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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. Hidden US-Israeli Military Agenda: "Break Syria into Pieces" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prof. Michel Chossudovsky 6/16/12 SEE LINK BELOW FOR MAPS MENTIONED IN ARTICLE http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=31454 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A timely article in the Jerusalem Post last month brings to the forefront the unspoken objective of US foreign policy, namely the breaking up of Syria as a sovereign nation state --along ethnic and religious lines-- into several separate and "independent" political entities. The article also confirms the role of Israel in the process of political destabilization of Syria. The JP article is titled: "Veteran Kurdish politician calls on Israel to support the break-up of Syria' (by Jonathan Spyer) (The Jerusalem Post (May 16, 2012) Sherkoh Abbas, President of the US based Kurdistan National Assembly of Syria (KNA) has "called on Israel to support the break-up of Syria into a series of federal structures based on the country’s various ethnicities." (Ibid) The objective of the US sponsored armed insurgency is --with the help of Israel-- to "Break Syria into Pieces". The "balkanisation of the Syrian Arab Republic" is to be carried out by fostering sectarian divisions, which will eventually lead to a "civil war" modelled on the former Yugoslavia. One possible "break-up scenario" pertaining to Syria, which constitutes a secular multi-ethnic society, would be the formation of separate and "independent" Sunni, Alawite-Shiite, Kurdish and Druze states: “We need to break Syria into pieces,” Abbas said. (Quoted in JP, op. cit., emphasis added). "The Syrian Kurdish dissident argued that a federal Syria, separated into four or five regions on an ethnic basis, would also serve as a natural “buffer” for Israel against both Sunni and Shi’ite Islamist forces." (Ibid.). Ironically, while Islamist forces are said to constitute the main threat to the Jewish State, Tel Aviv is providing covert support to the Islamist Free Syrian Army (FSA). Map 1 Meeting behind Closed Doors at the US State Department A top level US State Department meeting was held in May with members of the Syrian Kurdish opposition. In attendance were representatives of the Kurdish National Council (KNC), Robert Stephen Ford, the outgoing US ambassador to Syria (who has played a key role in channelling support to the rebels) as well as Frederic C. Hof, a former business partner of Richard Armitage, who currently serves as the administration’s "special coordinator on Syria". (Ibid). The delegation also met with Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman. Frederic C. Hof, Robert Stephen Ford and Jeffrey Feltman are the State Department's key Syria policy-makers, with close links to the Syrian Free Army (SFA) and the Syrian National Council (SNC). The public statements of KNA leader Sherkoh Abbas in the wake of the State Department meeting suggest that the political fracturing of the Syrian Arab Republic along ethnic and religious lines as well as the creation of an "independent Kurdistan" were discussed. "State Department Deputy Spokesman Mark Toner described [the meeting's] purpose as part of 'ongoing efforts... to help the Syrian [Kurdish] opposition build a more cohesive opposition to Assad.'” (Ibid). The KNA leader called upon Washington to support the creation of a separate Kurdish State consisting of "an autonomous region in Syria; joining the Kurdistan Regional Government in Iraq – which borders the Kurdish region in Syria; or perhaps an even larger Kurdish state" [Greater Kurdistan]. "The Kurdish people, in all parts of Kurdistan, seek the right to form an independent Kurdish state. We can only achieve this cherished goal with the help of the western democracies, and first and foremost the U.S.” said Sherkoh Abbas. (Syria: An Alternative, Choice, Ekurd.net, May 22, 2012) It is worth noting, in this regard, that the creation of a "Greater Kurdistan" has been envisaged for several years by the Pentagon as part of a broader "Plan for Redrawing the Middle East".(See map 2 below) This option, which appears unlikely in the near future, would go against the interests of Turkey, a staunch ally of both the US and Israel. Another scenario, which is contemplated by Ankara would consist in the annexation to Turkey of parts of Syrian Kurdistan. (See map above). "Greater Kurdistan" would include portions of Iran, Syria, Iraq and Turkey as conveyed in Coronel Ralph Peters (ret) celebrated map of "The New Middle East" (see below). (For Further details see Mahdi Nazemroaya's November 2006 Global Research article). (Nov 2006 article link below) http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=3882 Colonel Peters taught at the US Military Academy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plans for Redrawing the Middle East: The Project for a “New Middle East” - by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya - 2006-11-18 Towards the balkanization (division) and finlandization (pacification) of the Middle East http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=3882 Map 2. The New Middle East The following map was prepared by Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph Peters. It was published in the Armed Forces Journal in June 2006, Peters is a retired colonel of the U.S. National War Academy. (Map Copyright Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph Peters 2006). Although the map does not officially reflect Pentagon doctrine, it has been used in a training program at NATO's Defense College for senior military officers. This map, as well as other similar maps, has most probably been used at the National War Academy as well as in military planning circles.
  2. POPULAR ?? http://globalresearc...xt=va&aid=29234 ################################################################## ################################################################## Ironically, despite its authoritarian nature, there is considerable popular support for the government of President Bashar Al Assad, which is confirmed by the large pro-government rallies. Syria constitutes the only (remaining) independent secular state in the Arab world. Its populist, anti-Imperialist and secular base is inherited from the dominant Baath party, which integrates Muslims, Christians and Druze. It supports the struggle of the Palestinian people. The objective of the US-NATO alliance is to ultimately displace and destroy the Syrian secular State, displace or co-opt the national economic elites and eventually replace the Syrian government of Bashar Al Assad with an Arab sheikdom, a pro-US Islamic republic or a compliant pro-US "democracy". --------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ POPULAR ?? http://globalresearc...xt=va&aid=28722 A demonstration in support of Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian president, in Damascus. 'Some 55% of Syrians want Assad to stay, motivated by fear of civil war.' Photograph: Hussein Malla/AP Suppose a respectable opinion poll found that most Syrians are in favour of Bashar al-Assad remaining as president, would that not be major news? Especially as the finding would go against the dominant narrative about the Syrian crisis, and the media considers the unexpected more newsworthy than the obvious. Alas, not in every case. When coverage of an unfolding drama ceases to be fair and turns into a propaganda weapon, inconvenient facts get suppressed. So it is with the results of a recent YouGov Siraj poll on Syria commissioned by The Doha Debates, funded by the Qatar Foundation. Qatar's royal family has taken one of the most hawkish lines against Assad – the emir has just called for Arab troops to intervene – so it was good that The Doha Debates published the poll on its website. The pity is that it was ignored by almost all media outlets in every western country whose government has called for Assad to go. The key finding was that while most Arabs outside Syria feel the president should resign, attitudes in the country are different. Some 55% of Syrians want Assad to stay, motivated by fear of civil war – a spectre that is not theoretical as it is for those who live outside Syria's borders. What is less good news for the Assad regime is that the poll also found that half the Syrians who accept him staying in power believe he must usher in free elections in the near future. Assad claims he is about to do that, a point he has repeated in his latest speeches. But it is vital that he publishes the election law as soon as possible, permits political parties and makes a commitment to allow independent monitors to watch the poll. Biased media coverage also continues to distort the Arab League's observer mission in Syria ...... ################################################ ################################################ OUTSIDERS ?? http://www.globalres...xt=va&aid=26019 NATO and the Turkish High command, also contemplate the development of a jihad involving the recruitment of thousands of freedom fighters, reminiscent of the enlistment of Mujahideen to wage the CIA's jihad (holy war) in the heyday of the Soviet-Afghan war: Also discussed in Brussels and Ankara, our sources report, is a campaign to enlist thousands of Muslim volunteers in Middle East countries and the Muslim world to fight alongside the Syrian rebels. The Turkish army would house these volunteers, train them and secure their passage into Syria. (Ibid, emphasis added) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ OUTSIDERS ?? http://nsnbc.wordpre...-stage-for-war/ In late February, 13 French military officers were arrrested in Homs at the height of the armed insurrection, pointing to the presence of foreign troops on Syrian soil in derogation of international law. The Daily Star (March 5, 2012) report suggested that the arrested officers could have been part of “a larger contingent” of French special forces operating within the ranks of the rebel Free Syria Army (FSA): “It was not clear why the officers were in Syria, when they had arrived or whether they were part of a larger contingent in the city [Homs]. Strategic Homs was targeted in a 26-day shelling bombardment by the Syrian Army, which overran the city where anti-Assad protests and Free Syrian Army operations have been focused. (The Daily Star March 5, 2012) The French government initially denied the report, insisting that “not a single French soldier is on Syrian soil.” Yet sources confirmed that negotiations between Paris and Damascus were held, in all probability regarding the repatriation of the French military officers: “A French Foreign Ministry spokesman said: “We deny the idea that there are French troops on the ground in Syria. A Defense Ministry spokesman added: “We have no information on this. We neither confirm nor deny it.” According to various reports in the British media, the “Daily Star … the supposed French captives were being held in a field hospital in Homs.”(Report: 13 French officers captured in Syria – Israel News, Ynetnews, Italics added) While this arrest of military officers from a NATO member country was barely mentioned by the Western media, it is by no means an isolated incident. This is not the first time that foreign forces are arrested in Syria since the outset of the insurgency. There is evidence of large numbers of foreign troops on the ground inside Syria including British, French, Turkish and Qatari special forces, British MI6 intelligence operatives as well a large numbers of mercenaries from Arab countries: “As the unrest and killings escalate in the troubled Arab state, agents from MI6 and the CIA are already in Syria assessing the situation, a security official has revealed. Special forces are also talking to Syrian dissident soldiers. They want to know about weapons and communications kit rebel forces will need if the Government decides to help.” “MI6 and the CIA are in Syria to infiltrate and get at the truth,” said the well-placed source. “We have SAS and SBS not far away who want to know what is happening and are finding out what kit dissident soldiers need.” ” (Syria will be bloodiest yet, Daily Star). (emphasis added) The Elites Forces UK website acknowledges that: “British Special forces have met up with members of the Free Syrian Army (FSA)… The apparent goal of this initial contact was to establish the rebel forces’ strength and to pave the way for any future training operations. … More recent reports have stated that British and French Special Forces have been actively training members of the FSA, from a base in Turkey. Some reports indicate that training is also taking place in locations in Libya and Northern Lebanon. British MI6 operatives and UKSF (SAS/SBS) personnel have reportedly been training the rebels in urban warfare as well as supplying them with arms and equipment. US CIA operatives and special forces are believed to be providing communications assistance to the rebels.” Elite Forces UK, January 5, 2012 (emphasis added) NATO Recruits Mujahideen Mercenaries Mercenaries from Arab countries are operating within highly trained terrorist brigades, financed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar. In this regard, Israeli intelligence sources (August 2011) point to the direct involvement of NATO in the recruitment of jihadist “Muslim Volunteers”, in coordination with the Turkish military: “Also discussed in Brussels and Ankara, our sources report, is a campaign to enlist thousands of Muslim volunteers in Middle East countries and the Muslim world to fight alongside the Syrian rebels. The Turkish army would house these volunteers, train them and secure their passage into Syria.” (http://www.debka.com/article/21255/ Debkafile, August 31, 2011 emphasis added) In Homs, the Al Qaeda Faruq Brigade which includes mercenaries from Libya and Iraq have been involved in terrorizing the civilian population. They “have succeeded in expelling most of the Christians in Homs and have seized their homes by force”. “Snipers were stationed in the street … preventing people from leaving their homes for two months, targeting passers-by and cars and anything that moved in the streets, adding that the terrorists also robbed houses, committed massacres, murders and kidnapping.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ OUTSIDERS ?? http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=31451 The participation and death of Spanish mercenaries in armed actions in Syria was revealed by local media today. The Syrian news agency SANA quoted reports from the Spanish dailies El Pais and El Mundo, which reported the death of the first Spanish terrorist in this country. Both publications indicated that Spanish citizen Rachid Hussain Mohamed or Rachid Wahbi, born in Ceuta 32 years ago, who had worked as a taxi driver, died somewhere in Syria. The circumstances of his death are unknown. Certainly, another two residents from Ceuta, Mustafa Mohamed Abselam, alias "Tafo" and Mustafa Mohamed Layachi, alias "Piti", traveled to Syria through Turkey to join the ranks of the Muslim Brotherhood, said El Mundo. It added that one of them is still missing and it was the third one who called to find out what had happened to his partners and raise the alarm. For its part, El Pais assured that authorities are investigating how they were recruited, who paid for their trip, which route they followed and whether they coordinated with young Moroccans from Castillejos and Tetouan from which at least a dozen would-be jihadists also departed. It also added that all apparently travelled through the eastern provinces of Turkey, where the militia of the so-called Syrian Free Army (ESL) have a wide margin in which to maneuver.
