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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. January 04, 2013 Israel’s persecuted truth teller Haneen Zoabi, exposer of Zionist racism and bigotry By Lawrence Davidson Haneen Zoabi is an Arab-Israeli member of Israel’s parliament, the Knesset. She was elected in 2009 as a member from the Balad Party. Balad is an Arab party that was formed in 1995 with the aim of “struggling to transform the state of Israel into a democracy for all its citizens”. In the West, this is a perfectly normal goal. But Israel’s Zionist ideology disqualifies it as a “Western” nation. Thus Balad’s aim is in direct opposition to the Zionist idea of Israel as a “Jewish state”, a concept that Ms Zoabi labels “inherently racist”. Haneen Zoabi and her mission Apparently, Haneen Zoabi is fearless. She actually lives her principles. She has been campaigning loudly and very publicly for full citizenship rights for Israel’s Palestinians. She has also actively opposed Israel’s settlement movement, occupation policies, and its siege of Gaza. That last effort led her to participate in the international flotilla that sought to break the Gaza siege in May of 2010. That was the time Israeli commandos attacked the Mavi Marmara in international waters, killing nine Turkish activists who tried to resist the assault on their ship. Ms Zoabi… is just the worst nightmare of an ethnocentric state, and a government pushing racist policies while trying to pretend it is a democracy. In an outright dictatorship, Ms Zoabi would be in jail or worse. And, given the direction of Israel’s political evolution, that still might be her fate. But as of now she is just the worst nightmare of an ethnocentric state, and a government pushing racist policies while trying to pretend it is a democracy. It is a nightmare for the Israel’ s Zionist leadership because Zoabi, as a member of the Knesset, insists that if the Israeli Jews won’t allow full citizenship for non-Jews, as a real democracy must, then she is not going to let them pretend anymore. Yet pretence is all that is left of Israel’s international persona. If the “Jewish state” loses the ability to posture as “the only democracy in the Middle East”, the country’s reputation in the world is, as the saying goes, fit for the dust hole. Think of it this way. Israel is the nation-state equivalent of Oscar Wilde’s fictional character Dorian Gray. Gray is a man who never seems to be anything but young, good-looking and successful. However, hidden away in some closet there is an extraordinarily ugly and frightening portrait of him, and it is this portrait that ages and reflects the meanness and brutality of Gray’s true character. Haneen Zoabi has uncovered such a portrait of Israel and insists on going about showing everyone the state’s real characteristics. She wants the world to see the true picture. That is why the Israeli government is trying to destroy Haneen Zoabi. The persecution The catalyst for the campaign against Zoabi was her presence on the Mavi Marmara in 2010. Not only was she on a ship attempting to bring humanitarian assistance to over 1.6 million Gazans living under an illegal Israeli embargo, but, she was also an eyewitness to nine official Israeli acts of murder. To the acts of collective punishment, the shelling and bombing of civilian neighbourhoods, and the seemingly random murder of civilians by Israeli border snipers, can now be added a deadly attack on a civilian vessel in international waters. All of these actions are criminal under international law and they all easily fall into the category of state terrorism. However, in the Kafkaesque world of Zionism, it is Ms Zoabi who became the “terrorist.” When, on 2 June 2010, she returned to the Knesset following the the Mavi Marmara incident and insisted on bearing witness to Israeli offences, she was shouted down by her “outraged” fellow members of the Knesset, most of whom saw Zoabi as a traitor. Her efforts to describe what she had seen reduced the Knesset session to “pandemonium” (see video below). From that point Ms Zoabi received “hundreds of threats, by letters, by email, by phone call”. In July 2011, while contesting statements being made by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, she was ejected from the Knesset by the chamber’s Speaker who then suspended her from further participation based on a grossly exaggerated charge that she had assaulted one of the chamber’s ushers. Meanwhile, members of the prime minister’s party, Likud, conspired to ban Ms Zoabi from running in the upcoming Israeli elections (scheduled for 22 January 2013). The Knesset’s Ethics Committee voted that Zoabi had violated Article 7A of Israel’s “Basic Law” which states that a candidate for or member of the Knesset “cannot reject Israel as a Jewish and democratic state …or support armed combat by an enemy state or terror organization against the state of Israel”. Some Israelis claim that the group organizing the flotilla efforts to break the Gaza siege is a terrorist organization, but that is clearly nonsense. On the other hand, there can be little doubt that Ms Zoabi is shouting from the rooftops the blatant fact that “Israel as Jewish and democratic state” reflects a deep and tragic contradiction. According to such luminaries of the Israeli right as MK Danny Danon, Ms Zoabi has “spit on the state”. She does not belong in the Knesset, according to Danon, “she belongs in jail.” (Danon is also the politician who had the clever idea of inviting Glenn Beck, an incendiary right-wing American TV talk-show personality, to address the Israeli parliament.) Subsequently, Israel’s Supreme Court declared the banning of Haneen Zoabi was unconstitutional, but Danon has replied that he and his allies are ready with “Plan B”. They will simply have the Knesset change the law so as to prevent future electoral campaigns by anyone like Ms Zoabi. Conclusion Politicians with dictatorial leanings instinctively avoid their own reflection. They cannot admit the consequences of their own actions and policies and they cannot tolerate others who publicly expose those consequences. Like Dorian Gray, they restrict the ugly truth to some hidden closet. Yet, eventually, someone like Ms Zoabi comes along and takes up the role of truth-teller. There is another issue that her efforts bring to light. It is that the interests of the state (understood here as a government) and the interests of the nation (the collective occupants of a country) may not always be the same. Governments most often represent cliques or classes or elites or ideologues, etc. Those in power, ruling in the interest of these smaller constituencies, simply assume that their own parochial interests stand for the “national interest”. Ms Zoabi is insisting that the Israeli state cease identifying itself with the interest of a single constituency and start representing the interests of the nation as a whole. What this is all about, she says, are “the values, the humanistic, universalistic values of freedom, of equality, of justice”. But there is nothing “universalistic” about Zionism and so, for her efforts, she is castigated and threatened. Such is the state that Zionism has built.
  2. Crypto-Eugenic Media Group: Population Control Brainwashing A “Smash Hit” December 31, 2012 December 28, 2012President of the Population Media Center, Bill Ryerson, recently bragged that its population control brainwashing campaign in developing nations has been “a smash hit.” The Population Media Center is an American population group producing fictional programs for worldwide dissimination purposes. Its mission: to spread the message of population reduction through works of fiction. Ryerson, the Center’s president, also heads the Washington-based Population Institute. Both groups are active in the modern day “population movement”, striving for worldwide population reduction in the name of the earth. During an interview with PeakProsperity’s Chris Martenson, Ryerson boasted that (radio) soap-opera’s are the most effective way to cull populations worldwide. “One of the things that we do – and that is the primary thing we do – is to use a strategy of communications that has turned out, from everything we have been able to measure, to be the most cost-effective strategy for changing behavior with regard to family size and contraceptive use on a per-behavior change basis of any strategy we have found on the planet.” Ryserson explains that fictional platforms have proven to be successful carriers of the crypto-eugenic message: “(…) the use of long-running serialized dramas, melodramas like soap operas, in which characters gradually evolve from the middle of the road in that society into positive role models for daughter education, delaying marriage and childbearing until adulthood, spacing of children, limiting of family size, and various other health and social goals of each country. And we have now done such programs in forty-five countries.” Ryerson continues to brag about the Center’s propaganda campaigns, especially those in Nigeria: “(…) a program we ran from 2007 to 2009 was listened to by 70% of the population at least weekly. It was a twice a week program. It was clearly a smash hit. And it was a smash hit because it was highly suspenseful and highly entertaining. But it had a storyline dealing with a couple deciding to use family planning, which is almost taboo in northern Nigeria because less than 10% of the people in that region use any modern method of contraception. We had eleven clinics have healthcare workers ask clients what had motivated them to come in for family planning, and 67% percent of them named the program as the motivation.” “That”, Ryerson explained, “is the kind of thing that can dramatically change demographic trends globally. We need to greatly expand this type of work.” The Center is heavily sponsored by the corporate and “philanthropic” elites. On its slick-looking website, the Center states “contributions from and partnerships with the following organizations have enabled us to do work which initiates improved health in people all around the world, while providing engaging entertainment!”. Their list counts many UN organizations among its “contributors” as well as USAID divisions operating in so-called “high-fertility nations”: “The Population Institute, Population Matters, PSI, RAES, Rare, Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University, Save the Children Norway/ Ethiopia, Save the Children US, Texas A&M University, Tree Aid, UCLA School of Public Health, UNDP Burkina Faso, UNDP Headquarters, UNDP Kyrgyzstan, UNDP Papua New Guinea, UNDP Swaziland, UNDP Sierra Leone, UNFPA Burkina Faso, UNFPA Ethiopia, UNFPA Headquarters, UNFPA Jamaica, UNFPA Kyrgyzstan, UNFPA Malawi, UNFPA Nigeria, UNFPA Papua New Guinea, UNFPA Philippines, UNFPA Rwanda, UNFPA Senegal, UNFPA Sierra Leone, UNFPA Vietnam, UNICEF Ethiopia, UNICEF Headquarters, UNICEF Kyrgyzstan, UNICEF Sierra Leone, The Unitarian Society, University Research Co. LLC, UN Women, USAID Jamaica, USAID Kyrgyzstan, USAID Mali, USAID Niger, USAID Rwanda, USAID Senegal, US Embassy/Department of State, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.” In addition, the Center receives funding from literally all the major foundations including the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Foundation, Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund, The David Rockefeller Fund, Ford Foundation, and the IMF Employees’ Fund. When we take a look at the Center’s program advisory board we encounter some familiar names, including Paul and Anne Ehrlich, as well as World Bank luminary Herman Daly (who recently called for smaller, less “resource-intensive” people top bred into existence). Interestingly, some names from Hollywood pop up, advising the population center on how to best convince audiences worldwide to cull themselves. Among the names mentioned we find director Jeremy Kagan, renound because of his many film and television projects. These population reduction propaganda efforts have been going on for a good while. A 1973 UNESCO-publication called Mass Media, Family Planning and Development: Country Case Studies on Media Strategy proposes the creation of “family planning communication resource units” for every nation concerned within the UN-system, especially third-world nations. The reason being, so the report states, that “culturally, there is an emphasis on fertility, and the birth of children to the family is celebrated, as a symbol of prosperity and for status for women.” “A Communication Resource Unit”, the document reads, “is responsible for the implementation of media policy for one, or more than one field.” The document proceeds with outlining the functions of such a unit in regards to family planning messages: “The integration of messages is a matter which concerns the Communication Resource Unit, in that an integrated approach to family planning needs to be worked out. (…) These (messages) may be ‘family planning for maternal health’, ‘family planning for family prosperity’, ‘family planning for your figure’, ‘family planning for national prosperity’, family planning for child development.’ These messages will be pretested to find those which seem to appeal most to the eligible age groups.” conveying the message to unsuspecting audiences: “(…) There are two ways in which the family planning message can be included in feature films. The first is for the family organisation to commission a film specifically for the campaign. (…) if it is to be successful, well known and popular actors must be chosen, and the scripting and direction has to be professionally executed. Another method is for the family planning theme to be introduced into feature films which are already planned and prepared by local commercial production companies. In this case, the family planning organisers must be aware of the possible ways in which the theme can be subtly incorporated, as producers are not likely to respond to a suggestion which involves the total re-thinking of the plot. (…) Suitable opportunities can be found in love stories, in stories based on conflicts between men and women (…).” As it turns out, these subtle media tactics have indeed proven extremely effective- or, as Ryerson puts it, “a smash hit.” You might like:
  3. The Trapping of Screw Loose Change Posted by John-Michael P. Talboo November 3, 2011 by Jeffrey Strahl 911truth.org Dear Readers, Please submit your comments on this article at the link at Amazon, here, as provided below by Mr. Strahl. 911Truth.org published this article; the author is not available to be reached through email to this site. We look forward to reading your comments there. – Ed. In mid-October 2011, I posted a review of David Ray Griffin's new book, 9/11 Ten Years Later -- When State Crimes Against Democracy Succeed at Amazon, here. Related Info: David Ray Griffin's Fake Phone Calls from the 9/11 Planes Theory Debunked Again This review drew comments from James B, one of the two top people at Screw Loose Change, a leading "debunking" website used as a reference by many an internet opponent of 9/11 truth. The result was a major debunking of Screw Loose Change. This piece is intended to help those who in the future will go up against the likes of Screw Loose Change, since the trap's nature is both the content of the SLC argument as well as its form. The focus of our exchange was the evidence regarding events at the World Trade Center (WTC) on 9/11, where three steel frame high-rises were destroyed. This is the part of my review which is relevant to the debate: Being someone with an engineering degree, it's no surprise that I find the strongest part to be Chapters 2 through 4, which deal with the three steel hi-rises which came down on 9/11. Chapter 2 has been posted previously on the web as an article, a challenge to left-leaning despisers of 9/11 truth to explain nine apparent miracles required to explain how the official story could be made congruent with the physical evidence. It is quite telling that none of the prominent left commentators mentioned have responded to this challenge. Not even the web "debunkers" such as Screw Loose Change have been able to explain how heat caused sudden onset failure, something which is impossible, given the nature of heat as heightened molecular activity which can only lead to gradual failure preceded by softening and sagging, in contrast to extreme cold (e.g. liquid nitrogen application) which sucks out energy from molecular activity, or of course demolition. None of them have been able to explain the presence of molten molybdenum and vaporized lead and steel, or even to make a coherent argument as to the presence of molten iron, even though NIST's own investigators failed to find steel samples subjected to fires which were heated to the point at which structural steel loses 50% of its strength, 1112 deg F, let alone melt structural steel. In fact, hardly any of the samples even made it to 500 deg F. And there has been little response to WTC7 falling at free fall acceleration for at least 2.5 seconds, something NIST said was impossible, or the horizontal ejections of large steel beams, or any of the other key bits of evidence. In Chapter 3, Griffin takes on Bill Moyers and Robert Parry and their complete failure to deal with the WTC evidence. In Chapter 4, he discusses the Building What campaign to publicize the facts behind WTC7. Debunkers should be challenged to explain all this material. A bit of background regarding the presence of molten iron and molybdenum, and vaporized lead and steel in the WTC dust and debris: A steel beam recovered from WTC7, the third tower which was destroyed on 9/11, though not hit by a plane nor subject to a serious fire, was examined by a team of engineering professors from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, which identified the beam as being clearly from WTC7 due to the type of steel used. They found evidence of a eutectic reaction, i.e., the penetration of the beam's steel by sulfur, which resulted in such severe erosion of the beam that the steel had holes in it. The presence of sulfur is itself a mystery, but so is the fact that this reaction required a temperature of 1,000 deg C (1,832 deg F), far in excess of what even NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), the government agency which carried out the official investigation of the WTC, stated was present. By the way, NIST stated air temperatures during the fires as if they were metal temperatures, when in fact it takes a long time for a fire of a certain temperature to heat steel to the same level, given the high thermal conductivity of steel. In addition, the steel was partially vaporized, a phenomenon which requires a temperature of 2,861 deg C (5,182 deg F). The report on this beam was included in the 2002 FEMA report on the WTC, the initial government investigation. But NIST's 2008 report on WTC7, which noted the FEMA report and incorporated much of it, left out the part on the WPI investigation, and indeed stated that no steel was recovered from WTC7. The dust created by the destruction of the WTC towers was analyzed by several different entities. One was the RJ Lee Group, a laboratory hired by Deutsche Bank, whose building's roof had lots of this dust deposited on it. The bank wanted to demonstrate that the dust came from the WTC for insurance purposes. The investigation, which verified the WTC origin of the dust, found a large percentage of molten iron in the form of spheres, 5.87%, vs. 0.04% iron content in normal building dust. This "normal" iron content also does not take the form of spheres. Such a form requires steel/iron to be melted and tossed in the air, which as with all fluids results in the liquid drops taking a spherical shape to minimize surface tension. This led the investigators to conclude that the iron had melted during the event. The melting point of iron is 1,538 deg C (2,800 deg F). RJ Lee also found evidence of vaporized lead, which requires a temperature of 1,749 deg C (3,180 deg F). The dust was also investigated by the US Geological Survey (USGS), which also found the extremely high level of iron, and also discovered evidence of molten molybdenum, which requires a temperature of 2,623 deg C (4,753 deg F). This was not made public until a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit by a team of scientists forced the disclosure. In addition, there were numerous reports of large pools of molten iron/steel under the site of the WTC towers, lasting for weeks. NASA satellites detected extremely hot spots underground. Screw Loose Change (SLC) has managed to come up with "explanations" for just about everything that happened on 9/11, both the physical evidence and other. Most of these make no sense. Some are absolutely laughable. Those who would rather deny the fact that 9/11 was an inside job are OK with any explanation which appears to confirm their "skepticism," and gladly grasp onto anything, however spurious, offered as "9/11 truth debunking." But SLC has been totally silent, or at least evasive, regarding the evidence for molten and/or vaporized metals. I believe this is because this evidence is the Achilles heel of the official story. Without knowing a full inventory of the weapons in the arsenal of the US armed forces, including special operations units and the CIA, and without having full access to the evidence, one cannot reach a complete conclusion as to what created such high temperatures. Nanothermite was indeed detected in ample amounts in the WTC dust, but it may not represent the full story. This is why I avoid attributing the evidence to any particular weapon. Such attribution is unnecessary. We do know that only three possible explanations are possible: volcanic activity, proximity to a hot star like the sun, and explosives and/or incendiary devices. The first two causes can be ruled out. By deductive reasoning, this leaves us with the third, however much we may not like the conclusion. Links to the information I have provided can be found at the following two articles by David Ray Griffin: "The Mysterious Collapse of WTC Seven," September 14, 2009, and "Left Leaning Despisers of 9/11 Truth: Do You Really Believe in Miracles?," July 6, 2010. What follows is the exchange, with some of my comments in brackets. I left out comments by others. I tried to keep the original exchange as complete as possible so one can get its full flavor. Some readers may wonder why all the repetitions have been kept intact. I'm doing so because leaving them in demonstrates how James B. and Screw Loose Change evade questions, repeatedly bring up arguments that have already been discredited in the specific debate, and attempt the same lying via quoting out of context and false attribution. This is intended to help those who in the future will go up against the likes of Screw Loose Change, since the trap's nature is both the content of the SLC argument as well as its form. I edited down repeat quotations by both myself as well as James B, leaving them in full only where these quotes are necessary for context. I also left out most of my "trapped rat" remarks, which are OK in the context of the debate, but need not be repeated as often. The full exchange can, of course, be viewed at the Amazon review; the URL is provided at the very beginning of this article. To offer feedback on this piece, please click the Amazon review URL and post comments there. Please make note if you are doing so as a result of reading this piece at 911Truth.org, and be sure to quote sections relevant to your comment, as appropriate. James B says: "Not even the web "debunkers" such as Screw Loose Change..... or of course demolition." But it was a gradual collapse. If you read the NIST reports there are numerous photos showing the sagging trusses pulling the perimeter beams in. FDNY helicopters reported seeing the tops of the buildings start to sag minutes before the collapse. FDNY personnel at WTC7 detected the building leaning and making creaking noises hours before it collapsed. Why do you ignore all of this? Jeffrey G. Strahl says: Fantasies. A "leaning" building does not fall down in perfect symmetry. NIST in fact did not in its report show any fires persisting more than a couple of hours in any part of WTC7. Videos do not show any of the towers with "sagging tops." For an actual case of what happens to a hi-rise overwhelmed by fire, see the Windsor Building in Madrid, about the same size as WTC7, burned for 24 hours, had some floors collapse, it demonstrated visible sagging, but it did not fall. "Gradual collapse" takes hours, not even a few minutes, pieces of the towers weren't falling off, one second the buildings were still, the next second they were going down. And you have not explained in the least the presence of molten iron, molten molybdenum, vaporized lead, vaporized steel. Don't expect any help from Screw Loose Change on that. The fires in all three buildings were asymmetric. This would result in asymmetric damage. Asymmetric damage cannot cause a symmetric collapse, simply physics. This is why demolition is a careful process, it's very hard to bring down a structure symmetrically. Fact is, the steel samples NIST examined showed hardly any of them reached even 250 deg C (482 F), none reached the point (600 C, 1112 F) at which steel loses half its strength. The fires in WTC2 were so weak they were near going out when the building fell, two fire crews reported being able to easily take care of them on radio right before the destruction. People walked down past the impact zone without experiencing an inferno. And why don't you explain the WTC7 free fall while you're at it? Or horizontal ejections? Or the tops of the two main towers being shredded at the very beginning of each destruction, precluding their acting as "pile drivers," the core of the official story? If you're planning a long process of nit-picking, it won't work. And you have not explained in the least the presence of molten iron, molten