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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. (Part 2) Military Plans to Squash Civil Unrest in the USA Below are screenshots of rules taken from the SRUF Card Template Title 10 Forces: Back to the question of what monitoring of technology would be used during civil unrest. Based upon a slightly different emergency, but one that would have the military policing the civilian population, in US Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) Concept of Operations Plan (CON PLAN) 3591-09, Response to Pandemic Influenza, 13 August 2009 [81 MB PDF], it appears as if the DoD would certainly take advantage of satellite imagery during civil unrest. However there are lots of totally redacted, blacked out, areas over defense imagery and imagery dissemination, over Intelligence actions, and even over some areas of dealing with or controlling the media during such times of crisis. Although I poured over a ton of documents, I saw no direct reference to "insurrection" and Intelligence monitoring social networks and then arresting or prosecuting citizens based upon a tweet or a Facebook post. It's very complex and very unpleasant, but what I did find seems like U.S. brother/sister citizen against military brother/sister, bad karma. I encourage you to scour Public Intelligence to help piece together what would happen in the United States if London-like riots or civil disturbances, even a "pandemic" were to occur.
  2. (Part 1) Military Plans to Squash Civil Unrest in the USA If civil unrest and London-like riots happened in the USA, what would happen here to suppress the insurrection? CONPLAN 3502 deals with the DoD and U.S. military's plans for the "use of deadly force, detention and interrogation of U.S. Civilians." This is a look at some of what might happen under martial law and a U.S. government police force under CONPLAN 3502. By Ms. Smith on Wed, 08/17/11 - 11:10am. We know the U.S. government monitors social networks for Intelligence, but would that monitoring of technology turn out the same way as it did for the UK if civil unrest and London-like riots happened in the states? Among other things, the UK arrested a 20-year-old man "for allegedly organizing a giant water gun fight via the Blackberry Messenger service and Facebook," and now has sentenced two men to four years for "inciting riots on Facebook". After White House correspondent Marc Ambinder tweeted, "If what happened in London ever happened in the US, the military has plans -- CONPLAN 3501 and 3502 -- to suppress the insurrection'," The Atlantic reported on CONPLAN (which stands for an "operation plan in concept format" at the Pentagon) and the subject of martial law in the U.S. Public Intelligence picked up the ball and ran with it, posting more about the U.S. military's plans for the "use of deadly force, detention and interrogation of U.S. Civilians." CONPLAN 3502 deals with military support operations conducted with local law enforcement during times of civil disturbance. It's classified "Secret" information, so piecing it together from various documents is like a mind-bending puzzle. Previously, these plans were called the Garden Plot and there have been at least four separate versions of the plan. Garden Plot "domestic" civil disturbances that are "likely to require the use of Federal Armed Forces," according to Global Security information, "are riots, acts of violence, insurrections, unlawful obstructions or assemblages, or other disorders prejudicial to public law and order." In what is now called CONPLAN 3502, the Domestic Operational Law Handbook, states, "Military forces have the authority to detain rioters, looters or other civilians committing criminal offenses. . . If civilian police are not available, CID agents or military police may conduct interrogations only if the interrogation is essential to the civil disturbance mission." U.S. Army Field Manual 3-19.15 lists instructions for "searching and detaining individuals, conducting riot control operations, as well as creating 'temporary detention facilities'." Previously during Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory "Police State" about "secret" FEMA camps or fusion centers, Ventura stated, "That Government plan to suspend the Constitution, declare martial law, and round up anyone deemed a National Security threat, it's documented; it's called Rex 84. It was cooked up under the Reagan Administration by Col. Oliver North." He adds that the Council of Governors, established by President Obama on Jan. 11, 2010, divides America into 10 sectors. In case of a national emergency, the country is quarantined into these sectors and the president can send in the military and round up dissidents. Where would these people be taken? These maps, the first is FEMA and the second is Council of Governors, may be where "detained" citizens are held. During a civil disturbance, if the president were to authorize it, the Tactical Level Commander and Staff Toolkit [PDF] (which expires January 2012) seems to give a decent snapshot of what military force would be used if "local authorities are unable to control the situation" or unable to "protect federal property or federal governmental functions." That lack of "control" may be what would trigger CONPLAN 3502, when martial law and the military would take over to police We the People. The image above came from the Liaison Officer Toolkit [PDF] which describes how civil disturbances and riots should be handled. The mere fact that it would need to be emphasized that we are not the enemy is unsettling. If the U.S. military is called in to deal with a civil disturbance, the DoD Defense Support to Civil Authorities Handbook lists the "standing rules" for the use of force.
  3. Google Censorship - How It Works An anticensorware investigation by Seth Finkelstein Abstract: This report describes the system by which results in the Google search engine are suppressed. Google Exclusion, introduction Google is arguably the world's most popular search engine. However, contrary perhaps to a naive impression, in some cases the results of a search are affected by various government-related factors. That is, search results which may otherwise be shown, are deliberately excluded. The suppression may be local to a country, or global to all Google results. This removal of results was first documented in a report Localized Google search result exclusions by Benjamin Edelman and Jonathan Zittrain , which investigated certain web material banned in various countries. Later, this author Seth Finkelstein discussed a global removal arising from intimidation generated from the United Kingdom town of Chester, in Chester's Guide to Molesting Google . My discussion here is not meant to criticize Google's behavior in any way. Much of it is in reaction to government law or government-backed pressure, where accommodation is an understandable reaction if nothing else. Rather, documenting and explaining what happens, can inform public understanding, and lead to more informed resistance against the distortion of search results created by censorship campaigns. How it works A Google search is not simply a raw dump of a database query to the user's screen. The retrieval of the data is just one step. There is much post-processing afterwards, in terms of presentation and customization. When Google "removes" material, often it is still in the Google index itself. But the post-processing has removed it from any results shown to the user. This system can be applied, for quality reasons, to remove sites which "spam" the search engine. And that is, by volume, certainly the overwhelming application of the mechanism. But it can also be directed against sites which have been prohibited for government-based reasons. Sometimes the fact that the "removed" material is still in the index can be inferred. Global censorship For the case of Chester , which concerned a single "removed" page, the internal indexing of the target page could be established by comparison with a search for the same material on another search engine. Consider a Google search for the word "lesbian" on the site torkyarkisto.marhost.com . It returns a page titled "The Kurt Cobain Quiz", with a count of Results 1 - 1 of about 2 The "about" qualifier there represents many factors, but sometimes encompasses blacklisted pages. This can be seen here by comparing to an AltaVista search for the word "lesbian" on the site torkyarkisto.marhost.com There are two pages visible in that case, the "Quiz" page, and the "Chester" page which caused all the trouble in the first place. Since we know the "Chester" page was once in the Google index, it must be the other page referred to in "about 2". QED. Local censorship In this situation, comparing results from the different Country Google searches, is often revealing. The tests are often best done using the "allinurl:" syntax of Google, which searches for URLs which have the given components (note the separate components can appear anywhere in the URL, so "allinurl:stormfront.org" is "stormfront" and "org" in the URL, not just the string "stormfront.org" as might be naively thought). Stormfront.org is a notorious racist site, often banned in various contexts. Consider the following US search: http://www.google.com/search?num=100&hl=en&q=allinurl%3Astormfront.org This returned: Results 1 - 27 of about 50,700. Now compare with the German counterpart (Google.DE): http://www.google.de/search?num=100&hl=en&q=allinurl%3Astormfront.org This returned: Results 1 - 9 about 50,700. Immediate observation: The rightmost (total) number is identical. So identical results are in the Google database. It's simply not displaying them. How is it determining which domain results to display? Note the hosts of which "stormfront.org" URLs are visible on the German page: irc.stormfront.org:8000/ www4.stormfront.org:81/ lists.stormfront.org:81/ What do these all have in common? They all have a port number after the host name. The exclusion pattern obviously isn't matching the ":number" part of the URL. It's matching a pattern of "*.stormfront.org/" in the host, as in the following which are displayed the US search, but not the German search. www.stormfront.org/ kids.stormfront.org/ women.stormfront.org/ nna.stormfront.org/ www4.stormfront.org/ Even more interesting, the German page has a broken URL listed at the bottom: http/www.stormfront.org/quotes.htm . That's not a valid URL, so it seems to escape the host check. Thus, the suppression again appears to be implemented as a post-processing step using very simple patterns of prohibited results. The same behavior is observed in a German "stormfront.org" images search This returned: Results 1 - 6 about 1,410. Versus a US "stormfront.org" images search This returned: Results 1 - 18 about 1,410. (note identical right-hand numbers, and hosts matching "*.stormfront.org/" pattern are suppressed in the German results) And also in a German "stormfront.org" directory search This returned: Results 1 - 8 about 15. Versus a US "stormfront.org" directory search This returned: Results 1 - 10 about 15. (note again identical right-hand numbers, and hosts matching "*.stormfront.org/" pattern are suppressed in the German results) Conclusion Contrary to earlier utopian theories of the Internet, it takes very little effort for governments to cause certain information simply to vanish for a huge number of people. Version 1.0 Mar 10 2003 Support This work was not funded by anyone, and has no connection to any organization. In fact, if anyone is providing financial support for such projects, the author would like to know.
