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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. Episode 256 – Gladio Revisited Posted by Corbett Podcast: Play in new window | Download As one of the most thoroughly-documented examples of a decades-long program of officially-sanctioned false flag terror, Operation Gladio remains a woefully under-reported piece of the War on Terror puzzle. Today we go behind the trite summarizations of this program to look at it in-depth, examine its roots, and discover how it is continuing to operate right through to the present day. For those with limited bandwidth, CLICK HERE to download a smaller, lower file size version of this episode. For those interested in audio quality, CLICK HERE for the highest-quality version of this episode (WARNING: very large download). Documentation Episode 049 – Paperclipped Nazis and Stay-behind Gladios Time Reference: 01:04 Gladio – BBC2 1992 Documentary Time Reference: 03:38 Operation Gladio – Wikipedia Time Reference: 04:23 InvestigatingTheTerror.com Time Reference: 07:34 Interview 582 – Tom Secker on Operation Gladio Time Reference: 08:37 Deep State Coup Averted in Turkey Time Reference: 22:13 Ergenekon, Sledgehammer, and the Politics of Turkish Justice: Conspiracies and Coincidences Time Reference: 23:08 Interview 595 – Sibel Edmonds on NATO, Terrorism, 9/11 and Drug Running Time Reference: 25:56 Evil Report by Jed Curtis Time Reference: 56:23
  2. February 04, 2013 The Baseless Myth of the Lazy Worker The New Specter Haunting Europe by HA-JOON CHANG “A spectre is haunting Europe.” Thus began the famous opening passages of The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Today, once again, Europe is haunted by a spectre. But, unlike back in 1848 when Marx and Engels wrote those passages, it is not communism, but laziness. Gone are the days when the upper classes were terrified of the angry mob wanting to smash their skulls and confiscate their properties. Now their biggest enemy is the army of lazy bums, whose lifestyle of indolence and hedonism, financed by crippling taxes on the rich, is sucking the lifeblood out of the economy. In Britain, the coalition government constantly slags off those welfare slobs in the working class suburbs, sleeping off their hard night’s slog with Sky Sports and online casino. It is their shameless demand for “something for nothing,” pandered to by the previous Labour government, we are told, that has created the huge deficits that the country is struggling to get rid of. In the eurozone, many believe that its fiscal crisis can be ultimately traced back to those lazy Mediterranean types in Greece and Spain, who had lived off hard-working Germans and Dutch, spending their time sipping espresso and playing card games. Unless those people start working hard, it is said, the eurozone’s problems cannot be fixed. The problem with this story is that it is, well, just a story. First of all, it is important to reiterate that the fiscal deficits in the European countries, including Britain, are largely due to the fall in tax revenues following the finance-induced recession, rather than to the rise in welfare spending. So, attacking the poor and eviscerating the welfare state is not going to cure the underlying cause of the deficits. Moreover, on the whole, poorer people typically work harder. They usually work in jobs with longer hours and tougher working conditions. Except for a tiny minority, they are poor despite the welfare state, not because of it. The point comes into a sharper relief, if we compare nations. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, people in Greece, that famous nation of skivers, worked on average 2,032 hours in 2011 – only a shade less than the supposedly workaholic South Koreans (2,090 hours). In the same year, the Germans worked only 70% as long (1,413 hours), while the Netherlands was officially the “laziest” nation in the world, with only 1,379 hours of work per year. These numbers tell us that, whatever else is wrong with Greece, it is not the laziness of their people. Now, if the laziness story has such flimsy bases in reality, why is it so widely believed? It is because, in the past three decades of dominance by free-market ideology, many of us have come to believe in the myth of the individual fully in charge of his/her destiny. Starting from Disney animations we watch as young children telling us that “if you believed in yourself, you can achieve anything”, we are bombarded with the message that individuals, and they alone, are responsible for what they get in their lives. This is what I call the L’Oreal principle – if some people are paid tens of millions of pounds a year, it must be because they’re “worth it”; if others are poor, it must be because they are either not good enough or not trying hard enough. Ha-Joon Chang is a Senior Research Associate with the Center for Economic and Policy Research. This article originally appeared in the Guardian. Now, it is politically difficult to criticize the poor for their incompetence, so the attack is focused on the mythical lazy slob, who has no moral leg to stand on. But then the end result is the dismantling of a whole set of policies and institutions that help all poor people in the name of punishing the lazy. The beauty of this worldview – for those who disproportionately benefit from the current system – is that, by reducing everything down to individuals, it draws people’s attention away from the structural causes of poverty and inequality. It is well known that poor childhood nutrition, lack of learning stimulus at deprived homes, and sub-par schools restrict capability developments of poor children, diminishing their future prospects. When they grow up, they have to contend with all sorts of prejudices that constantly discourage and deflate them, especially if they have the wrong gender or the wrong skin colour. With these sandbags on their legs, the poor find it difficult to win the race even in the fairest market. Markets are frequently rigged in favour of the rich, as we have seen from a series of recent scandals surrounding deliberate mis-selling of financial products, lies told to the regulators, to the rigging of the Libor rate. More importantly, money gives the super-rich the power even to rewrite the basic rules of the game by – let’s not mince our words – buying up politicians and political offices (think of all those former banker-turned-U.S. treasury secretaries). Many deregulations of the financial and the labor market, as well as tax cuts for the rich, in the last three decades are results of such money politics. By turning the debate into a morality tale of laziness, the rich and powerful can divert people’s attention away from all of these structural problems that create more poverty and inequality than is necessary. All of this is not to say that individual talents and efforts should not be rewarded. Attempts to completely suppress them can create societies that are ostensibly equal but fundamentally unfair, as in the former socialist countries. However, it is vital to recognise that poverty and inequality also have structural causes and start a real debate on how to change those things. Ridding the debate of the pernicious and baseless myth of the lazy mob is an important first step in that direction.
  3. The Vietnam War Memorial in Vietnam Would Be 20 to 50 Times Larger Than Ours By Global Research News Global Research, February 04, 2013 Alternet Imagine if we could bridge the empathy gap that separates us from the Vietnamese and our war with them and against them. When I was on active duty in the Air Force, I visited the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. I was moved to tears as I encountered the names of more than 58,000 of my fellow Americans etched in stone. What a waste, I thought, but at least they died for their country, and at least we didn’t forget their sacrifice. To be honest, I don’t recall thinking about the Vietnamese dead. The memorial, famously designed by Maya Lin, captures an American tragedy, not a Vietnamese one. But imagine, for a moment, if we could bridge the empathy gap that separates us from the Vietnamese and our war with them and against them. How might their suffering compare to ours? Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com/Christian Carollo America first sent ground combat units to Vietnam in March of 1965. If we count the Linebacker II air offensive against North Vietnam in December of 1972 (the infamous Christmas bombing) as the end of major combat operations, the U.S. military waged war in Vietnam for roughly 93 months. Now, let’s consider the number of Vietnamese killed, to include soldiers and civilians, regardless of their political allegiance or lack thereof. No one knows for sure how many Vietnamese died over this period; the “low” estimate is roughly one million Vietnamese, while the “high” estimate is in the vicinity of three million. Even using the low estimate, that’s more than ten thousand dead per month, for 93 months. How can we bring meaning to such mind-numbing statistics? To imagine the impact of this war on the Vietnamese people, Americans have to think not of one tragic wall containing 58,000 names, but of twenty (or perhaps even fifty) tragic walls, adding up to millions of names, a high percentage of them being noncombatants, innocent men, women and children. Difficult as that is to imagine, we must also recognize that the impact of the American war in Vietnam was not limited to killing. The U.S. military bombed and blasted and napalmed and defoliated the landscape as well. So along with twenty or more Maya Lin-type memorials to list all of the Vietnamese war dead, we’d have to imagine scores of “Super Fund” sites in Vietnam, land poisoned by Agent Orange and similar powerful chemicals, tortured terrain that is still occasionally deadly to the Vietnamese who live there. How did so many Vietnamese come to die? How did Vietnam itself become a blasted and poisoned landscape? And how did the United States come largely to forget its complicity in the killing and blasting? The reasons are not easy to contemplate, but Nick Turse’s harrowing new study, Kill Anything that Moves, forces us to confront what he terms “the real American war in Vietnam.” In A Rumor of War (1977), a classic memoir of the Vietnam War, U.S. Marine Lieutenant Philip Caputo recounts how the U.S. strategy of “search and destroy” and the obsession with enemy body count led to “orgiastic violence” in which the goal, in his words, was “to kill Communists and to kill as many of them as possible. Stack ’em like cordwood. Victory was a high body-count … war a matter of arithmetic. The pressure [from the top] on unit commanders to produce enemy corpses was intense, and they in turn communicated it to their troops. This led to such practices as counting civilians as Viet Cong. ‘If it’s dead and Vietnamese, it’s VC,’ was a rule of thumb in the bush. It is not surprising, therefore, that some men acquired a contempt for human life and a predilection for taking it.” The horrific reality that Caputo wrote of more than 35 years ago is now fully fleshed out in Turse’s new study. The obsession with body count—starting with General William Westmoreland, the commanding general in Vietnam—led to, in Turse’s words, “the indiscriminate killing of South Vietnamese noncombatants—the endless slaughter that wiped out civilians day after day, month after month, year after year.” The enormity of the crime was “neither accidental nor unforeseeable,” but rather “the inevitable outcome of deliberate policies, dictated at the highest levels of the military,” Turse concludes. The evidence he amasses – of “murder, torture, rape, abuse, forced displacement, home burnings, specious arrests, imprisonment without due process”—is irrefutable. Indeed, much of the evidence he relies upon was gathered secretly by the U.S. military at the time, only to be suppressed, consigned to archives, and forgotten. It’s hardly surprising that senior U.S. military officials sought to suppress evidence of atrocities on a mass-scale, since they themselves were both complicit and culpable. A line that has always stayed with me from Caputo’s memoir came from one of his NCOs, a Sergeant Colby, who in 1965 told then-Lieutenant Caputo that, “Before you leave here, sir, you’re going to learn that one of the most brutal things in the world is your average nineteen-year-old American boy.” Turse’s study plumbs the depths of such brutality, to include a racist subculture (dehumanizing the Vietnamese as “gooks” and “slopes”) within the U.S. military that facilitated it. Draft an American teenager, teach him to kill, send him to an utterly foreign land in which he can’t distinguish friend from foe, give him power over life and death against a dehumanized enemy, and reward him for generating a high body count in which “If it’s dead and Vietnamese, it’s VC,” and you have an ineluctable recipe for murderous violence. Contrast the brutal honesty of Sergeant Colby with the patent dishonesty of an American political scene that to this day fosters a very different interpretation of the Vietnam War. For many Americans, the true victims of the war are not the millions of Vietnamese who died, or the millions who continue to suffer to this day. No—the true victims are the American veterans who were allegedly spat upon by unwashed anti-war protesters, or a U.S. military that was allegedly betrayed by back-stabbers at the home front, denying the troops the victory they had so justly earned. In this narrative, even the infamous slaughter at My Lai becomes the exception that proves the rule, the rule being that with few exceptions the American military fought honorably and cleanly. For these Americans, the war remains a combination of the Rambo myth mixed with the “noble cause” rhetoric of Ronald Reagan—history as Hollywood fairy tale—a concerted rewriting of the historical record and a rewiring of American culture consistent with feel-good militarism and confectionary war. To confront the truth, we must abandon the confection. The truth is that, rather than confronting our nation’s inner heart of darkness during and after Vietnam, the military and our government collectively whitewashed the past. America’s true “Vietnam Syndrome” was not an allergy to using military power after Vietnam but an allergy to facing the destruction our nation caused there. And that allergy has only exacerbated our national predilection for military adventurism, warrior glorification, and endless war. It’s time our nation found the courage to face those twenty (or fifty) walls of Vietnamese dead. It’s time we faced them with the same sorrow and same regret we reserve for our own wall of dead. Only after we do so can our nation stop glorifying war. Only after we do so can our nation fully heal. William J. Astore, a retired lieutenant colonel (USAF), now teaches at the Pennsylvania College of Technology. His books and articles focus primarily on military history and include Hindenburg: Icon of German Militarism (Potomac Press, 2005). He may be reached at wastore@pct.edu.
