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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. Curious that Mr. Gaal posted an article from a conservative MSM outlet (Forbes) that takes a staunchly pro-corporate POV.// END COLBY ++++++++++ GEE I THOUGHT YOU WOULD LIKE MSM TOUCH. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CLIMATE GATE OVERVIEW (UPDATED FOR 2013) ##############ooo################ http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/climategate.php The major problem that the global warming cultists have faced is that the Earth has actually been cooling for almost 12 years now. The global warming cultists attempted to re-brand by avoiding the term global warming and saying their agenda was to deal with climate change. Not just any climate change of course but sudden climate change, again the fault of humans, again requiring taxes and obedience to a global authority to solve. But re-branding as the climate change cult did not secure the fact that the predictions for a warming globe were simply not panning out. It was at this point that institutions dependent on funding to study human caused global warming began to adjust their data in order to, as CRU put it, "conceal the decline". Otherwise, trust in the climate scientist was going to be undermined by the fact that they had obviously totally blown which way the temperatures of earth were going, predicting that they were going up when in fact they were demonstrably in decline. IPCC predictions in yellow/orange, real world in blue/green Blue line is the raw data. The red line is the "value added" data the IPCC is using. In one of the CRU emails leaked by a whistle blower, Dr. Phil Jones, head of the CRU (until forced to step down) openly admits the Earth is getting cooler! "This is from an Australian at BMRC (not Neville Nicholls). It began from the attached article. What an idiot. The scientific community would come down on me in no uncertain terms if I said the world had cooled from 1998. OK it has but it is only 7 years of data..." Clearly from the above Dr. Phil Jones is well aware that the Earth has been cooling for 7 (now 12) years and is clearly biased against allowing that information to be made public. Ultimately, Phil Jones did admit on the record that there has been no warming since 1995. In the end, the most obvious evidence that the global warming cultists got it wrong, is to look out your doors and windows this winter. Snow has come early to much of the Northern Hemisphere this winter. Ski resorts have opened early, and it looks to be a very hard winter. As of December 11th, 2009, 50% of the United States was under snow. On the same date last year, only 29% of the United States was under snow. The same global warming cultists who would point to temperature extremes 10 years ago as proof of their claims, now insist that early snows and frosts and ice should not be construed as evidence of global cooling. Clearly there is a bias at work here. +++++++++ ALSO http://www.geocraft.com/WVFossils/greenhouse_data.html
  2. DEEP BACKGROUND GOVERNMENT/DRUGS + TRANSNATIONAL PROTECTED NARCOTIC TRAFFIC http://ce399fascism....-scott-1782008/ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ http://911review.org...nAviation.shtml 9) http://www.madcowpro...m/mc322004.html Terror Flight School Owner's Plane Seized for Heroin Trafficking A Learjet belonging to the true owner of the Venice flight school that trained both terrorist pilots who flew into the World Trade Center was seized with more than 30 pounds of heroin onboard by Federal Agents in July of 2000 at the Orlando Executive Airport. The seized plane belonged to 70-year old Wallace J. Hilliard of Naples, FL. While Rudi Dekkers busied himself training thousands of young Arab men to fly, from his base in Naples, just a short helicopter ride south of Venice, his partner Wally Hilliard was running a charter jet service called Plane 1 Leasing which provided the jet carrying 30 pounds of heroin. At the same time their planes were flying back and forth from Venezuela with illegal cargo Hilliard's charter service was also, unbelievably, being utilized at virtually no cost��despite the fact that rentals for Lear jets can run as high as $1,800 an hour�� by Florida Governor Jeb Bush. Even stranger, both Governor Jeb Bush and Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris were providing celebrity endorsements to Hilliard's operation well after the company's Lear (N351WB) had been busted by DEA agents armed with machine guns. 10) http://www.madcowpro...m/mc332004.html Terror Flight School Owner Implicated in 'Protected' Drug Trafficking Ring Mounting evidence in the investigation into the terror flight schools in Venice FL is raising questions of whether an officially-sanctioned drug trafficking operation there discouraged the FBI from taking action against the terrorists that might have averted the World Trade Center disaster. The new revelations heighten concern that the true reason for the FBI�s failure to take action against terrorists which the Bureau has acknowledged knowing were training in Venice may have been their historical reluctance to meddle on another Federal Agency's turf. Nor was the FBI the only Federal Agency protecting the drug trafficking operation, court documents reveal. Though the Justice Department, through the U.S. Attorney�s Office in Orlando, declined to prosecute, the affidavits filed by DEA agents after the heroin trafficking arrests make clear their belief that the pilot of the plane, who worked directly for the Lear's owner Wally Hilliard, was also involved and should have been charged along with the five Venezuelan and Colombian nationals who eventually pled guilty in the case, called "the largest-ever seizure of heroin in Central Florida" by the Orlando Sentinel. The new information adds to long-standing suspicions of drug trafficking held by aviation observers at the Venice Airport, who more than six months ago told us the Hilliard/Dekkers operation had a 'green light' from the DEA at the Venice Airport. "The local Venice Police Department (which mounted round-the-clock patrols at the Airport after September11) were warned to leave them alone," said one aviation executive. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Did Wally Hilliard Run 'Ghost Airline' for the CIA? October 19, 2009 by Daniel Hopsicker email the author Preview III: "New American Drug Lords" at danielhopsicker.tv At the same time Wallace J. Hilliard’s Huffman Aviation was teaching a still-unidentified number of suspected terrorists, including many, like Souheil Seddik, who remain unknown to the general public, he was also assembling a fleet of twin-engine turboprop Jetstream airliners for the launch of his new start-up airline Florida Air. “Dekkers, along with partner Wally Hilliard, operates several air charter companies in Florida, including the Venice-based Huffman Aviation,” reported the Sarasota Herald Tribune in February 2001. “Six airplanes -- four scheduled for daily runs, two on standby as backups --will be dispatched for the new service.” However a recent investigation into the current war for control of the Venice Municipal Airport has discovered that secretive financier Wally Hilliard bought—not six—but as many as twelve to eighteen Jetstream airliners, normally used in regional airline markets, which seldom—if ever—flew paying passengers or scheduled flights. While Mohamed Atta attended his flight school, Wally Hilliard owned a “ghost airline” with a dozen 19-passenger Jetstreams whose use remains a total mystery. One clue to their true use can perhaps be found, however, in the names of the previous owners of Hilliard’s fleet of airliners, which include individuals closely associated with prominent military figures active in U.S. covert operations in China, in Iran Contra, and closely linked to figures like the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. Planes not flying now. So sorry. Whatever "Hilliard’s Air Force" was about, it wasn't about flying paying passengers on scheduled air service. On Florida Air’s first day of scheduled service headline read: “FLORIDA AIR CANCELS FIRST FLIGHTS.” "There were some surprises for Florida Air on its first day of service in Tallahassee. The airline, which was scheduled to begin service at Tallahassee Regional Airport on Monday, was told by the airport that it could not begin operating.” Things went downhill from there. For just a few weeks in March and April, Hilliard’s Florida Air flew two flights a day into Jacksonville. Then, sometime in April, the airline stopped flying. If anything, Discover Air was even a bigger flop. Problems began immediately with Florida Air. Discover Air didn't even get that far.... A June 28, 2001 headline in the Orlando Sentinel summed it up: “AIR SERVICE TO MIAMI FLOPS; NOT ONE PERSON BOUGHT A TICKET, SO DISCOVER AIR HALTED PLANS FOR FLIGHTS FROM DAYTONA BEACH. Having "not one person buy a ticket" would seem to be hugely embarrassing to a fledgling airline. If, that is, scheduled passenger service was the true aim of the Enterprise. Fly Camo Air! That's an order! Even in its hopeful pre-launch phase, Southwest Florida aviation executives found Florida Air a highly dubious proposition. “Quite a few airlines have tried to make money serving an intra-Florida market,” said Bill Pettit, head of marketing at Jacksonville International Airport. “But they have all found it to be very difficult.” “Other start-up commuter airlines have run into problems in the past trying to serve Florida, including Air South and Air Florida,” said another. The Jetstreams for Hilliard’s airline, Florida Air, had seemed at first glance to come from an unremarkable source: Express Air, Inc. in Page, AZ. However, a closer look revealed Express Air of Arizona is a dummy front company. Many of the “N” numbers (issued by the FAA, and somewhat akin to a car’s license plate) on the Jetstream airliners registered to Hilliard leads to the conclusion that the true provenance of Hilliard’s airliners was Mike Brady, a man with very close connections to the U.S. military. Brady ran several regional jet carriers, like Chicago Express Airlines and Express Airlines I, through a shell company in Atlanta called http://www.madcowprod.com/phoenixair.htm Phoenix Airlines Services. More importantly, perhaps, Brady is the founder and head of something called the Army Aviation Heritage Foundation. It bills itself as “a non-profit organization incorporated in June 1997 that tells the story of Army aviation to the American people. The aircraft these men used from World War II to the present were disappearing." Brady’s “foundation” owns 17 aircraft—including five bought personally by Brady himself—based at Tara Field outside Atlanta. Brady has stated that he gets his planes from the Army for free. Shooting for the (Reverend) Moon Brady also runs "Sky Soldiers," billed as “the first military team with retired veterans as pilots, rather than active-duty members. Though none of the team's members are on active duty, their mission is to help Army recruiting efforts.” Brady has an illustrious military pedigree. His father, listed as chairman of the Army Aviation Heritage Foundation, is “Major General Morris J. Brady, U.S. Army (Retired), who served in Korea in the mid 7o's under Major Gen John Singlaub, of Iran Contra fame. While he was chief of staff of U.S. forces in South Korea, Singlaub was forced to resign for defying the President, overstepping his bounds and failing to respect the President's authority as Commander-in-Chief. Singlaub is the former President U.S. Council for World Freedom, the US affiliate of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s World Anti-Communist League. The Rev Moon was Jerry Falwell’s biggest financial backer. And Wally Hilliard lent Falwell a million dollars Falwell never felt the need to repay. We’ll take a closer look in an upcoming story at Jerry Falwell, who was active at the Venice Airport in ways which have never surfaced. Money for nothing. (Chicks for free) As we began to look into it, the only rationale for Hilliard’s various “airlines” seems to be having provided a rationale for the presence of a dozen British Aerospace Jetstreams to sit poised at the Venice and Sarasota Airports within easy reach of Caribbean hot spots. “Sometimes when things don’t make business sense,” a former Huffman Aviation executive told us darkly, “its because they do make sense...just in some other way.” During our first investigation a half dozen years ago into the terrorists that trained at the Venice Airport we remembered hearing intimations that things might not be what they seemed at Hilliard’s “airline.” An aviation executive at the Venice Airport, reluctant to go on camera told us some strange things about pilots Hilliard kept on payroll who were doing—seemingly—nothing. He pointed to a pilot firing up a Jetstream on the apron next door to his facility’s hanger. “They’ve been paying them,” he stated, in a voice filled with wonder, “all this time, for at least six to eight months… Even though the airline is not flying, the pilots are getting regular paychecks. And they’re continuing to pay them!” But it hadn’t sunk it. It seemed too strange to even contemplate that someone might announce the start-up of a new regional air carrier… as a “front” for something else. Wally's in Havana? Again? Winsor Brown is a former Vietnam fighter pilot and career aviation pilot and executive. “I was contracted by Wally to put together his airline that was in trouble,” he told us. “Sunrise Air. We were trying to run six Jetstreams out of Nevada. Wally had a board meeting that I was invited to... and here’s what I saw: the board was a real board. The airplanes were real airplanes. The people were real people. “The person who wasn’t real was Wally. The FAA didn’t want him; the FAA didn't trust him; and they were not going to certificate him to do anything anywhere.” Another disgruntled career aviation executive who rued the day he accepted a job helping Hilliard launch Florida Air spoke angrily about his experience. “I used to look at Wally and Rudi and wonder what made them think they could start an airline. I mean, I was on the executive team and here they were, trying to start an airline, and from August 2000 to the time I left we had all of four business meetings. “Wouldn’t you think you would have at least weekly meetings if you were trying to start a f-ing airline? And then, when you could get a meeting scheduled, somebody would tell you that it had been canceled because Wally is in Havana. “I have never seen a business run like that in my life. It was like they were only pretending to run a business.” "Pretending to run a business."
