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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. To summarize from Philipps information and previous post information this thread. +++++++++++++++++++++ Understanding PERMINDEX: Louis Mortimer Bloomfield (takes orders from Mantello), Hans Seligman (important Banker who is confused as who controls PERMINDEX which he has invested in), Georges Mantello (who takes orders from Edmund de Rothschild). Thus Edmund de Rothschild controlled PERMINDEX. ++++++++++++++++++++++ Jack Crichton and Lewis MacNaughton were both part of Empire Trust and on both on the board of the conspiratorial Great Southwest Corporation (GSW). The Murchisons were also on the board of GSW. OF NOTE the Murchisons had business dealings with the Suez Canal Company (SCC) The bonds to make SCC formation were put together by the Rothchilds.The Rothschilds controlling Empire Trust. Noting that the National American Bank in New Orleans had Empire Trust member Ernest Carrere (former Navy intelligence officer) and connections to the Oswald family (mother/son). ====================== We can see a milieu connecting the diverse personalities of Murchison,Shaw,Bush,Crichton,Margurite Oswald and Lee Oswald.
  2. SAW THIS ARTICLE DIDNT POST IT +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This isnt new and was done by big oil 15 years ago.....why didnt you hear about it ??? ......Golly if people could produce fuel ...wouldnt need BIG OIL !!! +++++++++++++ Carbon Recycling: Mining the Air for Fuel - National Geographic News news.nationalgeographic.com/.../110811-turning-carbon-emissions-into-fuel/ ‎ Cached Similar Aug 10, 2011 ... But science has long known that it's possible to recombine carbon from CO2 with hydrogen from water to make hydrocarbons—in other words, ... Carbon dioxide turned into hydrocarbon fuel - 02 August 2002 - New ... www.newscientist.com/.../dn2620-carbon-dioxide-turned-into-hydrocarbon-fuel.html ‎ Cached Similar Aug 2, 2002 ... A way to turn carbon dioxide into hydrocarbons has caused a big stir ... tried before to make hydrocarbons by mixing carbon with hydrogen gas ... Reactor uses sunlight to make hydrocarbon fuel - Phys.org phys.org/news/2011-01-reactor-sunlight-hydrocarbon-fuel.html ‎ Cached Similar Rating: 3.7 - 3 votes Jan 12, 2011 ... Researchers have developed a reactor that can rapidly produce fuel from sunlight, using carbon dioxide and water, plus a compound called ... Reverse Combustion: Can CO2 Be Turned Back into Fuel? [Video ... www.scientificamerican.com/.../turning-carbon-dioxide-back-into-fuel/ ‎ Cached Sep 23, 2010 ... "You take electricity and combine CO2 with hydrogen to make ... In fact, the problem with turning CO2 back into a hydrocarbon fuel is not so ... A Cheaper Way to Make Fuel from Carbon Dioxide | MIT Technology ... www.technologyreview.com/.../a-faster-and-more-efficient-way-to-convert-carbon-dioxide-into-fuel/ ‎ Cached Dec 4, 2013 ... Making carbon dioxide by burning hydrocarbons is easy. A pair of novel catalysts recently made by researchers at the University of Illinois at ... CO2 Recycling and Energy Independence www.americanenergyindependence.com/recycleco2.aspx ‎ Cached Similar By recycling CO2, America would be building the technology now for a sustainable hydrocarbon future. The idea of recycling CO2 to make synthetic fuels is not ... Holy Grail of Fuel? Scientists Make Synthetic Gas from Air and Water ... www.treehugger.com/clean-technology/scientists-make-gas-air.html ‎ Cached Similar Oct 19, 2012 ... IV: The carbon dioxide and hydrogen are reacted together to make a hydrocarbon mixture, the reaction conditions being varied depending on ... Carbon dioxide turned into hydrocarbon fuel - Free Republic www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/726555/posts ‎ Cached Similar Jul 31, 2002 ... A way to turn carbon dioxide into hydrocarbons has caused a big stir at an ... The hitch is probably that making hydrocarbon fuel from CO2 ... [PDF] Electrochemical Conversion of Carbon Dioxide to Hydrocarbon Fuels www.ems.psu.edu/~elsworth/courses/.../2010/.../co2_electrochem.pdf ‎ Cached Similar The potentially viable method of CO2 electrolysis to hydrocarbons could ..... Making this LCOE more competitive to other conventional power generation systems. Invention – hydrocarbon fuels produced directly from solar energy ... blogs.howstuffworks.com/.../invention-hydrocarbon-fuels-produced-directly-from-solar-energy/ ‎ Cached Aug 16, 2010 ... The key is to use both the heat and the electricity that the sun can provide to make both hydrogen (from water) and carbon monoxide (from ...
  3. Rob Caprio blogger wrote ===== ------------------------------------------------ like for example that Clay Shaw was never really on the Board of Directors of Permindex. According to McAdams, that was a myth promoted by Oliver Stone. Well, finally someone actually scanned Shaw's own Who's Who entry in which he himself noted he was on the board of Permindex. This shut up McAdams on that forum. So what did McAdams do? He went to another forum and said the same thing about Shaw—knowing it had been proven false! ++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++ YES ITS GOOD TO GET THE REAL FACTS !! (Gaal) ============== During the late fifties, in Montreal, Rivard was one of the top officer of Jos Bonanno, the head of an important New York Mafia family. But what is more significant relatively to the JFK assassination is the fact that Rivard was an associate of Santos Trafficante, Jr. in Havana casinos and that he was smuggling arms in Cuba. According to the House Selected Committee on Assassinations, Rivard was one of Castro prisoners for whom Jack Ruby did negotiate in 1959. This fact wasn’t published in HSCA’s report since Rivard’s name was only reproduced in HSCA’s volumes of testimonies. But in 1981, in his book The Plot to Kill the President, G. Robert Blakey, chief counsel of the HSCA, flatly stated that Rivard was one of the prisoners that Jack Ruby tried to get released in 1959. Years after the publication of my book, and after Rivard’s death, his widows confirmed to a Montreal film producer that Rivard indeed was in contact with Ruby. In 1964, after the JFK assassination, Rivard and Bonanno were jailed in Montreal, awaiting extradition to the U.S. Their attorney and high officers of both the Canadian Department of Justice and tthe Immigration Department offered bribe to the lawyer representing the United State in the two extradition cases. The scandal that followed finally forced the resignation of Canada Minister of Justice, Guy Favreau. (Philipps) =================================== Reading about such friction between Bloomfield and Mantello, Permindex’s Italian director, really made one doubt that the Montreal lawyer was in control of Permindex. Thus, even if we accept the possibility that this company was used to finance the JFK assassination, we should consider that others then Bloomfield were the true controllers behind the shadowy firm. (Philipps) ++++++++++++ Lots of names and material in below archives like: Louis Mortimer Bloomfield Hans Seligman Georges Mantello Edmund de Rothschild I will encapsulate it for you. (Gaal) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ========================== After reading the archive material below ,it can be concluded the real head of PERMINDEX is Edmund de Rothschild. Whose family gave GHWB a job in 1977. == ++ ( SEE above post this thread) ++ ((((( ALSO see pg 4 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=6017&page=4 )))) ++ THUS GHWB connects to SHAW. ((YES ITS GOOD TO GET THE REAL FACTS !! )) GHWB and Jack Crihton shared the same lawyer ,Pat Holloway, who also was a lawyer for the conpiratorial Great Southwest Corporation. "In his memoirs former Cuban intelligence official Fabian Escalante asserted that Nixon had met with an important group of Texas businessmen to arrange outside funding for the operation. Escalante, whose service was vaunted for its U.S. spy network, claimed that the Texas group was headed by George H. W. Bush and Jack Crichton." (Russ Baker) Empire Trust via Kuhn and Loeb are connected to the Rothschilds. The real head of PERMINDEX is Edmund de Rothschild. Whose family gave GHWB a job in 1977.(Gaal) ============================= SEE Archives THE PERMINDEX-CIA LINK II THE PERMINDEX-CIA LINK MORE PERMINDEX DOCUMENTS THE PERMINDEX PAPERS IV THE PERMINDEX PAPERS III THE PERMINDEX PAPERS II THE PERMINDEX PAPERS THE BLOOMFIELD ARCHIVES: A TREASURE THAT SHOULD MA... WHY THE BLOOMFIELD ARCHIVES SHOULD BE RELEASED REVELATIONS FROM THE BLOOMFIELD ARCHIVES (4) ========================= De Dallas a Montreal: La filiere montrealaise dans l'assassinat de JFK (French Edition) Paperback Maurice Philipps
  4. The JFK assassination, pt. 6: The TSBD’s electricity Posted: 2011/12/20 | Author: rfmcelroyiii | Filed under: JFK Assassination |4 Comments ===== According to the official version of the assassination of John Kennedy, Lee Oswald shot from the “sniper’s nest” in the southeast corner of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, wiped his fingerprints off the gun and then hid it among stacks of boxes (although he left three shell casings in the “sniper’s nest”), then left the sixth floor by the stairs in the northwest corner down to the second floor. Nobody saw him going down the stairs. He was then encountered by Officer Marion Baker and TSBD Supervisor Roy Truly in the lunch room on the second floor. Baker was the first policeman into the building after the assassination, and Truly went with him to show him around the building. Because the elevator was not working, they took the stairs. In the lunch room, Truly identified Oswald as an employee to Baker, who then went on, leaving Oswald temporarily free from suspicion and allowing him to leave the TSBD. Truly and Baker recount this here. I emphasized that Oswald took the stairs rather than the elevator. We have no way of knowing if he tried to take the elevator or if he purposely wanted to take the stairs (assuming the official version is correct that he was the shooter on the sixth floor). But it’s worth thinking about the elevator for a moment. Four witnesses, two policemen and two employees of the TSBD, said that the elevator was not working. Another employee says that it was not moving, which is different from saying that it was not working but at least does not contradict this idea. Geneva Hine was an employee at the TSBD, and her testimony to the Warren Commission can be found here (quote on page 395). Miss HINE. Yes, sir: I was alone until the lights all went out and the phones became dead because the motorcade was coming near us and no one was calling so I got up and thought I could see it from the east window in our office. Elsewhere in her testimony she says that she was covering the phone for some of the other employees so that they could go outside and see the president, so she’s believable when she says that the phone wasn’t working. She also says “the lights all went out”. All. Nowhere is it given that this is standard procedure when a presidential motorcade drives by. She later said that when she returned to the building there were telephone calls beginning to come in again. Luke Mooney was a deputy sheriff, one of the early responders to the building. He first ran from approximately the intersection of Main and Houston towards the grassy knoll, believing the shots to have come from there, and once he was up at the railyard he was ordered to the TSBD. His testimony to the WC can be found here (quote from page 284). Mr. MOONEY. It was a push button affair the best I can remember. I got hold of the controls and it worked. We started up and got to the second. I was going to let them off and go on up. And when we got there, the power undoubtedly cut off, because we had no more power on the elevator. So I looked around their office there, just a short second or two, and then I went up the staircase myself. This is slightly different. Assuming everybody remembered correctly and told the truth to the WC, the power came back on and then went back off. He doesn’t say anything about the lights, however, which he surely would have noticed. Victoria Adams was another employee at the TSBD. She observed the assassination from the fourth floor with three other women, and then she and one of them went down the stairs. Her testimony can be found here (quote from page 389). Mr. BELIN. Let me ask you this. As you got to the stairs on the fourth floor, did you notice whether or not the elevator was running? Miss ADAMS. The elevator was not moving. Mr. BELIN. How do you know it was not moving on some other floor? Miss ADAMS. Because the cables move when the elevator is moved, and this is evidenced because of a wooden grate. Mr. BELIN. By that you mean a wooden door with slats in it that you have to lift up to get on the elevator? Miss ADAMS. Yes. Mr. BELIN. Did you look to see if the elevator was moving? Miss ADAMS. It was not; no, sir. Mr. BELIN. It was not moving? Miss ADAMS. No. She remarks she did not see anybody while they were going down the stairs. She also says she did not hear anybody on the stairs either. Certainly somebody fleeing a crime scene would make some kind of noise. She makes no mention of any power outage, but notes that the elevator was not moving. This excerpt of the Alyea film shows the elevator in motion at 0:36. This video shows a light on in the entrance to the TSBD at the 2:03 mark. This same light is not on a few minutes prior in the Altgens photo, taken during the assassination. This is consistent with Geneva Hine’s testimony. What does this all add up to? It’s mighty strange that the power wasn’t working when somebody on the sixth floor was busy assassinating the president. This could be a lucky coincidence for the shooter (or team, or however it played out), making it even less likely that somebody would come upstairs in time to witness the act. It becomes more eerie when one learns that the building was owned by D.H. Byrd, an associate of Lyndon Johnson’s, although this by itself is not necessarily significant. If it’s unlikely that Oswald would have had time to shoot, clean, and hide the gun, and run downstairs quickly enough to be calmly drinking (or purchasing) a Coke when Officer Baker found him in the second floor, it’s even less likely that he would have had time to do all that and get away unnoticed by the police when he also had to throw the power off and on. Perhaps the TSBD just had a bad electrical system, although the implication of Hine’s testimony is that this was not a common occurrence. Since it’s clear that there was at least some minimal kind of conspiracy, as I noted in a previous post, I could see this fitting in. Maybe not. I wouldn’t make too big a fuss about it, but it’s strange and worth taking note of. The shooter, whether Oswald or someone else, had a little extra insurance during the act and then afterwards. The odds of that happening without somebody making it happen are pretty slim. =========== http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=7729 =========== http://jfkcountercoup2.blogspot.com/2013/08/timeline-of-certain-pertinent-events.html = 1. Electrical Power Events: Geneva Hine's phone system lights go off, just before12:30. Was this a power outage or just no calls at that time?; Truly and Baker are unable to get an elevator down from the 5th floor less than a minute after the shots. Sandra Styles said she and Vicky Adams tried thepassenger elevator in front, but when it did not work, they went to the backstairs. The West elevator has power when Mooney gets on the 1st floor,then loses power on the 2nd floor, 12:33-12:36. Who cut power to elevator at that precise moment? Select Elevator circuits and possiblyt he phone system circuit were reported off, but I have seen no report of all power to the TSBD being off, which would have happened if the Main Circuit breaker was thrown. The 3 elevators would have been on their own dedicated circuits, as would the phone system. The evidence supports the possibility that selected circuits may have been turned on/off at various times just before and after 12:30. This rules out random fuse failure (or circuit breakers being tripped) and supports the notion of manipulation of the power circuits. Was the Fuse/Breaker box located in the basement of the TSBD? 2. Why is there no exchange of information with Mooney when he is passing the men he believes might be DPD officers on the stairs? They would have been the very first respondents on the scene. If you were Mooney, wouldn't you at least ask them a few questions … like Had they seen a man with a rifle roaming around on an upper floor? And why were they were leaving the scene so soon? 3. There are three general descriptions of unknown men seen on the upper floors, in some cases with rifles, just before and at the time of the shooting: First man: a younger white man who was slender. Second man: another white man who may have been older, heavier, and wearing a tan jacket or coat and possibly glasses. Third man: a dark complected man who may have been Latin/Mexican/Negro. 4. Secret Service men were reported on the back entrance dock and at the front entrance within minutes of the shots, and well before Forrest Sorrels was the first actual SS agent to return to Dealey Plaza/ TSBD. 5. Unidentified men who were thought to be police officers: A. "Some" plain clothes officers seen by Officer Mooney as he ascends the NW stairs from the 2nd floor B. Weatherford searches the 1st floor with an unknown DPD detective 6. Unidentified Civilians: A. Man seen in front elevator by Sawyer B. Two men seen by rear elevator seen by Baker (may be Lovelady and Shelley) 7. Individuals seen leaving the scene: A. Man seen by Worrel B. Man seen by Carr C. Man seen by Craig D. Woman in car arrested by Craig. (edited for spacing and syntax) Posted by Bill Kelly at 12:46 PM ======== For additional information TSBD SEE Spider's Web thread http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=6017&page=1 === SEE THIS post http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=21136&p=286235
