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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. Regime Change: First Ukraine, then Venezuela, then Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil . . . China? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Global Research, March 14, 2014 paulcraigroberts.org Now that US Secretary of State John Kerry has issued an ultimatum to Russia, telling Putin that he has until Monday to follow Washington’s orders or else, hopefully everyone can see the repeat of the March of Folly that produced World War 1. In my last column, “Merkel Whores For Washington,” I mistakenly attributed to Khrushchev all transfers of Russian territory to Ukraine. The first gifts of Russian territories to Ukraine were made by Lenin, and the last was Sevastopol in the early 1990s. I have posted today Alexandr Solzhenitsyn’s account of how Russian territory was given to Ukraine. In the meantime, Washington’s puppet regime in Kiev has sent in thugs to commit violence against protesting Russians in eastern Ukraine who want nothing to do with Washington’s stooges in Kiev, prompting Russia to issue another warning that the Russian military will protect Russians. Clearly, Washington is doing everything it can to provoke Putin into sending the Russian Army into eastern Ukraine. Now that Merkel has sold out Europe, the course of Ukrainian events seems clear, which provides an opportunity for me to address Washington’s coup-in-the-making against Venezuela. Venezuela Also Is Being Overthrown By The Criminal Regime In Washington The Washington orchestrated coup in Ukraine has kept Venezuela out of the headlines. A confrontation with nuclear armed Russia is more dangerous than with Venezuela. But the violence that Washington has unleashed on Venezuela almost simultaneously with Ukraine is testimony to Washington’s stark criminality. South America has always consisted of a tiny Spanish elite with all the money and power ruling over large majority populations of indigenous peoples who have not had political representation. In Venezuela, Chavez broke this pattern. An indigenous president was elected who represented the people and worked in their behalf instead of looting the country. Chavez became a role model, and indigenous presidents were elected in Ecuador and Bolivia. Chavez was hated by Washington and demonized by American presstitutes. When Chavez died of cancer, Washington celebrated. Evo Morales, President of Bolivia, was inclined in favor of granting asylum to NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. Consequently, Washington ordered its European puppet states to deny overflight permission to President Morales’ airplane on its return to Bolivia from Russia. Morales’ airplane, in violation of every diplomatic protocol, was forced down and searched. Morales has since suffered other indignities at the hands of the Washington criminals. Rafael Correa, President of Ecuador, made himself a target of Washington by granting political asylum to Julian Assange. On Washington’s orders, Washington’s British puppet state has refused to grant free passage to Assange, and Assange is spending his life in the London Embassy of Ecuador, just as Cardinal Mindszenty spent his life in the US Embassy in Communist Hungary. With Chavez’s death, indigenous Venezuelan Nicolas Maduro became president. Maduro does not have Chavez’s charisma, which makes him an easier target for the tiny Spanish elite that owns the media. Washington began the attack on Maduro by attacking the Venezuelan currency and driving down its value in currency markets. Then university students, many of whom are the children of the rich Spanish elites, were sent out to protest. The falling Venezuelan currency raised prices and spread dissatisfaction among Maduro’s poor indigenous base. To put down the rioting, property damage, and unrest that Washington is using to launch a coup, Maduro had to turn to the police. Secretary of State John Kerry has labeled the government’s effort to reestablish public order and forestall a coup a “terror campaign against its own citizens.” Having orchestrated the protests and plotted a coup, Kerry blamed Maduro for the violence that Kerry unleashed and called on Maduro “to respect human rights.” For Washington, it is always the same script. Commit a crime and blame the victim. If Washington can overthrow Maduro, the next target will be Correa. If Washington can get rid of Correa and re-empower a puppet government of rich Spanish elites, Washington can have the Ecuadoran government revoke the political asylum that Correa granted to Julian Assange. The Ecuadoran Embassy in London will be ordered to kick Assange out into the waiting arms of the British police who will send him to Sweden who will send him to Washington to be tortured until he confesses to whatever Washington demands. The poor gullible dupes demonstrating in Venezuelan streets have no more idea of the damage they are doing to themselves and others than their counterparts in Ukraine had. Venezuelans have already forgotten what life for them was like under the rule of the Spanish elites. It appears that Venezuelans are determined to help Washington to return them to their servitude. If Washington reconquers Venezuela and Ecuador, Bolivia will be next. Then Brazil. Washington has its sights on Brazil, because the country is a member of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), and Washington intends to destroy this organization before the countries can establish a trading bloc that does not use the US dollar. Not long ago a US official said that as soon as we (Washington) get Russia in a bind, we will deal with the upstarts in South America. The program is on schedule.
  2. Water Wars: Ankara suspends pumping Euphrates’ water, cutting off the water supply to Syria and Iraq (= link) The Turkish government recently cut off the flow of the Euphrates River, threatening primarily Syria but also Iraq with a major water crisis. Al-Akhbar found out that the water level in Lake Assad has dropped by about six meters, leaving millions of Syrians without drinking water. Two weeks ago, the Turkish government once again intervened in the Syrian crisis. This time was different from anything it had attempted before and the repercussions of which may bring unprecedented catastrophes onto both Iraq and Syria. Webmaster's Commentary: The deprivation of clean, potable water should be considered a war crime. I have to wonder if this move wasn't "suggested" to the Turkish government by the US government, and timed to create added misery, right before the Syrian elections where Al-Assad is positioned to be re-elected in a landslide ############################## British Government Coverup and Whitewash of Iraq War Crimes: The Chilcot Inquiry (= link) Sir John Chilcot ran from autumn 2009 to February 2011. Their Report is expected to run to several thousand pages with the total cost incurred from the date of the establishment of the hearings: “on 15th June 2009 up to 31st March 2012 … £6,129,000.”
  3. The Velocity Of Money In The U.S. Falls To An All-Time Record Low =########o##########= When an economy is healthy, there is lots of buying and selling and money tends to move around quite rapidly. Unfortunately, the U.S. economy is the exact opposite of that right now. In fact, as I will document below, the velocity of M2 has fallen to an all-time record low. This is a very powerful indicator that we have entered a deflationary era, and the Federal Reserve has been attempting to combat this by absolutely flooding the financial system with more money. This has created some absolutely massive financial bubbles, but it has not fixed what is fundamentally wrong with our economy. On a very basic level, the amount of economic activity that we are witnessing is not anywhere near where it should be and the flow of money through our economy is very stagnant. They can try to mask our problems with happy talk for as long as they want, but in the end it will be clearly evident that none of the long-term trends that are destroying our economy have been addressed. see http://investmentwatchblog.com/the-velocity-of-money-in-the-u-s-falls-to-an-all-time-record-low/
  4. http://americanradioworks.publicradio.org/features/lockerbie/resources/story_aviv.html
  5. British National Health Service SOLD ... To the highest bidder! theflowofperceptions.blogspot.com/.../british-national-health-service-sold-to.html‎ Cached The British National Health Service is being dismantled and sold off right beforeour eyes. But the media is not telling the public. These are interviews after the ...
  6. FTR #792 Caution: Banksters at Work (More Collateralized “Death” Obligations) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Posted by Dave Emory ⋅ May 11, 2014 Lis­ten: MP3 Side 1 Side 2 Coin of the Realm? Intro­duc­tion: In FTR #772, we looked at a num­ber of sus­pi­cious deaths in and around the finan­cial indus­try, this as a num­ber of legal inves­ti­ga­tions into the mis­deeds of the “banksters” were pro­ceed­ing. This pro­gram updates that extra­or­di­nary mor­tal­ity rate. One of the sur­real, almost hal­lu­ci­na­tory finan­cial instru­ments that were at the cen­ter of the 2008 finan­cial col­lapse were CDO’s–collateralized debt obligations. We won­der if the high mor­tal­ity rate, the ongo­ing cap­i­tal trou­bles and legal inves­ti­ga­tions plagu­ing the firms may be related to these deaths. Are we look­ing at col­lat­er­al­ized “death” oblig­a­tions? We note that JP Mor­gan Chase has expe­ri­enced a par­tic­u­larly high mor­tal­ity rate. The pro­gram begins with an arti­cle quot­ing numer­ous observers of the invest­ment indus­try warn­ing that the “too big to fail” finan­cial insti­tu­tions shouldn’t be sub­ject to crim­i­nal pro­ceed­ings because of the “fall­out” that would result. They are refer­ring to dam­age to the econ­omy. We exam­ine another appar­ent kind of “fall­out” from finan­cial indus­try shenanigans–corporate exec­u­tives falling off of rooftops, falling out of the win­dows of high-rise build­ings, falling off of cliffs in their cars and falling off of bicy­cles after being struck by minivans. The pro­gram con­cludes with a recap of the end­ing of Mis­cel­la­neous Archive Show M11. Recorded on May 23, 1980, the pro­gram con­cludes with a warn­ing about the dan­gers of eco­nomic con­cen­tra­tion. Pro­gram High­lights Include: The death–allegedly a suicide–of a 52-year-old French banker after she appar­ently ques­tioned the behav­ior of her supe­ri­ors at the insti­tu­tion that employed her. A sum­ma­tion of some of the sus­pi­cious deaths in the finan­cial indus­try that have occurred since the last pro­gram on the subject. Details on the death of JP Mor­gan Chase exec­u­tive Ryan Crane. The untimely death of John Ruiz, of Mor­gan Stanley. A syn­op­sis of the bank­ruptcy of Jef­fer­son, County (Alabama) on which Ruiz worked. Syn­op­sis of the deep cor­rup­tion in Jef­fer­son County, per­mit­ting JP Mor­gan–among other institutions–to engage in fraud­u­lent activity. The death of JP Mor­gan Chase cor­po­rate attor­ney Joseph P. Giampapa after being struck from behind by a mini­van while rid­ing his bicycle. The mur­der of the head of a Liecht­en­stein invest­ment bank, sup­pos­edly by a critic of the insti­tu­tion, who then (allegedly) took his own life. The fact that the chair­man of Bank Frick & Co. had been Liechtenstein’s Prime Min­is­ter from 1993 until 2001. The death of a Mill Val­ley devel­oper who was under indict­ment for allegdly defraud­ing cus­tomers of a Sonoma bank. Bijan Mad­j­lessi appar­ently drove his car off of a 400-foot cliff. The death–ostensibly of a heart attack–by the for­mer finance min­is­ter of Canada, who had resigned shortly before dying.
