police said Yaras had moved up in recent years and operated on about the same level as DiVarco.

    Yaras reputedly was a syndicate gambling boss in the Rogers Park and north suburban areas. DiVarco is in charge of mob gambling in the Near North Side nightclub area, including Rush Street, according to police.

    Federal agents said Yaras had been interviewed some time ago by members of the U.S. Justice Department`s Organized Crime Strike Force, but he was not a federal informant.

    POLICE GAVE this account of Yaras` killing:

    Yaras came out of the laundry at 10 a.m. and entered his late-model Oldsmobile on the north side of Division Street.

    As soon as he shut the door, a tan Chevrolet swung in front of his auto, preventing it from going forward.

    Two men wearing ski masks got out, and one opened the driver`s side door of Yaras` car. The men shot Yaras four times in the face and once in the throat.

    Yaras fell toward the passenger seat and was shot two more times, once in each leg. Some bullets missed or went through him and broke the passenger-side window.

    YARAS FELL on top of a bundle of files and a calendar. Police and federal agents examined the items Thursday night.

    The gunmen got back in the Chevrolet, driven by a third man also in a ski mask, and drove away. The car and license plates had been stolen earlier Thursday in Burbank, police said.

    A short time after Yaras was shot, the Chevrolet was found burning in an alley near North and Latrobe Avenues, about a mile northwest of the shooting. POLICE SAID the Chevrolet apparently had been firebombed and was completely burned. Witnesses told police they saw four men get into another auto and speed away.

    Police said the four men probably included the three involved in Yaras`

    killing plus another man who drove the second getaway car.

    Yaras was the second member of his family shot to death.

    His brother, Ronnie, 36, who authorities said operated a string of massage parlors in Miami, was found dead in his Miami home on April 18, 1974. Their father, David Yaras, who suffered a heart attack while playing golf and died in Miami in January, 1974, had been charged with murder (in Chicago), robbery and extortion but was never convicted.

    A FEW HOURS after Leonard Yaras was shot, DiVarco appeared in federal court and was linked by FBI agents to the gangland slaying of mob figure John DeJohn, 51, in April, 1981, and to the botched assassination attempt on former gambling boss Ken Eto.

    After the testimony, U.S. District Court Judge Milton Shadur ordered DiVarco, of 4275 W. Jarvis Ave., Lincolnwood, into custody.

    The order means that DiVarco, who was admitted to a Chicago hospital for heart problems Thursday, has federal agents outside his hospital door 24 hours a day. He faces sentencing Feb. 27 on the Wednesday gambling conviction. If he is released from the hospital before then, he will be taken to the Metropolitan Correctional Center.

    Shadur`s decision came after a hearing that also resulted in the jailing overnight of Ronald Ignoffo, 35, reputedly a top DiVarco lieutenant, who was convicted Wednesday along with DiVarco and four other men.

    THE JUDGE ORDERED that Ignoffo be held in the Metropolitan Correctional Center until a hearing Friday to determine the extent of Ignoffo`s alleged role in mob terror activities and whether he, like DiVarco, poses a threat to society.

    Judith Dobkin, a U.S. Department of Justice attorney in the Organized Crime Strike Force in Chicago, initiated the hearing by invoking a new provision of the federal criminal code. Under the new law prosecutors can ask that defendants be jailed immediately after conviction upon a showing that they pose a danger to the community, even if they have posted bail.

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    January 11, 1985|By Philip Wattley and William B. Crawford Jr.

    FBI agent Scott Jennings testified that he had been told by Timothy Joyce, a former mobster, that Ignoffo was present in a car when DeJohn, a reputed drug peddler, was slain in the spring of 1981 at the request of DiVarco. The agent`s testimony indicated that DiVarco allegedly ordered DeJohn`s killing out of fear that the victim had become emotionally unstable and no longer was to be trusted.

    In reference to the botched assassination attempt on Eto, which took place Feb. 10, 1983, Elaine Smith, another FBI agent, testified that DiVarco had arranged a dinner meeting between Eto and the two men who allegedly tried to kill him, Jasper Campise and John Gattuso.

    THE NIGHT of that meeting, Campise and Gattuso allegedly shot Eto three times because mob bosses feared that Eto was about to become a federal witness.

    Eto survived the attack and is in the government`s witness protection program. Campise and Gattuso later were found slain, their throats slit, in the trunk of Gattuso`s car. By testifying that DiVarco had arranged the dinner engagement, FBI agent Smith apparently was attempting to show that DiVarco had a role in the attempted killing of Eto.

    DiVarco, Ignoffo, of 1733 N. Keating Ave., and the four other men were convicted Wednesday of running an illegal sports betting parlor on the Near North Side that took in as much as $200,000 a day from 1978 to 1980.

  17. On 3/4/2013 at 1:13 PM, Mark Gorton said:

    Watergate was a CIA plot to depose Nixon.

    True or false?

    Essentially False.

    My working pet-theory is that the Watergate break-in was intentionally botched. The break-in was executed by operatives who had a hand in the JFK assassination. These guys (Anti-Castro Cubans / Mob) were expecting an invasion of Cuba after the JFKA but were double-crossed by co-conspirators (Far-Right-Industrial) who had no interest in freeing Cuba and wanted the Vietnam war.

    Nobody was going to get what they wanted through JFK.

    The JFKA burglers showing-up at Watergate was a threat to Nixon to make the move on Cuba. They might have expected Ford to do it but the parties that were not interested in Cuba were still not on board, and launching a Cuba invasion might have been seen as a quid-pro-quo, and the association with the Dallas hit might have already been precariously close to being exposed.

    The intent was to get Nixon to act, not to necessarily take him down.



    PS. I see no poll-option on this thread.

  18. 13 minutes ago, Gerry Simone said:

    Sorry had to follow up with more info on Morales as being just more than an agent of fortune.  He was Chief of Operations at the CIA's Miami Station in 1963 according to Jefferson Morley.  Check out paragraph 6.  http://jfkfacts.org/top-6-jfk-files-the-cia-still-keeps-secret/

    No need for sorry. I will admit that I haven't followed nor absorbed much about him.

  19. March 24-26, 1990. The Grateful Dead. Knickerbocker Arena. Albany, NY.

    Recorded and released as a three-disc set as "Dozin at the Knick"

    And I was there, Friday night.

    A near studio quality recording. (I later found that other bands sound exceptional at that venue as well)

    Featuring phenomenally appreciative, considerate and cooperative crowd as demonstrated on "I bid you Good-Night" and one of the three "Space" jams, where the music drops to nothing but a light rim drum tap, for quite a while, and nary a peep is heard from the crowd.

    Don't buy a download of it unless you make certain that you are getting all songs in there entirety. Also, the song order on the discs is better, with more un-interupted transitions than I have seen on my Apple-store download.



    Hell in a Bucket



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