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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. HOUSTON !! We have a problem here !! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Colby loves Israel and seems to love most supporters of Israel. Colby believes Alex Jones a out of control nutcase. Alex Jones supports Israel (BTW his wife is Jewish). Dont believe me go to the internet/Google. Alex Jones an out of control nutcase that loves Israel. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ What really is the issue Colby has ??? COLBY," I think I'll criticize Gaal,call him off topic, and not talk about the Alex Jones love of Israel." cognitive dissonance Wiki The Fox and the Grapes by Aesop. When the fox fails to reach the grapes, he decides he does not want them after all. Rationalization (making excuses) is often involved in reducing anxiety about conflicting cognitions, according to cognitive dissonance theory. In modern psychology, cognitive dissonance is the feeling of discomfort when simultaneously holding two or more conflicting cognitions: ideas, beliefs, values or emotional reactions. In a state of dissonance, people may sometimes feel "disequilibrium": frustration, hunger, dread, guilt, anger, embarrassment, anxiety, etc.[1] The phrase was coined by Leon Festinger in his 1956 book When Prophecy Fails, which chronicled the followers of a UFO cult as reality clashed with their fervent belief in an impending apocalypse.[2][3] Festinger subsequently (1957) published a book called A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance in which he outlines the theory. Cognitive dissonance is one of the most influential and extensively studied theories in social psychology.
  2. Until United Kingdom gets untangled from current EU treaty commitments topic, on point. United Kingdom has agreed to follow most of these rules (though not a signatory). SEE CONTRARY BRITISH EXIT IDEAhttp://www.guardian....ionship-with-eu ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ European Fiscal Compact http://en.wikipedia...._Fiscal_Compact Fiscal Compact Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union Parties to the Fiscal Compact The Fiscal Compact[3][4] (formally, the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union; also referred to as TSCG or more plainly the Fiscal Stability Treaty[5]), is an intergovernmental treaty introduced as a new stricter version of the previous Stability and Growth Pact, signed on 2 March 2012 by all member states of the European Union (EU), except the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom.[1] The treaty entered into force on 1 January 2013 for the 16 states which completed ratification prior of this date.[6] For subsequent ratifiers, it will enter into force on the first day of the month following the deposit of ratification instruments. Two non-euro member state expressed their intent to be bound by the fiscal provisions in the treaty (titles III and IV) upon ratification, while for the remaining non-eurozone states these provisions will only apply from the date the state adopts the euro.[7] Ratifying member states are required to have enacted laws requiring their national budgets to be in balance or in surplus within the treaty's definition within one year after the Fiscal Compact enters into force for them. The laws must also provide for a self-correcting mechanism to prevent their breach. The treaty defines a balanced budget as a general budget deficit less than 3.0% of the gross domestic product (GDP), and a structural deficit of less than 1.0% of GDP if the debt level is below 60% -or else it shall be below 0.5% of GDP. The treaty also contains a direct copy of the "debt brake" criteria as outlined by the Stability and Growth Pact, where it is defined at which rate debt-to-GDP levels above 60% of GDP should decrease to a level below that limit.[8] If the annual account or budget for any ratifying state is found not to comply with the deficit/debt criteria, the country will have to correct the issue within the timeline, nature and targeted size deemed necessary, as prescribed by the "common principles" published by the European Commission in June 2012.[9] For states being found to breach the debt/deficit limits at the time when the treaty enters into force, a compliance with the criteria will still be evaluated as being reached, for as long as the state subsequently deliver gradual improvements at a size big enough to stay on a country specific predefined "adjustment path" - towards respecting the limits at a midterm horizon.[7] Despite being an International treaty outside the EU legal framework, all treaty provisions function as an extension to existing EU regulations (utilizing the same reporting instruments and organisational structures already created within EU) in the three areas: Budget discipline (Stability and Growth Pact), Coordination of economic policies, and Governance within the EMU. The only exception is for the specific evaluation of the enacted "implementation laws" in each state, which is performed by the Court of Justice of the European Union.[8] This contrasts with the EU treaties, which specifically exclude this jurisdiction. Each ratifying state may bring enforcement proceedings against any other ratifying state before the Court of Justice, if they do not fulfill their obligations under the Fiscal Compact to enact the required "implementation law" within one year after the treaty's entry into force. A state found in breach of this obligation will first be issued a warning, but can ultimately be fined up to 0.1% of its GDP if it fails to correct the issue.[8]
  3. Dishonesty is not a becoming quality, you know you edited your post AFTER I made mine, the timestamps leave no doubt about this. // END Colby Dis what ?? I cleaned up above photo and articles already posted, a url that was for photo. As u say ?? Sorry Charlie ?? Islamophobic groups. ?? When has Colby every given credibility to Pakistan/Iranian government officials ??? ANSWER NEVER AS I RECALL. POT/KETTLE Islamophobic BLACK. ===================================== HUSSAIN"S OWN ACTIONS SHOW HIM LONG TIME PRO MB MAN. While at Yale Law School, Mr. Hussain was listed as part of the organizing committee for an April 2004 conference organized by a student organization known as the Critical Islamic Reflections (CIR) group. Among the CIR sponsors listed on the their web site was IIIT and the Fairfax Institute, the IIIT educational arm. IIIT is an important component of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood and three of the key IIIT/Fairfax leaders Jamal Barzinji, Hisham Al-Talib, and Yaqub Mirza; were also associated with what has been called the SAAR network (Safa Group), a network of Islamic organizations located in Northern Virginia that was raided by the Federal government in March 2002 and which, until at least mid 2007, had been the subject of an ongoing investigation. Also listed as a CIR sponsor was ALIM, most likely referring to the American Learning Institute for Muslims and whose list of instructors includes some of the most important leaders of the U.S./global Muslim Brotherhood including Tariq Ramadan, Jamal Badawi, and Taha Al-Alwani.
  4. What part of "Gladio and its supposed relation to 9/11 was another thread" did you fail to comprehend? This thread is about "911 Deep background Simulations" the thread about Gladio and 9/11 is linked below. // END COLBY ==================================================================== NO, NO I WAS TALKING ABOUT THIS THREAD. Historical Basis for 911 TRUTH in Video NATO/CIA/MI6 KILL HUNDREDS TO CHANGE POLITICAL OPINION in Operation Gladio ----- just like what is called the Secret Team in DOD/NSA/CIA did 911 to CHANGE POLITICAL OPINION for a proactive militant foreign policy of the Western powers against the world. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=19249&hl=gladio ######################### ###########0o0########### SO Col. Marr worked for CIA PHOENIX AIR. 911 BLOGGER This is the best work in your This is the best work in your "airdefense"-series of articles! A lot of new information. Thank you. As shoestring, I would like to add an information regarding Col. Marr, "Phoenix air" at Venice Airport: According to Marrs interview with the 9/11 Commission ... "Shortly thereafter he separated from active duty, and was hired on Phoenix Air, a defense contractor. He was captain for Lear 35s and 36s. Marr worked full-time with Phoenix for about twenty months." (source) ... and in jets of Phoenix Air were sitting three Al-Qaida pilots, learning how to fly? "The company "Phoenix air" provides a complex spectrum of military services - for example service for "electronical warfare." (source) According to the 911 commission, when Col. Marr returned from Phoenix air to the military, he went directly to NEADS ... "The CVX position opened at NEADS, and Commander Scott recruited Marr. Marr built exercises (...), but was not involved in crew exercises. (...) From the CVX position Marr became Vice Commander for the base." (source) It is known, that the operational floor at NEADS were trying unsuccessfully to identify Flight 11 in their radar screens (source) and were irritated by simulated, exercise inputs present in their radar screens during the 911-attacks (source). The sources can be found here: Interesting background information of former NEADS-chief Col. Marr http://911blogger.co...-information... Comment: With all these information, it is hard to imagine, that Atta and the other 2 pilots studied flying at Venice just by chance. In Hopsickers book stands, that Attas US-girlfriend once saw a lot of different identification card in different languages in Attas wallet. Perhaps Atte and the other two pilots were double-agents? No idea, but something stinks terrible here.
