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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark



    When Michael Canfield visited Dallas in April 1975 he interviewed Seymour Weitzman, who was in a home for aged veterans. Seymour Weitzman had a nervous breakdown in June 1972 - shortly after Watergate. He requested that his doctor, Charles Laburda, be present during the interview. Seymour Weitzman told Michael Canfield he had encountered a Secret Service Agent in the parking lot who produced credentials and told him everything was under control. He described the man as being of medium height, dark hair and wearing a light windbreaker. Michael Canfield showed him photographs of Watergate burglars STURGIS and BARKER, and asked him if either of these men resembled the "Secret Service Agent" he had encountered on November 22, 1963. He pointed to BERNARD BARKER. He told Michael Canfield: "I can't remember for sure, but it looked like him. Couldn't swear it was him though...anyway so many witnesses are dead...two Cubans once forced their way into my house and waited for me when I got home. I had to chase them out with my service revolver...I feared for my life." A recent JFK Records Collection Computer search revealed that one page of a Warren Commission document that dealt with Seymour Weitzman and the tramps was referred to another agency for review. [NARA 180-10095-10367; see 180-10095-10355] When the HSCA attempted to question Seymour Weitzman, Dr. Charles Laburda objected: "Since Mr. Weitzman was treated for emotional illness for many years...information sought from him should be extracted from his testimony and depositions made at that time [1963 to 1964]." [ltr. VA Laburda 6.1.78] Seymour Weitzman, born January 28, 1922, died in July 1985.

  2. On 2/24/2006 at 0:46 PM, Lee Forman said:

    Those interested in following this up can find a devastating critique in David Perry's essay A Few Good Men. To read it Click Here. If you want to visit the the home page of this web site (Kennedy Assassination Home Page) which provides a wealth of information debunking some of the wilder conspiracy theories as well as providing a platform for serious researchers Click Here.

    I am always curious about broken links and crossed-out info. Also, the Loy Factor story is interesting, so this may be worth a bump.

    David Perry's essay: "A few Good Men."


  3. Weitzmans testimony of finding the piece of skull about 12 inches from the south side of the curb is an indication that the head shot came from the knoll. It supports the idea that the "back and to the left" motion was due to a shot from the knoll. It debunks the notion that the "back and to the left" motion was due to a spasm after being shot from behind.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Interesting. I didn't know anything about Weitzman's mental breakdown and incarceration in an institution.

    I will immediately dig into what info I can find on this.

    His nervous public confession about making a mistake on the identification of the 6th floor rifle always seemed unsettling to my gut feeling instincts.

    Yes, and he does not mention Officer Craig, whom he would have been with on the 6th floor.

    I also presume that in his path from Main-and-Houston, to the knoll, the parking lot, back to murder spot and thence to the depository, he would have been nearly hand in hand with Craig.

    It is often mentioned that he ran into Barker (Watergate) on the knoll, but there is no mention of his encounters there.

    Also, his testimony seems to be severely truncated in the middle of this exchange:

    Mr. BALL - Anywhere near the curb?
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Approximately, oh, I would say 8 to 12 inches from the curb, something like that.
    Mr. BALL - Off the record.
    (Off record discussion.)
    Mr. BALL - What did you do after that?
    Mr. WEITZMAN - After that, we entered the building 

  5. PAUL TREJO wrote:


    Also, the fact that LHO never surrendered his US passport -- smart move.  

    Also, the fact that LHO never applied for Soviet citizenship.  Very smart.  

    Also, the fact that LHO refused to join the Communist Party there -- though continually invited.   Also smart.


    --Paul Trejo

    Warren Commission Exhibit 24. The Diary of LHO:


    Oct. 16. Arrive from Helsinki by train; am met by Intourest Repre. and in car to Hotel "Berlin". Reges. as. "studet" 5 day Lux. tourist. Ticket.) Meet my Intorist guied Rhimma Sherikova I explain to her I wish to appli. for Rus. citizenship. She is flabbergassed, but aggrees to help. She checks with her boss, main office Intour; than helps me add. a letter to Sup. Sovit asking for citizenship, mean while boss telephons passport & visa office and notifies them about me. 


