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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. supremacist shilling for Capital? (isnt that enough ??,Gaal) The elites are upset that Syria has taken so long to fall. Im sure they have put the heat on him. That given, there may be an additional incentive given to Kerry to have him intensify his Imperial work. The elites... . may....(see below) ____________________________________________ there are numerous blackmail scenarios http://www.standupamericaus.org/world-events/john-kerry-errs-exposes-his-own-iranian-family-ties-to-blackmail/ http://en.mediamass.net/people/john-kerry/married.html
  2. Greek Farmers Block Athens with Tractors http://greece.greekreporter.com/2014/02/16/greek-farmers-block-athens-with-tractors/ Greek farmers decided to continue their struggle in order to push the government to satisfy their demands which they claim are vital for their survival. They have announced a panhellenic rally on Wednesday, February 19 in the center of Athens, Greece. Farmers called all Greek citizens to participate, expressing their opposition to the government’s policy, which afflicts all workers and vulnerable social groups.
  3. Monday, February 17, 2014 US and EU Are Paying Ukrainian Rioters and Protesters Paul Craig Roberts A number of confirmations have come in from readers that Washington is fueling the violent protests in Ukraine with our taxpayer dollars. Washington has no money for food stamps or to prevent home foreclosures, but it has plenty of money with which to subvert Ukraine. One reader wrote: “My wife, who is of Ukrainian nationality, has weekly contact to her parents and friends in Zhytomyr [NW Ukraine]. According to them, most protesters get an average payment of 200-300 grivna, corresponding to about 15-25 euro. As I additionally heard, one of the most active agencies and ‘payment outlets’ on EU side is the German ‘Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’, being closely connected to the CDU, i.e. Mrs. Merkel’s party.” As I reported on February 12, “Washington Orchestrated Protests Are Destabilizing Ukraine,” Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, a rabid Russophobe and neoconservative warmonger, told the National Press Club last December that the US has “invested” $5 billion in organizing a network to achieve US goals in Ukraine in order to give “Ukraine the future it deserves.” Nuland is the Obama regime official who was caught red-handed naming the members of the Ukrainian government Washington intends to impose on the Ukrainian people once the paid protesters have unseated the current elected and independent government. (Source) What Nuland means by Ukraine’s future under EU overlordship is for Ukraine to be looted like Latvia and Greece and to be used by Washington as a staging ground for US missile bases against Russia. From the responses I received to my request for confirmations of the information sent to me from Moldova, there is enough evidence that Washington fomented the violent riots for western newspapers and TV channels to investigate. But they haven’t. As we know, the presstitutes are enablers of Washington’s crimes and duplicities. However, the US media has reported that the Ukrainian government is paying Ukrainians to rally in favor of the government.(Source) As Karl Marx wrote, money turns everything into a commodity that is bought and sold. I wouldn’t be surprised if some protesters are working both sides of the street. Of course, not all of the protesters are paid. There are plenty of gullible dupes in the streets who think they are protesting Ukraine government corruption. I have heard from several. There is little doubt that the Ukraine government is corrupt. What government isn’t? Government corruption is universal, but it is easy to go from the frying pan into the fire. Ukrainian protesters seem to think that they can escape corruption by joining the EU. Obviously, these gullible dupes are unfamiliar with the report on EU corruption issued February 3 by the EU Commissioner for Home Affairs. The report says that a business-political nexus of corruption affects all 28 EU member countries and costs the EU economies $162.2 billion per annum. (Source) Clearly, Ukrainians will not escape corruption by joining the EU. Indeed, the corruption will be worse. I have no objection to Ukrainians protesting government corruption. Indeed, such gullible people could benefit from the lesson they would learn once their country is in the hands of corrupt Brussels and Washington. What I object to is the lack of awareness on the part of the protesters that by permitting themselves to be manipulated by Washington, they are pushing the world toward a dangerous war. I would be surprised if Russia is content to have US military and missile bases in Ukraine. It was fools like Nuland playing the great game that gave us World War I. World War III would be the last war. Washington’s drive to exploit every opportunity to establish its hegemony over the world is driving us all to nuclear war. Like Nuland, a significant percentage of the population of western Ukraine are Russophobes. I know the case for Ukrainian dislike of Russia, but Ukrainian emotions fueled with Washington’s money should not direct the course of history. No historians will be left to document how gullible and witless Ukrainians set the world up for destruction. This article first appeared at Paul Craig Roberts' website Institute For Political Economy. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His Internet columns have attracted a worldwide following.
  4. assistance to understand complex technical issues.(RE: FUKUSHIMA) BURTON ########################################################################## BURTON'S CONTROL PROGRAMING ....eah eh ha ....... NEWS SOURCES (Gaal) http://www.foe.org.au/fukushima-and-death-science-journalism-australia ======================================================= Japan to Ban All News Coverage of Fukushima – Ten Year Prison Penalty (worded slightly differently) (Before It's News) A less-than-candid admission by the Japanese government that the situation is completely out of its hand and is adopting the Ostrich Option – But the world cannot follow suit or stand by any more because this also means “It Will Get Even Worse…” T Dennen Fukushima continues to spew out radiation. The quantities seem to be rising, as do the impacts. The site has been infiltrated by organized crime. There are horrifying signs of ecological disaster in the Pacific and human health impacts in the United States. But within Japan, a new State Secrets Act makes such talk punishable by up to ten years in prison. .... A year ago a Japanese professor was detained 20 days without trial for speaking out against the open-air incineration of radioactive waste. Now Prime Minister Abe can do far worse. The Times of India reports that the State Secrets Act is unpopular, and that Abe’s approval ratings have dropped with its passage. But the new law may make Japan’s democracy a relic of its pre-Fukushima past. It’s the cancerous mark of a nuclear regime bound to control all knowledge of a lethal global catastrophe now ceaselessly escalating. [end snip] FULL ARTICLE: http://beforeitsnews.com/japan-earthquake/2013/12/japan-to-ban-all-news-coverage-of-fukushima-ten-year-prison-penalty-2444758.html
  5. Is The Military Training For American Martial Law ?? Is the Military Training for American Martial Law? Read more at http://lastresistance.com/4769/military-training-american-martial-law/#Lwr3GI61kbhamH3h.99 There’s a 300-acre city in Virginia now that wasn’t there about six years ago. It has public transportation, a sports stadium, offices, and parking lots. It’s a ghost town though. No one lives here. It is a military training city that cost $96 million. Perhaps to make us all feel a little more comfortable, the military included a mosque in this fake city, but in every other way, it appears to be a mock version of pretty much any city in America. The street signs are in English, and the subway cars have the same logo on them as the cars in Washington, DC. What could the military possibly need this city for? What could they be training for that would require a full-scale mock American city? Hmmmm. I wonder. Martial law, perhaps? When every department of “homeland security” is stockpiling ammo, it makes one wonder whether the civil government is actively preparing to make war on its own citizens. Perhaps the economy finally collapses and they can’t deliver what they’ve promised. Or maybe the President doesn’t want to leave after two terms, and he deploys the military and declares a state of emergency and martial law. Perhaps a county or a state secedes again. I don’t know. But the existence of this training city troubles me. The military defends the city’s existence by claiming that it provides a unique training environment for their recently created “Asymmetric Warfare Group”—a group designed to combat terrorism. And that’s what worries me. What does it take to be a domestic terrorist? Writing a blog? Owning gold? Criticizing the current administration? It won’t be long now. If there is a significant enough natural or financial crisis, I imagine people won’t be all that interested in paying taxes anymore. And when that time comes, I imagine the civil government will send in the AWG. Read more at http://lastresistance.com/4769/military-training-american-martial-law/#Lwr3GI61kbhamH3h.99
  6. The message that we should be taking from all this is not that Fukushima fall out IS causing problems but rather than we should be prudent and monitor the situation so that if it does change, we can be alerted. BURTON GEE (Gaal) "not that Fukushima fall out IS causing problems " Seems "neither one of us is an environmental scientist or a nuclear physicist (Burton)" Professor Burton has reached a conclusion.(Gaal) ++++++++++++ the figures and table don't necessarily mean anything. All we know is if something is higher than normal we get worried.(BURTON) Golly if the table shows increased Milk Cesium (post 3/11) I dont have to be a scientist to be worried , just a good Google reader with a good amount college chemistry background . (GAAL) Cesium-137 An inevitable byproduct of nuclear fission is the production of fission products which are highly radioactive. Cesium-137 and strontium-90 are the most dangerous radioisotopes to the environment in terms of their long-term effects. Their intermediate half-lives of about 30 years suggests that they are not only highly radioactive but that they have a long enough halflife to be around for hundreds of years. Iodine-131 may give a higher initial dose, but its short halflife of 8 days ensures that it will soon be gone. Besides its persistence and high activity, cesium-137 has the further insidious property of being mistaken for potassium by living organisms and taken up as part of the fluid electrolytes. This means that it is passed on up the food chain and reconcentrated from the environment by that process. Cesium-137 decay has a half-life of 30.07 years and proceeds by both beta decay and gamma emission from an intermediate state. Both the electron and gamma emissions are highly ionizing radiation. The gamma radiation is very penetrating, and the beta radiation, though very short range, is very dangerous when ingested because it deposits all that energy in a very short distance in tissue. Cesium's danger as an environmental hazard, damaging when ingested, is made worse by it's mimicing of potassium's chemical properties. This ensures that cesium as a contaminant will be ingested, because potassium is needed by all living things. ================================================== Additionally, ENENews is "cherry picking" reports (Burton) Cherry picking ?? True core of Dr. Buessler concerns is much more worry than you seem to have. He is setting up his own independant monitoring. (SEE BELOW,Gaal) = Activists who distrust the US government taking the responsibility of radiation monitoring into their own hands. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ linttrap comments at thisbluemarble ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ US residents monitor Fukushima radiation Activists who distrust the US government taking the responsibility of radiation monitoring into their own hands. http://www.aljazeera.com/humanrights...450378232.html An excerpt from the above article, which is long and full of interesting information. ...leading marine chemist Ken Buesseler says no US government agency currently tests radiation levels in the Pacific Ocean. "I don't expect the radiation levels to be high but we can't dismiss the concerns that the public has," said Buesseler, who works for the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, a non profit research organization based in Massachusetts and focused on studying the ocean. Buesseler, along with a team from WHOI, made the first of his three visits to the Fukushima area in June 2011. They suspected groundwater flowing through the reactor site was carrying radiation into the sea. Buesseler says weeks after the March 2011 Fukushima Plant disaster occurred a large plume of radioactive air swept across the Pacific Ocean and over California. According to Buesseler a second plume is headed towards California, this one is in the water and has taken almost three years to make it across the Pacific Ocean. "The effects of Fukushima will be increasing as the front edge of a large water plume coming from the nuclear plant will reach California soon and increase over the years," said Buesseler. Buesseler recently took his concerns to Washington where he met with US government officials at the various agencies responsible for monitoring radiation levels in air, food, and water. He said he visited officials at the Department of Energy, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Environmental Protection Agency. "They all said that it's not their responsibility to test the Pacific Ocean for radiation. This issue is falling between the cracks of government responsibility. It’s a health and safety issue here," Buesseler said. Bertucci and Sythe say that with no US government testing ocean waters there isn't any large scale studies to peak the interests of local or national government officials. "There isn't data to suggest that people should be alarmed about the radiation levels of the waters along California's coast. There is no evidence of environmental impact or affects on public health," said US Congressman Jared Huffman, who represents a large part of California's northern coast. However some members of Fukushima Response say that a lack of data doesn't mean that the issue doesn't exist. "The nuclear energy lobby groups are strong and there is a lid on the kind of peer reviewed scientific data that is going to give us the quantifiable effects [of the Fukushima radiation]," said Bertucci. Huffman says he doesn't see any signs of a cover up by the nuclear energy industry or the US government but says that "the US government should be doing more testing in order to convince the public that the ocean and fish are safe." Buesseler's concern about radiation levels in the ocean and the absence of a government monitoring program led him to start his own testing and monitoring service. Buesseler says he is in the process of setting up a website that will allow people to mail samples of water collected off their beaches and docks to the WHOI for a tax-free donation. The results will be posted on the Internet for the public to access. "I'm not terribly confident in the information Japan is sharing about the plant’s activities and clean up. That's why it's even more important now to advocate for continuous testing of air, food, and ocean water for radiation," said Norman. __________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Man will never be free until the last politician is strangled with the entrails of the last priest." Voltaire or Diderot “When you hear ‘no immediate danger‘ from nuclear radiation then you should run away as far and as fast as you can.” -Alexey Yablokov, member of the Russian academy of sciences and adviser to President Gorbachev at the time of Chernobyl