  3. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Since MSM is mostly unreliable the "obscure" bloggers like: Colby, Samuel Clemens , Gaal , entrepreneurial Shahid R Siddiqi, Michel Chossudovsky and Andrew G. Marshall,can hold the truth. Lets take a recent example,Houla. The story started with the MSM having one viewpoint and the "obscure" bloggers another. In time the MSM has backed away from their viewpoint and come closer to the "obscure" blogger view. Its the easy road to open up the NY Times and feel one has the truth,life is much more complex. Galil (Israel), argued by some to be AK-inspired but not a pure AK, it has aperture sights and uses a proprietary 35-round magazine for the 5.56 x 45 mm NATO cartridge. Most have an extremely rugged (and rather heavy) steel buttstock that folds to the side. Regarded as a good design but poor quality control when most were manufactured in the 1970s has given the Galil a poor reputation among Israeli troops, who are today mostly issued M16A1 rifles instead. A licensed copy of the Galil is made in South Africa, called the R4 (SEE 45 mm round above ) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ How the weapons from Israel are arranged for Karachi http://haroonhaider....ed-for-karachi/ Research Report by: Aaron Lion for our Global Peace & Security Section Stunningly, astonishingly and unexpectedly the Interior Minister of Pakistan Mr. Rehman Malik, finally accepted the involvement The Israeli Intelligence agency Mossad into the destabilization of peace of Karachi. While talking to the media at Islamabad Airport, Mr. Malik told that “Weapons are being brought to Karachi from abroad. Over 200 persons have been arrested and Israeli-made weapons, including AK-45 rifles, have been recovered from them.” The minister also hinted that not only the weapons but terrorists are also being brought in from abroad to play the role into the violence in Karachi and other parts of the country. The government of Pakistan has been speaking frequently about the foreign involvement into the terrorism in Pakistan. Pakistani law enforcement agencies have been reporting the involvement of MOSSAD in the acts of terrorism in Pakistan. MOSSAD was involved in the training and equipping the terrorist in Pakistan under the guise of multinational forces in Afghanistan and Training centers for terrorists in India. Several arrested terrorists in Karachi have given testimonies to the authorities and law enforcement agencies about their training in India and South Africa. On July 13, 2011, talking to the Mubasher Luqman, the famous Pakistani Journalist, Shahi Syed, the Awami National Party’s leader and chief in Sindh, he told that the weapons are being brought into Karachi by MQM through its control over the ports of Karachi. It should be noted that MQM has been in the control of ports and shipping ministry since Pervez Musharraf’s era. According to Shahi Syed, the weapons used in Karachi are not of local made, but it is completely imported from Western countries. He hinted that MQM is using its control over ports to smuggle the weapons. He also pointed out that recently revealed Container Scam had significant link with this supply of weapons into Karachi. ++++++++++++++++++++ Types of Weapon being used in Karachi Sophisticated weapons from western countries are commonly being seen on the streets of Karachi these days whereas in past AK 47s were the most famous assault rifle. In the video link, the young man is using to Israeli made weapons including Assault Rifle / carbine and IWI Jericho 941 / Baby Eagle that are available for commercial sales with Israeli Weapon Industries. It was also reported by the media that they have witnessed rounds of Israeli weapons, the most famous of them, The Uzi submachine guns. +++++++++++++++++++++ The Tevel Israel’s Mossad has been involved in training and equipping terrorists in various parts of the world. MOSSAD has a department called Tevel (Hebrew: Liaison), that has “people positioned throughout the Far East who did little real intelligence; instead they set the framework for future business and diplomatic ties” (Victor Ostrovsky, By Way of Deception, P 77). This office or department deals in millions of dollars in arms sales. “These liaison men worked in three stages. First, they made contact to find out what the country(or customer) needed, what it feared, whom it regarded as enemies — information gathered through their on-site activities. The idea was to build on those needs, create a stronger relationship, then make it known that Israel could supply the government in question with weapons and training — whatever they needed. The final step in the process, once a country’s leader had been hooked on the arms, was for the Mossad man to tell him that he must take, for instance, some agricultural equipment as well. The leader was then put in the position of saying he could expand ties with Israel only if they set up formal diplomatic relations. It was essentially a way of creating those relations through the back door, although in most cases the arms deals were so lucrative, the liaison men never bothered to follow up with the next step“(Victor Ostrovsky, By Way of Deception, P 77). The Israeli Weapons in Pakistan In recent history, Israeli weapons were recovered from the militants if Tehreek-E-Taliban, Pakistan during Pakistan Army’s operation Rah-I-Rast in 2009 from North Waziristan. In the case of Karachi, we are going to follow the trails of the above three steps to find out how the Israeli Weapons found their way in Pakistan. Initially Indian RAW orchestrated the battlefield into SWAT valley where the involvement of Indian intelligence agency was vindicated by the finding of Indian made weapons and several uncircumcised militants with sub-continental racial features. Upon elimination of swat insurgency, another battlefield in Waziristan was initiated. Pakistan Army has launched its operation Rah-I-Rast against TTP, the foreign established so called Taliban fraction in the soil of Pakistan. Pakistani intelligence officials and civil government officials have on several forums has brought the issue on this involvement into the International media and global community. International community and military experts agree with the claim and they assert that Indian connections and backing of Taliban is justified as their insurance policy for future when the US leaves Afghanistan. Israel finds the business opportunity here by offering Israeli arms and ammunition to the insurgents prepared by the Indian agencies in FATA, KPK and Baluchistan regions of Pakistan. By late 2009, reports of Israeli weaponry being used by insurgents in Waziristan were surfacing. TTP militants were having plenty of sophisticated Israeli weaponry and it raised the revenues for Israeli weapon industry from $6.9 billion to $7.2 billion in 2009 despite several of its main buyers, including China remaining off limits. Intelligence reports suggested that Baitullah Mehsud and his Taliban were looting financials assets (Banks etc0, extorting money by threatening major businesses, and narcotics smuggling revenues through their control over the transport network from FATA, KPK and Afghan Transit Trade and to other major cities of Pakistan and has grown an organization of 5 billion rupees annual revenue during the era of Baitullah Mehsud. These revenues were being spent upon the purchase of weaponry and sophisticated equipment to launch attacks inside Pakistan. These ties were established during 2008 through the Indians who not only provided money laundering and related financial services to TTP through their network of consulates in Afghan territory as well as provided logistic support to transport the weaponry from the seaport of Karachi under the veil of diplomatic and development cargo to Afghanistan. This “cargo” was then smuggled into Waziristan through the adjoining complex of border passes on the Durand line. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++
  4. Libya has become a madhouse of tribal and religious conflicts, and a country where competing mafias have sliced up the country, united only by their subservience to the commercial interests of their creator and benefactor, NATO. (Prof. M.D. Nalapat The author is director and professor of the School of Geopolitics at Manipal University in India.) ----------------------------- Bill Kelly calls it democracy in action but I call it recolonization with no stabilty. ================ Africa and the Middle East: Recolonisation and the Crisis of the Nation State by Prof. Ali Kadri http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=31423
  5. (click this link >) Pakistan: On The Edge of The Precipice | Foreign Policy Journal (multiple US Plans for Pakistan Balkanization,see below) Oct 6, 2009 – Israel's interest to de-fang Pakistan's nuclear ability dates back to ... Pakistan's Balkanization strategy was presented in a 2006 article in the US ... Shahid R. Siddiqi began his career in the Pakistan Air Force. He later joined the corporate sector with which he remained associated until recently in a senior management position. Alongside, he worked as a broadcaster with Radio Pakistan and remained the Islamabad bureau chief of an English weekly magazine ‘Pakistan & Gulf Economist’. In the U.S. he co-founded the Asian American Republican Club in Maryland in 1994 to encourage the participation of Asian Americans in the mainstream political process. He now writes columns and can be reached at shahidrsiddiqi@gmail.com. Read more articles by Shahid R. Siddiqi. ================================================ ###########################oooo############################## (multiple US Plans for Pakistan Balkanization,see below) http://www.hizb.org....-art-exhibition The US government on the other hand was very quick to distance itself from the Congressional hearing conducted by Rohrabacher and Peters’ testimony. The spokesperson for the US State Department Victoria Nuland said, ”Our view on Baluchistan has not changed. We are aware of this hearing. As you know, Congress holds hearings on many foreign affairs topics. These hearings don’t necessarily imply that the US government endorses one view or another view. I’d underscore that the State Department is not participating or involved in this hearing.” However, denials from the US government do not square well with overwhelming evidence that the US through its think tanks, non-governmental organizations, US sponsored websites and dubious Baluchi movements are instigating a domestic uprising in the Baluchistan province. Way back in 2006, the eminent US think tank Carnegie Endowment for International Peace published a report titled, “Pakistan: The Resurgence of Baluch Nationalism”. The report highlights the rich natural resources of Baluchistan and then makes the case to use Baluchi rebels against Islamabad and Tehran. Furthermore, the US State Department-funded National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and the Voice of Baluchistan (VOB) have been instrumental in fomenting dissension and nationalistic feelings. NED has been funding the Baluchistan Institute for Development (BIFD) which claims to be the leading resource on democracy, development and human rights in Baluchistan, whereas the VOB on the other hand, has been active in carrying propaganda messages on behalf of the American government. Also, there is the Baluchi Society of North America’s, which openly carries messages of support from Rohrabacher. Over the past few years, the US has also been pressing Pakistan to allow it to open a consulate in Quetta the capital of Baluchistan. No doubt the consulate is central to US plans to have eyes and ears on the ground to execute its nefarious intentions against Pakistan. ############################################ IMF and destabilization of nations (below) ############################################ http://www.ied.info/...be-destabilized Now it was Yugoslavia’s Turn to be Destabilized ------------------------------------------------------------ The opening guns of financial warfare for the destabilization of the relatively prosperous Yugoslavia were the IMF’s 1980-84 demands for currency devaluation and an increase in the Yugoslavian Central Bank’s discount rate. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ http://metaexistence.org/ecomed.htm Strong Economic Medicine for Pakistan ------------------------------------------------------------- It is by no means accidental that the National Intelligence Council- CIA report had predicted a "Yugoslav-like fate" for Pakistan pointing to the impacts of "economic mismanagement" as one of the causes of political break-up and balkanization. "Economic mismanagement" is a term used by the Washington based international financial institutions to describe the chaos, which results from not fully abiding by the IMF's Structural Adjustment Program. In actual fact, the "economic mismanagement" and chaos is the outcome of IMF-World Bank prescriptions, which invariably trigger hyperinflation and precipitate indebted countries into extreme poverty. Pakistan has been subjected to the same deadly IMF "economic medicine" as Yugoslavia: In 1999, in the immediate wake of the coup which brought General Pervez Musharaf to the helm of the military government, an IMF economic package, which included currency devaluation and drastic austerity measures, was imposed on Pakistan. Pakistan's external debt is of the order of US$40 billion. The IMF's "debt reduction" under the package was conditional upon the sell-off to foreign capital of the most profitable State owned enterprises (including the oil and gas facilities in Balochistan) at rockbottom prices. Musharaf's Finance Minister was chosen by Wall Street, which is not an unusual practice. The military ruler (Musharaf) was appointed at Wall Street's request, a vice-president of Citigroup, Shaukat Aziz, who at the time was head of CitiGroup's Global Private Banking. There are obvious similarities in the nature of US covert intelligence operations applied in country after country in different parts of the so-called "developing World". These covert operation, including the organization of military coups, are often synchronized with the imposition of IMF-World Bank macro-economic reforms. In this regard, Yugoslavia's federal fiscal structure collapsed in 1990 leading to mass poverty and heightened ethnic and social divisions. The US and NATO sponsored "civil war" launched in mid-1991 consisted in coveting Islamic groups as well as channeling covert support to separatist paramilitary armies in Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia. The National Intelligence Council and the CIA have envisaged a similar “civil war†scenario for Pakistan. From the point of view of US intelligence, which has a longstanding experience in abetting separatist "liberation armies", "Greater Albania" is to Kosovo what "Greater Balochistan" is to Pakistan's Southeastern Balochistan province. Similarly, the KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army) is Washington's chosen model, to be replicated in Balochistan province. ============================================================================= ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ########################### Israeli guns in Baluchistan ############################ http://www.israeli-w...alil/Galil.html order soon,MUSLIM BALUCH seperatist could get (AK-45) them all !! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  6. I control part of Colby's house. Colby knows Im framing up a patsy (Colby) for murder. Colby blocks journalists from coming into the house till he gets back control. Colby thinks himself a rational man. Colby thinks Assad not rational. ++++++++++++++ Gee, If so scenario happened,Steve would say loudly......Mr. Double standard has entered the room. Purposeful lack of imagination on Colby's part ?? JUST asking.......... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Gee the frame up IS happening in real life......real people being murdered...... Colby care ....... ????? Was Houla Massacre a Manufactured Atrocity? Posted on 06/14/2012 by Steve Rendall It's been widely reported that on May 25, pro-Syrian forces massacred 108 civilians in the Syrian village of Houla, including 34 women and 49 children, many of whose throats were cut. The reported atrocity has sparked the latest round of appeals for intervention in the conflict in Syria. Syrian diplomats have been expelled from several countries over the massacre, including by U.S., Britain, France, Australia and Canada; "Syrian Diplomats Expelled Across World as Outrage Over Houla Massacre Grows," the British Guardian (5/29/12) declared. "Who Will Stop the Massacres?" asked the headline on a May 29 Washington Post editorial. As the editors explained: "Horrific as it was, the Houla massacre is not unique, just better documented than the crimes perpetrated by the regime of Bashar al-Assad in towns and cities across Syria." The editorial accused the Obama administration of inaction—"declining to exercise the U.S. leadership that would be required to stop the massacres"—and hiding behind U.N. negotiator Kofi Annan. The Chicago Tribune (5/28/12) ran a typical news story on the massacre, reporting that Syrian Americans were demonstrating for U.S. intervention after "more than 100 people, including women and children, lay dead in the Syrian town of Houla, the latest victims of Assad's violent rule, according to United Nations observers." The Tribune said "follow-up reports" on Sunday indicated "that as many as 49 children were among them. Many were shot in the head or their throats were slit." ABC's Christiane Amanpour (6/8/12) quoted one "highly placed Syrian insider" saying that the massacre was part of a program of ethnic cleansing: "What's emerging is a campaign of ethnic cleansing. These massacres [are] used by the Syrian president to expel populations disloyal to him and to consolidate control in what might become a divided Syria." But is the Houla massacre really "better documented" than other atrocity stories emerging from Syria? On June 7, a major fissure began to appear in the storyline, when leading German daily newspaper Frankfurter Allegemeine Zeitung (FAZ) quoted sources who said that the Houla massacre was carried out by anti-Assad Sunni militants, and that their victims were nearly all Alawi and Shia—populations traditionally loyal to Assad. According to Syria expert Patrick Seale (Agence Global, 6/12/12) ,who quoted translated parts of the German story, FAZ sources said after the killings, "the perpetrators then filmed their victims and, in videos posted on the internet, presented them as Sunni victims of the regime." On June 7, the BBC began to back away from its earlier stories that had reported the conventional line, blaming pro-government forces for a massacre that including the cutting of women's and children's throats. As the UK media watch group Media Lens (6/13/12) reported: Last week, however, in what might almost be interpreted as a mea culpa, the BBC’s World News editor, Jon Williams, began a June 7 blog emphasizing "the complexity of the situation on the ground in Syria, and the need to try to separate fact from fiction." This was a surprising emphasis—the BBC had previously communicated no sense of "complexity" in blaming the Syrian government. Williams continued: In the aftermath of the massacre at Houla last month, initial reports said some of the 49 children and 34 women killed had their throats cut. In Damascus, Western officials told me the subsequent investigation revealed none of those found dead had been killed in such a brutal manner. Moreover, while Syrian forces had shelled the area shortly before the massacre, the details of exactly who carried out the attacks, how and why were still unclear…. In Houla, and now in Qubair, the finger has been pointed at the shabiha, pro-government militia. But tragic death toll aside, the facts are few: it's not clear who ordered the killings—or why. Williams added: Stories are never black and white—often shades of grey. Those opposed to President Assad have an agenda. One senior Western official went as far as to describe their YouTube communications strategy as "brilliant." But he also likened it to so-called "psy-ops," brainwashing techniques used by the U.S. and other military to convince people of things that may not necessarily be true. A healthy scepticism is one of the essential qualities of any journalist—never more so than in reporting conflict. The stakes are high–all may not always be as it seems. As Williams now avers, it is hard to tell what's true when it comes to Syria; independent reporters or observers are not able to operate freely, and have been endangered by both sides. It is fair to assume by many accounts that the Syrian government is likely responsible for a lion's share of the violence. It is also fair to assume that various rebel factions have acted with brutality. So, yes, a healthy skepticism is required–preferably before publication—of tendentious, one-sided stories that cannot be confirmed independently. The cost of getting things wrong can be enormous. We still don’t know with certainty what happened in Houla on May 25. But if it turns out that rebels did the killing, this story may end up ranking with such false but effective stories of war-mongering propaganda as the the tales of German soldiers catching Belgian babies on bayonets in World War One, or Iraqis removing Kuwaiti babies from incubators in advance of the 1991 Gulf War.
  7. Sorry, caucuses selection may be against primary results,these are state party rules. It seems you have drunk the cool-aid of Romney false info sites. RNC lawyers themselves have stated all delegates are unbound even on first ballot. I believe that in two states ROMNEY is having delegates sign an illegal affidavit. Ben Swann Update on Affidavit: Do NOT sign! | Peace . Gold ... www.dailypaul.com › Forums › Ron Paul 2012Cached You +1'd this publicly. Undo May 23, 2012 – Massachusetts RNC delegates.. do not sign any affidavit! ... "The RNC's use of these rules in their very nature, are illegal, but no-one has ... ++++++++++++++++++++++++ I saw the live video stream of convention delegate selection in OK state. Regular robert rules of order were broken time and again by ROMNEY chair..... its called cheating and I saw it live. Romney toadys cheated in several state conventions. ++++++ COLBO QUOTE The latter claim in particular is contradicted by every reputable news outlet. END COLBO hanger-on kowtowing lackey lickspittle sucking up toady yes man NOT INSULTS ,valid accurate descriptions. Gee Len did you every understand the posts of Simkin and Caddy on reputable news outlets:WashPO,NYT,News of the World,...ect ????????????????? Guess not,how sad.....sad. Cheater news outlets support cheater Romney. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You have a negative knowledge base ( what u think u know is 180 % wrong) on this issue. ######################################## Breaking - Lawyers for Ron Paul make HUGE announcement! We are Uniting to Change the World with President Paul! Submitted by Real_Paulitics on Fri, 06/15/2012 - 04:42 in No joke!!! The lawyers for Ron Paul have announced theybare taking over the Ron Paul campaign and they will challenge every single voter fraud claim this Whole election. Romney rigged this election, & they claim they have proof. Ron Paul WILL BE ON THE NOMINATION!!! the delegates will all be UNBOUND! We are NOT letting this Tyrannical takeover Happen!! This announcement happened at 10 pm Thursday. The lawyers are offering support to EVERY DELEGATE TO ENSURE THEIR RIGHT TO VOTE THEIR CONSCIENCE! no matter what candidate they support, we will help them vote for their true choice. This audio clip is the most important clip of this WHOLE Campaign. http://www.ronpaulfo...36-MAJOR-ANN... If you quit on the movement, you owe Ron Paul an apology.... And get your ASS BACK IN GEAR!!! Ron Paul 2012 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I believe the lawyers have a case for I saw ROMNEY cheating live. Steven Gaal
  8. OK EVAN ,here is a much cut down version of what I wanted to post. For those who may question Israeli arms to Balkanize Yougoslavia. (below) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ How are Bosnia's Serbs getting Israeli arms? Source: The Jerusalem Report, January 1995 By Tom Sawicki Israeli officials don't deny foreign press reports that Bosnian Serbs have regularly fired Israeli-made shells at Sarajevo and use Israeli light weapons. The only dispute is over how the weaponry gets there: Pro-Bosnian activists here charge government support of Serbia: officials blame third parties. "The Serbs have large quantities of Israeli arms, and they couldn't have gotten there without the Israeli authorities being aware," charges Daniel Kofman, a Hebrew University lecturer who heads the Israel Public Committee for Bosnia. Responds a spokesman for overseeing Israeli arms sales abroad: "We strictly observe the U.N. embargo and have not sold any weapons there" since the U.N. announced the ban on sales to the combatants in April 1992 [sic]. A foreign Ministry spokesman adds: "We're not responsible for how arms move around once they leave Israel". And Ori Orr, chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, concurs: "It could only happen through some private channels, once the arms have left Israel." "We don't take sides in the conflict", insists the Foreign Ministry spokesman, adding: "Because of anti-Semitic sentiments in (Croat president) Franjo Tudjmans's book and the Hizballah-Iran help to the Muslims, you may draw the conclusion where our sympathies lie". Kofman responds that "Israel generally does keep track of what happens to its arms. So how can they say they don't know what happens to them once they reach the international market?" Hebrew University professor Igor Primorac, who taught philosophy in Belgrade before coming here a decade ago, agrees with Kofman. "Belgrade papers regularly report on Isreli arms shipments", he says, "and it's not far from Serbia to Bosnia. Maybe it's not official, but the pro-Serbian slant of the Israeli political leadership is clear: The government has never condemned the killing of Muslims or Croats." ================== See also: Igor Primoratz : Israel and the War in the Balkans: http://www.croatianhistory.net/etf/isr1.html Jane’s Ships: http://www.janes.com/defence/news/kosovo/jfr990401_02_n.shtml
  9. MOSSAD armed Bosnian Serbs seperatists and IMF helped to BALKANIZE Yugoslavia "X" arms Pakistan seperatists and IMF helping to BALKANIZE Pakistan (post 25,27 & below) ============================================= "X" = Mossad to solve equation ###################################################################### ###################################################################### Gee thats what Muslim's want, Israeli weapons, well only if poor and MOSSAD gives them the guns. SEE BELOW ---oo --oo --oo --o --oo ---oo ooo ----- ooooo “Over 200 persons have been arrested and Israeli-made weapons, including AK-45, have been recovered from them. It proves that foreign hands are behind the unrest in Karachi,” Malik said. http://rehmat2.wordp...-karachi/Mossad in Karachi Posted on July 18, 2011 by rehmat2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ As the old saying goes:”No one konws a crook better than another crook”. Pakistan’s interior minister Rehman Malik is welknown for his connections with CIA, Israeli Mossad and India’s RAW. Malik belongs to non-Muslim Qadiani sect whose members are helping Washington and Tel Aviv to Balkanize Pakistan and create Eretz Balochistan under the protection of US, Israel and NATO. Surprisingly, the other day, Malik has claimed that the terrorists who are creating choas in Karachi – are using “Israeli made weapons”. “Over 200 persons have been arrested and Israeli-made weapons, including AK-45, have been recovered from them. It proves that foreign hands are behind the unrest in Karachi,” Malik said. The Pakistani minister also pointed out that an investigation into the issue has been started. Malik’s comments came in the wake of deadly violence in Karachi that left hundreds of people dead in recent weeks. Earlier on Thursday, 15 people were killed and more than two dozen left injured after a statement by a senior official in the ruling party, the Pakistan People’s Party, angered most Pakistani opposition group. The violence follows a week of unrest earlier in the month of July when 95 people lost their lives in political and ethnic clashes. The recent spate of violence has been blamed on supporters of Karachi’s leading rival political parties. Karachi is home to numerous ethnic groups and was hit by clashes between rival ethnic and political factions for much of the 1990s.