  3. As I said above " the WTC fires were hardly ordinary" END COLBY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ GEE FIRE EXPERT COLBY ?? AS post #141 Shows ,fires not severe ...most ordinary. Tell your "story" to the tape Mr. Colby. An audiotape of firefighter communications revealed that firefighters had reached the 78th floor sky lobby of the South Tower and were enacting a plan to evacuate people and put out the "two pockets of fire" they found, just before the Tower was destroyed.
  4. As with many drug-related findings, sides have been drawn and are well established with regard to this issue. Dr. William Sears, a leading author on the Sears Parenting Library, states it best in his book "The Vaccine Book" when he explains that "it seems as if anyone who even tries to question why mercury used to be in vaccines is immediately shot down by a barrage of medical experts and politicians claiming that there is no evidence that mercury causes any harm." (See Resources) The Mayo Clinic is one of the organizations refusing to acknowledge any causal connection between flu shots and Alzheimer's disease. In an article published on her website, Angela Lund a dementia specialist states, "There is absolutely no evidence that flu vaccines contribute in any way to Alzheimer's disease." There are, however, many physicians and scientists who prefer to approach the issue with caution and say that more research is needed. As Dr. Sears explains, "I think no one has proven that mercury was safe, and the studies showing some harmful effects from vaccines containing mercury are thought-provoking." Flu Shots & Alzheimer's Disease Flu Shots & Alzheimer's Disease Multiple studies have called into question the safety of mercury in vaccines. While most vaccines have eliminated this hazardous substance, 10-count flu shots still contain 25 micrograms per dose of mercury. This ingredient has created a controversy that has caused many citizens to avoid obtaining a flu shot annually. Other People Are Reading Serious Side Effects of the Flu Shot Dr. Mercola Flu Shot Information History Influenza was discovered in the 1930s after the Spanish flu pandemic that spread to almost all the corners of the world. This epidemic especially affected American soldiers who were returning from WWI. The first working vaccine was administered to soldiers in 1947 to aid those being sent off to fight during WWII. In 1976, a sudden outbreak of the swine flu led President Ford to order all Americans to be vaccinated. While the vaccination order was under effect, several hundred people developed Guillain-Barré syndrome as a result of the vaccine, and the American public refused to cooperate with the government order. The Facts The flu vaccine and the scope and seriousness of its side effects are hotly debated among physicians and scientists alike. The flu vaccine is the only vaccine that is updated yearly and completely untested before being administered to the general public (See Resources). In fact, the FDA does not require long-term studies of any vaccine before their public release, but rather short-term human studies where immediate side affects are recorded on a questionnaire. One particular ingredient in the flu vaccine has caused concern to some physicians and scientists as its long-term detrimental effects have been proven. Controversial Ingredients Thimerosal--a mercury-based preservative present in all 10-dose vials of the flu vaccine--has been linked in multiple studies to serious side effects, the most controversial of which is autism. Thimerosal was banned from being used in vaccines in the early 21st century, but it is still used in the manufacture of bulk flu vaccines. A limited quantity of flu vaccines that do not contain Thimerosal is released annually, however these are difficult to obtain and are used up quickly by the public. (See Resources) Primary Studies The primary study linking Alzheimer's with the flu vaccine was conducted by Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, MD, an immunogeneticist and biologist with nearly 850 papers published in peer review journals. According to his findings, individuals who received "Five consecutive flu shots between 1970 and 1980 (the years studied), his/her chances of getting Alzheimer's disease is 10 times higher than if they had zero, one, or two shots." In other words, an accumulation of Thimerosal in a person's system might increase her overall risk of Alzheimer's disease, said Dr. Fudenberg at an international vaccine conference, in Arlington, Virginia in 1997. More questions on the safety of the vaccine's ingredient were raised in a study published by Dr. Boyd Haley in collaboration with researchers at the University of Calgary. Dr. Haley stated that "seven of the characteristic markers that we look for to distinguish Alzheimer's disease can be produced in normal brain tissues, or cultures of neurons, by the addition of extremely low levels of mercury." (See Resources) Arguments As with many drug-related findings, sides have been drawn and are well established with regard to this issue. Dr. William Sears, a leading author on the Sears Parenting Library, states it best in his book "The Vaccine Book" when he explains that "it seems as if anyone who even tries to question why mercury used to be in vaccines is immediately shot down by a barrage of medical experts and politicians claiming that there is no evidence that mercury causes any harm." (See Resources) The Mayo Clinic is one of the organizations refusing to acknowledge any causal connection between flu shots and Alzheimer's disease. In an article published on her website, Angela Lund a dementia specialist states, "There is absolutely no evidence that flu vaccines contribute in any way to Alzheimer's disease." There are, however, many physicians and scientists who prefer to approach the issue with caution and say that more research is needed. As Dr. Sears explains, "I think no one has proven that mercury was safe, and the studies showing some harmful effects from vaccines containing mercury are thought-provoking." Related Searches Flu Shots Alzheimer 'S Disease Study Mercury in Flu Vaccine The Flu Symptoms Flu Vaccine Side Effects References Mayo Clinic Advancedhealthplan.com The Vaccine Book, Robert W. Sears, M.D. 2007. Resources Read this Article in Spanish My Flu Vaccine Read more: Flu Shots & Alzheimer's Disease | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_5409913_flu-shots-alzheimers-disease.html#ixzz2JZjFrg7h
  5. CURRENT CONNECTIONS WESTERN INTELL (POSTS #1,#15) As the New York Times reported in June of 2012, “CIA officers are operating secretly in Southern Turkey helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms…by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood.”[4] ========= http://www.abeldange...erhood-uks.html (post #15) ========= HISTORICAL CONNECTIONS MI6/CIA (POST #1)(also POSTS #5,#7,#15) As explained in the Mother Jones article entitled What is the Muslim Brotherhood and Will It Take Over Egypt?, the author explains that, “The Muslim Brotherhood served as a battering ram against nationalists and communists, despite the Brothers’ Islam-based anti-imperialism, the group often ended up making common cause with the colonial British. It functioned as an intelligence agency, infiltrating left-wing and nationalist groups.”[6] This indisputable fact, that the Muslim Brotherhood functioned, even its early days, as a de facto arm of Western intelligence, is critical to understanding its development and current political power. However, there are those who argue that, despite this “coincidence” of objectives and agendas, the Muslim Brotherhood could never be tied directly to the intelligence community. However, as Robert Dreyfuss, author of the Mother Jones article clearly points out, there is ample evidence tying the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood directly to the CIA: REDUX CURRENT CONNECTIONS (POST #7) President Obama at al-Azhar University Cairo, June, 2009 “A New Beginning” Speech With the election of President Obama in November 2008 and his Muslim Outreach initiative, exemplified by his Cairo “A New Beginnings Speech” at al Azhar University, the Obama administration extended a welcome to the MB. Investor’s Business Daily noted the ensuing chronology of events, punctuated by the overthrow of the Mubarak regime in Egypt during the Arab Spring of 2011 that swept the heartland of the Muslim ummah. 2009: The White House invites ISNA’s president to President Obama’s inauguration ceremonies, even though the Justice Department just two years earlier had blacklisted the Brotherhood affiliate as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land trial — the largest terror-finance case in U.S. history. 2009: Obama delivers his Cairo speech to Muslims, infuriating the Mubarak regime by inviting Brotherhood leaders to attend. 2009: The White House dispatches top presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett to give the keynote speech at ISNA’s annual convention. 2009: Obama appoints a Brotherhood-tied Islamist — Rashad Hussain — as U.S. envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference, which strongly supports the Brotherhood. 2010: Hussain meets with the Brotherhood’s grand mufti in Egypt. 2011: White House sends intelligence czar James Clapper to Capitol Hill to whitewash the Brotherhood’s extremism. Clapper testifies the group is a moderate, “largely secular” organization. 2011: The Brotherhood’s spiritual leader — Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi — is given a hero’s welcome in Tahrir Square, where he raises the banner of jihad. Qaradawi, exiled from Egypt for 30 years, had been calling for “days of rage” before the rioting in Egypt. Before Obama’s Cairo speech, Qaradawi wrote an open letter to the President arguing [islamic] terrorism is a direct response to U.S. foreign policy. 2011: The Brotherhood vows to tear up Egypt’s 30-year peace treaty with Israel. Since Mubarak’s fall, it has worked to formally reestablish Cairo’s ties with Hamas and Hezbollah. 2011: Obama gives Mideast speech demanding Israel relinquish land to Palestinians. 2011: White House security adviser gives friendly speech at Washington-area mosque headed by ISNA’s new president. 2011: Justice Department pulls plug on further prosecution of Muslim Brotherhood front groups identified as collaborators in conspiracy to funnel millions to Hamas. ========= CURRENT CONNECTION (POST #17) TURKEY “There was widespread talk of Syrian groups who allied themselves with the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood movement being given a larger share of the ship’s cargo.” One activist quoted objects that, “The Muslim Brotherhood, through its ties with Turkey, was seizing control of this ship and its cargo.” === Since Turkey a total Western tool....MB western assets. QUESTION WHY DO SYRIAN GROUPS THINK MB WOULD GET LARGEST SHARE WEAPONS ?? ANSWER: THEY (SYRIAN REBELS) KNOW MB IS ALLIED WITH WESTERN INTELL.