  4. Bedroom tax shock: Disabled boy may have to go into CARE despite David Cameron's pledge 9 Mar 2013 22:00 Mirror News Logan is severely autistic but his mum has been told she must pay extra £60 a week Logan's condition means he is susceptible to injury You might think the mum of this severely disabled 11-year-old boy would be relieved to be told by the Prime Minister that she would not be affected by the bedroom tax, the Sunday People reports. But when Fiona Oxley-Goody listened to David Cameron saying exactly that in the House of Commons, she was astonished and simply could not believe what she was hearing. Fiona has received a letter ordering her to pay £60 extra a month for the home which has been specially-adapted so her son Logan can receive round-the-clock care. That £60 is simply a price she cannot afford. And if she cannot find the money, Logan may have to be parted from her and put into full-time residential care. Yet on Wednesday David Cameron insisted families like Logan’s would be exempt from the cruel charge. To the cheers of Tory MPs, he announced: “Anyone with severely disabled children is exempt from the spare room subsidy.” But the truth is, families with disabled children ARE among the 660,000 social housing tenants to be hit with bedroom tax bills of £14 a week on April 1. The best they can hope for is help from a £30 million hardship fund. But the National Housing Federation says that’s only £2.51 a week if it was shared out among the 230,000 disabled people who need it. Fiona said: “Who is the Prime Minister listening to? Who is advising him? It’s frightening that the man who is supposed to be in charge has the wrong information.” Logan, who has severe autism, lives with Fiona in a three-bedroom house, specially kitted out to meet his needs. They use their tiny third bedroom so a carer can come and stay three times a week, bringing much needed respite to Fiona and enabling her to be able to work. Disabled adults who need a room for an overnight carer would be exempt. But as Logan is a child, there is no exemption as the parent is considered the carer. Fiona, of Rettendon, near Chelsmford, Essex, received the letter from her housing association before Christmas, bringing the news her housing benefit would be cut because she is “under-occupying”. Fiona has to monitor LOGAN BY CCTV She says she is already “hanging on by her fingertips” but will have to find an extra £60 a month. The alternative is to downsize, abandoning her specially-adapted home. But she fears if she has to do that, it may force her to take the heartbreaking decision to put her son into full-time residential care. And, apart from the upset, it would cost the taxpayer dearly – upto £4,000 a week, depending on the level of care. Fiona, 44, said: “I can’t risk losing my baby. There’s no way I’m going to move. I’ll fight this whatever it takes. "It’s unjust and not thought out. It has been dreamed up in an office and put through without them realising the impact. "But this is people’s lives they are playing with.” Logan is prone to self-harm and needs to be monitored 24 hours a day. If he’s left alone he hurts himself, often biting his flesh to the bone. Fiona had to leave her job as a sales manager to look after her son. Sleep deprivation meant she could no longer work full-time and now manages 16 hours a week, working in Logan’s school as a support worker, advising other families on caring for disabled youngsters. Clearly the third bedroom is essential for the carer to stay in. It’s one reason Fiona got the three-bed home and applied for a Disability Facilities Grant to pay for adaptations for Logan. They moved to the housing association property in 2006 and Fiona has spent years making it right. Adapted: Fiona has spent years changing her house to meet Logan's needs Newspics Doors have been adapted, and Logan’s bedroom is fully padded so he can’t hurt himself. There are CCTV cameras on the landings and in Logan’s room. Using savings and grants, Fiona has spent around £15,000 on their semi-detached home. But she may have to pay back grants if she moves because she has been living there for less than ten years. As well as the financial cost, Fiona is worried about being forced to move from a community that helps her care for Logan. She added: “I’ve struck gold with my neighbours. They have been fantastic. You can’t put a price on things like that.” David Orr, chief executive of the National Housing Federation, said: “This perverse tax is doing exactly what the Government promised they wouldn’t – hitting the most vulnerable people. “The bedroom tax means thousands of disabled people will have no choice but to cut back further on food and other expenses to stay in their own homes. "The Government must repeal this ill-conceived policy.” Labour Leader Ed Miliband said: “The PM doesn’t understand his own policy. It’s shameful not to understand the impact.” Mr Cameron made his exemption claim despite Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith fighting legal action by disabled bedroom tax victims under human rights laws. Ten test cases will be heard at the High Court in May. Lawyers claim the disabled are being discriminated against. Ugo Hayter of law firm Leigh Day said: “We are very concerned as the Prime Minister’s understanding of how the Government’s own policy operates is not, in our view, accurate.” What do you think about the bedroom tax? Bobbies on bicycles, two by two, Westminster Abbey the tower of Big Ben, The rosy red cheeks of the little children. (Roger Miller) ===============================================
  5. LOL!! MB USG = SATAN RAHMAN USG = SATAN GAAL USG = SATAN MB ISRAEL= SATAN RAHMAN ISRAEL = SATAN GAAL ISRAEL = SATAN MB ZIONISTS= SATAN RAHMAN ZIONISTS = SATAN GAAL ZIONISTS = SATAN MB JOOOZ= SATAN RAHMAN JOOOZ = SATAN GAAL JOOOZ = SATAN END COLBY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Any analysis would show above Colby rant very low brow. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NOW HIGH BROW PD SCOTT. COLBY I GUESS NEVER READ THE NAME OF THE FORUM HE POSTS ON , the "Education Forum" . ================================================================= How the FBI protected Al Qaeda’s 9/11 Hijacking Trainer New Revelations about Ali Mohamed By Prof Peter Dale Scott Global Research, October 08, 2006 8 October 2006 The following text is an expanded version of Peter Dale Scott’s Talk at Berkeley, September 24, 2006, entitled “9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out.” I want to talk tonight about using the 9/11 Report as evidence – evidence of what is being suppressed. We can use it in this way because some parts of the Report are accurate and reliable. This base line of reliability helps define other parts of the Report which are misleading, and in a few places I believe dead wrong. These relevant omissions and deceptions should be taken as clues as to what is being suppressed, and where the hidden truth lies. I shall talk of the Report’s occasional resistance to the truth. Let me give an easy and incontrovertible analogy from the Warren Report. The Warren Report got many things right; but it also minimized the links between Jack Ruby and organized crime.1 This resistance was a clue that Ruby in fact was crime-related and that this was important. The House Select Committee on Assassinations, even though they got many things wrong, amply confirmed the importance of Ruby’s crime links. We find similar symptomatic resistance in the 9/11 Report. 1) Here is an easy example: the identity of the hijackers. The FBI had distributed a list naming 18 of the 19 alleged hijackers by 10 AM on 9/11.2 Within two weeks the identities of at least six of the hijackers were unclear; as men in Arab countries with the same names and histories, and in some cases the same photographs, were protesting that they were alive and innocent.3 In response to these protests, FBI Director Robert Mueller soon acknowledged that the identity of several of the suicide hijackers was in doubt.4 But there is no discussion of this problem in the detailed treatment of the alleged hijackers in the 9/11 Commission Report.5 2) WTC-7. This is obviously a big area of doubt, as you have just heard. The Report’s solution was not to mention WTC-7 at all. And yet Kean and Hamilton, the 9/11 Commission Co-Chairs, have the nerve to claim in their new book that after the Report “those believing conspiracy theories now had to rely solely on imagination, their theories having been disproved by facts.”6 In other words, they are still covering up that there was a cover up. 3) The U.S. government’s intimate on-going connection to al-Qaeda and a chief 9/11 plotter. In our book, 9/11 and Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out, I wrote of Ali Mohamed, the close ally of Osama bin Laden and his mentor Ayman al-Zawahiri.7 It is now generally admitted that Ali Mohamed (known in the al Qaeda camps as Abu Mohamed al Amriki — “Father Mohamed the American”)8 worked for the FBI, the CIA, and U.S. Special Forces. As he later confessed in court, he also aided the terrorist Ayman al-Zawahiri, a co-founder of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, and by then an aide to bin Laden, when he visited America to raise money.9 The 9/11 Report mentioned him, and said that the plotters against the U.S. Embassy in Kenya were “led” (their word) by Ali Mohamed.10 That’s the Report’s only reference to him, though it’s not all they heard. Patrick Fitzgerald, U.S. Attorney who negotiated a plea bargain and confession from Ali Mohamed, said this in testimony to the Commission Ali Mohamed. …. trained most of al Qaeda’s top leadership – including Bin Laden and Zawahiri – and most of al Qaeda’s top trainers. He gave some training to persons who would later carry out the 1993 World Trade Center bombing…. From 1994 until his arrest in 1998, he lived as an American citizen in California, applying for jobs as an FBI translator.11 Patrick Fitzgerald knew Ali Mohamed well. In 1994 he had named him as an unindicted co-conspirator in the New York landmarks case, yet allowed him to remain free. This was because, as Fitzgerald knew, Ali Mohamed was an FBI informant, from at least 1993 and maybe 1989.12 Thus, from 1994 “until his arrest in 1998 [by which time the 9/11 plot was well under way], Mohamed shuttled between California, Afghanistan, Kenya, Somalia and at least a dozen other countries.”13 Shortly after 9/11, Larry C. Johnson, a former State Department and CIA official, faulted the FBI publicly for using Mohamed as an informant, when it should have recognized that the man was a high-ranking terrorist plotting against the United States.14 As I say in our book, in 1993 Ali Mohamed had been detained by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Canada, when he inquired at an airport after an incoming al Qaeda terrorist who turned out to be carrying two forged Saudi passports. Mohamed immediately told the RCMP to make a phone call to the United States, and the call secured his release.15 We’ve since been told that it was Mohamed’s West coast FBI handler, John Zent, “who vouched for Ali and got him released.”16 This release enabled Ali to go on to Kenya, take pictures of the U.S. Embassy, and deliver them to bin Laden for the Embassy bombing plot. In August 2006 there was a National Geographic Special on Ali Mohamed. We can take this as the new official fallback position on Ali Mohamed, because John Cloonan, the FBI agent who worked with Fitzgerald on Mohamed, helped narrate it. I didn’t see the show, but here’s what TV critics said about its contents: Ali Mohamed manipulated the FBI, CIA and U.S. Army on behalf of Osama bin Laden. Mohamed trained terrorists how to hijack airliners, bomb buildings and assassinate rivals. [D]uring much of this time Mohamed was …, an operative for the CIA and FBI, and a member of the U.S. Army.17 …Mohamed turned up in FBI surveillance photos as early as 1989, training radical Muslims who would go on to assassinate Jewish militant Meir Kahane and detonate a truck bomb at the World Trade Center. He not only avoided arrest, but managed to become an FBI informant while writing most of the al Qaeda terrorist manual and helping plan attacks on American troops in Somalia and U.S. embassies in Africa.18 That Mohamed trained al Qaeda in hijacking planes and wrote most of the al Qaeda terrorist manual is confirmed in a new book by Lawrence Wright, who has seen US Government records.19 Let me say this again: one of al-Qaeda’s top trainers in terrorism and how to hijack airplanes was an operative for FBI, CIA, and the Army. Yet this TV show, just before the 9/11 anniversary, was itself another cover-up. It suppressed for example the information given it about Mohamed’s detention and FBI-ordered release in Canada. According to Peter Lance, the principal author for the show, the show suppressed many other sensational facts. Here is Lance’s chief claim: that Fitzgerald and his FBI counterpart on the Bin Laden task force, John Cloonan, learned shortly after 9/11 that Mohamed “knew every twist and turn of”the 9/11 plot.20 Within days of 9/11 Cloonan rushed backed from Yemen and interviewed Ali, whom the Feds had allowed to slip into witness protection, and demanded to know the details of the plot. At that point Ali wrote it all out – including details of how he’d counseled would-be hijackers on how to smuggle box cutters on board aircraft and where to sit, to effect the airline seizures.21 If all these latest revelations about Ali Mohamed are true, then: 1) a key planner of the 9/11 plot, and trainer in hijacking, was simultaneously an informant for the FBI. 2) This operative trained the members for all of the chief Islamist attacks inside the United States – the first WTC bombing, the New York landmarks plot, and finally 9/11, as well as the attacks against Americans in Somalia and Kenya. 