  7. Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) in Berkeley, CA. if thats not an establishment source,what is ??? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I've posted page one of Five Globalresearch return search on BBC above. Web (20) Historic Court Case Against the BBC's Cover Up of 9/11 Evidence ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/historic-court-case-against-the-bbcs.../5322983 Historic Court Case Against the BBC's Cover Up of 9/11 Evidence ... Feb 14, 2013 ... The BBC is being challenged strongly for its refusal to present to the British public the available scientific evidence which contradicts the official ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/historic-court-case-against-the-bbcs.../5322983 clipped from Google - 2/2014 Terrorists Portrayed as 'Opposition': BBC Wages Propaganda War ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/terrorists-portrayed-as-opposition-bbc.../31126 Terrorists Portrayed as 'Opposition': BBC Wages Propaganda War ... May 30, 2012 ... Millions globally follow BBC reports regularly. Most perhaps don't know they get propaganda, not real news, commentary and opinion. www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/terrorists-portrayed-as-opposition-bbc.../31126 clipped from Google - 2/2014 9/11 Horsham Court Case: “BBC's Reporting made it Complicit in ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/911-court-case-bbcs-reporting...it.../5324349 9/11 Horsham Court Case: “BBC's Reporting made it Complicit in ... Feb 26, 2013 ... A large crowd arrived at Horsham Magistrates' Court this morning, as 9/11 truth campaigner Tony Rooke had his day in court. Prosecuted for ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/911-court-case-bbcs-reporting...it.../5324349 clipped from Google - 2/2014 MEA CULPA: BBC world news editor: Houla massacre coverage ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/mea-culpa-bbc-world-news-editor.../31444 MEA CULPA: BBC world news editor: Houla massacre coverage ... Jun 15, 2012 ... As quietly as possible, BBC world news editor Jon Williams has admitted that the coverage of last month's Houla massacre in Syria by the ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/mea-culpa-bbc-world-news-editor.../31444 clipped from Google - 2/2014 Israel Assassination of Rachel Corrie: BBC Admits Failings in ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/israel-assassination-of-rachel...bbc...in.../5329130 Israel Assassination of Rachel Corrie: BBC Admits Failings in ... Mar 30, 2013 ... On Tuesday 26th March, the BBC has admitted that a reference it made to Israeli soldiers dying on the same day US activist Rachel Corrie was ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/israel-assassination-of-rachel...bbc...in.../5329130 clipped from Google - 2/2014 Syria/Libya versus Bahrain: A BBC Factoid | Global Research www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/syria-libya-versus-bahrain-a-bbc-factoid/25373 Syria/Libya versus Bahrain: A BBC Factoid | Global Research Jun 23, 2011 ... The BBC which makes much of its 'objective' and 'balanced' news coverage, when challenged by the facts of its biased coverage of events in ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/syria-libya-versus-bahrain-a-bbc-factoid/25373 clipped from Google - 2/2014 BBC and Fallujah: War Crimes and Media Lies | Global Research www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/bbc-and-fallujah-war-crimes-and-media.../1228 BBC and Fallujah: War Crimes and Media Lies | Global Research Nov 10, 2005 ... November 9, 2005 on the BBC News website, under the title US 'uses incendiary arms' in Iraq I could still read: Italian state TV, RAI, has ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/bbc-and-fallujah-war-crimes-and-media.../1228 clipped from Google - 2/2014 The BBC: propaganda which upholds Israeli war crimes | Global ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/the-bbc-propaganda-which-upholds-israeli.../2743 The BBC: propaganda which upholds Israeli war crimes | Global ... Jul 17, 2006 ... The portrayal of the BBC as independent and impartial public broadcaster is sadly misleading. The BBC is a global instrument of Zionist ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/the-bbc-propaganda-which-upholds-israeli.../2743 clipped from Google - 2/2014 As Gaza is savaged again, understanding the BBC's role requires ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/as-gaza-is-savaged-again...bbcs.../5312623 As Gaza is savaged again, understanding the BBC's role requires ... Nov 22, 2012 ... In Peter Watkins' remarkable BBC film, The War Game, which foresaw the aftermath of an attack on London with a one-megaton nuclear bomb, ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/as-gaza-is-savaged-again...bbcs.../5312623 clipped from Google - 2/2014 MEDIA DISINFO: BBC criticised for using Iraq 2003 photo to ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/media-disinfo-bbc-criticised-for...to.../31077 MEDIA DISINFO: BBC criticised for using Iraq 2003 photo to ... May 28, 2012 ... The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has been slammed for mistakenly using a photo taken in Iraq in 2003 to illustrate the Syria ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/media-disinfo-bbc-criticised-for...to.../31077 clipped from Google - 2/2014 Spying on Iran? Iran Arrests Elements of Network Linked to BBC ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/spying-on-iran-iran-arrests...bbc.../5321209 Spying on Iran? Iran Arrests Elements of Network Linked to BBC ... Jan 31, 2013 ... The network, established by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and run through the collaboration of certain Western powers, was ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/spying-on-iran-iran-arrests...bbc.../5321209 clipped from Google - 2/2014 The Impacts of Depleted Uranium. Cancer, Birth Defects and The ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/the-impacts-of-deplete...bbc.../5329353 The Impacts of Depleted Uranium. Cancer, Birth Defects and The ... Apr 1, 2013 ... Under the title 'Fallujah's children's 'genetic damage', that old war horse 'literally' of the BBC's foreign propaganda service, John Simpson, ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/the-impacts-of-deplete...bbc.../5329353 clipped from Google - 2/2014 NY Times Dragged Into Sex Scandal At The BBC: Who Knew What ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/ny-times-dragged-into...bbc.../5309471 NY Times Dragged Into Sex Scandal At The BBC: Who Knew What ... Oct 24, 2012 ... I was on the BBC's World Have Your Say radio show discussing their high-profile sex scandal that is now getting reported in the US press. www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/ny-times-dragged-into...bbc.../5309471 clipped from Google - 2/2014 Media Disinformation: BBC distorts the News from the Georgia Region www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/media-disinformation-bbc-distorts-the.../9783 Media Disinformation: BBC distorts the News from the Georgia Region Aug 10, 2008 ... As usual, the BBC is twisting and distorting the news coming out of the Georgia region. We keep being told that around 1500 have been killed ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/media-disinformation-bbc-distorts-the.../9783 clipped from Google - 2/2014 Interview with Osama bin Laden. Denies his Involvement in 9/11 ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/interview-with-osama-bin-laden...his.../24697 Interview with Osama bin Laden. Denies his Involvement in 9/11 ... May 9, 2011 ... It was translated into English by the BBC World Monitoring Service and made public on September 29, 2001. The authenticity of this interview, ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/interview-with-osama-bin-laden...his.../24697 clipped from Google - 2/2014 Manipulating Video Images: Sloppy Journalism or War Propaganda ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/manipulating-video-images-sloppy...or.../26380 Manipulating Video Images: Sloppy Journalism or War Propaganda ... Sep 5, 2011 ... Green Square Tripoli. Libyans are seen celebrating the victory of Rebel forces over Ghadaffi in this BBC News Report (see below). Examine the ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/manipulating-video-images-sloppy...or.../26380 clipped from Google - 2/2014 BBC Defends Decision to Censor the Word "Palestine" | Global ... tv.globalresearch.ca tv.globalresearch.ca/.../bbc-defends-decision-censor-word-palestine BBC Defends Decision to Censor the Word "Palestine" | Global ... Mar 1, 2012 ... by grtv. What rapper Mic Righteous was actually trying to say was 'Free Palestine' . But Palestine, it seems, is now a dirty word on the BBC. tv.globalresearch.ca tv.globalresearch.ca/.../bbc-defends-decision-censor-word-palestine clipped from Google - 2/2014 The BBC: NATO's Media Partner in Crime | Global Research www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/the-bbc-nato-s-media-partner-in-crime/27289 The BBC: NATO's Media Partner in Crime | Global Research Oct 25, 2011 ... Well they've finally silenced Muammar Gaddafi, the man the BBC calls “an oddball until the end”. The manner of his capture and death seems ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/the-bbc-nato-s-media-partner-in-crime/27289 clipped from Google - 2/2014 BBC reopens Kelly case with new film | Global Research www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/bbc-reopens-kelly-case-with-new-film/3916 BBC reopens Kelly case with new film | Global Research Nov 19, 2006 ... THE BBC is risking a new confrontation with Downing Street by launching an investigation into the death of David Kelly, the scientist at the ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/bbc-reopens-kelly-case-with-new-film/3916 clipped from Google - 2/2014 BBC Newsspeak – 'Credible sources' | Global Research www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/bbc-newsspeak-credible-sources/1362 BBC Newsspeak – 'Credible sources' | Global Research Nov 29, 2005 ... By now it must surely be obvious to pretty well everyone that the BBC's messing with reality is rife, the twists and turns are tortuous and ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/bbc-newsspeak-credible-sources/1362
  8. Gov’t Test: Cattle feed at California dairy farm had 300 pCi/kg of radioactive cesium after Fukushima; 9-month gap between when sample harvested and when received by lab — New UC Berkeley study reveals over 3,500 pCi/kg of cesium deposited on nearby roadside Published: February 15th, 2014 at 5:43 pm ET By ENENews========================================== Measurements of Fission Products from the Fukushima Daiichi Incident in San Francisco Bay Area Air Filters, Automobile Filters, Rainwater, and Food, Dec. 27, 2013: A variety of environmental media were analyzed for fallout radionuclides resulting from the Fukushima nuclear accident by the Low Background Facility (LBF) at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) in Berkeley, CA. [...] An asphalt berm (curb) along the downslope edge of the road protects the slopes below from rainfall runoff from the road surface. [...] Typically, the sieved material represents at least 80% of the total collected material. For analysis, these sediments are packed into one of the same counting containers as are used for soil samples. These procedures were followed for the samples listed in Table A.5 . The June 9, sample result was 132.4 Bq/kg of cesium 134 + 137 (3,579 pCi/kg). California Department of Public Health (pdf): (picture wont transfer PLEASE see link for data) http://enenews.com/govt-doc-cattle-feed-california-dairy-farm-300-pcikg-radioactive-cesium-after-fukushima-tested-9-months-after-being-harvested-berkeley-study-reveals-3500-pcikg-cesium Winter forage vegetation at the California Winter forage vegetation at the California dairy farm had combined cesium 134 + 137 equaling 0.299 pCi/gram or 299 pCi/kg. Cesium-134 levels would be even higher than reported due to the 9 months of radioactive decay that took place before testing occurred (37.5% into its 2-year half-life). No reason is stated for the 9-month gap between when the vegetation sample was harvested and when it was tested. View more California milk testing results here ========================================== Related Posts CBS San Francisco: “Widespread distrust” of scientists over Fukushima — Official: “People are worried, people want to know what’s going on” — UC Berkeley professor admits much of his funding is from gov’t: If you don’t trust us, who is it you want to trust? Says man-made cesium-137 is “natural background radiation” (VIDEO) February 1, 2014 UC Berkeley Professor: California seeing Fukushima fallout won’t be a surprise — ‘Especially concerned’ after radioactive leaks at plant were admitted — “I’m not terribly confident in information Japan is sharing” January 19, 2014 UC Berkeley Nuclear Professor: Radiation levels we had in California after 3/11 were higher than they are now in water by Fukushima plant, it was “interesting” — Reactors and fuel pools still pose serious threat October 11, 2013
  9. You are using only one source for your posts: enenews.com, which is not exactly independent but rather has a distinct bias..... How about getting a variety of sources and see what the consensus is? As a matter of interest, I watched a programme on BBC Horizons where....BURTON ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NO EVAN >>>NO, NO !! Its good to have a consensus but its not necessary. You only need the truth = for sometimes one person (or a few) are right and the consensus majority is wrong. THE TRUTH THE TRUTH THE TRUTH ......love it !!!!!!!!!! ########################################################### ENE may have its problems but its a lot better than BBC or Japan's BBC NHK. I call BBC " BALONEY BALONEY CONSTANTLY" and NHK "NO HAVE KNOWLEDGE" see http://globalresearch.ca/search?q=BBC THIS IS JUST PAGE ONE OF FIVE ON BBC NEWS MANIPULATION !!!!!!! BBC Media Fabrications on Alleged Incendiary Bomb Attack in ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/bbc-media-fabrications-on-alleged.../5353099 BBC Media Fabrications on Alleged Incendiary Bomb Attack in ... Oct 5, 2013 ... I wish to complain that the report purporting to show the aftermath of an alleged incendiary bomb attack in Aleppo, transmitted by the BBC on 29 ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/bbc-media-fabrications-on-alleged.../5353099 clipped from Google - 2/2014 Fake BBC Video: Irrefutable Evidence of a Stunning bit of Fakery by ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/fake-bbc-video-irrefutable...a...bbc/5353389 Fake BBC Video: Irrefutable Evidence of a Stunning bit of Fakery by ... Oct 7, 2013 ... But once you realise the indisputable fact of the fake interview the BBC has put out, some of the images in this video begin to be less than ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/fake-bbc-video-irrefutable...a...bbc/5353389 clipped from Google - 2/2014 The Criminal Voices of Media Propaganda. The Insiduous Role of ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/the-criminal-voices-of-media...bbc/5347915 The Criminal Voices of Media Propaganda. The Insiduous Role of ... Sep 3, 2013 ... Yes, I know I keep banging on about the BBC but it is such an influential power, not only nationally but also globally, so much so that its ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/the-criminal-voices-of-media...bbc/5347915 clipped from Google - 2/2014 9/11 and the Collapse of WTC Building 7: The BBC's Role in ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/911-and-the-collapse-of...bbcs.../5359036 9/11 and the Collapse of WTC Building 7: The BBC's Role in ... Nov 22, 2013 ... The BBC is a long standing bastion of truth, honesty, and integrity of British society. Unlike other mainstream corporate media networks, the ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/911-and-the-collapse-of...bbcs.../5359036 clipped from Google - 2/2014 The BBC: A Criminal Instrument in the War on Syria | Global Research www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/the-bbc-a-criminal-instrument-in-the.../5346855 The BBC: A Criminal Instrument in the War on Syria | Global Research Aug 24, 2013 ... Evidently, the BBC was not satisfied with the propaganda pieces I referred to in yesterday's article, so it's come out with another, equally ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/the-bbc-a-criminal-instrument-in-the.../5346855 clipped from Google - 2/2014 Historic 911 Court Case: Through Media Disinformation, BBC ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/historic-911-court-case...bbc...the.../5324356 Historic 911 Court Case: Through Media Disinformation, BBC ... Feb 26, 2013 ... The BBC chose to “cover up its own coverup.” Not a single word from the BBC to justify or explain or refute their lies, particularly regarding the ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/historic-911-court-case...bbc...the.../5324356 clipped from Google - 2/2014 Her Majesty's BBC's Syria Coverage: “Sorry for the Lies”… | Global ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/her-majesty-s-bbc-s-syria-coverage.../31718 Her Majesty's BBC's Syria Coverage: “Sorry for the Lies”… | Global ... Jul 2, 2012 ... One example: on Sunday July 1st, BBC news programmes repeatedly stated that Syrian troops had fired at mourners at a funeral in or near ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/her-majesty-s-bbc-s-syria-coverage.../31718 clipped from Google - 2/2014 The Empire Strikes Back With the BBC www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/russell-brand-taking-no...the...bbc/5356351 The Empire Strikes Back With the BBC Oct 31, 2013 ... “Russell Brand, who are you to edit a political magazine?” asks BBC (British Broadcasting Corp.) interviewer Jeremy Paxman with all the ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/russell-brand-taking-no...the...bbc/5356351 clipped from Google - 2/2014 Israeli lies unchecked, Palestinian perspectives censored on BBC ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/israeli-lies-unchecked-palestinian...bbc/32504 Israeli lies unchecked, Palestinian perspectives censored on BBC ... Aug 26, 2012 ... One of the most obvious examples of bias by the BBC is the taxpayer-funded broadcaster's habit of inviting Israeli politicians or the Israeli ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/israeli-lies-unchecked-palestinian...bbc/32504 clipped from Google - 2/2014 The BBC: Impartial Reporting or Pro-Israel Bias? | Global Research www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/the-bbc-impartial-reporting-or-pro.../5328095 The BBC: Impartial Reporting or Pro-Israel Bias? | Global Research Mar 22, 2013 ... But is the BBC anti-Semitic as Israel claims or, as many others claim, does the BBC have a pro-Israel bias in its reporting? Back in January ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/the-bbc-impartial-reporting-or-pro.../5328095 clipped from Google - 2/2014 9/11 Court Case in Horsham Today: BBC Must Answer Allegation ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/911-court-case-in-horsham...bbc.../5324225 9/11 Court Case in Horsham Today: BBC Must Answer Allegation ... Feb 25, 2013 ... Tony Rooke has persuaded the courts that the BBC must answer the allegation that, in covering up information on the 9/11 attacks, they are ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/911-court-case-in-horsham...bbc.../5324225 clipped from Google - 2/2014 Historic Court Hearings: The BBC in the Dock for Manipulating ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/historic-court-hearings...bbc.../5323881 Historic Court Hearings: The BBC in the Dock for Manipulating ... Feb 22, 2013 ... Deafening silence of the mainstream media. A historic law suit is in the making. The BBC will be in the Dock in a British court accused of ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/historic-court-hearings...bbc.../5323881 