    Oct. 31. I make my dision. Getting passport at 12"O0 ..... I catch a taxi, "American Embassy" I say. 12"30, I arrive American Embassy, I walk in and say to the receptionist 'I would like to see the Consular" she points at a large lager and says "If you are a tourist please register". I take out my American passport and lay it in the desk, I have come to dissolve my American citizenship. I saymatter-of-factly she rises and enters the office of Richard Snyder American Head Consular in Moscow at that time. He invites me to sit down. He finishes a letter he is typing and than ask what he can do for me. I tell him I have decided to take Soviet citezenship and would like to dissolve my U.S. Citizenship.....


    July - I decided to take my two week vacation and travel to Moscow (without police permission) to the American Embassy to see about geting my U. S. passport back and make arrangements for my wife to enter the U. S. with me.


    There is no mention at all, in his diary, of joining the Communist Party, not joining the Communist Party, nor of being invited to join the Communist Party, much less being 'Continually invited to join the party", while in The USSR.

  6. Weitzman's testimony is brief enough to post.


    The testimony of Seymour Weitzman was taken at 2:15 p.m., on April 1, 1964, in the office of the U.S. attorney, 301 Post Office Building, Bryan and Ervay Streets, Dallas, Tex., by Mr. Joseph A. Ball, assistant counsel of the President's Commission. 

