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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. Dispatches How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations *********************************************************************** https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2014/02/24/jtrig-manipulation/
  2. Reddit Censors Big Story About Government Manipulation and Disruption of the Internet Posted on February 25, 2014 by WashingtonsBlog ================================================== http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/02/reddit-censors-story-government-manipulation-disruption-internet.html ======== 1984 is ('is') here .......
  3. That is why he wants increased monitoring and for the monitoring to take place now and for at least several years; I think it is a valid concern. Let's face it - the inverse worst case scenario is that in the years to come we discover that fish stocks are unaffected and there is nothing to be concerned about. I think of it as good insurance. // BURTON ####################################################################################### MONITORING APPEARS LIKELY TO OCCUR Dr. Daniel P. Aldrich, Associate Professor and University Faculty Scholar at Purdue University, (LINK) Feb. 25, 2014: “We had scientists in Hawaii tracking the radiation in the water and yes, some fish [caught] off the coast of America and of course near Hawaii have had high level of caesium.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Honolulu Star-Advertiser, (LINK) Feb 16, 2014: Senate Bill on testing for nuclear radiation advances — Two state Senate committees have passed a bill calling for the Hawaii Department of Health to launch a pilot project to monitor radiation levels for five years because some people are concerned about fallout from the March 11, 2011, nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan. Senate Bill 3049 has received some lawmakers’ support, despite opposition from state health officials [...] Sen. Russell Ruderman (D, Puna), who co-sponsored the bill, said the committee heard from dozens of residents who are concerned. [...] He said there’s also a question whether the kind of monitoring being done now is sufficient for the kinds of threats faced by the public from the Fukushima fallout. [...] Sen. Josh Green (D, Naalehu-Kailua-Kona), a co-sponsor of the bill, said he felt the Health Department needs to improve its website and its ability to provide information quickly about radiation levels [...]
  4. John, the ultra elites goal is power not democracy. The bankers and their media control the EU and not the people. The goal is Russia and weakened Ukraine is part of the ultra elites play. The media will coverup fascist thuggery in Ukraine. In the USA the average person thinks 10,000 or so died in Iraq when the real number is approarching 5 million as we speak. Times man of the year below. Ukraine's fascist sow's ear will be made into silk purse ...just watch and wait.
  5. Senator John McCain En Route To Ukraine To Hasten “Regime Change” http://www.globalresearch.ca/senator-john-mccain-en-route-to-ukraine-to-hasten-regime-change/5361594 US Senator John McCain will travel to Ukraine over the weekend, a trip that will make him the highest-ranking US official to visit the ex-Soviet republic since protests erupted there last month over Kiev’s move to tighten ties with Moscow, a US website reported Friday. “Senator McCain is traveling to Ukraine to meet with government officials, opposition leaders and civil society at this critical time as Ukrainians struggle for their future,” McCain spokesman Brian Rogers told The Daily Beast. McCain, a veteran Republican lawmaker and vociferous Kremlin critic, was set to leave for Kiev on Friday evening and remain in the Ukrainian capital on Saturday and Sunday, according to the report. He will be joined there Sunday by Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, according to The Daily Beast. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> American Conquest by Subversion: Victoria Nuland Admits Washington Has Spent $5 Billion to “Subvert Ukraine” http://www.blacklistednews.com/American_Conquest_by_Subversion%3A_Victoria_Nuland_Admits_Washington_Has_Spent_%245_Billion_to_%E2%80%9CSubvert_Ukraine%E2%80%9D/33136/0/0/0/Y/M.html Proof of what many of us suspected all along (after all, US meddling in the region has historical form). Global Research explains: “After three visits to Ukraine in five weeks, Victoria Nuland explains that in the past two decades, the United States has spent five Billion dollars ($5,000,000,000) to subvert Ukraine, and assures her listeners that there are prominent businessmen and government officials who support the US project to tear Ukraine away from its historic relationship with Russia and into the US sphere of interest (via “Europe”). #######################################
  6. John ,yes there are Fascists in the uprising but they are not a even a large minority ...BUT AS YOU KNOW they are always active (threat by gun -reports of) enough to seem more important than there number represents. The ultra elites are made up of anti-semites and Jews. One hand washes the other. I understand MOSSAD is in the Ukraine helping the 'coup' people. The Fascists will have to be massaged into the PANEUROPEAN economic model the ultra elites have planned for Ukraine.
  7. NoTricksZone Alarmist Desperation Reaches New High: Naomi Oreskes Suggests “RICO-Style Prosecution” To Shut Down Skeptics! By P Gosselin on 23. Februar 2014 If you’re wondering how desperate alarmists have become in the debate against the skeptics, look no further than Prof. Naomi Oreskes at the 1:12:40 mark of the following video, where she brings up possible “RICO-style prosecution” to go after skeptics. Hey, if you can’t win the scientific debate, then just have the US federal government declare it over and to go after anyone who doesn’t agree. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPMDPrGA9ZI&feature=player_embedded Obviously the alarmists are tired of losing and seeing support slip away. They just want to be declared the winner, and anyone who can’t accept that should learn to do so using the threat of RICO-style prosecution. Much of the panel discussion has the participants trying to re-convince themselves there is a scientific consensus and that anyone who disagrees is just stupid anyway. They also talk about what the media can do to control the message, and they praise the LA Times for censoring skeptic views. After watching parts of the above discussion, you’ll agree that the best thing to do is to just keep on doing what they hate the most: Focus on the data and the charts, and getting people to look out the window (that is if it isn’t buried in snow).3 ######################### RELATED ############################### New York Times publishes cartoon about KILLING ‘DENIERS’ with icicles – Suggests ‘deniers’ should be stabbed through the heart – like vampires’ xrepublictv Summery: NYT's Andrew Revkin condemns his own paper's cartoon as 'the antithesis of humor': 'This cartoon is right up there with the 'pretty edgy' 2010 climate-campaign video showing a teacher blowing up students who didn’t sign on to cut their carbon footprints.' http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2014/02/09/opinion/sunday/see-something...