molybdenum, vaporized lead, vaporized steel. James B. Says: "Fact is, the steel samples NIST examined ..... so weak they were near going out " Uhh, which is it? You can't keep a coherent narrative for two paragraphs. This is very typical of how SLC deals with questions on its website, trying to insult the intelligence of anyone who diverges from its correct line, which is the official story Jeffrey G. Strahl says: No, it is you who cannot read. NIST examined samples of structural steel which showed fire damage, as i stated in the review. The fact that these samples didn't reach high temperatures at all, even for building fires, demonstrates that the fires didn't get all that hot, which makes the presence of the molten and vaporized metals even more of a blatant contradiction of the official story. The hottest possible hydrocarbon fires, under prime conditions (isolation, carefully regulated fuel supply, forcing of pressurized air) wouldn't be able to come up with the temperatures necessary to account for the molten/vaporized metals, but in fact these fires weren't even hot hydrocarbon fires. It's clear that something else caused those metals to melt or vaporize. James B. Says: Dude, either temperatures got that hot, or they didn't. You are proposing some Schroedinger's cat scenario where temperatures did not get above 250 degrees, but were somehow above 3000. So either NIST was wrong (or you are misquoting them, which you actually are, but I will skip that topic for the moment because it is fun screwing with idiots) or temperatures did not reach as hot as you are claiming. It can't be both. This is a common tactic of "debunkers," and even of some who call themselves "9/11 truth activists" who contend the WTC was not brought down by demolition. They attempt to respond to this contradiction by making it seem as if "truthers" are trying to have it both ways, have temperatures be fairly low and quite high at the same time. It's an attempt to obfuscate. Jeffrey G. Strahl says: No, you are either thick beyond belief or you are just trying to xxxxx and are desperate. "Temperatures" in the abstract isn't the question here. The fire temperatures and fires-caused steel temperatures is one thing, whereas temperatures required to explain the molten/vaporized metals is totally another. The fires did not heat the vast majority (98%) of inspected fire-affected steel to 250 deg C (482 F), and none of it to the point where steel softens significantly (50% loss of strength), which is 600 deg C (1112 F). Yet there is evidence of molten and vaporized metals which require temps of 2800 deg F (molten iron), 3100+ deg F (vaporized lead), 4700+ deg F (molten molybdenum) and over 5000 deg F (vaporized steel). This evidence can therefore not be accounted for by the fires which erupted due to the plane impacts. Something else besides the fires melted and/or vaporized those metals. Surely this would be easy to understand even for someone with no science or math beyond 7th grade. If someone traveled between two spots at a rate which suggested they had to move at over 1000 mph, and they allegedly did so by a car, and the car shows no evidence of being able to travel faster than 120 mph, and in fact no evidence it even reached 60 mph, there is no Schroedinger's cat scenario, they simply didn't travel with that car. And do prove the "misquote," if you dare, the numbers are out of the NIST report. See http://911research.wtc7.net/essays/nist/index.html#exaggeration James B. Says: No, this happens because the average Truther has the reading comprehension of an overcaffeinated Chihuahua. NIST did not say that the beams were not heated above 250 degrees, but that the beams which had enough paint on them to be identified as having come from the targeted area were not heated above 250 degrees. Any beams heated above that temperature did not have paint, thus they could not identify where they came from. This Truther logic is kind of like saying that the police interviewed the survivors from a mass shootings, and none of the survivors reported that they were fatally shot, therefore nobody died. "It must be recognized that the examined locations represent less than one percent of the core columns located in the fire-exposed region, and thus these temperatures cannot be considered representative of general conditions in the core." From the NIST report. You might want to try and read it. http://fire.nist.gov/bfrlpubs/fire05/PDF/f05130.pdf Jeffrey G. Strahl says: First of all, what temperatures the fires heated the steel to is irrelevant to the core argument i challenged you with. Not even NIST claims that the fires were hotter than some 1400 deg F (which does not directly translate to metal temperatures, see below). And even this temperature would still make it impossible to explain the molten/vaporized metals as being the result of these fires. Using the car analogy from above, even if you can prove the car did travel at 120 mph, that would still not explain how the person could have traveled between two points in such time as to have required a speed of 1000 mph. Nothing can explain such temperatures except explosive and/or incendiary devices. NIST pleading the small size of the samples is like a guy murdering his parents and then pleading for mercy on the basis that he's an orphan. It was the decision of the US government together with the city government of New York to destroy almost all the structural steel except for these few samples, to ship it all off to China in violation of city, state and national arson laws, in the face of loud protests by Fire Engineering Magazine and other professional organizations. NIST has no material evidence of steel heated to over 600 deg C., indeed hardly any of steel heated above 250 C. Its conclusion that steel was heated above that point is strictly the result of mathematical models, and we know thanks to whisteblowing that these models were tortured, manipulated to create such temperatures. NIST of course refuses to provide details of its models. We do know how NIST's video model of its WTC7 report is totally at odds with actual videos of WTC7's fall, NIST also has tried confounding air temperatures during the fires and steel temperatures, as if structural steel doesn't conduct away heat very efficiently, as if it doesn't take a long time to heat steel, as if the fires were really that hot for very long, as if the fires actually lasted a long time at all. But again, the key point is that the fires can in no way explain the molten/vaporized metals evidence. This is why Screw Loose Change has avoided the question. James B. Says: You claim it was heated above 3000. Make up your freaking mind. Your lack of comprehension is not my problem. Jeffrey G. Strahl says: It was quite clear that i was talking about steel heated by fires, not of steel in general. Indeed, NIST has no material evidence of steel heated by fires to over 600 deg C (1112 F), and hardly any of steel heated by fires to over 250 deg C (482 F). And yet, there is evidence of molten structural steel/iron, vaporized lead, molten molybdenum, and vaporized steel. These require respectively temps of around 2800 F, 3100+ F, 4700+ F and over 5000 F. And i suspect you comprehend this perfectly well, but are simply trying to obfuscate matters and change the topic so you won't have to explain the molten/vaporized metals. NIST knew perfectly well about a steel beam from WTC7 which showed evidence of sulfidation, with holes in it, investigated by a team from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, reported on in the FEMA 2002 report on the WTC and discussed even in the New York Times. The team knew this beam was from WTC7 and stated so, having recognized the signature of the WTC7 steel. Yet NIST's report on WTC7 claimed no steel was recovered from the structure, thus avoiding discussing this beam, which showed evidence of vaporization as well. You are trying to avoid dealing with the molten/vaporized metals, Screw Loose Change has consistently done so. This is a clear signal that it cannot deal with this evidence, and hopes it goes away. It won't. I'll keep reminding readers that you are unable to deal with it. James B says: Actually we have done dozens, if not hundreds of stories on supermagiconanothermite, to the point that I got tired of discussing the subject. It is a magical amorphous subject which to Truthers can have any properties. It is an explosive, it is an incendiary, it can be painted on, it is invisible, it is fire resistant, it is undetectable by any known means! Arguing it with Truthers is kind of like arguing the properties of unicorn horns with a Harry Potter fan. Jeffrey G. Strahl says: You are once again trying to change the topic, it won't work. Fact is, there was evidence of molten structural steel/iron, vaporized lead, molten molybdenum, and vaporized steel. These require respectively temperatures of around 2800 deg F, 3100+ F, 4700+ F and over 5000 F. All these temperatures are way in excess of any possible temperatures achievable in hydrocarbon fires (as in the fires which erupted in the buildings after the plane impacts, or in WTC7 supposedly due to debris from WTC1), let alone the temperatures that were actually observed in any of the steel samples examined by NIST. The melting and/or vaporizing of the metals was not the result of the fires, but of something else, and there is no logical alternative to the cause being explosive and/or incendiary devices. NIST knew of the evidence for these molten/vaporized metals, but avoided the question. And you are doing the same. James B, you are like a rat caught in a trap which continues to bare its teeth and act as if it's capable of inflicting damage, fully knowing it cannot move. You will try to talk about everything, including the kitchen sink, in trying to avoid dealing with this, but you won't succeed. You are trapped. It is inevitable that when you defend a story full of holes, you will eventually fall into one of the holes. James B says: I think it was ground up unicorn horns. They are known to burn at high temperatures. Jeffrey G. Strahl says: It's fun to watch the rat squirm and squeal and otherwise try to pretend it isn't hopelessly trapped. The more the rat does this, the tighter the trap's grip. I have long told people that Screw Loose Change's obvious evasion of the molten/vaporized metals evidence shows the best thing to hit them with. Great to finally do so and watch them ground to a halt. Screw Loose Change is finished. My advice to them: shut down the site, open a new one under new names, this way they will able to get away with what they've been doing for a bit longer, till they're exposed again. We could of course start talking about other stuff which will act as a trap for them, like WTC7 free fall. But it's too much fun watching them squirm. James B says: Uhh yeah, because I run my blog, and even my life based on the ignorant comments of random people on the Internet... Oh yes, you have caught me, if you keep us this cunning game the Truth movement will continue its 10 year success of accomplishing absolutely nothing other than breaking up marriages and embarrassing itself in front of relatives. Jeffrey G. Strahl says: Watch the rat really squirm and squeal even louder as the trap holding it is lowered into a bucket full of water. It's obvious you have nothing to say to counter the molten/vaporized metals evidence. Even your joke about the unicorn horns was recycled, you wheeled it out months ago on your blog in an attempt to respond to a question about molten molybdenum, which you never responded to. At Screw Loose Change, you were able to get away with not answering. Here you won't. The world's watching. Screw Loose Change stands exposed as fraud. James B says: The world is watching? Dude, there are like 3 people commenting on this thread, and you and I are 2 of them. Have delusions of grandeur much? Jeffrey G. Strahl says: A lot of people read this without commenting. And everyone who reads this or hears about it will find out that Screw Loose Change is totally tongue-tied when it comes to the evidence of molten/vaporized metals. James B. Says: Oh yes, I am well aware of Truther JAQing off, where you Just Ask Questions, without having to actually take a stand on anything, thus they can conveniently never be wrong! It is not science, science involves making falsifiable claims, it is religion. Jeffrey G. Strahl says: More squealing from the trapped rat. The points at which metals melt or vaporize are known facts, and this is hard core science. The temperatures required for these are far above anything remotely possible with hydrocarbon fires. No way to produce such temperatures without direct human intervention, barring a volcano which somehow remained undetected by everybody, or a star like the sun approaching the WTC site. The only possible explanation for this molten/vaporized metals evidence is the use of explosive and/or incendiary devices. Any such evidence at a scene of a fire would normally require an investigation for explosives or accelerants, per the national fire protection code. This is a firm scientific conclusion. I won't accuse you of "religion," you are simply trying to evade dealing with evidence which you obviously cannot deal with. James B says: Yes, I am well aware of Harrit's "science" in which he made the shocking discovery of finding rust and aluminum in the debris from a collapsed building. He then paid $800 to some online journal based out of Pakistan to get his paper published in such a sloppy process that the editor of said journal was not even aware of the paper and resigned in protest after the fact. That is what you call "science". And yes, normally you would look for sign of accelerants, if you didn't know what caused the fire. In this case even the most dimwitted observer can figure out that the fire was caused by a jetliner crashing into both of the buildings. It was in the all papers. Jeffrey G. Strahl says: This is not an actual rat trap, but a virtual one. Unlike with a real trap, the rat can actually leave any time. But at the same time, every time it comes back, it ends up trapped as tightly as it was when it left. A real rat which managed to escape a trap wouldn't return to it, but then we know that rats are smarter than some people. This virtual trap is in fact what a cat would design, as this way it can torture the rat forever without having it die, ending the fun. James B talks of "religion." Given that he believes in some miracles, including the presence of molten and/or vaporized metals without apparent reason, he is the one relying upon religion, a mystical belief in the official conspiracy story. "And yes, normally you would look for sign of accelerants, It was in the all papers." So we see on TV someone getting punched in the face. An hour later, his head explodes. A dimwitted observer like James can figure out that the head exploded because of the punch. A more intelligent observer would inquire whether there's any evidence that the victim was shot in the head by something. An independent investigator has found bullet fragments in the brain. The dimwitted observer insists that these fragments mean nothing, in fact refuses to explain them. Again, the fires caused by the plane impacts could not have caused metals to melt and/or vaporize. The finding of such evidence should have led investigators to inquire why it was present. The guidelines clearly state that evidence of molten (let alone vaporized) metals should lead to investigation, since the apparent causes *may not provide a full explanation.* In fact, they may have had nothing to to with what happened. You keep trying to change the topic to the fires. Forget it, you've been trapped. The fires cannot explain this evidence. And neither can you. So keep squealing, it's fun to watch. James B. Says: Once again, you claim that NIST said that they found no evidence of beams being heated over 250 degrees. Additionally none of the thousands of firemen, police officers, demolition contractors, FEMA workers, NIST investigators or FBI agents found any signs of the use of explosives such as detonators, triggering devices, shaped charges, det cord, nor were there any recordings of the effects of these massive explosions such as warped metal or deafening explosions which should blow out every window within blocks. How can they respond to evidence which you say they did not find? Jeffrey G. Strahl says: You are again trying to change the conversation. The evidence in discussion here is the evidence of the presence of molten/vaporized metals. Given the temperatures necessary to melt and/or vaporize these metals are FAR higher than anything remotely achievable via the hottest possible hydrocarbon fires, and the absence of either a volcano or a nearby hot star, only explosives and/or incendiary devices could have been responsible for the presence of these molten/vaporized metals. Do you dare deny the existence of this evidence? As for your totally false assertions above. " they found no evidence of beams being heated over 250 degrees." I have in fact repeatedly stated in this regard that this refers to heating *by the fires.* As for signs of the use of explosives, none of the investigators looked for such evidence, after all as a NIST spokesperson said that they knew it wasn't there, so why bother looking. But this is besides the point here. There is indeed lots of evidence for molten/vaporized metals. You haven't been able in the least to explain this evidence, in fact you keep trying your hardest to not deal with it, to shift the conversation. It won't work. Your further squirming will only tighten the trap. James B says: The whole site was looked through with a fine tooth comb. They trucked all the debris out to Fresh Kills where the FBI literally sifted through it, pulling out remains and such. Somehow they missed all that det cord. I have seen thermite used in military grenades. Aside from the fact that it is not used in building demolitions, it produces very distinctive marks. As do shaped charges (aside from the unmistakably loud boom). There is no way thousands of first responders could have missed these distinctive signs on thousands of beams. One beam which was sulfidized in a eutectic reaction, which in no way was related to the actual collapse of the building, does not a controlled demolition make. Jeffrey G. Strahl says: Your claim that the sulfidized beam due to a eutectic reaction is "not related to the actual collapse of the building" is an assertion not backed by anything. There is also the fact that NIST failed to mention it and instead claimed that no steel was recovered from WTC7, when the team investigating this beam stated that it was easy to tag as being from WTC7. And there is no mention of the temperature required for such a reaction, far higher than any fire temperatures claimed even by NIST. Nor is there a mention of the fact that this beam was "partially vaporized." And besides, this beam is not the only evidence of molten/vaporized metals, far from it. Again, the squealing trapped rat tries to shift the conversation away from the topic at hand. Let us remind him and anyone who might be fooled by him what this topic is: the presence in the dust and site debris of molten and vaporized steel/iron, vaporized lead, and molten molybdenum. These require temperatures far in excess of what hydrocarbon fires are capable of producing. James has totally failed to address this or even acknowledge it. James B. Says: Dude, it is in the FEMA report. You are basing your argument off of it, have you even bothered to read it? The temperatures required are much lower than you claim. Well within the reach of an normal office fire, much less one resulting from two airplane crashes. "It is much more difficult to tell if melting has occurred in the grain boundary regions in this steel as was observed in the A36 steel from WTC 7. It is possible and likely, however, that even if grain boundary melting did not occur, substantial penetration by a solid state diffusion mechanism would have occurred as evidenced by the high concentration of sulfides in the grain interiors near the oxide layer. Temperatures in this region of the steel were likely to be in the range of 700-800 �C (1,290-1,470 �F)." Jeffrey G. Strahl says: Nice try, James B. You left out certain parts of that report. "Summary for Sample 1 The thinning of the steel occurred by a high-temperture corrosion due to a combination of oxidation and sulfidation. Heating of the steel into a hot corrosive environment approaching 1,000 �C (1,800 �F) results in the formation of a eutectic mixture of iron, oxygen, and sulfur that liquefied the steel. The sulfidation attack of steel grain boundaries accelerated the corrosion and erosion of the steel...." This is closely followed by "The larger sulfides further into the steel are the more stable manganese sulfides that were formed when the steel was made. The smaller sulfides that have formed as a result of the fire do not contain significant amounts of manganese, but rather are primarily sulfides containing iron and copper. These sulfides have a lower melting temperature range than manganese sulfide. (Here is where your quote starts) It is much more difficult to tell if melting has occurred in the grain boundary regions in this steel as was observed in the A36 steel from WTC 7. It is possible and likely, however, that even if grain boundary melting did not occur, substantial penetration by a solid state diffusion mechanism would have occurred as evidenced by the high concentration of sulfides in the grain interiors near the oxide layer. Temperatures in this region of the steel were likely to be in the range of 700-800 �C (1,290-1,470 �F)." So the temperature you are trying to pass off actually applies to one region of the steel, the inner part. The outer part required a temperature of 1000 deg C (1800 deg F) for the evidence to be explained, far higher than anything even NIST claims. Not to mention that what NIST passes off as steel temperatures are actually air temperatures due to the fires, it takes a while to heat steel to such temperatures due to its conductivity. You must be a used car salesman. Best of all, James B, *you totally fail to explain the partial vaporization reported not only by the Worcester Poly team but also by Dr Astaneh-Asl of UC Berkeley. This requires a temperature of 5182 deg F. * And why did NIST totally leave out this part of the FEMA report, and state that no steel was recovered from WTC7, when the Worcester team stated that this beam was clearly from WTC7 due to the steel used to make it?!!!! You also fail to account for the nearly 6% molten iron spheres content of the WTC dust, or for vaporized lead or for molten molybdenum. Squeal, squeal, trapped rat. Every time you come back, the trap will be as tight. James B says: Aww, Truther "anomaly hunting" whereby Truthers take any perceived anomaly or unexplained phenomenon and use that as a license to create the most elaborate speculative explanation, regardless of whether it is inconsistent or even possible. "Hey, what are my keys doing on the dresser? I know I left them in my coat pocket. The only explanation must be that time travelling gnomes using their cloaking shields snuck into my house and stole my keys, used them to play pranks on people and then replaced them without being seen. But I am too smart for them!" I am reading Michael Shermer's the Believing Brain, which explains why otherwise intelligent people believe in things like ghosts, faeries, homeopathy and 9/11 conspiracy theories. You guys might want to read it sometime. Jeffrey G. Strahl says: James B.: You are apparently not very bright, coming back into a situation in which you were caught in an outright lie. You quoted the FEMA report out of context, making it seem as if the steel beam examined by the WPI team was subject to temperatures of "only" 700-800 deg C (as if such temps were present anyway), when in fact the full quote shows otherwise. If someone is reading this and doesn't understand what you did, i'll provide them with another example. Someone (call him/her A) says "It's horrible that even in the 1950s, there were people who thought lynching is a good thing." James B would then accuse A of being a racist and present a "quote" in which he/she states "lynching is a good thing." You are a shameless xxxx, James B. Of course, it's understandable. You have been caught like a trapped rat, unable to explain evidence of molten/vaporized metals, which would require temperatures FAR, FAR in excess of anything even NIST claimed were present, let alone anything for which there is evidence that the fires caused. This would obviously require explosives and/or incendiary devices, since there are no volcanos or hot sun-like stars in the area. It is not an "unexplained phenomenon." So, unable to explain it off, even with a nonsensical pseudo-explanation, you resort to prattling about Shermer's BS and all sorts of other stuff. That's nothing more than the squealing of a trapped rat. By the way, Shermer is a proven xxxx regarding 9/11, just like you. Edit to add this URL regarding Michael Shermer's record of lying and fraud, http://911research.wtc7.net/essays/sciam/ James B says: Whether sulfidation required 800 degrees or 1000 is irrelevant. Both are well within the range of temperatures produced by even a common housefire, much less a major fire produced by crashing jetliners. Yes, I understand Truthers don't like Shermer. I have even seen them heckle him at a book signing. Rationalism is to truthers like garlic to a vampire. James B says: And it is hilarious that you are citing Dr Astaneh-Asl as supporting your theories, considering he has been one of the leading proponents of the NIST explanation of the collapses. You get someone with his qualifications on your side, instead of theologians and failed designers of mini-malls like Richard Gage, and I will start to take you seriously. Jeffrey G. Strahl says: Shameless lying and squealing by the trapped rat. 1000 deg F, 1832 deg F, is 4-600 degrees F above any temperature claimed even by NIST, whose claims are totally unproven. Hydrocarbon fires cannot achieve such temperatures (1800) except under carefully controlled environments, i.e. insulation, air injection,..... Even 12-1400 deg F fires require mixing and fuel supply conditions that are/were not present in the WTC fires. The claim that this can happen in common housefires is comedy. But besides, the beam was partially vaporized, *required a temp of over 5100 deg F,* as i pointed to you earlier, which you are still evading. And reading the link i provided shows how little credibility Shermer has. James B says: NIST was only concerned about the temperatures leading up to the collapse. The fires burned for weeks, it is entirely expected that at some point the temperatures would reach higher levels. There are plenty of studies showing higher temperatures during common building fires. 