  4. LEFTY OBAMA ?? JSoc: Obama's secret assassins The president has a clandestine network targeting a 'kill list' justified by secret laws. How is that different than a death squad? Naomi Wolf guardian.co.uk, Sunday 3 February 2013 09.00 ES The film Dirty Wars, which premiered at Sundance, can be viewed, as Amy Goodman sees it, as an important narrative of excesses in the global "war on terror". It is also a record of something scary for those of us at home – and uncovers the biggest story, I would say, in our nation's contemporary history. Though they wisely refrain from drawing inferences, Scahill and Rowley have uncovered the facts of a new unaccountable power in America and the world that has the potential to shape domestic and international events in an unprecedented way. The film tracks the Joint Special Operations Command (JSoc), a network of highly-trained, completely unaccountable US assassins, armed with ever-expanding "kill lists". It was JSoc that ran the operation behind the Navy Seal team six that killed bin Laden. Scahill and Rowley track this new model of US warfare that strikes at civilians and insurgents alike – in 70 countries. They interview former JSoc assassins, who are shell-shocked at how the "kill lists" they are given keep expanding, even as they eliminate more and more people. Our conventional forces are subject to international laws of war: they are accountable for crimes in courts martial; and they run according to a clear chain of command. As much as the US military may fall short of these standards at times, it is a model of lawfulness compared with JSoc, which has far greater scope to undertake the commission of extra-legal operations – and unimaginable crimes. JSoc morphs the secretive, unaccountable mercenary model of private military contracting, which Scahill identified in Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army, into a hybrid with the firepower and intelligence backup of our full state resources. The Hill reports that JSoc is now seeking more "flexibility" to expand its operations globally. JSoc operates outside the traditional chain of command; it reports directly to the president of the United States. In the words of Wired magazine: "JSoc operates with practically no accountability." Scahill calls JSoc the president's "paramilitary". Its budget, which may be in the billions, is secret. What does it means for the president to have an unaccountable paramilitary force, which can assassinate anyone anywhere in the world? JSoc has already been sent to kill at least one US citizen – one who had been indicted for no crime, but was condemned for propagandizing for al-Qaida. Anwar al-Awlaki, on JSoc's "kill list" since 2010, was killed by CIA-controlled drone attack in September 2011; his teenage son, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki – also a US citizen – was killed by a US drone two weeks later. This arrangement – where death squads roam under the sole control of the executive – is one definition of dictatorship. It now has the potential to threaten critics of the US anywhere in the world. The film reveals some of these dangers: Scahill, writing in the Nation, reported that President Obama called Yemen's President Saleh in 2011 to express "concern" about jailed reporter Abdulelah Haider Shaye. US spokespeople have confirmed the US interest in keeping him in prison. Shaye, a Yemeni journalist based in Sana'a, had a reputation for independent journalism through his neutral interviewing of al-Qaida operatives, and of critics of US policy such as Anwar al-Awlaki. Journalist colleagues in Yemen dismiss the notion of any terrorist affiliation: Shaye had worked for the Washington Post, ABC news, al-Jazeera, and other major media outlets. Shaye went to al-Majala in Yemen, where a missile strike had killed a group that the US had called "al-Qaida". "What he discovered," reports Scahill, "were the remnants of Tomahawk cruise missiles and cluster bombs … some of them bearing the label 'Made in the USA', and distributed the photos to international media outlets." Fourteen women and 21 children were killed. "Whether anyone actually active in al-Qaida was killed remains hotly contested." Shortly afterwards, Shaye was kidnapped and beaten by Yemeni security forces. In a trial that was criticized internationally by reporters' groups and human rights organizations, he was accused of terrorism. Shaye is currently serving a five-year sentence. Scahill and Rowley got to the bars of Shaye's cell to interview him, before the camera goes dark (in almost every scene, they put their lives at risk). This might also bring to mind the fates of Sami al-Haj of al-Jazeera, also kidnapped, and sent to Guantánamo, and of Julian Assange, trapped in asylum in Ecuador's London embassy. President Obama thus helped put a respected reporter in prison for reporting critically on JSoc's activities. The most disturbing issue of all, however, is the documentation of the "secret laws" now facilitating these abuses of American power: Scahill succeeds in getting Senator Ron Wyden, who sits on the Senate intelligence committee, to confirm the fact that there are secret legal opinions governing the use of drones in targeted assassinations that, he says, Americans would be "very surprised" to know about. This is not the first time Wyden has issued this warning. In 2011, Wyden sought an amendment to the USA Patriot Act titled requiring the US government "to end practice of secretly interpreting law". Wyden warns that there is now a system of law beneath or behind the law that we can see and debate: "It is impossible for Congress to hold an informed public debate on the Patriot Act when there is a significant gap between what most Americans believe the law says and what the government is using the law to do. In fact, I believe many members of Congress who have voted on this issue would be stunned to know how the Patriot Act is being interpreted and applied. "Even secret operations need to be conducted within the bounds of established, publicly understood law. Any time there is a gap between what the public thinks the law says and what the government secretly thinks the law says, I believe you have a serious problem." I have often wondered, since I first wrote about America's slide toward fascism, what was driving it. I saw the symptoms but not the cause. Scahill's and Rowley's brave, transformational film reveals the prime movers at work. The US executive now has a network of secret laws, secret budgets, secret kill lists, and a well-funded, globally deployed army of secret teams of assassins. That is precisely the driving force working behind what we can see. Is fascism really too strong a word to describe it? • This article originally referred to Scahill and Rowley's documentary as Secret Wars; this was amended to Dirty Wars at 5.20pm ET on 3 February. The phrase "US kill list" in the subhead was also amended to "kill list" in order to remove possible ambiguity
  5. Published on May 18, 2012 911 molten steel unaltered clip released by NIST ater hiding it for 10 years or so. Why does it need a court order and lawsuit to release these videos? The metal is pouring out several floors below the impact zone. its not aluminum. =========================================== World Trade Center Hot Spots From 911Encyclopedia Fire Pages Index Other Underground Fires Thermite NIST Claims Molten Steel In The Wreckage Was Due To Long Term Combustion Within The Debris Pile Can a collapsing building melt steel? World Trade Center Molten Metal Videos Firefighting efforts at the World Trade Center Disaster Site World Trade Center Tower Steel Sample Shows Severe Damage Due To A High Temperature Corrosion Attack Which Melted The Steel World Trade Center 7 Steel Samples Show Severe Damage Due To A High Temperature Corrosion Attack Which Melted The Steel Destruction of Evidence World Trade Center "Meteorites" World Trade Center Remote Sensing Missions World Trade Center Dust The Destruction Of Each World Trade Center Tower Generated A Hot Density Current The Destruction Of World Trade Center 7 Generated A Hot Density Current Notes: The World Trade Center debris pile fire did not have a significant source of air The thermal and hyperspectral images below represent surface temperatures, the "optical depth" is at the most a few millimeters. ACS 919 (ACS919) Thermal Data was Used to Direct Firefighting Efforts . OSHA safety experts were concerned about the effects of the extreme heat on the crane rigging and the hazards of contact with the hot steel. A total of 4 million gallons of water percolated through the debris in the first 10 days and collected at the bottom of the Bathtub. llnl.gov 2000 gallons of Pyrocool FEF (UV-blocking) foaming agent were sprayed on the "pile" starting 09/28/01. newscientist.com Thermal data was acquired until at least 2/12/2002 [[1]] Red Hot Debris. The removal of debris from the collapsed areas requires the safe lifting and maneuvering of very heavy steel beams, often twisted and tangled from the force of the collapse. Some beams pulled from the wreckage are still red hot more than 7 weeks after the attack, and it is suspected that temperatures beneath the debris pile are well in excess of 1,000°F. The LiRo Group 2001-11-01 - LiRo at GROUND ZERO Work at the World Trade Center Involves the Firm's Top Personnel (link) These sprayers were also used to cool the high temperature debris before it left the site. Several trucks were returned to the site for additional cooling because the law enforcement officers would not let them through the tunnels leaving Manhattan until they stopped steaming. [2] [3] U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 2002-01-01 - New York City World Trade Center Disaster Deployment (link) Leslie Robertson Confirms Molten Metal in WTC Basement: Joe Allbaugh, the Director of FEMA, interviewed by Bryant Gumbel of CBS news on October 10 2001: GUMBEL: We’re seeing a lot of video of smoke pouring up from the debris. ALLBAUGH: Correct. GUMBEL: And we’re hearing there are places where temperatures are still approaching and sometimes exceeding a thousand degrees. ALLBAUGH: That’s right. GUMBEL: Why? Why do we have these hot spots? What’s going on? ALLBAUGH: Well, you have normal debris, you know, computers, paper, you have some areas that are hot pockets because of fuel. It’s just too hot for rescuers to get into those areas. So we do not know yet what’s in those areas, other than very hot, molten material. FEMA 2001-10-04 - FEMA Director Allbaugh with Bryant Gumbel, CBS Early Show (link) WTC Building 6 housed several federal agencies, primarily U.S. Customs (Photo 11). The third floor—now largely inaccessible—contained a firing range. More than 1.2 million rounds of ammunition were stored on this level, as was a vault used to store other explosives and weapons. A seizure vault was also on the third floor; it contained evidence (such as drugs, cash and evidence files) seized during Customs operations. Final status: At great personal risk, Customs officials, the FBI and contractor representatives located and removed the criminal evidence from Building 6 during the fourth week of the effort. The ammunition was finally located on Oct. 24, 2001, melted together into large “bullet balls” that were extremely dangerous to handle and dispose of properly (Photo 12). Professional Safety The American Society of Safety Engineers 2002-05-01 - SH&E at Ground Zero Disaster Response (link) The debris pile at Ground Zero was always tremendously hot. Thermal measurements taken by helicopter each day showed underground temperatures ranging from 400ºF to more than 2,800ºF. The surface was so hot that standing too long in one spot softened (and even melted) the soles of our safety shoes. Professional Safety The American Society of Safety Engineers 2002-05-01 - SH&E at Ground Zero Disaster Response (link) "As of 21 days after the attack, the fires were still burning and molten steel was still running." -Leslie Robertson SEAU News Structural Engineers Association of Utah 2001-10-01 - WTC A STRUCTURAL SUCCESS (link) "I saw melting of girders in World Trade Center." -Structural Engineer Abolhassan Astaneh PBS Newshour 2007-05-10 - Collapse of Overpass in California Becomes Lesson in Construction (link) "I talked to many contractors and they said they actually saw molten metal trapped, beams had just totally had been melted because of the heat." -Chaplain Herb Trimpe The Times Herald-Record 2002-09-08 - A Day In September The Chaplain's Tale (link) "You'd get down below and you'd see molten steel -- molten steel! -- running down the channel rails. Like you're in a foundry... like lava... from a volcano." -FDNY Captain Ruvolo Turn Century Pictures 2003-01-01 - COLLATERAL DAMAGES (link) "descended deep below street level to areas where underground fires still burned and steel flowed in molten streams." The Atlantic Monthly Group 2002-08-01 - 77 NORTH WASHINGTON STREET (link) "In some pockets now being uncovered, they are finding molten steel." -Alison Geyh, PhD. Bloomberg School of Public Health 2001-10-01 - Mobilizing Public Health Danger in the Dust (link) "Feeling the heat, seeing the molten steel, the layers upon layers of ash, like lava, it reminded me of Mt. St. Helens and the thousands who fled that disaster" -Ron Burger National Environmental Health Association 2003-09-01 - Messages in the Dust (link) "They showed us many fascinating slides" ... "ranging from molten metal which was still red hot weeks after the event, to 4-inch thick steel plates sheared and bent in the disaster." -Dr Keith Eaton The Structural Engineer The Institution of Structural Engineers 2002-09-03 - President visits ground zero on New York visit New York visit reveals extent of WTC disaster (link) "Smoke constantly poured from the peaks. One fireman told us that there was still molten steel at the heart of the towers' remains. Firemen sprayed water to cool the debris down but the heat remained intense enough at the surface to melt their boots. Massive steel girders were sandwiched in with crushed concrete. Someone told us that they weighed 1,000 pounds a foot. The collapse left them all blackened and twisted. They are among the few recognizable items in the rubble. You find scant evidence of the hundreds of offices that were once part of the twin towers. Most the furniture and equipment was pounded into dust." -Guy Lounsbury of New York Air National Guard's 109th Air Wing National Guard The National Guard Association of the United States 2001-12-01 - Serving on 'sacred ground' Guardsman Sees Humanity's Best and Worst during Two Weeks at 'Ground Zero' (link) "the ominous groaning of weakened structures overhead, or, in the early days, the streams of molten metal that leaked from the hot cores and flowed down broken walls inside the foundation hole." -William Langewiesche North Point Press 2002-10-24 - American Ground: Unbuilding the World Trade Center (link) He remembers seeing in the darkness a distant, pinkish glow–molten metal dripping from a beam–but found no signs of life. -Lee Turner of The Boone County Firefighters U.S. News & World Report 2002-09-12 - They came to help at Ground Zero. What they experienced they can't forget Memories (link) "In the first few weeks, sometimes when a worker would pull a steel beam from the wreckage, the end of the beam would be dripping molten steel" -Greg Fuchek 1105 Government Information Group 2002-09-09 - Handheld app eased recovery tasks (link) O'Toole remembers in February seeing a crane lift a steel beam vertically from deep within the catacombs of Ground Zero. "It was dripping from the molten steel," -Joe O'Toole FDNY Knight Ridder Newspapers 2002-05-29 - Recovery worker reflects on months spent at Ground Zero (link) "Underground, it was still so hot that molten metal dripped down the sides of the wall from Building 6." -Kenneth Holden, Commissioner of the New York City Department of Design and Construction NATIONAL COMMISSION ON TERRORIST ATTACKS UPON THE UNITED STATES 2003-04-01 - Public Hearing (link) "Going below, it was smoky and really hot... The debris past the columns was red-hot, molten, running." -Richard Garlock, structural engineer for LERA Public Broadcasting Systems 2002-09-10 - America Rebuilds A year at Ground Zero (link) "a fire truck 10 feet below the ground that was still burning two weeks after the towers collapsed, its metal so hot it looked like a vat of molten steel." -Jim McKay, Post-Gazette Staff Writer interviewing Vance Deisingnore, OSHA Officer at WTC Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 2002-09-11 - Vance Delsignore: OSHA officer at WTC (link) "The average temperature beneath the rubble is said to be 1500 F. so that when steel is brought up it is molten and takes two or three days to cool down." -Father Edward A. Malloy 2001-10-24 - Reflections in the Wake of September 11: Visit to Ground Zero, New York City (link) "I spent several hours tonight, walking "the pile" and attempting to soak it all in for the last time and find a bit of closure...deep below ground a portion of the pile was still on fire and boiled with molten material. Sometimes, open flame would erupt as a crane pulled debris out and air rushed in. Fire hoses constantly poured streams of water causing huge billowing steam clouds to rise up over the site into the huge lights above." -Ed Pfister, Disaster Medical Assistance Team National Institutes of Health 2001-10-30 - At Ground Zero NIH'ers Respond to Tragedy in NYC (link) The four men sat on a sunny sidewalk in Greenwich Village on a recent workday and ate their lunch staring at the steel skeleton of a building going up on West Third Street. One of them commented on how much easier it was to eat a sandwich in front of steel that was strong and straight and new, not molten and mangled and laden with debris. The men -- Larry Keating, Danny Doyle, Mike Emerson and Bobby Graves -- are veteran ironworkers in Local 40. The New York Times 2002-11-11 - Ironworkers' Job of Clearing Ground Zero Is Over, but the Trauma Lingers (link) But the two towers — they were 110-story buildings. And there was nothing that you could put your hands on that resembled anything that would tell you this once was two 110-story office buildings. What you had were large columns of steel that were just stuck into massive amounts of molten steel and other metals, that had just fused together from the heat and bonded together from the strength of the collapse. We dug and we dug and we dug, and we cut and we cut and we cut, and we did not see anything that resembled any type of furniture, any type of personal belongings. We found some pieces of things like a telephone, things like that. I think we found credit cards a few times, and we found a couple of stuffed animals. But you would expect to see, like, a bunch of desks, a bunch of chairs. The only way I can explain it is, if you take a car and put it in one of those machines where they crush it and make it look like a cube, and you can’t recognize what it is, that’s what the whole area looked like. It looked like a massive, molten mess that had been fused together, like a car that had been cubed and crushed. With all that heavy, heavy stuff, there were wires, rebar, concrete. Most of it was just steel. A lot of what we were walking on was just molten steel. -Fire Department Chief Mike Donoho of Texas Task Force 1 Urban Search and Rescue The Eagle 2002-09-11 - Reluctant hero narrates horror of N.Y. mission (link) "The workers go through three pairs of rubber boots a day because they melt in the three-week-old fire of molten metal and jet fuel. The health hazards are everywhere: the fire, molten metal, the lack of breathable air and 3000+ decomposing bodies." -Ben Robinson 2001-10-17 - MAGIC@GROUND ZERO (link) "In mid-October, in the evening," said Thomas A. Cahill, a retired professor of physics and atmospheric science at the University of California, Davis, "when they would pull out a steel beam, the lower part would be glowing dull red, which indicates a temperature on the order of 500 to 600 °C. And we know that people were turning over pieces of concrete in December that would flash into fire - which requires about 300 °C. So the surface of the pile cooled rather rapidly, but the bulk of the pile stayed hot all the way to December." Chemican and Engineering News CENEAR 81 42 pp. 26-30 Volume 81, Number 42 2003-10-20 - CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF A DISASTER Scientists struggle to understand the complex mixture of aerosols released during and after the destruction of the World Trade Center (link) "Ferer was one of several people in a visiting United Services Organization (USO)-Tribeca group who had lost family members. As