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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. Two of the most uninformed - on this subject - members of our little group taking turns employing tactics laid out in COINTELPRO for the disruption and derailing of a forum thread...// DAVID JOSEPHS Below just on pg 8. Cant agree more David. (Gaal) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ mountainous intellect you are david. spitting tantrums again You really aren't very nice people are you? because you muppets Gaal's imbecilic nonsense you obviously don't know what the real truth is why should anyone take you seriously? The National Enquirer! Do you read it often, Steven? wacky logic. Steven you do say some silly things. don't even have a clue do you?
  2. Monty was impersonated so the ENTIRE H/L story must be true! ...... No one is saying that some people don't look similar. That is extremely disingenious. But you yourself don't even have a clue do you? You've admitted that by posing two possible scenarios...So which is it ? If you don't know stop posting on this topic! // Laverick +++++++++++++++++ Monty was impersonated so the ENTIRE H/L story must be true! (Laverick) Impersonation for intelligence purposes (as the Monty story "says" it was) gives the H/L idea credibility. If you don't know stop posting on this topic! (Laverick) ( A rudely presumptive remark) So which is it ? (Laverick) Why does it have to be one or the other ?? I said it was an option. =================================================================== To Jake Rubenstein, c/o The Carousel Club William Weston October 2001 On October 31, 1976, a government agent greeted a gray-haired gentleman who, on his own initiative, came into the FBI office in Memphis, Tennessee. He had a secret about the Kennedy assassination, he said, and he wanted to disclose it. [1] The distinguished-looking visitor did not appear to be the type who would know something about the world of spies, pimps, drug dealers, con artists, and other disreputable denizens inhabiting the murky milieu of assassination intrigue. Daniel T. McGown, by anyone's standards, was a pillar of the community, a successful businessman with an honorable career in a prestigious profession. Born in 1908 in Brownwood, Texas, his family moved to Memphis prior to his graduation from high school. After receiving a degree from the School of Architecture at Georgia Tech, he went to work for Schulz & Norton, an architectural and engineering firm in Memphis. In 1941, he married Irma Lee Beasley, a daughter from one of Tennesee's more respectable families. During the course of their marriage, the couple had two children. In 1948, he started his own architectural firm, which over the years grew and prospered. He became president of the local chapter of the American Institute of Architects and was a member of the Calvary Episcopal Church. [2] Family man, businessman, church member, community server, Mr. McGown lived a life that was largely indistinguishable from thousands of other men of his class who lived around the country. However, in that fateful year of 1963, a strange twist of fate had placed within his hands a hitherto unknown secret regarding a connection between Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby. The incident occurred during a business trip to Texas in March 1963. McGown had flown to Austin, in order to check over the plans for a new building that was to be constructed on the campus of the University of Texas. When he had completed his survey, he rented a car and drove north to the city of Brownwood, where he spent a day with some relatives. He then drove to Fort Worth, where he visited his first cousin, a prominent attorney in that city. Late in the evening, he used his cousin's telephone to call his wife Irma. He wished her a happy birthday and said that he would see her the next day, when his plane arrived in Memphis. Irma's birthday was March 28. McGown left his cousin's house and drove east to Dallas. It was almost midnight when he checked in at the Adolphus Hotel on Commerce Street. After getting settled into his room, he felt like having a nightcap before going to bed. He left his room, went down the elevator to the lobby, and went outside. The brightly lit sign of the Carousel Club beckoned from across the street. He walked over to the club entrance door and opened it. Behind the door was a staircase, leading up to the second floor. When he reached the top of the stairs, he was stopped by a heavy-set man. The club was closing up, the man said, who then complained about city regulations that prevented him from keeping the place open after midnight. [3] Rebuffed by the manager of the club, McGown went back to his room. The following morning, McGown decided to do a little sightseeing, since he had a few hours to kill before his plane departed from Dallas. As he was walking down Commerce Street, he paused at the Carousel Club. Near the entrance was a showcase display featuring pictures of female performers. As he was gazing at the pictures, another man who was walking down the street crowded into the entryway to look at them too. It was an awkward moment for McGown as he tried to make room for the other man while at the same time trying to keep a favorable point of view for himself. Presently, the other man turned to leave. As he did so, he brushed by an overstuffed mailbox that hung on the entrance door. A few large pieces of mail, two magazines, and three letters spilled on the ground. The man continued on his way without stopping. McGown proceeded to pick up the envelopes and magazines and stuff them back into the box. He noticed that the three letters were written by women and were addressed to "Jake Rubenstein, c/o The Carousel Club." Rubenstein must have been the heavy-set man whom McGown met the previous night. He was probably also the one who hired women to be performers in the club. Perhaps the senders of the three letters were prospective applicants for employment. McGown looked at the envelopes again. Two of the women lived in Fort Worth, and one lived in Dallas. The name on the Dallas letter caught his attention, for he happened to have a friend who had the same last name. [4] After making a mental note of the address, he put the letters back in the box with the rest of the mail. The woman he was planning to visit was "Lee Oswald." Using a city map as a guide, McGown drove toward Miss Oswald's place. As he was approaching her street, he looked at the houses in the neighborhood. Expecting to see lower class housing, he was surprised to find upper middle class or upper class residences. McGown wondered about this. Why would anyone living in such an area have any dealings with a strip joint? When he arrived at his destination, he stopped the car and looked at it. It was a two-story apartment building, constructed in the cheap, boxy style that was becoming the prevailing fashion at that time. It had an outside stairway that led up to a balcony walk on the second floor. It was a new building, perhaps two or three years old at the most. For the convenience of the postman, there was a mailbox with individual compartments that stood facing the street next to the curb. In order to find the unit that Miss Oswald was renting, McGown got out of his car and looked over the names of the tenants posted on the compartment doors. When he found Oswald's name, he realized that he had made a mistake. The middle name of Lee Harvey Oswald showed that this person was not a woman. Without further ado, McGown got back into his car and drove away. Eight months later, when the names of Lee Oswald and Jack Ruby were being broadcasted on radio and television, the details of this episode came vividly back to his memory. Should he tell the authorities what he knew, or should he not? His reputation might suffer if this embarrassing incident ever became widely known. He hoped that the authorities would find out about Oswald's connection to Jack Ruby without his help. When the Warren Report was published, he bought a copy and read it from cover to cover. There was nothing in it to indicate that the government knew what he knew. Furthermore he read that the commission could find no "credible evidence" of an association between Oswald and Ruby. After the death of Jack Ruby in January 1967, McGown wondered if he was the only one left who still had the "credible evidence" that eluded the Warren Commission. Finally, nine years later, he told his wife about it. She encouraged him to go to the FBI. After all, his story might make a difference in the new, upcoming investigation into the JFK assassination that Congress was preparing to launch. Such were the circumstances that led Daniel T. McGown to the local office of the FBI in 1976. The FBI of course wanted to know where the apartment was. McGown could not remember its exact location, but he drew a diagram depicting the apartment in relation to the mailbox out front, as well as in relation to a nearby apartment that faced another street. He remembered that the address had four digits and sounded something like "Diceland." A Dallas city map showed that there were was no street with the name of "Diceland," but there were two with the name of "Diceman." One was Diceman Drive, and the other was Diceman Avenue. Dallas FBI agent Robert Gemberling drove out to Diceman Drive to see if there were any apartments matching McGown's diagram and description. Diceman Drive had single-family houses but no apartments. A few inquiries among the residents showed that no apartment had ever existed on that street. Next stop was Diceman Avenue. Gemberling looked from one end of the avenue to the other, and the only dwellings that he could see were single-family homes - with one exception. At the point where Diceman ran into Cedar Crest Boulevard was a two-story building made of brick. It was the Cedar Crest Heights Apartment. It had a second floor balcony walk with an iron railing just as McGown described it. Next to the curb was a large mailbox with sixteen key-locked compartments with tenant nametags. Adjacent to the building was another apartment facing Birdsong Street. The apartment at 1106 Diceman Avenue must be the place that McGown had visited in 1963. There was no other possibility. Still, Gemberling was not satisfied. He noticed that all the buildings in the neighborhood were rundown, dilapidated, and occupied entirely by lower-class blacks. This was not the upper class neighborhood that McGown claimed to have seen. Gemberling looked for the manager. He found him at a nearby office at 2514 Birdsong Avenue. The manager told him that the apartment was owned by a company called General Rental. It was built around 1959 or 1960, and it was the only apartment that had ever been on that street. The mailbox seen out front had been there since the apartment was first constructed. So far these extra details provided additional confirmation for McGown's story. Gemberling wanted to see the tenant records for 1963, but the manager told them that they no longer existed. They were destroyed with all the other tenant records in a fire that occurred in April 1968. Gemberling asked the manager if he knew anything about Oswald living in the apartment in 1963. Although the manager acknowledged that he had only been working for General Rental since 1969, he was nevertheless positive that Oswald could not have lived in the apartment in 1963. In an all-black neighborhood, people would have certainly remembered Oswald as the only white man living among them, and such was not the case. Apparently the manager's statement was enough to convince Gemberling that the 1106 Diceman lead was a dead end. No further inquiries were made, as far as the available records show. (There are however some "postponed in full" documents from the Memphis office of the FBI regarding a "Daniel McGowen" that are now in the National Archives.) To find out more about the