  6. Yawn an article from a computer scientist with scant citations of qualified experts. // END COLBY ========================================================================= SHE FOUND WHAT BLAYLOCK was talking about. • Vaccines and Genetic Mutation (immune imbalance and Dr Hugh Fudenberg quote); http://vran.org/abou...netic-mutation/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The basic premise of vaccination is that symptomatic illness can be avoided, and enduring immunity maintained, by injecting pathogens into the body (killed bacteria, weakened live viruses, or parts of them). But live viruses, even when weakened, can produce symptoms given the right conditions; efficacy requires that killed pathogens or their parts be accompanied by risky immune stimulants called ‘adjuvants’. Furthermore, the immune system has first responder (Th1) and second responder (Th2) phases that must be kept in balance in order for health to be maintained. Evidence shows that multiple and repeat injections of vaccines skew the immune system to favour the Th2 phase, which produces antibodies. While these may help prevent disease, when Th2 is overactive they may also give rise to allergies and autoimmune disease. World-renowned immunologist Hugh Fudenberg stated: “One vaccine decreases cell-mediated [Th1] immunity by 50%, two vaccines by 70%... all triple vaccines (MMR, DTaP) markedly impair cell-mediated immunity, which predisposes to recurrent viral infections, especially otitis media [ear ache], as well as yeast and fungi infections.”
  7. PLEASE upload video of building with outflow of molten metal. waiting ........waiting ............. waiting ..............(yup) Speaking of "waiting" there are several questions I've asked you repeatedly on this thread for months without answer. #########################################################################3 So for proof of mytherbuilding collapse is diddle squat. Yup thats what I thought. Molten metal seen .....no fire (that is) "normal fire" has every caused this. AH !! yeah special demolition could cause molten steell........ Yup myther facts ...diddle squat. ..............(yup)
  8. Virginian-Pilot, 4/3/2001] More than 200 workers had just been moved out; about ten are still in the building making final moving arrangements on 9/11, but escape. [Journal of Commerce, 10/18/2001] ===================================== Oh ! Escaped .(?) ....big pullout of people before.......FOREKNOWLEDGE ???????????? Edit or not all, pro me on argument side .... ESCAPED .......pro my truther side ################################################### Phoenix Air ????????????????? Aircraft Linked to CIA Extraordinary Rendition Flights Below is a comprehensive list of planes that are suspected of being in use by the CIA for extraordinary rendition. If you have further information about these planes or can identify other planes used for rendition please contact us at shannonwatch@gmail.com. Entries in bold have landed at Shannon. http://www.shannonwatch.org/content/aircraft-linked-cia-extraordinary-rendition-flights
  9. Muslim Brotherhood get rebel (CIA) Syrian Arms (see below) ============================================================================================== The Benghazi Affair: Uncovering the Mystery of the Benghazi CIA Annex “The U.S. effort in Benghazi was at its heart a CIA operation, according to the officials who briefed on intelligence.” WSJ, Nov 1, 2012 Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, finally appeared before the US Senate and House Foreign Relations Committees on Wednesday, January 23, after a long delay. She was asked many questions by the Congress about what had happened in Benghazi on September 11 and how this could happen. The problem with the responses she gave to these questions was that she focused on the narrative presented in the State Department Report that had been released a month earlier, and which is deeply flawed. In order to understand the nature of what happened on September 11, 2012 in Benghazi, and how the State Department under Hillary Clinton has been an important part of the cover up of what this second September 11 is actually a part of, it is important to understand the problem with the State Department Report being used to carry out the US government cover up of what I call the Benghazi Affair. On December 18, the US State Department released its report on the September 11, 2012 attacks on two US facilities in Benghazi, Libya. These attacks had resulted in the deaths of the US Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, and three other Americans working for the US government in Libya. The US government had claimed that its report would shed light on what had become a contentious Congressional and media debate over the cause and details of the attack on these two US government compounds in Benghazi. Soon, however, it became clear that the State Department Report issued by the Accountability Review Board (hereafter ARB Report), offered the public little information to add to what had already been made available by the State Department or the media. Instead, the public version of the ARB Report, referred to as the “unclassified” version, actually functions as part of the cover-up of what happened on September 11, 2012 in Benghazi. Most of this public document carefully refrains from any discussion of the role or activities of the CIA and what bearing this had on the events of September 11-12 2012 in Benghazi. But the role of the CIA in Benghazi and its bearing on what happened there on September 11 is the crucial question that any legitimate investigation into the situation must explore. The trick of the Accountability Review Board (ARB) was that it issued two different versions of its Report. One version was an “unclassified” report that was available to the press, the public and the US Congress to discuss in public.(1) The other version was a “classified” report that was to be hidden from public or press scrutiny and was only to be available to Congress in a closed Congressional process. The unclassified version of the ARB Report could not mention the CIA activities. It could only discuss the role of the State Department in what happened. The problem with such a restriction is that one of the US government sites in Benghazi that was attacked was a CIA facility referred to as the ‘Annex’ (hereafter CIA annex compound). The other site was allegedly a State Department administered facility referred to as the ‘Special Mission Benghazi Compound’ (hereafter special mission compound). This second compound, according to the WSJ, was actually created to provide diplomatic cover for the CIA facility.(2) While some US Congressional Committees have been conducting investigations into what happened in Benghazi, they have agreed to discuss only the activities of the State Department in their open, public sessions, and to reserve any consideration or questions about the activities of the CIA for closed sessions of their committees, away from public view.(3) Not only is the US Congress restricted from discussing the role of the CIA in Benghazi in open session, some of the mainstream US media have agreed to a request by the US government to withhold details about the CIA operations in Benghazi. The New York Times (NYT) is one such publication. (4) In an article briefly referring to the CIA annex compound, which the NYT says “encompassed four buildings inside a low-walled compound….” The NYT acknowledges that, “From among these buildings, the C.I.A. personnel carried out their secret missions.” But then the article explains that, “The New York Times agreed to withhold locations and details of these operations at the request of Obama administration officials….” To declare an investigation into or discussion of the activities regarding the role of the CIA and its Annex compound as a forbidden subject during an open committee meeting of Congress, is to prevent the US Congress from fulfilling its oversight obligations over the US Executive branch of government. For the US government to require the US media to restrict coverage is to shroud the needed public discussion and investigation in darkness. The effort to cover up the role of the CIA in the events resulting in the attack on the two US government facilities in Benghazi, however, demonstrates that something important is at stake and worth investigating. Despite the US government effort to impose such restrictions, there are media accounts and some Congressional documents that provide a glimpse into the details of hidden CIA activity that the attacks on the US facilities in Benghazi help to reveal. To understand the nature of this hidden activity, requires a willingness not only to critique the official explanations, but also to examine the events that can help to uncover the actual forces at work in Benghazi and the role they played in CIA activities in Libya. One Wall Street Journal (WSJ) article is particularly helpful. The article, is titled “CIA Takes Heat for Role in Libya.” It provides a rare window into details of the murky world of the CIA operation in Benghazi and how it came about.(5) The article notes that former CIA Director David Petraeus did not greet the bodies of the four Americans killed in Benghazi when they were returned to the US, even though two of those killed are acknowledged to have worked for the CIA. “Officials close to Mr. Petraeus,” the WSJ explains, “say he stayed away in an effort to conceal the agency’s role in collecting intelligence and providing security in Benghazi.” Of the 30 or more American officials evacuated from Benghazi, only seven worked for the State Department. According to the WSJ, “Nearly all the rest worked for the CIA, under diplomatic cover, which was a principle purpose” of the special mission compound. Soon after the struggle against the government of Libya began in February 2011, the CIA set up a compound in Benghazi for its spy operations. Eventually, the CIA gave its compound a State Department office name, the Annex, to disguise its purpose, the WSJ reveals. According to the US government, the role of the CIA in Benghazi was “focused on countering proliferation and terrorist threats….A main concern was the spread of weapons….” “At the annex,” the WSJ explains, “many of the analysts and officers had what is referred to in intelligence circles as ‘light cover’ carrying U.S. diplomatic passports.” Providing a cover for the secret operation of the CIA, however, created problems for State Department officials who felt the CIA was not “forthcoming with information,” even in the midst of the attack on the US facilities. As the WSJ notes, on September 11, 2012, “At 5:41 p.m. Eastern time, Mrs. Clinton called Mr. Petraeus. She wanted to make sure the two agencies were on the same page.” Even after the attack was over and the analysts and officers had been evacuated, the accounts in the WSJ and McClatchy Newspapers, describe how quickly the CIA acted to clean out documents and equipment from the Annex. By contrast, the US government left the premises of the special mission compound unguarded and open to looters for weeks after the attack. “The significance of the annex was a well-kept secret in Benghazi,” the WSJ reporters conclude. A McClatchy article documents how a well guarded secret was even the location of the CIA Annex compound. (6) The implication is that the attackers at the special mission compound intended to flush out the covert location and presence of the CIA Annex compound so as to end its ability to continue its secret activities.(7) An opinion piece, “The Fog of Benghazi”, appeared in the WSJ on November 3. It discusses what was at stake for the US government as a result of the September 11 attack in Benghazi(8): “America has since closed the Libya diplomatic outpost and pulled a critical intelligence unit out of a hotbed of Islamism, conceding a defeat. U.S. standing in the region and the ability to fight terrorist groups were undermined, with worrying repercussions for a turbulent Middle East and America’s security. This is why it’s so important to learn what happened in Benghazi.” The effort to learn what happened in the Benghazi Affair, is similarly the subject of a 10 page letter dated October 19 sent by two US Congressmen to President Obama. (9) One of the Congressmen, Darrell Issa, is Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. The other, Jason Chaffetz, is Chairman of the House Subcommittee on National Security, Homeland Defense and Foreign Operations. Their letter raises ten questions for President Obama, the answers to which they explain are needed for the US Congressional investigation to determine the significance of the Benghazi affair. Also in their letter they include an attachment of 160 pages of data and photos which document the lawless environment in Libya, and particularly in Benghazi in the months before the Benghazi attack. This data was obtained by the US Congress from the State Department. (10) Though the data is labeled as sensitive, it is not classified material. This data documents in a way that is now public, the perilous environment existing in Libya, providing a graphic description of the armed militias who carry out bombings, murders and kidnappings of government officials and others who try to challenge the lawlessness. The data demonstrates the details of what the ARB Report acknowledges as “a general backdrop of political violence, assassinations, targeting former regime officials, lawlessness, and an overarching absence of central government authority in eastern Libya.” (11) The Internet has made possible the publication of a number of investigative accounts of various aspects of the Benghazi Affair. Several of these propose that the CIA and even Chris Stevens were part of a gun running operation, gathering up weapons from Libya and facilitating their shipment to the insurgents fighting against the government in Syria. Some of the articles also propose that the CIA operation in Benghazi helped to send mercenaries from other countries to fight against the government of Syria. (12) Fox News and a number of associated websites have featured articles which offer such accounts. Often, however, the articles rely on anonymous sources to support their claims. Rarely are media offering accounts that portray this reality able to present direct evidence to support the narratives they develop. An important exception is an article that appeared in the Times of London on September 14, 2012. This was three days after Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed. The article documents that a ship, the Al Entisar (also written as Intisaar or The Victory in English), sailing under a Libyan flag with a 400 ton cargo, which included SAM-7 surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles and rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) and some humanitarian supplies, is said to have arrived September 6 at the Turkish Port of Iskenderun.