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John Butler

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Everything posted by John Butler

  1. Marie Muchmore and the See Through Man The Marie Muchmore film has been altered. The question is why? The assassination event is said to have happened on Elm Street in the area of the Pergola / monument area on the Grassy Knoll. So, why alter something at Main and Houston? I don’t have a good answer for that. But, it does raise reasonable suspicion and create probable cause to look further into the situation in that area by looking at other visual material of that area. What does the assassins and their henchmen, the photo editors, not want you to see. The person in this scene from Muchmore is said to be Phillip Willis. Phillip Willis is the Flat Headed See Through Man flitting briefly through the Muchmore film just as the presidential limousine begins to make the turn onto Houston Street. Without computers and stop frame / single frame advancement you will never see the following scene. During the 1960’s and 70’s it was not possible for the average guy to see this. Willis is an artifact of alteration. The flat top of his head says that. The see through appearance also says this. The following scene is from the Robert Hughes film. And, suggests that the man blocking the same view of the presidential limousine at the same place and time is Willis or a Willis surrogate. Again, the question is what are we not supposed to see? Why make this effort if there is not anything to hide? Barring any stops, this is roughly a half minute to a minute before the assassination on Elm Street.
  2. Photo Editing techniques 12/31/2016 9:54 AM This will be my last post on this subject. My intent was to show that you can still find things in the visual record of Dealey Plaza. What you find will more than likely be controversial to other folk. There are things out there that are being missed. I’m going to move on to the Marie Muchmore film. Jack White was beaten up when he suggested that the entire visual record in Dealey Plaza is tainted. Whether that is true or not is debatable. However, it makes a strong null hypothesis to test the visual record of Dealey Plaza. Assume that what you are looking at is a fraud and try to find evidence to say it is otherwise. If you can’t find evidence to prove it authentic then conclude that it is false. Remember, reasonable doubt is assumed with one fact that is contrary to many other related facts. A good example of this is that you can’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that anyone fired a rifle from the sniper’s nest on the 6th floor of the TSBD. I know this logic is ridiculous that if you can’t prove something beyond a reasonable doubt then it didn’t happen. But, courts thrive and cases are settled on the principle of reasonable doubt. Here is a list of things I have found in photo alteration by photo editors. This is a rough list and I am still working on it. I pass it on to you for your consideration. I am sure you can add more. Photo Editing techniques to disguise, distort, and otherwise create an illusion of reality Only show the back of a person to the viewer to disguise the person Remove an object or person from a photo Insert an object or person into a photo Disguise an object or person as something different Size error in the placement of an object or person Use readily noticeable or unusually dressed people as visual markers in the film or authenticators of other films Disguise a person by using a face mask from another person, or some body part Use two or more photos of different people to construct a composite person in a photo Use two or more photos or films to construct a composite scene Use different people to confuse and confound the reality of a scene by having different people doing the same thing at the same time in different films Use the same people to suggest a different story by placing them in a different location Use photo camera lens techniques such as magnifications, cropping, distortions such as blurring, and others to distort or eliminate data in a scene Use cropping of a photo to represent the photo taken Use paint to change colors, paint in new appearances of objects and people, and otherwise distort or change the original into something different according to your storyline Retouching, the use of paint or ink to modify an image or smooth the insertion of an object of person Use airbrushed black paint to obscure a scene, a light coat simply darkens a scene Insert a person or object to cover of block what would have shown in that frame Seize the original photo or film and substitute an alternative or modified deception In films alter time or sequence by deleting frames, or adding frames, or substituting frames. Create frame gaps in a film to use the material from the gap in other parts of the film Create frame gaps to hide what occurred in those frames
  3. Hey roger, good call. I never noticed the neck. Once you point it out it is obvious. The oswald figure has a lop sided nose. The left side is longer and the nare or nostril opening is larger than the right nare. The left eye is smaller than the right eye. The left jaw is larger than the right. To me these exceed normal variation. sorry for the one finger typing. Am on the iPad.