  5. You have been caught like a trapped rat, unable to explain evidence of molten/vaporized metals, which would require temperatures FAR, FAR in excess of anything even NIST claimed were present, let alone anything for which there is evidence that the fires caused. This would obviously require explosives and/or incendiary devices, since there are no volcanos or hot sun-like stars in the area. It is not an "unexplained phenomenon." So, unable to explain it off, even with a nonsensical pseudo-explanation, you resort to prattling about Shermer's BS and all sorts of other stuff. That's nothing more than the squealing of a trapped rat. By the way, Shermer is a proven xxxx regarding 9/11, just like you. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ AH !! MAY BE GRAVITY ENERGY CAUSED THE MOLTEN STEEL .... NO. The Gravitational Potential Energy Of Each World Trade Center Tower Was Vastly Insufficient To Cause The Observed Events SEE link below http://911encyclopedia.com/wiki/index.php/The_Gravitational_Potential_Energy_Of_Each_World_Trade_Center_Tower_Was_Vastly_Insufficient_To_Cause_The_Observed_Events
  6. 1,200 deaths, a damning report into NHS 'failings at every level' and 290 calls for reform - but still NO ONE has been fired for Stafford Hospital scandal http://12160.org/profiles/blogs/1-200-deaths-a-damning-report-into-nhs-failings-at-every-level
  7. Yeah it wuz duh Jooz! Got any evidence in support of these claims? ***************************************** see http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=13169
  8. Sorry Charlie, no mention of Hussain or the OIC in your latest wall of text. // END COLBY post #32 HUH ???? No good optometrist in Brazil ?? Both the Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) are in a 1991 internal Muslim Brotherhood list of “our organizations and the organizations of our friends.” Imprisoned Brotherhood operative Abdurrahman Alamoudi testified that “everyone knows that MAS is Muslim Brotherhood.” +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TWO WHOLE ARTICLES ON HIM (HUSSAIN) IN POST # 31 above (miss the pictiure ??) picture below ####################### NOW LINK I GAVE ARTICLE BELOW EXCLUSIVE: New Obama Envoy Has History Of Engagement With U.S. Muslim Brotherhood; Called Al-Arian Case “Politically Motivated Persecution” Rashad Hussein, White House official and President Obama’s newly appointed Special Envoy to the Organization of Islamic Conference, has a history of participation in events connected with the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood as well as support for Brotherhood causes, once having called prosecution of the U.S. leader of a Palestinian terrorist organization one of many “politically motivated persecutions.” Mr. Hussain’s official biography states: Rashad Hussain is presently Deputy Associate Counsel to President Obama. His work at the White House focuses on national security, new media, and science and technology issues. Mr. Hussain has also worked with the National Security Staff in pursuing the New Beginning that President Obama outlined in his June 2009 address in Cairo, Egypt. Mr. Hussain previously served as a Trial Attorney at the U.S. Department of Justice. Earlier in his career, Mr. Hussain was a legislative assistant on the House Judiciary Committee, where he focused on national security-related issues. Mr. Hussain received his J.D. from Yale Law School, where he served as an editor of the Yale Law Journal. Upon graduation, he served as a Law Clerk to Damon J. Keith on the U.S. Court of Appeals. Mr. Hussain also earned his Master’s degrees in Public Administration (Kennedy School of Government) and Arabic and Islamic Studies from Harvard University. He attended college at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. However, in October 2000 Mr. Hussain spoke at a conference sponsored by the Association of Muslim Social Scientists (AMSS) and the Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown University (CMCU). The conference was titled “Islam, Pluralism, and Demoracy and featured many leaders of the global Muslim Brotherhood including former German diplomat Murad Hoffman, and International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) leaders Louay Safi, Jamal Barzinji, Hisham Al-Talib, and AbdulHamid AbuSulayman. The AMSS was founded in 1972 as an outgrowth of the Muslim Student Association and has long been associated with the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood. In June 2002, Mr. Hussain was listed as part of a Congressional Staffers panel at the American Muslim Council’s (AMC) 11th annual convention. The AMC was headed at that time headed by Abdurahman Alamoudi, a leader in the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood and currently imprisoned as part of a plot to assassinate the Saudi head of state, Crown Prince Abdullah. Other important leaders of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood such as Jamal Barzinji were also part of the AMC. While at Yale Law School, Mr. Hussain was listed as part of the organizing committee for an April 2004 conference organized by a student organization known as the Critical Islamic Reflections (CIR) group. Among the CIR sponsors listed on the their web site was IIIT and the Fairfax Institute, the IIIT educational arm. IIIT is an important component of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood and three of the key IIIT/Fairfax leaders Jamal Barzinji, Hisham Al-Talib, and Yaqub Mirza; were also associated with what has been called the SAAR network (Safa Group), a network of Islamic organizations located in Northern Virginia that was raided by the Federal government in March 2002 and which, until at least mid 2007, had been the subject of an ongoing investigation. Also listed as a CIR sponsor was ALIM, most likely referring to the American Learning Institute for Muslims and whose list of instructors includes some of the most important leaders of the U.S./global Muslim Brotherhood including Tariq Ramadan, Jamal Badawi, and Taha Al-Alwani. In September 2004, while still a Yale law student, Mr. Hussain participated in a session at the annual conference of the Muslim Student’s Association (MSA) of the U.S. and Canada. The MSA has long been associated with the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood and at the session, Mr. Hussain appeared along side the daughter of Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Sami Al-Arian and labeled Al-Arian’s prosecution “politically motivated persecution.” According to an archived notice in the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs: A session on civil rights called “Get up, Stand up; Stand up for your Rights: The State of Contemporary Civil Liberties” was held Sept. 5 at the annual conference for the Muslim Students Association of the United States and Canada, held alongside the Islamic Society of North America’s 41st annual convention in Chicago. Laila Al-Arian, daughter of civil and political rights activist and Muslim leader Sami Al-Arian, opened the session with her father’s story. She gave a heart-wrenching, emotional account of an innocent man targeted for free-speech activities, whose rights were stripped thanks in part to the PATRIOT Act. Al-Arian, who has not yet been to trial, has been held in a federal penitentiary for over a year and a half. Al-Arian’s situation is one of many “politically motivated persecutions,” claimed Rashad Hussain, a Yale law student. Such persecution, he stated, must be fought through hope, faith, and the Muslim vote…..Along with many others, said Yale’s Hussain, Dr. Sami Al-Arian has been “used politically to squash dissent.” The Muslim community must speak out against the injustices taking place in America, he emphasized. Otherwise, everyone’s rights will be in jeopardy. (It should be noted that in the latest version of the above report, the sentences pertaining to Mr. Hussain have been removed, sometime after October 2007 according to the Internet Archive.) In 2006, Al-Arian was sentenced to 57 months in prison for conspiring to violate a federal law that prohibits making or receiving contributions of funds, goods or services to, or for the benefit of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Defense of Al-Arian and accusations of politically-motivated prosecution has been a long-time U.S. Muslim Brotherhood cause. In May 2009, Mr. Hussain was one of the speakers a Leadership Summit of the Council for Advancement of Muslim Professionals (CAMP). Many of the sponsoring organizations of that event are tied to the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood including Islamic Relief, Amana Mutual Funds, the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), the Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding. It should also be noted that in August 2008, Mr. Hussein published a paper titled “Reformulating the Battle of ideas: Understanding the Role of Islam in Counterterrorism Policy.” Although a full analysis of this paper is beyond the scope of this post, it should be noted that many of the recommendations match the agenda also being pushed by the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood including: “Policymakers should reject the use of language that provides a religious legitimization of terrorism such as ‘Islamic terrorism’ and ‘Islamic extremist.’ They should replace such terminology with more specific and descriptive terms such as “Al-Qaeda terrorism.” Controlling counter-terrorism language has been a long-standing effort of the U.S. Brotherhood. “The United States should welcome and encourage the further development of mainstream Muslim organizations and moderate institutions.” As an example, the paper references the work of the Fiqh Council of North America, a part of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood. “The primary cause of broad-based anger and anti-Americanism is not a clash of civilizations but the perceived effect of U.S. foreign policy in the Muslim world.” Linking terrorism to U.S. foreign policy and “legitimate grievances” has been another longtime goal of the U.S. Brotherhood. In August 2008, the Obama campaign Muslim outreach adviser Mazen Asbahi resigned after the Wall Street Journal disclosed his U.S. Muslim Brotherhood ties based on information developed by the GMDR. Another post has discussed the background of Dalia Mogahed, one of two U.S. Muslims appointed to the President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. Ms. Mogahed’s background also suggests ties to the global Muslim Brotherhood. (Additional Source: “AMC’s 11th Annual Convention Set to Begin June 27th–Convention Program Included” accessed 7/21/2003 (no longer avaible) Related posts: EXCLUSIVE: Obama OIC Envoy Meets With Qaradawi Associate In Mauritania; Abdallah Bin Bayyah Part Of Antisemitic Religious Body BREAKING NEWS: White House Reacts To GMBDR Story On New Obama Envoy EXCLUSIVE: US OIC Special Envoy Joins U.S. Muslim Brotherhood At U.K. House Of Lords Event CAIR Charges Holy Land Prosecution Politically Motivated EXCLUSIVE: US Ambassador To Ireland Presents Obama Book To Irish Muslim Brotherhood Leader