  8. Russian Threat Of War Over Ukraine Stuns Obama Regime http://www.eutimes.net/2014/02/russian-threat-of-war-over-ukraine-stuns-obama-regime/ ================ooo000ooo=================== Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) relating to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine says that United States President Barack Obama was “stunned” yesterday after President Putin warned him in a telephone dialogue between these two leaders that Russia was prepared to send over 250,000 heavily armed troops into Crimea to protect the sovereignty of its citizens against further US-EU aggression. Crimea is an autonomous parliamentary republic within Ukraine with a population over 2 million whose ethnic makeup is over 70% Russian and Crimean Tartars as opposed to 24% Ukrainian and is the home base of the Russian Black Sea Fleet located in Sevastopol. Putin first became involved in this latest Ukraine crisis this week, this report says, after receiving a call from Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych who called for direct intervention by Moscow due to his nation being under “direct attack” from Neo-Nazi and right-wing nationalist mobs supported by the EU and US in conflicts that have left, at least, 67 dead. Important to note, this report continues, is that the Obama regime has instigated a number of “silent coups” against democratically elected governments it wishes to destabilize, fragment and then reabsorb into its Western alliance.(SEE LINK FOR MORE)
  9. So again it does not support what you are saying. I believe that you are - like many other people who are worried, ill-informed and ill-equipped to understand the situation - are simply scare-mongering.// BURTON ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hirsch says that the danger that radiation quantities pose are significant even at tiny margins. With the standards even lower, there could be significant health effects even though radiation levels are below the government’s permissible level. “There is no threshold below which there is no harm caused by radiation,” he says. “The theory is called the ‘linear no-threshold model,’ which means risk increases linearly with the dose. Small amounts of radioactivity produce small increases in cancer risk; larger amounts produce larger degrees of cancer risk.” ================================= Nuclear Professor: Fish on West Coast found with Fukushima radioactive material — We’re testing fish that are sold at markets to U.S. consumers (AUDIO) !!!!!!!!!! (LINK)##################### WHAT DONT YOU UNDERSTAND ABOUT Nuclear Professor and Fish on West Coast found with Fukushima radioactive material ???? Hirsch says that the danger that radiation quantities pose are significant even at tiny margins. With the standards even lower, there could be significant health effects even though radiation levels are below the government’s permissible level. “There is no threshold below which there is no harm caused by radiation,” he says. “The theory is called the ‘linear no-threshold model,’ which means risk increases linearly with the dose. Small amounts of radioactivity produce small increases in cancer risk; larger amounts produce larger degrees of cancer risk.” ################ Who is ill-informed and ill-equipped to understand the situation .who ?? .....????
  10. Russian General: ‘We Are At War’ Saturday, February 22, 2014 11:48 ================================================== http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2014/02/russian-general-we-are-at-war-2904334.html
  11. ################# From Feb 19th article For his part, Hirsch would like to see the EPA send water samples to their labs where their “radiological fingerprint” can be tested, which—if cesium were detected—would allow scientists to know whether it originated from nuclear weapons testing fallout from decades past, or if it came more recently from Fukushima. Additionally, Hirsch says he is worried about the EPA’s heightened standards for permissible radiation levels, which were revised in April of last year. The new guidelines for radiological incidents make cleanup standards much more lax. “This would, in effect, increase a longstanding one-in-10,000-person cancer rate to a rate of one-in-23 persons exposed over a 30-year period,” according to an April 8 press release from the national alliance Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility. “They’ve tried to relax these permissible levels over the last year in a very controversial fashion,” Hirsch says. “They’re trying to reassure people that there’s no problem, and now people are going out with handheld Geiger counters, and the truth is getting lost, but the truth is subtle.” Hirsch says that the danger that radiation quantities pose are significant even at tiny margins. With the standards even lower, there could be significant health effects even though radiation levels are below the government’s permissible level. “There is no threshold below which there is no harm caused by radiation,” he says. “The theory is called the ‘linear no-threshold model,’ which means risk increases linearly with the dose. Small amounts of radioactivity produce small increases in cancer risk; larger amounts produce larger degrees of cancer risk.” ================================= Nuclear Professor: Fish on West Coast found with Fukushima radioactive material — We’re testing fish that are sold at markets to U.S. consumers (AUDIO) !!!!!!!!!! http://enenews.com/nuclear-professor-fish-on-west-coast-found-with-fukushima-radioactive-material-were-testing-fish-that-are-sold-at-markets-to-u-s-consumers-audio +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ‘linear no-threshold model,’ ‘linear no-threshold model,’ ‘linear no-threshold model,’ ‘linear no-threshold model,’ ‘linear no-threshold model,’
