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Calvin Ye

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Everything posted by Calvin Ye

  1. The Secret Service was originally part of the Department of Treasury at the time until 2003.
  2. Larry, I misspoken. I meant that people doubt Rodney Stich because he is a member of the AFIO
  3. I have a question: why is it that people doubt Rodney Stich's claim about having tapes of the assassination?
  4. Larry, do you believe that the Navy document that mentioned Paine requesting information on Oswald's family really existed?
  5. The book Age of Surveillance stated that the John Birch Society was the link between the US Intelligence Community and the private sector
  6. I just did what you told me to do, Larry
  7. James DiEugenio, please come to this post and answer my question on where to get a copy of the Navy Document that stated Ruth Paine was requesting information about Oswald's family on 1957
  8. The relationship between Marina and Webster was purely sexual. Normal Mailer's book on Oswald stated that Marina was involved in prostitution ring utilizing the Leningrad Hotel and deal with foreigners. According to the defector study of Webster, Webster was living at the Leningrad Hotel for one month. Since Webster was a resident of the Leningrad Hotel for a month and Marina utilizing the Leningrad Hotel for a prostitution ring and dealing with foreigners, it is safe to say that Marina and Webster met in the Leningrad Hotel and had sexual activities.
  9. This website suggested that JFK assassination has been solved by reverse speech: https://reversespeech.com/reversal/john-f-kennedy-assassination/
  10. John Singlaub eventually became the leader of the World Anti Communist League in the 1980s
  11. It is in Chapter 6, *22 of the first edition
  12. It is the 1992 edition and the end note is on page 343
  13. Hi Tommy, I am currently investigating it
  14. Why won't he provide it to this forum?
  15. I learned about it from reading the endnotes of the book Destiny Betrayed: JFK, Cuba, and the Garrison Case
  16. I have a question: Where can I get a copy of the Navy Document that reported Ruth Paine requesting information about Oswald's family in 1957?
  17. I have a question: Where can I get a copy of the Navy Document that reported Ruth Paine requesting information about Oswald's family in 1957?
  18. Calvin Ye


    Go to ZodiacKillerIdentified youtube channel and watch all videos there: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtKwXObtB5q-X3xny8faHFA
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