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Cory Santos

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Posts posted by Cory Santos

  1. 34 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

    You have my sympathy.

    I bought some fake Cohibas in Mexico several years ago (before it was legal to buy Cuban cigars in the U.S.)

    Now Cuban cigars are too expensive for me, and my favorite Dominicans (Monte Christo Media Noches) have increased to $12!  They used to cost $4.

    I recently bought some $17 Man O' War Ruination cigars (Nicaraguan) on sale for $3, and they're terrific.

    When I light up a Ruination cigar on my patio, the whole neighborhood goes up in thick, black smoke, as if I had just sunk a Man O' War in close combat.

    See I don’t really smoke.  I just stock the cabana to impress Cliff.  He smokes.  He called me out!    When he realizes those eggs are not cage free oh snap.  

  2. 5 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


       Do you understand the distinction between implicit and explicit endorsements (and critiques) of political candidates?

        I'd be happy to explain it to you, if necessary.

        And, incidentally, I never opined that Maestro Brancato was "offensive," as you implied.

        I merely asked for clarification of Paul's reference to our "enormous problems," in relation to competing policy platforms.

    I deleted my post before you responded. I care not to debate this.  Sandy explained it.  I’m dealing with my own public embarrassment of Cliff exposing my seagars as fake.   Let me hide in shame.  

  3. 2 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    You might want to stay away from the cigars on the left side of the humidor.  They're fake Cubans in more ways than one.

    Thanks Cliff for telling the world.  They are not fakes.   Our friend in Santa Clara promised me.  How would you know.  You haven’t been to Cuba?   Only I have.  No cigars for you!  These Cubans are very trusty.   

  4. 1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

    I like the judge and think he is a fair guy.

    But can we believe Trump on this?

    What did they show him?  Why would they show him compromisng stuff?

    Why not ask the question?   What if all presidents since knew something everyone else did not and really had the best interest of the people in not telling?   Has anyone on here always told the truth?   Always disclosed everything?   No?   I know Cliff adds water to my booze before he leaves the cabana to make it look like he didn’t drink that much during his writing.  It’s a game.  I don’t really care as he is doing great with his creation.  I just go to Costco and buy more.  But the point is you don’t know.  Maybe you are better off not knowing.  

  5. 5 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    This last post makes me wonder.  W's pictures are funny.  But it's about If RFK Jr gets elected with JV as VP, would they release the JFK files.  A current political topic, RFKJR's presidential campaign.  

    How does this relate to JFK's assassination itself, or how it led us to this point?  Should it be moved to the Political Discussions topic?

    Perhaps a better question is why is it that comments against Biden are met with furor but W is free to insult Trump supporters or even basic Republicans?    Now if he gets warnings I digress but it would be nice to not feel unwelcome here merely because of my being a Republican.  

  6. 2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Eddie FIsher?

    The crazy couple the Katers who tried to black mail Kennedy?

    When is Lex Cusack coming up again?

    In other words this is triple hearsay about Jackie suspecting LBJ. From Fisher through Pamela.

    As per RFK, David Talbot's book Brothers is the best book on RFK and his inquiry into the JFK case.  Why ignore that best selling and  credible tome for Eddie Fisher? Because he does not name LBJ as someone RFK suspected?

    Whitehead? Against VeVea and Rollyson.  Whew.


    Well, to be fair, just because something is a best seller does not make it correct.   Would you say Case Closed was correct or credible in your opinion?  

  7. 2 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

    I believe Ruth testified she knew of no allegation that Lee beat Marina. She certainly testified she knew nothing of any violence of Oswald toward Marina or otherwise herself. 

    Yes, why not the phone book, I assume so. How else? What do you think? What is your point?

    You should look into that point.   It is interesting.  

  8. 6 minutes ago, Robert Morrow said:

    JFK having sex with Marilyn Monroe. That is like saying the sky is blue and the grass is green to me. There is so much "circumstantial" evidence that proves that. Why was Monroe calling JFK's private line at Hyannis Port? Why do friends of both JFK and Marilyn say it was a fact? Air Force Steward Doyle Whitehead saw her on Air Force One twice. Why did Marilyn, at GREAT COST TO HERSELF, leave a movie set to go sing Happy Birthday to JFK in May, 1962? Why did Joe DiMaggio blame the Kennedys for Monroe's death for the rest of his life? 