  10. Strawman since I never made such statement, I was only talking about Santander which is still highly profitable.// END COLBY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NO. THE THREAD IS ABOUT THE EUROZONE CRISIS THAT HAS NOT ENDED. (TWO INTERACIVE GRAPH ARTICLES) Eurozone crisis: three years of pain Greece's finance minister revealed a black hole in the country's budget in October 2009 – the first sign of a debt crisis that has shaken markets and sparked unprecedented austerity and protests http://www.guardian....ine-three-years ################################################# ################################################# Graphic detail Charts, maps and infographics European economy guide Taking Europe's pulse Feb 5th 2013, 14:35 by Economist.com http://www.economist.com/blogs/graphicdetail/2013/02/european-economy-guide
  11. "2009: Obama appoints a Brotherhood-tied Islamist — Rashad Hussain — as U.S. envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference, which strongly supports the Brotherhood" Got evidence Hussain or the OIC are tied to "the Brotherhood"? // end Colby #################### YUP I DO , CASE CLOSED ############################################# Muslim Brotherhood Convention Comes to Chicago November 14, 2012 By Ryan Mauro Comments (31) For the second time in two months, stars of the Islamist movement in America will come together in the Chicago area, parading as the moderate Muslims we need to guide us. This time, it’s the 11thannual convention of the Muslim American Society and the Islamic Circle of North America on December 21-25. Both the Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) are in a 1991 internal Muslim Brotherhood list of “our organizations and the organizations of our friends.” Imprisoned Brotherhood operative Abdurrahman Alamoudi testified that “everyone knows that MAS is Muslim Brotherhood.” ICNA is closely linked to a Pakistani Islamist group called Jamaat-e-Islami and its 2010 handbook laid out a five-step strategy that culminates in a “united Islamic state, governed by an elected khalifah in accordance with the laws of shari’ah (Islamic law).” A former president and secretary-general of ICNA, Ashrafuzzaman Khan, is accused of committing war crimes by Bangladesh’s International Crimes Tribunal. The theme of the event is, “Toward a Renaissance: Believe, Act & Engage.” The “Arab Spring associated with the Islamic Awakening in many parts of the Muslim world” is given as an example of this “renaissance.” By “renaissance,” MAS-ICNA means the Islamist ideology. That is the message an expected audience of 9,500 will hear. The roster of speakers is filled with Islamists, one of which is even called an Islamist in his biography on the convention website. The page for Sheikh Abdelfattah Mourou, a founder of the Tunisian political party Al-Nahda, says he “started his Islamist activities in the 1960s.” He worked alongside Rashid al-Ghannouchi, another one of the party’s founders, who has a very extreme past but is still consistently described as a “moderate” in the Western media. One major speaker is Tariq Ramadan, who was banned from entering the U.S. in 2004 because of a donation he made to a Hamas front. The ban was lifted in 2010 on orders from Secretary of State Clinton. He is the grandson of Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood and the son of Said Ramadan, who was a major Brotherhood leader in Europe. Nihad Awad is the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing trial in U.S. history. The federal government says CAIR is a creation of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee. Awad publicly supported Hamas as far back as 1994 and referred to the terrorist group and Hezbollah as “liberation movements” in an Arabic interview with Al-Jazeera in 2004. Siraj Wahhaj is a favorite of the various Brotherhood affiliates and was listed as an “unindicted person who may be alleged as co-conspirators” in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. He preaches that the U.S. should become an Islamic State. “If only Muslims were clever politically, they could take over the United States and replace its constitutional government with a caliphate. If we were united and strong, we’d elect our own emir and give allegiance to him. Take my word, if eight million Muslims unite in America, the country will come to us,” he said. Wahhaj has said that “America is the most wicked government on the face of the planet Earth” and that the U.S. is a “garbage can” that he prays “crumbles.” The book Muslim Mafia quotes Wahhaj preaching violence. “We don’t need to arm the people with 9mms and Uzis. You need to arm them with righteousness first. And once you arm them with righteousness first, then you can arm them,” he said, as well as “I will never tell people, ‘Don’t be violent.’ That’s not the Islamic way.” Imam Zaid Shakir told the New York Times in 2006 that he hopes to see the U.S. nonviolently become an Islamic State one day. He approves of attacks on U.S. soldiers in America and says that Hezbollah’s bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon was not an act of terrorism. In April, he wrote a poem that put the U.S. and its military in a disgustingly negative light. He believes in 9/11 conspiracy theories and blasts the U.S. for “demonizing” Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban, while characterizing Al-Qaeda, Hamas and other Islamist terrorists as flawed freedom fighters. Mohamed Qatanani leads a mosque founded by a Hamas operative and the Department of Homeland Security wants to deport him because of his terror ties. He did not disclose on his green card application that Israel convicted him in 1993 for his involvement with Hamas. He admitted to having been a member of the Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood but says he left in 1991 because of time limitations. He has also made shady money transfers. The DHS explained in a 2008 court filing, “It is certainly suspicious when a person who has been convicted of being a member of, and providing services, to Hamas, who has personal ties to a Hamas militant leader, and a Hamas fundraiser also sends undisclosed cash to the West Bank.” More recently, he said the U.S. should institute laws against anti-Islam speech. Jamal Badawi is a founder of MAS and his fundraising for the Holy Land Foundation got him designated as an unindicted co-conspirator in the trial of the charity. He made a theological case for suicide bombings in 1999 by saying the action doesn’t qualify as suicide. In February 2009, he referred to Hamas terrorists as “martyrs” and endorsed the group’s “combative jihad” in March 2010. His name also appears in a 1992 U.S. Muslim Brotherhood phone book. In July 2007, he spoke at an event in Qatar honoring senior Brotherhood cleric, Sheikh Yousef al-Qaradawi, who likes to call himself the “mufti of martyrdom operations.” He is also on the board of Qaradawi’s International Association of Muslim Scholars that endorsed the killing of U.S. soldiers in Iraq. Imam Suhaib Webb is the imam of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center. The mosque was founded by Abdurahman Alamoudi, the senior U.S. Brotherhood operative that now sits in prison on terror-related charges. The mosque’s 1998-2000 tax filings lists Qaradawi as one of its officials. Hatem Bazian is the chairman of American Muslims for Palestine, the host of another major Islamist gathering in the Chicago area in November. In 2004, he called for an intifada in America to “change fundamentally the political dynamics here,” calling on Muslims to follow in the footsteps of Palestinians and Iraqis involved in an “uprising,” a subtle endorsement of those fighting U.S. soldiers in Iraq at that time. He eerily predicted, “They’re gonna say some Palestinian [is] being too radical – well, you haven’t seen radicalism yet.” In speeches this year, he made the U.S. sound like a racist, imperialist country that wages war on Islam abroad and persecutes innocent Muslims at home. At MAS-ICNA’s 2009 conference, Ragheb Elsergany preached that Muslims must “liberate all of Palestine from the North to the South, from Al-Quds [Jerusalem] to the sea.” When this got attention, MAS-ICNA issued a statement saying “we deeply regret and affirm that such individuals will not be invited to future conferences,” not mentioning him by name. That same year, he said Allah commands Muslims to engage in jihad by “supporting the fighters, and the mujahideen and the besieged, and those in need there in Palestine.” The 2009 statement was insincere. MAS-ICNA had him back in 2010 and he said that the Arab Spring would make Israel “vanish absolutely.” He is speaking