  7. EU Buys Bees A Breather With Neonicotinoid Ban. Bees’ Goose Still Cookin’ =================================== =================================== Posted by Pterrafractyl ⋅ February 3, 2014 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In the quest to pre­vent a col­lapse in the global bee pop­u­la­tion, few approaches look more promis­ing than sim­ply ban­ning the use of neon­i­coti­noids in agri­cul­ture. To the EU’s credit, that’s exactly what was done last May when the EU passed a two-year ban on nicoti­noid usage. For life on earth it was the bee’s knees, although the Life Sci­ences indus­try wasn’t entirely pleased: World On a Plate Hosted By The Guardian Lon­don bee sum­mit: pes­ti­cides or no pes­ti­cides? The deci­sion to frame the argu­ment over neon­i­coti­noids as pro– or anti-pesticide ignores the myr­iad options Posted by Emma Bryce Tues­day 28 Jan­u­ary 2014 05.38 EST In Lon­don last Fri­day, research sci­en­tists, chem­i­cal indus­try rep­re­sen­ta­tives, and jour­nal­ists gath­ered for an open dis­cus­sion ses­sion that con­cluded a three-day sum­mit about the impact of neon­i­coti­noid pes­ti­cides on hon­ey­bees. The result was a rich debate about the future use of these chem­i­cals in agri­cul­ture, and impli­ca­tions for food pro­duc­tion. But the efforts by some indus­try rep­re­sen­ta­tives to over­sim­plify the issue gave an oth­er­wise intri­cate dis­cus­sion the aura of a highly polarised one. Neon­i­coti­noids, which are widely used in Europe and Amer­ica, are applied as a coat­ing on seeds of crops like oilseed rape, maize, and sun­flow­ers before they are planted, in this way pro­tect­ing the plant from the start. But since this class of chem­i­cals was linked with a decline in honey– and bum­ble­bee health in 2012, fol­lowed by The Euro­pean Commission’s imposed restric­tions on spe­cific uses of neon­i­con­ti­noids soon after, they have been recog­nised more for the con­tro­versy they are asso­ci­ated with than any­thing else. The sci­ence can­not defin­i­tively link neon­i­coti­noid impact on indi­vid­ual pol­li­na­tors to the wide­spread, over­all decline of hon­ey­bee pop­u­la­tions going on in Europe and America—the phe­nom­e­non labelled Colony Col­lapse Dis­or­der. But a grow­ing body of research on the sub­ject is help­ing to cement the con­cerns of con­ser­va­tion­ists and sci­en­tists alike. Friday’s open dis­cus­sion helped air those con­cerns, and yet, these were fore­grounded against a con­tro­ver­sial indus­try sug­ges­tion that if we stop using neon­i­coti­noids, we essen­tially com­mit to a future of envi­ron­men­tal ruin. Speak­ing dur­ing his pre­sen­ta­tion on behalf of Bayer Crop­Science—the com­pany that makes imi­da­clo­prid, a neonicotinoid-based pes­ti­cide—envi­ron­men­tal safety man­ager Richard Schmuck con­cluded his talk by stat­ing that not only will food pro­duc­tion dip dra­mat­i­cally if we stop using neon­i­coti­noids, but that in an effort to make up for low­ered pro­duc­tion, coun­tries will have to con­vert untouched wild land into crops and ‘import’ land from devel­op­ing world coun­tries. That will result in decreased bio­di­ver­sity in Europe, Amer­ica, and abroad, he said. This rather extreme argu­ment gives us just two options: a world with pes­ti­cides, or one with­out. But it mis­rep­re­sents the approach of sci­en­tists and sev­eral con­ser­va­tion groups, and also con­tra­dicts what the chem­i­cal indus­tries them­selves say. “I think it’s just an over­sim­pli­fi­ca­tion by the indus­try to suit their mes­sage,” says San­dra Bell, nature cam­paigner at Friends of the Earth UK who was present at Friday’s meet­ing. “We’re not nec­es­sar­ily talk­ing about ban­ning every pes­ti­cide. We’re talk­ing about min­imis­ing the use.” A speaker at the con­fer­ence, Uni­ver­sity of Sus­sex Pro­fes­sor David Goul­son, leader of one of the research groups that found neon­i­coti­noid impacts on pol­li­na­tors in 2012, agreed, adding that in order to grow enough food to feed an increas­ing world pop­u­la­tion, he recog­nised that chem­i­cals would inevitably be part of the mix. But the binary pesticide/no pes­ti­cide sce­nario over­writes a third option: using pes­ti­cides together with other con­trols. This is one aspect of inte­grated pest man­age­ment (IPM), touted as a ‘com­mon sense’ approach to farm­ing. “IPM is not a sys­tem that doesn’t use pes­ti­cides at all,” says Goul­son, “but you try and min­imise the pes­ti­cides and only ever use them respon­si­bly, and as a last resort.” This ideal con­trasts starkly with the cur­rent real­ity of crops that receive up to 22 pes­ti­cides at a time. Rotation-cropping, organic farm­ing, pro­duc­tion of pest-resistant crops, and the use of state-funded agron­o­mists to eval­u­ate land and apply tai­lored pest con­trol, were all raised as alter­na­tive man­age­ment options dur­ing the open debate. Matthias Schott, a PhD stu­dent at the Uni­ver­sity of Giessen in Ger­many, who was there to present a poster about whether bees can sense neon­i­coti­noids, sug­gested that in an ideal future, farm­ers would be given finan­cial incen­tives for avoid­ing unnec­es­sary pes­ti­cide use. Cur­rently, he says, “there is no pos­si­bil­ity for farm­ers to get pesticide-undressed seeds from the big com­pa­nies. There­fore most agri­cul­tural land is exposed to insecticides.” Bayer Crop­Science notes that alter­na­tives are part of its port­fo­lio, too. “We are very open to find­ing the right syn­the­sis between inte­grated pest man­age­ment and pes­ti­cides,” said Bayer’s global pol­li­na­tor safety man­ager, Dr. Chris­t­ian Maus, adding that it is nec­es­sary to estab­lish a pesticide’s com­pat­i­bil­ity with IPM before it goes on the mar­ket. (He spoke on behalf of Richard Schmuck who was trav­el­ing and not avail­able for an interview.) The real­ity, of course, is that the pesticide/no pes­ti­cide split exists because there is no finan­cial incen­tive right now to mould things dif­fer­ently. Alter­na­tive meth­ods of pest con­trol get lit­tle fund­ing, and less research. “There’s no profit to be made for any­one who devel­ops any­thing like that,” says Goul­son. “So really, most research into how to farm is focused on high-tech solu­tions that can be sold by the peo­ple that man­u­fac­ture them.” The UK government’s seem­ingly tight-knit rela­tion­ship with major chem­i­cal com­pany Syn­genta has only inten­si­fied the frus­tra­tions felt by those seek­ing alter­na­tives. Industry-funded stud­ies that find no neon­i­coti­noid impact are a tar­get for crit­ics, and researchers high­light the gen­eral scarcity of peer-reviewed sci­ence on the subject. Indeed, the con­fi­dent con­clu­sion in Schmuck’s pre­sen­ta­tion that a future with­out pes­ti­cides will amount to a loss of vir­gin land and bio­di­ver­sity comes from an indus­try doc­u­ment that he cited in his talk. “It was a report by the agro­chem­i­cal indus­try,” says Goul­son. “I would strongly imag­ine it has no cred­i­bil­ity what­so­ever.” Yet, says Maus, every­thing Bayer Crop­Science pub­lishes is inde­pen­dently reg­u­lated, whether it appears in a jour­nal or not. “Our data are scru­ti­nised,” he states. ... The binary argu­ment over neon­i­coti­noids, no mat­ter how super­fi­cial, denies the role that cre­ativ­ity has to play in find­ing other solu­tions. It per­pet­u­ates a threat­en­ing rhetoric in which the obvi­ous pres­sure exists to stick with the sta­tus quo. “It’s about a lack of invest­ment in the right kind of research,” says Bell. “If sev­eral years ago more money had been directed towards [alter­na­tives] we might not be in this sit­u­a­tion now.“ The two-year EU ban on neon­i­coti­noids is going to be a crit­i­cal story to watch but it’s also a dif­fi­cult story. As the atten­dees to the Lon­don Bee Sum­mit often pointed out, bee colony col­lapse is an incred­i­bly com­pli­cated phe­nom­ena and nicoti­noids are just one piece of the puzzle. Another piece of the puz­zle that adds uncer­tainty to the future of the neon­i­coti­noid ban is the fact that Ettore Capri, the direc­tor of the Italy based OPERA Research Cen­ter — a pes­ti­cide industry-friendly think tank with a his­tory of lob­by­ing the EU for laxer neon­i­coti­noid reg­u­la­tions — is also sit­ting on the EU’s pes­ti­cide panel. But it’s a big panel so we’ll see soon how the EU’s two year mora­to­rium works out. Major nicoti­noid man­u­fac­tur­ers like Bayer and Syn­genta may not like bans on neon­i­coti­noids but the bees do. And in two years we’ll see who wins, Big Pes­ti­cide or the bees. Hint: It’s look­ing like it’s going to be a cliff-hanger/catastrophe sort of expe­ri­ence. It Isn’t Easy Being a Bee Neon­i­coti­noids and lob­by­ists arent’t the only threats com­pli­cat­ing the fate of the bees. If your a bee, mites might make for a really bad day. Or a new farm where your deli­cious prairie flow­ers used to be. Or both. It isn’t being a bee, and its get­ting harder: Inter­na­tional Busi­ness Times How Can We Save Bees? 3 Pos­si­ble Solu­tions To Com­bat Hon­ey­bee Decline By Rox­anne Palmer on Jan­u­ary 22 2014 11:38 PM The pleas­ant buzz of the hon­ey­bee is going silent across the nation, and the globe. But not every­one is plan­ning on let­ting bees bum­ble gen­tly into that good night. Since 2006, U.S. bee­keep­ers have been see­ing colony losses of an aver­age of 33 per­cent a year, with a third of that attrib­uted to colony col­lapse dis­or­der, or CCD, the abrupt dis­ap­pear­ance of worker bees from the hive. ... Since no one can quite pin down a sin­gu­lar cause for the drop in bee pop­u­la­tions across the globe, a nest of dif­fer­ent approaches to sav­ing the hon­ey­bee is spring­ing up. Here are just a few of the mea­sures that are being taken to try and save the bees: Europe’s pes­ti­cide ban Last April, the Euro­pean Union voted to ban a cer­tain class of pes­ti­cides called neonicotinoids.... ... Nev­er­the­less, the EU ban went into effect this past Decem­ber and will last for two years. Some sci­en­tists fear that Euro­pean farm­ers may turn to more toxic pes­ti­cides in the wake of the ban, while oth­ers fear that crop pests may seize their advan­tage in the com­ing years. Only time will tell what the ban has wrought. Com­bat­ing the var­roa mite One of the other prime sus­pects in CCD is the var­roa mite, a tiny arach­nid that can hitch a ride back to bee­hives on the backs of for­ag­ing worker bees. Once it invades the