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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. STRANGE HAPPENINGS IN SENATE JULY 19th ----------------------------------------------------------- URGENT: Vote tomorrow on the Bring Jobs Home Act Posted on July 18, 2012 by Angel - NYC Tomorrow, the Senate will be confronted with a choice — either stand with the American people in desperate need of jobs or stand with the big corporations who outsource those jobs overseas http://fromthetrench...home-act/17931/ ======================================================= ################################################# We have reached a crossroad where either we allow the corporations to take control of our nations, or we stop them in their attempts. Take an evening off from the TV and make the effort to make a difference so that you leave your children a better future. Don’t expect others to do this vital task. ###################################################
  2. US PREPARES FOR WAR = RUSSIA TRIES PEACE ATTEMPT ((Gaal)) Russia Submits ‘Enhanced’ Draft Resolution on Syria http://en.ria.ru/rus.../174656572.html #################################################### ==================================================== WHATREALLYHAPPENED SITE The UN Security Council is set for a showdown on Wednesday as Russia has submitted its own, “enhanced,” draft resolution on Syria to counter a new draft sanctions resolution prepared by Western countries. The United Kingdom, supported by the United States, France and Germany, drafted the new resolution on Syria on the basis of Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, which allows sanctions and a military operation. Russia, on the contrary, continues to promote UN special envoy Kofi Annan’s six-point peace plan as the only way to bring an end to the spiral of violence in Syria, despite the failure of a ceasefire stipulated under the deal. “We have taken into account [in the enhanced draft] concerns over humanitarian situation, human rights and localized ceasefire,” Russia’s Deputy Ambassador to the UN Alexander Pankin told reporters on Tuesday after a two-hour Security Council’s meeting on the Russian draft. Webmaster's Commentary: OK, Russia is absolutely not going to sign off on plan calling for outside military intervention with a UN mandate. The US and UK are absolutely not going to sign off on a plan which doesn't call for outside military intervention. IF UN monitoring is not allowed to continue past this Friday, the 20th, look for some kind of NATO or US action against the Syrian government shortly after that. The US Department of Defense has already put contingency plans in place for just such a strike. Pentagon finishes contingency plans for Syria invasion Officials with the US Department of Defense have confirmed that the Pentagon has finalized procedures that outline how American forces could soon combat the government of war-torn Syria and officially involve itself in that state’s bloody uprising. After months of rumors suggesting that the US has unofficially made efforts to weaponize rebel forces fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, officials with the Defense Department tell CNN that the Pentagon has finished drafting blueprints that lay-out just how the US military could aid in ousting the leader with America’s own troops. In their report, CNN cites Defense Department officials speaking on condition of anonymity; in a separate sit-down however, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey confirms to the outlet that intensifying violence overseas in recent months has prompted the Pentagon to expedite establishing a role for US forces. The violence “gives us all pause that have been in Iraq and seen how these issues become sectarian and then they become civil wars and then they become very difficult to resolve,” Dempsey tells CNN this week. “There is a sense that if the sectarian violence in Syria grows, it could be worse than what we saw in Iraq,” he adds. Although the issue of involving US forces in the war against Assad’s regime has been on the table since the beginning of the uprising, authorities in Washington — off the record — have all but officially thrown their hat in the ring in regards to offering assistance. RT reported earlier this week that intelligence forces have revealed to Israel’s Debka news agency that the US was believed to be readying the establishing of a no-fly zone in Syria, and last month discussed murmurings that suggested US President Barack Obama had quietly approved a shipment of anti-tank weapons to Syrian rebels. CNN’s report confirms that the military has indeed drafted instructions that lay-out the implementation of the no-fly zone. Additionally, officials say that a large number of US troops could soon be installed overseas to aid in the war. NATO has also been making preparations of its own for military intervention in Syria. A NATO-led intervention is on the drawing board. It was drafted prior to the onset of the protest movement in March 2011. According to military and intelligence sources, NATO, Turkey and Saudi Arabia have been discussing "the form this intervention would take". US, British and Turkish operatives are supplying the rebels with weapons. Britain's Ministry of Defence confirms that it "is drawing up secret plans for a NATO-sponsored no-fly zone [in coordination with its allies] "but first it needs backing from the United Nations Security Council." (Syria will be bloodiest yet, Daily Star). According to these secret plans: "fighting in Syria could be bigger and bloodier than the battle against Gaddafi".(Ibid ). A "humanitarian" military intervention modeled on Libya is contemplated. NATO Special Forces from Britain, France, Qatar and Turkey are already on the ground inside Syria in blatant violation of international law. Reports from British military sources (November 2011) confirm that: "British Special forces have met up with members of the Free Syrian Army (FSA)... The apparent goal of this initial contact was to establish the rebel forces' strength and to pave the way for any future training operations. ... More recent reports have stated that British and French Special Forces have been actively training members of the FSA, from a base in Turkey. Some reports indicate that training is also taking place in locations in Libya and Northern Lebanon. British MI6 operatives and UKSF (SAS/SBS) personnel have reportedly been training the rebels in urban warfare as well as supplying them with arms and equipment. US CIA operatives and special forces are believed to be providing communications assistance to the rebels." Elite Forces UK, January 5, 2012 (emphasis added) If all of the above is true, the big question those in the bowels of power in DC and Brussels need to be asking themselves is, what, precisely, is Russia prepared to do to support the Al-Assad government if there is a US/NATO military intervention? I'd like to hope this scenario is keeping someone other than myself lying awake at night. We are on very dangerous ground here, because if Syria is attacked, Iran is treaty-bound to protect it militarily through their mutual defense pact, and that will be used as the "justification" as an attack against Iran. China just entered into an agreement with Iran to develop its southern oil fields this month. Development plans of two oilfields, namely Yadavaran and Azadegan, have been started by Chinese companies' $20 billion investment, aimed to produce 700,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd), the Shana News Agency quoted Oil Minister Rostam Qasemi as saying. Over 20 drilling rigs have been commissioned at the two oilfields, the minister added. The Azadegan oilfield is located close to the Iraqi border. The field holds around 33.2 billion barrels of in-situ oil deposit, of which 5.2 billion barrels are recoverable. Therefore, any attack against Iran will be construed as an attack against China's national interests. The only logical conclusion here, is that the US government and NATO are actually be planning for war with China and Russia over Syria and Iran, something Israel would love to see happen.
  3. ===================================== Its real name should be BANKERS SPRING ((GAAL)) BK: I have yet to see any rational argument that people with the wealth or industry might are making any money from the region wide revolutions as the bankers have always been reactionary and sought stability and never supported revolution. You are the one who has, what Cas Sunstein calls "faulty epistomology," and can't change your opinions or ideals when confronted with the facts or the truth. GEE BILL COLOR BLIND <THIS ALREADY IN MY POST ?????????????? Libya`s frozen overseas financial assets are estimated to be of the order of $150 billion, with NATO countries holding more than $100 billion. Prior to the war, Libya had no debts. In fact quite the opposite. It was a creditor nation investing in neighboring African countries. The R2P military intervention is intended to spearhead the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya into the straightjacket of an indebted developing country, under the surveillance of the Washington based Bretton Woods institutions. In a bitter irony, after having stolen Libya's oil wealth and confiscated its overseas financial assets, the "donor community" has pledged to lend the (stolen) money back to finance Libya's post-war "reconstruction". Libya is slated to join the ranks of indebted African countries which have driven into poverty by IMF and the World Bank since the onsalught of the debt crisis in the early 1980s: BANKS ARE LOANING BACK LIBY"S OWN MONEY BACK TO THEM AT INTEREST !!!!!!! ++++++++++o+++++++++++++ ++++++++++o+++++++++++++ America's Shadow Wars in Africa Secret Wars, Secret Bases, and the Pentagon’s “New Spice Route” by Nick Turse http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=31892 Here’s an odd question: Is it possible that the U.S. military is present in more countries and more places now than at the height of the Cold War? It’s true that the U.S. is reducing its forces and giant bases in Europe and that its troops are out of Iraq (except for that huge, militarized embassy in Baghdad). On the other hand, there’s that massive ground, air, and naval build-up in the Persian Gulf, the Obama administration’s widely publicized “pivot” to Asia (including troops and ships), those new drone bases in the eastern Indian Ocean region, some movement back into Latin America (including a new base in Chile), and don’t forget Africa, where less than a decade ago, the U.S. had almost no military presence at all. Now, as TomDispatch Associate Editor Nick Turse writes in the latest in his “changing face of empire” series, U.S. special operations forces, regular troops, private contractors, and drones are spreading across the continent with remarkable (if little noticed) rapidity. ===========================o================================= Kony 2012 and America's Conquest of Africa's Mineral Wealth by Nile Bowie http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=31522 In a 2010 white paper entitled “Critical Raw Materials for the EU,” the European Commission cites the immediate need for reserve supplies of tantalum, cobalt, niobium, and tungsten among others [10]; the US Department of Energy 2010 white paper “Critical Mineral Strategy” also acknowledged the strategic importance of these key components [11]. In 1980, Pentagon experts acknowledged dire shortages of cobalt, titanium, chromium, tantalum, beryllium, and nickel, eluding that rebel insurgencies in the Congo inflated the cost of such materials [12]. Additionally, the US Congressional Budget Office’s 1982 report “Cobalt: Policy Options for a Strategic Mineral” notes that cobalt alloys are critical to the aerospace and weapons industries and that 64% of the world’s cobalt reserves lay in the Katanga Copper Belt, running from southeastern Congo into northern Zambia [13]. During the Congo Wars of the 1996 to 2003, the United States provided training and arms to Tutsi Rwandan and Ugandan militias who later invaded the Congo’s mineral rich eastern provinces to pursue extremist Hutu militias following the Rwandan genocide. Although over six million deaths were attributed to the conflict in the Congo [14], findings of the United Nations suggest that neighboring regimes in Ugandan, Rwanda and Burundi benefitted immensely from illegally harvested conflict minerals, later sold to various multinational corporations for use in consumer goods [15]. The US defense industry relies on high quality metallic alloys indigenous to the region, used primarily in the construction of high-performance jet engines. The sole piece of legislation authored by President Obama during his time as a Senator was S.B. 2125, the Democratic Republic of the Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act of 2006; Section 201(6) of the bill specifically calls for the protection of natural resources in the troubled regions of eastern Congo [16]. The Congo maintains the second lowest GDP per capita despite having an estimated $24 trillion in untapped raw minerals deposits [17]; ################################################### related US Agents of Subversion Deride Russian NGO Bill Disingenuous peddlers of transparency and "open society" choke on their own medicine. by Tony Cartalucci 7/17/12 http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=31909 ++++++++++++++++++ Bill I thought you were a good guy...but now Bill I see total sellout....a man with no shame. Did you remember a Congo assassination in the JFK era ??? Mass suffering for mineral wars in Africa to come.....Kelly cheers.....gee Bill this is recolonization ...this is debt slavery .....this is Bill Kelly....proslavery. Kelly will sit in luxury with his London international economic friends and sip tea ,created by stolen African wealth. Bill have a spark of honesty and yell ,"hah Boy,MASTER Bill wants more tea !!! " recolonization via debt/spies/NGO assets CASE CLOSED
  4. So you (Colby) are admitting error. THUS NOW LEN COLBY PLEASE REMOVE YOUR POST # 5 because I didnt mention Jews in my post #4 which you posting against. ((GAAL)) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ POST #5 Colby Oh yes it happened over 350 years ago it must still be happening today. Quite influenced byLaDouche Gaal distrusts Brits and Jews. END WHOLE POST #5 Colby ################################################################# Gee Len facts are not with you. How is it as you say ? SORRY
  5. 9 more seconds work GOOGLE WEB infertility peer review GMO New Study Links Genetically Engineered Corn to Infertility http://www.organicco...ticle_15588.cfm
  6. 9 seconds of work GOOGLE since 2011 articles peer reviewed studies gmo PLUS 3,759 more PDF] Dangerous Toxins From Genetically Modified Plants Found in Women and Fetuses[PDF] from healthymoneyvine.comJM Smith, B Monsanto - Allergy, 2011 - healthymoneyvine.com ... 4 When the results of the study emerged, the funding from the pro-GMO UK government mysteriously ... of a test that can confirm that this is happening, but the Canada study may be ... But here too they ignore peer-reviewed published evidence showing that Bt- toxin does bind with ... Related articles - View as HTML - All 2 versions
  7. http://www.gmwatch.org/ THIS BEST ONE STOP SITE ON GM ISSUE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Crazy conspiratorial site = Scientific American ((Gaal)) http://www.gmwatch.o...-on-gm-research Scientific American condemns restrictions on GM research Tuesday, 21 July 2009 15:48 EXTRACT: Although we appreciate the need to protect the intellectual property rights that have spurred the investments into research and development that have led to agritech's successes, we also believe food safety and environmental protection depend on making plant products available to regular scientific scrutiny. Agricultural technology companies should therefore immediately remove the restriction on research from their end-user agreements. Going forward, the EPA should also require, as a condition of approving the sale of new seeds, that independent researchers have unfettered access to all products currently on the market. --- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ http://www.responsib...od-January-2006 ServicesUn-Spinning the Spin Masters on Genetically Engineered Food ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By Jeffrey M. Smith Jeffrey Smith Responds to a Biotech Proponent's Accusations and Spin Note from Jeffrey Smith: In September, 2005, the respected South African investigative magazine, Noseweek, ran a five-page interview with me that was described by a GMO campaigner as "the hardest knock" that the country's biotech industry had ever taken from the media. To read the interview, go to the September 2005 issue of Spilling the Beans, at http://www.responsib...-September-2005. Hans Lombard, a public relations consultant for the biotech industry, wrote a rebuttal to Noseweek that was pure industry spin. Fortunately, I was given the opportunity to respond. Both his letter and a condensed version of mine were published side by side in their January issue. The magazine put my full response on its website. The following is the text of Lombard's letter, broken up so that I can respond to each accusation. The shortened version that was published is available with graphics and photos at http://www.responsib...rg/docs/100.pdf Noseweek has given permission for either the long or short versions to be reprinted in whole or in part. PART 1 Lombard: Gmo food safer than conventional Allegations by Jeffrey Smith of "dangers and health risks" to humans and animals posed by GMO food in the article: "Rammed down our throats," Noseweek, September 2005 are blatant lies. Shocking, misleading information with no substantiated scientific evidence. What he failed to tell us is that his so-called "best seller" book condemning GMO crops which he hawked around South Africahas not received the backing of any academy of science or medicine, any faculty of agriculture/science, or any agricultural research institute anywhere in the world. Smith: Hans Lombard, a public relations man paid to "hawk" GM foods around South Africa, provides a superb example of industry spin. He attacks so-called "lies" and "misleading information" using nonexistent safety tests that passed with flying colors, false attributions to national academies and unsupported safety claims. It is a pleasure to respond to these accusations. "So-called" best seller without "backing"… Seeds of Deception is the world's bestselling book on GM foods and rated number one on the subject by the Ecologist. It documents attempted bribes, fired and threatened scientists, hijacked regulatory agencies, cover-ups, rigged research, and the ways in which industry manipulation and political collusion got genetically modified (GM) foods approved. It also explains why the foods threaten our health. The revelations have had an impact. A master's thesis, for example, concluded that the book had a major influence on the passage of the first state regulation on GMOs in Vermont. A state representative said, "It certainly colored every conversation in the Statehouse about GMOs. It was the subtext for everything after that, once it arrived." In the US, academic institutions don't "back" books. The faculty use what they want. Even though Seeds of Deception is not an academic text book, it is assigned in several university classes, including Yale, where I spoke last year. Substantiated scientific evidence… I asked a prominent German biologist, Christine von Weizsaecker, to write the foreword to my German edition. She explained that she couldn't put her name on anything in which the science isn't absolutely correct. She therefore analyzed the book in great detail, and then had another top biologist trace every quote to its original source, to make sure it wasn't used out of context. It passed inspection and she wrote the foreword. Hawking my book… My visit to Southern Africa was to speak at conferences and to share information about GM foods with the public and political leaders. It was not about promoting my book, which wasn't even available in SA bookstores at the time. This sentence, however, is about hawking my book, which is now available through New Horizon distributors. Lombard: In response to only a few of his wild fear mongering and scientifically unproven allegations, here are the facts: *GM crops are not adequately tested for safety Quite the contrary. In fact no agricultural crop in history has been subjected to such stringent scientific and medical tests. GMO crops have passed these tests with flying colours. The European Commission conducted 81 scientific research tests over a period of 15 years and costing R640 million. It concluded: "GM food is both safe for humans and the environment. Biotech crops may even be safer than conventional food." After in-depth research by a panel of leading scientists, the Royal Scientific Society of London stated: "There is no serious threat or even existence of any potential environmental harm or human health hazards in GM food. " Eight academies of science—Brazil, China, India, Mexico, the Third World Academy, National Academy of Science US, Germany, France and the Royal Canadian Society—concurred. The British Medical Association says there is very little potential for GM foods to cause harmful effects. Smith: Stringent tests, 81 studies… The European Commission had funded 81 projects on GMOs, not conducted. As of 2001, when this count was made, most were in progress but not yet published. An analysis of all peer-reviewed animal feeding safety tests on GM foods, published in Nutrition and Health in 2003, found only 10.