  4. Hi Tom and Chris, The Warren Commission and The House Select Committee on Assassinations validated the backyard photos as true and real. Robert Groden and Jack White were beat up at the committee hearings as not being photo experts or photogramatists and their work was dismissed. They didn’t go in for the kill or as I suspect they were not allowed to. The backyard photos are a complete and absolute fraud. The proof is simple and is beyond reasonable doubt. The proof is undeniable and irrefutable. There are 3 light sources in the photo that appeared on the cover of Look magazine. I’m using what’s called proper right. That is the right side of the photo is the Oswald figure’s right side. The shadows from the steps are cast from right to left. The sun is on the right. The Oswald figure’s shadow is cast from left to right. The sun is on the left. The triangular shadow under the Oswald figure’s nose is cast from overhead. The sun is over head. You can’t have 3 suns overhead at the same time in Dallas, Tx expressed in one photo. This is the good old earth not the Predator’s hunting planet. This doesn’t have a lot to do with what you guys are discussing and I am sorry for interrupting. But, I wanted to get this in somewhere in a post. This is part of the greatest fraud in Dealey Plaza. It’s part of what I call the Zapruder paradigm. If you are interested I can post a definition of sorts. Once again sorry for interrupting.
  5. Thank you so much Mr. Bristow for your excellent comments. Your explanation of the eye issue has been a great help. When I first started looking at this photo something perceptually wrong with the eyes went on my “artistic radar” and the “eye of the artist” said there is something wrong here. I am aware of the normal variation in the human form and that one side of the face is generally larger than the other. There’s variation in all facial structures. To me, the variation in the eyes seemed greater than normal variation. One eye socket seems noticeably lower than the other at the level of the skull. Generally, this is not true. There are minor variations. There is another problem here. People believe what they see in a photo as being the best copy of reality. That comes from our experience taking photos. We know what we see in that photo is real. This transfers to looking at other photos sometimes without our thinking about it. So, we accept what we see. This is the best explanation I can come up with that explains why people miss things in photos that have been available for over 50 years. It could be I reading too much anthropology. Anatomists studying fossil bones make and claim great changes in function over minute changes in structure. Enough to name different species based on these minute changes that other folk probably would not see or consider. Here’s an example. About 10 years ago a revolutionary fossil, Homo Floresiensis, was found. A great deal of controversy evolved over whether this fossil was modern (diseased) human, primitive human, or an ape. One particular study involved the small bones of the hand, I think there are 8 or 9 bones just below the wrist. The bones shown in this article were the bones of humans, apes, and Homo Floresiensis. Frankly, in their illustrations and photos I couldn’t see the differences. Mr. Bristow your explanation is wonderful and is probably correct but, being an ornery fellow I am not conceding the point at this point. I’m going to post another photo. This is one that Jack White called the chubby faced marine Oswald. No one not even Jack has noticed things wrong with this photo. He may not have thought he needed to since he was talking about composite photos at the time. To me this photo is clearly a fraud due to greater than normal variation. Perception has to do with what the eye is trained to see. Can you see anything wrong with the following.
  6. Thanks folks for replying and sharing your thoughts. My idea is working. I am getting wiser heads to look at a difficult problem. I chose this photo because it is a difficult photo to interpret. No one has yet addressed the amputated left shoulder. The missing shoulder says this is a composite fraud. It is the first thing I noticed about the photo. The lines of the face mask could be camera artifacts but, it is hard to explain the differences in lighting in such a small area as one side of the line as versus the other on both sides of the face. The right side of the Oswald figure's head in the hair has straight cut lines. The human form does not have any straight lines anywhere. I would first like to address Mr. Bristow's comments. That's going to be a longer post than I want. Once again I appreciate your comments. If you find errors in spelling or grammar mistakes it is generally due to Agent Orange diabetes and neuropathy. My fingers don't feel the keys on the keyboard. Other than that it is due to aging senility. .
  7. Mr. Josephs, I like you way of thinking and your work. I have tried to make sense out of Lee Harvey Oswald and the many other Oswalds. I have a 40 or so page .pdf on the subject that I would like to send you. I would attach it here but, I think it is too large for a post. If interested let me know.