    Mr. BALL - Mr. Weitzman, I'm Joe Ball and this is Lillian Johnson, the court reporter. Will you please stand and raise your right hand? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Yes, sir. 
    Mr. BALL - Do you solemnly swear the testimony you will give before this Commission will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - I do. 
    Mr. BALL - Will you state your name? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Seymour Weitzman. 
    Mr. BALL - What is your occupation? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Deputy constable, Dallas County. 
    Mr. BALL - What is the location of your place of business? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Precinct I which is the old courthouse, third floor, room 351. 
    Mr. BALL - Where were you born? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Dallas, Tex. 
    Mr. BALL - Were you educated here in this State? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Partially here and Indiana. 
    Mr. BALL - How far did you go through school? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - I went through college, graduated in engineering, 1945. 
    Mr. BALL - When did you come to Texas? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Do you mean back to Texas? 
    Mr. BALL - Back to Texas. 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Right after the service was over and when I came out of the service. 
    Mr. BALL - Did you graduate from school before you went into the service? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - I finished up after I received my discharge. I went back to Indiana to engineering school in South Bend and finished my degree in 1945. 
    Mr. BALL - What school? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Allison Division of General Motors Engineering School. 
    Mr. BALL - What did you do when you went to Dallas? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Went in business for myself. 
    Mr. BALL - What kind of business? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Dresses, garments, ladies garments. 
    Mr. BALL - What did you do after that? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - I went on the road as district supervisor and manager for Holly's Dress Shops in New York, 115 Fifth Avenue, and I supervised 26 stores for them for approximately 15 years. 
    Mr. BALL - Then what did you do? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - I took over as general manager of the Lamont Corp. which is a discount operation and the headquarters, which was Galveston, Tex. We had stores in Dallas, Fort Worth, Louisiana, Phoenix and Tucson, Ariz. At the end of 1960, I closed up all the stores, retired from the discount operation and went to work for Robie Love in Dallas County, precinct 1. 
    Mr. BALL - You've been there ever since as deputy constable? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - That's right. 
    Mr. BALL - On November 22, 1963, around noon, where were you? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - I was standing on the corner of Main and Houston. 
    Mr. BALL - Were you alone? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - No, sir; I was with another deputy, Bill Hutton. 
    Mr. BALL - A deputy constable? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Yes, sir; he and I were standing there. 
    Mr. BALL - Did you see the President's car pass? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Yes, sir; we did. We watched the President pass and we turned and started back to the courthouse when we heard the shots. 
    Mr. BALL - You say you turned and were starting back to the courthouse---what courthouse and what is the location of that courthouse? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Sitting on Main, Houston, Record and so forth. We were at the back side and we turned around and were going into the Main Street entrance. We made maybe three or four steps when we heard what we thought at that time was either a rifle shot or a firecracker, I mean at that second. 
    Mr. BALL - How many shots did you hear? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Three distinct shots. 
    Mr. BALL - How were they spaced? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - First one, then the second two seemed to be simultaneously. 
    Mr. BALL - You mean the first and then there was a pause? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - There was a little period in between the second and third shot. 
    Mr. BALL - What was the longest, between the first and second or the second and third shot; which had the longest time lapse in there? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Between the first and second shot. 
    Mr. BALL - What did you do then? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - I immediately ran toward the President's car. Of course, it was speeding away and somebody said the shots or the firecrackers, whatever it was at that time, we still didn't know the President was shot, came from the wall. I immediately scaled that wall. 
    Mr. BALL - What is the location of that wall? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - It would be between the railroad overpass and I can't remember the name of that little street that runs off Elm; it's cater-corner--the section there between the--what do you call it--the monument section? 
    Mr. BALL - That's where Elm actually dead ends? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Yes, sir; I scaled the wall and, apparently, my hands grabbed steampipes. I burned them. 
    Mr. BALL - Did you go into the railroad yards? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Yes, sir. 
    Mr. BALL - What did you notice in the railroad yards? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - We noticed numerous kinds of footprints that did not make sense because they were going different directions. 
    Mr. BALL - Were there other people there besides you? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Yes, sir; other officers, Secret Service as well, and somebody started, there was something red in the street and I went back over the wall and somebody brought me a piece of what he thought to be a firecracker and it turned out to be, I believe, I wouldn't quote this, but I turned it over to one of the Secret Service men and I told them it should go to the lab because it looked to me like human bone. I later found out it was supposedly a portion of the President's skull. 
    Mr. BALL - That you picked up off the street? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Yes. 
    Mr. BALL - What part of the street did you pick this up? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - As the President's car was going off, it would be on the left-hand side of the street. It would be the---- 
    Mr. BALL - The left-hand side facing---- 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - That would be the south side of the street. 
    Mr. BALL - It was on the south side of the street. Was it in the street? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - It was in the street itself. 
    Mr. BALL - On the pavement? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Yes, sir. 
    Mr. BALL - Anywhere near the curb? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Approximately, oh, I would say 8 to 12 inches from the curb, something like that. 
    Mr. BALL - Off the record. 
    (Off record discussion.) 
    Mr. BALL - What did you do after that? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - After that, we entered the building and started to search floor to floor and we started on the first floor, second floor, third floor and on up, when we got up to the fifth or sixth floor, I forget, I believe it was the sixth floor, the chief deputy or whoever was in charge of the floor, I forget the officer's name, from the sheriff's office, said he wanted that floor torn apart. He wanted that gun and it was there somewhere, so myself and another officer from the sheriff's department, I can't remember his name, he and I proceeded until we---- 