[1] Another comprehensive analysis published in October, 2005, raises that number to 19.[2] Most of these are industry-sponsored and are criticized as superficial and poorly designed. According to GMO in animal nutrition: potential benefits and risks, "relatively short-term animal feeding/production experiments, particularly as they are presently carried out, do not contribute much to GM safety."[3] Another peer-reviewed article in Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews exposed numerous health risks of GM foods that are not being tested for, and cited "serious deficiencies in both regulatory oversight and corporate testing procedures."[4]Geneticist David Suzuki said it a little clearer: "Any politician or scientist who tells you these products are safe is either very stupid or lying. The experiments have simply not been done."[5] Academies… To claim that there are no potential health hazards from GM is absurd. To claim this as the position of eight national academies is outrageous. I called Lombard's bluff, and read his quote to Fran Sharples, the Director of the Board on Life Sciences at the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS). She said, "The academies have issued numerous reports on assessing the risks of transgenic plants. If the academy believed there were no such potential risks, why would we have delved into these matters in these reports?"[6] One of those NAS reports even acknowledged that the current system of regulating GMOs might not detect "unintended changes in the composition of the food."[7] The Royal Society of Canada stated that it is "scientifically unjustifiable" to presume that GM foods are safe, and that the "default presumption" is that unintended, potentially hazardous side effects are present. A WHO spokesperson said that current regulations are not adequate to determine the health effects,[8] the Indian Council of Medical Research called for a complete overhaul of existing regulations,[9] and the British Medical Association had called for a moratorium of GM foods altogether. Why then do we read reports from some scientific bodies that claim GM foods are totally safe? It turns out that there is a fairly small group of biotech scientists with strong support by industry who have managed to author all sorts of "official" or official-sounding reports. The usual suspects are concentrated in the UK, and their Odes-to-Biotech are found in reports for the UK's Royal Society and others. GMWatch.org has done a brilliant job exposing the group's conflicts of interest, biased science, and even their repeated use of threats to other scientists who wish to publish adverse findings or opinions. How did Lombard come up with his eight academies? I guess he's referring to a report called Transgenic Plants and World Agriculture (2000), which lists seven of the eight as contributors. But the report hardly supports Lombard's claim of no potential risks. On the contrary, it enumerates "the potential for allergic reactions" and "toxic compounds as a result of the GM technology." Moreover, "Public health regulatory systems need to be put in place in every country to identify and monitor any potential adverse human health effects of transgenic plants." Unfortunately, this recommendation has not been instituted anywhere in the world, so we don't know if GM foods are already causing widespread health problems. PART 2 Lombard: *After GM soyas were introduced in the UK, allergies skyrocketed. The Royal Society of London denies this and says. There is no evidence that GM foods cause allergic reactions. Allergic risks posed by GM plants are no greater than those posed by conventional crops. Long before the advent of GM crops, medical scientists determined that allergies were caused by milk, egg whites, peanuts and soya beans and will continue to do so, GM or non-GM. If the allegations regarding allergies were true, why does the EU continue to import annually on average 17 million tons of soya from the USA and Argentine, 90% GM? Smith: Allergies… An allergy specialist from Ohio told me recently, "I used to test for soy allergy. Since they have genetically altered it, I tell people just don't eat it unless it says organic. These things are so potentially dangerous."[10] The British Medical Association had warned that GM foods may lead to the emergence of new allergies. A finding in March 1999 is telling. Researchers at the UK's York Laboratory tested 4,500 people for allergic reactions and sensitivities to a wide range of foods. Soy had previously affected 10% of consumers. In 1999, however, that jumped to 15%. Soy entered the top ten list of allergens for the first time in the seventeen years of testing. Reactions included irritable bowel syndrome, digestion problems, skin complaints, chronic fatigue, headaches and lethargy. Blood tests confirmed an antibody reaction to soy. GM soy had recently entered the UK and the soy used in the study was largely GM. John Graham, spokesman for the York laboratory, said, "We believe this raises serious new questions about the safety of GM foods."[11] The joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Allergenicity of GM foods said, "A clear need exists to pay particular attention to allergenicity when assessing the safety of foods produced through genetic modification."[12] But GM foods have genes from bacteria, viruses and other organisms. The proteins they create were never part of the human food supply; no one knows if they're allergenic. According to the US Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) 1992 policy, "At this time, FDA is unaware of any practical method to predict or assess the potential for new proteins in food to induce allergenicity and requests comments on this issue."[13] A Washington Post article—written seven years later—said there is still "no widely accepted way to predict a new food's potential to cause an allergy. The FDA is now five years behind in its promise to develop guidelines for doing so. With no formal guidelines in place, it's largely up to the industry to decide whether and how to test for the allergy potential of new food."[14] But this is problematic, according to the FDA's own scientist, who had written years earlier, "Are we asking the crop developer to prove that food from his crop is non-allergenic? This seems like an impossible task."[15] According to the US EPA Scientific Advisory Panel, "Only surveillance and clinical assessment of exposed individuals will confirm the allergenicity."[16] Unfortunately, no such surveillance exists. The FAO/WHO does suggest criteria that minimize the likelihood that allergenic GM crops would get approved. The GM soy already on the market, however, fails those criteria—sections of its GM protein are identical to known allergens. The same is true for the GM white corn used in the South African staple, millimeal. It is engineered to create a Bt toxin to kill insects. Farm workers and others exposed to Bt spray have exhibited allergic symptoms including allergic rhinitis, angioedema, dermatitis, pruritus, swelling, erythema with conjunctival injection, exacerbations of asthma, angioedema and rashes.[17] A November 2005 study [18] found that a GM pea under development caused severe immune responses in mice, and the plans to commercialize the crop were scrapped. The tests used, however, were those typically used for medical testing, not for GM food. If those same peas were subjected to normal GM food safety assessments, they could have sailed through the approval process. More importantly, since none of the GM crops on the market have ever been tested in this same rigorous way, they too may be harmful. EU imports… The EU imports GM soy for use as animal feed. Fortunately, European food manufacturers such as Carrefour, Tesco, Asda and Marks and Spencer, are committed to switch to non-GM sources. Lombard: *GM cotton produced in Andra Pradesh, India, reduced yields by 18% and was subsequently banned. Again, the Indian authorities in Andra Pradesh reject this allegation as an outright lie. Chengal Reddy, chairman of the Federation of Farmers' Associations in Andra Pradesh, denies that there has been a Bt cotton failure. According to him, Bt cotton plantings in 2002/03 was a roaring success. Mangala Rai, director-general of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, says cotton farmers in Andra Pradesh increased their Bt cotton yields by 30% and reduced pesticide sprayings by 65%. So much so, that the Indian Government approved the planting of an additional 40 000 ha of Bt cotton in Andra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtraand Gujarat. Furthermore, the Indian Government has approved three new Bt cotton varieties. Andra Pradash now has the choice of six Bt cotton hybrids. If Smith's allegation is true, why is it that India increased the area under approved biotech cotton from 100,000 ha two years ago to 500,000 in 2004, involving more than 300,000 small-scale farmers? Smith: According to the April 13, 2005 Deccan Herald, "A study that tracked genetically modified Bt cotton crop for three years in Andhra Pradesh has proved conclusively that it has failed on all fronts including yield, cost of cultivation, returns to farmers and resistance to pests. On the other hand, the non-Bt cotton performed better on all counts."[19] This was the only independent study "on Bt cotton done on [a] season-long basis continuously for three years in 87 villages." Conducted by Dr Abdul Qayoom, former Joint Director of Agriculture in Andhra Pradesh, and Mr Sakkari Kiran of the Permaculture Institute of India, the study showed that growing Bt cotton cost 12% more, yielded 8.3% less, and the returns over three years were 60% less.[20] Problems with the GM variety included failure to germinate, drought damage, root-rot, leaf curl virus, brittle stems, increased pests, smaller bolls, increased labor requirements per acre and a shorter harvest season. According to three year study, some farmers complained "that they were not able to grow other crops after Bt because it had infected their soil very badly."[21] Years earlier, approvals of Bt cotton had been secured by an "expert team" that visited a few farmers growing it for the first time. The team issued a glowing report, claiming higher yields, less pesticides, and greater profits. When a film crew interviewed those same farmers, they discovered that just the opposite was true. They also described problems with the cotton's quality: GM cotton was more light weight, weaker, less bright, had shorter staple length and sold for less. One farmer said, "We have to beg the traders to sell the cotton to them." When government officials saw the video, they investigated and confirmed that the expert team's report contradicted the facts. Another report identified a yield loss in the Warangal district of 30-60%. The official report, however, was tampered with. The local Deputy Director of Agriculture confirmed on Feb 1, 2005 that the yield figures had been secretly increased to 2.7 times higher than what farms reported. Once the state of Andhra Pradesh tallied all the actual yields, they demanded approximately $10 million USD from Monsanto to compensate farmers for losses. When the company refused, on June 3 the government banned Monsanto from the state. According to state agricultural commissioner Poonam Malakondiah, the state will not even allow Monsanto to carry out trials.[22] The Bt varieties that Lombard says are now sold in Andhra Pradesh are other companies' products. But a November 8, 2005report by the Monitoring & Evaluation Committee shows stunted growth and massive pest damage to these varieties as well.[23] Lombard can easily obtain contradictory statistics. Ask Monsanto. They commissioned studies to be done by market research agencies, not scientists. One, for example, claimed four times the actual reduction in pesticide use, twelve times the actual yield, and 100 times the actual profit.[24] Lombard quotes Chengal Reddy. Of course Reddy will use Monsanto's statistics, as "he has worked closely with the company since the mid-1990s,"[25] and even proposed to that his group "be the operational arm"[26] of the biotech organization in the state. GMwatch.org exposes more on this "non-farmer" and his "federation" that appears to be "significantly different from that which it claims."[27] In spite of Monsanto's ban in Andhra Pradesh, their faulty cotton was allowed in Madhya Pradesh. According to a November 14, 2005 article in NewKerala.com, it has been a disaster there too. Rampant wilting in 200,000 acres caused an estimated $87.5 million USD in damages. The article also described a health report that showed "Bt cotton was causing severe to moderate allergy to people coming in contact with it."[28] On November 10, 2005, The Hindu reported that "Up to 75 per cent of the Bt cotton seeds" planted in parts of Tamil Nadu "failed to germinate this season,"[29] and on November 27 they said that India's central government "conceded the failure of Bt cotton in Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan."[30] Why are farmers still buying Bt cotton. I'm not sure. But the following accounts may help explain it. Monsanto ran a poster series called True Stories Of Farmers Who Have Sown Bt Cotton. One featured a farmer who claimed great benefits. When investigators tracked him down, he turned out to be a cigarette salesman, not a farmer. Another poster gave the yield figures of the featured farmer—which was four times what he actually achieved. One photo of a farmer standing next to a tractor was used to suggest that sales of Bt cotton allowed him to buy it. But the farmer was never told what the photo was to be used for, and said that with the yields from Bt, "I would not be able to buy even two tractor tires." In addition to posters, the cotton marketers used dancing girls, famous Bollywood actors, even religious leaders to pitch their products. Some newspaper ads looked like a news stories and featured relatives of seed salesmen claiming to be happy with Bt. Sometimes free pesticides were given away with the seeds, and some farmers who helped with publicity got free seeds. As for Lombard's increased acreage statistics, according to the Executive Director of the Centre for Sustainable Agriculture, (the organization that helped investigate these marketing deceptions) "The assertion by Monsanto that the increase in acreage of Bt Cotton is an indication of the success of Bt Cotton is as questionable as their false advertising."[31] In Andhra Pradesh, 71% of farmers who used Bt cotton ended up with financial losses. When they realized that they were deceived, farmers attacked the seed dealer's office and even "tied up Mahyco Monsanto representatives in their villages," until the police rescued them.[32] Tragically, other farmers committed suicide. In Vidarbha, Maharashtra alone, between July 2 and November 17, 2005, an estimated 114 impoverished cotton farmers have taken their own lives.[33] PART 3 Lombard: *Rats fed on GM Potatoes developed potentially pre-cancerous cell growth—Pusztai. Rats fed on GM tomatoes—seven of 40 died within two weeks. These tests were never peer-proven. No scientific peer-proven data in support of these tests exists. They were dispelled as flawed by scientists worldwide. A report in the influential Lancet magazine claimed that scientists who reviewed Pusztai's experiments came to the conclusion that: •The study was flawed, since it had been poorly conducted and did not meet acceptable scientific standards. •The UK Advisory Committee on Novel Food Programmes (ACNFP) concluded that "no meaningful conclusions could be drawn from Pusztai's study". •The Royal Society of London stated: "We found no convincing evidence of adverse effects from GM potatoes. The effects were uninterpretable because of technical limitations of the experiments and the incorrect use of statistical tests." Pusztai was subsequently fired from the institution where he worked. On the tomato issue Pusztai, who had nothing to do with the experiments, said the rats died with unstated reasons. The GM tomatoes were on the market for three years and consumed by thousands of people, without any ill-effects reported by any medical or health institutions. They were withdrawn when the company that launched the project ran into technical and financial problems. Smith: Potatoes… I describe Dr. Pusztai's story in great detail in the first chapter of my book. I interviewed him over several months, and pored over leaked documents, scientific reports and testimonies. Here's a synopsis. Dr. Pusztai was awarded a grant by the UK government to develop a safety testing protocol, which would eventually be required for all GM foods. Pusztai's 20-member research team created a GM potato, engineered to produce its own insecticide, and tested it on rats. The design for the animal feeding study had already been used by Pusztai in about 60 out of the more than 300 peer-reviewed studies he had published, and it was also approved in advance by the UK government. The results of the potato study were shocking. Nearly every system in the rats' bodies was adversely affected by the GM potatoes. Another group was fed natural potatoes that were spiked with the insecticide that the GM variety produced. Those rats did fine. Thus, the insecticide didn't cause the damaged organs and immune system or the prolific cell growth. Rather, it was probably changes in the potato resulting from the process of genetic engineering that was the culprit. (During the GM process, for example, natural genes can be turned off, permanently turned on, deleted, reversed, scrambled, moved or fragmented, all with potential side effects.) When Dr. Pusztai publicly expressed his concerns about GMOs, he was a hero at his institute. But this quickly became a serious problem for the biotech industry and the pro-GM Blair government. Dr. Pusztai was the world leader in his field; he worked at the country's most prestigious nutritional institute; using cutting edge research funded by the government, he found problems; and now he claims that GM technology may be inherently unsafe. The press was ravenous. For two days, the institute's director led the publicity efforts, describing Pusztai's research as a huge advance in science. Then two phone calls were allegedly placed from the UK prime minister's office, forwarded through the receptionist, to the director. The next morning, Dr. Pusztai was released from the institute after 35 years and silenced with threats of a lawsuit. His research team was disbanded and the government never implemented any long-term testing protocol. Disinformation was widely circulated. The institute and the biotech gang at the Royal Society staged so-called peer-reviews, but didn't use all the test data, had no nutritionists doing the critique of a nutritional study, and made sweeping claims that contradicted the research. According to a leaked document obtained by the Independent on Sunday, even three government ministers prepared "an astonishingly detailed strategy for spinning, and mobilizing support for" GM foods, including rubbishing Pusztai's research.