clipped from Google - 2/2014 US State Department-Funded BBC World Service “Jammed” in China www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/us-state-department-funded-bbc...in.../5324406 US State Department-Funded BBC World Service “Jammed” in China Feb 26, 2013 ... Headlines across the Western corporate-media read, “BBC says 'extensive, coordinated efforts' to jam world service frequencies in China” (Fox ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/us-state-department-funded-bbc...in.../5324406 clipped from Google - 2/2014 9/11: “Honest Mistake” or BBC Foreknowledge of Collapse of WTC 7 ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/9-11-honest-mistake-or-bbc...of.../26050 9/11: “Honest Mistake” or BBC Foreknowledge of Collapse of WTC 7 ... Aug 18, 2011 ... The BBC's Jane Standley said, in a later interview [below]: “It's very unfortunate that this whole conspiracy – kind of – ridiculous situation has ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/9-11-honest-mistake-or-bbc...of.../26050 clipped from Google - 2/2014 “9/11: The Conspiracy Files,” The BBC Joins the Ranks of the ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/9-11-the-conspiracy-files-the-bbc.../4919 “9/11: The Conspiracy Files,” The BBC Joins the Ranks of the ... Feb 24, 2013 ... More than five years after the disaster of September 11, 2001, England's BBC stepped into the ring of media outlets airing programs about the ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/9-11-the-conspiracy-files-the-bbc.../4919 clipped from Google - 2/2014 Launchpad For A Revolution? Russell Brand, The BBC And Elite ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/launchpad-for-a-revolution...bbc-and.../5356321 Launchpad For A Revolution? Russell Brand, The BBC And Elite ... Oct 31, 2013 ... Comedian and actor Russell Brand's 10-minute interview by Jeremy Paxman on BBC's Newsnight last week was given considerable advance ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/launchpad-for-a-revolution...bbc-and.../5356321 clipped from Google - 2/2014 BBC's Pro-Israeli Bias | Global Research www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/bbc-s-pro-israeli-bias/9307 BBC's Pro-Israeli Bias | Global Research Jun 13, 2008 ... In its near 86 year history, BBC has a long, unbroken and dubious distinction. Today it's little different from its corporate-run counterparts in ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/bbc-s-pro-israeli-bias/9307 clipped from Google - 2/2014 VIDEO: The BBC Film That Exposed Israel's Secret Nuclear Weapons www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/video-the-bbc-film-that-exposed-israel.../18748 VIDEO: The BBC Film That Exposed Israel's Secret Nuclear Weapons Apr 20, 2010 ... First shown in March 2003, two days before the start of the war on Iraq, the BBC film, Israel's Secret Weapon, took as its starting point ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/video-the-bbc-film-that-exposed-israel.../18748 clipped from Google - 2/2014 BBC Scrubs Video Of US Backed Syria Rebels Committing War ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/bbc-scrubs-video-of-us-backed.../5303008 BBC Scrubs Video Of US Backed Syria Rebels Committing War ... Sep 2, 2012 ... The BBC and NY Times scrub their own video and news story showing Syrian terrorists forcing a tortured prisoners to become a suicide ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/bbc-scrubs-video-of-us-backed.../5303008 clipped from Google - 2/2014 BBC “Reveals” After the Facts how British Special Forces ... www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca/bbc-reveals-after-the-facts-how.../29001 BBC “Reveals” After the Facts how British Special Forces ... Feb 1, 2012 ... In a failed attempt to appear unbiased and objective, the BBC now “reveals”, almost a year after the information was relayed by several ... =========================== ############################## +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ As for NHK NHK chairman's appointment to TEPCO board raises eyebrows ... https://ajw.asahi.com/article/.../AJ201205150076‎ Asahi Shimbun May 15, 2012 - An official at the secretariat for the NHK board of governors also said a ... to compensation for victims of the accident at the Fukushima No. ... “It will be problematic if the public believes that NHK's coverage is biased,” he said. #################### NYTimes: Widespread public distrust of NHK over Fukushima ... enenews.com/nytimes-widespread-public-distrust-nhk-over-fukushima-r...‎ Jan 31, 2014 - NHK: More damage being discovered in Fukushima Reactor No. ...... They/we are psychologically biased (and therefore playable)humans first, ... +++++++++ +++++++++ AS for Burton's source ....well.... Ken Adachi is a Canadian fellow and started working long time ago as an journalist at the Toronto Star. He published at least one book (Ken Adachi - The Enemy That Never Was: A History of the Japanese Canadians - 1976) and owns a large web site at http://educate-yourself.org/. Pretending to provide 'education', Adachi's web site actually promotes weird conspiracy-stream content like other certain web sites, too. Adachi's 'enlightment' ranges from the truth about the purpose of vaccine (surreptitious population reduction agenda run by the Illuminati, facism in the USA and concentration camps), the real background of the New World Order (NWO) (see http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/12-14-02/discussion.cgi.8.shtml and http://100777.com/taxonomy/page/or/14), chemtrails (http://educate-yourself.org/ct/) and of course several pages about Al Bielek and the other allegedly survivors/participants of the Montauk Project (http://educate-yourself.org/ab/, http://educate-yourself.org/products/pslastlecturedescrip.shtml, http://educate-yourself.org/mc/). Obviously driven by a mild paranoia, Adachi even talks about aliens working hand in hand with the Illuminati in order to support the NWO, using Cell Phone technology to achieve mind control: http://www.detailshere.com/elftowers.htm : http://www.bielek-debunked.com/Advocates3.html
  10. The "Point 60" link does not seem to lead to the source of the text quoted under it; could you help me and point me to the source for your text? BURTON ================= SOURCE OF TEXT LINK BELOW (about mid page). At bottom of the link below is the link back to link given. http://creation.com/argon-from-rate-site ======================================= LINK I GAVE DID GAVE MORE INFO ON TOPIC BUT NOT LINK OF MATERIAL QUOTED> SORRY. SINCE WERE ON THE TOPIC OF RADIOMETRIC DATING AND MR. PRATT BROUGHT UP THE CURRENT TOPIC OF THE CAMEL-BIBLE LET ME ADDRESS THAT. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CAMEL BIBLE TOPIC IN THE NEWS.((As you can see below I follow topic of Bible reliability (and thus creation/evolution debate) closely)) Archaeology Find: Camels In 'Bible' Are Literary Anachronisms NPR 05:08 In the last 7 days Archeologists’ discovery suggests the Bible is wro... Daily News, New York 15:52 Thu, 13 Feb 2014 Big mistake discovered in the Bible The Oklahoman 14:22 Thu, 13 Feb 2014 Will camel discovery break the Bible's back? CNN 14:10 Tue, 11 Feb 2014 Domesticated Camels Came to Israel in 930 B.C., Centuries Later Than Bible Says The National Geographic 16:22 Mon, 10 Feb 2014 In the last month Ancient Camel Bones Prove Bible Written Centuries after Genesis Events IBTimes.co.uk 06:32 Thu, 06 Feb 2014 Camel bones refute Bible? Fox News 01:27 Thu, 06 Feb 2014 Oldest Camel Bones Undergo Carbon Dating, ‘Direct Proof’ Bible Was Written Centuries... IBTimes (US) 17:36 Wed, 05 Feb 2014 Camel bones suggest error in Bible Fox News 13:48 Wed, 05 Feb 2014 Have Camels Disproved The Bible? The Huffington Post UK 10:36 Wed, 05 Feb 2014 Camel archaeology contradicts the Bible The Times of Israel 18:23 Tue, 04 Feb 2014 Do camels prove that the Bible is inaccurate? Archaeologists reveal mammals were... Daily Mail 08:56 Tue, 04 Feb 2014 ============================================================= First see"BAD" LINK I GAVE > on the topic of carbon dating http://creation.com/radiometric-dating-questions-and-answers ============================== Second see below RE Carbon Dating http://kgov.com/carbon-14-and-dinosaur-bones =========================================== =========================================== SO many Camel/Bible stories...so much a push against God....I ask WHY ??? Willful Ignorance by Henry Morris, Ph.D.Download Willful Ignorance PDF We frequently receive requests from readers asking us to reply to anti-creation articles appearing in their local papers. The problem is that such articles appear so frequently all over the country--in scientific journals and popular magazines as well as newspapers--that we could not possibly reply to all of them. When we do try to write such a response, it usually is not published anyway. Even when one is published it usually is edited and its message diluted. Consequently, we have in recent years tended just to ignore these attacks and to get on with our mission. However, a recent lead editorial in our own local paper (San Diego Union-Tribune, 8/5/05) was so blatantly misleading that I was almost tempted to write to the editor anyhow. The article, in fact, was itself written as a negative reaction to President Bush's recently publicized statement that he felt intelligent design should be taught in public schools along with secular evolutionism, thus allowing students to think and decide for themselves. The writer called his editorial "Creationism Redux," by which title he seemed to be suggesting that the intelligent design movement was nothing but "creationism with a slick makeover" (his words). Intelligent design, he said, is "worthy of respectful acknowledgement in any discussion of philosophy and religion," but any "admiration for its scientific value is laughable." Even so, he says it is "much more compelling than crude theories of creationism, which depict Bible class as tantamount to biology 101 and geology 101 combined." The best one can say of such gratuitous comments is that this anonymous editorial writer, and many other such opinionated wordsmiths, "willingly are ignorant," as the Bible's insightful phrase (2 Peter 3:5) puts it. They have simply not done their homework before pontificating. Since that writer presumably lives in San Diego, he easily could have checked with some of the scientists at the Institute for Creation Research. He claimed that few creationists or I.D. advocates have degrees in biology, but that is wrong. ICR's biology chairman has a Ph.D. from Harvard, for example, plus much research experience. There are also dozens of fully credentialed biologists in the Creation Research Society and other creationist organizations. Creationists may be in the minority, but scientific truth is never determined by majority vote. And that minority is growing as more and more biologists and other scientists are becoming aware of the actual evidence. The editorialist approvingly cites a surgeon who has argued that evolution must be true because "physical adaptations to environmental pressures have been documented in hundreds of modern species." This kind of supposed "proof' is given as the main evidence of evolution by almost all evolutionary apologists. The adaptation of insects to pesticides and the different beaks on the Galapagos Island finches (the evidence that so impressed Charles Darwin) are among the most common "evolutionary" adaptations cited by evolutionists. If they would read almost any book by creation scientists, they would know that such horizontal variations (or microevolution) and adaptations are accepted by all creationists, who recognize them as evidence of the Creator's forethought. Each creature has been designed with a genetic system that can recombine its components as needed to keep it from becoming extinct when the environment changes. But evolutionists don't want to imply any validity to creationism by debating its advocates or reading their books. This looks like willful ignorance. We stress again and again that it is only the concept of macroevolution (the transmutation of reptiles into birds and mammals, or of apes into men, or other "upward" changes) that we find void of scientific proof. In fact, it is just such a reaction on the part of evolutionists that seems to fit Peter's prophecy (in 2 Peter 3:3-4) so perfectly: ". . . there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of His coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation." This is precisely the concept of naturalism, or uniformitarianism, which dominates most scientific thinking today, stressing that all natural processes have operated since the very beginning of the world in the same way they do today. God's Word, the Bible, says otherwise, of course. God "rested" after the six days of creation "from all His work which God created and made" (Genesis 2:3). Whatever processes were used by Him to create and make all things in that beginning week, are, therefore, not in operation today, so cannot be observed scientifically. But most evolutionists categorically deny that there ever was any real creation; therefore they insist that everything must be explained by some kind of evolution. That is exactly what Peter prophesied would be the situation in the last days. "For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water." That is, Peter was predicting that a time would come--the last days of the age in fact--in which people would be scoffing at Christ's promised return. The reason for such an attitude would be--not just ignorance--but willful ignorance of the primeval creation of the heavens and the earth by the omnipotent Word of God. Their refusal to understand or even consider the evidence for creation can thus only be described as willful. It reminds me of an atheist professor whom I was trying to win to Christ many years ago while I was teaching at a secular university. I gave him two excellent books to read setting forth the strong evidences for the deity of Christ and the divine origin of the Bible and he at first agreed to read them. A few days later, however, he angrily returned the books, saying he had started reading one of them but then changed his mind and refused to read any more. What he said, as I recall, was something like this; "I don't care what the evidence is: I just don't want to believe" and that was that! The writer of the local editorial, in common with almost all of the multitudes of evolutionist writers on this issue, insists that evolution has been proved by science, whereas creation (and also more currently, intelligent design) is simply religion and thus should not even be mentioned in science classes. But evolution has not been proved by science. Surely they ought to know this. Science is based on observability and repeatability but there is no recorded example of true macroevolution in all the thousands of years of human history. That in itself is proof that it is unscientific. Furthermore, there is no way to test it. No matter what kind of evidence for creation is presented, evolutionists can devise an evolutionary "just-so-story" to explain it away. If they resort to the fossil record and the imagined billions of years of pre-history as their proof (as they, in fact, have to do, since macroevolution is not observed in action today) they must use the principle of uniformitarianism as their warrant for doing so, just as Peter prophesied they would do! "The present is the key to the past" has been their watchword. Even there, however, they can find no real evidence of evolution. In all the billions of fossils known to exist, not one example of a real evolutionary transformational series has ever been found. There ought to be multitudes of such series there if they ever really existed. There is, therefore, no real scientific evidence of either present or past evolution. Furthermore, the universally acknowledged scientific law of increasing entropy seems clearly to indicate that any significant vertical evolution toward greater organized complexity is impossible without certain artificial constraints (which evolutionism cannot demonstrate are available). Willful ignorance again! Once I had a formal debate with two biologists on the faculty at a state university. I used the entropy law as one of my main arguments, but neither of the evolutionists even mentioned this argument in their rebuttals. In the question period that followed, the professor who was teaching the course in engineering thermodynamics at that university asked them how they would answer the argument, which seemed valid to him. After consulting with each other, they said they did not know how to answer it, since they had both done poorly in physics. But they still insisted evolution was science. Peter's prophecy also included the evolutionary rationalization for assuming evolution through long ages in the past. "For this they willingly are ignorant of, . . . the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished" (2 Peter 3:5-6). The Greek word for "overflowed" literally means "cataclysmic." But evolutionists deliberately ignore the Biblical record of the global deluge of Noah's day, as well as the geological evidence of that terrible worldwide cataclysm. The fact is that virtually every geological formation shows by its fossils and by its very structure that it must have been deposited very rapidly--indeed catastrophically. Although individual formations in a vertical column may be separated from each other by one or more time gaps, there are no worldwide time gaps. That fact can only be explained by a worldwide cataclysm, primarily hydraulic in nature. Hundreds of anti-creationist articles have been published in recent years, and the Intelligent Design movement is currently being subjected to the same ill treatment. Many of them have been more sarcastic and insulting even than this one mentioned here. The common theme of all of them is that evolution is scientific, while creation and intelligent design are not. The utterly fallacious nature of such a pronouncement is hard to explain by anything other than willful ignorance.
