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Leslie Sharp

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Posts posted by Leslie Sharp

  1. 28 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    By who?  Specifics?


    I'm running a survey of those who signed NDA'S. I doubt seriously any would deliberately break their pledge. On the other hand, I've little doubt Benjamin Cole is quite capable of stirring the pot instead of having a serious discussion about Albarelli's contribution  to the investigation or the advances being made by those he trusted. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    I am informed that some of Pierre Laffite's notations are code language for Mossad assets and agents. 

    Indeed. And who might be your informant?

    You have the same level of access as anyone  to what is published in the first edition Of CiD.  Do you identify code for Mossad  in any of the published screenshots or referenced entries?



  3. 45 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    Does your explanation of the JFKA/RFK1A merge the Nazis with the known Mossad operation to perp the JFKA/RFK1A? 

    What is your explanation of how these two intrepid globe-girding yet covert groups---Nazis and Mossad---operating clandestinely but together and hand-in-glove, pulled off the despicable JFKA/RFK1A?  

    Trump's father was Germanic (read "Nazi') and his son-in-law is Jewish (read "Mossad"). 

    Will the pending second Trump Presidency be the culmination of a decades-long Nazi-Jewish effort to control the White House? 

    Who mentioned Mossad?

  4. 47 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

    It would be lost on you.  Meanwhile, about those Cubans . . . 


    Oh what the heck. Nothing ventured....


    ' . . . General Willoughby closes one particularly lengthy diatribe he shared with his good friend, DCI Allen Dulles with a quote of fascist philosopher, Oswald Spengler, with, “Untergand de Abendlandes” in reference to Spengler’s “Decline of the West.” Without notes, (Francis Parker] Yockey wrote his first book, Imperium: The Philosophy of History and Politics, in Brittas Bay, Ireland over the winter and early spring of 1948. Clearly, he shared Willoughby’s admiration of Spengler in Imperium, a Spenglerian critique of 19th century materialism and rationalism dedicated to “the hero of the twentieth century.” It is believed that he meant Adolf Hitler. Holocaust Denier Carto of the Liberty Lobby, and later owner of the American Mercury, as well as the American Free Press, took on the task of publishing Yockey’s Imperium when Britain’s infamous fascist, Sir Oswald Mosley failed to do so because of personality clashes with Yockey. The reader is reminded that ad man, propagandist H. Keith Thompson, long-time protégé of Yockey, handled public relations for Lee Oswald’s mother, Marguerite Claverie Oswald in 1964. It has been reported that Willis Carto was Yockey’s last visitor in jail before he bit down on the cyanide pill he had tucked away rather than be interrogated by American authorities.'


    Again, Jonathan, I urge you to catch Maddow's Season 2 of ULTRA, at least the Episode on Yockey. (See Water Cooler)

    For those unfamiliar, Willis Carto's Spotloght morphed into AFP whose roster of editors and contributors has included a number of 'respected' JFK researchers -- some of whom remain active if only from the shadows of EF. I wonder if doubters of Albarelli's exclusive find -- clear evidence of an international Nazi component active in the decision making and strategizing for Dallss -- are among them. Maybe even a few within those "dozens" who behind close doors Whisper the datebook is a fraud.


    This is another invitation to them to come out in the (Spot)light and debate  content.

  5. 25 minutes ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

    Truly, what are you talking about? Now I have to consider Lee Oswald as "something" before I can understand your reference to Marguerite Oswald's "Nazi" spokesperson? Why can't you just state simply and clearly what any of that has to do with anything?

    It would be lost on you.  Meanwhile, about those Cubans . . . 


    Oh what the heck. Nothing ventured....