3) And yet for four years Mohamed was allowed to move in and out of the country as an unindicted conspirator. Then, unlike his trainees, he was allowed to plea-bargain. To this day he may still not have been sentenced for any crime.22 Peter Lance has charged that Fitzgerald had evidence before 1998 to implicate Mohamed in the Kenya Embassy bombing, yet did nothing and let the bombing happen.23 In fact, the FBI was aware back in 1990 that Mohamed had engaged in terrorist training on Long Island; yet it acted to protect Mohamed from arrest, even after one of his trainees had moved beyond training to an actual assassination.24 Mohamed’s trainees were all members of the Al-Kifah Center in Brooklyn, which served as the main American recruiting center for the Makhtab-al-Khidimat, the “Services Center” network that after the Afghan war became known as al Qaeda.25 The Al-Kifah Center was headed in 1990 by the blind Egyptian Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, who like Ali Mohamed had been admitted to the United States, despite being on a State Department Watch List. 26 As he had done earlier in Egypt, the sheikh “issued a fatwa in America that permitted his followers to rob banks and kill Jews.”27 In November 1990, three of Mohamed’s trainees conspired together to kill Meir Kahane, the racist founder of the Jewish Defense League. The actual killer, El Sayyid Nosair, was caught by accident almost immediately; and by luck the police soon found his two co-conspirators, Mahmoud Abouhalima and Mohammed Salameh, waiting at Nosair’s house. They found much more: There were formulas for bomb making, 1,440 rounds of ammunition, and manuals [supplied by Ali Mohamed] from the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center at Fort Bragg marked “Top Secret for Training,” along with classified documents belonging to the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff. The police found maps and drawings of New York City landmarks like the Statue of Liberty, Times Square – and the World Trade Center. The forty-seven boxes of evidence they collected also included the collected sermons of blind Sheikh Omar, in which he exhorted his followers to “destroy the edifices of capitalism.”28 All three had been trained by Ali Mohamed back in the late 1980s at a rifle range, where the FBI had photographed them, before terminating this surveillance in the fall of 1989.29 The U.S. Government was thus in an excellent position to arrest, indict, and convict all of the terrorists involved, including Mohamed. Yet only hours after the killing, Joseph Borelli, Chief of NYPD detectives, struck a familiar American note and pronounced Nosair a “lone deranged gunman.”30 Some time later, he actually told the pressthat “There was nothing [at Nosair’s house] that would stir your imagination…..Nothing has transpired that changes our opinion that he acted alone.”31 Borelli was not acting alone in this matter. His position was also that of the FBI, who said they too believed “that Mr. Nosair had acted alone in shooting Rabbi Kahane.” “The bottom line is that we can’t connect anyone else to the Kahane shooting,” an F.B.I. agent said.”32 In thus limiting the case, the police and FBI were in effect protecting Nosair’s two Arab co-conspirators in the murder of a U.S. citizen. Both of them were ultimately convicted in connection with the first WTC bombing, along with another Mohamed trainee, Nidal Ayyad. The 9/11 Report, summarizing the convictions of Salameh, Ayyad, Abouhalima, and the blind Sheikh for the WTC bombing and New York landmarks plots, calls it “this superb investigative and prosecutorial effort.”33 It says nothing about the suppressed evidence found in Nosair’s house, including “maps and drawings of New York City landmarks,” which if pursued should have prevented both plots from developing. What explains the 9/11 Report’s gratuitous and undeserved praise for the superb effort of Patrick Fitzgerald and the FBI in the New York landmarks case? How can it be “superb” to know that terrorists intend to blow up buildings, to lie to protect them from arrest, to allow them to bomb the WTC, and only then to arrest and convict them? Lance now alleges that Kenya was allowed to happen as well, before a few of the bombers there were convicted with the aid of the arch-plotter. This pattern of toleration can make for good arrest and conviction records, but at a terrible cost to public security. Did the authors of the 9/11 Report recognize that here was an especially sensitive area, which if properly investigated would lead to past U.S. protection of terrorists? This question returns us to Peter Lance’s charge that Fitzgerald had evidence before 1998 to implicate Mohamed in the Kenya Embassy bombing, yet did nothing and let the bombing happen. Did Fitzgerald have similar advance evidence before the 9/11 attack, and again do nothing as well? Skeptics will need a thorough investigation before they can be reassured that this is not the case. As a first step, all U.S. agencies should release the full documentary record of their dealings with Ali Mohamed, the FBI and CIA informant who allegedly planned the details of the airline seizures. Then and only then will a close interrogation of Fitzgerald satisfy those who accuse members of the U.S. Government of assisting the 9/11 plot, or alternatively of failing to prevent 9/11 from happening.34 Now, what did the 9/11 Commission know about this scandalous situation? I suspect they knew more than they let on. Is it just a coincidence that they selected to write the staff reports about al Qaeda and the 9/11 plot, and conduct the relevant interviews, a man who had a personal stake in preventing the truth about Mohamed from coming out. This man was Dietrich Snell, who had been Fitzgerald’s colleague in the Southern District of New York U.S. Attorney’s office. (Thus Snell presumably drafted the praise for the superb effort by his former colleague Patrick Fitzgerald and the FBI). Of the nine people on Snell’s team, all but one had worked for the U.S. Government, and all but two for either the Justice Department or the FBI.35 Keep in mind that what I have said so far is about a government-Mohamed connection and cover-up that goes back to at least 1990, long before the Bush-Cheney administrations. But the 9/11 Commission staff reports went out of their way to cover this up. The 9/11 Report, based on the Snell staff reports, mentions Mahmoud Abouhalima and Mohammed Salameh, two co-conspirators of Ramzi Yousef in the first WTC bombing of 1993 (72). It does not mention that these two men had been trained by Ali Mohamed, even though Fitzgerald referred obliquely to this fact in his testimony. Nor does it mention that, had it not been for a police and FBI cover-up protecting Ali Mohamed back in 1990, Abouhalima and Salameh should probably have been in jail at the time of the WTC bombing –for their involvement in the murder of Meir Kahane by Ali Mohamed’s trainees three years earlier.36 If I had had time today, I would have written about other key areas where the 9/11 Report shows resistance to relevant facts and allegations. Central to these, and to my forthcoming book on 9/11, would have been the Report’s failure to deal with important testimony challenging Vice President Cheney’s account of his conduct on 9/11, and in particular his important relationship (which the Report obscured) to the stand-down and shoot-down orders of that day. There was important testimony contradicting both Cheney and the Report itself from two eyewitnesses inside the White House, Norman Mineta and Richard Clarke, which the Report flagrantly, and symptomatically, failed to deal with. But I consider the scandal of Ali Mohamed’s tolerated terrorism to be a still more fundamental problem, an on-going problem for which we need a more serious remedy than just putting a Democrat in the White House. As has happened after past intelligence fiascoes, our intelligence agencies were strengthened as a result of the 9/11 Commission, and their budgets increased. It’s time to confront the reality that these agencies themselves, and their own sponsorship and protection of terrorist activities, have aggravated the greatest threats to our national security. Peter Dale Scott, a former Canadian diplomat and English Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, is a poet, writer, and researcher. His website is http://www.peterdalescott.net. ================================0o0==================================== Notes 1 Warren Report, 801. 2 Richard Clarke heard that the FBI had the names at 9:59 AM, the time of the collapse of WTC Tower 2. See Richard A. Clarke, Against All Enemies: Inside America’s War on Terrorism (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2004), 13-14; Thompson, The Terror Timeline, 441. This investigative tour de force is even more amazing when we consider that in the FBI, according to the 9/11 Report (77), “prior to 9/11 relatively few strategic analytic reports about counterterrorism had been completed. Indeed, the FBI had never completed an assessment of the overall terrorist threat to the U.S. homeland.” 3 Peter Dale Scott, “The 9/11 Commission Report’s Failure to Identify the Alleged Hijackers,” http://socrates.berk...t/Hijackers.mht . The mainstream U.S. press, such as the New York Times, later attributed the confusion about the hijackers’ identity to the number of different Arabs sharing the same names. But at least five shared histories as well as names with the alleged hijackers. Waleed al-Shehri told the BBC “that he attended flight training school at Dayton Beach in the United States, and is indeed the same Waleed Al Shehri to whom the FBI has been referring. But, he says, he left the United States in September last year, became a pilot with Saudi Arabian airlines and is currently on a further training course in Morocco” (BBC, 9/23/01). Saeed al-Ghamdi, alive and flying planes in Tunisia, also studied at Florida flight schools, as late as 2001. According to the London Telegraph (9/23/01), CNN used his photograph in describing the hijacker with his name. Abdulaziz al-Omari acknowledged the same date of birth as the accused hijacker al-Omari, but claimed his passport was stolen when he was living in Denver, Colorado (London Telegraph, 9/23/01; Thompson, The Terror Timeline, 497). 4 BBC, 9/23/01; Newsday, 9/21/01; Paul Thompson, The Terror Timeline: Year by Year, Day by Day, Minute by Minute (NewYork: HarperCollins/Regan Books, 2004), 498. 5 9/11 Report, 1-14, 215-42. Discussion in David Ray Griffin, The 9/11 Commission Report: Errors and Omissions (Northampton, MA: Olive Branch Press, 2005), 19-23. 6 Thomas H. Kean and Lee H. Hamilton, with Benjamin Rhodes, Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission (New York: Knopf, 2006), 268. 7 David Ray Griffin and Peter Dale Scott (eds.), 9/11 & American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out. (Northampton, MA: Olive Branch Press, 2006), 74, 76-77. 8 San Francisco Chronicle, 9/21/01; Toronto Globe and Mail, 11/22/01. 9 This admitted connection to al-Zawahiri has led some to identify Mohamed (Abu Mohamed al Amriki) with the al-Amriki alleged by Yossef Bodansky to have acted as go-between between Zawahiri and the CIA: “In the first half of November 1997 Ayman al-Zawahiri met a man called Abu-Umar al-Amriki (al-Amriki means “the American”) at a camp near Peshawar, on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. High-level Islamist leaders insist that in this meeting Abu-Umar al-Amriki made al-Zawahiri an offer: The United States would not interfere with or intervene to prevent the Islamists’ rise to power in Egypt if the Islamist mujahideen currently in Bosnia-Herzegovina would refrain from attacking the U.S. forces there. Moreover, Abu-Umar al-Amriki promised a donation of $50 million (from unidentified sources) to Islamist charities in Egypt and elsewhere. This was not the first meeting between Abu-Umar al-Amriki and Zawahiri. Back in the 1980s Abu-Umar al-Amriki openly acted as an emissary for the CIA with various Arab Islamist militant and terrorist movements… then operating under the wings of the Afghan jihad…. In the late 1980s, in one of his meetings with Zawahiri, Abu-Umar al-Amriki suggested that Zawahiri would need “$50 million to rule Egypt.” At the time, Zawahiri interpreted this assertion as a hint that Washington would tolerate his rise to power if he could raise this money. The mention of the magic figure, $50 million, by Abu-Umar al-Amriki in the November 1997 meeting was interpreted by Zawahiri and the entire Islamist leadership, including Osama bin Laden, as a reaffirmation of the discussions with the CIA in the late 1980s about Washington’s willingness to tolerate an Islamic Egypt. In 1997 the Islamist leaders were convinced that Abu-Umar al-Amriki was speaking for the CIA — that is, the uppermost echelons of the Clinton administration” (Bodansky, Bin Laden, 212-13). As we shall see, it is the case that Mohamed was allowed to travel to Afghanistan even after his designation as an unindicted co-conspirator in 1994 (San Francisco Chronicle, 10/21/01). 10 9/11 Report, 68. 11 Patrick Fitzgerald, Testimony before 9/11 Commission, June 16, 2004, http://www.9-11commi...s/hearing12.htm, emphasis added. Actually Mohamed was in Santa Clara, California, by 1993 (New Yorker, 9/16/02). Fitzgerald was flagrantly dissembling. Even the mainstream account by Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon (The Age of Sacred Terror [New York: Random House, 2002], 236) records that “When Mohamed was summoned back from Africa in 1993 [sic, Mohamed in his confession says 1994] to be interviewed by the FBI in connection with the case against Sheikh Rahman and his coconspirators, he convinced the agents that he could be useful to them as an informant.” 12 Peter Lance, “Triple Cross: National Geographic Channel’s Whitewash of the Ali Mohamed Story,” Huffington Post, 8/29/06, http://news.yahoo.co...huffpost/028270. Unfortunately Lance’s book on Mohamed, Triple Cross, was not yet available as this book went to press. Cf. Lawrence White, The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 (New York: Knopf, 2006), 181-82; Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon, The Age of Sacred Terror (New York: Random House, 2002), 236; Lawrence Wright, New Yorker, 9/16/02: “In 1989…Mohamed talked to an F.B.I. agent in California and provided American intelligence with its first inside look at Al Qaeda.” 13 Raleigh News & Observer, 10/21/01, http://www.knoxstudi...10-24-01&cat=AN. 14 San Francisco Chronicle, 11/04/01. What was clear to Johnson cannot be clear to the American public. We have no way of knowing whether or not Mohamed forewarned his American handlers about the embassy bombings, or even (since his current whereabouts are a mystery) about 9/11. See below. 15 Toronto Globe and Mail, 11/22/01, http://www.mail-arch...m/msg00224.html; Peter Dale Scott, “How to Fight Terrorism,” California Monthly, September 2004, http://www.alumni.be...t_terrorism.asp. Mohamed’s companion, Essam Marzouk, is now serving 15 years of hard labor in Egypt, after having been arrested in Azerbaijan. Mohamed’s detention and release was months after the first WTC bombing in February 1993, and after the FBI had already rounded up two of the plotters whom they knew had been trained by Ali Mohamed. 16 Peter Lance, “Triple Cross: National Geographic Channel’s Whitewash of the Ali Mohamed Story,” Huffington Post, 8/29/06, http://news.yahoo.co...huffpost/028270. Unfortunately Lance’s book, Triple Cross, was not yet available as this book went to press. 