  12. (RUSSIA TO WEAK TO INVADE) http://thedignifiedrant.blogspot.com/ UPDATE: Uh oh. Yanukovich is in Kharkov in the more Russian-speaking east: Attention shifted Saturday from the sprawling Kiev protest camp to Kharkiv, where governors, provincial officials and legislators gathered. Top Russian lawmakers joined the meeting, too, while thousands of angry protesters gathered outside, chanting "Ukraine is not Russia!" ... The leaders gathered in Kharkiv approved a statement calling on regional authorities to take full responsibility for the constitutional order on their territory. Some called for forming volunteer units to protect against force by protesters from western regions. The assembly urged army units to maintain neutrality and protect ammunition depots. Calling for local authorities and militias is step one to eventually calling for fraternal assistance from Russian forces. Russia may not be able to pull off a conquest of Ukraine, but they are capable of moving in to friendly-held areas and holding off a Ukrainian counter-attack. And will Yanukovich return to Kiev at all? Protesters seized the Kiev office of President Viktor Yanukovich on Saturday and his whereabouts were a mystery, as the pro-Russian leader's grip on power rapidly eroded following bloodshed in the Ukrainian capital. At the president's headquarters, Ostap Kryvdyk, who described himself as a protest commander, said some protesters had entered the offices but there was no looting. "We will guard the building until the next president comes," he told Reuters. "Yanukovich will never be back." Because the Russian envoy, Vladimir Lukin, didn't sign the EU-brokered agreement. Without Russian backing, how could Yanukovich return under these circumstances? All this, because the army wouldn't shoot and too many police wouldn't, either: Since late November 2013 Russian efforts to gain more control over the Ukrainian government have been running into growing popular opposition. Now the pro-Russian government has surrendered to the protestors and if Russia wants to turn this around they will have to move fast and in violation of international law. Over a hundred died, mostly in the last week, as the government ordered the soldiers and police to open fire and not enough of the Ukrainian security personnel would do so. ... February 17, 2014: In Ukraine the police in Kiev launched a major offensive on the protestors, using weapons and reinforcements to push protestors back. The police were ordered to fire on the protestors and that’s when the police began to suffer a lot of desertions. Worse, many police would go through the motions but would not actually shoot fellow Ukrainians. By the 20th the police has to pull back to areas they could hold with the manpower they had left. A Russian invasion to reclaim Ukraine is out: If the Russians invaded the Ukrainian armed forces would probably resist in an organized fashion. In 2008 Russia had a hard time scrounging up enough troops to invade Georgia. But Ukraine has more ten times the population of Georgia and Russia still has a largely dysfunctional armed forces with fewer than 100,000 troops (paratroopers and special forces) that they can really rely on. Do read all of that Strategypage link. I agree conquest is out. But I believe that a Russian military operation to support regional militias and authorities in the east and Crimean Peninsula are within Russian capabilities. This type of mission puts Russian troops on the defensive and gives the Ukrainian armed forces the burden of going on offense. Remember, this is basically what Russia did with Georgia. Russian troops road marched into the areas seceding from Georgia, but then ran into difficulties advancing into the rest of Georgia. If Russia has 100,000 reliable troops, how many troops could Ukraine's army--starting out smaller than that--put in the field? Secretary Hagel should be calling his Russian counter-part to leave voice mails to pick up, I should say. And say, how does that reported Chinese nuclear guarantee of Ukraine's territorial integrity figure in to this? Or was that reporting a mistaken translation of a more mundane Chinese position? I've read nothing else confirming what I assumed was a big effing deal. Posted by Brian J. Dunn at 8:42 PM ################################ ADVERT AT TOP OF EDUCATION FORUM PAGE : HOT UKRAINIAN SINGLE LADIES TO CHAT .....GEE GUESS RUSSIAN TROOPS ALSO HAVE TESTOSTERONE PROBLEMS AS WELL ....PLEASE LET US INVADE PUTIN !!!