[34] When Pusztai's gag order was eventually lifted and he gained access to his data, 23 top scientists from around the world reviewed the research and came to his defense. The study was peer-reviewed and published in the prestigious Lancet (in spite of threats made to its editor by a Royal Society official). Nonetheless, as you can see in Lombard's reply, the disinformation campaign continues.[For the record, Lombard's attribution to the Lancet is misleading. A letter from the editor included a quote from the Royal Society's review, which said the study was "flawed." But the editor was actually chastising the Society for "criticizing reports of research…before those data were reviewed and published in the proper way."[35] Pusztai's study, including the statistics, did pass the Lancet review.] Tomatoes… Lombard is right that the tomato study was not peer reviewed. It was submitted by Calgene (now a subsidiary of Monsanto) to the FDA for their FlavrSavr tomato review. Industry submissions are almost never peer-reviewed and are usually so poorly designed or reported, they are actually unworthy of publication. In fact, when I asked Dr. Pusztai what his greatest shock was, it turned out to be when he read the confidential studies submitted to the UK government to get GM products approved. This was months before his controversial sacking, while he was still an ardent GM advocate. He described the industry's studies as so superficial and so poorly done, it was clear that they were doing as little as possible to get their products on the market as quickly as possible. They were not doing real safety assessments. In the case of the tomato, FDA documents made public from a lawsuit reveal that GM-fed rats developed stomach lesions. In spite of Calgene's attempts to explain it away, agency scientists maintained that the findings did not meet their standard of a "demonstration of reasonable certainty of no harm."[36] The political appointees, however, ignored their scientists and approved the tomato. When the same lawsuit made Calgene's rat study available, Dr. Pusztai reviewed it for the attorneys. With respect to the rats' bleeding stomachs, he pointed out that if similar reactions were to occur in humans, "they could lead to life-endangering hemorrhage, particularly in the elderly who use aspirin to prevent thrombosis."[37] Pusztai also discovered a paragraph in the appendix which said 7 out of 40 GM-fed rats died within two weeks and were replaced. The cause of death was obliquely described as "husbandry error." Pusztai was astounded. It is entirely unacceptable for such a study to leave out the data from rat autopsies and substitute only meaningless, unsupported opinions. Likewise, replacing dead animals in the middle of a feeding study is not scientifically justified. One of the scientists who developed the tomato for Calgene told me that her team had been asked to evaluate the results of the rat experiment. She admitted that as plant molecular biologists, the study was totally out of their field, and they could easily have overlooked the appendix and its implications. Consumed by thousands without any ill-effects… Since no one monitors the health impacts of GM foods, to make the claim that there are no ill-effects demonstrates a profound ignorance of the issues. Lombard: *Philippines living next to a Bt maize field developed respiratory and skin reactions. The person who published this information was Norwegian scientist Prof Terje Traavik, an ardent anti-GMO activist. His studies were, however, never peer-proven. When he was challenged to provide scientific data by Dr Nina Gloriani Barzaga from the University of the Philippines-Manila College of Public Health, he said his studies were "only preliminary and not complete." He was also challenged by Prof Rick Roush, director, Statewide IPM Program, University of California, USA, who comments as follows: "Traavik never allowed any of his work to be peer-reviewed. He never offered any details of his research to any of the rest of us scientists. His work remains nothing more than a wild and implausible allegation." The area was visited by the Philippines Department of Agriculture, a team of medical doctors, and representatives from the College of Chest Physicians and the Manila College of Health. They came to the conclusion that the villagers showed no allergic symptoms or signs of viral respiratory infection. More than 20 000 ha of GM maize has been grown in the Philippines during the past three years by more than 5000 farmers. Nobody has complained of an allergy. Smith: Nobody has complained of an allergy… According to the Philippine publication Mindanews, "On August 8, 2003, about 100 residents from Sitio Kalyong were documented to have been suffering from headache, dizziness, extreme stomach pain, vomiting and allergies."[38] The Filipinos lived adjacent to a GM cornfield and developed symptoms only while the corn pollen was airborne. According to the article, similar symptoms appeared in different locations during the following two years, also corresponding with the time of pollination. Dr. Traavik, a prominent EU virologist and director of the Norwegian Institute for Gene Ecology, tested the blood of 39 of the villagers during the first year. The blood developed an antibody response to the Bt-toxin—the pesticide that the corn was engineered to produce. Dr. Traavik presented preliminary findings in February 2004, at a Malaysian conference on GM food safety. Dr. Traavik explained to the audience, which was mostly delegates to the UN Biosafety Conference that started the next day, that the blood response increased the probability that the symptoms came from the corn. But it wasn't proof. I attended Dr. Traavik's talk, in which he also presented preliminary results of four other studies. Two included results that challenged the safety claims of GM vaccines. Two studied promoters—the viral sequences that turn on the foreign genes that are inserted into GM crops. One study showed that the promoter was active in human cells, and the other showed that the promoter survived digestion in rats and ended up in their organs three days later. Since I was giving a presentation on the health risks of GM foods at the UN conference, I spent two days interviewing Dr. Traavik and other senior scientists from his Institute about the research. When I gave my talk, I explained, as Dr. Traavik had, that his research was not yet finished, peer-reviewed or published. My job was to explain the preliminary findings in the wider context of known GM health hazards. On the Philippine study, for example, I described how the potential dangers of breathing GM pollen had been identified years earlier by the UK Joint Food Safety and Standards Group. They had even postulated that inhaled genes might transfer into human DNA, and wrote to the US FDA, warning them about these risks of GM crops. Thus, the link between GM corn and the reactions in the Philippines is far from "wild and implausible," as Lombard claims. In accordance with normal scientific protocol, Dr. Traavik said he would not circulate his data or methodology until the papers were published. He is still working on the Philippine study. Three of the five presented in Malaysia have already been published, including the study confirming that GM promoters function in human cells.[39] This means that if promoters were to transfer out of GM food (which they do) and integrate into human DNA (which needs to be studied), they might permanently switch on random genes inside of us, overproducing a toxin, allergen, carcinogen, etc. In fact, if the promoters were to be inhaled in GM pollen and then transfer to human DNA… But wait, that's probably "wild and implausible." 19.3 million ha… JS: GM crops are planted to 1.6% of all arable land, 98% of which is found in only 5 countries, 99.9% of which comprise only 4 crops: soy, corn, cotton and canola. No reports of adverse effects… This is one of the most unscientific—and dangerous—statements made by Lombard. Thousands of people had died before AIDS was discovered. Millions suffered from cigarettes before the health effects were known. Food-related illness in the US doubled between 1994 and 2001, during the time GM foods were introduced. But I can't say that the disease rates were GM-related, and Lombard can't say they're not. Since no one is monitoring the population for health effects of GM foods, it could take decades to identify even serious problems. Lombard's statement is also an insult to the 5,000-10,000 people who fell sick due to a genetically engineered brand of the food supplement called L-tryptophan, which was sold in the US in the 1980s. More than 100 people died and many are permanently disabled. There is a new report on L-tryptophan, by a journalist who spent nearly a decade investigating this deadly epidemic. He reveals how evidence was suppressed or not followed-up, and how the FDA withheld information from the public and Congress in an apparent attempt to protect the biotech industry. Comments… Monsanto is a chief contributor to Lombard's Public Relations services. That is the same company that was fined for bribing 140 Indonesian officials, that sues farmers for patent infringement when the company's GM seeds blow onto their land, that assured us Agent Orange was safe, and whose executives' described the ideal future as a world in which 100% of all commercial seeds were genetically engineered and patented. On February 22, 2002, Monsanto was found guilty for poisoning a town next to their factory and covering it up for decades. They were convicted of negligence, wantonness, suppression of the truth, nuisance, trespass, and outrage. According to Alabama law, to be guilty of outrage typically requires conduct "so outrageous in character and extreme in degree as to go beyond all possible bounds of decency so as to be regarded as atrocious and utterly intolerable in civilized society."[40] This same company is responsible for conducting the safety studies on its own GM foods. And in South Africa, the only country that allows the genetic modification of a food staple, the government has entrusted Monsanto with the health of its people. from January 2006 Spilling the Beans newsletter © Copyright Jeffrey M. Smith 2006 Permission is granted to publishers and webmasters to reproduce this article. Please contact info@responsibletechnology.org to let us know who you are and what your circulation is, so we can keep track. References [1] Ian F. Pryme and Rolf Lembcke, "In Vivo Studies on Possible Health Consequences of genetically modified food and Feed—with Particular Regard to Ingredients Consisting of Genetically Modified Plant Materials," Nutrition and Health, vol. 17, 2003 [2] A. Pusztai and S. Bardocz: GMO in animal nutrition: potential benefits and risks. In "Biology of Nutrition in Growing Animals", R. Mosenthin, J. Zentek and T. Zebrowska (Eds.), 2OO5. Elsevier Limited, pp. 513-540 [3] A. Pusztai and S. Bardocz: GMO in animal nutrition: potential benefits and risks. In "Biology of Nutrition in Growing Animals", R. Mosenthin, J. Zentek and T. Zebrowska (Eds.), 2OO5. Elsevier Limited, pp. 513-540 [4] William Freese and David Schubert, Safety Testing and Regulation of Genetically Engineered Foods, Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews—Vol. 21, November 2004 [5] Andrea Baillie, "Suzuki Warns of Frankenstein Foods," CP Wire, October 18, 1999 [6] Personal communication with Fran Sharples, November 14, 2005 [7] SAFETY OF GENETICALLY ENGINEERED FOODS: APPROACHES TO ASSESSING UNINTENDED HEALTH EFFECTS, Committee on Identifying and Assessing Unintended Effects of Genetically Engineered Foods on Human Health, Institute of Medicine and National Research Council of the National Academies, THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES PRESS , Washington, D.C., 2004 [8] World Health Organization questions safety assessment of Genetically Engineered foods, Press Advisory, Californians for GE-Free Agriculture, October 14, 2004 [9] Ashok B. Sharma, "ICMR Wants Overhaul Of GM Foods Regulation," Financial Express, New Delhi, India July 25, 2004 [10] Personal communication with John Boyles, MD [11] Mark Townsend, "Why soya is a hidden destroyer," Daily Express, March 12, 1999 [12] Evaluation of Allergenicity of Genetically Modified Foods, Report of a Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Allergenicity of Foods Derived from Biotechnology 22—25 January 2001 [13] "Statement of Policy: Foods Derived from New Plant Varieties," Food and Drug Administration Docket No. 92N-0139 [14] Rick Weiss, "Biotech Food Raises a Crop of Questions," Washington Post, August 15, 1999, p. A1 [15] Carl B. Johnson, Memo on the "draft statement of policy 12/12/91," January8, 1992 [16] EPA Scientific Advisory Panel, "Bt Plant-Pesticides Risk and Benefits Assessments," March 12, 2001, p. 76. Available at: www.epa.gov/scipoly/sap/meetings/2000/october/octoberfinal.pdf [17] Bernstein, et al., (1999). Immune responses in farm workers after exposure to Bacillus thuringiensis pesticides. Environmental Health Perspectives 107(7), 575-582 [18] V. E. Prescott, et al, Transgenic Expression of Bean r-Amylase Inhibitor in Peas Results in Altered Structure and Immunogenicity, J. Agric. Food Chem. 2005, 53 [19] Genetically-modified Bt cotton a cropper: Study, Deccan Herald april 13,2005,From R Akhileshwari DH News Service Hyderabad [20] Abdul Qayum & Kiran Sakkhari. Did Bt Cotton Save Farmers in Warangal? A season long impact study of Bt Cotton—Kharif 2002 in Warangal District of Andhra Pradesh . AP Coalition in Defence of Diversity & Deccan Development Society, Hyderabad, 2003. [21] Abdul Qayum & Kiran Sakkhari. Did Bt Cotton Save Farmers in Warangal? A season long impact study of Bt Cotton—Kharif 2002 in Warangal District of Andhra Pradesh . AP Coalition in Defence of Diversity & Deccan Development Society, Hyderabad, 2003. [22] Angry Andhra uproots Monsanto, Financial Express, June 04, 2005 http://www.financial...ontent_id=92868 [23] New report on Bt cotton problems in India (8/11/2005), http://www.gmwatch.o...n-india-8112005 [24] Abdul Qayum & Kiran Sakkhari. Did Bt Cotton Save Farmers in Warangal? A season long impact study of Bt Cotton—Kharif 2002 in Warangal District of Andhra Pradesh . AP Coalition in Defence of Diversity & Deccan Development Society, Hyderabad, 2003. [25] http://www.powerbase...p/Chengal_Reddy [26] Crop protection association seeks sweeping review of Insect, Financial Express, August 26, 2000, http://www.financial...6/fco26064.html [27] http://www.powerbase...ciation_(India) [28] Wilting of Bt cotton in MP [Madhya Pradesh], farmers demand ban on companies, NewKerala.com, 14 Nov 2005 http://www.newkerala...llnews&id=52326 [29] Gargi Parsai, Bt cotton seeds fail to germinate, The Hindu, 10 Nov 2005 http://www.hindu.com...11007110500.htm [30] Gargi Parsai, Centre admits failure of Bt cotton in 2 States, The Hindu, Nov 27 2005, http://www.hindu.com...12716091200.htm [31] Marketing of Bt Cotton in India—Aggressive, Unscrupulous and False…, http://www.grain.org...ng_in_India.pdf [32] Abdul Qayum & Kiran Sakkhari. Did Bt Cotton Save Farmers in Warangal? A season long impact study of Bt Cotton—Kharif 2002 in Warangal District of Andhra Pradesh . AP Coalition in Defence of Diversity & Deccan Development Society, Hyderabad, 2003. [33] Press Notice, Debt Burden Cotton Growers Suicides in West Vidarbha (Maharashtra-India) Has Crossed 114 Mark Today in Last 150 Days, November 17, 2005 [34] Editorial, "Less Spin, More Science," Sunday Independent (London), May 23, 1999 [35] Richard Horton,Genetically modified foods: "absurd" concern or welcome dialogue? The Lancet 1999; 354:1314-1315 [36] See www.biointegrity.org for FDA memos [37] Arpad Pusztai, "Genetically Modified Foods: Are They a Risk to Human/Animal Health?" June 2001 [38] Allen V. Estabillo, Farmer's group urges ban on planting Bt corn; says it could be cause of illnesses, Mindanews,19 October 2004 [39] Myhre, et. al., European Food Research and Technology (2005) DOI 10.1007 [40] Michael Grunwald, "Monsanto Held Liable for PCB Dumping," Washington Post, February 23, 2002 #################################################### ITS THE GMO MAKERS WHOSE STUDY'S ARE SUSPECT ((Gaal)) http://www.gmwatch.org/latest-listing/1-news-items/14058-bt-toxicity-confirmed-flawed-studies-exposed ##################################################### (GM crops not even best idea (without consideration to safety)((Gaal))) Are GM crops a dangerous diversion? Sunday, 04 September 2011 17:02 1.Will Genetic Engineering Divert Us from Essential Food Production Science? 2.Engineered Pest Problems NOTE: The Union of Concerned Scientists has started a new blog covering all of the issues they work on. Several scientists and analysts that work on food and agriculture issues are part of this effort. The blog is located at: http://blog.ucsusa.org Below are two blog posts by UCS's Doug Gurian-Sherman, responding to Nina Fedoroff's recent op-ed in the New York Times extolling genetically engineered crops, and on the recent discovery of corn rootworms resistant to Bt corn. Dr Gurian-Sherman is a widely-cited expert on biotech and sustainable agriculture. He holds a Ph.D. in plant pathology. He also has an intimate knowledge of the US regulatory system on GM crops, having been a biotech specialist at the EPA and an advisor to the FDA. His original blog posts contain a number of embedded links that are not reproduced here. --- --- 1.Will Genetic Engineering Divert Us from Essential Food Production Science? Doug Gurian-Sherman, senior scientist, Food and Environment The Equation, August 29 2011 A blog on independent science + practical solutions http://blog.ucsusa.o...duction-science Climate change, increasing population, greater demand for animal products, and the un-sustainability of current food production: All will challenge our ability to produce enough food in coming decades. Already there is evidence that climate change has reduced crop yields. But the good news is that we already have many of the tools that we need to respond. Tom Philpott at Mother Jones highlights a peer-reviewed article showing that small Mexican maize farmers have an important piece of the answer to these challenges. The article suggests that there is a lot of genetic diversity in corn grown on traditional small Mexican farms that will allow food production there to adapt to climate change. Genetic diversity provides the building blocks of crop adaptability-the inherited differences between plants that is evolution’s way of allowing survival in changing environments. The value of crop genetic diversity goes way beyond Mexican maize fields. Other scientists have documented large amounts of untapped genetic diversity in the world’s major crops wherever they have looked, such as in wheat and cassava. Breeders can use this, along with diversity found in wild species related to crops, to adapt our crops to climate change and to increase productivity. When coupled with ecological farming principles that increase resilience in the face of drought, flood and rising temperatures, breeding can go a long way toward providing enough food sustainably by mid-century. For example, organic and similar practices build soil organic matter–this allows soil to hold more water which can help during drought. And breeding is already having success in developing drought tolerant rice, corn, and other crops, flood tolerant rice, many types of pest resistance, improved nutrient content, and much more. Engineered Omissions Given all the evidence, it is perplexing that some scientists still want to put too many of our eggs in the genetic engineering (GE) basket. Currently, that basket looks pretty empty, with only a few crops resistant to herbicides and a few types of pests. For example, Nina Fedoroff seems unaware of the potential of breeding, and the advances already being achieved through these scientifically sophisticated methods. In an op-ed in the New York Times, “Engineering Food for All” the former Bush-appointed Science Adviser to the Secretary of State lauds the wonders of crop genetic engineering, while tagging breeding as an “older” method that is “less capable”. In a more blunt assessment during a public forum that I participated in at Dartmouth College several months ago, Fedoroff declared that crop breeding had run its course, and implied that GE was now our last best hope. She could not have been more wrong. The only way one can come to such conclusions is by omitting or overlooking loads of important science. Most of the benefits from GE extolled in the op-ed are modest at best. They only seem impressive if you don’t compare them to the successes and potential