they visited troops, they carried Port Authority pins, baseball caps, and a piece of molten steel from the WTC." The Journal of American Culture 2005-02-09 - Rituals of Mourning and National Innocence (link) "Even as the steel cooled, there was concern that the girders had become so hot that they could crumble when lifted by overhead cranes. As a result, additional safeguards were put in place to limit the dangers associated with lifting the damaged steel and to protect the workers in the vicinity. Another danger involved the high temperature of twisted steel pulled from the rubble. Underground fires burned at temperatures up to 2,000 degrees. As the huge cranes pulled steel beams from the pile, safety experts worried about the effects of the extreme heat on the crane rigging and the hazards of contact with the hot steel. And they were concerned that applying water to cool the steel could cause a steam explosion" Occupational Safety & Health Administration 2003-11-01 - A Dangerous Worksite The World Trade Center (link) The "hot spots", where intensely burning debris generated temperatures in excess of 1300 degrees Fahrenheit, posed a significant danger to relief workers. NASA had an instrument that could provide information that would be useful to emergency responders. NASA's Airborne Visible infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) science instrument was capable of providing data that could be used to filter smoke and locate extreme hot spots. NASA SE-2002-02-00007-SSC 2002-02-13 - NASA Involvement in National Priority Support for Disasters (link) The temperature at the core of "the pile," is near 2000 degrees Fahrenheit, according to fire officials ABC News 2001-09-18 - Search Continues (link) The US&R Teams were provided access to thermal imagery and began superimposing thermal data on collapse maps in October. This thermal imagery was collected on the same over flights of the WTC as the airborne LIDAR data that was being used to map the surface elevations each day. The National Information and Mapping Agency (NIMA), located at Pier 90 produced these maps. Firefighters and other responders contended with intense heat associated with the super-heated steel for weeks; some were coming back from shifts with the bottoms of their boots melted. George Washington University 2002-06-01 - Assessment of Geospatial Technology Applications by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers during World Trade Center Operations (link) "Two weeks after the attack, the rubble, the Pile, is still 7 stories tall. Below, in the Pit it burns like the gates of hell. It is 1200 degrees, so hot that the steel work lifted by the grapplers comes out soft. I've never seen anything like this" -Capt. Susanne Caviness conversation with FDNY Firefighter U.S. Public Health Service 2001-09-30 - WTC Ground Zero : Images from Firefighters and Steel Workers (link) "The fires are so hot in pockets on the Pile that some of the firefighters change boots 3-4 times a day. Smoke and flame come up from the Pit deep within the Pile when a piece of heavy equipment with a huge grappler pulls out a mass that allows a swish of oxygen inside". -Capt. Susanne Caviness conversation with FDNY Firefighter U.S. Public Health Service 2001-09-30 - WTC Ground Zero : Images from Firefighters and Steel Workers (link) "Some of the structural steel sections being removed were still red-hot." -James DeStefano P.E. Structure 2001-10-01 - STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS ASSIST IN THE AFTERMATH (link) "The rubble pile was so hot in places that it melted the soles of work boots. Companies donated supplies of work shoes, and construction workers laboring on the hotter parts of the rubble pile reportedly went through a pair a day. A boot wash was established where workers could cool their feet." RAND 2006-01-01 - Protecting Emergency Responders Lessons learned from Terrorist Attacks (link) "Boots (especially rubber boots) were not fitted properly and melted in the high-heat environment." RAND 2006-01-01 - Protecting Emergency Responders Lessons learned from Terrorist Attacks (link) "At the World Trade Center, the rubble pile was so hot in places that it melted the soles of boots (a problem noted by members of the trades, lawenforcement, and firefighter panels). Work shoes with steel reinforcements in the soles and toes protected feet against punctures by sharp objects but often could not be worn because they conducted and retained the heat, causing blistered or scorched feet." RAND 2006-01-01 - Protecting Emergency Responders Lessons learned from Terrorist Attacks (link) "The dogs were trained to sniff out bodies. They weren't trained to recognize heat. So when they hopped on a smoldering I-beam [some of which were hot enough to melt the firefighters' rubber-soled boots] they'd get hurt. Some of them even ignited," -Mike Bellone FDNY Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2002-09-11 - N.Y. firefighters describe sorrow, exhaustion at Ground Zero cleanup (link) "There are pieces of steel being pulled out that are still cherry red" -Don Carson, National Operating Engineers Union NY Daily News 2001-11-01 - Fire May Smolder For Months (link) "Ground Zero at the World Trade Center was a search site like few others after a major disaster event. Multiple sources of hazards were everywhere. There were shards of steel piled on steel, a two-million-ton pile of debris, red hot steel beams still being pulled from the earth" 2002-10-01 - Ground zero (link) "The first indication of "Ground Zero" is the smoke. It's still smoking. Many of the beams are still red hot as they are uncovered, and start new fires as the oxygen reaches them." -Congressman Pete Hoekstra 2001-09-19 - New York: A City With an Attitude... and a Heart (link) "I went outside and saw a large hole in the left-hand tower, approximately 80 stories up. There was smoke coming out but not a lot of fire. I could also see streams of molten metal coming from undamaged areas of the building, in three different places. The streams looked like the sparks from a welders torch, orange in colour and about the length of one floor. These streams were very odd in that they were coming from undamaged parts of the building. I watched from Vesey for about 10 minutes." -David Long ABC News 2011-09-09 - 'Real fear': Your September 11 stories (link) "Temperatures in the pile were over 1,200 °F. Every time an area was opened, fire started in any buried combustible debris. Water trucks and fire engines were used continually. The high temperature debris and water created steam." U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 2002-01-01 - New York City World Trade Center Disaster Deployment (link) "When I am not moving, I notice that the soles of my boots are melting from the heat inside the pile of debris." 2002-02-01 - A call to rescue: Sappers assist at the World Trade Center (link) With no special protective gear, he worked within a few feet of still burning fires, “like a volcano,” hot enough that molten steel could be seen dripping down. “My boots melted every night,” he recalled. “You just didn’t stand in one place too long.” -Tom Hickey The River Reporter 2005-09-09 - WTC injuries hobble local man (link)
  6. Follow the money. http://www.thedailyb...nomic-pact.html ################################ Muslim Brotherhood group to ‘connect all U.S. schools.’ Partners with State, Education departments on international initiative January 30, 2013 Aaron Klein 1/24/2013 Source ….. A Muslim Brotherhood-linked organization has partnered with the U.S. Department of Education and the State Department to facilitate an online program aiming to connect all U.S. schools with classrooms abroad by 2016. Vartan Gregorian, a board member of the organization in question, the Qatar Foundation International, was appointed in 2009 to President Obama’s White House Fellowships Commission. WND previously exposed how Gregorian served as a point man in granting $49.2 million in start up capital to an education-reform project founded by Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers and chaired by Obama. Documentation shows Gregorian was central in Ayers’ recruitment of Obama to serve as the first chairman of the project, the Chicago Annenberg Challenge – a job in which Obama worked closely on a regular basis with Ayers. Obama also later touted his job at the project as qualifying him to run for public office, as WND previously reported. Connecting schools to fulfil Obama pledge to Arab world The Qatar Foundation International, or QFI, in 2011 partnered with the Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education to facilitate matchmaking between classrooms in the U.S. and international schools through something called the “Connect All Schools” project. QFI, funded by the Qatari government, explains on its website the online initiative was founded in response to Obama’s call to “create a new online network, so a young person in Kansas can communicate instantly with a young person in Cairo,” during his June 2009 speech to the Arab world from Cairo, Egypt. QFI relates how more than 100 U.S. schools and organizations have already connected on the interactive website, www.connectallschools.org. The stated goal of the online intiative is to “connect every school in the US with the world by 2016.” This is not the QFI’s first foray into the U.S. education system. WND reported last May how the Qatar-based foundation awarded “Curriculum Grants” to seven U.S. schools and language organizations to “develop comprehensive and innovative curricula and teaching materials to be used in any Arabic language classroom.” QFI, based in Washington, D.C., is the U.S. branch of the Qatar Foundation, founded in 1995 by Qatar’s ruling emir, Sheikha Hind bint Hamad Al Thani. Thani is still the group’s vice-chairman, while his wife, Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, chairs the organization’s board. Thani also launched Al Jazeera in 1996 and served as the television network’s chairman. The Qatar foundation is close to the Muslim Brotherhood. Last January, it launched the Research Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics under the guidance of Tariq Ramadan, who serves as the center’s director. Ramadan is the grandson of the notorious founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hassan al Banna. Ramadan was banned from the U.S. until 2010 when the Obama administration issued him a visa to give a lecture at a New York school. QFI, meanwhile, named several institutions after Yusuf al-Qaradawi, one of the top leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood. Many regard Qaradawi as the de facto spiritual leader of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood. The foundation instituted the Sheikh Yusuf Al Qaradawi Scholarships and in 2009 established a research center named the Qaradawi Center for Islamic Moderation and Renewal. Qaradawi has personally attended scores of foundation events, including conferences at which he served as a keynote speaker. Qaradawi achieved star status because of his regular sermons and interviews on Al Jazeera. The Investigative Project on Terrorism documents how Qardawi openly permitted the killing of American troops in Iraq and praised the “heroic deeds” of “Hamas, Jihad, Al-Aqsa Brigades and others.” ################################ How the World Really Works, Pt. 1: The MI6 Model January 30, 2013 The present book under analysis. By: Jay For those who enjoy the subject matter in my analysis, Stephen Dorril’s MI6 is often referenced, recommended and cited as a prime example of real-world intrigue. It’s functions as a window into how the West has operated geo-politically the last one hundred years, during the two great wars, the Cold War, and into the modern era of the “war on terrorism” so-called. The book was published in 2002, so it’s also not that out of date, and since its publication, Mark Curtis’ 2010 Secret Affairs has also been published vindicating much of Dorril’s analysis. Dorril’s book can be seen as a lengthier, massive version of the material in Curtis’ book, with Secret Affairs focusing on the West’s utilization of radical Islam. Curtis is also a former LSE graduate and Royal Institute research fellow. Dorril is also a professor and intelligence researcher, as well as a BBC consultant. The point being, neither of these authors are “conspiratorial” in their approach. While both might be said to be probably somewhat “left” in their analysis, the presentation in both are attempts at factual analysis. The purpose of this article? To shut the mouths of the countless idiots and lazy intellectuals that sit back offering endless criticism and don’t read or know about any of this. Do I really care? No, but it’s fun to make mincemeat of the pseudo-intellectuals that sit back as armchair philosophers and critics that don’t read jack xxxx about jack xxxx, but feel the need to correct me in every possible way. You see, it’s “bad” to read books on a multitude of subjects – it’s bad to be interested in geo-politics. What you’re supposed to do is get married, get screwed over by your fat wife, then get screwed by some vulturous corporation after 40 years of servile servitude, and then proceed to your early grave through orderly euthanasia by the stategod, should you be allowed to live that long, after all your cancer-causing vaccines, Soviet-fluoridated water and GMO foods. I’ll gladly take the gadfly mantle of “failure” by this ridiculous “society.” When this all converts to the automatic technocratic technocracy, what some boomer thinks in 2012 will be on no one’s mind, other than for a good laugh. To other detractors and critics who complain that this blog is not written for a mass audience, no it isn’t. This is supposed to be the “real world” isn’t it? Grow up and read a book. But back to the point: what’s the really cool xxxx in Dorril’s book that outlines how the world really works? Well, I’m going to tell you, and in the process you’ll see why I chose to write my (now derailed) master’s thesis on Ian Fleming and MI6. Keep in mind too that this book is almost a thousand pages, so unpacking all the golden nuggets of admissions and insights in this book is no small task. I haven’t finished it yet, but after a few hundred pages, I’m already inundated with more information than I know what to do with. I suppose that’s why this book is 900 pages. I sat here planning and plotting an article, but I think the best way to approach it is just to write an article listing the fascinating stuff I’ve found so far. I would like to note as well that my purpose here is not to accuse MI6 of being some super evil thing: this is an objective analysis of how the world works. This is not a moralistic leftist treatise. To begin with, in regard to Bond and the thesis I was writing, we read as follows: “The modern conception of the world of secret intelligence services and assassinations derives partly from the fictionalised activities of James Bond. The licensed-to-kill operative is the model for the secret service agent of the public’s imagination. While this is fantasy, the former Naval Intelligence and one-time MI6 asset Ian Fleming based the plots and details of for his 007 books on his own life and information he picked up during his career in the secret world. However fantastic the story, there is always an element of truth in Bond. ======= The World is not Enough. In Casino Royale, Bond earns his double-O designation – his license to kill – by shooting a Japanese cipher expert at Rockefeller Center in New York. In June 1941, Fleming had visited the United States to see how an offshoot of MI6, The British Security Co-ordination (BSC), operated in the Americas. Fleming was shown around the intelligence complex by the ‘Quiet Canadian,’ Sir William Stephenson, head of the BSC. Below Stephenson’s spacious office was the Japanese Consular Office, occupied by a cipher expert who was transmitting coded messages back to Tokyo. He was not assassinated, but Fleming did witness the burglary of the office and out of this grew the adventure that would find its way into Casino Royale….It may be that Fleming was let into the secret that Stephenson was running an assassination squad.” MI6, pg. 610. Those two paragraphs alone are fascinating and explain why I would have been interested in a thesis on Bond and Fleming. The secret world is very real, and most definitely operates in a “hidden in plain sight” fashion. However, in understanding Bond, it is of crucial import to understand the Cold War, which is the setting for much of Dorril’s book and the raison d’etre for the “great game.” Dorril explains, “Little changes in the intelligence world, and today MI6 officers use the Baltic states as a staging post for missions into Russia. The former southern states of the old Soviet Union are once again an arena for the ‘Great Game’ and oilmen operating under cover of the intelligence services…The dream of rolling back the Soviet Empire was never more than a dream and, in reality, a nightmare.” (Ibid., 164). So according to Dorril, we are still operating in a world where the ‘Great Game’ is afoot in the East versus West dialectic. In regard to the Cold War and the setting for the famous Kim Philby incident of the Soviet penetration of MI5, we read of Dick White, who took over MI5 in the 1950s after fear that “Syria was headed irreversibly toward becoming a Soviet satellite” (Ibid., pg. 621): “The British ambassador in Damascus, John Gardener, was alarmed that the head of the new government [in Iraq], Nationalist Party politician Sabri el-Aasali, under pressure from Ba’ath and left-wing army officers led by Col. Mustafa Hamdun and head of security, Capt. Hamid Sarraj, waned to create an Egyptian-Syrian union. Gardener intended to stifle it and stiffen the pro-Iraqi elements by providing funds to officers of the anti-left Arab Liberation Party, so they could cooperate with the politicians Michael Ilyan and Jallal ul Sayid, an MI6 agent working in the Ba’ath Party. Support was also sought from the tribes on the Syrian Iraq border from the Muslim Brotherhood, which had been founded before the war by the writer, traveller and member of MI6′s pre-war Section D, Freya Stark.” (Ibid., pg 622). What an amazing admission, which is lost on so many in modernity’s mind controlled morass. The Muslim Brotherhood, as anyone who reads a few books in intelligence knows, was founded by British Intelligence. Of course it was. But the modern West still operates under the delusion and psy op that radical Islam is against the West. It is, because it is run by the West, as we now know openly in the western mainstream media with Benghazi, Syria and now Algeria. Dorril goes on to mention MI6 operatives art work in Malta and Cyprus, as I’ve mentioned before (pg. 623). So here we have the implied usage of false flag terrorism and intelligence front parties. The cartoonish Muslim pawns. Dorril goes on to mention the Anglo-American establishment and the Bilderberg Group: “When the influential Bilderberg Group met in February of 1957 at St Simon, to discuss the agenda simply called the ‘Middle East,’ ‘sparks flew.’ Intended to heal the transatlantic rift in the wake of the recent debacle, which was threatening the West’s position in the Middle East, the British and French ‘almost came to blows over the Suez’ with American participants….Their talks with Allen Dulles, the new liaison officer in London, Cleveland Cram, and the chief of operations, Richard Helms, largely centered on the Middle East, where Americans wanted the British to keep their bases as an assistance ot future Anglo-American partnership.” (Ibid., pg. 651) I thought there was no Bilderberg Group and that there is no Anglo-American establishment? We will pick up in Part 2 with more insights and admissions. ============ MORE TO COME +++
  7. Well just need to seperate wheat from chaff. Critical analytical thinking is a key part of university study. Many first year students receive comments such as 'not analytical enough' on their early assignment. In brief, this means looking very closely at the detail and not taking what you read or hear for granted. You should: Evaluate how far materials are appropriate, and up-to-date. Evaluate how far the evidence or examples used in materials really proves the point that the author claims. To weigh up opinions, arguments or solutions against appropriate criteria. To think a line of reasoning through to its logical conclusion. Check for hidden bias or hidden assumptions. ########################################################## I can literally post about LEFTY OBAMA ?? day and night. Will get back on topic soon. I actually hold back on this topic.