apartment, I checked the 1963 Dallas criss-cross directory and found a former tenant by the name of Orlean Dorsey. I located Dorsey in Lufkin, Texas and called him up. Contrary to what the General Rental manager told Gemberling, Dorsey, who is black, said it was not an all-black apartment in 1963. Both white and black people lived there. Furthermore, the apartment was indeed located in a prestigious area. About a mile south of the apartment was the Lakeview Golf Course, where Dorsey worked as a landscape and maintenance man. Among the celebrities who played golf there were such baseball legends as Mickey Mantle and "Dizzy" Dean. At that time, the golf course was racially segregated. Whites played there during the day and blacks played at night. Not just anyone could live at the Cedar Crest Apartment. A prospective tenant had to have a very good background and excellent references. Dorsey was able to get his unit because he knew the manager, a black named Denny Blair, who often played golf at Lakeview. Blair was an employee of Bailey Rental, a white-owned company that had title to the Diceman apartment. (Bailey Rental was later renamed General Rental.) The Cedar Crest Apartment was an expensive place to live. It took all of Dorsey's wages to pay the rent. He was making $1.25 per hour and the rent was about $210 per month. The only way he could afford to live there was by working a lot of overtime on the weekends. By way of comparison, Oswald was making $1.35 per hour at Jaggers Chiles Stovall during the month of March 1963, and he was paying $72.68 a month for a one-bedroom flat at the Neely Street house. [5] Dorsey and his family moved into the apartment in November 1962. Because of his long working hours and because he was going to plumbing school at the same time, he did not get to know the other tenants. His wife and children also did not do much socializing. Thus he was unable to confirm or deny whether Oswald lived there. Dorsey and his family moved to another apartment in October 1963. The transition from an affluent, mainly white neighborhood to black lower class ghetto occurred during the mid-1960's, according to Dorsey who would come back to visit his former apartment from time to time. The quality of the building and the surrounding area deteriorated as a result of vandalism and neglect. When I called the General Rental office in 1995, I found out that the apartment was still owned by the Bailey family. I also learned that rent was only $50 per week - a real bargain for anyone brave enough to live there. Did Oswald live at the Cedar Crest Apartment? Considering the high cost of rent in 1963, it is unlikely he would have chosen to live there. A more reasonable possibility is that he used the address simply to receive his mail. As a man astute in the ways of intelligence, he no doubt realized that a mailbox at the post office was under surveillance. A second mailbox in another area would be highly useful for receiving mail from more sensitive sources. This line of reasoning is supported by the fact that most of the units at 1106 Diceman were listed as "vacant" in the criss-cross directories of 1962 and 1963. In 1962 only five of the sixteen units available were occupied. This ratio dropped to only four occupied units the following year. An apartment manager with a 75% vacancy rate might let someone temporarily use an unused mailbox for a small fee. It is interesting to note that on March 29, the day that McGown was at the Diceman apartment, Oswald was seen at a barbershop in Sparta, Wisconsin. Oswald told John Abbott, the barber, that he got his money by blackmailing a Texas nightclub operator, for whom he had previously worked. Each time he made a contact with this man, he would get fifty dollars. The money he obtained would be used to cover his travelling expenses. (He never gave the name of the nightclub operator.) Perhaps the Oswald letter that McGown saw was another demand for more money. McGown's story lends credence to the story of a connection between Ruby and Oswald in the May 17 edition of the National Enquirer. It said: "After a sniper shot at but missed General Walker in Dallas, April 10, 1963, Dallas police suspected that Oswald was the sniper and Ruby was the payoff man. The cops were set to arrest the pair. But they never got the chance, because of heavy pressure brought to bear by the Justice Dept. and so Oswald and Ruby were to remain free." The article also said that a top secret document, signed by a high official of the Justice Dept., was sent in April 1963 to Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry requesting the police not to arrest Oswald and Ruby. This document was reportedly in the hands of the Warren Commission. Given the potentially explosive implications of the above story, it is no wonder that the Warren Commission chose to discount all witnesses to a connection between Oswald and Ruby, including Wilburn Litchfield, Joe Franklin, and Bill DeMar. McGown's story is not only important in rehabilitating the credibility of these undeservedly maligned witnesses, but it also provides a glimpse into the covert ways by which Oswald and Ruby communicated with one another. ENDNOTES 1. Sources for this article were FBI reports in Memphis and Dallas. Also referred to were ten pages of McGown's hand-written account that was photocopied by the FBI. 2. Engagement announcement, Sept. 14, 1941; wedding announcement, Dec. 3, 1941, and obituary of Daniel T. McGown, March 5, 1985, in the Memphis newspaper, The Commercial Appeal. 3. According to Jack Ruby's bartender, Andrew Armstrong, clean up started at midnight on weeknights and at 1:00 am on Saturday and Sunday. All bottles and glasses had to be cleared off the tables by 12:15. If a vice squad police officer saw anyone drinking after 12:15, he could slap a five-day suspension on the club (Vol. 13 of the Warren Commission Hearings and Exhibits, p. 325). 4. Actually the friend's surname had a slightly different spelling. Felix Oswalt, a member of the Board of Education in Memphis, was the friend McGown was talking about. 5. Warren Report, p. 743. ____________________________________________________________ A professional man is traveling alone and sees an opportunity to meet strippers. Eight months later, when the names of Lee Oswald and Jack Ruby were being broadcasted on radio and television, the details of this episode came vividly back to his memory. Should he tell the authorities what he knew, or should he not? His reputation might suffer if this embarrassing incident ever became widely known. He hoped that the authorities would find out about Oswald's connection to Jack Ruby without his help. When the Warren Report was published, he bought a copy and read it from cover to cover. There was nothing in it to indicate that the government knew what he knew. Furthermore he read that the commission could find no "credible evidence" of an association between Oswald and Ruby. After the death of Jack Ruby in January 1967, McGown wondered if he was the only one left who still had the "credible evidence" that eluded the Warren Commission. Finally, nine years later, he told his wife about it. She encouraged him to go to the FBI. After all, his story might make a difference in the new, upcoming investigation into the JFK assassination that Congress was preparing to launch. Such were the circumstances that led Daniel T. McGown to the local office of the FBI in 1976. ********************************************** (Gaal) PAUSE AND REFLECT PAUSE AND REFLECT PAUSE AND REFLECT ............... What would motivate a professional married man to contact the FBI and say he ," improperly looked at US Mail and wanted to 'hunt' down a stripper." ???? Would /could this not hurt his career ?? (YUP) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Answer ZERO. Harvey & Lee per Armstrong a real thing.
  3. There was extensive facial surgery on one of them (or both...?) - (Laverick) (Gaal) NO ,There may have been extensive facial surgery on one of them (or both) Never said extensive. Seems your using debating tactics and not trying to search for the truth. I said that it was a additional option (option) to create a pair. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The technology for such subterfuge existed in the 1860's - S Gaal. No,never said it existed in 1860s ,but said the study of such started in 1860s. SO Yes people have been studying ( trying to predict) peoples facial changes since the 1860s. Another debating tactic by attributing things to me I didnt say. The reference i gave was an academic paper. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wiki below Bernard Montgomery/Clifton James and "Tex" Banwell (1944) The genuine 'Monty' Perhaps the most famous political decoy, soldier M.E. Clifton James successfully impersonated General Bernard Montgomery ("Monty") for intelligence purposes during World War II.[6] In 1940, James acted in an Army production called When Knights Were Bold and his photograph appeared in an Army newspaper with a remark about how much he resembled General Montgomery. As a result, he was approached by actor David Niven in May 1944. Niven, then a Colonel in the Army Kinematograph Section, told James he was wanted to impersonate "Monty", as this would allow Montgomery to be somewhere else, thus confusing the Germans. James had to learn Montgomery's gestures, mannerisms, gait and voice and had to give up smoking. Because James had lost his right-hand middle finger in the First World War, a realistic replacement was made. Even his wife had to be deceived and was both kept in the dark and sent back to Leicester. Once he was trained, his trip as "Monty" was to Gibraltar and from there to Algiers. "Monty's" presence succeeded in confusing the Germans in regard to the invasion plans. James was later the subject of a biopic called I Was Monty's Double starring James himself in (of course) the double role as Monty and himself. The second (and less famous) 'Monty's Double', Keith Deamer Banwell[7] was serving with the land-based Long Range Desert Group. Banwell was captured in a raid on Tobruk, but with a friend managed to steal a German vehicle and escape. During a subsequent raid on Crete he was taken prisoner at Heraklion and put under the personal supervision of former world heavyweight boxing champion Max Schmeling, who was serving in the German Army. Banwell and a few of his comrades managed to slip away from their captors and then acquired an assault landing craft. With the help of some Cretan fishermen they made their getaway, but the craft ran out of fuel and drifted for nine days before reaching the North African coast. The privations of this voyage put Banwell in hospital for 12 weeks. When he had recovered, someone noticed that he bore a resemblance to General Montgomery. It was decided that he participate in deception ploys, and so Banwell was sent to Cairo to meet Montgomery, given the appropriate clothing, insignia and General's badges and sent on trips around the Middle East to confuse enemy spies. However, as he was considerably taller than Montgomery, he was told that on no account should he get out of the car. Banwell, finding the assignment boring, sought a return to the infantry.[8][9] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ “Stalin's Double; or, Socialist Realism” (The newspaper “Rabochaya Tribuna” identified the Stalin double only as “Rashid” and said without explaining further that he died "several days ago at the age of 93.) http://www.swarthmore.edu/Humanities/pschmid1/array/Gnarl3/stalin.html “Iraq - President Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti” (This link actually mentions one of his known body doubles by “name”!) http://www.comebackalive.com/df/dplaces/iraq/player5.htm “Castro is dead – CIA runs Cuba” (Old story about Castro being long since dead. Mentions double by name.) http://www.uncoveror.com/castro.htm “Disturbing” (Article names Adolph Hitler’s body double as being one Gustav Weler) http://damoo.csun.edu:8888/9193 “Fox News Channel – ‘It's Bin Laden ... or Is It?’” By Catherine Donaldson-Evans http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,41210,00.html “MSNBC News – ‘Saddam’s Sons’” By Evan Thomas and Christopher Dickey (Latif Yahia, an Iraqi exile who claims that he was for several years pressed into service as a body double for Saddam’s eldest son and heir apparent, Uday Hussein, claimed he witnessed Uday rape a woman in 1981) http://stacks.msnbc.com/news/820190.asp?cp1=1 “CNN Cold War Interviews – Ambassador Winston Lord” (Mentions Kissinger use of a double) http://asia.cnn.com/SPECIALS/cold.war/episodes/15/interviews/lord/
