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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. On 11/9/2005 at 3:03 AM, Tim Gratz said:

    John it is certainly an interesting story that has developed in front of us in the past few months.  

    Fascinating thread. And, according to Tim, it sounds like a fascinating period of time on this forum. Looks like a good place to dig around.



  2. I am thinking that this theory could help explain Watergate, if Nixon was a Prime-Mover in the double-cross. It seems likely that Nixon, early-on, was involved with Mafia concerns as well as Cuban interests. He may actually have been cought in the middle when the double-cross plan showed-up, immediately after the assassination.

    The Cubans were probably held at bay through the LBJ Presidency, being told that Cuba would happen after Vietnam. They got impatient when they started to see that there was very little huger in America for another war, in Cuba, and they showed-up in the White-House, as Watergate perps, to light a fire under Nixons toosh, hoping to get him to move on Cuba.



    James Edwards who's who page: hosted by Martin eaglsham





    This question popped into my head:

    Did all the players get what they wanted?

    I am suggesting no. I am suggesting that there were two general factions working together and one of them got double-crossed. I am suggesting that there was an anti-Castro Cuban / Mafia faction involved and they got double-crossed by a Far-Right / Industrial faction.

    The Cubans and The Mafia wanted a war in Cuba.

    The Indutrialists wanted a war in Vietnam.

    Neither of them were going to get what they wanted with JFK.

    The Cubans believed that the plan was to blame a pro-Castro Cuban / Communist conspiracy for the JFK hit, and Cuba would be invaded.

    The industrialists (Oil, Aircraft, Oil, Ships, Oil) wanted Vietnam, 10,000 miles away. They were not interested in being close and cosy with a bunch of dark, Catholic, Spanish-speaking neighbors; nor were they interested in giving the Mafia their off-shore tourist-traps, casinos and drug-hubs. So, the Anti-Castro Cuban/ Mafia faction got double-crossed.

    How was it pulled-off? By the myth of a lone-nut, white, American malcontent, with no real connection to Cuba, being accused of assassinating the President. LHO was a dirty trick.




  4. I just learned that the Two Oswalds notion has a long and rich history. I just read this fascinating thread, in which, it is shown that Jim Garrison (JG) was already, apparently, treating it as a foregone conclusion.

    "The facts are these: On a Sunday morning JG called me at my Mill Valley home. He was staying at an airport hotel in Los Angeles and wanted me to catch a plane so we could "brainstorm" some things. One of them, it turned out, was the variance in height between the "Oswald" in the Soviet Union and the American one. As I was prepasring to fly back to San Francisco, JG asked if I would accompany Boxley, who was with him, on some interviews the ffollowing day. I agreed to go along because it is desirable to have two on interviews and there was no one else available in Los Angeles."

    P.6 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/5333-angel-murgado-angelo-kennedy/&page=6


  5. 2 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Cliff - how would Oswald being killed within an hour of the assassination changed any of this?

    No need for a shady Mob club owner to have to swoop in and shoot the patsy while he is under police guard.

    I think the 2 day lag in taking-out LHO changed history, mightily. We would be a far less suspicious and sceptical people.

    CTers might be few and far between.



  6. 5 hours ago, Mark Wengler said:

    What is the difference between the report released in the 90's and the one released in 2003. I have the one from the 90's. Do i need to buy the report over again?

    "The so-called "Lopez Report," written by staffers Dan Hardway and Edwin Lopez, had a number of redactions removed in 2003. These included "CIA A" (Daniel Flores aka Luis Aparacio), "CIA B" (Thomas Keenan), "CIA F" (Robert Zambernardi), LICHANT/1's true name (Manuel Carvillo), and the previously blacked-out crypts ZRSOLO and ZRJOINT. It also revealed the name of a Mexico City CIA Chief of Station, Larry Sternfield. Many redactions remain."


    Mark, I assume that more, if not all redactions will be removed in October, If you can wait.



  7. 2 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    From a USS Skagit Timeline on this webpage:

    "Departed Sept.14 and ran into Typhoon Helen, very rough seas, and giant waves. Arrived Kaoshung, Formosa on Sept,19 unloaded matting continuously for 48 hours."