5100 is above the temperatures produced even by thermite, so assuming that these are even correct observations, your magical thermite argument does not work anyway. Jeffrey G. Strahl says: The vaporization citation came not only from Astaneh-Asl, but from the WPI team. You're squealing some more, trapped rat. AE911 Truth has on its team structural engineers, including some who have their own companies, even people with demolition experience. They include the designer of the PGE building in downtown San Francisco and the architect of Transamerica Pyramid, also in SF. Lots of lots of experience, unlike your total illiteracy in engineering. Astaneh-Asl by the way also complained of the destruction of the evidence. The new video Explosive Testimonies features lots of these people. By the way, there is zero evidence that Richard Gage is a "failed designer," but the claim that there are no structural experts on my side is 100% bogus. So you quoted from the FEMA report trying to make it look like the sulfidized beam resulted from a temp of under 800 deg C. Then when you got caught you claim that 1000 deg C is not that different. So why did you leave out so much of that quote, trying to make it seem as if the temps required were lower? And you left out the fact that the beam came from WTC7, as noted by FEMA, yet NIST claimed that no steel was recovered from WTC7. Jeffrey G. Strahl says: More squealing by the trapped rat. Where did i make a "magical thermite argument"? I never mentioned thermite, aside from quoting your garbage claims. It is not at all expected that the fires would keep burning hot, as the jet fuel burned within a few minutes, and building materials do not support fires which create anywhere near the temperature of burning jet fuel. The persistence of extreme heat http://911research.wtc7.net/papers/dustvolume/index.html under the WTC site for weeks is in fact a total anomaly if one accepts the official account, given the lack of both oxygen and fuel for such fires. Show us studies of temps of 1000 deg C during common fires, if you dare. And what's this "assuming that these are correct observations"? The iron spheres composing almost 6% of the WTC dust is in the evidence, so is vaporized lead, molten molybdenum and vaporized steel. More desperate thrashing by the trapped rat. James B says: "The new video Explosive Testimonies features lots of these people." Ooh, goodie gumdrops for you. And everyone knows that YouTube editorials are the way "real science" is done. When shall I expect all of their peer-reviewed studies explaining how supermagiconanothermite blew up the World Trade Centers? James B says: "Where did i make a "magical thermite argument"? I never mentioned thermite, aside from quoting your garbage claims." Well that is the primary theory proposed by AE911truth and Mr. Harrit, who commented below, all of whom apparently you support. If they are wrong, perhaps you should let them know? What do you think caused all of these anomalies you are complaining about? C-4. HMX? Nuclear Weapons? Star Wars Death Beams? You claim to be the expert, while I am just an uninformed commentor, take a stand. James B says: Of course there were molten metals at the WTC. That is a common sight at any major fire. All sorts of crap melts when it gets hot. Jeffrey G. Strahl says: First of all, you don't in the least apologize for falsely attributing something to me, the same false attribution you have done earlier. This goes along with your quoting the FEMA report out of context, and when quote pretending that it doesn't matter anyway. I don't know what caused those metals to melt and/or vaporize. I don't have access to the files of the Pentagon's secret weapons programs. But it is clear that the temperatures required for these results are far in excess of any fires, and they are not the result of a volcano or a nearby hot star. Hence, by deductive reasoning, they can only be explained as the result of the use of explosives and/or incendiary devices. If you see someone's head explode to dust sized particles an hour after being punched in the face, you know it's neither the result of the punch nor of spontaneous combustion, but of some weapon, whether you know or don't know what the weapon is. Jeffrey G. Strahl says: "Of course there were molten metals at the WTC. That is a common sight at any major fire. All sorts of crap melts when it gets hot." So you are saying temperatures hot enough to melt steel (almost 2800 deg F)occur at every major fire? Temperature hot enough to vaporize lead (over 3100 F)? To melt molybdenum (over 4700 F)? To vaporize steel (over 5100 F)? Your squeals are turning downright screechy. The trap gets ever tighter. James B says: LOL OK, sorry dude. It wasn't supermagicthermite, it was some unnamed supersekrit Pentagon weapon instead. My bad! Jeffrey G. Strahl says: In other words, James B., you cannot explain the high temperatures required. Keep thrashing and squealing, trapped rat. James B says: You can't either! Saying it was some super secret magic invisible Pentagon weapon is no more scientific a theory than me claiming it was powdered unicorn horn. Jeffrey G. Strahl says: Wrong. I stated it was an explosive and/or incendiary device. It certainly wasn't fire, nor a volcano, nor a star. This is called "deductive reasoning," James, see the analogy of the exploding head. That's solid science. James B says: No, the scientific method requires that claims be repeatable, testable and falsifiable. Making vague claims about mythical and amorphous military explosives and/or incendiaries is neither. Jeffrey G. Strahl says: Being someone with an engineering degree, i know perfectly well about the scientific method, which by the way excludes quoting out of context and false attribution, something you've repeatedly done here. In fact, i have doubts about your science credentials. It is a scientific fact that temperatures like those necessary to explain the molten/vaporized metals evidence are attainable only via special tools, explosives and/or incendiary devices, volcanos, or close proximity to an active star (which is of course a thermonuclear reaction). Volcanos and stars are ruled out, unless you wish to claim one of these was present without gaining notice. Special tools could possibly account only for molten iron, and certainly not in the quantity detected in the WTC dust (5.87%). And they cannot account for vaporized lead, molten molybdenum and vaporized steel. Hence, by deduction, only one choice is left. Same with the video of the person whose head is seen exploding into tiny dust size pieces an hour after a punch to the face. One doesn't need to know what weapon was used to know that this was the result of the use of some weapon. A trained medic can tell that a wound is a gunshot without knowing what weapon was used. James B says: Uhh, dude, explosives don't vaporize metals. They aren't even particularly hot, just fast reacting. May not be a scientist, but I am retired army. Jeffrey G. Strahl says: Then you learned very little in the army. My brother was an officer in the Corps of Engineers. If you're talking conventional explosives, you are right, but that's hardly all the explosives available, even per public knowledge. And the secret research programs have an even wider "menu" to choose from. Most people in the army don't know what's going on there, you need a security clearance for that, and if you talk about what you know to unauthorized people, your pubic area would be subjected to hot sulfuric acid. If you were in that program, why, i'm sure you'd tell us everything. Ha, ha!! A real rat knows better than to keep coming back to the same trap, and even worse, to get itself trapped even more with each visit. Now you've admitted to not being a scientist. And yet you've attacked the science credentials of all sorts of people. Well, doesn't take a scientist to understand that the temperatures required for molten/vaporized metals are possible as a result of only a very few plausible causes, and that once all of them except one are ruled out, the one remaining is the only explanation possible, regardless of how distasteful the conclusion may be. James B says: Oh yes, those mythical super secret weapons, just like the hidden anti-aircraft missiles at the Pentagon and David Ray Griffin's voice morphing devices from Terminator 2. I think they used one of those laser cutting devices I saw in Mission Impossible. Isn't baseless speculation fun? Remember, everything in real life is just like the movies. Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Jeffrey G. Strahl says: More squealing and thrashing from the trapped rat. Right, there are no secret weapons programs. Fact is, deductive reasoning is part of the scientific method. Applying deductive reasoning to the evidence of molten/vaporized metals, ruling out a volcano and a nearby hot star, only explosives and/or incendiary devices can account for the temperatures necessary to explain this evidence. And with each return to this trap, you are trapped ever tighter. You have two choices: leave this debate in humiliation, or keep returning and get further entrapped by getting caught in new lies. You've already been caught quoting out of context and making the same false attribution twice, the second time after being informed and acknowledging it. Each time you come back, your credibility is shredded even further. James B says: I am sure there are, but using that as an excuse to make accusations is hardly scientific. In the evolution/Intelligent Design argument this is known as the "God of the Gaps", where the ID'ers use any real or perceived unexplained issue in biology to say "well, then the only explanation is that God did it". While this is theoretically possible, it is hardly scientific. The Holocaust deniers do the same thing with their "No holes no Holocaust" argument. Science is about providing a falsifiable theory which better fits observations than the alternative, not just pointing out perceived anomalies and attributing them to mythical secret weapons or unseen deities. Jeffrey G. Strahl says: I did not attribute them to any specific weapon, mythical or not, or to deities, seen or not. The only reasons that metals melt or get vaporized is extremely high temperatures. I already listed the temperatures required to create the evidence which was seen. There are only three causes of such high temperatures: explosives and/or incendiary devices (including but not limited to nuclear weapons), volcanos, and proximity to hot stars. The last two are ruled out, which leaves only the first. The analogy with an unexplained issue biology is completely false, as the information regarding this issue is incomplete. The analogy with Holocaust deniers is completely nonsensical, i have no idea what "No holes" means, i doubt anyone else does, including you. And there is a huge amount of evidence for the Holocaust. On the other hand, there are only three alternative explanations for temperatures of 2800 to 5100 deg F. Two of them are ruled out, which leaves only one, regardless of whether you like it or not. Again, an observation of someone's head blowing up into dust sized particles an hour after being punched can be deduced to be the result of the firing of a particular weapon at their head, whether that weapon is known or not. A wound can be ascertained by a trained observer to be the result of a gunshot, regardless of the specific weapon used. Your insistence that the weapon be identified is nonsensical, especially given the number of unknown (to the general public) weapons in the arsenal. And sure, there are no secret programs, the US never had a huge secret project to develop the A-bomb. Unless you can come up with another cause for the temperatures required to explain molten/vaporized metals, you have just caused the trap to tighten some more. James B says: It is a reference to your old buddy Michael Shermer. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/michael-shermer/911-truthers-a-pack-of-li_b_84154.html Jeffrey G. Strahl says: I posted earlier a review of Shermer's article in Scientific American "debunking" 9/11 truth. http://911research.wtc7.net/disinfo/experts/articles/sciam01/sci_am1.html You can read his advancing of the "pancaking" explanation of the WTC destruction, right as NIST was renouncing the theory as being without evidence. You got good buddies, James. And you have yet to answer to being quote with deliberate quoting out of context, and deliberate false attribution. Your believability is noted in its total absence. Jeffrey G. Strahl says: And i looked at the Shirmer article. The lack of holes in the roof of the gas chamber does not preclude gas coming in from a different direction. But the presence of molten/vaporized metals has only three possible causes, and two of them are out of the question. And Shirmer continues the same crap as in the SciAm article i posted a link to the critique of, of making it seem as if "truthers" are claiming that the official story is false because the fires couldn't melt the structural steel. It was in fact the first version of the official story (which is now on its fourth version) which explained what happened as a result of the fires melting the steel structure, as pointed out in the critique. The critique and many analyses since also point out the impossibility of all versions of the official story which rely upon the steel being weakened. The four different versions of the official story contradict each other, and are each contradicted by the facts of the evidence. It's quite amazing that some defenders of the official story are still peddling versions which have been discarded by the official purveyors, while others have gone along with the extreme changes in the story without batting an eye. It's easy to conform, takes zero brains. Straight out of Nineteen Eighty Four. James B says: I didn't take anything out of context. You were the one who repeatedly claimed that NIST said that the beams were not heated over 250 degrees, omitting the fact that they specifically said those were not representative of all the beams. I would agree that Shermer is not an expert on 9/11 issues. He hasn't wasted much time taking on you idiots. Unfortunately I have. His work on skepticism and belief systems in general though is quite good. As far as "molten metal" you are doing just like the other cranks and ignoring other possible answers and instead relying on the supernatural. Go to the hardware store, buy some steel wool and a 9-volt battery. Touch them together. The steel wool will spark, melt, and burn. No volcanoes, thermite or secret government weapons required. Jeffrey G. Strahl says: You are truly a shameless xxxx. What i pointed out that you took out of context was from the FEMA report about the sulfidized beam, making it seem as if this phenomenon required temps of only 7-800 deg C to be explained. Do you really think everybody here is so stupid that they forgot how i illustrated your out-of-context quoting by posting the entire passage and showing what you left out? You think the readers here are like the ones at SLC? "I would agree that Shermer is not an expert....... is quite good." He has written an article for Scientific American and keeps speaking out on it. His complete acceptance of the official story, in fact of versions of it which have been disavowed even by NIST, shows how much of a "skeptic" he is. He is guided far more by belief than by science. "As far as "molten metal" you are doing just like the other cranks and ignoring other possible answers and instead relying on the supernatural. Go to the hardware store, buy some steel wool and a 9-volt battery. Touch them together. The steel wool will spark, melt, and burn. No volcanoes, thermite or secret government weapons required." This is your proof that fire can melt steel? You think the steel in steel wool is the same steel used for structural steel? This may go over with your ignorant readers at SLC, but i happen to have a degree in mechanical engineering, and i took courses in metallurgy. There are lots of different types of steel, different mixtures (carbon content is a big factor), depending upon the intended use. Steel wool is quite remote from structural steel. And it is also composed of very fine fibers, i.e. not in the form of thick beams. Thus, it has a large ratio of surface area per given unit of mass. Try doing this experiment with a thick structural steel beam. This comparison is strictly for glueheads. And besides, the evidence showed IRON spheres, iron doesn't melt till some 2800 deg F. But now you have trapped yourself some more by suggesting "other possible answers." So what are these answers? What can explain temps of 2800 deg F to 5100+ deg F? Show us how you can melt molybdenum or vaporize steel with this battery setup of yours. James B says: No, at SLC I would have more than 3 readers... "Steel wool is quite remote from structural steel." But you are the only one insisting that any molten iron comes from structural steel. There are literally millions of sources of iron, including human blood. Once again, the fact that you can't account for every phenomenon is a large chaotic situation does not give you the right to create your own fantasy to explain it. Jeffrey G. Strahl says: As if i was talking about numbers. Anyone who reads SLC and takes it seriously most likely failed 8th grade science. The iron in human blood is not in the form which would ever show up as molten iron spheres. Your assertions are strictly science for glueheads and paint thinner sniffers. On second thought, maybe it's not only your loyal readers who failed 8th grade science. Regular building dust has only .04% iron content. The WTC dust contained 5.87% iron content, in the form of spheres, demonstrating that melting occurred during the event, per the lab which did the analysis (RJ Lee). And maybe human blood explains molten molybdenum and vaporized lead and steel as well, eh? And you compound your situation further by trying to attribute the evidence to chaos theory. You have just tightened the trap further. Now what, trapped rat? Only three sources can account for temps hot enough to melt iron, vaporize lead, melt molybdenum and vaporize steel: volcanos, proximity to hot stars, and explosives and/or incendiary devices. Special tools could account for some molten iron, but not in the quantity detected in this instance, and cannot account for the other phenomena. The first two of the three are ruled out. This leaves the third. Maybe James B. will tell us that when someone's head is observed blowing up into dust sized pieces an hour after being punched that this doesn't necessarily mean he/she was shot in the head by something, that such a conclusion is unwarranted unless the weapon can be identified. Unless you can provide another explanation for such high temperatures, you have been caught in yet another lie. And notice, everyone, how James B. didn't even try to further contest the fact that he quoted out of context. His credibility has sunk below zero. James B. says: "Anyone who reads SLC and takes it seriously most likely failed 8th grade science. " Possibly, we get a lot of comments from Truthers. We allow open comments. Skeptics are immediately banned from any Truther site. They don't seem to be too big on this whole free spech/open dissent thing. ironic. Wait a minute, I just showed you that a cigarette lighter can produce molten metal under the right condition, now you are saying this can only be caused by explosives and incendiaries. ADD much? James B says: Wait a minute, you have been saying for days that this molten metal can only produced by volcanoes, stars, incendiaries or explosives, now you are saying that they are present in ordinary building dust, albeit in smaller quantities. So which of those 4 elements are present in a normal office building? Comparing normal building dust to one of the largest building disasters in the world is a rather bizarre comparison anyway. That is like going to an airplane crash and saying, "A normal landing does not have near this amount of ripped body parts and debris. What could account for that?" Jeffrey G. Strahl says: Sure you allow open comments, greeted with abuse and pushed out. SLC doesn't even rise to the level of garbage. "Wait a minute, I just showed......... ADD much?" Typical of the personal insults you use at SLC. If anyone is showing attention deficit, it is you. The quote from me which you are responding to does not say "molten metal" in the abstract. It specifies four phenomena. Are you claiming that a cigarette lighter can melt structural steel, vaporize lead, melt molybdenum and vaporize steel? If so, you have reached amazing depths of ignorance. If not, you have just tried to lie your way out. Either way, you have tightened the trap further. Jeffrey G. Strahl says: "Wait a minute, you have been saying for days that this molten metal can only produced by volcanoes, stars, incendiaries or explosives, now you are saying that they are present in ordinary building dust, albeit in smaller quantities. So which of those 4 elements are present in a normal office building?" Deliberate false attribution number three on your part. Iron *powder* is what's present in regular building dust, not molten iron spheres, and certainly in much smaller proportions than what was observed. And vaporized lead, molten molybdenum and vaporized steel are not present in such dust, i never said anything of the sort. You are left with nothing but lies. Another of your stupid comparisons, this one comes back to bite you. Ripped body parts and debris of course constitute evidence for a crash. A high proportion of molten iron spheres in dust likewise indicates that the iron melted during the event which created the dust, cannot be explained as something which was already present. This required a temperature of at least 2800 deg F. The other molten and vaporized metals required far higher temperatures. Keep squirming and squealing. James B says: LOL And you actually inspected all of that iron dust to make sure that none of them were in the shape of spheres? Or is your evidence based on the fact that you get to pick the synonym? I love Truther science. It is so... flexible. Jeffrey G. Strahl says: If someone were to read this, they would be justified in thinking that i'm paying you to post here and look stupid. You got it backwards, the iron particles were ALL in the shape of spheres, exactly what happens when iron melts and is flung about, due to surface tension. The wording "spheres" is per the professional laboratory RJ Lee and the USGS, which did the examining, not per some "truthers." You got all your legs stuck in the trap, and now you've added your tail. James B says: I am talking about the "powder" which you claim to be perfectly natural, as opposed to the spheres which are created by supersekrit pentagon weapons. Go ahead and pay me, I could use the cash. I find you amusing, but I don't have any delusions that this conversation will change the world. In another 10 years, you will be in the same place you are now, posting incoherent rants on the internet and accomplishing nothing. Jeffrey G. Strahl says: Before anything else, let's remind the audience that you quoted out of context, then asserted it didn't matter anyway, then tried to make it look as if my charge pertained to a completely different passage you quoted. A lie compounded thrice. And you have falsely attributed stuff to me three times. You haven't got a shred of credibility left. quote of previous post Such spheres are created by metal melting and then being flung in the air, which is what gives the molten metal bits a spherical shape, surface tension due to its moving in liquid form, just as with falling water drops. Melting metal in a furnace and the flinging the fluid would also create such spheres. Iron powder requires neither melting nor flinging in the air, you can get iron powder for instance by rubbing the metal with emery cloth. Melting by itself isn't enough to create spheres, neither is flinging in the air, of course. I'm sorry i attributed to you 8th grade science knowledge, you obviously didn't get that far. And your last two sentences are nothing more than an attempt to extricate yourself from the trap. As i've said previously, you can leave any time, this being a virtual trap, not a real one. But any time you come back, the trap will be as tight as ever. And any time you come back and open your mouth, you in fact cause the trap to tighten by putting forth more lies and more garbage. The whole world will be able to come here and observe how one of the principals of Screw Loose Change is trapped like a rat, whether you leave now or keep coming back. James B. says: "Before anything else, let's remind the audience " Audience? Look at the line right above the posts: "Tracked by 3 customers" Delusions of grandeur, much? Jeffrey G. Strahl says: You tried this before, James, it drew a bunch of comments. Your lying and complete cluelessness are here on exhibit for the world to see, which people will, at the time of their own choosing.