  11. UPDATE 2/14 14:53 5th banker in less than a month dies mysteriously By: NotForSale2NWO Tags: NEW YORK (INTELLIHUB) — Last week we reported on the suspicious string of apparent suicides that has hit the financial industry. Multiple bankers have been found dead in recent weeks. Those who had high profile deaths, like the man who jumped from the top of the JP Morgan HQ building are highly publicized, but overall, very few details about any of these deaths have been made public. Ryan Henry Crane, a 37 year old executive at JP Morgan is the 5th and most recent banker to die in an alleged suicide since January 26th. http://intellihub.com/5th-banker-less-month-dies-mysteriously/
  12. I don't think this story by Andrew Brown is exactly his finest hour. Because camels weren't around 3000 years ago there couldn't have been an Abraham?? Norman Pratt +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ When the Camel story broke a few days ago I emailed a friend and said "same old crowd that brought you David didnt exist". Its based on Carbon 14 data and I can give you links about problems with that method 24/7. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now try to wrap your head around what I gave you...the top (and I mean very top) Fossil man said there were not tranitional fossils.......which can imply that creatures were created in less than CARL SAGAN billions,billions of years and that evolution is flatout wrong. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ there is a lot of intolerance. Reject Darwin, get fired - GodofCreation.com www.godofcreation.com/essays/display.asp?ind=92‎ He has published numerous creation science papers and serves as a technical ... The Privileged Ohio Nice Time! Creationist Science Teacher Stays Fired, Will Have ... wonkette.com/.../ohio-nice-time-creationist-science-teacher-sta...‎ Wonkette Loading... Nov 20, 2013 - Creationist Science Teacher Stays Fired, Will Have To Lie To Kids On ... dumb “intelligent design” movie, Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. Doubting Darwin: Creationist Biologist Fired for Views doubtingdarwin.blogspot.com/.../creationist-biologist-fired-for-views.ht...‎ Dec 8, 2007 - do you have other examples of scientist fired for their creationist ... In this movie, Ben Stein journeys around the world talking with scientists, ... Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed - Watch Free Documentary Online topdocumentaryfilms.com › Religion‎ This movie is offensive for many reasons, only some of them being the conjecture ... 1) Can science test and prove what sparked the creation of the universe ... I think that they should propably be fired if they try to misuse funds for studying ID. Christian Science Teacher Fired Over Creationism to Head to Ohio ... www.christianpost.com/.../christian-science-teacher...‎ The Christian Post Loading... Feb 26, 2013 - A 20-year Ohio middle school science teacher who was fired in 2011 for ... Christian Science Teacher Fired Over Creationism to Head to Ohio Supreme Court .... to Launch New 6-Week Bible Study Based on 'Son of God' Film +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NOT THIS SATURDAY ,BUT NEXT I AM GOING TO A LECTURE FROM A RECENTLY FIRED >BECAUSE OF HIS CREATIONIST VIEWS< SCIENTIST. HIS CRIME > PUBLISHING A PEER REVIEWED PAPER.==== ++ YOU SEE HE FOUND TRICERATOP SOFT TISSUE (FROM THE HORN) > PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A "60 MILLION" YEAR OLD HORN. AFTER APPROX 200,000 years it should be all stone. SOFT TISSUE FOUND IN HOT AREA WHERE THIS HORN WAS FOUND WOULD BE AT AN OUTSIDE MAXIMUM 8000 years OLD. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Triceratops Soft Tissue with Mark Armitage Date: Oct 4, 2013 Length: 28:49 Download: Dialup / Broadband Stream: Dialup / Broadband Comment: at TheologyOnline special shows: Real Science Radio * Interview & Photo from iDINO's Mark Armitage: Fulfilling last year's promise, Mark Armitage of the CRS iDINO project presents Real Science Radio with a formerly unpublished photo (right) of soft tissue in a Triceratops horn. It's beautiful! (Well, in the eyes of the beholder, anyway. But God Himself probably thinks it's pretty cool too!) Armitage, a Creation Research Society board member and microscopy expert, along with iDINO microbiologist Dr. Kevin Anderson, excavated a Triceratops horn from the Hell Creek Formation in Montana. As with scientists from Harvard, North Carolina State, and dozens of other universities and institutions, they broke it open and... Guess what! * Armitage and Anderson at Acta Histochemica: One of the latest of hundreds of peer-reviewed papers published by Darwin Doubters and even by (say it's not so) creationists, the prestigious secular journal Acta Histochemica has published the paper by Mark Armitage and Kevin Anderson titled, Soft sheets of fibrillar bone from a fossil of the supraorbital horn of the dinosaur Triceratops horridus in Volume 115, Issue 6, July 2013, pp. 603–608; Mark Hollis Armitage, Department of Biology, California State University, 18111 Nordhoff Street, Northridge, CA 91330-8303, USA; Kevin Lee Anderson, Department of Biology, Arkansas State University Beebe, Beebe, AR, USA. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 Corinthians 2:14 (KJ21) 14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Do you really believe God? Editorial from Creation magazine, January 2014 by Don Batten I recently had a conversation about Genesis with a Christian who is a university campus worker (‘UW’). This man has a real heart for spreading the gospel, and would say he believed the Bible is the Word of God. Part of the conversation went like this (not the exact words): UW: “But you can’t take Genesis 1 in a straight-forward way!” I replied, “Why not?” UW: “Because scientists have shown that the world is very old.” It is now clear that my friend is confused about the nature of science, because claims about what happened in the past (history) are not open to experimental testing. And, there is much evidence that should encourage serious scepticism about the claimed billions of years—e.g. the wealth of data from dinosaur fossils indicating that they are not old; see p. 12. There is also much evidence that geological processes happened much faster than ‘deep time’ advocates usually assume (see ‘Fast forming Fly Geyser’, p. 15, and ‘Dinosaur stampede’, p. 38). Many have not thought through the consequences of trying to accommodate the secularist creation myth into the Bible. UW ventured that Genesis was not about time. I pointed out that Genesis is replete with time elements, such as the 7 days of the Creation Week and the chronology in chapter 5 (‘When person x had lived z years, he fathered son y’), the sequence of events with the Flood (chapters 7 and 8) and more chronological data in chapter 11. A child can add up the figures to get 1656 years from Creation to the Flood. Time is a major focus of Genesis.1 I asked him what it means when a story is introduced with ‘Once upon a time …’? He replied that it would be a fairy story. Exactly! History demands a time frame (see ‘Thinking about chronology’, p. 45). And this includes the time of Jesus’ birth (see ‘The census of Quirinius’, p. 42), death and resurrection. It became clear that UW had not thought much beyond Genesis chapter 1. It was almost as if he thought this chapter could be quarantined to make the Bible compatible with the secular ‘scientific’ view of history. For example, he correctly believed in a real Adam and Eve and the Fall (in Genesis 3). I pointed out that long ages meant death and suffering before Adam sinned (the Garden of Eden sitting on a deep pile of the remains of dead things, aka fossils), and that this undermined the Gospel (1 Corinthians 15:21,22). It was also inconsistent with the goodness of God, who described the finished creation as “very good”. UW ventured that death was not so bad; it could have a good purpose. But death is called “the last enemy” in the New Testament (1 Corinthians 15:26), so how could death be “very good”? He conceded this strong point. There are so many ramifications of not believing Genesis 1 as history. For example, Exodus 20:1–11, says, “And God spoke all these words, saying … ‘For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them.’” So if we won’t believe that Genesis 1 describes a week of time at the beginning of history, we actually deny the words of God that He Himself wrote on the stone tablets (Exodus 32:16). And Jesus authenticated even the tiniest letters of the Old Testament (Matthew 5:18), so if it is unreliable, so is Jesus. Everything crumbles. Many have not thought through the consequences of trying to accommodate the secularist creation myth into the Bible. Related Articles Age of the earth Did God create over billions of years? Why Genesis 5 is a key chapter in the Bible Real history: the timeline of the Bible Further Reading How does the Bible teach 6,000 years? Biblical chronogenealogies
  13. That quote!—about the missing transitional fossils Embarrassed evolutionists try to ‘muddy the waters’ by Gary Bates http://creation.com/that-quote-about-the-missing-transitional-fossils who was at the time the senior paleontologist (fossil expert) at the prestigious British Museum of Natural History. (PLEASE NOTE THE SENIOR PALEONTOLOGIST at the BM is "is" considered the top fossil man in the world,GAAL) ============================================= ============================================= Scientific Consensus Redux Looking back, it turns out that a lot of scientific consensuses were wrong. Ronald Bailey | June 29, 2010 Last week, the prestigious journal, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, published an article that tried to assess the relative credibility of climate scientists who “support the tenets of anthropogenic climate change” versus those who do not. One goal of the study is to “provide an independent assessment of level of scientific consensus concerning anthropogenic climate change.” The researchers found that 97–98 percent of the climate researchers most actively publishing in the field are convinced of man-made climate change. In addition, using publication and citation data, the study found that the few climate change dissenters are far less scientifically prominent than convinced researchers. The article concludes, “This extensive analysis of the mainstream versus skeptical/contrarian researchers suggests a strong role for considering expert credibility in the relative weight of and attention to these groups of researchers in future discussions in media, policy, and public forums regarding anthropogenic climate change.” Translation: reporters, politicians, and citizens should stop listening to climate change skeptics. Naturally, there has been some pushback against the article. For example, Georgia Institute of Technology climatologist Judith Curry who was not pigeonholed in the study told ScienceInsider, “This is a completely unconvincing analysis.” One of the chief objections to the findings is that peer review is stacked in favor of the consensus view, locking skeptics out of publishing in major scientific journals. John Christy, a prominent climate change researcher at the University of Alabama in Huntsville who is skeptical of catastrophic claims, asserted that because of “the tight interdependency between funding, reviewers, popularity. ... We [skeptical researchers] are being ‘black‑listed,’ as best I can tell, by our colleagues.” This fight over credibility prompted me to wonder about the role that the concept of a “scientific consensus” has played out in earlier policy debates. We all surely want our decisions to be guided by the best possible information. Consider the overwhelming consensus among researchers that biotech crops are safe for humans and the environment—a conclusion that is rejected by the very environmentalist organizations that loudly insist on the policy relevance of the scientific consensus on global warming. But I digress. Taking a lead from the PNAS researchers I decided to mine the “literature” on the history of uses of the phrase “scientific consensus.” I restricted my research to Nexis searches of major world publications, figuring that’s where mainstream views would be best represented. So how has the phrase “scientific consensus” been used in past policy debates? My Nexis search found that 36 articles using that phrase appeared in major world publications prior to my arbitrary June 1985 search cutoff. One of the first instances of the uses of the phrase appears in the July 1, 1979 issue of The Washington Post on the safety of the artificial sweetener saccharin. “The real issue raised by saccharin is not whether it causes cancer (there is now a broad scientific consensus that it does)” (parenthetical in original) reported the Post. The sweetener was listed in 1981 in the U.S. National Toxicology Program’s Report on Carcinogens as a substance reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen. Interesting. Thirty years later, the National Cancer Institute reports that “there is no clear evidence that saccharin causes cancer in humans.” In light of this new scientific consensus, the sweetener was delisted as a probable carcinogen in 2000. Similarly, the Post reported later that same year (October 6, 1979) a “profound shift” in the prevailing scientific consensus about the causes of cancer. According to the Post, researchers in the 1960s believed that most cancers were caused by viruses, but now diet was considered the far more important factor. One of the more important findings was that increased dietary fiber appeared to reduce significantly the incidence of colon cancer. Twenty years later, a major prospective study of nearly 90,000 women reported, “No significant association between fiber intake and the risk of colorectal adenoma was found.” In 2005, another big study confirmed that “high dietary fiber intake was not associated with a reduced risk of colorectal cancer.” While dietary fiber may not prevent colon cancer, it is associated with lower cardiovascular risk. In its June 1, 1984 issue, The Washington Post reported the issuance of a massive new report by the White House science office supporting the scientific consensus that “agents found to cause cancer in animals should be considered ‘suspect human carcinogens,’” and that “giving animals high doses of an agent is a proper way to test its carcinogenicity.” Although such studies remain a regulatory benchmark, at least some researchers question the usefulness of such tests today. The December 17, 1979 issue of Newsweek reported that the Department of Energy was boosting research spending on fusion energy reactors based on a scientific consensus that the break-even point—that a fusion reactor would produce more energy than it consumes—could be passed within five years. That hasn’t happened yet and the latest effort to spark a fusion energy revolution, the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, will not be ready for full-scale testing until 2026. An article in the June 8, 1981 issue of The Washington Post cited a spokesman for the American Medical Association opposing proposed federal legislation that would make abortion murder as saying, "The legislation is founded on the idea that a scientific consensus exists that life begins at the time of conception. We will go up there to say that no such consensus exists." It still doesn’t. In the years prior to 1985, several publications reported the scientific consensus that acid rain emitted by coal-fired electricity generation plants belching sulfur dioxide was destroying vast swathes of forests and lakes in the eastern United States. For example, the March 10, 1985 New York Times cited environmental lawyer Richard Ottinger, who asserted that there is a “broad scientific consensus'' that acid rain is destroying lakes and forests and ''is a threat to our health.'' In 1991, after 10 years and $500 million, the National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program study (as far as I can tell that report is oddly missing from the web) actually reported, according to a 1992 article in Reason: “The assessment concluded that acid rain was not damaging forests, did not hurt crops, and caused no measurable health problems. The report also concluded that acid rain helped acidify only a