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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. Lets call it what it is ..... disinfo links http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=22437
  2. LOTS OF ODDBALL STUFF FROM Wikileaks Source: Guardian WikiLeaks cables: Michael Moore film Sicko was 'not banned' in Cuba Film-maker says diplomats made up the story to discredit film that showed healthcare was worse in US than Cuba David Batty guardian.co.uk, Saturday 18 December 2010 15.26 GMT American diplomats made up a story that Cuba banned Michael Moore's 2007 documentary, Sicko, in an attempt to discredit the film which painted an unflattering picture of the US healthcare system, the film-maker said today. A confidential US embassy cable released by WikiLeaks claimed that Castro's government banned the Oscar-nominated film because it painted such a "mythically" favourable picture of Cuba's healthcare system that the authorities feared it could lead to a "popular backlash". But Moore said that far from being supressed by Havana, the film – which attempted to discredit the US healthcare system by highlighting what it claimed was the excellence of the Cuban system – was shown on national television. The film-maker said on his blog that the diplomatic cable, dated 31 January 2008, was "a stunning look at the Orwellian nature of how bureaucrats for the state spin their lies and try to recreate reality (I assume to placate their bosses and tell them what they want to hear)". Read more: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/dec/18/wikileaks-u... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/19/us/19transplant.html?_r=1&hpw
  4. http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/archives/individual/2010_12/027140.php
  5. PART I and PART II (see PART II BELOW) ASSANGE STAYS AT VAUGHN MANSION,ASSANGE MI6 ????????? " Those over there are not giants but windmills. Those things that seem to be their arms are sails. (Cervantes, Don Quixote) " The Sargeants Inn \\ Homepage : Post Vaughn Smith, Julian Assange, George Soros and Claims That Julian Assange is Helping The Neocons Author Blackwatch (of 17/12/2010 @ 12:00:11, in Wikileaks, viewed 117 times) By his own admission, independent video-journalist Vaughn Smith’s motivation in going out to Afghanistan “was out of concern at how the British public seem to be failing to take ownership of the war in Afghanistan”. Leaving the British Army twenty years ago as a Captain, Vaughn re-entered the conflict zone as an ‘independent’ journalist’ – posing as an officer to do so. Writing on NATO's Nato review website, Smith laments that an uninterested public makes little commitment to conflicts like those in Afghanistan; “I have seen the misinformed behave unpredictably when surprised by uncomfortable truths", he goes on. “They never supported the invasion of Iraq, and British politicians had never really admitted to getting anything wrong in that campaign. So the British people seemed to consequently lose a sense of responsibility for the British military engagement in Afghanistan too" (Vaughn Smith, NATO review, Across The Wire, 2008) In response to what Smith saw as inadequate and hostile reporting, Smith set up the Frontline Club – a hub for ‘quality journalists’ and ostensibly an interface between the military and the press, or as Smith describes it, ‘a venue for exchange’. As Smith sees it, there is a staggering demand for a limited number of "embed" places available to journalists in conflict zones and the Frontline Club helps in identifying the most supportive. The club itself has received substantial financial support from the Open Society Institute, a non-profit organization set up by the Hungarian-American billionaire investor, George Soros - the ubiquitous capitalist thug who broke the British Pound during 1992's Black Wednesday currency crisis (he is reported to have made $1 billion as a result of the Pound's collapse1). Speaking to the Sydney Morning Herald in 1997, Soros, whose wealthy Jewish family fled Nazi occupied Hungary during the war, joked to reporters, 'If there was ever a man who would fit the stereotype of the Judeo-plutocratic Bolshevik Zionist world conspirator, it is me' (Sydney Morning Herald interview, November 15, 1997). As a consequence of Smith's work for the Frontline Club, Smith knows many of the MOD and Army Press officers quite well. It is then quite astonishing to think that the flamboyantly pro-establishment and pro-military Smith is playing host to such a celebrated anti-establishment figure as Julian Assange – the founder of Wikileaks. As part of the conditions of his bail, Assange will be staying at Ellingham Hall, the sumptuous Surrey mansion that has been in the Smith family for generations. For those who don’t know, Vaughn’s full name is Henry Vaughn Lockhart-Smith. His grandfather was Major Henry Brockton Lockhart Smith, who was himself the issue of Lt.–Col. Henry Lockhart Smith, DSO, JP. The Lockhart-Smith family – who appear prominently in Burke’s Peerage – are deeply enmeshed in British and European Military history and tradition. In fact, Vaughn’s Scottish forebear, Sir Symon Lockhart was one of the small group of knights who carried the heart of Robert the Bruce back into the Holy Land as part of the Crusades in the 1300s. As a reward for his bravery in capturing a Saracen Emir, Simon was awarded the ‘Lee Penny’ – which has been passed down through the family ever since (see also: Norman Lockhart-Smith and James Lockhart whose daughter Maria married John Smith, the Lord of the Manor at Ellingham Hall. James’s elder brother George Lockhart accompanied Bonnie Prince Charlie into exile in Paris after the pair’s defeat at Culloden). Why Vaughn dropped Lockhart from his name isn’t clear, although one might consider the incongruence of such an aristocratic moniker for someone clearly determined to present himself as an 'Ordinary Joe' tumbling around the Holy Land with a copy of Thomas Burke's Fourth Estate in one hand and an SLR in the other like some latter-day Indiana Jones. Nor would it too wonderfully offset the liberal banner Smith chooses to perform under (unlike fellow blue-blooded liberal, Nick Twisleton-Wykeham-Smythe-Clegg). When you also consider stories of Assange being wined and dined at the US Embassy in Iceland as the guest of Sam Watson, the embassy's deputy chief of mission a rather contradictory picture of the Wikileaks founder begins to emerge (unless of course these people have aligned themselves with Assange in a deliberate attempt to undermine his credibility with his more discerning supporters out there). Assange’s right-wing sympathies are in little doubt as Robert Wright of the New York Times makes clear in his article, 'Is Julian Assange Helping the Neocons' and, let's face it, the recent torrent of cables reads like a necon wish-list of sorts: •Communist North Korea aids Burma in deloping Nuclear Capabilities. •Litvinenko murdered by Vladamir Putin – confirmed. •Syria has provided "advanced ballistic missiles and other weaponry" to the Iranian backed Shi’ite terror militia Hezbollah. •Hezbollah has military presence in Syria. •Bomb Iran Now Says Saudi Arabia. •Secret Iran arms deals with Chinese companies. •Libya Threatens Britain Over Lockerbie Bomber. •Mumbai terrorists plotted minister's assassination. •Qatari ruler ‘understands’ Israel’s mistrust of Arabs. •Obama administration manipulated 2009 Copenhagen climate accord. •Obama traded anti missile shield for Russian support •Democrat leader Obama is a Terrible President says Diplomat. •Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu Comes Across As Quite Likeable and an Okay Chap Really. So is Julian Assange and Wikileaks being used in a neconservative, pro-Israeli propaganda campaign? It’s hard to tell. The recent allegations and extradition drama has propelled Assange into the limelight and kept the cable leaks under intense media scrutiny. From this perspective it all sounds remarkably contrived and rehearsed. The case against Assange is virtually non-existent – so little of that is likely present any real or enduring threat and it seems inevitable that Assange will emerge from all this with more support than ever before; the entire spectacle cementing his super-anarchist status (also, the allegations just happened to be made by members of Sweden’s Christian Social Democratic Party – who have been controversially aligned with Islamic and Anti-Semitic groups in recent years. How poorly this is going to reflect on them is anyone’s guess, once Julian’s innocence has been proved and his divinity re-enshrined. The women have already been turned into the world's most vilified women, according to the Independent, so what impact is this likely to have on the party?). It wouldn’t be the first time the CIA and other Intelligence groups have sought to manage information online. In August 2007, the Daily Telegraph ran a story that alleged that the CIA were amongst those making the largest volume of edits on Wikipedia, so they certainly have previous form. And just who is providing the leaks anyway? The very nature of Wikileaks makes it vulnerable to abuse – and much the same thing can be said of Wikipedia. The content of both sites is based on submissions and so the integrity of either site is only ever as firm - or transparent - as those supplying it. However, there may be other unseen forces to consider if the backing of Vaughn Smith and the Frontline Club's financier, George Soros is anything to go by, supporting as he has many controversial, anti-communist figures in the past. When Russian billionaire Mikhail Khodorkovsky was arrested in October 2003 by masked and armed members of Russia's security police force FSB, it was Soros who supported him publicly - just as he propped up other exiled Russian gangster's like Michael Cherney (wanted by the FBI and exiled in Israel), Boris Berezovsky (friend of Alexander Litvinenko and a Frontline Club member himself) and Oleg Deripraska. In fact, it was reported that Soros was one of the senior business figures calling for President Obama to go and gave his tacit backing to the electoral 'avalanche' he sees as the so-called Tea Party movement. Given how critical the leaks are of the Obama Administration - it's not difficult to see what kind of loose and far-reaching cabal could behind the recent flood of cables (Smith and Soros are likely to have been united by interests in Kosovo but this ought really be explored in another post as Soros and Smith wouldn't be the first to have done business with the Serbs in Kosovo - another Sargeants Inn favourite, Pauline Neville Jones was also accused of profiting handsomely from Milosevic's Kosovo campaign). Let's be clear about one thing: the cable leaks are not anti-US they are anti-Obama - not pro-Israel necessarily but anti-communist. Anyway, readers are invited to make up their own minds about it, I think Assange and the leaks have had more than their fair share of media attention as it is. The following report written by Robert Wright of the New York Times takes a slightly different tack - arguing that Assange and Wikileaks offers only negative reinforcement of the neconservative brand and a glorious pretext for clamping down on communications of this ilk - but it makes some tantalising observations all the same. And as regards the opening shots of incendiary static in the world's first cyber war; where is GCHQ's Gareth Williams when the UK really needs him? His death some three months in advance of all this shouldn't pass without comment in my view. But then I am rather cynical. 1 Prime Minister John Major was Prime Minister at the time the British Bank was broken on Black Wednesday. Major went on to become Head of Carlyle Europe. Ironically, Soros - who became a household name as 'The man who broke the Bank of England' in the aftermath of Black Wednesday - is one of the major investors in the Carlyle Group - often jokingly referred to as the 'ex-president's club' (former Republican leader, George W. Bush is also a member). Major came on board in 2001, Soros in 1995. John Major and Chancellor Norman Lamont were accused of repeated delays in taking the fiscal and monetary steps that were needed to avoid the crisis. This is now accepted to have accelerated the crash. At the time, the Bank of England was not independent and interest rates were set by the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Lamont subsequently blamed Major for the fiasco. According to a 2001 report in The Guardian, 'Carlyle has become the thread which indirectly links American military policy in Afghanistan to the personal financial fortunes of its celebrity employees' (The ex-presidents' club, Oliver Burkeman and Julian Borger, The Guardian, 2001) ****************************************** New York Times - Opinion Pages Is Julian Assange Helping the Neocons? - Robert Wright, December 7, 2010 It turns out our government has been lying to us about whether we have troops in Pakistan engaging in combat operations. The Pentagon has said the mission of American soldiers is confined to “training Pakistani forces so that they can in turn train other Pakistani military,” but in fact our forces have been embedded in Pakistani fighting units, giving them electronic data and other support as they kill the enemy ... contd here ################******************************############################ PART II Wikileaks' Assange's Lawyer has connections to Rothschilds 3.166665.Your rating: None Average: 3.2 (6 votes)It has emerged recently that Assange is in the UK since October which means that all those three successive and massive US documents "leaks" have been orchestrated by him from his secret residence in the UK. So why is this done from the UK. The answer is because that is where he is the closest from his masters, the super powerful dynastic Rothschild banking and zionist family. And now here comes the proof that this is indeed the case: Assange's lawyer is the prominent Mark Stephens whose law firm Finers Stephens Innocent is legal adviser to the Rothschild Waddesdon Trust which is concerned with the "maintenance, improvement and payment of certain of the outgoings in respect of Waddesdon Manor (Rothschild's most prestigious property in the UK) in the Vale of Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire." The Wadesdon Trust's board of trustees is chaired by the Queen''s former Private Secretary Lord Fellowes and has three Rothschild family members as trustees, Lord (Jacob) Rothschild, Lady Rothschild (his wife) and Beth Matilda Rothschild. It is domiciled 14 St James's Place in London which is also the London address of Lord Jacob Rothschild and his high profile wealth management business St. James's Place Group (formerly J. Rothschild Assurance Group). http://www.charityperformance.com/charity-details.php?id=17426 Besides that, and as a side note, Mark Stephens law firm Finers Stephens Innocent appears to have a strong focus in providing tax avoidance advisory services to mega-rich customers (see Michael Lewis and Simon Malkiel particularly) such as, I suspect, Sir Philip Green who advises the government on how to recover the mega money his and his peers avoid to pay in taxes thanks to the services of Finers Stephens Innocent's lawyers by squeezing public services, etc....