    Mr. BALL - Was his name Boone? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - That is correct, Boone and I, and as he was looking over the rear section of the building, I would say the northwest corner, I was on the floor looking under the flat at the same time he was looking on the top side and we saw the gun, I would say, simultaneously and I said, "There it is" and he started hollering, "We got it." It was covered with boxes. It was well protected as far as the naked eye because I would venture to say eight or nine of us stumbled over that gun a couple times before we thoroughly searched the building. 
    Mr. BALL - Did you touch it? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - No, sir; we made a man-tight barricade until the crime lab came up and removed the gun itself. 
    Mr. BALL - The crime lab from the Dallas Police Department? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Yes, sir. 
    Mr. BALL - Lieutenant Day and Captain Fritz? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - I'm not sure what the lieutenant's name was, but I remember Captain Fritz. 
    Mr. BALL - Did you see Captain Fritz remove anything from the gun? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - No, sir; I did not. 
    Mr. BALL - What did you do after that? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - After that, I returned to my office and I was called down to the city that afternoon later to make a statement on what I had seen. 
    Mr. BALL - I have three pictures here which I have marked, respectively, DEF. I show you D first. Does that look anything like the location where you found the gun? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Yes, sir; this is taken the opposite side the flat I was looking under. 
    Mr. BALL - Looking from the top side of this picture? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Well, I would be looking over--Boone was looking the top side; I was looking under the flat. We were looking over everything. I was behind this section of books. I believe there were more books in here [indicating]. 
    Mr. BALL - What do you mean "in here"? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - In this area [indicating] because at the time we found the gun there were no boxes protruding over the gun. 
    Mr. BALL - In this area, you mean protruding over the gun? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Yes, sir; it was more hidden than there. 
    Mr. BALL - I show you the picture marked E. Does that look anything like the area where the gun was found? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Yes, sir; it does. 
    Mr. BALL - I show you the picture marked F. Is that another picture of the same area? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Yes, sir; as well as I remember, the gun was right in here [indicating].  
    Mr. BALL - Would you mind making a mark there with a pen? That is on F. Draw on Exhibit F, draw an arrow. The arrow in ink on F shows the location? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Down on the floor.  
    Mr. BALL - Shows the location of the gun on the floor? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Yes. 
    Mr. BALL - Was there anything between the place the gun was found; were there any boxes between where the gun was found and the stairway? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Yes, sir; there was a row of boxes between the stairway and the gun because we came up the stairway and we couldn't help but see it if it was in the open. 
    Mr. BALL - Take E here and make a mark on E as to the location of the place where the gun was found.  
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Same area.  
    Mr. BALL - The same area and the arrow marks the place where the gun was found? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Yes, sir. 
    (Off record discussion.) 
    Mr. BALL - In the statement that you made to the Dallas Police Department that afternoon, you referred to the rifle as a 7.65 Mauser bolt action? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - In a glance, that's what it looked like.  
    Mr. BALL - That's what it looked like did you say that or someone else say that? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - No; I said that. I thought it was one. 
    Mr. BALL - Are you fairly familiar with rifles? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Fairly familiar because I was in the sporting goods business awhile. 
    Mr. BALL - What branch of service were you in? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - U.S. Air Force. 
    Mr. BALL - Did you handle rifles? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Mostly Thompson machine guns and pistols. 
    Mr. BALL - In the Air Force, what were you? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - I started out as a flying sergeant. 
    Mr. BALL - You flew the plane? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Yes, sir. 
    Mr. BALL - How did you end up? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - I ended up flying them; ended up in a prison camp. 
    Mr. BALL - Where? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - I was overseas in Japan. 
    Mr. BALL - You also said at the time the rifle was found at 1:22 p.m., is that correct? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - I believe that is correct. I wouldn't commit myself there because I am not sure; I'm not positive that was it. 
    Mr. BALL - In this statement, it says Captain Fritz took charge of the rifle and ejected one live round from the chamber. 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Yes, sir. 
    Mr. BALL - He did eject one live round? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Yes, sir; he did eject one live round, one live round, yes, sir. You said remove anything from the rifle; I was not considering that a shell. 
    Mr. BALL - I understand that. Now, in your statement to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, you gave a description of the rifle, how it looked. 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - I said it was a Mauser-type action, didn't I? 
    Mr. BALL - Mauser bolt action. 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - And at the time I looked at it, I believe I said it was 2.5 scope on it and I believe I said it was a Weaver but it wasn't; it turned out to be anything but a Weaver, but that was at a glance. 
    Mr. BALL - You also said it was a gun metal color? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Yes. 
    Mr. BALL - Gray or blue? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Blue metal. 
    Mr. BALL - And the rear portion of the bolt was visibly worn, is that worn? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - That's right. 
    Mr. BALL - And the wooden portion of the rifle was what color? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - It was a brown, or I would say not a mahogany brown but dark oak brown. 
    Mr. BALL - Rough wood, was it? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Yes, sir; rough wood. 
    Mr. BALL - And it was equipped with a scope? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Yes, sir. 
    Mr. BALL - Was it of Japanese manufacture? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - I believe it was a 2.5 Weaver at the time I looked at it. I didn't look that close at it; it just looked like a 2.5 but it turned out to be a Japanese scope, I believe. 
    Mr. BALL - Didn't you, when you went over to the railroad yard, talk to some yardman? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - I asked a yardman if he had seen or heard anything during the passing of the President. He said he thought he saw somebody throw something through a bush and that's when I went back over the fence and that's when I found the portion of the skull. I thought it was a firecracker portion; that's what we first were looking for. This was before we knew the President was dead. 
    Mr. BALL - Did the yardman tell you where he thought the noise came from? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - Yes, sir; he pointed out the wall section where there was a bunch of shrubbery and I believe that's to the right where I went over the wall where the steampipe was; that would be going north back toward the jail. 
    Mr. BALL - I think that's all. Do you have any desire to read this over and sign it or will you waive signature? 
    Mr. WEITZMAN - I will waive my signature. I don't think the Government is going to alter my statement any.