fraction of Northeastern lakes and that the number of acid lakes had not increased since 1980.” Nevertheless, Congress passed the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments that regulate sulfur dioxide emissions through a cap-and-trade scheme. Acid rain was clearly causing some problems, but was not the wide-scale environmental disaster that had been feared. Interestingly, the only mention of a scientific consensus with regard to stratospheric ozone depletion by ubiquitous chlorofluorocarbon (CFCs) refrigerants was an article in the October 6, 1982 issue of the industry journal Chemical Week. That article noted that the National Research Council had just issued a report that had cut estimates of ozone depletion in half from a 1979 NRC report. The 1982 NRC report noted, “Current scientific understanding…indicates that if the production of two CFCs …were to continue into the future at the rate prevalent in 1977 the steady state reduction in total global ozone…could be between 5 and 9 percent.” Such a reduction might have been marginally harmful, but not catastrophic. It was not until 1986 that the mainstream press reported the discovery of the “ozone hole” over Antarctica. This discovery quickly led to the adoption of an international treaty aiming to drastically reduce the global production of CFCs in 1987. (For what it is worth, I supported the international ban of CFCs in my 1993 book Eco-Scam.) With regard to anthropogenic climate change, my Nexis search of major world publications finds before 1985 just a single 1981 New York Times article. “There has been a growing scientific consensus that the buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is creating a ‘greenhouse effect’ by trapping some of the earth's heat and warming the atmosphere,” reported the Times in its January 14, 1981 issue. What a difference the passage of 25 years makes. My Nexis search turned up 457 articles in major publications that in the last year cited or used the phrase “scientific consensus.” Checking to see how many combined that phrase with “climate change,” Nexis reported that the number comes to 342 articles. Briefly scanning through a selection of the articles it is clear that some of them involved the controversy over whether or not there is a “scientific consensus” on climate change. The majority appear to cite various experts and policymakers asserting the existence of a scientific consensus that anthropogenic climate change is dangerous to humanity. So what to make of this increase in the use of the concept of “scientific consensus?” After all, several scientific consensuses before 1985 turned out to be wrong or exaggerated, e.g., saccharin, dietary fiber, fusion reactors, stratospheric ozone depletion, and even arguably acid rain and high-dose animal testing for carcinogenicity. One reasonable response might be that anthropogenic climate change is different from the cited examples because much more research has been done. And yet. One should always keep in mind that a scientific consensus crucially determines and limits the questions researchers ask. And one should always worry about to what degree supporters of any given scientific consensus risk succumbing to confirmation bias. In any case, the credibility of scientific research is not ultimately determined by how many researchers agree with it or how often it is cited by like-minded colleagues, but whether or not it conforms to reality. =================== (Page 2 of 2) Disclosure: For what it is worth I generally accept the current "consensus" that anthropogenic climate change could be a big problem. I do worry that what governments are likely to do about global warming may be worse than climate change. Join Ron Bailey, Nick Gillespie, Matt Welch, and Jacob Sullum on Reason’s weeklong Caribbean cruise in February 2011. Sign up today! Ronald Bailey is Reason's science correspondent. His book Liberation Biology: The Scientific and Moral Case for the Biotech Revolution is now available from Prometheus Books
  14. JFK was killed by a lone gunman ,just check any textbook. Do you have any textbook being used in Schools that says different ?? establishment consensus......... ======================== I read the Selfish Gene Book many,many moons ago. The teachers at University wanted me to go into science (Chemistry or Biology Viruses) and were upset I chose Pharmacy School. (Later also got RT & RN) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Does establishment science believe in a Great Flood ?? SEE POST # 5 this thread. QUESTION : DID CHRIST LIE THAT NOAH EXISTED ?? 36"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. 37"For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. 38"For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be.… +++++++ Establishment Science 1970 ice age coming,1980s global warming,now a divide group ice age (via less sun activity) and Global warming (CO2 gas + other gases). Many have backtracted from the Global Warming theory. Establishment consensus...... +++++++++++++++++++ Biblical Chronology usually gives 6500-6000 years as the age of the earth. SEE POST # 26 this thread. ================================================= (Hebrew is unequivocal, If they say not = you have to ask 'why' they are wrong (not question > they are wrong,they are wrong !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!),Gaal) The meaning of yôm in Genesis 1:1–2:4 by Francis Humphrey Some preliminary considerationsThe question often arises as to the correct meaning of ‘day’ in the opening verses of Genesis. There are those who argue that the word signifies a long period of time (e.g. progressive creationists like Hugh Ross). Others contend that the passage in question (Genesis 1:1–2:4) is not meant to be an actual historical account of the creation but is rather a theological reflection on God’s creative power and His sovereignty over the created order (e.g. the ‘framework hypothesis’ of Meredith Kline, Henri Blocher et al.). In the latter case the text is seen as having no relevance in determining the sequence of events at the time of origins. The traditional view has been that the text is meant to communicate a straightforward account of God’s creation of the universe. The account is, therefore, of six 24-hour days of creative acts followed by a seventh 24-hour day of divine rest. Theological reflection approachRegarding this approach it is important to note that it is not really a question of Hebrew textual exegesis but rather a hermeneutical conclusion driven by factors external to the text. Taking the ‘framework hypothesis’ as an example, at an initial glance, Days 1–3 seem to be showing the creation of three empty ‘realms’ or ‘domains’ and Days 4–6 showing the creation of their respective ‘kings’ or ‘rulers’. Even if this was true, it would simply inform us that God created the universe in a specific order of divine acts. It would not annul the historicity of the account unless the reader felt compelled for other reasons to see the pattern as purely literary.1 In fact the structure of Genesis 1:1–2:4 does not really lend itself fully to the schema. For further details the reader is invited to consider the analyses of Wayne Grudem2 and Jonathan Sarfati.3 Poetry or prose?A question arises as to the genre of the passage: is it poetry or is it prose narrative? If it is poetry, then perhaps there is greater flexibility in the meaning of the words. If it is prose narrative, then it would be appropriate to read it as intending to give a historical account of the creation. Regarding the issue of genre, even if it is poetry, the passage would not necessarily be overly flexible in its interpretation. Psalm 78 is clearly poetic and yet gives an accurate account of Israel’s history from the Exodus to the anointing of David. In passages that are universally recognized as historical narrative there is a marked preponderance of preterites over the other three [verb] forms. In poetry there is a preponderance of imperfects and perfects. … Given the ratio of verbal forms, the statistical evidence for the text [of Genesis] being prose is overwhelming. Furthermore, it can be easily demonstrated that Genesis 1:1–2:4 in fact is not a poem. Hebrew poetry is characterized by certain syntactical features. A thorough grammatical/syntactical treatment of Hebrew poetry is that of M. O’Connor.4 A simple test is the use of parallelism where a second grammatical clause repeats the idea of the preceding clause either by way of rewording it, or further explicating it, or by expressing its antithesis. O’Connor’s analysis goes far beyond these simple observations but does not nullify them. Reading the Hebrew text shows that it lacks these requisite poetic markers. Therefore, the Hebrew text is most reasonably read as prose narrative. Secondly (and more objectively), in prose narrative there is a different ratio of verbal forms than there is in poetry. This has long been recognized by Hebrew scholars and has most recently been exhaustively analyzed by Steven Boyd.5 By way of explanation there are four forms of the finite verb in biblical Hebrew: the preterite (vayyiqtol), the imperfect (yiqtol), the perfect (qatal) and the vav perfect (veqatal). To quickly summarize, in passages that are universally recognized as historical narrative there is a marked preponderance of preterites over the other three forms. In poetry there is a preponderance of imperfects (yiqtol) and perfects (qatal). Boyd demonstrates that, given the ratio of verbal forms, the statistical evidence for the text being prose is overwhelming. Indeed it would be irresponsible to read it any other way. The use of the word yôm in Genesis 1:1–2:4 with particular reference to the use of the cardinal number echad in 1:5bRegarding the word ‘yôm’ in Genesis 1:1–2:4, it is apparent that there are three different uses of the term in the passage. In 1:5a it denotes ‘daylight’ as opposed to ‘night’. In 1:5b it denotes the combination of the two. The word ‘echad’ is most probably to be read as a cardinal number (‘one’) as opposed to an ordinal (’first’) in contrast to many translations. Thus it appears that the text is in fact defining what a ‘day’ is in the rest of the Creation Week. Finally in Genesis 2:4, yôm is part of an anarthrous6 prepositional compound beyôm meaning not ‘in the day’ but simply ’when’. The fact that for the bulk of the passage, the word yôm is accompanied by sequential numerical denotation and the language of ‘evening and morning’ gives a prima facie case that regular 24-hour days are in view. Concerning the use of the cardinal as opposed to the ordinal in 1:5b, it will be helpful to examine this a little further. For a more detailed examination of echad in Genesis 1:5, the definitive study is that of Andrew Steinmann.7 After examining echad as an ordinal number in numbering units of time he concludes that it may be used in place of the ordinal r’ishon in only two idioms: namely to ‘designate the day of a month, the other the year of a reign of a king’.8 In addition, in a non temporal sense, the cardinal can stand for the ordinal when dealing with a small number of ‘countable’ items.9 In contrast it has sometimes (often) been claimed that when a list of ordinal numbers is given, the cardinal form ‘echad’ is to be rendered as an ordinal (‘first’).10 BDB under usage #7 states ‘as ordinal, first … ’11 and then cites Genesis 1:5, 2:11; Exodus 39:10; Ezekiel 10:14; Job 42:14 and then adds references to the first day of a month or first in a verbally compound ordinal number (thirty first … ). This claim, as noted in the preceding comments, can be challenged. The word echad occurs 960 times in the Hebrew Old Testament.12 In the AV it is rendered by the English ‘first’ a total of 32 times. The majority of these cases are part of a formulaic expression ‘day one of the nth month’. Another cluster of ordinal renderings of echad is found in compound numbers, e.g., ‘thirty-first year of Asa’ (1 Kings 16:23) (lit. ‘in year of thirty and one of year’). These two clusters of citations are the very exceptions noted by Steinmann. Another distinction that may be noted is that between simple ‘countable’13 lists and ‘temporally sequential’ events. To illustrate this distinction I will consider as examples of the former category five lists where the cardinal form (echad, ‘one’) is followed by ordinals (‘second, third … ’) and can itself be considered as an ordinal. 1. Genesis 2:11: the list of the four heads of rivers flowing out of Eden follow this pattern. 2. Exodus 28:17: the same pattern is used to denote the four rows of jewels on the High Priest’s breastplate. 3. Exodus 39:10–13: the same pattern appears, again in reference to the same article of clothing. 4. Ezekiel 10:14: the four heads of a cherub are enumerated in this way. 5. Job 42:14: the three daughters of Job are designated using this convention. There are six other lists which share this same pattern.14 Furthermore, in each of these cases the article is included. Steinmann concludes: ‘The description of the use of echad as an ordinal number for the first element in a small number of countable items should state: With a definite noun, echad serves (as an ordinal) to count the first of a small number of things. In this construction the noun may be elided after a recent mention,[but] the article is never omitted from the adjective or its governing noun. The following items are counted with ordinal numbers.’15 In effect, this means that when echad is unaccompanied by the article and used adjectively it is reasonable that it be considered as a cardinal (‘one’). Some may challenge this conclusion claiming that it may be an example of ‘denying the antecedent’ but it does seem to have merit.16 Another observation is that in lists, which particularly stress sequential events, the ordinal r’ishon (‘first’) is used. I consider six such occasions: 1. Numbers 7:12–89 gives the offerings of the twelve tribal leaders on succeeding days. The first day uses the ordinal r’ishon. This text illustrates another feature, namely that once you reach the compound Hebrew numbers (11 and up) the terms are in the cardinal form.17 2. Numbers 28:16: r’ishon is used to describe the first day of unleavened bread. In verse 25 the text refers to the seventh (ordinal) day of the feast. Intervening ordinals are not present in verses 17–24. 3. 1 Chronicles 24:7–18: the sequence of 24 lots is cast for the divisions of the priesthood who serve in successive order. Again the ordinal r’ishon is used to begin the sequence. 4. 1 Chronicles 25:9–31 gives a similar sequential ordering of the 24 families of temple singers and r’ishon is used to commence the list. 5. 1 Chronicles 27:2–15 gives the monthly rotation of David’s 12 army divisions (24,000 men per division) who served in sequence throughout the year. The ordinal r’ishon is used for the first division. 