    Greg says that the ship was delayed by two days because of Typhoon Helen. He pointed out that the Skagit crewman who wrote the above must have used the same source (the ship logs) for the date of departure as he did for his book, but that the logs are wrong.

    I still don't know what the source is for the later departure date. The typhoon did hit its peak wind speed of 117 mph on the 14th. But at that time it hadn't hit Japan yet. I don't have any idea if they would have delayed the departure date of the ship. Either way the ship would have gone right through the path of the typhoon. (Source)


    Sandy, I saw you working on this and I was looking for what are called TROMs, or Tabular Record Of Movements for a given ship. I am familiar with that term from researching WW2 Imperal Japanese Navy ships. I have not fond an equivalent archive for USN ships but I am sure it must exist.

  8. Ruth and Liddy, from this thread:


    I only have some sketchy information that has started taking foggy shape in the Wayback Machine on this at the moment, but it was such a head-turning curiosity to me that I felt I ought to at least get this topic started, hoping and believing that it is going to grow significantly.

    G. Gordon Liddy was in the FBI from 1957 until September 1962, and prior to resigning in September 1962 had been involved in COINTELPRO. In his autobiography, "Will," he leaps from 1962 to 1965 with hardly a nod to anything in between except Too Much Information about the rhythm method, birth control pills, the Catholic religion in relation to all of that, and his crisis of faith.

    Before getting into the little bit of substantive data he does let slip out, let me mention that in a sworn deposition, Liddy moved his resignation from the FBI an entire year, claiming that it was September 1963 instead of September 1962. Oh, what a difference a year makes.

    When Liddy "resigned" from the FBI in September of 1962, he went to work at this father's law firm, which recently had moved from we-know-not-where to Wall Street in New York City. And one of Sylvester Liddy's clients was Marathon Oil.

    Liddy is extremely cagey and vague about dates during this period. Efforts are being made to get records that will open this up, and any information that can be supplied on this by anyone will be invaluable. But here are a few interesting coincidences in time and place leading up to Liddy's pretty thoroughly unexplained "resignation" from the FBI:

    • On 3 August 1962, the CIA's Louis "Jolly" West, of the Department of Psychiatry, Neurology, and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Oklahoma School of Medicine, killed an elephant with a massive dose of LSD.
    • On 5 August 1962, Marilyn Monroe was found dead, purportedly a suicide.
    • On 13 August 1962, a congressional hearing was held regarding Ruth Hyde Paine's brother-in-law John Lindsay Hoke, associated with the CIA front organization, Agency for International Development (AID). Ruth Hyde Paine's father, William Avery Hyde, was in some way also connected with AID (but little information can be found on his role with AID). The hearings were over financial improprieties in a project of boat development between AID and Hoffman Electronics Corporation of California under circumstances which Congressman Hardy described as "collusion."
    • On 21 August 1962, the CIA granted an Approval for Liaison by CIA Engineering Staff with John Lindsey Hoke, who had been cleared for classified information up to and including Top Secret since 19 April 1954.
    • On 27 August 1962, George De Mohrenschildt sent a chart of Haiti and surrounds from Port-au-Prince, Haiti, to a Mr. Raigorodsky of Dallas, Texas, marked with various claims of development DeMohrenschildt purportedly was planning. Although the chart doesn't say so, DeMohrenschildt was in league with Clemard Joseph Charles at the time.
    • On or about 1 September 1962, G. Gordon Liddy retired from the FBI and went to work for his father's law firm on Wall Street in New York City, where he would remain, primarily, into sometime in 1965—bracketing the Kennedy assassination. And one of the accounts of the firm at the time was Marathon Oil.
    • On Tuesday, 25 September 1962, CIA's Mrs. Van Sast called Naval Intelligence wanting to know John Lindsay Hoke's Top Secret "clearance and basis."
    • On Tuesday, 25 September 1962, an article about John Lindsay Hoke appeared in the Washington Daily News titled "AID Official Has Wings Clipped." The article simply charged that Hoke has been alleged to have been planning to "make personal profit from" a venture for AID.
    • On Friday, 28 September there was this CIA notation regarding Ruth Hyde Paine's brother-in-law John Lindsay Hoke: "EAB card reflects on September 28, 1962, Subject's Security Officer advised that SAC was cleared for access to classified information up to and including Top Secret." 
    • On Friday, 9 November 1962, the Assistant United States Attorney, Frederick G. Smith, quietly declined to prosecute John Lindsay Hoke, saying that the violations of federal law by Hoke were "merely of a technical nature."