of agroecology, agronomy, or breeding-which continue to achieve far more than GE. When looked at side-by-side, GE often pales by comparison to breeding. Take drought tolerance for example. While a number of drought tolerant crops have been developed in recent years through breeding–with more to come–the first modest GE version is at least a year or two away. In the U.S., where GE crops have to compete with advanced agricultural methods, the yield increases from engineered genes have been much less than from breeding and improved crop management. If not for the latter methods, and had we relied only on GE instead, overall corn yields in the U.S., the biggest global exporter, would probably be about 25 percent less than they are. Yield of soy, our second biggest crop, would be about 16 percent less. And for poor farmers in developing countries, methods based on sophisticated ecological principles can far outpace the gains from GE, as pointed out by author Anna Lappé at Civil Eats in her response to the op-ed. ((Brazilian farmers please take note GAAL)) Even where a particular advantage is claimed for GE, the op-ed is often misinformed. Engineered insect-resistance reduces harmful mycotoxins that occur in some corn kernels-an unanticipated bonus. But here too, breeding is showing up its engineered counterparts. Federoff claims that insect-resistant corn prevents fungi, and hence mycotoxins, from contaminating corn. She is only half right. It reduces only one type of mycotoxin, called fumonisin. That’s a good thing. But GE insect-resistant corn does nothing to prevent an even more serious cancer-causing mycotoxin called aflatoxin, caused by other types of fungi. By contrast, conventional breeding, in the hands of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, has recently produced corn that so far shows resistance to both fumonisin and aflatoxin. The attractiveness and need for GE depends in part on how it stacks up against other agricultural methods and technologies. So far, and for the foreseeable future, breeding and ecologically-based farming will be considerably more effective and cost less. Genetic engineering can have a role if properly regulated, but focusing on it myopically threatens to distract us from supporting better technologies. [Fedoroff’s assessment of the risks and regulation of GE is also off base-I'll address that in my next post.] --- --- 2.Engineered Pest Problems Doug Gurian-Sherman, senior scientist, Food and Environment The Equation, August 30 2011 A blog on independent science + practical solutions http://blog.ucsusa.o...d-pest-problems Genetically engineered crops contain combinations of two widely successful types of genes-glyphosate herbicide resistance that allows spraying the weed killer onto crops without harming them, and toxins, collectively called Bt, that kill some insect pests. Both are now facing problems that are threatening their usefulness. Weeds that have developed resistance to glyphosate are no longer controlled by the herbicide, and now infest millions of acres of cotton and soybeans in the U.S, causing substantial practical, economic, and environmental problems. The GE industry's solution is to engineer new types of herbicide-resistant crops. But because there are no widely-effective new herbicides, these new crops will be resistant to older, riskier herbicides like 2, 4-D and dicamba, that were some of the first commercial pesticides. This does not strike me as a new and innovative approach to agriculture for the 21st century. Now we have the first report of lost effectiveness of one of the two major types of Bt used in corn. This type of Bt, technically called Cry3Bb1, usually kills corn rootworm. Corn rootworm is one of the most destructive insect pests of corn, and more insecticide was used to control it than for any other corn insect pest in the U.S. The rootworm report follows recent reports of other insects developing resistance to other Bts in cotton in India and corn in South Africa. So far the resistant rootworms have been found at only a small number of sites in Iowa and Illinois. But unless strong measures are taken to reverse the practices that have led to it, these incidents will be only the beginning. A recent article by Scott Kilman in the Wall Street Journal covers this issue well, but leaves out some important points. One is that biotechnology does nothing to encourage ecologically sound agriculture that would address these problems in the innovative and effective ways that are needed. Instead, the industry and many of its supporters have been advocating actions-such as weakening an already limited regulatory system for GE-that could exacerbate these problems. Regulatory Discretion-or Capitulation? Not mentioned in Kilman’s article was that EPA invited a group of scientists to provide recommendations about how to prevent rootworm resistance to Bt corn. Instead of following the majority opinion to require strong measures to prevent resistance, EPA instead listened to the minority of less-cautious scientists and the interests of the biotech industry, and went with a weaker approach. We may be seeing the results of this shortsighted action in the new resistant rootworms. There are two other types of Bt that still control the new Cry3Bb1-resistant rootworm. But they all share a property that generally makes them vulnerable to resistance: none are effective enough to kill almost all rootworms. The surviving rootworms increase the chance that rare Bt resistance genes will be able to spread. So greater use of the other main Bt, called Cry34/35Ab1, to replace Cry3Bb1 will increase the chance of causing its own resistance crisis before too long. Cry34/35Ab1 was approved several years after Cry3Bb1, so it may take a little time to catch up! And if entomologists think that farmers, en masse (which is what it takes) will give up products that work well in order to prevent resistance, they should look closely at what has happened with glyphosate resistant weeds. The kinds of practices that could have forestalled resistance have long been known, but instead of using them, we now have millions of infested acres. If EPA does not use its regulatory authority to do what is needed, history tells us the resistance problem is likely to get much worse. Kilman mentions a new type of GE called RNA interference (or RNAi for short) for killing pest insects, that may come to the rescue. RNAi shows some promise, but there are lots of hurdles for a new technology like this before it can be successful commercially. It will be years, at least, before it is available to farmers. And there is no reason to believe that RNAi would not also face resistance problems. Kilman is apparently not aware of several promising non-GE rootworm-resistant varieties of corn recently developed through conventional breeding by USDA and universities. Funny that we don’t hear about them–they are likely farther along than RNAi. If they are successful, they will be yet another example of conventional breeding matching or exceeding GE. The issues surrounding pest resistance reveal an agriculture sector with serious problems, despite its high productivity, that need serious solutions. A Fundamentally Different Agriculture is Needed Relying on genetic approaches alone to control pests-even conventional breeding-leaves crops vulnerable to numerous problems. We also need to use ecologically sound farming practices that complement genetics. Briefly mentioned in the WSJ article is the fact that rootworm is not much of a problem if sensible crop rotations are used. Crop rotation is the alternating of the types crops that are planted from year to year, and is a fundamental part of organic farming. Instead most farmers in the Midwest grow nothing but corn or soybeans year after year. Put another way, rootworm probably would not even be an important pest if it were not for our unnecessary over-dependence on corn. And long crop rotations reduce more than rootworm damage. They greatly reduce most pests, including other insects, diseases, and weeds, thereby greatly reducing pesticide use as well. Long crop rotations also improve soil fertility, and reduce fertilizer use, cost and pollution. And they can be just as productive as our current corn obsession. So why aren’t we using them? Part of the reason is that current policies such as ethanol supports and other subsidies favor corn and a few other crops, and exclude others that could be grown in rotation. And without better government policies-like shifting incentives to support good farming practices-farmers will usually go for the easiest and cheapest ways to grow their crops. Who can blame them? But isn’t this what we used to call shortsighted?
  8. http://www.responsib...org/gmo-dangers GMO Dangers Genetically modified foods… Are they safe? ((linked at site above)) The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) doesn’t think so. The Academy reported that “Several animal studies indicate serious health risks associated with GM food,” including infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, faulty insulin regulation, and changes in major organs and the gastrointestinal system. The AAEM asked physicians to advise patients to avoid GM foods. Before the FDA decided to allow GMOs into food without labeling, FDA scientists had repeatedly warned that GM foods can create unpredictable, hard-to-detect side effects, including allergies, toxins, new diseases, and nutritional problems. They urged long-term safety studies, but were ignored. Since then, findings include: •Thousands of sheep, buffalo, and goats in India died after grazing on Bt cotton plants •Mice eating GM corn for the long term had fewer, and smaller, babies •More than half the babies of mother rats fed GM soy died within three weeks, and were smaller •Testicle cells of mice and rats on a GM soy change significantly •By the third generation, most GM soy-fed hamsters lost the ability to have babies •Rodents fed GM corn and soy showed immune system responses and signs of toxicity •Cooked GM soy contains as much as 7-times the amount of a known soy allergen •Soy allergies skyrocketed by 50% in the UK, soon after GM soy was introduced •The stomach lining of rats fed GM potatoes showed excessive cell growth, a condition that may lead to cancer. •Studies showed organ lesions, altered liver and pancreas cells, changed enzyme levels, etc. Unlike safety evaluations for drugs, there are no human clinical trials of GM foods. The only published human feeding experiment revealed that the genetic material inserted into GM soy transfers into bacteria living inside our intestines and continues to function. This means that long after we stop eating GM foods, we may still have their GM proteins produced continuously inside us. This could mean: •If the antibiotic gene inserted into most GM crops were to transfer, it could create super diseases, resistant to antibiotics •If the gene that creates Bt-toxin in GM corn were to transfer, it might turn our intestinal bacteria into living pesticide factories. Although no studies have evaluated if antibiotic or Bt-toxin genes transfer, that is one of the key problems. The safety assessments are too superficial to even identify most of the potential dangers from GMOs. See our Health Risks brochure and State of the Science report for more details and citations. Recent health studies provide growing evidence of harm from GMOs: ((ALL BELOW IN RED LINKED see top post link)) GM Corn Damages Liver and Kidneys Meat Raised on GM Feed is Different Roundup Could Cause Birth Defects Genetically Modified Soy Linked to Sterility Damaging Effects of Roundup GM Crops Do Not Increase Yields GMOs Inevitably Contaminate and Persist Industry Studies are Flawed #################################################### Banned in Germany, But You're Probably Still Eating It 1/31/12 http://articles.merc...ny-of-2011.aspx ((this website has videos and much more material)) Monsanto, the world leader in genetically modified (GM) crops and seeds, has been named the worst company of 2011 by Natural Society -- for "threatening both human health and the environment." I couldn't agree more. I have long designated Monsanto the most dangerous corporation on the planet, and clearly this is a growing sentiment … According to Forbes: "Monsanto is so despised by environmentalists that Google's first suggested search term for the St. Louis company is 'Monsanto evil.' Readers... voted Monsanto the world's most evil corporation in a January poll, giving the corporation a whopping 51 percent of the vote." What's Wrong With Monsanto? You may be wondering what Monsanto -- the world's largest seed company whose net income for the first quarter of fiscal year 2012 totaled $126 million (up from $9 million in 2011) --- has done to have earned such ire. The list is long, easily enough for a novel, but to sum it up, biotech giant Monsanto has created some of the most dangerous products on the planet, including Agent Orange, dioxin, recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH)… and genetically modified seeds. The latter is one of the most pressing concerns because GM crops are now a mainstay of American agriculture. Ninety percent or more of all US-grown corn, soybeans, canola, and sugar beets are genetically modified versions, which means that virtually all processed food items contain at least one or more genetically modified ingredients. GM foods are, from what I perceive, one of the most significant threats that we have against the very sustainability of the human race. Why? In a nutshell, these toxins are being linked to a growing repertoire of assaults against human health and the environment -- and they are already migrating into fetal blood, which means future generations are now at risk. Monsanto is Destroying the Food System Via Their GMO Crops Virtually all of the claims of benefit of GM crops – increased yields, more food production, controlled pests and weeds, reductions in chemical use in agriculture, drought-tolerant seeds – have not materialized. The Global Citizens' Report on the State of GMOs states: •Contrary to the claim of feeding the world, genetic engineering has not increased the yield of a single crop. •Herbicide tolerant (Roundup Ready) crops were supposed to control weeds and Bt crops were intended to control pests. Instead of controlling weeds and pests, GE crops have led to the emergence of super weeds and super pests … Herbicide resistant crops such as Roundup Ready cotton can create the risk of herbicide resistant "superweeds" by transferring the herbicide resistance to weeds. •Despite claims that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) will lower the levels of chemicals (pesticides and herbicides) used, quite the opposite has occurred, with 1.6 billion pounds of glyphosate (the active in ingredient in Roundup) being applied to American soil in 2007 alone. This is of great concern both because of the negative impacts of these chemicals on ecosystems and humans, and because there is the danger that increased chemical use will cause pests and weeds to develop resistance, requiring even more chemicals in order to manage them. •Monsanto has been claiming that through genetic engineering it can breed crops for drought tolerance and other climate-resilient traits. This is a false promise. •Among the false claims made by Monsanto and the Biotechnology industry is that GE foods are safe. However, there are enough independent studies to show that GE foods can cause severe health damage. Thanks to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto's non-selective, broad-spectrum herbicide Roundup, that is sprayed on massive acreages of GM Roundup Ready soybeans, cotton, and corn grown in the United States each and every year, super weeds are growing at an alarming rate. It's estimated that more than 130 types of weeds spanning 40 U.S. states are now herbicide-resistant, and the superweeds are showing no signs of stopping. In fact, the situation is getting progressively worse. Extremely hardy Roundup-resistant weeds are already boosting costs and cutting crop yields for U.S. farmers. And with world food stores already strained, diminished crop production is a serious problem. In addition, the creation of these superweeds is leading farmers to douse their fields with ever increasing amounts of herbicides in a desperate attempt to stop their spread. Along with the environmental devastation, research published in 2010 showed that glyphosate causes birth defects in frogs and chicken embryos at far lower levels than used in agricultural and garden applications. And numerous animal studies suggest reproductive problems are a common side effect of glyphosate exposure and the consumption of genetically engineered Roundup Ready crops. Quite shockingly, the amount of glyphosate residue you can be exposed to through food is remarkably high, and is very close to the maximum residue limit (MRL) legally allowed According to GMO expert Jeffrey Smith, there is so much glyphosate in GM soybeans, when they were introduced, Europe had to increase their allowable residue levels by 200-fold! For more information, please listen to this informative interview with Dr. Don Huber, an expert in an area of science that relates to the toxicity of genetically engineered (GE) foods. ################################################# Eugenics and Depopulation Sunday, January 22, 2012 How Long Will People Take To Realise GM Foods Sterilise ?? http://the-tap.blogs...realise-gm.html I read in the book called 'Seeds Of Destruction' by William Engdahl about the development of spermicidal corn by technologies of genetic modification. The company that 'achieved' this great feat of science was bought out, and there was no further mention of it anywhere in the media. In fact the lack of any mention of GM food anywhere would be sufficient to convince most people the threat had gone away. This clip shows that there are other forms of sterilisation being caused by corn crops, where female animals are rendered sterile. All the experiments carried out feeding GM foods to mice and rats indicated that GM foods were likely to cause sterility and cancers, but the test results were suppressed. A British scientist (Dr Arpad Pusztai) who insisted on exposing what he had discovered, lost his job the same day, with Prime Minister Blair personally involved in his sacking. There appears to be a worldwide cover-up of the dangers of GM foods. They are hardly ever mentioned in any media. This farmer experienced them first hand, and lost his business as a result. How long will it be before it is realised that GM foods are contributing to sterility in humans? =============((GEE maybe Dr. Pusztai had WMDs ??))================================================= ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Farmer feeds GMO corn to his pigs: they all become sterile. ###################################### So in October, when Jeffrey Smith, founder of the Institute for Responsible Technology, flew in for a series of teachings on genetically modified organisms, Marlene’s was there. His first address, at Marlene’s-Federal Way, stunned the crowd of 150+ with a troubling survey of research linking GMOs to lowered sperm count, an aggravated intestinal issues and the very real possibility of altered human DNA through their proliferation in our food supply. Just as shocking was what Smith had to say about the quiet war being waged on scientists who speak out against GMOs. Marlenesmarket-deli.com ####################################### Many GMO crops increase the ability of the plant to survive increased pesticide usage. ((Gaal)) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .Pesticides: Be glad that DDT has been banned. It contains an estrogen mimicker. However, there are many others in use today on food crops. They are among the greatest offenders of male reproductive health. To mitigate against your testicular cancer risk, eat only organic veggies and fruits. HEALTH FREEDOM ALLINCE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/05/22/jeffrey-smith-interview-april-24.aspx Genetically Modified Foods Could Cause Long-term Sterilityarticles.mercola.com/sites/.../jeffrey-smith-interview-april-24.aspxCached - Similar You +1'd this publicly. Undo May 22, 2010 – So these second-generation GM soy-fed hamsters had a five-fold higher infant ... Nearly All of the Third-Generation GMO Babies Were Sterile! ################################# thus So Human Sterility may not show up until 40 years from now........