6. Zechariah 6:2–3 lists the four angelic chariots are listed but it appears from the text that they are coming out from between the two mountains, possibly in temporal order. This latter point depends on whether they are pictured as emerging in single file and not coming out four abreast. I would tend to opt for the former since r’ishon is used instead of echad. Nevertheless, certainty eludes us in this case. From this survey it does appear that a list emphasizing a temporal sequence of events tends to commence with the ordinal r’ishon as opposed to the cardinal echad which we found employed in the five lists of ‘countable items’ (plus the further six cited in the endnote). Given that Genesis 1 is describing a sequence of creative acts one would expect to find the first day designated by the ordinal r’ishon. Instead, we find the cardinal form echad. From the preceding overview of lists it would seem clear that this initial appearance of the cardinal form is in fact signifying a cardinal meaning. Furthermore, both echad and yôm are without the article indicating that the expression denotes ‘one day’. In fact the article does not appear until the sixth day—yôm hašišiy. Steinmann comments: ‘But even here the grammar is strange, since there is no article on yôm, as would be expected. This would indicate that the sixth day was a regular solar day, but that it was the culminating day of creation. Likewise, the seventh day is referred to as yôm haš ebi‘iy (Gen. 2:3), with lack of an article on yôm. This also, the author is implying, was a regular solar day. Yet it was a special day, because God had finished his work of creation.’18 An additional comment to Steinmann’s which I believe reinforces his point is that the prefix beth attached to yôm in Genesis 2:2a and 2:2b is both times pointed by the Massoretes with the pathach, implying the presence of the article. He is quite correct that in the concluding use of ‘day the seventh’ in Gen. 2:3b that yôm is anarthrous. Thus the pattern is actually: Gen. 1:31: ‘day the sixth’ Gen. 2:2a: ‘in the day the seventh’ Gen. 2:2b: ‘in the day the seventh’ Gen. 2:3: ‘day the seventh’ This pattern highlights the peculiar nature of the concluding citation. Since the two prepositional phrases employ the expected use of the article, the fact that in the final reference the article is absent from yôm we are alerted to its uniqueness it is clearly preferable to read 1:5b as defining a yôm for the following sequence of ordinals-namely one cycle of evening and morning, signifying a complete 24-hour day embracing both the period of darkness and the period of light. Having used the cardinal echad to establish that definition of yôm, the chapter then goes on in the expected ordinal sequence. Further emphasizing the special nature of the seventh day is the fact that it is the only one to have the day + ordinal occurring more than once. In light of the preceding, it is clearly preferable to read 1:5b as defining a yôm for the following sequence of ordinals-namely one cycle of evening and morning, signifying a complete 24-hour day embracing both the period of darkness and the period of light. Having used the cardinal echad to establish that definition of yôm, the chapter then goes on in the expected ordinal sequence. The only other passage in the entire Bible that makes reference to the Creation Week as a six-day sequence followed by a seventh day of rest is Exodus 20:8–11, where a one to one correspondence is seen between the regular 168 hour week of humans and God’s work of creation and rest. From the standpoint of Hebrew exegesis it is would be unreasonable to read another meaning into the text. The only reason for so doing would appear to be based on considerations other than a careful reading of the actual narrative. A final observationIt has been my experience that those who question the normal historical narrative reading of Genesis 1:1–2:4 tend to be my fellow evangelicals. Theological liberals recognize the text as saying that God created the universe in six 24-hour days. They see evangelicals who adopt alternative readings of the text as engaged in a form of suspect apologetics. I believe the liberal critique to be accurate. Where I differ from them, however, is that I believe the text is correct in what it is teaching. A more effective apologetic therefore lies in simply admitting what the text proclaims and showing that it has far more explanatory power than many people think. In that light, I am excited by the kind of research being conducted by CMI and likeminded creation science organizations. God means what He says and He did it just as Genesis says he did! ‘No death before the Fall’? Chapter 2: Six days? Really? The days of creation: A semantic approach Is Genesis poetry / figurative, a theological argument (polemic) and thus not history? Creation Compromises Genesis Questions and Answers Related Articles‘No death before the Fall’? Does yom with a number always refer to 24-hour days? Chapter 2: Six days? Really? The days of creation: A semantic approach Is Genesis poetry / figurative a theological argument (polemic) and thus not history? Distant starlight and the days of Genesis 1 Further ReadingCreation Compromises Genesis Questions and Answers ReferencesWenham, G.J., Genesis 1–15, Word Biblical Commentary, Word Books, Waco, TX, 1987. On p. 19 he states: ‘ … “day”. There can be little doubt that here “day” has its basic sense of a 24-hour period. The mention of morning and evening, the enumeration of the days, and the divine rest on the seventh show that a week of divine activity is being described here.’ Then on p. 39 he contends, ‘It has been unfortunate that one device which our narrative uses to express the coherence and purposiveness of the creator’s work, namely, the distribution of the various creative acts to six days, has been seized on and interpreted over-literalistically, with the result that science and Scripture have been pitted against each other instead of being seen as complementary. Properly understood, Genesis justifies the scientific experience of unity and order in nature. The six-day schema is but one of several means employed in this chapter to stress the system and order that has been built into creation. Other devices include the use of repeating formulae, the tendency to group words and phrases into tens and sevens, literary techniques such as chiasm and inclusion, the arrangement of creative acts into matching groups, and so on.’ In the main body of my text I point out that elegance of order and literary finesse do not preclude the historicity of a narrative account. Return to text. Grudem, W., Systematic Theology, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI, p. 302, 1994. Return to text. Sarfati, J., Refuting Compromise, pp. 94–101, Master Books, Green Forest, AR, pp. 94–101, 2004. Return to text. O’Connor, M., Hebrew Verse Structure, Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, Indiana, 1980. Return to text. Boyd, S.W., Statistical Determination of Genre in Biblical Hebrew: evidence for an historical reading of genesis 1:1–2:3; in: Vardiman, L., Snelling, A. and Chaffin, E. (Eds.), Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth (Vol. II), Institute for Creation Research, El Cajon, CA, and Creation Research Society, Chino Valley, AZ, pp. 631–734, 2005. Return to text. I.e. lacking the definite article. If the definite article (represented by the vowel marking pathach under the beth) then it would signify ‘in the day’. Its lack signifies an idiomatic use meaning ‘when’ as in the NIV translation. Return to text. Steinmann, A., אֶחָד [[echad] as an Ordinal Number and the Meaning of Genesis 1:5, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 45(4):577–584, 2002. Return to text. Steinmann, ref. 7, p.580. Return to text. Steinmann, ref. 7, pp. 581–582. Return to text. e.g. Davidson, B., The Analytical and Chaldee Lexicon, Zondervan Edition, 8th printing, Grand Rapids, MI, p. 17, 1976, ‘II first, only in the enumerating of time, where the cardinal stands for the ordinal.’ He cites the usage when dealing with the first day (day one) of the nth month. See my comments in the main text. Return to text. Brown, F., Driver, S.R. and Briggs, C.A., (Eds.), A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, UK, reprinted with corrections, p. 25, 1972. Return to text. Harris, R.L., Archer, G.L. and Waltke, B.K., Theological Word Book of the Old Testament, Volume 1: Moody Press, Chicago, IL, p.30, 1980. This also corresponds to my count in Wigram, G.V., The Englishman’s Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance, Zondervan Edition, 7th printing, Grand Rapids, MI, 1978 where I counted 966. Return to text. Steinmann, ref. 7., p. 581; Waltke, B.K. and O’Connor, M.P., An Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax, Winona Lake, IN, Eisenbrauns, p. 274, § 15.2.1b, 1990. Return to text. Genesis 4:19: ‘the name of the first [of two wives] was Adah’; Exodus 26:4,5; 36:11: ‘the first curtain’ [of two]; Exodus 29:40, Numbers 28:7: ‘for the first lamb’ [of two]; 1 Kings 6:24: ‘the first cherub’ In each case echad is followed by ordinal forms (second, third … ). Return to text. Steinmann, ref. 7, p.582. This is a refinement (indeed, correction) of Waltke and O’Connor’s treatment. Return to text. ‘Denying the antecedent’, i.e. a) echad with the article signifies an ordinal use. In this text echad does not have the article. c) Therefore, in this text echad has a cardinal use. ‘Denying the antecedent’ since the premise does not assert that an ordinal use of echad necessarily has the article. However, in this case it is still reasonable to take it as a cardinal usage since the default meaning of echad is cardinal. Its ordinal usage is apparent from the context and in these cases the article is always present. Context shows that in the vast majority of cases the default cardinal meaning is implied and in those cases the article is missing. For the few cases where the meaning may be disputed, the burden of proof lies with those who would challenge the regular pattern. I note this mild caveat since Steinmann (see above) does maintain that the ordinal use is always accompanied by the article. Therefore, he would restate the premise as: a) echad with, and only with, the article signifies an ordinal use. and c) would, therefore, logically follow. I believe Steinmann is correct and I simply note a mild objection that might conceivably be raised.’ Return to text. Actually ‘eleven’ is interesting in that it uses ‘ashtēy in construct with the cardinal ‘asar (‘ten’). The etymology is uncertain and is only found in the plural construct form attached to ‘ten’. Return to text. Steinmann, ref. 7, p.583–584. Return to text.
  15. Related material ,major corporations pay off police. Sinister Events In Ireland Feb 12th, 2014 by John Donovan. http://royaldutchshellplc.com/2014/02/12/sinister-events-in-ireland/
  16. (AUSTERITY Hows that working UK ??,Gaal) Record youth homelessness in UK By Joe Mount wsws 12 February 2014 ================================== Homelessness is rising amongst British youth, with many staying with friends and family, in squats or sleeping rough. Last year, 4,529 young people contacted the Citizens’ Advice Bureau (CAB) about homelessness, a 57 percent increase since 2008. The number of calls from youth threatened with homelessness rose 39 percent during the same period. “Obviously this is just a sample of the number of young people out there struggling,” said Rachael Holmes from the CAB. “We find many young people are sofa surfing. When they run out of sofas, they are turning to using tents in people’s back gardens or in parks,” said Sian Drewery from charity Nightstop. Being homeless at a young age is a traumatic experience that disrupts the transition to a stable adult life. One 18-year-old, who chose to conceal her identity, related her experience to the BBC’s Newsbeat. After fleeing a violent home at age 12, she moved in with her boyfriend and, “working for about 48 hours a week, I wasn’t even earning £400” a month. She lost her job and sought help from the local council. “I turned up with the majority of my bags and told them ‘I have nowhere to live and no friends or family to stay with. I’ve just lost my job and I really need help.’ They didn’t ask me any questions and didn’t take me seriously because of my age. I left really angry.” Now homeless, she would “stay at a friend’s one night, sometimes I’d stay a week.” She said, “It felt horrible. It feels trampy. You haven’t got your own home, you go to work in the day and think, ‘What am I going to do tonight? What am I going to eat tonight?’ I was getting really ill and really thin and not sleeping.” She eventually found work and housing with the assistance of Britain’s limited social security system. There is minimal provision for homeless youth, who bear the brunt of the dismantling of the welfare state. Local authorities prevent homelessness for only one in five of the young people who seek help. More than two thirds of local authorities lack sufficient youth-specific accommodation. Sixty percent of homelessness agencies face capacity shortfalls that prevent support provision, according to a survey of 160 front-line agencies conducted by Homeless Watch. Forty-three percent use bed and breakfast (B& accommodation, according to charity Homeless Link. B&Bs are unsuitable for youth because they may be housed among offenders and addicts. “The rise is a very clear indicator of the impact the recession has had on this age group,” said Holmes. Unemployment and welfare cuts are increasing domestic strain, leading to family breakdown, the primary cause of youth homelessness. It contributes to almost half of cases, according to Homeless Watch. As increasing numbers of families struggle to make ends meet, many can’t afford to keep all their children. Often, it is the eldest child who is squeezed out. Many households are on the edge of a financial precipice. As rents continue to rise, last year over 60 percent of families with children struggled to pay their housing bills; 3.9 million households are just one wage packet away from destitution and threatened with losing their homes, according to research by the charity Shelter. This is pushing record numbers onto the streets. Homelessness for all age groups stands at a five-year high, according to government statistics. The number of people sleeping rough has risen by 31 percent since 2011. More than 50,000 families are homeless and 4,500 live in B&Bs, many beyond the six-week legal limit. These conditions also force record numbers of young adults to live with their parents; 3.3 million young workers can’t afford to live independently or are unwilling to bear the substantial drop in living standards this would entail. The proportion of such youth is now one in four, the highest level since 1996, according to official figures. The number of workers aged between 20 and 34 staying at home shot up with the onset of the world economic crisis in 2008. The 20-to-24 age bracket was hardest hit. Tom, aged 29, said “I recently lost my job at the Environment Agency working with communities to prepare themselves for flooding incidents.” “I had to move back to my parents’ as a result of not being able to find another job in Yorkshire soon enough and not being able to pay the rent. JSA [Job Seekers Allowance] is not anywhere near adequate to cover the costs that I had,” he told the Guardian . “Ending up back at home wasn’t really part of the plan,” said Neil, aged 25. “I graduated with a first in Social Policy and Sociology from the University of Sheffield, followed by a Master’s. After completing an unpaid three-month graduate placement, I got some paid part-time work and then full-time work at a housing association in Birmingham (all on temporary contracts).” “The inability to save anything due to commuting, car, rent and general living costs meant that after six months, both me and my girlfriend moved into my Dad’s house.” Young workers are increasingly unable to find secure jobs that pay a living wage. Youth unemployment is 20 percent, and long-term youth unemployment is the worst for two decades. The unemployment rate amongst youth living with parents is twice that of people the same age living independently. Sixty percent of homeless youth are NEET (not in education, employment or training.) Rising rents and astronomical house prices are a huge barrier to securing accommodation, and conditions are being aggravated by the policies of the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government. A swathe of reactionary social legislation has been introduced since the announcement of the deepest social security cuts in British history last April. This includes the so-called Bedroom Tax, a financial penalty for the 660,000 housing benefits claimants with unoccupied rooms in local authority and housing association accommodation. Since it was introduced six months ago, more than 200,000 people have requested emergency financial assistance from local councils. Many have faced eviction or been forced to find private-sector housing. Prime Minister David Cameron and Chancellor George Osborne have both made clear that the government intends to withdraw Housing Benefit for those under 25 years of age. The author also recommends: People living in caves as UK homelessness reaches five-year high [11 July 2013] (AUSTERITY Hows that working UK ??,Gaal)