  10. “Over 200 persons have been arrested and Israeli-made weapons, including AK-45, have been recovered from them. It proves that foreign hands are behind the unrest in Karachi,” Malik said. http://rehmat2.wordpress.com/2011/07/18/mossad-in-karachi/Mossad in Karachi Posted on July 18, 2011 by rehmat2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ As the old saying goes:”No one konws a crook better than another crook”. Pakistan’s interior minister Rehman Malik is welknown for his connections with CIA, Israeli Mossad and India’s RAW. Malik belongs to non-Muslim Qadiani sect whose members are helping Washington and Tel Aviv to Balkanize Pakistan and create Eretz Balochistan under the protection of US, Israel and NATO. Surprisingly, the other day, Malik has claimed that the terrorists who are creating choas in Karachi – are using “Israeli made weapons”. “Over 200 persons have been arrested and Israeli-made weapons, including AK-45, have been recovered from them. It proves that foreign hands are behind the unrest in Karachi,” Malik said. The Pakistani minister also pointed out that an investigation into the issue has been started. Malik’s comments came in the wake of deadly violence in Karachi that left hundreds of people dead in recent weeks. Earlier on Thursday, 15 people were killed and more than two dozen left injured after a statement by a senior official in the ruling party, the Pakistan People’s Party, angered most Pakistani opposition group. The violence follows a week of unrest earlier in the month of July when 95 people lost their lives in political and ethnic clashes. The recent spate of violence has been blamed on supporters of Karachi’s leading rival political parties. Karachi is home to numerous ethnic groups and was hit by clashes between rival ethnic and political factions for much of the 1990s.
  11. POST #14 shows UN has no proof Syrian government behind Houla murders. You say this not relevent, I say relevent. +=========================================================== Also = Dont take my word (you said," Id take your word" for it Re: rebels controlled Houla last two weeks (with sarcasm)) Who said rebels controlled Houla ? ANSWER = Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov
  12. COLBY // no need to spam that stuff again, please do try and pay attention. // end COLBY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You call it repeat spam, I call it trying to get a point across. Last paragraph dovetailed Last link. http://www.scribd.co...nizing-Pakistan LAST link +++++++++ previous cited article last paragraph. There are obvious similarities in the nature of US covert intelligence operations applied in country after country in different parts of the so-called "developing World". These covert operation, including the organisation of military coups, are often synchronized with the imposition of IMF-World Bank macro-economic reforms. In this regard, Yugoslavia's federal fiscal structure collapsed in 1990 leading to mass poverty and heightened ethnic and social divisions. The US and NATO sponsored "civil war" launched in mid-1991 consisted in coveting Islamic groups as well as channeling covert support to separatist paramilitary armies in Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia. A similar "civil war" scenario has been envisaged for Pakistan by the National Intelligence Council and the CIA: From the point of view of US intelligence, which has a longstanding experience in abetting separatist "liberation armies", "Greater Albania" is to Kosovo what "Greater Balochistan" is to Pakistan's Southeastern Balochistan province. Similarly, the KLA is Washington's chosen model, to be replicated in Balochistan province.
  13. SORRY POST # 3 above.NOT #5 BBC corrected, +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The United Nations and the Houla Massacre: The Information Battlefield by Ronda Hauben 6/12/12 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ At a press conference held on June 4 marking the beginning of China’s presidency of the UN Security Council for the month of June, Li Baodong, China’s Ambassador to the UN, observed that there are different versions of the facts of the Houla Massacre. “Now we have different stories from different angles,” he noted. “Now we have the story from the Syrian government, and from the opposition parties, and from different sources.” Since the Security Council has “ a team….on the ground,” he said, “We want to see first-hand information from our own people.” He hoped this would make it possible to put the different pieces of information together and to come “to our own conclusion with our own judgment.”(1) The expectation was that Joint UN-Arab League Envoy Kofi Annan would be able to provide further information from the UNSMIS Observer mission when he came to speak with the Security Council on Thursday, June 7. It was anticipated that Annan’s presentation would help to clarify the facts of the massacre. (2) On June 7, however, instead of providing new information from such an investigation, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and several of the other speakers at the Informal General Assembly (GA) meeting put the responsibility for the Houla Massacre on the Assad government. This was also the dominant response of the nations that spoke at the Informal GA meeting even though there had not yet been any adequate investigation into facts of the situation. (3) Also, there were claims of a new massacre. Some of the member nations that spoke at the Informal GA meeting, however, objected to coming to such a conclusion, especially, in the absence of an adequate investigation. In his comments referring to the massacres in Houla and on the outskirts of Hama, the Russian Ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, said, “Clearly these are the most serious crimes that require a reliable detailed investigation.” Other nations including Venezuela, India, Cuba and Nicaragua expressed similar views. The Venezuelan Representative told the Informal GA meeting, “We suspect the fact that these criminal acts happen to coincide with these debates at the UN. We have to wonder to whom does this benefit at this time?” He urged that, “an independent and transparent investigation into these massacres must take place and we must find convincing clarity.” India’s Ambassador to the UN, Hardeep Singh Puri, noted that the attacks against civilians and security forces in Syria “have intensified over the last few weeks and have taken a significant toll.” Also he drew attention to the sharp increase in the number of terrorist attacks in different parts of the country.” He “condemned all violence, irrespective of who the perpetrators are,” and called for the “cessation of all outside support for armed groups and serious action against the terrorist groups in Syria.” And he asked that the crimes, “including the recent incident in El Houleh, are fully investigated and their perpetrators brought to justice.” After comparing what has happened in Syria with what had happened in Libya, the Nicaraguan Representative called for “an exhaustive investigation of these crimes and to bring the guilty to justice.” The Cuban Ambassador noted that the “information is fragmented, imprecise and the object of frequent manipulation.” He denounced what he saw as the “complicity of the major broadcast media which are used to confusing reality and not accepting the responsibility for their acts.” During his comments, which were twice cut off by the UN video transmission system, Ambassador Bashir Ja’afari, the Syrian Ambassador, asked how the Secretary General of the League of Arab States could render a judgment about who is responsible for the Houla massacre when such a judgment contradicts the report of the United Nations observers on the ground, and investigations of that atrocious massacre have not yet been completed. The massacre, he emphasized, had been condemned by the Syrian government. Ambassador Ja’afari announced that, “Syria is ready to receive a commission of inquiry of states known for their independence and for their respect for the UN charter and for their refusal to interfere in Syrian internal affairs.” Later in the afternoon, after the Security Council’s informal briefing with Kofi Annan, there was a media stakeout at the Security Council. One journalist asked Ban Ki moon, “Mr. Secretary General, what steps have you taken to comply with the request of the Security Council on 27th of May through the press statement to investigate fully, independently and transparently the killing in El Houleh?” The UN Secretary General did not answer the question. (4) It is notable that as Ambassador Li Baodong had recognized during his press conference on June 4, several different narratives have been used to describe the Houla massacre. These offer different explanations of the circumstances under which it happened and therefore what the implications are for the future of the Kofi Annan 6 point peace plan. Those nations encouraging an investigation into the details of the Houla massacre want to determine the lessons from it toward solving the crisis in Syria. Those who were quick to jump to conclusions based on superficial information are helping to fan the flames of the conflict. What are these major competing narratives? Western and Arab Media Narrative The narrative that is being spread by much of the mainstream western and Arab satellite media is a narrative that blames the Assad government for the Houla massacre. At first that media claimed that the people killed, including the women and children, had been killed by shelling from Syrian troops attacking the town. In examining the videos and photos put online or provided by the opposition making these claims, however, it became evident that many of the victims, particularly the women and children, had been killed at close range by bullets and knives and not by the shelling of heavy weapons by the Syrian military. It soon became obvious that only 20 of the 108 who were killed may have been killed in combat fighting over the checkpoint and that the circumstances of these deaths were not yet determined. The opposition and the western and Arab media supporting the opposition, like BBC and Aljazeera, etc. had to quickly change their narrative. They invented a new force allegedly used by the Syrian government, the shabbiya, which they claimed is a pro government militia. (5) The shabbiya allegedly came into the homes of people and killed them at close range. Russian News Team Narrative A Russian news team interviewed people after the massacre. The explanation compiled from these interviews represents a very different narrative. Their account noted that Houla is an administrative area, made up of three villages. It is not the name of a town. Some of this area had been under control of armed insurgents for a number of weeks. The Syrian army maintained certain checkpoints. This account explains that on the evening of May 24, the Free Syrian Army launched an operation to take control of the checkpoints, bringing 600-800 armed insurgents from different areas. At the same time that there was the fight over the checkpoints, several armed insurgents went into certain homes and massacred the members of several families. Among the families targeted was a family related to a recently elected People’s Assembly representative. This family and another family that were killed were said to be families that supported the Syrian government. “Other victims included the family of two journalists for Top News and New Orient Express, press agencies associated with Voltaire Network,” reports the news and analysis site Voltairenet.(6) Template for Media Warfare At a press conference held in Damascus shortly after the Houla massacre by Joint UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan, a question was asked which provides an important context to keep in mind when trying to determine what happened in Houla. The journalist asked: I am a Russian living in Syria and reporting for various Russian online sites. What is happening in Syria reminds me of what happened in Yugoslavia that led to its division. We have sources that tell us that the Pentagon is preparing for war. If that happens, what do we do? What do Syrians do and what does the Government do? (7) Annan’s response was that he had no information of the Pentagon “preparing for war.” Nor did he have any indication that what was happening in Syria would be a repeat of “what happened in Yugoslavia.” Despite the fact that Annan dismissed the journalist’s question, the question provides an important perspective toward understanding what is happening in Syria. Looking back at the form of media warfare used to prepare public opinion for the NATO aggression against the former Yugoslavia, a template emerges that reflects a pattern in these events. In this media warfare, the mainstream western media was used to spread stories about the alleged “responsibility for” massacres in order to demonize certain forces. This demonization served to justify the NATO bombing of their country. Hence the Russian journalist’s question to Kofi Annan raised an important and serious concern. In his book “xxxx’s Poker”, which analyzes the role of the media in the Yugoslav war, Michel Collon writes “Information is already a battlefield, which is part of war.” He writes that in 1991 the Slovenian government created a “media center which unleashed a flood of disinformation to international correspondents.” (8) This disinformation created a false narrative about what was happening and about who was responsible for the violent acts that killed many innocent people. The false narrative was then used to provide the justification for foreign intervention on one side of the conflict. Also Collon documents the use of US public relations agencies to help mold public opinion in favor of the Croatian and Muslim nationalists and as media warfare against the Serbs. In a striking way, Collon shows how “a massacre happens unexpectedly each time certain Western powers plan to escalate measures against the Serbs.”(9) He proposes what could be considered as the template used to create the climate of public opinion justifying the escalation of the attack on Yugoslavia. Here are the components of the template he presents(10): Step 1: Preparation of a more or less hidden agenda Step 2: Images that shock Public Opinion Step 3: Groundless and Wild Media Accusations Without Investigation Step 4: Western Objectives are Achieved Step 5: Corrections to Erroneous News Reporting: Too Late and No Impact Collon argues that shocking events were “staged” for the international media so as to make possible a planned escalation of the attack on Serbia. The Houla massacre bears a striking resemblance to the incidents that Collon refers to in the 1990s that set a basis for the escalation of the aggression against the Serbian government. Is this current rush to judgment, both at the UN, and in the mainstream western and Arab media but another example of support and encouragement for armed aggression against a sovereign nation, as in the Yugoslavian situation? Is it but a signal to the armed insurgents willing to carry out horrific deeds to achieve their goal of foreign intervention, that they should go ahead with their cruel agenda? These are questions that need to be asked as they may help to explain the underlying motives of one of the narratives. The failure of mainstream western and Arab satellite media and of a number of nations at the UN to acknowledge that there are different views of the underlying cause and implementation of the Houla massacre impedes the urgency with which the needed investigation and analysis are to be organized.(11) Such an investigation is critical to identify the actual problems and to understand what is needed to solve them. It is important to acknowledge that there are two major narratives about the events of the Houla massacre. Such an acknowledgment recognizes, as Ambassador Li Baodong did, the need for evidence to determine what is an accurate narrative of the Houla Massacre. There are a number of blogs and news sites on the Internet where netizens contribute articles and comments that are helpful toward analyzing what is happening in Syria and at the UN and whether the actions at the UN are helpful or harmful for resolving the crisis in a way that is in line with the principles of the UN charter. There are examples of a substantial new netizen journalism developing on the Internet which is taking up the needed work to investigate the facts of the Syrian conflict so as to understand what is needed to contribute to a peaceful resolution.(12) Notes (1)Video of Press Conference marking the beginning of the Chinese presidency of the Security Council for the month of June. http://webtv.un.org/meetings-events/security-council/watch/li-baodong-china-president-of-the-security-council-on-the-programme-of-work-for-the-month-of-june-2012-press-conference/1672822951001 (2)The press statement issued by the UN Security Council on May 27 called for the Secretary General and UNSMIS “to continue to investigate these attacks and report the findings to the Security Council.” (3)See for example the summary by Moon of Alabama, http://www.moonofalabama.org/2012/06/the-syria-discussion-at-the-un-general-assembly.html (4) “Joint press encounter with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Kofi A. Annan, Joint UN-Arab League Special Envoy on Syria and Nabil El-Araby, Secretary General of the League of Arab States.” (5)See for example the account by AP: “The assault came nearly a week after 108 people, many of them women and children, were killed in the area. Activists said government forces first shelled the area on Friday, then pro-regime fighters known as shabiha stormed the villages. The Syrian government denied its troops were behind the killings and blamed ‘armed terrorists’.” http://calgary.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20120531/UN-chief-warns-syria-houla-120531/20120531/?hub=CalgaryHome (6)See for example: Thierry Meyssan, “The Houla Affair Highlights Western Intelligence Gap in Syria”, http://www.voltairenet.org/The-Houla-affair-highlights See also: Wassim Raad, “The Set Up Massacre and the American Fingerprint” http://www.voltairenet.org/The-set-up-massacre-and-the In German see for example Mathias Broeckers, “Der Hula-Hoax” http://www.broeckers.com/2012/06/05/der-hula-hoax/ and Rainer Hermann,“Abermals Massaker in Syrien” in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, June 7, 2012. http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/neue-erkenntnisse-zu-getoeteten-von-hula-abermals-massaker-in-syrien-11776496.html (An English translation FAZ is available at Moon of Alabama blog: http://www.moonofalabama.org/2012/06/prime-german-paper-syrian-rebels-committed-houla-massacre.html ) (7)Transcript of JSE Press Conference in Damascus, 29 May 2012, p. 4. For video see: http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/missions/unsmis/ (8) Michel Collon, xxxx’s Poker, International Action Center, New York, 2002 p. 45.(This is an English translation of the book which was originally published in French.) (9)Ibid., p. 28 (10)Ibid., p. 26. (11) The Human Rights Council has passed a resolution calling for an investigation into the Houla Massacre. Several sources, however, document that the Human Rights Council only considers information supplied by activists in support of the armed opposition. See for example “UN Commissions report on Houla? But they only talk to Syrian opposition – by phone”, May 31, 2012 “Anti-war campaigner Marinella Corregia worries the HR commissioner talks only to its sources: the opposition.” http://www.rt.com/news/houla-massacre-un-syria-635/ (12) A few of the English language web sites providing news and analysis of the Syrian conflict toward a directed peaceful resolution include: Moon of Alabama http://www.moonofalabama.org/ Centre for Research on Globalization http://www.globalresearch.ca/ VoltaireNet http://www.voltairenet.org/en Syria News http://www.syrianews.cc/ Syria360 http://syria360.wordpress.com/ The 4th Media http://www.4thmedia.org/ A version of this article appears on my netizenblog: http://blogs.taz.de/netizenblog/2012/06/12/un-and-houla-massacre/ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The expression anecdotal evidence refers to evidence from anecdotes. Because of the small sample, there is a larger chance that it may be true but unreliable due to cherry-picked or otherwise non-representative samples of typical cases.[1][2] Anecdotal evidence is considered dubious support of a claim; it is accepted only in lieu of more solid evidence. This is true regardless of the veracity of individual claims.[citation needed] "IN LIEU OF SOLID EVIDENCE." SOLID EVIDENCE IS A PLOT TO KILL HIM WHICH HE FIGURES OUT. AND THE KEY HERE is that other Journalists are being killed in REBEL areas. !!!!!!!!!! ++++++++++++++++++++
  14. COLBY // Who gives a flying fook? Paul never had the slightest chance of winning the nomination and he won't get anywhere enough delegates to shape the platform. Even though many of his supporters don't understand this on most issues he and his son are conservative Republicans, so its no surprise the latter endorsed Romney END COLBY ?? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Yes Mr.Colby is a respector of power,winning winners. Seems Mr. Colby hasnt grasped the purpose of my two posts. The thrust of my post is fairness and the democratic process. The main stream media has falsely stated that Romney has already gotten enough delegates for the nomination,thus narrowing the debate.See this link for real Republican Delegate Count http://thereal2012delegatecount.com/ . ++++++++++++++++++++++++ The democratic process has been subverted by the Romney group. SEE POST LINK BELOW + MASSIVE FRAUD AGAINST RON PAUL BY ROMNEY http://ronpaulweb.co...-open-thread-8/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RON PAUL HAS SPOKEN / BEEN AGAINST THE FEDERAL RESERVE,THE PUSH BACK IS BY THE TOP POWERS IN THE WORLD TODAY , CENTRAL BANKS ,like the Federal Reserve. =========================================== The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences." -- Quote from Caroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope ,Chapter 20. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ donnybrook in louisiana...... MEANS A FIGHT , good people believe in rules for fights,not about winning. Its about a world view that Mr. Colby lacks,as he is a worshipper of persons and power. ============================== WHEN I THINK ABOUT YOUR RESPONSE THIS WORD COMES TO MIND. Sycophancy ========================================= Alternative phrases are often used such as: apple-polishing ass kissing ass licking bootlicker brown nosing crawler fawning flunky grovelling hanger-on kowtowing lackey lickspittle sucking up toady yes man ______________________________________ a more sophisticated world view ......... see http://www.apologeti...12&article=1440 and below God Is Not A Respecter Of Persons Apr 18 http://www.endtimean...ter-of-persons/ I’ve often heard it said that God is not a respecter of persons. This is of course Biblical, and at times, I’ve really had to pray this through, struggling to get a hold of the idea that what God will do for another person, He’s also willing and able to do for me. Recently though, I’ve seen this concept in a bit of a different light. Before I get into that though, let’s take a look at some of the various verses that mention that God is not a respecter of persons. This is variously translated as “not a respecter of persons” or God “shows no partiality”. The idea is the same, in my un-scholarly opinion. The verses below are all KJV. You will find the word partiality used in the NKJV (hover over the references). Acts 10:34-35 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: 35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him. Romans 2:11 For there is no respect of persons with God. Ephesians 6:9 And, ye masters, do the same things unto them, forbearing threatening: knowing that your Master also is in heaven; neither is there respect of persons with him. Colossians 3:25 But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons. 1 Peter 1:17 And if ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man’s work, pass the time of your sojourning here in fear: God is not a respecter of persons So what does it mean that God is not a respecter of persons… that God shows no partiality? First off, have I done anything that is worthy of respect before the righteous Judge of the universe? No. Second, can I do anything – in my own strength – that is commendable before God? No. It is only by faith that we can please Him (Hebrews 11:6), and on top of that, it is not my faith, but the faith of Christ that I live by (Galatians 2:2). From Him, through Him, and to Him are all things (Romans 11:36), and that doesn’t leave much room for me, myself, and I. It is the sacrificed blood of Christ that has made atonement for my sins; not my good works. Likewise, after salvation, my sanctification functions on the same principle. The only reason I can ever approach the throne of God is because of the shed blood of Christ, and His righteousness. God is not a respecter of persons; but… He respects Christ in us! That is the key, and it is the secret that makes the gospel equally attainable for all men. There is nothing that I can do in and of myself that will make me acceptable before God. The only thing that God respects in me is the righteousness of Christ. As that righteousness grows (sanctification), then in one sense we ‘gain respect’ before God but only because He now sees more of His Son in us, and less of ourselves. The problem with this whole idea of God not being a respecter of persons is that we keep on trying to be worthy of respect! Another way of saying this might be that one man is just as good as the next, but in fact, the opposite is true. ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). So often we try to keep on earning God’s respect, reasoning that “He did it for so and so, therefore He will do it for me too!” This is completely the wrong way around, because God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6). If we want to experience the grace of God, we must humble ourselves before Him… an act that has nothing to do with proclaiming that we also are worthy of His grace. God is not a respecter of persons; so stop trying to be something before God. Read differently, God doesn’t respect men! Humble yourself, and realize that we can only approach God through the sacrifice of Christ. His grace is a gift freely given to us; we cannot earn it. As we decrease, Christ will increase in us, and God will honour that.