(13) The captain of the ship, Omar Mousaeeb, a Libyan from Benghazi, was accompanied by 26 Libyans who were on board to help smuggle the shipment from the Turkish Port across the border into Syria. The plan was then to distribute the weapons to insurgents in Syria who were allied with the Muslim Brotherhood. This account by the Times of London provides specific details about the mechanisms and problems of this Libyan weapons pipeline to the insurgency in Syria. The article describes the conflict between the Muslim Brotherhood and other groups of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) over who would get the weapons from the Al Entisar shipment. “The scale of the shipment and how it should be disbursed, has sparked a row between the FSA and the Muslim Brotherhood, who took control of the shipment when it arrived in Turkey,” writes Sheera Frenkel, the author of the Times of London article. Though the ship arrived at the port in Turkey on September 6, not all of the cargo had been transported into Syria by September 14, the article notes, though this is over a week after the ship arrived at the port in Turkey. While “more than 80 percent of the ship’s cargo,” the Times of London explains, “had been moved into Syria, Mr. Mousaeeb and a group of Libyans who had arrived with the ship said they were preparing to travel with the final load into Syria to ensure it was being distributed.” Actually their concern appeared to be to whom it was distributed, not how. The Times of London refers to two Syrian activists with the FSA who complained that infighting within the insurgent ranks had delayed the arrival of the weapons in Syria, “There was widespread talk of Syrian groups who allied themselves with the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood movement being given a larger share of the ship’s cargo.” One activist quoted objects that, “The Muslim Brotherhood, through its ties with Turkey, was seizing control of this ship and its cargo.” While the Times of London does not directly link Chris Stevens or the CIA annex compound to the Al Entisar arms shipment to Turkey, the article does provide an important context for how the conflict over which insurgent group would get weapons from the shipment created a source of significant tension at the very time the attack on the two US compounds in Benghazi took place. Given the question, “Why Chris Stevens would have traveled to Benghazi to be in this perilous environment on September 11,” an answer which points to some urgent matter which needed his attention, would help to provide the rationale for him to ignore the security considerations against his making such a trip. Keeping in mind the importance of this shipment of weapons from Benghazi to Turkey, the need to work out the details of the weapons distribution process could very well have provided the motive for Stevens to plan a visit in Benghazi during such a perilous period as the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attack on the US. By September 11, infighting among the Muslim Brotherhood and other insurgent groups, over who would be given the weapons from the Al Entisar shipment, suggests the likelihood that Turkey’s Consul General in Benghazi and the US Ambassador needed to discuss the conflict over the weapons and the problem of how they should be moved into Syria and distributed among the insurgent groups. In line with this reasoning, it is not surprising that Chris Stevens had a meeting with Turkey’s Consul General to Benghazi, Ali Sait Akin on September 11 at the Benghazi special mission compound. The description of the infighting over the Al Entisar shipment to a port in Turkey of weapons for the Syrian insurgency, raises the possibility that the Turkish Consul General to Benghazi and Stevens discussed the conflict over the weapons. As of September 11, there were weapons that had yet to be distributed and smuggled into Syria from the Al Entisar shipment. On September 10, when Stevens arrived in Benghazi, the shipment of arms had only recently been received at the Turkish port of Iskenderun, and the conflict among the insurgent groups who were to receive the weapons was not yet resolved. According to documents that Congress received from the State Department, soon after Stevens arrived in Benghazi on September 10, he visited the CIA annex compound for a briefing. On September 11 he stayed at the special mission compound but had meetings scheduled with someone from the Arabian Gulf Oil Co. (AGOCO), and later in the afternoon with someone from the Al Marfa Shipping and Maritime Services Co. (The names of the individuals were blacked out.) Then he had dinner and discussion with Ali Sait Akin, Turkey’s Consul General to Benghazi.(14) While there has been no specific information made available by the State Department about the content of the meetings Stevens had on September 10 and 11, Turkey’s role in the shipping of weapons and foreign fighters into Syria to assist the fight against the Syrian government is the subject of numerous articles. The Times of London article describes previous difficulty experienced in trying to ship a cargo of weapons to where they could be safely unloaded and moved to insurgents in Syria. Given this previous experience it is not surprising that it was necessary to have the Turkish government intervene to settle problems that arose with the Al Entisar weapons shipment. It had taken several weeks “to arrange the paperwork for the Turkish port authorities to release the cargo.”(15) The Times of London quoted Suleiman Haari, who worked with Captain Mousaeeb. Haari explained that “Everyone wanted a piece of the ship. Certain groups wanted to get involved and claim the cargo for themselves. It took a long time to work through the logistics.” This could account for the surprise visit by the then head of the CIA, David Petraeus on September 2 to Ankara. (16) Petraeus arrived in Ankara for what appeared to be talks with the President of Turkey and other Turkish government officials. Were Petraeus’s meetings with Turkish government officials needed to help make the arrangements for the Libyan ship to dock at the port in Turkey and unload the weapons that were to be smuggled across the border into Syria? This is a question Petraeus could answer if he were to testify at a US Congressional hearing again. In light of the WSJ claim that the special mission compound had been set up to provide diplomatic cover for the CIA operation run out of the Annex, the question is raised as to whether the special mission compound was actually a State Department facility or a CIA facility acting under cover as a State Department operation. According to the unclassified version of the ARB Report, Chris Stevens had arrived in Benghazi on April 5, 2011, “via a Greek cargo ship at the rebel-held city of Benghazi to re-establish a U.S. presence in Libya.” He had been appointed the US government’s “Special Envoy to the Libyan Transitional National Council” (TNC), acting as an official contact between the insurgents fighting to overthrow the government of Libya and the US government that was aiding them to bring about regime change in Libya. (17) Such an activity is contrary to international law and provisions of the UN charter (Article 2 Sections 1, 4, 7) which prohibit interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states. (18) Stevens’ mission, the Report states, “was to serve as the liaison with the TNC” for a post-Qaddafi government in Libya. The US embassy had been closed in February 2011, and was only reopened on September 22, 2011 with Gene Cretz as the Ambassador. The ARB Report notes, however, that the CIA had set up the CIA compound in Benghazi in February 2011 soon after the insurgency arose against the Libyan government. This is a confirmation that the US government had put intelligence operatives on the ground in Benghazi just as the insurgency against the Libyan government was getting underway. This is also at least one month before Chris Stevens arrived in Benghazi. The ARB Report also reveals that Chris Stevens stayed at the CIA Annex from the beginning of June, 2011 until June 21, 2011. Not until June 21 did “he and his security contingent move into what would become the Special Mission Benghazi compound….” According to the ARB Report the special mission compound in Benghazi was set up a few months after the CIA compound. (19) This puts in perspective why the WSJ article on November 1 says that the special mission compound was established to provide diplomatic cover for the CIA facility, subsequently referred to as “the Annex”. Stevens remained as Special Envoy to the TNC and stayed in Benghazi until November 17, 2011. On May 26, 2012 Stevens arrived in Tripoli to replace Cretz as US Ambassador to Libya. What was the State Department responsibility for the special mission compound? If its purpose was to provide diplomatic cover for the CIA, then what was the CIA responsibility? These are significant questions. But it is unlikely that such questions will be asked at the public Congressional oversight investigations because questions about the role of the CIA Annex in Benghazi have been declared to be a classified matter. Though the NYT article, ”U.S. Approved Weapons for Libya Rebels Fell into Jihadis’ Hands,” about the Benghazi affair doesn’t go into detail about what the CIA was doing in Benghazi, it raises a significant issue that is likely to be at the root of why there was an attack on both the special mission compound and the CIA Annex compound.(20) The NYT refers to the concern US government officials involved in the program raise about the problems created by the US government helping to provide weapons to insurgents fighting in Libya and Syria. According to the NYT, what these Islamic militants will do with these weapons worries high level US government national security officials. While officially, the US government claims it is not providing weapons, the Times of London article about the shipment of weapons from Benghazi to Turkey, provides a striking example of how the US and Turkish governments, both overtly, and covertly, appear to be involved in collecting weapons in Libya and helping to ship them to be used against the Syrian government and people.(21) The NYT claims that the US government has little control over where these weapons go and the harm they do when used in Libya, Syria, or other conflicts in the region. The NYT reports, “Concerns in Washington soon rose about the groups Qatar was supporting, officials said. A debate over what to do about the weapons shipments dominated at least one meeting of the so-called Deputies Committee, the interagency panel consisting of the second-ranking officials in major agencies involved in national security. ‘There was a lot of concern that Qatar weapons were going to Islamist groups,’ one official recalled.” (22) These supposed ‘Qatar’ weapons, however, did not originate with Qatar alone. By way of an example, the NYT quotes one US weapons dealer who wanted to sell weapons to the insurgency in Libya during the war against Libya. The NYT describes how he applied to the State Department for a license. “He also sent an e-mail to J. Christopher Stevens, then the special representative to the Libyan rebel Alliance, ” reports the NYT. According to e-mails provided to the NYT by the arms dealer, Marc Turi, Stevens wrote back to Turi that he would “share Mr. Turi’s proposal with colleagues in Washington.” Eventually the weapons dealer was encouraged to communicate with contacts in Qatar.