  7. 32 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:


    Thanks for the polite challenge.  I'll try again to explain my nuanced CT.

    1.  Even in New Orleans, Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) was a nobody.  Who really cared that some street urchin was lobbying for Fidel Castro in the streets?

    --Paul Trejo

    "Oswald's uncle, a man named Charles "Dutz" Murret, was an ex-prize fighter and promoter who was also a bookie. He was under the control of Carlos Marcello, who at that time was the head of the Mafia in New Orleans. These were the people who were in the sphere of Lee Harvey Oswald's life as a child."


  8. On 9/18/2016 at 11:28 PM, Ashton Gray said:

    This is an excerpt from the book Watergate: The Hoax, by Ashton Gray.This is Chapter 27, “1971: The Fielding Farce”:

    The files in my cabinet were in considerable disarray. My personal papers, including those pertaining to Dr. Ellsberg, appeared to have been thoroughly rummaged through.
    CIA-Blessed Psychiatrist Lewis Fielding

    We had gone to a lot of effort and taken a number of risks—for nothing. All we had established was that Ellsberg’s file was not in Fielding’s office. Where was it, then?
    E. Howard Hunt


    Arguably, the most deadly, mind-scrambling combination of CIA psyops in Watergate, the hoax, is embodied in the events of the night of 3 September 1971, going into the wee hours of 4 September, when E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy supposedly masterminded and oversaw a “break-in” at the Beverly Hills office of Lewis Fielding— former psychiatrist to Daniel Ellsberg—utilizing three of the “Cuban Contingent” from Miami to do the dirty work: Bernard Barker, Eugenio Martinez, and Felipe de Diego. Martinez was actually still on the CIA’s payroll at the time, but the other two also were working for the CIA, just through some other “arrangement.”


    There was, indeed, a “break-in” of sorts of Lewis Fielding’s office, and the Cubans took pains to make sure there was no mistaking the fact of a break-in, including breaking a window, using a crowbar on the office door and file cabinets, and scattering pills around the office to make it look like a search for drugs, but the entire “operation” was never anything other than a fraud and a farce. It never had anything at all to do with “finding” any psychiatric file on Ellsberg, as the perps claimed. It had two primary purposes:

    1. Give Daniel Ellsberg a guaranteed “get out of jail free” card, and,
    2. Create as much confusion as possible in relation to the later Watergate operations.

    It was a masterpiece of psychological warfare, using no fewer than six CIA psyops. [see Appendix III: “The CIA Psyops of Watergate and Beyond.” —Ed.] It was so effective that up to the very moment when this manuscript is being prepared, not one single investigator, reporter, author, or trier of fact ever has exposed it for the abominable fiction it is—fiction almost certainly authored by E. Howard Hunt—even though the evidence of it being a fraud has been lying in plain sight for almost half a century, and is inarguable. The headings of some of the CIA psyops that were used help to analyze it for the farce it is.




    The “accounts” by different participants of the break-in at the Fielding office have certain scripted commonalities, but are irreconcilably contradictory on the single most important “fact” in this insane fiction: Did the perps find Ellsberg’s files in Fielding’s office or didn’t they? Here is how some of the perps and the “victims” told it—in different places, and at different times—to create the maximum possible mind-numbing confusion. First, here is the CIA psycho-establishment mouthpiece Lewis “Gollum” Fielding saying (under oath in both cases) that Ellsberg’s files were in his office during the break-in, and had been compromised:


    Lewis Fielding in affidavit:
    I drove down to the office . . . and found my papers and records strewn about. The files in my cabinet were in considerable disarray. My personal papers, including those pertaining to Dr. Ellsberg, appeared to have been thoroughly rummaged through.


    Lewis Fielding in grand jury testimony:
    Questioner: Now, would it be possible to look at the Ellsberg-1 envelope that you previously described in the drawer to determine whether it had been opened? . . . [Was there] no way to look at the papers themselves to see if there had been an actual intrusion and removal and then perhaps being put back?
    Fielding: Oh, yes, there was, because these papers, as I found them, were outside the envelope. I know that I had left them inside the envelope. Beyond that, there was evidence that these papers— You know, again, if you have been with a file long enough and lived with it, you know what your papers look like. And this looked as if it had been fingered, had been fingered over, you know, people had done something with it, you know.


    Then comes one of the “masterminds” of the break-in G. Gordon Liddy, to contradict the shrink:


    G. Gordon Liddy in sworn testimony:
    On the 3rd of September 1971, we—that is the group, using Cuban expatriates who had been trained and had been in the service of the Central Intelligence Agency—penetrated the office of Dr. Fielding, and they looked for those records. They were not there.


    G. Gordon Liddy in autobiography Will:
    Hunt arrived first [at the hotel room], and by the time I got there he was cooling a bottle of champagne. The Cubans arrived next. Barker spoke for them. . . . What did they find?