hive, the mite lays its eggs in hon­ey­combs along­side young bees. The mite brings its own hitch­hik­ers into the colony as well: bac­te­ria, viruses and other pathogens that can sweep through the bees. Bayer sci­en­tists and bee researchers from Frank­furt Uni­ver­sity have come up with a way to nip the var­roa mite right at the entrance of the hive, using a spe­cially designed entry­way for com­mer­cial hives. When bees pass through this var­roa gate through small entry holes, they brush up against a coat­ing of poi­son that tar­gets the mite (it’s based on the same prin­ci­ple as a flea col­lar for dogs or cats). In Aus­tralia, where the mite has yet to gain a foothold, sci­en­tist Denis Ander­son has been search­ing for a chem­i­cal switch that would allow him to turn off the mite’s breed­ing cycle. But, Ander­son says his work has been ham­pered by a lack of funds, accord­ing to the Syd­ney Morn­ing Her­ald. Fill­ing empty bee bellies Any hun­gry crea­ture is vul­ner­a­ble to ill­ness and calamity, and bees are no excep­tion. And the spread of mod­ern agri­cul­ture, cou­pled with sky­rock­et­ing demand for bio­fu­els, may be chew­ing up the bees’ sources of food. Amer­i­can grass­lands are rich in wild­flow­ers, which pro­vide food for a host of pol­li­nat­ing insects, includ­ing hon­ey­bees. But these grass­lands are being destroyed as a study pub­lished last year in the Pro­ceed­ings of the National Acad­emy of Sci­ences found. The study found that 1.3 mil­lion acres of grass­land and wet­land were con­verted to crop­land in the Dako­tas, Nebraska and parts of Min­nesota and Iowa between 2006 and 2011, at a rate not seen since before the Dust Bowl. ... So even when neon­i­coti­noids are banned, the farm­ers might just use some­thing even worse, mites might infest your colony with bac­te­ria and viruses, and, in the US, native bee habi­tat loss from 2006–2011 was at a rate not seen since the Dust Bowl! It’s sure not easy being bee, neon­i­coti­noids or not.
  9. (because the 'safer' drone strikes kill so many innocent people you dont get accurate data anymore === this is coverup, GAAL) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Drones Strike: Targets Attacked by CIA Drones in Pakistan – Most are Houses ################### By Alice K Ross and Jack Serle Global Research, May 30, 2014 The Bureau of Investigative Journalism 23 May 2014 A Pakistani tribesman sifts through the rubble of his house after an attack in January 2006 (Photo: Tariq Mahmood/AFP/Getty Images) The Bureau is publishing, for the first time, data showing the types of targets that have been reportedly attacked by CIA drones in Pakistan. The research is a joint project by the Bureau, Forensic Architecture, a research unit based at Goldsmiths University, London, and Situ Research in New York. The data feeds this interactive website mapping the strikes, the types of target attacked, and their relative scale. Download the data here This data reflects our understanding of the strikes as of May 2014. It will not be updated – so if new information emerges about the attacks, it will not be included in this dataset, although it will be included in our main drones databases. Below is a brief methodology showing how we compiled the data and the definitions we used. There is a more detailed methodology for our broader research on drones here. Related story – Most US drone strikes in Pakistan attack houses How we compiled the data We have used the index of reports the Bureau has compiled for each strike, extracting and recording data on what targets were reportedly hit. The targets were divided into domestic, public, religious, and commercial buildings, outdoor gatherings (such as meetings and funerals), and vehicles. Because of the very small number of public buildings, commercial buildings and outdoor gatherings that were hit, we have recorded these as ‘Other Buildings’. Reporting is sometimes vague about the target, and sources sometimes directly contradict one other. The Bureau uses the minimum figure in a range for data analysis in its investigations, to reflect these uncertainties. For example, a strike on March 16 2011 killed at least three people but reportedly hit either a vehicle or a house. This has been recorded as 0-1 vehicles hit and 0-1 houses hit and is represented on the interactive map as ‘target unclear’. This information about targets was combined with casualty estimates for the strikes. The locations were largely identified and plotted on the geo-platform using a CIA map of Waziristan, declassified in 2007. Latitudes and longitudes are based on reported locations, which are often only as specific as town or district, and so are not precise. Definitions • Civilian The Bureau classifies all individuals credibly reported as civilians as such. Where the dead are described as ‘tribesmen’, ‘locals’ or ‘people’, we believe this indicates possible civilian casualties and reflect this using the 0-X range. The Bureau has recorded a number of female casualties in the drone war. It almost always classes women as civilians: in the FATA region of Pakistan, where the strikes take place, reports of female militants are exceedingly rare. • Domestic building Where drones attack buildings, these are often described as ‘compounds’ and sometimes even ‘militant compounds’. However, local sources confirm that these are typically domestic buildings that are often rented or commandeered by militant groups. • Drone strike A missile or set of missiles fired by a drone or drones at a single location. Where missiles hit more than an hour apart, we counted these as separate strikes. Where drones hit locations more than a couple of miles apart we also count these as separate strikes, even when they take place in quick succession. • Other Buildings A small number of strikes have targeted buildings that are neither domestic buildings nor madrassas and mosques. These include commercial buildings and disused government buildings. • Religious (Madrassa/mosque) A madrassa is a seminary – a religious school. These are usually residential facilities that educate children and youths. A very small proportion of all attacks have hit madrassas or mosques, but they have tended to have very high death tolls. • Target Unclear Reporting is sometimes vague about what was hit in a strike – and sometimes media reports contradict one another in terms of what type of target was attacked. In these cases, we have categorised the target as ‘unclear’. • Vehicles This category encompasses cars, pick-up trucks, four-wheel drives and motorbikes. Sources • Media sources The most comprehensive public information on casualties generally lies in the thousands of press reports filed by reputable national and international media outlets. The bulk of our sources are in English, but some Urdu reporting has been used. Further information on media sources • Other sources The Bureau has carried out several field investigations into possible civilian deaths. The data also incorporates the fieldwork of credible researchers (for example Stanford Law School and New York University School of Law) and evidence filed in legal cases brought in Pakistan and elsewhere on behalf of civilian drone victims. Leaked US intelligence reports, WikiLeaks diplomatic cables, sanctions lists and ‘most wanted’ lists, and jihadist forums and websites have also been used where relevant. Further information on other sources Additional details In each category we aimed to note the nature and extent of the reported structural damage. We assigned a code for the degree of structural damage, where reported: 1. Minimal damage 2. Moderate damage 3. Severe damage 4. Completely destroyed The damage was not consistently reported in each strike, and was not consistent in each report of each strike. In some cases, we have assigned more than one number to a strike. For example, when some sources reported the building was totally destroyed but others only reported severe damage the strike was assigned 3-4. Where there are differences in reporting the number of missiles fired in a strike, we have similarly recorded these as a range. We used the same technique to accommodate inconsistencies between sources in the number and types of targets hit in the strikes. On average one building or one vehicle were hit in each strike. However several strikes reportedly hit multiple targets. For example, drones destroyed a convoy of trucks in a strike onDecember 27 2010, killing 18-25 people. However sources reported either two or three trucks were hit. The Bureau has recorded this strike as hitting 2-3 vehicles. ***************************************************** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Follow Alice K Ross and Jack Serle on Twitter. Subscribe to the Bureau’s drones podcast and newsletter.
  10. SPEAKING FREELY China frets over Japanese nuclear program By Hui Zhang ########################### http://www.atimes.com/atimes/China/CHIN-01-300514.html
  11. 1 in 6 American Men Between Ages 25-54 Are Not Working ################# Startling charts from the Republicans on the Senate Budget Committee about male participation in the labor force, particularly men between the ages of 25-54: “There are currently 61.1 million American men in their prime working years, age 25–54. A staggering 1 in 8 such men are not in the labor force at all, meaning they are neither working nor looking for work. This is an all-time high dating back to when records were first kept in 1955. An additional 2.9 million men are in the labor force but not employed (i.e., they would work if they could find a job). A total of 10.2 million individuals in this cohort, therefore, are not holding jobs in the U.S. economy today. There are also nearly 3 million more men in this age group not working today than there were before the recession began,” the Republicans on the Senate Budget Committee claim. “Although defenders of the current economy attribute shrinking labor force participation to the increasing pace of retirement of the Baby Boomer generation, these new statistics above confirm a trend that Barron’s recently diagnosed: ‘The ratio of those over 55 in the workforce actually ticked up’—in other words, older Americans are being forced to return to work in a poor economy to make ends meet while many younger Americans simply aren’t working at all. In short, there is an unprecedented supply of working-age Americans who do not hold jobs.”
