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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. OK explain your math to us 236 perimeter columns so how do you get "36 devives or so"? Which floors were the explosives put on. This should be very amusing! // END COLBY FLOORS PER RYAN didnt you see photo this thread ????? == AT BOTTOM OF A WTC FLOOR (AS SEEN FROM OUTSIDE) before collaspe // 3 white hot columns 3 non hot columns then 3 white hot columns then 3 non hot columns then 3 hot columns ///// 9 hot columns to side 36 hot spots per floor symmetry of hot to non hot GIVES THE "GAME " AWAY.
  2. Evidence from the investigation was published in the WND Books expose’ “Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America.” The book documents CAIR’s support of radical jihad, recounting its origin as a front group for the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, the worldwide movement that has stated its intent to transform the U.S. into a Saudi-style Islamic state.
  4. LEFTY OBAMA ?? Obama’s Top Choice for OMB Led Walmart Foundation’s Targeted Giving If tapped by Obama, Burwell would not be the first business leader to join his Administration following work for a company marked by ugly labor relations. Obama’s previous OMB director, Jack Lew, served as chief operating officer at New York University while the university withdrew union recognition from its graduate student employees (Lew was promoted from OMB to White House Chief of Staff, and is now Obama’s Treasury Secretary nominee). GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt led Obama’s Jobs Council while union members rallied against the company’s plans to impose two-tier wages and eliminate future workers’ pensions. During Obama’s first term, Republicans blasted Obama-appointed officials at the National Labor Relations Board for pursuing an investigation against Boeing for allegedly illegally punishing strikers; Obama chose members of Boeing’s board as commerce secretary, chief of staff, and export council chair. The top contender for Commerce Secretary is reportedly Penny Pritzker, the Hyatt hotel heiress has sought to thwart organizing efforts by the hospitality workers’ union UNITE HERE (disclosure: one of our former employers), and who as a member of Chicago’s school board has been a staunch ally of Mayor Rahm Emanuel before, during and after the city’s teachers strike. Asked about a potential conflict of influence policy regarding Walmart and regulatory review in a Burwell-led OMB, Raddhol told us: "Your question is more appropriate for the OMB." The Obama Administration did not respond to a request for comment. SEE BELOW LINK http://www.thenation...targeted-giving# LEFTY OBAMA ??
  5. LOL Gaal uncritically accepting the claims of far-right Islamophobic David Horowitz and WND, does he as blindly accept their claims about Israel and the rest of the Middle East? ROTF // end Colby Gee its a Federal Judge not just David Horowitz. When one has sophistication, knowledge, wisdom, understanding and discernment one can tell wheat from chaff. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HIZB ut TAHRIR AND POSSIBLE MI-6 CONNECTION March 16, 2012 By Joseph P. Farrell Two weeks and one day ago, I commented in my weekly “News and Views from the Nefarium”(March 1, 2012), about a planned global conference in Austria to discuss the theme of the restoration of a universal Muslim Caliphate, a pan-Islamic state hearkening back to the glories of the Muslim Caliphate of Baghdad, conjuring images of Caliph Harun al-Rashid and the days when Muslim scholars and phiosophers were inventing algebra and discussing Aristotle. THat conference was to be hosted by the Hizb-ut-Tahrir party, as I noted in my comments. Well, one of you forwarded me – on the very same day as I posted those comments – the following interesting article: Hizb ut Tahrir and MI6 connection Note what we have: A radical Islamicist organization, based in London – a fact that should immediate raise twitching antennae of suspicion – which has been banned in most Muslim countries; The party, as noted in the article, is suspected by Muslim countries and leadership, as having ties to Britain’s MI-6, and that means ties to the financial sector, ie., the City of London. Note the crucial words: “However, experts believe that HuT is used by the MI6 as part of the Anglo-American strategy to contain the influence of Russians and Chinese in Central Asian Republics. HuT is reportedly linked to the Muslim Brotherhood which has long been a front for the CIA and MI6. the Brotherhood has been used by MI6 and CIA to weaken the independent governments in the Middle East. Former DCM of Egyptian Embassy in Pakistan Dr. Reza Shihata established in his Ph.D. thesis that the Brotherhood was linked with the CIA. He relied heavily on “ see-only” references in the library of the American Congress on the secret contacts between the Brotherhood and CIA.” As I argued in that News and Views, and later in a blog, the creation of such an entity would indeed serve the interests of the Western elites by creating a powerful enough enemy to ratchet up war hysteria and blend the Western bloc more tightly together politically and economically. It is significant in that regard that the leadership of the Muslim states themselves have been casting a suspicious eye on this organization. Note also that the article specifically states that the target region of Hizb-ut-Tahrir is Central Asia, where, of course, if you’ve been following the plot of this opera, is the center of vast energy reserves, the region which, according to Zbgnw Brzznsk, the West, and in particular, the USA, must dominate. That in itself, to my mind, not only makes my antenna pulse with suspicion, but sends my suspicion meter into the red zone, as to who actually is behind this organziation. Read more: HIZB ut TAHRIR AND POSSIBLE MI-6 CONNECTION ########################################################### ########################################################### The Muslim Brotherhood is a Tool of US-Israeli-Saudi Machinations. "[Walid] Jumblatt then told me that he had met with Vice-President Cheney in Washington last fall to discuss, among other issues, the possibility of undermining Assad. He and his colleagues advised Cheney that, if the United States does try to move against Syria, members of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood would be “the ones to talk to,” Jumblatt said." -The Redirection, Seymour Hersh The Muslim Brotherhood is often portrayed as being anti-Israeli, anti-US, and anti-West in general. In reality they are a creation of and have been ever since servants of expanding Wall Street and London's corporate-financier hegemony across the Islamic World. In Hersh's 2007 report, it is made clear that the Brotherhood was the tool of choice of the US, Israeli, and Saudi elite - with the US and Saudis reported as even then directly funding and backing them - backing that continues to this day, not only in Syria, but in Egypt as well. The Muslim Brotherhood's rank and file surely believe in what they are being told by their leaders, but their leaders are professional demagogues peddling anti-Israeli and anti-American rhetoric solely for public consumption while being fully complicit in the West's designs against the Arab World. Hersh reports that a supporter of the Lebanese Hariri faction had met Dick Cheney in Washington and relayed personally the importance of using the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria in any move against the ruling government: The article would continue by explaining how already in 2007 US and Saudi backing had begun benefiting the Brotherhood: "There is evidence that the Administration’s redirection strategy has already benefitted the Brotherhood. The Syrian National Salvation Front is a coalition of opposition groups whose principal members are a faction led by Abdul Halim Khaddam, a former Syrian Vice-President who defected in 2005, and the Brotherhood. A former high-ranking C.I.A. officer told me, “The Americans have provided both political and financial support. The Saudis are taking the lead with financial support, but there is American involvement.” He said that Khaddam, who now lives in Paris, was getting money from Saudi Arabia, with the knowledge of the White House. (In 2005, a delegation of the Front’s members met with officials from the National Security Council, according to press reports.) A former White House official told me that the Saudis had provided members of the Front with travel documents." - The Redirection, Seymour Hersh It was warned that such backing would benefit the Brotherhood as a whole, not just in Syria, and could effect public opinion even as far as in Egypt where a long battle against the hardliners was fought in order to keep Egyptian governance secular. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, also interviewed by Hersh for his 2007 article, perhaps described best the geopolitical gambit the US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel were and are currently attempting to unfold: "Nasrallah accused the Bush Administration of working with Israel to deliberately instigate fitna, an Arabic word that is used to mean “insurrection and fragmentation within Islam.” “In my opinion, there is a huge campaign through the media throughout the world to put each side up against the other,” he said. “I believe that all this is being run by American and Israeli intelligence.” (He did not provide any specific evidence for this.) He said that the U.S. war in Iraq had increased sectarian tensions, but argued that Hezbollah had tried to prevent them from spreading into Lebanon. (Sunni-Shiite confrontations increased, along with violence, in the weeks after we talked.)" -The Redirection, Seymour Hersh Indeed, divide and conquer has been used by empires since the beginning of time, and it appears that the very radical extremists the West has featured as civilization's greatest enemy in their fraudulent "War on Terror" is a creation and perpetuation of their own design. The role of Saudi Arabia and the Muslim Brotherhood, betraying millions of Sunni Muslims by exploiting their justified outrage of US-British and Israeli foreign policy, has resulted in terrorism and violence, both spontaneous and engineered, that has destroyed millions of lives. The very "War on Terror" is the "management" of these exploited and cultivated extremists: "...[saudi Arabia's] Bandar and other Saudis have assured the White House that “they will keep a very close eye on the religious fundamentalists. Their message to us was ‘We’ve created this movement, and we can control it.’ It’s not that we don’t want the Salafis to throw bombs; it’s who they throw them at—Hezbollah, Moqtada al-Sadr, Iran, and at the Syrians, if they continue to work with Hezbollah and Iran.” -The Redirection, Seymour Hersh http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2012/05/syrian-war-prequel.html
  6. Speaking to honest construction worker,"Yes these 'boxes' seem odd ,however, later a advanced device will be placed inside to insure increased building safety." =========================== Later a small team injects demolition material ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ they would have to fill thousands of such devices per floor in absolute secrecy how would a small team pull it off? // Colby .... antennas ... // end Colby ======================== 36 devices or so per floor.(18 floors per tower)....yes weight and gravity did some work......Gee ya think the corporations and Gov have supercomputers and structural engineers to get the demolition right with the right placement/correct # number demolition devices .....lets say a team of 3 now dead structural engineers/supercomputer deep sixed...accidents happen ....lets say 28 had to die ...no moral problem for these people ....someone could go down to ...oh I dont know Recife Brazil .....next thing ya know a obscure blooger dies of a drug overdose ...no one the wiser ... Gee the Secret Team is made up of Intel people who are trained to do that sort of thing .....(Hay Len is that stranger in the bar tooooooo friendly ? People laugh as man is helped into TAXI by his new friend ......body found in alley later OD ....police say it happens all the time down here in Recife) ++ LETS PUT UP A GREAT LINK on 'who did it'. https://wikispooks.c..._who_did_it.htm LIST OF 70 suspects at bottom (less than half Joooooooooooooooooooooooz (as Mr. Colby talks about Gods people)) GREAT LINK above +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ and a GREAT LINK BELOW The Moral Decoding of 9-11: Beyond the U.S. Criminal State, The Grand Plan for a New World Order Part I http://www.globalres...d-order/5323300
  7. Intel Operative Myron Du Bain found Hilliard. Screened him as ambitious and greedy thus ripe for recruitment. Latter connected up with Secret Team/BCCI , 'characters' as you speak. Stefan Halper exists in the milleu of elite geopolitical intelligence thinking that could think up large scale false flag programs. Farhad Azima, a US arms merchant with Iranian background, a member of the US-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce, who assisted Richard Secord in recruiting, transporting and training mujahedin mercenaries. He was owner of the Azerbaijan Airlines, and has a twenty year old relationship with the Iran-Contra syndicate. He is significant co-investor with Wally Hilliard of Huffman Aviation in a small California electronics company (Spatialight Inc). Azima did indeed have ties to the CIA. His relationship with the agency goes back to the late 1970s when he supplied air and logistical support to EATSCO (Egyptian American Transport and Services Corporation), a company owned by former CIA agents Thomas Clines, Theodore Shackley, and Richard Secord.