  8. Can I ask which version of the Marie Muchmore film you used to create these gifs. I have the Groden assassination films dvd version which is not as clear and sharp as these if I'm recalling correctly?
  9. Alistair, Thanks for replying. What do you think of the notion the Oswald figure has a face mask applied? There is also another anomaly. The Oswald figure appears to have his shoulder amputated. Many of the things seen in the visual record of Oswald are hard to interpret. Their are other examples of the use of face masks. That is one persons face superimposed on another persons face to disguise the person. The New Orleans pamphlet scenes are a good example. Your comments are appreciated.
  10. he following photo of Lee Oswald is a composite photo. This is my reasoning. First off the eyes are mismatched in a way that is not found in humans. One eye, the left (photo right) is set lower in his skull than the other. This is not a human condition. In any skull you look at you will see that the eyes sockets are level and on a horizontal plane with each other. This is the normal human condition. You can also see the eyes are mismatched by looking at the two black lines lettered A. The right eye’s (photo left) center is level with the top of the figure’s right ear. The left eye (photo right) is not. The black line run’s from the bottom of the left eye to the top of the left ear. This indicates two photos were used to make this face. The face of whoever is below is covered with a face mask that doesn’t match correctly. One eye, the left, and the left ear are lower than the others on the right side. They are not on the same plane. Well, one would guess if you were a clever then you could say his head is tilted. The level of the eyes in relation to the ears does not change when the head is tilted right or left. They remain on the same plane. The level of the eyes and ears change if the head is tilted forward or backward. If the head is tilted downward the ears appear to move upward from the level of the eyes. If the head is titled upward the ears appear to move downward from the level plane of the eyes. The right and left unlettered red arrows point out to you that this person has a face mask applied to this photo. Applying a face mask to a figure in a photo is a standard photo editing technique to disguise or change the appearance of someone. At least in those days, that appears to be true. Who is this below the face mask? Once this has been pointed out you should be able to see the different coloration or different light reflection in the forehead area near the hairlines. This different coloration continues down the face until it is lost in the shadows of the jaw line. There are noticeable lines on the side of the face in this area indicating a cut out face from another photo was used. The red lines marked X, at the bottom of the Oswald figures jaw point to a suspiciously dark shadow under the jaw that really doesn’t reflect the rest of the lighting and shading in the photo. This is an area of paint applied to shape the Oswald figure’s jaw to match the real Oswald’s jaw which is narrower than this figures. If you look closely the figures left (photo right) jawbone is bigger and wider than the right (photo left) These are mistakes a portrait artist would not make. If you are a photo editor and not an artist you could make these mistakes. Well, does it matter now? Probably not! The average person will never see these mistakes and that allows the photo editor, in some cases, wide latitude to make small mistakes in their editing. As far as I know no one has pointed out any problems with this photo in over 50 years. What is the consequence of this composite passport photo? The consequence is that Lee Oswald (Harvey) is being set up to be the patsy. And, this was one step discussed here taking him in that direction in late September, 1963. An Oswald double made the trip to Mexico. Lee Oswald (Harvey) did not make the trip to Mexixo. Obviously, the Oswald double did not look sufficiently like Lee Oswald (Harvey) and this passport photo had to be readjusted after its use in Mexico and subsequent return to the U.S. of the Oswald double. There are no photos of Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico. Remember, there is a well laid trail of Oswald going to Mexico and then a well laid trail of Oswald coming back from Mexico from about Sept. 24-25, 1963 to Oct. 3, 1963. There are no photos of who traveled by bus to Mexico and back. To identify who is Oswald was one would have to rely on witness descriptions which probably would not be that exact.
  11. Dear Sirs, I am a 69 year old retired school teacher. I am a white male. I am a disabled veteran who served in the military in the 1960’s. One of my hobbies during the last 30 years is oil painting. This, I feel has given me certain skills in looking at visual material. I also have an interest in the Kennedy assassination which began in the summer of 2015. I am late to the field but, I think I have some notions that might be appreciated by others. There are things about the visual record of Dealey Plaza during the assassination and similar events I have noticed that I think others have missed. On these notions I would like to get the wiser heads in your forum to comment
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