  6. the final nail,the final nail,the final nail It is now highly unlikely that any Democrat will be elected to significant statewide office in the state of Ohio for the foreseeable future. The likelihood of another Democrat being elected to the White House has also become virtually nil in 2012. Since 1856, no Democrat (except John Kennedy) has won the White House without carrying the Buckeye State, which is now an essential impossibility. The reason is simple: Ohio's nontransparent computerized voter registration books and voting machines are solely controlled by partisan, private vendors. Ohio's 88 counties operate under a "bipartisan" system in which the secretary of state controls the deciding vote in all circumstances. The only conceivable countervailing force is Ohio's Secretary of State, who will be a conservative Republican in 2011. Former Ohio Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell proved in the 2004 election that a devious secretary of state can easily manipulate the outcome of any relatively close statewide election. Between the 2004 and 2008 presidential elections, 1.25 million largely Democratic voters were purged from the voting rolls in the Buckeye State. Such eliminations cannot be effectively appealed. But they could be repeated and expanded upon by the new Secretary of State. The Free Press obtained public records regarding voting hardware and software utilized in Ohio's 2010 election by the state's 88 boards of elections. All but three counties used Diebold or Elections Systems and Software (ES&S) technology. Fifty-five of 88 counties used the notoriously partisan Triad company to maintain their voter registration poll books. The trilogy of Triad, ES&S and Diebold is one strongly tied to the Republican Party. Election watchers with various election integrity projects have uncovered what they refer to as a "red shift adjustment" by exit pollsters. Instead of trusting the validity of their usually highly accurate methodology, exit pollsters are now putting more trust in election results provided by the partisan Republican-connected voting equipment companies. Unadjusted exit polls are the gold standard in uncovering election fraud. Ohio's 2010 unadjusted election exit poll results showed incumbent Governor Strickland defeating John Kasich by 50.1% to 47.4% of the vote. However, when Kasich won the actual vote on the voting machines provided and serviced by private Republican-connected vendors, then the exit pollsters adjusted the exit poll numbers to match the machine vote count. Overwhelmingly, the adjustments are red, or Republican, in terms of a beneficial shift in what voters are saying when they exit the polls and what the Republican-connected voting equipment company machines are reporting. Despite public pressure for universal automatic voter registration and hand-counted paper ballots, the unverifiable electronic voting system remains intact in Ohio and proliferates throughout the nation. The source code for these machines is not available for public scrutiny. Nor is there a reliable paper trail provided individual voters or independent monitors. Diebold voting machines malfunctioned during the Cuyahoga County (Cleveland) 2008 primary election. Diebold equipment purportedly failed to count votes when its memory cards were uploaded to computer servers. Cuyahoga County election officials accused Diebold of breach of contract, negligence and fraud and refused to pay the company. Diebold filed a suit against Cuyahoga County in May 2008 seeking payment for services rendered and claiming it had satisfied its contractual obligations in providing touchscreen voting machines. Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner intervened on behalf of Cuyahoga County with a counter claim and went further, alleging that Diebold's voting equipment had "dropped votes in at least 11 counties." Ironically, Brunner's efforts to rein in the proliferation of inaccurate computerized machines in Ohio instead resulted in Diebold machines rapidly spreading like a cancer across the state. In August 2010, Brunner settled a lawsuit with Premier (Diebold) election company. The settlement affected 47 Ohio counties offering less than half a million dollars in payments, but more surprisingly, the settlement required Diebold to provide its allegedly malfunctioning and inaccurate voting equipment for free to each county Board of Elections. Diebold agreed to give away some 3000 free voting machines in Ohio, up to 15% of a county's total. Diebold is also discounting its maintenance fee for computer voting machines by 50% if the counties continue to have the Diebold company service their equipment. If the counties no longer trust the Diebold touchscreen voting machines, the company is offering a 50% discount on its computerized optiscan machines. In 2004, only one Ohio county used Diebold machines -- in 2010 there were Diebold machines in 61 counties. In the decade since the stolen election of 2000, centered around punchcard voting machines in Florida, the Democratic Party has done nothing to reform the electoral process. In 2004, Blackwell used the election night period between midnight and 2am to shift the outcome from John Kerry to George W. Bush, thus giving Bush a second term in the White House. Private contractors hired by Blackwell outsourced Ohio's election results to a private company, SMARTech, based in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The computer specialist who constructed the system that made that possible was Michael Connell, the long-term computer guru for the Bush family, and a close associate of Karl Rove. Connell was deposed under oath in a federal proceeding about his role in Ohio's 2004 election the day before the 2008 election. He died in a mysterious plane crash a month later. Connell's IT apparatus with its fabled interfaces are still in place. Democrats controlled the governor's mansion and Secretary of State's office from 2007 until now, but no significant reforms have been put in place. The new Secretary of State will inherit essentially the same sets of controls used by Blackwell in 2004. After reporting the widespread irregularities before, during and after the 2004 election, John Kerry's legal team refused to investigate allegations of wrongdoing in Ohio. Kerry spent more energy and money attacking those who investigated the irregularities than he did protecting the electorate from fraud and intimidation, or investigating what actually happened to the 2004 vote count. Kerry's lead attorney in Ohio was from the Republican Taft family law firm. Ohio Democrats continue to denounce the notion that anyone would tamper with the state's vote count, while privately leaking information to the contrary. The only reform capable of changing this situation would be a federal mandate requiring all elections be conducted on hand-counted paper ballots, with universal automatic registration as citizens turn 18 years old. But calls for electoral reform have been ignored, despite four years of Democratic control of the Buckeye State and two of Democratic control of the White House and Congress. Today more unmonitorable electronic voting machines are in place in Ohio and around the United States than there were in 2004. Exit polls from the 2010 midterm elections in Ohio showed both Strickland and Democratic Attorney General Richard Cordray winning re-election. But their final official vote totals were uncontested by the Democratic Party, which ignored widespread irregularities and made no systematic attempt to monitor electronic voting outcomes. In at least one instance in central Ohio, a certified election observer from the Green Party and a member of Brunner's Voting Rights Institute was illegally ejected by police after talking to voters forced to vote provisionally at a polling site. Numerous other reports around the state indicated excessively high provisional ballots cast in inner-city wards, unexplained dropping of registered voters' names from electronic pollbooks, and pollworkers incorrectly applying election laws and denying voters their right to vote. In January, former Congressman John Kasich will be inaugurated as governor. The conservative Republican has presidential ambitions. A longtime Fox TV commentator, Kasich benefited from a $1 million check from Rupert Murdoch for his gubernatorial campaign. Like Blackwell, Kasich is openly contemptuous of those who disagree with him. In 2012 he will be governing the state around which, once again, the presidential election will almost certainly pivot. In that year, Ohio's Secretary of State with trinity-of-evil vendors will, once again, have the electronic power to decide the outcome with a few strokes of a computer keyboard. With control of the White House at stake, who among you thinks it would not be done? Bob Fitrakis & Harvey Wasserman have co-authored four books on election protection at www.freepress.org, where the Fitrakis Files also reside. Harvey Wasserman's History of the United States and Solartopia! are at www.harveywasserman.com. This article originally appeared in the 40th anniversary issue of the Columbus Free Press.
  7. ANSWER WHATS IT GOOD FOR ..................$$$$$$$$$OIL$$$$$$$$$OIL$$$$ Reporting from Kabul, Afghanistan — Afghan President Hamid Karzai met with regional leaders Saturday to sign an agreement for a massive energy project that could eventually net his country billions in revenue: a proposed 1,000-mile natural gas pipeline whose route cuts through the heartland of the Taliban insurgency. As if to highlight the complications facing the project, at least 26 people were killed in a series of attacks Friday and Saturday, including a Taliban commander and possible members of a private security firm, Afghan and NATO officials said. The United States strongly supports the proposed pipeline because it could draw Central Asia's significant energy resources to Pakistan and India while bypassing Iran, Washington's top adversary in the Middle East. Read more: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-afg... JUST PUT IN THE WORDS OIL-IT-NAM for Vietnam The Fish Cheer & I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-To-Die Rag Gimme an F! F! Gimme an I! I! Gimme an S! S! Gimme an H! H! What's that spell ? FISH! What's that spell ? FISH! What's that spell ? FISH! Yeah, come on all of you, big strong men, Uncle Sam needs your help again. He's got himself in a terrible jam Way down yonder in Vietnam (OIL-IT-NAM) So put down your books and pick up a gun, We're gonna have a whole lotta fun. And it's one, two, three, What are we fighting for ? Don't ask me, I don't give a damn, Next stop is Vietnam; (OIL-IT-NAM) And it's five, six, seven, Open up the pearly gates, Well there ain't no time to wonder why, Whoopee! we're all gonna die. Well, come on generals, let's move fast; Your big chance has come at last. Gotta go out and get those muslim men The only good muslim is the one who's dead And you know that peace can only be won When we've blown 'em all to kingdom come. And it's one, two, three, What are we fighting for ? Don't ask me, I don't give a damn, Next stop is Vietnam; (OIL-IT-NAM) And it's five, six, seven, Open up the pearly gates, Well there ain't no time to wonder why Whoopee! we're all gonna die. Huh! Well, come on Wall Street, don't move slow, Why man, this is war au-go-go. There's plenty good money to be made By supplying the Army with the tools of the trade, Just hope and pray that if they drop the bomb, They drop it on the muslim men And it's one, two, three, What are we fighting for ? Don't ask me, I don't give a damn, Next stop is Vietnam. (OIL-IT-NAM) And it's five, six, seven, Open up the pearly gates, Well there ain't no time to wonder why Whoopee! we're all gonna die. Well, come on mothers throughout the land, Pack your boys off to Vietnam. (OIL-IT-NAM) Come on fathers, don't hesitate, Send 'em off before it's too late. Be the first one on your block To have your boy come home in a box. And it's one, two, three What are we fighting for ? Don't ask me, I don't give a damn, Next stop is Vietnam.(OIL-IT-NAM) And it's five, six, seven, Open up the pearly gates, Well there ain't no time to wonder why, Whoopee! we're all gonna die !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ASHGABAT (Turkmenistan): India, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan signed two pacts Saturday on a gas pipeline project linking the four countries. The four nations signed an inter-government agreement on the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) Natural Gas Pipeline Framework , as well as a deal on measures to implement the project in Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan. The presidents of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan attended the signing ceremony, while the Indian delegation was headed by Minister for Petroleum and Natural Gas Murli Deora. After the ceremony, Deora said the four sides should handle several tough issues such as price and safety. Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov told Xinhua that after the pipeline, with a length of 1,735 km, was constructed, Turkmenistan would send enough natural gas to the other three countries to meet the needs of their fast developing economy. Berdymukhamedov, however, did not reveal the detailed content of the agreement. Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai said Afghanistan would secure the construction and operation of the pipeline. Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari said the successful transmission of natural gas would highly promote the economic development in the three countries, and would also help combat terrorism. According to reports, after the pipeline is built, Turkmenistan will transport about 33 billion cubic metres of natural gas. The whole project would cost $4 billion. The project, conceived in 1995, was initially designed to provide gas from Turkmenistan to Pakistan through Afghanistan. India was invited to join the project in 2008. Turkmenistan has the world's fourth largest proven reserves of gas and is already providing gas to Russia and China.
  8. ***************************************************** STEVE KNIGHT and 911 ???????????????????? http://atlanteanjournal.blogspot.com/2008/04/who-wants-to-be-fake-911-millionaire.html
  9. http://snardfarker.ning.com/video/911-world-trade-center Deck the halls with boughs of holly, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Tis the season to be jolly, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Don we now our gay apparel, Fa la la, la la la, la la la. xxxxx the ancient Yule tide carol, Fa la la la la, la la la la. See the blazing Yule before us, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Strike the harp and join the chorus. Fa la la la la, la la la la. Follow me in merry measure, Fa la la la la, la la la la. While I tell of Yule tide treasure, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Fast away the old year passes, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Hail the new, ye lads and lasses, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Sing we joyous, all together, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Heedless of the wind and weather, Fa la la la la, la la la la.