    “Nothing, Eduardo

    ,” said Barker to Hunt. He held up a piece of paper on which I’d written the name “Daniel Ellsberg” . . . “There’s no file with this name on it.”


    Hunt was unbelieving. “Are you sure?” he asked. They were.


    Hunt had to ask if they were sure that they didn’t find anything. Sure he did. Oh, but the real “victim” has to weigh in himself, Saint Ellsberg, and the saint ain’t so sure:


    Daniel Ellsberg:
    The plumbers did find my file. . . . In it was a paper I had written for the American Political Science Association called “Quagmire Myth and the Stalemate Machine.” I alluded to classified information I’d seen, which obviously meant the Pentagon report.


    Ellsberg told that to Smithsonian Magazine in 2012, and they were gullible enough to print it. Now comes Egil Krogh, who served time for having approved this “break-in”:


    Egil Krogh:
    Burglars broke into Dr. Fielding’s Beverly Hills office to photograph the files, but found nothing related to Mr. Ellsberg.


    Oh, but Felipe de Diego, one of the Cubans who “had been in the service of the Central Intelligence Agency,” chooses to disagree, and after all, he was there:


    Felipe de Diego, one of the burglars:
    Mr. de Diego . . . did not remember who had found the file, but shortly afterward the search stopped and he helped to hold papers from what appeared to be Dr. Ellsberg’s file while Martinez photographed them.


    That’s a little odd, because Eugenio Martinez doesn’t seem to remember photographing Ellsberg’s psychiatric files at all:


    Eugenio Martinez, the burglar on CIA payroll at the time, who Diego says photographed Ellsberg’s file:
    There was nothing of Ellsberg’s there. There was nothing about psychiatry, not one file of sick people, only bills. It looked like an import-export office more than a psychiatrist’s. The only thing with the name of Ellsberg in it was the doctor’s telephone book.


    And now let’s hear from the CIA veteran xxxx himself, the spy-fiction writing hack who dreamed this miserable pack of lies up, E. Howard Hunt. Notice how similar his commonality “talking points” are to G. Gordon Liddy’s in their autobiographies:


    E. Howard Hunt in autobiography Undercover:
    I was the first one back to the hotel room, then Liddy came in a few minutes later. . . . The three men from Miami came in together. They were sweaty and disheveled, and one of them had cut himself on broken window glass. We gave each other abrazos [embraces], then Barker said, “Eduardo, there was nothing there.”


    I stared at him. “Nothing?”


    He shook his head. “We went through every goddamn file in that office, Eduardo, and there was nothing there. Nothing with the name Ellsberg on it.” From his pocket he pulled the scrap of paper on which Liddy had printed the name “Ellsberg” and given it to Barker.


    . . . We had gone to a lot of effort and taken a number of risks—for nothing. All we had established was that Ellsberg’s file was not in Fielding’s office.


    It’s spy fiction, and if your head isn’t spinning yet, you haven’t been paying attention. But it will spin. This CIA psyops carnival ride has hardly gotten set into motion.





    The Fielding Fraud is filled with terrible “twosies” that sow seeds producing thick briar-weeds of confusion. Here are the major ones:

    • The Fielding Op was on a three-day summer holiday weekend, Labor Day weekend; the Watergate “first break-in” hoax was on a three-day summer holiday weekend, Memorial Day weekend. That alone can start to make you feel spinny and sick at your stomach. It was designed just that way.
    • The Fielding Op was an actual break-in—even though Fielding was in on it —but the Watergate “first break-in” was a complete hoax. Then there was a later actual break-in at the Watergate [see Part VII, “The Break-In That Was and Aftermath.” —Ed.], during which the perps were arrested, creating even more confusion. The Fielding Op over a Labor Day weekend was to lend “credibility” to the Watergate phony break-in op over a Memorial Day weekend.
    • Both ops used Cubans from Miami, and the three Cubans involved in the Fielding op will be used in the Washington ops—along with some others— creating further confusion.
    • Both ops involve the Cubans having “camera equipment” and supposedly taking photographs of documents (except there were no documents to photograph—except there were documents to photograph, depending on which set of lies you listen to).
    • All the ops involve the use of walkie-talkies.
    • All the ops have Hunt and Liddy as the outside overseers, and in a hotel.
    • The name “Fielding” is itself a “twosie,” because John Dean had hired Fred Fielding not long before this op—specifically for the “twosie” value. The psychiatrist Lewis Fielding is styled as a “victim” of E. Howard Hunt; the Dean-hired Fred Fielding later will be involved in the disposal of contents of E. Howard Hunt’s safe in the White House. This welds these “Fielding” names together in an incautious mind in relation to Hunt, creating extreme confusion, especially in texts where only the last name, “Fielding,” is used to refer to either man.
    • The name of one of the Cuban perps is Martinez. Although the perps claim, in their versions, that they met and talked with a cleaning woman at Lewis Fielding’s office building early in the evening before the break-in, Lewis Fielding claimed in his affidavit that the cleaning person at his office building who interacted with the perps that evening was a male named—you guessed it: Martinez.