17 Dave Shiflett, Bloomberg News, 8/28/06, http://www.bloomberg...jCIs&refer=home. 18Glenn Garvin, Miami Herald, http://www.miami.com...in/15310462.htm 19 Lawrence Wright, The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 (New York: Knopf, 2006), 181. The Report claims (56) that “Bin Ladin and his comrades had their own sources of support and training, and they received little or no assistance from the United States.” But Wright reports that Mohamed, while on a leave from the U.S. army, went to Afghanistan and trained “the first al-Qaeda volunteers in techniques of unconventional warfare, including kidnappings, assassinations, and hijacking planes.” This was in 1988, one year before Mohamed left active U.S. Army service and joined the Reserve. 20 Peter Lance, “Triple Cross: National Geographic Channel’s Whitewash of the Ali Mohamed Story,” Huffington Post, 8/29/06, http://news.yahoo.co...huffpost/028270. Cloonan was the FBI agent in the Bin Laden squad who received the famous memo from Kenneth Williams in Phoenix recommending that the FBI compile a list of all the Arabs attending flight schools. He reportedly “wadded it into a ball and threw it against a wall. `Who’s going to conduct the thirty thousand interviews?’ he asked the supervisor in Phoenix” (Lawrence White, The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 [New York: Knopf, 2006], 350). 21 Peter Lance, “Triple Cross: National Geographic Channel’s Whitewash of the Ali Mohamed Story,” Huffington Post, 8/29/06, http://news.yahoo.co...huffpost/028270 . 22According to publicity for the National Geographic special, Mohamed is “currently in U.S. custody,” but “his whereabouts and legal status are closely guarded secrets” (Rocky Mountain News, 8/28/06, 2D). Lance wrote that Mohamed was put into the witness protection program. “David Runke [Ruhnke], a defense attorney in the African embassies bombing case, says, “I think the most likely thing that will happen is he’ll be released, he’ll be given a new name and a new identity, and he will pick up a life someplace.’’’ (Shiflett, Bloomberg News, 8/28/06). As of November 2001, Mohamed had not been sentenced and was still believed to be supplying information from his prison cell. 23 “Ali Mohamed had stayed in [El-Hage’s] Kenyan home in the mid 90′s as they plotted the bombings. Another agent in Fitzie’s squad Dan Coleman, had searched El-Hage’s home a year before the bombings and found direct links to Ali Mohamed and yet Fitzgerald failed to connect the dots” (Lance, “Triple Cross,” Huffington Post, 8/29/06). 24 Peter Lance, 1000 Years for Revenge (New York: Regan Books/ Harper Collins, 2003), 29-37. 25 Robert Dreyfuss, Devil’s Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam (New York: Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt, 2005), 278; John K. Cooley, Unholy Wars: Afghanistan, America, and International Terrorism (London: Pluto Press, 1999), 87-88; Lance, 1000 Years for Revenge, 29-31; Independent, 11/1/98. 26 Rahman was issued two visas, one of them “by a CIA officer working undercover in the consular section of the American embassy in Sudan” (Peter L. Bergen, Holy War, Inc.: Inside the Secret World of Osama bin Laden [New York: Free Press, 2001], 67). FBI consultant Paul Williams writes that Ali Mohamed “settled in America on a visa program controlled by the CIA” (Paul L. Williams, Al Qaeda: Brotherhood of Terror [[upper Saddle River, NJ]: Alpha/ Pearson Education, 2002], 117). Others allegedly admitted, despite being on the State Department watch list, were Mohamed Atta and possibly Ayman al-Zawahiri (Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, The War on Truth: 9/11, Disinformation, and the Anatomy of Terrorism [Northampton, MA: Olive Branch Press, 2005], 205, 46). 27 Wright, The Looming Tower, 177. 28 Lance, 1000 Years, 34. 29 Lance, 1000 Years, 31; Peter Lance, Cover Up: What the Government Is Still Hiding about the War on Terror (New York: Regan Books/ HarperCollins, 2004), 25. 30 Newsday, 11/8/90; quoted in Lance, 1000 Years, 35. 31 New York Times, 11/8/90; Robert I. Friedman, Village Voice, 3/30/93. 32 New York Times, 12/16/90. 33 9/11 Report, 72. 34 Fitzgerald is of course the U.S. Attorney who for years has been investigating the leak of the name of CIA covert operative Valerie Plame. It could appear that he has been putting pressure on the Bush White House to forestall disclosure of his own (and possibly the CIA’s) embarrassing and improper relationship to the chief planner of the 9/11 plot. 35 Kean and Hamilton, Without Precedent, 273 (chapters); Lance, Cover Up, 212-20 (reports). Snell was assisted by Douglas MacEachin, the former CIA deputy Director for Intelligence. 36 Lance, 1000 Years, 31-35.
  6. ICELAND WENT AFTER THE BANKERSNOT LABOR TO SOLVE ECONOMIC PROBLEMS (guess what ?? It improved economy) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Iceland Saves Economy, Jails Bankers | Tired of Wars & Being Lied To http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ds6Rmg9Uzf4&feature=player_embedded
  7. Im sure the non minority can get ($ perrie anyone ? ) non fluoridated water. Fertility Destroying Chemical Added To Tap, Milk, Salt http://www.activistp...l-added-to.html Talking With The Guy Who Puts Fluoride in D.C.’s Water http://www.disinfo.c...in-d-c-s-water/ ############o0o0o0o0############## Fluoride Disproportionately Harms Poor and Minority Americans articles.mercola.com/.../poor-and-minority-americans-dispr...Cached  by Joseph Mercola - in 518 Google+ circles - More by Joseph Mercola Jun 5, 2011 – Find out how water fluoridation affects low-income and minority population and learn about the factors that influence fluoride toxicity. More by Joseph Mercola [PDF] Water Fluoridation Impact on African Americans and other Minorities www.healthy.arkansas.gov/.../minorityhealth/.../... : PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View Water Fluoridation Impact on African Americans and other Minorities. Purpose: Water fluoridation stands out as one of the most effective public health ... Fluoride Action Network Civil Rights - Minorities www.fannz.org.nz/civilrights-minorities.phpCached Minorities are most at risk from fluoridation. In NZ this ... I formerly was a strong believer in the benefits of water fluoridation for preventing cavities. But many ... 125] www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_AYDQoA-vE Oct 12, 2012 - Uploaded by PhilosopherSeedPublic Access program featuring a discussion of adding fluoride in the water to minority communities. More videos for fluoridated water minorities »
  8. Tuesday, July 27, 2010 7 Secret Ways We Are Being Poisoned Activist Post The objectivism of the scientific method seems to have been hijacked by corporations who often pay for scientists to support their products, as well as politicians who move through the revolving door between the private and public sector. Even worse is that sometimes the consumer protection agencies themselves are complicit. The trust placed by consumers in scientific studies and Federal oversight committees has been violated in service to profit so that products are allowed to enter the marketplace with reduced safety standards. The synthetic chemicals we encounter on a daily basis in our food, water, and environment are increasingly shown to be disastrous to our physical and mental well-being. Volumes can be written -- indeed have been written -- by experts in both mainstream and alternative medicine who have documented the sleight of hand used to hoodwink consumers and threaten our health. The categories below are worth deeper investigation as prime examples of what we might face as a species if this chemical bombardment continues. GMO foods -- Monsanto started as a chemical company that brought the world poisons like Agent Orange and Roundup. Now they are more well known for their domination of Genetically Modified agriculture, owning nearly 90% of staple GMO crops such as corn, soy, and cotton. In independent studies GMO "frankenfood" has been linked to organ failure, and a recent Russian study has concluded near-total sterility in GMO-soy-fed hamsters by the third generation. Despite these and many other legitimate health concerns, it is unlikely that the Monsanto-controlled FDA will curb the growth of GMO foods, while the USDA's biotechnology risk assessment research arm has a paltry $3 million at its disposal. Of course the industry-funded studies show that the effects GMO on human health are "negligible." Food additives -- When most of us think of harmful food additives we think of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) which is still in many processed foods, but unfortunately MSG appears to be the least of the poisons now found in our food. In 2008 Melamine was found in infant formula and some food products from China; the FDA went on record to say it was OK, despite sickening tens of thousands. Dangerous food additives appear in nearly all processed foods with even the most common food dyes Red 40, Yellow 5 and Yellow 6 being linked to cancer. Most recently 92,000 pounds of frozen chicken was recalled because it contained "blue plastic pieces," while McDonald's Chicken McNuggets have been found to have "silly putty" chemicals in them. In fact, some researchers estimate that today's chicken is so full of chemicals that it only contains 51% actual meat. Fluoride -- Not all fluoride is bad; only the type promoted by dentistry and added to our water and food supply. Calcium fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral, while its synthetic counterpart, sodium fluoride (silicofluoride), is an industrial-grade hazardous waste material made during the production of fertilizer. Its past history includes patented use as rat poison and insecticide. There are many blind- and double-blind studies that show sodium fluoride has a cumulative effect on the human body leading to allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, bone weakening, cancer, and neurological problems. In this case, the EPA's Union of scientists issued a white paper condemning fluoridation of drinking water. However, as a hazardous waste, it is extremely expensive to dispose of as such. And here might be a clue as to why this chemical, more toxic than lead and almost on par with arsenic, has been disposed of for our consumption. Mercury -- A dangerous heavy metal in its natural quicksilver form, but more so as the neurotoxin, methylmercury, released into the environment by human activity. In both organic and inorganic form, mercury wreaks havoc with the nervous system -- especially the developing nervous system of a fetus. It penetrates all living cells of the human body, and has been documented most as increasing the risk for autism. This calls into question mercury's use in dental fillings, vaccines, and just about anything containing high fructose corn syrup -- a near staple in the American diet . . . including baby food. But the Corn Refiners Association naturally supports this chemical that is "dangerous at any level." Aspartame -- The king of artificial sweeteners was allowed to the market in 1981 when the U.S. Commissioner of Food and Drugs, Arthur Hull Hayes, overruled FDA panel suggestions, as well as consumer concerns. Aspartame is a neurotoxin that interacts with natural organisms, as well as synthetic medications, producing a wide range of proven disorders and syndromes. So who installed this commissioner that would rule against scientists and the public? Donald Rumsfeld, CEO of G.D. Searle; the maker of Aspartame. Rumsfeld was on Reagan's transition team, and the day after Reagan took office he appointed the new FDA Commissioner in order to "call in his markers" with one of the most egregious cases of profit-over-safety ever recorded. Aspartame is now nearly ubiquitous, moving beyond sugarless products and into general foods, beverages, pharmaceuticals, and even products for children. It recently has been renamed to the more pleasant sounding AminoSweet. Personal care and cleaning products -- Everyday household items and cosmetic products are applied directly to the skin, absorbed through the scalp, and inhaled. The Story of Cosmetics uses an animated video to tell a haunting tale of industrial violations and complicit "public safety" groups . . . and still only tells half of that story. The list of common products and their chemical components is encyclopedic. The sum total of the overwhelming presence of these chemicals has been linked to nearly every allergy, chronic affliction, and disease known to man. Most recently, household cleaning products have been linked to breast cancer and ADHD in children. Airborne pollutants -- In a NASA article titled "Airborne Pollutants Know No Borders" they stated that, "Any substance introduced into the atmosphere has the potential to circle the Earth." The jet stream indeed connects all of us. There is one category of airborne pollution that has been conspiracy theory despite a voluminous number of unclassified documents from 1977 Senate hearings: chemical spraying (chemtrails) by both private and commercial aircraft. Recent admissions by public officials strengthen the case. Fallout from these chemical trails has been tested and shows very high levels of barium and aluminum. Interesting to note that Monsanto announced that they recently developed an aluminum-resistant gene to be introduced. Chemtrails might seem like abject paranoia, but there is a current example of chemical spraying that is undeniable: the spraying of Corexit oil dispersant over the Gulf. This process of aerial application can be likened to crop-dusting, which we know has been going on for nearly 100 years. Wars abroad even seem to be affecting global air quality, as military munitions such as depleted uranium have entered the upper atmosphere, spreading around the planet. The observable effects of depleted uranium are not pleasant. Airborne pollutants have been linked to allergies, genetic mutations, and infertility. This is all leading to scientific, governmental, and medical management of the health and rights of the individual. It is ironic (or coincidental) that when one becomes sick due to the unnatural products listed above, the mainstream medical establishment aims to treat the afflictions with more unnatural chemicals. Furthermore, some of the people at high levels of American government and academia such as John P. Holdren, the current White House Science Czar, have advocated population control via "pollution particles" as far back as 1977 in books such as Ecoscience. Holdren's views of humanity could make one question the intentionality of the poisons in our environment.