  5. DAVID...you might have missed this Bill Kelly posting ,but I recall he posted about a female whistleblower of ONI saying there were 8 feet of ONI Oswald files......makes ya think dont it..????? ..United Fruit was working with ONI in the 1920s....... ######################################################### Confirming PD SCOTT ========================= PD Scott in Dallas Conspiracy quoted Stephen Birmingham that Empire Trust maintained ,"something like a private CIA around the world to protect their investments.."(Our Crowd,Harper and Row ,1967,p.378). However there was no documentation in said Dallas Conspiracy book. John Crichton Army Reserve intelligence officer was part of Empire Trust. Crichton's claim to fame was hiring Ilya Mamantov to mistranslate Marina in an incriminating fashion her husband. I did find a second intelligence officer connected to Empire Trust. At the National American Bank in New Orleans was director Leon Tujague (who gave LHO first job and LHO were he had a problematic Social Security number at the age of 15/half),director Clem A. Shert (Oswald family attorney) and later President of said bank, director Seymour Weiss a Lansky associate and director Ernest Carrere former Navy intelligence officer. Carrere was director of Louisiana Land and Exploration Co. which was owned by Empire Trust. Carrere was also John Mecoms Jr. attorney. John Mecom SR & JR (mob) were friends with DeMohrenschildt. John Mecom Sr was part of the CIA connected San Jacinto Foundation which was one of the first groups to ask JFK to come to Dallas. That Carrere was Naval intelligence and connected to Empire Trust bolsters Birmingham's claim that Empire Trust had its own private CIA. Empire Trust whose leading shareholders were the inter-related familes of Kuhn,Loeb,Lehman and Bronfman. The Kuhn, Loeb-Morgan alliance, maintain close relationships with the House of Rothschild, said Rothschild's controlled the First National Bank Of Houston. GHWB became director of the Houston Bank in 1977. (Carrere set up his own retired intellligence group for Naval Intell Officers very similar to the way DAP had done.) +++++++++++++++ Please note at the bank were the man who gave LHO his first job worked (Tujague) is a ONI officer. PLEASE note Dr. Rose wrote a whole article that LHO's Social Security number that was "odd" at age 15/half and started with Tujague company. ++++++++++++++++ from Ramparts Posted 21 April 2013 - 03:01 AM It is not always easy to obtain information on the foundations which have sustained NSA's international operations. Take the San Jacinto Foundation, for example. In the past, San Jacinto has not only funded important portions of NSA's international program, but it has also given huge sums of money to the program budget of the ISC. In particular, it has been overly generous in supporting The Student, an ISC publication printed in five languages and distributed all over the world as an anti-communist weapon.One other interesting fact about the San Jacinto Foundation is that, like the J. Frederick Brown Foundation, it has contributed to the CIA-suspect American Friends of the Middle East. No one at NSA, or ISC for that matter, appears to have the vaguest notion of what the San Jacinto Foundation is, who is on its board of directors or where its money comes from. San Jacinto has also apparently managed to avoid the reporting procedures required by law of all tax-exempt foundations. No records for it have been entered at the district office of the Internal Revenue Service in Austin, or with the secretary of the State of Texas, or with the county clerk. San Jacinto's mailing address is the offices of F.G. O'Conner in the San Jacinto Building in downtown Houston. Mr. O'Conner is the secretary of the foundation. When asked by Ramparts' peripatetic reporter for some information about the foundation, Mr. O'Conner, a graying, distinguished-looking man in his sixties replied, it is a private, closed foundation, never had any publicity and doesn't want any. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++SEE SPIDERS WEB THREAD (posts # 46,#47,#48,#50) FOR John Crichton Empire Trust information. =========================== SEE THE FOURTH DECADE Volume 6,Number 1 for Dr. Jerry Rose Social Security # NUMBER article. =========================== United Fruit was working with ONI in the 1920s....... SEE UNITED FRUIT ONI CONNECTION The Archaeologist was a Spy: Sylvanus G. Morley and the Office of ... - Google Books Result books.google.com/books?isbn=0826329373 Charles Houston Harris, Louis R. Sadler - ‎2003 - 450 pages Morley reminded Easton that other United Fruit stations had been instructed toaccept ONI messages. Disappointingly, Easton pointed out that the concessions ============================== SEE “The Railroading of Terri Pike” by William Kelly http://politicalassassinations.wordpress.com/2011/11/14/the-railroading-of-terri-pike-by-william-kelly/ AND ALSO SEE http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=18287 ++++++++++++++++ SEE POST # 14 ABOVE BACKGROUND FIRST NATIONAL BANK HOUSTON http://www.whale.to/b/mullins43.html#First_City_National_Bank_of_Houston_ Despite the Hollywood image of redfaced Texas oil millionaires driving new Cadillacs, the Texan oil industry has for years been dominated by the London Rothschilds through the billion dollar First City National Bank of Houston, and its fifty-seven subsidiary Texas banks. Chairman of First City is James Anderson Elkins Jr., who is a director of Hill Samuel Co. of London, one of the seventeen merchant banks chartered by the Bank of England. His father was chairman of First City, and founded the Texas law firm of Vinson and Elkins, the primary law firm of First City Bank. This firm dominated national politics through its most well known partner, John B. Connally, who achieved a reputation as “kingmaker” in Texas politics. He began as administrative assistant to Congressman Lyndon B. Johnson in 1949, then became attorney for the oil millionaire Sid Richardson, and Perry Bass, 1952-61, Secretary of the Navy 1961, Governor of Texas 1963-69; Secretary of the Treasury 1971-72. He was wounded in the Kennedy assassination in Dallas. He is now trustee of the Andrew Mellon Foundation, serves on the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, and the Advisory Committee on Reforming the International Monetary System. He advised Nixon on devaluing the dollar and going off the gold standard in 1971. He is now director of Superior Oil, and Falconbridge Nickel Mines Ltd. James Anderson Elkins is also director of Freeport Minerals, whose directors include some of the leading names in American business. Chmn of Freeport is Benno H. Schmidt, managing director of J.H. Whitney Co. Schmidt, who married into the wealthy Fleischmann family – (New Yorker magazine etc.) graduated from Harvard Law in 1941, became general counsellor of the War Production Baord in Washington 1941-42, and headed the Foreign Liquidation Commission 1945-46, which disposed of billions of dollars worth of property. He is also director of CBS, and Schlumberger, the huge oil field service firm who began business in 1928 when it was awarded its first contract by the Soviet Union – it is said to have important Anglo-Swiss intelligence connections. Other directors of Freeport Minerals are ========= William McChesney Martin Jr., Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board 1951-1970, now director of J.P. Morgan U.S. Steel, Eli Lilly, General Foods, Royal Dutch Shell, IBM, American Express, Riggs National Bank, and Scandinavian Securities (the Wallenberg firm); Donald S. Perkins, of Morgan Guaranty Trust, Time magazine; John B. Madden, partner Brown Bros. Harriman; Godfrey S. Rockefeller; Norborne Berkeley Jr., director Uniroyal, and Anglo-Energy Ltd. ===== Other directors of First City Bancorporation include Anne Armstrong, U.S. Ambassador to Britain 1976-77, co-chmn Reagan-Bush Campaign 1980, director of General Foods, General Motors, trustee Hoover Institution, Guggenheim Foundation, Atlantic Council, Council on Foreign Relations, Halliburton Co.; George R. Brown, director of Halliburton ===== Brown founded the huge contracting firm, Brown & Root, which financed Lyndon B. Johnson’s political campaigns, subsequently receiving billion dollar contracts to construct naval bases and airfields in Vietnam, which are now being used by the Soviet Navy and Air Force. Brown married into the Pratt family, founded Texas Eastern an oil firm, and is director of ITT, TWA, and the Brown Foundation. The Brown-Johnson association began in 1940, when Johnson secured a lucrative contract for Brown & Root to build a large naval base at Corpus Christi, Texas; it was said then that any course chosen by Johnson would be paved by money from Brown & Root. J. Evetts Haley pointed out that Brown & Root prospered on government contracts after Johnson helped them and rapidly became a worldwide operation. In 1940, the Internal Revenue Service found that large contributions given to Johnson by Brown & Root and its subsidiary, Victoria Gravel Co., as much as $100,000 each, were taken by Brown & Root as tax deductions. Haley states, “Brown & Root were in control of Texas politics; that L.B. Johnson was in control of IRS; that records had been burned at IRS to get Brown off the hook in 1954. Johnson and Connally then picked up a government plant for a small sum which became a giant wartime contractor, the Sid Richardson Carbon plant at Odessa, Tex., in which Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson had a one-fourth interest.” In 1955, Johnson suffered a major heart attack on his way to George Brown’s palatial Middleburg Va. estate. As mentioned, Brown is a director of Halliburton, whose primary law firm is also Vinson & Elkins. In 1981, Halliburton had $8.3 billion revenues, 110,398 employees, and daily monitors most U.S. oil wells. In addition to George Brown and Anne Armstrong, directors of Halliburton include Lord Polwarth of Scotland, who is Governor of the Bank of Scotland, director of Canadian Pacific, Sun Life Assurance Ltd. and Brown & Root UK which interlocks with George Wimpey Ltd., the largest construction firm in England, through Brown & Root Wimpey Highland Fabricators. Lord Polwarth, Henry Hepburne-Scott, is a descendant of James Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell, who was married to Mary, Queen of Scots. The first Baron Polwarth (1641-1724) was Sir Patrick Hume, first Earl of Marchmont, and William of Orange’s closest advisor. He accompanied William in 1688 on his voyage to take possession of the throne of England, and became his privy councillor, in which office he advised William to grant the charter of the Bank of England. He became a peer of Scotland 1689, Lord Chancellor of Scotland 1696-1702, and Earl of Marchmont 1697. He passed the Act of Succession on to the House of Hanover, and was reappointed by King George I. John Pickens Harbin, president of Halliburton, is a director of Citicorp. Another director of Halliburton is William E. Simon, Secretary of the Treasury 1973-77. He is a director of Citicorp, Citibank, and United Technologies. As director of Citibank, he interlocks with Lord Aldington of London (Toby Low), who is also director of Ci[ibank and chairman of Sun Life Assurance, the keystone of the Rothschild fortune. Lord Aldington is chairman of Grindlay’s Bank, London, director of General Electric Ltd., Lloyd’s Bank, United Power Ltd., and National Discount Corp. During a national “oil crisis” government officials complained they could not obtain any records from oil companies on production and reserves, yet Halliburton received this information on a daily basis. As director of United Technologies, William Simon again interlocks with Citibank, the only corporation which has four officers on the board of directors of Citibank – Harry Gray, churn of United Technologies, Simon, William I. Spencer, who is president of Citibank, and Darwin Eatna Smith, chmn of Kimberly Clark. ===== Other directors of United Technologies are Robert F. Dee, chmn & CEO of the Smith Kline drug firm; T. Mitchell Ford, general counsel CIA 1952-55, now chmn of the $1.8 billion Emhart Corp., and director of Travelers Insurance; Richard S. Smith, exec. vice-pres. National Steel, was with First National Bank New York 1952-62, and treasurer of M.A. Hanna Co. 1962-63, and director of Hartford Fire Insurance, and Hartford Accident & Indemnity; Charles W. Duncan, Jr., dep. Sec. Defense, 1977-79, Sec. Dept of Energy 1979-81, chmn Coca Cola International, chmn Coca Cola Europe, director Humble Oil Co.; Melvin C. Holm, pres & CEO Carrier Corp., director N.Y. Telephone, Mutual of New York SKF Industries; Antonia Chandler Hayes, wife of Abram Hayes, who was law clerk to Felix Frankfurter, later joined Covington & Burling, Washington 1952-55, wrote the Democratic Natl. Platform 1960, legal adviser Sec. of State 1961-64, director of foreign policy Democratic Natl. Committee 1972; Jacqueline Wexler, pres. Webster College 1965-69, pres. Hunter College since 1969, leader of the feminist movement; and Robert L. Sproull, with the Dept. Defense 1963-65, pres. Univ. of Rochester since 1970, lecturer at NATO, director of Xerox, General Motors, pres. Telluride Assn. ===== Other directors of First City Bancorporation are John Diesel, pres. of Tenneco, which interlocks with the George Bush oil firm, Zapata Oil Corp., whose chmn John Mackin is a director of Tenneco; Randall Meyer, pres. Exxon; M.A. Wright, former chmn Exxon 1966-76, now chmn Cameron Iron Works. ===== Other directors of Halliburton Corp. include James W. Glanville, former ptnr. Lehman Bros. and Lazard Freres, was with Humble Oil 1945-59, Lehman Bros. 1959-78, had been with Lazard Freres since 1978, and is director of International Mining & Chemical Co. Other directors of Lazard Freres include its senior partner, Michel David Neill, head of the Paris house of Lazard Freres; Donald C. Cook, SEC financial examiner 1935-45, director Office of Alien Property Custodian for Dept. of justice, 1946-47, commissioner SEC 1949-53, and is now director of ABC, Amerada Hess, chmn of the board American Electric Power and director of General Dynamics, the defense oriented firm; Felix Rohatyn, horn in Austria, came to U.S. 1942, married Jeannette Streit, daughter of Clarence Streit, head of Union. Now with England; Rohatyn joined Lazard Freres in 1948, is director of Schlumberger, MCA, American Motors, Owens Illinois, Engelhardt Mining & Chemical, Pfizer, ITT, and Rockefeller Bros. Fund; he is chmn Municipal Assistance Corp., which bailed New York City out of its approaching bankruptcy; Frank C. Zarb, asst. to President of the U.S. 1974-77, administrator Federal Energy Administration 1974-77, now director of Philbro Corp., Engelhard Mining & Chemical, and the Energy Fund. ===== The Houston-Cleveland axis interlocks with many political figures, including ===== W.Michael Blumenthal, Secretary of the Treasury 1977-79, who interlocks with the axis through Chemical Bank, Equitable Life and the Rockefeller Foundation; Robert B. Anderson, Secretary of Treasury 1957-61, partner of the law firm of Stroock Stroock & Lavan which administers the Warburg family finances, and interlocks with this group through Equitable Life, ITT and PanAm; G. William Miller, chmn Federal Reserve Board of Governors 1978-79, Secretary of the Treasury 1979-81, interlocks with this group through Textron and First City Bancorporation, was chmn of U.S.-U.S.S.R. Trade & Economic Council, now director of Federated Dept. Stores whose directors include three directors of Chase Manhattan Bank and interlocks with Citibank and Kuhn, Loeb Co. ===== The political power of this Rothschild-controlled axis was demonstrated by the ease with which they financed the campaigns of two governors of supposedly conservative Southern states, John D. Rockefeller IV. in West Virginia, and Charles Robb, son-in-law of Lyndon B. Johnson, in Virginia, heir to the Connally-Brown & Root-First City Bancorp political clout. The May 1976 staff rept. of the House Banking & Currency Committee noted another Rothschild affiliate (p.60), “The Rothschild banks are affiliated with Manufacturers Hanover of London (in which they hold 20% interest, a merchant bank, and Manufacturers Hanover Trust of N.Y.” Manufacturers Hanover recently bought the giant CIT Financial Corp. for $1.6 billion in October, 1983. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ http://biography.yourdictionary.com/george-bush Serving until December 1975, Bush proved again to be a popular and accessible "ambassador" (formal diplomatic relations with the People's Republic had not at this time been established). He left this post to accept appointment in January 1976 as director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Bush served as a caretaker director, acting to restore morale within the agency and to deflect public and congressional criticisms of the agency's past role and authority. Resigning as CIA director in January 1977 following the election of Democratic presidential candidate Jimmy Carter, Bush returned to Houston to accept the chairmanship of the First National Bank of Houston. +++++++++++++++++++ SEE POST # 14 ABOVE ===== =(addendum)= I go along with the information below which is in aggreement with the information provided by Peter Dale Scott in unpublished Dallas Conspiracy book. ===== Then in 1953 John Loeb's daughter, Ann, married Edgar Bronfman, elder son of Samuel Bronfman, the founder and chief executive of Distillers Corporation--Seagrams, Ltd., undoubtedly the richest man in Canada and among the wealthiest in the world. Bronfman money is not formally a part of Loeb, Rhoades capital, but one of the firm's partners has said, "He's a kind of partner who is awfully important." . . . The Bronfman millions, however, have joined Loeb-Lehman and Bache holdings to make up the largest single holding of stock in New York's Empire Trust Company, which has assets of some $300 million.