  13. many things can kill fish....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fish_kill but its more important to worry about the fish killing you ............. ############################# Fukushima Radiation Could Kill You, One Meal At A Time (Before It's News) I recently bought some wild-caught Alaskan salmon. My intention was to cook it for my wife on our tenth wedding anniversary, which is coming up in just a few days. However, a week after bringing the beautiful deep orange fillets home and placing them in the freezer, I had a thought: what if they were radioactive? I’m sure you have similar thoughts all the time. Thoughts like “is this honey real” or “will an EMP wreck my gardening?” Unfortunately, my thoughts aren’t all that far-fetched. The Fukushima reactor accident has leaked radiation into the ocean and is continuing to do so, even though governments and the mainstream media continue to ignore or downright hied the evidence. The sick thing? A lot of people are likely to die before the truth comes fully into the light – check this out: Are fish from the Pacific Ocean safe to eat? It’s a question that’s back in the news after revelations of highly radioactive water leaking into the ocean from Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. “Let me assure you, the situation is under control,” Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe said during lobbying for the 2020 Olympics. “There are no health-related problems until now, nor will there be in the future.” But the fish tell a different story about the impacts of the March 2011 tsunami that destroyed the Fukushima plant and caused massive amounts of radiation to end up in the Pacific. About 800 people worldwide will get cancer from radiation due to Fukushima in fish eaten to date, according to Georgia Straight calculations. The Straight results relied on a widely used cancer-risk formula developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as well as radiation levels in 33,000 fish tested by the Japanese Fisheries Agency. Half the cancers will be fatal. About 500 will be in Japan; 75 will be due to Japanese fish exports to other countries; and 225 will be from fishing in the Pacific by nations other than Japan. And that’s likely only a small part of the actual long-term cancer impacts from eating the fish. Two nuclear experts who saw the Straight’s figures said the real cancer toll could be 100 times higher—or 80,000 cancers. “The potential numbers could be two orders of magnitude [100 times] higher than your numbers,” Daniel Hirsch, a nuclear-policy lecturer at the University of California at Santa Cruz, said in a phone interview. “Hundreds of cancers are nothing to sneeze at, and it is a fraction of what I suspect the total will be” (CLICK HERE to keep reading) I think I’m going to skip the fish next week. The post Fukushima Radiation Could Kill You, One Meal At A Time appeared first on . Source: http://theprepperproject.com/fukushima-radiation-kill-one-meal-time/ Source: http://theprepperproject.com/fukushima-radiation-kill-one-meal-time/
  14. Wow Steven EVAN ; I've seen acts of desperation before but you certainly rate among the most significant (Modified Burton) ################################ desperation yes by the government ..... Japan to Ban All News Coverage of Fukushima – Ten Year Prison Penalty (worded slightly differently) (Before It's News) A less-than-candid admission by the Japanese government that the situation is completely out of its hand and is adopting the Ostrich Option – But the world cannot follow suit or stand by any more because this also means “It Will Get Even Worse…” T Dennen Fukushima continues to spew out radiation. The quantities seem to be rising, as do the impacts. The site has been infiltrated by organized crime. There are horrifying signs of ecological disaster in the Pacific and human health impacts in the United States. But within Japan, a new State Secrets Act makes such talk punishable by up to ten years in prison. .... A year ago a Japanese professor was detained 20 days without trial for speaking out against the open-air incineration of radioactive waste. Now Prime Minister Abe can do far worse. The Times of India reports that the State Secrets Act is unpopular, and that Abe’s approval ratings have dropped with its passage. But the new law may make Japan’s democracy a relic of its pre-Fukushima past. It’s the cancerous mark of a nuclear regime bound to control all knowledge of a lethal global catastrophe now ceaselessly escalating. [end snip] FULL ARTICLE: http://beforeitsnews.com/japan-earthquake/2013/12/japan-to-ban-all-news-coverage-of-fukushima-ten-year-prison-penalty-2444758.html
  15. Steven, Is English your first language? If it is not then that might explain why you have so much trouble comprehending my statements. Now, read carefully: ",,, and MAY have a completely NATURAL cause." MAY = Used to express possibility. In other words something that might be but also might not be.// Burton ============ Evan Burton, on 20 Feb 2014 - 10:39 PM, said: BURTON ==It (above,Gaal) just goes to show: - The company are not hiding that there are still significant issues to be addressed ########################### ITS Re: usage of the word 'MAY' BURTON vs BURTON. BELIEVED & MAY HAVE HAPPENED ??? THIS GOES TO SHOW THAT INCONCLUSIVE STATEMENTS BECOME SOLID CONCLUSIONS TO SOME.(Gaal) ############################ Definition of SEASON 1 a : a time characterized by a particular circumstance or feature <in a season of religious awakening — F. A. Christie> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mr. Burton may (opps the may word ) the season (gee like in many,many years)* of your head in the ground be a safe one. (Gaal) ############### (gee like in many,many years)* The usage of season is more complex then you assert. Out of curiousity ,is English your primary language ? +++ report due in April http://www.petaluma360.com/article/20140206/COMMUNITY/140209748?Title=Searching-for-signs-of-Fukushima-radiation-on-North-Coast