    Okay, I've just got to stop right there. Don't you love the way these scum operate? If the Hoke Joke doesn't rip open the whole squirming bag-o-maggots that is Washington, D.C. for you, check to see if your breath will fog a mirror.

    Now, there's lots else going on around all of this, but these are some of the very interesting things surrounding G. Gordon Liddy's rather sudden and unexplained "resignation" from the FBI (and COINTELPRO) to go off to the Big Apple and work with Daddy Liddy on Wall Street in Daddy's law firm—which had Marathon Oil as one of its clients.

    Of course, also there in New York City on Wall Street at the time was the investment firm of Train, Cabot and Assossiates—CIA front for WUSALINE and the WUBRINY operations tied to Thomas James Devine and George H.W. Bush. And it is while G. Gordon Liddy is working there on Wall Street that Clemard Joseph Charles and George DeMohrenschildt are known to have been in New York City in April 1963, including their visit to Train, Cabot, after which Clemard Joseph Charles met with vice president of Chase Manhattan Bank Jerry W. Johnston and secured a loan of $1 million dollars—as long as it was backed by the CIA front AID (who Ruth Hyde Paine's father and brother-in-law BOTH were working for at the time).

    And who else was in New York City during this fertile period in 1963? James McCord, of CIA's Manhattan Field Office. In fact, there are some indications that McCord may even have been the "Special Agent In Charge" of the Manhattan Field Office.

    And I'm going to leave this here at the moment, except to say that one of the offshoots of this little research investigation is a trip G. Gordon Liddy took sometime in 1963 to Ohio and trips to Washington, D.C., puportedly on the Marathon Oil account.

    And while this is still being narrowed down, it's beginning to look like Liddy's little D.C. and Ohio trips very well might have coordinated awfully closely with Ruth Hyde Paine's little trip to Washington, D.C., to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and to Ohio between 24 August and 10 September 1963. And if that's not scary enough, look at this little section of timeline:

    • On Thursday, 22 August 1963, the CIA again granted an Approval for Liaison with John Lindsay Hoke "on a continuing basis," reaffirming his clearance for classified information "up to and including Top Secret."
    • Three days later, on Sunday, 24 August 1963, Ruth Hyde Paine traveled to Baltimore, Maryland, then the next day to Washington, D.C. "to stay with sister." And "sister" happens to be Sylvia Hyde Hoke—who has a CIA-blessed secret clearance from AID, and whose husband is John Lindsay Hoke.
    • Five days later, on Thursday, 29 August 1963, Ruth Hyde Paine left the Hokes and went to Paoli, Philadelphia, just outside Philadelphia, to "wait for" her father would will join her there. Her father, of course, is William Avery Hyde, also of AID.
    • On 10 September 1963, Ruth Hyde Paine left Paoli for Ohio to see "relatives and friends." Also in Ohio is the headquarters of Marathon Oil—where G. Gordon Liddy was afoot around this time.



  9. On 1/16/2015 at 8:14 PM, Jon G. Tidd said:


    My question is, does the factual record support clearly that the person history knows as Oswald wrote the writing known as C.E. 1?




    I would Say that LHO did not write CE 1, If LHO wrote the letter requesting citizenship in Russia. This letter was handed to Clinton by Yeltsin in 1992; assuming I have the facts straight.


  10. A plan to settle this problem once and for all. It necessarily involves seating Gorsuch, but fixes the problem going forward.

    Agree to:

    - Not give Gorsuch a vote

    - Trump seats Gorsuch under the argument that the Senate waived its right to advise and consent on the matter

    - Argue this matter in the Supreme Court, with both parties arguing that The President's argument is correct.