  15. You skipped my post #2 material on purpose you sly fox. Colby impossible to please,likes THE NATION ,but when you give him two THE NATION articles ,now he doesnt like. Cause THE NATION has a Muslim author ???? BIAS ???? Colby sees Muslim, Colby hates Muslim. OK we 'understand you' (may not like). Time and again this thread ,if its a Muslim author you say they are unreliable and a bad source. +++++++++++++++++ part of POST #2 info DEEP BACKGROUND Baluchistan ------------------------------------------------------------------- Andrew Gavin Marshall: Imperial Eye on Pakistan Posted on 13. Mar, 2012 by Editor in Opinion The Council on Foreign Relations published a backgrounder report on RAW, India’s intelligence agency, founded in 1968 “primarily to counter China's influence, [however] over time it has shifted its focus to India’s other traditional rival, Pakistan.” For over three decades both Indian and Pakistani intelligence agencies have been involved in covert operations against one another. One of RAW’s main successes was its covert operations in East Pakistan, now known as Bangladesh, which “aimed at fomenting independence sentiment” and ultimately led to the separation of Bangladesh by directly funding, arming and training the Pakistani separatists. Further, as the Council on Foreign Relations noted, “From the early days, RAW had a secret liaison relationship with the Mossad, Israel’s external intelligence agency.”[41] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You skipped this also...golly not a good pattern ?? I said click on name for link . BUT NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!! COLBY IGNORES POST INFO HE DOESNT LIKE. --- The Destabilization of Pakistan by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky 12/30/2007 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SEE LINK FOR MAPS IN ARTICLE http://globalresearc...ext=va&aid=7705 ==================================== The assassination of Benazir Bhutto has created conditions which contribute to the ongoing destabilization and fragmentation of Pakistan as a Nation. The process of US sponsored "regime change", which normally consists in the re-formation of a fresh proxy government under new leaders has been broken. Discredited in the eyes of Pakistani public opinion, General Pervez Musharaf cannot remain in the seat of political power. But at the same time, the fake elections supported by the "international community" scheduled for January 2008, even if they were to be carried out, would not be accepted as legitimate, thereby creating a political impasse. There are indications that the assassination of Benazir Bhutto was anticipated by US officials: "It has been known for months that the Bush-Cheney administration and its allies have been maneuvering to strengthen their political control of Pakistan, paving the way for the expansion and deepening of the “war on terrorism” across the region. Various American destabilization plans, known for months by officials and analysts, proposed the toppling of Pakistan's military... The assassination of Bhutto appears to have been anticipated. There were even reports of “chatter” among US officials about the possible assassinations of either Pervez Musharraf or Benazir Bhutto, well before the actual attempts took place. (Larry Chin, Global Research, 29 December 2007) Political Impasse "Regime change" with a view to ensuring continuity under military rule is no longer the main thrust of US foreign policy. The regime of Pervez Musharraf cannot prevail. Washington's foreign policy course is to actively promote the political fragmentation and balkanization of Pakistan as a nation. A new political leadership is anticipated but in all likelihood it will take on a very different shape, in relation to previous US sponsored regimes. One can expect that Washington will push for a compliant political leadership, with no commitment to the national interest, a leadership which will serve US imperial interests, while concurrently contributing under the disguise of "decentralization", to the weakening of the central government and the fracture of Pakistan's fragile federal structure. The political impasse is deliberate. It is part of an evolving US foreign policy agenda, which favors disruption and disarray in the structures of the Pakistani State. Indirect rule by the Pakistani military and intelligence apparatus is to be replaced by more direct forms of US interference, including an expanded US military presence inside Pakistan. This expanded military presence is also dictated by the Middle East-Central Asia geopolitical situation and Washington's ongoing plans to extend the Middle East war to a much broader area. The US has several military bases in Pakistan. It controls the country's air space. According to a recent report: "U.S. Special Forces are expected to vastly expand their presence in Pakistan, as part of an effort to train and support indigenous counter-insurgency forces and clandestine counterterrorism units" (William Arkin, Washington Post, December 2007). The official justification and pretext for an increased military presence in Pakistan is to extend the "war on terrorism". Concurrently, to justify its counterrorism program, Washington is also beefing up its covert support to the "terrorists." The Balkanization of Pakistan Already in 2005, a report by the US National Intelligence Council and the CIA forecast a "Yugoslav-like fate" for Pakistan "in a decade with the country riven by civil war, bloodshed and inter-provincial rivalries, as seen recently in Balochistan." (Energy Compass, 2 March 2005). According to the NIC-CIA, Pakistan is slated to become a "failed state" by 2015, "as it would be affected by civil war, complete Talibanisation and struggle for control of its nuclear weapons". (Quoted by former Pakistan High Commissioner to UK, Wajid Shamsul Hasan, Times of India, 13 February 2005): "Nascent democratic reforms will produce little change in the face of opposition from an entrenched political elite and radical Islamic parties. In a climate of continuing domestic turmoil, the Central government's control probably will be reduced to the Punjabi heartland and the economic hub of Karachi," the former diplomat quoted the NIC-CIA report as saying. Expressing apprehension, Hasan asked, "are our military rulers working on a similar agenda or something that has been laid out for them in the various assessment reports over the years by the National Intelligence Council in joint collaboration with CIA?" (Ibid) Continuity, characterized by the dominant role of the Pakistani military and intelligence has been scrapped in favor of political breakup and balkanization. According to the NIC-CIA scenario, which Washington intends to carry out: "Pakistan will not recover easily from decades of political and economic mismanagement, divisive policies, lawlessness, corruption and ethnic friction," (Ibid) . The US course consists in fomenting social, ethnic and factional divisions and political fragmentation, including the territorial breakup of Pakistan. This course of action is also dictated by US war plans in relation to both Afghanistan and Iran. This US agenda for Pakistan is similar to that applied throughout the broader Middle East Central Asian region. US strategy, supported by covert intelligence operations, consists in triggering ethnic and religious strife, abetting and financing secessionist movements while also weakening the institutions of the central government. The broader objective is to fracture the Nation State and redraw the borders of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Pakistan's Oil and Gas reserves Pakistan's extensive oil and gas reserves, largely located in Balochistan province, as well as its pipeline corridors are considered strategic by the Anglo-American alliance, requiring the concurrent militarization of Pakistani territory. Balochistan comprises more than 40 percent of Pakistan's land mass, possesses important reserves of oil and natural gas as well as extensive mineral resources. The Iran-India pipeline corridor is slated to transit through Balochistan. Balochistan also possesses a deap sea port largely financed by China located at Gwadar, on the Arabian Sea, not far from the Straits of Hormuz where 30 % of the world's daily oil supply moves by ship or pipeline. (Asia News.it, 29 December 2007) Pakistan has an estimated 25.1 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of proven gas reserves of which 19 trillion are located in Balochistan. Among foreign oil and gas contractors in Balochistan are BP, Italy's ENI, Austria's OMV, and Australia's BHP. It is worth noting that Pakistan's State oil and gas companies, including PPL which has the largest stake in the Sui oil fields of Balochistan are up for privatization under IMF-World Bank supervision. According to the Oil and Gas Journal (OGJ), Pakistan had proven oil reserves of 300 million barrels, most of which are located in Balochistan. Other estimates place Balochistan oil reserves at an estimated six trillion barrels of oil reserves both on-shore and off-shore (Environment News Service, 27 October 2006) . Covert Support to Balochistan Separatists Balochistan's strategic energy reserves have a bearing on the separatist agenda. Following a familiar pattern, there are indications that the Baloch insurgency is being supported and abetted by Britain and the US. The Baloch national resistance movement dates back to the late 1940s, when Balochistan was invaded by Pakistan. In the current geopolitical context, the separatist movement is in the process of being hijacked by foreign powers. British intelligence is allegedly providing covert support to Balochistan separatists (which from the outset have been repressed by Pakistan's military). In June 2006, Pakistan's Senate Committee on Defence accused British intelligence of "abetting the insurgency in the province bordering Iran" [balochistan]..(Press Trust of India, 9 August 2006). Ten British MPs were involved in a closed door session of the Senate Committee on Defence regarding the alleged support of Britain's Secret Service to Baloch separatists (Ibid). Also of relevance are reports of CIA and Mossad support to Baloch rebels in Iran and Southern Afghanistan. It would appear that Britain and the US are supporting both sides. The US is providing American F-16 jets to the Pakistani military, which are being used to bomb Baloch villages in Balochistan. Meanwhile, British alleged covert support to the separatist movement (according to the Pakistani Senate Committee) contributes to weakening the central government. The stated purpose of US counter-terrorism is to provide covert support as well as as training to "Liberation Armies" ultimately with a view to destabilizing sovereign governments. In Kosovo, the training of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in the 1990s had been entrusted to a private mercenary company, Military Professional Resources Inc (MPRI), on contract to the Pentagon. The BLA bears a canny resemblance to Kosovo's KLA, which was financed by the drug trade and supported by the CIA and Germany's Bundes Nachrichten Dienst (BND). The BLA emerged shortly after the 1999 military coup. It has no tangible links to the Baloch resistance movement, which developed since the late 1940s. An aura of mystery surrounds the leadership of the BLA. Baloch population in Pink: In Iran, Pakistan and Southern Afghanistan Washington favors the creation of a "Greater Balochistan" which would integrate the Baloch areas of Pakistan with those of Iran and possibly the Southern tip of Afghanistan (See Map above), thereby leading to a process of political fracturing in both Iran and Pakistan. "The US is using Balochi nationalism for staging an insurgency inside Iran's Sistan-Balochistan province. The 'war on terror' in Afghanistan gives a useful political backdrop for the ascendancy of Balochi militancy" (See Global Research, 6 March 2007). Military scholar Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters writing in the June 2006 issue of The Armed Forces Journal, suggests, in no uncertain terms that Pakistan should be broken up, leading to the formation of a separate country: "Greater Balochistan" or "Free Balochistan" (see Map below). The latter would incorporate the Pakistani and Iranian Baloch provinces into a single political entity. In turn, according to Peters, Pakistan's North West Frontier Province (NWFP) should be incorporated into Afghanistan "because of its linguistic and ethnic affinity". This proposed fragmentation, which broadly reflects US foreign policy, would reduce Pakistani territory to approximately 50 percent of its present land area. (See map). Pakistan would also loose a large part of its coastline on the Arabian Sea. Although the map does not officially reflect Pentagon doctrine, it has been used in a training program at NATO's Defense College for senior military officers. This map, as well as other similar maps, have most probably been used at the National War Academy as well as in military planning circles. (See Mahdi D. Nazemroaya, Global Research, 18 November 2006) "Lieutenant-Colonel Peters was last posted, before he retired to the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, within the U.S. Defence Department, and has been one of the Pentagon’s foremost authors with numerous essays on strategy for military journals and U.S. foreign policy." (Ibid) Map: click to enlarge It is worth noting that secessionist tendencies are not limited to Balochistan. There are separatist groups in Sindh province, which are largely based on opposition to the Punjabi-dominated military regime of General Pervez Musharraf (For Further details see Selig Harrisson, Le Monde diplomatique, October 2006) "Strong Economic Medicine": Weakening Pakistan's Central Government Pakistan has a federal structure based on federal provincial transfers. Under a federal fiscal structure, the central government transfers financial resources to the provinces, with a view to supporting provincial based programs. When these transfers are frozen as occurred in Yugoslavia in January 1990, on orders of the IMF, the federal fiscal structure collapses: "State revenues that should have gone as transfer payments to the republics [of the Yugoslav federation] went instead to service Belgrade's debt ... . The republics were largely left to their own devices. ... The budget cuts requiring the redirection of federal revenues towards debt servicing, were conducive to the suspension of transfer payments by Belgrade to the governments of the Republics and Autonomous Provinces. In one fell swoop, the reformers had engineered the final collapse of Yugoslavia's federal fiscal structure and mortally wounded its federal political institutions. By cutting the financial arteries between Belgrade and the republics, the reforms fueled secessionist tendencies that fed on economic factors as well as ethnic divisions, virtually ensuring the de facto secession of the republics. (Michel Chossudovsky, The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order, Second Edition, Global Research, Montreal, 2003, Chapter 17.) It is by no means accidental that the 2005 National Intelligence Council- CIA report had predicted a "Yugoslav-like fate" for Pakistan pointing to the impacts of "economic mismanagement" as one of the causes of political break-up and balkanization. "Economic mismanagement" is a term used by the Washington based international financial institutions to describe the chaos which results from not fully abiding by the IMF's Structural Adjustment Program. In actual fact, the "economic mismanagement" and chaos is the outcome of IMF-World Bank prescriptions, which invariably trigger hyperinflation and precipitate indebted countries into extreme poverty. Pakistan has been subjected to the same deadly IMF "economic medicine" as Yugoslavia: In 1999, in the immediate wake of the coup d'Etat which brought General Pervez Musharaf to the helm of the military government, an IMF economic package, which included currency devaluation and drastic austerity measures, was imposed on Pakistan. Pakistan's external debt is of the order of US$40 billion. The IMF's "debt reduction" under the package was conditional upon the sell-off to foreign capital of the most profitable State owned enterprises (including the oil and gas facilities in Balochistan) at rockbottom prices . Musharaf's Finance Minister was chosen by Wall Street, which is not an unusual practice. The military rulers appointed at Wall Street's behest, a vice-president of Citigroup, Shaukat Aziz, who at the time was head of CitiGroup's Global Private Banking. (See WSWS.org, 30 October 1999). CitiGroup is among the largest commercial foreign banking institutions in Pakistan. There are obvious similarities in the nature of US covert intelligence operations applied in country after country in different parts of the so-called "developing World". These covert operation, including the organisation of military coups, are often synchronized with the imposition of IMF-World Bank macro-economic reforms. In this regard, Yugoslavia's federal fiscal structure collapsed in 1990 leading to mass poverty and heightened ethnic and social divisions. The US and NATO sponsored "civil war" launched in mid-1991 consisted in coveting Islamic groups as well as channeling covert support to separatist paramilitary armies in Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia. A similar "civil war" scenario has been envisaged for Pakistan by the National Intelligence Council and the CIA: From the point of view of US intelligence, which has a longstanding experience in abetting separatist "liberation armies", "Greater Albania" is to Kosovo what "Greater Balochistan" is to Pakistan's Southeastern Balochistan province. Similarly, the KLA is Washington's chosen model, to be replicated in Balochistan province. ++++++++++++ IMF helps break up Pakistan see below +++++++ Balkanizing Pakistan http://www.scribd.co...nizing-Pakistan
  16. LOL you pretty obviously didn’t even bother to read the stuff you spammed, you just Googled UN Lies and posted whatever came up, or are becoming a neo-con? I didn’t see anything about the BBC. END COLBY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REPLY I READ EVERY ONE FOOL !! I TOOK EXAMPLES THAT YOU WOULD LIKE (UN ANTI-ISRAEL)...gee,you are not so bright because u have a ANTI-GAAL Bias. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Supposedly the FSA retook the area. END COLBY +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REPLY FSA Controlled area last two weeks. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I didn’t see anything about the BBC END COLBY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REPLY STEVE GAAL WROTE The BBC/UN have been shown by me in posts #5 and #8 this thread above , to be unreliabe news outlets. DID YOU MISS POST # 3 ?? Soooooooo dumb , sooooooooooooooo...... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thompson seems credible by all he has was an anecdotal story he also said “Both sides are involved in very dirty tactics in this war. END COLBY +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REPLY GEE anecdotal ???????? the REBELS WANTED HIM DEAD !!!!! .....gee BIAS BIAS BIAS..........