  9. Monday, March 11, 2013 Fertility Destroying Chemical Added To Tap, Milk, Salt Sayer Ji Activist Post Fluoride is promoted above good nutrition as a 'therapeutic' chemical necessary to prevent cavities, but it lowers IQ, calcifies the pineal gland and harms fertility, among a wide range of other adverse health effects. There is no question remaining that fluoride lowers IQ, at least as far as high-quality epidemiological research published in peer-reviewed journals has shown. Take the conclusion of this systematic review of the literature published in the journal Biological and Trace Elements Research in 2008, which looked at whether fluoride exposure has increased the risk of low intelligence quotient (IQ) in China over the past 20 years: [C]hildren who live in a fluorosis area [high fluoride exposure] have five times higher odds of developing low IQ than those who live in a nonfluorosis area or a slight fluorosis area.[see our IQ and Fluoride research page for seven first-hand study abstracts on this connection] Arguably, those who do question this causal connection despite the research are already under fluoride's powerful spell, since they don't take sufficient care to reduce their exposure to this intellectually-disabling chemical. They've consumed the fluoride-contaminated Kool-Aid, and are unable to comprehend what is still obvious to those who have not. But fluoride's toxicity is not specific to only one type of tissue, i.e. neurological, but extends throughout the human body, having been linked to at least 30 distinct health problems stretching from calcification of soft tissue and endocrine glands (such as the pineal) to hypothyroidism, from hair loss to cancer. [see Fluoride Toxicity citations here] While lawmakers, regulators and the industry using it consider the public gullible enough to believe that the IQ-lowering effects of fluoride a worthwhile price to pay for 'healthy' and 'attractive' teeth (even though fluoride exposure leads to fluorosis, an irreversible spotting, often yellowing of the enamel of the teeth), a more serious health problem lurks beneath the propaganda that has converted an industrial byproduct and pollutant into a "therapeutic" water, salt and milk additive. That problem is fluoride's infertility and abortifacient properties. Back in 1994, a study was published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health that found exposure to high fluoride concentrations in drinking water is associated with decreased birth rates. The researchers had reviewed the biomedical literature for fluoride toxicity and found decreased fertility in most animal species studied. This lead them to question whether fluoride would also affect human birth rates. They reported their method and results as follows: A U.S. database of drinking water systems was used to identify index counties with water systems reporting fluoride levels of at least 3 ppm. These and adjacent counties were grouped in 30 regions spread over 9 states. For each county, two conceptionally different exposure measures were defined, and the annual total fertility rate (TFR) for women in the age range 10-49 yr was calculated for the period 1970-1988. For each region separately, the annual TFR was regressed on the fluoride measure and sociodemographic covariables. Most regions showed an association of decreasing TFR with increasing fluoride levels. Meta-analysis of the region-specific results confirmed that the combined result was a negative TFR/fluoride association with a consensus combined p value of .0002-.0004, depending on the analytical scenario. There is no evidence that this outcome resulted from selection bias, inaccurate data, or improper analytical methods. However, the study is one that used population means rather than data on individual women. Whether or not the fluoride effect on the fertility rate found at the county level also applies to individual women remains to be investigated.Another study published in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine in 1995 found that among fabrication workers fluoride compound exposure was associated with an increased risk of spontaneous abortion: Risk of spontaneous abortion (SAB) was examined in relation to chemical and physical agents in a retrospective study of employees of 14 seminconductor manufacturers: After screening over 6,000 employees, 506 current and 385 former workers were eligible. If a woman had multiple eligible pregnancies, one was selected at random. Telephone interviews provided data on demographics and occupational and other exposures during the first trimester. Two groups of chemicals accounted for the 45% excess risk of SAB among fabrication-room (fab) workers: photoresist and developed solvents (PDS), including glycol ethers, and fluoride compounds used in etching. Women exposed to high levels of both these agents were at greater risk (RR = 3.21, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.29-5.96). In fab workers without these exposures, SAB rates were not elevated (adjusted relative risk [RR] = 0.98, 95% CI = 0.55-1.69). An association was seen with workplace stress, which was not limited to women exposed to PDS or fluoride, nor did stress explain the associations between these chemicals and SAB.Considering these findings, now let us zoom down to the animal level of research, which is unequivocal as far as fluoride's anti-fertility/contraceptive/abortifacient properties. Here are the male studies Jeannett A Izquierdo-Vega, Manuel Sánchez-Gutiérrez, Luz María Del Razo. Decreased in vitro fertility in male rats exposed to fluoride-induced oxidative stress damage and mitochondrial transmembrane potential loss. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2008 Aug 1 ;230(3):352-7. Epub 2008 Mar 28. PMID: 18455746 Zilong Sun, Ruiyan Niu, Bin Wang, Zhibin Jiao, Jinming Wang, Jianhai Zhang, Shaolin Wang, Jundong Wang. Fluoride-induced apoptosis and gene expression profiling in mice sperm in vivo. Arch Toxicol. 2011 Nov ;85(11):1441-52. Epub 2011 Feb 22. PMID: 21340527 N J Chinoy, M V Rao, M V Narayana, E Neelakanta. Microdose vasal injection of sodium fluoride in the rat. Reprod Toxicol. 1991 ;5(6):505-12. PMID: 1839778 R S Gupta, T I Khan, D Agrawal, J B S Kachhawa. The toxic effects of sodium fluoride on the reproductive system of male rats. Toxicol Ind Health. 2007 Oct;23(9):507-13. PMID:18681235 P Sreedhar Reddy, T Pushpalatha, P Sreenivasula Reddy. Suppression of male reproduction in rats after exposure to sodium fluoride during early stages of development.Naturwissenschaften. 2007 Jul;94(7):607-11. Epub 2007 Feb 22. PMID: 17318612 Here are the female studies Yongjiang Zhou, Hailing Zhang, Junlin He, Xuemei Chen, Yubing Ding, Yingxiong Wang Xueqing Liu. Effects of sodium fluoride on reproductive function in female rats. Food Chem Toxicol. 2013 Feb 28. Epub 2013 Feb 28. PMID: 23459146 H H Messer, W D Armstrong, L Singer. Fertility impairment in mice on a low fluoride intake. Science. 1972 Sep 8 ;177(4052):893-4. PMID: 5054644 From the perspective of Life, interference with a biological systems' primary imperative (that is, the ability to reproduce via a healthy germline (ova/sperm)) is the ultimate sin. However, from the perspective of managing large numbers of human bodies – billions of them all dependent on limited resources – "side effects" such as contraception and infertility associated with the use of chemicals like fluoride could be considered beneficial collateral effects. Another convenient side effect is its mind-numbing and pineal gland calcifying effects, rendering exposed populations more docile and easily to manage and control. Interestingly, "antidepressant" drugs like Prozac contain fluoride, hence its chemical name fluoxetine. Those who have experienced this drug's effects know it can disassociate you from reality, or simply anesthetize your emotions in relation to it. The reality is that a massive, international industrial, medical and governmental system supports water and food fluoridation, and it will take many years of hard work, from the grassroots up, to reduce our continuous exposure to fluoride-based compounds. Until then, we have two clear paths to mitigate the damage: 1) Reduce our exposure. 2) Consume a diet rich in compounds that mitigate fluoride toxicity. There are a number of natural compounds that have been experimentally confirmed to reduce fluoride toxicity. Twenty-six of these are listed on our Fluoride Toxicity research page. This is not an exhaustive list, and tens of thousands of natural compounds, from spices to vitamins, nutrients to minerals, are likely to confer the same types of protections identified in those studies. The point is that simple dietary steps, especially incorporating into our diet organically-produced (better yet biodynamic) foods, can go a long way to protecting us from fluoride and thousands of other xenobiotic compounds we are exposed to on a regular basis. Learn more about the story of how Fluoride, a poison, was converted into a "therapeutic" compound via propaganda, watch Fluoridegate: An American Tragedy on GreenMedTV. 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Due to the secure nature of these sites, a high gunshot detection rate (>95%) is strongly desired while daily, operational monitoring of the system by external parties is undesirable.” DHS Looks To Install Microphones In “Urban Areas” That Can Listen to Conversations, 1/21/13 If you're not doing anything wrong, then you've got nothing to worry about, right? That seems to be the pervasive logic of an increasing number of government officials and agencies that have forgotten the uniquely American legal principle of being presumed innocent until proven guilty. How else to explain the acceptance and widespread employment of technology that gathers potential evidence on everyone indiscriminately, whether they've been suspected of creating a crime or not? Rapid DNA analyzers coming to every police station and TSA checkpoint in America, 1/10/13 New York’s “Journal News” ignited a fierce debate Sunday after publishing the names and addresses of pistol permit holders in two New York counties. 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Massive surveillance nation: Police now using license plate scanners to collect intelligence on cars, no crime necessary, 11/10/12 The surveillance society continues to grow unabated, as the city of Baltimore becomes the latest governmental entity to trample civil rights in the name of "public safety." Baltimore announces city-wide surveillance roll out that records passenger conversations on city buses, 11/5/12 A privacy rights watchdog is suing the Department of Homeland Security for information relating to the agency’s practice of loaning out Predator drones to law enforcement agencies in the US. Big Sis Loaning Out Military Style Drones To Sheriffs Departments: Privacy Group Sues, 11/1/12 A federal judge has ruled that police officers in Wisconsin did not violate the Fourth Amendment when they secretly installed cameras on private property without judicial approval. Police allowed to install cameras on private property without warrant, 10/30/12 Verizon customers should be ticked off about the company's practice of selling user data to marketers. Customers' geographic location, app usage, and Web browsing habits are quite literally for sale. Verizon's defense is simply that users can opt out if they want to. Here's how to do it. Verizon Is Selling Your Data–Here's How To Opt Out Of It, 10/23/12 Soon after the Senate Homeland Security Committee’s Subcommittee on Investigations issued a report stating that fusion centers not only violate the constitutional rights of Americans, but are also a colossal waste of tax payer money, the committee issued a statement trashing the report. Fusion Centers Are Designed to Spy On the American People, 10/11/12 Apple's launch of the iPhone 5 in September came with a bunch of new commercials to promote the device. But Apple didn't shout quite so loud about an enhancement to its new mobile operating system, iOS 6, which also occurred in September: The