again this year. Kifah Mustapha is also an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial and, like CAIR, was listed by the federal government as a member of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee. He used to be a volunteer for the pro-Hamas Islamic Association for Palestine, another Brotherhood front and he fundraised for the Holy Land Foundation, CAIR and MAS. He also was a vocalist in a band that performed pro-Hamas songs. He is an imam at the Mosque Foundation, which has strong Brotherhood affiliations. The conference’s speakers include numerous senior officials from the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), another unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land trial that the federal government says is a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity. The FBI identified ISNA as a Brotherhood front as early as 1987 and a 1991 American Muslim Brotherhood document confirms it. The MAS-ICNA convention features ISNA Secretary-General Safaa Zarzour and former ISNA President Imam Mohammed Magid. The MAS-ICNA website does not list the sponsors of its 2012 event but last year’s sponsors include the Dish Network, the Islamist group Islamic Relief USA, Turkish Airlines, Shop & Save Market, Allied Assets Advisors, Dar El Salam Travel, Zakat Foundation of America, Zaytuna College (America’s first Muslim college), Helping Hand for Relief & Development, Life for Relief & Development, Alwan Printing and Azzad Funds. This December, while many of you will be celebrating Christmas, nearly 10,000 Muslims will be coming together in Chicago for a celebration of the Muslim Brotherhood. This article was sponsored by the Institute on Religion and Democracy ######################### AND http://globalmbreport.org/?p=7847 ########################## AND below AND ALSO # 3 in red below EXCLUSIVE: Obama OIC Envoy Meets With Qaradawi Associate In Mauritania; Abdallah Bin Bayyah Part Of Antisemitic Religious Body Rashad Hussain The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) has announced that Rashad Hussain, President Obama’s Special Envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, has attended a meeting in Mauritania that was hosted by Abdallah bin Bayyah, an associate of Global Muslim Brotherhood leader Youssef Qaradawi. According to the ISNA report, the subject of the meeting was “challenges faced by religious minorities in Muslim-majority communities” and participants included: The meeting last week was hosted by Shaykh Abdallah bin Bayyah, Vice Chair of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, in his new Global Centre for Renewal and Guidance in Nouakchott, Mauritania. Participants included Dr. Nourredine al-Khademi, Tunisian Minister of Religious Affairs; Dr. Ahmed Toufiq, Moroccan Minister of Islamic Affairs and Endowment; Mr. Rashad Hussain, President Obama’s Special Envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation; Dr. Ahmed Ould Neini, Mauritanian Minister of Islamic Affairs; Dr. Abderrazak Juessoum, President of the Algerian Muslim Scholars Association; and other prominent scholars. The scholars also met with President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz of Mauritania to brief him on the purpose of their visit to Mauritania and the goal of their project. The President was very supportive and offered the scholars his assistance facilitating the development of solutions to this enormous challenge.” Abdallah Bin Bayyah, last known to be living in Saudia Arabia, is a well known global Muslim Brotherhood figure also from Mauritania. According to an on-line biography, Sheikh Bin Bayyah was born in Eastern Mauritania and was the son of “one of the greatest scholars of his time.” According to this source, Sheikh Bin Bayyah was taught Islamic subjects by his father and in his early 20’s, was sent by the Mauritanian government to Tunis to study Islamic jurisprudence. Upon his return to Mauritania, he became a judge in the Ministry of Justice. He was also chosen to be the head of the Shariah section of the court of appeals and later to “High Authority for Religious Affairs.” Sheikh Bin Bayyah held numerous government posts including Vice-President, Prime Minister, and Permanent Secretary of the People’s Party of Mauritania. Sheikh Bin Bayyah is a member of the European Council for Fatwa and Research, the theological body headed by Global Muslim Brotherhood leader Youssef Qaradawi and affiliated with the Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe, essentially comprising the European Muslim Brotherhood. The ECFR meets annually and a Wall Street Journal reporter who attended a 2004 meeting described the extremism and antisemitism that took place: “…members, speaking in Arabic, explained how European Muslim family life was under attack. ‘Extremist fundamentalist powers based on aggression on the part of the Crusader and Zionist alliance in the West are now preparing their cultural strategy according to a new wave of secular tendencies,’ said Ahmed Ali Al- Imam, a Sudanese religious figure who advocates the implementation of sharia in his religiously divided country. Other papers accepted traditional norms that directly contradict Western law and society, especially regarding women and marriage. Women should only cut their hair with their husbands’ permission, and “any woman who would marry without a male guardian’s consent, her wedding is invalid,” declared Muhammad Hawari, a Germany-based member of the group. Sometimes the group’s advice seems aimed at Muslims from another era. ‘Children should eat clean food and use clean water. They should not urinate in water wells,’ Mr. Hawari wrote in a paper. Adoption, he added, was forbidden, because a woman might be seen in a state of undress by a child other than her biological offspring. And if a child is adopted, Mr. Hawari said they should not be given equal rights to biological children.” The same reporter also wrote that a Council member cited “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” a notorious anti-Semitic forgery written in czarist Russia, in a position paper on how Muslim families are under threat in Europe. “The Protocols, the speaker said, was evidence of a Jewish plot to undermine Muslim moral values through sexual permissiveness.” Qaradawi himself is a virulent anti-Semite is often referred to here as the most important leader of the global Muslim Brotherhood, an acknowledgement of his role as the de facto spiritual leader of the movement. For a short time, Rashad Hussain was embroiled in controversy after the GMBDR reported both his associations with the US Muslim Brotherhood and remarks that he had made in 2004 about the prosecution of convicted terrorist Sami Al-Arian that were later deleted from the publication that reported them. Mr. Hussain at first denied remembering that he had made the remarks calling the prosecution “politically motivated persecution” but later, after an audio tape surfaced documenting the remarks, he acknowledged the comments but said that they had been “ill advised.” Mr. Hussain also admitted that he had complained to the publication about being misrepresented after the remarks were first reported but that the publication had deleted them on their own volition. The remarks did not appear to have been deleted until after Mr. Hussain had been appointed White House Counsel. (for an analysis of these events, go here). Since that time, Mr. Hussain has appeared at numerous events sponsored by the US Muslim Brotherhood including those held by the Center for the Study of Islamic and Democracy (CSID), the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago, the Council for the Advancement of Muslim Professionals (CAMP), and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). A Hudson Institute report identifies both the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) as elements of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood. Previous posts have discussed the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood ties of the other organizations. In May, a post reported that ISNA held a symposium together with the Georgetown University’s Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (ACMCU) which featured prominent members of the global Brotherhood including Abdallah Bin Bayyah and U.S. Muslim Brotherhood leader Jamal Badawi. A report by the Hudson Institute has identified ISNA as a major part of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood. The organization has a long history of fundamentalism, anti-semitism, and support for terrorism and during the recent Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing trial, ISNA was named as an unindicted co-conspirator. Although recently ISNA has issued condemnations of terrorism which for the first time identify Hamas and Hezbollah by name, there is no indication that the organization has ever addressed or acknowledged its history. European Brotherhood Imam Training Body Meets With EU Religious Adviser Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Denounces Coup In Mauritania EXCLUSIVE: New Obama Envoy Has History Of Engagement With U.S. Muslim Brotherhood; Called Al-Arian Case “Politically Motivated Persecution” WAMY Seeks To Open Office In Mauritania BREAKING NEWS: White House Reacts To GMBDR Story On New Obama Envoy
  12. Once again attempting to derail a thread // END COLBY ============= The over all theme of DAWSON video is Alex Jones.
  13. So you cut and pasted 200 words then highlighted one link because you only wanted us to look at that link? It would have been easier, more concise and clearer just have posted the link. This is all moot though because that link is not any more relevant than the rest, Gladio and its supposed relation to 9/11 was another thread. // end Colby ==================== To the well read 'truther' GLADIO is the historical basis for starting to think 911 an inside FALSE FLAG event.