  12. Fears for Portugal's 'lost' generation published by Tom Sullivan on Fri, 2014-05-30 19:47 As a result of an economic downturn whose effects were compounded by government austerity measures, Portugal is now fearing for the future of its young, the jobless "lost generation". Video of blYU4aXrcQM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blYU4aXrcQM&feature=player_embedded
  13. If you dont understand = this is a coverup of bad economic statistics......... ============================================================== (plenty of money for covert operations Syria & Ukraine ...but $$$ for the common man..no no no ...what you want more porridge !!!!!!) ################################## Drugs and prostitution to be included in UK national accountsContribution of drug dealers and prostitutes to the UK economy boosted figures by £10bn according to estimates Angela Monaghan theguardian.com, Thursday 29 May 2014 15.13 EDT ======================================= Drugs and prostitution contributed £10bn to the UK economy in 2009. Photograph: Alamy George Osborne famously declared "we are all in this together" when it comes to Britain's prosperity. The Office for National Statistics has now taken him at his word, adding up the contribution made by prostitutes and drug dealers. For the first time official statisticians are measuring the value to the UK economy of sex work and drug dealing – and they have discovered these unsavoury hidden-economy trades make roughly the same contribution as farming – and only slightly less than book and newspaper publishers added together. Illegal drugs and prostitution boosted the economy by £9.7bn – equal to 0.7% of gross domestic product – in 2009, according to the ONS's first official estimate. A breakdown of the data shows sex work generated £5.3bn for the economy that year, with another £4.4bn lift from a combination of cannabis, heroin, powder cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy and amphetamines. According to the estimates there were 60,879 prostitutes in the UK in 2009, who had an average of 25 clients per week – each paying on average £67.16 per visit. There is also detailed data on drugs. The statisticians reckon there were 2.2 million cannabis users in the UK in 2009, toking their way through weed worth more than £1.2bn. They calculate that half of that was home-grown – costing £154m in heat, light and "raw materials" to produce. The ONS will work in the coming months to bring the data more up to date. The figures will then be included in the broad category of household spending on "miscellaneous goods and services" alongside life insurance, personal care products and post office charges. The more inclusive approach brings the ONS into line with European Union rules, and will eventually allow comparisons of the size of the shadow economy in different member states. Joe Grice, chief economic adviser at the ONS, said: "As economies develop and evolve, so do the statistics we use to measure them. These improvements are going on across the world and we are working with our partners in Europe and the wider world on the same agenda. "Here in the UK these reforms will help ONS to continue delivering the best possible economic statistics to inform key decisions in government and business." The new elements will be published in the national accounts from September onwards, supplementing the more traditional measures of GDP including construction and manufacturing output. By comparison, the construction sector contributed around £90bn to the UK economy in 2009, and manufacturing £150bn. The ONS said that in every year between 1997 and 2009 prostitution and illegal drugs boosted the economy by between £7bn and £11bn. Combined with other changes to the national accounts from September, £33bn or 2.3% will be added to the 2009 level of GDP, the ONS said. Graeme Walker, head of national accounts for the ONS, acknowledged there were limitations to measuring the value of illegal activities to the economy, but said it was a useful exercise nevertheless. "It's a model-based estimate but one that serves a purpose for the picture of the overall economy." He said the ONS would attempt to "fill in the gaps" left by available studies but it would be impossible to measure illegal activities as accurately as other components of GDP. Other activities are measured using questionnaires but the response rate in the sex and drugs trades are unlikely to be high. Alan Clarke, a UK economist at Scotiabank, said that although the government would not feel the benefit of illegal work in terms of income tax take, there would be a spending boost. "A drug dealer or prostitute won't necessarily pay tax on that £10bn, but the government will get tax receipts when they spend their income on a pimped up car or bling phone." Steve Pudney, professor of economics at the University of Essex, said he was sceptical about the methods used by the ONS to estimate the size of the drugs market. "In my view, the ONS estimate of the size of the drug market is unlikely to be very accurate. It rests on some heroically large assumptions which would be difficult to test, and it also uses a measure of demand that is likely to understate systematically the true scale of drug use." He added: "They are using a demand-side approach which loosely involves multiplying a survey estimate of the number of drug users by another estimate of the amount consumed by the average user. "Average retail prices of drugs come from other sources – mainly police/customs/security service intelligence sources – and, multiplying this by the estimated demand, gives the size of the market in cash terms." ################################ Rule Britannia (With lyric annotations)
  14. No cant be him (this is not the letter writters info ,but speculation.) I suspect its the "22nd DPD" officer. see 21 JFK cops who heard a grassy knoll shot http://jfkfacts.org/assassination/21-jfk-cops-who-heard-a-grassy-knoll-shot/#more-6381 ============= We dont know who /where were all of the DPD officers locations on 11/22 and the fate/history of all DPD officers post 11/22. . Maybe below. (GAAL) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Christian Frantz Toussay Christian Frantz Toussay Experienced Member Posted 09 May 2010 - 08:24 PM Frantz, on Mar 20 2010, 08:06 PM, said: …OK, I am posting below, as promised, the first results obtained from the processing of the uncropped Nix film. As indicated in my previous post, I worked on several different frames to eliminate the optical illusion argument. I worked on 5 frames, though I am only presenting 3 here. All 5 frames results are coherent. Though the results presented can probably be improved, I think they are already sufficiently interesting to be shown here even at this stage. Before you analyze the images, here is some information on how I worked: *I screen-captured 29 frames of the shooting sequence showing the retaining wall and knoll area *since I focused on frames of particular interest (yes, it is actually possible to detect movement, though of an unknown nature, at the extremity of the wall when viewing the film frame by frame, even with the naked eye) they are not evenly spaced in time, and of course do not correspond to the official frame-count (if there is one…) of the Nix film. *I then processed the images as described here several times. As usual, I worked with ArcSoft PhotoStudio, which allows for the easy creation and use of transparencies. As usual, I have kept all the records showing the progression from the original image to the results presented., and they are available to anyone willing to check. In my previous post, I stated that, in all probability, the extremity of the retaining wall corner would reveal the presence of at least one man in uniform. It would appear that I was right in this prediction, as indicated by the composite picture posted below, showing three images of an unknown “DPD officer” just at the extremity of the wall corner during the shooting. Astute observers will probably notice how the movements and postures of the man correspond to someone watching a motorcade (or any moving kind of event) coming at him from the right (frame 12), passing in front of him (frame 20) and speeding away to the left (frame 29) Naturally, I am no psychic: this man can be seen in several pictures of the assassination after processing (some of them have been posted here), so the possibility that he would also be visible in the Nix film was quite high. On the other hand, as some will notice, in science theory the predictive capability of an hypothesis is considered a key factor, so what I am posting below is in fact a strong argument in favour of what I am trying to say here for some time now: *statement n°1: there is a simple, apparently not well known, computer–based process that can enhance pictures tremendously *statement n°2: applied to the JFK photo and film record, it shows that men in DPD uniforms executed the assassination, shooting from the Daltex 2nd floor, the TSBD Snipper’s Nest, and the picket fence corner area parallel to the retaining wall The man seen in the frames below is in all probability BlackDogMan, discovered decades ago in other pictures. My work is only validating the original discoverers, and giving additional (in my view, crucial…) information as to his identity. As a conclusion, I would like to say this: there are lots of other assassination-related pictures to analyze. I am presently working on the autopsy pictures with …interesting results. There is also a very good probability that the uncropped Nix film might show exploitable images of the fence, allowing for confirmation of a two-man assassins team behind the fence near the corner. Anyone could very quickly master the technique described and start producing pertinent data. I assume that anyone working with closer-to-the-source material and/or better software could get markedly improved results than what I can get myself. One last thing: the images below illustrates the random aspect of the process: you never know what an image will exactly look like when you are producing it (though some basic, general rules seem to emerge after some practice) and some results are quite different from what you would expect from classic photo enhancement, as several critics have noted. My only explanation for this is that the process actually is about extracting information from the support, and does not address the least the question of how it will look like in the end. So let me hear your comments to the images I am posting below…