  6. The CIA in Kuwait: Parallels to a 9/11 Suspect Source: Washington's Blog - Kevin Ryan Kevin Ryan is the co-editor of The Journal of 9/11 Studies. He blogs at DigWithin. As discussed in my book, Another Nineteen, there are good reasons to believe that some 9/11 suspects were involved in previous deep state operations. For example, evidence suggests that Stratesec manager Barry McDaniel and Carlyle Group director Frank Carlucci might have participated in the Iran-Contra crimes. There are also interesting links between several 9/11 suspects and Ted Shackley, a leader of the “CIA within the CIA.” Shackley was close friends with Frank Carlucci and had a long, close relationship with Richard Armitage, whose State department provided express visas to the alleged hijackers. Additionally, Porter Goss, who led the initial cover-up of the 9/11 crimes, had worked with Shackley in several CIA operations. Perhaps the most interesting link between Shackley and 9/11 is that Shackley’s activities in Kuwait paralleled those of Wirt Walker, the KuwAm Corporation director. KuwAm was the parent company of Stratesec, the security company for several 9/11 facilities. As I’ve written before, these companies appeared to be part of a private intelligence network. Shackley had a long career in covert CIA operations and was the agency’s Associate Deputy Director of Operations from 1976 to 1977. Described by former CIA Director Richard Helms as “a quadruple threat – Drugs, Arms, Money and Murder,” Shackley was a central character in many off-the-books operations. He was a leader of the CIA’s anti-Castro plan Operation Mongoose, its secret U.S. war in Laos, and the overthrow of Salvadore Allende in Chile. Although Walker is officially only the son of a CIA man, his past has much in common with that of Shackley. In the 1980s, both men were strongly linked to the Bush family network, to Kuwait, and to aviation. They both ran security companies as well. Walker became close to the Kuwaitis at the same time as its government was working closely with Shackley and another CIA operative. Moreover, the people pulling the strings from the Kuwaiti side in those relationships were close relatives of KuwAm chairman Mish’al Al-Sabah. After leaving the CIA in 1979, Shackley formed his own company, TGS International, which appeared to be focused on obtaining access to places like Kuwait and Iran. TGS functioned as a broker for Boeing 747 aircraft, attempted to sell various goods to Iran, and did construction work in Kuwait. Several of TGS’ shareholders were Iranian exiles, including former SAVAK agent Novzar Razmara. At the same time, Shackley took part in the Reagan campaign operation that resulted in the American hostages in Iran being held until Reagan was inaugurated in 1981. Following this, Shackley and some of his former CIA friends, Thomas Clines and Richard Secord, became involved in the Iran-Contra affair. When Walker’s KuwAm was just getting off the ground, Shackley was beginning to secure contracts with the Kuwaiti government. George H.W. Bush had helped Shackley get started in Kuwait around that time. Bush’s contacts there went back to the days when Kuwait and other oil-rich royals in the region helped fund his Zapata Off-Shore operation. In his book Blond Ghost, David Corn wrote that, “Shackley viewed Kuwait as a tremendous source of profits.” Those profits appeared to be tied to the Kuwaiti royal family’s interests. In 1982, the year that KuwAm was incorporated in Washington, the Kuwaiti government specifically requested that the U.S. Navy award Shackley’s firm a $1.2 million contract to rehabilitate a warehouse for the Kuwaiti Air Force, although Shackley and his company had little or no experience in that kind of work. Toward the end of 1983, Shackley’s company signed a $6.3 million deal with the U.S. Navy to perform construction at the Ali Al-Salem Air Base, forty miles outside of Kuwait City. TGS was also involved in suspicious dealings on the other side of the world. In October 1984, when Congress had cut off funding to the Contras, Jeb Bush, brother of Stratesec director Marvin Bush, put the Guatemalan politician Dr. Mario Castejon in touch with Oliver North. This led Castejon to propose that the U.S. State Department supply miscellaneous, ostensibly non-military, assistance to the Contras. The proposal was passed to the CIA through TGS International. Shackley continued working in Kuwait by way of another of his ventures called Research Associates International (RAI), which specialized in “risk analysis” by providing intelligence to business interests. Shackley also testified that RAI was a security company. “We design security systems,” he said, confirming yet another similarity between his business activities and those of Walker. RAI’s primary customer was Trans-World Oil, run by a Dutch citizen named John Deuss. The work involved smuggling oil into South Africa in violation of an embargo. Another CIA operative was working with the Kuwaiti royals at the same time as Walker and Shackley. In the case of Robert M. Sensi, CIA connections to the Kuwaiti royal family were confirmed. While working for the Washington office of Kuwait Airways, which was owned by the Kuwaiti government, Sensi operated covertly as a CIA asset. He organized the 1980 flights for William Casey to Europe for meetings on the deal to hold the hostages. In the mid-1980s, he helped set up CIA fronts in Iran along with Iranian exile Habib Moallem. Sensi’s work for the Kuwaitis and the CIA came to light in a late 1980s series of articles in theWashington Post that covered legal proceedings in which Sensi had been accused of embezzling funds from Kuwait Airways. During the proceedings, the CIA admitted that Sensi had worked for the agency for years and Sensi’s supervisor at the company, Inder Sehti, admitted that Sensi had been allowed by the Kuwaiti government to use a slush fund for CIA purposes. Apparently, those purposes included managing the U.S. visits of Kuwaiti royal family members. Presumably, this would have included the travel arrangements for young Mish’al Al-Sabah when he came to live with Walker’s family. Sensi claimed that he was nominally working for Kuwait Airways and the Kuwaiti royal family was funding his activities. He also claimed to be acting under the direction of the Kuwait ambassador to the United States. When Sensi signed on to the job, in 1977, the Kuwait ambassador to the U.S. was Khalid Muhammad Jaffar. In January 1981, while Sensi was still using the Kuwaiti funds for CIA work, Jaffar was succeeded by the father of Nayirah, the girl who later lied as part of the propaganda that started the Gulf War. Nayirah was a first cousin of KuwAm’s Mish’al Al- Sabah. Sensi also clarified that, as a CIA asset, he was “being run directly by CIA director William Casey, in close concert with Vice President Bush.” This is an interesting connection between Walker and Sensi, in that Walker worked with Casey at Glore Forgan a decade earlier and with Bush’s son at Stratesec. Of course, Walker and his family had connections to the deep state going back generations. The Kuwaiti royal who approved the use of this CIA slush fund for Sensi was Jabir Adbhi Al-Sabah, the vice chairman of Kuwaiti Airways and Kuwait’s chief of civil aviation. Like Nayirah, Jabir Adbhi Al- Sabah was closely related to KuwAm’s Mish’al Al-Sabah, as a first cousin once removed. What’s more, Jabir’s colleague, the chairman of Kuwaiti Airways, was none other than Faisal al-Fulaij, the Kuwaiti nominee for the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI). Al-Fulaij was deeply involved in the operations of BCCI and its U.S. subsidiaries. In 2005, a different Mish’al Al-Sabah, who was another first cousin of KuwAm’s Mish’al, provided yet more evidence that Kuwait had al Qaeda ties. This Al-Sabah was brought to trial in Kuwait for certain inflammatory claims he had made. Mish’al Al-Jarrah Al-Sabah, Kuwait’s Assistant Undersecretary for State Security Affairs at the time of the 9/11 attacks, made these claims in an interview on a U.S.-funded Kuwaiti television program called Al Hurra. Al-Sabah was charged with claiming that “that there is an old base for the al-Qaeda organization in Kuwait.” He also accused two Kuwaiti government MPs “of belonging to al-Qaeda.” During a five and a half hour closed-door inquisition, he recanted the claims. Despite this retraction, other evidence exists that links KuwAm and al Qaeda. KuwAm’s Aviation General was the parent of two wholly-owned subsidiaries: Commander Aircraft Company, which manufactured Commander-brand aircraft, and Strategic Jet Services, which provided aircraft brokerage and refurbishment services. Aviation General, Commander Aircraft, and Strategic Jet Services were all located in Hangar 8 of Wiley Post Airport in Bethany, OK, near Oklahoma City. In another apparent coincidence, CIA asset Robert Sensi had listed an Oklahoma City address as his residence for a period of time. The address that Sensi gave was for the Oklahoma City Halfway House, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center located 11 miles from Wiley Post Airport. FBI summary documents prepared for the 9/11 investigations state that Mohamed Atta was spotted at Wiley Post Airport within six months of the 9/11 attacks. Atta was witnessed flying at Wiley Post along with two other alleged 9/11 hijackers, Marwan Al-Shehhi and Waleed Al-Shehri. Other FBI summary documents indicate that Saeed Al-Ghamdi was also seen flying in to Wiley Post Airport on an unspecified date and that Hani Hanjour had made inquiries to a flight school there. Therefore it is a remarkable fact that Wirt Walker and his companies were located at this same airport. But the surprises don’t stop there. Wiley Post has approximately 24 hangars and Hangar 8 is set off away from the rest. Although Aviation General and its subsidiaries all went bankrupt or were sold off in the few years after 9/11, Hangar 8 still houses three businesses. At first glance, the most interesting of these new Hangar 8 companies is the flight school called Oklahoma Aviation. This is due to an incredible coincidence regarding the young man who heads the company, Shohaib Nazir Kassam. In March 2006, Kassam was a government witness against Zacarias Moussaoui. He was, in fact, Moussaoui’s flight instructor. Kassam moved to Oklahoma in 1998, at the age of 18, coming from Mombassa, Kenya. He was originally from Pakistan. Two years after he arrived in Oklahoma, he completed his training to become a flight instructor. He was only 21 years of age when he spent 57 hours training Zacarias Moussaoui to fly. To emphasize, the man who now occupies Wirt Walker’s offices in Hangar 8 at Wiley Post Airport not only knew Zacarias Moussaoui, he was Moussaoui’s primary flight instructor. These interesting links to 9/11 suggest that the lease for the Hangar 8 offices might be held by a deep state entity. It certainly seems that there is more to the story of KuwAm’s aviation companies, and those related to Hangar 8. If nothing else, an investigation must consider that it is not simply a coincidence that Moussaoui’s primary trainer is now occupying the offices of Walker’s former businesses at Wiley Post Airport. And although KuwAm companies operated out of Wiley Post, they were all officially headquartered at the famous Watergate Hotel in Washington DC, in office space leased by the Saudi and Kuwaiti governments. Another of KuwAm’s companies that held its meetings at The Watergate, Stratesec, provided security services for several facilities that were central to the crimes of 9/11. In the years leading up to 9/11, the company had security contracts at Dulles Airport, where Flight 77 took off that day, and with United Airlines, which owned two of the other three hijacked planes. Stratesec had also run security for Los Alamos National Laboratories, where, at the time, scientists were developing nanothermite materials of the type that have been found in the WTC dust. At the World Trade Center, Stratesec was responsible for the electronic security system for the complex in the period leading up to, and including, the day of 9/11. Any investigation into 9/11 should consider the parallel activities of Wirt Walker and “private CIA” leader Ted Shackley. These men were strongly linked to the Bush family network and to Kuwait. Although Walker is certainly a suspect in 9/11 insider trading, his known connections to the CIA are currently only familial. However, if Walker was operating in the same private network as Shackley before 9/11, it would give reason to believe that, like Shackley’s cohorts Armitage, Carlucci, and Goss, the security company Stratesec and its leaders should be a primary focus of a new 9/11 investigation.