  10. *************************************************************************** FOREKNOWLEDGE !! (see full video),March 4th (before 911) "they are going to crash plane into world trade center" ..... http://www.truthed.c...predict_911.htm
  11. I unless I forgot about/missed the other times questioned if you really were of Jewish decent, that was in post 20, you’re replied twice since then w/no objections. LOL I am “a poor reader”? I never said or insinuated you “used the term Jewish Conspiracy” but you keep posting stuff that puts Jews in a bad light. I could for example post stuff from white supremacists saying how bad black people are and examples of African-Americans acting badly and that would be racist just as your posts are anti-Semitic. I guess you think posting stuff that vilifies members of an ethnic-religious group is "trying to be fair" LOL I’m the “a poor reader”? Your source listed 4 “Swiss billionaires owners” of UBS none of whom were Rothschilds “Christoph Blocher $3.6 billion ( UBS, Novartis )” “Marcel Ospel (UBS) $2 billion” “Thomas Schmidheiny $4.4 billion (UBS) Stephan Schmidheiny $3.6 billion (UBS)” While it lists 13 Rothschilds it only listed an affiliation for 1 but no mention of which bank(s) “Baron Benjamin Rothschild $5.4 billion ( banking )” Despite your delusions to the contrary the article did not provide strong evidence UBS has great influence on Obama and made no mention of the Rothschilds or S & B, nor have produced any evidence the latter are British agents. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++************************************************ COLBY SAYS,S & B not influence foreign policy and also not British connected STEVE SAY answer in 4 parts Influence of Skull & Bones in Politics PART 1 Although a secret organization, the Skull and Bones has exerted an enormous influence in the politics and foreign policy of this country for at least 150 years. The only way this can be proven, since many of the motives and records are secret, is to examine the political appointments of various presidents. A pattern of power is revealed when Skull and Bones members are identified as filling many of these appointments. Kris Millegan’s web site The Bobble Boys: http://www.ctrl.org/boodleboys/boodleboys1.html reveals a few examples. He quotes historian and special assistant to JFK, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. “These men helped establish a distinguished network connecting Wall Street, Washington, worthy foundations and proper clubs. The New York and legal community was the heart of the American Establishment. Its household deities were Henry L. Stimson and Elihu Root* ; its present leaders, Robert A. Lovett and John J. McCloy; its front organizations, the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie foundations and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). “ William Taft (initiated into Skull and Bones in 1878) was elected president of the U.S. in 1909 and President Harding appointed him Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in 1921, which he served until his death in 1930. Henry L. Stimson (initiated into the Skull and Bones 1888) was appointed to seven high government positions by seven presidents. His first appointment was Secretary of War by President Taft. His last appointment was Secretary of War under President Roosevelt and Truman. Mr. Millegan states at his web site: “He was “ultimately responsible” for the internment of Japanese-American citizens in WWII and oversaw the Manhattan Project, America’s atomic bomb program. Stimson also took credit for swaying Truman into dropping “the bomb” on Japan.” In the JFK administration Skull and Bones members played an important role in dictating policy. According to the paper entitled George Bush, Skull & Bones and the New World Order by Paul Goldstein & Jeffrey Steinberg, it states that Kennedy had personally asked Robert A. Lovett, a partner in the Wall Street investment firm of Brown Brothers, to join his Cabinet. Robert A. Lovett did not want to become a part of JFK’s administration. Instead, he recommended a number of Bonesmen into the critical posts. McGeorge Bundy was appointed Kennedy’s National Security Adviser. Averell Harriman was made Under Secretary of State for Asian Affairs, a position that placed him in charge of many of the most critical decisions along with the disaster in Vietnam. William Bundy remained in a senior post at CIA (see website http://www.parascope.com/articles/0997/whitepaper.htm). These men and others in JFK’s administration had more control over foreign policy than JFK did as president. There was a network of secret societies besides Skull and Bones, such as Council of Foreign Affairs (CFR) that also dictated policy. Two quotes in the book Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs confirms this. Special Advisor to JFK John K. Galbraith said: “Those of us who had worked for the Kennedy election were tolerated in the government for that reason and had say, but foreign policy was still with the Council of Foreign Relation people (p. 127).” The Former Ambassador to Saigon, Frederick F. Nolting said: “The axis of Lodge (CFR) and Harriman (CFR) was too strong for President Kennedy to thwart or overcome (p. 130).” These are just a few instances of the CFR’s influence in the world of U.S. politics. This should be proof to the skeptic that there are secret organizations that dictate polices of the country without the consent of the American people. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PART 2 HISTORY OF "THE ORDER" AND THE IMPERIALISTIC AND DEVELOPMENTAL 'DESIGN' OF THE UNITED STATES VERY MUCH INTERTWINED The history of Skull and Bones is intimately involved with the expansion of the military industrial complex from Connecticut's "arsenal of democracy"; with the expansion of the oil raw material regime and the demotion of other choices of energy with the design to create a political monopoly on energy supplies; as mentioned above, with the land grant university frameworks in the United States (started by Bonesmembers and monopolized by them in Connecticut and New York for 30 years--it is Skull and Bones financial cronyism which built Cornell University in New York and Yale University in Connecticut, while other universities suffered). Educationally or scientifically, Bonesmen started the American History Association, and were involved in the "scientific racism" eugenics policies in the early 20th century United States. Bonesmembers are involved in innumerable wars which are typically started without any evidence of danger or started on entirely false pretexts, in the history of the United States. Up to ten Bonesmen filled the Directors of J.P. Morgan's huge Guaranty Trust in the early part of the 20th century. Bonesmen were extensively involved in other huge international private banks like Brown Brothers, Harriman as well. Sutton's books explore these issues. Based on historical analysis of institutions that Bones are involved in, drawn from information in the 1833-1985 membership roster, their effect on the United States has been to turn it into a very secretive, aristocratic, warmongering, and centralized operation of power in many "public" institutions ranging from education, the military, corporations, courts, and political representation. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PART 3 Secrecy In Statecraft: A Brief Look At The Life Of Allen Dulles Posted on October 26, 2010 by Elias Alias Let’s begin with a brief quotation from the American Historical Association, as found at this page on their Internet website: http://www.historians.org/info/AHA_History/gacraig.htm There, we read: “How the State asserts its authority in foreign affairs has been described by Stanley Hoffmann in a passage that emphasizes the degree to which its sphere of action is composed not of determinable but of uncertain factors that it is the duty of statecraft to assess, shape, and exploit. Statecraft, Hoffmann has claimed, ‘emanates from a milieu—the domestic society—whose values, political and social institutions, experiences, and patterns of authority are never entirely fixed or coherent, never point only in one direction, and, while ruling out certain choices, leave a considerable margin for maneuver …; and statecraft operates in a milieu—the international system—that has repeatedly been defined as an arena for competition for multiple stakes, with uncertain rules which the players … hammer out by trial and error, and characterized by moves which, however cleverly calculated, are more like wagers than rational adaptations of means to ends.’” (Hoffmann, Gulliver’s Troubles: or, The Setting of American Foreign Policy (New York, 1968), xvi.)” end quoted passage from American Historical Association article by Gordon A. Craig. ~ As we note Mr. Hoffmann’s observation that ‘statecraft’ emanates within the system of a domestic society and comes to operate within what is called an ‘international system’, we approach also a phenomenon known as “Policy”. It is as though Statecraft produces or affects or influences Policy, and in some circles that supposition is upheld as the prime purpose of Statecraft. Policy is shaped, produced, and made manifest through history by the workings of Statecraft, so we may say as a premise that Statecraft in some ways produces Policy, and that Policy is the outcome of the practice of Statecraft. I would suggest that there is Domestic Policy, and there is Foreign Policy, and there is, even for some individuals at this late date in American history, Personal Policy. I am supposing that Foreign Policy is derived from the sum total of activities within Domestic Policy, and that Domestic Policy must derive from the interacting and originating Personal Policy of as many individuals as may exist, interact, and/or compete within the domestic totality. American history may be seen as a long sequence of competing efforts to shape Policy. Competitors in Statecraft within a society may be called “Players”. We may now like to view the world through the life of one very active and involved Player named Allen Dulles. But Allen Welsh Dulles had a brother, John Foster Dulles, and because both brothers contributed in significant ways to American foreign Policy it is difficult to treat of one without also treating of the other. But let us focus primarily on Allen Dulles. “We no longer have permanent principles, but permanent interests, which we pursue to the exclusion of all else.” - Lord Palmerston, British Prime Minister at the time of the Opium Wars ~ To begin, let us go back into history and note that in the late 1700s a handful of radical malcontents in the North American British colonies had taken a disliking for British “Policy”. Their consensus opinions, shared and enhanced by the pooling of their interacting perceptions, led to the American Revolution which we commemorate each Fourth of July as “Independence Day”. As an exercise of Statecraft, the American Revolution was hardly sophisticated. In fact, it was a rather blunt and brutal affair, a boisterous bout of Brit-bashing which cheered, in its final military victory, a previously meek and submissive western world, a world which sought a more direct and compatible representation of itself as regarded the Policy of governance. What these Players did was quite illegal, and the authority of the Throne sought to control them by the employment of what we today would call “law enforcement” which acted in the name of British Security. Warrants were issued for the arrest of some of those Players. Other Players who preferred to be law-abiding and subservient to the Throne and who were content to prosper under the authority of that Throne and its Policy included traditional British Tory “Houses” of wealth, security, and comfort. A number of New England families of the Tory persuasion had long held business relations with the mother country, England. To such families, George Washington’s band of violent malcontents and illegal efforts at revolution seemed to pose a threat to their secure and profitable relations with England. It was from such understandable motives that the “Loyalist” opponents to the Revolution came. Many Tory families, to which we may refer as “Houses”, resisted the revolution, snitched-off the troop movements of Washington’s army, aided the British soldiers, manipulated finances and other leverages, and in general tried to assist the Throne in maintaining its authority over its Colonies. The prevalent view of the day was that England legally owned the Colonies, which were therefore legally subject to the Throne’s “foreign policy”, or, as we now may call it, the Throne’s “distant domestic Policy”. In truth, our American Revolution was an act of outlawry, was illegal, employed much violence and death-dealing, and could successfully be prosecuted as such in any court which might try the culprits. In today’s political jargon, our founding fathers would be called “insurgents” and “terrorists”. But perhaps any Policy is dependent upon, among other factors, the ‘power’ to govern the subjects of said Policy and to overcome any opposition to said Policy. The power of governance may be seen to be dependent upon at least one hierarchy in authority, so let us think about hierarchy and authority for a moment. We read in a book by Joel Kramer and Diana Alstad, entitled “The Guru Papers” (1), this accounting of it - “Hierarchy is a way of structuring power; authority is a way of exercising power; and ultimately morality is the way authority is justified.” Whether the Throne used the term or not, the British Policy consisted of what Stanley Hoffman in the quotation above called “Statecraft” as perceived and employed in the governance of the individuals who comprised the populations of the Colonies in North America. Statecraft. As Mr. Hoffman notes, Statecraft emanates from domestic society and operates in the international community as “Policy”. Remembering the fact that various New England Tory ‘Houses’ held close business ties with the British Empire, let us now recall this passage from Chaitkin and Tarpley: “Young South Carolinian Joseph Heatly Dulles, whose family bought their slaves with the money from contract-security work for the British conquerors in India, was in a previous secret Yale group, the “Society of Brothers in Unity.” At Yale Dulles worked with the Northern secessionists and attached himself to Daniel Lord; their two families clove together in the fashion of a gang. The Lords became powerful Anglo-American Wall Street lawyers, and J.H. Dulles’s grandson was the father of Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles.” – From George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography by Anton Chaitkin and Webster G. Tarpley. (2) I wish to note here that the British Empire has given us a precedent in which a Western Civilized Empire, of and with a “Christian bent”, did indeed exercise as a matter of official “Foreign Policy” the international smuggling of a narcotic drug (opium) for the expressed purpose of bolstering the Empire’s economy, and displayed a willingness under Lord Palmerston (Prime Minister of Great Britain) to use military force (the British Navy’s battleships) to protect and expand its smuggling enterprises. This is now known history, and is a precedent. The key word here is precedent. It was official Policy and it incorporated the Bank of England’s relations with the Throne, so that we now can see a combination of financial and military forces working in tandem to effect and expedite British governmental Policy to smuggle opium into China. The unrestricted light of knowable history shows today quite clearly that the British Navy was employed to force China to accept British importation of opium into China, and shows that such deeds were matters of British Foreign Policy. Lord Palmerston contributed to that style of statecraft. Joseph Heatly Dulles, while not working for the House of Russell in direct opium-smuggling, was instead involved in the slave trade until relocating to South Carolina and Pennsylvania. Because the British East India Company was involved in both opium-smuggling and slave-shipping, and because he was at Yale, we find it easy to understand that J. H. Dulles would have been in contact, directly or indirectly, with those New England Tory Houses who were in business with the opium-smuggling aspect of the East India Company, and we now know that J. H. Dulles was a member in a secret society at Yale. It is from those early associations that we today draw the parallels which may be seen by association as a, perhaps – or perhaps not – un-organized collusion. From such roots sprang Allen Welsh Dulles and John Foster Dulles. ~ Allen Welsh Dulles was born on April 7, 1893, to Allen Macy Dulles and Edith Foster Dulles. Edith was the daughter of General John Watson Foster, former Secretary of State, former U.S. Army General during the Civil War, and former U.S. envoy to Spain. In the definitive biography of Allen Dulles written by Peter Grose we read the following: “If the family of John Watson Foster savored life at the summit of Washington society at the turn of the twentieth century, the Dulles side of the family was ever mindful of the truer aristocracy of birth. The Irish family name had been Douglas before being softened in the course of the seventeenth century. It was Dulles on arrival in the New World in 1779, borne by a bounder from Limerick who had fled to Holland concealed in a large butter churn, enlisted in the Dutch East India Company, and managed to make his way to Bombay, where he assembled something of a fortune – his descendants chose not to inquire just how he did it. Arriving eventually in South Carolina, this Joseph Dulles helped defend Charleston in the siege of the Revolutionary War, then managed a good marriage to the heiress of a cotton plantation, with its attendant Negro slaves. He prospered in commerce. Their one surviving child, a ‘delicate boy’, they sent away to Yale. In the remote north this frail offspring survived to the age of eighty and fathered eight hearty children, who in turn produced sons and grandsons, including the serious pastor Allen Macy Dulles, who sought betrothal to the daughter of General Foster. The Dulles and Foster families were joined in January 1886….” (3) In the 1920s both brothers were lawyers in the law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell where they specialized in international law. They devoted boundless energies to the needs of another Wall Street firm – Harriman Brothers. (Harriman Brothers would later merge with Brown and Company, and today trades on the New York Stock Exchange as “Brown Brothers Harriman”.) Harriman Brothers was deeply involved in the reconstruction of Germany after World War I. The most powerful partners in Harriman Brothers were E. Roland Harriman, his brother Averell Harriman, and George Herbert Walker. When Prescott Sheldon Bush, our current President’s grandfather, married George Herbert Walker’s daughter, he was not a powerful man, but one who was about to become powerful – with the assistance of the Harrimans and their partner, George Herbert Walker. In marrying the daughter of George Herbert Walker, a young Prescott Bush was brought into the management at Harriman Brothers. Eventually, when Harriman