  4. Monday, September 2, 2002 Israeli Company Mum About WTC Pullout WTC investigators should follow the money trail. It could provide critical information about the Sept. 11 terror attacks. Exclusive to American Free Press, By Christopher Bollyn WHILE an Israeli real estate magnate from Australia insured his 99-year lease on the retail space of the World Trade Center against terrorism, one of Israel's biggest companies pulled out of the north tower just days before Sept. 11. AFP has learned from a reliable source in the shipping industry that Zim American Israeli Shipping Co., Inc. broke the lease when it vacated the rented offices on the 16th and 17th floors of the north tower of the World Trade Center shortly before the Sept. 11 disaster. According to the source, Zim's WTC office space had been leased until the end of the year and the company lost $50,000 when it suddenly pulled out in the beginning of September. The parent company, Zim Israel Navigation Co., is nearly half-owned by the state of Israel, the other half held by Israel Corp. Zim is one of the world's largest container shipping companies, operating an international network of shipping lines. AFP repeatedly contacted Zim American Israeli Shipping Co., Inc. at its new American headquarters in Norfolk, Va., to inquire about the company's pulling out of its WTC lease early. AFP was told that the only person who could discuss the matter was the company president, Shaul Cohen-Mintz, who was said to be unavailable until Dec. 4. AFP also contacted the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, the original owner of the World Trade Center, and was told to contact Silverstein Properties, owner of the World Trade Center since July 24. Silverstein passes all media related questions to the public relations company of Howard J. Rubenstein, which also represents the state of Israel. Steve Solomon of Rubenstein told AFP that the company "had no information on the leases" and advised AFP to contact the tenant directly. Calls to Ezra Bentob of Zim's legal department were not returned. An Israeli businessman from Australia, Frank Lowy, had recently acquired the 99-year lease for the 425,000 square foot retail portion of World Trade Center before the WTC attacks of Sept. 11, reported The Jerusalem Post on Sept. 12. Lowy is chairman and founder of Westfield Holdings, and the manager of Westfield America Trust, which has a 57 percent stake in Westfield America Inc. In April 2001, Westfield America agreed to pay $400 million for the lease on the complex though only $133 million was paid; the rest was to be made in ground lease payments. Lowy is the second wealthiest man in Australia and was recently ranked as the 209th wealthiest man in the world by Forbes magazine. Westfield is the fourth-largest shopping mall owner, with operations in Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom and New Zealand. Westfield was insured against terrorist attacks and its earnings will not be materially affected. In a statement to the Australian Stock Exchange the retail chain said that "investment in the retail component of the World Trade Center is fully insured for both capital and loss of income," adding "the insurance coverage includes acts of terrorism. Some related items on this website: September 2001: Property magnate Larry Silverstein had just signed $3.2 billion deal on WTC towers German insurance giants sue Twin Towers' Silverstein: Attack was one insurable event, not two Outlink: Were Israelis warned not to go to the WTC on 9-11?Mysteries still Linger Six Months after September 11 | Investigative Report: Intelligence Agents or "Art Students"? | New York Post scoffs at Spy-Ring "Myth" | David Irving comments, in A Radical's Diary | Le Monde, Paris: "Vast Israeli Spy Network in the US" | Washington has quietly deported hundreds of Israeli "students" | Washington Post journalist suggests it is "a hoax" | Flashback: "Midnight Express": A Hebrew report on those five Israelis who cheered as WTC crashed | Abandoning company, their Israeli boss vanished without trace | Anti-war.com joins the dots | The Texas part of the Israeli spy ring [map] | WorldNetDaily: Friends think Flight 11 Israeli was "executed" |
  5. I HAVE 3 posts that have been waiting more than 24 hours to get approved. I have sent E MAIL to EVAN BURTON to get my posts approved. Why have they not been approved ?? STEVEN GAAL
  6. Government and Big Banks Joined Forces to Violently Crush Peaceful Protests January 1, 2013 Source: Washington’s Blog The definition of fascism used by Mussolini is the “merger of state and corporate power“. Government and the big banks are in a malignant, symbiotic relationship. And our economy now exhibits a merger of state and bank power. Prominent economist Robert Kuttner said in 2009: What we have is something perilously close to a dictatorship of the Fed and the Treasury, acting in the interests of Wall Street. The government and banks use anti-terror laws to stifle dissent. As Naomi Wolf reports, they joined efforts to violently crush the occupy protests: The violent crackdown on Occupy last fall … was not just coordinated at the level of the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and local police. The crackdown, which involved, as you may recall, violent arrests, group disruption, canister missiles to the skulls of protesters, people held in handcuffs so tight they were injured, people held in bondage till they were forced to wet or soil themselves –was coordinated with the big banks themselves. [ A newly-released document] shows a terrifying network of coordinated DHS, FBI, police, regional fusion center, and private-sector activity so completely merged into one another that the monstrous whole is, in fact, one entity: in some cases, bearing a single name, the Domestic Security Alliance Council. And it reveals this merged entity to have one centrally planned, locally executed mission. The documents, in short, show the cops and DHS working for and with banks to target, arrest, and politically disable peaceful American citizens. …. Plans to crush Occupy events, planned for a month down the road, were made by the FBI – and offered to the representatives of the same organizations that the protests would target …. The FBI – though it acknowledges Occupy movement as being, in fact, a peaceful organization – nonetheless designated OWS repeatedly as a “terrorist threat”…. The executive Director of The Partnership for Civil Justice Fund – the group which obtained the document – Verheyden-Hilliard points out the close partnering of banks, the New York Stock Exchange and at least one local Federal Reserve with the FBI and DHS, and calls it “police-statism”: “This production [of documents], which we believe is just the tip of the iceberg, is a window into the nationwide scope of the FBI’s surveillance, monitoring, and reporting on peaceful protestors organizing with the Occupy movement … These documents also show these federal agencies functioning as a de facto intelligence arm of Wall Street and Corporate America.” The documents show stunning range: in Denver, Colorado, that branch of the FBI and a “Bank Fraud Working Group” met in November 2011 – during the Occupy protests – to surveil the group. The Federal Reserve of Richmond, Virginia had its own private security surveilling Occupy Tampa and Tampa Veterans for Peace and passing privately-collected information on activists back to the Richmond FBI, which, in turn, categorized OWS activities under its “domestic terrorism” unit. The Anchorage, Alaska “terrorism task force” was watching Occupy Anchorage. The Jackson, Michigan “joint terrorism task force” was issuing a “counterterrorism preparedness alert” about the ill-organized grandmas and college sophomores in Occupy there. Also in Jackson, Michigan, the FBI and the “Bank Security Group” – multiple private banks – met to discuss the reaction to “National Bad Bank Sit-in Day” (the response was violent, as you may recall). The Virginia FBI sent that state’s Occupy members’ details to the Virginia terrorism fusion center. The Memphis FBI tracked OWS under its “joint terrorism task force” aegis, too. And so on, for over 100 pages. Eric Zuesse notes: The FBI was organizing against the OWS movement even before it was known to the general public, and they kept on their campaign against it, until it was dead. … The FBI’s police-state snooping and tracking of Occupy Wall Street … had begun even before most Americans knew that there was any such movement for the FBI to snoop against. In other words, the reason why Barack Obama’s “Justice” Department refuses to prosecute even a single one of the mega-bank executives who profited so enormously from having defrauded both mortgagees and the investors in mortgage-backed securities, and who were bailed out by future U.S. taxpayers whose government purchased those remaining “toxic assets” at 100 cents on the dollar, is clear: we live in a police state, and these elite crooks control it. This is not real democracy. Voters were given a choice in November between a President like that but whose liberal rhetoric is condemnatory of “Wall Street,” versus a professional stripper of corporations, whose rhetoric was overtly supportive of Wall Street. And voters chose the former. But this nonetheless is a police state, not an authentic democracy. Mussolini would recognize it as fascism.
  7. BPA everywhere ,you dont need to be in factory. below However, in the current study Li argues that the chemical didn’t only have a detrimental effect on individuals with sky-high BPA levels. Even participants with low levels, comparable to the average American, had diminished sperm quality and count. (miss this quote ??) your theory is that there is a plot to reduce the birth rates in poor ones.// end Colby NO they want population down in all countries,though more in poorer ones (yes). A technocratic and militaristic class above a slave class would be needed to service elites purposes. ============================================== Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences SEEMS PROMINET TO ME ?? The Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences is a peer-reviewed open-access medical journal published on behalf of the Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction. The journal publishes articles on the subject of assisted conception, endocrinology, physiology and pathology, implantation, and preimplantation genetic diagnosis. Abstracting and indexing The journal is indexed with Abstracts on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases, CAB Abstracts, EBSCO databases, Excerpta Medica/EMBASE, and PubMedCentral GEE YA THINK INDIA KNOWS ABOUT BIRTH CONTROL ?? wiki
  8. US pulls the plug on Muslim websites Islamic groups have condemned a government crackdown on a Texan telecoms company as part of a "witch-hunt", writes Brian Whitaker guardian.co.uk, Monday 10 September 2001 11.38 EDT Five hundred websites - many of them with an Arab or Muslim connection - crashed last Wednesday when an anti-terrorism taskforce raided InfoCom Corporation in Texas. The 80-strong taskforce that descended upon the IT company included FBI agents, Secret Service agents, Diplomatic Security agents, tax inspectors, immigration officials, customs officials, department of commerce officials and computer experts. Three days later, they were still busy inside the building, reportedly copying every hard disc they could find. InfoCom hosts websites for numerous clients in the Middle East, including al-Jazeera (the satellite TV station), al-Sharq (a daily newspaper in Qatar), and Birzeit (the Palestinian university on the West Bank). It also hosts sites for several Muslim organisations in the United States, among them the Islamic Society of North America, the Muslim Students Association, the Islamic Association for Palestine, and the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. In addition, InfoCom is the registered owner of ".iq" - the internet country code for Iraq. A coalition of American Muslim groups immediately denounced the raid as part of an "anti-Muslim witch-hunt" promoted by the Israeli lobby in the United States. Mahdi Bray, political adviser to the Muslim Public Affairs Council, said: "We have deep concerns that this once again is an attempt to rush to judgment and to marginalise the American Muslim community. There is a pattern of bias that often permeates all of these types of investigations." The FBI, meanwhile, insisted the search had nothing to do with religion or Middle East politics. "This is a criminal investigation, not a political investigation," a spokeswoman said. "We're hoping to find evidence of criminal activity." Several Muslim groups have linked the raid to an article which appeared in the Wall Street Journal on August 13. Written by Daniel Pipes, director of the foreign policy research institute in Philadelphia, it called on the US to "support Israel in rolling back the forces of terror" by shutting down websites belonging to the Islamic Association for Palestine and the Holy Land Foundation. "The federal authorities should use the tools it already has in closing down these websites and organisations," the article said. Daniel Pipes appears regularly in the US media, where he is regarded as an authority on the Middle East. Arab-Americans, on the other hand, regard him as a Muslim-basher and a staunch supporter of Israel. In one magazine article Pipes wrote: "Western European societies are unprepared for the massive immigration of brown-skinned peoples cooking strange foods and maintaining different standards of hygiene... All immigrants bring exotic customs and attitudes, but Muslim customs are more troublesome than most." In 1995, after the Oklahoma bombing (for which former war hero Timothy McVeigh was eventually executed) Pipes wasted no time in pinning the blame on Muslim extremists. He told USA Today: "People need to understand that this is just the beginning. The fundamentalists are on the upsurge, and they make it very clear that they are targeting us. They are absolutely obsessed with us." It is unlikely, however, that the FBI could have obtained a warrant to search InfoCom on the basis of Daniel Pipes's remarks in the Wall Street Journal. They would have to demonstrate "probable cause" to a judge, but in this case the reasons may never be known because the judge ordered the warrant to be sealed. InfoCom's lawyer, Mark Enoch, said that whatever the company was suspected of, the FBI had "bad information"; InfoCom was innocent of any wrongdoing. According to the New York Times, citing unnamed government officials, the purpose of the search was to discover whether InfoCom has any links to the militant Palestinian organisation, Hamas. Under an anti-terrorism law introduced in 1996, it is illegal in the US to provide "material support" for Hamas or other organisations on the state department's banned list. Although Israeli sympathisers in the US have been clamouring for prosecutions, there have been no major cases so far and some lawyers question whether the 1996 law is constitutional. Just across the road from InfoCom's offices, in Richardson on the outskirts of Dallas, is the headquarters of the Holy Land Foundation (HLF). Apart from their physical proximity, InfoCom and HLF are intimately connected through two brothers: Ghassan and Bayan Elashi. The Elashis are of Palestinian origin and of a religious disposition. Ghassan is chairman of HLF and vice-president (marketing) of InfoCom. InfoCom is a small but apparently successful company with a global business in computers, networking, telecommunications and internet services. Established in 1982, it moved to the area of Texas known as "Telecom Corridor" nine years ago. Its business in the Middle East has been expanding largely because of its expertise in Arabic-language databases. It recently won a contract in Jordan for a website where people can buy and sell cars. Asked about the company's ownership of ".iq", the Iraqi national internet address, Ghassan Elashi said: "We were one of the pioneers of the internet at a time when all the upper domain names were available for everyone. We searched the lists and found Iraq was available for registration." To avoid any trouble over sanctions, InfoCom informed the state department that it had registered ".iq", Elashi said. The state department replied with a "ridiculous" list of restrictions which mean that the company has never been able to make use of the Iraqi domain. He said he had no idea what the task force was looking for in raiding InfoCom's offices, though the staff were giving them full cooperation. He added: "Over the last four to five weeks we have experienced some unusual hacking - mostly by pro-Israeli hackers." The HLF, on the other side of the street, is a tax-exempt charity established in 1989. Most of its efforts are focused on helping Palestinians in Jordan, Lebanon and the occupied territories, but it has also sent humanitarian aid to Bosnia, Kosovo and Chechnya, as well as earthquake relief to Turkey and flood relief to Mozambique. According to its website, the HLF has provided sponsorship for more than 1,800 Palestinian orphans and 450 families living in refugee camps. It has funded several medical projects, including Dar al-Salam hospital in Gaza, al-Razi hospital in Jenin, al-Ahli hospital in Hebron and a rehabilitation center for the handicapped located in Amman, Jordan. In Lebanon, it provided safe water supplies for 72,000 refugees in the Palestinian camps. For several years the HLF has been the target of attacks by Israeli sympathisers. A letter sent to news organisations by New York senator Charles Schumer accused it of "raising millions of dollars for the Palestinian cause in the Middle East, some of which has been knowingly channelled to support the families of Hamas terrorists." A more specific claim, mentioned on the website of a Jewish organisation, the Anti-Defamation League, is that it has provided "monthly stipends to the families of terrorist suicide bombers in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza". The evidence against the HLF presented by the League in a 1998 press release was somewhat tenuous. It said that Israel had banned a Jerusalem-based organisation called the Holy Land Foundation (which it described as the "apparent counterpart" of the Texas charity) on the grounds that it was a front for Hamas. Also, the League said, the Texas-based Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP) had urged its members to send donations to the HLF. The League noted that the IAP had also "distributed official Hamas literature in the United States" and that its fundraising letter described the Palestinian struggle as "jihad" - "a term regularly used by Hamas". More recently, HLF and several other Muslim charities have become the target of a $600m (£409m) lawsuit by the parents of David Boim, an Israeli-American student who was shot dead in the West Bank in 1996. Using the 1996 anti-terrorism law, the family are claiming compensation from the charities, alleging that they provided "material support" to Hamas and were therefore responsible for David's death. Ghassan Elashi dismisses all these allegations. "The Holy Land Foundation is as clean as crystal water," he says. "We have never been bothered by any government agencies." But to the alarm of America's Arab and Muslim minorities, there are signs that the climate may be changing. Assistant New York state attorney general Karen Goldman has recently been pressing for a tax audit of HLF to "enforce the laws applicable to exempt organisations". Another Muslim charity, the Islamic African Relief Agency, is engaged in a legal dispute with the state department after it revoked US aid grants worth $4.2m. It is, of course, a duty of governments to ensure that charities maintain financial probity. The concern is that some charities may be getting singled out for discriminatory reasons. The catch-all nature of the 1996 law against providing "material support" to banned organisations is also arousing controversy. "It makes any support whatever a crime," one Arab-American said last week. "Simply giving blankets to the wrong kind of hospital could be a violation of the law." ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ The APSA memo claimed that the process to rescind the rule began in July 2001 and was scheduled to take effect in September – around the time of the hijackings that saw terrorists commandeer flight decks and fly fully fueled airliners into both World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon. (911 happens and rule delayed until NOV) But John Mazor, a spokesman for the Air Line Pilots Association, told WND the FAA directive rescinding the armed-pilot rule was issued July 17, 2001 and took effect much later – on Nov. 14, 2001.