  17. GOOGLE THIS > christian suicide counseling get this.> https://www.google.com/#q=christian+suicide+counseling =================================================== Is Christian Counseling Effective?: What the Research Shows http://www.aacc.net/2013/12/12/is-christian-counseling-effective-what-the-research-shows/ )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Establishment science For 15 plus years the head establishment archaeologist in Israel ( Israel Finkelstein) said David didnt exist. Now "OK" he existed but the Bible story is still wrong it was a small city-state he ruled. QUESTION : DID CHRIST LIE THAT NOAH EXISTED ?? 36"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. 37"For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. 38"For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be.… )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) God and Evolution – Jesus was a Creationist http://x-evolutionist.com/christians-jesus-was-a-creationist/ Page Contents: Jesus Taught a Recent Creation Jesus Taught that Adam and Eve Were Real People Jesus’ Sacrifice Only Makes Sense With Creation Jesus Was Not Just a Great Moral Teacher The Bible Teaches That Jesus is God oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo The Life of Darwin, Part 3 (Darwin’s Struggle with Evil) Feb 12, 2014 Answers ... with Ken Ham http://media.answersingenesis.org/audio/answers-daily/volume-112/AWKH20140212.mp3 The Life of Darwin, Part 2 (Darwin’s Impact on Our Culture) Feb 11, 2014 Answers ... with Ken Ham http://media.answersingenesis.org/audio/answers-daily/volume-112/AWKH20140211.mp3 Feb 10, 2014 Answers ... with Ken Ham http://media.answersingenesis.org/audio/answers-daily/volume-112/AWKH20140210.mp3 The Life of Darwin, Part 1 (Intro) Feb 10, 2014 Answers ... with Ken Ham http://media.answersingenesis.org/audio/answers-daily/volume-112/AWKH20140210.mp3
  18. WHAT !!!!!!!!! ??????? !!! ??? That you think the Bible doesnt say much about suicide demonstrates the extreme paucity of Biblical knowledge you possess. ++++++++++++++++++++++ Sir you have little to none knowledge base of the Bible. ----------------------------------------------- Bible Scholarship is immense and vast. The Bible is studied more than any other book in the world. Things are put into context via integration of linguistics, archaeology, history,cosmology,biology.philology, numerous social sciences, geology,ect,ect,ect. The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Studies defines the field as a set of various, and in some cases independent disciplines for the study of the collection of ancient texts generally known as the Bible. These disciplines include but are not limited to archaeology, Egyptology, textual criticism, linguistics, history, sociology and theology. ================================================= The meaning of the Bible is understood by Biblical hermeneutics. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biblical_hermeneutics ======================== Why should you trust the Bible? It’s such an old book—isn’t it outdated and irrelevant? In Making a Case for the Bible, John MacArthur helps you see why the Bible can be trusted now and forever, by everyone, in every circumstance RADIO PROGRAMS TO ENLIGHTEN 02/11/2014Assorted Attacks on the Bible02/10/2014Assorted Attacks on the Bible ====================================================================== ====================================================================== 61 Bible Verses about Suicide http://www.openbible.info/topics/suicide 000000000000000000000000000000000 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) The Bible and SuicideWhat Does the Bible Say About Suicide?By Mary Fairchild How to Study the Biblercg.org Basic Rules that Govern Bible Study Learn How to Study the Bible! Suicide is the act of intentionally taking one's own life, or as some have called it, "self-murder." Over the years, I've received several emails from readers with questions about suicide: "Does God forgive suicide, or is it the unpardonable sin?" "Do Christians who commit suicide go to hell?" "What does the Bible say about suicide?" 7 People Committed Suicide in the BibleLet's begin by looking at the seven accounts of suicide in the Bible. Abimelech - Judges 9:54 After having his skull crushed under a millstone that was dropped by a woman from the Tower of Shechem, Abimelech called for his armor bearer to kill him with a sword. He did not want it said that a woman had killed him. Samson - Judges 16:29-31 By collapsing a building, Samson sacrificed his own life, but in the process destroyed thousands of enemy Philistines. Saul and His Armor Bearer - 1 Samuel 31:3-6 After losing his sons and all of his troops in battle, and his sanity long before, King Saul, assisted by his armor bearer, ended his life. Then Saul's servant killed himself. Ahithophel - 2 Samuel 17:23 Disgraced and rejected by Absolom, Ahithophel went home, put his affairs in order, and then hung himself. Zimri - 1 Kings 16:18 Rather than being taken prisoner, Zimri set the king's palace on fire and died in the flames. Judas - Matthew 27:5 After he betrayed Jesus, Judas Iscariot was overcome with remorse and hung himself. In each of these instances, except that of Samson, suicide is not presented favorably. These were ungodly men acting in desperation and disgrace. Samson's case was different. And while his life was not a model for holy living, Samson was honored among the faithful heroes of Hebrews 11. Some consider Samson's final act an example of martyrdom, a sacrificial death that allowed him to fulfill his God-assigned mission. Does God Forgive Suicide?There's no doubt that suicide is a terrible tragedy. For a Christian it is an even greater tragedy because it is a waste of a life that God intended to use in a glorious way. It would be difficult to argue that suicide is not a sin, for it is the taking of a human life, or to put it bluntly, murder. The Bible clearly expresses the sanctity of human life (Exodus 20:13). God is the author of life, thus, the giving and taking of life ought to remain in his hands (Job 1:21). In Deuteronomy 30:9-20, you can hear the heart of God crying out for his people to choose life: "Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! You can make this choice by loving the Lord your God, obeying him, and committing yourself firmly to him. This is the key to your life..." (NLT) So, can a sin as grave as suicide destroy one's salvation? The Bible tells us that at the moment of salvation a believer's sins are forgiven (John 3:16; 10:28). When we become a child of God, all of our sins, even those committed after salvation, are no longer held against us. Ephesians 2:8 says, "God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God." (NLT) So, we are saved by God's grace, not by our own good deeds. In the same way that our good works don't save us, our bad ones, or sins, cannot keep us from salvation. Paul made it plain in Romans 8:38-39 that nothing can separate us from God's love: And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. (NLT) There is only one sin that can separate us from God and send a person to hell. In this article, "What is Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit?," I explain that the only unforgivable sin is refusing to accept Christ as Lord and Savior. Anyone who turns to Jesus for forgiveness is made righteous by his blood (Romans 5:9) which covers our sin—past, present and future. God's Perspective on SuicideA few years ago, I attended the funeral of a Christian man who had committed suicide. The experience gave me a new perspective on the issue of Christians and suicide. The man who had killed himself was the son of one our church staff members. In the short time he had been a believer, he touched many lives for Jesus Christ. His funeral was one of the most moving memorials I had ever attended. With more than 500 mourners gathered, for nearly two hours, person after person testified of how this man had been used by God. He had pointed countless lives to faith in Christ and shown them the way to the Father's love. I left the service convinced that what had driven him to commit suicide had been his inability to shake his addiction to drugs and the failure he felt as a husband, father, and son. Although it was a sad and tragic ending, nevertheless, his life testified undeniably of Christ's redemptive power in an amazing way. I do not believe this man went to hell. His funeral made me realize that no one can truly understand the depth of someone else's suffering, or the reasons that could drive a soul to such desperation. Only God knows what is in a person's heart (Psalm 139:1-2). Only he knows the extent of pain which might bring a person to the point of suicide. In conclusion, it bears repeating—suicide is a terrible tragedy, but it does not negate the Lord's act of redemption. Our salvation rests securely in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. So then, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." (Romans 10:13, NIV) More About Suicide Christian Testimonies from Suicide Survivors Suicide Hotline Numbers Coping with Suicidal Thoughts
  19. decoloni­sa­tion = death http://spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-707-update-on-euro-fascism/ \00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Harry S Truman’s famous quote about mur­dered ANTI-FASCIST SWEDE Dag Hammarskjold: “Dag Ham­marskjöld was on the point of get­ting some­thing done when they killed him; notice that I said, ‘When they killed him’”. At bot­tom, new infor­ma­tion about the mys­tery of Hammarskjold’s death. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dag_Hammarskjold Dag Ham­marskjöld (29 July 1905 – 18 Sep­tem­ber 1961) was a Swedish diplo­mat, econ­o­mist, and author. An early Secretary-General of the United Nations, he served from April 1953 until his death in a plane crash in Sep­tem­ber 1961. He is the only per­son to have been awarded a posthu­mous Nobel Peace Prize.[1] Ham­marskjöld remains the only U.N. Secretary-General to die in office, and his death occurred en route to cease-fire nego­ti­a­tions. Praised by many, Pres­i­dent of the United States John F. Kennedy called Ham­marskjöld “the great­est states­man of our century”.[2] Sept. 18, 1961. A DC-6B air­liner car­ry­ing 56-year-old Dag Ham­marskjold, the Swedish secretary-general of the U.N., crashed in a jun­gle near Ndola in present-day Zam­bia. On board were a six-man crew plus Hammarskjold’s staff of eight men and one woman. All were killed instantly except for Ham­marskjold and an aide, who were both thrown clear. Although the plane was sev­eral hours over­due and a police inspec­tor tele­phoned the air­port to describe a mys­te­ri­ous flash, no search party was orga­nized until 10:00 A.M. The wreck­age was sighted at 3:10 P.M. Ham­marskjold had died dur­ing the night, but his aide, Sgt. Harold Julien, a secu­rity offi­cer, sur­vived for five days, dur­ing which time he raved about explo­sions and sparks in the sky. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/aug/17/dag-hammarskjold-un-secretary-general-crash Quote: “New evi­dence has emerged in one of the most endur­ing mys­ter­ies of United Nations and African his­tory, sug­gest­ing that the UN sec­re­tary gen­eral, Dag Hammarskjöld’s plane was shot down over North­ern Rhode­sia (now Zam­bia) 50 years ago, and the mur­der cov­ered up by the British colo­nial authorities. “A British-run com­mis­sion of inquiry blamed the 1961 crash on pilot error, and a later UN inves­ti­ga­tion largely rubber-stamped its find­ings. They ignored or down­played wit­ness tes­ti­mony of vil­lagers near the crash site which sug­gested foul play. The Guardian has talked to sur­viv­ing wit­nesses who were never ques­tioned by the offi­cial inves­ti­ga­tions and were too scared to come forward. “The res­i­dents on the west­ern out­skirts of the town of Ndola described Hammarskjöld’s DC6 being shot down by a sec­ond, smaller air­craft. They say the crash site was sealed off by North­ern Rhode­sian secu­rity forces the next morn­ing, many hours before the wreck­age was offi­cially declared found, and they were ordered to leave the area. “The inves­ti­ga­tion led Björk­dahl to pre­vi­ously unpub­lished telegrams – seen by the Guardian – from the days lead­ing up to Hammarskjöld’s death on 17 Sep­tem­ber 1961, which illus­trate US and British anger at an abortive UN mil­i­tary oper­a­tion that the secretary-general ordered on behalf of the Con­golese gov­ern­ment against a rebel­lion backed by west­ern min­ing com­pa­nies and mer­ce­nar­ies in the mineral-rich Katanga region. “Ham­marskjöld was fly­ing to Ndola for peace talks with the Katanga lead­er­ship at a meet­ing that the British helped arrange. The fiercely inde­pen­dent Swedish diplo­mat had by then enraged almost all the major pow­ers on the secu­rity coun­cil with his sup­port for decoloni­sa­tion but sup­port from third world states meant his re-election as secretary-general would have been vir­tu­ally guar­an­teed if he had lived until the gen­eral assem­bly vote due weeks later.” Posted by R. Wilson | August 29, 2011, 8:48 pm 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Midnight in the Congo The Assassination of Lumumba and the Mysterious Death of Dag Hammarskjold http://www.ctka.net/pr399-congo.html
  20. Glenn Greenwald's new website launches with fresh NSA revelations The Intercept one of several sites to be launched by new media company First Look, started by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar theguardian.com,Monday 10 February 2014 11.39 EST ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) The Intercept’s editors are Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras and Jeremy Scahill. Photograph: /Public domain A new website featuring journalist Glenn Greenwald and funded by the billionaire founder of eBay was unveiled early Monday, with two stories about US government surveillance. The site, called the Intercept, reported Monday that the National Security Agency has used cell phone geolocation to help pinpoint targets for US drone strikes overseas, and published previously unseen photographs of major US intelligence facilities. The Intercept is part of a suite of planned sites to be published by First Look media, founded by eBay chairman Pierre Omidyar. Its editors are Greenwald and fellow journalists Laura Poitras and Jeremy Scahill. The Intercept will focus on reporting based on documents released by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, the site’s editors said in an introductory statement. “Our focus in this very initial stage will be overwhelmingly on the NSA story,” the statement said. The involvement of the NSA in the drone program was previously reported, based on information found in the Snowden documents. However, the Intercept story, written by Scahill and Greenwald, appears to add significant new sourcing from inside the drone program itself, citing an unnamed “former drone operator for the military’s Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) who also worked with the NSA.” The story quotes the former operator as saying that innocent people have “absolutely” been killed in strikes based on geolocation techniques that can find a mobile phone but cannot verify who is holding it. The NSA declined to respond to questions for the article, the Intercept said. The editors accelerated the launch of the site, their statement said, to fight intensifying attacks on journalists working on stories about government surveillance and other secret programs. Director of national intelligence James Clapper told Congress last month that Snowden had committed a crime and had “accomplices,” in a reference widely interpreted as threatening to journalists working on stories based on the Snowden documents. Congressman Mike Rogers, a Michigan Republican who heads the House intelligence committee, last week called Greenwald “a thief.” “None of this will deter the journalism we are doing,” the editors’ statement said. “A primary function of the Intercept is to insist upon and defend our press freedoms from those who wish to infringe them.” Further plans for the site include a column by Greenwald, who previously wrote for the Guardian.
  21. Chapter 3 - Suicide Down the Ages - A Judeo-Christian Perspective https://www.cmf.org.uk/publications/content.asp?context=article&id...‎ Introduction - The arguments for and, particularly, against suicide are very similar to ... probably because it was an extremely rare event in ancient Jewish society. .... Furthermore, suicide is worse than murder for in killing one's fellow man one is .... the common finding that religious adherence is associated with low suicide ...