  4. Are there no depths to the utter stupidity this theory has to drag along with it? But just in case we write that off as the kind of creepy oddball nonsense that apparently passes for research around here, he then kindly offers us a page from wiki on cosmetic surgery. No wonder people write us all off as freaks and imbeciles...! Bernie Laverick ############# Insult A+ ,deep thought F- (Gaal) ############# The Man Who Makes Faces ROBERT BARRON IS THE MAN WHO MAKES FACES. FOR TWO DECADES HE SERVED AROUND THE WORLD IN THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WHERE HE WAS KNOWN AS A MASTER OF DISGUISE. NOW RETIRED FROM SPYING, BARRON HAS TURNED TO HELPING PEOPLE WHO HAVE LOST FINGERS, HANDS, EYES AND FACES IN ACCIDENTS AND FIRES.THE FACE ON BARRON'S WORK DESK WILL GO TO FIRE VICTIM JIM ALEXANDER. PHOTO FROM EDIT INTERNATIONAL. By Ron Laytner Edit International Copyright 2009 Robert Barron is the world’s greatest disguise master. He worked for the CIA for dozens of years protecting, hiding and rescuing American spies and defectors in the Soviet Union and Communist China. Mission Impossible movies show secret agents instantly changing identities by pulling a soft plastic mask over their head, complete with hair. But in real life turning a hunted spy or escaping political dissident takes more work. In the most challenging missions they called on Robert Barron. Barron started out as an enlisted man in the US Army and because of his art talent was sent to a Pentagon magazine. The young artist, whose paintings were often mistaken for photographs, didn’t want to park at the back of the endless Pentagon parking lot. He forged a perfect General rank auto pass and parked near the building. Found out, young Robert was fired from the magazine. But the US government never let’s a great talent go to waste. Men in black suits took him away to CIA Headquarters where he was recruited for his devious skills. Barron spent years in special classes for identity switching, learning how to completely alter a person’s appearance by crafting imitation ears, noses, eyebrows, moustaches and wigs. Barron learned how to interchange the colors of skin on black, white and Oriental spies. He learned how to make silicone look exactly like living skin. After a long, distinguished career, the details of which are still classified, Barron retired with a CIA medal and the ability to make the best facial disguises the world has ever seen. Still young, he wondered how he could harness his dark arts to help more than just spies. He began to visit plastic surgeons who worked to fix the mistakes of nature, accidents and fires. He watched them cut away living tissue from the disfigured and graft on missing noses, ears and chins. And he realized, he said, what to him was a frightening truth - plastic surgeons did more harm than good. And he realized he could do a better job. And so Baron invaded the turf of Plastic surgeons with the precision of a spymaster and quickly became known as “The Man Who Makes Faces”. “In the CIA I gave people different identities to avoid being captured. What I do now is exactly the same except I don’t hide people any longer. Now I take people who are hidden and bring them into the light. “My work is so realistic and I feel such compassion for my patients that I put every ounce of my artistic ability into making my changes look as life-like as possible.” He will not allow patients to leave his office if their prosthesis doesn’t pass his close scrutiny. One man phoned to complain his barber had cut off the tiny hairs on the edge of his false ear. “I told him to rejoice because even his barber couldn’t tell his ear was not real and that I’d make him a new one. That’s how good the work must be.” One of his early triumphs was a complete face for Jim Alexander of Detroit who was trapped in a car fire that burned away his entire face. Jim survived dozens of operations and painful skin grafts, was blind from his injuries and lived as a hidden recluse, not wanting to hear children scream at his sight. Barron fashioned a complete face. And after many operations Jim’s sight was restored. He remained Barron’s happiest achievement until, one day, five years later, Jim Alexander fell asleep smoking in bed and burned to death. Since then Barron has also made ears and noses for Pentagon men and women burned in the September 11th attack on America. He has also worked free for survivors of the two World Trade Centers who lived but lost ears, faces and hands. Among his strangest cases is an abused woman from Pakistan, victim of a Muslin ‘honor’ slaying that went wrong when she didn’t die. Zahida Parveen, a beautiful 24-year-old woman was six months pregnant when she was attacked and tortured by her abusive and jealous barber husband after he thought she looked at another man over her veil. He took her home, stripped her naked, tied her hands and feet, hung her upside down on a rope he had fastened earlier to a pipe in the ceiling, gouged out her eyes with a metal rod, then, using his barber’s straight razor, sliced off his wife’s nose and ears. He tried to grab her tongue but couldn’t catch hold of it. Then he cut her down so his blind wife could hear him take her children away.. The attack, one of about 1,000 mostly unpunished yearly honor killings in Pakistan, according to the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, was so horrible public outrage caused her husband to be arrested. He was given 14 years in one of the world’s harshest prisons. Though she survived what upset Zahida most was most upset by her little children screaming every time they saw her destroyed face. Zahida was flown to Washington where she met plastic surgeons, Craig Dufresne, Michael Singer and ex spy Robert Barron. She was worked on for six hours. The doctors made her acrylic glass eyes and Robert Barron replaced her nose and ears. She returned to Pakistan, blind, but content, with her children willing to hug her again. In recent years Barron has found himself gravitating more and more to copying ears and noses. He is crusading against plastic surgeons whom he says prey on innocents. Today, at his offices in Ashburn, Virginia near Washington, DC, Barron says, “Plastic surgeons are not your friends. No plastic surgeon on earth can copy body parts from human tissue and make it look natural.. “They operate on the patient, take cartilage from their body and try to fashion a perfect ear out of human tissue. It often looks like a cauliflower. They know the outcome is always going to fall short. To me, ear reconstructive surgery is criminal. “Families pay as much as a quarter million dollars. They don’t realize there is an alternative, My price is usually less than $10,000.” Robert Barron makes prosthetic ears that cannot be recognized as anything but natural and perfect. He starts off by making a mirror image of a person’s one good ear, reversing it and making a mold. Then he matches their skin color, adds in tiny hairs, and even makes a winter and a summer tanned ear so the patient looks normal in any season. Barron says he saves patients a lot of painful depression.. “Restoring their faces brings faith and quality into their lives. My job is to fulfill their expectations. My heart goes out to parents who have made the wrong decision. They should be forewarned about the limits of plastic surgery.” “I could be in Hollywood making millions. They begged me to come with my techniques but I refused. The money is not important. My purpose in life is helping others. “After all my years in the CIA I have never heard again from the people whose lives I saved. But patients in my new life call me all the time. I know every one of them by their first names and they call me and send me Christmas cards thanking me for returning their lives.”
  5. You are truly a font of rationality, reason, and civility, and it's painfully apparent that your ten years of immersion in the H&L "theory" has qualified you as quite an "expert." Question: Did the bad guys decide to start mingling Harvey's and Lee's backgrounds, based on their strong facial resemblance, as early as 1952 when Lee was only twelve or thirteen years old, or did they wait four or five more years to do that? --Tommy ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1860s ....1860s .....the science of the matter existed a long time. ******************************************* Two of the last published broad reviews on the topic of adult craniofacial age-related changes were made over 20 years ago, and discussed studies spanning from the 1860s to the early 1980s [1–2]. Information on craniofacial age-related changes forms the basis for the forensic study or practice of facial reconstruction, adult facial age-progression, and automated face recognition technologies. ( http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= ) ======================================================= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plastic_surgery additional option two +++++++++++++++++++++++++ truly a font of rationality, reason, and civility, and it's painfully apparent that your ten years of immersion in the H&L "theory" has qualified you as quite an "expert." --Tommy (SARCASM by Tommy,GAAL) =============================== Tommy " the bad guys (did it,GAAL)." (TOMMY) ...... yes the people that blew JFK's brains out in front of his wife ARE BAD GUYS...(GAAL)
  6. Around 1990, I met someone who was a good friend of Eddie Voebel,...// Lifton ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ How did you find out about Morton ? What/were did he work ?? NARA online just didnt find him ?? THANKS sg