  8. They omitted that "Judge Solis, as affirmed by the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, held that the government should not have listed CAIR and ISNA, and that there was no evidence linking these groups to the charges (terror support,Gaal) against HLF." // END COLBY PLEASE Mr. COLBY FEEL FREE NOW TO CRITICIZE MB CONNECTED CAIR (below). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A federal judge’s rebuke of the controversial Council on American-Islamic Relations supports claims that the Muslim lobby group is abusing the court system in an attempt to silence opposition, says a lawyer for defendants in the case. CAIR, which was tied to a major terrorist-financing scheme, “has a long history of filing lawsuits that cost millions of dollars to its victims,” Daniel Horowitz told WND. “It is the same tactic that Scientology and other groups have used,” he noted. CAIR filed suit in 2009 against former federal investigator Dave Gaubatz and his son, Chris Gabatz, after the two carried out an undercover investigation of the Islamic group. The Center for Security Policy in Washington, D.C., and three of its employees were later added to the suit for their part in commissioning a documentary. Evidence from the investigation was published in the WND Books expose’ “Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America.” The book documents CAIR’s support of radical jihad, recounting its origin as a front group for the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, the worldwide movement that has stated its intent to transform the U.S. into a Saudi-style Islamic state. CAIR alleges it suffered damage after the younger Gaubatz, posing as an intern, obtained access to some 12,000 pages of CAIR internal documents under false pretenses and made recordings of officials and employees without consent. On Friday, federal Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia denied CAIR’s motion to extend discovery of the Center for Security Policy and several of its employees. The court agreed with a brief by the American Freedom Law Center, which is defending CSP, and will soon set a schedule for motions that could end the case. Kollar-Kotelly rebuked CAIR and its in-house legal counsel for their “inability to efficiently manage their discovery in this matter and to comply with the court’s scheduling and procedures order.” Horowitz said the ruling “underscores how this process has to come to an end.” “We are looking forward to trial so that this attack on the First Amendment can be ended,” he said. Horowitz said the “glaring weakness” in CAIR’s case has always been a lack of damages. “CAIR can’t sue for being exposed for its Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas founding. That is what ‘Muslim Mafia’ was about,” he said. “If they sued for this, the judge would throw the case out of court,” he explained. ‘Instead, it is suing for minor points that caused no harm.” Nevertheless, he said, “the cost of defending is still in the millions, so CAIR abuses the judicial system to silence its opposition.” Horowitz pointed out that in a complaint by talk-host Michael Savage against CAIR several years ago, his team prepared a RICO complaint that alleged the Muslim group was engaging in a deliberate tactic to silence opposition. Kollar-Kotelly also denied CAIR’s request to depose two non-party witnesses in the case, ruling the request was untimely, without cause, and would disrupt the court’s management of its schedule and prejudice defendants by delaying resolution of the case. The court said even CAIR’s motion seeking more time for discovery was itself untimely and substantively deficient. CSP attorney David Yerushalmi called CAIR’s motion “a blatant and patently false presentation of the discovery record in this case.” “Indeed, this misrepresentation is just a part of CAIR’s pattern of taking a troubling and seemingly abusive approach to civil litigation,” he said. In its motion to extend the discovery period, which had been ongoing for more than 13 months, CAIR requested to depose “Muslim Mafia” co-author Paul Sperry. In the lawsuit, CAIR, a self-described Muslim civil-rights group, does not defend itself against the book’s claims, and the FBI seized the CAIR material from the Washington law office of one of the Gaubtazes’ three high-profile lawyers. A previous filing in the case revealed a federal grand jury is investigating CAIR for possible violation of laws that ban financial dealings with terrorist groups or countries under U.S. sanctions. In her opinion in June 2011, Judge Kollar-Kotelly granted part of the Gaubatzes’ motion to dismiss the case, throwing out the count pertaining to the audio and video recordings but maintaining other counts, including theft of physical documents. Gaubatz attorney Martin Garbus told WND at the time that he “would rather have seen the entire case dismissed at this point, but I believe it will be dismissed at the next point.” Garbus, a renowned First Amendment lawyer who has handled many high-profile cases over the past four decades, said he thinks the Gaubatzes have a valid First Amendment argument and that CAIR didn’t suffer any financial damage. “They haven’t shown that they have been damaged by those documents,” he said. CAIR previously attempted to file its initial amended complaint without court approval. Kollar-Kotelly reversed the filing and ordered CAIR to file a motion to explain why it should be allowed to amend. As WND reported, CAIR’s complaint seeks to expunge all copies of “Muslim Mafia,” in an attempt, according to Horowitz, to eliminate evidence that could lead to criminal prosecution of the group. In May 2007, CAIR was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Justice Department’s terror-finance case against the Richardson, Texas-based Holy Land Foundation, which was convicted of funneling more than $12 million to Hamas. As “Muslim Mafia” recounts, FBI wiretap evidence from the Holy Land case showed CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad was at an October 1993 meeting of Hamas leaders and activists in Philadelphia. CAIR was born out of a need to give a “media twinkle” to the Muslim leaders’ agenda of supporting violent jihad abroad while slowly institutionalizing Islamic law at home. Rogues gallery of terror-tied CAIR leaders As former FBI agent Mike Rolf acknowledges in “Muslim Mafia,” “CAIR has had a number of people in positions of power within the organization that have been directly connected to terrorism and have either been prosecuted or thrown out of the country.” According to another FBI veteran familiar with recent and ongoing cases involving CAIR officials, “Their offices have been a turnstile for terrorists and their supporters.” A review of the public record, including federal criminal court documents, past IRS 990 tax records and Federal Election Commission records detailing donor occupations, reveals that CAIR has been associated with a disturbing number of convicted terrorists or felons in terrorism probes, as well as suspected terrorists and active targets of terrorism investigations. The list is long and includes: FBI agents arresting CAIR founding director Ghassan Elashi in 2002. Ghassan Elashi: One of CAIR’s founding directors, he was convicted in 2004 of illegally shipping high-tech goods to terror state Syria and is serving 80 months in prison. He was also convicted of providing material support to Hamas in the Holy Land Foundation terror-financing trial. He was chairman of the charity, which provided seed capital to CAIR. Elashi is related to Hamas leader Mousa Abu Marzook. Muthanna al-Hanooti: The CAIR director’s home was raided in 2006 by FBI agents in connection with an active terrorism investigation. Agents also searched the offices of his advocacy group, Focus on Advocacy and Advancement of International Relations, which al-Hanooti operates out of Dearborn, Mich., and Washington, D.C.Al-Hanooti, who emigrated to the U.S. from Iraq, formerly helped run a suspected Hamas terror front called LIFE for Relief and Development. Its Michigan offices also were raided in September 2006. In 2004, LIFE’s Baghdad office was raided by U.S. troops, who seized files and computers. Al-Hanooti is related to Sheik Mohammed al-Hanooti, an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Muthanna al-Hanooti, wearing traditional headgarb “Al-Hanooti collected over $6 million for support of Hamas,” according to a 2001 FBI report, and was present with CAIR and Holy Land officials at a secret Hamas fundraising summit held in 1993 at a Philadelphia hotel. Prosecutors added his name to the list of unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land case. Although Al-Hanooti denies supporting Hamas, he has praised Palestinian suicide bombers as “martyrs” who are “alive in the eyes of Allah.” Abdurahman Alamoudi: Another CAIR director, he is serving 23 years in federal prison for plotting terrorism. Alamoudi, who was caught on tape complaining that bin Laden hadn’t killed enough Americans in the U.S. embassy bombings in Africa, was one of al-Qaida’s top fundraisers in America, according to the U.S. Treasury Department. Siraj Wahhaj: A member of CAIR’s board of advisers, Wahhaj was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. The radical Brooklyn imam was close to convicted terrorist Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman and defended him during his trial. Imam Siraj Wahhaj “Muslim Mafia,” citing co-author’s Sperry’s previous book “Infiltration” as well as terror expert Steven Emerson’s research, reports that Wahhaj, a black convert to Islam, is converting gang members to Islam and holding “jihad camps” for them. With a combination of Islam and Uzis, he has said, the street thugs will be a powerful force for Islam the day America “will crumble.” Wahhaj was a key speaker at CAIR’s 15th annual fund-raising banquet in Arlington, Va., in 2009. Randall “Ismail” Royer: The former CAIR communications specialist and civil-rights coordinator is serving 20 years in prison in connection with the Virginia Jihad Network, which he led while employed by CAIR at its Washington headquarters. The group trained to kill U.S. soldiers overseas, cased the FBI headquarters and cheered the space shuttle Columbia tragedy. Al-Qaida operative Ahmed Abu Ali, convicted of plotting to assassinate President George W. Bush, was among those who trained with Royer’s Northern Virginia cell. Bassam Khafagi: Another CAIR official, Khafagi was arrested in 2003 while serving as CAIR’s director of community affairs. He pleaded guilty to charges of bank and visa fraud stemming from a federal counter-terror probe of his leadership role in the Islamic Assembly of North America, which has supported al-Qaida and advocated suicide attacks on America. He was sentenced to 10 months in prison and deported to his native Egypt. Laura Jaghlit: A civil-rights coordinator for CAIR, her Washington-area home was raided by federal agents after 9/11 as part of an investigation into terrorist financing, money laundering and tax fraud. Her husband Mohammed Jaghlit, a key leader in the Saudi-backed SAAR network, is a target of the still-active probe.Jaghlit sent two letters accompanying donations – one for $10,000, the other for $5,000 – from the SAAR Foundation to Sami al-Arian, now a convicted terrorist. In each letter, according to a federal affidavit, “Jaghlit instructed al-Arian not to disclose the contribution publicly or to the media.”Investigators suspect the funds were intended for Palestinian terrorists via a U.S. front called WISE, which at the time employed an official who personally delivered a satellite phone battery to Osama bin Laden. The same official also worked for Jaghlit’s group.In addition, Jaghlit donated a total of $37,200 to the Holy Land Foundation, which prosecutors say is a Hamas front. Jaghlit subsequently was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the case. Nihad Awad Nihad Awad: Wiretap evidence from the Holy Land case puts CAIR’s executive director at the Philadelphia meeting of Hamas leaders and activists in 1993 that was secretly recorded by the FBI. Participants hatched a plot to disguise payments to Hamas terrorists as charitable giving.During the meeting, according to FBI transcripts, Awad was recorded discussing the propaganda effort. He mentions Ghassan Dahduli, whom he worked with at the time at the Islamic Association for Palestine, another Hamas front. Both were IAP officers. Dahduli’s name also was listed in the address book of bin Laden’s personal secretary, Wadi al-Hage, who is serving a life sentence in prison for his role in the U.S. embassy bombings. Dahduli, an ethnic-Palestinian like Awad, was deported to Jordan after 9/11 for refusing to cooperate in the terror investigation. (An April 28, 2009, letter from FBI assistant director Richard C. Powers to Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz. – which singles out CAIR chief Awad for suspicion – explains how the group’s many Hamas connections caused the FBI to sever ties with CAIR.)Awad’s and Dahduli’s phone numbers are listed in a Muslim Brotherhood document seized by federal investigators revealing “important phone numbers” for the “Palestine Section” of the Brotherhood in America. The court exhibit showed Hamas fugitive Mousa Abu Marzook listed on the same page with Awad. Omar Ahmad Omar Ahmad: U.S. prosecutors also named CAIR’s founder and chairman emeritus as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land case. Ahmad, too, was placed at the Philadelphia meeting, FBI special agent Lara Burns testified at the trial. Prosecutors also designated him as a member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s “Palestine Committee” in America. Ahmad, like his CAIR partner Awad, is ethnic-Palestinian.