(23) Such examples help to demonstrate both that there is concern among US government officials in Washington about the US government arming militant Islamists, the very people the US government condemns as “terrorists” in other situations. Also though the weapons pipeline may have on the surface been made to appear unconnected to the US actually supplying the arms that are being distributed by Qatar or Saudi Arabia, in the case of Marc Turi, as one example, the weapons pipeline was arranged for by a license provided by the US government to ship the weapons to Qatar. Such examples provide the context for how the US government has covertly and overtly been helping to provide the weapons that are then used by those hostile to the US to inflict harm on the Libyan and Syrian people and even on Americans, as those killed in Benghazi on September 11, 2012. This situation, several commentators have noted, is reminiscent to the Iran Contra Affair where the US government entities covertly acted in a way that jeopardized the interests and even the physical well being of US officials and civilians. And it is likely that the actions being taken by US government officials to arm and provide other forms of support for the Libyan and Syrian insurgencies, are contrary to US laws and constitutional obligations.(24) Such considerations reflect some of the salient concerns raised by a number of online commentators about the Benghazi Affair. One example of many that have been published online in the last few months is the article “Benghazigate: The Cover-up continues” by Bill Shanefeld published at the American Thinker website. The article raises two important questions (25): “(1) The pre-”event” purpose of the compound and its Annex (since these operations probably motivated the perpetrators of the “event”); and (2) Team Obama’s failed policies in North Africa, the Middle East, and Afghanistan.” The article also refers to some of the many contributions made by other online commentators. These various commentaries help to clarify that the Benghazi affair offers a relatively rare window into the on the ground actions of the US government’s clandestine operations. These actions are the partner to the role the US government is playing in the UN Security Council and the UN in general in its efforts to turn the UN into a partner in its CIA and NATO activities. The Benghazi Affair is an important situation and the question remains as to whether the illegal activities of the US government acting contrary to the obligations of the UN Charter in Libya and more recently Syria will come to light. Notes 1. U.S. State Department Public Accountability Board Report http://www.state.gov...tion/202446.pdf 2.Margaret Coker, Adam Entous, Siobhan Gorman, Margaret Coker, ”CIA Takes Heat for Role in Libya,” WSJ, November 1, 2012. http://online.wsj.co...3621061838.html 3. Dana Milbanks, “Letting Us in on a Secret,” Washington Post, October 10, 2012, http://www.washingto...b2a7_print.html 4.Helene and Eric Schmidt, Michael S Schmidt, “Deadly Attack In Libya was Major Blow to CIA Efforts,” New York Times, September 23, 2012. http://www.nytimes.c...wanted=all&_r=0 5. Margaret Coker, Adam Entous, Siobhan Gorman, Margaret Coker, ”CIA Takes Heat for Role in Libya,” WSJ, November 1, 2012. http://online.wsj.co...3621061838.html 6.Nancy A. Youssef, “Libyans, diplomats: CIA’s Benghazi station a secret – and quickly repaired,” McClatchy Newspapers, November 12, 2012. http://www.mcclatchy...s-benghazi.html 7. Catherine Herridge, “CIA moved swiftly to scrub, abandon Libya facility after attack, source says,” Fox News, December 5, 2012. http://www.foxnews.c.../#ixzz2IE8icKIQ 8. “The Fog of Benghazi,” Opinion Piece, WSJ, Nov. 3, 2012 http://online.wsj.co...2465153472.html 9. Letter from Representative Issa and Representative Chaffetz to President Obama, October 19, 2012 http://oversight.hou...o-President.pdf 10. The Oversight Committee’s letter was accompanied by 166 pages of documents and photos. http://oversight.hou...ization-effort/ documents http://1.usa.gov/S89qG7 11. U.S. State Department Public Accountability Board Report http://www.state.gov...tion/202446.pdf 12. See for example, ”Interview with Clare M. Lopez” http://goldandguns.w...zi-gun-running/ 13. Sheera Frenkel, “Syrian rebels squabble over weapons as biggest shipload arrives from Libya; Turkey,” Times (London), September 14, 2012, p. 23 14. Schedule of Chris Stevens activities on September 10 and September 14. Included in data sent to President Obama by Issa and Chaffetz 15. Sheeran Frenkel, “Syrian rebels squabble over weapons as biggest shipload arrives from Libya; Turkey,” Times (London), September 14, 2012, p. 23 16. “CIA chief Petraeus pays surprise visit to Turkey,” Hurriyet Daily News, September 2, 2012 http://www.hurriyetd...D=238&nid=29175 J. Millard Burr, “The Benghazi Attack: Some Thoughts,” Economic Warfare Institute Blog, Oct 24, 2012. http://econwarfare.o...cle.cfm?id=5109 17. U.S. State Department Public Accountability Board Report http://www.state.gov...tion/202446.pdf 18. Dr. Curtis Doebbler, “It is illegal to support rebels fighting a legitimate government,” Note from Sibialiria.org, http://syria360.word...ernational-law/ 19. U.S. State Department Public Accountability Board Report http://www.state.gov...tion/202446.pdf Margaret Coker, Adam Entous, Siobhan Gorman, Margaret Coker, ”CIA Takes Heat for Role in Libya,” WSJ, November 1, 2012. http://online.wsj.co...3621061838.html 20. Mark Mazzetti, James Risen, Michael S Schmidt, ”U.S. Approved Arms for Libya Rebels Fell into Jihadis’ Hands,” NYT, December 5, 2012. http://www.nytimes.c...wanted=all&_r=0 21. Sheera Frenkel, “Syrian rebels squabble over weapons as biggest shipload arrives from Libya; Turkey,” Times ( London), September 14, 2012, p. 23 Also see other relevant articles such as: Christina Lamb, “Covert US Plan to Arm Rebels,” The Sunday Times (London), December 9, 2012, p. 1,2 Franklin Lamb, “Flooding Syria with Foreign Arms: A View from Damascus”, Foreign Policy Journal, Nov. 5, 2012. http://www.foreignpo...-from-damascus/ J. Millard Burr, “You Can Kiss Petraeus Goodbye,” End Time News, Nov. 5, 2012 http://endtimesnews....nning-factions/ 22. Mark Mazzetti, James Risen, Michael S Schmidt, ”U.S. Approved Arms for Libya Rebels Fell into Jihadis’ Hands,” NYT, December 5, 2012. http://www.nytimes.c...wanted=all&_r=0 23. Mark Mazzetti, James Risen, Michael S Schmidt, ”U.S. Approved Arms for Libya Rebels Fell into Jihadis’ Hands,” NYT, December 5, 2012. http://www.nytimes.c...wanted=all&_r=0 24. Michael Kelley, “The CIA’s Benghazi Operation May Have Violated International Law,” Nov. 5, 2012 http://endtimesnews....nning-factions/ Oona A. Hathaway, Elizabeth Nielsen, Chelsea Purvis, Saurabh Sanghvi, and Sara Solow, “ARMS TRAFFICKING: THE INTERNATIONAL AND DOMESTIC LEGAL FRAMEWORK.,” Yale Law School Report. Posted Nov. 15, 2011. http://www.law.yale....Trafficking.pdf 25. Bill Shanefeld, “Benghazigate the cover-up continues.” American Thinker, January 9, 2013. http://www.americant..._continues.html A version of this article appears on my netizenblog at http://blogs.taz.de/...fair-cia-annex/ By Ronda Hauben Global Research, January 28, 2013 blogs.taz.de/netizenblog +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  10. Uncovered, the 'toxic' gene hiding in GM crops: Revelation throws new doubt over safety of foods EU watchdog reveals approval for GM foods fails to identify poisonous gene 54 of the 86 GM plants approved contain the dangerous gene Gene found in food for farm animals producing meat, milk and eggs Biotech supporters argue there is no evidence that GM foods are harmful By Sean Poulter, Consumer Affairs Editor PUBLISHED: 18:20 EST, 21 January 2013 | UPDATED: 06:03 EST, 24 January 2013 A virus gene that could be poisonous to humans has been missed when GM food crops have been assessed for safety. GM crops such as corn and soya, which are being grown around the world for both human and farm animal consumption, include the gene. A new study by the EU's official food watchdog, the European Food Safety Authority(EFSA), has revealed that the international approval process for GM crops failed to identify the gene. A new study conducted by the EU has shown that standard tests for GM foods may be missing a potentially poisonous gene for humans As a result, watchdogs have not investigated its impact on human health and the plants themselves when assessing whether they were safe. The findings are particularly powerful because the work was carried out by independent experts, rather than GM critics. It was led by Nancy Podevin, who was employed by EFSA, and Patrick du Jardin, of the Plant Biology Unit at the University of Liege in Belgium. They discovered that 54 of the 86 GM plants approved for commercial growing and food in the US, including corn and soya, contain the viral gene, which is known as 'Gene VI'. ==== In this country, these crops are typically fed to farm animals producing meat, milk and eggs. Significantly, the EFSA researchers concluded that the presence of segments of Gene VI 'might result in unintended phenotypic changes'. Such changes include the creation of proteins that are toxic to humans. They could also trigger changes in the plants themselves, making them more vulnerable to pests. Critics say the revelations make clear that the GM approvals process, which has been in place for 20 years, is fatally flawed. They argue the only correct response is to recall all of the crops and food products involved. Director of the campaigning group, GM Freeze, Pete Riley, said the discovery of the gene, 'totally undermines claims that GM technology is safe, precise and predictable'. He said: 'This is a clear warning the GM is not sufficiently understood to be considered safe. 'Authorisation for these crops must be suspended immediately, and they should be withdrawn from sale, until a full and extended review of their safety has been carried out.' Typically, GM crops are modified in the laboratory to give them resistance to being sprayed with powerful weed killers such as Monsanto's Round-up. This means that, in theory, fields can be doused with the chemical, so wiping out the weeds and allowing the food plants to thrive. It was previously assumed that virus genes are not present in plants once they are grown in the field and reach consumers, however it is now clear that this is not the case The modification process involves inserting genes into the plants using a technique that allows them to piggyback on viruses that are commonly found in the soil and plants. It has been assumed that virus genes are not present in the plant once it is grown in the field and reaches consumers, however it is now clear that this is not the case. A review of the EFSA research in Independent Science News said the presence of the viral gene appears to have been missed by biotech companies, universities and government regulators. 'This situation represents a complete and catastrophic system failure,' it said. 'There are clear indications that this viral gene might not be safe for human consumption. It also may disturb the normal functioning of crops, including their natural pest resistance. 'A reasonable concern is that the protein produced by Gene VI might be a human toxin. This is a question that can only be answered by future experiments.' Biotech supporters argue that there is no evidence from countries such as the USA that eating GM food causes any harm. However, the reality is that no health monitoring has taken place to establish this. The findings will embarrass the government and the food and farming Secretary, Owen Patterson, who has embarked on a pro-GM propaganda exercise designed to win over sceptical consumers. Mr Patterson recently rejected public concerns as 'humbug' and 'complete nonsense'. Policy director at the Soil Association, Peter Melchett said: 'For years, GM companies have made a deliberate and chilling effort to stop independent scientists from looking at their products. 'This is what happens when there is a complete absence of independent scrutiny of their GM crops.' Biotech firms are represented by the Agricultural Biotechnology Council(ABC). Its chairman, Dr Julian Little, said the EFSA study was one small part of a strict and complex scrutiny process. He said: 'Over the past 25 years, the European Commission has funded more than 130 research projects involving 500 independent research groups which have found no higher risks to the environment or food chain from GM crops than from conventional plants and organisms. 'Furthermore, nearly three trillion meals containing GM ingredients have been eaten without a single substantiated case of ill-health. The combination of these two facts can give consumers a huge amount of confidence in the safety of GM crops.' GM critics and EFSA are at odds over the implications of the research paper, which was written by the deputy chairman of the organisation’s advisory panel on the issue and a former senior member of staff. EFSA insists that the research highlighting the presence of Gene VI does not represent a new discovery of a viral gene and does not indicate a safety concern about GM crops already approved. It said the viral gene ‘cannot infect animals or humans and therefore presents no threat to human or animal health’. This is challenged by GM critics who say there is no research evidence to justify this statement.