  9. CORPORATIONS FIGHT TO HAVE THINGS THAT LOWER SPERM COUNT ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Plastic Chemical BPA Linked to Lower Sperm Count & Quality By Jennifer Welsh | October 29, 2010 4:39 pm A new study of 218 Chinese men found that even low levels of the controversial plastics chemical bisphenol A (BPA) can lower sperm quality and count. For the study, which was published in the journal Fertility and Sterility, researchers noted the participants’ sperm quality and urine BPA levels over five years. When compared to participants without detectable levels of the chemical, men with BPA in their urine were three times more likely to have low quality sperm. “This adds additional human evidence that BPA is bad,” said [the study's first author] De-Kun Li…. “The general public should probably try to avoid exposure to BPA as much as they can.” [Washington Post] That’s a tough order, because BPA is all over the place. It’s found in everything from sports equipment to medical devices to the plastic lining in canned foods. Li’s previous studies have shown sexual effects of high levels of BPA, including inducing impotence in male factory workers exposed to it. Those studies were done with men exposed to about 50 times as much BPA as the average U.S. man, so the results might not apply to your average Joe. However, in the current study Li argues that the chemical didn’t only have a detrimental effect on individuals with sky-high BPA levels. Even participants with low levels, comparable to the average American, had diminished sperm quality and count. “The higher your exposure, the lower your sperm quality is,” he said. [Washington Post] Much of the controversy about BPA has focused on the question of what level of BPA exposure is safe. This study adds weight to the argument that the chemical is hazardous to everyday people. “Evidence has indicated that for the past few decades, sperm counts have been declining in some human populations–and that this might be related to exposures to endocrine-disrupting chemicals such as BPA is very reasonable,” [Gail] Prins said. “I strongly believe that the U.S. should take measures to reduce the use of this chemical, since levels build over time.” [Live Science] Canada must be feeling smug, since the country officially labeled the chemical as toxic earlier this month, making it easier to ban it and reduce environmental exposure to the chemical. Related content: Discoblog: Warning All Competitive Male Cyclists: Less than 5% of Your Sperm May Be Normal 80beats: Study Finds BPA in Store Receipts; Health Effects as Yet Unclear 80beats: BPA-Heart Disease Link Confirmed, But Levels in People Have Declined 80beats: BPA Won’t Leave Public-Health Conversatio–or Your Body 80beats: More Bad News on BPA: Linked to Heart Disease and Diabetes in Humans ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ J Hum Reprod Sci. 2010 Sep-Dec; 3(3): 148–152. doi: 10.4103/0974-1208.74159 Effect of duration of fluoride exposure on the reproductive system in male rabbits Naresh Kumar, Sushma Sood, B Arora,1Manjeet Singh, and Beena Department of Physiology, Pt B.D. Sharma Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak, Haryana, India 1Department of Pathology, Pt B.D. Sharma Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak, Haryana, India Address for correspondence: Dr. Naresh Kumar, 11 J/3 Medical Campus, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak, Haryana - 124 001, India. E-mail: drnaresh10@gmail.com Author information ► Article notes ► Copyright and License information ► Received April 19, 2010; Revised October 18, 2010; Accepted November 11, 2010. Copyright © Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Go to: Abstract BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Fluorosis has become an endemic problem worldwide. Fluoride has its effect on various organs, including the reproductive system, although there are controversial reports over it. Thus, the present study was designed to study the effect of sodium fluoride (NaF) exposure for different durations INTRODUCTION Humans are exposed to sodium fluoride (NaF) from a number of sources, including water, medicines, pesticides, insecticides, fertilizer residues, dental restorative materials, dental products (tooth pastes and mouth rinses), pediatric supplements, beverages prepared with fluoridated water and food.[1] Fluorosis is an endemic public health problem in nearly 22 nations around the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) guideline is that 1.5 ppm of fluoride is the desirable upper limit in drinking water. The magnitude of problem of fluorosis in India is roughly estimated to be of 66.62 million people at risk.[2] The recommended levels of fluoride in drinking water are 0.5–0.8 mg/L. Fluoride levels above 1.5 mg/L may lead to dental fluorosis while levels above 3–6 mg/L during the life time may lead to skeletal fluorosis.[3] Involvement of the reproductive organs due to fluorosis in animals had also been studied extensively. Messar et al., reported that the low levels of fluoride in food rendered mice infertile, while a high-fluoride diet improved their fertility.[3] Chinoy and Sequeira reported that sodium fluoride treatment in mice caused an alteration in the histology of reproductive organs and morphology of sperm and induced biochemical changes.[4] These reports were contradicted by Tao and Suttie, whose experiments showed that fluoride did not play any essential role in reproduction.[5] Because of these controversial reports, we intended to assess the effect of fluoride on the rabbit reproductive system. DISCUSSION Animal studies had shown contradictory reports regarding the effect of fluorosis on the reproductive system. Therefore, the present study was performed to establish the link between fluoride and its effect on sperm count, motility, progressive motility, weight of testis, weight of epididymis and histopathology of the testis of age and body weight matched groups.[6] Effect on sperm count It was observed that in comparison with the control group, there was a significant decrease in the epididymal sperm count when NaF was given for 30 days to rabbits and a greater decrease when NaF was given for 60 days. Hence, the present study proved that higher the fluoride exposure, higher the effect on sperm counts. Similar results had been observed in rats, mice and rabbits in studies performed earlier.[8–10] The effect of fluoride toxicity on spermatogenesis could be because fluoride reduces the testosterone levels and by reducing the testicular zinc levels, it impairs angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity and hence causes inhibition of spermatogenesis.[1] Apart from the direct effect on the levels of testosterone, fluoride inhibits androgen receptor (AR) mRNA expression in Sertoli cells and causes a decrease in AR through which testosterone acts.[11] Wan et al., reported that epidermal growth factor (EGF) and its receptor (EGFR), which plays an important role in male reproductive functions of rat, were significantly decreased in Leydig cells, spermatogonia and spermatocytes on exposure to 68 ppm fluoride for 10 days.[12] Other factors responsible for the arrest of spermatogenesis might be the lack of available proteins necessary for cell division, growth and differentiation of germ cells. In a study, disruption of normal cell cycle and apoptosis was indicated at doses of 200–30 mg/L of fluoride, which may be attributed to the blockage of the G1 phase of the cell cycle. Another mechanism of apoptosis is increased levels of oxidants, which damages the DNA.[13] Effect on motility In the present study, there was a significant decrease in sperm motility and progressive motility in the group fed with fluoride 20 mg/kg for 30 days and 60 days as compared with the control. Huang et al., also reported a significant reduction in the sperm motility of mice fed on 100, 200 and 300 mg NaF/L for 8 weeks as compared with the control group.[13] Similar results were shown in rats and mice in many other studies.[9,14–16] One important study demonstrated that human spermatozoa lost their motility in vitro in the presence of 250 mM fluoride within 20 mins of exposure and, similarly, fluoride (30 mM) made the bull sperms immotile within 2 min at 30°C in vitro.[8] The mechanism by which fluoride affects sperm motility has not been clearly elucidated. However, it has been postulated that fluoride could act directly on the motile apparatus without affecting other metabolic systems.[17] One mechanism could be decline in the fructose level, which provides energy for motility, in the seminal vesicle and vas deferens due to alteration in carbohydrate.[8,17] Fluoride may also act by inhibiting many enzymes: the first mode of action is that fluoride binds with cofactors like Mg, Ca, Zn and Se and thus inhibits glycolysis, respiration and motility of sperms, or it might also form insoluble complexes with magnesium or phosphates in enzymes like enolase and acid and alkaline phosphatase.[17] Another reason for decreased sperm motility was decreased level of androgen carrier proteins involved in sperm motility.[18] Furthermore, structural defects were observed in the flagellum, acrosome and nucleus of spermatids and epididymal spermatozoa of fluoride-treated rabbits (10 mg/kg/day for 18 months) leading to abnormal motility.[19] Organ weights In our study, there was a significant decrease in the epididymal weight in Groups II and III as compared with the control while there was a significant decrease in the testicular weight in Group III only, indicating that a higher level of NaF is needed to affect testicular weight than epididymal weight. In other words, we can conclude that fluoride affects epididymal weight earlier than testicular weight. Similarly, in another study, rabbits fed on fluoride were having a significant decrease in epididymal weight.[20] Also, the weight of the cauda epididymis in fluoride-treated (10 mg/kg for 30 days) mice declined significantly compared with the control groups.[9] However, no significant difference was observed in the mean testicular weights of rats fed on 100 and 300 ppm fluoride for 12 weeks when compared with the control. It might be because of the lower fluoride concentration.[16] Our findings differed from those of Ghosh et al., who reported an increase in the relative testis weight of rats as compared with the control with fluoride treatment (20 mg/kg for 29 days), which might had been due to a compensatory change or due to fluid accumulation in the testis.[21] Testicular histology Figures ​Figures11–3 show that longer the fluoride exposure, higher was the damage to the reproductive system. There was a lack of differentiation and maturation of spermatocytes, with no mature spermatozoa seen in the lumens in Group II [Figure 2] and complete cessation of spermatogenesis in Group III [Figure 3] as compared with normal spermatogenesis in the control group [Figure 1]. Thus, our results were similar to a study that showed that 30 days of treatment with sodium fluoride (10 mg/kg body weight) to mice resulted in sloughing off of the spermatogenic cells in the luminal regions of the seminiferous tubules of the testis, leading to disorganization of their epithelium, which caused a complete absence of spermatogenesis in the testis.[18] Also, direct injection of sodium fluoride (50 µg/50 µl) into the vas deferens resulted in spermatogenic arrest, the absence of spermatozoa in the seminiferous tubules, a decreased sperm count in the cauda epididymis and a decrease in fertility,[22] while Sprando et al., showed that rats fed on a 250 ppm fluoride for 10 weeks showed no distinguishable change in testicular histology from their control group.[1] This might be due to a lower level of fluoride. Susheela et al., in their study on rabbits found that there was disruption of spermatogenic cells in the seminiferous tubules that were degenerated and devoid of spermatozoa. In animals treated for 18 or 29 months, loss of cilia on the epithelial cells lining the lumen of the ductuli efferentes of the caput epididymidis and of the stereocilia on the epithelial cells lining the lumen of the vas deferens was also observed. Similarly, in our study, there was a lack of spermatogenesis, as evident on testicular histology.[10] Go to: CONCLUSION Fluoride definitely has adverse effects on the reproductive functions of male rabbits, and these effects are more pronounced with the increasing duration of exposure. Go to: Footnotes Source of Support: Nil Conflict of Interest: None declared Go to: REFERENCES 1. Sprando RL, Collins TF, Black T, Olejnik N, Rorie J. Testing the potential of sodium fluoride to affect spermatogenesis: A morphometric study. Food Chem Toxicol. 1998;36:1117–24. [PubMed] 2. Susheela AK. Treatise on Fluorosis. 3rd ed. Delhi: Published by Fluorosis Research and Rural Development Foundation; 2006. pp. 1–119. 3. Messer HH, Armstrong WD, Singer L. Fertility impairment in mice on a low fluoride intake. Science. 1972;177:893–4. [PubMed] 4. Chinoy NJ, Sequeira E. Effects of fluoride on the histoarchitecture of reproductive organs of the male mouse. Reprod Toxicol. 1989;3:261–7. [PubMed] 5. Tao S, Suttie JW. Evidence for a lack of an effect of dietary fluoride level on reproduction in mice. J Nutr. 1976;106:1115–22. [PubMed] 6. Chinoy NJ, Sequeira E, Narayana MV. Effects of vitamin C and calcium on the reversibility of fluoride induced alterations in spermatozoa of rabbit. Fluoride. 1991;24:29–39. 7. Saalu LC, Oluyemi KA, Omotuyi IO. Tocopherol (vitamin E) attenuates the testicular toxicity associated with experimental cryptorchidism in rats. Afr J Biotechnol. 2007;6:1373–7. 8. Chinoy NF, Narayana MV, Dalal V, Rawat M, Patel D. Amelioration of fluoride toxicity in some accessory reproductive glands and spermatozoa of rat. Fluoride. 1995;28:75–86. 9. Chinoy NJ, Sharma A. Amelioration of fluoride toxicity by vitamins E and D in reproductive functions of male mice. Fluoride. 1998;31:203–16. 10. Susheela AK, Kumar A. A study of the effect of high concentration of fluoride on the reproductive organs of male rabbit, using light and scanning microscopy. J Reprod Fertil. 1991;92:353–60. [PubMed] 11. Huang C, Yang H, Niu R, Sun Z, Wang J. Effect of sodium fluoride on androgen receptor expression in male mice. Fluoride. 2008;41:10–7. 12. Wan S, Zhang J, Wang J. Fluoride-induced changes in the expression of epidermal growth factor and its receptor in testicular tissues of young male rats. Fluoride. 2006;39:121–5. 13. Huang C, Niu R, Wang J. Toxic effects of sodium fluoride on reproductive function in male mice. Fluoride. 2007;40:162–8. 14. Narayana MV, Chinoy NJ. Reversible effects of sodium fluoride ingestion on spermatozoa of the rat. Int J Fertil Menopausal Stud. 1994;39:337–46. [PubMed] 15. Narayana MV, Chinoy NJ. Effect of fluoride on rat testicular steroidogenesis. Fluoride. 1994;27:7–12. 16. Bataineh HN, Nusier M. Impact of 12-week ingestion of sodium fluoride on aggression, sexual behavior and fertility in adult male rats. Fluoride. 2006;39:293–301. 17. Zakrzewska H, Udala J, Blaszczyk B. In vitro influence of sodium fluoride on ram semen quality and enzyme activities. Fluoride. 2002;35:153–60. 18. Chinoy NJ, Shukla S, Walimbe AS, Bhattacharya S. Fluoride toxicity on rat testis and cauda epididymal tissue components and its reversal. Fluoride. 1997;30:41–50. 19. Kumar A, Susheela AK. Ultrastructural studies of spermiogenesis in rabbit exposed to chronic fluoride toxicity. Int J Fertil Menopausal Stud. 1994;39:164–71. [PubMed] 20. Kumar A, Susheela AK. Effects of chronic fluoride toxicity on the morphology of ductus epididymis and the maturation of spermatozoa of rabbit. Int J Exp Pathol. 1995;76:1–11. [PMC free article] [PubMed] 21. Ghosh D, Das S, Sarkar S, Maiti R, Jana D, Das UB. Testicular toxicity in sodium fluoride treated rats: Association with oxidative stress. Reprod Toxicol. 2002;16:385–90. [PubMed] 22. Chinoy NJ, Rao MV, Narayana MV, Neelakanta E. Microdose vasal injection of sodium fluoride in the rat. Reprod Toxicol. 1991;5:505–12. [PubMed] ################################ Study finds sperm count decreasing worldwide | Down To Earth Growing trend of compound sources in air pollution: report .... was a declining trend in sperm counts in USA, Western Europe and many Third World countries. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Science News Declining Male Fertility Linked To Water Pollution Jan. 20, 2009 — New research strengthens the link between water pollution and rising male fertility problems. The study, by Brunel University, the Universities of Exeter and Reading and the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, shows for the first time how a group of testosterone-blocking chemicals is finding its way into UK rivers, affecting wildlife and potentially humans.
  10. An even if he were he cited no sources.// END COLBY +++++++++++++++++++++ Israel moving ever rightward ........ IN ARTICLE POSTS LIGHT BLUE UNDERLINED WORDS ARE LINK TO SOURCES ......
  11. Depopulation: Scientists warn of sperm count crisis The reproductive health of the average male is in sharp decline, the world’s largest study of the quality and concentration of sperm has found. Between 1989 and 2005, average sperm counts fell by a third in the study of 26,000 men, increasing their risk of infertility. The amount of healthy sperm was also reduced, by a similar proportion. The findings confirm research over the past 20 years that has shown sperm counts declining in many countries across the world. Reasons ranging from tight underwear to toxins in the environment have been advanced to explain the fall, but still no definitive cause has been found. The decline occurred progressively hroughout the 17-year period, suggesting that it could be continuing. The latest research was conducted in France but British experts say it has global implications. The scientists said the results constituted a “serious public health warning” and that the link with the environment “particularly needs to be determined”. The worldwide fall in sperm counts has been accompanied by a rise in testicular cancer – rates have doubled in the last 30 years – and in other male sexual disorders such as undescended testes, which are indicative of a “worrying pattern”, scientists say. There is an urgent need to establish the causes so measures can be taken to prevent further damage, they add. Richard Sharpe, professor of reproductive health at the University of Edinburgh and an international expert on toxins in the environment, said the study was “hugely impressive” and answered sceptics who doubted whether the global decline was real. “Now, there can be little doubt that it is real, so it is a time for action. Something in our modern lifestyle, diet or environment is causing this and it is getting progressively worse. ( via independent.co.uk)
  12. Politics is an ever moving target. Israel moves right,right,right. Jerry Gordon now mainstream..............mainstream........ not as Colby asserts FAR-RIGHT. (SEE POST # 7) Jewish Home Surges in Polls: Israeli Politics Heads Even More Rightward Likud-Beiteinu Struggling to Hold Off Challenges By Jason Ditz Global Research, December 28, 2012 Antiwar.com 27 December 2012 =================================== A new round of polls shows the Jewish Home (Habayit Hayehudi) continuing to surge as an even farther-right alternative to the Likud-Beiteinu list, and leaving little doubt that Israel’s already far-right voter base is continuing to shift. The surge in Jewish Home is led in no small part by former Netanyahu aide Naftali Bennett, who is scoring big both as a multi-millionaire business mogul and as a religious far-right ideologue who condemns the notion of Palestinian statehood on general principle in favor of a Greater Israel. This is problematic for Netanyahu on a number of fronts, as he has already alienated the religious right by throwing his lot in with Avigdor Lieberman, whose star is falling as his legal troubles mount, and is struggling to keep the joint list just barely palatable to the international community while facing accusations of being “soft” for not taking as sociopathic of a hard-line as his newfound rivals. Likud-Beiteinu has scrapped any endorsement of a two-state solution in its platform, but with “moderate” Likudniks already uneasy about their alliance with Lieberman and with the expulsion of their more moderate MPs, it will be difficult for them to go a step farther and scorn the idea of peace the way Bennett’s bloc is. This is costing them the extreme hawkish vote in the polls, while Home is scooping up votes from the fashionable religious right as well as the fringe. This should leave them a force to be reckoned with after the election, but leaves the path to majority government even less clear, as Likud-Beiteinu seems unlikely to partner with them or the center-left, and the really-far-right doesn’t appear to have enough seats to govern without Lieberman and Netanyahu.
  13. LEFTY OBAMA ??? FBI Considers the “Occupy Movement” as a “Terrorist Threat” By Global Research News Global Research, December 26, 2012 Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF) ============================================ by Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF) FBI documents just obtained by the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF) pursuant to the PCJF’s Freedom of Information Act demands reveal that from its inception, the FBI treated the Occupy movement as a potential criminal and terrorist threat even though the agency acknowledges in documents that organizers explicitly called for peaceful protest and did “not condone the use of violence” at occupy protests. The PCJF has obtained heavily redacted documents showing that FBI offices and agents around the country were in high gear conducting surveillance against the movement even as early as August 2011, a month prior to the establishment of the OWS encampment in Zuccotti Park and other Occupy actions around the country. “This production, which we believe is just the tip of the iceberg, is a window into the nationwide scope of the FBI’s surveillance, monitoring, and reporting on peaceful protestors organizing with the Occupy movement,” stated Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, Executive Director of the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF). “These documents show that the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security are treating protests against the corporate and banking structure of America as potential criminal and terrorist activity. These documents also show these federal agencies functioning as a de facto intelligence arm of Wall Street and Corporate America.” “The documents are heavily redacted, and it is clear from the production that the FBI is withholding far more material. We are filing an appeal challenging this response and demanding full disclosure to the public of the records of this operation,” stated Heather Benno, staff attorney with the PCJF. As early as August 19, 2011, the FBI in New York was meeting with the New York Stock Exchange to discuss the Occupy Wall Street protests that wouldn’t start for another month. By September, prior to the start of the OWS, the FBI was notifying businesses that they might be the focus of an OWS protest. The FBI’s Indianapolis division released a “Potential Criminal Activity Alert” on September 15, 2011, even though they acknowledged that no specific protest date had been scheduled in Indiana. The documents show that the Indianapolis division of the FBI was coordinating with “All Indiana State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies,” as well as the “Indiana Intelligence Fusion Center,” the FBI “Directorate of Intelligence” and other national FBI coordinating mechanisms. Documents show the spying abuses of the FBI’s “Campus Liaison Program” in which the FBI in Albany and the Syracuse Joint Terrorism Task Force disseminated information to “sixteen (16) different campus police officials,” and then “six (6) additional campus police officials.” Campus officials were in contact with the FBI for information on OWS. A representative of the State University of New York at Oswego contacted the FBI for information on the OWS protests and reported to the FBI on the SUNY-Oswego Occupy encampment made up of students and professors. Documents released show coordination between the FBI, Department of Homeland Security and corporate America. They include a report by the Domestic Security Alliance Council (DSAC), described by the federal government as “a strategic partnership between the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and the private sector,” discussing the OWS protests at the West Coast ports to “raise awareness concerning this type of criminal activity.” The DSAC report shows the nature of secret collaboration between American intelligence agencies and their corporate clients – the document contains a “handling notice” that the information is “meant for use primarily within the corporate security community. Such messages shall not be released in either written or oral form to the media, the general public or other personnel…” (The DSAC document was also obtained by the Northern California ACLU which has sought local FBI surveillance files.) Naval Criminal Investigative Services (NCIS) reported to the DSAC on the relationship between OWS and organized labor for the port actions. The NCIS describes itself as “an elite worldwide federal law enforcement organization” whose “mission is to investigate and defeat criminal, terrorist, and foreign intelligence threats to the United States Navy and Marine Corps ashore, afloat and in cyberspace.” The NCIS also assists with the transport of Guantanamo prisoners. DSAC issued several tips to its corporate clients on “civil unrest” which it defines as ranging from “small, organized rallies to large-scale demonstrations and rioting.” It advised to dress conservatively, avoid political discussions and “avoid all large gatherings related to civil issues. Even seemingly peaceful rallies can spur violent activity or be met with resistance by security forces. Bystanders may be arrested or harmed by security forces using water cannons, tear gas or other measures to control crowds.” The FBI in Anchorage reported from a Joint Terrorism Task Force meeting of November 3, 2011, about Occupy activities in Anchorage. A port Facility Security Officer in Anchorage coordinated with the FBI to attend the meeting of protestors and gain intelligence on the planning of the port actions. He was advised to request the presence of an Anchorage Police Department official to also attend the event. The FBI Special Agent told the undercover private operative that he would notify the Joint Terrorism Task Force and that he would provide a point of contact at the Anchorage Police Department. The Jacksonville, Florida FBI prepared a Domestic Terrorism briefing on the “spread of the Occupy Wall Street Movement” in October 2011. The intelligence meeting discussed Occupy venues identifying “Daytona, Gainesville and Ocala Resident Agency territories as portions …where some of the highest unemployment rates in Florida continue to exist.” The Tampa, Florida FBI “Domestic Terrorism” liaison participated with the Tampa Police Department’s monthly intelligence meeting in which Occupy Lakeland, Occupy Polk County and Occupy St. Petersburg were discussed. They reported on an individual “leading the Occupy Tampa” and plans for travel to Gainesville for a protest planning meeting, as well as on Veterans for Peace plans to protest at MacDill Air Force Base. The Federal Reserve in Richmond appears to have had personnel surveilling OWS planning. They were in contact with the FBI in Richmond to “pass on information regarding the movement known as occupy Wall Street.” There were repeated communications “to pass on updates of the events and decisions made during the small rallies and the following information received from the Capital Police Intelligence Unit through JTTF (Joint Terrorism Task Force).” The Virginia FBI was collecting intelligence on the OWS movement for dissemination to the Virginia Fusion Center and other Intelligence divisions. The Milwaukee division of the FBI was coordinating with the Ashwaubenon Public Safety division in Green Bay Wisconsin regarding Occupy. The Memphis FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force met to discuss “domestic terrorism” threats, including, “Aryan Nations, Occupy Wall Street, and Anonymous.” The Birmingham, AL division of the FBI sent communications to HAZMAT teams regarding the Occupy Wall Street movement. The Jackson, Mississippi division of the FBI attended a meeting of the Bank Security Group in Biloxi, MS with multiple private banks and the Biloxi Police Department, in which they discussed an announced protest for “National Bad Bank Sit-In-Day” on December 7, 2011. The Denver, CO FBI and its Bank Fraud Working Group met and were briefed on Occupy Wall Street in November 2011. Members of the Working Group include private financial institutions and local area law enforcement. Jackson, MS Joint Terrorism Task Force issued a “Counterterrorism Preparedness” alert. This heavily redacted document includes the description, “To document…the Occupy Wall Street Movement.” You can read the FBI – OWS documents here where we have uploaded them in searchable format for public viewing. The PCJF filed Freedom of Information Act demands with multiple federal law enforcement agencies in the fall of 2011 as the Occupy crackdown began. The FBI initially attempted to limit its search to only one limited record keeping index. Recognizing this as a common tactic used by the FBI to conduct an inadequate search, the PCJF pressed forward demanding searches be performed of the FBI headquarters as well as FBI field offices nationwide. The PCJF will continue to push for public disclosure of the government’s spy files and will release documents as they are obtained.