  14. IS YOUR GOOGLE BROKEN ??? TISK TISK [PDF] Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report. Contribution of - IPCC www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar4/syr/ar4_syr_frontmatter.pdfSimilar You +1'd this publicly. Undo File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View by CW Team - 2008 - Cited by 2 - Related articles First published 2008. ISBN 92-9169-122-4. The right of publication in print, electronic and any other form and in any language is reserved by the IPCC. ########################### Full text of "Endangerment Analysis for Greenhouse Gas Emissions ... archive.org/stream/.../Endangermentcommentsv7b1_djvu.txtCached You +1'd this publicly. UndoThe current Draft TSD is based largely on the IPCC AR4 report, which is at ..... the two: IPCC AR4TS Fig. 26 Updated (2008: Jan-July only) HadCRUT UAH IT ...
  15. ) After leaving Harvard, MP transfered to a Quaker college in suburban Philadelphia, when he met Ruth Hyde Paine at a folk dance session. Thanks to MP's mother's husband, Arthur Young, MP gets a job in research and development at Bell Helicopter in Texas. What promoped the move from Philly to Dallas? YEAH, but the CABOTS (MP Cabot on both sides of his family) controlled First National Bank of Boston ,that was head investor in TEXTRON that controlled Bell Helicopter. Textron lobbied the Pentagon in 1958 for more use of the helicopter in war....Vietnam ??
  16. STEINEM GOT SUPPORT TO START MS MAGAZINE FROM ASSASINATED CONNECTED MRS HARRIS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Dallas Conspiracy with Lansky, the British, and the Rothschilds converge on Wallace Investments. It was a mob-connected, business operation. Mr. Wallace himself, through his investments, connected up to Lansky through the Sands Hotel. The head of Wallace Investments was Eugene Locke. He and his partner, who was also in Wallace Investments, ran a law firm called Locke and Purnell. In the office of Locke and Purnell was the parade route meeting, and if my theory is right, Lansky people were at the parade route meeting. This way they could control any final decisions, if the planning went askew. Kennedy advance man Jack Puterbaugh made investments with Wallace Investments, as did Trammel Crowell. Now both those investments were made post assassination, but it gives indication that they knew Mr. Wallace before. Trammel Crowell constructed the Trade Mart, and he knew where all the nooks and crannies were inside the building. If Kennedy hadn’t been killed in Dealey Plaza, then he would have been killed at the Trade Mart where more shooters could hide in the nooks and crannies. Mr. Crowell was a rich man before the assassination, but he became very, very wealthy after the assassination. He became ultra-rich, as the years went on. Quite likely he had connections with British investment and the Morgan Group in America. Let’s get back to Locke and Purnell, who were both cousins, and who were a part of Wallace Investments. Mr. Purnell was on the board of A. H. Belo, which had many odd things connected to the assassination. Belo had Hugh Ainsworthy who had access to Marina when other people did not have access to her, and he was at the Tippit scene. The man who had a seizure that took away an ambulance from Dealey Plaza was an employee of A. H. Belo, oddly. To show the internationalist slant of the organization, A. H. Belo in the 1980s joined the British-American Society. There were not that many American companies that were part of the British-American Society, but A. H. Belo was. It’s quite possible there were connections through Mr. Purnell, because Lansky and his milieu operated in some type of state-sponsored, narco-business alliance, which was outwardly a business with the narcotics operation underneath supporting it partially financially. At the parade route meeting in the office of Locke and Purnell was Elizabeth Forsling Harris. She later became the money source behind Ms. Magazine. (I would like to add as an aside that Ms. magazine was probably an elite plot against the traditional family, to bring down the number of children born to people belonging to the lower and middle classes.) Now when Harris was at the parade route meeting, she made a phone call to the White House at a time when Bill Moyers was at the White House. Going further, Ms. Harris's brother was the head lawyer for CBS, and he later headed the conglomerate that controlled CBS. This same brother worked for Mr. Paley who was the head of CBS. Paley was in the anti-American, pro-British Pilgrim Society that I mentioned earlier. Closely associated with Paley was Prescott Bush who was a CBS trust member of 30 years. Allen Dulles was a very close friend to Paley. He and Paley would exchange Christmas jam and jelly and visit one another. It is therefore no surprise that CBS was part of the cover-up. It strongly supported the Warren Commission and was an enthusiastic promoter of the lone assassin theory. ++++++++++ see full interview http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=17035&hl=++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  17. I PUT THIS UP TWICE , BUT NO REFUTATION OF THESE FACTS. REDUX CURRENT CONNECTIONS (POST #7) President Obama at al-Azhar University Cairo, June, 2009 “A New Beginning” Speech With the election of President Obama in November 2008 and his Muslim Outreach initiative, exemplified by his Cairo “A New Beginnings Speech” at al Azhar University, the Obama administration extended a welcome to the MB. Investor’s Business Daily noted the ensuing chronology of events, punctuated by the overthrow of the Mubarak regime in Egypt during the Arab Spring of 2011 that swept the heartland of the Muslim ummah. 2009: The White House invites ISNA’s president to President Obama’s inauguration ceremonies, even though the Justice Department just two years earlier had blacklisted the Brotherhood affiliate as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land trial — the largest terror-finance case in U.S. history. 2009: Obama delivers his Cairo speech to Muslims, infuriating the Mubarak regime by inviting Brotherhood leaders to attend. 2009: The White House dispatches top presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett to give the keynote speech at ISNA’s annual convention. 2009: Obama appoints a Brotherhood-tied Islamist — Rashad Hussain — as U.S. envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference, which strongly supports the Brotherhood. 2010: Hussain meets with the Brotherhood’s grand mufti in Egypt. 2011: White House sends intelligence czar James Clapper to Capitol Hill to whitewash the Brotherhood’s extremism. Clapper testifies the group is a moderate, “largely secular” organization. 2011: The Brotherhood’s spiritual leader — Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi — is given a hero’s welcome in Tahrir Square, where he raises the banner of jihad. Qaradawi, exiled from Egypt for 30 years, had been calling for “days of rage” before the rioting in Egypt. Before Obama’s Cairo speech, Qaradawi wrote an open letter to the President arguing [islamic] terrorism is a direct response to U.S. foreign policy. 2011: The Brotherhood vows to tear up Egypt’s 30-year peace treaty with Israel. Since Mubarak’s fall, it has worked to formally reestablish Cairo’s ties with Hamas and Hezbollah. 2011: Obama gives Mideast speech demanding Israel relinquish land to Palestinians. 2011: White House security adviser gives friendly speech at Washington-area mosque headed by ISNA’s new president. 2011: Justice Department pulls plug on further prosecution of Muslim Brotherhood front groups identified as collaborators in conspiracy to funnel millions to Hamas. ====================================================
  18. I saw photo many years ago before 911 of a 727 airplane crash in Florida. The plane was said to have gone straight down There was a circular 25 foot depression of a foot and a half depth with very, very little plane debris (and even some of the small vegetation that surrounded circular area was inside said depression). You would have walked by the 'crash site' and thought ,"why did people throw a little trash here ?" +++++++++ PLANE HIT PENTAGON. =============================== DAWSON ON JONES (I agree with DAWSON alot) =========== see below if you disagree with Dawson on GAZA Dissecting Israeli Military Propaganda: The Numbers behind the Rocket Attacks By Global Research News Global Research, November 18, 2012 Mondoweiss http://www.globalres...attacks/5312184 ================================================== ED FORUM POST Dissecting Israeli Military Propaganda: The Numbers behind the Rocket Attacks http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=19696