  16. When one does not ask questions ,one does not learn anything. Investigations are being done. ============================= Banker Source On Dead JPM Bankers- “Knew Each Other & Had Uncovered Something” http://www.silverdoctors.com/banker-source-on-latest-jpm-death-crane-worked-closely-with-jpm-london-banker-pair-had-uncovered-something/#?1#?1#WebrootPlugIn#?1#?1#PhreshPhish#?1#?1#agtpwd ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The “common link” between these bankers began this past year after two JP Morgan whistleblowers confessed that their bank manipulates the gold and silver markets, which led to this past weeks stunning announcement that Europe’s largest bank, Deutsche Bank, would withdraw from the appropriately named gold and silver price “fixing”, as European regulators investigate the manipulation of precious metals prices by Western banks. Deutsche Bank executive Broeksmit, called among the “finest minds” in his field, and Russell Investments Dueker, ranked among the top 5 percent of economists by number of works published, this report says, were at the forefront of the European investigation into JPMorgan gold and silver price manipulation and had as their “inside man” JPMorgan tech guru Magee who oversaw his banks computer systems built for this crime. economic analysts say that if the price of gold and silver were to achieve their “honest” level, JPMorgan would collapse as it does not have the reserves needed to equal the “paper” gold it has already sold, and a JPMorgan collapse would then, in turn, implode the entire global economic system. Even worse, JPMorgan crimes have now reached into the Russia itself after the Russian Central Bank (RCB) yesterday was forced to shut down Moscow-based lenders My Bank and Priroda Bank after they were unable to retrieve their foreign deposits from the British multinational banking and financial services company HSBC due to their imposing restrictions on large cash withdrawals on 24 January. ################# Dead Bankster #1 Mike Dueker : 50-year-old Mike Dueker, who had worked for Russell Investment for five years, was found dead close to the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington State, says AP. Dead Bankster #2 William Broeksmit: A 58-year-old former senior executive at Deutsche Bank AG, William Broeksmit, was found dead on January 26 in his home after an apparent suicide in South Kensington in central London. Dead Bankster #3 Karl Slym: The next day, January 27, Tata Motors managing director Karl Slym, 51, was found dead on the fourth floor of the Shangri-La hotel in Bangkok. Police said he could have committed suicide. Mr. Slym was staying on the 22nd floor with his wife, and was attending a board meeting in the Thai capital. Dead Bankster #4 Gabriel Magee: Another tragic incident occurred on January 28, when a 39-year-old Gabriel Magee, a JP Morgan employee, died after falling from the roof of its European headquarters in London. Dead Bankster #5 Richard Talley: Richard Talley, 57, and the company he founded in 2001 were under investigation by state insurance regulators at the time of his death late Tuesday, an agency spokesman confirmed Thursday. It was unclear how long the investigation had been ongoing or its primary focus. A coroner’s spokeswoman Thursday said Talley was found in his garage by a family member who called authorities. They said Talley died from seven or eight self-inflicted wounds from a nail gun fired into his torso and head. Also unclear is whether Talley’s suicide was related to the investigation by the Colorado Division of Insurance, which regulates title companies. Missing Oil Markets Reporter David Bird: The case of David Bird, the oil markets reporter who had worked at the Wall Street Journal for 20 years and vanished without a trace on the afternoon of January 11, has this in common with the other three tragedies: his work involves a commodities market – oil – which is under investigation by the U.S. Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations for possible manipulation. The FBI is involved in the Bird investigation. Bird left his Long Hill, New Jersey home on that Saturday, telling his wife he was going for a walk. An intentional disappearance is incompatible with the fact that he left the house wearing a bright red jacket and without his life-sustaining medicine he was required to take daily as a result of a liver transplant. Despite a continuous search since his disappearance by hundreds of volunteers, local law enforcement and the FBI, Bird has not been located. ############ The Banker Purge Continues: Global Banking System is Now Operating at DEFCON1 February 19th, 2014 http://investmentwatchblog.com/the-banker-purge-continues-global-banking-system-is-now-operating-at-defcon1/
  17. Many in the Ukraine think they are fighting for freedom & Liberty but really they are fighting to put themselves under control of unanswerable european bureaucrats. (see below) ############################# FROM thread A new stage in the attacks on the European working class Posted 03 February 2014 - 04:17 PM New Model Of Governance in Bailout Europe: Silence, Lies, and Evasion Source: Testosterone Pit By Don Quijones, a freelance writer and translator based in Barcelona, Spain. His blog, Raging Bull-xxxx, is a modest attempt to challenge some of the wishful thinking and scrub away the lathers of soft soap peddled by our political and business leaders and their loyal mainstream media. ===================================================================== Recent events in Spain have left me in even more a fog of confusion than usual. Here’s why: a little over a month ago, just before Christmas, it was announced to the loudest possible fanfare that Spain had finally fulfilled all its bailout obligations. Its work done, the Troika was withdrawing its troops. After 18 long, arduous months of economic belt-tightening, Spain had finally regained its independence, its government and people liberated from the shackles of neo-colonial economic rule. Personally speaking, I had my reservations. But even I, a seasoned skeptic, never imagined that the Troika’s shock troops would be back quite so soon. On Thursday morning, while scrolling the home page of El Diario, the following headline caught my eye: “IMF Technocrats Do Not Deign To Explain Their Reforms in Spain“ The technocrats in question were two chief economists from the IMF’s European Department, Martin Schindler and Jasmin Rahmen, and two assistants from the same department, Helge Berger and Antonio