    ' . . . General Willoughby closes one particularly lengthy diatribe he shared with his good friend, DCI Allen Dulles with a quote of fascist philosopher, Oswald Spengler, with, “Untergand de Abendlandes” in reference to Spengler’s “Decline of the West.” Without notes, (Francis Parker] Yockey wrote his first book, Imperium: The Philosophy of History and Politics, in Brittas Bay, Ireland over the winter and early spring of 1948. Clearly, he shared Willoughby’s admiration of Spengler in Imperium, a Spenglerian critique of 19th century materialism and rationalism dedicated to “the hero of the twentieth century.” It is believed that he meant Adolf Hitler. Holocaust Denier Carto of the Liberty Lobby, and later owner of the American Mercury, as well as the American Free Press, took on the task of publishing Yockey’s Imperium when Britain’s infamous fascist, Sir Oswald Mosley failed to do so because of personality clashes with Yockey. The reader is reminded that ad man, propagandist H. Keith Thompson, long-time protégé of Yockey, handled public relations for Lee Oswald’s mother, Marguerite Claverie Oswald in 1964. It has been reported that Willis Carto was Yockey’s last visitor in jail before he bit down on the cyanide pill he had tucked away rather than be interrogated by American authorities.'


    Again, Jonathan, I urge you to catch Maddow's Season 2 of ULTRA, at least the Episode on Yockey. (See Water Cooler)

  6. 28 minutes ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

    Hardly! The only person deflecting is you, when I pressed you to explain what larger connection you are attempting to draw between the "Nazi" spokesperson (your words) and Marguerite Oswald.

    Your question indicated you're inability, or unwillingness, to consider Oswald as anything other than  "a commie." Jim Garrison recognized otherwise, and it's tragic that the legend remains locked in popular lore. Either he was a communist, or he loved and tried to save JFK as per Judyth Baker.  Both claims served to derail the leads uncovered by Oglesby, Brussell, Marrs.... and Garrison. Why didn't acolytes of Garrison’s case against Shaw step up and follow through? All the markers were in plain sight. Was it because they were busy chasing Cubans or a thermos of cancer cells?

  7. 16 minutes ago, Matt Cloud said:

    This is useful and I offer the thought, imported over from the Kennedy Tapes thread, that further enquiry enquiry may be worthwhile regarding the Tippits of Connecticut -- and Texas -- involvement with other active Air Force personnel (i.e., Lt. Col. James M. Kendrick) and their documented involvement with the Von Braun Paperclippers.  

    See p. 33:


    Thanks, Matt.

    The broader context is critical to a full understanding of Dallas.  As a brief aside, and this might be mentioned in the report, but Kennedy had scheduled a reception for Von Braun and Mrs. VB for Monday, November 25, perhaps timed to coincide with the happenstance that generals of the BND were in DC the previous Friday for high level meetings with the Joint Chiefs, sans LeMay of course, in the Gold Room at the Pentagon as per William Manchester, The Death of a President: November 20-25, 1963.  Research argues that Gen. LeMay was in Canada, hunting, and all indications are his big game hunting guide was likely  Dr. Friedrich Wilhelm "Fritz" Remmler. (ambiguity is deliberate.)

  8. 26 minutes ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

    Riiiiight. So is this is just another variation of your "Spaceballs" dialog-esque "I am your father's, brother's, nephew's, cousin's former roommate" - ie., a bunch of random and unrelated occurrences that you deem evidence of some massive conspiracy.

    And this is another attempt at deflection from the facts, facts that seem to make you and a number of "seasoned researchers" extremely nervous for some reason. 

  9. 14 minutes ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

    Then why bring it up in the first place? What relevance does it have in any form?

    let me simplify: Rudel =Thompson = Marguerite Oswald

    A source on Thompson indicates Thompson had known Marguerite in York. Thompson was a mentor to young Nazi sympathizers including Dan Burros. Burros' contact info in LHO address book. Burros was involved with producing pamphlets in support of the OAS being shipped to SS Otto Remer based in Oran.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

    Wait. You are suggesting that *I* should "have the datebook authenticated" ? That's one of the funniest things I've ever read on this forum, and that's saying something.

    ... as is your insinuation Hank Albarelli would be duped, or more egregious an accusation, he was a fraud.  I'm not appealing to authority, I'm suggesting you think it through.