    Exactly as with the later Watergate “first break-in” hoax, almost everything about this Fielding break-in covert op comes from manufactured “confessions” told by the perps, and, most importantly, by the CIA-connected psychiatrist Lewis Fielding himself. Although police were called in, and investigated the scene of a “break-in,” it had been staged by the Cubans with the specific intent to make unquestionable record of a “break- in.” When used in conjunction with the photos Liddy and Hunt had made of themselves in front of Lewis Fielding’s office using CIA-supplied “disguises,” camera, and film, that would be vital to spring Ellsberg later from the charges against him for releasing the Pentagon Papers.


    As with everything about Watergate, the hoax, this Fielding Farce is all talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. The one thing this exposé proves for the first time ever, and proves beyond even a faint shadow of reasonable doubt, is that at all relevant times the psycho-establishment’s psychiatrist Lewis J. Fielding was a willing and witting participant in this criminal CIA conspiracy against the United States and its people.


    The Lewis Fielding “break-in” story was vicious fiction designed to make fools of the American people and the world. It’s fiction that was written by a hack spy-fiction writer named E. Howard Hunt, who was on the payroll of your tax dollars for decades. In fact, you or one of your family members probably paid, right out of pocket, every one of the professional liars involved in this hoax for the privilege of having them make a fool of you, and of the press, and of Congress, and of the entire world.


    If you weren’t paying taxes then, don’t feel bad, you aren’t left out: there are just as many paid professional liars today as there were then, creating the exact same kinds of covert operations on your dime. The CIA is still a pack of professional liars using the money taken right out of your pocket to create elaborate fictions to make a fool of you. But you go right on paying them to do it, don’t you?


    Don’t expect a receipt or an accounting of where your money went; fiction doesn’t leave a paper trail.

    I'm going to buy the book. But, since it is not supposed to hurt to ask, did you ever find an answer to where Hunt was on the weekend of 5-28-72?



  9. On 6/17/2006 at 3:22 PM, Ashton Gray said:

    Dawn Meredith asked some questions of me........

    .......... And we have to ask them together. And demand that they be answered.

    Ashton Gray

    Ashton Wrote:

    "They expose a lot of the same information that's now in the Wikipedia article "Watergate first break-in", which I've relied on heavily for my own conclusions, and for my articles here in this forum (and which it looks like somebody is awfully desparate to get erased out of existence over there at Wikipedia right now)."

    ----- Whatever was at that link now only points to the "Watergate Scandal" page; the "first break-in" info being reduced to this:

    ........At the behest of G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt,[19] McCord and his team of burglars prepared for their first Watergate break-in,[19] which began on May 28.[19]

    Two phones inside the offices of the DNC headquarters were said to have been wiretapped.[19] One was the phone of Robert Spencer Oliver, who at the time was working as the executive director of the Association of State Democratic Chairmen, and the other was the phone of DNC secretary Larry O'Brien.[20] The FBI found no evidence that O'Brien's phone was bugged.[21] However, it was determined that an effective listening device had been installed in Oliver's phone.[22]

    Despite the success in installing the listening devices, the Committee agents soon determined that they needed to be repaired.[22] They planned a second "burglary" in order to take care of this."..............




  10. 3 minutes ago, Michael Walton said:

    PT - whining like a big baby and making lots of noise...

    Wow, that's a pretty unbelievable statement for you to make, Paul.  How can LHO be unimportant when Hoover himself was already telling Johnson the intrigue that the man on the recording and in the photos was not him...while LHO was sitting in jail?

    Even Hoover, being as astute as he was, had to know something was going on when that happened and Oswald not just some "nobody" as you claim him to be.