(Though both Ahmad and Awad were senior leaders of IAP, the Hamas front, neither of their biographical sketches posted on CAIR’s website mentions their IAP past.) Nabil Sadoun Nabil Sadoun: A CAIR board member, Sadoun has served on the board of the United Association for Studies and Research, which investigators believe to be a key Hamas front in America. In fact, Sadoun co-founded UASR with Hamas leader Marzook. The Justice Department added UASR to the list of unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land case. UPDATE: In 2010, Sadoun was ordered deported to his native Jordan. An immigration judge referenced Sadoun’s relationship with Hamas and the Holy Land Foundation during a deportation hearing. Mohamed Nimer: CAIR’s research director also served as a board director for UASR, the strategic arm for Hamas in the U.S. CAIR neglects to mention Nimer’s and Sadoun’s roles in UASR in their bios. Mohamed Nimer Rafeeq Jaber: A founding director of CAIR, Jaber was the long-time president of the Islamic Association for Palestine. In 2002, a federal judge found that “the Islamic Association for Palestine has acted in support of Hamas.” In his capacity as IAP chief, Jaber praised Hezbollah attacks on Israel. He also served on the board of a radical mosque in the Chicago area. Rabith Hadid: The CAIR fundraiser was a founder of the Global Relief Foundation, which after 9/11 was blacklisted by the Treasury Department for financing al-Qaida and other terror groups. Its assets were frozen in December 2001. Hadid was arrested on terror-related charges and deported to Lebanon in 2003. Hamza Yusuf: The FBI investigated the CAIR board member after 9/11, because just two days before the attacks, he made an ominous prediction to a Muslim audience.”This country is facing a terrible fate, and the reason for that is because this country stands condemned,” Yusuf warned. “It stands condemned like Europe stood condemned because of what it did. And lest people forget, Europe suffered two world wars after conquering the Muslim lands.” CAIR’s founder Ahmad, while claiming to be a moderate and patriotic American, reportedly told a group of Muslims in Northern California in 1998 that they are in America not to assimilate, but to help assert Islam’s rule over the country. “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant,” a local reporter paraphrased him as saying. “The Quran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” Ahmad insists he was misquoted. However, the reporter stands by her story, and an FBI wiretap transcript quotes Ahmad agreeing with terrorist suspects gathered at the secret Philadelphia meeting to “camouflage” their true intentions. He compared it to the head fake in basketball. “This is like one who plays basketball: He makes a player believe that he is doing this, while he does something else,” Ahmad said. “I agree with you. Like they say, politics is a completion of war.” Hooper, CAIR’s communications director, also has expressed a desire to overturn the U.S. system of government in favor of an Islamic state. “I wouldn’t want to create the impression that I wouldn’t like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future,” Hooper said in a 1993 interview with the Minneapolis Star Tribune. “But I’m not going to do anything violent to promote that. I’m going to do it through education.”
  9. Speaking to honest construction worker,"Yes these 'boxes' seem odd ,however, later a advanced device will be placed inside to insure increased building safety." =========================== Later a small team injects demolition material +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Explain to us in your own words what McAuliffe had to do with access to the WTC.// end Colby Also involved in these security upgrades was Ensec, where future Democrat National Committee chairman Terry McAuliffe was added as a director in 1996 and later worked for Harken Energy's Alan Quasha. =========================== Some of its commissioners were linked to BCCI, and its WTC Director appeared to be intentionally deceptive after the attacks. Evidence please. // END Colby ================================ The PANYNJ and its WTC Director The PANYNJ is the quasi-governmental agency that directed the construction of the WTC towers, and managed the WTC complex for all but the last three months of its existence. The PANYNJ was created in 1921 to "run the multi-jurisdictional commercial zones in the region." [14] As a result of their authority, the PANYNJ was responsible for managing both the WTC and Newark Airport, two facilities involved in the terrorist attacks on 9/11. Within the towers, the PANYNJ was also a tenant, occupying much of the available space, including offices on floors 3, 14, 19, 24, 28, and 31 of the north tower (WTC 1). PANYNJ management includes an executive director and a board of commissioners comprised of twelve members. Six of the commission members are appointed by the Governor of New Jersey and the other six are appointed by the Governor of New York. The board of commissioners then appoints the executive director, with recommendations from the governors. [15] On 9/11 the commission chairman was Lewis Eisenberg, appointed by Governor Christine Todd Whitman in 1994, and the executive director was Neil Levin, who had previously been Superintendent of Banks for New York State, and a general partner and vice president at Goldman Sachs. , [16,17] Mr. Levin died in the towers during the attacks, after having been in the position less than six months. [18] His wife, journalist Christine Ferrer, went on to be Mayor Bloomberg's representative to the 9/11 Families and was later appointed by Governor Pataki to the PANYNJ board of commissioners. Levin's predecessor as PANYNJ executive director, Robert Boyle, filled the position from February 1997 until Levin took over in 2001. Boyle had worked, for twenty-two years, as an executive and major stockholder in the construction industry prior to joining PANYNJ. After the attacks, Boyle returned to the PANYNJ position temporarily, and he is now the President of Empire Strategies. [19] Past Commissioners of the PANYNJ included Robert R. Douglass, a close friend of David Rockefeller and later chairman of Clearstream International. Clearstream was accused of playing a major part in the underground economy, of being a main platform for money laundering and operating "hundreds of confidential accounts for banks so they could move money undetected." [20] It was reported that Bahrain International Bank, which has been suspected of moving Al Qaeda's money, had an account number at Clearstream, and that BCCI and The Carlyle Group also had accounts there. [21] Seven PANYNJ representatives contributed to the WTC report that was generated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2005. This report, for which both professionals and 9/11 victim's families have sought out formal correction, has since been found to be false in many ways, and appears to be intentionally deceptive. , [22,23] Of those PANYNJ representatives that contributed to the NIST report, one stands out for his authority and control over the facilities -- Alan Reiss. Alan Reiss was the PANYNJ's World Trade Center Director, and as such was considered "mayor" of the WTC. [24] Reiss was employed at the WTC since 1984, working on building systems, the engineering and capital program, and eventually helping to secure major leases for tenants like Banker's Trust and Fuji Bank. In 1988, he was promoted to the position of the World Trade Center's supervising engineer, in charge of the complex's major systems. He was later promoted to Special Assistant to the Director, and eventually, WTC Director. Reiss took the lead in the response to the 1993 terrorist bombing at the WTC, and it was reported that -- "As Special Assistant to the Director, he managed the design and construction team that restored the World Trade Center's infrastructure, allowing the Twin Towers to reopen within a month." [25] At the time he was put in charge of reconstruction, "a job that required him to meet with top brass twice a day." Reiss said about this period -- "there were so many innovations we made.... After the 1993 bombing, we implemented a ten-year redevelopment program. We were spending half a billion dollars on upgrades. It was an engineer's dream." [26] Part of these upgrades involved constructing new command and control centers throughout the buildings. A new Security Command Center was built on the 22nd floor of the north tower (WTC 1), and a new Operations Control Center was constructed in the B1 level of the south tower (WTC2). [27] Additionally, NYC officials responded to the 1993 bombing by establishing The Office of Emergency Management (OEM), over a period of years, "to promote unified operations between and among the various city emergency responder departments." The OEM was controversial, in that it was not appreciated by the NYPD, which already had an emergency center. But ultimately, "on September 11, 2001, the OEM center located at WTC 7 became ineffective as WTC 7 was evacuated." [28] During Rudy Giuliani's run for President, he and his former employee Jerome Hauer traded accusations about who made the choice of putting the OEM in WTC 7. [29] When interviewed after the attacks, Alan Reiss "compared the energy of the planes' impacts to the detonation of a tactical nuclear weapon. But he said the buildings' construction may have saved some lives." [30] Reiss had the highest level of access to the towers, as would be expected for the Director of the WTC. But what is most interesting about Alan Reiss is the evidence that he was not telling the truth after the attacks. The first part of this evidence has to do with his surprising story of what happened to him on that day, and the visible evidence of his experience. Many senior managers at the PANYNJ who had knowledge of the buildings died on 9/11 trying to help others escape, [31] but Reiss survived. In his testimony to the 9/11 Commission, Reiss stated -- "We were stunned when 2 WTC was also hit by a plane. The police officers and I rushed to the rear emergency exit and looked up at the tower and realized we were at war...At the Port Authority Police's request, I then returned to the vicinity of 6 World Trade Center to assess the condition of One World Trade Center with then-Captain Whitaker, commander of the PA Police at the WTC, just as the tower began to collapse. We were both enveloped by this churning black debris cloud as we ran north on West Street. It was darker than any burning building I have ever been in as a volunteer fireman, and it was next to impossible to breathe due to the debris in the air." One problem with Reiss' testimony is that people who had been "enveloped by [the] churning black debris cloud" were completely covered in dust. [32] But Alan Reiss, who is said to have narrowly escaped the 1993 bombing as well, did not appear to have any dust or debris on him despite having been covered by the dust clouds. An interview with Reiss just moments after the destruction of the towers, in which Reiss' police escort turned his back on Reiss and appeared unusually uncomfortable, demonstrated this fact. [33] A second piece of evidence indicating that Alan Reiss was being less than truthful after the attacks includes this quote -- "Even if someone had told me the threat was a missile, I don't know what I could have done, let alone if someone had told me it was going to be a plane. No one ever thought about a hijacked plane being rammed into a building." [34] We heard this same false claim -- that no one had ever thought about a plane being rammed into a building -- from George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and Condoleezza Rice. [35] After the public was presented with considerable evidence that many people in the US government had, in fact, thought about and planned for such an event before 9/11, Rice had to correct her comments in her testimony to the 9/11 Commission. The reasons that Reiss should have been aware of the possibility included the fact that several people Reiss would have known had thought about this very scenario, including the WTC tower's design engineer, John Skilling. In a 1993 interview, Skilling said that, in the event of an airliner crash into one of the towers, "the building structure would still be there." [36] One of Reiss' own staff members, Frank A. DeMartini, the Manager of WTC Construction, was videotaped explaining how the towers could have withstood multiple impacts from aircraft. [37] Another person that Reiss would have worked with closely throughout the security upgrades, Brian Michael Jenkins, had also assessed the possibility of an airplane attack on the WTC. [38] From 1989 to1998, Jenkins was the deputy chairman of Crisis Management for Kroll Associates. Kroll directed the PANYNJ's response to the 1993 bombing in terms of security upgrades, as stated by Reiss' program manager for WTC security systems, Douglas G. Karpiloff, who died on 9/11. Karpiloff reported -- "After the bombing, we had the top security consultants in the nation, Kroll Associates, do a complete security analysis for us, and we followed their recommendations." [39] Stanley Brezeneoff, who was executive director of the PANYNJ from 1990 to 1995, emphasized the importance of Kroll's work at the WTC by saying -- "We have such confidence in [Kroll] that I have followed every one of their recommendations." [40] Having taken over the PANYNJ from Stephen Berger (of Dresser Industries), Brezenoff had previously been the First Deputy Mayor under Ed Koch, and before that he was a Program Officer for the Ford Foundation. [41] Because Kroll's Jenkins led the analysis of future terrorist threats and how they might be addressed after the 1993 bombing, and Alan Reiss was the lead person in the PANYNJ response to the bombing, it seems very unlikely that Reiss was not aware of Jenkins' prediction of "terrorists deliberately crashing a plane into the towers." [42] Alan Reiss might have wanted to be untruthful about the events of 9/11 because he knew more about the attacks than he let on. But he certainly knew about the involvement of Kroll in creating the security program for the WTC complex after the 1993 bombing. And Kroll's work is very relevant to this analysis.