  11. 9 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    That's fine. Did the unrepentant Nazis brought to US shores through OSS and CIA auspices then perp the JFKA/RFK1A, in your estimation? 

    The remnants of the Nazi Party identified in the Lafitte records were not permitted to enter the US; that is, until Hans-Ulrich Rudel –– having sought entry visas throughout the Cold War –– was suddenly granted entry and arrived at Wright Patterson in mid October 1963.  Signatores of his various applications over the years included avowed American Nazi H. Keith Thompson whose ideological mentor was Francis Parker Yockey.  You might check out Maddow's second season of ULTRA.
     Thompson as most know served as "public relations manager" for Marguerite Oswald in the spring of 1964.

    SS Nazi Otto Skorzeny's eyes, ears, and legs in the US was his beloved Ilse who used the cover of International real estate firm Previews Inc. Otherwise, Otto was persona non grata, at least in physical form.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

    Any thoughts on you continuing to shill for a "datebook" that nobody can actually see and examine to verify whether it's authentic?

    Plans are under consideration to make available a facsimile of the datebook; legal complications are near resolution.

    In the event we publish, perhaps you might then have the datebook authenticated at your own expense.

  13. 15 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:



    Thanks for your collegial commentary. 

    First, I do not know who perped the JFKA/RFK1A. For the reasons outlined in my opening post of this thread, I suspect very small plots, in terms of witting pre-event participants 

    So for me, your explanation of the JFKA/RFK1A has two problems. 

    1. You present a bewildering number of possible pre-event participants. 

    2. You have not linked the JFKA to the RFK1A, although (IMHO) they are obviously linked, they are twin assassinations.

    Do you have any evidence the Operation Paperclip crowd also targeted RFK1?

    If you do, please do a post on it. The RFK1A is now a banned topic on the EF-JFKA, but your post will survive for a few days, usually, and I will see it. 

    I hesitate to dive into the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy in context of the Lafitte records from 1963, but for those who recognize the throughline of all five assassinations in the '60s, I will say that a person of interest in the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. is known to have frequented the Plimsoll Club while Pierre was Head Chef. Those who knew the person of interest also knew Pierre personally. A work in progress. . . . 

  14. 6 hours ago, Sean Coleman said:

    There’s too many political arguments with tenuous links to the assassination discussed. Pretty boring watching insults and insinuations being slung so wantonly. I visit and donate to find answers to the actual assassination, not watch an argument unfold akin to disgruntled schoolgirls pulling hair.

    and….some people’s posts are soooooooo long and boring. Less is more.

    The insults usually fly when facts are laid out in context  requiring thoughtful consideration which can be frustrating for those who prefer their information spoonfed in soundbites ... or as infotainment by Carlson, Jones, Rogan, Tate, et al.  I saw recently that Trump is now saying, "well, uh, well . . . uh, I think probably THE C.I.A. did it."  Case solved!  And this is the guy who some insist saw the final traunche of JFK assassination files?

    Is it possible that those who resist the history presented in the lengthy contribution here might have concerns other than "boredom."  

  15. 8 hours ago, Bill Fite said:

    I live in France.  

    Neighbors have made similar comments.

    Here documentaries on the history of the 1914-1945 period in Germany and France run on television quite often.

    Europe sneezes, America catches a cold, or vice versa??  

    Has the Rachel Maddow podcast series ULTRA seeped into the collective in France?  She focuses on individuals to emphasize that the resurgence of fascism isn't simply existential; a human face, be it Sylvester Vierick, Francis Parker Yockey, Willis Everett, Rudolf Aschenauer, drives home the threat of today's fascists Orbán, Erdogan, and wannabes Le Pen, Hocke, et al, and our very own proto-fascist agitators Bannon, Stone, Carlson, Flynn, Gorka, Miller et al who see Europe as the prize. Naming names –– regardless of the contempt it draws from some on this forum in particular –– is essential if we're to unearth the root cause. 


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