Brothers created “Union Banking Corporation” as an umbrella bank overseeing more than a hundred Wall Street corporate ventures of trade with Nazi Germany, Prescott Bush was elevated to a Director’s status at Union Banking Corporation. Because the most prominent Wall Street lawyers who did the interfacing of international law to arrange American business access to the rebuilding of Germany were in intimate contact with the leadership of Harriman Brothers and Union Banking Corporation, Prescott Bush certainly worked with Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles. On page 258 of Grose’s “Gentleman Spy” we read: “Future great names of America’s intelligence service were among the reverent callers to Allen’s suite: Kermit “Kim” Roosevelt, grandson of Theodore, collecting stories for an official history of the OSS; Tracy Barnes, reliving the days with Countess Ciano; Richard Helms, bringing news of Germany; Frank Wisner… ; Per Jacobsson and Royall Tyler passed through New York; Jacobsson had been named managing director of the International Monetary Fund, and Tyler was to be head of the Paris office of the World Bank. “Old friends like these would complement the dinner parties on Sixty-first Street or join the gentlemen’s lunches on Wall Street. After one such, the investment banker Prescott Bush remembered Allen fondly; ‘He entertained us beautifully, as only he could. We thought afterwards how much fun it was to get on the inside of things. And yet, when he was gone, we discovered that he had really told us nothing, but nothing.’” (4) [Emphasis Peter Grose, in original.] Prescott Bush was Skull and Bones; the Dulles brothers were Council on Foreign Relations with Yale connections going back to their great grandfather. The mother of the Harriman brothers hosted the 1932 World Conference on Eugenics in New York City and brought in the man who would become Adolph Hitler’s master Eugenicist, Ernst Rudin, whom the elder Mrs. Harriman lauded publicly in the press by noting that it was unfortunate that more Americans did not agree with Mr. Rudin’s and Adolph Hitler’s views on “racial purity”. While this is all established in the public record, in newspaper archives, the Congressional record, old magazine articles and interviews, State Department files, books, and in corporate records which are available to the public today, it yet strikes me as horribly ugly to have to realize that a death-cult with connections to European schools of the occult, (Skull and Bones, as brought to Yale from Germany/England occult banking-elite families by W. H. Russell) – and the most powerful private-sector think-tank to ever directly affect U.S. foreign Policy, (the CFR) – and Hitlerian principles of eugenics, (“racial purity”) – were each and all combined and represented in fact – not just symbolically – by the business partnership between the Harriman family, the George Herbert Walker family, and the Prescott Bush family. That their commonality takes each family back to the anti-American Revolution treacheries of the old Tory Houses of New England, the loyalists who opposed our independence, only further stitches an ugly warp and woof into the fabric of American history. Allen Dulles was right in the thick of all that; he was a player. From Dr. Dennis L. Cuddy (5) we learn that President Woodrow Wilson had in 1913 published “The New Freedom”. In it President Woodrow Wilson noted: “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U. S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” International business needed international law, which called for international lawyers. Allen Dulles of the prestigious law firm on Wall Street, Sullivan and Cromwell, was one of those lawyers in the 1920s and throughout the 1930s when Wall Street assisted the buildup of the Third Reich. Today we know that IBM furnished the computer which Adolph Hitler used to number the Jews. We know that Exxon’s parent corporation, Standard Oil of New Jersey, a Rockefeller corporation, did patent-sharing with I.G. Farben of Nazi Germany to put the fuel in Hitler’s trucks and tanks and aircraft. We know that some of the ownership of the Hamburg-Amerika steamship lines sat on the board of Union Banking Corporation with Prescott Bush, who used Hamburg-Amerika to channel payroll funding of Hitler’s Brown Shirts. We also know that Fritz Thyssen held a presence at Prescott Bush’s Union Banking Corporation. Allen Dulles played a role in all that. We also know that on October 20, 1942, ten months after we had declared war on Germany, the assets of Prescott Bush’s Union Banking Corporation were seized by U.S. government vesting order number 248 under the “Trading With The Enemy Act”. President Roosevelt’s Alien Property Custodian, who signed the vesting order, was Leo T. Crowley. George Herbert Walker, the Harrimans, and Bush had continued to do business with Nazi Germany for months after the U.S. Congress declared war on Germany. In the middle of it all stood Allen Dulles, who would join his brother while President Truman was still in office to arrange the damage control that was needed after Hitler’s fall. Allen Dulles was the Wall Street lawyer who had done a lion’s share of the financial arrangements which empowered Adolph Hitler and his Nazi party across the 1930s. In 1947 he went to Clark Clifford and assisted in the creation of the “National Security Act of 1947”, which Truman signed into law. That National Security Act of 1947 created among other things the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). It additionally created the National Security Council (NSC) at the White House and, with upgrades in 1949, created something especially secret – the “Black Budget”. In effect, it created the the mold or template for a “shadow government” which would function inside our supposedly representative government in total secrecy. As an example, we note that the former Director of FHA and Assistant Secretary of HUD under Bush 41, Ms Catherine Austin Fitts – previously of Dillon, Read, & Co., Inc. on Wall Street – has revealed a fifty-nine billion dollar deficit at HUD which is attributed to covert money-theft by CIA. (6) But the primary focus at present is the fact that two lawyers who had arranged the interfacing of international law to facilitate the rise of the Third Reich in Germany subsequently assisted Clark Clifford in composing the National Security Act of 1947, and helped create thereby the CIA. (When we look into the BCCI affair we shall note that, much later, Mr. Clifford assisted the very CIA which he had helped create by introducing BCCI illegally and fraudulently into this nation, and we shall look at the Congressional investigation into Clifford in conjunction with its investigation of BCCI – one of the CIA’s largest drug-smuggling, illegal arms shipping, and money-laundering banks which was shut down by various governments, including England, and investigated by the U.S. Congress.) Some things which might be done with a brand new Central Intelligence Agency No one representing the European oligarchies wasted any time once they had the CIA installed under official government roofs in America. One of the first matters in which the CIA engaged secret action, upon the suggestion of Allen Dulles, is called “Operation Paperclip”, in which the CIA salvaged several hundred German Nazi war criminals and snatched them out from under the Nuremberg War Crimes trials by hiding them inside the CIA. I would like to emphasize that point – the newly-created CIA, itself created by Clark Clifford and two of Hitler’s biggest Wall Street lawyers, immediately hid known Nazi war criminals inside its secret corridors and offices, here and abroad, and spared them from international justice after the fall of Hitler. I would submit for consideration that that pregnant fact itself, as one interesting fact among others, gives birth to more than simple speculation regarding ulterior motives in the mind of Allen Dulles. Among the Nazis brought into the CIA was Reinhard Gehlen, the triple-agent who had masterminded Hitler’s eastern European spy sectors. That travesty was Allen Dulles’ idea, worked through the very CIA he had helped create. Another despicable Nazi war criminal hidden inside the CIA was Klaus Barbie. Another nefarious deed by Allen Dulles was the initiation at CIA of “Project MK-ULTRA”, which was the umbrella code-name for the CIA’s mind-control research and development (R&D). Much of MK-ULTRA involved the various talents of the Nazi war criminals whom Dulles had hidden inside CIA. MK-ULTRA was finally investigated by the U.S. Senate, which stood aghast at learning that then-DCI Richard Helms deliberately ordered the destruction of CIA’s records on MK-ULTRA prior to being served by the Senate committee. It is estimated that about eighty percent of CIA’s MK-ULTRA records were destroyed before the Senate could obtain them, but Senator Ted Kennedy noted that the ten to twenty percent of remaining records were “damning enough”. Unwitting American citizens and American military personnel had been used in mind-control experiments which included the use of very serious drugs. The entire project was to study the science of mind control. (7 and Moving forward in time, Allen Dulles became the DCI (Director of Central Intelligence) at the CIA he had helped create. He was President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s DCI. As DCI of CIA under Eisenhower, Allen Dulles was tasked with the briefing of the next incoming President, John F. Kennedy, when Eisenhower was leaving office. At the briefings which touched on Eisenhower’s secret plans to invade Cuba, which Allen Dulles had to sell to the incoming Kennedy, was another Skull and Bonesman, Richard Bissell, the number-three man at CIA. Kennedy granted the needed new “Finding” to carry on with the process of training a clandestine army for invading Cuba. But Kennedy made it clear that the U.S. government could not possibly be overtly involved in this illegal invasion – a fact which precluded the use of U.S. military aircraft as support for the beach landing assault. Dulles and Bissell had other notions, but they left Kennedy slightly in the dark about their truest intentions regarding exposure of U.S. involvement in the invasion. Anyone may wonder how I could say that “Dulles and Bissell had other notions”. Aside from other sources which indicate that Dulles and Bissell withheld from Kennedy some information regarding the full details of their plan, such as their secret intent to force Kennedy to use U.S. aircraft at the height of the invasion, there are the following passages from Gentleman Spy by Peter Grose - ~Begin quoted passage from Gentleman Spy, pages 519 – 522: The Bay of Pigs plan was conceived upon two major premises, both of which were misunderstood by President Kennedy and the people closest to him: the so-called guerrilla option for the invading force and the need for an air strike to accompany the landing. A further misreading, most serious of all, became fully evident only in Allen’s troubled reflections years later. But when the president and his policy advisers considered the Cuban operation again on March 11, Kennedy vetoed the Trinidad plan as too “spectacular”; he asked instead for a more obscure site for a “quiet” landing, “without having the appearance of a World War II-type amphibious assault.” The myth that the invasion could be kept covert died hard. Within the next five days Bissell and his team shifted the proposed landing site to a little bay near near the thinly populated swamp of the Zapata Peninsula, the Bahia de Cochinos, or Bay of Pigs. Never was the eager informality of the CIA’s operating culture shown up to such disadvantage. In later years Bissell was admirably candid in a critique of his own lapse: “It was rather lightheartedly assumed … that the swampy regions around the Bay of Pigs, while utterly different geographically from the mountains near Trinidad, could support guerrilla operations. With hindsight, this assumption was highly questionable and, in any event, was not carefully researched in the planning of the operation. The implications for the ‘guerrilla option’ of the shift from Trinidad to the Bay of Pigs were never made clear to the President … Those in charge of the operation must accept a serious responsibility for having ill-informed the President on this aspect of the operation.” (Richard Bissell) Allen looked back in harsh judgment on his own culpability: “I should have said, ‘Mr. President, if you’re not willing to permit us to take the steps necessary to …substantially immobilize the Cuban air force (which was a very small and crotchety and defective air force at that time), the plan to get this brigade ashore with its equipment and supplies is a faulty one.’” But Allen did not say this to Kennedy. Nor did Bissell or General Pearre Cabell, Allen’s principal deputy, as they sat in the secretary of state’s office late Sunday night, April 16, when Rusk called the president to present their arguments for reinstating the air strike. Kennedy was unpersuaded. Rusk removed the telephone from his ear and held it out across the desk, inviting Cabell or Bissell to make their case to the president directly. Weary and discouraged, they declined. A far more serious malfunction of policy and intelligence occurred in the experience of the Bay of Pigs. Some officials at the time may have harbored their private suspicions, but the official inquiry that Kennedy ordered immediately after the disaster took scant notice of it. Only twenty-three years later did vague suspicion become admitted fact, through the study of handwritten notes Allen made in retirement. In 1965, after Kennedy’s death, Allen wrote about the Bay of Pigs, in effect replying to criticism of CIA’s mismanagement of an operation gone wrong. But when it came to submitting the manuscript for publication, he held back. Clover noted after Allen’s death that he decided against publishing his account “because there was so much more in his favor he could have said, if he had been at liberty to do so.” Perhaps, but the fact remains that for decades to come CIA was accused of violating the trusts of the democracy that created it, of arrogance in the absence of accountability, of operating like an “invisible government”. CIA stalwarts scoffed at the charges, but it can now be argued convincingly that in the Bay of Pigs operation the clandestine services were behaving just as the critics charged. From the start and throughout, both Eisenhower and Kennedy had been adamant that no United States military personnel would be permitted to participate in any combat action against Cuba. Kennedy had said as much in a press conference on April 12, the week before the landing: “There will not be, under any conditions, an intervention in Cuba by the United States armed forces.” The leadership of CIA ultimately did not accept the president’s words. Whatever the stated policy, Allen and those around him adhered to the comfortable belief that the armed forces of the United States would back them up in preventing the failure of a covert action, no matter how botched or ill conceived it turned out to be. Evidence for this serious charge appears in Allen’s typed and hand-written, coffee-stained notes, which were preserved with his personal papers at Princeton. In this tentative form he voiced candid explanation for his failure to disabuse Kennedy of the key misunderstandings, about the guerrilla option and the covert nature of the invasion. “[We] never raised objections to repeated emphasis [by the President] that the operation: a) must be carried through without any ‘combat’ action by U.S.A. Military forces; must remain quiet [and] disavowable by [the] U.S. government; c) must be a quiet operation yet must rouse internal revolt vs. Castro and create a center to which anti-Castroites will defect. [We] did not want to raise these issues … which might only harden the decision against the type of action we required. We felt that when the chips were down – when the crisis arose in reality – any action required for success would be authorized rather than permit the enterprise to fail…. We believed that in a time of crisis we could gain what we might have lost if we provoked an argument [in advance].” ~ End quoted passages from Gentleman Spy by Peter Grose. So there we have it. Kennedy, a new generation’s newly-elected President, it now appears, did not have the “old school” savvy with which to anticipate the CIA’s capability for getting its way and for presuming to leverage White House Policy by necessity. Call it clandestine statecraft. I wish to confess my gratitude to Peter Grose for including this candid glimpse in his biography of Allen Dulles, and salute him for being honest on this matter, despite the fact that I am not a fan of Peter Grose’s world view. (Recall, he also wrote the flowery history of the CFR which is on their website. www.cfr.org ) Long story shortened, the invasion of 1961, known forever as the Bay of Pigs Fiasco, blew up in the CIA’s face – and in Kennedy’s face. In an attempt to save face, Kennedy ordered an investigation, and he subsequently fired Allen Dulles from his post as DCI of CIA. Some time later John F. Kennedy was shot dead in Dallas, Texas. After Kennedy’s murder, Allen Welsh Dulles, the man who had helped engineer the rise of the Third Reich, the man who had helped create the CIA, the man who had sat finally atop CIA as Eisenhower’s DCI, the man who had initiated the CIA’s “mind-control” research, the man who had staffed the CIA with Nazi war criminals, the man who held oversight responsibility for the failed and disgraceful Bay of Pigs, the man who was fired from atop the CIA by President Kennedy – was appointed by President Lyndon B. Johnson to sit atop the Warren Commission which would investigate the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. ~ Statecraft. Secrecy. Security. The three faces of Allen Dulles. Without delving more deeply into the many intrigues and mysteries of the man, we must agree that Allen Welsh Dulles was quite the Player in U.S. Policy, both foreign and domestic. Allow me to sum up some of the high points of his career in Statecraft thusly: 1: Allen Welsh Dulles was a lawyer at Sullivan and Cromwell on Wall Street, and an early member in the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations). 2: He worked the international legal interface between Wall Street firms and the build-up of the Third Reich in Nazi Germany. 3: He specifically served the legal needs of two financial organizations on Wall Street which supported Hitler’s Nazi infrastructure – Harriman Brothers and Union Banking Corporation – both of which were seized by the government under the Trading With The Enemy Act. 4: After Hitler’s defeat, Allen Dulles assisted Clark Clifford in writing the National Security Act of 1947, which created the National Security State, which supplanted the Federal government of the United States of America. That act also created the Black Budget, the NSC, and the CIA. 5: In the CIA’s formative years Allen Dulles initiated Operation Paperclip, which brought into the U.S. Intelligence community hundreds of Nazi war criminals, and deliberately hid them from war crimes prosecution. Allen Dulles initiated, using those Nazi war criminals, Project MK-ULTRA, which was the centerpiece in CIA’s mind-control (behavior control) research and development – a legacy investigated by the U.S. Senate. 