    I actually did a double-take when I read your comment here and then it hit me - yep, Paul is so wrapped up in his Ed Walker and Oswald theory - the one he endlessly pushes for dollars on an unsuspecting public - that he'd never want to look at anything else.

    Yesterday, Paul Trejo declared dead one of the most prolific writers on modern political assassinations, a member of this forum, a guy that maintains an incredibly busy and informative blog. But Paul didn't even have a minute to check that busy blog to see if he was still alive, much less to find some excellent, up-to-date source material.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:


    Your point is valid -- LHO sent a copy of his BYP to The Militant.   We know this because, although The Militant WC witness said he never got one, years later their files turned up a BYP (now worth six figures, no doubt).

    Now, you note that LHO also sent one to George DeMohrenschildt; and he signed it.  You say it was an "after the fact thought."   Perhaps you refer to the fact that George DeM found it in 1964.

    The TIMING of the George DeM gift is interesting.  George says he never knew about it until 1964 until Jeanne opened a box in their storage room in Dallas to see the record collection and record player that Jeanne had lent to Marina in 1962, and from out of that box fell a BYP.  It was signed by LHO.   Jeanne let out a shriek.

    Also -- on the back of that note -- written in Russian -- were the words, "Hunter of fascists -- ha ha!"

    The Secret Service determined that the handwriting did NOT belong to LHO.  Nor did it belong to Marina Oswald.  Who wrote it?  IMHO, the writer was George DeM himself -- since at the bottom of the photo George DeM quickly added the (c) Copyright notice, because he intended to rent this to LIFE magazine to make some extra money.

    Well -- the pen used to write that (c) Copyright notice seems to me, IMHO, to be the same pen that wrote, "Hunter of fascists -- ha ha!"   Just my opinion.

    The BYP problem boils down to the Roscoe White problem, IMHO. 

    1.   A new BYP showed up in the possession of Roscoe White's wife, Geneva as late as 1990.

    2.  Photo expert Jack White (1927-2012) a late member of this FORUM, produced evidence that the body in the BYP did not belong to Lee Harvey Oswald -- but instead belonged to Roscoe White.

    3.  The chin, neck, shoulders, lumpy right wrist and back-leaning stance -- all belonged to Roscoe White, a fellow Marine in Japan during Oswald's tour of duty there.

    3.1.  Here is the YouTube version of Jack White's discovery:  [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S531gzx0rG4]

    4.  Also, Tommy Graves started a thread on this FORUM last September, entitled, "How Did They Get Roscoe White to Lean Like That and Not Fall Over?"  

    4.1.  My post of 9/21/2016 in that thread attempts to explain why Roscoe might have participated in the BYP.

    4.2.  Here is that link:  http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/23028-how-did-they-get-roscoe-white-to-lean-like-that-and-not-fall-over/&page=16

    In brief, Alistair, it is my opinion that LHO and Roscoe White were buddies in Dallas in early 1963.   In my CT, LHO convinced Roscoe that they could get steady jobs in the CIA through the great George DeM.   Roscoe was interested and would play along.

    LHO said that he had learned Russian so that he could infiltrate the Communists, and this would be valuable to the CIA, since LHO planned to be a double-agent.   But he needed help.  He wanted to start by sending The Socialist Workers Party (whom he regarded as truly militant in the USA) a BYP, with him holding his weapons and claiming to be a True Revolutionary.

    In my CT, LHO added that he needed "plausible deniability," just in case the FBI came knocking at his door.  All great CIA men knew about this, and LHO had learned some photographic techniques to Fake photographs so that they look real, but they he could later say, "That photo is a Fake and I can prove it."   And he could prove it.

    Roscoe White agreed to play along.  That is why we find Roscoe White's chin, neck, shoulders, lumpy right wrist and back-leaning stance in all the BYP's -- and why Oswald's head looks too big for his body in them.

    --Paul Trejo


  12. 8 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    And blah-blah-blah.

    Jim, I hope you don't mind letting me off the hook by not asking me to dig deep into the subject, it just seems like a great labyrinth. I do come upon, frequently, WTH moments that I can only explain with a dual LHO theory. One of those moments is the subject of this question:

    Whenever I look at photos or videos of the DPD LHO, I do not see a US Marine, or former US Marine. Everything about him speaks against his being recruited in the Marines, passing training, and being incorporated and accepted into a Marine unit. Is there an aspect of the Harvey and Lee story that accounts for the DPD LHO never having been a Marine, and, perhaps, having been in Russia longer?



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