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Calvin Ye

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Everything posted by Calvin Ye

  1. There is no need to speculate. There is hard evidence that Kennedy would have withdraw from Vietnam. McAdams' piece relied on a conservative source, which is unreliable.
  2. Litwin's own blog led a trail of disinformation, misinformation, red herrings, and omissions
  3. The problem with McAdams's account is that he relied too heavily on Thomas Reeves' biography of Kennedy. Thomas Reeves and John McAdams is confirmed conservatives. It is a well known fact that conservatives are corrupt deniers
  4. The idea and dream of a joint US-Soviet space program ended when Kennedy died
  5. Tracy is probably being paid by the New York Establishment to spread disinformation
  6. Fred's blog contain disinformation, omissions, misinformation and red herrings about the case
  7. This is passage from James Tague's book: "Another of the dots that need to be connected is the Suite 8F Group, named after a room that these rich and powerful met at in the Lamar Hotel in Houston, Texas. Most meetings were to coordinate political activities. When talking about Suite 8F, Jack Ruby’s name pops up as handling and placing the big wagers for these men." Johnson was a member of Suite 8F Group.
  8. Pamela, check this website for Marsh's email: https://www.familytreenow.com/search/people/results?first=William&middle=anthony&last=Marsh&citystatezip=Somerville%2C MA&rid=0s0&smck=tDmNRl4mAnmupMt2gBtW3g
  9. This is passage from the book George Bush: An Unauthorized Biography "Kennedy was considering moves to limit or perhaps abolish the usurpation of authority over the national currency by the Wall Street and London interests controlling the Federal Reserve System. If re-elected to a second term, Kennedy was likely to have re-asserted Presidential control, as distinct from Wall Street control, over the intelligence community. There is good reason to believe that Kennedy would have ousted J. Edgar Hoover from his self-appointed life tenure at the FBI, subjecting that agency to Presidential control for the first time in many years." London-Wall Street complex is the group that fits the description of the elite group with British ties
  10. According to this article, Luce and Dulles Brothers was member of Pilgrim Society https://isgp-studies.com/pilgrims-society-us-uk
  11. Seem like Bundys, Harrimans, Bushs and Dulles brothers were all close to each other
  12. The book Treason in America: From Aaron Burr to Avarell Harriman stated that Avarell Harriman was ally of Allen Dulles
  13. I heard that Clay's address book contain names of pro-fascist European royalty and people in the Bildberg Group. I want to see the photo and where can I get it
  14. http://cryptome.org/2014/11/armadeus.pdf His full name is Al Carone
  15. Carone was a man who has ties to CIA, mafia, military and NYPD
  16. I was referring to Lyndon Johnson's involvement in the crime
  17. People also refuses to believe another POTUS was secretly in the murder of a POTUS
  18. This is from George Bush: An unauthorized Biography: "Almost ten years ago [early 1980's], a reliable source shared with one of the authors an account of a meeting between Kennedy and MacArthur in which the veteran general warned the young President that there were elements inside the U.S. government who emphatically did not share his patriotic motives, and who were seeking to destroy his administration from within. MacArthur warned that the forces bent on destroying Kennedy were centered in the Wall Street financial community and its various tentacles in the intelligence community." To me, the high cabal is the Wall Street financial elites
  19. Truman made an mistake of getting Eisenhower involved in politics.
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