  11. http://www.globalwarminghoax.com/news.php =============================== Climate Change: 'Hoax' Or Crime Of The Century? (Photo credit: NASA Goddard Photo and Video) Well, we had a warm summer here in the United States, and that brought some of the climate change alarmists out again. Looks like it’s time for another rebuttal! John Coleman, the founder of The Weather Channel, and various other critics have called the theory that human use of carbon-based fossil fuels will lead to catastrophic global warming or climate change a “hoax.” It is, but it’s more than that, it’s criminal. Here are some of the scientific questions at the core of this issue: Is the climate changing? Of course. The climate always has changed and always will. Is the earth getting warmer? We should hope so for at least two reasons: First, the world emerged from the Little Ice Age in the 19th century, so it would be worrisome if it weren’t getting warmer. Second, all the history indicates that humans thrive more during warmer periods than colder ones. It is likely, though, that earth has warmed less than many official temperature records indicate for a variety of reasons, including: few long-term records from either the southern hemisphere or the 71 percent of the planet that is covered by water; distortions from the urban heat-island effect and other faulty siting (e.g., temperature sensors next to asphalt parking lots, etc.; the decline in weather station reports from Siberia after the fall of the Soviet government; the arbitrarily ceasing to include measurements from northern latitudes and high elevations, etc.) The most accurate measures of temperature come from satellites. Since the start of these measurements in 1979, they show minor fluctuations and an insignificant net change in global temperature. Is the earth getting dangerously warm? Probably not, since the earth was warmer than it is now in 7000 of the last 10,000 years. By the way, does anybody know what the “right” amount of global heat is? Are we humans causing the warming by our carbon emissions? Actually, most of the “greenhouse effect” is due to water vapor, which makes one wonder why the EPA hasn’t designated H2O a harmful pollutant that they must regulate. Meteorologist Brian Sussman’s calculations in his book “Climategate” show humanity’s share of the greenhouse effect as .9 of 1 percent. It’s even possible that CO2 may not affect global warming at all. During many stretches of planetary history, there has been no correlation between the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere and global temperature. In other long stretches, the variations of the two factors followed a significant sequence: increases in CO2 followed increases in warmth by several centuries. You don’t need to have a degree in climate science to know that, in a temporal universe, cause does not follow its effect. Even global warming alarmists have tacitly conceded that CO2 is not the primary driver of climate change when they responded to the relative cooling in recent years by changing their story and telling us that the earth is likely to cool for a few decades in spite of still-increasing atmospheric CO2. Translation: other factors outweigh CO2 in their impact on global temperatures. Those other factors include variations in solar activity (accounting for 3/4 of the variability in earth’s temperature according to the Marshall Institute); changes in earth’s orbit and axis; albedo (reflectivity, meaning changes in cloud cover which are influenced by fluctuations in gamma ray activity); and volcanic and tectonic activity in the earth’s crust. For humans to presume that they are more than a gnat on an elephant’s rump in terms of impact on climate change is vain and delusive. Shifting gears, let’s assume that the alarmists are right and that man-made CO2 emissions are making the world warmer. If so, what changes would they hope to accomplish and at what cost?
  12. As for the claim Sarkozy was behind some sort of plot to kill Chavez, here's an interview with Nicholas Maduro, Chavez's VP/heir apparent and the acting President, nothing about Sarkozy, France, the DSGE or CIA // END COLBY ############################# In a speech to supporters in Caracas on Wednesday afternoon, Maduro didn't provide any evidence of the plot or say what sort of attacks the authorities believed to have been planned. The vice president also didn't mention any arrests, but said: "Don't be surprised by the actions that will be taken in the coming days." =========== COMING DAYS may have an answer.
  13. 911 BLOG ptech in basement of faa for two years prior to 9/11 said jp morgan chase senior risk analyst indira singh. she called ptech a cia front/ http://www.corbettre...e-911-software/ wouldn't they have been in position to change response protocols??? Submitted by thymesup on Tue, 01/15/2013 - 12:11pm +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Huffman Aviation and the Venice Airport I found the reference in Kevin's article to Huffman Aviation--in relation to the exercise Amalgam Virgo--interesting: The airport in Venice, Florida, where Huffman Aviation was located, was one of the scenes for the Amalgam Virgo exercise held in June 2002 (but which was being planned as early as July 2001). See: http://www.heraldtri.../NEWS/206070331. An interesting "coincidence," therefore, that a NORAD training exercise was held at a tiny airport where three of the alleged 9/11 hijackers had flying lessons! Submitted by Shoestring on Tue, 01/15/2013 - 11:01am. COINCIDENCE ???????? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is the best work in your This is the best work in your "airdefense"-series of articles! A lot of new information. Thank you. As shoestring, I would like to add an information regarding Col. Marr, "Phoenix air" at Venice Airport: According to Marrs interview with the 9/11 Commission ... "Shortly thereafter he separated from active duty, and was hired on Phoenix Air, a defense contractor. He was captain for Lear 35s and 36s. Marr worked full-time with Phoenix for about twenty months." (source) ... and in jets of Phoenix Air were sitting three Al-Qaida pilots, learning how to fly? COINCIDENCE ?? "The company "Phoenix air" provides a complex spectrum of military services - for example service for "electronical warfare." (source) According to the 911 commission, when Col. Marr returned from Phoenix air to the military, he went directly to NEADS ... "The CVX position opened at NEADS, and Commander Scott recruited Marr. Marr built exercises (...), but was not involved in crew exercises. (...) From the CVX position Marr became Vice Commander for the base." (source) It is known, that the operational floor at NEADS were trying unsuccessfully to identify Flight 11 in their radar screens (source) and were irritated by simulated, exercise inputs present in their radar screens during the 911-attacks (source). The sources can be found here: Interesting background information of former NEADS-chief Col. Marr http://911blogger.co...-information... Comment: With all these information, it is hard to imagine, that Atta and the other 2 pilots studied flying at Venice just by chance. COINCIDENCE ?? (see below) In Hopsickers book stands, that Attas US-girlfriend once saw a lot of different identification card in different languages in Attas wallet. Perhaps Atte and the other two pilots were double-agents? No idea, but something stinks terrible here. ##################################### Rudi Dekkers Behind Bars for Drug Trafficking Submitted by remo on Fri, 12/14/2012 - 7:44pm Dekkers ATTA Huffman JebBush drug pilot flyboys 911 ryder trucks washington Meuller FBI CIA The long run of Rudi Dekkers, 56, the Dutch national who first passed out bunks to Mohamed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi when they arrived in the United States to enroll at Huffman Aviation in Venice, Florida, ended last week when he was arrested for drug trafficking in Houston. http://www.madcowpro...hind-bars-fo...
  14. Also since obviously no perimeter columns were cut if it were molten steel it would had to have come from from the core, amazing that it could have travelled that far. //END Colby +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Since you assert the flow of metal from the Towers is in the realm of common occurrence, PLEASE upload video of building with outflow of molten metal. waiting ........ =================================== Fake Skeptics & The "Conspiracy Theorist" Slur Published on Jan 23, 2013
  15. Oh, stop giving scum a bad name. The CIA can only dream to be as good as smelly scum. THe CIA helps the powerful exploit the unpowerful ....if anyone thinks that good ....then they like the CIA.