  15. Fruge decided to have the drug deal aspect of her story checked out by the state troopers and U. S. Customs. The officers confirmed the name of the seaman on board the correct ship coming into Galveston. The Customs people checked the Rice Hotel and the reservations had been made for her under an assumed name. The contact who had the money and her baby was checked and his name showed that he was an underworld, suspected narcotics dealer. Fruge checked Cheramie’s baggage and found that one box had baby clothes and shoes inside. Fruge flew Cheramie from Louisiana to Houston on Tuesday, the 26th. In the back seat of the small Sesna 180, a newspaper was lying between them. One of the headlines read to the effect that "investigators or something had not been able to establish a relationship between Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald." (Fruge’s HSCA deposition p. 19) When Cheramie read this headline, she started to giggle. She then added, "Them two queer sons-of-a-bitches. They’ve been shacking up for years." (Ibid.) She added that she knew this to be true from her experience of working for Ruby. Fruge then had his superior call up Captain Will Fritz of the Dallas Police to relay what an important witness Cheramie could be in his investigation. Fruge related what followed next: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Colonel Morgan called Captain Fritz up from Dallas and told him what we had, the information that we had, that we had a person that had given us this information. And of course there again it was an old friend, and there was a little conversation. But anyway, when Colonel Morgan hung up, he turned around and told us they don’t want her. They’re not interested. ++++++++++++++++ see G-1 HSCA testimony of Lt. Fruge; Louisiana State Police, excerpts G-2 Memorandum Detective Meloche to Jim Garrison, Statement of A.H. Magruder G-3 Department of the Treasury; Customs Service, memo, Houston, Texas, December 10 1963 G-4 Louisiana Patrol Memo from Officer Andrews on death of Rose Cheramie see http://www.larry-hancock.com/documents/appendices/app-g/catalog.html ########################## Here is a summary on the Google Book page: <quote on> The Strength of the Wolf presents for the first time a definitive history of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN) from its birth in 1930 until its wrenching termination in 1968. Carefully and extensively documented, the book is based largely on interviews with former FBN agents, and in this respect The Strength of the Wolf represents a new chapter in American history, one that introduces a cast of fabulous characters. Douglas Valentine tells how the FBN's premier case-making agents penetrated the arcane world of international drug trafficking and, by uncovering the Establishment's ties to organized crime, brought about their own demise. As the book reveals in startling detail, the CIA and FBI were often protecting the FBN's major targets in the Mafia and the French Corsican underworld. The CIA and its Nationalist Chinese allies were found to be the largest drug-trafficking syndicate in the world, but for political and national security reasons, the FBN was prevented from investigating this overarching conspiracy. +++++++++++++ This is transnationally protected narcotics traffif that Peter Dale Scott has written about. Since the Rose Cheramie issue touches on it the coverup is deep and wide. =============================== AGENCY : CUSTOMS RECORD NUMBER : 196-10001-10049 RECORDS SERIES : FIELD OFFICE FILES DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR : CUSTOMS FROM : SAC NEW ORLEANS TO : [No To] TITLE : [No Title] DATE : 12/18/1963 PAGES : 1 DOCUMENT TYPE : PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT SUBJECTS : CHERAMI, ROSE CLASSIFICATION : UNCLASSIFIED RESTRICTIONS : OPEN IN FULL CURRENT STATUS : OPEN DATE OF LAST REVIEW : 12/21/1996 COMMENTS : CASE FILE CARD ON ROSE CHERAMI. CASE FILES TRANSFERRED TO FRC FT. WORTH AND CONFIRMED DESTROYED. NO FURTHER INFORMATION. AGENCY : CUSTOMS RECORD NUMBER : 196-10001-10059 RECORDS SERIES : FIELD OFFICE FILES DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR : CUSTOMS FROM : SAC NEW ORLEANS TO : [No To] TITLE : [No Title] DATE : 12/18/1963 PAGES : 1 DOCUMENT TYPE : PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT SUBJECTS : MARCADES, MELBA CLASSIFICATION : UNCLASSIFIED RESTRICTIONS : OPEN IN FULL CURRENT STATUS : OPEN DATE OF LAST REVIEW : 12/21/1996 COMMENTS : CASE FILE CARD ON MELBA MARCADES. CASE FILES TRANSFERRED TO FRC FT. WORTH AND CONFIRMED DESTROYED. NO FURTHER INFORMATION. AGENCY : CUSTOMS RECORD NUMBER : 196-10001-10059 RECORDS SERIES : FIELD OFFICE FILES DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR : CUSTOMS FROM : SAC NEW ORLEANS TO : [No To] TITLE : [No Title] DATE : 12/18/1963 PAGES : 1 DOCUMENT TYPE : PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT SUBJECTS : MARCADES, MELBA CLASSIFICATION : UNCLASSIFIED RESTRICTIONS : OPEN IN FULL CURRENT STATUS : OPEN DATE OF LAST REVIEW : 12/21/1996 COMMENTS : CASE FILE CARD ON MELBA MARCADES. CASE FILES TRANSFERRED TO FRC FT. WORTH AND CONFIRMED DESTROYED. NO FURTHER INFORMATION http://www.nara.gov/...254/jfksnew.txt 22 Documents related to Rose Cheramie 01 180-10105-10328 02 180-10105-10330 03 180-10112-10058 ARRESTS ROSE CHERAMIE 04 180-10112-10057 MELBA MARCADES 05 180-10089-10046 06 124-10185-10123 07 124-10276-10427 08 180-10111-10073 POSTPONED IN FULL 09 180-10111-10074 10 180-10107-10062 11 180-10100-10004 1 page Customs Dept Staff 12 180-10147-10339 13 180-10104-10459 POSTPONED IN FULL 14 180-10105-10003 POSTPONED IN FULL 15 180-10106-10014 16 180-10112-10310 17 124-10373-10139 18 180-10067-10459 19 180-10074-10060 1 page 20 180-10065-10259 21 180-10089-10047 POSTPONED IN FULL 22 180-10095-10160 Rose Cheramie aliases POSTPONED IN FULL 23* 196-10001-10059 . 23* This document was under NARA as Melba Marcades
  16. Other than on Cheramie's (unsourced) Spartacus webpage, where have you read that the two guys worked for Jack Ruby? --Tommy ================================================================= 10/6/13 WND Dumped by the side of the road On Wednesday, Nov. 20, 1963, a woman named Rose Cheramie was brought to a local hospital by one Frank Odum after he hit her on Highway 190 near Eunice, La. She claimed she had been abandoned by the side of the road by two men she had been traveling with and then was hit by another car. While sedated in the hospital, Cheramie predicted that JFK would be assassinated in Dallas that coming Friday. Rose Cheramie, or Cherami, was one of some 30 aliases used by Melba Christine Marcades, born Melba Christine Youngblood. She was a 34-year-old drug and substance abuser with a long list of prostitution and other arrests since she turned 18. She had worked as a B-girl for Jack Ruby in his Carousel Club in Dallas and had been mainlining heroin for nine years. According to a Louisiana State Police report in mid-November 1963, she worked “as a dope runner for Jack Ruby.” The report said she had “worked in the night club for Ruby and that she was forced to go to Florida with another man whom she did not name to pick up a shipment of dope to take back to Dallas and that she didn’t want to do this thing but she had a young child and that they would hurt her child if she didn’t.” She was thrown out of a brothel after a quarrel ensued with the two men participating in the dope run. A staff report compiled by the House Special Committee on Assassinations said Cheramie had taken her last injection of heroin around 2 p.m. on Nov. 20, 1963. ‘They’re going to kill the president!’ Lt. Francis Fruge of the Louisiana State Police was the first to interview Cheramie at Moosa Memorial Hospital in Eunice, La. Because the hospital was private and Cheramie had no funds or insurance, Fruge placed her in the Eunice City Jail. Fruge then called Dr. Derouin, a local doctor from the coroner’s office, who administered a sedative to calm her from the effects of drug withdrawal. Dr. Derouin made the decision to commit her to the state hospital in Jackson, La. On route to the hospital in Jackson, Cheramie talked to Fruge, according to a deposition the officer gave the House Select Committee on Assassinations, Cheramie told him “she was coming from Florida to Dallas with two men who were Italians or resembled Italians.” “They stopped at this lounge … and they’d had a few drinks and got into an argument or something. The manager of the lounge threw her out and she got on the road and hitchhiked to catch a ride, and this is when she got hit by a vehicle.” Fruge said the lounge was a house of prostitution called the “Silver Slipper.” He told the committee that he asked Cheramie what she was going to do in Dallas: “She said she was going to, number one, pick up some money, pick up her baby, and kill Kennedy.” Fruge claimed Cheramie was lucid making these statements. He had her admitted to the hospital late on Nov. 20, 1963. ‘These are serious guys’ With further investigation, Fruge found Cheramie’s farfetched story had a basis in fact. Fruge tracked down the owner of the Silver Slipper Lounge, Mac Manual, who told him Cheramie had come into the bar with two men who were pimps engaged in the business of hauling prostitutes in from Florida. When Cheramie became intoxicated and rowdy, one of the men supposedly “slapped her around” and threw her outside. Fruge further claimed he showed the owner of the Silver Slipper bar a stack of mug shots from which the bar owner identified a Cuban exile named Sergio Aracha Smith as one of Cheramie’s traveling companions. Assassination researchers have identified Aracha Smith as an anti-Castro refugee who was active in 1961 as head of the New Orleans Cuban Revolutionary Front. At that time, Aracha Smith befriended anti-Castro activist and commercial pilot David Ferrie, a shadowy New Orleans figure who became prominent in the investigation of New Orleans prosecutor Jim Garrison. In the investigation of the Cheramie case, Corsi notes, there is a suggestion Louisiana state police found diagrams of the sewer system in Dealey Plaza among the contents of Aracha Smith’s apartment in Dallas. Increasingly, assassination researchers have concluded Aracha Smith must be listed among the Cuban exiles that are strongly suspected of having played an operational role in the JFK assassination. After the assassination, Corsi points out, Fruge immediately called the hospital and told them not to release Cheramie until he had a chance to speak with her. The following morning, Cheramie told Fruge the two men traveling with her from Miami were going to Dallas to assassinate the president. Cheramie claimed her role was to obtain $8,000 from an unidentified source in Dallas, who was evidently holding her child, and proceed to Houston with the two men to complete a drug deal. Reservations had been made at the Rice Hotel in Houston. She said the trio was to meet a seaman who was bringing in eight kilos of heroin to Galveston by boat. From Galveston, once the drug transaction was completed, the trio expected to head to Mexico. Taken into custody Fruge took Cheramie into custody after the customs chief in Galveston verified the scheduled docking of the boat and the name of the seaman. During a flight from Houston, according to Fruge, Cheramie noticed a newspaper with headlines suggesting investigators were trying to establish a link between Ruby and Oswald. According to the deposition Fruge gave the House Select Committee, Cheramie laughed at the newspaper article. She explained to Fruge that she had worked for Ruby, or “Pinky” as she knew him, at his nightclub in Dallas, and she claimed Ruby and Oswald “had been shacking up for years” and were “bed-mates.” Fruge had his superior call Capt. Will Fritz of the Dallas Police Department with the information, only to find Fritz responded that he was not interested. Other reports indicated that at the state hospital on Nov. 22, 1963, several nurses were watching television with Cheramie when she again predicted the JFK assassination. According to the hospital witnesses, “during the telecast moments before Kennedy was shot Rose Cheramie stated to them, ‘This is when it is going to happen’ and at that moment Kennedy was assassinated.” The nurses, in turn, told others of Cheramie’s prognostication. Dr. Victor Weis, a psychiatrist at the hospital, also confirmed that Cheramie told him she knew both Ruby and Oswald and had seen them sitting together on several different occasions