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S.T. Patrick

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Everything posted by S.T. Patrick

  1. https://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-133-nikolas-schreck-on-charles-manson-and-the-tate-labianca-murders-50-years-later/ Education Forum questions included. Thanks, everyone.
  2. Just finished up with Nikolas. I asked the questions from David, Jim, Cliff, and Dennis directly. Ron, he answered your questions throughout a bulk of the interview, so I felt it had been answered, which is good. Thanks, everyone. You helped make it a great interview. It will be up and posted here in a few days, maybe sooner.
  3. Nikolas's annual appearance on The Midnight Writer News Show is tomorrow, and we have decided to do something different and take questions. Being the 50th anniversary, there has been a spotlight on the Tate-Labianca murders this year, especially in light of Tom O'Neill's Chaos. I already plan on asking him about Chaos, but we will be happy to take other questions. Please list them here and we will get to whatever we can (which may or may not be all of them, depending on number). Thanks, everyone.
  4. Malcolm is great. His tribute to Ian Griggs in issue 002 was very touching. Well done. Next year, there will be one UK-centric issue of the magazine. It will be made up of UK and American writers writing about UK issues and/or UK writers writing about American history. I'm assuming Malcolm and Bart will write about something related to the Kennedy assassination. If they are both still on board to do it - and they were months ago when we discussed it - Malcolm and Bart Kamp will serve as co-asst editors for the issue. That's probably late spring / early summer 2020. We'll be looking for/at pieces on Diana, Jack the Ripper (by Richard Jones), Brexit, diamonds in Africa, Cecil Rhodes, Titanic, and much more. it should be a good issue.
  5. If I may, garrison will always have a section on JFK research, writings on Watergate, and coverage of Africa. This is a promise I made to myself and to the readers when I started garrison, that those three items will be covered in every issue. In fact, in this issue, I even split the table of contents up so that JFK-related research has its own section in the TOC. I've been inspired by the great publications of the past, including Probe, Ramparts, Steamshovel, etc. They all stayed on the JFK (assassinations of the 1960s) story and the Watergate story. As a former IB and AP high school history teacher, I saw, live and in person, the lack of knowledge being conveyed about modern Africa. Because one of the goals of garrison is to get into classrooms (we are currently building a team of educators who have promised to use it in class in exchange for a PDF of the issue; and yes, we ask for a copy of the work sheet, quiz, or assignment they create from the magazine, mainly because I'm interested how it's used), I care very much about fielding a wide range of material. Jim Hougan's Jonestown piece was printed years ago for Lobster, but if I understand correctly, it was printed in three parts and without graphics. I wanted to change that here, printing it as one longer piece and with graphics. if you haven't read Jim DiEugenio's article on JFK and the Middle East (garrison 001), you should. Edward Curtin's cover story in 003 is amazing, truly, but if you haven't read Ray Locker's recent Watergate research, the cover story in 002 is also well worth it. And Jim is correct: Caitlin Johnstone is singular right now. She's an incredible compilation of smart, hilarious, and raw. I've read it more than a few times, but I still laugh when I read her re-write of the first Democratic debate in issue 002. This is a great magazine (or, maybe a journal at 252 pages), and it's because of the writers. I'm including the TOC for 003 here. I haven't posted it anywhere else, but I really like and respect this board and thought you all might like to see it. Thanks, everyone. Garrison 003 TOC.pdf
  6. If interested, LuLu is running a special on all print books from now through October 31. If you type in ONEFIVE (all caps) at checkout, you get 15% off. That's a pretty good deal if you're buying the new issue or any of the three. Thanks. http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/MidnightWriterNews
  7. https://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-132-adam-gorightly-on-fred-crisman-gordon-novel-kerry-thornley-and-parapolitics/ Thanks! S.T.
  8. The third issue of garrison.: The Journal of History & Deep Politics has been released! You can get the print version or the e-book PDF version at the LuLu page of Midnight Writer News Publications. Some of the featured articles are as follows: Cover Story: Edward Curtin, “America’s Doll House: A Vast Tapestry of Lies” Whitney Webb on Jeffrey Epstein and Intellience Edgar Tatro on Earl Ruby, Jim Southwood, the Radical Right, & the NSA David Ray Griffin, “9/11: The Killing of the First Responders” David Talbot on Jeffrey Epstein Joseph Green on fact & fiction in the film All the President’s Men Joseph Green’s tribute to the late Paul Krassner Richard Bartholomew on “Apollo Denial: The ‘Moon Landing Hoax’ Hoax” Casey Quinlan, “Frontier Justice: JFK – A Targeted Kill” Brian Edwards, “A Tactical Analysis of the Elm Street Ambush” David Knight, “The JFK Assassination: A New Theory, A New Weapon” Jim Hougan’s three-part article on Jonestown (printed here in its entirety) Kevin Ryan, “7 Questions to Evaluate 19 Suspects of 9/11” Walt Brown, PhD on Earl Warren & Robert Mueller William E. Kelly, Jr. on Valkyrie & Pathfinder in Dealey Plaza Michael Chesser, MD on The JFK Autopsy Evidence (part one in a series) Phillip F. Nelson on The McCains Mutiny Larry Rivera on The Twin “Lee Oswald” Visa Applications Keith Harmon Snow, the third and final part of his Genocide in Rwanda series Robert Groden on Rose Cheramie Michele Metta on Clay Shaw, The CMC, and the Stay-Behind Network Two articles by Caitlin Johnstone A reprint of Carl Oglesby’s “A Program for Liberals” (with permission of Oglesby family) … and more. When ordering, please be careful to order the correct version (print or e-book). Both have the same cover.