  8. The argument that the CIA/MI6 back the MB is not made out of 'whole cloth' , but a real issue. Many Egyptians feel/think this way. I live next to a Coptic Church and interact with Egyptians. BTW is a , (Colby) " a self-hating American " similar to a expatriot ? ======================================== http://www.breitbart...Hamas-Supporter http://www.nybooks.c...agination=false Muslim Brotherhoodwww.historycommons.org 1954-1970: CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood Ally to Oppose Egyptian President Nasser ... MI6 and the CIA jointly hatch plans for his assassination. .... to be fronts to fund the Abu Sayyaf and Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) militant groups: ... see http://www.bulatlat.com/news/3-7/3-7-ciaabbu.html
  9. http://www.madcowpro...radysresume.htm re: BRADY/SINGLAUB connection. I will have to send an EMAIL to HOPSICKER next week re: Brady/Hilliard planes.
  10. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Gee toooooooo BAD it DIDNT happen in a year. http://www.businessinsider.com/banco-santander-earnings-2013-1
  11. If you want to do any better than preaching to than cheap sarcasm and obscure bloggers whose only sources are each other and Iranian gov't officials. // END COLBY ========================================================== Oh......an Iranian said it. It must be lie and he must be evil. The Iranians they lie day and night ,dont they ? AH ...how do we stop these lies ?? I know.....BOMB IRAN . ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  12. LOL when you're loosing the battle change the subject! // END COLBY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ No,No , on topic. Please review a number of the first posts of this thread and you will find Attenborugh comments in line with said first postings in this thread. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As to the vaccine issue. Quoting my post #98. Each hoax was cooked up by Big Pharma and their paid, highly placed scientists who have penetrated both national and international health organizations. ========= You have your scientists and I have mine. The vaccine issue reminds me of the Tobacco issue of the late 1960s. Then you had total whore big tobacco scientists who help kill millions for a paycheck. This tobacco science super lying that killed is even part of the establishment history. Is it not ?? ================ see section # 2 the big lie is human history/nature http://whatreallyhap...climategate.php
  13. None of this changes the fact NIST said fires were weak in the area Palmer was in at the time, thus his comments in no way contradicted their findings. // END COLBY +++++++++++++++++++ LION AND TIGERS ,OH MY !! GEE 78th floor were molton metal flowed ........ Chief Oreo Palmer radioed from the 78th floor of the South Tower. =================== 9/11 Memorial (Corner of Cross and Perrin Streets) Located behind Pease Auditorium, at the corner of Cross and Perrin streets at the southeast end of Eastern Michigan University’s Campus is EMU’s 9/11 Memorial. The Memorial is made up of a 14-foot support beam from the South Tower of the World Trade Center and it weighs about 6,800 pounds. The beam reads “south” and has the number “74” written on it. it is assumed that this means this beam came from the 74th floor of the South Tower. The beam appears singed by the molten metal that rained down upon it from the 78th floor where the second plane crashed into the tower on the fateful morning. Below the beam are the two six-inch concrete supports which stand upon the four concrete steps. The steps read: IN HONOR OF THE MANY LIVES LOST IN THE ATTACKS OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2001, AND TO RECALL/ THE COURAGE SHOWN BY SO MANY ON THAT DAY, WE SOLEMNLY PLACE THIS MEMORIAL HERE. MAY WE FOREVER REMEMBER THEIR LIVES AND THEIR COURAGE.—EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2011. The wording for the Memorial was proposed by professor of American History at EMU, Mark Higbee. The location for the memorial came out of many discussions by committees of faculty, students and administrators. Early reports were that the Memorial was to be built outside of Halle Library, where it would be very visible to all campus members. Committee members finally agreed upon its current location where they felt its display is more, “reserved and respectful and not directly accessible to passersby," said Colin Blakely, head of the EMU art department. The project cost $25,000 and was primarily paid for by donations and in-kind contributions. The lettering alone cost $1,900. EMU president Susan Martin requested the artifact from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and it was delivered by members of EMU’s Physical Plant all the way from New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport. On the return trip to Ypsilanti the Head of Physical Plant Operations, John Donegan, reported that people who saw the beam were, “very emotional when they see it...We’ve had people cry over it, we’ve had people pray over it, we’ve had people get mad when they see it.” Donegan himself described the Memorial, “It’s really a community piece.”
  14. +++++++++++++++++++ Sometimes yes and sometimes no. On JFK ,no Chomsky is not credible. Somewhere in my files is a self published book about a fellow who had a 6 months back and forth data correspondence with Chomsky on DALLAS/JFK . Later Chomsky said ,"he had never really looked into the matter (JFK)" ========= A disinfo/gatekeeper is like a baloney sandwich: nourishing bread and horrible baloney.
  15. And you still haven't told us where the charts came from. // END COLBY =============================================== Charts ?? Huh ?? The charts that say IPCC ?? Well .....IPCC. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Quotes from the Carbonazis "The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself." - Club of Rome, premier environmental think-tank, consultants to the United Nations "We need to get some broad based support, to capture the public's imagination... So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts... Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest." - Prof. Stephen Schneider, Stanford Professor of Climatology, lead author of many IPCC reports "We've got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy." - Timothy Wirth, President of the UN Foundation "No matter if the science of global warming is all phony... climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world." - Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment "The data doesn't matter. We're not basing our recommendations on the data. We're basing them on the climate models.” - Prof. Chris Folland, Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research "The models are convenient fictions that provide something very useful.” - Dr David Frame, climate modeler, Oxford University "I believe it is appropriate to have an 'over-representation' of the facts on how dangerous it is, as a predicate for opening up the audience." - Al Gore, Climate Change activist "It doesn't matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true." - Paul Watson, co-founder of Greenpeace "The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe." - emeritus professor Daniel Botkin "The climate crisis is not a political issue, it is a moral and spiritual challenge to all of humanity. It is also our greatest opportunity to lift Global Consciousness to a higher level." - Al Gore, Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech "We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis..." - David Rockefeller, Club of Rome executive member "Humanity is sitting on a time bomb. If the vast majority of the world's scientists are right, we have just ten years to avert a major catastrophe that could send our entire planet's climate system into a tail-spin of epic destruction involving extreme weather, floods, droughts, epidemics and killer heat waves beyond anything we have ever experienced - a catastrophe of our own making." - Al Gore, An Inconvenient Truth "We are getting close to catastrophic tipping points, despite the fact that most people barely notice the warming yet." - Dr James Hansen, NASA researcher "By the end of this century climate change will reduce the human population to a few breeding pairs surviving near the Arctic." - Sir James Lovelock, Revenge of Gaia "Climate Change will result in a catastrophic global sea level rise of seven meters. That's bye-bye most of Bangladesh, Netherlands, Florida and would make London the new Atlantis." - Greenpeace International "This planet is on course for a catastrophe. The existence of Life itself is at stake." - Dr Tim Flannery, Principal Research Scientist "Coal makes us sick. Oil makes us sick. It's global warming. It's ruining our country. It's ruining our world." - Harry Reid, U.S. Senate majority leader "We need a new paradigm of development in which the environment will be a priority. World civilization as we know it will soon end. We have very little time and we must act. If we can address the environmental problem, it will have to be done within a new system, a new paradigm. We have to change our mindset, the way humankind views the world." - Mikhail Gorbachev, founder of Green Cross International "The concept of national sovereignty has been immutable, indeed a sacred principle of international relations. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental cooperation." - UN Commission on Global Governance report "Democracy is not a panacea. It cannot organize everything and it is unaware of its own limits. These facts must be faced squarely. Sacrilegious though this may sound, democracy is no longer well suited for the tasks ahead. The complexity and the technical nature of many of today’s problems do not always allow elected representatives to make competent decisions at the right time." - Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution "The emerging 'environmentalization' of our civilization and the need for vigorous action in the interest of the entire global community will inevitably have multiple political consequences. Perhaps the most important of them will be a gradual change in the status of the United Nations. Inevitably, it must assume some aspects of a world government." - Mikhail Gorbachev, State of the World Forum "I envisage the prinicles of the Earth Charter to be a new form of the ten commandments. They lay the foundation for a sustainable global earth community." - Mikhail Gorbachev, co-author of The Earth Charter "In my view, after fifty years of service in the United Nations system, I perceive the utmost urgency and absolute necessity for proper Earth government. There is no shadow of a doubt that the present political and economic systems are no longer appropriate and will lead to the end of life evolution on this planet. We must therefore absolutely and urgently look for new ways." - Dr Robert Muller, UN Assistant Secretary General "Nations are in effect ceding portions of their sovereignty to the international community and beginning to create a new system of international environmental governance as a means of solving otherwise unmanageable crises." - Lester Brown, WorldWatch Institute "Regionalism must precede globalism. We foresee a seamless system of governance from local communities, individual states, regional unions and up through to the United Nations itself." - UN Commission on Global Governance "A keen and anxious awareness is evolving to suggest that fundamental changes will have to take place in the world order and its power structures, in the distribution of wealth and income. Perhaps only a new and enlightened humanism can permit mankind to negotiate this transition." - Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point "The alternative to the existing world order can only emerge as a result of a new human dimension of progress. We envision a revolution of the mind, a new way of thinking." - Mikhail Gorbachev, State of the World Forum "We require a central organizing principle - one agreed to voluntarily. Minor shifts in policy, moderate improvement in laws and regulations, rhetoric offered in lieu of genuine change - these are all forms of appeasement, designed to satisfy the public’s desire to believe that sacrifice, struggle and a wrenching transformation of society will not be necessary." - Al Gore, Earth in the Balance "Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level." - UN Agenda 21 "The goal now is a socialist, redistributionist society, which is nature's proper steward and society's only hope." - David Brower, founder of Friends of the Earth "If we don't overthrow capitalism, we don't have a chance of saving the world ecologically. I think it is possible to have an ecologically sound society under socialism. I don't think it is possible under capitalism" - Judi Bari, principal organiser of Earth First! "Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsiblity to bring that about?" - Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme "A massive campaign must be launched to de-develop the United States. De-development means bringing our economic system into line with the realities of ecology and the world resource situation." - Paul Ehrlich, Professor of Population Studies "The only hope for the world is to make sure there is not another United States. We can't let other countries have the same number of cars, the amount of industrialization, we have in the US. We have to stop these Third World countries right where they are." - Michael Oppenheimer, Environmental Defense Fund "Global Sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced resource consumption and set levels of mortality control." - Professor Maurice King "We must make this an insecure and inhospitable place for capitalists and their projects. We must reclaim the roads and plowed land, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wilderness millions of acres of presently settled land." - David Foreman, co-founder of Earth First! "Complex technology of any sort is an assault on human dignity. It would be little short of disastrous for us to discover a source of clean, cheap, abundant energy, because of what we might do with it." - Amory Lovins, Rocky Mountain Institute "The prospect of cheap fusion energy is the worst thing that could happen to the planet." - Jeremy Rifkin, Greenhouse Crisis Foundation "Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun." - Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University "Our insatiable drive to rummage deep beneath the surface of the earth is a willful expansion of our dysfunctional civilization into Nature." - Al Gore, Earth in the Balance "The big threat to the planet is people: there are too many, doing too well economically and burning too much oil." – Sir James Lovelock, BBC Interview "My three main goals would be to reduce human population to about 100 million worldwide, destroy the industrial infrastructure and see wilderness, with it’s full complement of species, returning throughout the world." -Dave Foreman, co-founder of Earth First! "Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class - involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing - are not sustainable." - Maurice Strong, Rio Earth Summit "Human beings, as a species, have no more value than slugs." - John Davis, editor of Earth First! Journal (OH thats a good one !! <Gaal) "Humans on the Earth behave in some ways like a pathogenic micro-organism, or like the cells of a tumor." - Sir James Lovelock, Healing Gaia "The Earth has cancer and the cancer is Man." - Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point "A cancer is an uncontrolled multiplication of cells; the population explosion is an uncontrolled multiplication of people. We must shift our efforts from the treatment of the symptoms to the cutting out of the cancer. The operation will demand many apparently brutal and heartless decisions.'' - Prof Paul Ehrlich, The Population Bomb "I don't claim to have any special interest in natural history, but as a boy I was made aware of the annual fluctuations in the number of game animals and the need to adjust the cull to the size of the surplus population." - Prince Philip, preface of Down to Earth "A reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society at the present North American material standard of living would be 1 billion. At the more frugal European standard of living, 2 to 3 billion would be possible." - United Nations, Global Biodiversity Assessment "A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal." - Ted Turner, founder of CNN and major UN donor "... the resultant ideal sustainable population is hence more than 500 million but less than one billion." - Club of Rome, Goals for Mankind "One America burdens the earth much more than twenty Bangladeshes. This is a terrible thing to say. In order to stabilize world population,we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it's just as bad not to say it." - Jacques Cousteau, UNESCO Courier "If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels." - Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, patron of the World Wildlife Fund "I suspect that eradicating small pox was wrong. It played an important part in balancing ecosystems." - John Davis, editor of Earth First! Journal "The extinction of the human species may not only be inevitable but a good thing." - Christopher Manes, Earth First! "The extinction of Homo Sapiens would mean survival for millions, if not billions, of Earth-dwelling species. Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on Earth - social and environmental.” - Ingrid Newkirk, former President of PETA "Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license. All potential parents should be required to use contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing." - David Brower, first Executive Director of the Sierra Club "The fate of mankind, as well as of religion, depends upon the emergence of a new faith in the future. Armed with such a faith, we might find it possible to resanctify the earth." - Al Gore, Earth in the Balance "The greatest hope for the Earth lies in religionists and scientists uniting to awaken the world to its near fatal predicament and then leading mankind out of the bewildering maze of international crises into the future Utopia of humanist hope." - Club of Rome, Goals for Mankind "What an incredible planet in the universe this will be when we will be one human family living in justice, peace, love and harmony with our divine Earth, with each other and with the heavens." - Robert Muller, UN Assistant Secretary General "The earth is literally our mother, not only because we depend on her for nurture and shelter but even more because the human species has been shaped by her in the womb of evolution.... Our salvation depends upon our ability to create a religion of nature." - Rene Dubos, board member, Planetary Citizens "Each element, plant, insect, fish and animal represents a certain aspect of Gaia's - and our - being. In a way, we are Gaia's intelligence and awareness - currently lost in self-destructive madness. We must acknowledge, respect and love her for being the Mother she is to us or we deny our very selves. Nurture the Mother as she nurtures us." - Prof. Michael J. Cohen, Ecopsychologist "It is the responsibility of each human being today to choose between the force of darkness and the force of light. We must therefore transform our attitudes, and adopt a renewed respect for the superior laws of Divine Nature." - Maurice Strong, first Secretary General of UNEP "The spirit of our planet is stirring! The Consciousness of Goddess Earth is now rising against all odds, in spite of millennia of suppression, repression and oppression inflicted on Her by a hubristic and misguided humanity. The Earth is a living entity, a biological organism with psychic and spiritual dimensions. With the expansion of the patriarchal religions that focused on a male God majestically stationed in Heaven ruling over the Earth and the Universe, the memory of our planet's innate Divinity was repressed and banished into the collective unconscious of humanity." - Envision Earth "Still more important is the implication that the evolution of homo sapiens, with his technological inventiveness and his increasingly subtle communications network, has vastly increased Gaia's range of perception. She is now through us awake and aware of herself. She has seen the reflection of her fair face through the eyes of astronauts and the television cameras of orbiting spacecraft. Our sensations of wonder and pleasure, our capacity for conscious thought and speculation, our restless curiosity and drive are hers to share. This new interrelationship of Gaia with man is by no means fully established; we are not yet a truly collective species, corralled and tamed as an integral part of the biosphere, as we are as individual creatures. It may be that the destiny of mankind is to become tamed, so that the fierce, destructive, and greedy forces of tribalism and nationalism are fused into a compulsive urge to belong to the commonwealth of all creatures which constitutes Gaia." – Sir James Lovelock, Gaia: A New Look At Life "Little by little a planetary prayer book is thus being composed by an increasingly united humanity seeking its oneness. Once again, but this time on a universal scale, humankind is seeking no less than its reunion with 'divine,' its transcendence into higher forms of life. Hindus call our earth Brahma, or God, for they rightly see no difference between our earth and the divine. This ancient simple truth is slowly dawning again upon humanity, as we are about to enter our cosmic age and become what we were always meant to be: the planet of god." - Robert Muller, UN Assistant Secretary General "What if Mary is another name for Gaia? Then her capacity for virgin birth is no miracle . . . it is a role of Gaia since life began . . . She is of this Universe and, conceivably, a part of God. On Earth, she is the source of life everlasting and is alive now; she gave birth to humankind and we are part of her." - Sir James Lovelock, Ages of Gaia "Nature is my god. To me, nature is sacred; trees are my temples and forests are my cathedrals." - Mikhail Gorbachev, Green Cross International "The spiritual sense of our place in nature... can be traced to the origins of human civilization.... The last vestige of organized goddess worship was eliminated by Christianity." - Al Gore, Earth in the Balance "Christianity is our foe. If animal rights is to succeed, we must destroy the Judeo-Christian Religious tradition." - Peter Singer, founder of Animal Rights "I pledge allegiance to the Earth and all its sacred parts. Its water, land and living things and all its human hearts." - Global Education Associates, The Earth Pledge "By fostering a deep sense of connection to others and to the earth in all its dimensions, holistic education encourages a sense of responsibility to self to others and to the planet." - Global Alliance for Transforming Education "The earth is not dead matter. She is alive. Now begin to speak to the earth as you walk. You can speak out loud, or just talk to her in your mind. Send your love into her with your exhalation. Feel your heart touching upon the heart of the planet. Say to her whatever words come to you: Mother Earth, I love you. Mother Earth, I bless you. May you be healed. May all your creatures be happy. Peace to you, Mother Earth. On behalf of the human race, I ask forgiveness for having injured you. Forgive us, Mother Earth" - US Student Textbook, "Prayer to the Earth" In June 2007, Tim Flannery warned Brisbane that its “water supplies are so low they need desalinated water urgently, possibly in as little as 18 months”. Last month Brisbane recorded the wettest December in 150 years. But of course, who could forget the Australian BOM which predicted that “The national outlook for total rainfall over spring (September to November), is neutral for most of the country” which was promptly followed by record downfalls and widespread floods with some areas getting 400% of the average rainfall. The only part of the country the BOM predicted “a wetter than normal spring” was in South West WA (which recorded one of its driest springs since measurements began). -- The Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Aug 2010 Within a few years "children just aren't going to know what snow is." Snowfall will be "a very rare and exciting event." Dr. David Viner, senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, interviewed by the UK Independent, March 20, 2000. "[by] 1995, the greenhouse effect would be desolating the heartlands of North America and Eurasia with horrific drought, causing crop failures and food riots�[by 1996] The Platte River of Nebraska would be dry, while a continent-wide black blizzard of prairie topsoil will stop traffic on interstates, strip paint from houses and shut down computers." Michael Oppenheimer, published in "Dead Heat," St. Martin's Press, 1990. "Arctic specialist Bernt Balchen says a general warming trend over the North Pole is melting the polar ice cap and may produce an ice-free Arctic Ocean by the year 2000." Christian Science Monitor, June 8, 1972. "Using computer models, researchers concluded that global warming would raise average annual temperatures nationwide two degrees by 2010." Associated Press, May 15, 1989. "By 1985, air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half." Life magazine, January 1970. "If present trends continue, the world will be ... eleven degrees colder by the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us in an ice age." Kenneth E.F. Watt, in "Earth Day," 1970. "By the year 2000 the United Kingdom will be simply a small group of impoverished islands, inhabited by some 70 million hungry people ... If I were a gambler, I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000." Ehrlich, Speech at British Institute For Biology, September 1971. "In ten years all important animal life in the sea will be extinct. Large areas of coastline will have to be evacuated because of the stench of dead fish." Ehrlich, speech during Earth Day, 1970
  16. History Commons New York City Ordered Crisis Management Software Shortly before 9/11 New timeline entries describe the actions of two military aides who were with the president in Sarasota, Florida, on September 11. The military aides, Paul Montanus and Thomas Gould, were promptly informed about the first crash at the World Trade Center, but initially thought it was an accident. When he learned of the second crash, Gould quickly arranged for Air Force One to leave Sarasota. After the plane took off, he made a phone call to request a fighter escort and other military assets to support it. Montanus was on a plane that left Sarasota shortly after Air Force One, and which carried equipment and personnel back to Washington. Other entries describe events before and after the day of 9/11. One entry reveals that, in the month before the attacks, New York City’s Office of Emergency Management fortuitously (COINCIDENCE ??) bought special crisis management software that it planned to launch for use on September 17. The software was promptly put into operation following the 9/11 attacks and significantly aided the recovery efforts at Ground Zero. An entry reveals that, almost two years before 9/11, members of the New York Joint Terrorism Task Force told best-selling author Nelson DeMille that they believed the next terrorist attack in the US would involve suicide pilots deliberately flying planes into the World Trade Center. Another entry describes how some key White House officials went to visit New York the day before 9/11, and were therefore away from Washington, DC, when the terrorist attacks occurred. They started making their way back to the White House after the Pentagon was hit. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (COINCIDENCE ??) (Late 1999): New York Terrorism Task Force Predicts 9/11-Style Attack on the World Trade Center (Late 1999): New York Terrorism Task Force Predicts 9/11-Style Attack on the World Trade Center Nelson DeMille. [source: Sandy DeMille]Members of the New York Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) tell a best-selling author that they believe the next terrorist attack in the United States will involve suicide pilots deliberately flying planes into the World Trade Center. [Demille, 2010, pp. xii; Connecticut Post, 8/3/2010] The New York JTTF has exclusive jurisdiction over local terrorism investigations. [City Journal, 10/2001] It has over 140 members, including personnel from the FBI, the New York City Police Department, the Port Authority Police Department, the Secret Service, and the CIA. The task force is “on the forefront of the war against terrorism,” according to the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. [FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, 3/1/1999; Washington Post, 10/23/2002] Thriller writer Nelson DeMille interviews some of its members while carrying out research for his novel The Lion’s Game, which he writes in 1999 and is published in January 2000. [Demille, 2010, pp. xi-xii; Al-Masry Al-Youm, 4/27/2010] Author Told that 'Suicide Pilots' Will Fly Learjets into the WTC - DeMille will later recall that while he is at 26 Federal Plaza, where the New York JTTF is located, “Just in passing we were talking about the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center” (see February 26, 1993). DeMille wonders if there will be another terrorist attack in the United States. He asks the JTTF personnel: “What do you think the next attack would be? Will there be another attack?” They reply: “Yeah. It’s gonna be the World Trade Center again. They missed it.” [sirius XM Book Radio, 6/16/2010] (Presumably, when the JTTF personnel say, “They missed it,” they mean that the terrorists failed to cause the WTC to collapse when they bombed it in 1993.) DeMille then asks, “What’s gonna happen?” The JTTF personnel say the next attack will involve “two or three or four Learjets, private jets full of aviation fuel and explosives, flying into the towers.” [WOR, 6/14/2010] The planes, they say, will be “flown into the North and South Towers of the Trade Center” by “suicide pilots.” [Demille, 2010, pp. xii; Connecticut Post, 8/3/2010] The suicide pilots will be “guys who know how to fly and not [how] to land” a plane. [New York Daily News, 9/11/2011] Terrorists Will Want to Cause 'Maximum Death' - DeMille asks the JTTF personnel why they think the terrorists will specifically target the WTC again. He says: “Why not any other iconic landmark? Why not the Empire State Building?” They tell him it is because the terrorists will be “looking for maximum death.” [WOR, 6/14/2010] This discussion, according to DeMille, takes place “almost two years before the actual events of September 11, 2001.” [Demille, 2010, pp. xii] JTTF Knows about Arabs Learning to Fly in the US - DeMille will tell the New York Times that the members of the New York JTTF “were all obsessed with the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center, and