in Ruby’s club. The word spread throughout the state hospital that Cheramie had predicted the JFK assassination, and, amazingly, Cheramie even predicted the involvement of her former boss, Ruby. Dr. Wayne Owen, who had been interning from LSU, later told the Madison Capital Times that Cheramie had warned him and other interns that the plot involved a man named Jack Rubenstein. Owen said he and the other interns shrugged it off at the time but were shocked when they saw Ruby kill Oswald and found out that Jack Ruby was born Jack Rubenstein. While there remain many unanswered questions about Rose Cheramie’s strange story, the public record fully attests to her knowledge of the JFK assassination plot in Dallas, as well as her testimony that Ruby and Oswald knew each other before the event. =================================================================================== PROBE From the July-August 1999 issue (Vol. 6 No. 5) Rose Cheramie: How She Predicted the JFK Assassination By Jim DiEugenioOn November 20, 1963, Lt. Francis Fruge of the Louisiana State Police received a phone call from Moosa Memorial Hospital in Eunice. A Mrs. Louise Guillory, the hospital administrator told him that there was an accident victim in the emergency ward. Guillory knew that Fruge worked the narcotics detail and she felt that the woman was under the influence of drugs. Fruge immediately left for the hospital. When he got there he encountered a middle-aged white female sitting down in the waiting room outside emergency. There were no serious injuries; only bruises and abrasions. She was only partly coherent. But Moosa was a private hospital and since the woman seemed bereft of funds, Guillory had called Fruge to see what he could do to help. The woman identified herself to Fruge as Rose Cheramie. Fruge had no choice at the time except to place Cheramie in the Eunice City Jail. He then went out to attend the Eunice Police Department’s Annual Ball. About an hour later a police officer came over to the function and told Fruge that Cheramie was undergoing withdrawal symptoms. Fruge came back and, after recognizing the condition, called a local doctor, Dr. Derouin, from the coroner’s office. Derouin administered a sedative via syringe to calm her down. The doctor then suggested that she be removed from the jail and taken to the state facility in Jackson. After Fruge agreed, Derouin called the facility at about midnight on the 20th and made arrangements for her delivery there. Afterwards, Fruge called Charity Hospital in Lafayette and ordered an ambulance for the transport to the hospital. Fruge accompanied Cheramie to the hospital. And, according to his House Select Committee deposition, it was at this point that Rose began to relate her fascinating and astonishing tale. Calmed by the sedative, and according to Fruge, quite lucid, she began to respond to some routine questions with some quite unusual answers. She told him that she was en route from Florida to Dallas with two men who looked Cuban or Italian. The men told her that they were going to kill the president in Dallas in just a few days. Cheramie herself was not part of the plot but apparently the men were also part of a large dope ring with Rose since Cheramie’s function was as a courier of funds for heroin which was to be dropped off to her by a seaman coming into the port of Galveston. She was to pick up the money for the drugs from a man who was holding her child. It seemed a quite intricate dope ring since she was then to transport the heroin to Mexico. The two men were supposed to accompany her to Mexico but the whole transaction got short-circuited on Highway 190 near Eunice. In the confines of a seedy bar called the Silver Slipper Lounge, Cheramie’s two friends were met by a third party. Rose left with the two men she came with. But a short distance away from the bar, an argument apparently ensued. And although some have written that she was thrown out of the vehicle and hit by an oncoming car, according to Fruge, Rose said that the argument took place inside the Silver Slipper, and that the two men and the manager, Mac Manual, threw her out. While hitchhiking on the 190, she was hit by a car driven by one Frank Odom. It was Odom who then delivered her to Moosa. As Fruge so memorably recalled to Jonathan Blackmer of the HSCA, Cheramie summed up her itinerary in Dallas in the following manner: "She said she was going to, number one, pick up some money, pick up her baby, and to kill Kennedy." (p. 9 of Fruge’s 4/18/78 deposition) At the hospital, Cheramie again predicted the assassination. On November 22nd, several nurses were watching television with Cheramie. According to these witnesses, "…during the telecast moments before Kennedy was shot Rose Cheramie stated to them, ‘This is when it is going to happen’ and at that moment Kennedy was assassinated. The nurses, in turn, told others of Cheramie’s prognostication." (Memo of Frank Meloche to Louis Ivon, 5/22/67. Although the Dallas motorcade was not broadcast live on the major networks, the nurses were likely referring to the spot reports that circulated through local channels in the vicinity of the trip. Of course, the assassination itself was reported on by network television almost immediately after it happened.) Further, according to a psychiatrist there, Dr. Victor Weiss, Rose "…told him that she knew both Ruby and Oswald and had seen them sitting together on occasions at Ruby’s club." (Ibid., 3/13/67) In fact, Fruge later confirmed the fact that she had worked as a stripper for Ruby. (Louisiana State Police report of 4/4/67.) Fruge had discounted Cheramie’s earlier comments to him as drug-induced delusions. Or, as he said to Blackmer, "When she came out with the Kennedy business, I just said, wait a minute, wait a minute, something wrong here somewhere." (Fruge, HSCA deposition, p. 9) He further described her in this manner: Now, bear in mind that she talked: she’d talk for awhile, looks like the shots would have effect on her again and she’d go in, you know, she’d just get numb, and after awhile she’d just start talking again. (Ibid.) But apparently, at the time of the assassination Cheramie appeared fine. The word spread throughout the hospital that she had predicted Kennedy’s murder in advance. Dr. Wayne Owen, who had been interning from LSU at the time, later told the Madison Capital Times that he and other interns were told of the plot in advance of the assassination. Amazingly, Cheramie even predicted the role of her former boss Jack Ruby because Owen was quoted as saying that one of the interns was told "…that one of the men involved in the plot was a man named Jack Rubinstein." (2/11/68) Owen said that they shrugged it off at the time. But when they learned that Rubinstein was Ruby they grew quite concerned. "We were all assured that something would be done about it by the FBI or someone. Yet we never heard anything." (Ibid.) In fact, Cheramie’s association with Ruby was also revealed to Dr. Weiss. For in an interview with him after the assassination, Rose revealed that she had worked as a drug courier for Jack Ruby. (Memo of Frank Meloche to Jim Garrison, 2/23/67) In the same memo, there is further elaboration on this important point: I believe she also mentioned that she worked in the night club for Ruby and that she was forced to go to Florida with another man whom she did not name to pick up a shipment of dope to take back to Dallas, that she didn’t want to do this thing but she had a young child and that they would hurt her child if she didn’t. These comments are, of course, very revealing about Ruby’s role in both an intricate drug smuggling scheme and, at the least, his probable acquaintance with men who either had knowledge of, or were actually involved in, the assassination. This is a major point in this story which we will return to later. Although Fruge had discounted the Cheramie story on November 20th, the events of the 22nd made him a believer. Right after JFK’s murder, Fruge "…called that hospital up in Jackson and told them by no way in the world to turn her loose until I could get my hands on her." (Fruge’s HSCA deposition, p. 12.) So on November 25th, Fruge journeyed up to Jackson again to talk to Cheramie. This time he conducted a much more in-depth interview. Fruge found out that Cheramie had been traveling with the two men from Miami. He also found that the men seemed to be a part of the conspiracy rather than to be just aware of it. After the assassination, they were supposed to stop by a home in Dallas to pick up both around eight thousand dollars plus Rose’s baby. From there Cheramie was supposed to check into the Rice Hotel in Houston under an assumed name. Houston is in close proximity to Galveston, the town from which the drugs were coming in from. From Houston, once the transaction was completed, the trio were headed for Mexico. How reliable a witness was Cheramie? Extermely. Fruge decided to have the drug deal aspect of her story checked out by the state troopers and U. S. Customs. The officers confirmed the name of the seaman on board the correct ship coming into Galveston. The Customs people checked the Rice Hotel and the reservations had been made for her under an assumed name. The contact who had the money and her baby was checked and his name showed that he was an underworld, suspected narcotics dealer. Fruge checked Cheramie’s baggage and found that one box had baby clothes and shoes inside. Fruge flew Cheramie from Louisiana to Houston on Tuesday, the 26th. In the back seat of the small Sesna 180, a newspaper was lying between them. One of the headlines read to the effect that "investigators or something had not been able to establish a relationship between Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald." (Fruge’s HSCA deposition p. 19) When Cheramie read this headline, she started to giggle. She then added, "Them two queer sons-of-a-bitches. They’ve been shacking up for years." (Ibid.) She added that she knew this to be true from her experience of working for Ruby. Fruge then had his superior call up Captain Will Fritz of the Dallas Police to relay what an important witness Cheramie could be in his investigation. Fruge related what followed next: Colonel Morgan called Captain Fritz up from Dallas and told him what we had, the information that we had, that we had a person that had given us this information. And of course there again it was an old friend, and there was a little conversation. But anyway, when Colonel Morgan hung up, he turned around and told us they don’t want her. They’re not interested. Fruge then asked Cheramie if she wished to try telling her tale to the FBI. She declined. She did not wish to involve herself further. With this, the Cheramie investigation was now halted. Rose was released and Fruge went back to Louisiana. So, just four days after the assassination, with an extremely and provably credible witness alive, with her potentially explosive testimony able to be checked out, the Cheramie testimony was now escorted out to pasture. Eyewitness testimony that Ruby knew Oswald, that Ruby was somehow involved in an international drug circle, that two Latins were aware of and perhaps involved in a plot to kill Kennedy, and that Ruby probably knew the men; this incredible lead—the type investigators pine for—was being shunted aside by Fritz. It would stay offstage until Jim Garrison began to poke into the Kennedy case years later. ... The rest of this article can be found in The Assassinations, edited by Jim DiEugenio and Lisa Pease.