  9. The Murder of Arafat had been Planned by Israel since 2002 by Uri Avnery (republished 7/8/12) Originally published on September 21, 2002 under the title The Murder of Arafat WHILE I am writing this, Yasser Arafat is still alive. But his life is hanging on a thread. When we visited him the last time in his bombed-out Mukata’ah compound in Ramallah, I warned him that Sharon is determined to kill him. Everybody acquainted with Sharon knows that he never lets go. When he does not achieve his aim the first time, he tries again, and again, and again, and again. Never, ever, does he give up. Already in besieged Beirut, at the height of the Lebanon war, Sharon was trying to put his hands on him. Dozens of agents, mostly Phalanges members, were combing the western quarters in order to catch him. He evaded them, as he has evaded dozens of assassination attempts before and after, by Abu-Nidal (who was at least partly a Mossad hireling) and others. Now Sharon believes that he can achieve his aim. He needs only Bush’s approval. Not necessarily a formal confirmation. A subtle hint will suffice. Half a word. A wink. It will be easy to implement the decision. An incident can be put in motion: soldiers enter the office in order to capture "wanted" people, somebody opens fire, Arafat will be shot "by accident". Arafat may draw his pistol, soldiers will "have no alternative" but to return fire. A shell may hit the office "by mistake", Arafat will be buried under the rubble. After all, in war accidents happen. A lot of accidents. Sharon never wanted to "deport" Arafat to Gaza or any other place in this world. He wants to deport him to the next world. Now this is possible. Therefore, it is necessary to speak out bluntly and unequivocally: MORALLY, THE murder of Arafat, the historical leader and elected president of the Palestinian people, is reprehensible. Like the murder of Rabin. Legally, the murder of Arafat is a war crime. Politically, it will be said about the murder of Arafat what a French statesman said about another political murder: "It is worse than a crime, it is a mistake!" Arafat is the man who decided, 28 years ago, to start on the road to a settlement with Israel, in order to realize this way the national aspirations of the Palestinian people. At the time, that was an incredibly bold decision, and he took it long before Rabin and Peres even dreamed about Oslo. I know, because I was an eye-witness to the beginnings of the process. Since then, Arafat has not changed by one iota the decision he took then: to seek conciliation with Israel within the framework of peace that will include an independent Palestinian state, return to the pre-1967 border with mutually agreed adjustments, Jerusalem capital of both states, withdrawal of the settlers, suitable security arrangements, a mutually agreed solution of the refugee problem. On this basis, peace is possible even now. Immediately. But Sharon rejects is with both his fists. He wants a Greater Israel, the extension of the settlements, and, eventually, the elimination of the Palestinian presence west of the Jordan. The assertion of Ehud Barak that Arafat has rejected his own peace plan is a blatant lie, that has caused a historical disaster. Barak’s "generous offers" were far from the sensible solution. Now, as before, Arafat is the only person capable of signing a peace agreement and convince his people to accept and implement it. No other Palestinian leader capable of doing so is to be seen on the horizon. Leadership of the Palestinian people will not pass into the hands of the "moderates", who will look like collaborators and accomplices to the murder, but into the hands of the extremists, fanatics thirsting for revenge. The murder of Arafat is the murder of all chances for peace. That is a crime against the Israeli people. It will condemn us to making war for decades, perhaps for generations to come, perhaps forever. The moral, social and economic decline that we are experiencing now everywhere in Israel will drag Israel down to new depths and to the emigration of many. The dead Arafat will become a legend of heroism to his people and a new Che Guevara to the world. His mistakes will be forgotten. For future generations of Palestinians, he will become a role model. Hundreds of millions of Arabs and Muslims, from Morocco to Indonesia, will compare their own leaders to the dead Arafat, and the comparison will be fatal. In the eyes of these hundreds of millions, Israel and Jews will become a synonym of betrayal, killing and lying. The poisonous plant of anti-Semitism will bloom as never before. Already we are tasting a small sample of this If this disaster happens, all the government will share the blame. Not one minister will be acquitted. Neither Ben-Eliezer, nor Peres, nor any of their colleagues. Nor the army officers who cooperated and even pushed the political leadership. Nor the members of the Knesset, whether belonging to the coalition or the opposition, who kept quite during the recent months. Nor the correspondents and commentators, who turned themselves into government and army spokesmen. Nor the professors and intellectuals, who saw and were silent. All of them will bear the responsibility. This is the last minute to get up and shout: NO! ######################################################################### U.S., France Pressure PA Not to Seek International Inquiry into Possible Arafat Murder Richard Silverstein 7/13/12 http://uruknet.info/...&hd=&size=1&l=e China’s Xinhua news agency reports that Palestinian officials told it that the PA has come under serious pressure from the U.S. and France not to seek an international tribunal to investigate the possible murder of Yasser Arafat: The Palestinians’ efforts to launch an international probe into the 2004 death of ex-leader Yasser Arafat face serious obstacles, a Palestinian official said Tuesday. The obstacles stem from the opposition by some countries including the United States and France, the official said on condition of anonymity. The United States has put pressure on the Palestinian leadership not to seek such an investigation because it can lead to some negative consequences on the Middle East peace process… ############################################################################## The Assassination of Yasser Arafat had been Ordered by the Israeli Cabinet http://globalresearc...xt=va&aid=31781 The assassination of Yasser Arafat had been on the drawing board since 1996 under "Operation Fields of Thorns". According to an October 2000 document "prepared by the security services, at the request of then Prime Minister Ehud Barak, stated that 'Arafat, the person, is a severe threat to the security of the state [of Israel] and the damage which will result from his disappearance is less than the damage caused by his existence'". (Tanya Reinhart, Evil Unleashed, Israel's move to destroy the Palestinian Authority is a calculated plan, long in the making, Global Research, December 2001. Details of the document were published in Ma'ariv, July 6, 2001.). Arafat's assassination was ordered in 2003 by the Israeli cabinet. It was approved by the US which vetoed a United Nations Security Resolution condemning the 2003 Israeli Cabinet decision. Reacting to increased Palestinian attacks, in August 2003, Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz declared "all out war" on the militants whom he vowed "marked for death." "In mid September, Israel's government passed a law to get rid of Arafat. Israel's cabinet for political security affairs declared it "a decision to remove Arafat as an obstacle to peace." Mofaz threatened; "we will choose the right way and the right time to kill Arafat." Palestinian Minister Saeb Erekat told CNN he thought Arafat was the next target. CNN asked Sharon spokesman Ra'anan Gissan if the vote meant expulsion of Arafat. Gissan clarified; "It doesn't mean that. The Cabinet has today resolved to remove this obstacle. The time, the method, the ways by which this will take place will be decided separately, and the security services will monitor the situation and make the recommendation about proper action." (See Trish Shuh, Road Map for a Decease Plan, www.mehrnews.com November 9 2005) The assassination of Arafat was part of the 2001 Dagan Plan. In all likelihood, it was carried out by Israeli Intelligence. It was intended to destroy the Palestinian Authority, foment divisions within Fatah as well as between Fatah and Hamas. Mahmoud Abbas is a Palestinian quisling. He was installed as leader of Fatah, with the approval of Israel and the US, which finance the Palestinian Authority's paramilitary and security forces. ====================================================== To Read complete Article: The Invasion of Gaza: "Operation Cast Lead", Part of a Broader Israeli Military-Intelligence Agenda - by Michel Chossudovsky - 2009-01-04 ======================================================= Evidence Indicates that Ariel Sharon Ordered the Assassination of Yasser Arafat http://www.globalres...ext=va&aid=4309
  10. Eugenics Quotes: Population Control And Reduction In Their Own Words. One-fourth is destructive... defective... [who] must be eliminated from the social body.... Fortunately, you... are not responsible for this act. We are. We are in charge of God's selection process for Death... We come to bring death... The riders of the pale horse are about to pass among you. Grim reapers, they will separate the wheat from the chaff. This is the most painful period in the history of humanity... In the past they were permitted to die a 'natural death... We are in charge of God�s selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death. We come to bring death to those who are unable to know God... The riders of the pale horse are about to pass among you. Grim reapers, they will separate the wheat from the chaff. This is the most painful period in the history of humanity" - Task Force Delta psychologist Barbara Marx Hubbard, supported by Rockefeller Fund (nominated for Vice-President at the 1984 Democrat National Convention) "And advanced forms of biological warfare that can "target" specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool." - The Project for a New American Century, Rebuilding America�s Defenses, p. 60, Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz "Many ecologists (myself included) would just as soon see huge areas of land kept off limits to human activities of any kind." - Noss, R. 1995. Maintaining Ecological Integrity in Representative Reserve Networks. World Wildlife Fund Canada Discussion Paper. p. 12.) "Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history." - David Rockefeller Banker, Honorary director of Council on Foreign Relations, honorary chairman of Bilderberg Group & founder of Trilateral Commission. Member of Bohemian Club "Eugenics is the study of the agencies under social control that may improve or impair the racial qualities of future generations either physically or mentally." - Francis Galton, first cousin and associate of Charles Darwin, circa 1883 "the most important, significant... genuine branch of sociology which exists, namely eugenics." - John Maynard Keynes. Eugenics Review. 1946 "Every one of you who gets to survive has to bury nine." - Eric Pianka "[Disease] will control the scourge of humanity," - Eric Pianka "I do not pretend that birth control is the only way in which population can be kept from increasing. There are others, which, one must suppose, opponents of birth control would prefer. War, as I remarked a moment ago, has hitherto been disappointing in this respect, but perhaps bacteriological war may prove more effective. If a Black Death could be spread throughout the world once in every generation survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full. There would be nothing in this to offend the consciences of the devout or to restrain the ambitions of nationalists. The state of affairs might be somewhat unpleasant, but what of that? Really high-minded people are indifferent to happiness, especially other people's." Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), Philosopher "The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it." - Margaret Sanger "Eugenic sterilization is an urgent need ... We must prevent multiplication of this bad stock." - Margaret Sanger "Eugenics is... the most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution of racial, political and social problems." - Margaret Sanger "The big threat to the planet is people: there are too many" - Sir James Lovelock "My three main goals would be to reduce human population to about 100 million worldwide, destroy the industrial infrastructure and see wilderness, with it�s full complement of species, returning throughout the world." - Dave Foreman "Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license. All potential parents should be required to use contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing antidotes to itizens chosen for childbearing." - David Brower, first Executive Director of the Sierra Club "I wish very much that the wrong people could be prevented entirely from breeding" - Theodore Roosevelt "Nordics deteriorate when mixed with other races." - Calvin Coolidge "The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes," --Years later, the Nazis at the Nuremberg trials quoted Holmes' words in their own defense.--Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes - writing the majority opinion in Buck v. Bell - stated: "It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind" - 1927 the U.S. Supreme Court heard an appeal of Virginia's decision in Buck v. Bell ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote, language that closely mirrored that of Hitler's Mein Kampf "I have studied with great interest," he told a fellow Nazi, "the laws of several American states concerning prevention of reproduction by people whose progeny would, in all probability, be of no value or be injurious to the racial stock." - Adolf Hitler "While we were pussyfooting around...the Germans were calling a spade a spade." - Whitney, executive secretary of the American Eugenics Society, declared of Nazism (referring to sterilizations) "The Germans are beating us at our own game." - Joseph DeJarnette, superintendent of Virginia's Western State Hospital, 1934 "From an historical point of view, the first method which presents itself is execution . . . Its value in keeping up the standard of the race should not be underestimated." "Applied Eugenics" also devoted a chapter to "Lethal Selection," which operated "through the destruction of the individual by some adverse feature of the environment, such as excessive cold, or bacteria, or by bodily deficiency." - In 1918, Dr. Paul Popenoe, the Army venereal disease specialist during World War I, co-wrote the widely used textbook, "Applied Eugenics" "Instead of recommending cleanliness to the poor, we should encourage contrary habits. In our towns we should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into the houses, and court the return of the plague." - Thomas Malthus "Englishmen Francis Galton to describe the "science" of bettering human stock and the elimination of unwanted characteristics... and individuals. Galton proposed societal intervention for the furtherance of "racial quality," maintaining that "Jews are specialized for a parasitical existence upon other nations" and that "except by sterilization I cannot yet see any way of checking the produce of the unfit who are allowed their liberty and are below the reach of moral control." - Francis Galton "The Aids epidemic, rather than being a scourge, is a welcome development in the inevitable reduction of human population... If [it] didn�t exist, radical environmentalists would have to invent [it]." - Dave Foreman, the founder of the die hard extreme environmental group EARTH FIRST! "Thus even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined... and that the public mind is informed... so that much that is now unthinkable may at least become thinkable" - UNESCO ITS PURPOSE AND ITS PHILOSOPHY by the founding Director-General of UNESCO Sir Julian Huxley. This is from the original founding document of the UNESCO, THE UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANISATION, 1946 "Once the full implications of evolutionary biology are grasped, eugenics will inevitably become part of the religion of the future, or of whatever complex of sentiments may in the future take the place of organized religion" - "Eugenics and Society" (The Galton Lecture given to the Eugenics Society), by Julian Huxley "You can kill the body but not the spirit." Robert Stevenson Francis Crick, who together with James Watson is credited with the groundbreaking discovery of the double-helix structure of DNA, declared at a conference shortly after receiving the Nobel Prize that the "reproductive autonomy" of human beings could not be tolerated in the future. Among other things, Crick suggested the idea of adding a chemical to public water supplies, that would make men and women sterile; only those who qualified for a "license" to produce children, would be given an antidote drug! "we have to take away from humans in the long run their reproductive autonomy as the only way to guarantee the advancement of mankind." - Francis Crick Alexander Graham Bell advocated passing laws (with success in some states) for compulsory sterilization of people deemed to be, as Bell called them, a "defective variety of the human race." The Rockefellers funded the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Germany, when eugenicists were preparing the way ideologically for what eventually became the world's most infamous slaughter, the Nazi holocaust. The Rockefeller Institute supported Alexis Carrel, who advocated the use of gas to get rid of the unwanted. Keep turning over rocks and you�ll keep finding eugenicists� slime trails. "If the youth is content to abandon his previous associates and to throw in his lot whole-heartedly with the rulers, he may, after suitable tests, be promoted, but if he shows any regrettable solidarity with his previous associates, the rulers will reluctantly conclude that there is nothing to be done with him except to send him to the lethal chamber before his ill-disciplined intelligence has had time to spread revolt. This will be a painful duty to the rulers, but I think they will not shrink from performing it." - Bertrand Russell, "The Scientific Outlook", 1931 "The first task is population control at home. How do we go about it? Many of my colleagues feel that some sort of compulsory birth regulation would be necessary to achieve such control. One plan often mentioned involves the addition of temporary sterilants to water supplies or staple food. Doses of the antidote would be carefully rationed by the government to produce the desired population size." - Paul Ehrlich, The Population Bomb "Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem." - Joseph Stalin "We are entering a new phase in human history - one in which fewer and fewer workers will be needed to produce the goods and services for the global population." - Jeremy Rifkin ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Obama Science Advisor Called For “Planetary Regime” To Enforce Totalitarian Population Control Measures http://www.infowars.com/obama-science-advisor-called-for-planetary-regime-to-enforce-totalit arian-population-control-measures/ The quotes from the book are included below. We also include comments by the author of the blog who provided the screenshots of the relevant passages. Screenshots of the relevant pages and the quotes in their full context are provided at the end of the excerpts. The quotes from the book appear as text indents and in bold. The quotes from the author of the blog are italicized. (( SEE LINK ))
  11. wiki === Founded in 1953 by Eldridge Haynes and his son, Elliott Haynes, BIC initially focused on American companies and started out with a weekly newsletter (called Business International) and a group of key corporate clients. Offices were established overseas, including major regional operations based out of Vienna (East Europe and the USSR) and Hong Kong (Asia-Pacific), and single-country offices (e.g., Rome, Tokyo). BI eventually became the premier information source on global business with research, advisory functions, conferences and government roundtables in addition to its publications. It was headquartered in New York City, with major offices in Geneva, London, Vienna, Hong Kong and Tokyo, and a network of correspondents across the globe. In his book The Strawberry Statement, former student protester James Kunen reports a description of Business International by an unnamed Students for a Democratic Society conference attendee in 1968. The attendee, referred to by Kunen as 'the kid', claimed the company offered to finance SDS demonstrations in Chicago. Business International is described as 'the left wing of the ruling class' and as desiring a Gene McCarthy presidency.[1] ------------------------------------------------------- [1] James Simon Kunen (June 1970). The Strawberry Statement: Notes of a College Revolutionary. Avon. pp. 130–131. ISBN 0-380-01447-5. "At the convention, men from Business International Roundtables" Douglas, Yes Ive look into this. This is a real issue. Business International Corporation re Obama.