they were convinced we’d be attacked again.” [New York Times, 11/9/2006] He will say that JTTF personnel “knew” the target of the next terrorist attack in the US would be the WTC. “They were pretty, pretty definite about that,” he will add. [WOR, 6/14/2010] They also “knew that Arabs were training in the United States to fly small planes,” according to DeMille. [Newsweek, 1/23/2002] JTTF Has 'Foreknowledge' or 'Forethought' of 9/11 - DeMille will write that because of what he is told by the JTTF personnel: “[W]hen the events of the morning of September 11, 2001, unfolded, I was not taken completely unaware. And neither were the people who had spent years investigating terrorist threats to this country.” [Demille, 2010, pp. xii] He will note that the JTTF personnel he talks to are “close to right” about the nature of the next attack in the US. He will say, “They knew the target and they knew the method” the terrorists would use. [sirius XM Book Radio, 6/16/2010] DeMille will also say that when he sees the attacks on the WTC on September 11, he finds it “just chilling to think that [members of the JTTF] had some, if not foreknowledge, at least some forethought of this.” [77WABC, 5/22/2010] Radio host Glenn Beck will comment that what the JTTF personnel tell DeMille shows that the US government “knew specifically” ################################## (COINCIDENCE ??) September 10, 2001: Key White House Officials Go to New York to Prepare for President’s UN Appearance September 10, 2001: Key White House Officials Go to New York to Prepare for President’s UN Appearance Joseph Hagin. [source: Publicity photo]A group of White House staffers, including the deputy chief of staff for operations and the deputy director of the White House Military Office, goes to New York to prepare for President Bush’s forthcoming appearance at the United Nations General Assembly, and is consequently away from Washington, DC, when the terrorist attacks occur on September 11. [National Journal, 8/31/2002; Cincinnati Enquirer, 1/20/2003] Bush is scheduled to address the UN General Assembly’s annual gathering of world leaders on September 24. [Reuters, 9/12/2001; Associated Press, 10/29/2001] The group, which comprises about 15 members of the White House staff, heads to New York this afternoon to conduct the “survey trip” for his appearance. The group includes Joseph Hagin, the White House deputy chief of staff for operations, and Captain Michael Miller, the deputy director of the White House Military Office. During the evening, Hagin meets at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, where the group is staying, with Tony Carbonetti, New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s chief of staff. The White House staffers are scheduled to meet with the staff at the US Mission to the United Nations on the morning of September 11. They will start making their way back to Washington after the attack on the Pentagon, and arrive at the White House later in the day (see After 9:37 a.m. September 11, 2001). [National Journal, 8/31/2002] It is unclear what effect the absence of these staffers has on the White House’s ability to respond to the 9/11 attacks. However, as the deputy chief of staff for operations, Hagin has an important role to play at the White House, so his absence could presumably be detrimental. Hagin is responsible for the management and administrative functions of the White House, and also plans all of the president’s travel. [Washington Post, 7/4/2008] He will describe himself as being responsible for “scheduling, advance, Oval Office operations, the White House Military Office, the liaison with the Secret Service, the Office of Management and Administration… and then the Office of Administration.” [Cohen et al., 2008, pp. 9 ] Hagin is “an operational wizard,” according to Politico, who “manages everything around the president and the presidency except politics and policy.” He is “the single junction where Bush’s personal life, presidency, security, and military support all come together.” [Politico, 7/3/2008 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  17. The Vaccine Hoax is Over 29Sep2012By coto2admin By Andrew Baker Food Freedom News Freedom of Information Act in the UK filed by a doctor there has revealed 30 years of secret official documents showing that government experts have 1. Known the vaccines don’t work 2. Known they cause the diseases they are supposed to prevent 3. Known they are a hazard to children 4. Colluded to lie to the public 5. Worked to prevent safety studies Those are the same vaccines that are mandated to children in the US. Educated parents can either get their children out of harm’s way or continue living inside one of the largest most evil lies in history, that vaccines – full of heavy metals, viral diseases, , fecal material, DNA fragments from other species, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80 (a sterilizing agent) – are a miracle of modern medicine.Freedom of Information Act filed in the US with the CDC by a doctor with an autistic son, seeking information on what the CDC knows about the dangers of vaccines, had by law to be responded to in 20 days. Nearly 7 years later, the doctor went to court and the CDC argued it does not have to turn over documents. A judge ordered the CDC to turn over the documents on September 30th, 2011. On October 26, 2011, a Denver Post editorial expressed shock that the Obama administration, after promising to be especially transparent, was proposing changes to the Freedom of Information Act that would allow it to go beyond declaring some documents secret and to actually allow government agencies (such as the CDC) to declare some document “non-existent.” Simultaneous to this on-going massive CDC cover up involving its primary “health” not recommendation but MANDATE for American children, the CDC is in deep trouble over its decades of covering up the damaging effects of fluoride and affecting the lives of all Americans, especially children and the immune compromised. Lawsuits are being prepared. Children are ingesting 3-4 times more fluoride by body weight as adults and “[t]he sheer number of potentially harmed citizens — persons with dental fluorosis, kidney patients tipped into needing dialysis, diabetics, thyroid patients, etc — numbers in the millions.” The CDC is obviously acting against the health of the American people. But the threat to the lives of the American people posed by the CDC’s behavior does not stop there. It participated in designed pandemic laws that are on the books in every state in the US, which arrange for the government to use military to force unknown, untested vaccines, drugs, chemicals, and “medical” treatments on the entire country if it declares a pandemic emergency. The CDC’s credibility in declaring such a pandemic emergency is non-existent, again based on Freedom of Information Act. For in 2009, after the CDC had declared the H1N1 “pandemic,” the CDC refused to respond to Freedom of Information Act filed by CBS News and the CDC also attempted to block their investigation. What the CDC was hiding was its part in one of the largest medical scandals in history, putting out wildly exaggerated data on what it claimed were H1N1 cases, and by doing so, created the false impression of a “pandemic” in the US. The CDC was also covering up e financial scandal to rival the bailout since the vaccines for the false pandemic cost the US billions. And worse, the CDC put pregnant women first in line for an untested vaccine with a sterilizing agent, polysorbate 80, in it. Thanks to the CDC, “the number of vaccine-related “fetal demise” reports increased by 2,440 percent in 2009 compared to previous years, which is even more shocking than the miscarriage statistic [700% increase]. The exposure of the vaccine hoax is running neck and neck with the much older hoax of a deadly 1918-19 flu. It was aspirin that killed people in 1918-19, not a pandemic flu. It was the greatest industrial catastrophe in human history with 20-50 million people dying but it was blamed on a flu. The beginning of the drug industry began with that success (and Monsanto was part of it). The flu myth was used by George Bush to threaten the world with “another pandemic flu that could kill millions” – a terror tactic to get pandemic laws on the books in every state and worldwide. Then the CDC used hoax of the pandemic hoax to create terror over H1N1 and to push deadly vaccines on the public, killing thousands of unborn children and others. (CDC will not release the data and continues to push the same vaccine.) The hoax of the vaccine schedule is over, exposed by FOIAs in the UK. The hoax of the CDC’s interest in children’s lives has been exposed by its refusal to respond to a doctor’s FOIAs around its knowledge of vaccine dangers. The 1918-19 pandemic hoax has been exposed by Dr. Karen Starko’s work on aspirin’s role in killing people. And despite refusing to respond to FOIAS, the CDC’s scandalous hoax of a 2009 flu pandemic and its part in creating it, was exposed by CBS NEWS. And the Obama administration, in attempting to salvage the last vestige of secrecy around what is really happening with vaccines, by declaring agency documents non-existent, has made its claim of transparency, non-existent. But pandemic laws arranging for unknown vaccines to be forced on the entire country are still in place with HHS creating a vaccine mixture that should never be used on anyone and all liability for vaccines having been removed. Meanwhile, a Canadian study has just proven that the flu vaccine containing the H1N1 vaccine which kills babies in utero, actually increases the risk of serious pandemic flu. Americans who have been duped into submitting their children to the CDC’s deadly vaccines, have a means to respond now. People from every walk of life and every organization, must 1. take the information from the UK FOIAs exposing 30 years of vaccine lies, the refusal of the CDC to provide any information on what it knows about those lies, and the Obama Administration’s efforts to hide the CDC’s awareness of those lies, and go to their state legislatures, demand the immediate nullification of the CDC vaccine schedule and the pandemic laws. 2. inform every vet. active duty military person, law enforcement people, DHS agents and medical personnel they know, of the vaccine hoax, for their families are deeply threatened, too, but they may not be aware of it or that they have been folded into agency structures by the pharmaceutical industry (indistinguishable from the bankers and oil companies) that would make them agents of death for their country with the declaration of a “pandemic” emergency or “bio-terrorist” attack. It is completely clear now that the terrorism/bioterrorism structures are scams so that any actions taken to “protect” this country using those laws would in fact be what threatens the existence of Americans. It was aspirin that killed millions in 1918-19. Now it is mandated and unknown, untested vaccines with banned adjuvants in them that threaten the country with millions of deaths. At the same time, the CDC is holding 500,000 mega-coffins, built to be incinerated, on its property outside Atlanta. Not to put to fine a point on this, but it’s clear now that the CDC should not be involved in any way with public health. Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), we know that vaccines are not a miracle of modern medicine. Any medical or government authority which insists vaccines prevent diseases is either ignorant of government documents (and endless studies) revealing the exact opposite or of the CDC’s attempts to hide the truth about vaccines from the public, or means harm to the public. Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), we know the vaccine schedule is a hoax. The health danger to American children and adults are vaccines ============================================== ############################################# Sir David Attenborough needn't worry: the future of humanity isn't as bleak as all that By Tom Chivers Science Last updated: January 22nd, 2013 It's hard to write something criticising Sir David Attenborough. It feels like slapping your grandfather in the face. But I'm going to have to, today. Sir David, returning to one of his favourite themes, has said that human population growth is threatening the species and the planet, describing us as a "plague on the Earth". He's a patron of the Optimum Population Trust, which campaigns for a reduced global population by encouraging people to have smaller families, and in the past has spoken of the “frightening explosion in human numbers”. From his point of view, that of a naturalist and lover of wildlife, you can entirely see his point. A longer version of that last quote is: "I've seen wildlife under mounting human pressure all over the world and it's not just from human economy or technology – behind every threat is the frightening explosion in human numbers." It's true: as human population grows, there is simply less space for the wild habitats, the jungles and forests and plains. But from a human point of view, it's far less bleak. You might not think that, listening to Sir David, who said: "It’s coming home to roost over the next 50 years or so. It’s not just climate change; it’s sheer space, places to grow food for this enormous horde. Either we limit our population growth or the natural world will do it for us, and the natural world is doing it for us right now." But it's true, and Sir David is wrong. For a start, it's worth remembering that the year before last, the world population rose above seven billion. That doesn't sound as though it should support my "don't panic" point, but it does. We reached our first human billion in 1804; depending on when you start counting, it took between 200,000 years and 4.5 billion years. We reached our second 123 years later in 1927. Our third took just 33 years: 1960. Billions four, five and six took 14, 13, and 12 years respectively. It's always been getting faster. But billion number seven, for the very first time, took longer than the billion before it: back up to 13 years. Billion number eight is expected to take 15 years; billion number nine 19. Our population growth is slowing – and may in my lifetime come to halt. Demographic predictions are tricky – less tricky than some other predictions, probably, but still complex. As I've written once or twice before, in 1930s Britain, the main fear was of total depopulation: it was thought it would happen by the 1980s. (They were wrong, for the record.) But nonetheless, the most likely outcome at the moment is that the world population will peak some time around 2050 and at a population between eight and 10 billion. Obviously that's more than we have now, but not so many more that we couldn't feed everyone. And all this has happened not, in general, because of planned population measures, but because of things like improved female education, reduced child mortality (so families don't need to have five or six kids to make sure one or two survive), economic prosperity, and state provision for the elderly, so that children aren't seen as insurance against impoverished old age. As I say, we can't know the future, but at the moment it looks like the world's population explosion is naturally stopping: there seems to be no need to force the issue. By all means be concerned about the impact of the human population on our planet: it is huge, and we are pressuring many species into extinction. But we do not, at the moment, seem to be in any danger of doing the same to ourselves.