  19. GEE BANKING CRISIS OVER (FEB 4 / 13) ??? “Banks still are a very weak link in Europe’s recovery,” said Bas Jacobs, a professor of economics at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam. “Not enough losses have been written off. Eurobanks with impaired balance sheets become zombiebanks, which reduce lending to make up for those losses.” Teetering banks are also the central issue in a bailout for Cyprus, which will be the euro-area’s fifth. As European leaders hold off on a rescue agreement for the Mediterranean island nation, a report cited by Nicosia-based broadcaster Sigma placed the worst-case scenario for recapitalizing Cyprus’s lenders at 9.2 billion euros. That would make the country’s debt unsustainable, Sigma reported yesterday, citing a Pimco report. Joachim Fels, chief economist at Morgan Stanley in London, cited concerns over a Cyprus bailout and possible debt writedowns that could again roil markets. “I worry about a resurfacing of worries about bail-ins for bank creditors in Cyprus and even about euro exit, which could easily lead to another bout of the euro crisis,” Fels wrote in a note to clients yesterday. ####################### Is This The Beginning Of A Horrifying Stock Market Crash In Europe? February 5, 2013 Source: Michael Snyder, BLN Contributing Writer Are we witnessing the start of a historic financial meltdown in Europe? In recent days, two massive corruption scandals have greatly shaken confidence in European financial markets. The first involves Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. It is being alleged that he has been receiving illegal cash payments, and the calls for his resignation grow louder with each passing day. The second is a derivatives scandal at the third largest bank in Italy. Allegedly, there were some very large unreported derivatives deals that were supposed to help hide losses at the bank, but instead they actually made the losses much larger. The investigation that is looking into this derivatives scandal is starting to spread to other banks, and nobody is quite sure how far down the rabbit hole this thing goes. But what everyone does agree on is that this derivatives scandal has shaken up Italian politics, and the outcome of the upcoming election is now very uncertain. Former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is rapidly rising in the polls, and the European establishment is less than thrilled about that. Meanwhile, stock indexes all over Europe fell rapidly on Monday, and even the Dow was down 129 points. So will all this blow over in a few days, or is this the beginning of a full-blown stock market crash in Europe? That is a very good question. Perhaps there would not be so much concern if the overall European economy was doing well, but the truth is that the underlying economic fundamentals in Europe have continued to get even worse. The unemployment rate in the eurozone is at an all-time high, and the unemployment rates in both Greece and Spain are now over 26 percent. Much of southern Europe is already in the midst of a full-blown economic depression, so it really has been remarkable that the financial markets in Europe have been able to hold up as well as they have so far. But now all of that may be changing. Just check out what happened on Monday according to Bloomberg… National benchmark indexes declined in all of the 18 western European markets, except Greece and Denmark. Italy’s FTSE MIB Index (FTSEMIB) sank 4.5 percent, the most in six months. Spain’s IBEX 35 slid 3.8 percent for a sixth day of declines, the longest losing streak in 10 months. France’s CAC 40 plunged 3 percent for the biggest drop since April. The U.K.’s FTSE 100 dropped 1.6 percent and Germany’s DAX lost 2.5 percent. Unfortunately, what happened on Monday was just the continuation of a trend that started last week. The following is from Zero Hedge… The last four days have seen the biggest plunge in over six months with the IBEX (Spain -5.7%) and Italy’s MIB -6.7%. At the same time, Europe’s seemingly invincible OMT-promise-protected sovereign bond market has started to underwhelm. Italian bond spreads are 32bps wider and Spain 28bps wider – the biggest increase in risk in two months. European banks have been hit particularly hard during this recent downturn. Just check out some of the huge declines that European banking stocks experienced on Monday… UniCredit SpA: -8.3 percent Commerzbank AG: -5.9 percent Santander: -5.7 percent Intesa Sanpaolo SpA: -5.4 percent Credit Agricole SA: -5.4 percent Société Générale SA: -4.8 percent Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA: -4.7 percent Those are huge moves for just a single day of trading. If we have a couple of more days like that, everyone is going to be talking about a “stock market crash” in Europe. Unfortunately, it does not appear that any solutions to the scandals that are shaking up southern Europe right now will be forthcoming any time soon. In Spain, it is increasingly looking like the Prime Minister may actually have to resign. A recent CNN article explained what the scandal is all about… Rajoy denied on Saturday allegations that he and other leaders of his conservative People’s Party had received secret cash payments from a fund operated by the party’s former treasurer. Rajoy said he would publish details of his personal wealth and income tax states on the prime minister’s website. Of course politicians all over the world are accused of doing evil things all the time, but in this instance it appears that there may be some solid evidence that Rajoy may not be able to deny. The following comes from a Bloomberg report… Newspaper El Pais last week published allegations of illegal cash payments, featuring extracts from handwritten ledgers by the former People’s Party Treasurer Luis Barcenas showing payments to officials including Rajoy. At this point, opinion polls are showing that even most of his own supporters do not believe him… Polls show that 60pc of his own supporters do not believe the official explanation. A national petition drive calling for his resignation has already collected almost 800,000 signatures. Socialist oppo­sition leader Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba yesterday joined the chorus calling for Mr Rajoy’s head, saying the country had ­become “ungovernable”. So definitely expect things in Spain to get worse before they get better. Meanwhile, the derivatives scandal in Italy continues to get more “interesting”. Italy’s third largest bank is on the brink of collapse due to huge problems with derivatives contracts, and that bank just happens to be closely linked with the Italian politician that is currently leading in the polls… The Italian scandal is related to Italy’s third-biggest bank, Monte dei Paschi di Siena, which has received two government bailouts and may yet have to be nationalized as its losses mount. The bank is closely associated to Italy’s Democratic Party, whose leader, Pier Luigi Bersani, is leading in the polls, though slipping from his highs as former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi makes a late surge before the Feb. 25th general election. “The Monte [banking] scandals now look like overwhelming the Italian election campaign and put [Mr.] Bersani and the Democratic Party’s victory at risk,” James Walston, political commentator at the American University of Rome, said in his Monday blog. The Monte scandal centres on allegedly unreported derivatives deals that were apparently designed to hide losses and instead made the losses deeper. The bank, now under new management, has admitted that the derivatives losses might total more than €700-million. So who benefits from all of this? Well, it turns out that as a result of this scandal former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is rapidly gaining more support. The following is from a recent Telegraph article… In Italy, ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi has upset the political landscape just three weeks before elections, surging back into contention with vows to rip up “German-imposed” austerity policies and cancel a hated property tax. His Right-wing alliance has risen to 28pc in the polls, relishing a widening scandal at Banca Monte dei Paschi that has embroiled the Italian left. But even if none of these scandals had happened, it was inevitable that the gigantic debt bubble in Europe would end up bursting at some point. In fact, the entire globe is on the verge of a debt implosion. This was something that Bill Gross of Pimco discussed in his February newsletter… “So our credit-based financial markets and the economy it supports are levered, fragile and increasingly entropic – it is running out of energy and time. When does money run out of time? The countdown begins when investable assets pose too much risk for too little return; when lenders desert credit markets for other alternatives such as cash or real assets.” No debt bubble can expand indefinitely. At some point it can no longer hold itself together. Europe is rapidly approaching that point, and so is the United States. So how much time do we have left?