  17. RECENT COMMENT FRON RONPAULDAILY SITE ABOUT BAD APPLES (not real Ron Paul people/supporters) IN RON PAULS INNER CIRCLE (below is a link to Sibel Edmonds website Re: Bruce Fein) ====================================================================== RP Inner Circle Submitted by Remnant Patriot on Sun, 06/10/2012 - Hopefully you did a lot of research on this guy, Olson. . .he came fresh from the John "I Want To Be At War For 100 Years" McCain campaign. (Read his background: http://www.linkedin....lson/14/431/82a) Olson was brought to Ron Paul's camp via Jesse (oh my god when are they going to kick him OUT?!!) Benton, via Rand Paul's campaign. That's after Jesse ran in and sacked Rand's campaign chair, did a lot of spin, and settled down the masses - from Rand Paul's slippery tongue getting him into trouble. Did everyone read this about Jesse, from 2008? http://www.dailypaul...ond-choice-i... In case you missed it - Bruce Fein, a Ron Paul insider, is also a piece of work: http://www.boilingfr...reatest-plot... The Ron Paul campaign announcing him: http://www.businessw...110823006296/en In my personal estimation, Rand Paul is an arrogant, self-aggrandizing, pompous arse. He is riding the wave of his Father while not adhering to his Father's counsel and/or following his good example. Rand exhibits a minimal amount of the awesome character Ron Paul has demonstrated for 30 years. This is not the first time in history that a good mans son has chosen his own path: "William Franklin: The son of Benjamin Franklin, William Franklin served as Royal Governor of New Jersey during the critical years between 1762 and 1776. An ardent Loyalist, William split with his father over their political differences in the early days of the Revolution, and after enduring two years of imprisonment, became a leader in the Loyalist cause. He settled in London in 1782, where he worked as an agent for Loyalist claims." The best thing that can happen to Rand would be to first try to get his head removed from his posterior. Secondly would be for him to be defeated in the next election. Maybe then he would shake off his haughtiness. Aside from that - Jesse Benton is behind most of this. . .he saw opportunity (from 2008 http://www.linkedin....lson/14/431/82a) and seized upon it. . .and made a huge mess of everything. A bunch of unseasoned, uncommitted co-opters. . .such a shame. — The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. ~Thomas Jefferson “It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie...the greatest enemy of the State.” ~Joseph Goebbels.
  18. Could some official from the forum invite this man below to add to the educational nature in the forum. Non Western sources seems are given a short shaft in respectability/credibility by some posters here. It might be enlightening to hear from another viewpoint ,who is an expert. THANK YOU Steven Gaal (gee, I misspelled could and Pakistan in topic title / OOPS.) --------------------------------------------------------------- Imran Malik is a retired brigadier and a former defence attaché to Australia and New Zealand. He is Secretary General of Pakistan Forum for Security and Development. Email: im_k@hotmail.com
  19. Sir,pardon me but, questionable sources would not include Sibel Edmonds. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Compare and contrast : Sibel Edmonds =Hero // Len Colby = obscure blogger (see video below) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++r+++++++++++++++++++++++
  20. COLBY START ++ LOL an article from the "hunt the Boeing" nut not much reason to read any furthur. The efficiencies of the Russian report were addressed above, the Catholic church news service report is contradicted by those from the UN and other media outlets. Syria's Christians tend to favor Assad, this could have colored who spoke to them and /or their reporting. COLBY end ++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ COLBO, have some coffee and wake up, for Natalia Mihailova is not Alex Thomson. NOTE Alex Thompson's story dovetails and is complimentary to her story and also the "hunt the Boeing" commentator's reportage of the facts. I dont support him on Boeing/911 , but did agree with his Libya writings,so I take him not as a "nut" ,on Middle East issues. The BBC/UN have been shown by me in posts #5 and #8 this thread above , to be unreliabe news outlets. What I heard on the radio that (post #8 above) , "We were led into the town (Houla) by the rebels", confirms that Syria isnt in control of Houla as Mihailova , Meyssan report and compliments Thomson's report of being led (controlled) by rebels.
  21. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Jurriaan Maessen http://www.infowars....ccines-exposed/ Saturday, June 9, 2012 ------------------------------------------------------- In the course of August and September 2010, I wrote several articles for Infowars on the Rockefeller Foundation’s admitted funding and developing of anti-fertility vaccines intended for “mass-scale distribution.” As the soft-kill depopulation agenda accelerates it seems all the more relevant to re-post these articles as one. 1- Rockefeller Foundation Developed Vaccines For “Mass-Scale” Fertility Reduction In its 1968 yearly report, the Rockefeller Foundation acknowledged funding the development of so-called “anti-fertility vaccines” and their implementation on a mass-scale. From page 51 onward we read: “(…) several types of drugs are known to diminish male fertility, but those that have been tested have serious problems of toxicity. Very little work is in progress on immunological methods, such as vaccines, to reduce fertility, and much more research is required if a solution is to be found here.” The possibility of using vaccines to reduce male fertility was something that needed to be investigated further, according to the Rockefeller Foundation, because both the oral pill and the IUD were not suitable for mass-scale distribution: “We are faced with the danger that within a few years these two “modern” methods, for which such high hopes have been held, will in fact turn out to be impracticable on a mass scale.” “A semipermanent or renewable subcutaneous implant of these hormones has been suggested, but whether or not the same difficulties would result has not been determined.” Saying that research thus-far had been too low-grade to produce any substantial results, the report was adamant: “The Foundation will endeavour to assist in filling this important gap in several ways: 1- “Seeking out or encouraging the development of, and providing partial support to, a few centres of excellence in universities and research institutions in the United States and abroad in which the methods and points of view of molecular biology are teamed with the more traditional approaches of histology, embryology,and endocrinology in research pertinent to development of fertility control methods;” 2- “Supporting research of individual investigators, oriented toward development of contraceptive methods or of basic information on human reproduction relevant to such developments;” 3- “Encouraging, by making research funds available, as well as by other means, established and beginning investigators to turn their attention to aspects of research in reproductive biology that have implications for human fertility and its control;” 4- “Encouraging more biology and biochemistry students to elect careers in reproductive biology and human fertility control, through support of research and teaching programs in departments of zoology, biology, and biochemistry.” The list goes on and on. Motivation for these activities, according to the RF? “There are an estimated five million women among America’s poverty and near-poverty groups who need birth control service (…). The unchecked fertility of the indigent does much to perpetuate poverty, undereducation, and underemployment, not only in urban slums, but also in depressed rural areas.” It wasn’t long before all the Foundation’s efforts began to have effect. In its annual report of 1988, The RF was happy to report the progress made by the Foundation’s Population Division in the field of anti-fertility vaccines: “India’s National Institute of Immunology successfully completed in 1988 the first phase of trials with three versions of an anti-fertility vaccine for women. Sponsored by the government of India and supported by the Foundation, the trials established that with each of the tested vaccines, at least one year of protection against pregnancy could be expected, based on the levels of antibodies formed in response to the immunization schedule.” In its 1997 review of anti-fertility vaccines, Indian based International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology didn’t forget to acknowledge its main benefactor: “The work on LHRH and HCG vaccines was supported by research grants of The Rockefeller Foundation, (…).” In the 1990s the work on anti-fertility vaccines went in overdrive, especially in third-world nations, as did the funding provided by the deep pockets of the Rockefeller Foundation. At the same time, the target-population of the globalists- women- began to stir uncomfortably with all this out-in-the-open talk of population reduction and vaccines as a means to achieve it. Betsy Hartman, Director of the Population and Development Program at Hampshire College, Massachusetts and “someone who believes strongly in women’s right to safe, voluntary birth control and abortion”, is no supporter of the anti-fertility vaccine, as brought into being by the Rockefeller Foundation. She explains in her essay Population control in the new world order: “Although one vaccine has been tested on only 180 women in India, it is being billed there as ‘safe, devoid of any side effects and completely reversible’. The scientific community knows very well that such assertions are false – for instance, many questions still remain about the vaccine’s long-term impact on the immune system and menstrual cycle. There is also evidence on film of women being denied information about the vaccine in clinical trials. Nevertheless, the vaccine is being prepared for large-scale use.” The Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, quoted “a leading contraceptive researcher as saying: “Immunological birth control methods will be an ‘antigenic weapon’ against the reproductive process, which left unchecked, threatens to swamp the world.” Animal rights activist ms. Sonya Ghosh also expressed concerns about the Rockefeller-funded anti-fertility vaccine and its implementation: “Instead of giving individual women more options to prevent pregnancy and protect against AIDs and sexually transmitted diseases, the anti fertility vaccine is designed to be easily administered to large numbers of women using the least resources. If administered to illiterate populations the issues of user control and informed consent are further cause for concern.” To avoid such debates, the Foundation has in the last couple of decades consorted to its long-practised and highly successful methods of either outright lying through its teeth or using deceptive language to hide the fact that it continues to work tirelessly toward its long-stated mission. 2- Global Distribution of Rockefeller-Funded Anti-Fertility Vaccine Coordinated by WHO In addition to the recent PrisonPlanet-exclusive Rockefeller Foundation Developed Vaccines For “Mass-Scale” Fertility Reduction- which outlines the Rockefeller Foundation’s efforts in the 1960s funding research into so-called “anti-fertility vaccines”- another series of documents has surfaced, proving beyond any doubt that the UN Population Fund, World Bank and World Health Organization picked up on it, further developing it under responsibility of a “Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation”. Just four years after the Rockefeller Foundation launched massive funding-operations into anti-fertility vaccines, the Task Force was created under auspices of the World Health Organization, World Bank and UN Population Fund. Its mission, according to one of its members, to support: “basic and clinical research on the development of birth control vaccines directed against the gametes or the preimplantation embryo. These studies have involved the use of advanced procedures in peptide chemistry, hybridoma technology and molecular genetics as well as the evaluation of a number of novel approaches in general vaccinology. As a result of this international, collaborative effort, a prototype anti-HCG vaccine is now undergoing clinical testing, raising the prospect that a totally new family planning method may be available before the end of the current decade.” In regards to the scope of the Task Force’s jurisdiction, the Biotechnology and Development Monitor reported: “The Task Force acts as a global coordinating body for anti-fertility vaccine R&D in the various working groups and supports research on different approaches, such as anti-sperm and anti-ovum vaccines and vaccines designed to neutralize the biological functions of hCG. The Task Force has succeeded in developing a prototype of an anti-hCG-vaccine.” One of the Task Force members, P.D. Griffin, outlined the purpose and trajectory of these Fertility Regulating Vaccines. Griffin: “The Task Force has continued to coordinate its research activities with other vaccine development programmes within WHO and with other international and national programmes engaged in the development of fertility regulating vaccines.” Griffin also admitted to the fact that one of the purposes of the vaccines is the implementation in developing countries. Griffin: “If vaccines could be developed which could safely and effectively inhibit fertility, without producing unacceptable side effects, they would be an attractive addition to the present armamentarium of fertility regulating methods and would be likely to have a significant impact on family planning programmes.” Also, one of the advantages of the FRVs over “currently available methods of fertility regulation” the Task Force states, is the following (179): “low manufacturing cost and ease of delivery within existing health services.” Already in 1978, the WHO’s Task Force (then called Task Force on Immunological Methods for Fertility Regulation) underlined the usefulness of these vaccines in regards to the possibility of “large scale synthesis and manufacture” of the vaccine: “The potential advantages of an immunological approach to fertility regulation can be summarized as follows: (a) the possibility of infrequent administration, possibly by paramedical personnel; ( the use of antigens or antigen fragments, which are not pharmacologically active; and © in the case of antigens of known chemical structure, there is the possibility of large-scale synthesis and manufacture of vaccine at relatively low cost.” In 1976, the WHO Expanded Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction published a report, stating: “In 1972 the Organization (…) expanded its programme of research in human reproduction to provide an international focus for an intensified effort to improve existing methods of fertility regulation, to develop new methods and to assist national authorities in devising the best ways of providing them on a continuing basis. The programme is closely integrated with other WHO research on the delivery of family planning care by health services, which in turn feeds into WHO’s technical assistance programme to governments at the service level.” Although the term “Anti-Fertility Vaccine”, coined by the Rockefeller Foundation, was replaced by the more bureaucratic sounding “Fertility Regulating Vaccine (FRV), the programme was obviously the same. Besides, the time-line shows conclusively that the WHO, UN Population Fund and World Bank continued on a path outlined by the Rockefellers in the late 1960s. By extension, it proves that all these organization are perfectly interlocked, best captured under the header “Scientific Dictatorship”. The relationship between the WHO and the Rockefeller Foundation is intense. In the 1986 bulletin of the World Health Organization, this relationship is being described in some detail. While researching the effectiveness of “gossypol” as an “antifertility agent”, the bulletin states: “The Rockefeller Foundation has supported limited clinical trials in China and smallscale clinical studies in Brazil and Austria. The dose administered in the current Chinese trial has been reduced from 20 mg to 10-15 mg/day during the loading phase in order to see if severe oligospermia rather than consistent azoospermia would be adequate for an acceptable, non-toxic and reversible effect. Meanwhile, both the WHO human reproduction programme and the Rockefeller Foundation are supporting animal studies to better define the mechanism of action of gossypol.” In August of 1992, a series of meetings was held in Geneva, Switzerland, regarding “fertility regulating vaccines”. According to the document Fertility Regulating Vaccines (classified by the WHO with a limited distribution) present at those meetings were scientists and clinicians from all over the globe, including then biomedical researcher of the American Agency for International development, and current research-chief of USAID, Mr. Jeff Spieler. In 1986 Mr. Spieler declared: “A new approach to fertility regulation is the development of vaccines directed against human substances required for reproduction. Potential candidates for immunological interference include reproductive hormones, ovum and sperm antigens, and antigens derived from embryonic or fetal tissue.(…). An antifertility vaccine must be capable of safely and effectively inhibiting a human substance, which would need somehow to be rendered antigenic. A fertility-regulating vaccine, moreover, would have to produce and sustain effective immunity in at least 95% of the vaccinated population, a level of protection rarely achieved even with the most successful viral and bacterial vaccines. But while these challenges looked insuperable just a few years ago, recent advances in biotechnology- particularly in the fields of molecular biology, genetic engineering and monoclonal antibody production- are bringing antifertility vaccines into the realm of the feasible.” “Vaccines interfering with sperm function and fertilization could be available for human testing by the early 1990s”, Spieler wrote. In order for widespread use of these vaccines, Spieler writes, the vaccine must conquer “variations in individual responses to immunization with fertility-regulating vaccines”. “Research”, he goes on to say,”is also needed in the field of “basic vaccinology”, to find the best carrier proteins, adjuvants, vehicles and delivery systems.” In the 1992 document, the problem of “variations in individual responses” is also discussed: “Because of the genetic diversity of human populations”, states the document, “immune responses to vaccines often show marked differences from one individual to another in terms of magnitude and duration. These differences may be partly or even completely overcome with appropriately engineered FRVs (Fertility Regulating Vaccines) and by improvements in our understanding of what is required to develop and control the immune response elicited by different vaccines.” The picture emerging from these facts is clear. The WHO, as a global coordinating body, has since the early 1970s continued the development of the Rockefeller-funded “anti-fertility vaccine”. What also is becoming clear, is that extensive research has been done to the delivery systems in which these anti-fertility components can be buried, such as regular anti-viral vaccines. It’s a mass-scale anti-fertilization programme with the aim of reducing the world’s population: a dream long cherished by the global elite. 