  10. http://soundcloud.co...astic23/ken-mi5 (SOUNDCLIP) Ken Livingstone, Kincora boys home, MI5 filming ========================o0o============================== =======================o0o=============================== parentheses (politics.ie/forum) Ken Livingstone claims MI5 filmed abuse at Kincora boys home Ken Livingstone has claimed MI5 was filming abuse of boys at the Kincora home in Northern Ireland. Their ultimate hope was to entrap a senior member of Ian Paisley's DUP although they were unsuccessful in this(perhaps because the DUP did not have paedo senior members). It is pretty devastating though if Livingstone's claim is true
  11. Article Linking YELLOWSTONE/XANTERRA's DUBAIN with CIA DRUGS 01.Sep.2005 21:03 Sander Hicks- Long Island Press No Easy Answer: Heroin, Al Qaeda And The Florida Flight School Articles / Current News about 9-11 Date: Feb 27, 2004 - 05:35 PM The 9/11 Truth Movement - Part Two By Sander Hicks - Long Island Press -- Published February 26, 2004 Last March, on the first day of the 9/11 Commission hearings, commissioner Richard Ben-Veniste opened his remarks with sharp criticism of the current White House and the delays in processing the commissioners' security clearances. Ben-Veniste, who first came to prominence as a Watergate special prosecutor from 1973 to 1975, was counsel for the Democratic minority on the Senate Whitewater committee. Today he is a major attorney with a top firm in D.C. But what makes Ben-Veniste such an intriguing player on the 9/11 Commission (The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States) is his experience with rogue drug-running CIA operatives. Ben-Veniste defended Barry Seal, the notorious smuggler who flew C-123 military cargo planes filled with cocaine into Mena, Arkansas on behalf of the contras. Al Qaeda's lead 9/11 hijacker, Mohamed Atta, was allegedly partying with CIA-connected pilots while he got his flight training in fall/winter 2000 at Huffman Aviation in Venice, Fla., where two of the other 9/11 hijacker pilots trained. Atta wasn't acting much like a holy martyr: He wore jeans and sneakers, played video games, bought himself a red Pontiac and was said to be a hedonist. The Press posed the question to Ben-Veniste: If Atta belonged to the fundamentalist Muslim group, why was he snorting cocaine and frequenting strip bars? "You know," said Ben-Veniste, as he smiled a little. "That's a heck of a question." Follow the Drugs The source of this information about Atta and cocaine is Amanda Keller, Atta's American ex-girlfriend, according to Daniel Hopsicker, an investigative journalist who has spent two years researching Huffman and its ties to the CIA. It took Hopsicker a year, but he tracked Keller down. Like many other witnesses who knew Atta, Keller says she has been harassed by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Keller has not been called as a witness by the 9/11 Commission. Hopsicker's self-published book, Welcome to Terrorland, details his investigation of what he calls the "Venice flying circus." Through interviews with Keller, Hopsicker has drawn a private picture of Atta, a psychopath Keller says dismembered a litter of kittens in her apartment when she dumped him. Hopsicker is still researching the three Huffman-trained 9/11 pilots, who he says had financial, drug-trafficking and military intelligence ties to the U.S. government. He is developing suspicions that Atta and the entire school were involved with Osama bin Laden in heroin trafficking. Hopsicker reports that on July 25, 2000, the DEA in Orlando discovered more than 30 pounds of heroin inside a Learjet owned by Wally Hilliard, owner of Huffman Aviation. Earlier that month, on July 3, Atta and Marwan Al-Shehri had started flight lessons at Huffman. Hopsicker claims it's not a coincidence that Atta was allegedly importing heroin with Hilliard's help, selling Afghanistan's notorious opium and heroin to finance the Taliban. Hilliard would not be interviewed for this story. "The apparatus that Osama bin Laden set into place along with the CIA back in the '80s, still exists," Hopsicker says. "The FBI is protecting an operation set in place back in the '80s...a money-laundering device to funnel money to the Afghan Mujahedeen and to flood this country with heroin." Military Money Makers Outlandish? Yes. Impossible? Certainly not, given the documented histories of narcotics trafficking by the U.S. military intelligence. If true, this puts the story on a par with the alleged Vietnam War-era heroin-exporting operation coming out of Laos and Cambodia, or the connection between the Nicaraguan Contras, the CIA and crack cocaine, as alleged in 1995 by Gary Webb in the San Jose Mercury News. But wait, weren't the Taliban famous for accepting a gift of $43 million in U.S. funds--four months before 9/11--to help outlaw opium crops and suppress their heroin trade? Yes, but old habits die hard, and heroin was the Taliban's cash cow. William Bach of the Bureau of International Narcotics and Enforcement Affairs suggested in October 2001 that the Taliban made more than $40 million in 1999 taxing opium farmers. UN satellite photos showed that opium cultivation grew by 50 percent in 2000, according to Reaping the Whirlwind, a well-received book by Michael Griffin, identified in his book as a former information consultant for UNICEF in Afghanistan. That the Taliban made money from drugs is no surprise. But according to Hopsicker, the Venice operation was "protected" by top officials in the same U.S. government that created the Taliban (when the Taliban were known as the Mujahedeen, fighting the Soviets). Hopsicker says that when low-level DEA agents burst into Hilliard's plane on July 25, an embarrassed DEA higher-up was sitting in the co-pilot seat. The Larger World Hopsicker says that federal agents stated in court that Hilliard's planes made at least 30 weekly trips to Venezuela before the bust in July, but that Hilliard claimed innocence, saying the planes were leased to others. Hopsicker adds that neither Hilliard nor his business partner, Diego Levine-Taxar (the Learjet's pilot), did any time for the heroin. Instead, two low-level traffickers were incarcerated, Hopsicker says. A web of larger corporate connections links Wally Hilliard to a much bigger world than that of small-town Venice, Fla. It has been reported that Hilliard did business with Myron Du Bain, who worked alongside late ex-CIA director John McCone on the boards of several banks. Du Bain was chairman of the Fireman's Fund Insurance Company in 1981 when the company announced plans to acquire Employers Health, an insurance company cofounded by Hilliard, who was chairman. The deal collapsed and Employers Health was later acquired by another company. Du Bain later became CEO of Amfac Parks and Resorts, (now Xanterra Parks and Resorts), which owned the Silverado Resort in the Napa, Ca., wine country. Researcher Lois Battuello contends that Silverado often hosted Iran/Contra heavyweights Ollie North, Rob Owen and George H.W. Bush for golf and cocktails. Follow the Money Battuello worked at United California Bank (UCB) when Du Bain was on the board, right after former CIA director McCone served as chairman. She tells the Press that UCB had been on the brink of collapse, "under the weight of highly irregular loans." UCB had been known as John McCone's "piggy bank" and with Du Bain on board, they "attempted to recover monies looted and missing" by Saudi arms dealers (such as Adnan Khashoggi) and former CIA personnel. After the 9/11 planes slammed into American landmarks, Battuello began to see a possible connection between the terrorists, their flight school, owner Wally Hilliard and his associate Du Bain. She left her comfortable Napa Valley home and went hunting for the truth. In Florida, she says, she found cab driver and Navy veteran Bob Simpson, who had driven Mohamed Atta around on multiple occasions. Simpson told Battuello that Rudi Dekkers, president and CEO of Huffman, was hanging out in nightclubs with Atta and other Saudis as recently as August 2001. According to Keller, Atta's ex-girlfriend, Dekkers and Atta did cocaine and went to strip clubs together quite a bit. Hopsicker went looking for more on Dekkers, a Dutch citizen. Did the Huffman CEO have any prior arrests in Sarasota County, Fla.? Sgt. Michael Treanor, of the Venice Police Department, frustratedly told him they wouldn't be able to answer that question. Two of his detectives had removed all of Dekker's files and loaded them onto a plane for the FBI. One of those detectives, now promoted to Sergeant, was Tom McNulty. McNulty tells the Press, "I seized the files with the FBI because of some contacts I have in this area." But McNulty won't confirm or deny Hopsicker's reporting that Florida Gov. Jeb Bush was involved in the seizure of Dekkers' files. Will any of this information find a place in the 9/11 Commission's official report, due out in July? Don't get your hopes up. http://longislandpre...226/news_02.asp Daniel Hopsicker, author of "Barry Seal and the Boys" is a former NBC News Producer. Part I (The 9/11 Truth Movement: Widows Lead Growing Effort To Expose What The Government Knew) was previously posted on this site. It was published by Long Island Press on February 19th. http://longislandpre..._01.asp?2192004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This article comes from 9/11 CitizensWatch http://www.911citizenswatch.org/ The URL for this story is: link to www.911citizenswatch.org http://www.AmericanH...t.homestead.com
  12. Operatives Versus Enablers (911 review) One source of confusion regarding the number of operatives required to execute the 9/11/01 and similar attacks is the failure to distinguish between the operatives involved in executing the attack and the enablers who profit from and obstruct investigation of the attack. Whereas the first group is very small by necessity, the second group is indeed vast, but very diffuse, consisting mostly of individuals not consciously involved in any conspiracy. Compartmentalizing the planning and execution of the operation gives even the leaders ordering the deadly attacks a plausible deniability of involvement in them. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RYAN Conclusions Several facts are clear from this review of the companies and people responsible for revamping the security systems for the WTC buildings, and securing New York City, on 9/11. One is that many of the people involved were deceptive and/or corrupt, and appeared to have benefited from the attacks. Another is that many of them were connected to each other and to the investigations into previous acts of terrorism and the terrorist financing bank BCCI. Yet another striking similarity among these organizations is that they all did major work for the Saudi Arabian government, or the royal family of Kuwait. Finally, the history of some of those involved, like Terry McAuliffe, shows a level of greed and corruption that overshadowed all preconceptions about US politics. The PANYNJ occupied a good deal of space in the towers, and contributed to the false WTC report from NIST. Some of its commissioners were linked to BCCI, and its WTC Director appeared to be intentionally deceptive after the attacks. Others like Silverstein Properties' security manager John O'Neill, and FBI Director Louis Freeh, were the leading experts on Al Qaeda. The management of Kroll created the WTC security plan, created authoritative reports that promoted a fear of terrorism, had expert knowledge of BCCI, and were intimately linked to the impact zone tenant Marsh & McLennan. AIG was one of the owners of Kroll as of 1993 and, along with Marsh, Lockheed Martin and L-3 Communications (the defense contractor successor to Loral Corp), was a company whose stock was flagged by the SEC after 9/11, in relation to insider trading. [139] Less than a month after the attacks, AIG's chairman Greenberg said -- "The opportunities for us are enormous," and "It's not just in the United States, but rates are rising throughout the world. So our business looks quite good going forward.'' [140] It's clear that some management representatives at the primary WTC security companies also benefited from the War on Terror. Examples include James Abrahamson, Terry McAuliffe and Marvin Bush. Larry Silverstein, whose company had just taken over the security of the complex, reaped a huge windfall in insurance benefits from the destruction of the three buildings. All four of the primary contractors that were involved in rebuilding the security systems for the WTC had done significant business with the Saudis. Electronic Systems Associates' parent, S&H, designed King Saud University, and E.J. Electric worked for Saudi Arabian Airlines. Ensec was owned by a former arms dealer to the Saudis and Securacom, owned by a member of the Kuwaiti royal family, was in partnership with Ahmad N. AlBinali & Sons Co., the large Saudi Arabian construction company. Of course, fifteen of the nineteen alleged hijackers were from Saudi Arabia as well. [141] The leaders of NY City and NY County, who also were the primary players on 9/11 and in the ensuing investigations, were the investigators of BCCI and the 1993 WTC bombing, in the late 1980s an early 1990s. All of them seemed to benefit from the 9/11 attacks. Freeh started a homeland security business and began representing the Saudis. Cherkasky went on to become CEO of Marsh, after it bought Kroll, and helped it avoid prosecution for fraud. Others, like Giuliani, became national heroes for their "response" to 9/11. Could those involved in the BCCI investigation in New York, many of whom played a large role in the events leading up to, during, and after the attacks at the WTC, somehow have used the information they learned about BCCI to facilitate the attacks and then benefit from them? If so, they might have had to eliminate certain individuals who knew too much. Could the security firms and certain tenant companies have conspired to prepare the Twin Towers for demolition, well in advance of the attacks? These possibilities seem quite plausible. In fact, a number of these people, including Giuliani, Cherkasky, Freeh, Mueller, Bremer and Hauer have already been charged and indicted by a citizen's grand jury, for the crimes of 9/11. [142] Further investigation, with subpoena power, is well past due. The third and final essay in this series will examine the organizations and people who were involved in cleaning up Ground Zero. Those involved in the cover-up investigations will also be evaluated with respect to what has already been learned. It's possible that the old saying -- that criminals always return to the scene of the crime -- will help us learn more about what happened.
  13. .......In another incident on Aug. 26, Egyptian Ibrahim Madhan was killed while riding a motorcycle in the Sinai Peninsula some 15 kilometers (9 miles) from the Israeli border. According to security officials, parts of a missile were found next to his body. Egyptian officials told the Associated Press that there are two possible scenarios: an Israeli missile strike or that Madhan's motorcycle struck a land mine—but the shallow depth of the crater did not suggest the latter. ############################################## QUI BONO ??
  14. Hilliard had business ties to Myron Du Bain, an early member of the OSS and a CIA operative, twice President of the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) known for mind science experiments including the use of LSD for psychological warfare for the U.S. intelligence agencies,” ############################################################## AZIMA Stefan Halper, Ray Cline, S&Ls, Global, CSIS ... "One of the Bush's helpers in the 1980 campaign was Stefan Halper who was not a CIA agent but had linked with the intelligence community when he married the daughter of Ray Cline, of the CIA..." ----- "Stefen Halper and Jonathan Clarke Neoconservativism and the American Future (also at Alternet as Axis of Disorder) looks at the Neoconservativism and see a movement larger and more powerful than a single affair. From this view it is likely it will adjust and cleave this failure from itself and continue to dominate the dialogue of America's foreign dealings." www.wam.umd.edu/~pbushmil/atomized_jr/2004/07/index.html ---- www.thirdworldtraveler.com/CIA/S&L_Scandal_CIA.html Harvey McLean's partner in the Palmer National Bank was Stefan Halper. Halper had served as George Bush's foreign policy director during the 1980 presidential primaries. During the general election campaign, Halper was in charge of a highly secretive operations center, consisting of Halper and several ex- CIA operatives who kept close tabs on Jimmy Carter's foreign policy activities, particularly Carter's attempt to free U.S. hostages in Iran. Halper was later linked both to the "Debategate" scandal, in which it is alleged that Carter's briefing papers for his debates with Ronald Reagan were stolen, and with "The October Surprise," in which it is alleged that representatives of the Reagan campaign tried to thwartU.S. efforts to free the Iranian hostages until after the presidential election. Halper also set up a legal defense fund for Oliver North. During the Iran-Contra Affair, Palmer National was the bank of record for the National Endowment for the Preservation of Liberty, a front group run by Oliver North and Carl "Spitz" Channell, which was used to send money and weapons to the contras. Indian Springs Bank: Another bank with clear connections to the CIA was the Indian Springs Bank of Kansas City, Kansas (Bainerman, 1992: 279-280; Brewton, 1993: 197-200). The fourth largest stockholder in Indian Springs was Iranian expatriate Farhad Azima, who was also the owner of an air charter company called Global International Air. The Indian Springs bank had made several unsecured loans to Global International Air, totaling $600,000 in violation of the bank's $349,00 borrower limit. In 1983 Global International filed for bankruptcy, and Indian Springs followed suit in 1984. The president of Indiana Springs was killed in 1983 in a car fire that started in the vehicle's back seat and was regarded by law enforcement officials as of suspicious origins. Global International Air was part of Oliver North's logistical network which shipped arms for the U.S. government on several occasions, including a shipment of 23 tons of TOW missiles to Iran by Race Aviation, another company owned by Azima. Pete Brewton, in his investigation of the Indian Springs bank collapse was told that FBI had not followed up on Indian Springs because the CIA informed them that Azima was "off limits" (Houston Post, February 8, 1990). Similarly the assistant U.S. Attorney handling the Indian Springs investigation was told to "back off from a key figure in the collapse because he had ties to the CIA." Azima did indeed have ties to the CIA. His relationship with the agency goes back to the late 1970s when he supplied air and logistical support to EATSCO (Egyptian American Transport and Services Corporation), a company owned by former CIA agents Thomas Clines, Theodore Shackley, and Richard Secord. EATSCO was prominently involved in the activities of former CIA agent Edwin Wilson, who shipped arms illegally to Libya. Azima was also closely tied to the Republican party. He had contributed $81,000 to the Reagan campaign. Global International also had other unsavory connections. In 1981, Global International made a payment to organized crime figure Anthony Russo, a convicted felon with a record that included conspiracy, bribery, and prostitution charges. Russo was the lawyer of Kansas City organized crime figures, an employee of Indian Springs, and a member of the board of Global International. Russo later explained that the money had been used to escort Liberian dictator Samuel Doe on a "goodwill trip" to the U.S. Global International's planes based in Miami were maintained by Southern Air Transport, another CIA proprietary company. According to Franck Van Geyso, an employee of Global International, pilots for Global International ferried arms into South and Central America and returned to Florida with drugs. Indian Springs also made a loan of $400,000 to Morris Shenker, owner of the Dunes Hotel in Las Vegas, former attorney for Jimmy Hoffa, and close associate of Nick Civella and other Kansas City organized crime figures. At the time the loan to Shenker was made, he, Civella, and other Kansas City mobsters were under indictment for skimming $280,000 from Las Vegas' Tropicana Casino. ----------------- Dr Stefan Halper Last Name Halper First Name Stefan Title Dr Expertise International Relations Position Professor Research Interests Anglo-American Relations, International Security Affairs, US Foreign Policy University Cambridge Department Center of International Studies Address Centre of International Studies Fitzwilliam House 32 Trumpington Street Cambridge,CB2 1QY United Kingdom Telephone No. 01223 741321 Fax No. Email Address sh355@cam.ac.uk Web Page intstudies.cam.ac.uk/staff/halper-stefan.html Willing to be contacted by: Taught Students: yes Researchers: yes Publishers: yes Media: yes back to top Academic Staff with the same expertise International Relations
  15. Egypt said 35 gunmen in Bedouin clothing on Sunday opened fire on the guards before crossing into Israel in an armoured vehicle. Israel said five gunmen were killed on its side of the frontier. // NOTE : VEHICLE GOES BACK INTO ISRAEL NOT GAZA ############################################ The Aug. 23 issue of Alahram Alarabi, the Egyptian publication most critical of Israeli politics, published an interview with Maj. Gen. Ahmed Rajai Attia, one of the founders of Egypt's Special Operations unit, in which he accused an Israeli unit named 242, which the Mossad has operated in the Sinai since 1971, of playing a role in the attack. .......In another incident on Aug. 26, Egyptian Ibrahim Madhan was killed while riding a motorcycle in the Sinai Peninsula some 15 kilometers (9 miles) from the Israeli border. According to security officials, parts of a missile were found next to his body. Egyptian officials told the Associated Press that there are two possible scenarios: an Israeli missile strike or that Madhan's motorcycle struck a land mine—but the shallow depth of the crater did not suggest the latter. ############################################## An Israeli soldier inspects the wreckage of an Egyptian military vehicle the day after it was driven across the border into Israel following an armed attack on a police station in North Sinai which killed 16 Egyptian soldiers, Aug. 6, 2012. (Uriel Sinai/Getty Images) GOLLY VEHICLE IN ....ISRAEL ........NOT GAZA ################################################# QUI BONO ATTACK ????? ANSWER: HELPED ISRAEL
  16. Fireman's Fund Insurance Company is a Novato based insurance company owned by Allianz AG (Germany). Founded June 18th 1863 (1) Myron Du Bain, who worked alongside late ex-CIA director John McCone, used to be chairman of the Fireman's Fund Insurance Company in 1981 when the company announced plans to acquire Employers Health, an insurance company co-founded by Willy Hilliard, one of the owners of Huffman Aviation. (2) All 190 employees on the 48th floor of WTC2 survived 9/11. Sources: 1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fireman\'s_Fund_Insurance_... 2. http://sanderhicks.com/hilliarddub.html More about the Myron Du Bain - Willy Hilliard connection: http://www.911citizenswatch.org/print.php?sid=82