  14. ???? ONLY financial institutions hurt ??? ================================= The Victims in the Libor Scandal Include Local Governments and Local Taxpayers By: David Dayen Thursday July 5, 2012 1:35 pm As we absorb the Libor banking scandal, one of the things that will drive it is a recognition of who this hurt, at whose expense Barclays and a host of other banks made profits by manipulating the benchmark lending rate. Kevin Drum argues that it’s limited to floating-rate interest note investors, traders on futures exchanges who used Libor, or perhaps investors in Libor-linked CDs. This doesn’t have the kind of victims who are completely sympathetic. You can argue that, since Libor was a benchmark rate, anyone who had any adjustable-rate lending instrument was susceptible to being ripped off. But sometimes banks rigged Libor up and sometimes they rigged it down, frustrating efforts to figure out when they screwed people with those attributes and when they actually helped them. But Barry Ritholtz argues for a much broader view: Bloomberg’s Darrell Preston explained last year how cities and other local governments got scalped when rates were manipulated downward: In the U.S., municipal borrowers used swaps to guard against the risk of higher interest costs on variable-rate debt by exchanging payments with another entity and tying how much they pay to an underlying value such as an index. The agreements can backfire if rates move in unexpected directions, resulting in issuers making larger payments.The derivatives were often designed to offset the risks of increases in the short-term rates tied to auction-rate securities, fixing borrowers’ costs by trading their debt- service payments with another party. Instead, rates dropped [...] Ellen Brown adds: For more than a decade, banks and insurance companies convinced local governments, hospitals, universities and other non-profits that interest rate swaps would lower interest rates on bonds sold for public projects such as roads, bridges and schools. The swaps were entered into to insure against a rise in interest rates; but instead, interest rates fell to historically low levels. This was not a flood, earthquake, or other insurable risk due to environmental unknowns or “acts of God.” It was a deliberate, manipulated move by the Fed, acting to save the banks from their own folly in precipitating the credit crisis of 2008. The banks got in trouble, and the Federal Reserve and federal government rushed in to bail them out, rewarding them for their misdeeds at the expense of the taxpayers [...] Banks and borrowers were supposed to be paying equal rates: the fat years would balance out the lean. But the Fed artificially manipulated the rates to the save the banks. After the credit crisis broke out, borrowers had to continue selling adjustable-rate securities at auction under the deals. Auction interest rates soared when bond insurers’ ratings were downgraded because of subprime mortgage losses; but the periodic payments that banks made to borrowers as part of the swaps plunged, because they were linked to benchmarks such as Federal Reserve lending rates, which were slashed to almost zero. So I think there are plenty sympathetic victims here. Local governments – and that’s basically taxpayer money – were particularly vulnerable. The fact that what we know of the scandal is a mere head of a pin, and that Bob Diamond and others implicated in the scandal are singing like canaries – “Banks across the world were fixing interest rates,” in his view – suggests that much more will come out about this. After all, Barclays is the one of at least a dozen banks who have COOPERATED in the investigation thus far. Diamond may not be a reliable narrator, but there are plenty that can still come out of the woodwork here. And everyone is flipping: Conservative Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne is interested primarily in implicating Labour officials: As the pressure on Diamond was renewed yesterday, Chancellor George Osborne ramped up hostilities with Labour over Britain’s banking culture, accusing Ed Balls and other Labour former ministers of being “clearly involved” in intervening over the Libor rate. The carefully-staged intervention by Osborne, immediately dismissed by Balls’s team as “desperate” and “frenzied”, was designed to intensify the pressure on Labour as Ed Miliband tries to establish a judge-led inquiry into the banking scandal. Nobody will come out looking particularly good here. And ultimately, as the Economist writes in a cover story which splashes the word “Banksters” (!) on the front page, this is about a culture of greed and venality: The story will probably now shift to civil courts around the world: that could be a long process. From a public-interest perspective, two tasks lie ahead. The first is to find out exactly what happened and to punish those involved. Where the only motive was greed, the individuals directly involved in fraud should face jail. If the rate was lowered to keep the bank afloat, and regulators were involved, both the bankers and their rule-setters should explain why they took it upon themselves to endanger the City’s reputation in this way. In Britain an independent inquiry makes sense—the speedier the better, which argues for the parliamentary sort the government wants rather than the judicial variety the opposition demands. The second task is to change the way finance is run—and the culture of banking. This after all is not the first price-fixing scandal: Wall Street has had several. A witch hunt would be disastrous (see Bagehot), but culture flows from structure. The case for splitting retail and investment banks on “moral” grounds is weak, but individual banks could do more: drawing fines from the bonus pool is one example. And some rules must change. LIBOR is set under the aegis not of the regulator but of a trade body, the British Bankers’ Association. That may have worked in the gentlemanly days when “the governor’s eyebrows” were enough to keep bankers in order. These days the City is the world’s biggest centre of international finance. The Economist talks of a forfeiture of trust in the leading financial institutions. That was forfeited for many of us a long time ago. But if it takes establishment organs a scandal of this magnitude to come along, so be it.
  15. Debunking the Real 9/11 Myths: Why Popular Mechanics Can't Face up to Reality - Part 3 Written by Adam Taylor Wednesday, 25 April 2012 16:07 Collapse Times of the Twin Towers Editor’s note: This is Part 3 (see Part 2) of an extensive report by 9/11 researcher Adam Taylor that exposes the fallacies and flaws in the arguments made by the editors of Popular Mechanics (PM) in the latest edition of Debunking 9/11 Myths. We encourage you to submit your own reviews of the book at Amazon.com and other places where it is sold. (Quotes from Popular Mechanics’ book are shown in red and with page numbers.) Rapid Destruction of The Twin Towers “ While citing several experts who support their assertion that the collapse rates of the Towers were nothing unusual, PM failed to acknowledge numerous other experts who say that the collapse rates clearly violated the laws of physics. ” In Popular Mechanics’ next section, they discuss the rate at which the Twin Towers were destroyed. PM begins by correctly pointing out that it is difficult to determine exactly how long it took each Tower to collapse, being that much of the destruction was blocked from view by the huge clouds of pulverized debris. However, it is quite evident that PM has again misrepresented the characteristics of the buildings’ destruction. PM continues by naming off a few people who have said the Twin Towers collapsed too quickly, but they evidently cherry-picked the individuals to quote on this topic. For example, PM quotes talk show host Rosie O’Donnell as saying that the Towers each collapsed in nine seconds. They also quote 9/11 truth advocate Andrew Johnson as saying that the South and North Towers collapsed in eight seconds and ten seconds, respectively. However, neither of these individuals is an engineer or a scientist with relevant expertise who can give an expert opinion. To be sure, PM does quote engineers that say the collapse times of the Towers were not remarkable at all, but omits the opinions of the hundreds of architects and engineers who reviewed the Towers’ destruction and stated the collapses happened too quickly to have been caused by fire. Here are just a few expert opinions that could have been included in PM’s book: Paul W. Mason is among over 1600 credentialed architects and engineers who have challenged the official explanation for the Twin Towers’ collapse The collapse of the three WTC buildings would seem to defy the laws of mechanics, conservation of energy and known structural failure behavior. The case for the destruction of the three WTC buildings by means of "controlled demolition" is overwhelming. -Claude Robert Briscoe, civil engineer with 45+ years of experience1 There is no doubt that there were vast quantities of extra energy applied to the structures to achieve both rapid collapses and complete destruction of their components. This energy can realistically only have come from explosive charges. -Paul W. Mason, civil/structural engineer with 35 years of experience2 The speed at which the buildings fell implied that the central cores provided virtually no vertical resistance at any point during the collapses. -Joseph Testa, civil engineer3 The physics of momentum transfer in the collapse of the WTC buildings completely precludes the possibility that collapse at near free-fall speed could occur due to gravity alone. -Robert Tamaki, civil engineer4 The prevailing theory would have us believe that each of the Twin Towers inexplicably collapsed upon itself crushing all 287 massive columns on each floor while maintaining a near free-fall acceleration as if the 100,000, or more, tons of supporting structural-steel framework underneath didn’t exist. –William Rice, P.E., Structural Engineer. PM chose to omit opinions such as these from credentialed experts, preferring to only quote only those engineers who support their overall premise. PM initially argues that the complete collapses of the buildings took longer than 10-15 seconds by quoting NIST as saying that the portions of the cores of both Towers actually remained standing after the outer structures fell. However, as noted by mechanical engineer Gordon Ross, a dimensional analysis by 9/11 researcher Muhummad Colombo shows that the cores of the Towers were attacked first in the demolition, based on dimensional analysis of the cores: The photograph by Aman Zafar (below), previously shown and commented upon, appears to show the lower core structure still upright after the floors and perimeter columns had collapsed to ground level. However, this is not the full story. Muhammad's analysis shows that the remaining core was too narrow to be the entire core, and was in fact, the inner 23 core columns. The 24 core columns which made up the outer perimeter of the core structure and to which the floors were connected are clearly absent from the photograph. Thus we can see that the outer core columns fell in the early stages of the collapse along with the floors and perimeter walls. For this to happen, the bracing which attaches these outer core columns, both to each other and to the inner core columns, would have to be severed and each column broken into sections.5 Analysis of images of the South Tower shows that key core columns were destroyed early on in the collapse, a phenomenon that can only be caused by explosives, contradicting PM’s claims PM claims that “professors and investigators contend it’s not surprising that [the Towers’] collapse-time estimates are close to would-be free-fall results” (pg. 44), and then proceeds to quote several of these said people. One of the people is MIT professor Dr. Thomas Eagar, who said it was not surprising that each Tower collapsed in ten seconds. PM writes: [Eager’s] analysis explains that as exterior columns bowed and joists on the most heavily burned floors gave way, the mass of the collapsing floors created a cascade of failures. (pg. 44) This first thing that should be noted about PM’s citation of Dr. Eagar is that his analysis actually contradicts NIST’s analysis of the Towers’ collapses. PM cites Dr. Eagar’s paper, Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse? Science, Engineering, and Speculation, but when one actually reads what he wrote it is apparent that his analysis doesn’t promote NIST’s theory of collapse at all. In his paper, Dr. Eagar writes: As the joists on one or two of the most heavily burned floors gave way and the outer box columns began to bow outward, the floors above them also fell.6 Whereas NIST told us that the exterior columns bowed inward, Dr. Eagar’s paper asserts that the exterior columns bowed outward. By not quoting this section of his paper correctly, PM gives the impression that Dr. Eagar’s analysis is in total agreement with the NIST investigators (though Eagar’s paper currently provides a link to another article in the Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society that promotes NIST’s theory7). Instead, PM proceeds to directly quote from Eagar’s paper: The floor below (with its 1,300 ton design capacity) could not support the roughly 45,000 tons of ten floors (or more) above crashing down on these angle clips. This started the domino effect that caused the buildings to collapse within ten seconds, hitting bottom with an estimated speed of 200 km per hour.8 However, this analysis is flawed by the fact that actual measurements of the collapse of the Towers show that the upper sections of the Towers never exerted massive forces on the lower sections, due to the fact that the upper sections accelerated through the lower section. As physicist David Chandler has shown, the upper section of the North Tower fell into the lower section, and .9 Hence, there was no dynamic load being exerted on the lower section to cause it to collapse. The next alleged expert PM cites is Dr. Keith Seffen, a senior lecturer in the engineering department at the University of Cambridge. They cite his paper, Progressive Collapse of the World Trade Center: A Simple Analysis, published in the Journal of Engineering Mechanics,10 as evidence that the Towers could have collapsed as quickly as they did as a result of the jet fuel and office fires. Instead of mentioning the technical refutations of Seffen’s claims, PM quotes a non-technical writer, Peter Wakefield Sault, who cites that “Dr. Seffen is an accessory after the fact to mass murder”. Dr. Keith Seffen has yet to respond to questions surrounding his defense of the official explanation for the Twin Towers’ collapse PM’s citation of Sault’s comments highlights their obvious ploy to cherry-pick supporters of the 9/11 Truth movement to quote. Although a direct source for this quote is not provided (like most of the 9/11 Truth advocates quoted by PM), this statement is found not on the website PM provides, but on an obscure website. Sault is only commenting on a blog post about Keith Seffen.11 The fact that PM quotes from such an obscure source reveals their determination to portray anyone who questions the WTC collapses as a “crazy conspiracy theorist”. On the contrary, the study of the destruction of the Twin Towers entered the realm of laboratory research years ago with published articles in scientific and academic journals. The critique of Seffen’s WTC paper written by University of Iowa Physics Professor Dr. Crockett Grabbe points out the many unscientific arguments that Seffen made Evidently, PM’s writers and investigative journalists somehow missed an article written by Dr. Crockett Grabbe which refutes the arguments made in Seffen’s questionable paper even though Grabbe’s article was published in the very same journal as Dr. Seffen’s paper.12 Though PM touts Dr. Seffen and his paper as providing excellent analysis of the WTC collapses, there is no mention of Grabbe’s peer-reviewed response, even though Grabbe is a credentialed scientist. Instead, PM chose to cite an inflammatory remark on an obscure internet site. Dr. Seffen never responded to Dr. Grabbe’s discussion paper, which was published over three years ago. In addition, PM felt no need to quote Dr. Grabbe, who says on his website, “Seffen is an applied mathematician from Cambridge whose paper was on BBC News. I ripped his paper apart, and he never made any reply to my very critical comments.”13 PM finishes this section by quoting a section of NIST’s report on the collapse of the Twin Towers that discusses the rate of collapse. The section reads: Since the stories below the level of collapse initiation provided little resistance to the tremendous energy released by the falling building mass, the building section above came down essentially in free fall, as seen in videos. As the stories below sequentially failed, the falling mass increases, further increasing the demand of the floors below, which were unable to arrest the moving mass.14 PM also quotes from NIST’s FAQ on the WTC collapses: NIST estimated the elapsed times for the first exterior panels to strike the ground after the collapse initiated in each of the towers to be approximately 11 seconds for WTC 1 and approximately 9 seconds for WTC 2… Neither the duration of the seismic records nor video evidence (due to obstruction of view caused by debris clouds) are reliable indicators of the total time it took for each building to collapse completely.15 However, engineer and 9/11 researcher Jim Hoffman addressed both of NIST’s assertions. In regards to the first point, Hoffman writes: This does not explain either why the structure below failed to arrest the falling mass or how the structure failed to appreciably slow the falling mass. As in the preceding paragraphs, NIST begs these questions using a kind of circular argument: The towers fell rapidly because the stories below could not resist the tremendous energy of the falling mass. Videos clearly show that the upper section fell essentially in free-fall. Therefore the structures below offered minimal resistance to and were destroyed by the falling mass. The argument pre-supposes the conclusion that the force that overcame the resistance of the structures below was the falling mass, not some other force such as energy of explosives.16 As for the second point, Hoffman writes: To the contrary, video records, such as this record of the North Tower's fall, clearly establish upper boundaries on the times that it took for the vast majority of each tower to be destroyed.17 While citing several experts who support their assertion that the collapse rates of the Towers were nothing unusual, PM failed to acknowledge numerous other experts who say that the collapse rates clearly violated the laws of physics. The rate in which the Towers came down cannot be explained by the combined effects of fire and gravity. For more on the subject of the Towers’ collapse rates, the following articles are recommended: Twin Towers Evidence Blows Away Fire Theory by James Smith The Missing Jolt: A Simple Refutation of the NIST-Bazant Collapse Hypothesis, by Prof. Graeme MacQueen and Tony Szamboti Destruction of the World Trade Center North Tower and Fundamental Physics by David Chandler Showing that the South Tower of World Trade Center Collapsed from Forces More Powerful than Gravitation by Crockett Grabbe [in Part 4 of this monthly series, Taylor challenges Popular Mechanics’ misleading claims regarding the violent ejections of dust and building materials during the collapse of the Twin Towers. Look for Part 4 in the May edition of the Blueprint newsletter. For Part 2 click here] 1Quoted from: http://www2.ae911tru....php?uid=998501 2Quoted from: http://www2.ae911tru....php?uid=997386 3Quoted from: http://www2.ae911tru....php?uid=999894 4Quoted from: http://www2.ae911tru...php?uid=999612 5Quoted from: http://gordonssite.t...d.com/id2.html 6Quoted from: Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse? Science, Engineering, and Speculation, by Thomas W. Eagar and Christopher Musso http://www.tms.org/p...agar-0112.html 7See: http://www.tms.org/p...novic-0711.html 8Quoted from: Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse? Science, Engineering, and Speculation 9This analysis is shown in David Chandler’s paper: Destruction of the World Trade Center North Tower and Fundamental Physics http://www.journalof...ationOfWTC1.pdf (David Chandler also outlines this point in this video:) 10Seffen’s paper can be read here: http://winterpatriot...e_analysis.pdf 11See: http://laura-knight-...ecial-wtc.html 12The paper can be read here: http://www.sealane.o...ffenrevpub.pdf 13Quoted from: http://www.sealane.o.../research.html 14Quoted from: NCSTAR 1, pg. 146 http://www.nist.gov/...?pub_id=909017 15Quoted from: http://www.nist.gov/..._wtctowers.cfm 16Quoted from: http://911research.w...ist/index.html 17Quoted from: http://911research.w..._FAQ_reply.html 