  22. Is it Possible to be a Christian and an Evolutionist? A leading creationist answers an often-asked question.http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/cm/v11/n4/christian ======================================================== Yes, one can be a Christian and an evolutionist, but such a position is both scientifically and biblically untenable. The Lord Jesus took a literal view of Genesis. The theory of evolution is dishonouring to God as Creator, and its teaching leads to a disastrous secularizing of society. ==================== ==================== Moral declineFrom Conservapedia Moral decline (or degeneration) refers to the process of declining from a higher to a lower level of morality. The condition of moral decline is seen as preceding or concomitant with the decline in quality of life, as well as the decline of nations. In the words of British lawyer and jurist Judge Devlin (1905 -1992), "an established morality is as necessary as good government to the welfare of society. Societies disintegrate from within more frequently than they are broken up by external pressures."[1] ............ In the ideology of secular humanism, which the most prominent Western form of secularism advances, moral values are highly subject to change, being based upon the presumed superior reasoning of man, who is set forth as the supreme lawgiver. Being basically atheistic, it operates out of a materialistic foundation, and lacking an objective, transcendent moral authority and its moral absolutes, it offers no assurance of moral stability, and is prone to extremes of moral relativism. How materialism assesses morality is described by William Provine, a professor from Cornell University, “ Modern science directly implies that the world is organized strictly in accordance with mechanistic principles. There are no purposive principles whatsoever in nature. There are no gods and no designing forces that are rationally detectable... Second, modern science directly implies that there are no inherent moral or ethical laws, no absolute guiding principles for human society. Thirdly, human beings are marvelously complex machines. The individual human becomes an ethical person by means of two primary mechanisms: heredity and environmental influences. That is all there is. Fourth, we must conclude that when we die, we die and that is the end of us. [8] 1960 and beyond The decade of the 1960's would begin the most dramatic moral change in America's history. While a more developed moral social consciousness helped to effect beneficial and needed changes, such as in the area of civil rights, as regards such non-moral aspects as race and color, this recognition of basic equality was used by liberal moralists to advocate liberty for immorality in word and in deed, most predominately in the area of sensuality. The 1967 "Summer of love" saw hundreds of thousands of teenagers leaving their homes in search for deeper meaning, as well as satisfaction of fleshly lusts, with "turn on, tune in, and drop out," being a favorite phrase. Vast multitudes made their pilgrimage to the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco, an area home to many rock icons, and known for its liberalized ideology and culture. The civilization that resulted was a testimony to the practical result of the prolonged practice of this ideology, and when the infrastructure of tradition society, which they both rebelled against and depended upon, could no support them. While the liberal media tended to celebrate it as a positive attempt at Utopian culture, indolence, homelessness or unsanitary living, and drug use (and overdoses) abounded, along with marked increases in crime and disease. "By the fall of 1967, Haight-Ashbury was nearly abandoned, trashed, and laden with drugs and homeless people. Most of the kids that descended upon the Haight with such hope and optimism in June returned home sick and out of money by September."[54] The 1960's culminated with two major distinctive concerts in 1969, Woodstock and the Altamont Speedway Free Festival. The former would become the world's most celebrated rock concert, being peaceful despite over 500,000 people, while the other was the largest rock disaster ever, with security being provided by Hell's Angels (whom many saw as counter-cultural brothers), and a murderous man being killed while the Rolling Stones sang "Sympathy to the Devil".[55] As regards moral decline, overall much of the generation of that decade and those that followed evidenced increased rebellion against authority in general(though usually not to living off the government) and against capitalism, and the promotion and practice of pre-marital sex, recreational drug use, the rise of feminism and the advocation of liberal ideology. While most of the main stream media and University professors in America are seen to treat this revolution and its foundational ethos as liberating and beneficial, its effects have been manifestly deleterious, as evidenced by multitudinous studies and statistics.[56] While promoting tolerance within its culture, and (in the beginning) rejecting the idea that materialism brought fulfillment, the 1960's cultural revolution birthed an unprecedented intolerance of traditional values, while its affection for drugs - used to find the alternative reality they sought - and the its later promotion of the demonic victim mentality (Gn. 3:1-5), had destructive effects upon society, in particular upon its weakest members. The emphasis on social justice may well have been a means to justify a basic rebellion against authority in general, in particular fathers, headmasters, police officers, soldiers. The rejection of Biblical and traditional sexual laws and promotion of sexual promiscuity and homosexuality would result in a greatly increased incidence of infectious diseases and premature death, with a half million of Americans dead because of AIDS. Colleges and universities largely became the seminaries of the new cultural "religion" and its ethos.[57] Revised standard studies and new courses, such as gay studies, became part of the new orthodoxy, with a later neglect of core subjects.[58] . Relative few teaching posts became staffed by conservatives.[59][60][61] While early attempts by students to gain positions of administrative power in their institutions had only limited success, its graduates would soon fill positions of power in informational, educational, and governmental agencies, and as by a Fabian strategy achieve its victories. Religiously, a notable number of young seekers for a better reality became part of what some term a Fourth Great Awakening, out of which evangelical churches such as Calvary Chapel began and grew to be significance denominations.
  23. Presidential Palace In Bosnia Set On Fire As Riots Break Out Protesting 40% Unemployment February 8, 2014 Source: Zero Hedge (SEE VIDEO AT BLACKLISTED-NEWS SITE) http://www.blacklistednews.com/Presidential_Palace_In_Bosnia_Set_On_Fire_As_Riots_Break_Out_Protesting_40%25_Unemployment/32729/0/38/38/Y/M.html Another day, another European nation is hit by violent riots as protests over the economy and corruption spilled over violently into the street, this time Bosnia where more than 150 people were wounded on Friday in the worst civil unrest in the country since the 1992-95 war. The reason: anger over the dire state of domestic politics, the economic collapse and especially the country's 40% unemployment rate. The Telegraph reports that angry protesters set fire to part of the presidential palace in Sarajevo, as well as government buildings in the capital Sarajevo, Tuzla and Zenica. At least 80 people were injured in Sarajevo and 10 in Zenica, authorities said. There were no immediate casualty figures from Tuzla, where the worst of the fighting was. Bosnia is a relatively new entrant to the current iteration of mass protests, however judging by the severity of public anger, the country is doing its best to catch up with the rest of Europe. More: Demonstrators also clashed with riot police for a third consecutive day in the protests, which have remained largely contained to the Croat-Muslim Bosniak half of Bosnia. Anti-government protests began on Wednesday in the northern city of Tuzla, before spreading as thousands took to the streets of a dozen cities to express their discontent over the almost 40 per cent unemployment rate. Local media said police used rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse protesters in Sarajevo, where demonstrators stormed two government buildings including a presidential office, setting them ablaze and smashing furniture. The palace fires were promptly put out but almost all the windows were broken. By 7pm local time, protesters had dispersed in the three main flashpoint towns, but police remained out in force. All shops were closed and streets were littered with glass and debris. On Saturday morning, the streets of Sarajevo were calm after firemen spent the night dousing the flames which almost gutted one regional government building, consuming cars and newsstands nearby. However the city was bracing itself for further protests. In Tuzla, the crowd stormed the local government building, throwing furniture, files and papers out of the windows and then setting the building on fire. The protests in Tuzla may be calming following the resignation of Sead ?ausevi?, the Prime Minister of Tuzla Canton - one of 10 cantons in the Croat-Muslim Bosniak half of Bosnia - but other cities are only just getting beginning. In an unprecedented move, hundreds gathered in the capital of the Bosnian Serb part of the country, Banja Luka, to express support for protesters in the country's other mini-state, which is shared by Bosniaks and Croats. "We gathered to support the protests in Tuzla where people are fighting for their rights," said Aleksandar Zolja, an activist from Banja Luka. The protests began on Wednesday with a clash between police and unpaid workers of four former state-owned companies, which left some 130 hurt, mostly from tear gas. Said otherwise, wealth transfer, crony capitalism, corruption and an economic collapse have managed to unite the same people that just two decades ago were killing each other during the Yugoslavian civil war over such typical Eastern European lines of tension as religion and ethnicity. Congratulations. Four companies employed most of the population of Tuzla. When they were privatised, contracts obliged the new owners to invest in them and make them profitable but they sold the assets, stopped paying workers and filed for bankruptcy. Ironically, the very same is happening in the US and the rest of the world, as the productive assets are being confiscated, the middle class is being exterminated, and an increasingly smaller number of entities control the bulk of the wealth. Summarizing the Bosnian situation in a nutshell: Beside the high unemployment rate, the privatisation that followed the end of communism and the 1992-95 war produced a handful of tycoons, almost wiped out the middle class and sent the working class into poverty. Corruption is widespread and high taxes to fund a bloated public sector eat away at paychecks. Or yet another teaser of what is coming to every other insolvent, crony capitalist, corrupt country in the world.
  24. Mr. Burton has a Bible and its named rational wiki. In addition to numerous factual errors and failures to understand the theories which it is intended to criticize, the document suffers from faulty logic. A list of arguments broken down by fallacy is presented at the end of this page. Although the list claims to have 101 points, several are just reworded duplicates and one is even a copy of the preceding item. Almost every reference link in the original article either goes directly to creationist sources, or to popular science magazines which support creationism; as there are no reputable peer-reviewed scientific papers.(BURTON QUOTING RATIONAL WIKI) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ did they (rational wiki ) say peer reviewed ???? (above quoted by Burton) http://kgov.com/2013-soft-tissue OOPS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ========== REDUX UNREFUTED POST # 14 (which BTW Mr.Burton wanted to skip) Wednesday, 23 January 2013 http://therationalwiki.blogspot.com/ Rational Wiki is biased and Abiogenesis is impossible The Rational Wiki is biased. Honestly this shouldn't come as a shock to anyone considering it's mainly irrational extremist atheists operating behind the site but the extreme bias they apply to their articles while ignoring all the facts, misquoting sources and using fallacious arguments leaves them unworthy of the title "Rational". This is the same site proposing that abiogenesis has great evidence supporting it when there only ever was one outdated (their view as well) experiment proving that self-replicating molecules can form in lab controlled environments. "Give those crazy scientists a half billion or so years to play, though, and they might do just as well as nature once did!" Says the "Rational" Wiki. This opinion can be applied the other way around too especially since observable data for abiogenesis doesn't exist (and it's next to impossible to test). So here goes: Give those crazy scientists half a billion or so years to play, though, and they might just discover that Louis Pasteur was right all along with Biogenesis (which so far remains correct). Unlike the improbable hypothesis of abiogenesis, The Law of Biogenesis remains solid and nature all over is testament and supportive to this observable law. Sadly the atheist in their fanaticism and ludicrous ideals refuse to admit that they are wrong with their baseless arguments and speculation about their creation myth. Continually they use fallacious reasoning and argument appeals to try and support themselves as they lie and proclaim that the "scientific community" (which to them consists of only the atheist scientists who agree with them) supports them. Abiogenesis is the only alternative to The Law of Biogenesis and what with it being inimical to scientific method and unobservable (not to mention completely illogical, only the atheist could believe in such a myth which they require to be true to support their atheism) it shouldn't be accepted by anyone with a rational and sound mind. Biogenesis states that life only comes from pre-existing life. This implies deliberate creation, something that the atheist refuses to accept hence their advocation for an outdated debunked concept. Tales of the world being created in 6 days may all sound fancy and magical but so do tales of life forming from dead material in mud-pools for absolutely no reason other than to defy the laws of nature via spontaneous generation - a debunked concept. Clearly there was a god behind creation. Whether Genesis or any creation story is true is another subject and one that is quite irrelevant to me. Atheism remains absurd and ridiculous when it calls upon blind faith in abiogenesis and the spontaneous generation of life that the unobservable, unscientific and impossible abiogenesis proposes happened billions of years ago in conditions of Earth that scientists are in debate about. The Miller-Urey experiment (the experiment mentioned above) only further reinforced Biogenesis by showing that only intelligent life (humans in this instance) can ever create something relating to life. When life is eventually created in a lab, it will be due to the scientists - and the conditions they enforced along with deliberate tampering - and not due to the impossible process of abiogenesis. Posted by Gabriel +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TO REPEAT Mr. Burton has a Bible and its named rational wiki. FROM therationalwiki.blogspot and kgov.com above RATIONAL WIKI IS DISCREDITED. sadly........LOL
  25. 6000 is from Biblical chronology and reinforced by Creation science. ================================== Iron-manganese nodules (IMN) on the sea floors. The measured rates of growth of these nodules indicates an age of only thousands of years. Lalomov, A.V., 2006. Mineral deposits as an example of geological rates. CRSQ 44(1):64–66. == Carbon-14 in coal suggests ages of thousands of years and clearly contradict ages of millions of years. Carbon-14 in oil again suggests ages of thousands, not millions, of years. Carbon-14 in fossil wood also indicates ages of thousands, not millions, of years. Carbon-14 in diamonds suggests ages of thousands, not billions, of years. Note that attempts to explain away carbon-14 in diamonds, coal, etc., such as by neutrons from uranium decay converting nitrogen to C-14 do not work. See: Objections. == River delta growth rate is consistent with thousands of years since the biblical Flood, not vast periods of time. The argument goes back to Mark Twain. E.g. 1. Mississippi—Creation Research Quarterly (CRSQ) 9:96–114, 1992; CRSQ 14:77; CRSQ 25:121–123. E.g. 2 Tigris–Euphrates: CRSQ 14:87, 1977. == Erosion at Niagara Falls and other such places is consistent with just a few thousand years since the biblical Flood. However, much of the Niagara Gorge likely formed very rapidly with the catastrophic drainage of glacial Lake Agassiz; see: Climate change, Niagara and catastrophe. == The lack of bioturbation (worm holes, root growth) at paraconformities (flat gaps) reinforces the lack of time involved where evolutionary geologists insert many millions of years to force the rocks to conform with the ‘given’ timescale of billions of years. == Experiments show that with conditions mimicking natural forces, opals form quickly, in a matter of weeks, not millions of years, as had been claimed. == Evidence for rapid, catastrophic formation of coal beds speaks against the hundreds of millions of years normally claimed for this, including Z-shaped seams that point to a single depositional event producing these layers. == The ages of the world’s oldest living organisms, trees, are consistent with an age of the earth of thousands of years. ============================================== Ussher chronology From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The chronologies of Ussher and other biblical scholars corresponded so closely because they used much the same methodology to calculate key events recorded in the Bible. Their task was complicated by the fact that the Bible was compiled from different sources over several centuries with differing versions and lengthy chronological gaps, making it impossible to do a simple totaling of Biblical ages and dates. In his article on Ussher's calendar, James Barr has identified three distinct periods that Ussher and others had to tackle:[4] Early times (Creation to Solomon). Ostensibly the easiest period, as the Bible provides an unbroken male lineage from Adam through to Solomon complete with the ages of the individuals involved. However, not all of the versions of the Bible provide the same ages — the Septuagint gives much longer ages, adding about 1500 years to the date of Creation. Ussher resolved this problem by relying on the Hebrew Bible instead. Early Age of Kings (Solomon to the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem and the Babylonian captivity). The lineage breaks down at this point, with only the length of the kings' reigns being provided and a number of overlaps and ambiguities complicating the picture. Ussher had to cross-reference the Biblical records with known dates of other people and rulers to create an overall timeline. Late Age of Kings (Ezra and Nehemiah to the birth of Jesus). No information at all is provided in the Bible. Ussher and his counterparts therefore had to try to link a known event from this period with a dateable event in another culture, such as the Chaldeans, Persians or Romans. For instance, the death of the Chaldean King Nebuchadnezzar II (who conquered Jerusalem in 586 BC) could be correlated with the 37th year of the exile of Jehoiachin (2 Kings 25:27). Using these methods, Ussher was able to establish an unadjusted Creation date of about 4000 BC. He moved it back to 4004 BC to take account of an error perpetrated by Dionysius Exiguus, the founder of the Anno Domini numbering system. Ussher chose 4 BC as Christ's birth year[5] because Josephus indicated that the death of Herod the Great occurred in 4 BC.[6] Jesus could not have been born after that date. related content =============================================== Chronology of the Bible - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronology_of_the_Bible‎=========================================================== This Bible Timeline dates earth's history using a 364 Day Hebrew ... www.bibletimeline.org/‎ ===================================================== Biblical Chronology - Stanford University www.stanford.edu/~meehan/.../bibchron.html‎
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