3- On Top of Vaccines, Rockefeller Foundation Presents Anti-Fertility Substance Gossypol for “Widespread Use” It seems there is no limit to the Rockefeller Foundation’s ambitions to introduce anti-fertility compounds into either existing “health-services”, such as vaccines, or- as appears to be the case now- average consumer-products. The 1985 Rockefeller Foundation’s annual report underlined its ongoing dedication towards finding good use for the anti-fertility substance “gossypol”, or C30H30O8 – as the description reads. Indeed, gossypol, a toxic polyphenol derived from the cotton plant, was identified early on in the Foundation’s research as an effective sterilant. The question was, how to implement or integrate the toxic substance into crops. “Another long-term interest of the Foundation has been gossypol, a compound that has been shown to have an antifertility effect in men, By the end of 1985, the Foundation had made grants totaling approximately $1.6 million in an effort to support and stimulate scientific investigations on the safety and efficacy of gossypol.” In the 1986 Rockefeller Foundation annual report, the organization admits funding research into the use of fertility-reducing compounds in relation to food for “widespread use”: “Male contraceptive studies are focused on gossypol, a natural substance extracted from the cotton plant, and identified by Chinese researchers as having an anti-fertility effect on men. Before widespread use can be recommended, further investigation is needed to see if lowering the dosage can eliminate undesirable side-effects without reducing its effectiveness as a contraceptive. The Foundation supported research on gossypol’s safety, reversibility and efficacy in seven different 1986 grants.” In the RF’s 1988 annual report, gossypol as a contraceptive was also elaborated upon (page 22): “Gossypol, a natural substance found in the cotton plant, continues to show promise as an oral contraceptive for men. Because it suppresses sperm production without affecting sex hormone levels, it is unique among the experimental approaches to fertility control in men. Foundation-funded scientists worldwide have assembled an aray of information about how gossypol works, and studies continue on a wide variety of its clinical applications. Dose reduction is being investigated to reduce health risks associated with the use of gossypol.” The following year, according to the annual report, funds were allocated to several research institutions to see how this “dose reduction” could best be accomplished without interfering with the ant-fertility effects of gossypol. (1988- $ 400,000, in addition to remaining funds from prior year appropriations) To support research on gossypol, its safety, reversibility, and efficacy as a contraceptive for use by men (…).” Mention is made on money allocated to the University of Texas, “for a study of gossypol’s effects on DNA replication (…).” The last mention of gossypol in the Foundation’s annals we find in the 1994 annual report, where funds were appropriated to the University of Innsbruck of Austria “for a study at the Institute of Physiology on the molecular action of gossypol at the cellular level.” It seems that the funded scientists have indeed found a way of “lowering the dosage” of gossypol, circumventing the toxicity of the substance, so as to suppress or even eliminate these “undesirable side-effects”, which include: low blood potassium levels, fatigue, muscle weakness and even paralysis. If these effects could be eliminated without reducing the anti-fertility effects, the Foundation figured, it would be a highly effective and almost undetectable sterilant. Although overtly, research into and development of gossypol as an anti-fertility compound was abandoned in the late 1990s, the cottonseed containing the substance was especially selected for mass distribution in the beginning of the current decade. Around 2006 a media-campaign was launched, saying the cottonseed could help defeat hunger and poverty. In 2006, NatureNews reported that RNA interference (or RNAi) was the way to go. On the one hand it would “cut the gossypol content in cottonseeds by 98%, while leaving the chemical defenses of the rest of the plant intact.” Furthermore, the article quoted Dr. Deborah P. Delmer, the Rockefeller Foundation’s associate director of food security, who was quick to bury any concern: “Deborah Delmer, associate director of the Rockefeller Foundation in New York City and an expert in agricultural food safety, points out that a benefit of using RNAi technology is that it turns off a gene process rather than switching on a novel function. “So instead of introducing a new foreign protein, you’re just shutting down one process,” Delmer says. “In that sense, I think that the safety concerns should be far less than other GM technologies.” A 2006, National Geographic article Toxin-Free Cottonseed Engineered; Could Feed Millions Study Says, quotes the director of the Laboratory for Crop Transformation (Texas A&M Universtity), Keerti Singh Rathore as saying: “A gossypol-free cottonseed would significantly contribute to human nutrition and health, particularly in developing countries, and help meet the requirements of the predicted 50 percent increase in the world population in the next 50 years.” “Rathore’s study”, states the article, “represents the first substantiated case where gossypol was reduced via genetic engineering that targets the genes that make the toxin.” I bring into recollection the statement made by the Rockefeller Foundation in its 1986 annual report, which reads: “Before widespread use can be recommended, further investigation is needed to see if lowering the dosage can eliminate undesirable side-effects without reducing its effectiveness as a contraceptive.” In the 1997 Foundational report, Rathore is mentioned (page 68). A postdoctoral fellowship-grant was given to a certain E. Chandrakanth “for advanced study in plant molecular biology under the direction of Keerti S. Rathore, Laboratory for Crop Transformation, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.” Compromising connections, in other words, for someone who claimed academic objectivity in regards to gossypol and its sterilizing effects. Rathore explained the workings of RNAi in a 2006 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. “Cottonseed toxicity due to gossypol is a long-standing problem”, Rathore said, “and people have tried to fix it but haven’t been able to through traditional plant breeding. My area of research is plant transgenics, so I thought about using some molecular approaches to address this problem.” Rathore also mentioned the desired main funder of his work without actually saying the name: “we are trying to find some partners and will probably be looking at charitable foundations to help us out in terms of doing all kinds of testing that is required before a genetically engineered plant is approved for food or feed. We are in the very early stages and have a lot of ideas in mind, but we need to pursue those. Hopefully, we can find some sort of partnership that will allow us to do them.” He also expressed the final adaptation of the cottonseed for widespread use is something of the long term: “(…) right now there are many hurdles when you are dealing with a genetically modified plant. But I think in the next 15 or 20 years a lot of these regulations that we have to satisfy will be eliminated or reduced substantially.” The Foundation, as is evident from the statements of Rockefeller’s own Deborah Delmer, is more than interested. Even worse, through the process of readying gossypol for mass-distribution in food, the fulfillment of their longstanding goal of sterilizing the populous into oblivion comes into view. 4- Rockefeller Foundation Conceptualized “Anti-Hormone” Vaccine in the 1920s and 30s, Reports Reveal Rockefeller Foundation minion Max Mason, who acted as president in the mid-1930s, on multiple occasions expressed his master’s desire for an “anti-hormone” that would reduce fertility worldwide. Now keep in mind, this is more than 35 years before the Foundation actually mentioned funding “anti-fertility vaccines” in subsequent annual reports from 1969 onward. Having traveled far beyond the realm of rumor and speculation, research into the admitted funding of anti-fertility vaccines has uncovered more and more sinister revelations along the way. By the mid-1930s, Mason of the Rockefeller Foundation thought that “the ultimate solution of the problem [of birth control] may well lie in the studies of endocrinology, particularly antihormones.” The Foundation’s 1934 annual report states: “The Rockefeller Foundation has decided to concentrate its present effort in the natural sciences on the field of modern experimental biology, with special interest in such topics as endocrinology, nutrition, genetics, embryology, problems centering about the reproductive process, psychobiology, general and cellular physiology, biophysics, and biochemistry.” “(…) research work is being conducted on the physiology of reproduction in the monkey. This work was begun at the Johns Hopkins University in 1921, and since 1923 has been continued at the University of Rochester. It involves observational and experimental studies of the reproductive cycle in certain species of the higher primates, in which this cycle closely resembles that of the human species. The effect of the various interrelated reproductive hormones is being studied.” In the annual report of the previous year (1933), the Foundation stresses the fact that work on the reproductive hormones of primates serves to experiment on man in the future: “(…) much work has been done in the formulation and solution of basic problems in the general biology and physiology of sex in organisms other than man. It was essential that this fundamental work on infra-man pave the way for that on man.” In the book Discipling Reproduction by Adele E. Clarke, the roots of Rockefeller-funded “anti-hormones” is being described in some detail, pointing out that the family’s ambitions to control man’s fertility date back even further than the 1930s. Clarke writes: “On a cold morning in 1921, George Washington Corner, a physician and fledgling reproductive scientist, awoke in Baltimore to discover that it was snowing.” “By 1929”, Clarke writes a bit further on, “Corner had mapped out the hormonal action of progesterone, an essential actor in the menstrual cycle and subsequently an actor in birth control pills.” The 1935 Rockefeller Foundation annual report acknowledges funding Dr. Corner’s research: “To the University of Rochester, for research on the physiology of reproduction under the direction of Dr. G. W. Corner during the threeyear period beginning July 1, 1935, and ending June 30, 1938, there has been appropriated the sum of $9,900. Dr. Corner’s activities are concentrated on a study of the oestrus cycle, using monkeys as the experimental animals. A colony of about thirty monkeys has been maintained, and experiments have furnished information on the normal histology of the reproductive cycle, the time of ovulation, the relation of ovulation to menstruation and other anatomically detectable correlations of the oestrus cycle. Work is continuing on two main lines: normal sex reproduction in the monkey, including the histology of ovary and uterus, and, secondly, the effects of the ovarian hormone.” Again, never forget that the Foundation in 1933 stated outright that “It was essential that this fundamental work on infra-man pave the way for that on man.” Another essential problem which arises, of course, is how exactly the funding-mechanism worked by which Corner’s research could be made ready for mass-consumption. Clarke mentions that officially the National Research Council, an arm of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), was the institute responsible for the task of doing so. More specific: the Committee for Research in Problems of Sex (CRPS): “The NRC itself was founded in 1916 as an agency to inventory research toward enhanced military preparedness.” “The NRC”, states the author, “was a prestigious organization from its inception, thanks to its early association with the NAS, the Carnegie Corporation, and the Rockefeller Foundation. Kohler (1991:109) has argued that the NRC essentially served as an intermediary between the foundations and scientists in the interwar years.(…). The NRC/CRPS itself was funded almost exclusively by Rockefeller monies, initially through the Bureau of Social Hygiene and, after 1931, through the Rockefeller Foundation.” On the subject of so-called “current immunological contraceptive research”, Clarke channels Rockefeller-president Max Mason: “Other lines of current immunological contraceptive research continue to seek what, during the 1930s, Max Mason of the Rockefeller Foundation called “anti-hormones”: vaccines to block hormones needed for very early pregnancy and a vaccine to block the hormone needed for the surface of the egg to function properly.” In a February 1934 “progress report” written by Warren Weaver (director of the Natural Sciences Division of the Rockefeller Foundation) once again underlined the endgame: “Can man gain an intelligent control of his own power? Can we develop so sound and extensive a genetics that we can hope to breed, in the future, superior men? Can we obtain enough knowledge of physiology and psychobiology of sex so that man can bring this pervasive, highly important, and dangerous aspect of life under rational control?” The same Warren Weaver wrote a “biographical Memoir” in honor of his friend Max Mason, revealing some more interesting facts. Weaver, who describes himself as a great personal friend of Mason, gives a general description of him as Rockefeller-minion: “He had by that time developed a consuming interest in behavioral research, and particularly in the possibility that the physical sciences, working with and through the biological sciences, could shed new and revealing light on the normal and abnormal behavior of individuals, and ultimately on the social behavior of groups of men.” Here we have it. The blueprint for sterilizing vaccines has been first conceptualized way back in the 1920s and 1930s by social scientists of the Rockefeller Foundation. Although later the eugenic language (“anti-fertility vaccine”) was polished up with the help of some linguistic plastic surgery producing the term “immunological contraceptive”, the ultimate goal remains the same. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ /// RELATED http://www.infowars....ne-action-plan/
  22. ========================================= http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/2012/02/25/balochistan-cia-carving-out-new-role/ http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/2012/05/31/boiling-frogs-post-welcomes-new-partner-eric-draitser/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Compare and contrast : Sibel Edmonds =Hero // Len Colby = obscure blogger (see end of this post) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++r+++++++++++++++++++++++ Balochistan: CIA Carving Out New Role ( by SIBEL EDMONDS ) Saturday, 25. February 2012 … but this started before 9/11 and with a direct link to 9/11 Just finished reading the latest on CIA-Balochistan, and had to write a quick post and share. ISLAMABAD: The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), led by David Petraeus the former Commander, US Forces Afghanistan (USFOR-A), has a strategic, multidimensional interest in Balochistan, Pakistan’s largest province. In March 2011, The Peninsula, Qatar’s leading English language daily, revealed that the “CIA is indulging in heavy recruitment of local people as agents (each being paid $500 a month) in Balochistan to locate members of the Quetta Shura, a term used by the Americans for Mullah Omar-led Taliban commanders.” Over the long term, the CIA has an interest in keeping the strategically important Port of Gwadar out of China’s influence. Over the short to medium term, the CIA also has an interest in supporting Jundallah, also known as People’s Resistance Movement of Iran (PRMI), a violent organization that claims to be “fighting for the rights of Sunni Muslims in Iran.” … The ‘issue’ of Balochistan is an extremely important one; however, I am not sure of the ‘real’ reasons behind the timing for and the sudden intense reportage and US congressional activities on this region lately. Last year I published the classified-censored transcript of FBI whistleblower Behrooz Sarshar on ‘The FBI “Kamikaze Pilots” Case’, and you can find in there a passing reference to the region: In the early 90s the Bureau hired an Iranian man as an informant, placed him on its payroll at approximately fifteen hundred dollars per month, and used him and his information in several criminal, counterintelligence and counterterrorism operations and investigations. Over time this informant, a man in his (Informant’s Age Information Deleted by S.E.), proved to be extremely reliable, and his information was found to be trustworthy. This man had been the head of SAVAK’s, Iran’s main Intelligence agency, counterintelligence unit during the Shah’s regime. His area of operations involved the East and Southeastern region of Iran, and the countries under him were Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. He also managed the unit’s intelligence gathering operations in Sistan and Baluchistan, two semi-independent regions on the border with Afghanistan. Unlike U.S. agencies, the intelligence agency in Iran conducted most, if not all, of its surveillance and information gathering operations via human intelligence and sources. The man, the informant, was very good at what he did; he had established a large number of sources and informants scattered in the strategically most important areas within these countries. … Despite the demand and pressure by the 9/11 Family members, and thanks to the mainstream and pseudo alternative media’s black out,’ we received no further response or information from the 9/11 Omission members or their staff. Please recall Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who was born in 1964 in the Baluchistan region of Pakistan, and the ‘murky’ background on his capture: When the Pakistani authorities, prompted by the US intelligence agencies, arrested Ramzi in the last week of September, Khalid managed to escape to Quetta where he had been given sanctuary by the JEI. It is said that in the beginning of this year, the US intelligence was tipped off by a member of the Hazara community in Quetta about the presence of Khalid in their city. … After he was transferred to the custody of the FBI, the US authorities, with the help of their Pakistani counterparts, mounted a search for bin Laden and one of his sons as well as for other dregs of Al Qaeda in the tribal belt of Pakistan, particularly in Balochistan. Many of the dregs managed to elude capture and crossed over into the adjoining Balochi areas of Iran, where some of them were arrested by the Iranian authorities. … Make sure you take into account the ‘smoke & mirrors’ factor when you are reading the background and the latest developments on this now-suddenly- signified region-Balochistan. I am not exactly sure of the ‘real’ motivations and objectives on these latest developments, but I can tell you this much: Before 9/11 our ‘agency’ was in close cooperation and engaged in joint operations with the later-designated 9/11 culprits in Balochistan (Iran had nothing to do with it; in fact, Iran was not the beneficiary but the one who stood to lose by the joint CIA-al Qaeda operations in Balochistan). Place ‘Balochistan’ on your radar and closely watch the images unfold among all the smoke reflected in the mirrors presented to you by our government-tentacle media. ###################################### # # # Boiling Frogs Post Welcomes New Partner Eric Draitser Thursday, 31. May 2012 “Balochistan: Crossroads of Proxy War” We are proud to announce the addition of a new partner to our team here at Boiling Frogs Post. Please welcome Eric Draitser: Eric Draitser- Partner Analyst & Producer Eric Draitser is an independent geopolitical analyst based in New York City. He is the editor and host of StopImperialism.com and the Stop Imperialism podcast. He has provided analysis for Russia Today, Dr. Webster Tarpley’s World Crisis Radio and other programs. His articles have appeared on GlobalResearch.ca, Infowars.com, and a variety of other news sites. A few weeks ago I listened to James Corbett’s excellent interview with Eric, and began following his incredible work closely-daily. Then I became hooked- so very impressed with his knowledge, astute analyses and observations, writings, interview skills, and most importantly with his independent and critical mind. Then, I proposed to him- and … he accepted. Yesterday Peter B. Collins and I interviewed Eric for an hour. I will post the interview tomorrow. The interview will be open to all-including non-subscribers. Meanwhile you can check out his latest analyses and interviews here at his website: http://stopimperialism.com/ Here is Eric Draitser’s latest analysis on Balochistan: Balochistan: Crossroads of Proxy War The current unrest in Balochistan centers around forced disappearances, kidnappings, targeted killings, assassinations and terrorism. However, these are merely the tactics of a much broader, more geopolitically complex war in which the United States and its Western allies are engaged. Though seemingly insignificant against the backdrop of all the regional and international crises affecting our world, Balochistan is, in fact, a nexus: the point at which diametrically opposing strategic interests converge. The United States views Balochistan, an area that encompasses western Pakistan, eastern Iran, and a piece of southern Afghanistan, as critical to the maintenance of US hegemony in the Middle East and Central and South Asia. Conversely, China regards the region as necessary for its own economic and political evolution into a world superpower. Seen in this way, Balochistan becomes central to the development of geopolitical power in the 21st Century. Location, Location, Location Balochistan is located in one of the most geographically and politically significant places anywhere in the world. Not only does the region sit astride three countries which have become central to Western political and military power projection, it is also central to the development and export of energy from Central Asia, access to the Indian Ocean, and a host of other geopolitical imperatives for both the West and the SCO/BRICS countries. Because of this, the region has grown exponentially in importance to all the major powers of the world. Though the land seems, on the surface, to be inhospitable, it also holds great wealth just beneath the soil. Aside from what is believed to be a large quantity of natural gas and/or oil, the earth under the feet of the Baloch people holds vast quantities of minerals necessary for economic development. Because of this, the conflict raging in the region takes on the added dimension of being a resource war, on top of a geographical and political one. Balochistan’s location has another crucial element that makes it geopolitically necessary: it sits at the crossroads of the most important trade routes between West and East. Although, in the public mind, trade crossroads seem to be a thing of the past (one might imagine the Silk Road being traveled by camel), in fact, they are essential to development. Land-based trade, something the Chinese understand to be a linchpin of their economic and political evolution into a superpower, is impossible without a stable and dependable Balochistan, and this is precisely what the United States and the West seeks to prevent. This focus on land-based access to trade should always be seen in the context of energy. China’s insatiable thirst for oil and gas makes the development of pipelines from Central Asia, Iran, and elsewhere invaluable to them. The Iran-Pakistan pipeline, the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) pipeline, and other projects all serve to increase the importance of Balochistan in the eyes of the Chinese. Additionally, the Chinese-funded, Pakistani Gwadar Port is the access point for Chinese commercial shipping to the Indian Ocean and on to Africa. With all of this as a backdrop, one can begin to see just why Balochistan is so significant to the Chinese and, conversely, why the United States and its Western puppets seek to destabilize it. Western Subversion and Destabilization The Western imperialist powers have an obvious interest in preventing a stable Balochistan from emerging. Not only is the region essential to the Chinese, it is also a major part of the covert war being waged against both Iran and Pakistan. Terrorist groups with direct and indirect links to Western intelligence agencies operate with impunity in Balochistan, a vast area that is nearly impossible to police. The