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Calvin Ye

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Everything posted by Calvin Ye

  1. John Singlaub eventually became the leader of the World Anti Communist League in the 1980s
  2. It is in Chapter 6, *22 of the first edition
  3. It is the 1992 edition and the end note is on page 343
  4. Hi Tommy, I am currently investigating it
  5. Why won't he provide it to this forum?
  6. I learned about it from reading the endnotes of the book Destiny Betrayed: JFK, Cuba, and the Garrison Case
  7. I have a question: Where can I get a copy of the Navy Document that reported Ruth Paine requesting information about Oswald's family in 1957?
  8. I have a question: Where can I get a copy of the Navy Document that reported Ruth Paine requesting information about Oswald's family in 1957?
  9. Calvin Ye


    Go to ZodiacKillerIdentified youtube channel and watch all videos there: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtKwXObtB5q-X3xny8faHFA
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