  20. Not analogous because few if any of the scientists warning about AGW have their paychecks signed by companies with a direct financial interest in their positions. // END COLBY ------------------------------------------------ Gee 4 second of research .... I Googled , "cdc big pharma revolving door" (if you dont have a closed mind ...finding the truth can occur ) YES ITS A COINSPIRACY "cdc big pharma revolving door" $$$ Collusion Between Pharmaceutical Industry and Government ... articles.mercola.com/.../merck-flu-vaccine-conflicts.aspx  by Joseph Mercola - in 427 Google+ circles - More by Joseph Mercola Aug 2, 2012 – Here, I will review two important revolving-door cases, and while neither is recent ... Former CDC Director Now President of Merck's Vaccine Unit ... who pass through the revolving doors between government and Big Pharma, ... More by Joseph Mercola Former head of CDC lands lucrative job as president of Merck ... www.naturalnews.com/027789_Dr_Julie_Gerberding_Merc...  by Mike Adams - in 358 Google+ circles - More by Mike Adams Dec 22, 2009 – As long as the revolving door remains wide open between Big Pharma and Big Government, there will be a strong tendency towards corporate ... More by Mike Adams Former CDC Director exits via the revolving door – Effect Measure scienceblogs.com/effectmeasure/2009/.../former-cdc-director-exits-volving door Dec 23, 2009 – Former CDC Director exits via the revolving door ... Yesterday we learned of another example when Big Pharma giant Merck & Company ... CDC Director Gerberding Gives Green Light to Gardasil then Goes ... corporategreedchronicles.com/.../cdc-director-gerberding-gives-gree... Nov 13, 2011 – Before going through the BigPharma/CDC revolving door, however, her “Report to Congress 'Prevention of Genital Human Papillomavirus ... Julie Gerberding Primed Big Pharma's Pump with Flu and HPV ... vactruth.com/.../julie-gerberding-primed-big-pharmas-pump-with-flu... Jan 4, 2010 – The revolving door between the Department of Health and Human ... Due to CDC's unwavering allegiance to the products of Big Pharma, ... Owl: US CDC FDA DHS Conflicts of Interest & Impeachable Act that ... www.phibetaiota.net/.../owl-us-cdc-fda-dhs-conflicts-of-interest-impe... “Joining a parade of other high-ranking government officials who pass through the revolving doors between government and Big Pharma, [Julie] Gerberding ... The Big Pharma/Big Government Revolving Door Still - 247WeReport https://247wereport....es/?view...page... Dec 31, 2009 – The Big Pharma/Big Government Revolving Door Still Swings. CDC Head Lands Lucrative Job With Merck. Crusador Staff ... Excellent vaccine articles www.vaccinetruth.org/excellent_vaccine_articles.htm How can the risk of injuring 1 in 150 children for life be acceptable to Big Pharma and the revolving door CDC and FDA management? Any business would love ... Merck Purchases Former "Public Servant" Dr. Julie Gerberding of ... artsandpalaver.blogspot.com/.../merck-purchases-former-public-serv... Mar 13, 2010 – Big Pharma Julie! Liz, are you just now catching on to the revolving door at CDC and FDA? Seriously, thanks for this. I'm sure Dr. Julie ... The Revolving Door Between CDC, FDA, NIH and - Health Maven healthmaven.blogspot.com/.../revolving-door-between-cdc-fda-nih-a... The Revolving Door Between CDC, FDA, NIH and The Pharmaceutical Industry ... or law firms and lobbying firms that represent the pharmaceutical industry. ..... and clearing heat, operating through the channels of the stomach, large intestine, ... ###################### ###################### The Revolving Door Between CDC, FDA, NIH and The Pharmaceutical Industry Is Disgusting --It's called FASCISM (CLICK THIS LINK) 'Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power. http://healthmaven.b...da-nih-and.html 'Do you think that Dr. Gerberding was named president of Merc's Vaccine Division because she questions vaccines safety and effectiveness impartially?' 'She will try to revive the sinking sales of the dangerous Gardisal Vaccine and scare the public about other diseases. She is already doing national tv commercials promoting the H1N1 vaccine stating 'the shots do not cause swine flu'.' Phil Segrave This highlights the revolving door between U.S. government agencies, the U.S. Congress, and the pharmaceutical industry. The following former government officials now work at IFPMA, PhRMA, or law firms and lobbying firms that represent the pharmaceutical industry. The information on clients represented by the following individuals is heavily indebted to View the de Former CDC Director Is Now Merck's President WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Dr. Julie Gerberding, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was named president of Merck & Co Inc's vaccine division, the company said on Monday. Gerberding, who led the CDC from 2002 to 2009, stepped down when President Barack Obama took office. She had led the agency from one crisis to another, including the investigation into the anthrax attacks that killed five people in 2001, the H5N1 avian influenza, the global outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS, and various outbreaks of food poisoning. "As a preeminent authority in public health, infectious diseases and vaccines, Dr. Gerberding is the ideal choice to lead Merck's engagement with organizations around the world that share our commitment to the use of vaccines to prevent disease and save lives," Merck Chief Executive Officer Richard Clark said in a statement. "I am very excited to be joining Merck where I can help to expand access to vaccines around the world," added Gerberding, who will head up the company's $5 billion global vaccine business that includes shots to prevent chickenpox, cervical cancer and pneumonia. Source: 'The CDC has been running defense for Merck for many years, downplaying vaccine side effects and insisting that Merck's vaccines are safe. Now that the president of Merck's vaccine division and the former chief of the CDC are one and the same, it brings up obvious questions of whether there was some level of ongoing collusion between the CDC and Merck and how deeply Dr. Gerberding might have been involved. Dr. Gerberding has now allied herself with a company engaged in so many repeated acts of fraud (...)'
  21. YUP THE MYTHER BALONEY IS SO THICK IT CAN'T EVEN BE PUT IN A SANDWICH. LETS SEE ... A BEAM FALL THROUGH THE ROOF OF A BUILDING AND CAUSES SOOOoooo much heat that metal forms into balls ....YUP BALONEY = MYTHERS (a proven axiom) WTC Building 6 housed several federal agencies, primarily U.S. Customs (Photo 11). The third floor—now largely inaccessible—contained a firing range. More than 1.2 million rounds of ammunition were stored on this level, as was a vault used to store other explosives and weapons. A seizure vault was also on the third floor; it contained evidence (such as drugs, cash and evidence files) seized during Customs operations. Final status: At great personal risk, Customs officials, the FBI and contractor representatives located and removed the criminal evidence from Building 6 during the fourth week of the effort. The ammunition was finally located on Oct. 24, 2001, melted together into large “bullet balls” that were extremely dangerous to handle and dispose of properly (Photo 12). Professional Safety The American Society of Safety Engineers 2002-05-01 - SH&E at Ground Zero Disaster Response (link)
  22. World Trade Center 7 Steel Samples Show Severe Damage Due To A High Temperature Corrosion Attack Which Melted The Steel "Evidence of a severe high temperature corrosion attack on the steel, including oxidation and sulfidation with subsequent intergranular melting, was readily visible in the near-surface microstructure.”... “The thinning of the steel occurred by high temperature corrosion due to a combination of oxidation and sulfidation.”...“The unusual thinning of the member is most likely due to an attack of the steel by grain boundary penetration of sulfur forming sulfides that contain both iron and copper.”...“A liquid eutectic mixture containing primarily iron, oxygen, and sulfur formed during this hot corrosion attack on the steel.”... “The severe corrosion and subsequent erosion of Samples 1 and 2 are a very unusual event. No clear explanation for the source of the sulfur has been identified." ========== Golly golly mis molly ..how about a demoltion/mealting device ??