  16. Source: Associated Press Brazil Investigates Death of Former President SAO PAULO January 23, 2013 (AP) A Truth Commission in Brazil says it is looking into the death of former President Juscelino Kubistchek, who died in a 1976 car accident. A commission official Wednesday said by telephone the investigation began late last year after the bar association of Minas Gerais state delivered a report saying the death was ordered by Brazil's 1964-1985 military regime. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because she was not authorized to speak to the press. In 2000, then-Rio de Janeiro Gov. Leonel Brizola said the crash that killed Kubistchek was a part of Operation Condor, a continentwide campaign of political killings and torture. Kubistchek was a centrist who opposed the military coup and had hoped to run again for president in 1965. He was president from 1956 to 1961. Read more: http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/brazil-investigates-death-president-18293837 (Short article, no more at link.) President Kubistcchek's car. Operation Condor: Latin America in the 1970s: "Operation Condor", an International Organization for Kidnapping Opponents Translated Monday 1 January 2007 Under the aegis of the CIA, and with the complicity of several Western countries, the dictatorships of Latin America in the 1970s united their "services" against activists and progressive opponents to military regimes. In 1975, a meeting in Santiago, Chile, between Manuel Contreras, chief of the political police, the DINA, and representatives of the CIA, provided the official launching of "Operation Condor", a secret operation which all the dictatorships of a continent would join, a real common market of disappearances, as has been proven by documents discovered five years ago in a hanger behind a police station in the Paraguayan capital of Asuncion. This is being confirmed by "declassified" files that the CIA is releasing - at a snail’s pace. In June 1976, Nixon’s senior advisor, Henry Kissinger and secretary of inter-American affairs, William Rogers, gave the green light to the dictatorship in Buenos Aires to "eliminate subversion within ten months". The foundations of "Condor" were actually laid before the Pinochet coup d’état in 1973. Under the umbrella of the CIA, with the goal of eradicating "Marxist subversion and terrorist activities", the aim was to eliminate the principal obstacles to the ultraliberal economic policies Washington sought to impose on Latin America. More: http://www.humaniteinenglish.com/article478.html
  17. Vaccination VACCINE CONTROVERSY New evidence of a causal link between childhood vaccination and allergies, asthma, Type I diabetes, and more by Susan Fletcher, B.Sc. Slideshow North American children are the most vaccinated on earth. From the age of two months to 18 months alone, Canadian infants and toddlers can receive up to 41 doses of 13 to 16 taxpayer-funded vaccines. Yet the infant mortality rate in Canada (and the US) is about twice as high as that in Sweden and Japan. The latter two countries recommend fewer than half the infant vaccines recommended by the first two. Is it possible that vaccines are contributing to ill health? The logical way to find out is through rigorously scientific long-term studies that compare the overall health of vaccinated populations with that of the unvaccinated. Yet public health authorities have refused to sponsor these studies based on their unscientific presumption that vaccine benefits outweigh their risks, therefore withholding vaccination from study control groups would be unethical. The public health mantras, “vaccines are safe and effective,” and “vaccines are cost effective,” belie the facts. Prior to vaccination, it’s impossible to know that no injury will be induced immediately or some time in the future when it will be more difficult to conclude an association. Acknow­ledgement of vaccine-adverse events necessitates an ability to detect them plus objectivity; even in provinces requiring reports of all possible events, those omitting to do so are not held accountable; and even when reports are made, conflicts of interest may result in pruning of incidents, which should truly be recorded as vaccine adverse events. Calculations that find vaccines to be “cost effective” don’t reflect costs of taxpayer-funded remedial health care for the vaccine injured or related personal expenses of the families involved. Pressure to Vaccinate Reluctant parents are often coerced to accept vaccinations for their children. They’re told that serious vaccine injury is “extremely rare” but infectious diseases are “deadly,” and it’s implied they have an obligation to accept vaccines not only for their children’s safety but also in order to protect others for whom “vaccines don’t work.” They’re told that a high percentage of the population must be vaccinated in order to maintain immunity for everyone, a condition named “herd immunity.” The term ‘herd immunity’ was coined by researcher A.W. Hedrich, after he’d studied the epidemiology of measles in the U.S. between 1900 and 1931. His study, published in the May 1933 American Journal of Epidemiology, concluded that once 68% of children younger than 15 years old had become immune to measles via infection, measles epidemics ceased. This natural, pre-vaccine herd immunity differs greatly from the present vaccine herd immunity. Today we’re told that vaccines must be injected into 85-95% or more of infants/children and re-injected every couple of months or every few years in order to protect the whole “herd” of us. But disease-conferred immunity usually lasted a lifetime. As each new generation of children contracted the infection, the immunity of those previously infected was renewed due to their continual cyclical re-exposure to the disease; except for newly infected children and the few individuals who’d never had the disease or been exposed to it, the herd immunity of the entire population was maintained at all times. Today when an infectious disease outbreak occurs, we’re told that everyone born after its vaccine was introduced needs to be vaccinated if they haven’t kept up to date with “immunizations”. In the pre-vaccine era, newborns could receive antibodies against infectious diseases from their mothers who had themselves been infected as children and re-exposed to the diseases later in life. Today’s babies born to mothers who were vaccinated and never exposed to these diseases do not receive these antibodies. In direct contrast to fear mongering disease “facts” and “herd immunity” theories related by Public Health, most of today’s newborns are more vulnerable than those of the pre-vaccine era. Vaccines Disrupt the Body’s Immune System The basic premise of vaccination is that symptomatic illness can be avoided, and enduring immunity maintained, by injecting pathogens into the body (killed bacteria, weakened live viruses, or parts of them). But live viruses, even when weakened, can produce symptoms given the right conditions; efficacy requires that killed pathogens or their parts be accompanied by risky immune stimulants called ‘adjuvants’. Furthermore, the immune system has first responder (Th1) and second responder (Th2) phases that must be kept in balance in order for health to be maintained. Evidence shows that multiple and repeat injections of vaccines skew the immune system to favour the Th2 phase, which produces antibodies. While these may help prevent disease, when Th2 is overactive they may also give rise to allergies and autoimmune disease. World-renowned immunologist Hugh Fudenberg stated: “One vaccine decreases cell-mediated [Th1] immunity by 50%, two vaccines by 70%... all triple vaccines (MMR, DTaP) markedly impair cell-mediated immunity, which predisposes to recurrent viral infections, especially otitis media [ear ache], as well as yeast and fungi infections.” All vaccines contain proteins, some in the lab-altered pathogens deliberately included, some in other ingredients, and some as contaminants remaining from the manufacturing process. The injection of protein unfiltered by the body’s external defences (skin and linings of the intestine and respiratory system) and unfamiliar to the internal defences, especially when accompanied by an adjuvant or involving live virus, is a recipe for immune system dysfunction. Retired neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock MD, CCN wrote that a number of studies have shown that live viruses from vaccines can enter the brain, mutate to their former potency (or stronger) via the action of free radicals, and produce chronic brain inflammation. Commonly used aluminum adjuvant can sustain inflammation for years. The aluminum in vaccines injected along with those containing mercury can dramatically increase mercury’s toxicity (which, by itself, is toxic at any concentration no matter how low). Mercury in vaccines acts as a preservative. Among other things, it suppresses the immune system, creates massive oxidative stress, and causes protective membranes to become leaky. But even without live viruses or adjuvants, protein injection alone could lead to future development of allergies. Paediatrician Lawrence Palevsky wrote that ingestion of a food protein that’s previously been injected (eg. drinking milk after being injected with the milk protein in DPT vaccine) leads to inflammation of any body tissue to which the ingested protein is transported. And non-food proteins can cause cross-reactive hypersensitivity to food proteins of the same molecular weight. This is the mechanism which vaccine researcher Rita Hoffman suggests as the cause of the upsurge in food-linked anaphylaxis after 1987’s introduction of Hib vaccine which contains proteins potentially cross-reactive with proteins in peanuts, almonds, soybeans, and mango. On the other hand, injection of a protein already existing in human body tissue could cause autoimmunity. More Risks from Ingredients Some other vaccine ingredients may sound harmless but are not. For example, gelatin is not only a food but also may contain aluminum; when injected, it can cause hives or even life-threatening anaphylaxis. Monosodium glutamate, a flavour-enhancer present in many processed foods can be allergenic, especially in children who regularly consume large amounts. If injected MSG enters the brain due to a weak blood/brain barrier (as in children up to two or three years old) it can cause brain cell death. And although we were once told that smoking is harmless, cigarettes contain formaldehyde; formaldehyde is a known carcinogen and it’s used as a preservative in some vaccines. Aluminum is ubiquitous in our environment and common in drinking water, foods, and other products. It’s been linked to cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, ALS, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, and macrophagic myofasciitis. Just as for mercury and MSG, aluminum’s harmful effects are amplified by injection. Recent studies have shown a high correlation between Autism Spectrum Disorders and the aluminum adjuvants common in childhood vaccines. Oil-based adjuvants have recently been approved for use in vaccines despite the fact that it’s been known since the 1930s that they’re especially dangerous. Previously, they were restricted to use in animals; oil-injected animals developed autoimmunity against which possibly therapeutic drugs could be tested. An adjuvant containing the oil squalene was used in making some of the H1N1 ‘pandemic’ vaccine injected into children and pregnant women during the 2009/2010 flu season. Research Studies Confirm Vaccine Risks A 2006 study of European children published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (JACI) found that the MMR vaccine was associated with increased risk of hay fever, whereas measles infection was associated with a reduced risk of allergic eczema. It also found that use of fever suppressants for very young children was associated with increased risk of both allergic eczema and asthma. Please note that fever suppressants (e.g. Tylenol) are often recommended when vaccines are administered. A 2008 study published in the same journal analyzed medical records of Manitoba children. It found that, “Among 11,531 children who received at least four doses of DPT, the risk of asthma was reduced to half in children whose first dose of DPT was delayed by more than two months… the association was greater with delays in all of the first three doses.” And a 2011 JACI study suggests that milk protein contamination from culture mediums caused anaphylaxis in highly milk-allergic children following booster doses of DTaP vaccines. It’s difficult to prove that vaccinations cause autoimmune disease, since the latter often takes many years to develop. However, immunologist Dr. Bart Classen has built a strong case with his research. Since 1998, he’s produced numerous studies which provide evidence of a causal link between most childhood vaccines and Type I diabetes. As the number of childhood vaccines has increased, Autism Spectrum Disorders have skyrocketed. By 2008, neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock noted dozens of peer-reviewed studies demonstrating clinical and scientific links between the two. These demonstrate the mechanism by which the damage is done and include studies of cell cultures, tissues, animals, and humans. Discovering the Truth Mayer Eisenstein MD, JD, MPH is medical director of the Chicago-based Homefirst Medical Clinic. Since 1973, this clinic has