  12. ################################### NOW LEN COLBY PLEASE REMOVE YOUR POST # 5 because I didnt mention Jews in my post #4 which you posting against. ((GAAL)) No, while you didn't in that post you did so in others. // END Colby ===== oooooooooooooooo#oooooooooooooooooo So you (Colby) are admitting error. THUS NOW LEN COLBY PLEASE REMOVE YOUR POST # 5 because I didnt mention Jews in my post #4 which you posting against. ((GAAL))
  13. Where's the evidence it was "censored" by MTV. Youtube or any other media outlet other than the director's sayso? // END COLBY More than 7000 sayso. http://www.filmofilia.com/more-than-7000-valiantly-protest-youtubes-censorship-of-the-last-war-crime-movie-86068/
  14. No it is no longer on their site and you’ve not posted any evidence they knew he was tied to MeK // END COLBY Gee I thought this clear ?? Gaal CUT PASTE END OF POST/ font,color changes same. That HuffPost responded to yesterday’s pressure by removing the MeK post and citing its policy against publishing those “affliated with designated terrorist organizations” .... ########################################## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- When it says below (and here) go to link below for further documentation. http://globalresearc...xt=va&aid=31897 SYRIA: Criminal Propagandists: Killing Civilians as Part of a "Humanitarian Mandate" by Tony Cartalucci, Claim "UN blames regime forces for Syria massacre ," admits "neither activists' claims nor the videos could be independently verified." Clinton is attempting to solicit sympathy from the public over the defeat of her funded, armed, and propped up front of sectarian extremists, the FSA. The FSA who consist of Libyan mercenaries (and here), extremists fresh back from killing US and British troops in Iraq now employing their bombing tactics against the people of Syria (and here), and members of Syria's Muslim Brotherhood who were approached as early as 2007 by the US, then under the Bush administration, to begin creating a violent front with which to overthrow the Syrian government. These are militants who received Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) commander Abdul Hakim Behaj, and secured from him weapons, cash, and fighters despite to this very day, LIFG being listed by Hillary Clinton's own US State Department, as a listed Foreign Terrorist Organization (#28) - thus making US funding and support for the FSA a violation of its own anti-terrorism laws. ############################# ------------------------------------------------ from MEK's political site 7/13/12 A statement released by Vice President of the European parliament Alejo Vidal-Quadras, deplored the approach by the “two American ambassadors” and reminded U.S. responsibilities vis-à-vis the international laws relating to and the promise made by the Ambassador to protect residents during relocation to Liberty. Despite continuous calls and pleads by camp residents and their leadership; The U.S. government and the UN Representative postponed fulfillment of basic needs, encouraging more breach by pro-Tehran Iraqi elements running the camp. The statement debunk US gesture on relating the FTO listing of MEK to the humanitarian crisis in Camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty, directing responsibility and accountability on Washington for any humanitarian defects: ISJ is pointing out one of the many documents in which the U.S. has given assurances to the residents: On April 24, the State Department officially informed the residents that they will be able "to transport some utility cars and trailers for the disabled; a commitment to connect water and electrical power at Camp Liberty to Iraqi networks, with a commitment to provide water and power until that time; ability to hire up to 100 Iraqi workers to help with loading cargo at Camp Ashraf; agreement in principle to transport some generators; and progress on the sale of legal and movable property. These are all meaningful steps forward. These steps set the stage for the 5th and subsequent convoys from Camp Ashraf to Camp Liberty/Hurriya". After these preliminaries, the State Department asked the residents "to prepare for and carry out this move, which should take place at once and should be followed by other, regular moves" and added the US Government "appreciates the cooperation of the MEK thus far in the process of closing camp Ashraf; we have expressed this appreciation before and are prepared to do so again". Although the abovementioned written promises were not carried out, the fifth convoy was relocated to Liberty and now, 2 and a half months later, none of those promises is yet fulfilled. We announce that only after realization of the minimum humanitarian standards, the rest of Ashraf residents can be relocated to camp liberty. since last December the issue of Camp Liberty has been actively under considerations and Ashraf residents, at the recommendation of the camp's representatives and leaders, by showing goodwill and foregoing many of their rights have been transferred to Liberty, and while more than three months have passed since the first group of residents were stationed and so far more than 2,000 have been relocated, Camp Liberty continues to lack minimum humanitarian and human rights standards. Infrastructure conditions, especially those of water, electricity, and sewage are quite excruciating, and the Iraqi government through a suppressive policy carried out at the behest of the Iranian regime, prevents rebuilding this infrastructure by the residents at their own expense. The residents do not even have the permission to establish awnings to shelter against the sun in the 60 degree heat, neither do they have permission to build concrete or asphalt pathways for the patients and paralyzed residents. Permission for transferring trailers and vehicles specially equipped for the ill and paralyzed patients are not being issued. While there have been vipers, scorpions, and pests found at the camp, the Iraqi government does not allow the residents to professionally exterminate the camp. The right of free passage, stressed by the High Commission of Refugees in several statements, is still not recognized. In this small one-half-kilometre camp, the Iraqi police and armored vehicles keep roaming. The memorandum of understanding between the UN and the Iraqi government and other agreements are constantly violated. A press statement by the NCRI reported yet further breach of the Iraqi government: On June 18, Iraqi forces under the command of Mohammad Kazim Sadeq (arrested by French police for Crimes and pursued by the Spanish Court), stopped a UNHCR vehicle taking a number of residents to the nearby location of the agency for interviews, and returned them to Liberty. The statement also reiterated day 20 of food entry prevention imposed by Iraqi forces. Tons of food has been left out in the open to rot, in 50°C (130F) heat, by Iraqi forces under various pretexts such as: the time needed for inspection: waiting for Lift trucks and waiting for plain cloth elements to inspect. An estimated 20 tons of food worth more than 100 thousand dollars have been wasted by the forces under command of the Iranian affiliated commander Sadeg kazem. Sources report plain clothed agents have been involved in harassing the residents and irritating conditions. The presence of anonymous agents is in blatant breach of the MoU and under constant knowledge of the US-UN representatives and the two respected US ambassadors. Daniel Benjamin, the State Department's coordinator for counterterrorism and Ambassador Daniel Fried fail to explain how irrelevant these basic needs are. The agency tries to file the issues under the rug by demanding residents to live or let die by abstaining from their rights. .. GEE CONDITIONS BAD.....were to go ....were to go.. ?? ....light bulb !!!!!!!! SYRIA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Conditions bad on purpose,plenty of money though in being mercenary in Syria. As I posted before $$ money flowing big to help Imperial regime change Syria. (USA,Saudi Arabia). Gee says the MEK fighter to himself,"need cash..I know were to get it ..fight in Syria !!"
  15. Human Population Reaching Plague Proportions. Population Reduction "If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels." -Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh, leader of The World Wildlife Fund" and father of Prince Charles) "I got the impression that instead of going out to shoot birds, I should go out and shoot the kids who shoot birds." -Paul Watson (founder of Greenpeace). "The world has cancer, and that cancer is man." -Merton Lambert, (former spokesman for the Rockefeller Foundation). "We, in the green movement, aspire to a cultural model in which killing a forest will be considered more contemptible and more criminal than the sale of 6-year-old children to Asian brothels." - Carl Amery (German Greens). "The human race could go extinct, and I for one, would not shed any tears." - Dave Foreman (founder of Earth First!). "A Total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal." -Ted Turner (media mogul and United Nations advocate). "The first task is population control at home. How do we go about it? ...some sort of compulsory birth regulation would be necessary to achieve such control. One plan - the addition of temporary sterilants to water supplies or staple food. Doses of the antidote would be carefully rationed by the government to produce the desired population size." -Paul Ehrlich (population control advocate, author of The Population Bomb). "Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license. ...All potential parents should be required to use contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing." - David Brower (first executive director of the Sierra Club; founder of Friends of the Earth; and founder of the Earth Island Institute). "One American burdens the Earth much more than twenty Bangladeshis.... In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day." - Jacques Cousteau, quoted in the UNESCO Courier of November 1991.
  16. If you found greater than 24.1% 206Pb (like 55 %) you could infer Po210. http://www.epa.gov/rpdweb00/understand/chain.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lead 206Pb 24.1% 206Pb is stable with 124 neutrons
  17. False Flag Alert: US Claims Syria "Moving Nerve Gas Out of Storage" NATO-FSA False Flag Alert by Tony Cartalucci Friday, July 13, 2012 landdestroyerblogspot ========================================================== July 13, 2012 - Citing no evidence, and on the heels of yet another baseless "activist" report claiming a massacre has taken place in Homs, nameless US officials claimed to the Wall Street Journal that the Syrian government is taking chemical weapons out of storage for possible use "against anti-regime rebels or civilians, possibly in an ethnic cleansing campaign." http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2012/07/false-flag-alert-us-claims-syria-moving.html ++++++++++++ related http://www.rt.com/ne...apons-plot-532/ ++++++++++++ Israel Preparing for Action in Syria, Says Former Mossad Chief ======================================================== Former Mossad chief Danny Yatom: Israel is preparing for military action in Syria, if its chemical weapons end up in the hands of Hizbullah. By Elad Benari First Publish: 7/13/2012, 5:15 AM Former Mossad chief Danny Yatom said on Thursday that Israel is preparing for the possibility of military action in Syria, in case its chemical weapons were to end up in the hands of Hizbullah or other terrorist organizations in the region. Yatom spoke to the British Sky News, which reported that Israel is deeply concerned that Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad may deliberately give Hizbullah chemical weapons or that they could end up in the hands of other terror groups In either case, this could lead to a regional war, Yatom told the network. “The conventional wisdom should be that we cannot exclude a non-conventional attack on Israel,” he said. “We would have to pre-empt in order to prevent it. We need to be prepared to launch even military attacks... and military attacks mean maybe a deterioration to war.” Sky News reported that Middle Eastern and other intelligence sources say that Syria has the biggest stockpiles of the nerve gasses VX and Sarin, as well as mustard gas, in the Middle East. Investigations by Sky News have identified four sites where the agents are produced: Hama, Latakia, Al Safira, near Aleppo and at the Centre D'Etude et Recherche Scientifique laboratories in Damascus. Storage sites have also been found at Khan abu Shamat, Furqlus, Hama, Masyaf, Palmyra, the report said. Biological weapons are believed to be stored at Cerin while there are also numerous 'dual use' civilian pharmaceutical laboratories which are capable of producing bio-weapons such as botulism and anthrax. Al Qaeda-related groups are known to be operating inside Syria, and its leadership has frequently extolled members or followers to try to get hold of chemical weapons. A top IDF officer said recently that Israel is “in preparations for the possibility of war and in the midst of deployment with the situation in Syria in mind.” The greatest challenge facing Division 36, which is placed in the Golan, is the possibility of facing a surprise attack, said the officer, Brig. Gen. Tamir Heiman, Commander of Division 36. “The biggest concern is a combined terror attack and we are preparing for this in the Golan area.” The essential changes that have taken place in Syria provide the potential for a terror attack coming out of Syria and crossing the border, which has been very quiet in recent years. The IDF’s Northern District Commander Yair Golan has warned that the battle being waged in Syria between opponents of the Assad regime and Assad loyalists may have an effect on what is happening in Israel. “Al-Qaeda related factors that are active there now and working against the regime may operate against us over time,” he said. “The Syrian threat to Israel requires attention. It will not happen tomorrow morning, but it can occur within a few months.” Golan added, “Syria has weapons of mass destruction along with a very heavy arsenal of weapons, including surface-to-ground missiles and chemical weapons. The fact that Syria is a storehouse of weapons which fuels terrorists in the region is very unsettling.”
  18. Bush-Cheney Torture Protocol: "The Last War Crime" Debuts at Cannes--but Censored in US by Jeanine Molloff global research 7/13/12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ During this summer of Occupy and subsequent police brutality, the subject of torture is hotly denounced by protesters and conveniently ignored by candidates. Like that ostrich diving head first into the sand of political expediency–Americans want to focus on the alleged debt crisis or gay marriage–anything that absolves us from the messy subject of tortures committed in our names by the Bush/Cheney administration and which continue under Obama to the present day. The entire Bradley Manning debacle speaks volumes to this accusation. In spite of strong evidence identifying Dick Cheney as the mastermind behind this torture regime–the subject remains taboo, both in the ‘news’ business and in Hollywood–that is until Hollywood executives watched trailers for the anti-war documentary–The Last War Crime. Written, produced and directed by a new talent known only as ‘The Pen,’ this film documents the torture protocol ordained by the Bush-Cheney administration. Since it first circulated a trailer on the web; it has been heavily censored and cyber attacked. You Tube has removed it at intermittent intervals and MTV (which is owned by Viacom) has refused to sell air time for a commercial. Apparently, there are some things that Viacom won’t accept money for—namely any film or story which exposes the regular torture ordered by Vice-President Cheney. Curious about this documentary and the blatant censorship–(I couldn’t download it)–I contacted the artist aka The Pen. Here is the interview. JM : What are you hoping this film will accomplish in terms of genuine political change? The Pen:” The Last War Crime Movie is about indicting Cheney for torture. And isn’t that something billions of people want to see? They say sometimes life can imitate art. But first we felt it was important that we retrace our country’s steps as to how torture was used to get the false intelligence to sell us on a war with Iraq. The real story of how this happened has been buried under an avalanche of pseudo history. They want people to forget the Downing Street minutes and the foreknowledge that the British had that Cheney and Bush were determined to invade Iraq, even if they had to “fix the facts around the policy” to do so. They want to obliterate the memory of the flimsy legal arguments in the torture memos. So we dig out all the true facts, and put them on the big screen, together with an entertaining narrative story about what it would have been like if justice had already prevailed. The people who committed these war crimes believe they can escape accountability by changing the way people think, by selling the American people on the idea that torture was a great thing that got us wonderful intelligence to protect us. But the only people making these arguments are the torturers themselves and their propaganda advocates. All other percipient witnesses confirm the opposite, which we knew already, that torture does not even work, and that any actionable intelligence they got was obtained before they started torturing people. So part of the mission of this movie is to counter their ongoing lies initiative, to change the way people think back to the truth, and then we can have good policy change, which is political change. JM : Do you expect more interference, and if so–in what form? The Pen: Based on what we have run into already, the attempted YouTube censorship (which we forced them to reverse after more than 7,000 direct protests), the rejection of the ad submitted to MTV (Viacom Inc.), it is clear that we are encountering serious censorship interference from the very beginning. Obviously we are telling a story that certain people don’t want heard. The American people believe that we have free speech. It was on that justification that the Supreme Court said in the Citizens United decision that the gloves were off, and that corporations with unlimited war chests should be permitted to flood our political process with money favoring their point of view. But now we see that the other side of that bargain was a fraud, that these same corporations believe they can discriminate against points of view they disagree with. So for the actual people, we find that even if we have the money, we cannot even BUY “free” speech. This is not a tolerable situation. Must we generate thousands of protests every time we want to run an ad when it is rejected for political reasons? Already Viacom has received over 12,000 protest messages in response to our call to action there, and in that situation apparently they think “we the people” can just be ignored. We are seriously considering a federal lawsuit, the argument has to be made, that if they accept political advertising of any kind, at least in that case, it must be some kind of 14th Amendment equal protection violation to practice what we would call “speech discrimination”. Only by bringing such a case can we determine if we actually have free speech or not. JM: Has there been any direct retaliation or threats connected with the release of this film aimed at you? Any suspected retaliation? The Pen : Gandhi is reputed to have said, “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win”. At this point we are still mostly at the attempted “ignore you” stage. JM: What has Hollywood’s reaction been to this film’s coming debut? Are you encountering the same kind of cowardice that Michael Moore experienced after his Oscar night comments about the war? The Pen: We are just starting to get the word out about this film. The censorship attempts are doomed to fail, but we still don’t have enough visibility to where the rest of the Hollywood film community would be called on to react. It would not surprise me if some of the censorship we’ve been talking about was based in part on cowardice. Of course we all remember when Michael Moore called out the fiction of the basis for the war in Iraq at the Oscars. But in that case another reasonable possible explanation is that those who booed him then would object to any attempt to politicize the Academy Awards ceremony. The problem is that when you say you don’t want to hear about this political issue here, and you don’t want to hear about it there, you may end up with the dynamic we are confronting now with The Last War Crime movie, that the corporations that dominate our media really don’t want these issues talked about anywhere. JM: Anything else you would want to add? The Pen: “The soul of America is on trial right now. We have thrown not just international law overboard, we have repudiated our own long established law. We have always considered waterboarding to be torture. We have always prosecuted waterboarding in the past as torture. So what’s the difference now, that the war criminals have a big “R” after their names? We are called by history, the real history, to stand up and speak out about this, to bring America back to its highest calling. So if your readers are interested in participating in the Viacom action they can go to , where you can also see the ad that MTV rejected. And there is a Facebook page where we are posting video clips, still shots from the movie, including behind the scenes shots, and more on a daily basis, so you can follow our progress and help get this movie out in real theaters where it belongs and deserves to be.” It should be noted that as of May 22nd, 2012, The Last War Crime was presented at the Cannes Film Festival. There was no refusal to air the film, no censorship–corporate or otherwise. Apparently the independent artistic community in Cannes and similar venues knows something that evades the vapid corporate offices of Hollywood
  19. We now know that there were traces of Polonium 210, a poison—the same radioactive isotope that killed former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko—in Arafat’s under garments. http://www.roytov.com/articles/arafat.htm and http://www.roytov.com/articles/arafat2.htm UN should authorise inquiry into Arafat’s death By Linda S. Heard Posted on July 11, 2012 by Linda S. Heard The doubters—labelled conspiracy theorists due to their belief that the former Palestinian president, Yasser Arafat, was murdered—may soon be vindicated. I was among their ranks. I thought it odd that doctors were seemingly unable to diagnose his complaint and what was even more odd was the initial silence of the French military hospital—where he breathed his last in 2004—regarding the cause of his demise, later attributed to a massive heart attack in a rambling medical report. Stranger still, a sample of Arafat’s blood sent to a Tunisian lab for testing, while he was still alive, had gone missing. I was also struggling to fathom why neither Arafat’s wife, Suha Tawil, nor his closest lieutenants, including the current Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, had not created more of a stink when the word “poisoned” was permeating the air. Arafat’s closest relatives and advisers were all convinced he had been poisoned. Suha’s refusal to allow French doctors to carry out a biopsy on her husband’s liver while he lived or an autopsy after his death was similarly mystifying. The Palestinian leadership should have forcefully petitioned the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to launch an investigation into Arafat’s suspicious death. Instead, it was accepted in a fairly low-key manner by the people he trusted most. Perhaps because they had come to the conclusion that without this stubborn patriot, who always refused to concede the Palestinians’ just rights, the roadblocks to a Palestinian state would fall apart. If that was indeed the case, they were tragically misguided. Those who followed jumped like Kangaroo Joeys straight into America’s pocket where they discovered nothing but hot air before falling through a gaping hole to nowhere. The mysterious circumstances surrounding his passing away were compounded by the timing. Arafat, a Nobel Peace Prize recipient, had been shunned by the US and its allies after being labelled an obstacle to peace by former President George W. Bush. The Israelis had turned his Ramallah compound into a virtual prison from which he was prevented from leaving even to attend religious festivities in occupied Jerusalem and Bethlehem. Moreover, Israel had bombed his headquarters where he lived—a simple, small room with little other than a single bed, a prayer mat, a table and a wardrobe for his signature uniforms. The man who was the most frequent visitor to the White House had been painted a terrorist and turned into a pariah by the Bush administration. It is thanks to Al Jazeera that the truth has a chance of seeing the light of day. Due to the Qatari network’s team of incisive reporters, who uncovered classified documents and sent Arafat’s personal belongings and clothing to the Institute of Radiation Physics in Switzerland, we now know that there were traces of Polonium 210, a poison—the same radioactive isotope that killed former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko—in Arafat’s under garments. Polonium is not a substance that is cooked-up by amateur assassins; it is only manufactured by governments. So it is reasonable to extrapolate that he was murdered by a country that wanted him out of the way. Israel has denied involvement, saying as long as he was confined to his headquarters in Ramallah he posed no threat. Whichever government may have been instrumental in what looks like murder, there remains the question as to how one could have presumably ingested small amounts of Polonium, just enough to kill him over time as opposed to the larger dose that killed Litvinenko. Let’s face it, not too many Israelis or Americans would have had access to his food. Without wishing to jump to conclusions, if he was poisoned, it’s likely that someone within his inner circle had been turned. ‘We owe a debt’ Following Al Jazeera’s investigation, Arafat’s wife, now living in Malta, has demanded an autopsy on her late husband’s body, requiring its removal from the mausoleum—a demand supported by Hamas leader Esmail Haniyah. It’s unclear what prompted Suha’s change of heart or how she was persuaded to hand Arafat’s effects to Al Jazeera. Notwithstanding potential embarrassment, the Palestinian National Authority has agreed, but the decision awaits the agreement of certain family members. The Grand Mufti of occupied Jerusalem says there’s no religious bar to the exhumation. Experts believe tests on Arafat’s bones would be conclusive, one way or the other, even eight years after his death. Tunisia has called for an emergency Arab League summit and is asking for an international inquiry. “We owe a debt to that great man, who had such an influence on the Palestinian national cause,” said Tunisia’s foreign minister, Rafik Abdessalem. I would second that call. Arafat had his faults, but he was a great man. Without his efforts the Palestinians would have become a forgotten, dispersed people, their suffering erased from newspaper headlines. If the UN can bless an inquiry into the assassination of Lebanon’s former prime minister, Rafiq Hariri, it should do the same for Arafat. Either a special tribunal should be instituted or the evidence should be sent to prosecutors at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. However, that would require a UNSC referral. If matters reach that stage, it will be interesting to see whether the US will wield its power of veto. If so, we will be left to draw our own conclusions. Linda S. Heard is a British specialist writer on Middle East affairs. She welcomes feedback and can be contacted by email at heardonthegrapevines@yahoo.co.uk.