  16. WND As early as 1987, the Federal Aviation Administration adopted a rule ensuring that commercial pilots could not board planes with guns, despite existing regulations that permitted pilots, under certain conditions, to be armed, according to an industry group. HOMELAND INSECURITY FAA began 'disarming' pilots in '87 Despite rule dating to '60s that allowed them to have guns onboard Published: 05/29/2002 at 1:00 AM Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2...Moy1Mh4sGFAG.99 The Airline Pilots’ Security Alliance, or APSA, said in an e-mail memo sent to members last week that the FAA began “disarming pilots” more than 15 years ago by requiring them “to pass through screening checkpoints” after “a suicidal attacker broke into the cockpit of an airliner, murdered the pilots and crashed the airplane.” The screening process was enacted and enforced despite a 1960s-era FAA rule already on the books that permitted pilots to be armed as long as participating airlines adopted an agency-approved training program. Additionally, the pilot-screening process was continued by the FAA throughout the latter 1990s and beyond, even as the agency was receiving intelligence information from government counterterrorism experts claiming that U.S. airlines were at increased risk of terrorist hijackings. As WorldNetDaily reported earlier this month, FAA officials have admitted rescinding the armed-pilot rule – initiated in response to the 1961 Cuban missile crisis – in July 2001, just two months before the Sept. 11 hijackings. In a separate story, WND reported that the FAA nixed the rule despite being briefed by the government’s top counterterrorism expert the very same month that terrorist hijackings could be on the horizon. The APSA memo claimed that the process to rescind the rule began in July 2001 and was scheduled to take effect in September – around the time of the hijackings that saw terrorists commandeer flight decks and fly fully fueled airliners into both World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon. But John Mazor, a spokesman for the Air Line Pilots Association, told WND the FAA directive rescinding the armed-pilot rule was issued July 17, 2001 and took effect much later – on Nov. 14, 2001. That means the FAA was not only actively working to prohibit pilots from carrying weapons despite increased hijacking risks to the airlines, but agency officials also consciously rescinded the only regulation that might have protected flight crews against terrorist hijackers. When contacted for comment, FAA officials referred all questions surrounding the July 2001 intelligence briefings and the decision to rescind the armed-pilot rule to the agency’s parent bureau, the Department of Transportation. But, as in the past, DOT officials refused to return repeated phone calls seeking explanation. Meanwhile, Transportation Security Administration Under Secretary John Magaw yesterday said in testimony before the Senate Commerce Committee he would not implement a provision of law passed last fall that allows airline pilots to be armed. The TSA chief gave no reason for his decision, but said a formal announcement would be made later this week. Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta and Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge also have expressed opposition to arming pilots. Magaw’s testimony yesterday echoes similar statements made last week, when he told a separate Senate panel he would not allow pilots to be armed because he believes they should focus on “flying the plane.” Airline industry groups that have supported the armed-pilot concept were quick to respond to Magaw’s decision. “We are disappointed, but not surprised, by this announcement. The administration, under the influence of opposition by the airlines, has been telegraphing its intent for several months now,” said Capt. Duane Woerth, president of ALPA. “The government already has told us that if terrorists take control of one of our cockpits, they will send military aircraft to shoot down the airliner and all its crew and passengers,” Woerth said. “In the face of such choices, we do not understand why these same government officials refuse to give pilots a last chance to prevent such a tragedy.” Under an airline security bill passed in the wake of Sept. 11, Magaw, as head of the TSA, was given discretion over whether to implement a provision of the measure allowing pilots to be armed, as long as airlines approved. Gary Burns, a spokesman for Rep. John Mica, R-Fla., said his boss “disagrees wholeheartedly” with Magaw’s decision, but he pointed out that Magaw has also stated that “if Congress would pass [armed pilot] legislation, he would ‘salute and enforce it.’” “We intend to move forward with that legislation,” said Burns, noting that its progress has been temporarily postponed in deference to Democrats on the House committee so that they may try to work out some disagreements. Mica, chairman of the House Transportation Committee’s aviation subcommittee, has co-sponsored legislation with the full committee’s chairman, Rep. Don Young, R-Alaska, that would allow airline pilots be armed. Despite his public pronouncements, a congressional aide told WND yesterday that Mineta, in private talks last week, has assured key lawmakers he too would “vigorously” enforce any new law that specifically called for arming pilots, should Congress and President Bush approve one. Related stories: What if gunless pilots went on strike? Armed pilots banned 2 months before 9-11 Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2...Moy1Mh4sGFAG.99 ###################################################################### THE FBI SHUT DOWN OF ARAB MUSLIM WEB SITES IN THE DAYS LEADING UP TO 9/11. FBI accused of anti-Muslim bias Among the sites the FBI shut down just days before 9-11 was the web site for the Arab World's leading independent TV news channel. FBI Agents Raid Muslim-Owned Internet Company Five days before 9-11. FBI executes "unspecified search warrant" to shut down Arab Muslim web sites, denies racial bias Four days before 9-11. US pulls the plug on Muslim websites The day before 9-11, the FBI moved to make sure that Arab Muslims could not defend themselves on the internet from accusations that would be made after the WTC attacks. . What Really Happened FBI Raids Surround Attack Agents Yank Muslim Websites, Confiscate Videos Six days before the attack the FBI and 80-member task force descended on InfoCom Corporation in Richardson, Texas to shut it down, including its webservers, removing 500 websites serving largely Arab and Muslim communities. The FBI occupied the building for days, copying documents. 1 The FBI also promptly scoured the surroundings of the Pentagon to make sure there would be no public airing of any video of the attack. Agents reportedly seized video from both the nearby Sheraton National Hotel and NexComm/Citgo gas station within minutes of the attack. Helicopter footage not seized by the FBI shows an organized group of well-dressed people combing the Pentagon's lawn, also within minutes of the attack. References 1.US pulls the plug on Muslim websites, Guardian Unlimited, 9/10/01 [cached]
  17. The Pentagon Rules America: Militarism and the Crisis of the Civilian Economy By Sherwood Ross Global Research, July 30, 2011 30 July 2011 =========================== “Have we as a nation gone mad, waging war in the Persian Gulf while society crumbles?” Seymour Melman asked rhetorically when I interviewed him for The Progressive 19 years ago. Even though Melman, a professor emeritus at Columbia University’s school of industrial engineering, departed this life in 2004, his question still haunts our society, as the American War Machine since then has only gained in momentum, immensity, universality and cruelty. To answer Melman: “Yes, we have gone mad.” That’s because presidents and Pentagon chiefs start new wars even before they finish fighting the old ones! Who can recall a time in our history when the U.S. initiated aggressive wars against five nations(Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Yemen)? Between 1947 and 1989, Melman said, the U.S. spent $8.2 trillion (in 1982 dollars) on the military. When I said I couldn’t grasp a figure that large, Melman replied, “Think of it this way: In 1982, the total money value of all America’s manufacturing, industry and its infrastructure amounted to $7.3 trillion. You could have replicated the largest part of everything made by people in this country with what the military got.” (Everything made by everybody? All the houses? All the highways? All the schools? All the hospitals? A new America? Everything?) Melman went on to say, “Half of every dollar you pay in Federal taxes goes into the military account. Pentagon contractors are awash in billions while the infrastructure that underpins our economy collapse around us and human misery spreads everywhere.” Fast-forward: Today, the Pentagon still gets roughly half of every tax dollar. The War Resisters League estimates 54% of the pie goes to the military compared with 30% for all human resources, 11 percent for general government and 5% for physical resources.. Defense contractors are awash in profits while lines lengthen at soup kitchens, foreclosed families sleep in shelters, 20 million are jobless or underemployed, food stamp use sets records, summer jobs for teens have vanished, and President Obama appears willing to rat out the elderly on Social Security and Medicare as too costly while he authorizes new CIA drone attacks on Pakistan. The Pentagon budget does more than absorb tax dollars. It punishes the civilian sector in many ways. For instance, it has siphoned off so much scientific talent the U.S. has long since fallen behind Japan and Germany in innovative technologies. “We’re paying the price for building colossal military power,” Melman said. “It’s set in motion a process of technical, industrial and human deterioration. We’re losing millions of productive jobs because U.S. firms with U.S. factories can’t even hold our home markets against foreign competition.” “While the Pentagon turns out B-2 bombers at $865 million a copy, foreign creators are flooding our markets with cars, bikes, tape recorders, shoes, machine tools, movie cameras, calculators, TV sets, and integrated microcircuits.” Melman said that 19 years ago and it holds true today. One reason the U.S. fell behind, Melman explained, is that “about 30 percent of the nation’s engineers, scientists and technicians work directly or indirectly for the military. The loss to the civilian economy is incalculable.” Consumer electronics, he said, “declined dramatically while the Government employs thousands of electronic engineers in its military labs.” That was true when Melman spoke and it is true today. We have an army of death scientists toiling away in germ warfare labs ($50 billion wasted on this nauseating research alone since 9/11), in space warfare labs, in nuclear warfare labs, in electronic warfare labs, as well as in labs specializing in conventional ways to kill people. Melman said one reason for the continuing dominance of the MIC is that the U.S. “is now a military form of state capitalism in which top managers of the military forces and their economy have dominant power—economic, political and military.” Translation: the Pentagon rules! Today, Melman might add the Pentagon spends more for war than all 50 states spend for all peaceful purposes; that the Pentagon’s armed forces are bigger than the next dozen countries combined; that the Pentagon leads the world in arms sales; and that the Pentagon operates 800 overseas bases for “defense” when, in fact, they are used, like Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, for aggression. As of Jan. 1 of this year, the National Priorities Project of Northampton, Mass., says, the Pentagon has spent $445 billion to wage war in Afghanistan and $815 billion for Iraq, for a total of $1.26 trillion. This at a time when the American Society of Civil Engineers reckons $2.2 trillion is needed to restore our infrastructure. Example: 33% of all roads are in poor or mediocre condition. Does the Pentagon need to spend $19.3-billion on atomic energy when the same sum could pay 295,000 elementary school teachers? Cutting the Pentagon down to size and converting to civilian economy will require “a new coalition of working people, professionals, trade associations, mayors—all suffering from the prosperity of the military-industrial complex, all needing a turn away from militarism.” “What we need,” Melman concluded, “is a political opposition that would take down the entire military system.” We saw the faintest stirrings of hope for change in June when the U.S. Conference of Mayors passed a resolution to spend at home the $125 billion the Pentagon is wasting this year waging wars in the Middle East. In depressed Detroit, the unemployment level is 38% and Rep. John Conyers(D-Mich.) blames the White House’s lack of leadership for the lack of job creation. Given our infrastructure needs alone, why isn’t there a job or job-training for every person who is willing to work? To support President Obama’s medieval war-making is what Professor Melman would rightly have called “mad.” It fits the dictionary definition of insanity as “utterly senseless” and “irrational.” It also fits the view of insanity which observes that the insane repeat their mistakes over and over. That’s today’s war machine, bigger and deadlier than ever. Welcome to the United Loony Bin of America.# Sherwood Ross runs a public relations firm for good causes and contributes articles regularly from his Anti-War News Service. Reach him at sherwoodross10@gmail.com
  18. SOME SAY NO MOLTEN STEEL CREATED ON 911 Why was there Molten Metal Under Ground Zero for Months after 9/11? Molten metal flowed underneath ground zero for months after the Twin Towers collapsed: New York firefighters recalled in a documentary film, "heat so intense they encountered rivers of molten steel." A NY firefighter described molten steel flowing at ground zero, and said it was like a "foundry" or like "lava". A public health advisor who arrived at Ground Zero on September 12, said that "feeling the heat" and "seeing the molten steel" there reminded him of a volcano. An employee of New Jersey's Task Force One Urban Search and Rescue witnessed "Fires burn[ing and molten steel flow[ing] in the pile of ruins still settling beneath her feet." The head of a team of scientists studying the potential health effects of 9/11, reported, "Fires are still actively burning and the smoke is very intense. In some pockets now being uncovered, they are finding molten steel." According to a worker involved with the organizing of demolition, excavation and debris removal operations at ground zero, "Underground it was still so hot that molten metal dripped down the sides of the wall from Building 6." An expert stated about World Trade Center building 7, "A combination of an uncontrolled fire and the structural damage might have been able to bring the building down, some engineers said. But that would not explain steel members in the debris pile that appear to have been PARTLY EVAPORATED in extraordinarily high temperatures" (pay-per-view). Note that evaporation means conversion from a liquid to a gas; so the steel beams in building 7 were subjected to temperatures high enough to melt and evaporate them. A rescue worker "crawled through an opening and down crumpled stairwells to the subway five levels below ground. He remembers seeing in the darkness a distant, pinkish glow–molten metal dripping from a beam" A reporter with rare access to the debris at ground zero "descended deep below street level to areas where underground fires still burned and steel flowed in molten streams." A structural engineer who worked for the Trade Center's original designer saw "streams of molten metal that leaked from the hot cores and flowed down broken walls inside the foundation hole." (pages 31-32) An engineer stated in the September 3, 2002 issue of The Structural Engineer, "They showed us many fascinating slides ranging from molten metal, which was still red hot weeks after the event." An Occupational Safety and Health Administration Officer at the Trade Center reported a fire truck 10 feet below the ground that was still burning two weeks after the Tower collapsed, "its metal so hot that it looked like a vat of molten steel." A witness said “In the first few weeks, sometimes when a worker would pull a steel beam from the wreckage, the end of the beam would be dripping molten steel” The structural engineer responsible for the design of the WTC, described fires still burning and molten steel still running 21 days after the attacks (page 3). According to a member of New York Air National Guard's 109th Air Wing, who was at Ground Zero from September 22 to October 6, "One fireman told us that there was still molten steel at the heart of the towers' remains. Firemen sprayed water to cool the debris down but the heat remained intense enough at the surface to melt their boots." A retired professor of physics and atmospheric science said "in mid-October when they would pull out a steel beam, the lower part would be glowing dull red, which indicates a temperature on the order of 500 to 600 °C. And we know that people were turning over pieces of concrete in December that would flash into fire--which requires about 300 °C. So the surface of the pile cooled rather rapidly, but the bulk of the pile stayed hot all the way to December." A fireman stated that there were "oven" like conditions at the trade centers six weeks after 9/11. Firemen and hazardous materials experts also stated that, six weeks after 9/11, "There are pieces of steel being pulled out [from as far as six stories underground] that are still cherry red" and "the blaze is so 'far beyond a normal fire' that it is nearly impossible to draw conclusions about it based on other fires." (pay-per-view) A NY Department of Sanitation spokeswoman said "for about two and a half months after the attacks, in addition to its regular duties, NYDS played a major role in debris removal - everything from molten steel beams to human remains...." New York mayor Rudy Giuliani said "They were standing on top of a cauldron. They were standing on top of fires 2,000 degrees that raged for a hundred days." As late as five months after the attacks, in February 2002, firefighter Joe O'Toole saw a steel beam being lifted from deep underground at Ground Zero, which, he says, "was dripping from the molten steel." Indeed, the trade center fire was "the longest-burning structural fire in history", even though it rained heavily on September 14, 2001 and again on September 21, 2001, and the fires were sprayed with high tech fire-retardands, and "firetrucks [sprayed] a nearly constant jet of water on" ground zero." Indeed, "You couldn't even begin to imagine how much water was pumped in there," said Tom Manley of the Uniformed Firefighters Association, the largest fire department union. "It was like you were creating a giant lake." See also witness statements at the beginning of .For one explanation of why there was molten metal under ground zero for months after 9/11, see this paper. Also see this essay showing that the post-collapse temperatures under Building 7 were very similar to those under Buildings 1 and 2, even though Buildings 1 and 2 were much higher.
  19. SEE POST # 11 above Privatizing Healthcare in Spain. Making the people pay for financial mis-management By Arturo Rosales writes from Caracas. Axis of Logic Exclusive Axis of Logic Exclusive Thursday, Dec 27, 2012 Editor's Comment: A big thanks to Arturo Rosales for his highly informative and rock solid analysis of the Great Spanish Health Care Robbery that began in broad daylight today. This is only the first public move by the neoliberal thieves in the Spanish government, hauling off the people's health care funds into the coffers of gaping mouths of private corporations signaling the end of the medicine and treatment and very lives of the Spanish people. We applaud the people for their courage and dignity as they take to the streets once again to demand an end to this great crime. Arturo's research and logic are irrefutable and the comparisons he makes with Venezuela and the UK are poignant. - Les Blough, Editor The banner says: "You don't sell public health care - you defend it!" Today, December 27th 2012 is a black day in Spanish social services history. The Madrid Assembly approved a law which allows the “externalization of the management” of various hospitals in Madrid. This means privatization with public monies heading into private management pockets and patients being expected to pay for medical services or being obliged to take out costly medical insurance as in the US. Spainhas free medical services and this is the first step to privatize medicine in this country and make life even more harsh for the 5.6 million unemployed and people who have lost their jobs and their homes, as well as those upon whom the Rajoy government is forcing wage cuts. The President of the Comunidad de Madrid, Ignacio Gonzalez, who has been instrumental in forcing this legislation through, has had the gall to say that he is willing to enter into a dialogue with striking doctors protesting against this neoliberal axe coming down on the socialized medical services in Madrid. It will not be too long before other regions in Spain follow suit as the central government prefers to save the bankers by having the public pay for their errors and embezzlements. The EU bailouts will eventually fall on to the shoulders of the public with higher direct and indirect taxes and by having their social services and right to a decent education for their children cut to the bone. The Protests! On December 16th thousands Spanish public health workers and other people marched from four main hospitals in Madrid to converge on a main square in the capital Sunday, protesting the regional government’s plans to restructure and part-privatize the sector. The marches, described as a “white tide” because of the color of the medical gowns many were wearing, finally met mid-afternoon in the central Puerta del Sol. On Monday, the region’s health councilor will meet with a committee responsible for coordinating professional services and union representatives to try and agree how to achieve €533 million (US$697 million) in savings. In early July the EU agreed to bail out the Spanish banks with US$123 billion on the condition that the Spanish government implements austerity packages to cut public spending. Bearing in mind that it was the banks’ greed and risky lending to overpriced real estate projects which sparked the financial crisis in Spain, combined with a national debt that is more than 60% of the GDP, the public is now having to pay for these “misjudgments” which will eventually force Spain into the status of a third world country again. During the protest march doctors, nurses and public health users — grouped into four columns —marched from leading hospitals located in the north, south, east and west of the capital. “Our health care system is going to be damaged,” said Alberto Garcia, 26. “Patients are doomed to get a much worse service and this will just make us poorer.” Health care and education are administered by Spain’s 17 semi-autonomous regions rather than the central government and Madrid proposes selling off the management of six of 20 large public hospitals and 27 of 268 health centers to private corporations. The Spanish Debt Spain’s regions are struggling with a combined debt of €145 billion (US$190 billion) as the country’s economy contracts into a double-dip recession triggered by the 2008 real estate crash. By electing a neo liberal government such as that of Rajoy and the Francoist Partido Popular, the Spanish voters are really getting what they voted for. At least Rajoy is true to his “principles” and he is rewarding the Spanish population with: • Foreclosures • Unemployment • Austerity • Hunger • Police brutality • More taxes • Impunity for most bankers • Homelessness • Medical services being privatized • Human dignity being stripped away month after month The Numbers Just look at the figures. The Spanish capital needed just US$697,000,000 to save the public health service but the banks which effectively screwed themselves and the country got US$123,000,000,000. Madrid only needed 0.57% of this amount to maintain the integrity of its health system and prevent it falling gradually into capitalist hands. What about families with children who are destitute? Is there no compassion left when it comes down to saving the “too big to fail banks”, by denying bankruptcy which is one of the fundamental pillars of capitalism. It cleans out the system of the diseased and weak. No-one can tell any right thinking person that this is not a political-ideological decision. With just one iota of political will this total injustice could have been avoided. Some Enlightening Comparisons Venezuela: Here in Venezuela we are watching in horror as Spain is gradually morphing into Greece II and at the same time observing how in our country: houses are being built for poor families; a national health service is being constructed piece by piece; banks are too scared to take unnecessary risk too feed their greed since they know that they will be immediately nationalized. Hundreds of Venezuelan families who sold everything and moved to Spain in order to escape the Chavez “tyranny” are now homeless, jobless and cannot get back to their home country. They are appealing to the Venezuelan government to repatriate them, give them work and put them on the list for a home of the Grand Housing Mission currently underway in Venezuela. How ironic is it that 95% of Venezuelan residents in Spain voted against President Chávez in the October 7th presidential election – and now they are begging to be saved from their own folly – just like the bankers. While we empathize with the Spanish people and the looming loss of their health-care system to the capitalists, many must accept part of the blame by voting in Rajoy and his neoliberal gang of thug ministers. The UK and NHS: What is happening in Spain is inevitable and similar situation is developing in the UK where the Welfare Reform Bill has been passed the two Houses of Parliament and signed into law by the Queen. This implies at least partial privatization of the National Health Service but the silver lining of this dark cloud for the British public could mean that the Conservative and Liberal Democrat Parties could be banished for many decades from government for this betrayal of British voters. Just use Google to discover that no-one – Conservative, Liberal Democrat or Labour - would have voted to privatize even part of the UK National Health Service. Higher education is now out of reach except for all but the wealthy (university applications are down by 54% this year) and the beloved National Health Service could also soon be sacrificed to the neoliberal ideology of David Cameron who is ensuring that public money is poured into private coffers. Rajoy and his gang in Spain will also be dumped the next elections by the voters. If you are in service to the banks and big business expect the end of your political career to come sooner rather than later in the financial maelstrom of the crumbling European Union edifice.