  18. US military struggling to stop suicide epidemic among war veterans Last year, more active-duty soldiers killed themselves than died in combat. And after a decade of deployments to war zones, the Pentagon is bracing for things to get much worse http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/feb/01/us-military-suicide-epidemic-veteran
  19. THREE TOP ANTI-VACCINE SITES IN RED http://thinktwice.com/ Studies: Authorities often claim that "anti-vaccine" websites do not provide valid documentation. We provide hundreds of peer-reviewed studies from scientific and medical journals. Many of these studies link vaccines to the onset of new diseases. MEDICAL VERITAS is the preeminent journal that serves as an interface between academics, scientists, researchers, medical practitioners, and concerned patients and parents. Relevant topics range from basic research, general medical practice, vaccines, treatments, bias and other conflicts of interest in research, to immunology, vaccine injury, and infectious diseases. http://www.nvic.org/ http://www.vaclib.org/ ####################################### BIG VACCINE PHARMA = FRAUD Merck vaccine fraud exposed by two Merck virologists; company faked mumps vaccine efficacy results for over a decade, says lawsuit Thursday, June 28, 2012 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of NaturalNews.com (See all articles...) http://www.naturalne...Claims_Act.html ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BIG VACCINE PHARMA = FRAUD Flu Vaccine Fraud: WHO 'Mr Flu' Under Investigation For Gross Conflicts of Interest Thursday, 10 December 2009 One after another of the recently proclaimed Flu “pandemics” has turned out to be a fraudulent marketing hoax to promote flu vaccines. Each hoax was cooked up by Big Pharma and their paid, highly placed scientists who have penetrated both national and international health organizations. Nationally and internationally, healthcare policies are being shaped by those who have gross conflicts of interest. Vaccines are being promoted (even mandated) in the absence of scientific evidence to support mass vaccinations. Last month, CBS investigative reporter, Sharyl Attkisson, blew the lid on the swine flu pandemic hoax and the US Center for Disease. ee her two part interview with Dr. Mercola: See: CBS Reporter Blows the Lid Off Swine Flu Hysteria and CBS Reveals Cases Overestimated CBS News and the CDC contradict each other completely. In her three-month U.S. investigation that included state-by-state flu test results, Attkisson uncovered facts that contradict the Centers for Disease Control policy statements: CBS News Finds H1N1 Tests were "Overwhelmingly Negative." Indeed, H1N1 flu cases are NOT as prevalent as feared: "If you've been diagnosed "probable" or "presumed" 2009 H1N1 or "swine flu" in recent months, you may be surprised to know this: odds are you didn't have H1N1 flu. In fact, you probably didn't have flu at all." For example, Attkisson discovered that: * In Florida, 83% of specimens that were presumed to be swine flu were negative for all flu when tested! * In California, 86% of suspected H1N1 specimens were not swine flu or any flu; only 2% were confirmed swine flu. * In Alaska, 93% of suspected swine flu specimens were negative for all flu types; only 1 percent was H1N1 flu. CBS reports that in late July 2009 the CDC advised states to STOP testing for H1N1 flu, and they also stopped counting individual cases. Their rationale for this, according to CBS News, was that it was a waste of resources to test for H1N1 flu because it was already confirmed as an epidemic. What evidence of an epidemic? "of the vast majority of the presumed swine flu cases recognized by trained physicians, the vast majority were not flu at all. They weren’t swine flu or regular flu; they were some other sort of upper respiratory infection.” That is what the CDC doesn’t want the American public to know. “The CDC explained that one of the reasons they quit counting was because of all the flu that’s out there, most are swine flu. Well, that’s true. Most of the flu that was out there was indeed swine flu, but they failed to say that most of the suspected flu was nothing at all. And I think that’s the caveat the public just didn’t know,” Attkisson explains. Especially disturbing is the stonewalling and obfuscation by the Obama Administration: Attkisson says, "This may be the first time I was denied that expedited processing from Freedom of Information that we’re entitled to as members of the press; a letter from HHS or Health and Human Services (the CDC is under HHS) said to me that one of the reasons they’re denying my expedited processing is because this is not a matter of “widespread and exceptional media or public interest.” In other words, even as the President declared the swine flu a "national public health emergency" the CDC doesn’t think that questions about swine flu prevalence "are a matter of widespread and exceptional media or public interest...” As is the case genrally in healthcare fraud, conflicts of interest are rampant in the vaccination infrastructure. CBS reported that: "The same people who are regulating and promoting vaccines are also evaluating vaccine safety. For instance, Dr. Paul Offit of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia earned at least $29 million as part of a $182-million sale by the hospital of its worldwide royalty interest in the Merck Rotateq vaccine. He also formerly sat on the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) to help create the market for rotavirus vaccine" A riveting, insightful article, by F. William Engdahl , author of “Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order,” documents how gross conflicts of interest have corrupted the World Health Organization and international vaccine policy. The article is posted the website of Financial Sense Editorials, (which is geared toward investors). This well documented article sheds light on how a well positioned Dutch scientist and the World Health Organization helped Big Pharma (or as Engdahl refers to it, “the Pharma mafia”) generate a global hysteria about the avian flu and the swine flu—in order to generate a demand for flu vaccines. Excerpts: “The man with the nickname “Dr Flu”, Professor Albert Osterhaus, of the Erasmus University in Rotterdam Holland has been named by Dutch media researchers as the person at the center of the worldwide Swine Flu H1N1 Influenza A 2009 pandemic hysteria. Not only is Osterhaus the connecting person in an international network that has been described as the Pharma Mafia, he is THE key advisor to WHO on influenza and is intimately positioned to personally profit from the billions of euros in vaccines allegedly aimed at H1N1.” “More careful investigation into the Osterhaus Affair suggests that the world-renowned Dutch Virologist may be at the very center of a multi-billion Euro pandemic fraud which has used human beings in effect as human guinea pigs with untested vaccines and in cases now emerging resulting in deaths or severe bodily paralysis or injury. “ Privatization (i.e., Big Pharma influence) has corrupted the World Health Organization: “In the past decade the WHO, in order to boost funds at its disposal entered into what it calls “public private partnerships.” Instead of receiving its funds solely from member United Nations governments as its original purpose had been, WHO today receives almost double its normal UN budget in the form of grants and financial support from private industry. The industry? The very drug and vaccine makers who benefit from decisions like the June 2009 H1N1 Pandemic emergency declaration. As the main financiers of the WHO bureaucracy, naturally the Pharma Mafia and their friends receive what has been called “open door red carpet treatment” in Geneva."17 The ‘Bird xxxx Hoax’ “Albert Osterhaus is no small fish. He stands at the global nexus of every major virus panic of the past two decades from the mysterious SARS deaths in HongKong, where current WHO Director Margaret Chan got her start in her career as a local health official. According to his official bio at the European Commission, Osterhaus was engaged in April 2003, at the height of the panic over SARS (Severe Acquired Respiratory Syndrome) in Hong Kong. The EU report states, “he again showed his skill at moving fast to tackle a serious problem. Within three weeks he had proved that the disease was caused by a newly discovered coronavirus that resides in civet cats, other carnivorous animals or bats.” 5 <http://www.financialsense.com/editorials/engdahl/2009/1208.html#_edn5> “Then Osterhaus moved on, this time publicizing dangers of what he claimed was H5N1 Avian Flu. In 1997 he already began sounding the alarm following the death in Hong Kong of a three-year-old who Osterhaus learned had had direct contact with birds. Osterhaus went into high gear lobbying across Holland and Europe claiming that a deadly new mutation of avian flu had jumped to humans and that drastic measures were required. He claimed to be the first scientist in the world to show that H5N1 could be transferred into humans.” 6 <http://www.financialsense.com/editorials/engdahl/2009/1208.html#_edn6 It never did manage to mutate, but, as Engdahl points out, Dr. Osterhaus was ready to “do the experiments,” presumably for a hefty fee. The corruption of the WHO became most apparent when it declared the swine flu (H1N1) a pandemic emergency without a shred of substantiating evidence. “When no mass wave of human deaths from Avian Flu materialized and after Roche, maker of Tamiflu and GlaxoSmithKline had banked billions of dollars in profits from worldwide government stockpiling of their dangerous and reportedly ineffective antiviral drugs, Tamiflu by Roche, and Relenza by GlaxoSmithKline, Osterhaus and other WHO advisers turned to other greener pastures. By April 2009 their search seemed rewarded as a small Mexican village in Veracruz reported a case of a small child ill with what had been diagnosed as “Swine Flu” or H1N1. With indecent haste the propaganda apparatus of the World Health Organization in Geneva went into gear anth statements from the director-general Dr Margaret Chan, about a possible danger of a global pandemic. Chan made such irresponsible statements as declaring “a public health emergency of international concern.” 12 "In an interview with Der Spiegel magazine in Germany, epidemiologist Dr. Tom Jefferson of the Cochrane Collaboration, an organization of independent scientists evaluating all flu related studies, noted the implications of the privatization of WHO and the commercialization of health: “…one of the extraordinary features of this influenza -- and the whole influenza saga -- is that there are some people who make predictions year after year, and they get worse and worse. None of them so far have come about, and these people are still there making these predictions. For example, what happened with the bird flu, which was supposed to kill us all? Nothing. But that doesn't stop these people from always making their predictions. Sometimes you get the feeling that there is a whole industry almost waiting for a pandemic to occur.” SPIEGEL: Who do you mean? The World Health Organization (WHO)? Jefferson: The WHO and public health officials, virologists and the pharmaceutical companies. They've built this machine around the impending pandemic. And there's a lot of money involved, and influence, and careers, and entire institutions! And all it took was one of these influenza viruses to mutate to start the machine grinding...18 When asked if the WHO had deliberately declared the Pandemic Emergency in order to create a huge market for H1N1 vaccines and drugs, Jefferson replied, “Don't you think there's something noteworthy about the fact that the WHO has changed its definition of pandemic? The old definition was a new virus, which went around quickly, for which you didn't have immunity, and which created a high morbidity and mortality rate. Now the last two have been dropped, and that's how swine flu has been categorized as a pandemic.”19 Full documented article, WHO ‘Mr Flu’ under investigation for gross conflict of interest by F. William Engdahl December 8, 2009 F. William Engdahl: <mailto: info@engdahl.oilgeopolitics.net This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it Website <http://www.engdahl.oilgeopolitics.net/>
  20. Got evidence "Turkey a total Western tool"? They aren't exactly pro-Israel. // END Colby DOUBLE WORDS OF DAY. (used in sentence) It is the height of naivety to blindly accept the anti-west posturing of the Turkey government. Naivety (or naïvety, naïveté, etc.), is the state of being naive—having or showing a lack of experience, understanding or sophistication. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ pos·turing a. A position of the body or of body parts: a sitting posture. b. An attitude; a pose: assumed a posture of angry defiance. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Turkey: NATO’s Policeman in the Middle East NATO’s Arm, the Neo-Ottomans By Mostafa Zein Global Research, August 15, 2011 Dar Al-Hayat 15 August 2011 =========================================== Turkey does not get its reputation from the history of its empire, despite the theories of its Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, and despite the attempt to renew Ottomanism and return to the country’s roots and to its neighborhood, after the illusion of exile to Europe. Neither does it get its reputation from the history of its army, which ruled it and upheld “its secularism and its democracy” until the Justice and Development Party (AKP – Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi) came to power, nor from oppressing Kurds and forbidding them from speaking their language. Turkey gets its reputation and its power from being the second military force in the North Atlantic Alliance (NATO). In other words, Turkey is the arm of the Europeans and the Americans in the Middle East, not to say the policeman entrusted with guarding Western interests, without being accepted into the European Union because of its ancient and modern Islamic history. And it is well known that the United States has always been exerting pressures on the EU in favor of Ankara, and that France and Germany were those most opposed to its entry into the Union. The Middle East’s policeman had also not been accepted in the region when the military controlled its political fate, and had adopted a path opposed to Arab causes, with the Palestinian Cause at their forefront. In fact, Turkey’s military went as far as sealing a strategic alliance with the Hebrew state in order to confront any Arab attempt to rise up. Such recent history could not be erased by the leader of the ruling AKP party Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. His stances on Shimon Peres at the Davos forum, as well as his stance on the Gaza war, were only attempts at distinguishing himself from the Europeans and the Americans in order to prove that he had a regional role to play, without this meaning to depart from the interests of both, especially when it comes to issues that have a direct impact on his own domestic situation, such as his stance on the Iraq war. Based on such a stance, Erdoğan started, from the first day of the events in Syria, behaving on the basis that this was an “internal Turkish matter”. He thus went on to exercise his policies on this basis. He hosted conferences for the Syrian opposition and adopted its slogans. Moreover, he contributed to shaping an Arab and international public opinion opposed to the Syrian regime, making use of the presence of thosee displaced from Jisr Al-Shughur on Turkish soil near the Syrian border. Erdoğan was coordinating each of the steps he was taking with the United States and Europe, believing that the Syrian regime was doomed to fall, wagering on playing a role in shaping another regime that would succeed that of Assad, and presenting himself as a model of “democratic” Islamists acceptable to the West. And after the events developed and reached what they have in Syria, he was systematically used by the Americans to convey messages to Assad – messages that could be summed up as “reform now or leave”. He is well aware that such a condition cannot be fulfilled. The violence will not stop, because it has gone beyond the phase of confrontation between security forces and peaceful protesters to one between armed fighters whom Damascus calls “terrorists” and the army. Another reason is that reform “now” is not possible in Syria, nor in any other country. Moreover, the promises made by Assad and the laws he is drafting are not being accepted by the opposition nor by Western countries, which considered them to be “provocation”, as French Foreign Minister Alain Juppé said. It is not true that Davutoğlu did not convey an American message to Assad. And it is not true that the warning directed at him by Erdoğan of “reform within 15 days or face dire consequences” was a warning from Ankara alone. Rather, such a warning sums up the stances of the Europeans and the Americans, and those of the Arabs as well, however with a Turkish Islamic eloquence which both the West and the East understand. Moreover, the United States would prefer to arrive at consensus by “the international community, including Arab countries”, for many reasons, most importantly the fact that it does not want to take decisions “unilaterally”. Indeed, the US has learned from its experience in Iraq. And here it is waging the war in Libya with NATO forces and the support of some Arab countries, without bearing the blame alone for killing civilians and for the failure of the war to topple Gaddafi and spread democracy. Turkey is preparing itself to lead change in Syria and in the Middle East, believing itself to be qualified to do so. Indeed, it is acceptable for both the Muslim World and the West, and its relations with Israel no longer represent an obstacle after “the threat of the Hebrew state has gone”, in addition to the fact that its situation is ideal for confronting Iran and its influence. Turkey has returned to the region through the Syrian gateway, and it has the ambition of consecrating its leadership status by changing a regime that does not agree with its “democratic Islamism”, nor with its role as NATO’s arm. As for the legitimate and urgent demands of Syrians, neither Erdoğan, nor the United States, nor Europe will fulfill them. ################################### Turkey: NATO’s Neo-Ottoman Spearhead in the Middle East By Rick Rozoff Global Research, August 08, 2012 Stop NATO 8 August 2012 Turkey already has troops in Syria and has threatened military action to protect the site they guard. A 1921 agreement between Ottoman Turkey and France (the Treaty of Ankara), the latter at the time the colonial administrator of Syria, guaranteed Turkey the right to station military personnel at the mausoleum of Suleyman Shah (Süleyman Şah), the grandfather of the founder of the Ottoman Empire, Osman I (Osman Bey). Turkey considers the area adjacent to the tomb to be its, and not Syria’s, sovereign territory and late last month reinforced its 15-troop contingent there. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated the following in an interview televised on August 5: “The tomb of Süleyman Şah and the land surrounding it is our territory. We cannot ignore any unfavorable act against that monument, as it would be an attack on our territory, as well as an attack on NATO land. Everyone knows his duty, and will continue to do what is necessary.” The gravesite of a Seljuk sultan who was reputed to have drowned in the Euphrates River while on a campaign of conquest is now proclaimed a NATO outpost in Syria. If confirmation was required that a neo-Ottoman Turkey is determined to reassert the influence and authority in Mesopotamia it gained 700 years before and lost a century ago and, moreover, that it was doing so as part of a campaign by self-christened global NATO to expand into the Arab world, the Turkish head of state’s threat to militarily intervene in Syria with the support of its 27 NATO allies should provide it. Especially as the above complements and reinforces the roles of the U.S. and NATO in providing military assistance to Ankara in its current war of attrition against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in Turkey and Iraq, with Syria soon to follow as last week Turkey deployed troops, tanks, other armored vehicles and missile batteries to within two kilometers of the Syrian border for war games. Last week a retired Turkish official compared the current anti-Kurdish offensive to the Sri Lankan military’s final onslaught against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) three years ago, ending the 25-year-long war against the latter with its complete annihilation. U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta’s trip to Colombia in April was designed to achieve the same result in the 48-year joint Colombian-U.S. counterinsurgency war against the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).In the current era of international lawlessness, only NATO states and American clients like Colombia and Israel are permitted to conduct military strikes and incursions into other nations and to wage wars of extermination against opponents. In the same interview cited above, Turkey’s Erdogan asserted the right to continue launching military strikes against Kurdish targets in neighboring countries, stating, “It should be known that as long as the region remains a source of threat for Turkey we will continue staging operations wherever it is needed.” Turkish Interior Minister Idris Naim Sahin recently claimed that his nation’s armed forces had killed 130 suspected PKK members and supporters in Hakkari province, which borders Iran and Iraq. Specifically in respect to military attacks inside Syria, Erdogan stated: “One cannot rule that out. We have three brigades along the border currently conducting maneuvers there. And we cannot remain patient in the face of a mistake that can be made there.” He also stated, in reference to fighting in the Syrian city of Aleppo, “I believe the Assad regime draws to its end with each passing day” and criticized Iran’s support, which is to say its recognition, of the Syrian government. Iran is the inevitable secondary target of actions directed by Turkey and its NATO and Persian Gulf Arab allies against Syria and will be struck through Iraq also. In the same interview the Turkish head of state identified a third target: Iraq. He condemned the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, declaring it illegitimate and urging it be overthrown. In what portends confrontation and possible conflict with Iran and Syria as well by exploiting the PKK issue, he added: “Even though we should be countries that share the same values, for us to be in such rigor [conflict?] only makes the terrorist organization more powerful. This leads us to approach each other with suspicion.” In the process he criticized Iran as well: “It is not possible to accept Iran’s stance [of supporting the Iraqi government]. We conveyed this to them at the highest level of talks. We said to them, ‘Look, this has been a source of disturbance in the region.’” His comments occurred after the Iraqi government criticized the visit of Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu to the cities of Kirkuk and Irbil in the Kurdistan Regional Government-controlled north of Iraq in part to secure oil and natural gas deals with the regime of Massoud Barzani, president of the Kurdish autonomous region. Irbil is the region’s capital, but Kirkuk is claimed by Iraq’s central government too. Davutoglu’s trip to Kirkuk was the first by a Turkish foreign minister since 1937. On August 7 Hurriyet Daily News columnist Murat Yetkin offered this perspective on the matter: “Because Iraq [is] at risk of falling apart. Massoud Barzani, the leader of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in the north of the country, which borders Turkey, has started to sign oil and gas deals with energy giants despite the objection of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in Baghdad, who refuses to approve a hydrocarbons law to regulate the sharing of oil and gas income. The energy giants have an interest in supplying more oil and gas that is not controlled or is less controlled by Russia and Iran to Western markets; Turkey provides an option under NATO protection for both Iraqi Kurdish and Azeri resources to be transferred further west. The presence of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in the KRG region and its armed campaign is, of course, a pain in the neck and a big obstacle to greater cooperation…” On July 26 the same commentator claimed that “There are already political and economic actors trying to push Turkey to claim some energy-rich parts of Iraq and Syria, which would mean a regime change such as a federated Turkey, with Kurdish and possibly Arabic members,” which, he conceded, “could drag the whole region into a chain reaction of wars.” Part of Turkey’s justification for involvement in northern Iraq, and another pretext for potential military intervention, is the protection of their ethnic kin, the Turkmen, in the country. However, since the U.S. and British invasion of Iraq in 2003 the true indigenous people of the north, the Assyrians, have been decimated by attacks from Barzani’s peshmergas and Saudi-backed Wahhabi extremists without Turkey, or the West, being in the least degree concerned. Nine years ago there were an estimated 1.5 million Assyrian and other Christians in Iraq; now there under 500,000. Churches have been destroyed and in 2008 the Chaldean Catholic Archeparch of Mosul, Archbishop Mar Paulos Faraj Rahho, was kidnapped and murdered in the northern Iraqi city where he resided. Other religious minorities – Mandeans, Sabeans and Yezidis – have suffered the same fate. Shiites are regularly targeted by Wahhabi death squads. The Barzani domain in the north has become a Turkish foothold inside the country, which has aided Ankara by preventing the PKK from operating on its territory and suppressing its sympathizers. It is also a dependable Sunni ally for Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf monarchies in efforts to weaken the Shiite-led government in Baghdad. The al-Maliki administration condemned last week’s visit by the Turkish foreign minister to the Kurdish-dominated north as a violation of Iraq’s constitution and national sovereignty as Davutoglu had neither requested nor obtained permission to enter Kirkuk. Iraq’s Foreign Ministry handed the Turkish chargé d’affaires in Baghdad a harshly-worded statement and the Turkish Foreign Minister in response summoned the Iraqi ambassador to lodge a protest. With Turkish threats against Iraq and Syria, and by inevitable implication Iran, mounting, on August 6 the Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, Major General Seyed Hassan Firuzabadi, warned that: “Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey are responsible for blood being shed on Syrian soil. “This is not an appropriate precedent, that neighboring countries of Syria contribute to the belligerent purposes of…the United States. If these countries have accepted such a precedent, they must be aware that after Syria, it will be the turn of Turkey and other countries. He added that Iran fears “Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar have become victims of promoting the terrorism of al-Qaeda and we warn our friends about this.” On the same day Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian stated, “There is a question that when al-Qaeda plays an active role in Syrian terrorism and violence, why the US and other countries back the shipment of heavy and semi-heavy weapons to the country?” Kazem Jalali, a member of the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, said that “Turkey and those who support and arm terrorists” in Syria were responsible for the safety of 48 Iranians kidnapped in the country on August 4. The following day the Turkish press reported that Osman Karahan, a Turkish lawyer who defended a suspected top-level al-Qaeda operative accused of participating in deadly bomb attacks in Istanbul in November of 2003 was killed in Aleppo fighting with anti-government forces. In 2006 the Turkish government charged Karahan with aiding and abetting al-Qaeda. Syria has announced that it captured several Turkish and Saudi military officers in Aleppo. Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar have established a base in the Turkish city of Adana, 60 miles from the Syrian border, to supply weapons and training to Syrian rebels for cross-border attacks. The Turkish government is providing bases, training and advisers for al-Qaeda and other participants in the insurrection against the Syrian government at the same time that it is threatening Syria, Iraq and Iran over the “terrorist” Kurdistan Workers’ Party. In bordering Iran, Iraq and Syria, Turkey provides NATO – and through NATO the Pentagon – direct access to those three nations. The final stage in the West’s Greater Missile East Initiative is now well underway, as is a new redivision of the Levant modeled after the Anglo-French Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916.
  21. Firefighter Audiotape Reports from Firefighters at the Impact Zone Inside the South Tower The New York Times revealed the existence of a 78-minute audiotape of radio transmissions of the New York Fire Department (FDNY), which proves that at least two firefighters reached the 78th floor sky lobby of the South Tower. 1 Chief Oreo Palmer radioed from the 78th floor of the South Tower. 1. Excerpts From Firefighters' WTC Tape on 9/11, thememoryhole.org, [cached] 2. The Complete Firefighters' WTC Tape from 9/11, thememoryhole.org, 3. NY firefighters reached South Tower crash zone, Guardian Unlimited, 7/5/02 [cached] 4. Fire Department Tape Reveals No Awareness of Imminent Doom, New York Times, 11/9/02 [cached] 5.NY DAILY NEWS 1/04/02 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The New York Times revealed the existence of a 78-minute audiotape of radio transmissions of the New York Fire Department (FDNY), which proves that at least two firefighters reached the 78th floor sky lobby of the South Tower. 1 =============== Jeffrey G. Strahl says: James B.: You are apparently not very bright, coming back into a situation in which you were caught in an outright lie. You quoted the FEMA report out of context, making it seem as if the steel beam examined by the WPI team was subject to temperatures of "only" 700-800 deg C (as if such temps were present anyway), when in fact the full quote shows otherwise. If someone is reading this and doesn't understand what you did, i'll provide them with another example. Someone (call him/her A) says "It's horrible that even in the 1950s, there were people who thought lynching is a good thing." James B would then accuse A of being a racist and present a "quote" in which he/she states "lynching is a good thing." You are a shameless xxxx, James B. Of course, it's understandable. You have been caught like a trapped rat, unable to explain evidence of molten/vaporized metals, which would require temperatures FAR, FAR in excess of anything even NIST claimed were present, let alone anything for which there is evidence that the fires caused. This would obviously require explosives and/or incendiary devices, since there are no volcanos or hot sun-like stars in the area. It is not an "unexplained phenomenon." So, unable to explain it off, even with a nonsensical pseudo-explanation, you resort to prattling about Shermer's BS and all sorts of other stuff. That's nothing more than the squealing of a trapped rat. By the way, Shermer is a proven xxxx regarding 9/11, just like you.
  22. IF one looks at the DEEP Background link one would notice Major Gen John Singlaub as a deep covert worker. Major General Morris J. Brady, who worked under Singlaub, is connected to CIA Phoenix Airlines Services (SEE POST # 60). If Hilliard is connected to Brady , then the road from the hijackers to the intell community is a very small degree of seperation. ######################### Dekkers, along with partner Wally Hilliard, operates several air charter companies in Florida, including the Venice-based Huffman Aviation,” reported the Sarasota Herald Tribune in February 2001.
  23. Gee if a Holocaust denying site says so it must be true. What's the source of the data? // END COLBY +++++++++++++++++++++++++ GEE IF ONE WOULD READ A FEW MORE LINES < ONE WOULD SEE BLUE HIGHLIGHTED LINKED WORDS Phil Jones did admit on the record that there has been no warming since 1995.. ======================= LOW AND BEHOLD THE LINK ==================== Climategate U-turn as scientist at centre of row admits: There has been no global warming since 1995 By Jonathan Petre Data for vital 'hockey stick graph' has gone missing There has been no global warming since 1995 Warming periods have happened before - but NOT due to man-made changes Data: Professor Phil Jones admitted his record keeping is 'not as good as it should be' The academic at the centre of the ‘Climategate’ affair, whose raw data is crucial to the theory of climate change, has admitted that he has trouble ‘keeping track’ of the information. Colleagues say that the reason Professor Phil Jones has refused Freedom of Information requests is that he may have actually lost the relevant papers. Professor Jones told the BBC yesterday there was truth in the observations of colleagues that he lacked organisational skills, that his office was swamped with piles of paper and that his record keeping is ‘not as good as it should be’. The data is crucial to the famous ‘hockey stick graph’ used by climate change advocates to support the theory. Professor Jones also conceded the possibility that the world was warmer in medieval times than now – suggesting global warming may not be a man-made phenomenon. And he said that for the past 15 years there has been no ‘statistically significant’ warming. The admissions will be seized on by sceptics as fresh evidence that there are serious flaws at the heart of the science of climate change and the orthodoxy that recent rises in temperature are largely man-made. Professor Jones has been in the spotlight since he stepped down as director of the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit after the leaking of emails that sceptics claim show scientists were manipulating data. The raw data, collected from hundreds of weather stations around the world and analysed by his unit, has been used for years to bolster efforts by the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to press governments to cut carbon dioxide emissions. More... MAIL ON SUNDAY COMMENT: The professor's amazing climate change retreat Following the leak of the emails, Professor Jones has been accused of ‘scientific fraud’ for allegedly deliberately suppressing information and refusing to share vital data with critics. Discussing the interview, the BBC’s environmental analyst Roger Harrabin said he had spoken to colleagues of Professor Jones who had told him that his strengths included integrity and doggedness but not record-keeping and office tidying. Mr Harrabin, who conducted the interview for the BBC’s website, said the professor had been collating tens of thousands of pieces of data from around the world to produce a coherent record of temperature change. That material has been used to produce the ‘hockey stick graph’ which is relatively flat for centuries before rising steeply in recent decades. According to Mr Harrabin, colleagues of Professor Jones said ‘his office is piled high with paper, fragments from over the years, tens of thousands of pieces of paper, and they suspect what happened was he took in the raw data to a central database and then let the pieces of paper go because he never realised that 20 years later he would be held to account over them’. Asked by Mr Harrabin about these issues, Professor Jones admitted the lack of organisation in the system had contributed to his reluctance to share data with critics, which he regretted. Enlarge But he denied he had cheated over the data or unfairly influenced the scientific process, and said he still believed recent temperature rises were predominantly man-made. Asked about whether he lost track of data, Professor Jones said: ‘There is some truth in that. We do have a trail of where the weather stations have come from but it’s probably not as good as it should be. ‘There’s a continual updating of the dataset. Keeping track of everything is difficult. Some countries will do lots of checking on their data then issue improved data, so it can be very difficult. We have improved but we have to improve more.’ He also agreed that there had been two periods which experienced similar warming, from 1910 to 1940 and from 1975 to 1998, but said these could be explained by natural phenomena whereas more recent warming could not. He further admitted that in the last 15 years there had been no ‘statistically significant’ warming, although he argued this was a blip rather than the long-term trend. And he said that the debate over whether the world could have been even warmer than now during the medieval period, when there is evidence of high temperatures in northern countries, was far from settled. Sceptics believe there is strong evidence that the world was warmer between about 800 and 1300 AD than now because of evidence of high temperatures in northern countries. But climate change advocates have dismissed this as false or only applying to the northern part of the world. Professor Jones departed from this consensus when he said: ‘There is much debate over whether the Medieval Warm Period was global in extent or not. The MWP is most clearly expressed in parts of North America, the North Atlantic and Europe and parts of Asia. ‘For it to be global in extent, the MWP would need to be seen clearly in more records from the tropical regions and the Southern hemisphere. There are very few palaeoclimatic records for these latter two regions. ‘Of course, if the MWP was shown to be global in extent and as warm or warmer than today, then obviously the late 20th Century warmth would not be unprecedented. On the other hand, if the MWP was global, but was less warm than today, then the current warmth would be unprecedented.’ Sceptics said this was the first time a senior scientist working with the IPCC had admitted to the possibility that the Medieval Warming Period could have been global, and therefore the world could have been hotter then than now. Professor Jones criticised those who complained he had not shared his data with them, saying they could always collate their own from publicly available material in the US. And he said the climate had not cooled ‘until recently – and then barely at all. The trend is a warming trend’. Mr Harrabin told Radio 4’s Today programme that, despite the controversies, there still appeared to be no fundamental flaws in the majority scientific view that climate change was largely man-made. But Dr Benny Pieser, director of the sceptical Global Warming Policy Foundation, said Professor Jones’s ‘excuses’ for his failure to share data were hollow as he had shared it with colleagues and ‘mates’. He said that until all the data was released, sceptics could not test it to see if it supported the conclusions claimed by climate change advocates. He added that the professor’s concessions over medieval warming were ‘significant’ because they were his first public admission that the science was not settled. 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