  20. It tells us they published the entry without knowing who he was and they pulled it when they found out, so what? In any case irrelevant ti your claims MeK is involved in Syria. // END COLBY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NO, they know who he is,they still have his other work on their site. ITS WHAT HE WAS TALKING ABOUT. YOUR HuffPOST IS LYING. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://niqnaq.wordpr...m-with-the-mek/ huffington, sort of neolib, certainly no problem with the MeK USAia’s Own Terror Group (abridged) Glenn Greenwald, Salon, Jul 12 2012 Yesterday morning, the HuffPost published a post by Hossein Abedini, who was identified in the byline as a “Member of Parliament in exile of Iranian Resistance.” His extended HuffPost bio says that he “belongs to the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran” (NCRI). The NCRI is the political arm of the Mujahideen-e Khalq, (MeK), the Iranian dissident group (and longtime Saddam ally) that has been formally designated by the US State Dept since 1997 as a terrorist organization, yet has been paying large sums of money to a bipartisan cast of former US officials to advocate on its behalf. The in-hiding President of the NCRI, Massoud Rajavi, is, along with his wife Maryam Rajavi, MeK’s leader. Abedini, the HuffPost poster, has been identified as a MeK spokesman in news reports, and has identified himself the same way when, for instance, writing letters to NBC News objecting to negative reports about the group. Yesterday’s HuffPost piece by Abedini touted a MeK rally held on Jun 23 in Paris, which he claimed was attended by “over 100,000 Iranian exiles and supporters of the Iranian resistance from five continents.” The news report cited by Abedini actually says that “tens of thousands” of Iranians participated, and reflecting what seems to be MeK’s bizarrely unlimited budget, they were transported by “more than a thousand buses from all over Europe.” Abedini boasted that the rally’s keynote speaker was MeK leader Rajavi, whom he calls “the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance,” and quotes her at length, demanding the removal of MeK from the list of terror organizations. As usual for a MeK event, Abedini was able to tout more than a dozen former high-level US political officials from both parties who spoke to the rally, many of whom (if not all) have been repeatedly paid large sums of money for their MeK speeches. According to Abedini, this latest rally included many of the usual MeK shills: former GOP New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former Democratic Governor of Pennsylvania Ed Rendell, former Democratic New Mexico Governor and UN Ambassador Bill Richardson, former GOP UN Ambassador John Bolton, former GOP Attorney General Michael Mukasey, former Democratic State Dept spokesman P J Crowley, and several retired US Generals. Shortly after the HuffPost piece appeared, several people on Twitter, the first of which (I believe) was the Iranian journalist Hooman Majd, noted that the HuffPost had published a propaganda piece from a designated terror group and wondered whether they would do so for all such terror groups such as Al Qaeda. After several others, including the NYT‘s Robert Mackey and myself, noted the oddity that HuffPost was publishing pieces from a designated terrorist group, HuffPost deleted the piece. If one goes now to the URL where the post first appeared, one finds this: Editor’s Note: This post is no longer available on the Huffington Post. The post can still be read in its cached version. No explanation is given for the deletion, but a HuffPost spokesperson, Rhoades Alderson, last night responded to my inquiry about it as follows: It was published by mistake. By policy, we don’t publish blog posts by people affiliated with designated terrorist organizations. The blog editor who published it was unaware that NCRI is MEK’s political arm. When the mistake was discovered the post was removed. HuffPost has previously published numerous pieces from Abedini, including one linking the Syrian and Iranian “resistance” and demanding Western support for both, another branding Iran the “epicenter of terrorism,” and other posts spouting the MeK line. All of those posts by Abedini remain on the HuffPost site. ############################################################# ############################################################# SHOAH SITE To be clear, I don’t find HuffPost’s conduct — either in publishing posts from MeK spokespeople or removing them — to be objectionable. That’s not the point here. I personally believe it’s better to hear from all groups and to have all viewpoints aired rather than trying with inevitable futility to suppress them, but if HuffPost really does have a policy against publication of “people affliated with designated terrorist organizations,” then — just like laws criminalizing the providing of “material support to Terrorist organizations” — it should apply equally to MeK and those who work with it (including MeK’s list of paid D.C. political celebrities). [in the wake of 9/11, the U.S. Government instructed American media outlets not to broadcast any statements from Osama bin Laden on the ground that he might embed in his statements coded signals to his followers to activate sleeper cells on American soil -- perhaps he would use the nose wiggle employed by Bewitched's Samantha Stevens to unleash her magic powers -- and many American media outlets (needless to say) dutifully complied. It seems clear that the real reason for suppression of those Al Qaeda statements was to ensure that Americans, who were understandably asking "Why Do They Hate Us"? in the wake of 9/11, would be prevented from hearing Al Qaeda's actual grievances about U.S. aggression so that they could instead be told that They Hate Us for Our Freedom; George Bush on September 21, 2001: "Americans are asking 'Why do they hate us?' . . . They hate our freedoms: our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other". It's far preferable, in my view, to allow all views to be aired, but a ban on Terror groups and their supporters should be equally applied.] What makes this HuffPost event notable is that it is inconceivable that they would publish posts from spokespeople or paid advocates for other designated Terrorist groups which do not command widespread support among Washington’s elites — such as, say, Al Qaeda, or Hamas, or Hezbollah. MeK is treated differently because they are Our Terrorists. NBC News reported that “deadly attacks on Iranian nuclear scientists are being carried out by an Iranian dissident group [MeK] that is financed, trained and armed by Israel’s secret service,” while The New Yorker‘s Seymour Hersh detailed in April that the U.S. has provided extensive training to MeK operatives, on U.S. soil. This entire MeK controversy has, as vividly as any event in a long time, illustrated the core truth of Terrorism and the laws against it: the entire concept has no purpose in American political discourse and law other than to delegitimize and criminalize support for groups which use violence in opposition to American violence and aggression, while sanctioning and enabling those groups which use such violence to advance America’s interests. MeK used to work in close cooperation with Saddam (during the time Saddam was America’s decreed Enemy, rather than Ally), so they were therefore Bad: Terrorists. Indeed, in 2003, when the Bush administration was advocating an attack on Iraq, one of the prime reasons it cited was “Saddam Hussein’s Support for International Terrorism,” and it circulated a document purporting to prove that assertion, in which one of the first specific accusations listed was this: Iraq shelters terrorist groups including the Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO), which has used terrorist violence against Iran and in the 1970s was responsible for killing several U.S. military personnel and U.S. civilians. So just nine years ago, Saddam’s links to MeK were cited by the U.S. Government as proof that he sheltered Terrorist groups. Now, the MeK works for the interests of (and in cooperation with) Israel and the U.S., so suddenly, they are now Good, and the most Serious Beltway officials are free to openly take money from and advocate for this Terror group (as a result, the MeK is, predictably, highly likely to be rewarded by being removed by the Obama administration from the Terrorist list). They are basically the Ahmad Chalabis of Iran: despite being widely despised in Iran for their support for Iraq in its war against Iran, they are being deceitfully held out as the True Pro-American, Pro-Israel, Pro-Western-Intervention Voice of the Iranian People (paid MeK shill Howard Dean actually argued that the U.S. should recognize MeK’s leader as the legitimate President of Iran). That HuffPost responded to yesterday’s pressure by removing the MeK post and citing its policy against publishing those “affliated with designated terrorist organizations” is valuable in the sense that it highlights the absurd travesty of “Terrorism” in U.S. politics. For legal purposes, at least, MeK is every bit the Terrorist organization that Al Qaeda is, yet they are now Our Terrorists, and are thus heralded and rewarded rather than scorned. * * * * *
  21. If one would read the link ,one would find that said article has links within it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Landmark Summit Puts Women at Heart of Global Health Agenda Global leaders unite to provide 120 million women in the world’s poorest countries with access to contraceptives by 2020. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Phone: +1 206 709 3400 Email: media@gatesfoundation.org DFID press office Phone: +44 (0)207 023 0600 Email: fpmedia@dfid.gov.uk London, July 11, 2012 –Voluntary family planning services will reach an additional 120 million women and girls in the world’s poorest countries by 2020 thanks to a new set of commitments announced today by more than 150 leaders from donor and developing countries, international agencies, civil society, foundations and the private sector. The announcement was made at the London Summit on Family Planning, co-hosted by the UK Government’s Department for International Development and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This unprecedented effort showcased innovative partnerships and leadership at the country level, empowering women to reach their full potential. The Summit underscored the importance of access to contraceptives as both a right and a transformational health and development priority. Secretary of State for International Development, Andrew Mitchell, said: “This is a breakthrough for the world's poorest girls and women which will transform lives, now and for generations to come. The commitments made at the Summit today will support the rights of women to determine freely, and for themselves, whether, when and how many children they have.” “Enabling an additional 120 million women in the world’s poorest countries to access and use contraception, something women in the developed world take for granted, will save millions of lives and enable girls and women to determine their own futures.” By 2020, the collective efforts announced today will result in 200,000 fewer women dying in pregnancy and childbirth, more than 110 million fewer unintended pregnancies, over 50 million fewer abortions, and nearly three million fewer babies dying in their first year of life. Melinda Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, said: “When I travel and talk to women around the world they tell me that access to contraceptives can often be the difference between life and death. Today is about listening to their voices, about meeting their aspirations, and giving them the power to create a better life for themselves and their families.” The Summit has raised the resources to deliver contraceptives to an additional 120 million women which is estimated to cost $4.3 billion. More than 20 developing countries made bold commitments to address the policy, financing and delivery barriers to women accessing contraceptive information, services and supplies. Donors made new financial commitments to support these plans amounting to $2.6 billion – exceeding the Summit’s financial goal. Access to safe, effective methods of contraception is considered one of the most cost-effective investments a country can make in its future. Studies show that every US $1 invested in family planning services yields up to $6 in savings on health, housing, water, and other public services. Contraceptive use also leads to more education and greater opportunities for girls, helping to end the cycle of poverty for them and their families. Up to a quarter of girls in Sub-Saharan Africa drop out of school due to unintended pregnancies, stifling their potential to improve their lives and their children’s lives. The Summit galvanized the global community to create transformational change, calling for innovative solutions and robust public-private partnerships that put women at the heart of the equation. Commitments announced today will give women more options, easier access, and improved health care. The Summit supports and builds on the momentum created by the UN Secretary General’s Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health (GSWCH), “Every Woman, Every Child,” and innovative public-private and civil society partnerships developed through the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition. The Summit also aligns with the broader framework established by the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) almost 20 years ago. ######################### The GSWCH, working with the World Health Organization (WHO) is a global plan to bring vaccines, international interventions and financing to the UN for the purpose of: Controlling access to healthcare in under-developed nations Use pre-determined drug corporations to treat third world nations so that they are no longer allowed to freely procreate Monitor and evaluate the progress of depopulation in these areas ######################### Melinda Gates Uses Contraception to Mask Depopulation Agenda Susanne Posel May 11th, 2012 0 Comment Susanne Posel Occupy Corporatism May 11, 2012 http://occupycorporatism.com/melinda-gates-uses-contraception-to-mask-depopulation-agenda/ The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was created over a decade ago. They have been responsible for vaccine programs across the globe. The Gates Foundation is focusing on controlling population in poor countries with drugs like Depo-Provera. By pouring funding into the supply chains and relationships with the pharmaceutical corporations, they plan on bringing this drug to the developing world. Melinda Gates has made this issue her personal mission. Gates announced her new emphasis on contraception in a staff meeting to a room full of applause. The Gates Foundation is teaming up with the British government in raising $4 billion to fund their birth control agenda worldwide by 2020. Melinda Gates would like to see her agenda turned into a global movement. “When I started to realize that that needed to get done in family planning, I finally said, OK, I’m the person that’s going to do that,” she says. By calling her mission “family-planning programs” Gates hopes to shift the focus of their agenda from their plan to secure a coercive population control strategy. Gates justification for her invasive presence in the lives of women and children in poor countries is that 100,000 women die in child birth from unintended pregnancies. The global family planning issue is been carted as a national security issue. Gates is purveying the rising birth rates in poor countries as an international over population situation. They are using a fear-mongering assertion that population instability leads to vulnerability to communist revolution. In the 1960’s Dwight Eisenhower, who has an honorary member of Planned Parenthood, called for foreign aid for birth control to curb population growth. In 1965 President Lyndon Johnson implored the United Nations to “face forthrightly the multiplying problems of our multiplying populations … Let us act on the fact that less than $5 invested in population control is worth $100 invested in economic growth.” The United Nations created the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) to use population control as a resolution toward facilitating peace, prosperity, and individual rights worldwide. Melinda Gates hopes to continue the empirical authority in forcing countries to adhere to ideologies and change the general public’s perspective about population control by calling it “women’s rights” issues. “There is no controversy in raising your voice for equal access,” Gates said at a TEDxChange talk. “If [Gates] wants to put money into it, that’s fine, but she doesn’t get to say no one gets to argue with me,” says Susan Yoshihara, director of research at the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute. Yoshihara feels that Gates attempt to equate family planning programs to women’s rights issues is painting an inaccurate picture. “You don’t tell a woman dying of an ectopic pregnancy that she should have used a female condom. To say that we’re going to help women not die in childbirth by telling them that they shouldn’t get pregnant in the first place, I think, borders on scandalous.” The Gates Foundation is currently funding research for the development of new forms of contraceptives with the intention of purveying them across the underdeveloped countries where their oversight is not closely regulated. The Gates Foundation wants to investigate the use of a contraceptive that does not utilize hormones, calling it a potentially “whole new class” of drugs. They are also envisioning an implantable device that can completely override a woman’s natural ability to conceive. Gates believes that this type of birth control would greatly benefit the world’s populations.