Spilimbergo. They were in Madrid for the express purpose of present their latest study, “Employment and Growth: Supporting European Recovery” — a title that proves, if nothing else, that the “Fund of Funds” hasn’t lost its sense of humour. The study contained the standard, all-familiar IMF recommendations: greater labour mobility (i.e. make it easier for companies to fire and hire workers, the former of which is definitely no longer a problem in Spain), lower salaries (always nice coming from unelected officials earning fat, tax-free, all expenses-included salaries) and, of course, less union involvement in collective bargaining agreements. Things got interesting, however, at the end of the presentation when the small gathering of journalists began launching questions at the four IMF employees, to which Antonio Spilimbergo had one solitary response: "We will not be taking any questions on the specifics of the Spanish situation." And there you have it: the perfect summation of how our new technocratic system of governance functions in Europe today. A small clique of four empty suits rides into town, announces “recommendations” for economic reforms — reforms that will continue to suck the life-blood out of the Spanish economy – refuses to answer even the most innocent question on said reforms, and then rides back to wherever it came from. In this new model of governance, difficult questions must never be asked. If they are asked, they must never be answered — for the simple reason that the IMF, the ECB, and the European Commission do not have plausible answers to such questions. Klaus Masuch, a European Central Bank official, mumbles, stumbles, and squirms his way through a steady onslaught of probing questions from a seasoned Irish journalist. At the end of his merciless interrogation, the Irish journalist says: This isn’t good enough. You people are intervening in this society causing huge damage while requiring us to make payments not for the benefit of anyone in Ireland but for the benefit of European financial institutions. Now could you explain why the Irish people are inflicted with its burden? A damn good question, and one that merits an answer, but instead was met with a wall of silence, followed by all manner of evasive tactics. Biting Austerity Like Spain, Ireland was recently proclaimed cured. It had exited from the bailout program and, as The Guardian put it, recently made a “storming return” to the international bond market. Yet while the country may be returning to a semblance (for that is all it is) of normality in macro financial terms, the cold, hard frost of austerity continues to bite on the ground. In October last year, Irish premier Enda Kenny announced another round of austerity cuts in the government’s (read: Troika’s) budget for 2014. Among many other things, health costs will soar, medical cards will be withdrawn from 35,000 people over 70, welfare rates will be cut for job seekers, and maternity benefits will be reduced. The results are plainly visible for all to see. In Ireland, as in Spain, the poverty rate keeps rising, opportunity becomes a thing of the past for more and more young workers, the brain drain continues its onward march, the suicide rate is going up and public services are gradually deteriorating to the point where they no longer serve the public — cue: privatisation. Ditto for Portugal, ditto for Italy, and the less said about the tragic fate of Greece, the better. Soon, even Europe’s core countries will be invited to join the eternal race to the bottom. To paraphrase the Roman historian Tacitus, “They make an economic desert and call it progress.” The markets raucously cheer and applaud from the sidelines, rewarding the respective national governments’ noble efforts to impoverish their own citizens with slightly higher bond prices, healthier-looking risk premiums and more debt — always more debt! In October, the continent’s Banking Union will be consummated, granting exclusive supervision of the continent’s banking system to unelected, unaccountable apparatchiks of the European Central Bank. And with it, another hefty chunk of our national sovereignty will disappear. Yet if someone dares to ask any of the Troika’s three horsemen of Europe’s economic apocalypse just why such drastic steps and their brutal social, economic and political fallout are necessary — something that most representatives of the fourth estate seem strangely loath to do — you are greeted with silence, more lies, and evasion. By Don Quijones, Raging Bull-xxxx. ================o0o0o0o0o================= At an event in Kiev in October, US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt described a "myriad of opportunities" if Ukraine aligned itself with the United States and said "you have no better friend in this endeavor than the United States. … We stand ready to support you, the Ukrainian people, as you find your place in Europe." QUOTE YOUR ARTICLE ======== THE PLACE THE USA WANTS THE UKARAINIAN PEOPLE IS AS SLAVES TO THE EU CENTRAL BANKING SYSTEM. PERIOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Nowhere did I say it was a seasonal event. What I said was we don't know what caused it and there are many explanations for it; we cannot assume it is Fukushima because there is nothing to actually support that. // BURTON ############################################################### Evan Burton Posted 16 January 2014 - 10:48 AM Please keep in mind the reason is unclear, and may have a completely natural cause: Quote Golly seams Pacific Decadal Oscillation is a seasonal event. SORRY EVAN, YOU KNOW YOUR OWN WORST ENEMY. "Nowhere did I say it was a seasonal event (Burton)" .....hard to remember your own posts ????? ***************************************************************************************** despite no evidence to support that. //BURTON Mr. Burton ENE quotes many radiation scientists.
  19. BELIEVED & MAY HAVE HAPPENED ??? THIS GOES TO SHOW THAT INCONCLUSIVE STATEMENTS BECOME SOLID CONCLUSIONS TO SOME. ######################################## - Still nothing conclusive to say the sardine event was caused by the Fukushima reactor/Burton BURTON STATES THE SARDINE EVENT IS A SEASONAL EVENT(and possibly natural), THUS ASKING FOR INFORMATIONAN now is inconsistent and slightly bizzare.