  7. Has the Working Class Really Accepted Austerity? http://rinf.com/alt-news/latest-news/working-class-really-accepted-austerity/ ========================================================= Suren Moodliar RINF Alternative News David Graeber answers the provocative title question affirmatively in a recent Guardian op-ed, “Caring too much. That’s the curse of the working classes” (3/26/2014). The result of this excessive caring is “that the basic logic of austerity has been accepted by almost everyone.” So while others may consider solidarity to be a virtue, Graeber believes that it is “the rope from which [the working] class is currently suspended.” This marks something of a shift from his position on caring articulated in his magisterial historical survey, Debt: the First 5,000 Years, where he observes that the “non-industrious poor spent [time] with friends and family, enjoying and caring for those they love, [thereby] probably improving the world more than we acknowledge.” Where “caring” prefigures the new society in Debt, it seems to anchor us to an austere present in the Guardian op-ed. If Debt was about the strange alchemy transmuting love into debt, this op-ed is about how caring becomes austerity – a Gordian knot if ever there was one! Fortunately, his austerity claims fail on several levels; the op-ed’s premise, that the working class accepts austerity is a shaky, largely false one. Further, even if we accept that the working class cares, it does not mean that caring predisposes one to austerity. Does the working class accept austerity? It is easy to make this a fuzzy kind of question, after all, what is “acceptance” and how do you measure it? Nonetheless, pretty uncontroversial polling data show that working people are concerned about budget deficits. But the same polling routinely shows that they support policies that run contrary to the logic of austerity; today about 73% of the US public support raising the minimum wage. Interestingly, this has been pretty consistent over the decades. Back in 1995, Bill Clinton had 79% support for hiking the minimum wage and for defending “entitlements”. Even where the public accepts the need for budget cuts, they are increasingly focused on reducing the spending that supports the powerful (rejecting tax cuts for the rich, weapons spending, etc.). Evidence for similar sentiments can be marshalled from around the world. The French, for example, originally elected François Hollande based on his anti-austerity platform. On its abandonment, the same voters either stayed home or turned to the right. To be sure there are a number of well-worn critiques of polling straight out of freshman sociology textbooks. However the consistency of these kinds of results—across different political contexts, countries and generations—and election outcomes are hard to refute. The opinions surfaced exist in spite of overwhelming media coverage and propaganda designed to produce just the opposite results. This speaks to the resilience of working class solidarity and more to a rejection of austerity – even after decades of withering assaults. Maybe Graeber has higher expectations for what constitutes rejection. He echoes the question of the wealthy: “What I can’t understand is, why people aren’t rioting in the streets?” If this is the question, the reply is fairly straightforward: “Do not for one moment mistake the current absence of riots for acceptance of your order.” The absence of open revolt is not the same as acceptance. Maybe working people are demanding something more from their organic intellectuals, anarchist agitators, union bureaucrats and wannabe vanguards in order that they may yet act upon their rejection of austerity. Certainly, the Graeber of Debt seems to think that effort needs to be made to imagine alternatives, “We cling to what exists because we can no longer imagine an alternative that wouldn’t be even worse.” (Debt, page 382) Caring Work = Caring Class? Let’s think about Graeber’s claim that working people are more caring because the majority of them do caring work. “Human beings are projects of mutual creation,” Graeber writes, “Most of the work we do is on each other.” As a result, workers “care more about their friends, families and communities. In aggregate, at least, they’re just fundamentally nicer.” Okay, it’s a bit condescending. But is it true that because we work with/on other people, we are more caring? This is a seductive hypothesis. However, it seems to ignore the actual work process and how people encounter one another in their highly constrained capitalist work places. At a micro-sociological level, it is not clear that the interaction between a service worker and their client is a human-to-human interaction – instead it involves two highly alienated forms interacting – e.g. a fast-food worker processing a long line of lunch time orders. Here the customer appears before the worker for a few seconds to confirm an order and make payment – even this may be automated so as to radically reduce any human, “mutually creating” interaction between the two. Over the decades, a great deal of sociological work suggesting that working with/on people may be just as alienating as working on objects – calling into question Graeber’s hypothesis about caring work. Arlie Hochschild (The Managed Heart: The Commercialisation of Human Feeling [2012, 1983]) drew on C. Wright Mills’ insight from White Collar, that salespeople sell their personalities. Hochschild took this insight further to examine the “the active emotional labor involved in the selling.” Her findings include the observation that emotional labor involves hiding and suppressing “inappropriate” emotions. As a result, Hochschild came to recognize that, “Beneath the difference between physical and emotional labor there lies a similarity in the possible cost of doing the work: the worker can become estranged or alienated from an aspect of self-either the body or the margins of the soul-that is used to do the work.” In this sense, it is hard to see why the labor should make us more caring. Indeed the opposite may be true as the emotional worker experiences dissonance between the work demands and their own reactions or underlying feelings. By the end of her book, we realize that emotional labor has its costs, including “numbness,” decreased empathy and its own sense of grievance. Intervening research has revealed that the work is complex and its operation across different work situations and managerial regimes suggests many different kinds of outcomes. Just as hard physical work may build muscles, it may also be debilitating. So too may be the case for emotional labor. A recent doctoral thesis suggests that emotional labor may provide its own rewards in some circumstances. In another work, Emotional Labor: Putting the Service in Public Service, authors Mary E. Guy, Meredith A. Newman, Sharon H. Mastracci, quote one worker, “On a lot of days there are sometimes when you when you feel like you might want to explode… but then what comes to mind is that I am a professional…” Does this emotional restraint lead to acceptance austerity? Perhaps, but Graeber’s assertion does not find ready support in the literature. Of course, Hochschild (in another essay) also deepened our understanding about emotional labor and also about the gender and transnational dimensions to this labor process: “Just as the market value of primary produce keeps the Third World low in the community of nations, so the low market value of care keeps the status of women who do it—and ultimately, all women—low.” She went onto analyze the importation of “pre-capitalist” love (from the Global South) into post-modern caring situations in the United States. All of this suggests the complex character of emotional labor… and also provides for other questions to be asked: for example, immigrant and people-of-color workers in the caring and hospitality industries, including home care workers, have been among the most militant of workers and swelled the ranks of the service workers’ unions in the United States (see for example, the actions by home care workers). Similarly, nurses and teachers whose work, above all else, is emotional labor, have been particularly prominent in labor challenges to austerity and cutbacks across the United States. So much for caring work generating acceptance of austerity! Graeber teases out further inferences from his caring hypothesis. In the modest space offered by the op-ed medium, he suggests that we can understand nationalism and anti-immigrant politics (“manufactured abstractions”) as a redirection of this caring impulse. These too can be subject to sociological interrogation and the results will be ambiguous at best. For example, as David Roediger long ago observed in Wages of Whiteness, hegemonic political identities, German-Americaness in his case, are defined less by positive caring for an imagined German heritage and more by anti-black sentiments. Rather than caring, these identities seem to express aggression! Although we have shown (1) that evidence for workers’ support for austerity is hardly unambiguous and (2) that emotional labor does not necessarily lead to greater caring, there is a more fundamental problem with the inferences Graeber draws from emotional labor. As a serious thinker, he recognizes this. If, as Graeber says, caring work has always existed, why didn’t it produce the same hypothesized demobilizing results in the past? At the end of the essay, Graeber gives us the answer by introducing another argument. Here he concedes that “we are seeing the effects of a relentless war against the very idea of working-class politics or working-class community…” This is too true. But then this observation is quite a different one from his thesis that we care too much; its subject matter is found in political institutions while the caring work thesis emerges from a potted industrial psychology. The lesson? Let’s get beyond attributing political outcomes (consent to austerity) to alleged psychological predispositions (caring) and start the hard work of experimenting with and developing organizational forms equal to the tasks of the day. Suren Moodliar serves as Director of Global Policy Programs on the Democracy Branch of the Green Shadow Cabinet. He is also a coordinator of encuentro5 and Mass. Global Action.
  8. A lone-nutter's nightmare? Gee, isnt CIA reports what the lone-nutter's chooses to believe ????? ####################### Leaked Report: CIA Lied, Lied, Lied to Conceal ‘Brutal’ Torturehttp://rinf.com/alt-news/latest-news/leaked-report-cia-lied-lied-lied-conceal-brutal-torture/
  9. I guess I was "smitten" with this document. Vince Palamara ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Vince Im "smitten" with the ONI issue. 1700 Hibernia Bank Building was the location of some United Fruit Company offices.(GAAL) ====================================================================== Thomas H. Purvis Posted 14 March 2006 - 08:54 PM .....Mrs. OSWALD: "But I had 1 year of high school education is all that I had, sir. I then went to work at age 17, not quite 17, for one of the biggest corporation lawyers in New Orleans, La. The name then was DuFour, Rosen, Wolff, and Kammer." "And I think that is the only two jobs-no, Lee worked after school for Dolly Shoe Co. I was working there, in charge of the hosiery department, and Lee worked on Friday afternoon and Saturday as a shoe salesman." Name: DOLLY SHOE CO., INC. Type Entity: Business Corporation Status: Not Active (Action by Secretary of State) 2006 Annual Report/Reinstatement form is required in order to reinstate Print Annual Report/Reinstatement Form For Filing Mailing Address: ', NEW ORLEANS, LA 70150 Domicile Address: ', NEW ORLEANS, LA 70150 Incorporated: 01/24/1955 Registered Agent (Appointed 1/24/1955): CHARLES ROSEN II, 1801 HIBERNIA BK BD., NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 Registered Agent (Appointed 1/24/1955): FELIX H. LAPEYRE, 1801 HIBERNIA BK BD., NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.jfk-onlin...jpsgatguat.html That is how the FBI version of the meeting ends. According to a CIA document dated June 26, 1953, the following also occurred: - After leaving the FBI offices, BARRIOS and GATLIN met with a Mr. DUNBAR, who occasionally represents the United Fruit Co. in New Orleans. They asked for one million dollars from the United Fruit Co., in support of BARRIOS' intended revolutionary movement in Guatemala, but they were unsuccessful in obtaining any commitment. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type(s) Registered: SERVICE MARK Registered Name: PHELPS, DUNBAR, MARKS, CLAVERIE & SIMS Applicant: PHELPS DUNBAR, 365 CANAL STREET, STE 2000, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130-0000 Current Status: ACTIVE Type of Business: GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES Classes: 42 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 First Used: 10/01/1955 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: FOR AMERICA Type Entity: Non-Profit Corporation or Co-op (Non-Louisiana) Status: Not Active (Action by Secretary of State) 2005 Annual Report/Reinstatement form is required in order to reinstate Print Annual Report/Reinstatement Form For Filing Mailing Address: 208 S LASALLE ST, CHICAGO, IL 60604 Domicile Address: 208 S LASALLE ST, CHICAGO, IL 60604 Principal Office: 208 S LASALLE ST, CHICAGO, IL 60604 Principal Bus. Est. in Louisiana: Qualified: 07/14/1954 Registered Agent (Appointed 7/14/1954): CHARLES E. DUNBAR, JR., 321 ST. CHARLES, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130 Registered Agent (Appointed 7/14/1954): SUMTER D. MARKS, JR., 321 ST CHARLES, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130 Registered Agent (Appointed 7/14/1954): LOUIS B. CLAVERIE, 321 ST. CHARLES, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130 ++++++++++++++++ END POST GAAL So as I understand it Marguerite Oswald's uncle (CLAVERIE) worked at a United Fruit Law firm. At the same building were United Fruit had offices was the law firm ,DuFour, Rosen, Wolff, and Kammer, were Marguerite obtained a job. The law firm were also agents for Dolly Shoe Company were Marguerite and son worked. Thus its seems Marguerite uncle knew of a job opening at law offices he ran into. Since Marguerite did not seem to have strong motherly instincts (placing children in Bethlehem Orphans Home) ,it seems that she may have handed over her children to possible ONI control. (SEE POST #4 above)
  10. More Americans Go Hungry Than All But 2 European Nations Source: Zero HedgeSince 2007, when the financial crisis touched down across the world, the proportion of people going hungry in Europe has soared, according to the OECD. As Bloomberg’s Niraj Shah notes, the number has doubled in Greece alone from 8.9% in 2007 to almost 18% currently unable to afford food. Across the European Union, the proportion of people going hungry ranges from 4.6% in Germany to over 30% in (ironically) Hungary. However, before one gloats at the weakness in Europe and the cleanest dirty shirt the US pretends to be, at 21.1% of Americans unable to afford food, only Hungary and Estonia are in worst shape… USA USA USA… Source: @economistniraj via Bloomberg Briefs