  7. Al Gore Global-Warming is a Hoax Base on JunkScience Global warming conspiracy theory is a collection of allegations that, through worldwide acts of professional and criminal misconduct, the science behind anthropogenic global warming has been invented and is being perpetuated for financial or ideological reasons. With all of the hysteria, all of the fear, all of the phony science, could it be that man-made global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people,Global warming activists are as misguided as they are alarmist Friday, March 14, 2014 To date, not one of Al Gore or other computer models “proving” Al Gore global warming have been accurate Relentless Al Gore Global Warming “Scientists” Continue Their Scams Despite the growing worldwide recognition that global warming—now called climate change—is a hoax and that the Earth has been in a cooling cycle going on seventeen years, those most responsible for it continue to put forth baseless “science” about it. The hoax has its base in the United Nations, which is home to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and got its start with the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 that went into force in 2005. It limits “greenhouse gas” emissions, primarily carbon dioxide (CO2). It purports that the gases are warming the Earth and many nations signed on to reduce them. The U.S. did not and in 2011 Canada withdrew from it. Europe is suffering economically from the billions it invested in “alternative energy” sources, wind and solar power. Five years ago, emails between a group of the United Kingdom’s University of East Anglia scientists and others who were generating computer models that “proved” global warming were revealed. It was quickly dubbed “climategate” for the way the emails demonstrated the manipulation of data claiming that global warming was real. They had good reason to be worried, given the natural cooling cycle the Earth has entered, but of even greater concern was the potential loss of enormous amounts of money they were receiving for their deception. To date, not one of theirs and other computer models “proving” global warming have been accurate. United Kingdom’s University of East Anglia: Scientists Say Four New Gases Threaten the OzoneOn Wednesday, March 10, The Wall Street Journal published an article, “Scientists Say Four New Gases Threaten the Ozone.” It reported on the latest effort of “scientists” at the United Kingdom’s University of East Anglia and it is no coincidence that the university was the center for the original IPCC data created to introduce and maintain the global warming hoax. “Traces of four previously undetected man-made gases have been discovered in the atmosphere, where they are endangering Earth’s protective ozone layer, a team of scientists from six countries reported Sunday. ” Trace gases are those that represent less than 1% in the Earth’s atmosphere. CO2, for example, represents a meager 0.038% of the atmosphere and represents no impact whatever on the Earth’s climate. It is, however, vital to all life on Earth as it is the “food” for all of its vegetation. Earth’s active volcanoes and the Ozone Layer“The gases are of the sort that are banned or being phased out under a global treaty to safeguard the high altitude blanket of ozone that protects the planet from dangerous ultraviolet radiation, experts said.” These “experts” failed to mention that everywhere above the Earth’s active volcanoes the ozone is naturally affected by their massive natural discharge of various gases. The oceans routinely absorb and discharge CO2 to maintain a balance. The bans included the gas used primarily in air conditioners and for refrigeration. It has since been replaced. Another gas that was banned is a byproduct of chemicals called pyrethroids that “are often used in household insecticides.” Banning insecticides is a great way of reducing the Earth’s population as insects spread diseases and destroy property. Ironically, termites produce massive amounts of carbon dioxide. The means used to detect the gases included comparing “the atmosphere today to old air trapped in annual layers of Greenland snow” and they also studied “air collected by high altitude research aircraft and by sensors aboard routine passenger jet flights around the world.” Not mentioned is the fact that the Earth has had higher amounts of CO2 in earlier times which posed no threat to it, so a few trace gases hardly represent a “threat.” This kind of questionable “science” was practiced by one of the most well-known of the East Anglia scientists, an American scientist named Michael Mann, who used tree ring data to prove a massive, sudden increase in CO2 in his “hockey stick” graph that has since been debunked by skeptical scientists. Mann has brought a libel law suit against columnist Mark Steyn, the National Review and the Competitive Enterprise Institute, charging defamation. Such suits cost a lot of money and Robert Tracinski, writing in Real Clear Politics in February noted that “it’s interesting that no one asks who is going to go bankrupt funding Mann’s lawsuit. Who is insuring Mann against this loss?” Tracinski pointed out that “It is libel to maliciously fabricate facts about someone” but that it is “legal for me, for example, to say that Michael Mann is a xxxx, if I don’t believe his erroneous scientific conclusions are the product of honest error. It is also legal for me to say that he is a coward and a xxxx, for hiding behind libel laws in an attempt to suppress criticism.” The East Anglia emails revealed that they were doing whatever they could to suppress the publication of studies that disputed global warming in various science journals. How specious is this latest announcement about trace gases that they assert are a threat to the ozone layer? An atmospheric chemist, Johannes Laube of the East Anglia group making the announcement, was quoted as saying “We are not able to pinpoint any sources” for the trace gases. “We are not able to point a finger.” The objective of the announcement is the same as the creation of the entire global warming hoax. It provides the basis for the transfer of funds between developed and undeveloped nations and would grant greater power to the United Nations to reduce the world’s manufacturing base while endangering and controlling the lives of everyone on Earth. Is the latest “research” a lie? The data it cites has some basis in fact, but those facts are an excuse, like those cited about greenhouse gases, to frighten nations into wasting billions on climate threats that do not exist. The real threats remain climate events over which mankind never has and never will have any control. http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/61746?utm_source=CFP+Mailout&utm_campaign=8ad939fd0f-Call_to_Champions&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_d8f503f036-8ad939fd0f-297703129
  8. Fukushima Facts Facebook Feed Timeline Photos Fukushima radiated the pacific ocean and continues to this day. More and more animals are bioaccumulating the nuclear toxins. http://crms-fukushima.blogspot.jp/2014/03/312.html food testing shows food grown in Canada is poisoned by fukushima https://www.facebook.com/notes/troy-livingston/new-independent-fukushima-food-contamination-results/10151954061378097
  9. LEFTY OBAMA ?? The US Military Operations You Didn't Know Existed Despite claims that our presence in Africa is miniscule, the US military has recently been involved in at least 49 of the 54 nations on the continent. http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/03/us-africa-military-operation-obscure
  10. What the Western-backed regime is planning for Ukrainian workers 15 March 2014 from wsws Behind incessant rhetorical invocations of a “democratic revolution,” Ukraine’s newly-installed government of former bankers, fascists and oligarchs is preparing draconian austerity measures. The plans being drawn up are openly described as the “Greek model,” i.e., the programme of savage cuts imposed on Greece by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European Union (EU) that has caused Greece’s economy to collapse by nearly 25 percent in five years and produced a massive growth in unemployment and poverty. In the case of Ukraine, however, this social devastation is to be unleashed against a country that has already been subjected to the scorched earth economics of capitalist restoration. Even before the latest events, Ukraine was the 80th poorest country in the world based on gross domestic product per capita, behind Iraq, Tonga and Bosnia-Herzegovina. More than one quarter of its population—11 million people—live below the official poverty line, which is set at a meagre 1,176 UAH ($127) per month. The situation is far worse than official figures indicate, however. With an average monthly wage of only 1,218 UAH ($131), or 79 US cents per hour, millions more survive barely above subsistence level. The official unemployment rate of 7.5 percent masks large numbers of unregistered and underemployed workers. It is, moreover, held down by high emigration, with tens of thousands fleeing the country in search of jobs. The equivalent of 15 percent of Ukraine’s population has left the country, giving it one of the largest diasporas in the world. Between 1991, when the Soviet Union was dissolved, and 2010, Ukraine’s population shrank from 51.7 million to 45.9 million. Besides migration, the population decline is a consequence of Ukraine’s contracting birth rate, which is among the lowest in the world. Tragically, the country also has the highest maternal mortality rate in Europe, part of a health crisis that has seen incidences of HIV/AIDS grow to epidemic proportions, with 57 new cases a day identified in 2012. Poverty has played a major role in the spread of HIV/AIDS—especially in parts of the formerly heavily industrialised regions of the east and south, where conditions are already depression-like. In poverty’s wake has come an explosion of all manner of social diseases—from drug abuse and alcoholism to prostitution, with every sixth prostitute reckoned to be a minor. This is an underestimation, as Ukraine is a major hub of human trafficking, for the purposes of both sexual exploitation and forced labour. These conditions are a direct consequence of the counterrevolutionary role of the Stalinist bureaucracy and its betrayal of the October 1917 Revolution, which reached its climax in the destruction of the Soviet Union and the restoration of capitalism. As a result, Ukraine has been reduced to a pawn in US and European imperialist designs on Russia. In addition to the dangers of civil war and a global military conflagration, Western-backed efforts to pull Ukraine away from Russia have caused ever greater social misery for the masses, first in the aftermath of the so-called “Orange Revolution” of 2004, and then in the wake of the 2008 global capitalist breakdown. Between 2008 and 2009, for example, Ukraine’s GDP fell by 15.1 percent while unemployment tripled to 9.4 percent. The former Stalinist bureaucrats and mafia-oligarchs who enriched themselves by stealing former state property have continued all the while to plunder state assets and pile up even greater personal fortunes. Much worse is to come. Ukraine’s total debt is now estimated to be around $80 billion. With its currency having depreciated by 20 percent on the dollar since the start of the year, depleting currency reserves and increasing capital flight, Ukraine’s debt will rapidly grow even larger. The IMF and EU are said to be working on a “rescue” package of just $15 billion. Not only is most of this earmarked to cover repayments to the Western banks, it is also tied in to massive cuts in spending for pensions and fuel subsidies. Since 1998, Ukraine has been involved in various IMF “structural reform” programmes, all of which have had to be abandoned within one year because their consequences were considered too socially explosive. It was what former Prime Minister Mykola Azarov described as the “extremely harsh conditions” of a renewed IMF loan brought forward on November 20 last year that led to the government’s decision to put off signing the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. That decision, in turn, became the pretext for the US- and EU-sponsored protests and resulting putsch. The Western powers now intend to seize the moment they did so much to engineer. Writing in the Financial Times in February, Anders Aslund, a former adviser to the Ukrainian government, welcomed the Western-backed coup as an opportunity to impose austerity. The crisis in Ukraine meant that a “radical reform programme should be easier to undertake… than in many countries that have faced similar crises in the past,” he wrote. The New York Times, the mouthpiece of American imperialism, cracked the whip in an editorial published Friday under the headline “Fixing Ukraine’s Economy: The country’s leaders need to reform wrongheaded energy and exchange-rate policies.” The editorial denounced “wasteful energy subsidies” and demanded that the Western-installed puppet government get to work “raising retail gas prices for most consumers.” An IMF mission has already been at work over the last fortnight, meeting with the minister of energy and coal and representatives of the National Bank of Ukraine and the gas distributor Naftogaz. It reports that its work is “progressing well” and that the new authorities are committed to “economic reform.” These “reforms” include further currency devaluation, major cuts in public spending and pensions and, in particular, an end to state energy subsidises, which are a life-and-death matter in a country where temperatures can fall as low as minus 20 degrees. The Financial Times reports, “Sixty state agencies in various EU countries have already concluded so-called twinning agreements that aim to refashion their Ukrainian counterparts in their image.” A 10 percent collapse in GDP is publicly spoken of by economists. Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, handpicked by Washington to replace the ousted elected president, Viktor Yanukovych, has stated baldly that he will be “the most unpopular prime minister in the history of my country.” Sergei Taruta, the oligarch recently appointed governor of the Donbass region, gave an indication of the timeframe for implementing these measures. Describing himself as an “anti-crisis manager,” he said he would take the post only “for six months or a year,” adding, “In that time I want strong people to come into government and then I will leave them to it.” His comments shed light on why the US and the EU powers are so willing to sign off on a government staffed by fascists and extreme-right paramilitaries. On Thursday, the Ukrainian parliament voted to establish a 60,000-strong National Guard recruited from “activists” in the anti-Russian protests and from military academies. The force will be overseen by the new security chief, Andriy Parubiy of the fascistic Svoboda party. Parubiy was a founder in the early 1990s of the neo-Nazi Social-National Party of Ukraine. His deputy, Dmytro Yarosh, is the leader of the paramilitary Right Sector. It is the Ukrainian equivalent of Hitler’s storm troopers. In addition to aiding the West in its provocations against Moscow, the main responsibility of these elements will be to carry through a social onslaught against the Ukrainian working class at the behest of international capital. Julie Hyland
  11. LEFTY OBAMA ?? 30,000 Criminal Referrals Led to 1,000+ Felony Convictions In Major Fraud Cases During the S&L Crisis … Not Even a SINGLE Prosecution Today, Even Though the 2008 Crisis Was 70 Times Bigger March 14th, 2014 Share2Tweet4Share0Share0 by WashingtonsBlog Fraud Prosecution Stopped the S&L Crisis … But Government REFUSES to Prosecute Fraud NowThe top regulator and prosecutor during the S&L crisis – professor of law and economics, Bill Black – explained at a recent TED talk that 90% of all no-document loans were fraudulent and 90% of appraisals were fraudulently inflated at the insistence of the banks. Government officials were informed about these fraudulent practices decades ago … and yet did nothing: In 2000 … the honest appraisers got together a formal petition, begging the government to act, and begging the industry to act, stop stop the epidemic of appraisal fraud [where the banks blacklisted honest appraisers who refused to fraudulently inflate the value of their appraisals.]. *** What about xxxx’s loans? That warning actually comes earlier …. in 1990 …. The Fed – and only the Federal Reserve – the explicit statutory authority to ban xxxx’s loans by every lender, whether or not they had federal deposit insurance. So what did Ben Bernanke and Alan Greenspan – as chairs of the Fed – do when they got these warnings that these were massively fraudulent loans, and they were being sold to due the secondary market? *** Greenspan and Bernanke refused to use the authority under the statute to stop xxxx’s loans. *** What about the response of prosecutors after the crisis? After $11 Trillion dollars in losses? After 10 million jobs [were] lost? A crisis in which the losses and fraud were more than 70 times larger than the Savings and Loan debacle? In the Savings and Loan debacle, our agency that regulated Savings and Loans – the OTS – made over 30,000 criminal referrals. Produced over 1,000 felony convictions just in cases designated as major. And that understates the prioritization, because we worked with the FBI to create a list of the top 100 fraud schemes – the absolute worst of the worst – nationwide. Roughly 300 Savings and Loans involved, roughly 600 senior officials. Virtually all of them were prosecuted. We had a 90% conviction rate. *** Fast forward to the current time. The same agency – Office of Thrift Supervision – which was supposed to regulate many of the largest makers of xxxx’s loans in the country has made … zero criminal referrals. The Office of Comptroller of the Currency – which is supposed to regulate the largest national banks has made zero criminal referrals. The Fed appears to have made zero criminal referrals. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is smart enough to refuse to answer the question. *** We have zero prosecutions – [let alone] convictions – of any of the elite bank frauds, the Wall Street types, that drove this crisis. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JBYPcgtnGE&feature=player_embedded Why does this matter? Because fraud CAUSED the Great Depression and the 2008 financial crisis. Numerous Nobel prize winning economists say that we need to prosecute fraud, or else the economy will never stabilize. Obama is prosecuting fewer financial crimes than under Reagan or either of the Bush presidents. Indeed, the U.S. government admits that it refuses to do the right thing (it’s more or less official policy). Instead, the government has done the exact opposite: Helped COVER UP the fraud after it occurred … and ENCOURAGED it in the first place. Note to libertarian readers: Real free market libertarians
  12. 5 referendums that the West has not taken issue with Published time: March 14, 2014 14:38 Get short URL Sealed packets containing invitations calling citizens to take part in the referendum on the status of Crimea, in Constutuency No.8 of Simferopol's Kievsky District.(RIA Novosti / Andrey Stenin) Download video (27.6 MB) The West has condemned the upcoming referendum in Crimea as “illegitimate” and is preparing sanctions against Russia. However, the West’s seemingly random policy on other referendums hints at a double standard in their governments’ rhetoric. Crimea will vote Sunday whether to remain an autonomous region in Ukraine or to join with Russia. Western leaders have claimed the referendum is a farce and that Russian forces have occupied the region. Moscow, however, maintains there has been no such invasion and the referendum represents the Crimeans’ right to self-determination. In the past the West has not batted an eyelid when countries sought to hold referendums and in some cases actively supported them. Kosovo Washington was quick off the mark with Kosovo, backing the region’s independence two years before the UN declared it was legal in 2008. NATO forces intervened 1999, carrying out a massive bomb campaign on targets in Serbia and in Kosovo. Human Rights Watch reported that over 500 civilians were killed in NATO’s incursion into the former Yugoslavia. Protesters hold banners against the the EU-brokered Kosovo accord and call for a referendum on the deal as they march in Belgrade April 22, 2013.(Reuters / Djordje Kojadinovic) South Sudan After a long and bloody conflict, South Sudan separated from the north in 2011 to become the world’s youngest nation state. Then-US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hailed the move as a historic day and “a testament to the tireless efforts of the people of South Sudan in their search for peace.” Washington has since spent around $600 million in building the new nation, but has frozen payments because of an escalation of violence in the fledgling nation. People wave South Sudanese flags as they celebrate referendum results in town of Abyei October 31, 2013.(Reuters / Goran Tomasevic) The Falklands The UK government held a referendum in overseas territory the Falklands in 2013 to ascertain whether the islanders wished to remain a British colony. In spite of Argentinian protests, the West did not move to intervene and stop the vote. Argentina lays claim to the Islands, calling them the Malvinas. In the referendum an overwhelming 98.8 percent of the Falklands population voted to remain British. Islanders celebrate after the annouce of the referendum's result in Port Stanley, Falkland (Malvinas for Argentina) Islands, on March 11, 2013.(AFP Photo / Tony Chater) Scotland The Scottish government has scheduled a referendum for September 2014 to ask its population whether it wants independence from the United Kingdom. Britain has said if Scotland breaks away it will not be able to use the pound and will have to reapply for EU membership. The Scottish government, for its part, has resolved to eject all British nuclear weapons from the country should its population vote to be separate. Pro-independence supporters as they gather for a rally in Edinburgh on September 21, 2013.(AFP Photo / Andy Buchanan) Catalonia The autonomous Spanish region of Catalonia has announced it will hold a vote to decide on whether it wants independence from Spain in September. Madrid has slammed the referendum as illegal and in violation of the Spanish constitution because it questions Spanish sovereignty. Spain’s crippling financial crisis has led to a growing separatist movement in Catalonia over the last few years. Catalans against the region's independence hold a Spanish flag during a demonstration for the unity of Spain and against the independence of Catalonia marking the Spanish constitution Day in Barcelona on December 6, 2013.(AFP Photo/ Josep Lago)
  13. LEFTY OBAMA ?? (WAS THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT MADE TO HELP THE COMMON MAN OR THE ELITES ??????????????) Union Report Claims ObamaCare Worsens Income Inequality http://xrepublic.tv/node/7886 Obama's Solution To Affording Obamacare: "Cut Household Spending" http://xrepublic.tv/node/7903
  14. Japan Has Nuclear 'Bomb in the Basement,' and China Isn't Happyhttp://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/fukushima-anniversary/japan-has-nuclear-bomb-basement-china-isnt-happy-n48976 By Robert Windrem No nation has suffered more in the nuclear age than Japan, where atomic bombs flattened two cities in World War II and three reactors melted down at Fukushima just three years ago. But government officials and proliferation experts say Japan is happy to let neighbors like China and North Korea believe it is part of the nuclear club, because it has a “bomb in the basement” -– the material and the means to produce nuclear weapons within six months, according to some estimates. And with tensions rising in the region, China’s belief in the “bomb in the basement” is strong enough that it has demanded Japan get rid of its massive stockpile of plutonium and drop plans to open a new breeder reactor this fall. Japan signed the international Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which bans it from developing nuclear weapons, more than 40 years ago. But according to a senior Japanese government official deeply involved in the country’s nuclear energy program, Japan has been able to build nuclear weapons ever since it launched a plutonium breeder reactor and a uranium enrichment plant 30 years ago. Related Story: Japan Producing Huge Stockpile of Plutonium “Japan already has the technical capability, and has had it since the 1980s,” said the official. He said that once Japan had more than five to 10 kilograms of plutonium, the amount needed for a single weapon, it had “already gone over the threshold,” and had a nuclear deterrent. Japan now has 9 tons of plutonium stockpiled at several locations in Japan and another 35 tons stored in France and the U.K. The material is enough to create 5,000 nuclear bombs. The country also has 1.2 tons of enriched uranium. Technical ability doesn’t equate to a bomb, but experts suggest getting from raw plutonium to a nuclear weapon could take as little as six months after the political decision to go forward. A senior U.S. official