6: Allen Dulles became DCI at CIA under Dwight D. Eisenhower, then briefed the incoming John F. Kennedy on Ike’s secret plans to invade Cuba with a clandestine CIA-trained army of mercenaries. 7: Allen Dulles and Richard Bissell oversaw the Bay of Pigs invasion, which blew-back in Kennedy’s face and caused Kennedy to investigate the invasion, and its sources at CIA, publicly. 8: John F. Kennedy subsequently fired Allen Dulles from his post as DCI of the very CIA which Dulles had created, after which John F. Kennedy was shot dead in Dallas, Texas. 9: LBJ appointed Allen Dulles to the staff of the Warren Commission to investigate Kennedy’s murder. 10: The American pubic, by and large, accepted this and did not revolt against treasonous criminality by one of the 20th Century’s greatest workers of secret Statecraft. I close by noting that transparency is absolutely necessary in any representative government. When government deceives the citizenry behind a cloak of ‘national-security secrecy’ and clandestine statecraft, that government cannot be said to be representative at all. When government is given the “legal right” to lie, which is exactly what is at the core of the National Security Act of 1947, democracy cannot exist, even in a Republic of law. Today’s woes, both internationally and domestically, may in large part be traced back to this sort of mischief in statecraft. But consider this: if the press and the media fail to bring such things to public attention, and if the NEA, by controlling the content of public school textbooks, suppresses this sort of American history, can Americans be truly said to be informed when they go to election booths? And finally, I ask: If Senators Burns and Baucus both voted for the National ID card, (which they both did), the so-called REAL ID ACT, what may we say about their sense of loyalty to our personal freedom and liberty as Americans and Montanans, and how else should we interpret that sort of statecraft if not a deliberate abuse of our vested power and our trust? ~ Notes: 1) The Guru Papers: Masks of Authoritarian Power by Joel Kramer and Diana Alstad; North Atlantic Books, Frog LTD, PO Box 12327, Berkeley, California, 94712. ISBN: 1-883319-00-5. 2) George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography by Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin; Executive Intelligence Review; Washington, D.C.; 1992.Fascimile Edition – Reprinted and copyrighted 2004 by ProgressivePress.com, an imprint of “Tree of Life Books”; P.O. Box 126; Joshua Tree, CA 92252; Second printing February 2005; ISBN: 0-930852-92-3. Original edition 1992: ISBN: k0-943235-05-7; Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 91-78005; EIB 92-002; Executive Intelligence Review, P.O. Box 17390, Washington, D.C. 20041-0390. 3) Gentleman Spy: The Life of Allen Dulles by Peter Grose; A Richard Todd Book, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, New York, 1994; copyright 1994 by Peter Grose; ISBN: 0-395-51607-2 4) Ibid; page 258 5) Dr. Dennis L. Cuddy in his essay: A CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER as found in the Internet, here: (link good as of January, 2006) http://www.psicounsel.com/NWOchron.html 6)) http://www.solari.com/ Catherine Austin Fitts is author of the Foreword in Michael Ruppert’s “Crossing The Rubicon”. As President of Solari, Inc., Catherine is currently spearheading the Solari Circles Campaign to help make healthy local living economies the best investment worldwide. Catherine’s article on the Black Budget and Market Manipulations is on-line here: http://www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?channelid=116&contentid=1259 7) Operation Paper Clip is easily Googled on the Internet, but perhaps one of the best sources from which to begin to learn of this project by CIA is at Wikipedia, here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip Acid Dreams by Martin Lee and Bruce Shlain; copyright 1985; Grove Press edition ISBN: 0-394-55013-7; Evergreen edition ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^PART 4 talks about CFR and British http://books.google.com/books?id=HYJ7JzK-cS0C&dq=factors+that+influence+foreign+policy+CFR+%22British%22&printsec=frontcover&source=in&hl=en&ei=pZnxTKW7AZHmsQPz4sDUCw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=11&ved=0CDsQ6AEwCg#v=onepage&q&f=false
  12. ******************************************** HEAD FOR THE HILLS LEN,time to stop posting Len comic animation predicts http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread631618/pg1 of course (see full video),March 4th (before 911) "they are going to crash plane into world trade center" ..... http://www.truthed.com/videos/319_did_they_know_x_files_and_simpsons_predict_911.htm
  13. North south ,north south,north south ...the song remains the same....................... Lets call Gulf of Tonkin Incident what is is.....FALSE FLAG &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& For anyone still harboring doubts about the status of the Gulf of Tonkin incident as an example of a False Flag event, a report made public by the NSA clears it up. The existence of the report was revealed a couple of years ago, but the actual report has now been made public, and you can view it via the Federation of American Scientists blog, "Secrecy News". Just in time to coincide with the latest Strait of Hormuz incident, aimed at Iran. -rep.) Report reveals Vietnam War hoaxes, faked attacks AFP, Tue Jan 8, 9:45 AM ET WASHINGTON (AFP) - North Vietnamese made hoax calls to get the US military to bomb its own units during the Vietnam War, according to declassified information that also confirmed US officials faked an incident to escalate the war.... ...The author of the report "demonstrates that not only is it not true, as (then US) secretary of defense Robert McNamara told Congress, that the evidence of an attack was 'unimpeachable,' but that to the contrary, a review of the classified signals intelligence proves that 'no attack happened that night,'" FAS said in a statement. "What this study demonstrated is that the available intelligence shows that there was no attack. It's a dramatic reversal of the historical record," Aftergood said. "There were previous indications of this but this is the first time we have seen the complete study," he said... Continued... http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080108/pl_afp/usvietnamintelligence512 Daniel Ellsberg was aware that the Tonkin incident was a lie very early on; "The messages were vivid. Herrick must have been dictating them from the bridge in between giving orders, as his two ships swerved to avoid torpedoes picked up on the sonar of the Maddox and fired in the darkness at targets shown on the radar of the Turner Joy: "Torpedoes missed. Another fired at us. Four torpedoes in water. And five torpedoes in water.... Have ... successfully avoided at least six torpedoes." Nine torpedoes had been fired at his ships, fourteen, twenty-six. More attacking boats had been hit; at least one sunk. This action wasn't ending after forty minutes or an hour. It was going on, ships dodging and firing in choppy seas, planes overhead firing rockets at locations given them by the Turner Joy's radar, for an incredible two hours before the stream of continuous combat updates finally ended. Then, suddenly, an hour later, full stop. A message arrived that took back not quite all of it, but enough to put everything earlier in question. The courier came in with another single cable, running again, after an hour of relative quiet in which he had walked in intermittently at a normal pace with batches of cables from CINCPAC and the Seventh Fleet and analyses from the State Department and the CIA and other parts of the Pentagon. I was sitting at my desk - I remember the moment - trying to put this patchwork of information in some order for McNaughton on his return, when the courier handed me the following flash cable from Herrick: "Review of action makes many reported contacts and torpedoes fired appear doubtful. Freak weather effects on radar and overeager sonarmen may have accounted for many reports. No actual visual sightings by Maddox. Suggest complete evaluation before any further action taken." It was a little after 2:00 P.M. The message had been sent at 1:27 P.M. Washington time. Half an hour later another message from Herrick, summarizing positive and negative evidence for an attack, concluded: "Entire action leaves many doubts except for apparent attempted ambush at beginning. Suggest thorough reconnaissance in daylight by aircraft." ... ...The president's announcement and McNamara's press conference late in the evening of August 4 informed the American public that the North Vietnamese, for the second time in two days, had attacked U.S. warships on "routine patrol in international waters"; that this was clearly a "deliberate" pattern of "naked aggression"; that the evidence for the second attack, like the first, was "unequivocal"; that the attack had been "unprovoked"; and that the United States, by responding in order to deter any repetition, intended no wider war. By midnight on the fourth, or within a day or two, I knew that each one of these assurances was false." - Daniel Ellsberg, Secrets, pp. 9-12 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BEFORE GULF OF TONKIN BEFORE BEFORE BEFORE BEFORE BEFORE BEFORE BEFORE Gulf of Tonkin July,31 1964 LBJ's Operation Plan 34A, South Vietnamese commandos in unmarked speed boats raid two North Vietnamese military bases located on islands just off the coast. In the vicinity is the destroyer U.S.S. Maddox. BEFORE BEFORE BEFORE BEFORE BEFORE ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** please read below......before. BTW the draft of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was prepared 6 months BEFORE !!! Tonkin Incident (per PENTAGON PAPERS) Read this: http://vi.uh.edu/pages/buzzmat/08972_text.htm "Interestingly, a resolution stating, "Upon request of South Vietnam or the Laotian government to use all measures including the commitment of U.S. Armed Forces in their Defense"--the very resolution that became the Tonkin Gulf Resolution--had been prepared in May 1964, three months before the "unprovoked attacks" ever occurred. At the time, Johnson was running his presidential campaign on a peace ticket." "Operation Plan 34A (or 34 Alpha)" "But beginning in June 1962, with the loss of the vessel Nautelas II and four commandos, it evolved into hit-and-run attacks against North Vietnamese shore and island installations by South Vietnamese and foreign mercenary crews on high-speed patrol boats." "By the end of 1963, a National Security Council Special Group, the staff of the special assistant for counterinsurgency and special activities of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and the CIA were all apparently aware that the covert attacks were unproductive. According to former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, "It accomplished virtually nothing." But the operation was not discontinued. According to Tourison, by January 1964 McNamara had taken over the operation from the CIA, and it became known as 34 Alpha. Now in charge, the Pentagon assumed that the overwhelming majority of the airborne commando agents either had been killed or captured or were working for their captors, the Communist North Vietnamese." "Although it appeared that the program had been compromised, new agent teams continued to be recruited, trained and inserted into North Vietnam." "DeSoto patrols were U.S. naval intelligence collection operations using specially equipped vessels to gather electronic signals intelligence from shore-and island-based noncommunications emitters in North Vietnam. By August 2, 1964, the Communist Vietnamese had determined that the DeSoto vessels were offshore support for a 34-Alpha operation that had struck their installations at Hon Me and Hon Ngu some 48 hours earlier. In retaliation, the North Vietnamese then conducted an "unprovoked attack" on Maddox, which was approximately 30 miles off the coast of North Vietnam. During the battle that ensued, one North Vietnamese patrol boat was severely damaged by Maddox, and two others were attacked and chased off by U.S. air support from the carrier USS Ticonderoga. On August 4, 1964, Maddox and USS C. Turner Joy reported a second attack, this one occurring within 17 hours of 34-Alpha raids on North Vietnamese facilities at Cap Vinh Son and Cua Ron..." This second attack is the fictional one. This was in an environment of deliberate provocation and terrorist raids on N Vietnamese installations, supported by US navy ships. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& FAKE FAKE FAKE
  14. http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=389x9628171 EDWIN STARR "War" War, huh, yeah What is it good for Absolutely nothing Uh-huh War, huh, yeah What is it good for Absolutely nothing Say it again, y'all War, huh, good God What is it good for Absolutely nothing Listen to me Ohhh, war, I despise Because it means destruction Of innocent lives War means tears To thousands of mothers eyes When their sons go to fight And lose their lives I said, war, huh Good God, y'all What is it good for Absolutely nothing Say it again War, whoa, Lord What is it good for Absolutely nothing Listen to me War, it ain't nothing But a heartbreaker War, friend only to the undertaker Ooooh, war It's an enemy to all mankind The point of war blows my mind War has caused unrest Within the younger generation Induction then destruction Who wants to die Aaaaah, war-huh Good God y'all What is it good for Absolutely nothing Say it, say it, say it War, huh What is it good for Absolutely nothing Listen to me War, huh, yeah What is it good for Absolutely nothing Uh-huh War, huh, yeah What is it good for Absolutely nothing Say it again y'all War, huh, good God What is it good for Absolutely nothing Listen to me War, it ain't nothing but a heartbreaker War, it's got one friend That's the undertaker Ooooh, war, has shattered Many a young mans dreams Made him disabled, bitter and mean Life is much to short and precious To spend fighting wars these days War can't give life It can only take it away Ooooh, war, huh Good God y'all What is it good for Absolutely nothing Say it again War, whoa, Lord What is it good for Absolutely nothing Listen to me War, it ain't nothing but a heartbreaker War, friend only to the undertaker Peace, love and understanding Tell me, is there no place for them today They say we must fight to keep our freedom But Lord knows there's got to be a better way Ooooooh, war, huh Good God y'all What is it good for You tell me Say it, say it, say it, say it War, huh Good God y'all What is it good for Stand up and shout it Nothing
  15. 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 IS THE U.S INDIRECTLY PROVOKING CHINA? On Tuesday 23 November 2010 the South Korean military launched an artillery barrage that saw its shells fall into disputed waters close to North Korea. South Korea does not deny it fired first by firing shells into the disputed waters but says the shelling was ‘away from the north’. The North Koreans had already warned the South Koreans that they would consider such an act as a direct provocation and respond accordingly. With thousands of miles of coastline to the west, south and east that South Korea could have harmlessly fired it shells from, one needs to ask why South Korea chose to fire them knowingly toward and into disputed waters so close to North Korea. One also needs to ask why South Korea did this just days before a major joint military exercise with the US that includes the USS George Washington carrier strike group. While the exercise had been arranged long before last Tuesdays incident, indeed, according to Pentagon spokesman Marine Col. David Lapan, the USS George Washington carrier strike group had left Japan heading for South Korea for the exercises before Obama and South Korean President Lee Myung-bec had spoken with each other about the incident, the Washington Post is spinning the story to make it seem as though President Obama has sent the carrier fleet to South Korea as a result of the incident. John Pomfret of the Washington Post writes: In dispatching the aircraft carrier USS George Washington to the Korean Peninsula on Wednesday, the Obama administration said it was putting on a show of U.S. support for South Korea. It is clear that the South Korean opening barrage so close to North Korea was a deliberate attempt to provoke a major incident. It is also apparent that this whole charade of the crisis being a series of spontaneous events instigated by North Korea has been in reality been concocted by the US and South Korea in order to deliberately point the finger of blame for the incident at North Korea with a view to escalating the crisis. The presence of the carrier strike group in Korean sea is clearly just added provocation. So, what’s the aim of all this provoking? At best, it may be just a ploy to get the Chinese to come down hard on their ally North Korea in an effort to put another turn of the screw that puts added pressure on the North Korean regime. In which case it’s just another provocation designed to keep that particular pot boiling for whatever underhanded geo-strategic double-dealing reason the US have dreamt up as they are apt to do from time to time, usually to distract from other problems the US are having. Or could it be something far more serious and potentially far more dangerous for the world as well as the region. The US has been very upset about China’s refusal to bend to US demands to revalue the Yuan to favour America’s flagging dollar. The US is also very concerned about China’s increasing power as a global player politically, economically and militarily. Unlike the US, China has not spent too much of its time rattling its sabre around the world in the quest for resources. Instead it simply sends its representatives to whatever country has the resources that China doesn’t have and they do a deal. Simple as that. The Chinese have quietly been making massive deals with countries all over the planet particularly in the resource rich and, as yet, mostly untapped African continent where they have a huge presence working on all manner of infrastructure projects in exchange for resources. This has also upset the Americans who see their own influence being usurped by China’s. America has touted itself as the sole remaining superpower since the end of the so-called ‘Cold War’. The reality, however, is that they are no longer the only superpower and the fact is, China snuck up and overtook the US over these last few years and the US resents that. Challenging China’s proxy, North Korea, is a way of reasserting US hegemony and status. For the sake of the future of world, China will, for the sake of peace, be mature enough to allow the bully boy on the block to think that he’s still numero uno and let him strut the world stage. But the world now knows differently after the fiasco of Iraq and Afghanistan and every day reveals just how much power the US really has and who the real power player is in the world today. America should take care about who they provoke.