company has started tracking users so that advertisers can target them again, through a new tracking technology called IFA or IDFA. Apple Has Quietly Started Tracking iPhone Users Again, and It's Tricky to Opt Out, 10/11/12 The first line to a recent story on Buzzfeed is enough to make anyone break out a tinfoil hat ... or at the very least buy a new App designed by Navy SEALs. "The first rule," Buzzfeed staffer Russell Brandom writes, "former Navy SEAL Mike Janke tells me, is that you have to assume the worst: 'Everything you do and say — email, text, phone — is monitored on some level.'" Former SEALs Market iPhone App that the Government Hates, 10/10/12 Sheriff Gregory Ahern wants to put Alameda County on the map as the first jurisdiction in California to use surveillance drones for law enforcement purposes, turning to technology previously used to hunt insurgents in Afghanistan that would allow police to peek inside buildings to detect heat sources of people or the lights of indoor pot growing operations. Sheriff Wants Drones To Peek Inside Buildings, 10/10/12 Don’t be surprised if you catch a federal fleet of sneaky spy drones soaring over your head in the near future, but don’t be too terrified — it’s all in the name of public safety. The US Department of Homeland Security is asking the makers of small unmanned aerial vehicles to submit their crafts for consideration as the agency ramps up the construction of a full-fledged surveillance state across America. The DHS plans to soon conduct drone tests over the Fort Sill, Oklahoma US Army base, and they’re already soliciting spy planes from the private sector so they can select what kind of UAV to use. DHS to start testing drones over US for 'public safety', 10/9/12 Informational clip Smart Card Alliance (Endorsers of Obama) Outlines U.S. Move to Chip-based Payments, Real ID Iowa, 10/5/12 Remember “fusion centers”? Under the Department of Homeland Security’s aegis, their bumbling bureaucrats unabashedly spy on taxpayers while painting anyone who opposes Leviathan in even the smallest degree as a terrorist. Or, as the DHS puts it, “State and major urban area fusion centers (fusion centers) serve as focal points within the state and local environment for the receipt, analysis, gathering, and sharing of threat-related information between the federal government and state, local, tribal, territorial ... and private sector partners.” Doggone, They Lied to Us AGAIN, 10/4/12 You are being watched. The control freaks that hold power in the United States have become absolutely obsessed with surveillance. They are constantly attempting to convince the American people that we are all "safer" when virtually everything that we do is watched, monitored, tracked and recorded. 19 Signs That America Is Being Systematically Transformed Into a Giant Surveillance Grid, 9/28/12 It is easy to be lured into the techno sphere of walled gardens. After all, who wouldn't like a user experience that keeps out the cyber riff-raff of undesirable malware or offensive and questionable material. The problem is that the safe and cozy atmosphere of walled gardens can become a prison of censorship. Who draws the line for what is acceptable and what is not? Add to this features like the app lock on Apple iOS 6 along with the possibility of politically driven blackouts of photo/video functions for iPhones and it does seem as though an Orwellian world really is upon us.
  11. Google Shopping blocks all vitamins and natural products - glitch or deliberate censorship?, 8/19/12 The internet has the potential to help you to reach more people than you ever imagined. But for many small-time authors and entrepreneurs you had might as well bury your work six-feet under the ground in what I call online insignificance. Furthermore, there may be no such thing as giving away information for free any longer. If you want a substantial number of people to view your free content you are likely going to have to pay to give your information away. Online Insignificance: Buried on Google Search Page 23, 8/10/12 The latest attack on free speech in America comes from the FDA and is supported by Google Adwords. NaturalNews has learned that the FDA is quietly, and without notice to affected companies, commanding Google to disable the full Adwords accounts of nutritional supplement companies offering "detox" or "chelation" nutritional products. Google complies with FDA demands to secretly disable Adwords accounts of nutritional detox companies, 8/8/12 We recently wrote about the fight over copyright/fair use in political videos. In the comments, someone anonymous pointed us to a YouTube page including a typical takedown notice.. Here’s a screenshot. This is actually the first time I can recall that I’ve seen a takedown that had “multiple” takedown notices. So it’s interesting that YouTube even has such an error message. But what really caught my attention was the second claimant listed. United States Department of Homeland Security. Homeland Security? Homeland Security Teams Up With YouTube To Take Down Controversial Videos, 8/3/12 Megaupload boss Kim Dotcom has launched an online song attacking US President Barack Obama and urging supporters not to vote for the US leader, who he accuses of trampling on Internet freedom. Google Shopping blocks all vitamins and natural products - glitch or deliberate censorship?, 8/19/12 The internet has the potential to help you to reach more people than you ever imagined. But for many small-time authors and entrepreneurs you had might as well bury your work six-feet under the ground in what I call online insignificance. Furthermore, there may be no such thing as giving away information for free any longer. If you want a substantial number of people to view your free content you are likely going to have to pay to give your information away. Online Insignificance: Buried on Google Search Page 23, 8/10/12 The latest attack on free speech in America comes from the FDA and is supported by Google Adwords. NaturalNews has learned that the FDA is quietly, and without notice to affected companies, commanding Google to disable the full Adwords accounts of nutritional supplement companies offering "detox" or "chelation" nutritional products. Google complies with FDA demands to secretly disable Adwords accounts of nutritional detox companies, 8/8/12 We recently wrote about the fight over copyright/fair use in political videos. In the comments, someone anonymous pointed us to a YouTube page including a typical takedown notice.. Here’s a screenshot. This is actually the first time I can recall that I’ve seen a takedown that had “multiple” takedown notices. So it’s interesting that YouTube even has such an error message. But what really caught my attention was the second claimant listed. United States Department of Homeland Security. Homeland Security? Homeland Security Teams Up With YouTube To Take Down Controversial Videos, 8/3/12 Megaupload boss Kim Dotcom has launched an online song attacking US President Barack Obama and urging supporters not to vote for the US leader, who he accuses of trampling on Internet freedom.
  12. Google Breaks Silence On FBI's National Security Letters That Demand Its Users' Data FORBES National security letters are the Fight Club of government data surveillance. Thanks to the gag orders that accompany those FBI requests for users’ private information, the first rule for any company that receives an NSL is that it doesn’t talk about receiving an NSL. Now Google is doing its best to blur–if not quite break–that rule. In a new section of its bi-annual Transparency Report on government censorship and surveillance of its data, Google on Tuesday issued its first ever accounting of how many NSLs it has received for the last four years along with how many users were affected, albeit in extremely broad terms. For each of those years, for instance, Google says it has received less than one thousand NSLs. In 2012, those requests for users’ data targeted somewhere between one and two thousand of its users, the same numbers as 2011 and down from between two and three thousand users affected in 2010. Vague as those revelations may be, they start to give some sense of the scale of how often NSLs are used to obtain user data in investigations of purported national security threats. In the second half of 2012, for instance, Google says that it received requests for at least some data from 14,791 accounts. More than 10,000 of those users were targeted with subpoenas, and another 3,000 had their information requested with a search warrant. But Google previously labeled another 1,249 accounts as having had their data requested by “other” means. With more than a thousand users affected by NSLs sent to Google in 2012, it seems a significant chunk of those users had their data taken from Google’s servers using the FBI’s un-discussable letters. Correction: Google spokesperson Chris Gaither writes to me in an email that those NSL numbers aren’t in fact included in the “other” category of Google’s Transparency Report, but have simply been left out of the Transparency Report’s statistics until now. The “other” category, according to Gaither, consists of “court orders issued under [the Electronic Communications Privacy Act] by a judge and other court-issued legal process.” “The FBI has the authority to prohibit companies from talking about these requests,” reads a blog post about the new numbers on Google’s public policy blog. “But we’ve been trying to find a way to provide more information about the NSLs we get—particularly as people have voiced concerns about the increase in their use since 9/11. Starting today, we’re now including data about NSLs in our Transparency Report. We’re thankful to U.S. government officials for working with us to provide greater insight into the use of NSLs.” NSLs have come under fire not just for their secrecy, but for their lack of judicial review; They require far less oversight than a search warrant or even a subpoena, can be issued by any FBI field office, and have been applied much more widely in the post-9/11 era. The Electronic Frontier Foundation has called NSLs “one of the most frightening and invasive…of all the dangerous government surveillance powers that were expanded by the USA PATRIOT Act.” Google specifies in an FAQ included with its report on NSLs that the letters can only legally seek “the name, address, length of service, and local and long distance toll billing records” of a Google user. Those outmoded legal terms mean that the FBI shouldn’t be able to get actual content data such as Gmail messages or private YouTube videos. Perhaps surprisingly, even IP addresses are off limits, Google says. But Julian Sanchez, a research fellow at the Cato Institute who has tracked the NSL issue, says that NSLs sent to an Internet service like Google could still be used to de-anonymize Internet content when the FBI knows an IP address but not a name or other identifying details. “These kinds of requests are supposed to to be limited to less sensitive information,” says Sanchez. “But if the point is to de-anonymize anonymous information, it’s not clear that’s less sensitive.” Google’s numbers also indicate that the use of NSLs might be far more widespread than previously thought. Sanchez refers to the government’s own tally of NSLs issued in 2011 that excluded the kind of non-content requests sent to Google. Those letters targeted information about 7,201 people that year, according to the Department of Justice. According to Google’s new report, the company received requests that targeted more than a thousand people that same year. So either Google’s alone received NSLs that affected close to one out seven of the people targeted by NSLs in total, or far more likely, the Department of Justice tally represents only a small fraction of requests actually sent. “This is a tool that can be sued to strip away online anonymity,” says Sanchez. “And extrapolating from these numbers it’s being used on a much larger scale than the official numbers would lead one to believe.” Read Google’s full blog post here.