  17. Funny that you imagine a highly Byzantine plot which would necessitated the involvement of thousands of players, yet 11 plus years later not one has come forward. // END COLBY ================================================================ iF YOU READ whole post (before commenting) it is obvious thats it a finishing off of a year plus PLANTINGS OF DEVICES. +++++++++++++++++++ TURN YOUR BRAIN TO POST # 169. BOX ATTACHMENT DEVICES EMPTY WHEN ATTACHED ///// LATER FILLED WITH NANO-SULFUR-THERMITE ect. =========================== word for day compartmentalization The spy will usually have contact with no one else, never learning the names of any other spies or officials. This is known as compartmentalization. Each spy works within his own compartment, so if he is captured and interrogated, he can't reveal vital information or the identities of other spies. ############################################# Speaking to honest construction worker,"Yes these 'boxes' seem odd ,however, later a advanced device will be placed inside to insure increased building safety." ############################################# Sooooooo quick to forget word for day. ========================================= necessitated the involvement of thousands of players // end Colby Soooo quick to forget. ########################################################## While examining the tenants in each critical area, we should ask – Cui Bono? That is, who benefited from the destruction of the WTC buildings, and the resulting War on Terror? The obvious answer includes, primarily, the Bush Administration and its friends. It also includes overlapping groups of oil and gas companies, defense contractors, and those who desired to wield undue influence on international policies related to a wide number of issues from civil rights to space domination.
  18. I'm confused, are we in agreement ? You think whatreallyhappened a good news source ?? When you control the information ,you control the person. NWO needs some (few) guns because they control the flow of information. An 'Informal Arrangement' to Not Report the News By Peter Hart19 Comments Today the Washington Post (2/6/13) reported some news that it's known for years, but had decided not tell us until now: The CIA has a drone base in Saudi Arabia. Their rationale for withholding this information was simple: The government didn't want them to. And from what the Post is telling us today, they weren't the only ones. After explaining that Anwar al-Awlaki was killed by an attack "carried out in part by CIA drones flown from a secret base in Saudi Arabia," the paper explains: The Washington Post had refrained from disclosing the location at the request of the administration, which cited concern that exposing the facility would undermine operations against an Al-Qaeda affiliate regarded as the network's most potent threat to the United States, as well as potentially damage counterterrorism collaboration with Saudi Arabia. So why did the Post finally report this news today? The Post learned Tuesday night that another news organization was planning to reveal the location of the base, effectively ending an informal arrangement among several news organizations that had been aware of the location for more than a year. So there was an "informal arrangement among several news organizations" not to report important news because the government felt that it could make things difficult for them. It would appear that "another news organization" is the New York Times, which reported today: The first strike in Yemen ordered by the Obama administration, in December 2009, was by all accounts a disaster. American cruise missiles carrying cluster munitions killed dozens of civilians, including many women and children. Another strike, six months later, killed a popular deputy governor, inciting angry demonstrations and an attack that shut down a critical oil pipeline. Not long afterward, the CIA began quietly building a drone base in Saudi Arabia to carry out strikes in Yemen. American officials said that the first time the CIA used the Saudi base was to kill Mr. Awlaki in September 2011. The fact that the Post was keeping something secret was known in 2011, as FAIR noted (FAIR Blog, 7/27/11), quoting the paper: The agency is building a desert airstrip so that it can begin flying armed drones over Yemen. The facility, which is scheduled to be completed in September, is designed to shield the CIA's aircraft, and their sophisticated surveillance equipment, from observers at busier regional military hubs such as Djibouti, where the JSOC drones are based. The Washington Post is withholding the specific location of the CIA facility at the administration's request. As FAIR also pointed out then, this was reminiscent of another decision by the Post to withhold news. In 2005, the paper delivered an explosive story about "black sites" where CIA was interrogating suspects–places where, in many cases, the agency could reasonably expect the prisoners to be tortured. The Post's valuable expose was undercut by its decision not to name the countries involved. As the paper explained: The Washington Post is not publishing the names of the Eastern European countries involved in the covert program, at the request of senior U.S. officials. They argued that the disclosure might disrupt counterterrorism efforts in those countries and elsewhere and could make them targets of possible terrorist retaliation. This week, a new report from the Open Society Institute documented that more than 50 countries were involved in the CIA "extraordinary rendition" program. It's certainly possible that some countries might have stopped helping the U.S. government torture people if it had been made known that they were doing so. Likewise, it's possible that Saudi Arabia will stop allowing the CIA to use its territory to conduct a secret drone war against a third country now that the secret is out. But the possibility that news might affect the world is not a reason to stop doing journalism. Indeed, it's the best reason to do journalism. UPDATE: The Times' public editor Margaret Sullivan has weighed in on her blog (2/6/13), and what's most notable is the opinion of the paper's managing editor Dean Baquet, since it basically confirms the point we were making above: The government's rationale for asking that the location be withheld was this: Revealing it might jeopardize the existence of the base and harm counterterrorism efforts. "The Saudis might shut it down because the citizenry would be very upset," he said. Mr. Baquet added, "We have to balance that concern with reporting the news." So the Times believes that it should refrain from reporting news that people in Saudi Arabia might object to–especially if it wound up complicating our government's plans to launch military attacks from their country. #################################### Examples of media censorship and public opinion manipulation http://www.ai.rug.nl...nsored2011.html Geopolitics and the underreported stories in 2010 The underreported stories of 2010 all the previous years are highly biased towards the censorship of geopolitically relavant events and developments. The censored stories of 2010 are outlined below. These stories center around a relatively small number of themes: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Theme Story Number Govenment unaccountability and war crimes 2 9 13 14 15 24 Eroding civil liberties 3 4 9 13 14 15 20 22 24 25 Perpetuation of Wars 2 9 10 13 23 Security state build-up 3 4 9 14 15 22 Militarizing the economy 10 13 14 Resource "wars" 7 8 9 14 18 Undeclared wars 5 7 8 9 18 Corporate unaccountability and fraud 11 15 19 Corporate profiteering 5 6 8 11 15 17 18 Cover-up of environmental disasters 2 15 17 18 21 These themes make clear that not just some embarassing stories are censored. Censored stories are typically the stories with a strong geopolitical component because they are about war (declared and undeclared), unaccountability and cover-ups involving internationally active politicians and corporations, and the gradual eroding of individual liberties all over the world. ###################################### FEB 6 Pentagon Deploying 20000 Troops In US To Prepare For Economic Collpase Civil Unrest http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZbRaQEKjik&feature=player_embedded
  19. Unmasking the Muslim Colby Brotherhood: Syria, Egypt, and Beyond GOOGLE wikipedia israel propaganda Wikipedia editing courses launched by Zionist groups - The Guardian www.guardian.co.uk › World news › IsraelCached - Similar You +1'd this publicly. Undo  by Jemima Kiss - in 10,428 Google+ circles - More by Jemima Kiss Aug 18, 2010 – Two Israeli groups set up training courses in Wikipedia editing with ... "We don't want to change Wikipedia or turn it into a propaganda arm," ... More by Jemima Kiss Exposed - Anti-Israeli Subversion on Wikipedia - honest reporting honestreporting.com › NGO › CAMERACached You +1'd this publicly. UndoMay 13, 2008 – HonestReporting exposes anti-Israel activists manipulating the online ... to manipulate Wikipedia and to pass off “crude propaganda as fact. EI exclusive: a pro-Israel group's plan to rewrite history on Wikipedia ... electronicintifada.net/content/ei-exclusive...israel...wikipedia/7472Cached You +1'd this publicly. UndoGilead Ini's 17 March email provides specific advice on how to pass off pro-Israel propaganda or opinion as fact meeting Wikipedia's strict guidelines: “So, for ... Defending the indefensible: Israel's Wikipedia war www.middleeastmonitor.com › Resources › Commentary & AnalysisCached You +1'd this publicly. UndoAug 26, 2010 – Despite the existence of an elaborate Israeli propaganda ... Last week, Wikipedia, the hugely popular online encyclopaedia that has long been ... 125] www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIYhE-hei2Y Feb 17, 2011 - Uploaded by 58784677"We don't want to change Wikipedia or turn it into a propaganda arm," says ... The problem, according to ... SHE2I2: Israel & Propaganda: Wikipedia Editing for Zionists she2i2.blogspot.com/.../israel-propaganda-wikipedia-editing-for.htmlCached You +1'd this publicly. UndoAug 28, 2010 – The editors are expected to work on Wikipedia entries in both Hebrew and English since, as the Israeli newspaper Haaretz noted, “For years ... ECT,ECT,ECT ........ ############################### Israel to 'blame' for attack on Egypt border post: Hamas leader Hamas leader Ismail Haniya says Israel is somehow behind yesterday's attack on Egyptian guards in Sinai and calls for the establishment of an Egyptian-Palestinian defence committee Ahram Online & AFP , Tuesday 7 Aug 2012 The leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Ismail Haniya, has accused Israel of "responsibility" for the attack on the Egypt-Gaza border on Sunday that killed 16 Egyptian border guards and injured seven more. "Israel is responsible, one way or another, for this attack to embarrass Egypt's leadership and create new problems at the border, in order to ruin efforts to end the [israeli] siege of the Gaza Strip," Haniya told the Hamas-run Al-Aqsa television channel on Monday. "We call on Egypt to discuss all issues related to the mutual interests of Egypt and Palestinians," he added. Egypt said 35 gunmen in Bedouin clothing on Sunday opened fire on the guards before crossing into Israel in an armoured vehicle. Israel said five gunmen were killed on its side of the frontier. MENA, the official news agency in Egypt, reported that the gunmen were "jihadists" who "infiltrated from Gaza through tunnels in collaboration with jihadist elements" inside Egypt. "No Palestinian wants to kill anybody in Egypt. Any attack against Egypt's security is also against the security of Palestinians," Haniya said in a statement issued after an emergency meeting of the Hamas government at the wake of the deadly attack. In a related development, Haniya advocated the establishment of a joint Egyptian-Palestinian defence committee to permanently ensure the maintenance of "absolute security" between both parties. "Egypt's security equals Palestine's security; both issues are inseparable", he said. Haniya called on the Palestinian people to mobilise and join the Ramadan evening prayers in front of the Egyptian embassy in Gaza Strip as a sign of solidarity with the Egyptian nation. ############################# THE REAL STORY http://www.wrmea.org/archives/519-washington-report-archives-2011-2015/october-2012/11408-gaza-on-the-ground-attack-on-egypt-s-border-morsi-s-test-gaza-s-challenge.html