  16. ***************************** Who fired first? The first casualty in war..the truth http://tv.globalresearch.ca/2010/11/south-korea-admits-firing-shells-north-korea
  17. Now several times you said I was not telling the truth about my Jewish heritage. This is offensive and a flame...moderators please take note. PART ONE ONLY (BUSY) I cop to being trying to be fair. Since I posted I have a big work week and I have also Thanksgiving matters. I cop to thinking you are a poor reader. I never used the term Jewish Conspiracy. Here is what I have said before. The Rothschilds work within (within ,yes within, go back and look what I posted) the frame work of Banking Interests centered in London that want a federation of central banks that dominate the worlds contries. Now amoung these interests are old monied families of Europe like the Catholic Royals of Spain and other non-Jewish Royals of Europe and many of the Protestant banking families of the Netherland and yes Jewish Banking families. The Rothchild were one of the first international then globalist banking houses. They are contra-similar to the indicator animal used when looking at environmental degredation of a particular ecosystem. If this animal is down in number,then ecological problems are indicated in this area. If Rothschild are there ,then there is likelihood of the British Centered Banking power grab/influence is high in said particular issue. For UBS I gave internet info of a list of 12 Swiss billionaires owners were one was Rothchild. The other 11 maybe connected with the London group,however, to see Rothschild one has enough info to look for other evidence.Which I did (!!) and posted this from the UBS article,for one of Obama's economic advisors was Skull & Bones which I take as British leaning. BTW I dont think Skull & Bones let in any Jews until the late 1970s. They were formed in 1832. Now of course per the way you work = you will say now I compared Rothschild to animals,I did no such thing.
  18. Evidence for Informed Trading on the Attacks of September 11 by Kevin Ryan November 18, 2010 Just after September 11th 2001, many governments began investigations into possible insider trading related to the terrorist attacks of that day. Such investigations were initiated by the governments of Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Monte Carlo, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the United States, and others. Although the investigators were clearly concerned about insider trading, and considerable evidence did exist, none of the investigations resulted in a single indictment. That’s because the people identified as having been involved in the suspicious trades were seen as unlikely to have been associated with those alleged to have committed the 9/11 crimes. This is an example of the circular logic often used by those who created the official explanations for 9/11. The reasoning goes like this: if we assume that we know who the perpetrators were (i.e. the popular version of “al Qaeda”) and those who were involved in the trades did not appear to be connected to those assumed perpetrators, then insider trading did not occur. That’s basically what the 9/11 Commission told us. The Commission concluded that “exhaustive investigations” by the SEC and the FBI “uncovered no evidence that anyone with advance knowledge of the attacks profited through securities transactions.” What they meant was that someone did profit through securities transactions but, based on the Commission’s assumptions of guilt, those who profited were not associated with those who were guilty of conducting the attacks. In a footnote, the Commission report acknowledged “highly suspicious trading on its face,” but said that this trading on United Airlines was traced back to “A single U.S.-based institutional investor with no conceivable ties to al Qaeda.”[1] With respect to insider trading, or what is more technically called informed trading, the Commission report was itself suspect for several reasons. First, the informed trades relating to 9/11 covered far more than just airline company stock. The stocks of financial and reinsurance companies, as well as other financial vehicles, were identified as being associated with suspicious trades. Huge credit card transactions, completed just before the attacks, were also involved. The Commission ultimately tried to frame all of this highly suspicious trading in terms of a series of misunderstandings. However, the possibility that so many leading financial experts were so completely wrong is doubtful at best and, if true, would constitute another unbelievable scenario in the already highly improbable sequence of events represented by the official story of 9/11. In the last few years, new evidence has come to light on these matters. In 2006 and 2010, financial experts at a number of universities have established new evidence, through statistical analyses, that informed trades did occur with respect to the 9/11 attacks. Additionally, in 2007, the 911 Commission released a memorandum summary of the FBI investigations on which its report was based.[2] A careful review of this memorandum indicates that some of the people who were briefly investigated by the FBI, and then acquitted without due diligence, had links to al Qaeda and to US intelligence agencies. Although the elapsed time between the informed trades and these new confirmations might prevent legal action against the guilty, the facts of the matter can help lead us to the truth about 9/11. Early signs Within a week of the attacks, Germany’s stock market regulator, BAWe, began looking into claims of suspicious trading.[3] That same week, Italy’s foreign minister, Antonio Martino, made it clear that he had concerns by issuing this public statement: “I think that there are terrorist states and organisations behind speculation on the international markets.”[4] Within two weeks of the attacks, CNN reported that regulators were seeing “ever-clearer signs” that someone “manipulated financial markets ahead of the terror attack in the hope of profiting from it.” Belgian Finance Minister, Didier Reynders, said that there were strong suspicions that British markets were used for transactions.[5] The CIA was reported to have asked the British regulators to investigate some of the trades.[6] Unfortunately, the British regulator, The Financial Services Authority, wrote off its investigation by simply clearing “bin Laden and his henchmen of insider trading.”[7] Conversely, German central bank president, Ernst Welteke, said his bank conducted a study that strongly indicated “terrorism insider trading” associated with 9/11. He stated that his researchers had found “almost irrefutable proof of insider trading.”[8] Welteke suggested that the insider trading occurred not only in shares of companies affected by the attacks, such as airlines and insurance companies, but also in gold and oil. [9] The extent of the 9/11-related informed trading was unprecedented. An ABC News Consultant, Jonathan Winer, said, “it’s absolutely unprecedented to see cases of insider trading covering the entire world from Japan to the US to North America to Europe.”[10] By October 2001, the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) and the four other options exchanges in the US had joined forces with the FBI and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to investigate a list of 38 stocks, as well as multiple options and Treasury bonds, that were flagged in relation to potential informed trades. SEC Chairman Harvey Pitt gave testimony to the House Financial Services Committee at the time, saying, “We will do everything in our power to track those people down and bring them to justice.”[11] Mary Bender, chief regulatory officer at the CBOE, stated “We’ve never really had anything like this, [the option exchanges are] using the same investigative tools as we would in an insider-trading case. The point is to find people who are connected to these heinous crimes.” The people ultimately found included an unnamed customer of Deutsche Bank Alex. Brown (DBAB). This involved a trade on United Airlines (UAL) stock consisting of a 2,500-contract order that was, for some reason, split into chunks of 500 contracts each and then directed to multiple exchanges around the country simultaneously.[12] When the 9/11 Commission report pointed to a “single U.S.-based institutional investor with no conceivable ties to al Qaeda,” it was referring to either DBAB or its customer in that questionable trade. Michael Ruppert has since written about DBAB, noting that the company had previously been a financier of The Carlyle Group and also of Brown Brothers Harriman, both of which are companies closely related to the Bush family. Ruppert also noted that Alex. Brown, the company purchased by Deutsche Bank to become DBAB, was managed by A.B. (Buzzy) Krongard, who left the firm in 1998 to join the CIA as counsel to director George Tenet.[13] Krongard had been a consultant to CIA director James Woolsey in the mid 1990s and, on September 11th, he was the Executive Director of the CIA, the third highest position in the agency. Stock and Treasury bonds traded In 2002, investigator Kyle Hence wrote about the stocks involved in the SEC’s target list. Those that had the highest examples of trade volume over the average were UAL [285 times over average], Marsh & McLennan (Marsh) [93 times over average], American Airlines (AMR) [60 times over average], and Citigroup [45 times over average].[14] Other stocks flagged included financial firms, defense-related companies, and the reinsurance firms Munich Re, Swiss Re and the AXA Group. Put options for these reinsurance firms, or bets that the stock would drop, were placed at double the normal levels in the few days before the attacks. Regulators were concerned about “large block trades” on these stocks because the three firms were liable for billions in insurance payouts due to the damage inflicted on 9/11.[15] The four highest-volume suspect stocks — UAL, Marsh, AMR and Citigroup — were closely linked to the attacks of 9/11. The two airline companies each had two planes hijacked and destroyed. Marsh was located in the exact 8 floors out of 110 in the north tower of the WTC where Flight 11 impacted and the fires occurred. Citigroup was the parent of Travelers Insurance, which was expected to see $500 million in claims, and also Salomon Smith Barney, which occupied all but ten floors in World Trade Center (WTC) building 7. Oddly enough, Salomon Smith Barney had both Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney on its advisory board until January 2001. Marsh occupied a number of floors in the south tower as well. This is where the office of Marsh executive, L. Paul Bremer, was located. Bremer was a former managing director at Kissinger Associates and had just completed leading a national terrorism commission in 2000. The San Francisco Chronicle noted that Bremer was a source of early claims that rich Arabs were financing Osama bin Laden’s terrorist network. In an article on the 9/11 informed trades, the Chronicle reported that “The former chairman of the State Department’s National Commission on Terrorism, L. Paul Bremer, said he obtained classified government analyses early last year of bin Laden’s finances confirming the assistance of affluent Middle Easterners.”[16] On the day of 9/11, Bremer was interviewed by NBC News and stated that he believed Osama bin Laden was responsible and that possibly Iraq and Iran were involved too, and he called for the most severe military response possible. For unknown reasons, Google removed the interview video from its servers three times, and blocked it once.[17] The trading of Treasury bonds just before 9/11 was also flagged as being suspicious. Reporters from The Wall street Journal wrote that the “U.S. Secret Service contacted a number of bond traders regarding large purchases of five-year Treasury notes before the attacks, according to people familiar with the probe. The investigators, acting on a tip from traders, are examining whether terrorists, or people affiliated with terrorist organizations, bought five-year notes, including a single $5 billion trade.”[18] Some reports claimed that the 9/11 informed trades were such that millions of dollars were made, and some of that went unclaimed. [19] Others suggested that the trades resulted in the winning of billions of dollars in profits. One such suggestion was made by the former German Minister of Technology, Andreas von Buelow, who said that the value of the informed trades was on the order of $15 billion.[20] The FBI Investigations In May 2007, a 9/11 Commission document that summarized the FBI investigations into potential 9/11-related informed trading was declassified. [21] This document was redacted to remove the names of two FBI agents from the New York office, and to remove the names of select suspects in the informed trading investigations. The names of other FBI agents and suspects were left in. Regardless, some information can be gleaned from the document to help reveal the trades and traders investigated. On September 21, 2001, the SEC referred two specific transactions to the FBI for criminal investigation as potential informed trades. One of those trades was a September 6, 2001 purchase of 56,000 shares of a company called Stratesec, which in the few years before 9/11 was a security contractor for several of the facilities that were compromised on 9/11. These facilities included the WTC buildings, Dulles airport, where American Airlines Flight 77 took off, and also United Airlines, which owned two of the other three ill-fated planes. The affected 56,000 shares of Stratesec stock were purchased by a director of the company, Wirt D. Walker III, and his wife Sally Walker. This is clear from the memorandum generated to record the FBI summary of the trades investigated.[22] The Stratesec stock that the Walkers purchased doubled in value in the one trading day between September 11th and when the stock market reopened on September 17th. The Commission memorandum suggests that the trade generated a profit of $50,000 for the Walkers. Unfortunately, the FBI did not interview either of the Walkers and they were both cleared of any wrongdoing because they were said to have “no ties to terrorism or other negative information.” [23] However, Wirt Walker was connected to people who had connections to al Qaeda. For example, Stratesec director James Abrahamson was the business partner of Mansoor Ijaz, who claimed on several occasions to be able to contact Osama bin Laden.[24] Additionally, Walker hired a number of Stratesec employees away from a subsidiary of The Carlyle Group called BDM International, which ran secret (black) projects for government agencies. The Carlyle Group was partly financed by members of the bin Laden family.[25] Mr. Walker ran a number of suspicious companies that went bankrupt, including Stratesec, some of which were underwritten by a company run by a first cousin of former CIA director (and President) George H.W. Bush. Additionally, Walker was the child of a CIA employee and his first job was at an investment firm run by former US intelligence guru, James “Russ” Forgan, where he worked with another former CIA director, William Casey.[26] Of course, Osama bin Laden had links to the CIA as well.[27] Another trade investigated by the FBI, on request from the SEC, focused on Amir Ibrahim Elgindy, an Egyptian-born, San Diego stock advisor who on the day before 9/11 had allegedly attempted to liquidate $300,000 in assets through his broker at Salomon Smith Barney. During the attempted liquidation, Elgindy was said to have “predicted that the Dow Jones industrial average, which at the time stood at about 9,600, would soon crash to below 3,000.”