familiar with Japanese nuclear strategy said the six-month figure for a country with Japan’s advanced nuclear engineering infrastructure was not out of the ballpark, and no expert gave an estimate of more than two years. In fact, many of Japan’s conservative politicians have long supported Japan’s nuclear power program because of its military potential. “The hawks love nuclear weapons, so they like the nuclear power program as the best they can do,” said Jeffrey Lewis, director of the East Asia Non-Proliferation Program at the Monterey Institute of International Studies in California. “They don’t want to give up the idea they have, to use it as a deterrent.” Many experts now see statements by Japanese politicians about the potential military use of the nation’s nuclear stores as part of the “bomb in the basement” strategy, at least as much about celebrating Japan’s abilities and keeping its neighbors guessing as actually building weapons. But pressure has been growing on Japan to dump some of the trappings of its deterrent regardless. The U.S. wants Japan to return 331 kilos of weapons grade plutonium – enough for between 40 and 50 weapons – that it supplied during the Cold War. Japan and the U.S. are expected to sign a deal for the return at a nuclear security summit next week in the Netherlands. Yet Japan is sending mixed signals. It also has plans to open a new fast-breeder plutonium reactor in Rokkasho in October. The reactor would be able to produce 8 tons of plutonium a year, or enough for 1,000 Nagasaki-sized weapons. China seems to take the basement bomb seriously. It has taken advantage of the publicity over the pending return of the 331 kilos to ask that Japan dispose of its larger stockpile of plutonium, and keep the new Rokkasho plant off-line. Chinese officials have argued that Rokkasho was launched when Japan had ambitious plans to use plutonium as fuel for a whole new generation of reactors, but that those plans are on hold post-Fukushima and the plutonium no longer has a peacetime use. In February, the official Chinese news agency Xinhua published a commentary that said if a country "hoards far more nuclear materials than it needs, including a massive amount of weapons grade plutonium, the world has good reason to ask why." "If you were distrustful, then you see it through a different lens." Steve Fetter, formerly the Obama White House’s assistant director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, thinks China's concerns are not purely political. "I've had private discussions with China in which they ask, 'Why does Japan have all this plutonium that they have no possible use for?' I say they made have made a mistake and are left with a huge stockpile," said Fetter, now a professor at the University of Maryland. "But if you were distrustful, then you see it through a different lens." For at least four or five years, said Leonard Spector, deputy director of the Center for Non-Proliferation Studies in Monterey, the Japanese plutonium stockpile has been mentioned as a threat in Chinese defense white papers. Japan, of course, has its own security concerns with China and North Korea. North Korea's nuclear weapons program is a direct threat to Japan. Some of its Nodong missiles, with a range capability of hitting anywhere in Japan, are believed to be nuclear-armed. "Nodong is a Japan weapon," said Spector. There have been confrontations between China and Japan over small islands north of Taiwan. The dispute has recently escalated. In October, state-controlled media in China warned "a war looms following Japan's radical provocation," Tokyo's threat to shoot down Chinese drones. Most experts agree that China is the greater threat, because as one expert said, "If North Korea attacked Japan, the U.S. would flatten it"-- and thus China is the country Japanese officials, particularly the right, want to impress with their minimal deterrence. But experts also note that another nation in the region seems to have been impressed by the Japanese “bomb in the basement” strategy, not as a threat but as a model. "China and South Korea will use this as an excuse, each in their own way." There are fears that if Japan opens the Rakkosho plant, it will encourage South Korea to go the same route as its neighbor. The U.S. and South Korea have been negotiating a new civilian nuclear cooperation pact. The South wants to reprocess plutonium, but the U.S. is resisting providing cooperation or U.S. nuclear materials. Jeffrey Lewis believes that the South Koreans want to emulate Japan, and says there is a “bigger bomb constituency in South Korea , about 10 to 20 percent [of the population],” than in Japan. "The least of my concerns is that Japan would get a nuclear weapon," said Fetter. "But China and South Korea will use this as an excuse, each in their own way." And, in fact, not everyone believes that Japan COULD go all the way. Jacques Hymans, a professor of international relations at the University of Southern California, believes the process would be thwarted by what he calls "veto players," that is, government officials who would resist a secret program and reveal it before it reached fruition. He wrote recently that Japan has more levels of nuclear bureaucracy than it once had, as well as more potential “veto players” inside that bureaucracy because of Fukushima. He said that any attempt to make a bomb would be "swamped by the intrusion of other powerful actors with very different motivations." Still, even without a bomb, Japan has achieved a level of nuclear deterrence without building a bomb and suffering sanctions. That may be a more impressive achievement than actually building a bomb.
  15. Hacked Email from U.S. Army Attache in Ukraine - For False Flags to occur so U.S. can take military action against Russia Wednesday, March 12, 2014 ================================ http://sherriequestioningall.blogspot.com/2014/03/hacked-email-from-us-army-attache-in.html ====================== Ukraine: How to Hide a Nazi Armyglobalresearch 3/12/14 Blanket denials have been made across the Western media regarding the presence of Neo-Nazis among the ranks of “Euromaidan” mobs that had rioted in Kiev for months before finally executing a coup, ousting the democratically elected government of Ukranian President Viktor Yanukovych. A prime example of this was the Daily Beast’s article, “Putin’s Crimea Propaganda Machine,” which disingenuously twists reality by stating ##### …Putin needed a story to spin, no matter how full of holes, and thus the neo-Nazi claims. But as it turns out, Crimea’s streets are not exactly paved with extremists—a fact that has proven troublesome for Russian state TV channels looking to find token far-right bogeymen. #### And of course, Crimea’s streets are not full of Neo-Nazis, because the population of eastern Ukraine wholly rejects the abhorrent ideology of the “Euromaidan’s” Nazi vanguard, and backs Russian forces who have been permanently stationed there for years under treaty and as a consequence, have deterred any abusive incursions by the far-right into the region. Still, the impression the Daily Beast would like to get across to readers is that the concept of Neo-Nazis leading the so-called “revolution” in Kiev, is absurd. In fact, the truth that Kiev’s Independence Square was full of Nazis, was right under the nose of the entire world – with a handful of Western journalists even admitting as much. Nazis Hiding in Plain Sight The impressive pictures broadcast by the Western media of mobs filling Independence Square featured scores of large flags waving in the crisp cold air of Kiev. Prominent among them were the blue and yellow banners of Svoboda, with a peculiar 3-fingered salute stamped on each one. The odd iconography, had the Western media investigated, is in fact a revised Nazi salute, a play on the Ukrainian coat of arms and German Neo-Nazi Michael Kühnen’s three-fingered salute. Before that, Svoboda used the more obvious “Wolfsangel,” popular among Neo-Nazis and a symbol used by the Waffen SS during World War II. Image: Neo-Nazi flags unfurled side-by-side with the European Union’s – with the revised 3-fingered salute on Svoboda’s party flag, the familiar Nazi black and red of “Right Sector,” and flags of the Hitleresque “Fatherland Party,” all hidden in plain sight in front of the world. The Western media’s selective omissions and its intentional failure to investigate and expose the true nature of an opposition they portrayed as “pro-democracy” and “pro-West” helped build international support for a movement the global public would otherwise have recoiled in disgust from. Svoboda was officially linked to paramilitary organizations until as late as 2007, and is still loosely affiliated with them. The organization has attempted to “soften” its image, or in other words, bury its extremist ideology under a moderate facade to covertly move it forward. Spiegel Online would report in its article, “‘Prepared to Die’: The Right Wing’s Role in Ukrainian Protests,” that: #### The Svoboda party also has excellent ties to Europe, but they are different from the ones that Klischko might prefer. It is allied with France’s right-wing Front National and with the Italian neo-fascist group Fiamma Tricolore. But when it comes to the oppression of homosexuality, representative Myroshnychenko is very close to Russian President Vladimir Putin, even if he does all he can to counter Moscow’s influence in his country. #### The EU is the only possibility for us to defend ourselves against Russian pressure,” he says. He and his party see the alliance with Klitschko as being purely tactical. Klitschko, after all, would like to limit the powers of the president while Svoboda dreams of a country with a strong leader. #### Myroshnychenko was press spokesman for the Ukrainian national football team in the lead up to the 2008 European Championships, but he isn’t exactly cosmopolitan. He would even like to see foreign professional football players deported because they “change Ukraine’s ethnic map.” #### Without the nationalists’ tight organization, the revolt on Maidan Square would long since have collapsed. But Svoboda also embodies the greatest danger to the protest movement. The party’s foot soldiers, with their muddled, right wing doctrine, aren’t likely to hold back for much longer.” There have been other, similar incidents. In a 2012 debate over the Ukrainian-born American actress Mila Kunis, he said that she wasn’t Ukrainian, rather she was a “Jewess.” Indeed, anti-Semitism is part of the extremist party’s platform; until 2004, they called themselves the Social-National Party of Ukraine in an intentional reference to Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist party. Just last summer, a prominent leader of party youth was distributing texts from Nazi propaganda head Joseph Goebbels translated into Ukrainian. Image: Signed by Svoboda party leader Oleh Tyahnybok, a 2005 open letter titled, ”Stop the Criminal Activities of Organised Jewry” exemplifies the ideologies of groups leading the so-called “Euromaidan” uprising – groups the West has openly and eagerly supported. Speigel Online notes what other independent geopolitical analysts have been saying since the mobs took to Kiev’s streets months ago, that the “pro-democracy,” “pro-European” facade was propped up by literal Nazis who were armed and fully backed by the US – and without which, the entire movement would have collapsed. The BBC admitted of current Svoboda leader Oleh Tyahnybok, in a 2012 article titled, “Svoboda: The rise of Ukraine’s ultra-nationalists,” that: #### But while the party’s radical past can be papered over, it cannot be erased. Its name until 2004 was the “Social-National Party” and it maintains informal links to another group, the Patriots of Ukraine, regarded by some as proto-fascist. #### In 2005, he signed an open letter to Ukrainian leaders, including President Yushchenko, calling for the government