  20. John do you think the administration thinks NSA issues are “critical information” ? OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Why Is The Obama Administration Putting Government Monitors In Newsrooms? http://newswatch.us/why-is-the-obama-administration-putting-government-monitors-in-newsrooms/ ===================================================== (Matthew Clark) The Obama Administration’s Federal Communication Commission (FCC) is poised to place government monitors in newsrooms across the country in an absurdly draconian attempt to intimidate and control the media. Before you dismiss this assertion as utterly preposterous (we all know how that turned out when the Tea Party complained that it was being targeted by the IRS), this bombshell of an accusation comes from an actual FCC Commissioner. FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai reveals a brand new Obama Administration program that he fears could be used in “pressuring media organizations into covering certain stories.” As Commissioner Pai explains in the Wall Street Journal: Last May the FCC proposed an initiative to thrust the federal government into newsrooms across the country. With its “Multi-Market Study of Critical Information Needs,” or CIN, the agency plans to send researchers to grill reporters, editors and station owners about how they decide which stories to run. A field test in Columbia, S.C., is scheduled to begin this spring. The purpose of the CIN, according to the FCC, is to ferret out information from television and radio broadcasters about “the process by which stories are selected” and how often stations cover “critical information needs,” along with “perceived station bias” and “perceived responsiveness to underserved populations.” In fact, the FCC is now expanding the bounds of regulatory powers to include newspapers, which it has absolutely no authority over, in its new government monitoring program. The FCC has apparently already selected eight categories of “critical information” “that it believes local newscasters should cover.” That’s right, the Obama Administration has developed a formula of what it believes the free press should cover, and it is going to send government monitors into newsrooms across America to stand over the shoulders of the press as they make editorial decisions. This poses a monumental danger to constitutionally protected free speech and freedom of the press. Every major repressive regime of the modern era has begun with an attempt to control and intimidate the press. As Thomas Jefferson so eloquently said, “our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.” The federal government has absolutely no business determining what stories should and should not be run, what is critical for the American public and what is not, whether it perceives a bias, and whose interests are and are not being served by the free press. It’s an unconscionable assault on our free society. Imagine a government monitor telling Fox News it needed to cover stories in the same way as MSNBC or Al Jazeera. Imagine an Obama Administration official walking in to the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal and telling it that the American public would be better served if it is stopped reporting on the IRS scandal or maybe that reporting on ObamaCare “glitches” is driving down enrollment. It’s hard to imaging anything more brazenly Orwellian than government monitors in newsrooms. Is it any wonder that the U.S. now ranks 46th in the world for freedom of the press? Reporters Without Boarders called America’s precipitous drop of 13 places in its recent global rankings “one of the most significant declines” in freedom of the press in the world. Freedom of the press is proudly extolled in the First Amendment, yet our nation now barely makes the top fifty for media freedom. We cannot allow the unfathomable encroachment on our free speech and freedom of the press to continue. We’ve seen, and defeated, this kind of attempt to squelch free speech before in the likes of the Fairness Doctrine and the Grassroots Lobbying Bill(incidentally one of my first projects at the ACLJ). Each one of these euphemistically named government programs is nothing more than an underhanded attempt to circumvent the Constitution and limit free speech – speech that the government finds inconvenient. They’re equally unconstitutional, and they each must be defeated. Join the ACLJ as we take a stand. Sign the ACLJ’s Petition to Stop the Obama FCC’s Free Speech Monitors. ################################### 1984 is ('is') here .......
  21. LEFTY OBAMA ?? (WAS THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT MADE TO HELP THE COMMON MAN OR THE ELITES ?????????) =============================== Seattle Children’s Hospital Sues Obamacare For Denying Kids Coverage FEB 20 2014 http://www.thedailysheeple.com/seattle-childrens-hospital-sues-obamacare-for-denying-kids-coverage_022014 ############################### Fourth Georgia hospital closes due to Obamacare payment cuts:http://dailycaller.com/2014/02/18/fourth-georgia-hospital-closes-due-to-obamacare-payment-cuts/#!
  22. TV: “Extremely high levels of radioactive substances” leaked Wednesday night at Fukushima plant — 25 trillion becquerels of Strontium-90 and other beta emitters estimated to have flowed out — “Investigation is still underway” (VIDEO) see http://enenews.com/tv-extremely-high-levels-of-radioactive-substances-leaked-at-fukushima-plant-25-trillion-bq-of-beta-ray-emitters-like-strontium-90-estimated-to-have-escaped-investigation-is-still-underwa NHK, Feb. 19, 2014: Highly radioactive water leaks at Fukushima plant [...] [Tepco] says water containing extremely high levels of radioactive substances has leaked from a storage tank. [and] was found on Wednesday night [...] the water leaked from a seam near the top of the tank. It traveled along a rainwater pipe and flowed outside the barrier that surrounds the tank. [...] Officials say their investigation is still underway. Bloomberg, Feb. 19, 2014: Tepco Says New Leak of Radioactive Water Found at Fukushima Site [...] About 100 metric tons (26,400 gallons) of water [...] Beta radiation readings of 230 million becquerels per liter were taken in a water sample collected today near the H6 tank area [...] About 300 tons of contaminated groundwater seep into the ocean each day [...] “The sample was collected today near the H6 tank area”… Why not sample the water from inside the tank it leaked out of? 100 metric tons with 230,000,000 Bq/L = 23 Trillion Bq of Strontium-90 & other beta emitters, with half generally being Strontium-90 — about 11.5 trillion Bq of Sr-90 Tepco claims 10 trillion Bq of Sr-90 entered the sea from May 2011 to Aug. 2013 Kyodo News, Feb. 20, 2014: Roughly 100 tons of highly radioactive water leaked [Tepco] said Thursday [with] 230 million becquerels per liter of strontium and other beta ray-emitting radioactive substances. The utility believes the liquid has not flowed into the adjacent sea as there is no drainage nearby [...] Tepco “believes the liquid has not flowed into the adjacent sea”… yet. A recent special on Japan TV about Fukushima’s contaminated water summed up the situation this way: NHK (at 36:30 in): “What has become clear is that it’s very hard to control radioactive materials once they get into the environment.” Related Posts NHK Top Story: New highly radioactive leak at Fukushima — Believed to be draining into Pacific Ocean — 200,000 Bq/liter of strontium and other beta-ray emitters (VIDEO) October 2, 2013 Bloomberg: ‘Highly radioactive’ leak at Fukushima Unit 3 — NHK: Melted fuel coolant thought to be flowing from containment vessel for ‘unknown reason’ — 24 Million Bq/liter of strontium, other beta emitters (VIDEO) January 20, 2014