  23. GEE I ALWAYS THINK HIGHLIGHTED IN RED MEANS THATS WHAT TO LOOK AT. Interview 595 – Sibel Edmonds on NATO, Terrorism, 9/11 and Drug Running Time Reference: 25:56 http://www.corbettreport.com/interview-595-sibel-edmonds-on-nato-terrorism-911-and-drug-running/
  24. Seems like a strawman since the author was unable to cite a single politician or pundit who blamed "lazy workers" for the crisis. // end Colby ============= Europe's labour laws and welfare systems make workers lazy, says Chinese finance chief Jin Liqun said Europeans should stop 'languishing on the beach' and work harder http://www.dailymail...l#axzz2JvnpDCns ################################# Young Tory MPs blame 'lazy' baby boomers for Britain's economic decline A group of rising young Conservative MPs claims that 'idle' British workers are damaging the economy by failing to compete with 'grafting' Asian countries. http://www.telegraph...ic-decline.html ############################### ############################### The myth of the “lazy Greek workers” feb/1/13 online issue 136 VIEWPOINT Since the crisis in Greece has hit the headlines there have appeared in the bourgeois media many stories about how Greece has too many civil servants, how the working week is very short, how people retire early on fat pensions, and so on, as if this were the cause of the crisis. Facts and figures, however, can be very stubborn things and they tell a completely different story. During the last few days we have witnessed an unprecedented smear campaign against the Greek working class by the European bourgeois media, in particular by the tabloid press, which is specifically aimed at working class people. This campaign is aimed at deceiving the European workers and its objective is clearly to prevent them from assuming internationalist action of class solidarity towards the working class of Greece, which is being brutally attacked by both Greek and foreign capitalists. The first myth being promoted in this campaign goes more or less like this: "these lazy Greek people, who constantly go on strike without any reason, then come running to the Europeans to finance their own laziness". The rank-and-file of the European Left and of the workers' movement internationally must be told the truth, but unfortunately this will not be forthcoming from the main media outlets. Let us look at some facts. According to Eurostat, Greek workers work on average longer hours than the rest of Europeans. They work a 42-hour week, while the average working week in the 27 member states of the EU is 40.3 hours and within in the "Eurozone" it is 40 hours. So that is myth number one dispelled. Again, according to Eurostat, Greece also has the most underpaid private sector employees compared to the rest of the "Eurozone". In Greece, the average gross monthly wage, including social security and taxes, is 803 euros [about £700 or US$1063], while the lowest gross salary in, for example, Ireland is 1300 euros, in France 1250 euros and in the Netherlands 1400 euros. So myth number two doesn't stand up to any serious analysis of the real figures. Another idea being bandied about is that if it were not for the EU and the IMF stepping in and imposing strict measures, the Greeks would have happily continued to live on ever-increasing wages. However, according to the Labour Institution of the GSEE [the Greek general confederation of private sector unions], the austerity programmes already imposed by recent governments in Greece even before the current crisis had erupted had already cut the real average wage in the private sector to 1984 levels. What about the age of retirement and pension levels? If we were to believe the bourgeois media Greeks live in a kind of workers' paradise, where they can all retire early and nice big pensions. Again, facts and figures are stubborn things and they give a completely different picture. The average age of retirement in Greece is 61.4 years, a little higher than the European average of 61.1 years. And what about these fat Greek pensions? According to the GSEE Labour Institution, the average pension in Greece is 750 euros per months [£650 pounds or US$990], while in Spain this figure reaches 950 euros, in Ireland 1700 euros, in Belgium 2800 euros and in the Netherlands 3200 euros. Moreover, this figure was calculated before the implementation of the new government measures, which increase the age of retirement from 65 to 67 years while at the same time cutting pensions by 30 to 50%. Furthermore, according to the annual report of the joint GSEE-ADEDY trade union confederations on the economy and employment levels in 2009, of the current four and a half million labour force, more than a million work without any social security or other forms of legal protection. According to the report of the Commission for Social Security, established by the Greek Ministry of Labour, this figure reaches 30% of the overall workforce, while in the rest of the EU the percentage of workers in these conditions are only between 5 and 10% of the total. And whose fault is that? Contributions are supposed to be calculated by the bosses, who pay a part themselves and the remainder is paid by the workers out of their wages. But that would mean declaring the workers legally and paying taxes on the profits made. The bosses prefer to hire a sizeable number of workers illegally, in the "black economy", and thus save on both taxes due to the state and contributions. If the bosses had paid all taxes due in recent years, and if they had paid what they are supposed to pay into social security funds, the situation would not be anywhere as bad as it is today. It is the Greek capitalists and the foreign investors who have profited from this situation. But who are they blaming? The Greek workers and poor, of course! On top of all this, in Greece there is also the phenomenon of around 300,000 "false self-employed workers". These are workers who have in reality been forced to set themselves up as self-employed. In reality they work for a boss who can freely assign the manner, the time, the place of work, and the working conditions and thus this form of working is essentially employment by a boss, but with the added advantage that he can sack them whenever he wants, as formally he is the workers' "client". Bosses prefer this method of employment because these workers are not treated legally as employees; they don't have the same legal rights as the rest of the working class, such as monthly salaries, paid holidays, etc. Employers can fire them freely, even without any compensation. We must also add to the list the 200,000 "part-time" employees, most of whom work full-time but are being paid half-time. In the smear campaign, there have been many reports concerning the supposedly "excessive" number of civil servants in Greece. According to reports of the ILO (International Labour Organization), civil servants in Greece represent 22.3% of the total workforce, while in France the percentage is 30%, in Sweden 34%, in the Netherlands 27%, in the UK 20% and finally, in Germany 14%. So we can see that Greece is actually below the average. The most important fact, however, that has to be borne in mind is that 300,000 of the public sector employees are working under temporary contracts, which means they have far lower wages and much fewer rights. Instead of civil servants' wages going up in recent years, we have seen the opposite phenomenon. As a result of the constant cuts carried out since 1990, according to an ADEDY report [the civil servants trade union confederation], the total real income of civil servants has fallen by 30%. During recent years, governments have preferred to grant "allowances" to civil servants instead of real wage increases. These allowances have neither been included in the annual pay rises nor are they taken into account when calculating pension levels upon retirement. The bourgeois propaganda also continues to attacking the so-called "13th and 14th month's salary", in an attempt to create the impression that Greek workers enjoy higher wages than their European counterparts. In reality, these extra "salaries" are bonuses for Christmas (the 13th salary), Easter and allowances (14th salary), which were given separately as a method of fragmenting total annual income, in order to facilitate commercial and tourist growth during "peak periods" (i.e. holiday periods), in a country whose economy is based mainly on commerce and tourism. With the new recent measures taken by the government, civil servants and pensioners lose both of these salaries. What must also be noted is that all the wage levels, all the facts and figures about the Greek workers' wages listed above include these extra "salaries". The myth of the "opulent" Greek workers is ultimately destroyed if we look at the massive increase in the cost of living in Greece. While the wages and salaries are among the lowest in the Eurozone, the prices of basic goods keep soaring. Let us take a look at a few examples. In Greece a packet of cereals costs on average 2.86 euros, while the same packet costs 1.89 euros in the UK (51% cheaper than in Greece) and in France 2.25 euros (27% cheaper). Greeks buy a toothbrush for 3.74 euros while in the UK the same toothbrush is sold for 2.46 euros (52% cheaper). A pack of soft drinks that costs 3.1 euros in Greece, costs 2.76 in Belgium, 2.3 in France and 2.68 in UK. The most prominent examples are a cup of coffee or tea: in Greece the average price is between 3 and 3.5 euros, more than twice the average in most European countries. Of course, during the same period, there are some Greeks that could be accused of living in opulence, indeed at record levels, compared to both Europe and globally. But these are not to be found among the Greek working class. During the first half of the past decade Greek capitalists were constantly in the three top places in the league table of profitability globally, while Greek bankers even now are enjoying the highest rates of interest in Europe. This is not by chance. Their profits have been based on the fact that they had at their disposal a workforce that has been on some of the lowest wages in Europe. Added to that they had a sizeable section of this workforce employed in the "black economy", where they were able to save huge sums on taxes and social security contributions. The smear campaign of the capitalist press throughout Europe is thus based on nothing but lies. The truth must be explained within the labour movement in every European country and beyond. Real wages are far lower, the working week is longer than average, the age of retirement is higher than average, but one thing has indeed been higher: the profits made by the Greek and foreign capitalists in Greece. This does not mean that workers in the rest of Europe are living that much better. What is being done to the Greek working class, tomorrow will be done to the Portuguese and the day after to the Italian, the Belgian, the British workers and so on. Already in Ireland we have seen what the capitalist are capable of. Greece provides merely a foretaste of what is coming very soon in the rest of Europe. What the bourgeois media is trying to do is to play off one working class against another. They are putting the blame for the present crisis of the euro on the Greek workers, using them as a scapegoat. This is all in preparation for the attacks they are preparing across the whole of Europe. Tomorrow, no doubt, we will hear about the lazy Portuguese, the lazy Italians. In Britain no doubt, the campaign about social security "scroungers", i.e. unemployed workers, will be stepped up, and finally the day will come when the German capitalists will discover that German workers too are "scroungers", that they have lived it up for too long and some "sacrifices" need to be made. The European working class must not allow this campaign to go unanswered. It is the duty of the labour movement organisation in all European countries to counter this campaign and tell the truth and put the blame for this crisis where it lies, at the door of the European and world capitalist class. The workers of Europe must act in solidarity with the Greek working class, which is being cruelly attacked by the EU and struggle together against this attempt to first divide the workers and then to pass the burden of the crisis to the European workers as a whole. This will involve a European-wide struggle. In all countries similar conditions are being created. In all countries the attack is the same. What is required is international solidarity across borders, a struggle for a socialist Europe that will finally make those who are responsible for the crisis pay, by expropriating those who are truly lazy, those who produce nothing, those who live off the sweat of the working class, the industrialists, the bankers, the financial speculators, the ship-owners and the owners of the huge commercial chains. Source: Marxist.com
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