to halt the “criminal activities” of “organised Jewry”, which, the letter said, was spreading its influence in the country through conspiratorial organisations as the Anti-Defamation League – and which ultimately wanted to commit “genocide” against the Ukrainian people. Astonishingly, it would be overt Jew-hater Oleh Tyahnybok that US Senator John McCain would share the stage with in Kiev during the climax of “Euromaidan” in support of the “pro-European” mobs. In 2004, Tyahnybok was kicked out of former President Viktor Yushchenko’s parliamentary faction for a speech calling for Ukrainians to fight against a “Muscovite-Jewish mafia” – using two highly insulting words to describe Russians and Jews – and emphasising that Ukrainians had in the past fought this threat with arms. Image: US Senator John McCain in Kiev flanked on his left side by overt Jew-hater and Svoboda party leader, Oleh Tyahnybok. The West’s willingness to ally itself with violent bigots, racists and literal Nazis exposes its “values” as nothing more than a selectively upheld facade easily disposed of when inconvenient – and entirely designed to couch its true, corporate-financier driven hegemonic designs behind. While the opposition that has now seized Kiev claims to share “European values,” one must wonder just what those values are. While the West uses alleged anti-homosexual policies in Moscow as a pressure point against Russia, it gladly allies itself with anti-homosexual bigots and racists in Kiev. Apparently, “European values” are whatever can be selectively leveraged when beneficial, and blatantly ignored when inconvenient. While other groups among the Ukrainian opposition exhibit their extremist views more overtly than Svoboda, like Right Sector, there are also opposition parties that conceal their bigotry, racism, and right-wing ideology with more skill. This includes protest leaders in Kiev such as Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Oleksandr Turchynov, both of deposed, disgraced, convicted criminal, former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko’s All Ukrainian Union or “Fatherland” party. Both have taken controversial stances regarding homosexuals. Arseniy Yatsenyuk would go as far as stating - when his views regarding homosexual marriage were labelled “conservative” – that: ”I do not agree. If a man has normal views, then you label him a conservative, but those who use drugs or promote sodomy – you label them a progressive person. All of these are perversions.” And despite all of this, news organizations like the BBC have attempted to endear global audiences to Ukraine’s pro-EU Nazis in articles like, “Ukraine protests: Singing in the cold.” Russia’s Standing Up to Nazis – And Paying the Price (Again) The BBC itself has already admitted that armed Nazis played a leading role in overthrowing the elected government of Viktor Yanukovych. In its short video report, “Neo-Nazi threat in new Ukraine,” it exposes a nightmarish resurgence of Nazi ideology, and all the blind hatred and violence that goes with it. Despite this admission, the British state-owned media arm would publish an outrageous article titled, “Crimea seen as ‘Hitler-style’ land grab,” where BBC editor Simona Kralova attempts to draw historical parallels, not between Russia’s stalwart fight against Nazis in World War II, but how Russia is now acting like the Nazis in World War II. After admitting that the West backed literal Nazis in the armed overthrow of a democratically elected government in Kiev, for the BBC to then accuse Russia and in particular President Vladimir Putin’s defense of what’s left of Ukraine as a “Hitler-style land grab,” presents unparalleled deceit, and perhaps even desperation from the Western media. One must wonder what else the West would expect Russia to do directly along its own borders, when it itself admits Nazis have overrun the Ukrainian capital (with their assistance) and considering the disastrous toll Russia paid during World War II when last they crossed paths with Adolf Hitler’s toxic Nazi ideology. 20 to 30 million Russians died in that struggle, perplexing the mind that the West would now condemn Russia for minding the lessons of history and standing up against Nazism yet again before it is able to find a foothold from which to exact another historically tragic toll upon humanity. The BBC and others across the Western media have for years quietly chronicled the rise of extremist groups like Svoboda in Ukraine, and despite this, they have turned apologists for ideologies and agendas they themselves categorize as intolerable within their own societies. Much of what Svoboda and other right-wing groups now in power in Kiev do, would be considered “hate crimes” in the West where Svoboda draws its support. Russia finds itself once again on the right side of history, but again, appears poised to pay the price. While growing numbers of people begin to see through the “Euromaidan” facade, the US, UK, and EU are already poised to for a wider confrontation with Russia over its attempts to check the fascist foothold the West has created directly along its borders. It is truly dangerous times when Nazis are the heroes and those standing up against them are the villains. The tired but true cliche of “failing to learn from history,” comes to mind. The doom of repeating history now lays before us. Tony Cartalucci, Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”
  16. YES just win by 2% ,its a better lie.(GAAL) When I was looking into electronic voting fraud USA I found a South Korean circuit board company,see Part 2 below on Korean electronic fraud . (My US-Korean files I have deleted ) When I heard of South Korean complaints of voting fraud , I wasn't surprised. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Part 1 South Korean presidential election, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Korean_presidential_election,_2012 ‎ The 18th South Korean presidential election was held in South Korea on 19 December 2012. It was the sixth presidential election since democratization and the ... South Korean Election Fraud Protests Spread Abroad to the USA ... ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1016009 ‎ Aug 5, 2013 ... On the afternoon of Sunday, August 4, 2013 approximately 50 people, mostlyKorean-Americans, gathered on Harvard Square in Cambridge, ... Protestors Across S. Korea Take a Stand Against President Park's ... ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1005863 ‎ Jul 15, 2013 ... Throughout South Korea there have been numerous protests and ... Join Fight Against S. Korean Election Fraud and Subsequent Cover-up ... South Korean Fraudulent Election Protest in Times Square ... - Storify storify.com/wjsfree/south-korean-fraudulent-election-protest-in-times ‎ Nov 15, 2013 ... Press Kit: South Korean Fraudulent Election Protest in Times Square. November 13, 2013. To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this to inform ... S. Korean Conservative Group's "Election" Fraud ... - Korean News www.kcna.co.jp/item/2013/201311/news05/20131105-10ee.html Nov 5, 2013 ... Pyongyang, November 5 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Tuesday in a commentary says the last "presidential election" in south Korea was, in fact, ... Liberal Lawmakers Question Legitimacy of South Korean Election ... www.nytimes.com/.../legitimacy-of-south-korean-leaders-election-disputed.html ‎ Jun 25, 2013 ... A smear campaign by intelligence agents against South Korea's liberal opposition is coming back to haunt President Park Geun-hye. The 4th Media » South Korean Election Fraud Protests Spread ... www.4thmedia.org/.../south-korean-election-fraud-protests-spread-abroad-to-the-usa/ ‎ Aug 13, 2013 ... CNN PRODUCER NOTE : Oglim has been very interested in the protests inSouth Korea and elsewhere over what those protesting believe to ... Distorting Democracy: Politics by Public Security in South Korea ... www.globalresearch.ca/authoritarian-democracy...south-korea/5360433 Dec 5, 2013 ... Distorting Democracy: Politics by Public Security in South Korea ... not elapsed since the election of South Korea's President Park Geun-hye, there are ..... Prosecutor General Chae not to pursue the election fraud charges, and ... South Koreans protest alleged election interference - Deutsche Welle www.dw.de/south-koreans-protest-alleged-election.../a-17041363 ‎ Aug 23, 2013 ... As a parliamentary investigation into alleged election interference by a state agency limps along, some South Koreans are protesting for their ... South Korea's presidential election: A homecoming | The Economist www.economist.com/blogs/.../12/south-koreas-presidential-election ‎ Dec 19, 2012 ... Having grown up in the Blue House, South Korea's presidential mansion, she now returns there. .... Election Fraud Suspected, South Korea. ################### ################### PART 2 The South Korean 2012 Presidential Election was Fraudulent ... ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-931053 ‎ Feb 21, 2013 ... Click to play. The South Korean 2012 Presidential Election was Fraudulent ! ... They used an electronic ballot counter to count the votes. During ... Bring Democracy Back to South Korea: Fraudulent and Illegal ... www.avaaz.org/.../Bring_Democracy_Back_to_South_Korea_Fraudulent_and_Illegal_Presidential_Election_of_South_Korea/?... ‎ Jan 6, 2013 ... My home country, South Korea, had the 18th presidential election a few ... ofSouth Koreans believe that electronic tabulating system was used. twitter quote: @UN_DPA Election fraud suspected in South Korea ... storify.com/wjsfree/rig...southkorea/.../50d5a8485d6d96cd6025e93a ‎ Dec 22, 2012 ... UN_DPA Election fraud suspected in South Korea. Manipulation of electronic ballot-counting software never been easier. Investigation needed. Election Fraud Suspected in 2012 South Korean Presidential Election scammers2011.blogspot.com/.../election-fraud-suspected-in-2012-south.html ‎ Jan 25, 2013 ... Electronic election fraud is very hard to detect and even harder ... (both in SouthKorea and overseas) are suspecting electronic vote fraud; and ... [PDF] Transparency in Electronic Voting: the Great Challenge halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/40/94/.../IPSA_RC10_2008.pdf ‎ Aug 7, 2009 ... electronic voting appears to make massive and invisible fraud possible to .....South Korea: The Interior Ministry designed a VVAT system. South Koreans question the result of presidential election - Topix www.topix.com/forum/world/south-korea/T5ISK068SLG1JOTQC ‎ 1. Election Fraud Suspected in 2012 South Korean Presidential Election. ... Completing electronic counting the vote will not be recognized. South Korea's presidential election: A homecoming | The Economist www.economist.com/blogs/.../12/south-koreas-presidential-election ‎ Dec 19, 2012 ... Election Fraud Suspected, South Korea ... of electronic engineering, she is SouthKorea's first female leader since Empress Myungsong ruled ... Electronic voting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_voting ‎ Electronic voting (also known as e-voting) is voting using electronic systems to aid casting ... States, that electronic voting, especially DRE voting, could facilitate electoral fraud. ..... South Korea still predominantly uses punched card ballots. Electronic voting's the real threat to elections – USATODAY.com www.usatoday.com/news/opinion/.../electronic-voting-fraud.../1 ‎ Sep 19, 2012 ... States fight over in-person vote fraud, but they're ignoring far likelier ways ballots... assistants hacked into Washington, D.C.'s online voting system during a test. .... People in South Korea can vote through their smart phones. South Korea electoral fraud!Please signature condemned! - RevLeft www.revleft.com/vb/south-korea-electoral-t178276/index.html?p... ‎ South Korean Presidential Election held on Dec. ... about manual or electronicballot counting process, although some questions were raised.