cared for 35,000 children, most of whom have received no vaccines, the others only a few. Eisenstein can recall no cases of autism amongst these patients and virtually none of them have had asthma, allergies, respiratory illnesses, or diabetes. Autism is also absent amongst the unvaccinated Amish communities of Pennsylvania and Ohio. And, according to two studies done in New Zealand in 1992 and 1995, unvaccinated children had fewer allergies and runny noses, and less otitis, tonsillitis, epilepsy, and ADHD. Specialist in internal medicine and nephrology Suzanne Humphries MD, wrote, “Up until two years ago I was content to work as a medical doctor caring for very sick people with kidney failure [but] with several undeniable cases of kidney-associated vaccine injury in previously healthy people, I started to look deeper into information that I had previously held as factual and not worthy of debate.” She asks that health care practitioners “understand that the peer review process has censored intelligent doubt on vaccine safety and driven it into the alternative press,” and pleads with practitioners and parents to “do your homework. The minds and bodies of future generations depend upon it.” Maria Radatus, RMT, agrees. In her 2004 letter to the Vaccination Risk Awareness Network (VRAN), she explains: “By the time I had Jade I was overwhelmed with new motherhood… I followed ‘The Rules’… of course, the doctor assured me she had never had problems with vaccinating thousands of children… I didn’t know enough about the subject to refute the standard of practice. Although my daughter seemed fine, my intuition felt wrongly about it. I knew I had to research more, so I did. At this point Jade had two shots in total, then I ended the vaccination process… I feel fortunate that she is only suffering from allergies… She got off easier than many.” There are many factors which can cause illness; vaccination is one over which parents have control. Of paramount importance is that you do your own research, preferably prior to the birth of your first child, even before conception. Next in importance is learning about breastfeeding; it’s what protects best during the transition from maternal protection in the womb to protection by competent immunity in the young child. Moreover, it establishes a strong, integrated immune foundation for life. As well as risks of vaccines, you should also be aware of risks from drugs commonly used to treat infections. For instance, Tylenol suppresses the immune enhancing effects of fevers and reduces the body’s supply of the powerful antioxidant, glutathione. Your choice of a doctor is critical: some will have a paternalistic attitude, others will listen to and respect your concerns and wishes. Home birth is less likely to be associated with pressure to vaccinate. Consultation with naturopaths or other health practitioners well versed in healthful lifestyle choices can help. And the experiences of friends who are seasoned parents may forewarn of pitfalls to avoid. Canadian parents cannot be forced to have their children vaccinated. Even when vaccine laws exist for entry into public schools (as in Ontario, Manitoba, and New Brunswick), exemptions are allowed for medical, religious, and philosophical reasons. VRAN’s website, http://vran.org, headlined “Your Child. Your Choice. Your Future”, is Canada’s only national independent online source of vaccine information; its excellent science-based articles have helped many parents in their struggle to make wise vaccine decisions. (VRAN is a volunteer-managed organization. For more info, email: info@vran.org , or call 1-250-355-2525) References • Multiple Vaccination Effects on Atopy [allergy]; http://vran.org/heal...fects-on-atopy/ • Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses given; Human and Experimental Toxicology; 2011; http://thinktwice.com/HET_study.pdf • ‘Herd Immunity’: the misplaced driver of universal vaccination; http://vran.org/abou...al-vaccination/ • Vaccines and Genetic Mutation (immune imbalance and Dr Hugh Fudenberg quote); http://vran.org/abou...netic-mutation/ • Long-term persistence of vaccine-derived aluminum hydroxide is associated with chronic cognitive dysfunction; Journal of Inorganic Chemistry; 2009; http://www.ncbi.nlm....9?dopt=Abstract • How Vaccines Can Damage Your Brain by Russell Blaylock MD, CCN; http://whale.to/b/blaylock.html • Vaccine Epidemic, edited by L.K. Habakus, MA and M. Holland, JD; chapter 19; ‘Mercury toxicity and Vaccine Injury’ by Boyd Haley PhD • Kids May React to Milk Proteins in DPT Shot by paediatrician Lawrence Palevsky, MD; http://therefusers.c...ns-in-dpt-shot/ • Provincial and Territorial web sites and immunization schedules; Public Health Agency of Canada; http://www.phac-aspc...m/is-pi-eng.php • Anaphylactic Children – Canaries in the Public Health Mine Shaft? http://vran.org/heal...lth-mine-shaft/ • The Peanut Allergy Epidemic by Heather Fraser • Chemical Ingredients; http://vran.org/abou...al-ingredients/ • Aluminum, Autism and Alzheimer’s; http://vran.org/in-t...-alzheimerâ€s/ • A Glimpse Into the Scary World of Vaccine Adjuvants; http://vran.org/abou...cine-adjuvants/ • Allergic disease and sensitization in Steiner school children; Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology; 2006 • Delay in diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus vaccination is associated with a reduced risk of childhood asthma. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology; 2008 • Anaphylaxis to diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccines among children with cow’s milk allergy; Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology; 2011 • Vaccine Safety website of Dr Bart Classen; http://vaccines.net/newpage11.htm • The danger of excessive vaccination during brain development by Russell Blaylock MD; http://vran.org/wp-c...development.doc • The Marvellous Health of Unvaccinated Children by paediatrician Francoise Berthoud; http://www.vaccinati...nated-children/ • Vaccine Epidemic, pg 217. • A Few Things I Know by Suzanne Humphries MD; http://www.vaccinati...ow/#comment-752 • Letter by Maria Radatus RMT; VRA Newsletter; summer/fall 2004; pg 26. • Tylenol (Acetaminophen) depletes Glutathione (necessary for removal of mercury); http://www.whale.to/...lutathione.html • Exemptions from vaccinations; http://vran.org/exemptions/ More reading: • Vaccine Epidemic edited by L.K. Habakus, MA and M. Holland JD • Vaccine Safety Manual by Neil Z Miller • Immunization: History, Ethics, Law and Health by Catherine Diodati (available from VRAN) • Breastfeeding Media Reviews; http://mothering.com...g-media-reviews • When vaccine theology clashes with nature’s blueprint; VRA Newsletter; Autumn 2011 • Preventing Autism ; http://www.ageofauti...hesis.html#more
  18. This story is similar to the Franklin Scandal in the U.S. that involved high level politicians in Washington, allegedly including one that later became president. // Caddy Yes and only low level people will face justice. see http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2013/01/26/the-suiciding-of-pedophile-investigators/
  19. He got plot,you got plot ,everyone got a plot,plot. SEE http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=19591
  20. Palast made simple error. The PAYOFF to secret team member Townsend made by BUSH. After 9/11, Townsend will be appointed President Bush’s Homeland Security Adviser and counterterrorism director for the National Security Council. [LA Weekly, 8/25/2004]
  21. NEW AND VERY IMPORTANT, a must to monitor !!!!! ========================== Regulators Discover a Hidden Viral Gene in Commercial GMO Crops http://independentsciencenews.org/commentaries/regulators-discover-a-hidden-viral-gene-in-commercial-gmo-crops/ Is There a Direct Human Toxicity Issue? When Gene VI is intentionally expressed in transgenic plants, it causes them to become chlorotic (yellow), to have growth deformities, and to have reduced fertility in a dose-dependent manner (Ziljstra et al 1996). Plants expressing Gene VI also show gene expression abnormalities. These results indicate that, not unexpectedly given its known functions, the protein produced by Gene VI is functioning as a toxin and is harmful to plants (Takahashi et al 1989). Since the known targets of Gene VI activity (ribosomes and gene silencing) are also found in human cells, a reasonable concern is that the protein produced by Gene VI might be a human toxin. This is a question that can only be answered by future experiments.
  22. 60,000 patients in Britain put on ‘death pathway’ without being told (Photos) http://www.examiner....hout-being-told jolly old england,england swings like a pendulum do......La,la la gee are the 60,000 singing ????
  23. Myles Power // weak - weak - weak as are most of the myther crowd NIST FAIL! The science of denial... Posted by StewBlog ################################################# Wednesday, January 16, 2013 Rebuttal to Myles Power - Molten Aluminum? Posted by AdamT. Related Info: Original video: My detailed response: http://adamtaylor42.blogspot.com/2012/12/taylor-contra-powers.html (Also posted at the Debunking the Debunkers blog: http://911debunkers.blogspot.com/2012/12/taylor-contra-powers.html) High quality images: http://citizenfor911truth.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/moltenmetalwtc2-2.jpg and http://citizenfor911truth.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/moltenmetalwtc2-1.jpg My article discussing molten aluminum: http://www.ae911truth.org/en/news-section/41-articles/653-debunking-the-real-911-myths-why-popular-mechanics-cant-face-up-to-reality-part-5-nanothermite-in-the-towers.html Jerry Lobdill’s article on molten aluminum: http://www.journalof911studies.com/letters/MoltenWhat2.pdf Emissivity and reflectance of aluminum: http://tinyurl.com/bx3o3nj Thermite and Molten Aluminum: http://pilotsfor911truth.org/forum/lofiversion/index.php?t4749.html Debunking Molten Aluminum Flow from South Tower: http://911debunkers.blogspot.com/2009/02/debunking-molten-aluminium-flow-from.html And btw, it’s not molten lead either.
  24. SEE AT 10:00 then below article========================================================================= Clin Immunol. 2011 Nov;141(2):161-8. doi: 10.1016/j.clim.2011.07.004. Epub 2011 Jul 30. Cell-mediated immune responses to inactivated trivalent influenza-vaccination are decreased in patients with common variable immunodeficiency. van Assen S, de Haan A, Holvast A, Horst G, Gorter L, Westra J, Kallenberg CG, Telgt DS, Palache AM, Giezeman KM, Bijl M. Source Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands. s.van.assen@int.umcg.nl Abstract Influenza-specific cell-mediated immune (CMI) responses can protect from influenza, but may be decreased in CVID-patients since defects in CMI responses have been demonstrated in CVID-patients. Therefore CMI responses were evaluated in 15 CVID-patients and 15 matched healthy controls (HC) by determining frequencies of interferon (IFN)γ-producing PBMC, and frequencies of IFNγ-, interleukin (IL)-2- and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)α-producing CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells before and after influenza vaccination using IFNγ enzyme-linked immunospot (IFNγ-ELISpot) and flow cytometry. Humoral responses were determined using haemagglutination inhibition assay. In CVID-patients the number of spotforming PBMC in the IFNγ-ELISpot did not increase following influenza vaccination, in contrast to HC. In flow cytometry, the frequencies of IFNγ-producing T-cells decreased in CVID-patients after influenza vaccination, while in HC the frequencies of IFNγ-production flow cytometry increased. Concluding, CMI responses following influenza vaccination are hampered in CVID-patients compared to HC. Additional protective strategies against influenza other than vaccination are warranted. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  25. So the Bush Jr. administration called the FBI off the investigation before 9/11, right? That's is what Palast clearly implied. But the investigation he referred to was called off in 1996. // Colby ======== He will also claim that Frances Townsend, a Justice Department official working a variety of posts, helps close down the investigation. He will say Townsend did not share information but “deliberately obstructed it. And I found that very disconcerting.” He will claim that she completely supports FBI intelligence agents and refuses to share their information with the Vulgar Betrayal investigation. A federal grand jury was impaneled in 1996 to support Vulgar Betrayal, but without the information from FBI intelligence, Flessner did not have enough evidence to return indictments. “I couldn’t even get permission to do the basic things you do, such as collecting phone numbers from their targets’ incoming and outgoing calls, and addresses from their mail.” With the shut down of the investigation in 2000, Flessner will resign from the Justice Department in frustration. After 9/11, Townsend will be appointed President Bush’s Homeland Security Adviser and counterterrorism director for the National Security Council. [LA Weekly, 8/25/2004] ============= on point for == pre 911 investigation stopped (called Vulgar Betrayal) , (a pattern here for ) , post 911 investigation also stopped called Operation Green Quest. So Palast credible on stopping investigations issue ,thus credible on assassination attempts re Chaves,
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