    Btw, JFK's unhinged sexual promiscuity is the very thing that Lyndon Johnson and Sam Rayburn used to blackmail JFK into putting Lyndon Johnson on the 1960 Democratic ticket. LBJ wanted that spot very much so, despite his previous denials and complete hatred of the Kennedys, because by the 1960 Demo convention relations between the Kennedys and LBJ were so RANCID that Johnson knew that if JFK were elected the Kennedys would have him immediately replaced as Democratic Majority Leader in the Senate. LBJ figured - the Senate is now a dead end for me - I need to be Vice President (and I can always kill JFK later, which I plan to do at the most opportune time). Lyndon Johnson strongarmed his way onto the 1960 Democratic ticket.

    Read the thread. I give very specific arguments. 

  9. 12 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

    This one can be answered. It is Linnie Randle who dissembled there, Ruth Paine was the truthful one. According to Buell Wesley Frazier, who, against interest (he loved his sister), backed up Ruth Paine on this one. Buell Wesley Frazier, Steering Truth (2021), 34-35.

    There is more to it than even this in print from Buell Frazier. Early news accounts credited Oswald getting a job in the TSBD to learning from a neighbor employed there (Buell Frazier) that there was a job opening. 

    It was known in the neighborhood that Marina's husband lacked a job, with Marina about to have a child. Sometime in the week of Oct 7-11 Linnie, in touch with the neighborhood, knew this information. Being helpful, Linnie asked Buell if there might be a job where he worked (TSBD). Buell then checked and told Linnie that yes, there was (or could be, whatever exactly). 

    On Mon Oct 14 there was the outdoor informal women's coffee klatch next door to Ruth Paine's house attended by Ruth and Marina. Linnie walked over and in the discussion over Lee's unemployment predicament Linnie volunteered there could be a job opening at TSBD where her brother worked--this from Linnie told by Ruth in her testimony, denied by Linnie, Ruth's testimony corroborated by Buell in Steering Truth

    Ruth jumped on this, asked Linnie if she would call and see if Lee could be gotten a job there. Linnie declined. Marina begged Ruth to call. Ruth called and inquired of Truly, who said send him in to apply. The rest is history.

    There was post-assassination motive for Linnie to distance herself from what otherwise would have been a perfectly generous and well-meaning small act of assistance to someone in the neighborhood: helping Oswald find a job.

    Ruth has been unjustly and unmercifully pilloried for six decades for that small act of generosity intended to help a poor man without a job who wanted to work. As Judge Griffin put it, "No good deed goes unpunished". 

    And when Ruth called for Lee (the violent abusive husband) how did she get the number to call Truly at the Book Depository?   From the phone book?

  10. 1 hour ago, Robert Morrow said:

    Let's get this straight. You are saying that Mimi Beardsley (now Mimi Alford) never heard JFK say "I'd rather my children be red than dead?"

    And that Jackie Kennedy was at the White House the night of October 27th, 1963?

    And more one thing, you probably don't think JFK ever had sex with Mimi Beardsley?

    Who is Randy T? Randy Taraborrelli?

    Robert, about a year ago Jim and I went around and around on Marilyn. We agree on much but not on her or on JFK’s affairs.   You should read our back and forth to get the full picture.   

  11. 2 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

    Cory, if Michael did see a Backyard Photograph on April 2, 1963, he concealed that not only from the Warren Commission but from Ruth as well. Ruth's distaste for guns around children reads as real. Michael's 30-year-later disclosure that he had seen a BYP does not establish that Ruth knew or lied about not knowing. 

    On "we both know" who shot Kennedy in that phone call, Ruth has said that was a reference to the radical right, widely believed at first by most of Dallas. Its very plausible that is what that kind of language meant in Dallas in the first hour after the assassination. On the other hand its not very plausible that Michael or Ruth actually knew who had just killed Kennedy. That they had foreknowledge of who killed Kennedy makes no sense. (Do you really believe so?) Why be so dead set on seeing something incriminating in "we both know who" instead of giving the benefit of the doubt to a person in the direction that is overwhelmingly the most plausible as to the meaning, is that person's own explanation, and is not contradicted by other evidence? (https://www.swtimes.com/story/news/2020/09/20/paine-interview-raises-more-jfk-assassination-questions-part-ii/42668757/). Why insist on construing something ambiguous someone says in a sinister way? Witchhunt logic. Where someone is publicly condemned based on suspicion regarded as its own evidence for itself.   

