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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 48 minutes ago, Roger DeLaria said:

    One of Prouty's letters to Jim Garrison (from Prouty.org):

    March 6, 1990 

    Dear Jim, 

    It is amazing how things work, I am at home recuperating from a major back operation (to regain my ability to walk); so I was tossing around in bed last night...not too comfortable...and I began to think of Garrison. I thought, "I have got to write Jim a letter detailing how I believe the whole job was done." 


    Now you can see why I have always said that identification of the "Tramps" was unnecessary, i.e. they are actors. The first time I saw that picture I saw the man I knew and I realized why he was there. He caused the political world to spin on its axis. Now, back to recuperating. 

    L. Fletcher Prouty 


    Thanks for posting that Roger.

    I am starting to see Landsdale as the replacement for "Generalissimo" MacArthur. Of course MacArthur was West Point, and maintained some semblance of respect and subordination to the President.

    Landsdale was CIA, and was out of the control of the President and Congress. Pretty Scary.


  2. 1 hour ago, Larry Hancock said:

    Until you read Prouty's extended interview with the ARRB...at his own request...you really don't have the full picture.  Read that and draw your conclusions in regards to his various remarks, especially in regard to security stripping in Dallas. 

    Thanks Larry, I am looking for that interview.

  3. 13 minutes ago, George Sawtelle said:


    BBN used an oscilloscope and a digital computer to determine if the sounds on the Dictabelt were shots. An oscilloscope shows sound in the form of a wave.

    If memory serves me BBN came up with 15 suspects from the oscilloscope which could be gunshots. There weren't fifteen bullets fired at Kennedy so BBN had to determine which of the wave forms depicted shots and which were other sounds.

    BBN then applied a set of screening criteria that would separate the gunfire from sounds that weren't gunfire. They came up with six sounds that met their criteria.

    From these six BBN rejected one sound, the first sound, because it did not have the required 10/11 peaks on the wave form. It showed echoes (peaks) but did not meet the criteria completely. It showed other characteristics to indicate that it might be a shot but the sound was attenuated. So they were left with 5 shots and that's what they gave the HSCA.

    That in a nutshell is what BBN did and what they found on the Dictabelt. 

    Thanks George

  4. 3 hours ago, Gerry Simone said:

    Here's my take:

    They tried it before in Chicago but it never got off ground (i.e., there was supposed to be another lone nut as you know).  The lone nut scenario and a pre-planned autopsy ensures that an investigation doesn't get out of hand and is contained or controlled.  I think the latter was very important to the plotters who many believe were not foreigners (I would hazard to say that that's the consensus of the research community).  Without the involvement of the Soviets or Cubans, the plotters' knew that their Communist conspiracy set-up wasn't going to be persuasive, so they needed to control the autopsy, which was done by select, key figures who exploited the chain of command at a military hospital, and nudged the WH in that direction. That was to avoid looking further into Oswald's past and possible connections.  They probably knew that the new and ambitious President from the south, wouldn't want to blame the assassination on a Soviet/Cuban conspiracy and start a WW because of the Oswald impostor shenanigan, for one thing. So LBJ didn't have to have foreknowledge or be a mastermind, but he may have been an unwitting accomplice to a cover-up of a domestic conspiracy.  In a way, the plotters left LBJ with no choice but to go with the flow or facilitate it.

    Quote by Jim Garrison seems apropos here: "I'm afraid, based on my own experience, that Fascism will come to America in the name of National Security"


    The Chicago and Florida plots were distractions, noise, static. 

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