  13. ACLU The Militarization of Policing in America American neighborhoods are increasingly being policed by cops armed with the weapons and tactics of war. Federal funding in the billions of dollars has allowed state and local police departments to gain access to weapons and tactics created for overseas combat theaters – and yet very little is known about exactly how many police departments have military weapons and training, how militarized the police have become, and how extensively federal money is incentivizing this trend. It’s time to understand the true scope of the militarization of policing in America and the impact it is having in our neighborhoods. On March 6th, ACLU affiliates in 23 states filed over 255 public records requests with law enforcement agencies and National Guard offices to determine the extent to which federal funding and support has fueled the militarization of state and local police departments. Stay tuned as this project develops. Consider these ten chilling stories. If the anecdotal evidence is any indication, use of military machinery such as tanks and grenades, as well as counter-terrorism tactics, encourage overly aggressive policing – too often with devastating consequences: http://www.aclu.org/militarization (SEE LINK FOR ALL TEN) Two SWAT Teams shut down a neighborhood in Colorado for four hours to search for a man suspected of stealing a bicycle and merchandise from Wal-Mart. Read more » An Arizona SWAT team defended shooting an Iraq War veteran 60 times during a drug raid, but had to retract its claim that the veteran shot first. Read more » A company in Arizona submitted a patent for shock cuffs, which can be used by cops to remotely administer a Taser-like shock to detainees. Read more » The New York City Police Department disclosed that it deployed “counter-terror” measures against Occupy Movement protesters. Read more »
  14. DHS blacks out information on firearms-related contract with Heckler & Koch March 5, 2013 By: Ryan Keller http://www.examiner.com/article/dhs-blacks-out-information-on-firearms-related-contract-with-heckler-koch ++++++++++++++++ IF SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO INNOCENT WHY THE BLACKOUT ??
  15. And aren't you pushing the theories Rahman and the MB were and are USG tools? // end Colby ================================== I am revealing that separately they ( MB/Raham) are USG tools that at times share the common goal.of TERRORISM AGAINST US public interests .(( Making the distinction of public and the National Interest because its a code word for elite interest ,which can conflict with the majority of the population.)) LETS DO A MORE ACCURATE EQUATION THAN ABOVE ESTABLISHMENT DID 911 MURDERS COLBY SUPPORTS ESTABLISHMENT COLBY 911 MURDERER
  16. LEFTY OBAMA ?? Obama’s Track Record An Extensive Shopping List of " Political Achievments" By Washington's Blog Global Research, March 06, 2013 ##################################### We’ve previously documented that Obama has redistributed wealth to the super-rich and trampled civil liberties even more than Bush. That Obama has prosecuted more whistleblowers than all other presidents combined … but fewer financial crimes than President Reagan, Clinton or either of the Bush presidents. Redditor n3uromanc3r adds the following round up of Obama’s track record. Obama extends Patriot Act without reform – [1] http://articles.nyda...ce-surveillance Obama sends more troops to Afghanistan – [2] http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8389778.stm Obama signs NDAA 2011 – [3] http://www.forbes.co...n-act-now-what/ Obama appeals the Federal Court decision that “indefinite detention” is unconstitutional – [4] http://www.businessi...a-ruling-2012-9 Obama uses his Presidential Drone “Kill List” to kill American cleric without trial -[5] http://www.nytimes.c....n.html?_r=2 and his 16 year old son in a separate strike – [6] http://www.washingto...FssL_story.html Continues to approve drone strikes that kill thousands of innocent civilians including women and children in Pakistan, Yemen, and other countries that do not want the US intervening – [7] http://www.telegraph...ort-claims.html Protects Bush’s war crimes as State Secrets – [8] [9] [10] http://www.salon.com...9/08/obama_138/ https://www.eff.org/...worse-than-bush http://washingtonind...-toes-bush-line Support for countries use of child soldiers -[11] http://thecable.fore..._child_soldiers Appointing Monsanto, GMO company with multiple unsafe practice violations, lobbyist to head the FDA – [12] http://www.washingto...9dZcQ_blog.html Continuing prohibition and Federal attacks on legal marijuana dispensaries – [13] http://www.liveleak....=685_1342311527 Protects AG Holder from Congressional “Fast and Furious” gun walking investigations – [14] http://abcnews.go.co...ious-documents/ Bringing no charges against bank executives that misused bailouts – [15] http://www.nytimes.c...punishment.html Engaging in a war on whistleblowers – [16] http://dailycaller.c...whistleblowers/ Grants immunity to CIA torturers – [17] http://www.guardian....sh-cia-torturer Quadrupling the numbers of warrantless wiretapping since Bush era – [18] http://www.breitbart...ntless-Wiretaps Continuing military tribunals he vowed to end – [19] http://articles.cnn....?_s=PM:POLITICS Failing to close gitmo – [20] http://www.washingto...R5XE_story.html Allowed innocent man to die at gitmo – [21] http://www.huffingto..._b_1878375.html Violating the War Powers Act of 1973 – [22] http://www.nytimes.c...21Ackerman.html Signed Anti-protest law – [23] http://rt.com/usa/ne...ama-secret-227/ Deported more immigrants than any other president – [24] http://www.politifac...e-any-other-pr/ Increasing Drug War budget – [25] http://www.whitehous...ding-highlights Defends raids on Amish raw milk farmers – [26] http://reason.com/bl...ty-czar-defends Granting the FBI access to private electronic communication without warrant – [27] http://www.nytimes.c...0fri1.html?_r=3 Building an even more intrusive TSA – [28] http://www.presstv.i...ail/218543.html Says it’s legal to track individuals by pinpointing their cellphone without warrant – [29] http://www.businessi...-phones-2012-10 Renewing FISA and NSA’s unregulated spying and banking of all wireless communication – [30] [31] http://truth-out.org...is-watching-you http://www.democracy...nsa_is_lying_us Appeals SCOTUS ruling that warrantless installation of tracking devices on cars is unconstitutional – [32] http://www.thenewame...ing-of-citizens ################### MANY DIFFERENT THINGS SAID ABOUT WITHDRAWAL Conflicting reports on Afghanistan troop withdrawal - Salon.com www.salon.com/.../conflicting_reports_on_afghanistan_troop_withdr...Cached You +1'd this publicly. Undo Feb 22, 2013 – Conflicting reports on Afghanistan troop withdrawal ... President Barack Obama has said that the last combat troops will leave Afghanistan ... But Panetta, speaking to reporters later, called de Maiziere's comments inaccurate.
  17. not evidence the two (Rahman / MB) are part of the same organization. // end COLBY NEVER SAID RAHMAN was MB SAID ideological brothers Rahman / MB .....guess Colby thinks they all look alike ...maybe Colby will say he has a Muslim friend.// (Gaal) ============ MB USA = SATAN RAHMAN USA = SATAN
  18. +++++++++++++++++++++ YES (NOT NO ) ARTICLE IS MORE ABOUT MEDIA (GUESS READING THE ARTICLE IS A LITTLE MUCH FOR SOME) link for those who read (and here is the difficult part for some ..... understand) http://www.informati...n.com/?id=43076 GEE I THINK WE HAVE A PREPPER HERE ZoG ?? WHO EVER USED THAT TERM ?? HOLLOW POINT ?? NOT FOR TRAINING ......SORRY WRONG AGAIN. The majority of the bullets purchased by the DHS as part of its 2 billion round ammo buying spree were hollow point bullets (one order alone amounted to 450 million of them). Hollow point bullets just happen to be completely unsuitable for training purposes because they cost significantly more money compared to standard firing range bullets. This debunks both the ‘saving money’ argument and the ‘for training purposes only’ claim in one fell swoop. Thirdly, the fact that the Associated Press also treated a DHS statement as the gospel truth, when the agency has been caught lying innumerable times, particularly on TSA body scanner issues and most recently with Janet Napolitano’s erroneous claim that the sequester debate was causing delays in airports, also serves as another reminder as to why distrust in the mainstream media is at an all time high.
  19. +++++++++++++++++ OBAMA ?? GUESS THERE IS A COMPUTER GLITCH ?? POST # 23 DOESNT REGISTER ON SOME LATIN AMERICAN NETWORKS. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ANYWHO ITS STILL ALIVE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ No, President Obama Did Not Kill SOPA SOPA isn't dead, it's just on hold. Forbes contributor John Gaudiosi writes: Both SOPA and Protect IP attempt to combat online piracy by preventing American search engines like Google and Yahoo from directing users to sites distributing stolen content. Both bills also would enable people and companies to sue if their copyright was infringed. Obama has come out against both bills, which killed SOPA and puts pressure on senators come January 24th. This isn’t quite right on several levels. The bills wouldn’t give copyright holders the capacity to sue – this is already the law of the land, for one thing. It would give content owners the ability to actually shut down websites that they believe violate their copyright. The more troubling error in John’s statement, however, is that Obama’s statement “killed SOPA.” This is simply not the case, even if it is some nice wishful thinking. SOPA is very much alive, though it has been drastically slowed down. Minority Whip, Eric Cantor, has assured SOPA-opponent Rep. Darrell Issa that the bill won’t move forward without consensus. Whatever that means, it surely does not mean that SOPA is dead. I’m worried that this sentiment is widely shared by people who took heart at the president’s statement. It was a comforting rumble from the White House, but not a bill-killer. As Forbes cyber-security blogger-in-chief Andy Greenberg reports: Texas representative Lamar Smith has vowed to pick up what’s left of the tattered bill he introduced last October and push forward a markup hearing on the legislation in February. “To enact legislation that protects consumers, businesses and jobs from foreign thieves who steal America’s intellectual property, we will continue to bring together industry representatives and Members to find ways to combat online piracy,” he wrote in a statement to reporters. “I am committed to continuing to work with my colleagues in the House and Senate to send a bipartisan bill to the White House that saves American jobs and protects intellectual property.” Proponents of SOPA, which seeks to block access to foreign sites accused of violating copyright and any site that helps to access those blocked sites, have already agreed to remove a portion of the bill that would use the Domain Name System to disappear sites from the Internet. But the bill still contains a provision that allows Internet service providers to block access to foreign sites, as well as taking legal action against any site that offers circumvention tools, a vaguely worded provision that could cause problems for any site that allows user-generated content. Andy continues: Representative Smith railed against Wikipedia’s blackout plan in a separate statement: “It is ironic that a website dedicated to providing information is spreading misinformation about the Stop Online Piracy Act. The bill will not harm Wikipedia, domestic blogs or social networking sites,” he wrote. “This publicity stunt does a disservice to its users by promoting fear instead of facts. Perhaps during the blackout, Internet users can look elsewhere for an accurate definition of online piracy.” The big tech companies and social media sites don’t think SOPA is dead. Lamar Smith, the bill’s architect, sure doesn’t think that SOPA is dead. Far from killing the bill, the president’s statement simply brought it to a temporary halt. For opponents of the legislation this is a victory, but not a total victory. There’s a great deal of work to be done and nobody appears to be backing down any time soon. Follow me on Twitter or Facebook. Read my Forbes blog here.