    My opinion as to her veracity is based on taking her interviews and statements as a whole.  That is what lawyers do.   Your interpretation of my opinion is therefore your opinion of my opinion.  The difference is you are looking to defend her.  I came from a neutral position and made a conclusion.   I do not mean to defend or attack but merely state my opinion of how I see her veracity as a witness.  I could use your logic and ask why do you defend her so strongly?    I am sure you have your reasons.   But as for the phone call, your position is mere speculation.  
    Consider, according to the WC, De Mohrenschildt knew about the rifle, Walker attempt and backyard photos, so did Marina.  Michael Paine knew about the weapons- and knew Oswald had his stuff in his garage near his kids.   Ruth “knew” Oswald was abusive to Marina - but let him around her kids-  which is odd for a pacifist especially since they had fights in her house.  All these facts but Ruth knew none of it?  Yet when they had this phone call, we should speculate it was innocent?   Right…..

  12. 14 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    The there is this,

    Thomas Mallon. ...And the really awful part of the journey home (from New Orleans to Dallas) was you didn't know that one of the items, that was in the car, that he had packed, that was with everything... and one of the things in the car was the rifle.

    Ruth Paine.“It has to have been.”

    Thomas Mallon.“Yes.”

    Ruth Paine.“There were two large Marine duffel bags, standing this high, he could have easily put a full-fledged rifle, it wouldn't even have to have been broken down to fit in there, so yea, looking back it has to have been in there.”

    In a notable deviation from recent disclosures, Mrs. Paine had testified to the Warren Commission about Oswald’s luggage and the alleged concealment of the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle within. When probed specifically about the possibility of these bags containing a long, slim object like a rifle, Mrs. Paine firmly denied noticing anything that would suggest the presence of such an item, asserting that the bags appeared to be filled with clothes and showed no signs of concealing a weapon. (Volume II; p. 462-463)

    This is funny.  Michael, Ruth, and Marina all testified to Not unloading a rifle if I remember right.  So, Lee must have brought it on the bus he told Ruth he took from N.O. to Dallas.  Along with those seven little file cabinets.

    And secreted them all in the garage himself.  

    Sorry, the tread title prompted me to remember this, for the first time in years, and share it. 



    Ron you bring up good points that the cult of Ruth fails to acknowledge but I’ll add to your post by again stating that Michael knew before the assassination that Lee had a rifle and a pistol yet somehow he never told Ruth?   Oh please- in a DiEuginio voice. Additionally, Michael tells her they both know who did the shooting over the phone.  If Ruth did not know about the weapons or gee whiz even which book depository he worked at-even though she helped him get the job- well gosh, how did she know he did the shooting Michael?   You have to really ignore things to believe this stuff.  Like I said earlier, Jim is right on this one.   On Marilyn, we disagree but on this, Jim is flying high.  

  13. 2 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

    Yeah, God forbid someone should look at a photo to try to understand what's in it, as opposed to looking for reasons to think it was fake...

    FWIW, that photo has been altered...by me. This version is on my website in a section in which I detail Haygood's run for the railroad tracks. I cropped the photo and blew it back up so readers could make him out. (He can be seen under the Fort Worth sign just after he dumped his bike.)

    No, if you zoom in at the corner of the picket fence there are two odd images.  One has a head looking over at the motorcade the other is a cut out of apparently a dog. 

  14. 2 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

    Yeah, I thought about that. But I couldn't figure out who it would be. Atkins and Wiegman jumped back into Camera Car #1. And Cancellare, Darnell, Jackson and McNeil all stayed in the plaza for some time after. It would have to have been someone from the national press corps, IMO. Two generals were sitting in the front seat. I don't see them letting some random reporter into their car. It had to have been someone they knew. 

    P.S. I think I got it. In Pictures of the Pain, Trask notes that Phil Willis thought it was Connally aide Bill Stinson getting out of the car, and not someone getting in. This makes some sense, as Stinson was undoubtedly in the motorcade, and I don't have him listed in any other vehicle. This also makes sense in that Todd Wayne Vaughan lists Connally aide Julian Read as being the third person in the car. (Which Read disproved by doing interviews in which he claimed he was in the press bus.) So...Vaughan had the wrong Connally aide in the car. Problem solved?


    Where did you get this picture because it appears altered and not an original.  The guy behind the picket fence smiling at the motorcade was my first clue.   

  15. 16 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    Is that kid at 0:13 really you, Cory? With your old man in front of you?


    Hi Sandy.  Yes, I am first in a black jacket with glasses and black hair followed by my dad. You have to pause it right when it switches to the people walking in.  I would upload picture but it won’t let me due to size.  It was a fun night.  

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