  11. 10 April 2014, 18:08 Crisis in Ukraine: anti-Maidan protesters in Kharkov detain US mercenary http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2014_04_10/Crisis-in-Ukraine-anti-Maidan-protesters-in-Kharkov-detain-US-mercenary-3490/ Read more: http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2014_04_10/Crisis-in-Ukraine-anti-Maidan-protesters-in-Kharkov-detain-US-mercenary-3490/ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Replacing Russian Gas Deliveries with US Shale Gas? Washington Lies to the EU ============ The White House and State Department have engaged in brazen lying to EU governments regarding the ability of the US to supply more than enough natural gas to replace Russian gas deliveries. Recent statements by US President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry are so patently false that it betrays an incredible desperation in Washington over the situation in Ukraine versus Moscow. Or it suggests that Washington is so out of touch with any factual reality she simply doesn’t care what she says. Either way, it suggests an unreliable diplomatic partner for the EU. After his recent meeting with EU leaders Obama issued the incredible statement that the secret Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) that is being secretly negotiated behind closed doors by the major private multinational companies would make it easier for the United States to export gas to Europe and help it reduce its dependency on Russian energy: “Once we have a trade agreement in place, export licenses for projects for liquefied natural gas destined to Europe would be much easier, something that is obviously relevant in today’s geopolitical environment,” Obama stated. That bit of political opportunism to try to push the stalled TTIP talks by playing on EU fears of Russian gas loss after the US-orchestrated Ukraine coup of February 22, ignores the fact that the problem in getting US shale gas to the EU does not lie in easier LNG licensing procedures in the USA and EU. In other recent statements, referring to the recent boom in unconventional US shale gas, Obama and Kerry have both stated the US could more than replace all Russian gas to the EU, an outright lie based on physical realities. At his Brussels meeting Obama told EU leaders they should import shale gas from the US to replace Russian. There is a huge problem with that. Shale revolution a failure Number one, the “shale gas revolution” in the USA has failed. The dramatic rise in US natural gas production from “fracking” or forcing gas out of shale rock formations is being abandoned by the largest energy companies like Shell and BP as uneconomical. Shell has just announced a huge reduction of its exposure to US shale gas development. Shell is selling its leases on some 700,000 acres of shale gas lands in the major shale gas areas of Texas, Pennsylvania, Colorado and Kansas and says it may have to get rid of more to stop its shale gas losses. Shell’s CEO,Ben van Beurden stated, “Financial performance there is frankly not acceptable … some of our exploration bets have simply not worked out.” A useful summary of the shale gas illusion comes from a recent analysis of the actual results of several years of shale gas extraction in the USA by veteran energy analyst David Hughes. He notes, “Shale gas production has grown explosively to account for nearly 40 percent of US natural gas production. Nevertheless, production has been on a plateau since December 2011; eighty percent of shale gas production comes from five plays, several of which are in decline. The very high decline rates of shale gas wells require continuous inputs of capital—estimated at $42 billion per year to drill more than 7,000 wells—in order to maintain production. In comparison, the value of shale gas produced in 2012 was just $32.5 billion.” So Obama is either being lied to by his advisers on the true state of US shale gas supplies, or he is willfully lying. The former is most likely. The second problem with the US “offer” of gas to the EU to replace Russian gas is the fact that it requires massive, costly infrastructure in the form of construction of new Liquified Natural Gas terminals that can handle the huge LNG supertankers to bring it to similar huge LNG terminal harbors in the EU. The problem is that owing to various US laws on export of domestic energy and supply factors, there exist no operating LNG liquefaction terminals in the US. The only one now under construction is the Sabine Pass LNG receiving terminal in Cameron Parish, Louisiana, owned by Cheniere Energy, where John Deutch, former CIA head, sits on the board. The problem with the Sabine Pass LNG terminal is that most of the gas has been pre-contracted to Korean, Indian and other Asian LNG customers, not to the EU. The second problem is that even were a huge port capacity installed to satisfy EU gas needs to replace Russian supplies, that would push domestic natural-gas prices higher and cut short the mini-manufacturing boom fueled by abundant, cheap shale gas. The ultimate cost to EU consumers of US LNG would have to be far more than current Russian gas pipelined over Nord Stream or Ukraine. The next problem is that the specialized LNG supertankers do not exist to supply the EU market. All this takes years, including environmental approvals, construction time, perhaps seven years on average in best conditions. The EU gets some 30% of its gas, the fastest-growing energy source there, from Russia today. In 2007, Russia’s Gazprom supplied 14 percent for France, 27 percent for Italy, 36 percent for Germany, with Finland and the Baltic states receiving as much as 100 percent of gas imports from Russia. The EU has no realistic alternative to Russian gas. Germany, the largest economy, has foolishly decided to phase out nuclear power and its “alternative energy”—wind power and solar–is an economic and political disaster with consumer electricity costs exploding even though alternatives are a tiny share of the total market. In short, the chimera of shutting Russian gas and turning on US gas instead is economic, energy and political nonsense. F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics , exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”
  12. DAVID...you might have missed this Bill Kelly posting ,but I recall he posted about a female whistleblower of ONI saying there were 8 feet of ONI Oswald files......makes ya think dont it..????? ..United Fruit was working with ONI in the 1920s....... ######################################################### Confirming PD SCOTT ========================= PD Scott in Dallas Conspiracy quoted Stephen Birmingham that Empire Trust maintained ,"something like a private CIA around the world to protect their investments.."(Our Crowd,Harper and Row ,1967,p.378). However there was no documentation in said Dallas Conspiracy book. John Crichton Army Reserve intelligence officer was part of Empire Trust. Crichton's claim to fame was hiring Ilya Mamantov to mistranslate Marina in an incriminating fashion her husband. I did find a second intelligence officer connected to Empire Trust. At the National American Bank in New Orleans was director Leon Tujague (who gave LHO first job and LHO were he had a problematic Social Security number at the age of 15/half),director Clem A. Shert (Oswald family attorney) and later President of said bank, director Seymour Weiss a Lansky associate and director Ernest Carrere former Navy intelligence officer. Carrere was director of Louisiana Land and Exploration Co. which was owned by Empire Trust. Carrere was also John Mecoms Jr. attorney. John Mecom SR & JR (mob) were friends with DeMohrenschildt. John Mecom Sr was part of the CIA connected San Jacinto Foundation which was one of the first groups to ask JFK to come to Dallas. That Carrere was Naval intelligence and connected to Empire Trust bolsters Birmingham's claim that Empire Trust had its own private CIA. Empire Trust whose leading shareholders were the inter-related familes of Kuhn,Loeb,Lehman and Bronfman. The Kuhn, Loeb-Morgan alliance, maintain close relationships with the House of Rothschild, said Rothschild's controlled the First National Bank Of Houston. GHWB became director of the Houston Bank in 1977. (Carrere set up his own retired intellligence group for Naval Intell Officers very similar to the way DAP had done.) +++++++++++++++ Please note at the bank were the man who gave LHO his first job worked (Tujague) is a ONI officer. PLEASE note Dr. Rose wrote a whole article that LHO's Social Security number that was "odd" at age 15/half and started with Tujague company. ++++++++++++++++ from Ramparts Posted 21 April 2013 - 03:01 AM It is not always easy to obtain information on the foundations which have sustained NSA's international operations. Take the San Jacinto Foundation, for example. In the past, San Jacinto has not only funded important portions of NSA's international program, but it has also given huge sums of money to the program budget of the ISC. In particular, it has been overly generous in supporting The Student, an ISC publication printed in five languages and distributed all over the world as an anti-communist weapon.One other interesting fact about the San Jacinto Foundation is that, like the J. Frederick Brown Foundation, it has contributed to the CIA-suspect American Friends of the Middle East. No one at NSA, or ISC for that matter, appears to have the vaguest notion of what the San Jacinto Foundation is, who is on its board of directors or where its money comes from. San Jacinto has also apparently managed to avoid the reporting procedures required by law of all tax-exempt foundations. No records for it have been entered at the district office of the Internal Revenue Service in Austin, or with the secretary of the State of Texas, or with the county clerk. San Jacinto's mailing address is the offices of F.G. O'Conner in the San Jacinto Building in downtown Houston. Mr. O'Conner is the secretary of the foundation. When asked by Ramparts' peripatetic reporter for some information about the foundation, Mr. O'Conner, a graying, distinguished-looking man in his sixties replied, it is a private, closed foundation, never had any publicity and doesn't want any. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++SEE SPIDERS WEB THREAD (posts # 46,#47,#48,#50) FOR John Crichton Empire Trust information. =========================== SEE THE FOURTH DECADE Volume 6,Number 1 for Dr. Jerry Rose Social Security # NUMBER article. =========================== United Fruit was working with ONI in the 1920s....... SEE UNITED FRUIT ONI CONNECTION The Archaeologist was a Spy: Sylvanus G. Morley and the Office of ... - Google Books Result books.google.com/books?isbn=0826329373 Charles Houston Harris, Louis R. Sadler - ‎2003 - 450 pages Morley reminded Easton that other United Fruit stations had been instructed toaccept ONI messages. Disappointingly, Easton pointed out that the concessions ============================== SEE “The Railroading of Terri Pike” by William Kelly http://politicalassassinations.wordpress.com/2011/11/14/the-railroading-of-terri-pike-by-william-kelly/ AND ALSO SEE http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=18287 ++++++++++++++++ SEE POST # 14 BELOW
  13. Americans live in matrix of total lies Sun Apr 6, 2014 10:23AM GMT Paul Craig Roberts The March payroll jobs report released April 4 claims 192,000 new private sector jobs. Here is what John Williams has to say about the claim: “The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) deliberately publishes its seasonally-adjusted historical payroll-employment and household-survey (unemployment) data so that the numbers are neither consistent nor comparable with current headline reporting. The upside revisions to the January and February monthly jobs gains, and the relatively strong March payroll showing, reflected nothing more than concealed, favorable shifts in underlying seasonal factors, hidden by the lack of consistent BLS reporting. In like manner, consistent month-to-month changes in the unemployment rate or labor force simply are not knowable, because the BLS cloaks the consistent and comparable numbers.” Here is what Dave Kranzler has to say: “the employment report is probably the most deceptively fraudulent report produced by the Government.” As I have pointed out for a decade, the “New Economy” jobs that we were promised in exchange for our manufacturing jobs and tradable professional service jobs that were offshored have never shown up. The transnational corporations and their hired shills among economists lied to us. Not even a jobs report as deceptive and fraudulent as the BLS payroll jobs report can hide the fact that Congress, the White House, and the American people have sat sucking their thumbs while corporations maximized profits for the one percent at the expense of everyone else in the United States. Let’s look at where the alleged jobs are. The BLS jobs report says that 28,400 jobs were created in March in wholesale and retail sales. March is the month that Macy’s, Sears, JC Penny, Staples, Radio Shack, Office Depot, and other retailers announced combined closings of several thousand stores, but more retail clerks were hired. The BLS payroll jobs report claims 57,000 jobs in “professional and business services.” Are these jobs for lawyers, accountants, architects, engineers, and managers? No. The combined new jobs for these middle class professional skills totaled 10,400. Employment services accounted for 42,000 of the jobs in “professional and business services” of which temporary help accounted for 28,500.“Education and health services” accounted for 34,000 jobs or which ambulatory and home health care services accounted for 28,000 of the jobs. The other old standby, waitresses and bartenders, accounted for 30,400 jobs. The number of Americans dependent on food stamps who cannot afford to go out to eat or to purchase a six-pack of beer has almost doubled, but the demand for restaurant meals and bar drinks keeps rising. There you have it. This is America’s “New Economy.” It the jobs exist at all, they consist of lowly paid, largely part-time employment that fails to produce enough income to prevent the food stamp rolls from doubling. Without growth in consumer income, there is no growth in aggregate consumer demand. Offshoring jobs also offshores the income associated with the jobs, resulting in the decline in the domestic consumer market. The US transnational corporations, pursuing profits in the short-run, are destroying their long-run consumer base. The transnational corporations are also destroying the outlook for US universities, as it makes no sense to incur large student loan debt when job prospects are poor. The corporations are also destroying US leadership in innovation as US corporations increasingly become marketeers of foreign-made goods and services. As I predicted in 2004, the US will have a third world work force in 20 years. The unemployment figures are as deceptive as the employment figures. The headline unemployment rate of 6.7% does not include discouraged workers. When discouraged workers are included among the unemployed, the US rate of unemployment is 3.4 times higher than the announced rate. How many times has John Williams written his report? How many times have I written this article? Yet the government continues to issue false reports, and the presstitute financial media continues to ask no questions.The US, once a land of opportunity, has been transformed into an aristocratic economy in which income and wealth are concentrated at the very top. The highly skewed concentration at the top is the result of jobs offshoring, which transformed Americans’ salaries and wages into bonuses for executives and capital gains for owners, and financial deregulation, which produced financial collapse and the Federal Reserve’s bailout of “banks too big to fail.” The trillions of dollars of new money created by the Federal Reserve has produced massive inflation of stock prices, making owners even richer. Sooner or later the dollar’s value will suffer as a result of the massive creation of new dollars. When that occurs, the import-dependent American population will suffer a traumatic drop in living standards. The main cost of the bank bailout has yet to hit. As I write I cannot think of one thing in the entire areas of foreign and domestic policy that the US government has told the truth about in the 21st century. Just as Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction, Iran has no nukes, Assad did not use chemical weapons, and Putin did not invade and annex Crimea, the jobs numbers are fraudulent, the unemployment rate is deceptive, the inflation measures are understated, and the GDP growth rate is overstated. Americans live in a matrix of total lies. What can Americans do? Elections are pointless. Presidents, Senators, and US Representatives represent the interest groups that provide their campaign funds, not the voters. In two decisions, the Republican Supreme Court has made it legal for corporations to purchase the government. Those who own the government will decide what it does, not those who vote. All Americans can do is to accept the serfdom imposed on them or take to the streets and stay in the streets despite being clubbed, tasered, arrested, and shot by the police, who protect the power structure, not the public. In America, nothing is done for the public. But everything is done to the public.
  14. Russia Warns Ukraine against Missile Technologies Proliferation 2014-04-08 02:37:32 Xinhua Web Editor: Wang http://english.cri.cn/6966/2014/04/08/2361s820966.htm Russia on Monday drew Kiev's attention over media reports that a Ukrainian military-space enterprise had allegedly been negotiating with third countries on missile technology sale. Referring to the Yuzhmash plant based in the city of Dnepropetrovsk in eastern Ukraine, the Russian Foreign Ministry reminded that Ukraine is a participant of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) and a signatory of The Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation (HCoC). Moscow said Kiev has been bearing serious political obligations and must be especially restrained when it comes to technologies of building the missiles with the range over 300 km and workload over 500 kg. "According to the MTCR, the most likely outcome of these negotiations must be refusal to hand over those technologies," the ministry said in a statement. Yuzhmash produces the silo-based Voyevoda (SS-18, or Satan in NATO classification) inter-continental ballistic missiles capable of carrying eight-piece nuclear warhead. Yuzhmash also produces Dnepr space rockets conversed from the Voyevoda. Russia reminded that participants of the HCoC have obligations not to facilitate, nor to support other countries in their efforts to build the ballistic missiles capable to carry weapons of mass destruction. Russia hoped that despite complicated political situation in Ukraine in the absence of legitimate authorities, the leaders of the country should show due responsibility and stick to their obligations under the MTCR and HCoC not to undermine non- proliferation regimes. Established in 1987 by Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States, the MTCR has been signed by 34 countries to date. The Hague Code of Conduct was signed in 2002 with the number of its participants currently reaching 137.