  20. Yes 57 deaths not at the hands of FBI contract......but some were. See bottom link RE: Ray Robinson Leonard Peltier Supporters Hoping for a Presidential Pardon By: Adrian Jawort December 19, 2012 To Leonard Peltier supporters, the fact that Barack Obama has taken such personal interest in the U.S. government’s relations with American Indians renews hope of a presidential pardon after he was denied parole in 2009 for his role in the murder of two FBI agents on June 26, 1975. However, there’s one glaring obstacle in the way of his way potential freedom, and ironically it stems from one of his biggest adherents that brought his plight to the public eye: Peter Mattheissen, the author of the controversial 1983 book, In the Spirit of Crazy Horse. The book brought Peltier’s case to fame—“immortalized” him—and he’s since garnered sympathy from the likes of Indian country to two Nobel Peace Prize winners to a host of A-list celebrities who deem him a political prisoner. After Agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams approached an American Indian Movement (AIM) compound on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in search of a suspect named Jimmy Eagle, they were incapacitated by a hail of gunfire before being summarily executed. This is not disputed. But according to Matthiessen’s version of events, it all began when a brawl ensued after a night of drinking and cowboy boots were stolen. The FBI was looking for the perpetrators of the stolen item(s), and one of the culprits named Teddy Pourier was described in In the Spirit of Crazy Horse as “a small light-skinned boy who could have passed for a white anywhere else.” Truth be told, however, Pourier was a six-foot, 200 pound Oglala Sioux with long traditional hair in his early 40’s and the brawl was anything but a typical boys will be boys-type scenario. Pourier, Eagle, and two others had held captive at gunpoint college student Jerry Schwarting and an actual boy of 14 named Robert Dunsmore. For an entire night the victims were beaten as guns were fired over their heads repeatedly. Dunsmore was kept undressed and had bruises on his forehead from the barrel of a gun being pressed against it. That’s why the FBI searched for Eagle—not because of cowboy boots. Perhaps Mattheissen had a case of mistaken identity when describing Teddy Pourier, but his misleading tone sets a precedent if one reads between the lines. If Mattheissen told the real backdrop of the cowboy boots story, it’d detract from his continuous narrative of creating contempt against agents of the state who only sought to oppress Indians instead of serve them. Indeed, it was renowned Harvard Law School Professor Alan M. Dershowitz who noted in a New York Times book review that because Matthiessen goes out of his way to obtain a paranoid atmosphere, he “inadvertently makes a strong case for Mr. Peltier's guilt. Invoking the clichés of the radical left, Mr. Matthiessen takes at face value nearly every conspiratorial claim of the movement, no matter how unfounded or preposterous. Every car crash, every unexplained death, every unrelated arrest fits into the seamless web of deceit he seems to feel was woven by the FBI and its cohorts.” Following Matthiessen’s assumptions, a list of 57 AIM supporters whose deaths were supposedly never investigated by the FBI was produced by Peltier supporters. When the cases were reviewed, most of the actual murders listed in their jurisdiction were in fact prosecuted. Undoubtedly tensions between the GOONs and AIM led to violence, but many deaths listed were the result of automobile wrecks, domestic violence, children playing with guns suicides, and exposure. Also listed as supposed murdered AIM supporters were a 9-month-old baby who died after an inebriated mother fell while holding her, and a 16-month-old and his 7-year-old sister who’d been abused to death. Dershowitz wrote while reading In the Spirit of Crazy Horse that he wanted to shout at Matthiessen for his naivete because “…allegations, such as systematic beatings and ‘contracts' on the lives of AIM leaders, do not seem credible. Mr. Matthiessen surely provides no proof beyond the self-serving claims of the alleged victims and their partisan lawyers.” Caught up in such a frame of mind, Mattheissen was easily taken in when the late AIM member Bob Robideau contrived a plan of conjuring up a shadowy, sunglass wearing, black hooded figure by the name of “Mr. X.” Before In the Spirit of Crazy Horse was printed in its 1992 second version, the secretive Mr. X went on record for it claiming he committed the murders Peltier was framed for. He did the same act for the Robert Redford narrated Incident At Oglala film. While Mr. X ‘s intent was to further the case of Peltier’s innocence, his fabrication has condemned him to being a permanently imprisoned martyr. In Serle L. Chapman’s (Cheyenne) extensive interview with AIM member Dino Butler in the book We, The People of Earth and Elders Volume II, Butler said he was adamant against using the Mr. X illusion. Creating lies to fight liars would make them “lose in the end.” Mr. X was utilized anyway for what Butler called hidden agendas—he said Robideau sold the Mr. X story to Oliver Stone and Robert Redford’s scriptwriters for $10,000 a piece. Perturbed, Butler told anyone who asked about Mr. X the story was “bullxxxx” since other AIM members had collectively agreed not to use the story. “I believe the story was concocted just to keep Leonard in jail longer,” Butler contemplated to Chapman. Matthiessen called Butler and was “pissed-off” his credibility had been put in doubt, and Peltier also called and asked why he didn’t back the Mr. X story. In Chapman’s book, Butler said he simply told Peltier that it was because it was lie, and then explained his reasoning: I said, “Imagine Leonard if I’m the President of the United States and there’s this piece of paper on my desk to release this Indian man who was convicted of killing two FBI agents but now he’s gotten so much support that people want to release him; but this Indian man is sitting in prison and he’s saying, ‘Yeah, I know who killed those agents but I’m not saying because it’s the warrior way and I don’t snitch on my own people.’ And I said, ‘Me, as the President, I’m not going to release you.’ Nobody is going to release you. You came out after the Mr. X story and that’s what you said, ‘Yeah, I know who Mr. X but I’m not going to snitch on my brother, that’s not our way.’ So who do you expect to release you, Leonard? Don’t you see why this story was created?” When Peltier supporters catch the ear of the president, it’s a question Obama will undoubtedly ask himself. It’s also a question Peltier and his supporters will also have to acknowledge if they want their argument for a presidential pardon taken seriously. A lifelong Montana resident, Adrian Jawort is a freelance journalist, writer, and poet. A proud member of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe, he is a contributor to Indian Country Today Media Network as well as Native Peoples, Cowboys & Indians and many other publications. ++++++++++++++ http://rapidcityjournal.com/news/tense-fbi-aim-exchange-during-wounded-knee-talk/article_305208da-9149-11e1-8212-001a4bcf887a.html
  21. Electrospun nanofiber-based drug delivery systems catalysis, protective clothing, biomedical applications. (including wound dressing and scaffolds for tissue engi- neering, implants, membranes and drug delivery ... ABSTRACT Electrospinning is a very simple and versatile process by which polymer nanofibers with di-ameters ranging from a few nanometers to sev-eral micrometers can be produced using an electrostatically driven jet of polymer solution or polymer melt. Significant progress has been made in this process throughout the past few years and electrospinning has advanced its ap-plications in many fields, including pharmaceu-tics. Electrospun nanofibers show great prom-ise for developing many types of novel drug delivery systems (DDS) due to their special characteristics and the simple but useful and effective top-down fabricating process. The current state of electrospun nanofiber-based DDS is focused on drug-loaded nanofiber preparation from pharmaceutical and biode-gradable polymers and different types of DDS. However, there are more opportunities to be exploited from the electrospinning process and the corresponding drug-loaded nanofibers for drug delivery. Additionally, some other related challenges and the possible resolutions are outlined in this review. =========== Royal Society of Chemistry Water repellent polymer slows down drug delivery 25 January 2012 In looking for potential uses for highly water-repellent, superhydrophobic materials, scientists have mainly focused on obvious applications such as water-proof clothing and self-cleaning surfaces. But now US scientists have a new idea: using them to deliver drugs. It turns out that superhydrophobic materials are very good at slowly releasing drugs over extended periods of time, from weeks to months. This is because the water-repellent properties of these materials arise from their rough, rippled surfaces, which trap air between the ripples. This trapped air prevents liquids such as water from penetrating the ripples, forcing it to remain perched on top as intact droplets. Mark Grinstaff, professor of chemistry at Boston University, realised this trapped air could also be used to control the rate of drug release. The idea is that the trapped air prevents any drug loaded onto the superhydrophobic material from escaping, until the material is immersed in a liquid such as blood. Then, as the liquid slowly soaks into the material, it gradually displaces the air and releases the drug. More hydrophobic materials, which trap the air more securely, will release the drug over longer periods of time. Doping the polymer mesh with a superhydrophobic material slowed the release of an anticancer drug four-fold © J. Am. Chem. Soc. ============== Advanced Drug Delivery Technologies: Enabling Drug Reformulations and Administration Routes Report - Table of Contents Author: Hermann AM Mucke, PhD CHAPTER 1 Classical Routes of Drug Delivery: Their Limitationsand the Alternatives 1.1. The Oral Route: Obvious But Limited in Non-Obvious Ways 1.2. The Parenteral Routes 1.3. Systemic Topical Delivery 1.4. What Is “Alternative” Drug Delivery? CHAPTER 2 The Marriage of Drugs and Devices: ReinvigoratingOld Technologies 2.1. Drug-Eluting Stents 2.2. Metered-Dose Inhalers 2.3. Programmable and Self-Programming Devices Pumps and “Clever Pills” 2.4. Externally Triggered Release from Liposomes 2.5. Long-Acting Depots with Biodegradable Polymers 2.6. Advances in Injection Technology Needleless Injectors Autoinjectors: From Battlefield to Living Room 2.7. New Approaches to Transdermal and Transmucosal Delivery Medicated Clothing ============ Ready to Wear –Innovative Textiles with Medical Applications Published: 25 Jul 2003 By Astrid Basson, Project Manager at Frost & Sullivan (astrid.basson@frost.com) Latest developments in medical device technology include textiles used as transdermal slow-release drug delivery systems. Various synthetic and natural fibres can thereby be utilised to construct such biomedical textiles with a therapeutic effect. Other medical applications of textiles include the integration of biomedical sensors for monitoring vital body functions. Such concepts could open up promising future markets. These and other issues may be raised at Management Forum’s upcoming conference on successful development of medical devices. Textiles and fibres used for medical purposes are not new. Sutures and wound dressings are only some examples of commonly used fibre-based medical devices. More recent developments include mesh fabrics for hernia repair and textile-based vascular prostheses. Transdermal patches containing therapeutic ingredients have also become commonplace e.g. nicotine patches. The application of textile materials does however not stop there. Highly sophisticated fibres could be used as transdermal drug delivery systems. Progress has been made possible by advances in supramolecular chemistry, nanotechnology and polymer science and technology. The other avenue of smart clothes include garments with integrated sensors that could measure and transmit vital patient data. Clothes as transdermal drug-delivery systems Coating of textiles with suitable molecules for drug depot and delivery is tricky and represents a challenge to scientists and engineers. Examples include cyclodextrins, a unique group of cyclic oligomers of glucose, that are able to incorporate and recognise other molecules in their molecular cavities. This unique characteristic can be used to incorporate active substances into their molecular structure leading to a variety of potentially promising medical applications including transdermal drug delivery. Future usage could include clothes with integrated corticoids for patients suffering from neurodermitis. In Germany alone, the number of patients suffering from this disease is estimated to be around 5 million. Potentially possible could further be the transdermal delivery of insulin to diabetes patients via such smart clothes. Another usage could include hospital garments with integrated antiseptic substances. Theoretic possibilities are endless. It remains to be seen if such smart clothes are technically feasible to produce and, not less important, within acceptable costs. However, such applications are not likely to be ready within the next 5 years.
  22. Too Much Coincidence Rules Changes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedural changes would limit the ability of pilots and military commanders to respond to hijackings. ******** Military orders stripped commanders in the field of autonomy in responding to hijackings. ********The FAA banned firearm possession by commercial pilots two months before the attack ######################## Pilots Disarmed Two Months Before Attack, Armed Pilots Banned For 40 years prior to 9/11/01, a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rule had allowed commercial airlines pilots to carry firearms in the cockpit. The rule was adopted in in the wake of the 1961 Cuban missile crisis as a measure to prevent hijackings. Just two months before 9/11/01, the FAA rescinded the rule. According to Jon Dougherty, reporter for WorldNetDaily.com, the FAA failed to return numerous calls requesting an explanation for the rule change. 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References 1. Armed pilots banned 2 months before 9-11, WorldNetDaily.com, 5/16/02 [cached] ######################## The June 1 Order Questions about Changes in Intercept Authority Prior to the Attack There has been a great deal of interest in locating a "stand-down order" to explain the failure of NORAD to respond effectively to the attack. Some researchers thought they had found such an order in Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction CJCSI 3610.01A, a directive issued by S.A. Fry, Vice Admiral of the US Navy and Director of the Joint Staff, on June 1, 2001. 1 That directive states that intercepts must be approved by the Secretary of Defense In the event of a hijacking, the NMCC will be notified by the most expeditious means by the FAA. The NMCC will, with the exception of immediate responses as authorized by reference D, forward requests for DOD assistance to the Secretary of Defense for approval. Reference D refers to Department of Defense Directive 3025.15, dated February 18, 1997. 2 That directive allows commanders in the field to provide assistance in emergency situations to save lives. However, that exception to the Secretary's approval may be moot in the case of September 11 because of language in the Directive that appears to require approval of lethal support: The Secretary of Defense is the approval authority for any requests for potentially lethal support (i.e., lethal to the public, a member of law enforcement, or a Service member) made by law enforcement agencies. That conclusion is subject to question given apparent contradictions in the policies described by the documents. A review of the history of military orders governing response to hijackings casts doubt on the idea that the June 1 order was instrumental in hobbling the military's response on September 11. The June 1 order superseded the 1997 directive CJCSI 3610.01. 3 The 1997 directive also stipulated that the NMCC "forward all requests or proposals for DOD military assistance for piracy (hijacking) to the Secretary of Defense for approval." The 1997 directive cancels three earlier ones: MCM-102-92, 24 July 1992, "Hijacking of Civil Aircraft" CJCS MOP 51, 13 April 1992, "Aircraft Piracy (Hijacking) of Military and Military Contract Aircraft" MCM-- 173-90, 14 September 1990, "Destruction of Derelict Airborne Objects" These earlier documents do not appear to be archived on dtic.mil. It would be interesting to learn what policy they mandated for military response to hijackings, and, in particular, whether it required approval by the Secretary of Defense. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References 1. Aircraft Piracy (Hijacking) and Destruction of Derelict Airborne Objects, dtic.mil, 6/1/2001 [cached] 2. Military Assistance to Civil Authorities, dtic.mil, 2/18/1997 [cached] 3. Aircraft Piracy (Hijacking) and Destruction of Derelict Airborne Objects, dtic.mil, 7/31/1997 [cached] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In the days before 9-11, the FBI went around the nation shutting down the websites of Muslim charities, so that no opposing voice could be heard to challenge the "Muslims did it" propaganda.
  23. LHO's Social Security number. Theres something wrong with it. Gee, its on the back cover of a THIRD DECADE. To be an asset at such a young age ....could not then he not have been an asset sooner ??? November 10, 1955: LHO starts work as a messenger boy at Gerald F. Tujague Inc.
  24. LEFTY OBAMA ?? Obama Gets Four More Years to Bash Hugo Chavez and the Latin American Left President Obama's crass comments about newly-elected Chavez only serve to further alienate himself from Latin America. December 18, 2012 | Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Photo Credit: Victor Soares/ABr President Obama went too far in throwing gratuitous insults at President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela on Friday, in an interview in Miami. By doing so, he not only offended the majority of Venezuelans, who voted to re-elect their president on October 7, but even many who did not. Chavez is fighting for his life, recovering from a difficult cancer operation; in Latin America, as in most of the world, this wholly unnecessary vilification of Chavez by Obama is a breach not only of diplomatic protocol but also of ordinary standards of civility. Perhaps even more importantly, Obama's ill-timed aspersions sent an unpleasant message to the rest of the region. While Obama can get away with anything in the major media outlets, you can be sure that his remarks were noticed by the presidents and foreign ministries of Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Bolivia, and others. The message was clear: Expect four more years of the same failed, Cold War policies toward Latin America that President George W Bush championed and Obama continued in his first term. These presidents see Chavez as a close friend and ally, someone who has helped them and the region; like millions of Venezuelans they are praying for his recovery. They also see Washington as responsible for the bad relations between the US and Venezuela (as well as the hemisphere generally), and these unfortunate remarks are additional confirmation. At the 2012 Summit of the Americas, Obama found himself as isolated as George W Bush was at the notorious 2005 summit. It was a sea change from the 2009 Summit, where everyone - including Chavez - greeted Obama warmly and saw in him the potential for a new era of US-Latin American relations. To these governments, Obama's broadsides about Chavez's "authoritarian policies" and "suppression of dissent" have a bad smell, even ignoring the offensive timing. Venezuela just had an election in which the opposition, which has most of the income and wealth of the country, as well as most of the media, mobilised millions of voters. The turnout was 81 percent of registered voters, with about 97 percent of the voting-age population registered. The government did not "suppress dissent", nor has it done so in other elections; or even when the dissenters shut down the oil industry and crippled the economy in 2002-2003 - actions which would have been illegal and blocked by the force of the state in the United States. Peaceful protesters in Venezuela are far less likely to get beaten or tear-gassed or shot with rubber bullets by security forces than , and probably most other democracies. Yes, there have been abuses of authority in Venezuela, as in all of the hemisphere - as President Obama should know. It was Obama who defended the imprisonment without trial for more than two-and-a-half years, and abuse in custody, of Bradley Manning, which was condemned by the United Nations' Special Rapporteur on Torture. It is Obama who has refused to grant freedom to Native American activist Leonard Peltier, widely seen throughout the world as a political prisoner, now in a US prison for 37 years. It is Obama who claims the right, and has used it, to kill American citizens without arrest or trial. Venezuela is a middle-income country where the rule of law is relatively weak, as is the state generally (hence the absurdity of calling it "authoritarian"). But compared to other countries of its income level, it does not stand out for anything in the realm of human rights abuses. Certainly there is nothing in Venezuela comparable to the abuses by Washington allies such as Mexico; or Honduras - where candidates for political office, opposition activists, and journalists are regularly murdered. And much of the scholarly research on Venezuela under Chavez shows that it is more democratic and has more civil liberties than ever before in its own history.
  25. Patrick Henningsen CONTACT THIS MAN IF YOU WISH (CLICK ON NAME) This entry was posted on December 18, 2012 at 12:14 pm and is filed under 2012, America, EDUCATION, False Flag, International News, Iran, Propaganda, Uncategorized, United Nations, US Politics, WORLD NEWS. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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