[28] The 9/11 Commission memorandum suggests that the FBI never interviewed Mr. Elgindy either, and had planned to exonerate him because there was “no evidence he was seeking to establish a position whereby he would profit from the terrorist attacks.” Apparently, the prediction of a precipitous drop in the stock market, centered on the events of 9/11, was not sufficient cause for the FBI to interview the suspect. In late May 2002, Elgindy was arrested along with four others, including an FBI agent and a former FBI agent, and charged with conspiracy to manipulate stock prices and extort money from companies. The FBI agents, Jeffrey A Royer and Lynn Wingate, were said to have “used their access to F.B.I. databases to monitor the progress of the criminal investigation against Mr. Elgindy.”[29] A federal prosecutor later accused Elgindy, who also went by several aliases, of having prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks. Although the judge in that case did not agree with the prosecutor on the 9/11 informed trading accusation, Mr. Elgindy was eventually convicted, in 2005, of multiple crimes including racketeering, securities fraud, and making false statements. The Boston office of the FBI investigated stock trades related to two companies. The first was Viisage Technologies, a facial recognition company that stood to benefit from an increase in terrorism legislation. The Viisage purchase, made by a former employee of the Saudi American Bank, “revealed no connection with 9/11.” However, the Saudi American Bank was named in a lawsuit brought by the 9/11 victims’ families due to the bank having — “financed development projects in Sudan benefiting bin Laden in the early 1990s.”[30] The second company investigated by the Boston FBI office was Wellington Management, a company that allegedly held a large account for Osama bin Laden. The FBI found that Wellington Management maintained an account for “members of the bin Laden family” but dropped the investigation because it could not link this to “Osama, al Qaeda, or terrorism.”[31] Although the connections to al Qaeda in three of these cases (Walker, the Viisage trader, and Wellington Management) can be seen as circumstantial, the amount of such evidence is considerable. The quality of the FBI investigations, considering the suspects were not even interviewed, was therefore much less than “exhaustive”, as the 9/11 Commission characterized it. The summary of FBI investigations released by the 9/11 Commission also described how the Commission questioned the FBI about damaged computer hard drives that might have been recovered from the WTC. This questioning was the result of “press reports [contending] that large volumes of suspicious transactions flowed through the computers housed in the WTC on the morning of 9/11 as part of some illicit but ill-defined effort to profit from the attacks.”[32] The Commission came to the conclusion that no such activity occurred because “the assembled agents expressed no knowledge of the reported hard-drive recovery effort” and “everything at the WTC was pulverized to near powder, making it extremely unlikely that any hard-drives survived.” The truth, however, is that many such hard-drives were recovered from the WTC and were sent to specialist companies to be cleaned and have data recovered. A German company named Convar did a good deal of the recovery work. In December 2001, Reuters reported that “Convar has recovered information from 32 computers that support assumptions of dirty doomsday dealings.” Richard Wagner, a data retrieval expert at Convar, testified that “There is a suspicion that some people had advance knowledge of the approximate time of the plane crashes in order to move out amounts exceeding $100 million. They thought that the records of their transactions could not be traced after the main frames were destroyed.” Director of Convar, Peter Henschel, said that it was “not only the volume, but the size of the transactions [that] was far higher than usual for a day like that.”[33] By late December 2001, Convar had completed processing 39 out of 81 drives, and expected to receive 20 more WTC hard drives the next month. Obviously, the 911 Commission memorandum drafted in August 2003 was not particularly reliable considering it reported that the FBI and the 911 Commission had no knowledge of any of this. Statistical confirmations Considering that the FBI and 9/11 Commission overlooked the suspicious connections of informed trading suspects like Wirt Walker, and also claimed in 2003 to have no knowledge of hard drive recoveries publicly reported in 2001, we must assume that they did a poor job of investigating. Today, however, we know that several peer-reviewed academic papers have reported solid evidence that informed trades did occur. That is, the conclusions reached by the official investigations have now been shown, through scientific analysis, to be quite wrong. In 2006, a professor of Finance from the University of Illinois named Allen Poteshman published an analysis of the airline stock option trades preceding the attacks. This study came to the conclusion that an indicator of long put volume was “unusually high which is consistent with informed investors having traded in the option market in advance of the attacks.”[34] Long puts are bets that a stock or option will fall in price. The unusually high volume of long puts, purchased on UAL and AMR stock before these stocks declined dramatically due to the 9/11 attacks, are evidence that the traders knew that the stocks would decline. Using statistical techniques to evaluate conditional and unconditional distributions of historical stock option activity, Professor Poteshman showed that the data indicate that informed trading did occur. In January 2010, a team of financial experts from Switzerland published evidence for at least thirteen informed trades in which the investors appeared to have had foreknowledge of the attacks. This study focused again on a limited number of companies but, of those, the informed trades centered on five airline companies and four financial companies. The airline companies were American Airlines, United Airlines and Boeing. Three of the financial companies involved were located in the WTC towers and the fourth was Citigroup, which stood to lose doubly as the parent of both Travelers Insurance and the WTC 7 tenant, Salomon Smith Barney.[35] More recently, in April 2010, an international team of experts examined trading activities of options on the Standard & Poors 500 index, as well as a volatility index of the CBOE called VIX. These researchers showed that there was a significant abnormal increase in trading volume in the option market just before the 9/11 attacks, and they demonstrated that this was in contrast to the absence of abnormal trading volume over periods long before the attacks. The study also showed that the relevant abnormal increase in trading volume was not simply due to a declining market.[36] Their findings were “consistent with insiders anticipating the 9-11 attacks.” Conclusion In the early days just after 9/11, financial regulators around the world gave testimony to unprecedented evidence for informed trading related to the terrorist attacks of that day. One central bank president (Welteke) said there was irrefutable proof of such trading. This evidence led US regulators to vow, in Congressional testimony, to bring those responsible to justice. Those vows were not fulfilled, as the people in charge of the investigations let the suspects off the hook by conducting weak inquiries and concluding that informed trading could not have occurred if it was not done directly by Osama bin Laden or al Qaeda. The “exhaustive investigations” conducted by the FBI, on which the 9/11 Commission report was based, were clearly bogus. The FBI did not interview the suspects and did not appear to compare notes with the 9/11 Commission to help make a determination if any of the people being investigated might have had ties to al Qaeda. The Commission’s memorandum summary suggests that the FBI simply made decisions on its own regarding the possible connections of the suspects and the alleged terrorist organizations. Those unilateral decisions were not appropriate, as at least three of the suspected informed trades (those of Walker, the Viisage trader, and Wellington Management) involved reasonably suspicious links to Osama bin Laden or his family. Another suspect (Elgindy) was a soon-to-be convicted criminal who had direct links to FBI employees who were later arrested for securities-related crimes. The FBI also claimed in August 2003 that it had no knowledge of hard drives recovered from the WTC, which were publicly reported in 2001. According to the people who retrieved the associated data, the hard drives gave evidence for “dirty doomsday dealings.” The evidence for informed trading on 9/11 includes many financial vehicles, from stock options to Treasury bonds to credit card transactions made at the WTC just before it was destroyed. Today we know that financial experts from around the world have provided strong evidence, through established and reliable statistical techniques, that the early expert suspicions were correct, and that 9/11 informed trading did occur. People knew in advance about the crimes of 9/11, and they profited from that knowledge. Those people are among us today, and our families and communities are at risk of future terrorist attacks and further criminal profiteering if we do not respond to the evidence. It is time for an independent, international investigation into the informed trades and the traders who benefited from the terrorist acts of September 11th. Notes [1] National Commission on the Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, The 9/11 Commission Report, July 2004, p 172, and Chapter 5, footnote 130, http://govinfo.library.unt.edu/911/report/911Report.pdf [2] 9/11 Commission memorandum entitled “FBI Briefing on Trading”, prepared by Doug Greenburg, 18 August 2003, http://media.nara.gov/9-11/MFR/t-0148-911MFR-00269.pdf [3] Dave Carpenter, Exchange examines odd jump: Before attack: Many put options of hijacked planes’ parent companies purchased , The Associated Press, 18 September 2001, http://911research.wtc7.net/cache/sept11/cjonline_oddjump.html [4] BBC News, Bin Laden ‘share gains’ probe, 18 September 2001, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/1548118.stm [5] Tom Bogdanowicz and Brooks Jackson, Probes into ‘suspicious’ trading, CNN, 24 September 2001, http://web.archive.org/web/20011114023845/http://fyi.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/europe/09/24/gen.europe.shortselling/ [6] James Doran, Insider Trading Apparently Based on Foreknowledge of 9/11 Attacks, The London Times, 18 September 2001, http://911research.wtc7.net/cache/sept11/londontimes_insidertrading.html [7] David Brancaccio, Marketplace Public Radio: News Archives, 17 October 2001, http://marketplace.publicradio.org/shows/2001/10/17_mpp.html [8] Paul Thompson and The Center for Cooperative Research, Terror Timeline: Year by Year, Day by Day, Minute by Minute: A Comprehensive Chronicle of the Road to 9/11 – and America’s Response, Harper Collins, 2004. Also found at History Commons, Complete 9/11 Timeline, Insider Trading and Other Foreknowledge http://www.historycommons.org/timeline.jsp?timeline=complete_911_timeline&before_9/11=insidertrading [9] Associated Press, EU Searches for Suspicious Trading , 22 September 2001, http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,34910,00.html [10] World News Tonight, 20 September 2001 [11] Erin E. Arvedlund, Follow The Money: Terrorist Conspirators Could Have Profited More From Fall Of Entire Market Than Single Stocks, Barron’s (Dow Jones and Company), 6 October 2001 [12] Ibid [13] Michael C. Ruppert, Crossing the Rubicon: the decline of the American empire at the end of the age of oil, New Society Publishers, 2004 [14] Kyle F. Hence, Massive pre-attack ‘insider trading’ offer authorities hottest trail to accomplices, Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG), 21 April 2002, http://globalresearch.ca/articles/HEN204B.html [15] Grant Ringshaw, Profits of doom, The London Telegraph, 23 September 2001, http://911research.wtc7.net/cache/sept11/telegraph_profitsofdoom.html [16] Christian Berthelsen and Scott Winokur, Suspicious profits sit uncollected: Airline investors seem to be lying low, San Francisco Chronicle, 29 September 2001, http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=%2Fchronicle%2Farchive%2F2001%2F09%2F29%2FMN186128.DTL#ixzz14XPGwh6e [17] Lewis Paul Bremer III on Washington, DC, NBC4 TV, 11 September 2001, Vehmgericht http://vehme.blogspot.com/2007/08/lewis-paul-bremer-iii-on-washington-dc.html [18] Charles Gasparino and Gregory Zuckerman, Treasury Bonds Enter Purview of U.S. Inquiry Into Attack Gains, The Wall Street Journal, 2 October 2001, http://s3.amazonaws.com/911timeline/2001/wallstreetjournal100201.html [19] Christian Berthelsen and Scott Winokur [20] Tagesspiegel, Former German Cabinet Minister Attacks Official Brainwashing On September 11 Issue Points at “Mad Dog” Zbig and Huntington, 13 January 2002, http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/VonBuelow.html [21] 9/11 Commission memorandum [22] The 9/11 Commission memorandum that summarized the FBI investigations refers to the traders involved in the Stratesec purchase. From the references in the document, we can make out that the two people had the same last name and were related. This fits the description of Wirt and Sally Walker, who are known to be stock holders in Stratesec. Additionally, one (Wirt) was a director at the company, a director at a publicly traded company in Oklahoma (Aviation General), and chairman of an investment firm in Washington, DC (Kuwam Corp). [23] 9/11 Commission memorandum [24] Sourcewatch, Mansoor Ijaz/Sudan, http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Mansoor_Ijaz/Sudan [25] History Commons, Complete 911 Timeline, Bin Laden Family, http://www.historycommons.org/timeline.jsp?financing_of_al-qaeda:_a_more_detailed_look=binladenFamily&timeline=complete_911_timeline [26] Kevin R. Ryan, The History of Wirt Dexter Walker: Russell & Co, the CIA and 9/11, 911blogger.com, 3 September 2010, http://911blogger.com/news/2010-09-03/history-wirt-dexter-walker-russell-company-cia-and-911 [27] Michael Moran, Bin Laden comes home to roost : His CIA ties are only the beginning of a woeful story, MSNBC, 24 August 1998, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3340101 [28] Alex Berenson, U.S. Suggests, Without Proof, Stock Adviser Knew of 9/11, The New York Times, 25 May 2002, http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E06E4DB143BF936A15756C0A9649C8B63 [29] Alex Berenson, Five, Including F.B.I. Agents, Are Named In a Conspiracy, The New York Times, 23 May 2002 [30] History Commons, Complete 911 Timeline, Saudi American Bank, http://www.historycommons.org/entity.jsp?entity=saudi_american_bank [31] 9/11 Commission memorandum [32] 9/11 Commission memorandum [33] Erik Kirschbaum, German Firm Probes Final World Trade Center Deals, Reuters, 16 December 2001, http://911research.wtc7.net/cache/sept11/reuters_wtc_drives.html [34] Allen M. Poteshman, Unusual Option Market Activity and the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001, The Journal of Business, 2006, vol. 79, no. 4, http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/503645 [35] Marc Chesney, et al, Detecting Informed Trading Activities in the Options Markets, Social Sciences Research Network, 13 January 2010, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1522157 [36] Wing-Keung Wong, et al, Was there Abnormal Trading in the S&P 500 Index Options Prior to the September 11 Attacks?, Social Sciences Research Network, April 2010, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1588523