Pakistani government is not oblivious to the fact that foreign intelligence agencies are behind much of the violence in Balochistan, a fact that was even stated publicly by former President Musharraf. In fact, Islamabad, though they cannot state it publicly, is aware that its survival rests on the ability to quell the unrest in Balochistan, which in turn means they must effectively combat the foreign-controlled separatism. In an article published by the Qatari English-language newspaper The Peninsula, the author cited credible sources as saying that “the CIA is indulging in heavy recruitment of local people as agents (each being paid $500 a month)”. Additionally we know that the CIA, under the leadership of Gen. Petraeus, has been using Afghan refugees to destabilize Balochistan. The significance of these revelations should not be understated. The fact that the CIA is recruiting agents and informants throughout Balochistan indicates that the US strategy of subversion is multi-faceted. On the one hand, a network of agents allows for intelligence and information manipulation while, on the other hand, the United States engages in terrorism through a variety of terrorist groups it controls or manipulates either directly or indirectly. As was reported in Foreign Policy magazine, the CIA and Mossad compete to control Jundallah, an important fact because it shows the way in which the Western imperialists use Balochistan, the base of Jundallah, to wage covert war on Iran, including the assassination of scientists, terrorist bombings aimed at critical infrastructure, and targeted killings of ethnic minorities. Aside from Jundallah, the CIA and its counterparts (MI6, Mossad, and India’s RAW) are actively engaged in the handling and manipulation of a variety of other terror groups operating in Balochistan. The Baloch Liberation Army, headed by Brahamdagh Bugti and others, has long-standing ties with British MI6 going all the way back to the early days of Pakistan’s independence. This group is responsible for countless terrorist actions in the region, all of which have been aimed at innocent civilians. This, and other groups like it, illustrates the way in which the United States and its allies use the weapon of terrorism to create chaos for the purpose of destabilizing Balochistan, thereby preventing economic development both for the Balochi people and, by extension, China. Photo: In the 1980′s US Congressman Rohrbacher (right) would actually travel to Afghanistan and “fight” alongside the Mujaheddin. It is also reported that he met Bin Laden and his foreign fighters – making him, like many others leading the fraudulent “War on Terror,” quite the hypocrite. The US use of proxy forces to ravage parts of the world is confirmed, and Rohrbacher’s direct role in such ploys is now in Pakistan is also confirmed. US State Department-funded propaganda front Radio Free Europe in their article titled, “U.S. Lawmaker Questions Approaches To Pakistan, Afghanistan,” memorializes Rohrbacher’s role in the US-Soviet proxy war. …. Political Sabotage The tactics of subversion are not limited to terrorism and espionage in Balochistan. One of the most critical dimensions of this issue is the use of political destabilization through the US Congress. Lawmakers such as Representative Dana Rohrbacher (R-CA), who himself has led the anti-Pakistan charge, have argued vigorously for the “right of self-determination of the people of Balochistan”. Of course, what he means by this is that he, and others who have a vested interest in the issue, support separatism and the destruction of modern Pakistan. In so doing, Rohrbacher and other members of the Congress act, as they always do, as apologists and facilitators of the US imperial strategy of dividing nations in order to control them. Rohrbacher, who himself has long-standing ties to Al-Qaeda (former mujahideen) fighters, is a vociferous proponent of a fiercely anti-Pakistan agenda, one which treats that nation as a threat to the United States. Naturally, the only threat Pakistan truly poses is that, in the course of the development of China, Pakistan has chosen to be on the side of economic development, rather than allow itself to be perpetually subjugated to the will of the United States. The resolution introduced by Rohrbacher, who is the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, called for the US to support Baloch separatism and end relations with the democratically elected government in Islamabad. He has repeatedly issued threats and other provocations which have been correctly interpreted by the Pakistani government as meddling in their internal affairs. The goal of these resolutions and provocations has been to make the case, both politically and in the court of public opinion, that Pakistan is a terrorist state which, because of the twisted logic of the American people, means that the US should be able to do whatever it wants to them. The goals of the Western imperialists vis-à-vis Balochistan have been, and remain, very simple: destabilize the region in order to block the Chinese from using it to assert their regional dominance and continue on the path to economic development. Using the same, tired tactics of terrorism and political subversion, they hope to achieve these aims. However, unlike the case of the British imperialist ruling class of a century ago, the United States must contend with a Pakistan that maintains a strong current of nationalism, one that rejects the hegemony of the United States in the region, and one that has friends internationally. Unfortunately for the Baloch people, the US ruling class has learned nothing from history and continues to use them as pawns against their perceived enemy in Beijing. Without a strong, nationalist government in Islamabad, one that is willing to do more than just protest US actions, there will be no peace in Balochistan. Instead, the situation will only deteriorate as the US elites continue their drive for dominance in the 21st Century, whatever the human and financial cost may be. ################################### # # # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RELATED http://www.jassimtaq...aluchistan.html ======================================== http://paktribune.co...ons-242850.html ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SIBEL EDMONDS is the founder and president of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC), a nonprofit organization dedicated to aiding national security whistleblowers. She has appeared on national radio and TV as a commentator on matters related to whistleblowers, national security, and excessive secrecy & classification, and has been featured on CBS 60 Minutes, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, and in the New York Times, Washington Post, Vanity Fair, The American Conservative, and others. Her book, ‘Shooting the Messenger’, co-authored with Professor William Weaver, is forthcoming from Kansas University Press in the fall of 2010. PEN American Center awarded Ms. Edmonds the 2006 PEN/Newman’s Own First Amendment Award for her “commitment to preserving the free flow of information in the United States in a time of growing international isolation and increasing government secrecy”. She is also the recipient of the 2004 Sam Adams Foundation Award. …more click link • The American Conservative Magazine Article (about SIBEL EDMONDS ) click link • Vanity Fair Article ( about SIBEL EDMONDS )
  23. Propaganda War: Houla Massacre Committed by US-NATO Sponsored “Free Syrian Army”. But They Accuse Syrian Government http://globalresearc...xt=va&aid=31333 by Thierry Meyssan 6/9/12 ============================= NOTE: On the radio I heard an hour ago the journalist reported that, "We were let into the town (Houla) by the rebels". As the article states below, "The Syrian government lost control of Houla many weeks ago. Syrian magistrates are therefore unable to go to Houla, and even if some journalists are able to do so, this is only with the permission of and under close surveillance by the FSA." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------ [The] 108 bodies were laid out by the Free ’Syrian’ Army [1] in a mosque in Houla. According to the rebels, these were the remains of civilians massacred on 25 May 2012 by pro-government militia known as ‘Shabbihas’. The Syrian government appeared completely shocked by the news. It immediately condemned the killings, which it attributed to the armed opposition. While the national news agency, SANA, was unable to provide details with certainty, the Syrian Catholic news agency, Vox Clamantis, immediately issued a testimony of some of the events formally accusing the opposition [2]. Five days later, the Russian news channel Rossiya 24 (exVesti) aired a very detailed 45-minute report, which remains to date the most comprehensive public inquiry [3]. The West and Gulf States who are working towards a “regime change” in Syria and have already recognized the opposition as a privileged interlocutor, have adopted the FSA’s version of events without waiting for the report from the United Nations Supervision Mission (UNSMIS). As a sanction, most of them have resorted to a prearranged measure, namely the expulsion of Syrian ambassadors to their respective countries. This does not represent a rupture of diplomatic relations, as the rest of the accredited Syrian diplomatic personnel will remain stationed where they are. The United Nations Security Council adopted a presidential statement condemning the massacre without indicating who was responsible. It furthermore reminded the Syrian government of its responsibilities, namely the protection of its people using proportionate measures, that’s to say without the use of heavy weapons [4]. Contrary to this, the High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay endorsed the allegations blaming the Syrian authorities, and demanded that the case be transferred to the International Criminal Court. French President François Hollande and his Foreign Affairs Minister Laurent Fabius have announced their intention to convince Russia and China not to obstruct a future Security Council’s resolution authorizing the use of force, while the French press is accusing Russia and China of protecting a criminal regime. Responding to these charges, Russia’s First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Andrey Denissov expressed regret over France’s “basically emotional reaction” – devoid of analysis. He reiterated that the steadfast position of his country, in this case as for others, is not to support governments, but peoples (it being understood that the Syrian people elected President al-Assad at the last constitutional referendum). The United Nations Supervision Mission went to Damascus at the request of the Syrian government. It was received by the opposition who control this zone, and was able to establish various observations to be used in writing its status report. At an internal press briefing, the President of the Syrian investigation Commission into the massacre read a brief statement revealing the initial elements of the current investigation. According to him, the massacre was carried out by the opposition as part of an FSA military operation in the area. Aware that the findings of the UN Supervision Mission report may backfire on them, the Western countries requested that the Human Rights Council in Geneva (which is under their control) set up another investigation Commission. A report from this body could be produced quickly in order to impose a version of events before the Supervision Mission is able to draw its own conclusions. ----------- How can we know what happened in Houla? Press agencies and Western foreign ministreis immediately blamed the Syrian government for the killings, before any investigation could take place. (see link for photo) ----------- Two main factors are impeding the work of investigators. The Syrian government lost control of Houla many weeks ago. Syrian magistrates are therefore unable to go to Houla, and even if some journalists are able to do so, this is only with the permission of and under close surveillance by the FSA. There is however one exception: a team from Rossiya 24, the 24-hour Russian news channel was able to move around the area without an escort, and produce an exceptionally detailed report. The official Syrian Commission claims to have collected several witness statements, but has declared that these shall only be presented to the press once the final report has been established. At present, the identity of these witnesses remains protected by investigation secrecy. However, several of the accounts were broadcast on public television on 1st June. The investigators are also in possession of videos provided exclusively by the FSA. Lastly, since the FSA amassed the bodies in a mosque and began burying them the very next day, it was not possible for UN observers to carry out forensic assessments on many of the dead. -------- Voltaire Network ’s conclusions Victims of the Houla slaughter.(see link for photo) -------- Houla is not a town, but an administrative area made up of three villages, each with about 25,000 residents but which today lie largely abandoned. The Sunni market town of Tal Daw has been under rebel control for many weeks. The Free “Syrian” Army had imposed its rule there. The national Army was securing transport routes by maintaining several posts on roads within the area, but did not venture beyond these roads. Certain individuals kidnapped children and attempted unsuccessfully to extort ransoms. [5] In the end, these children were killed a few days before the Houla massacre, but their bodies were brought by the Free “Syrian” Army to be laid out amongst the others. In the evening of 24 May, the Free “Syrian” Army launched a very large-scale operation to reinforce its control over the region, and to make Tal Daw its new base. In order to do this, 600-800 combatants from various districts gathered in Rastan and Saan and proceeded to launch simultaneous attacks on the military bases. At the same time, a team was fortifying Tal Daw by installing five anti-tank missile batteries, and purging the town of some of its inhabitants. The first victims in Tel Daw were a dozen people related to Abd al-Muty Mashlab – a legislator of the recently elected Baas party who was appointed Secretary of the National Assembly; following this, the family of a senior official – Mouawyya al-Sayyed – was killed. Subsequent targets were families of Sunni origin who had converted to Shiite Islam. Other victims included the family of two journalists for Top News and New Orient News, press agencies associated with Voltaire Network. Many people, including children, were raped before being killed. With only one of the Army’s bases having fallen, the assailants changed strategy. They transformed a military defeat into a communication operation, attacking the al-Watani hospital and setting fire to it. They took corpses from the hospital morgue and transported them along with those of other victims to the mosque, where the bodies were filmed. The theory of a single massacre perpetrated by pro-government militia does not stand up to the facts. There were battles which took place between loyalists and rebels, as well as several massacres of pro-government civilians at the hands of the rebels. Then, a scenario was staged by the Free “Syrian” Army where corpses originating from these various earlier situations were mixed together. Indeed, the existence of the “Shabbihas” is a myth. Whilst there are certainly individuals in favour of the government who are armed and capable of committing acts of revenge, there is no structure or organized group that could be termed as a pro-government militia. --------- Political and diplomatic implications Lamia Chakkour, Syrian Ambassador to France. (see link for photo) --------- The expulsion of Syrian ambassadors by Western countries is a measure that was planned well in advance and therefore well-coordinated. Westerners were waiting for a massacre of this type before carrying out this action. They ignored numerous previous massacres that they knew had been perpetrated by the Free “Syrian” Army, and seized on this one believing that it had been committed by pro-government militia. The idea of a coordinated expulsion did not emanate from Paris, rather from Washington. Paris in principle gave its agreement, without having examined the legal implications. For in practice, Lamia Chakkour is also the Syrian Ambassador to UNESCO, and cannot therefore (according to the terms of the accord de siège) be expelled from French territory. Further to this, even if she were not accredited to UNESCO, her French-Syrian dual nationality means that she cannot be expelled from French territory. These expulsions were coordinated by Washington to create the illusion of a general movement in order to put pressure on Russia. Indeed, the US is looking to test the new international balance of power, to size up Russia’s reactions and to find out how far they will go. The choice of the Houla affair, however, has been a tactical error. Washington seized upon the affair without checking the details, thinking that nobody would be able to verify it. This was forgetting that Russia has moved into the country – with over 100,000 Russians currently residing in Syria. Of course, they did not deploy a high-tech anti-aircraft defense system just to discourage NATO from bombarding Syria; they also set up information bases including troops that are able to move around rebel controlled areas. In this way, Moscow was able to shed light on the facts within a few days. Their specialists succeeded in identifying the 13 members of the FSA guilty of these killings and gave their names to the Syrian authorities. With this, not only did Moscow not waver, it has hardened its stance. For Vladimir Putin, the fact that the West wanted to make the Houla massacre into their symbol shows that they are out of touch with the reality on the ground. Having withdrawn the officers in charge of the Free “Syrian” Army, the only information available to the West comes from their drones and satellites observing what is happening. They have become vulnerable to the lies and vaunting of the mercenaries they have deployed on the terrain. For Moscow, this massacre is just another tragedy like many others that Syrians have been enduring for the last year. But hasty instrumentation on the part of the West shows that they have failed to develop a new collective strategy since the fall of the Islamic district of Baba Amr. In essence, they are but acting on guesswork, which is allowing others to gain the upper-hand. Thierry Meyssan ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Translated from French by Katy Stone. [1] Voltaire Network has chosen to write FSA with ’Syrian’ in inverted commas to indicate that this militia is largely composed of foreigners, and that it’s commander is not Syrian. [2] “Irreversible divisons in Syria,” VoxClamantis, 26 May 2012. [3] Global Research translated to English the transcript of extracts from this programme, see “Opposition Terrorists “Killed Families Loyal to the Government”“, Voltaire Network 1 June 2012. [4] “Syria: What the Security Council Said”, by Thierry Meyssan,Voltaire Network, 6 June 2012. [5] This is currently a security problem in the country. Many of the thugs that had been recruited to swell the ranks of the Free “Syrian” Army were demobilized due to lack of funding. Remaining in the possession of arms provided by the West, they are turning to crime – mainly kidnappings for ransom. Thierry Meyssan is a frequent contributor to Global Research. Global Research Articles by Thierry Meyssan ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ################################ GEE REBELS ARE EVIL ,Colby likes them .......???? ________________________________ http://www.rt.com/news/syria-journalist-rebel-trap-436/ ALEX THOMSON Syrian rebels tried to get reporter killed in anti-Assad propaganda bid – report Published: 09 June, 2012, 04:01 Edited: 09 June, 2012, 07:51 ======================================================== Syrian rebels posing for a picture during the funeral procession of a man killed in violence in Silkin in the northwestern province of Idlib on June 6, 2012. (AFP Photo / Shaam News Network)(Journalist Alex Thomson reports that Syrian rebels set him and his crew up to be killed by Syrian troops in a bid to show Damascus in a negative light. ­Thomson, a chief correspondent for Channel 4 news, says he and his group were deliberately given incorrect directions by a group of Syrian rebels. As a result, their car entered a free-fire zone, where the road ahead was blocked off, and started receiving shots presumably fired by the Syrian army, who thought the vehicle belonged to rebels. “Suddenly four men in a black car beckon us to follow,” he wrote on the channel’s website. “We move out behind. We are led another route. Led in fact, straight into a free-fire zone. Told by the Free Syrian Army to follow a road that was blocked off in the middle of no-man’s land." They then tried to escape the attack by driving onto a nearby side-street, but it turned out to be dead end. Eventually, they returned to the road where the group of rebels had seen them off. “Predictably the black car was there which had led us to the trap. They roared off as soon as we re-appeared,” Thomson noted. Thomson said he was sure the rebels were eager to get him and his crew killed in order to have the international community blame Damascus for the death of Western reporters. “I’m quite clear the rebels deliberately set us up to be shot by the Syrian army. Dead journos are bad for Damascus,” he stated. Thomson’s mission to Syria was unique in a way, as he was reporting on both sides of the conflict, interviewing both Assad loyalists and rebels. In fact, he was in the country on a legal visa, issued by the Syrian government. The reported incident comes just days after as many as 78 people were killedin the village of Mazraat al-Qubair in the Hama province. UN monitors that tried to asses the massacre were shot at. ‘Both sides involved in very dirty tactics’ RT did an extensive interview with Thomson on the details of his ordeal, and the situation in the country in general. RT: What you are basically saying is that rebel forces set you up to be shot at by the Syrian army? Alex