  9. Two recent shows: MWN Episode 125 - Epstein (with Donald Jeffries) MWN Episode 127 - The Death of Jeffrey Epstein (with Donald Jeffries) Don and I did the first one a few weeks ago, and its really a big picture show where we discuss a lot of the historical parallels. We recorded the second one the day after the death. Thanks.
  10. [Because I cant publicly support knowing her real name without outing those who told me, I will bow out of this discussion. But I do think the book will stand on its own. Many authors, fiction and non-fiction, don't use their real names. Some are the most famous in history. It doesn't detract from the work. I have a feeling this book with be a good one.]
  11. Yes, I really love what Caitlin brings to the table. She is absolutely her own person.
  12. Just wanted to let everyone know that LuLu is running a 15% off sale on all print books from August 4-August 8. If you type in ONEFIVE (all caps) when checking out, you get 15% off. So, if you're interested in getting one or both issues of garrison, now is a good time. Thanks! http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/MidnightWriterNews
  13. Its more important than ever now to keep doing good work. Keep supporting good work. ... and we MUST get this into schools.
  14. This is so valuable. I once looked into writing a non-fiction book, but I was adamant about having it indexed well. Back then (1990s) the cost of an indexer was high. Thanks for offering this to everyone, Stephanie. You're very kind.
  15. There are some problems with the Kominski theory and the shawl from which a lot of it comes. I'll try to have more info soon, but this was explained to me in depth recently by a guy who has spent a lifetime watching the case closely.
  16. Guy Banister figures in to Kenn Thomas' JFK & UFO: From Maury Island to Dallas. Kenn is the founder of Steamshovel Press, and he does a nice job with parapolitical topics. The book also featured quite a bit of Fred Crisman and Harold Dahl.
  17. Unfortunately. Here is the article: https://variety.com/2019/music/news/paul-krassner-satirist-yippies-co-founder-and-counter-culture-figure-dies-at-87-1203275013/
  18. Cliff, I appreciate and respect that you know what you like and what you don't like. Regarding McGowan, I actually like Programmed to Kill more than Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon. I know he has made some incorrect statements of fact about Nikolas Schreck, and I have some issues with saying "This person's parent is X, so the kid is X." Military intel, for example, which is one of the cornerstones of Scenes. And I'm sure everyone has a similar list of "Things That Make You Go (cranky)" to paraphrase C&C Music Factory. And I'm sure we'll touch some of the for everyone. But I hope people can still appreciate what we are doing overall. We are trying to get all of these into schools by building a team of high school and college educators that we stream information, articles, an curriculum to as an alternative, a supplement. So, yes, we want the various truth communities to like the magazine, absolutely. But one of our main goals is to build a team of 200+ educators who are using it by the middle of 2020. Stephanie, thanks so much! Please let me know what you think. Letters to the Editor always appreciated.
  19. I hear your points. I do. And I think Caitlin is a great writer, just outstanding. You'd probably like her essay from issue 001. I hope we can keep the readers satisfied with a majority of what we do, but Ive said from day one... if someone likes every perspective in the magazine, we've probably done something wrong. I don't want to be Hannity or Maddow. Those roads are too easy to take. I want to have good writers involved, whether they be left, right, middle, far left, or far right. I want to present subjects that are historically recognizable, yet different from what will be in a school textbook or a typical History Channel treatment. I basically wrote this in the opening essay of issue 001, but I hope I disagree with something in every issue. I hope the writers disagree with another writer in every issue. And I hope readers disagree with something. But I hope everyone learns a lot, thinks a lot, and allows us a little bit of their time. I hope we challenge ourselves and our deepest beliefs, but an even harder task is to challenge what we WANT to believe. Truly, thank you for the kind words. I do appreciate it, and I hope you'll stay with us, I hope you'll like 90% of what we do, and I hope there is one article in each issue that just gets you cranky. But hopefully just one.
  20. Looking forward to reading The Echo. Thanks, Bart!
  21. The standard paperback version of garrison is 8.5 x 11. The font is 11pt Cheltenham. I am surprised that the font looks as large as it does, to be honest. I almost used 12, which would have been way too large. I could actually go down to 10 and it would look normal, but I won't as I've had a few comments from readers saying they appreciate the readable font size. This is definitely not small print, and I think you could read it without straining. Thank you for the question.
  22. Caitlin is absolutely NOT a Trump fan AT ALL. She describes herself as a "bogan socialist." She has just believed that, since day one, progressives and socialists were wasting their time chasing this dream that Russians caused Trump's victory in 2016 by placing Facebook ads. But no, she is absolutely not an administration apologist, as you would see in almost every article she's written. But I also thank you for saying the rest is a must read. The writers we have are amazing, and I appreciate their work so much.
  23. I will ask Nikolas when he'll be in the US. Ive had him on twice, both times in October, so we will do out annual show, yes. We've already discussed needing to do it. He'll actually be in L.A. I will definitely ask him about Chaos, and I think he and I will probably go through much f the literature this time. other than McGowan and Bugliosi, we haven't really done a historiography o the case, so that sounds like a great idea. I'm also asking him to write for garrison, probably in issue 004 or 005. I'd like to see him do a treatment specifically about the truths, myths, and legends of the girls specifically (especially in light of the Diane Lake book and the rel;ease of Lynette Fromme's autobio being released - we touched on both in out 2nd episode, but we will delve some more). I'll email you, Jim. He wants to make contact with you.
  24. Has anyone read the Jeff Guinn book on Manson? I was wondering if it was, in essence, Helter Skelter II? Guinn's Jim Jones book had some problems of omission, but he has done some decent work elsewhere. Anyone?
  25. Oh, okay. Yes, but it should have every one back to episode 27 when hitting "available episodes." Should. But Im learning tonight that it only apparently holds so many episodes. So, theres that. But yes, the website has everything. Thanks.
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