  20. LOL the text above was not in “post # 172” nor in any other previous post in this forum. // Gee I was adding to the prominence of BUSH re info in said post // end Colby According to its present CEO, Barry McDaniel, the company had an ongoing contract to handle security at the World Trade Center "up to the day the buildings fell down."... Barry McDaniel, CEO of the company since January 2002, declines on security grounds to give specific details about work the company did at the World Trade Center. According to McDaniel, the contract was ongoing (a "completion contract"), and "not quite completed when the Center went down." The company designed a system, but &endash; as he points out -- obviously that "didn't have anything to do with planes flying into buildings."... http://www.populist.com/03.02.burns.html +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ OFF THE BOOKS OPERATION (CEO he would know) Golly Steve I looked a few times but cou, ldn't any references to dogs in your latest post. I assume you wish to make a big deal about Ben Fountain's comments. So do you think think they wired up two of the largest buildings in the world during a couple of fire drills? They are few other problems, for one about 20,000 people worked in the towers yet more than 11 years truthers have not found anyone confirming this. The closest they've gotten was a WTC worker (who was absent on 9/11) turned truther who told truther blogger 'Killtown': “We had regular fire/evacuation drills, but not an unusual number.” Even if we accept Fountain's account he said the evacuations happened “over the past few weeks” so it doesn't get much beyond “4 – 5 days”. // end COLBY +++++++++++++++ iF YOU READ whole post (before commenting) it is obvious thats it a finishing off of a year plus PLANTINGS OF DEVICES. +++++++++++++++++++ TURN YOUR BRAIN TO POST # 169. BOX ATTACHMENT DEVICES EMPTY WHEN ATTACHED ///// LATER FILLED WITH NANO-SULFUR-THERMITE ect. =========================== word for day compartmentalization The spy will usually have contact with no one else, never learning the names of any other spies or officials. This is known as compartmentalization. Each spy works within his own compartment, so if he is captured and interrogated, he can't reveal vital information or the identities of other spies.
  21. You know the drill, get back to us with a citation. // END COLBY When you can show 911 NOT inside job, "get back to us with a citation" . Hilliard in business with a man who was transporting and training mujahedin mercenaries. PG 46 of said document Convertible Secured Loan Agreement - SPATIALIGHT INC - 4-14 ... www.docstoc.com › Legal › Company Agreements › Loan Agreement You +1'd this publicly. UndoJan 10, 2010 – Shared by: SPATIALIGHT INC Agreements ...... Drive Birmingham, AL 35213 Fax: 205-599-3408 Attn: Dan Hilliard 2555 S. Trillium Green Bay #################################### Monday, January 28, 2013 FOX NEWS COMES CLEAN! FOX NEWS CONFIRMS BLISTERING STORY IN RARE EXAMPLE OF JOURNALISTIC TRUTH-TELLING By Philip A. Carney CPW News Services Rarely will Fox News confirm a story as damning to the Bush and Reagan legacies and as affirming of a journalistic outsider. Daniel Hospicker, an independent journalist, claims that 911 was a drug deal gone bad. Hopsicker's story is "truly what happened" according to “Flapping Jowls” a Fox News reporter who is the equivalent of Woodward and Bernstein’s “Deep Throat”. <a href="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-XWjdIXnayNQ/UQbtMCkXRlI/AAAAAAAAFrs/z-VilQNPfPI/s1600/dubain.wisconsinpaperarticle.png" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto">1982 Wisconsin paper confirms relationship of Wally Hilliard of Huffman Flying School to Myron Du Bain of SRI and Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. “The head terrorist of the 911 hijacking, Mohammed Atta, was trained at the Huffman Aviation's flying school in Venice, Florida which was owned by Wallace J. Hilliard. Hilliard’s workers were arrested in Orlando, Florida by low ranking DEA officers as his jet landed with millions of dollars of heroin on board on July 25, 2000. Any connections between Hilliard and the Bush family that might derail the George W. Bush presidential campaign in the run up to the November election could have been devastating for the Bush legacy. Hilliard had business ties to Myron Du Bain, an early member of the OSS and a CIA operative, twice President of the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) known for mind science experiments including the use of LSD for psychological warfare for the U.S. intelligence agencies,” said Flapping Jowls who cited the following quoted from a yet to be confirmed source..... Edgar Valles Diaz was arrested on Wally Hilliard’s Lear jet (N351WB) at Orlando Executive Airport on July 25, 2000, in what the Orlando Sentinel called “the biggest bust in Central Florida history.” The paper quoted officials stating it was “the largest find of its kind in the southeastern United States in recent years.” “Du Bain was also a member of San Francisco’s Bohemian Club as well as a San Francisco dinner club which he started with Mercer Gordon Gaddy and Secretary of State George Shultz that employed future Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, when he was unable to find work in the public sector. Du Bain’s main fortunes had come from his position as CEO of Fireman’s Fund Insurance, the San Francisco insurance company that was number ten in revenues in the U.S., an agency that would merge with American Express. In 1982 Wallace J. "Wally" Hilliard’s insurance company, Wisconsin Employers Insurance Group of De Pere united with American Express. Ellen Tufts of the Green Bay News-Chronicle reported on November 10, 1982 that Myron Du Bain and Willie Davis, a Fireman’s Fund Board member and former Green Bay Packer, joined Wally Hilliard in Green Bay for the celebration of the announcement.  “It looks to us like the trail of Mohammad Atta to Venice, Florida where he connected with Wally Hilliard’s flying school meant that he was flying like a homing pigeon right up the CIA-linked drug lines protected, for example, by Asa Hutchinson at Mena, Arkansas. Hutchinson, as that state’s leading law enforcement officer, was promoted after the death of Barry Seal to the head of the Drug Enforcement Agency or DEA. Seal, for whom Eugene Hasenfus worked, downed the Fairchild C-123 cargo plane, N4410F, formerly USAF 54-679 which he piloted for the CIA. The flight over Nicaragua blew the lid off of Iran-Contra. Seal promised to carry news of the entire Iran-Contra network to a Baton Rouge, Louisiana courtroom where Seal was to have testified in the Federal case. Seal was machine-gunned on the street. Not only was Seal problematic, but Hilliard’s plane in Orlando was problematic as was Mark Lombardi, a Houston artist and curator of the Houston Museum of Contemporary Art who had drawn graphic schematics of the entire Iran-Contra network. Lombardi supposedly committed suicide in New York in the spring of 2000,” said Flapping Jowls. “Anybody near the Iran-Contra network that included the indictment of Oliver North, John Poindexter, Casper Weinberger and Elliot Abrams, were near the CIA’s covert drug supply that would ultimately be uncovered by San Jose Mercury New’s Pulitzer prize winning reporter, Gary Webb. Webb died of two gunshot wounds to the head on December 10, 2004. The California medical examiner in charge declared it a suicide. He said it happens all the time…two shot to the head suicides,” said Flapping Jowls. Spatialight Corp. records showing Wallace J. Hilliards proximity to Farhad Azima the primary U.S. government conduit for the Iran-Contra drugs for weapons exchange and hostages scandal that would have sent U.S.Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger to prison save for a Presidential pardon from George Bush. Hilliard not just close to Myron Du Bain, but also to Farhad Azima, the Iraqi businessman who handled the weapons delivery to Iran and whose small airline, Buffalo Airways, was domiciled in McClennan County, Texas, home of both the Crawford White House and the Branch Davidian compound where gun runner, David Koresh, died with his followers in a firey FBI and ATF assault. The FBI agent in charge of the assault was also the leading FBI buffer on the Iran-Contra scandal. His friend, Oliver North, was indicted with the others. Leaving Washington D.C. after the scandal, Fawn Hall, North's secretary, would pair up with Randy Sugarman, the agent for the rock group The Doors whose lead singer, Jim Morrison, was the son of the USN Admiral in charge of the Gulf of Tonkin Affair. Sugarman would introduce Hall to opium addiction. The drug connections, opium and cocaine, were pervasive throughout these networks," said Flapping Jowls. Fahrad Azima and Wallace J. "Wally" Hilliard came together in a company called Spatialight Inc. whose CEO would face an SEC conviction for fraud in 2006-7. “I’d want to know if anybody else died in or around the date of Webb’s death that was close to this case. Maybe even four years earlier when tensions were even greater around the 2000 Presidential election in Florida when a fortunate son feared any unfortunate new revelations. Given Hilliard’s problems in 2001 with Mohammed Atta and Mark Lombardi’s death just before the 2000 election and it raises the spectre that Atta and his friends, mostly from Saudi Arabia, where the Bin Ladens were the engineers and builders for Prince Bandar Bush’s family, were taking advantage of their connection to American politicians to get to the American people by getting to their symbols of empire. By the way," said FJ, "the Bin Ladens owned the Houston Gulf Manor Airport, purchased with the help of Khalid Bin Mahfouz and Jim Bath, GWB's Air National Guard roommate." "The Houston Gulf Manor Airport was razed after 911. Then you have to ask yourself who was on the 911 Commission? Richard Bin Vinesti was the attorney for Barry Seal and he was on the 911 Commission,” said Flapping Jowls who added...."When an S&L scandal figure, Robert Corson, son-in-law of Houston, Texas' Walter Mischer made his way to a Houston court to face the judge for his part in the S&L scandal it was reported by a Houston Post reporter that Corson also had significant knowledge of Barry Seal's drug operation and that he would use it as a bargaining chip as Seal had hoped to do in his trial. Corson also committed suicide before he arrived at the George Herbert Walker Bush appointed U.S. District Court. Anyone near the Bush, Hilliard or Du Bain organizations appear to have been in intense danger," said FJ. “What we were forbidden to explore at Fox News was why if President Bush’s brother, Marvin P. Bush, was on the board of the security company in charge of the World Trade Center, Securacom, wasn't GWB receiving phone calls from Marvin while the President was reading to children about goats? Goats? With Myron Du Bain's experiences with the OSS and CIA and as head of the Stanford Research Institute he was literally the man who paid the men who stare at goats. My brother wouldn't hesitate to interrupt my photo op if I were President and someone just crashed 747's into his building,” said Flapping Jowls. When asked where he got the name “Flapping Jowls” he said that “Deep Throat” was from a porn