Thomson: I have no doubt in my mind what happened, nor independently, does the very experienced cameraman I was with, and, perhaps more importantly than that, neither does the driver or the translator we were working with have any doubt at all that we were deliberately led out of that town, which the rebels knew was dangerous. We were led there in a car with four men. Two or three of them were armed. They told us to go down a route which looked dangerous to us, but we trusted them, we said we would go down the route and turn. We turned and found it was blocked. That was a roadblock which they had to have known was there. There was nobody around and at that point we were forced to turn the vehicle around in a free-fire zone and were duly fired upon. We were definitely exposed to a dangerous situation. And I have absolutely no doubt they did it deliberately. When we reappeared, still alive, the car full of men saw us, turned round and drove off at speed. RT: So the car you were in, the Syrian army had no way to tell that you were foreign journalists? AT: We did have a small sign in the windscreen saying press. We did not mark the car up with large letters saying TV or anything like that. There were very few journalists in this area. We were the only ones, so I think we were moving under conditions of reasonable safety. RT: Why did you trust the rebel forces in the first place? AT: We had no reason not to trust the rebel forces any more than we had any reason not to trust the Syrian army. By and large, when we spoke to Syrian people on both sides of the war, they were pretty honest and pretty straightforward in their assessments of the situation. That was the situation in places like Homs, on both sides, in Houla, on both sides. It was certainly the case on one side in al-Qubair. But when we got to the rebel side of al-Qubair, there was something different and for the first time, we encountered a degree of hostility and suspicion about us, because they had never seen foreign journalists who had a visa from Damascus, who were in the country legally, not illegally. And that immediately aroused suspicion on their part. RT: So most foreign journalists are there illegally? AT: That’s a fact. Most foreign, Western journalists who cover the war from the rebel side are smuggled in from Lebanon and so forth illegally to the country. It is very unusual, almost unheard of, to do the kind of things that we were doing, which is to go from Damascus, cross the lines with the Red Cross and Red Crescent, and talk to both sides. RT: So can it be that your willingness to talk to both sides was the reason why the rebels wanted to set you up? AT: That’s certainly possibly the case. There was another journalist in al-Qubair, an American freelance photographer, who had been there for some weeks; I don’t imagine that he would have been treated in that kind of way because they would have had a great deal more trust. To be fair to the rebels, you’re not looking at a credible and well-organized army with a very well-organized command and control structure. It was almost like there were groups of different men in the town who controlled different areas, different streets. There was a lot of rivalry. And I think, as much as anything else, we got involved in their turf war, with different groups of soldiers fighting with each other, jostling with each other around our car, not sure what to do with us, not sure how to treat us, not sure quite what we were doing there. We caused a lot of confusion to that extent and they weren’t used to that. RT: Are there any grounds to believe that the Shabbiha were impersonating the rebels that misled you? AT: No, I didn’t make a mistake on that. You can argue we made a mistake listening to what these guys were telling us. You can argue we made a mistake leaving site of the UN, although later these guys forced their car between us and the UN, and the UN drove off and left us as they said they would do, I have no problem with that. There is no way that these were some extremist Shabbiha. We were inside the town, in the streets, in areas completely controlled by the Free Syrian Army. They were all FSA people there. The idea that some bizarre could have wandered in to this situation unnoticed is ludicrous. RT: Couldn’t rebels just kill you themselves and make it look as it was Assad’s forces? AT: Yeah, of course they could. But in order to do that, the guys who actually did this would have had to physically taken us, probably in another vehicle, in order to do that, because they would have probably not been able to do that with other guys watching. Don’t forget, most of the people who were in that town were very welcoming to us, very helpful, giving interviews. A lot of them were very cool and very relaxed with us. It was just this one group who suddenly decided to do what they did. RT: So the rebels are not united? Are there different groups doing different things, basically? AT: Not exactly. What I mean is, you have the regular Free Syrian Army who are organized as you would expect a national army to be organized. They have a coherent command and control structure. They know who is in charge of their unit. That unit knows who is in charge of the area. The area knows who is in charge of the region, and they know who the boss man is. It works. They’re pushed, they’re under stress, they’re losing men, as this is a civil war. It is not the same when you cross to the other side. Clearly you are dealing with a much less coherent force. The only arms I saw them have were sniper rifles, AK-47s, and the very occasional rocket-propelled grenades, so they are not heavily armed. They are deeply motivated. They are prepared to die for their cause, and they are quite clearly giving the Syrian army a run for their money, but in no sense are they organized like a conventional army. 'Dead journalists are bad for Damascus' RT: Can you elaborate on your statement that dead journalists are bad for Damascus? AT: My point is, dead journalists are bad for Damascus. When Marie Colvin, the British journalist got killed because she was in a building which was shelled by the Syrian army in Homs, that was an appalling propaganda blow for the Damascus regime. You don’t have to be very clever to work out that the deaths of any journalist at the hands of the Syrian army are going to be an appalling blow, again, for President Assad. That’s going to reflect all the way to Moscow and all the way to Beijing. Clearly that is going to be a bad thing in terms of propaganda. So the motivation for the rebels to pull a stunt like that seems to be very obvious. I’m not angry about it, I’m not upset about it, this is a war and these things will be done. Both sides are involved in very dirty tactics in this war. This is a nasty and dirty war on both sides. RT: How much violence have you actually seen personally? AT: I’ve seen dead bodies in Houla which the UN didn’t know about. I’ve seen mass graves of men involved in a fairly extensive firefight close up in the south of Houla. I’ve watched the Syrian army at various distances shelling Homs every single day, shelling Houla almost every single day. RT: So are Assad’s troops mostly responsible for this violence? AT: No, it’s a war. Both sides are responsible. I think the Western media is rather naïve because they constantly blame the Syrian army for killing civilians. That’s true because the Syrian army are to blame for shelling civilians, but it’s equally true that the Free Syrian Army is very largely fighting its war in built-up, populated, civilian areas. They're not exactly using civilians as human shields but if you fight in those areas, civilians are going to be killed, and that is a question which is not put to the leaders of the Free Syrian Army with the frequency that it should be, in my opinion. RT: Is it really possible to investigate who commits atrocities such as the latest Hama massacre? AT: It’s extremely difficult. For the UN, the answer is probably, no, not really. They don’t have the means to conduct a forensics investigation; they have no equipment, they have no training, they have no expertise to cordon off the area, to treat it as a crime scene. They haven’t the personnel or the time or the resources to make extensive inquiries. For example, when we were in Houla, everybody in Houla says that the militia who came and conducted the massacre in which 108 people died, most of them women and children, came from villages to the west of the town, which are Alawite villages. When we went to those villages, we very quickly realized that nobody had come to those people. Neither the Syrian army in the framework of their investigation that they carried out, nor the United Nations, because the Syrian army and the Syrian government isn’t that interested, but equally, I know the UN do not have the capacity to do it. So the answer to that is no. RT: So what’s the point of the UN observer mission? AT: I’m not sure what the point is. But the other thing I should add to that is that blame lies also with the Syrian government, which has denied access to human rights groups who would have a capacity to do an investigation into these things. But equally, they would be going into a war zone where their safety would not be guaranteed by any means. As for the purpose of the United Nations mission, it’s very easy to say that these things are pointless, but I’ve personally witnessed, for instance, the UN setting up local ceasefires. They did one at al-Rastan, for instance, which worked, which made a difference on the ground. A lot of people say that their intervention has made a difference. A lot of people say there is never any shelling when the UN are there, that the shelling only begins when they leave town. Their effect is marginal, but it’s not true to say that their mission is entirely pointless. When you look at Houla, even with the resources at their disposal, the UN did produce a very swift, interim report about what happened there. RT:You said the UN observers didn’t protect you. Why is that? AT: Why should they? It’s not their job. It’s not part of their mission. When you follow the UN convoy, the UN make it very clear, they’re not there to protect you. They can’t protect you. They have no weapons. If you get into trouble, you’re on your own. That’s a perfectly reasonable arrangement. I have no problems with that. I have no problems with them observing that we were in trouble, and driving off and leaving us. That’s entirely fair enough. RT: So you have no protection while you are there? AT: No, I have no protection.
  24. BILL KELLY "So those doing these killings in Syria today, certainly allied with the government, can someday be brought to justice, if anyone cares to pursue it. BK" BILL Ive responded in Houla the 'real' Story thread.
  25. New Round of Civilian Massacres: US-UN Maneuvers Against Syria Upon Baseless Activist Hearsay by Tony Cartalucci 6/8/12 http://globalresearc...xt=va&aid=31317 ==================================================== Eyewitness account: Media lies about Syria Interview by Natalia Mihailova 6/7/12 http://globalresearc...xt=va&aid=31310 ======================================================= CONFRONTING IRAN, "PROTECTING ISRAEL": The Real Reason for America's War on Syria by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky 6/8/12 ---------------- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is calling for an R2P humanitarian military intervention in Syria to curb the atrocities allegedly ordered by the government of president Bashar Al Assad. In a twisted irony, Clinton recognizes that while "opposition forces" are integrated by Al Qaeda affiliated terrorists, the government rather than the terrorists is held responsible, without a shred of evidence, for the ongoing massacre of civilians. Amply documented, these sectarian killings and atrocities are being committed by foreign mercenaries and militia which are armed and supported by the Western military alliance. The killings are carried out quite deliberately as part of a diabolical covert operation. The enemy is then blamed for the resulting atrocities. The objective is to justify a military agenda on humanitarian grounds. In US military jargon, it's called a "massive casualty producing event", the historical origins of which go back to "Operation Northwoods", an infamous 1962 Pentagon Plan, consisting in killing civilians in the Miami Cuban community, with a view to justifying a war on Cuba. (See Michel Chossudovsky, SYRIA: Killing Innocent Civilians as part of a US Covert Op. Mobilizing Public Support for a R2P War against Syria, Global Research, May 30, 2012) "Code named Operation Northwoods, the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities. The plans were developed as ways to trick the American public and the international community into supporting a war to oust Cuba's then new leader, communist Fidel Castro." (U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba - ABC News emphasis added. This Secret Pentagon document was declassified and can be readily consulted, See Operation Northwoods, See also National Security Archive, 30 April 2001) In the logic of Operation Northwoods, the killings in Syria are carried out to "create a helpful wave of indignation", to drum up public opinion in favor of an R2P US-NATO operation against Syria. What lies behind this outburst of humanitarian concern by "the international community". Is America coming to the rescue of the Syrian people? What is the real reason for America's war on Syria? This question is addressed in a lead article by James P. Rubin, a Bloomberg executive editor and former State department official under the Clinton administration. The article appears in this month's Carnegie Foundation's Foreign Policy Magazine under the clear-cut title: "The Real Reason to Intervene in Syria" In an unusual twist, "the answer to the question", namely "the real reason" is provided in the article's subtitle: "Cutting Iran's link to the Mediterranean Sea is a strategic prize worth the risk.". The subtitle should dispel --in the eyes of the reader-- the illusion that US foreign policy has an underlying "humanitarian mandate". Pentagon and US State department documents as well as independent reports confirm that military action against Syria has been contemplated by Washington and Tel Aviv for more than 20 years. Targetting Iran, "Protecting Israel" According to James P. Rubin, the war plans directed against Syria are intimately related to those pertaining to Iran. They are part of the same US-Israeli military agenda which consists in weakening Iran with a view to "protecting Israel". The latter objective is to be carried out through a pre-emptive attack against Iran: "We're not done with the possibility of an Israeli strike on Iran" say James P. Rubin. The military roadmap to Tehran goes through Damascus. The unspoken objective of the US-Israeli sponsored insurgency in Syria is to destabilize Syria as a Nation State and undermine Iran's influence in the region (including its support of the Palestinian Liberation movement and Hezbollah). The underlying objective is also to eliminate all forms of resistance to the Zionist State: "That is where Syria comes in, says James P, Rubin. It is the strategic relationship between the Islamic Republic and the Assad regime that makes it possible for Iran to undermine Israel's security. Over the three decades of hostility between Iran and Israel, a direct military confrontation has never occurred -- but through Hezbollah, which is sustained and trained by Iran via Syria, the Islamic Republic has proven able to threaten Israeli security interests. The collapse of the Assad regime would sunder this dangerous alliance. Defense Minister Ehud Barak, arguably the most important Israeli decision-maker on this question, recently told CNN's Christiane Amanpour that the Assad regime's fall "will be a major blow to the radical axis, major blow to Iran.... It's the only kind of outpost of the Iranian influence in the Arab world ... and it will weaken dramatically both Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza." (The Real Reason to Intervene in Syria - By James P. Rubin | Foreign Policy, June 2, 2012, emphasis added) US-Israeli War Plans directed against Syria Rubin candidly outlines the contours of US military intervention in Syria, which are to be implemented in close liaison with Israel. A diplomatic solution will not work, nor will sanctions: "only the threat or use of force will change the Syrian dictator's stance" says Rubin: "U.S. President Barack Obama's administration has been understandably wary of engaging in an air operation in Syria similar to the campaign in Libya, for three main reasons. Unlike the Libyan opposition forces, the Syrian rebels are not unified and do not hold territory. The Arab League has not called for outside military intervention as it did in Libya. And the Russians, the longtime patron of the Assad regime, are staunchly opposed." (Ibid) Washington's first step, according to James P. Rubin, should be to work with "its allies", the Arab sheikdoms --Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey-- "to organize, train, and arm Syrian rebel forces." This "first step" has already been launched. It was implemented at the very outset of the insurgency in March 2012. The US and its allies have been actively supporting the Free Syrian Army (FSA) terrorists for over a year. The organization and training consisted in the deployment of Salafist and Al Qaeda affiliated terrorists, alongside the incursion of French, British, Qatari and Turkish special forces inside Syria. Sidetracking the UN Rubin's proposed "second step" is to "to secure international support for a coalition air operation." outside the mandate of the United Nations. "Russia will never support such a mission, so there is no point operating through the U.N. Security Council" says Rubin. The air operation contemplated by Rubin is an all out war scenario, similar to the NATO air raids conducted in Libya. Rubin is not expressing a personal opinion on the role of UN. The option of "sidetracking" the UN Security Council has already been endorsed by Washington. US Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice confirmed in late May in no uncertain terms that "the worst and most probable scenario" in Syria might be the option of "acting outside of the UN Security Council's authority". "In the absence of either of those two scenarios, there seems to me to be only one other alternative, and that is indeed the worst case, which seems unfortunately at the present to be the most probable. And that is that the violence escalates, the conflict spreads and intensifies, it reaches a higher degree of severity... The Council's unity is exploded, the Annan plan is dead and members of this Council and members of the international community are left with the option only of having to consider whether they're prepared to take actions outside of the Annan plan and the authority of this Council." Actions outside UN Security Council Likely in Syria - Rice | World | RIA Novosti, May 31, 2012 Rubin also points to "the reluctance of some European states" to participate in an air operation against Syria: "this [military] operation will have to be a unique combination of Western and Middle East countries. Given Syria's extreme isolation within the Arab League, it should be possible to gain strong support from most Arab countries, led by Saudi Arabia and Turkey. U.S. leadership is indispensable, since most of the key countries will follow only if Washington leads." The article calls for continued arming of the Syrian Free Army (FSA) as well carrying out air raids directed against Syria. No ground operations are to be envisaged. The air campaign would be used --as in the case of Libya-- to support the FSA foot soldiers integrated by mercenaries and Al Qaeda affiliated brigades: "Whether an air operation should just create a no-fly zone that grounds the regimes' aircraft and helicopters or actually conduct air to ground attacks on Syrian tanks and artillery should be the subject of immediate military planning. ... The larger point is that as long as Washington stays firm that no U.S. ground troops will be deployed, à la Kosovo and Libya, the cost to the United States will be limited. Victory may not come quickly or easily, but it will come. And the payoff will be substantial. Iran would be strategically isolated, unable to exert its influence in the Middle East. The resulting regime in Syria will likely regard the United States as more friend than enemy. Washington would gain substantial recognition as fighting for the people in the Arab world, not the corrupt regimes." (Rubin, op cit) While the participation of Israel in military operations is not mentioned, the thrust of Rubin's article points to active cooperation between Washington and Tel Aviv in military and intelligence affairs, including the conduct of covert operations in support of the opposition rebels. "Coming to the rescue of the Syrian people" under a fake "humanitarian" R2P mandate is intended to destabilize Syria, weaken Iran and enable Israel to exert greater political control over neighboring Arab states including Lebanon and Syria, as well as extend Israel's influence throughout the region. A war on Syria is also a war on Palestine. It would weaken the resistance movement in the occupied territories. It would reinforce the Netanyahu government's ambitions to create a "Greater Israel", initially, through the outright annexation of the Palestinian territories: "With the Islamic Republic deprived of its gateway to the Arab world, the Israelis' rationale for a bolt from the blue attack on its nuclear facilities would diminish. A new Syrian regime might eventually even resume the frozen peace talks regarding the Golan Heights. In Lebanon, Hezbollah would be cut off from its Iranian sponsor, since Syria would no longer be a transit point for Iranian training, assistance, and missiles. All these strategic benefits combined with the moral purpose of saving tens of thousands of civilians from murder at the hands of the Assad regime ... make intervention in Syria a calculated risk, but still a risk worth taking." (Rubin, op cit)" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RELATED // short video and article http://www.brasschec...s-dont-fly.html
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