    Done, the precedent is set that The Senate must act or lose the privilege of advice and consent.

    It's better than the so-called "Nuclear Option" being used or becoming the norm; or ever again having a nominee put off until after elections.

    Cheers, Michael


  11. On 10/2/2004 at 0:07 AM, Greg Parker said:

    Oswald received a stipend while living in Minsk. It is unclear from reading

    the Defector Study, whether this was from the International Red Cross, or

    the Russian equivalent, the Red Crescent. The confusion arises because, in

    the case of Libero Ricciardelli for example, the organisation is named as

    the "Red Crescent", whereas with Oswald, it states "Red Cross". The authors

    were clearly aware of the difference (as Oswald himself seemed to be, noting

    in his Historic Diary that the money came from the MVD). The study shows

    that the Red Crescent not only provided money to defectors such as

    Ricciardelli, but interviewed them, and provided other types of support. It

    is in fact, a little odd that this organisation is notably absent in

    Oswald's life in Russia. Where were they, for instance during his



    This is a small matter, but it was fresh on my mind from reading today so I thought I would mention it. 

    1994 Boris Yeltsin cave Billl Clinton a cache of Oswald and JFKA related papers. One of the documents explains that Oswald was given 5000 rubles and a 700 ruble per month allowance from the Red Cross and the Red Crescent.



  12. 11 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:


    F U, "Butterfly" Mikey.

    Do perdele.  Look it up.

    Loosely translated it means "Up your [something-or-other]."

    A word of warning:  If you ever go to the Czech Republic, don't say "Machu Pichu" to a complete stranger, especially in a pub (bar).  If you do, a guy or a gal will probably knock your NY xxx out.


    Tommy, I have no clue what your initial post to me here was about. I have no clue what the significance of your following posts were about. I was going along in what I thought was an amusing manner. Your a pretty cryptic guy. I assume that you like it that way. It's not my fault that I don't have any idea what you are talking about.



  13. 40 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    I checked out Greg Parker's arguments. Here they are along with my responses:

    1. Greg contacted a former Skagit crew member, who reported back the following:

      "Skagit had a fully equipped and staffed sick bay. Treatment for NSU (Non-specific urethritis) and the Clap ( Gonorrhea) only required Penicillin and restriction to the ship (no liberty)."

      Well there's no surprise there. I've already reported that today the Skagit has a sick bay and is staffed with a couple of corpsmen, but no doctors. (And I assumed that they were no different 50 years ago.) Greg's contact mentions no doctor. I said that, if there is no doctor, there likely would be no lab. Greg's contact mentions no lab. That they have penicillin is no surprise to me. I'm sure they have several other commonly prescribed drugs on board as well.

    So What say you, Jim?


    Sandy, according to Wikipedia the Skagit was scrapped in 1974.







  14. 2 minutes ago, George Sawtelle said:

    Michael C

    They had a communist lined up within minutes of the assassination.

    The real killers (tramps) who had been captured were let go.

    Roger that, I was just thinking in terms of when things don't go as planned.



  15. 5 minutes ago, George Sawtelle said:

    Michael C

    Harrelson and Rogers are the kind of guys you hire to kill a president. Cold, unnerving under fire. Mafia hitmen also. They are not afraid to die and adhere to the oath of omerta. 

    I can't see Americans being used unless they could be painted as Communists. Known Mafia hired hands just wouldn't work, unless the plotters were interested in a wholesale take-down of organized crime.



  16. Just in case, I was using "you" as the universal "you", not referring to Michael Walton.

    I should had said "when a person studies LHO.....", or " when one studies LHO".

    It refers to myself as well. I've read plenty on LHO and I consider any time that I spent researching LHO, beyond the point where I was convinced he didn't do it, a waste of time.



  17. 1 hour ago, Michael Walton said:

    Mike C

    So let  me  get  this  straight. You post a thread here of pure speculation and I  post a reply about  how Plan A went down  some of speculation  and some  on fact and you call out  the  reply  as speculative?


    I am not really sure what you mean Michael. The whole thing is speculative.

    Are you referring to my reply about researching LHO being a waste of time?



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