  15. from CRIMEFILE FORUM +++++++++++++++++++ 1930s The National Hotel Company was formed out of a deal between Hilton Hotels founder Conrad Hilton and Galveston Island's powerful Moody family. As the depression robbed most American's of their liquidity, Hilton found himself strapped for cash. As a solution to his cash shortage, Hilton borrowed $300,000 from the Moody's using his hotels as collateral. Hilton's loan soon fell into default and foreclosure proceedings were initiated against his properties. Instead of seizing a running the hotels themselves, old man "W. L. Jr.," Moody allowed Hilton to merge his hotels with theirs allowing the up and comer to retain a 1/3rd ownership stake in the newly formed National Hotel Company. For his services as the manager of the venture, the Moody's allowed Hilton to draw a salary of $18,000 annually. Hilton clashed repeatedly with Shearn Moody Sr., leading him to seek a disolution of the deal. Hilton drew upon the resources and expertise of George W. Laudermilk a onetime liveryman and undertaker turned real-estate mogul. Laudermilk was himself advised by Porter Lindsley a Texas land developer whose brother was once Mayor of Dallas. Lindsey was known to be a tough negotiator with his own links to the Moody's but Hilton was certain that Lindsley would prove a much more agreeable partner than the Moodys. Lindsey secured financing from a group of New Orleans investors who were issued bonds in exchange for cash. The Hilton-Moody partnership ended with Hilton getting control of hotels in Lubbock, Dallas & Plainview Texas. The Moody's maintained a firm grip over the operation by loaning Hilton the sums of $95,000, $60,000 and $35,000 for each of the Hotels he retained. Hilton used these loans to buyout seven of the original investors in his hotel venture who were owed $30,000. Years later Hilton would once again turn to the Moody's as he joined the rush to invest in and construct a series of casinos in the Carribean. His Carribe Hilton in San Juan consisted of a 350 room hotel and casino built at a cost of $7,300,000. 1966Mary Carter Paint Company was a vehicle used by organized crime to launch its gambling ventures in the Bahamas. Mary Carter turned to the Moody family which controlled the southeast Texas Insurance giant ANICO via its Moody foundation. Seeking to consumate a deal with Huntington Hartford in 1966, Mary Carter's board of directors authorized the sale of $2,000,000 of its 6.5% Series A convertible subordinated notes in addition to $1,000,000 of its 6.5% Series B convertible notes. American National Insurance Company (ANICO) stepped in and purchased $1,750,000 of the available Series A notes. Mary Carter then granted an option to purcahse 25,000 shares of Class A common stock at $5 per share to Kleiner, Bell & Co., as payment for services rendered in placing the shares on the market. Kleiner, Bell & Co., later purchased $100,000 worth of Series B, notes. 1967ANICO purchased control of Southern California Finance Corporation for $20,000,000. The company would also exercise a tremendous amount of influence in the Nixon administration through the efforts of two native Texans with direct ties to ANICO. Former Treasury Secretary and Texas Gov. John Conally and Assistant Attorney General Will Wilson. William I. Vogler and R. A. Furbush, chairman and president of the American Insurance Company, Vogler and Furbush were key members of a "western banking group," which owned Continental Connector Corporation (CCC) a key investment tool in regard to casino investment in the Bahamas and Nevada. E. Perry Thomas chairman of the Bank of Las Vegas served as CCC's spokesman. Perry is considered vital to the health and success of early Las Vegas. As you can see many of the Moody contacts place them in line with the gambling element that is credited with the founding of Las Vegas. Yet there is more to it than that. The Moody's Intelligence Links Shearn Moody, along with the owner of the Indianapolis Star, helped finance former O.S.S. Colonel Ulius Amoss in the creation of "International Services of Information (I.S.I.), Baltimore, Maryland -- and its publication "INFORM." Yes that O.S.S! The C.I.A links don't end there. There is also a link to Paul Lionel Helliwell former head of the Secret Intelligence Branch of the OSS in Europe. Helliwell was replaced in this post by William Casey in 1945. After the war Helliwell became chief of the Far East Division of the War Department's Strategic Service Unit, an interim intelligence organization formed after OSS was closed down. In 1947 Helliwell joined the Central Intelligence Agency. He was involved with Tommy Corcoran, William Pawley and Claire Chennault in supporting Chaing Kai-shek's government in Formosa in the 1950s. Helliwell, via Corcoran, eventually took over the running of the Civil Air Transport (CAT). He also established the Sea Supply Corporation, a shipping company in Bangkok. It was Helliwell's idea to use these CIA fronted companies to raise money to help support Chaing Kai-shek. Helliwell is said to have used Sea Supply to import large amounts of arms for the KMT as they fought to keep the Burmese military from throwing them out of the country. The arms were ferried into Burma on CAT airplanes. CAT then used the "empty" planes to fly heroin from Burma to Taiwan, Bangkok, and Saigon. There the drugs were processed for the benefit of the KMT and Chiang Kai-shek's corrupt government in Taiwan and distributed to a number of smugglers in Germany, Italy and the U.S." The infamous French Connection was apart of this operation. In late 1950s he worked for the CIA in Cuba and in the early 60s Helliwell established a base of operations in Miami where he oversaw the funding of anti-Castro operations. Helliwell is most responsible for the established Bahamian offshore banks that were used by Lansky and CIA jointly. The Mercantile Bank and Trust Company and Castle Bank and Trust Company were two such operations. Helliwell also established the American Bankers Insurance Company in Galveston, Texas. This company provided insurance cover for businessmen with agency ties. More on Shearn Moody Jr.Shearn Moody was one of a number of Texas financiers that helped InterPen arm and equip Tony Questa, Ramon Font, Eduardo "Bayo" Perez and crew after they parted company with the CIA and quit the subchaser "Tejana II" maritime operations in 1962. Tony Cuesta refused to go along with agency prohibitions against "heating-up-the-north-coast" of Cuba by the over-use of raiding missions, and as a result the agency cut off the Texas financing of which Moody was a major player. This forced Tony Cuesta into the the newly formed "Alpha-66" group which received its financing from the Defense Intelligence Agency (D.I.A.) as they became the sole combat raider element of that organization. When Cuesta, Font, "Bayo" and crew discovered later on that Cmdte. Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo was at the top of the Alpha-66 leadership, they immediately broke with Alpha-66 and formed "Comandos Libre", which was later renamed as "Comandos L" -- and under that banner did the LIFE Mag assisted raid at Caibarrien Harbor -- sinking the Soviet merchantman "Baku". When Howard K. Davis and Douglas Caddy set up the initial operations with "Bayo", their financing came from Shearn Moody and the other Texas financiers. This included a first strike/occupation of Cap Haitien Airport, Haiti. Initial financing was secured from parties located in New York and Baltimore. Weapons, ammo, explosives, etc. were acquired from Rich Lauchli (LOXCO) in Collinsville, Illinois. Lansky bagman Mike Mclaney assisted in a number of ways, but remained focused primarily on the Operations run by Robert Kennedy's SGA/DI team. Kennedy's squad remained segregated from the agency units until the latter part of 1963. Shearn Moody kept in close contact with Col. Arturo Espaillat, Robert Emmett Johnson in Montreal providing financial support for their operations. Johnson is a legendary mercenary whose movements are closely tied with those of Myer Lansky and Paul Helliwell. Johnson reportedly worked for both President Anastasio Somoza in Guatemala and Rafael Trujillo in the Domenican Reublic. Shearn Moody maintained close contact with elements of Houston's "Hughes Tool Company", and was known to have had seemingly unfettered access to the companies assets including aircraft, vessels, and other equipment which were necessary in supporting operations against Cuba. Details of exactly how Shearn Moody became involved in the LHO "dangle" to the Cuban DGI/DSE Mexican operation and his knowledge of same, remains highly classified. Caddy has stated that "it was understood by RFK," considered Moody to be a "Patriot", and counted him as a loyal figure who could be counted on to cooperate in the support of any SGA/DI operations. Some of which were later carried out under the auspices of "subordinated projects that had been crypto'd as AM/TRUNK, AM/WORLD, AM/TRUCK, AM/TRASH, etc. !"
  16. Housing: One Chart Says it All http://www.counterpunch.org/2014/03/21/housing-one-chart-says-it-all/ by MIKE WHITNEY As you can see, there’s a pretty close connection between incomes (the green line) and the mortgage purchase applications index. (The people who can afford to buy homes.) Surprised? Of course not, because most people assume there’s a relationship between ‘what a person earns’ and his ‘ability to buy a home’. After all, we haven’t always lived in this bizarro credit-addled world where anyone who can sit upright in a chair and sign his name on the dotted line can buy a $450,000 rambler in Orchard Hills. That’s a fairly new development. And that brings us to the point of this article, which is to show that all the monetary hocus pocus has achieved nothing. The Fed’s Koolaid infusions have been a dead-loss. The market is still flat on its back. Kaput. Which shows, that if you want to fix housing, you have to fix the economy. And if you want to fix the economy; you have to put people back to work and pay them a fair wage. It’s that simple. So why can’t anyone in Washington figure it out? (Note: As this article was going to press, the latest “existing home sales” data was released.) According to USA Today: “Existing home sales slowed again in February, falling to the lowest pace in 19 months.”
  17. Victorious over phase one, Venezuelans prepare for next assault revealed in secret documents. By Les Blough in Venezuela. Axis of Logic Saturday, Apr 5, 2014 We bring the Axis of Logic community up to date with this report on the status of the February-March 2014 assault on the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the health of the revolution here, vibrant and strong despite a very dangerous and difficult period in our history. Let us begin with an assessment of the opposition political parties and then move on to the defeat of this phase of the crawling coup’s latest terrorist attacks; finally, we will explain the next strategy, planned by the opposition and their supporters in the US government and Venezuela's preparation to defeat them again as they have in every attempt to overthrow the government over the last 15 years. Opposition Fractures Within MUD, the opposition's allied political parties (Mesa de la Unidad Democrática), various political parties are fighting with each other for control. Yesterday, President Maduro said the problems in the Chacao municipality of Caracas during the February-March terrorist assault were organized by Leopoldo Lopez' Voluntad Popular party (PV). Chacao's opposition Mayor Ramón Muchacho is a member of a rival political party, Primero Justicia (PJ). Two other opposition mayors in the country who supported the attacks over the last 2 months have been arrested, jailed and removed from their office by a Supreme Court decision. Yesterday, President Maduro said PV organized the attacks in Chacao to pressure the Supreme Court to arrest Muchacho (PJ) so that they can try taking back control of Chacao in what would then be new elections. This may be the reason why the government has not yet arrested Muchacho for his support of the attacks within his jurisdiction. Government's defeat of Phase I of the 2014 coup It appears the government has reduced the terrorist assault to very few sporadic attacks and has all but eliminated the guarimbas, gaining control of and cleaning up the streets in Chacao & Baruta in Caracas, Valencia, Merida and San Cristobal. On Thursday, April 3, the Venezuelan military defeated Colombian paramilitaries in Tachira, captured 14 and killed one of them, William Molina. National radio reports some of those captured are giving up information on their recruiters and funding sources in interviews being carried out by the Bolivarian Intelligence Service (SEBIN). On Friday, April 4: Diosdado Cabello, President of Venezuela's National Assembly (AN), announced that the reform of the Anti-Terrorism Law was submitted to the National Assembly, following the firebombing of the headquarters of the Ministry of Popular Power for Housing and Habitat in Chacao where 89 pre-school children were rescued by the troops and firemen. This ministry carries out the work of Gran Misión Vivienda (Great Housing Mission Venezuela), created by President Chavez. More: http://axisoflogic.com/artman/publish/Article_66521.shtml
  18. Guest Post: Russia Is Dominated By Global Banks, Too no Doug, its real Whose Side Is God on Now? By Patrick J. Buchanan April 5, 2014 In his Kremlin defense of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, Vladimir Putin, even before he began listing the battles where Russian blood had been shed on Crimean soil, spoke of an older deeper bond. Crimea, said Putin, “is the location of ancient Khersones, where Prince Vladimir was baptized. His spiritual feat of adopting Orthodoxy predetermined the overall basis of the culture, civilization and human values that unite the peoples of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.” Russia is a Christian country, Putin was saying. This speech recalls last December’s address where the former KGB chief spoke of Russia as standing against a decadent West: “Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values. Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan. This is the path to degradation.” Heard any Western leader, say, Barack Obama, talk like that lately? Indicting the “Bolsheviks” who gave away Crimea to Ukraine, Putin declared, “May God judge them.” What is going on here? With Marxism-Leninism a dead faith, Putin is saying the new ideological struggle is between a debauched West led by the United States and a traditionalist world Russia would be proud to lead. In the new war of beliefs, Putin is saying, it is Russia that is on God’s side. The West is Gomorrah. Western leaders who compare Putin’s annexation of Crimea to Hitler’s Anschluss with Austria, who dismiss him as a “KGB thug,” who call him “the alleged thief, xxxx and murderer who rules Russia,” as the Wall Street Journal’s Holman Jenkins did, believe Putin’s claim to stand on higher moral ground is beyond blasphemous. But Vladimir Putin knows exactly what he is doing, and his new claim has a venerable lineage. The ex-Communist Whittaker Chambers who exposed Alger Hiss as a Soviet spy, was, at the time of his death in 1964, writing a book on “The Third Rome.” The first Rome was the Holy City and seat of Christianity that fell to Odoacer and his barbarians in 476 A.D. The second Rome was Constantinople, Byzantium, (today’s Istanbul), which fell to the Turks in 1453. The successor city to Byzantium, the Third Rome, the last Rome to the old believers, was — Moscow. Putin is entering a claim that Moscow is the Godly City of today and command post of the counter-reformation against the new paganism. Putin is plugging into some of the modern world’s most powerful currents. Not only in his defiance of what much of the world sees as America’s arrogant drive for global hegemony. Not only in his tribal defense of lost Russians left behind when the USSR disintegrated. He is also tapping into the worldwide revulsion of and resistance to the sewage of a hedonistic secular and social revolution coming out of the West. In the culture war for the future of mankind, Putin is planting Russia’s flag firmly on the side of traditional Christianity. His recent speeches carry echoes of John Paul II whose Evangelium Vitae in 1995 excoriated the West for its embrace of a “culture of death.” What did Pope John Paul mean by moral crimes? The West’s capitulation to a sexual revolution of easy divorce, rampant promiscuity, pornography, homosexuality, feminism, abortion, same-sex marriage, euthanasia, assisted suicide — the displacement of Christian values by Hollywood values. Washington Post columnist Anne Applebaum writes that she was stunned when in Tbilisi to hear a Georgian lawyer declare of the former pro-Western regime of Mikhail Saakashvili, “They were LGBT.” “It was an eye-opening moment,” wrote Applebaum. Fear and loathing of the same-sex-marriage pandemic has gone global. In Paris, a million-man Moral Majority marched in angry protest. Author Masha Gessen, who has written a book on Putin, says of his last two years, “Russia is remaking itself as the leader of the anti-Western world.” But the war to be waged with the West is not with rockets. It is a cultural, social, moral war where Russia’s role, in Putin’s words, is to “prevent movement backward and downward, into chaotic darkness and a return to a primitive state.” Would that be the “chaotic darkness” and “primitive state” of mankind, before the Light came into the world? This writer was startled to read in the Jan-Feb. newsletter from the social conservative World Council of Families in Rockford, Ill., that, of the “ten best trends” in the world in 2013, number one was “Russia Emerges as Pro-Family Leader.” In 2013, the Kremlin imposed a ban on homosexual propaganda, a ban on abortion advertising, a ban on abortions after 12 weeks and a ban on sacrilegious insults to religious believers. “While the other super-powers march to a pagan world-view,” writes WCF’s Allan Carlson, “Russia is defending Judeo-Christian values. During the Soviet era, Western communists flocked to Moscow. This year, World Congress of Families VII will be held in Moscow, Sept. 10-12.” Will Vladimir Putin give the keynote? In the new ideological Cold War, whose side is God on now?
