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Calvin Ye

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Posts posted by Calvin Ye

  1. 13 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

    Pure speculation here, but for someone to take a shot outside the perimeter and only miss by an inch would suggest to me ex-military.

    I believe that the Years of Lead is looming within America. Do you think that this is an sign that the Years of Lead is looming?

  2. On 6/4/2024 at 2:06 AM, Bill Simpich said:
    I believe Felipe Vidal Santiago and Roy Hargraves are the best candidates for the Dark Complected Man and the Umbrella Man, respectively.  
    My request?  Can we focus on these two men and try to rule them in or out? 
    Any more good photos?
    Felipe Vidal Santiago's background shows his links with people like Roy Hargraves, Bill Harvey, and Gen. Walker.
    Here are James Richards' photos and writeup of Felipe Vidal Santiago and Roy Hargraves -
    Photomontage supplied by James Richards
    As of 1/1/59,  Vidal was chief of maritime police in Castro's government, defected in Caracas 3/7/60, arrived in US 8/9/60, sought asylum 4/8/61.
    11/19/62 Vidal's friend Roy Hargraves is friend with consul general of Guatemala John Bonilla, also friends with old Nicaraguan - hired Roy to plant a firebomb.

    In December 1962, Felipe Vidal Santiago had a meeting with a lawyer connected to a "Citizen's Committee to Free Cuba". He told Vidal about a conversation he had with Henry Cabot Lodge, who had been told by Walt Rostow, that John F. Kennedy was exploring "a plan to open a dialogue with Cuba." Vidal was furious about what he considered to be an act of betrayal and immediately told leaders of the anti-Castro community and his CIA contact, Colonel William Bishop. According to Dick Russell, Vidal was also "an information conduit for" General Edwin Walker.  http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKbishopW.htm

    In late 63, Larry Hancock reports in Somebody Would Have Talked that Vidal was apparently driving the car at Walker's home that had the license plate punched out while in police custody, found in LHO's possessions.  The car belonged to Charles Klihr, one of Walker's associates.

    Nov. 63?  Vidal was in Dallas, violating INS regulations.   Hemming's buddy Howard Davis reported that Vidal got back from Dallas on 11/11 after visiting Gen. Walker for five days.

    Dec 63 - Vidal, head of the anti-Castro FULN, states he has loosely worked with Roy Hargraves for the past two years and gives Hargraves money.

    Jan 64 - FBI found Vidal was one of John Martino's sources on Cuban matters.

    In Jan 64 - Hargraves and others were heading to Cuba with an anti-tank gun previously hidden at Vidal's home when the boat exploded and caught fire.

    The Vidal-Hargraves relationship was strong during this period, as was their attraction to violence.   Vidal was executed by the Cubans by mid-64 for his spying.   Hargraves went on to commit a series of violent acts throughout the 1960s, always in the margins.   He told Noel Twyman that he was in Dallas on 11/22, hoping to be remembered for various violent activities on that day.


    The book Oswald Code confirmed that Hargraves is the umbrella man and Vidal as the Dark Complected Man

  3. 10 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    FDR had many attributes, but he failed miserably the Jews and other victims of Europe during WWII. 

    "Most notoriously, in June 1939, the German ocean liner St. Louis and its 937 passengers, almost all Jewish, were turned away from the port of Miami, forcing the ship to return to Europe; more than a quarter died in the Holocaust."

    Egads, but the above is only an anecdote indicative of a general pattern. 

    JFK, who actually fought in WWII and knew the horrors of war, later became a powerful advocate for Israel, and a Zionist, as was his brother RFK1. 

    The book The Jewish Threat: Anti-semitic Politics Of The U.s. Army explained that both the US army and military intelligence were anti-semitic


  4. On 7/11/2024 at 11:34 AM, W. Niederhut said:

         James DiEugenio has published two new essays about JFK's agenda to restore FDR's anti-colonial policies and de-escalate the Cold War.

          I was unaware that Churchill and the British Ambassador to the U.S. were involved in the push to replace Henry Wallace on FDR's 1944 Presidential ticket.

          It looks like these two essays are the first in a history series about the rise of the Neocons.

         Definitely worth reading.

    JFK and the Rise of the Neocons, Pt. 1 (substack.com)

    JFK and the Neocons Pt. 2 - by James Anthony DiEugenio (substack.com)





    It is so much more than just the British involvement in the plot to replace Henry Wallace. The book Secret War Against Jews implies that Henry Wallace himself is responsible for being removed from FDR's 1944 Presidential ticket

  5. 47 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

    A disaster!!  😲

    I had to turn off the debate after the first 40 minutes.  Couldn't bear to watch it.

    Trump was lying his ass off, as always, and Biden was too feeble to respond appropriately to Trump's bullshit.

    He looked ancient-- dazed and confused.  HIs voice was hoarse and faint.

    At one point, I turned to my wife and said, "Dammit!  I could do a better job in this debate than Biden!"

    Should the Democrats ask Biden to step down in 2024?

    I watch the debate and I agree with you. The debate is disaster and both of them are clowns

  6. 4 hours ago, Matt Cloud said:

    Studies in Intelligence Vol. 48 No. 3 (2004) The Pond: Running Agents for State, War, and the CIA The Hazards of Private Spy Operations Mark Stout


    See the the thread on "The Pond."

    This is from the website:

    "In a memorandum to Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated that his department wants to withhold two types of documents.

    The first are 11 records that discussed “a joint intelligence program” of the State Department and the CIA that the two are still operating to this day.

    “Release of the details of that program, as found in these 11 records, would greatly harm the CIA’s intelligence capabilities and cause extreme difficulties in the Department’s conduct of relations with other documents,” Blinken wrote.

    The remaining 20 documents are “not believed relevant” to the assassination but detail a joint program between the State Department and the FBI that was terminated in 1974."

  7. This is from the website:

    "In a memorandum to Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated that his department wants to withhold two types of documents.

    The first are 11 records that discussed “a joint intelligence program” of the State Department and the CIA that the two are still operating to this day.

    “Release of the details of that program, as found in these 11 records, would greatly harm the CIA’s intelligence capabilities and cause extreme difficulties in the Department’s conduct of relations with other documents,” Blinken wrote.

    The remaining 20 documents are “not believed relevant” to the assassination but detail a joint program between the State Department and the FBI that was terminated in 1974."

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