film and “Flapping Jowls” could be used for "every politician I have ever seen. Their jowls flap prevarications....mine the truth. FDR was credited with saving free market capitalism from the German American Nazi coalition of the 1930’s with Leo Crowley's seizure of Union Bank's assets, but don’t forget that Roosevelt’s family like so many of America’s power elites made their money from the opium trade, too….the China Trade….which they had learned from Great Britain’s East India Company," said FJ. "And don't forget Du Bain's connections to the Hawaiian German import/exporter Heinrich Hackfield who during WWI found his import/export business in Hawaii taken by the American Alien Custodian for Woodrow Wilson as would happen to Union Bank by Leo Crowley, FDR's Alien Custodian during World War II. Remember that the Roosevelts and Vanderbilts had teamed up to stall William Walker's attempt to put a Central American canal through Honduras and with the Panama Canal eclipsed Hackfield's domination of Hawaii whose assets went to AMFAC. Du Bain was running AMFAC after Henry Alexander Walker. AMFAC, American Factoring, owning thousands of acres of prime Hawaiian real estate on which it produced mostly sugar and coffee while being the China Trader's mid-Pacific depot, would find its best resort properties assimilated by a group of Texas brothers from Yale and Stanford, the Bass brothers, future partners with Richard Rainwater, the partner with George W. Bush in the Texan baseball franchise. The deal was brokered by Merrill Lynch, formerly Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner and Smith, with its family connections to President Franklin Pierce who backed the mercenary exploits of filibusterer William Walker in his attempt to privatize parts of the coasts of California and Northern Mexico. Franklin Pierce was an ancestor of Marvin Pierce, Barbara Pierce Bush's father," said FJ recalling how Ken Lewis of America Bank was forced to take Henry Paulson's bailout money to be used partially to buy Merrill Lynch which would have been illegal under Glass-Steagall which was repealed in 1999 just before GWB took office. Glass-Steagall, passed to prevent another Great Depression in 1933, had forbade banks from owing investment houses and insurance companies. "From the American Northeast, across the U.S. mainland by rail to California then to Hawaii and the Philippines these dark entrepreneurial stars laid, then passed on by inheritance through interlocking corporate directorates, the rail heads, sea lane and safe harbors of the China Trade sparking along the way a Civil War, world wars and eventually a massive Cultural Revolution. After the Cultural Revolution aimed essentially at expelling the China Traders, after Mao's death the second U.S. Envoy leading to diplomatic relations with China was George Herbert Walker Bush," said FJ. "Under the guise of providing a new and better leadership and establishing a more just society with our strict drug policies and laws, America's leaders disregarded the terms of the Nan King Treaty that replaced Britain's opium pushers. That treaty, first negotiated by the U.S. dominant China Trader, Caleb Cushing, was disregarded and the principle for which a Civil War was supposedly fought, freedom from slavery, clearly did not include the new chains of chemical slavery, as evidenced by Iran-Contra twenty years after GHWB's diplomatic mission 140 years after Caleb Cushing's mission. Then would come new military excursions to control the world's historic poppy-growing regions. Iran-Contra was not some little misguided fluke, but a lens through which to understand the whole charade aimed at turning the earth, like William Walker's hope for a Golden Circle in the American Caribbean basin, into a new home of slaves and masters," said FJ pointing out GHWB great interest in China. "When you consider that the Civil War was an attempt by these same families to secure this route across the flatter Great Southwest with terminal secured on the Pacific coast by William Walker, the Southwest route though easier to build, was in the end more difficult to control, so they punched it through to the future hometown of Myron Du Bain and George Shultz, San Francisco, while abandoning Reconstruction as soon as the San Francisco route north of the stalled southern route was completed. Of course you cannot separate the rail barons, Leland Stanford or E.H. Harriman and the Union Pacific from these families and at the Stanford Research Institute Myron Du Bain's two stints as President put him on the front row of the power elites' mind-control research center. The Civil War was essentially, therefore, like 911, with the Hilliard and Du Bain connections to Mohammad Atta, a drug deal gone bad for the South. Jefferson Davis' Confederate rail route from Savannah to San Diego, was usurped by the North. In 1860 and 1861 for 18 months the trail from St. Joseph Missouri to San Francisco provided the media blitz that pulled attention to the Northern route....the Pony Express. Who started the Pony Express? William Hepburn Russell. With his connections to the New England Russell family and William Huntington Russell, founder of the Russell Trust that created Skull & Bones and to Boston's Caleb Cushing who negotiated U.S. trade policy with China, it was a done deal for the South's dream of joining the power elites. The Southern slavers were amateurs compared to the Cushings and the Russells who not so ironically were Northerners who favored Union and slavery. Just as the arrival of the British East India Company was to China the start of its cultural enslavement, so GHWB took a profound interest immediately before becoming CIA Director in the same region. It had been long enough since the Chinese Cultural Revolution that people there were starving for the free market excesses that the Russell and Cushing galaxy could provide when and if they needed to. With the Frank Church Commissions investigation of the CIA, GHWB stepped in as CIA Director which by his own admission would have been for anyone else the kiss of death for any future political ambitions. Yep, the Civil War was a drug deal gone bad, too, but so was Iran-Contra and Hopsicker is absolutely correct," said FJ. "911 was in essence a drug deal gone really, really bad." FJ did not think that 911 was an inside job unless one means that Atta and his Middle-Eastern couriers coming from a history of doing the top CIA's dirty work across the Middle East through Al Qaeda dating back to the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, went radially religious and did to New York what knowledgeable and angry Confederates, those who had figured out the China Trade and Great Southwest rail route connections, tried to do after the Civil War. Without this history American suspicions about Atta's group went largely without scrutiny even after the 15 of the 19 Saudi terrorists were used like fake yellow cake uranium to justify war with Iraq instead of Saudi Arabia. "Still I'm bothered by Building 7 and reports of Thermite found at Ground Zero. That would be over the top even for angry religious radicals bent on suicide bombing, what's the point? Unless they were also working with the President's brother's company Marvin P. Bush's company, Securacom, which had unfettered access in securing the World Trade Center complex," said FJ in a concluding flap ################## FYI THE BASS BROTHERS WERE friends of GHWB for 50 years.
  22. Gee Whatreallyhappened.com corrected the story also with this link. (from the trenches website) Why is the Department of Homeland Security buying so many bullets? Posted on February 15, 2013 by Paraclete This should be good for a laugh. Fox News – by Associated Press Online rumors about a big government munitions purchase are true, sort of. The Homeland Security Department wants to buy more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition in the next four or five years. It says it needs them — roughly the equivalent of five bullets for every person in the United States — for law enforcement agents in training and on duty. Published federal notices about the ammo buy have agitated conspiracy theorists since the fall. That’s when conservative radio host Alex Jones spoke of an “arms race against the American people” and said the government was “gearing up for total collapse, they’re gearing up for huge wars.” The government’s explanation is much less sinister. Federal solicitations to buy the bullets are known as “strategic sourcing contracts,” which help the government get a low price for a big purchase, says Peggy Dixon, spokeswoman for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco, Ga . The training center and others like it run by the Homeland Security Department use as many as 15 million rounds every year, mostly on shooting ranges and in training exercises. Dixon said one of the contracts would allow Homeland Security to buy up to 750 million rounds of ammunition over the next five years for its training facilities. The rounds are used for basic and advanced law enforcement training for federal law enforcement agencies under the department’s umbrella. The facilities also offer firearms training to tens of thousands of federal law enforcement officers. More than 90 federal agencies and 70,000 agents and officers used the department’s training center last year. The rest of the 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition would be purchased by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the federal government’s second largest criminal investigative agency. ICE’s ammunition requests in the last year included: –450 million rounds of .40-caliber duty ammunition –40 million rounds of rifle ammunition a year for as many as five years, for a total bullet-buy of 200 million rounds –176,000 rifle rounds on a separate contract –25,000 blank rounds The Homeland Security ammo buy is not the first time the government’s bullets purchases have sparked concerns on the Internet. The same thing happened last year when the Social Security Administration posted a notice that it was buying 174,000 hollow point bullets. Jonathan L. Lasher, the agency’s assistant inspector general for external relations, said those bullets were for the Social Security inspector general’s office, which has about 295 agents who investigate Social Security fraud and other crimes. Jones the talk-show host did not immediately respond to requests for comment. (RED GAAL) Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/02/14/why-is-department-homeland-security-buying-so-many-bullets/#ixzz2KyKhHFGT
  23. Dozens of tunnels had been destroyed since last August following the killing of 16 Egyptian soldiers in a militant attack near the Gaza fence. Cairo said some of the gunmen had crossed into Egypt via the tunnels - a charge denied by Palestinians - and ordered an immediate crackdown. // END COLBY +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IF Palestinians didnt do it. (just a mind exercise) . WHO DID ???? and of course QUI BONO ???
  24. Yup pro- Palestinian MB Egypt Floods Gaza Tunnels to Cut Palestinian Lifeline February 14, 2013 Print Version Source: Reuters Egyptian forces have flooded smuggling tunnels under the border with the Palestinian-ruled Gaza Strip in a campaign to shut them down, Egyptian and Palestinian officials said. The network of tunnels is a vital lifeline for Gaza, bringing in an estimated 30 percent of all goods that reach the enclave and circumventing a blockade imposed by Israel for more than seven years. Reuters reporters saw one tunnel being used to bring in cement and gravel suddenly fill with water on Sunday, sending workers rushing for safety. Locals said two other tunnels were likewise flooded, with Egyptians deliberately pumping in water. Read more...
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