  23. OPPS !! Golly I bet many had hopes Bible untrue.........sorry http://creation.com/camels ============================= B. L., Faroe Islands, 11 February 2014 (1) Camels are mentioned in a sumeric lexicon of tame animals from Ugarit (dated to the ancient Babylonian period 1950-1600 BC (2) An ancient babylonian text has a food-recipe mentioning camel-milk as an ingredient (3) a seal-imprint from around 1850 BC depicts two men sitting on an animal with two bulbs on its back. The imprint was announced in 1939 by C.H.Gordon, who categorized the animal as a camel. In 1977 the wellknown seal specialist Dr Edith Porada confirmed the animal to be a camel. ============================== ALSO Lita Cosner responds Domesticated camels apparently have different wear on their joints because of their use as pack animals. The earliest ones they found in Israel with this sort of evidence of domestication were dated later than Abraham. However, as the article stated, there are other considerations that the team should have noted, such as the existence of domesticated camels in Arabia and Egypt at that time. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Camel deniers ignore reams of secular research for Bible smear campaign Julie Borg Posted Feb. 21, 2014, 11:20 a.m. Secular scholars pounced on an archeological study released last week on the age of domestic camels that they claim proves the Bible is not historically accurate. But biblical scholars say researchers are ignoring historical findings and making assumptions based on incomplete archeological evidence. The camel researchers say radiocarbon dating shows bones found in an ancient copper mine site are from camels used no earlier than about 966 B.C., a date centuries later than the time of the patriarchs whom the Bible describes as owning domesticated camels. Secular archeologists point to the fact that no bones of domesticated camels have been found in earlier archeological layers as proof the Bible is inaccurate and the presence of camels in biblical stories was inserted by authors writing long after the fact. “Camels are mentioned as pack animals in the biblical stories of Abraham, Joseph, and Jacob,” American Friends of Tel Aviv University said in a press release. “But archaeologists have shown that camels were not domesticated in the Land of Israel until centuries after the Age of the Patriarchs (2000-1500 B.C.E.). In addition to challenging the Bible's historicity, this anachronism is direct proof that the text was compiled well after the events it describes.” But Corné J. Bekker, professor of biblical studies and Christian ministry at Regent University, said the finding is a “non-story.” The Bible does not claim widespread use of camels in the area during the time of the patriarchs, Bekker said. It states that Abraham, a visitor to the area, brought camels with him. The Bible mentions the use of camels only for Abraham and those associated with him, such as Jacob, Jacob’s sons, and the Ishmaelites. Extra-biblical texts give clear evidence to the early domestication of camels north of Israel, possibly explaining why Abraham owned camels. A Sumerian text from the Old Babylonian period (1950-1600 B.C.) mentions camel milk, wrote Biola University’s T.M. Kennedy in a recent paper. Other texts mention camels in a list of domesticated animals during the same time period and offer proof of domestication by describing food rations given to camels. The absence of bones from domesticated camels in deeper layer excavation sites cannot be used to assume there were no domesticated camels in Israel in earlier eras, Bekker explains. “Archeology is an imprecise science,” he said. “Archeologists could find camel bones tomorrow that would document their use during the time of the patriarchs.” The researchers of the carbon dating study are simply ignoring a vast body of evidence that suggests a much earlier date for the domestication of camels in the region, according to the Associates of Biblical Research. Kennedy’s research of Assyrian royal annals indicates that camels were used in the Battle of Qarqar in Western Syria, which took place around 835 B.C. Camels would not have been used in war unless they had been previously trained and had proven reliable long before the battle, Kennedy said. Evidence of early camel domestication has been found in several areas of the ancient Near East, according to Kennedy’s research. A statuette of a camel carrying two water jars is dated between 1292 and 1190 B.C. Petro glyphs depicting camels indicate humans began using them as pack animals in Egypt no later than the 16th century B.C. Another figurine of a harnessed camel is dated between the late 3rd and early 2nd millennium B.C. The real story, Bekker said, is questioning why secular researchers would want to extrapolate from such limited information to try to discredit the Bible. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ on the topic of carbon dating http://creation.com/...ons-and-answers ============================== see below RE Carbon Dating http://kgov.com/carb...-dinosaur-bones
  24. When one does not ask questions ,one does not learn anything. Investigations are being done. Of course one has to note the information given in POST # 1& 2 :JP MORGAN and Major Corporations VERY GENEROUS TO POLICE DEPARTMENTS. Sometimes it takes a long time for the truth to come out, however, we must be aware and remember events to see patterns of behavior. ========================================================================= February 19, 2014 Does The Trail Of Dead Bankers Lead Somewhere? http://www.wallstreetsectorselector.com/2014/02/trail-dead-bankers-lead-somewhere/ ##########################o##########################
  25. related (KEYSTONE COPS war on terror) OpEdNews Op Eds 2/18/2014 at 20:49:09 Honoring the "Accomplices" to Truth Who Caught Clapper in a LieBy Robert Scheer (about the author) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ http://www.opednews.com/articles/Honoring-the-Accomplices-by-Robert-Scheer-NSA_Snowden_Surveillance-140218-533.html clove cigarettes ........yup gotta keep track of clove cigarettes ..... (war on terror .....JOKE IT IS !!!!!!!)
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