  19. Guest Post: Russia Is Dominated By Global Banks, Too no Doug, its real,you cant not use BIS and trade internationally....except Barter...being done -below. ================================ Gorbachev is not Putin. The Sanctions War: Washington Threatens Russia Over “Petrodollar-Busting Deal”. Moscow Retaliates, Bilateral Trade Agreements in “Gold Standard Petro-Rubles” On the heels of Russia’s potential “holy grail” gas deal with China (2), the news of a Russia-Iran oil “barter” deal (3), it appears the US is starting to get very concerned about its almighty Petrodollar *U.S. HAS WARNED RUSSIA, IRAN AGAINST POSSIBLE OIL BARTER DEAL *U.S. SAYS ANY SUCH DEAL WOULD TRIGGER SANCTIONS *U.S. HAS CONVEYED CONCERNS TO IRANIAN GOVT THROUGH ALL CHANNELS We suspect these sanctions would have more teeth than some travel bans, but, as we noted previously, it is just as likely to be another epic geopolitical debacle resulting from what was originally intended to be a demonstration of strength and instead is rapidly turning out into a terminal confirmation of weakness. As we explained earlier in the week, Russia seems perfectly happy to telegraph that it is just as willing to use barter (and “heaven forbid” gold) and shortly other “regional” currencies, as it is to use the US Dollar, hardly the intended outcome of the western blocakde, which appears to have just backfired and further impacted the untouchable status of the Petrodollar. … “If Washington can’t stop this deal, it could serve as a signal to other countries that the United States won’t risk major diplomatic disputes at the expense of the sanctions regime,” And here is Voice of Russia, “Russia prepares to attack the Petrodollar“: The US dollar’s position as the base currency for global energy trading gives the US a number of unfair advantages. It seems that Moscow is ready to take those advantages away. (4) The existence of “petrodollars” is one of the pillars of America’s economic might because it creates a significant external demand for American currency, allowing the US to accumulate enormous debts without defaulting. If a Japanese buyer want to buy a barrel of Saudi oil, he has to pay in dollars even if no American oil company ever touches the said barrel. Dollar has held a dominant position in global trading for such a long time that even Gazprom’s natural gas contracts for Europe are priced and paid for in US dollars. Until recently, a significant part of EU-China trade had been priced in dollars. Lately, China has led the BRICS efforts to dislodge the dollar from its position as the main global currency, but the “sanctions war” between Washington and Moscow gave an impetus to the long-awaited scheme to launch the petroruble and switch all Russian energy exports away from the US currency . The main supporters of this plan are Sergey Glaziev, the economic aide of the Russian President and Igor Sechin, the CEO of Rosneft, the biggest Russian oil company and a close ally of Vladimir Putin. Both have been very vocal in their quest to replace the dollar with the Russian ruble. Now, several top Russian officials are pushing the plan forward. First, it was the Minister of Economy, Alexei Ulyukaev who told Russia 24 news channel that the Russian energy companies must should ditch the dollar. “ They must be braver in signing contracts in rubles and the currencies of partner-countries, ” he said. Then, on March 2, Andrei Kostin, the CEO of state-owned VTB bank, told the press that Gazprom, Rosneft and Rosoboronexport, state company specialized in weapon exports, can start trading in rubles. “ I’ve spoken to Gazprom, to Rosneft and Rosoboronexport management and they don’t mind switching their exports to rubles. They only need a mechanism to do that ”, Kostin told the attendees of the annual Russian Bank Association meeting. Judging by the statement made at the same meeting by Valentina Matviyenko, the speaker of Russia’s upper house of parliament, it is safe to assume that no resources will be spared to create such a mechanism. “ Some ‘hot headed’ decision-makers have already forgotten that the global economic crisis of 2008 – which is still taking its toll on the world – started with a collapse of certain credit institutions in the US, Great Britain and other countries. This is why we believe that any hostile financial actions are a double-edged sword and even the slightest error will send the boomerang back to the aborigines,” she said. It seems that Moscow has decided who will be in charge of the “boomerang”. Igor Sechin, the CEO of Rosneft, has been nominated to chair the board of directors of Saint-Petersburg Commodity Exchange, a specialized commodity exchange. In October 2013, speaking at the World Energy Congress in Korea, Sechin called for a “global mechanism to trade natural gas” and went on suggesting that “ it was advisable to create an international exchange for the participating countries, where transactions could be registered with the use of regional currencies “. Now, one of the most influential leaders of the global energy trading community has the perfect instrument to make this plan a reality. A Russian commodity exchange where reference prices for Russian oil and natural gas will be set in rubles instead of dollars will be a strong blow to the petrodollar. Rosneft has recently signed a series of big contracts for oil exports to China and is close to signing a “jumbo deal” with Indian companies. In both deals, there are no US dollars involved. Reuters reports, that Russia is close to entering a goods-for-oil swap transaction with Iran that will give Rosneft around 500,000 barrels of Iranian oil per day to sell in the global market. The White House and the russophobes in the Senate are livid and are trying to block the transaction because it opens up some very serious and nasty scenarios for the petrodollar. If Sechin decides to sell this Iranian oil for rubles, through a Russian exchange, such move will boost the chances of the “petroruble” and will hurt the petrodollar. It can be said that the US sanctions have opened a Pandora’s box of troubles for the American currency. The Russian retaliation will surely be unpleasant for Washington, but what happens if other oil producers and consumers decide to follow the example set by Russia? During the last month, China opened two centers to process yuan-denominated trade flows, one in London and one in Frankfurt. Are the Chinese preparing a similar move against the greenback? We’ll soon find out. Finally, those curious what may happen next, only not to Iran but to Russia, are encouraged to read “From Petrodollar To Petrogold: The US Is Now Trying To Cut Off Iran’s Access To Gold.” (5) Notes (1)www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-04-04/us-threatens-russia-sanctions-over-petrodollar-busting-deal (2)www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-03-21/petrodollar-alert-isolated-west-putin-prepares-announce-holy-grail-gas-deal-chin (3)www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-04-02/whither-petrodollar-russia-iran-announce-20-billion-oil-goods-deal (4)http://voiceofrussia.com/2014_04_04/Russia-prepares-to-attack-the-petrodollar-2335 (5)www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-05-16/petrodollar-petrogold-us-now-trying-cut-irans-access-gold ######## ######### ########## ########### Related content: Russia, China sign oil deal, start new pipeline branch Russia and China signed an intergovernmental agreement on oil cooperation in Beijing on Tuesday, under which a new branch from the East Siberia-Pacific Ocean (ESPO) pipeline will be built toward China. The agreement sets out terms for oil cooperation between… Russia and Iran Now Officially Talking about Dumping the Dollar for trade in Oil and Gas After the Independent reported that Middle Eastern oil producers, plus China, Japan and France have all agreed to start trading oil using a basket of currencies – instead of the dollar – starting in 9 years, spokesmen for those governments…
  20. LEFTY OBAMA ?? Presidential Rule by Deception: Obama, the Master Con-Manhttp://www.globalresearch.ca/presidential-rule-by-deception-obama-the-master-con-man-2/5376627
  21. Demonstrations around Britain on anniversary of bedroom taxhttp://socialistworker.co.uk/art/37869/Demonstrations+around+Britain+on+anniversary+of+bedroom+tax
  22. Retail Tsunami: 16 Major Chains Closing More Stores http://wealthydebates.com/retail-tsunami-16-major-chains-closing-more-stores/
  23. At bottom Greg Parker post that needs to be added as an addendum to Spiders Web. The Weston ,To Jake Rubenstein, c/o The Carousel Club, article builds on his Spiders Web article and the Parker post adds to that. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ POST # 1 this thread http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=6017&p=53294 Although the activities of the schoolbook operatives often overlapped those of Jack Ruby, the only verifiable link was Lee Harvey Oswald. There were many witnesses testifying to an association between Ruby and Oswald, but the most credible is Daniel T. McGown. On March 31, 1963, McGown accidentally found a letter at the Carousel Club addressed to “Jake Rubinstein” with a return address from “Lee Oswald,” at 1106 Diceman Street in Dallas. McGown later confirmed that “Lee Oswald” was indeed Lee Harvey Oswald. [30] ############################################################# below Diceman article by Weston ############################################################## To Jake Rubenstein, c/o The Carousel Club William Weston October 2001 On October 31, 1976, a government agent greeted a gray-haired gentleman who, on his own initiative, came into the FBI office in Memphis, Tennessee. He had a secret about the Kennedy assassination, he said, and he wanted to disclose it. [1] The distinguished-looking visitor did not appear to be the type who would know something about the world of spies, pimps, drug dealers, con artists, and other disreputable denizens inhabiting the murky milieu of assassination intrigue. Daniel T. McGown, by anyone's standards, was a pillar of the community, a successful businessman with an honorable career in a prestigious profession. Born in 1908 in Brownwood, Texas, his family moved to Memphis prior to his graduation from high school. After receiving a degree from the School of Architecture at Georgia Tech, he went to work for Schulz & Norton, an architectural and engineering firm in Memphis. In 1941, he married Irma Lee Beasley, a daughter from one of Tennesee's more respectable families. During the course of their marriage, the couple had two children. In 1948, he started his own architectural firm, which over the years grew and prospered. He became president of the local chapter of the American Institute of Architects and was a member of the Calvary Episcopal Church. [2] Family man, businessman, church member, community server, Mr. McGown lived a life that was largely indistinguishable from thousands of other men of his class who lived around the country. However, in that fateful year of 1963, a strange twist of fate had placed within his hands a hitherto unknown secret regarding a connection between Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby. The incident occurred during a business trip to Texas in March 1963. McGown had flown to Austin, in order to check over the plans for a new building that was to be constructed on the campus of the University of Texas. When he had completed his survey, he rented a car and drove north to the city of Brownwood, where he spent a day with some relatives. He then drove to Fort Worth, where he visited his first cousin, a prominent attorney in that city. Late in the evening, he used his cousin's telephone to call his wife Irma. He wished her a happy birthday and said that he would see her the next day, when his plane arrived in Memphis. Irma's birthday was March 28. McGown left his cousin's house and drove east to Dallas. It was almost midnight when he checked in at the Adolphus Hotel on Commerce Street. After getting settled into his room, he felt like having a nightcap before going to bed. He left his room, went down the elevator to the lobby, and went outside. The brightly lit sign of the Carousel Club beckoned from across the street. He walked over to the club entrance door and opened it. Behind the door was a staircase, leading up to the second floor. When he reached the top of the stairs, he was stopped by a heavy-set man. The club was closing up, the man said, who then complained about city regulations that prevented him from keeping the place open after midnight. [3] Rebuffed by the manager of the club, McGown went back to his room. The following morning, McGown decided to do a little sightseeing, since he had a few hours to kill before his plane departed from Dallas. As he was walking down Commerce Street, he paused at the Carousel Club. Near the entrance was a showcase display featuring pictures of female performers. As he was gazing at the pictures, another man who was walking down the street crowded into the entryway to look at them too. It was an awkward moment for McGown as he tried to make room for the other man while at the same time trying to keep a favorable point of view for himself. Presently, the other man turned to leave. As he did so, he brushed by an overstuffed mailbox that hung on the entrance door. A few large pieces of mail, two magazines, and three letters spilled on the ground. The man continued on his way without stopping. McGown proceeded to pick up the envelopes and magazines and stuff them back into the box. He noticed that the three letters were written by women and were addressed to "Jake Rubenstein, c/o The Carousel Club." Rubenstein must have been the heavy-set man whom McGown met the previous night. He was probably also the one who hired women to be performers in the club. Perhaps the senders of the three letters were prospective applicants for employment. McGown looked at the envelopes again. Two of the women lived in Fort Worth, and one lived in Dallas. The name on the Dallas letter caught his attention, for he happened to have a friend who had the same last name. [4] After making a mental note of the address, he put the letters back in the box with the rest of the mail. The woman he was planning to visit was "Lee Oswald." Using a city map as a guide, McGown drove toward Miss Oswald's place. As he was approaching her street, he looked at the houses in the neighborhood. Expecting to see lower class housing, he was surprised to find upper middle class or upper class residences. McGown wondered about this. Why would anyone living in such an area have any dealings with a strip joint? When he arrived at his destination, he stopped the car and looked at it. It was a two-story apartment building, constructed in the cheap, boxy style that was becoming the prevailing fashion at that time. It had an outside stairway that led up to a balcony walk on the second floor. It was a new building, perhaps two or three years old at the most. For the convenience of the postman, there was a mailbox with individual compartments that stood facing the street next to the curb. In order to find the unit that Miss Oswald was renting, McGown got out of his car and looked over the names of the tenants posted on the compartment doors. When he found Oswald's name, he realized that he had made a mistake. The middle name of Lee Harvey Oswald showed that this person was not a woman. Without further ado, McGown got back into his car and drove away. Eight months later, when the names of Lee Oswald and Jack Ruby were being broadcasted on radio and television, the details of this episode came vividly back to his memory. Should he tell the authorities what he knew, or should he not? His reputation might suffer if this embarrassing incident ever became widely known. He hoped that the authorities would find out about Oswald's connection to Jack Ruby without his help. When the Warren Report was published, he bought a copy and read it from cover to cover. There was nothing in it to indicate that the government knew what he knew. Furthermore he read that the commission could find no "credible evidence" of an association between Oswald and Ruby. After the death of Jack Ruby in January 1967, McGown wondered if he was the only one left who still had the "credible evidence" that eluded the Warren Commission. Finally, nine years later, he told his wife about it. She encouraged him to go to the FBI. After all, his story might make a difference in the new, upcoming investigation into the JFK assassination that Congress was preparing to launch. Such were the circumstances that led Daniel T. McGown to the local office of the FBI in 1976. The FBI of course wanted to know where the apartment was. McGown could not remember its exact location, but he drew a diagram depicting the apartment in relation to the mailbox out front, as well as in relation to a nearby apartment that faced another street. He remembered that the address had four digits and sounded something like "Diceland." A Dallas city map showed that there were was no street with the name of "Diceland," but there were two with the name of "Diceman." One was Diceman Drive, and the other was Diceman Avenue. Dallas FBI agent Robert Gemberling drove out to Diceman Drive to see if there were any apartments matching McGown's diagram and description. Diceman Drive had single-family houses but no apartments. A few inquiries among the residents showed that no apartment had ever existed on that street. Next stop was Diceman Avenue. Gemberling looked from one end of the avenue to the other, and the only dwellings that he could see were single-family homes - with one exception. At the point where Diceman ran into Cedar Crest Boulevard was a two-story building made of brick. It was the Cedar Crest Heights Apartment. It had a second floor balcony walk with an iron railing just as McGown described it. Next to the curb was a large mailbox with sixteen key-locked compartments with tenant nametags. Adjacent to the building was another apartment facing Birdsong Street. The apartment at 1106 Diceman Avenue must be the place that McGown had visited in 1963. There was no other possibility. Still, Gemberling was not satisfied. He noticed that all the buildings in the neighborhood were rundown, dilapidated, and occupied entirely by lower-class blacks. This was not the upper class neighborhood that McGown claimed to have seen. Gemberling looked for the manager. He found him at a nearby office at 2514 Birdsong Avenue. The manager told him that the apartment was owned by a company called General Rental. It was built around 1959 or 1960, and it was the only apartment that had ever been on that street. The mailbox seen out front had been there since the apartment was first constructed. So far these extra details provided additional confirmation for McGown's story. Gemberling wanted to see the tenant records for 1963, but the manager told them that they no