  22. the post was very clearly NOT written by me you accused me of making //END COLBY NO // Gaal CUT AND PASTE WITH NO CHANGES, LEN COLBY NAME AT TOP OF POST. ================================== Len Colby Sign in to reply May 3 Other recipients: On May 3, 8:14 am, Crickets <> wrote: > http://en.wikipedia....iki/Ghostwriter> wrote: > http://en.wikipedia....iki/Ghostwriter > > Osama bin Laden's last words: "I'M JUST A PATSY! > > Osama bin Laden must NOT have his day in court. > > For the same reason Lee Oswald didn't get a trial and for the same > reason Bruce Ivans didn't get a trial: because they were innocent, > and > also would have implicated the real Jewish media/military CFR > killers. > > If Osama bin Laden had a fair trial, he would have been found NOT- > GUILTY, and escorted to freedom by giant armored cops with machine > gunshttp://tinyurl.com/7csuv4mand would have implicated Rumsfeld and > the Pentagon neocons in false-flag 9-11. > > America's terror patsies MUST be executed without trial - or subjected > to secret kangaroo military trials in Communist Cuba - to protect the > guilty false-flag Communist CFR operatives. > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > > AT LARGE: Jewish leaders scared to hold terrorist trials in N.Y.http://www.tuscaloos...209629/1215/NE... > By Tommy Stevenson > Published: Sunday, February 7, 2010 at 3:30 a.m. > Last Modified: Saturday, February 6, 2010 at 10:49 p.m. > > What ever happened to the bring em on crowd, who took their cue > from former President George W. Bush s infamous defiance in 2003 > shortly after the fall of Iraq when the question was raised of > retaliation by the forces still hostile to us there? > > They seemed to have morphed into a be afraid, be very afraid caucus > as they push the U.S. Department of Justice to move the trial of > Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four alleged accomplishes for their role > in > the Sept. 11 attacks on New York City and the Pentagon from a federal > courtroom in the Big Apple. > > RED, WHITE AND BLUE? All I see is yellow, yellow, and more yellow. > > Only the GUILTY fear the courtroom and prefer patsy executions > without > trial. Baring that, the perpetrators desire a secret restricted > kangaroo military trial in Cuba at midnight conducted by the same > military personal that dusted the towers with D-E. > > "Equal Justice Under Law" ... kiss it... kiss it... kiss it goodbye. > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > > It HAD to be Osama bin Laden and 19 other Muslims. > > Because everyone KNOWS that ZOG America doesn't engage in propaganda. > > Osama Bin Lyin? - show quoted text - > Saturday, July 24, 2010 > > Everyone knows that Osama Bin Laden confessed to 9/11 on videotape. > > Admittedly, German experts say (rough English translation here) that > the Bin Laden confession tape was mistranslated. But what do the > Germans know, other than how to make beer? > > Sure, an American computer expert says that a Bin Laden video > released > in 2007 was spliced together from earlier footage, and that: > > "There are so many splices that I cannot help but wonder if someone > spliced words and phrases together. I also cannot rule out a vocal > imitator during the frozen-frame audio. The only way to prove that > the > audio is really bin Laden is to see him talking in the video...." > > But he's just a pencil-neck computer geek, so why should we listen to > him? > > Yeah, Swiss scientists are 95% certain that an early post-9/11 Bin > Laden tape was a fake. They conclude that all of the later Bin Laden > tapes are probably fakes as well. But what do the Swiss know, besides > banking and milk chocolate? > > Okay, one of the world's top experts on Bin Laden - Bruce Lawrence of > Duke University - says that recent Bin Laden tapes are fake. He also > says that the tape in which Bin Laden confessed to 9/11 is a fake, > and > that the top Bin Laden experts in the Department of Homeland Security > agree. But he must be a communist or something. > > And it is interesting that - as confirmed by the Washington Post's > Spy > Talk columnist - the CIA admitted to faking a Bin Laden videotape > using CIA personnel: > > The agency actually did make a video purporting to show Osama bin > Laden and his cronies sitting around a campfire swigging bottles of > liquor and savoring their conquests with boys, one of the former CIA > officers recalled, chuckling at the memory. The actors were drawn > from > some of us darker-skinned employees, he said. > > But that is obviously just an isolated incident which doesn't mean > that any other Bin Laden tapes are fake. > > Because everyone knows that America doesn't engage in propaganda. > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > > I SHOT THE COLE > > I shot the Cole > But I did not dust the trade center, Oh! No! > I shot the Cole > But I didn't dust the trade center, Oh! No! > > All around in my home town, > Spooks tryin' to track me down; > They say they want to bring me in guilty > For the dusting of the trade center, > For the crime of the W T C > But I say: > > I shot the Cole > But I swear it was in self defense! > I say: I shot the Cole - Oh, Lord! - > And they say it is a capital offence. > > Sheriff Sharon always hated me, > For what, I don't really know: > Every time I planted a seed, > He said kill it before it grows - > He said kill Muslims before they grow. > And so: > > I shot the Cole. Oh, Lord! > But I swear it was in self-defense. > I say: I shot the Cole, > But I swear it was in self defense. Oo-oh Yeah! > > Freedom came my way one day > And I started out of town, > All of a sudden I saw the USS Cole > Aiming to shoot me down, > So I shot - I shot - I shot a hole in the Cole > And I say: If I am guilty I will pay. > > I shot the Cole, > But I did not dust the trade center, Oh! No! > I shot the Cole. I did! > But I didn't dust the trade center. Oh! No! > > Reflexes had got the better of me > And what is to be must be: > Every day the bucket goes down a well, > One day the bottom will drop out, > One day the water will fall back out. > And I say: > > I - I - I shot the Cole > Lord, I did not dust the trade center. HELL NO! > I - I - I shot the Cole, > But I didn't dust no trade center, xxxx You, ZIObama. > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > > -- T R U T H T R U M P S T E R R O R I S M -- > > "I don't know something called International Principles. I vow that > I'll burn every Palestinian child (that) will be born in this area. > The Palestinian woman and child is more dangerous than the man, > because the Palestinian child's existence infers that generations > will > go on, but the man causes limited danger. I vow that if I was just an > Israeli civilian and I met a Palestinian I would burn him and I would > make him suffer before killing him. With one hit I've killed 750 > Palestinians (in Rafah in 1956). I wanted to encourage my soldiers by > raping Arabic girls as the Palestinian women is a slave for Jews, and > we do whatever we want to her and nobody tells us what we shall do > but > we tell others what they shall do." > > --Ariel Sharon, current Prime Minister, In an interview with General > Ouze Merham,1956. > > From hell's heart...I stab at thee > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > > S H A R O N > _ > /'_/) > ,/_ / > / / > /'_'/' '/'__'7, > /'/ / / /"/_\ > ('( ' ' _~/' ') > \ ' / > '\' \ _.7' > \ ( > \ \ > > . H E L L ' S H E A R T > . > . Were you born an asshole or did you become one over time?
  23. Merck Teams With Gates Foundation to Further Worldwide Depopulation Susanne Posel, Contributor 7/13/12 Activist Post http://www.activistpost.com/2012/07/merck-teams-with-gates-foundation-to.html At the London Summit on Family Planning (LSFP), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) pledged $560 million to their campaign to depopulate underdeveloped nations. World leaders, private-sector corporations, UN representatives and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) attended the LSFP. Warren Buffet, friend and fellow Elitist, has agreed to hand over most of his wealth to charity; contributed stock valued at $1.52 billion in his annual gift to the BMGF. Buffet asserted in a YouTube video in 2011: "I urge people to unbutton their wallet, pull out a check, reach into their purse, whatever it takes. You will find that when you give a dollar and something of yourself, a lot more than a dollar comes out the other end."
  24. The Syrian opposition: who's doing the talking? The media have been too passive when it comes to Syrian opposition sources, without scrutinising their backgrounds and their political connections. Time for a closer look … Charlie Skelton guardian.co.uk, Thursday 12 July 2012 10.48 EDT http://www.guardian....ing-the-talking ######################################### http://www.moonofalabama.org/2012/07/syria-how-us-pays-snc-auxiliaries-pull-back-fake-rape.html July 12, 2012 Syria: How U.S. Pays SNC, Auxiliaries Pull Back, Fake Rape Is the Syrian National Council of expats that demands war against Syria a western political intelligence operation? Sure. And if there ever were any doubts about that this piece should bury them. This is a story about the storytellers: the spokespeople, the "experts on Syria", the "democracy activists". The statement makers. The people who "urge" and "warn" and "call for action". It's a tale about some of the most quoted members of the Syrian opposition and their connection to the Anglo-American opposition creation business. ... As we will see, several of these spokespeople have found support, and in some cases developed long and lucrative relationships with advocates of military intervention on both sides of the Atlantic. ... The piece goes into the well sourced details of years-long western finance for several of the leading SNC functionaries including for one of their main promoters the neocon Michael Weiss who we flagged here half a year ago. Remember that Turkish jet Syria shot down? Erdogan and his sidekicks were so up in arms about that they ran to their NATO daddies to ask for help. They claimed that the jet was shot down outside of Syrian air space. NATO help was denied because, as I interpreted it, NATO was sure that the jet was shot down within Syrian airspace while it tested the Syrian air defense. Erdogan is under fire from the Turkish opposition and is now heavily backtracking on his original claim: There are growing numbers of question marks surrounding last month’s downed Turkish plane as the prime minister admitted yesterday that all details from the incident were not yet known as Washington said it knew everything about the downing but was refusing to share the information with the media. The sense of confusion was enhanced by an Air Force general who said the plane, which was downed June 22, might have been hit by a personally operated missile from a Syrian ship rather than a surface-to-air missile. At the same time, the military also altered the way it is has been describing the event, referring to the plane as the jet that “Syria claimed to have shot down” rather than the jet that “Syria shot down.” It seems that Erdogan and his military will soon claim that the jet went down for "technical reasons" or because of a "pilot error". That news comes as the Washington Post claims that arms deliveries to Syrian rebels are delayed: Activists give differing interpretations of what they say are shipments of weapons that are not making it across the usual route — the Turkish-Syrian border. One leading opposition member attributed the blockage to Turkish anxiety in the wake of Syria’s downing of a Turkish jet last month. Or anxiety about Russia doubling its troops in Armenia near the Turkish border ? The Lebanese government is reinforcing its troops on the Syrian border to prevent smuggling and cross border fighting. Jordan is also tightening its border with Syria as it fears infiltration of loyal Syrian troops. All these steps by Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan may be to just starve off various freelance groups and Salafis fighting in Syria and to channel the guns to groups selected by the CIA and its new friends in the Muslim Brotherhood. But another interpretation is that they finally found sense and recognized that further fighting in Syria will inevitably deliver serious blowbacks to their countries. They recognize that the U.S. project for regime change in Syria has for now failed and are winding down their part of it. As I currently read it the second interpretation is a bit more likely one. This does not mean that Washington has stopped the war mongering. But its auxiliaries seem to leave the field or at least have second thoughts. To instigate war one needs propaganda and here is a very typical piece of such: The Ultimate Assault: Charting Syria's Use of Rape to Terrorize Its People. The piece is simply fake news based on very dubious third hand tales and propagated by one of the U.S. government sponsored fake humanitarian endeavors. In the comments thereto Don Bacon points out that the piece was commissioned by Joe Lieberman, the neocon Senator for Israel. That fact as well as the trails in the first linked piece tells us where this whole operation against Syria was thought up and is coming from. Posted by b on July 12, 2012 ############################ http://fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/syrian-oppositions-amazing-cia-credentials/17625/ Syrian National Council (SNC): Bassma Kodmani — member of the executive bureau and head of foreign affairs, Syrian National Council. Two-time Bilderberg meeting attendee. Director of governance and international co-operation program for (CIA-front) Ford Foundation in pre-”Arab Spring” Egypt. Executive director of the Arab Reform Initiative (ARI) — a research programme initiated by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Radwan Ziadeh — senior fellow at the federally funded Washington think tank, the US Institute of Peace (the USIP Board of Directors is packed with alumni of the defense department and the national security council; its president is Richard Solomon, former adviser to Kissinger at the NSC). In February he joined an elite bunch of Washington hawks to sign a letter calling upon Obama to intervene in Syria: his fellow signatories include James Woolsey (former CIA chief), Karl Rove (Bush Jr’s handler), Clifford May (Committee on the Present Danger) and Elizabeth Cheney, former head of the Pentagon’s Iran-Syria Operations Group. Close allies in US House of Representatives and Senate. Ausama Monajed — Commentator on Al Jazeera, owned by the dictatorship of Qatar. Blogger for Huffington Post. Adviser to SNC president and “the Founder and Director of Barada Television”, a pro-opposition satellite channel based in Vauxhall, south London. In 2008, a few months after attending Syria In-Transition conference, Monajed was back in Washington, invited to lunch with George W Bush, along with a handful of other favoured dissidents. Recipient of large amounts of State Department funding through its front organization The Democracy Council. Others: Hamza Fakher — co-author of Revolution in Danger, a publication of the extremist neo-con “Henry Jackson Society Strategic Briefing,” in February of this year. He co-wrote this briefing paper with the Henry Jackson Society’s communications director, Michael Weiss. Michael Weiss — One of the most widely quoted western experts on Syria — and an enthusiast for western intervention. Director of communications and public relations at the neo-con Henry Jackson Society. The Henry Jackson Society’s international patrons include: James “ex-CIA boss” Woolsey, Michael “homeland security” Chertoff, William “PNAC” Kristol, Robert “PNAC” Kagan, Joshua “Bomb Iran” Muravchick, and Richard “Prince of Darkness” Perle. The Society is run by Alan Mendoza, chief adviser to the all-party parliamentary group on transatlantic and international security. Tikun Olam Blog founder Richerd Silverstein calls “friend of Syria” Michael Weiss a “Pro-Israel Neocon” who “Authors Blueprint for Western Military Intervention in Syria Approved by Syrian Ex-Pats.” Concludes the Guardian piece: This is not to suggest that the account of atrocities must be untrue, but how many of those who give it currency are scrutinising its origins? And let’s not forget, whatever destabilisation has been done in the realm of news and public opinion is being carried out twofold on the ground. We already know that (at the very least) “the Central Intelligence Agency and State Department … are helping the opposition Free Syrian Army develop logistical routes for moving supplies into Syria and providing communications training.” The bombs doors are open. The plans have been drawn up. This has been brewing for a time. The sheer energy and meticulous planning that’s gone into this change of regime — it’s breathtaking. The soft power and political reach of the big foundations and policy bodies is vast, but scrutiny is no respecter of fancy titles and fellowships and “strategy briefings”. Executive director of what, it asks. Having “democracy” or “human rights” in your job title doesn’t give you a free pass. And if you’re a “communications director” it means your words should be weighed extra carefully. Weiss and Fakher, both communications directors — PR professionals.
  25. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2170792/Elderly-patients-deprived-food-drink-die-quicker-save-hospitals-money.html#ixzz209xs4tvp Elderly patients are being 'deprived of food and drink so they die quicker and free up bed space', claim doctors Six doctors say the 'care pathway' practice could be being used in UK hospitals to ease pressure on resources They say in the elderly natural death was more often free of pain and distress By Emily Allen PUBLISHED: 02:28 EST, 9 July 2012 | UPDATED: 09:20 EST, 9 ######################## Euthanasia debate hots up after new draft bill Lord Falconer is campaigning and supporting a new bill that will give Doctors the power to kill adults who have requested that they end their life. A new draft Bill recommending assisted suicide, and a consultation on the draft, have been launched this week by euthanasia lobby group ‘Dignity in Dying’ (formerly the Voluntary Euthanasia Society) with the assistance of Parliamentary group ‘Choice at the End of Life’. Once the consultation is closed on 20 November 2012, leading euthanasia campaigner Lord Falconer QC will table the draft Bill as a Private Members Bill in the House of Lords. Lord Falconer wants doctors to be given the power to help mentally competent adults with less than one year to live to kill themselves. Over the last six years there have been three failed attempts to legalise assisted suicide in Britain, all of which have failed due to concerns about public safety. The debate surrounding the legalisation of euthanasia and assisted suicide has increased in intensity this month. Last week the British Medical Association defeated a motion calling on it to move its official position on assisted suicide from ‘opposed’ to ‘neutral’. Euthanasia lobbyists are descending on Parliament today (4 July) to lobby Parliament and to be addressed by Sir Terry Pratchett. Campaign group Care Not Killing, of which Christian Concern is a member, held an alternative rally and mass lobby of Parliament yesterday (3 July), aimed at resisting the weakening of end of life laws. Speakers included Ann Widdecombe, Lord Alton of Liverpool, Jim Dobbin MP, Fiona Bruce MP, Dr Peter Saunders and others. Peter Saunders, Campaigns Director of Care Not Killing, said: “At a time of economic recession and shrinking health budgets we are going to hear more and more demands for euthanasia based on economic grounds. “Of course they will always be carefully clothed in the language of autonomy and compassion subtly disguising the fact that there are mainly families and politicians who have a lot to gain financially if those whose lives are judged to be worthless can be ‘mercifully released’. “We have 15-20 Britons going to the Dignitas facility in Switzerland each year to kill themselves currently. But with an Oregon or Dutch law we would have 1,200 or 13,000 deaths annually respectively. And given the level of prejudice in this country that already exists towards the elderly it could be many more.” Posted by David Pilkington Extract from http://www.christianconcern.com[*]---------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]Bobbies on bicycles, two by two, Westminster Abbey the tower of Big Ben, The rosy red cheeks of the little children. (Roger Miller)
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