  17. British People Are Trying To Sell Their Organs On Facebook http://www.businessinsider.com/british-people-are-trying-to-sell-their-organs-on-facebook-2014-3#ixzz2va7J54cO see post # 50 (AUSTERITY Hows that working UK ??,Gaal)
  18. This guy has already been proven wrong: BURTON ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (see debunking the debunkers site) ????? you mean your source AlienEntity 1 OH !!!!! it was debunkers like AlienEntity who first brought Verinage demolitions to our attention! The reason I wrote the article "Debunker Verinage Fantasies Are Bunk!" (LINK) is because JREFers were using them to explain the WTC collapses. I motion-tracked them to show that they appear to actually support our position because the falling sections in those cases experienced a jolt, unlike the north tower. Now you say it's a pointless comparison. I guess they're comparable when they work for you but when they don't, they're not! Much like how you think a 14 story University building and a five story toy factory are comparable, because they collapsed due to fire, but all the skyscrapers that caught fire and didn't collapse - One Meridian Plaza, First Interstate Bank, East Parque Central, Windsor Tower, Mandarin Oriental Hotel etc. - aren't comparable due to their structural differences! Regarding the "tube in tube construction", the pile-driver theory actually makes even less sense if that is considered, which is why Bazant et al have to work in blocks to begin with.
  19. 9/11: The Best Physical Evidence of Explosives- DavidChandler911 Published on Mar 7, 2014 Posted by Joe on Fri, 03/07/2014 - 4:44pm 9/11: The Best Physical Evidence of Explosives DavidChandler911 Published on Mar 7, 2014 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ################################################### David Chandler, ASU 2/18/2014: Guest Lecture at Arizona State University by invitation of 9/11 Studies and Outreach, a student group affiliated with Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. The talk was followed extensive Q & A, not shown here.here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Bi4hH2Ew54
  20. LEFTY OBAMA ?? Published on Thursday, March 6, 2014 by Think Forward Blog Obama Administration Told to Stop Expanding 'Corporate Rghts' in Trade Agreements by Karen Hansen-Kuhn http://www.commondreams.org/view/2014/03/06-2 (UNION GROUPS COMPLAIN OBAMA TO CLOSE TO CORPORATIONS,GAAL)
  21. Poor 'live like animals' says Boris's privately educated sister after going on 'poverty safari' http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/poor-live-like-animals-says-boriss-privately-educated-sister-after-going-on-poverty-safari-9170440.html
  22. Why are Nazi and Confederate flags on display in Kiev? http://www.globalresearch.ca/why-are-nazi-and-confederate-flags-on-display-in-kiev/5372042 +++++++++++++++++ Ukraine and the “Politics of Anti-Semitism”: The West Upholds Neo-Nazi Repression of Ukraine’s Jewish Community http://www.globalresearch.ca/ukraine-and-the-politics-of-anti-semitism-west-upholds-neo-nazi-repression-of-ukraines-jewish-community/5370790 ++++++++++++++++++ globalresearch The Big Picture: The U.S. and NATO Have Been Trying to Encircle Russia Militarily Since 1991 The American press portrays Putin as being the bad guy and the aggressor in the Ukraine crisis. Putin is certainly no saint. A former KGB agent, Putin’s net worth is estimated at some $40 billion dollars … as he has squeezed money out of the Russian economy by treating the country as his own personal fiefdom. And all sides appear to have dirt on their hands in the Russia-Ukraine crisis. But we can only see the bigger picture if we take a step back and gain a little understanding of the history underlying the current tensions. Indeed, the fact that the U.S. has allegedly paid billions of dollars to anti-Russian forces in Ukraine – and even purportedly picked the Ukrainian president – has to be seen in context. Veteran New York Times reporter Steven Kinzer notes at the Boston Globe: Stephen Cohen – professor emeritus at New York University and Princeton University who has long focused on Russia – explained this weekend on CNN: From the moment the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the United States has relentlessly pursued a strategy of encircling Russia, just as it has with other perceived enemies like China and Iran. [background here, here and here.] It has brought 12 countries in central Europe, all of them formerly allied with Moscow, into the NATO alliance. US military power is now directly on Russia’s borders. “I think it is the beginning of a new cold war,” warned George Kennan, the renowned diplomat and Russia-watcher, as NATO began expanding eastward. “I think the Russians will gradually react quite adversely, and it will affect their policies.” We are witnessing as we talk the making possibly of the worst history of our lifetime. We are watching the descending of a new cold war divide between west and east, only this time, it is not in far away Berlin, it’s right on Russia’s borders through the historical civilization in Ukraine. It’s a crisis of historic magnitude. If you ask how we got in it, how we got into the crisis, and how therefore do we get out, it is time to stop asking why Putin – why Putin is doing this or that, but ask about the American policy, and the European Union policy that led to this moment. *** Jonathan Steele writes at the Guardian I don’t know if you your listeners or views remember George Kennan. He was considered [a] great strategic thinker about Russia among American diplomats but he warned when we expanded NATO [under Bill Clinton], that this was the most fateful mistake of American foreign policy and that it would lead to a new Cold War. George lived to his hundreds, died a few years ago, but his truth goes marching on. The decision to move NATO beginning in the 90′s continuing under Bush and continuing under Obama, is right now on Russia’s borders. And if you want to know for sure, and I have spent a lot of time in Moscow, if you want to know what the Russian power elite thinks Ukraine is about, it is about bringing it into NATO. One last point, that so-called economic partnership that Yanukovych, the elected president of Ukraine did not sign, and that set off the streets – the protests in the streets in November, which led to this violence in and confrontation today, that so-called economic agreement included military clauses which said that Ukraine by signing this so called civilization agreement had to abide by NATO military policy. This is what this is about from the Russian point of view, the ongoing western march towards post Soviet Russia. Both John Kerry’s threats to expel Russia from the G8 and the Ukrainian government’s plea for Nato aid mark a dangerous escalation of a crisis that can easily be contained if cool heads prevail. Hysteria seems to be the mood in Washington and Kiev, with the new Ukrainian prime minister claiming, “We are on the brink of disaster” as he calls up army reserves in response to Russian military movements in Crimea. Were he talking about the country’s economic plight he would have a point. Instead, along with much of the US and European media, he was over-dramatising developments in the east, where Russian speakers are understandably alarmed after the new Kiev authorities scrapped a law allowing Russian as an official language in their areas. They see it as proof that the anti-Russian ultra-nationalists from western Ukraine who were the dominant force in last month’s insurrection still control it. Eastern Ukrainians fear similar tactics of storming public buildings could be used against their elected officials. Kerry’s rush to punish Russia and Nato’s decision to respond to Kiev’s call by holding a meeting of member states’ ambassadors in Brussels today were mistakes. Ukraine is not part of the alliance, so none of the obligations of common defence come into play. Nato should refrain from interfering in Ukraine by word or deed. The fact that it insists on getting engaged reveals the elephant in the room: underlying the crisis in Crimea and Russia’s fierce resistance to potential changes is Nato’s undisguised ambition to continue two decades of expansion into what used to be called “post-Soviet space”, led by Bill Clinton and taken up by successive administrations in Washington. At the back of Pentagon minds, no doubt, is the dream that a US navy will one day replace the Russian Black Sea fleet in the Crimean ports of Sevastopol and Balaclava. *** Vladimir Putin’s troop movements in Crimea, which are supported by most Russians, are of questionable legality under the terms of the peace and friendship treaty that Russia signed with Ukraine in 1997. But their illegality is considerably less clear-cut than that of the US-led invasion of Iraq, or of Afghanistan, where the UN security council only authorised the intervention several weeks after it had happened. [indeed, top American leaders admit that the Iraq war was for reasons different than publicly stated. And the U.S. military sticks its nose in other countries' business all over the world. And see this.] And Russia’s troop movements can be reversed if the crisis abates. That would require the restoration of the language law in eastern Ukraine and firm action to prevent armed groups of anti-Russian nationalists threatening public buildings there. Again, we don’t believe that there are angels on any side. But we do believe that everyone has to take a step back, look at the bigger picture, calm down and reach a negotiated diplomatic resolution. And see this, this, this and this (interview with a 27-year CIA veteran, who chaired National Intelligence Estimates and personally delivered intelligence briefings to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush and the Joint Chiefs of Staff). ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  23. This is a must see! Ukraine. Bercut captures American agent, consultant unrest http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=f48_1392931092
  24. Steven, Please go somewhere else. --Tommy +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hey Steven, I have a good idea. Why don't you go start a "J.C. King and the Illuminati" thread! http://en.wikipedia....wiki/Illuminati (GRAVES) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ So the CIA doesnt do things that financially helps the elites ??? (GAAL) No Steven, only Vladimir Putin would do such a horrible thing... (GRAVES) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Steven, I guess I should have been a little more specific. Let me try again: What does what you posted in post #44 have to do with the question I asked Bill Simpich in post #43? (You didn't think that the Mexico City photos of "a certain person who is known to you" might have been of David Rockefeller or Clint Murchison, did you? How about Henry Crown?) (GRAVES) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You said soooooooo many things and then finally said (GAAL) What does what you posted in post #44 have to do with the question I asked Bill Simpich in post #43? (GRAVES) ################################################# Sir I thought you were just plain rude, but no you actually had a question. (GAAL) ################################################# JC KING is mentioned in post # 32 . JC KING is part of the Rockefeller constellation so to speak ( SEE POST # 44 this thread) and was so was the the GREAT SOUTHWEST CORPORATION (see Deep Politics and the Death of JFK,Scott). Two witnesses of Oswald at the rifle range were employees of the Great Southwest Corporation. ((Charles Camplen and James F. Dale, Great Southwest Warehouse, 26 WH 371-72.)).To paraphrase Peter Dale Scott, the Great Southwest provided Marina with a manager, an attorney, and a hideaway. Her manager was James Martin. The lawyer was William Mackenzie, and the hideaway was the Six Flags Hotel. Everything Simpich says may be good and true but it must be put in context with The Kennedy Assassination Cover-up by Donald Gibson. Professor Gibson (who I talked to twice) who has a more elite/British analysis than you seem not to acknowledge.
  25. Revealed: The figures that show just how badly rising energy bills have ravaged household budgets over the last decade http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/bills/article-2571969/ONS-data-shows-true-impact-rising-bills-household-budgets.html (SEE POSTS # 32 & # 52 this THREAD)
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