  17. see http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=6017&p=286080 two addendums below ================================================ http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKcheramie.htm Rose Cheramie Rose Cheramie (Cherami) was found unconsciousness by the side of the road at Eunice, Louisiana, on 20th November, 1963. Lieutenant Francis Frugé of the Louisiana State Police took her to the state hospital. On the journey Cheramie said that she had been thrown out of a car by two gangsters who worked for Jack Ruby. She claimed that the men were involved in a plot to kill John F. Kennedy. Cheramie added that Kennedy would be killed in Dallas within a few days. Later she told the same story to doctors and nurses who treated her. As she appeared to be under the influence of drugs her story was ignored. Following the assassination, Cheramie was interviewed by the police. She claimed that Lee Harvey Oswald had visited Ruby's night club. In fact, she believed the two men were having a homosexual relationship. ################# ################# http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=5074&p=41488 ( part of HOMOSEXUAL THREAD) Quote You can assume that Beckham knew something about Guy Bannister's [G.B.] death which caused him considerable trepidation. Quote http://educationforu...h...ost&p=78399
  18. How the IMF Destroyed Greece: The Reality of the Greek “Success story”: On Its Way to Become a Third World Country By Aris Chatzistenaou Global Research, May 24, 2014 kontext-tv.de =============================== http://www.globalresearch.ca/how-the-imf-destroyed-greece-the-reality-of-the-greek-success-story-on-its-way-to-become-a-third-world-country/5383475 ======== While prime minister Samaras speaks of a “Greek success story” reality looks quite different: Public debt has increased from 120 per cent of GDP to 180 per cent. The suicide rate is soaring. The public health and education systems have already been largely destroyed, says Chatzistefanou. According to physicians existential fear and poverty would lead also to a heavy rise in cardiovascular diseases – often with deadly consequences. The alleged primary surplus were fictitious as government debts – including unpaid salaries – were not taken into account. The left – including Syriza – would only be able to counter neoliberal policies if a massive social movement will support a progressive government as in parts of Latin America. ====== MORE SEE LINK
  19. Donald Rumsfeld and the Demolition of WTC 7 Posted by Orangutan. on Thu, 05/22/2014 - 12:18pm Posted on May 22, 2014 by Kevin Ryan When former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was asked about World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC 7), he claimed that he had never heard of it. This was despite the unprecedented destruction of that 47-story building and its relationship to the events of 9/11 that shaped Rumsfeld’s career. Although not hit by a plane, WTC 7 experienced free fall into its own footprint on the afternoon of 9/11—through the path of what should have been the most resistance. The government agency charged with investigating the building’s destruction ultimately admitted that it had been in free fall during a portion of its descent. That fact makes explosive demolition the only logical explanation. Considering how WTC 7 might have been demolished leads to some interesting facts about Rumsfeld and his associates. The one major tenant of WTC 7 was Salomon Smith Barney (SSB), the company that occupied 37 of the 47 floors in WTC 7. A little discussed fact is that Rumsfeld was the chairman of the SSB advisory board and Dick Cheney was a board member as well. Rumsfeld had served as chairman of the SSB advisory board since its inception in 1999. According to the financial disclosures he made in his nomination process, during the same period Rumsfeld had also been a paid consultant to the Director of Central Intelligence, George Tenet. Rumsfeld and Cheney had to resign from their CIA and SSB positions in 2001 when they were confirmed as members of George W. Bush’s cabinet. Several of Rumsfeld and Cheney’s colleagues had access to, or personal knowledge of, WTC 7. Secret Service agent Carl Truscott, who was in charge of the Presidential Protection Division on 9/11, knew the building well because he had worked at the Secret Service’s New York field office located there. Furthermore, Tenet’s CIA secretly operated a “false front of another federal organization” from within WTC 7. That false front might have been related to the Secret Service, the Internal Revenue Service, Rumsfeld’s Department of Defense, or the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), all of which were listed as tenants of WTC 7. The SEC lost many important documents when the building was destroyed, including much of what was needed to effectively prosecute Enron and WorldCom. In any event, it is clear that covert operatives had access to WTC 7. Through the Secret Service, the DOD, and a secret office of the CIA, the building provided access to many such people. Additionally, electronic security for the WTC complex was contracted out to Stratesec, a security company operated by military arms logistician and Iran-Contra suspect, Barry McDaniel. Wirt Walker, the son of a CIA employee who was flagged by the SEC for suspected 9/11 insider trading, was McDaniel’s boss at Stratesec. Amazingly, explosives and terrorism were planned topics of discussion at WTC 7 on the day of the attacks. There was a meeting scheduled at WTC 7 for the morning of 9/11 that included explosive disposal units from the U.S. military. The Demolition Ordnance Disposal Team from the Army’s Fort Monmouth just happened to be invited there that morning to meet with the building’s owner, Larry Silverstein. They were “reportedly planning to hold a meeting at 7 World Trade Center to discuss terrorism prevention efforts.” The meeting was set for eight o’clock in the morning on 9/11 but was canceled with the excuse that one of Silverstein’s executives could not make it. Richard Spanard, an Army captain and commander of Fort Monmouth’s explosive disposal unit, was at WTC 7 to attend the meeting. He was “enjoying breakfast at a deli 50 feet from the World Trade Center twin towers when the first plane hit. General hysteria inundated the deli. Spanard decided that he and the three soldiers with him should move to number 7 World Trade Center, where they had a scheduled meeting.” Building 7 was “full of people in the midst of evacuating. A second explosion was heard, and people began mobbing the three escalators in a state of panic. Spanard and the now five soldiers with him began yelling for everyone to remain calm.” In yet another “eerie quirk of fate,” Fort Monmouth personnel were preparing for an exercise called Timely Alert II on the day of 9/11. This was a disaster drill focused on response to a terrorist attack and included law enforcement agencies and emergency personnel. The drill simply changed to an actual response as the attacks began. Fort Monmouth, located in New Jersey just 49 miles away from the WTC complex, was home to several units of the Army Materiel Command (AMC). Coincidentally, Stratesec’s Barry McDaniel had led AMC a decade earlier. McDaniel had an interesting past and, after 9/11, became business partners with one of Dick Cheney’s closest colleagues. The Fort Monmouth response on 9/11 included the explosives unit and the Army’s Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM). As the drill was converted to an actual response, teams of CECOM experts were deployed to locate cell phone transmissions in the pile at Ground Zero. The remainder of the base’s explosive ordnance company was there by the afternoon of 9/11 and stayed for three days in order to, among other things, help “authorities” look for any possible explosives in the debris. The explosive disposal/terrorism meeting was not just a request of Larry Silverstein, however, but was actually organized by the Secret Service field office. The U.S. Navy’s explosive ordnance disposal Mobile Unit 6 had also been invited to WTC 7 that morning, again at the request of the Secret Service. As they arrived, the planes began to strike the towers. Considering all of this, Rumsfeld’s claim that he had never heard of WTC 7 is not believable. It does not reconcile with the facts about the positions he held and those of his colleagues and subordinates. It certainly doesn’t reconcile with the fact that Rudy Giuliani gave Rumsfeld a personal tour of Ground Zero just two months after the attacks. Surely Rumsfeld noticed the huge pile of still-smoking rubble that was once the building where Giuliani’s 23rd-floor emergency bunker was housed. They were photographed standing right across the street from it. Rumsfeld was the chairman of the advisory board for a company that occupied nearly the entirety of WTC 7. On 9/11 he led the DOD—another tenant of the building. Explosive disposal units from both the Army and the Navy (DOD entities) were scheduled to meet in WTC 7 on the morning of 9/11, ostensibly to discuss terrorism. A DOD-sponsored terrorism exercise was scheduled for that morning in the same area. Moreover, Rumsfeld’s long-time business associate Peter Janson ran AMEC Construction, a company hired to clean-up the debris at the WTC complex (after having renovated the exact area where Flight 77 was said to have hit the Pentagon). And as stated above, Rumsfeld had been a paid consultant to CIA director George Tenet in the three years prior to 9/11. Immediately after WTC 7 was destroyed, the CIA ordered the immediate area around the building to be surrounded by FBI agents. According to the New York Times, the CIA then “dispatched a special team to scour the rubble.” Reportedly this was to retrieve secret documents. But was the CIA, in conjunction with (or posing as) the Secret Service, also coordinating the military’s ordnance disposal units in their search for explosives in the debris? Rumsfeld’s comments should be considered in light of the fact that he was among the leaders of a concerted plan to lie about Iraq’s WMDs. Similarly, there has been a pattern of lying about WTC 7 by government officials. The official report on the destruction of the building is patently and provably false and followed a long string of false explanations. When government scientists finally admitted that WTC 7 was in free-fall, indicating that they had previously lied about that fact, even their body language revealed the deception. When we remember 9/11, we should remember that those crimes initiated and continue to drive the devastating “War on Terror.” We should also remember that war is based on deception and the official account of 9/11 is a prime example. We see the lies about 9/11 everyday as they are still being told, like the one readily seen in the form of a 47-story building experiencing free fall and nearly every statement made about it by government officials since that time. http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/05/donald-rumsfeld-demolition-wtc-7.html
  20. AlterNet / By Alyssa Figueroa Couple Fined $750, Threatened With Jail for Feeding Homeless People Debbie and Chico Jimenez refuse to turn their backs on the hungry. May 21, 2014 A Florida couple who fed more than 100 homeless people each week have been accused of breaking the law for their good deed. Debbie and Chico Jimenez, along with four volunteers, were ticketed last week for $373 each and threatened with jail after Daytona Beach police showed up at their weekly Wednesday gatherings at Manatee Island Park. They were cited with violating the city’s ordinance banning feeding a crowd on public property and fined $273 each for trespassing and $100 for no park permit. According to the Daytona-Beach News Journal, a sign at the park reads: “Social services activities including, but not limited to, food banks and feeding programs are prohibited.” According to NBC News, one of the volunteers cited with these fines just recently escaped homelessness and wanted to help give back. Debbie Jimenez said they refuse to pay the fines and will stand up to the police. “We were given 10 days to either pay the fine or tell them we're going to court,” she told NBC. “We’re going to court. The police don’t like it. But how can we turn our backs on the hungry? We can’t.” The volunteers are up against a police department whose chief says they don't understand homelessness, which is exactly what Jimenez says about the police chief. "There is a segment of the homeless population that is homeless by choice,” said Daytona Beach Police Chief Mike Chitwood. “I don't want to impugn them all. But some are homeless because they are sex offenders, substance abusers and bank robbers. That's why we ask (Good Samaritans) to coordinate with our social service agencies, because they know who needs to be served." Chico Jimenez has explained to the press that most of the people he helped feed each week simply “lost their jobs, lost their families.” Debbie Jimenez said the police also said their feedings were enabling homelessness. “This time, the police said we are creating more homeless people by feeding them in the park, that we are enabling them by giving them one meal in a week,” she said. “Does that make sense to you? It’s so crazy.” Chief Chitwood has also been portraying the humble gathering as a circus event, stating that the city has spent millions on the park so residents can enjoy the space — which apparently they cannot do if it is used for weekly meals for the homeless. "This got so big, it was posted on YouTube,” Chitwood told a local news outlet. “It was really brought to our attention that, hey, things are really out of control on Manatee Island." To activists working with the homeless, what's out of control is the ongoing criminalization of homelessness in America. From banning sitting on the street to putting homeless people on buses with one-way tickets out of state, cities and states have come up with aggressive ways to rid their streets of homeless people. Many cities do not address real needs such as affordable housing or job creation. Instead, local governments exacerbate poverty and perpetuate homelessness. These trends makes services such as the Jimenez’s meals crucial for their region's homeless. The couple began handing out meals a year ago as part of the ministry they founded, Spreading the Word Without Saying a Word. Now, they can’t go back to the park unless they win the court battle they are prepared to fight. “The worst thing is, these are people we have grown to love, they've become like family to us, and now we’re not allowed to go down and do that anymore,” Debbie Jimenez said. “It's just heartbreaking. I have cried and cried and cried.” SEE BOTTOM OF LINK FOR VIDEO CONTENT http://www.alternet.org/hard-times-usa/couple-fined-750-threatened-jail-feeding-homeless-people
  21. (gee ready for false flag ??,Gaal) Stream of al Qaeda threats has U.S. intelligence concerned By Barbara Starr, CNN Pentagon Correspondent updated 6:50 AM EDT, Wed May 21, 2014 Al Qaeda targeting U.S. using 3 strategies STORY HIGHLIGHTS A "threat stream" from al Qaeda groups has evolved during the past six months The threats target Europe as well as the United States Official to CNN: So far, "we do not see operational cells of al Qaeda inside the United States" Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, based in Yemen, is of particular concern (CNN) -- A series of al Qaeda-based threats to attack American and Western targets in Europe, as well as threats to launch attacks inside the United States, has caused significant concern inside the U.S. intelligence community, CNN has learned. Officials are trying to determine the extent to which the threats may be linked and determine what it may mean about the strength of al Qaeda in several countries. While the "threat stream" has evolved during the past six months, according to a senior U.S. official, none of the threats has been corroborated. The official said the threats appear to detail "a lot of activity where intelligence suggests there are operational cells," but so far, "we do not see operational cells of al Qaeda inside the United States," the official said, although he emphasized it could not be ruled out. U.S. officials as well as analysts have long said they believe al Qaeda is focused on attacking outside the United States because of the difficulty in penetrating U.S. homeland security. But these latest threat streams suggest domestic U.S. targets also continue to be looked at by al Qaeda.