  19. Staying on topic as requested. Now Ive 56 hours of work this week. Will answer you when I have the time. <DELETED BY MODERATOR> sg http://blog.newvoices.org/?p=425 sorry removed video (but read comments then go --- see ) http://www.tu.tv/vid...salem-on-eve-of http://blog.newvoices.org/?p=4924
  20. Now as I stated in the BP thread ,the secret Pilgram Society wants to bring USA under British control. The web site I gave stated that a leaked Pilram Member list of 1979 indicated that the head of the said Pilgram Society usually was the Head of the Federal Reserve of New York. The current USA Treasury Head Timothy Geithner was the former Head of the Federal Reserve of New York. So one could think that the current (current) Pilgram Head is Geithner. Now during the last USA depression those that got out early in the market could buy assets of all kinds (all kinds) for 10% (or less) on the dollar. Now if there is a new depression, then asset buyers would (not could) get increased power -would this shift be British via Morgan group and other British loyalists ? This is what I have contented in my various posts and threads. PLEASE SEE http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=22021 Is its anyones contention that the USA Treasury head is not cognisant that the FED is sending (YES SENDING !) the USA down the wrong road ?? A road were buying up,AKA changing control (get it changing control (to British?)) can and will be done on the cheap and ease at 10 cents on the dollar. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX QUOTE TRUE IN PAST ++ TRUE NOW Treason doth never prosper: what's the reason? Why if it prosper, none dare call it treason. Ovid XXXXXXX http://revolutionarypolitics.tv/video/viewVideo.php?video_id=13171&title=a-new-dollar---an-insider-from-the-fed-banks-meeting XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
  21. BACK IN 2008 +++++++++ BACK IN 2008+++++++++BACK IN 2008 Attack on U.S. Embassy in Yemen Linked to Mossad -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- by wakeupfromyourslumber Saturday Oct 11th, 2008 5:34 PM Dubai, Oct 8 (IANS) A terrorist cell busted in Yemen last month after a suicide attack on the US embassy there had links with an Israeli intelligence agency, the state-run Saba news agency reported.The report, quoting an unnamed source, said investigations and data retrieved from a computer seized from the cell, showed there was correspondence between the Islamic Jihad group’s deputy leader Bassam Abdullah Fadhel Al-Haidari and an Israeli intelligence agency. Saba quoted the source as saying that the correspondence between the two sides included a request from the Israeli side to implement terrorist attacks inside Yemen. Wed, 2008-10-08 Remember the attack on the U.S. embassy in Yemen last month that took the lives of eighteen people? A group calling themselves "Islamic Jihad" claimed responsibility for the blast. It has a nice, scary ring to it hasn't it? "Islamic Jihad" also happens to be the name of a group that operates out of Gaza. "Islamic Jihad" pointedly mentioned its affiliation with al Qaeda after claiming responsibility for the September 17 U.S. embassy bombing: "We, the Organisation of Islamic Jihad, belonging to the Al-Qaeda network, repeat our demand of (Yemeni President) Ali Abdullah Saleh to free our detained brothers within 48 hours," said a statement signed by self-proclaimed leader Abu Ghaith al-Yamani. Former agent for French military intelligence Pierre-Henry Bunel has this to say about 'al Qaeda': "The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the 'devil' only in order to drive the 'TV watcher' to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism..." Well now the Yemeni authorities have arrested a group of these al Qaeda-backed militants with, surprise surprise, links to Israeli intelligence. From BBC News: Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh has said the security forces have arrested a group of alleged Islamist militants linked to Israeli intelligence. Mr Saleh did not say what evidence had been found to show the group's links with Israel, a regional enemy of Yemen. The arrests were connected with an attack on the US embassy in Sanaa last month which killed at least 18 people, official sources were quoted saying. Israel's foreign ministry has rejected the accusation as "totally ridiculous". "A terrorist cell was arrested and will be referred to the judicial authorities for its links with the Israeli intelligence services," Mr Saleh told a gathering at al-Mukalla University in Hadramawt province. "Details of the trial will be announced later. You will hear about what goes on in the proceedings," he added. The 17 September attack was the second to target the US embassy since April. Militants detonated car bombs before firing rockets at the heavily fortified building. Mr Saleh did not identify the suspects, but official sources were quoted saying it was same cell - led by a militant called Abu al-Ghaith al-Yamani - whose arrest was announced a week after the attack. An Israeli foreign ministry spokesman said the Yemeni president's statement was without foundation. "To believe that Israel would create Islamist cells in Yemen is really far-fetched. This is yet another victory for the proponents of conspiracy theories," Igal Palmor said in remarks reported by AFP. And from the Yemen Observer: President Saleh revealed on Monday that security forces in Yemen caught an espionage network for Israel made up of Arab nationals. This announcement came during his speech in front of MP's, Shura Council members, local council members, scholars and military and security leaders at Hadhramout University. According to the president the suspected spies will be brought before the courts shortly in a public trial after investigations are complete. The network was comprised of 40 people from different Arab nationalities spying for Mossad, the Israeli international intelligence said sources from National and Political Security Units. The members of the espionage network entered Yemen on the premise of conducting business, tourism and even for preaching in mosques. Saleh said that the suspected spies form a terrorism cell that uses also Islam to reach their targets.Members were arrested individually and found to be in possession of detailed maps for sensitive security sites, intelligence telecommunication units and advanced tracking devices. And from another Oct 8 news report: Dubai, Oct 8 (IANS) A terrorist cell busted in Yemen last month after a suicide attack on the US embassy there had links with an Israeli intelligence agency, the state-run Saba news agency reported.The report, quoting an unnamed source, said investigations and data retrieved from a computer seized from the cell, showed there was correspondence between the Islamic Jihad group’s deputy leader Bassam Abdullah Fadhel Al-Haidari and an Israeli intelligence agency. Saba quoted the source as saying that the correspondence between the two sides included a request from the Israeli side to implement terrorist attacks inside Yemen. Source: Attack on U.S. Embassy in Yemen Linked to Mossad | Wake Up From Your Slumber Referenced links: Yemen blasts: Islamic Jihad claims responsibility for US embassy attack - Telegraph Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Fake Al Qaeda AFP: Yemen rounds up suspects after US embassy attack The Truth Seeker - Al Qaeda – The Database - Google News BBC NEWS | Middle East | Yemen seizes 'Israel-linked' cell Espionage network for Israel arrested in Yemen Terrorist cell busted in Yemen had links with Israel Saba Net - Yemen news agency XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and to continue the theme....... BACK IN 1963 XXXX BACK IN 1963 XXXXXX BACK IN 1963 XXXXX Israeli False Flag Attack on U.S. Motivated 1963 Senate Investigations - Newly Declassified Files WASHINGTON, Nov. 9, 2010 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Fears of false flag and foreign funded covert operations designed to influence U.S. policy drove the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to launch exhaustive investigations and call for warranted enforcement of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). A newly declassified March 17, 1961 memo unsealed and released by the National Archives and Records Administration on October 21, 2010 outlined the Senate's rationale for investigating Israel lobbying groups and other foreign agents active across the United States. "In recent years there has been an increasing number of incidents involving attempts by foreign governments, or their agents, to influence the conduct of American foreign policy by techniques outside normal diplomatic channels.....there have been occasions when representatives of other governments have been privately accused of engaging in covert activities within the United States and elsewhere, for the purpose of influencing United States Policy (the Lavon Affair)." The Lavon Affair refers to a false flag Israeli terrorist bombing plot code named "Operation Susannah" against U.S. targets in Egypt. It was designed to reverse U.S. policy pressuring British withdrawals and reverting control of the Suez Canal to Egypt. Israeli agents infiltrating as Arabs were discovered, arrested and criminally prosecuted in Egypt when their explosives malfunctioned, leading to a crisis in the Israeli government. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which mentioned Lavon twice in the three page memo, expressed concerns about investigating such sensitive matters. "There would undoubtedly (even with care) be instances which would lead to foreign governmental protests, to violent attacks by special groups in the United States..." The declassified files are now available at: http://www.irmep.org/ila/forrel The declassified Senate memo suggested three avenues for investigation. "I. Public receipt of testimony from Department of Justice and Department of State....II. Public receipt of testimony from selected law and public relations firms....III Executive (perhaps public) receipt of testimony on the Lavon Affair, and similar 'grey area' activities..." The Senate investigated the foreign agents of many countries in 1962, held hearings throughout 1963, and published redacted records. Preliminary findings led the Department of Justice to order the American Zionist Council to register and publicly disclose its Israeli-funded clandestine lobbying activities under FARA. The AZC promptly shut down and reorganized within its lobbying division, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which incorporated six weeks after the AZC FARA order, but refused to register as an Israeli foreign agent. The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is the nation's record keeper. It retains 1%-3% of the most important documents of business conducted by the United States Federal government. The Israel Lobby Archive, http://IRmep.org/ila, is a unit of the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy in Washington. SOURCE Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy
  22. The Wikipedia text cites no sources and in no way indicates S & B is or was British. *************************** Sorry were is the Wikipedia Text/ cited histomania (connected to Wik ??) ?? please tell Sources •Life and Recollections of John Murray Forbes, ed. by Sarah Forbes Hughes, Two Volumes, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1899. •An American Railroad Builder: John Murray Forbes, by Henry Pearson, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1911. •Forbes: Telephone Pioneer, by Arthur Pier, 1953. External link •The Ancestors of Sen. John Forbes Kerry (b. 1943) This article contains content from HierarchyPedia article Forbes family, used here under the GNU Free Documentation License. Categories: Forbes family | History of Hong Kong XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX Later, some of the Forbes family sold their China trading interests to the Russell and Company , a shipping empire which was headed by Robert Bennett Forbes, and was later associated with Yale's development and endowment. Yale's Skull and Bones society was founded by William H. Russell, one of the members of the wealthy Russell family, in 1832. **^^** Now NOTE to COLBY. British fleet controlled the ports of importance/thus there had to be a Russell family=British alliance Re:opium /Russell formed Skull & Bones/S & B people heavy into foreign relations-globalism that tangentially promoted British interests/was very secret society and promoted British...QUI BONO ?? sg XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
  23. Your posts have diverted attention from Yemen as a geopolitical prize. Yemen, a small piece on the grand chessboard of Angloamerican Imperialism. This may be your "ultimate purpose". If you were paid-to-post, then this would be a desired outcome.You have 'opinionated' so many things,its hard to get around them all. IMHO you falsely present yourself as a defender of what is responsible and right. It seems you have a lot of time on your hands. Hopefully I will be able to leave the forum as a poster by Nov. 29th. I will spend more time spreading the Gospel. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^XXXX Now to address your numerous perfidious falsifications. I never,never used the terms Joooz,Protocols and or Jewish Banking Conspiracy. I believe you are trying to cause an incorrect impression of myself. This may be an additional "ultimate purpose". You keep mentioning a fellow named "Duff". Duff as a boogyman of antisemitism. I only read Duff since the thread started. I said in this thread,"lets stop talking about Duff",but you seem fixated on the man. I dont think my position on Jewish people differs much from Norman Finkelstein. The WWII German society became unbalanced as is Israel's today. SEE http://www.normanfinkelstein.com/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^XXXX As I stated clearly in another thread (Colby did read) to paraphrase myself,'the heart of the banker world power grab is the City of London'. As Colby should know the vast,vast majority of bankers in said city are not Jews. Colby made it seem I've talked about a ,"Jewish Banking Conspiracy". This is something I never,never said SIR !! Colby's response might remind oneself of a type of 'victimization'. Colby's belittlement of me smacks of arrogance/superiorty. Colby used the term irony in his post. I think Mr.Colby should look in a mirror to find Mr.Irony staring back at him. SG ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^XXXX SEE City of London BTW I did an edit search and the word Jew is not mentioned at all in the link below...who woulda thunk it,NOT COLBY !! http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:hWEe-0o4uFkJ:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/City_of_London+http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/City_of_London&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
  24. +++++++++++++++++++ Yes Harvey and Lee movie would be fantastic and if done right would draw the crowds. SG
  25. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This might help you. http://www.historymania.com/american_history/Forbes_family Ruth Paine went to the Forbes compound in the summer 63. sg
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