longer existed. They were destroyed with all the other tenant records in a fire that occurred in April 1968. Gemberling asked the manager if he knew anything about Oswald living in the apartment in 1963. Although the manager acknowledged that he had only been working for General Rental since 1969, he was nevertheless positive that Oswald could not have lived in the apartment in 1963. In an all-black neighborhood, people would have certainly remembered Oswald as the only white man living among them, and such was not the case. Apparently the manager's statement was enough to convince Gemberling that the 1106 Diceman lead was a dead end. No further inquiries were made, as far as the available records show. (There are however some "postponed in full" documents from the Memphis office of the FBI regarding a "Daniel McGowen" that are now in the National Archives.) To find out more about the apartment, I checked the 1963 Dallas criss-cross directory and found a former tenant by the name of Orlean Dorsey. I located Dorsey in Lufkin, Texas and called him up. Contrary to what the General Rental manager told Gemberling, Dorsey, who is black, said it was not an all-black apartment in 1963. Both white and black people lived there. Furthermore, the apartment was indeed located in a prestigious area. About a mile south of the apartment was the Lakeview Golf Course, where Dorsey worked as a landscape and maintenance man. Among the celebrities who played golf there were such baseball legends as Mickey Mantle and "Dizzy" Dean. At that time, the golf course was racially segregated. Whites played there during the day and blacks played at night. Not just anyone could live at the Cedar Crest Apartment. A prospective tenant had to have a very good background and excellent references. Dorsey was able to get his unit because he knew the manager, a black named Denny Blair, who often played golf at Lakeview. Blair was an employee of Bailey Rental, a white-owned company that had title to the Diceman apartment. (Bailey Rental was later renamed General Rental.) The Cedar Crest Apartment was an expensive place to live. It took all of Dorsey's wages to pay the rent. He was making $1.25 per hour and the rent was about $210 per month. The only way he could afford to live there was by working a lot of overtime on the weekends. By way of comparison, Oswald was making $1.35 per hour at Jaggers Chiles Stovall during the month of March 1963, and he was paying $72.68 a month for a one-bedroom flat at the Neely Street house. [5] Dorsey and his family moved into the apartment in November 1962. Because of his long working hours and because he was going to plumbing school at the same time, he did not get to know the other tenants. His wife and children also did not do much socializing. Thus he was unable to confirm or deny whether Oswald lived there. Dorsey and his family moved to another apartment in October 1963. The transition from an affluent, mainly white neighborhood to black lower class ghetto occurred during the mid-1960's, according to Dorsey who would come back to visit his former apartment from time to time. The quality of the building and the surrounding area deteriorated as a result of vandalism and neglect. When I called the General Rental office in 1995, I found out that the apartment was still owned by the Bailey family. I also learned that rent was only $50 per week - a real bargain for anyone brave enough to live there. Did Oswald live at the Cedar Crest Apartment? Considering the high cost of rent in 1963, it is unlikely he would have chosen to live there. A more reasonable possibility is that he used the address simply to receive his mail. As a man astute in the ways of intelligence, he no doubt realized that a mailbox at the post office was under surveillance. A second mailbox in another area would be highly useful for receiving mail from more sensitive sources. This line of reasoning is supported by the fact that most of the units at 1106 Diceman were listed as "vacant" in the criss-cross directories of 1962 and 1963. In 1962 only five of the sixteen units available were occupied. This ratio dropped to only four occupied units the following year. An apartment manager with a 75% vacancy rate might let someone temporarily use an unused mailbox for a small fee. It is interesting to note that on March 29, the day that McGown was at the Diceman apartment, Oswald was seen at a barbershop in Sparta, Wisconsin. Oswald told John Abbott, the barber, that he got his money by blackmailing a Texas nightclub operator, for whom he had previously worked. Each time he made a contact with this man, he would get fifty dollars. The money he obtained would be used to cover his travelling expenses. (He never gave the name of the nightclub operator.) Perhaps the Oswald letter that McGown saw was another demand for more money. McGown's story lends credence to the story of a connection between Ruby and Oswald in the May 17 edition of the National Enquirer. It said: "After a sniper shot at but missed General Walker in Dallas, April 10, 1963, Dallas police suspected that Oswald was the sniper and Ruby was the payoff man. The cops were set to arrest the pair. But they never got the chance, because of heavy pressure brought to bear by the Justice Dept. and so Oswald and Ruby were to remain free." The article also said that a top secret document, signed by a high official of the Justice Dept., was sent in April 1963 to Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry requesting the police not to arrest Oswald and Ruby. This document was reportedly in the hands of the Warren Commission. Given the potentially explosive implications of the above story, it is no wonder that the Warren Commission chose to discount all witnesses to a connection between Oswald and Ruby, including Wilburn Litchfield, Joe Franklin, and Bill DeMar. McGown's story is not only important in rehabilitating the credibility of these undeservedly maligned witnesses, but it also provides a glimpse into the covert ways by which Oswald and Ruby communicated with one another. ENDNOTES 1. Sources for this article were FBI reports in Memphis and Dallas. Also referred to were ten pages of McGown's hand-written account that was photocopied by the FBI. 2. Engagement announcement, Sept. 14, 1941; wedding announcement, Dec. 3, 1941, and obituary of Daniel T. McGown, March 5, 1985, in the Memphis newspaper, The Commercial Appeal. 3. According to Jack Ruby's bartender, Andrew Armstrong, clean up started at midnight on weeknights and at 1:00 am on Saturday and Sunday. All bottles and glasses had to be cleared off the tables by 12:15. If a vice squad police officer saw anyone drinking after 12:15, he could slap a five-day suspension on the club (Vol. 13 of the Warren Commission Hearings and Exhibits, p. 325). 4. Actually the friend's surname had a slightly different spelling. Felix Oswalt, a member of the Board of Education in Memphis, was the friend McGown was talking about. 5. Warren Report, p. 743. ____________________________________________________________ (Gaal comments below on above article) A professional man is traveling alone and sees an opportunity to meet strippers. Eight months later, when the names of Lee Oswald and Jack Ruby were being broadcasted on radio and television, the details of this episode came vividly back to his memory. Should he tell the authorities what he knew, or should he not? His reputation might suffer if this embarrassing incident ever became widely known. He hoped that the authorities would find out about Oswald's connection to Jack Ruby without his help. When the Warren Report was published, he bought a copy and read it from cover to cover. There was nothing in it to indicate that the government knew what he knew. Furthermore he read that the commission could find no "credible evidence" of an association between Oswald and Ruby. After the death of Jack Ruby in January 1967, McGown wondered if he was the only one left who still had the "credible evidence" that eluded the Warren Commission. Finally, nine years later, he told his wife about it. She encouraged him to go to the FBI. After all, his story might make a difference in the new, upcoming investigation into the JFK assassination that Congress was preparing to launch. Such were the circumstances that led Daniel T. McGown to the local office of the FBI in 1976. ********************************************** (Gaal) PAUSE AND REFLECT PAUSE AND REFLECT PAUSE AND REFLECT ............... What would motivate a professional married man to contact the FBI (in the early 1960s timeframe) and say he ," improperly looked at US Mail and wanted to 'hunt' down a stripper." ???? Would /could this not hurt his career ?? (YUP) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Answer ZERO ############ ############ ############ Greg Parker Posted 06 September 2012 - 12:40 AM Back in 2001, I made the following post to a news group: Quote http://jfk.ci.dallas...39/3936-001.gif On pages 4 and 5 of this doc, the FBI has Pike saying that Ruby liked to "surround himself with clean-cut, well-dressed "Hollywood-type" men to make himself feel important. http://www.maryferre...717&relPageId=5 What immediately struck me about that was at least one of Ruby's prison psych's put in his report that Ruby thought Oswald looked like Paul Newman, It's also mentioned here: http://www.maryferre...bsPageId=367099
  24. OpEdNews Op Eds 4/4/2014 at 11:02:02 Sleepwalking to Armageddon?By Mike Krauss ================== In a just published book that too few Americans will read, All the Presidents' Bankers, Nomi Prins lifts the cover from a century long cooperation and coordination between Wall Street and the White House, stretching back to Teddy Roosevelt in the years just before creation of the Federal Reserve. As Wall Street veteran Pam Martens explains in a review of the book on her blog, Wall Street on Parade, "Wall Street can collapse, get bailed out by the taxpayers, cause a Great Recession and still call the shots in Washington." Every American can now see that on account of Wall Street and with the collaboration of successive administrations, the prosperity of millions of Americans has been shattered, perhaps never to be recovered. Massive unemployment is lied away by not counting the millions who have given up looking for work. Foreclosures roll on. Home sales are plummeting. A generation of young Americans now graduates college with massive debt and no jobs. Or they take the jobs at Wal-Mart that used to be filled by the less educated. Who go where? Onto welfare, food stamps and unemployment, which many in Congress want to cut. Where does this lead? For the answer, look no further than Wal-Mart's most recent annual report. It notes: "Our business operations are subject to numerous risks, factors and uncertainties, domestically and internationally, which are outside our control " These factors include " changes in the amount of payments made under the Supplement[al] Nutrition Assistance Plan and other public assistance plans, changes in the eligibility requirements of public assistance plans "" Wal-Mart's major market is low-income shoppers. The company is acknowledging that public assistance programs are a significant factor in its revenue and profits. Increasingly, Wal-Mart's customers are too poor to shop at Wal-Mart. The message in Prins' book is that the economic trends, Wall Street practices and federal government collusion of today are in so many ways and so very frighteningly like the years before the crash of 1929 and the Great Depression that followed. Are we sleepwalking into an economic Armageddon? It is not the only looming catastrophe. The other is a confrontation with Russia. Forget the story line from Washington parroted by the national media. The crisis over Ukraine has nothing to do with democracy and freedom. It is about an almost messianic assertion of American "exceptionalism," used as cover by Wall Street for more looting, in this case Ukraine. Paul Craig Roberts is a former, high security clearance assistant secretary of the Treasury to Ronald Reagan, former editor of the Wall Street Journal and an acknowledged expert on Eastern European and Russian affairs. He is also not widely read. But you want to read his most recent blog. "The drive to war is blatantly obvious. The lies are obvious, and the entire West is participating, both media and governments" Everywhere in the West the message is the same. 'Putin invaded and annexed Crimea, Putin is determined to rebuild the Soviet Empire, Putin must be stopped'" The extraordinary transparent lie that Russia sent an army into Ukraine and annexed Crimea is now accepted as fact everywhere in the West"" What actually happened is that the elected government of Ukraine backed out of a U.S. deal to join the EU, when many of its citizens understood that was a set-up for "austerity" and the looting of their pensions and assets by Wall Street. The U.S. organized a coup and now calls the government it installed freedom loving heroes. Nuts. They are Washington puppets -- and Nazi thugs into the bargain -- and they are Wall Street patsies. That government immediately signed off on the Wall Street "aide" package: high interest loans to be paid for by the extraction of the wealth and prosperity of every Ukrainian. Well, not every. Those parts of Ukraine that were historically a part of Russia went running right back to Russia, in a thoroughly democratic referendum, the kind of self-determination Washington says it supports -- except where Wall Street profits are concerned. To get Wall Street its way Washington is playing a juvenile game of "Chicken" with Russia, an energy rich, nuclear power, ratcheting up the threat of military action. Roberts concludes that this entire chain of events looks like the manipulation, cupidity and stupidity that led Europe and the U.S. into World War I and warns of the horrific consequences of another war in Europe -- a nuclear war. For your own security and safety and that of your family and neighbors, give Fox, CNN and all the rest a rest. Read Prins, Roberts and Martens. Decide for yourself if the nation is sleepwalking to Armageddon
  25. OpEdNews Op Eds 4/4/2014 at 11:02:02 Sleepwalking to Armageddon?By Mike Krauss ================== In a just published book that too few Americans will read, All the Presidents' Bankers, Nomi Prins lifts the cover from a century long cooperation and coordination between Wall Street and the White House, stretching back to Teddy Roosevelt in the years just before creation of the Federal Reserve. As Wall Street veteran Pam Martens explains in a review of the book on her blog, Wall Street on Parade, "Wall Street can collapse, get bailed out by the taxpayers, cause a Great Recession and still call the shots in Washington." Every American can now see that on account of Wall Street and with the collaboration of successive administrations, the prosperity of millions of Americans has been shattered, perhaps never to be recovered. Massive unemployment is lied away by not counting the millions who have given up looking for work. Foreclosures roll on. Home sales are plummeting. A generation of young Americans now graduates college with massive debt and no jobs. Or they take the jobs at Wal-Mart that used to be filled by the less educated. Who go where? Onto welfare, food stamps and unemployment, which many in Congress want to cut. Where does this lead? For the answer, look no further than Wal-Mart's most recent annual report. It notes: "Our business operations are subject to numerous risks, factors and uncertainties, domestically and internationally, which are outside our control " These factors include " changes in the amount of payments made under the Supplement[al] Nutrition Assistance Plan and other public assistance plans, changes in the eligibility requirements of public assistance plans "" Wal-Mart's major market is low-income shoppers. The company is acknowledging that public assistance programs are a significant factor in its revenue and profits. Increasingly, Wal-Mart's customers are too poor to shop at Wal-Mart. The message in Prins' book is that the economic trends, Wall Street practices and federal government collusion of today are in so many ways and so very frighteningly like the years before the crash of 1929 and the Great Depression that followed. Are we sleepwalking into an economic Armageddon? It is not the only looming catastrophe. The other is a confrontation with Russia. Forget the story line from Washington parroted by the national media. The crisis over Ukraine has nothing to do with democracy and freedom. It is about an almost messianic assertion of American "exceptionalism," used as cover by Wall Street for more looting, in this case Ukraine. Paul Craig Roberts is a former, high security clearance assistant secretary of the Treasury to Ronald Reagan, former editor of the Wall Street Journal and an acknowledged expert on Eastern European and Russian affairs. He is also not widely read. But you want to read his most recent blog. "The drive to war is blatantly obvious. The lies are obvious, and the entire West is participating, both media and governments" Everywhere in the West the message is the same. 'Putin invaded and annexed Crimea, Putin is determined to rebuild the Soviet Empire, Putin must be stopped'" The extraordinary transparent lie that Russia sent an army into Ukraine and annexed Crimea is now accepted as fact everywhere in the West"" What actually happened is that the elected government of Ukraine backed out of a U.S. deal to join the EU, when many of its citizens understood that was a set-up for "austerity" and the looting of their pensions and assets by Wall Street. The U.S. organized a coup and now calls the government it installed freedom loving heroes. Nuts. They are Washington puppets -- and Nazi thugs into the bargain -- and they are Wall Street patsies. That government immediately signed off on the Wall Street "aide" package: high interest loans to be paid for by the extraction of the wealth and prosperity of every Ukrainian. Well, not every. Those parts of Ukraine that were historically a part of Russia went running right back to Russia, in a thoroughly democratic referendum, the kind of self-determination Washington says it supports -- except where Wall Street profits are concerned. To get Wall Street its way Washington is playing a juvenile game of "Chicken" with Russia, an energy rich, nuclear power, ratcheting up the threat of military action. Roberts concludes that this entire chain of events looks like the manipulation, cupidity and stupidity that led Europe and the U.S. into World War I and warns of the horrific consequences of another war in Europe -- a nuclear war. For your own security and safety and that of your family and neighbors, give Fox, CNN and all the rest a rest. Read Prins, Roberts and Martens. Decide for yourself if the nation is sleepwalking to Armageddon
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