  20. Internet censorship news, articles and information: At least 7,000 websites black out their homepages in protest of SOPA and PIPA internet censorship bills 1/19/2012 - On January 18, 2012, thousands of websites from around the world came out in protest of two pieces of legislation that threaten to censor the internet as we know it. Google, WordPress, Wired.com, Wikipedia, Tumblr, The Daily Paul, reddit, NaturalNews, and thousands of other websites censored portions... Learn more: http://www.naturalne...l#ixzz2N3kAKy7x =============o0o0o============= Internet: US government report recommends blocking popular websites during pandemic flu outbreak Learn more: http://www.naturalne...l#ixzz2N3kMuiW6 =============o0o0o============= The internet: Net neutrality, the FCC, Wikileaks and the future of internet freedom Learn more: http://www.naturalne...l#ixzz2N3kzRKNV
  21. Yes Mr. Colby ,when thousands are to be murdered in a false flag event there are public memos released. Roe vs Wade was decided on the constitutional penumbra of the right to privacy. Sometimes you have only a penumbra of the weight of the evidence. When you add massive 911 foreknowlege datum the penumbra becomes the shining light of truth you refuse/cant see.
  22. List of Opticians and Optometrists in Recife Pernambuco Brazil www.townsoftheworld.com/Brazil/.../Opticians%20and%20Optometri...Cached You +1'd this publicly. Undo List of Opticians and Optometrists in Recife Pernambuco Brazil >> A complete list of all businesses involved with Opticians and Optometrists. All listings are ... ################################### ################################### To this end, supporters of the official theory have made much use of misunderstanding the difference between gas temperature and material temperature. Mole is no exception: Even if we assume temperatures of no higher than 1,000° F during the fire, we would still have more than enough reasons to expect damage severe enough to result in eventual collapse. Temperature of what? After reading this, I cannot help but picture Mole in a wide-collar, polyester suit and a fake-ass smile waving a brochure for a “once in a lifetime opportunity”. No thanks, Phil. First and foremost, what temperatures is Mole referring to? Gas? Surfaces? It is poor science to say the least, to conflate the maximum temperature of a heat source with the maximum temperature of a material that may or may not have been exposed to that source. This point is so basic, I feel like making it explicit will insult your intelligence. Yet, Mole writes his piece with authority, as if his word puts the issue to bed once and for all. Office fire simulations conducted by Underwriters Laboratories under the direction of NIST found that temperatures went above 1000F for only a few of the tests, and when it did, it could not sustain it for much more than 8 or 10 minutes. They used a variety of materials but through the course of testing found that the surrogate material combinations of wood, paper, plastic and hydrocarbon fuels were irrelevant to the outcome of the tests: a little over 1000F for about 10 minutes was simply as hot as they were going to get. The one factor which affected the outcome most was material arrangement. Several simulations broke down the furniture and various surrogates into piles. Not surprisingly, the heat curve went higher, but for a shorter amount of time than the undisturbed, more fuel-scattered tests. The results support Eagar and Musso’s original estimates of a maximum gas temperature of about 1100F, but with the added knowledge that these temperatures could not have been sustained for more than about 10 or maybe 20 minutes at most. Furthermore, NIST acknowledges early on that of all the steel they sampled (which amounted to approximately 1% of all the steel) the hottest exposure temperatures they could document were about 250C or just under 500F. Yet it seems Mole, as well as NIST, must presume the existence of higher temperature-exposed steel despite the fact that the only steel in the official record found to have gotten hotter was the mysteriously melted steel reported in the FEMA/BPAT Appendix C report: Evidence of a high temperature corrosion attack on the steel, including oxidation and sulfidation with subsequent intergranular melting, was readily visible in the near surface microstructure. It is unclear why supporters of the official conspiracy theory are so incurious about these samples. Given that one sample is definitely from WTC 7 and the other sample is either from WTC 1 or 2, this cannot be dismissed as an isolated event. Given that there are first-hand account of molten steel, these samples seem to fall into the category of corroborative evidence for such. Unsurprisingly, Mole is neither willing to mention the FEMA/BPAT study nor take the accounts of eye witnesses seriously:
  23. Actually it was a request that he be transferred to Egypt // end COLBY +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Colby expert on Middle East. (tongue ultradeep in my cheek,Gaal) Morsi vows to free sheik jailed in U.S. President-elect’s statement about blind cleric convicted in New York City bombing plot likely to ruffle feathers in Washington The focus of Kirkpatrick’s story – and it’s an example of how nourishment can be found in mainstream media – was a televised speech Mohamed Morsi made “to hundreds of thousands of supporters in Tahrir Square” the day before. In the vow referred to in the headline, Egypt’s then president-elect was stepping very close to a landmine, namely the false flag 1993 WTC bombing. Later, as we shall see, he stepped close to a much bigger one, 9/11. Those with vested interests in these and other such operations – that comprise the main fuel for the so-called “war on terror” – will devote many resources to pressuring Morsi to back off. And these vested interests, the global monopoly capitalist elites, are used to getting their way. At risk is the whole war and geopolitical control and resource theft system that these fake events are so central to creating and maintaining. Morsi’s first vow, according to Kirkpatrick, was “to free Egyptian civilians imprisoned here after military trials during the transition after the ouster of Hosni Mubarak.” Kirkpatrick quotes Morsi as continuing: “I see signs for Omar Abdel Rahman and detainees’ pictures.” Morsi was referring to placards held by the crowd. “It is my duty and I will make all efforts to have them free, including Omar Abdel Rahman.” Very soon after Morsi made what Kirkpatrick describes as an “almost offhand comment … the Muslim Brotherhood moved quickly to try to shift the focus of Mr. Morsi’s pledge, saying in a statement on its website that the goal was a potential humanitarian extradition to Egypt, and that there was no attempt to question Sheik Abdel Rahman’s 1995 convictions for plotting terrorism against targets in the United States and Egypt.” My reading of this spin is that the Muslim Brotherhood is no bunch of ninnies and that its leaders know a Sherman tank when they see one. They have no illusions, in other words, about the world of illusion the U.S. elites have manufactured around show trials of the type that have put Rahman into the slammer for life at the Butner Federal Correctional Institution in North Carolina. Kirkpatrick’s story was the best I found on Morsi’s address to the crowd in Tahrir Square, in accuracy, context and allowing through to readers some of what Morsi said, verbatim. There is enough substance to enable the alert reader to draw some inferences that that story only partly reflects. (Morsi’s televised speech was notable also in its astute timing. The Brotherhood had Morsi take his oath of office one day early, thus pre-empting the Egyptian military’s planned choreographed swearing-in ceremony the next day.) Not least important is the context in which Morsi ad libbed, in response to placards held by his grassroots supporters. His unscripted remarks showed he believed in what he said. He could have ignored the signs. Writing from the U.S.-centric stance he must maintain to stay employed, Kirkpatrick observes: “The comments could deepen existing American suspicions of Mr. Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood, an 84-year-old Islamist group with a long history of opposition to the policies of both the United States and Israel.”
  25. The CIA, Cocaine Smuggling at Mena and the Train Deaths Sally Denton and Roger Morris: THE CRIMES OF MENA Of this Michael Rivero [page gone] has written: This is the article which had been scheduled to appear in the Washington Post. After having cleared the legal department for all possible questions of inaccurate statements, the article was scheduled for publication when, just as the presses were set to roll, Washington Post Managing Editor Bob Kaiser (Like George Bush, a member of the infamous Skull & Bones Fraternity) killed the article without explanation. According to the sidebar which appeared with the Penthouse Magazine version of this story, Bob Kaiser refused to even meet with Sally Denton and Roger Morris, hiding in his office while his secretary made excuses. Mena, Arkansas, was (and perhaps still is) one of the major centers for the smuggling of cocaine and heroin into America. This article is about the late Barry Seal, a CIA agent who is said to have smuggled between $3 billion and $5 billion worth of drugs into the U.S. It is based in part upon an extensive archive of Seal's personal records. Denton and Morris write: If the Seal documents show anything, an attentive reader might conclude, it is that ominous implication of some official sanction. Over the entire episode looms the unmistakable shape of government collaboration in vast drug trafficking and gunrunning, and in a decade-long cover-up of criminality. <a href="http://www.idfiles.com/">The "Train Deaths" August 23, 1987, in a rural community just south of Little Rock, police officers murdered two teenage boys [Kevin Ives and Don Henry] because they witnessed a police-protected drug drop. The drop was part of a drug smuggling operation based at a small airport in Mena, Arkansas. ... There were CIA operatives who took advantage of the protection their positions gave them, and they participated in saturating our country with drugs. Kevin and Don were victims of this atrocious crime, and it is up to us to expose those responsible. This site includes: CIA Operatives and Drug Smuggling Mena and information on the video Obstruction of Justice [*]Jean K. Duffey: Mena, Drugs and the Train Deaths Case Bipartisanship Outrage WE FINALLY WON ONE! [*]Mara Leveritt: A review of the book The Boys on the Tracks Asa and Me What does Asa Hutchinson (George W. Bush's nominee as head of the DEA) know about Arkansas's biggest drug smuggler? And when did he know it? Mara Leveritt's web site "... the site is a significant collection of government documents about the murders of Kevin and Don, Berry Seal's drug smuggling, and the federal cover-up of the Mena guns-for-drugs operation." Alexander Cockburn: Chapters in the Recent History of Arkansas The Mena Scandal A chronological summary and archive of the Washington Weekly, with links to many supporting documents. More on the CIA-Drugs Connection Ace R. Hayes: New York Mob at Mena America is losing its mind. The two-party system has been utterly homogenized by corrupt money. The mob and Mossad have cut a deal with Wall Street and the CIA to run the world as a global plantation for the benefit of the global plutocracy. Only impoverished presses like the PFP, some talk radio and the Internet are yet outside the hegemonic power of transnational corporate fascism. However, when the Imperial pigs succeed in driving 80 percent of the world into the new serfdom, they will probably wish they had not let their greed glands run wild. When the middle class discovers that they are part of the impoverished and imprisoned rather than the privileged, they will lead the "underclass" in a revolution against the plutocracy and its gun thugs. Failure to deal with the Mena cesspool will continue to erode the credibility of a terminally corrupt governing class. Ace R. Hayes: CIA Drug-Money Laundering ... knowledge of drug-running through Mena, Arkansas has been known to the FBI and the head of the Arkansas State Police since January 1988 ... The Arkansas Attorney General and Special Prosecutor Walsh have known of this since June 1991 ... How in the hell have the corporate media and government law enforcement succeeded in playing dumb for the past decade? The Oral Deposition of Richard J. Brenneke (multipage; a single page version is here) Joint Investigation by the Arkansas State Attorney General's Office and the U.S. Congress; very revealing testimony. Daniel Hopsicker: The Secret Heartbeat of America: A New Look at the Mena Story What in my opinion has been involved is a CIA or rogue CIA operation, conducted by the CIA or CIA operatives. To smuggle drugs into the United States from South America, using Barry Seal's drug smuggling operation in Mena. — Linda Ives, mother of Kevin Ives, one of the boys murdered in the Train Deaths. Two messages from Daniel Hopsicker: J'accuse The Dixie Mafia [*]Bill Clinton's Skeleton Closet has links to many articles concerning Mena, Barry Seal, etc. [*]Dick Russell: Spook Wars in Cyberspace — Is the FBI Railroading Charles Asked if then-Governor Bill Clinton was aware of the Mena operation, Hayes responded, "No, but his associates were involved." He elaborated that some of the money was laundered through two powerful Arkansas companies with ties to Clinton. [*]The Crimes of Mena: GRAY MONEY
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