  22. Poverty is a "Foreign Country" on the American Screen Can we admit that poverty is as American as apple pie? http://www.alternet.org/economy/poverty-presented-if-its-foreign-country-american-movies ===========================================================
  23. Angleton.Harvey & Helms ....low level plot ???? http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2012/07/tampa-plot-in-retrospect.html **************** “In both the Tampa and Dallas attempts, officials sought a young man in his early twenties, white with slender build, who had been in recent contact with a small pro-Castro group called the Fair Play for Cuba Committee (FPCC). In Dallas that was Lee Harvey Oswald, but the Tampa person of interest was Gilberto Policarpo Lopez, who – like Oswald- was a former defector. 44 We later document eighteen parallels between Dallas suspect Lee Harvey Oswald and Gilberto Policarpo Lopez, but here are a few: Like Oswald, Lopez was also of interest to Navy Intelligence. Also similar to Oswald, Gilberto Lopez made a mysterious trip to Mexico City in the fall of 1963, attempting to get to Cuba. Lopez even used the same border crossing as Oswald, and government reports say both went one way by car, though neither man owned a car. Like Oswald, Lopez had recently separated from his wife and had gotten into a fistfight in the summer of 1963 over supposedly pro-Castro sympathies. 45 Declassified Warren Commission and CIA documents confirm that Lopez, whose movements parallel Oswald in so many ways in 1963, was on a secret ‘mission’ for the US involving Cuba, an ‘operation’ so secret that the CIA felt that protecting it was considered more important than thoroughly investigating the JFK assassination.” 46 ========================= RICHARD HELMS by Spartacus Educational see http://www.american-buddha.com/RFKREBORN.richardhelmsspartacus.htm -- Oswald, though, thought that he was part of Operation Little Egypt, Harvey’s latest effort to assassinate the Cuban leader, working with the Fair Play for Cuba Committee’s Gilberto Lopez, CIA’s double agent in Havana, to gain access to the target. ================================ James Jesus Angleton worked with FBN Chief George White. ========= What's more, Rudy was also an informant for the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN, the predecessor organization to the DEA), which put him in an idea position to dictate which heroin shipments made it into the United States and which were seized. "... Jack Ruby killed Oswald and that, as the HSCA concluded, Ruby had 'direct contact' with associates of Marcello and Trafficante... "The Ruby family had a long history in the illicit drug trade. Jack's older brother Hyman was convicted in 1939 of buying two ounces of heroin from Jacob Klein... Klein slipped away from FBN agents in New York in October 1954, thanks to George White's intervention on behalf of John Ormento, and he again avoided arrest by FBN agents in Chicago after Jim Attie's informant was murdered in January 1960. "Klein was luckier than Ruby's next partner, Paul Roland Jones. In October 1947, Hyman betrayed Jones to FBN agents in Chicago. According to White's diary, Hyman had been his informant since July 1946. Jack followed in big brother's footsteps and served White in 1950, when he briefed the Kefauver Committee about organized crime in Chicago – although his attorney, Louis Kutner, agreed to allow him to testify only 'on the condition that the Kefauver Committee stay away from Dallas.' That raises the question of whether Committee investigator George White, who undoubtedly brought Rudy to Kefauver's attention, concurred with this request. If so, why would White want to keep the Committee out of Dallas? Was it to deflect attention from the Pawley-Cooke mission in Taiwan, which was funded by ultra Texas oilman like H. L. Hunt, in which, and which, in 1951, was facilitating the CIA-Kuomintang drug smuggling operation that entered the US by crossing the Mexican border at Laredo, Texas? "There was certainly enough evidence for the Kefauver Committee to take a long look at the Lone Star State. In 1951, Lait and Mortimer had identified Hunt as a professional gambler who ran a private racing wire, which suggests Mafia ties. They had also claimed that the Mafia had 'taken over the age-old racket of running guns across the border,' under the aegis of Carlos Marcello. "The FBN office in Dallas knew Jack Ruby. Murray A. Brown, the acting district supervisor on 22 November 1963, described him as 'a sleazy opportunist who was always trying to get the Dallas cops to patronizes club.' But, Brown says, 'Ruby was not in FBN informant.' "George Gaffney, however, vividly recalls Secret Service chief James Rowley asking him on 25 November 1963 if the FBN had a file on Ruby. It did. 'But there wasn't much in it,' Gaffney recalls. 'Just that he was a source on numerous occasions, on unimportant suspects.' "Right after Ruby shot Oswald, Mort Benjamin checked the files in the New York office and found one that indicated that Ruby had been in FBN informant since the 1940s. But the next time Benjamin looked for, the New York file had gone missing, and Secret Service chief Rowley never returned the FBN headquarters file to Gaffney – which strongly suggests that someone did not want anyone to know that Ruby had been in FBN informant. "Not only do the FBN agents from Dallas disagree with the rest of the outfit about Ruby's status as an informant, the stated focus of their operations is at odds with Anslinger's legendary obsession with the Mafia. Murray Brown, an agent in Dallas from 1955 until 1976, insists that the Mafia was not selling heroin there. Long-time Dallas agent Bowman Taylor agrees. 'We weren't after the Mafia,' he says. 'That's gambling more than dope. New Orleans had the Mafia.' "The small FBN office in New Orleans, which reported to Dallas, had arrested Marcello on a marijuana rap in 1938, and in 1963 it had reasons to believe that he was a major narcotics trafficker. He was cited, for example, in the International List is an associate of Frank Coppola's. Furthermore, as the chief of the New Orleans Narcotics Unit, Clarence Giarusso, said... it was the FBN's job, not his, to investigate Mafia drug smugglers who imported drugs from overseas. But according to agents in New Orleans, they never had the manpower or resources to make a conspiracy case on Marcello, so instead they worked on Black addicts who traveled to New York and returned with heroin, leaving the million-dollar man left unhindered – perhaps to plot the murder of the president?" (The Strength of the Wolf, Douglas Valentine, pgs. 310-312) ----------------------- http://www.flashpointmag.com/cpvalent.htm The Strength of the Wolf: The Secret History of America’s War On Drugs Review by Carlo Parcelli For example, Valentine quotes from a memo from Ed Lansdale, the head of Operation Mongoose, part of JM/WAVE, which in part plotted to assassinate Castro as well as other Cubans and destroy Cuba’s infrastructure. Lansdale wrote: “Gangster elements might prove the best recruitment potential for actions [murders] against police G-2 (intelligence) officials. CW [Chemical Warfare] agents should be fully considered.” And recent documents have proven that CW were used as well as biological weapons against crops and the hog population of the island nation. Lansdale is ubiquitous in the annals of U.S. foreign policy. He can be found at the Huk rebellion, Vietnam/Laos, as well as Kennedy assassination. There is a hagiography on Lansdale which has its uses if you can read between the lines. But for biting insight into just how cultural chauvinists like Lansdale or Ted Shackley can xxxx things up, read Richard Drinnon’s chapters on the former in his Facing West: The Metaphysics of Indian-Hating and Empire Building. ......... And because the FBN was mandated to pursue illicit drugs, and because illicit drugs were a core business of the Mafia, the anti-Castro Cuban community, and the CIA, the FBN found itself smack dab in the middle of the Holy Grail of all conspiracies, the assassination of John F. Kennedy. But as Valentine points out, you’d be hard pressed to find relevant FBN activity in any official investigation of Kennedy’s assassination. For example, in 1958 the FBN was aware that Joseph Civello was Carlos Marcello’s “deputy in Dallas” and that Jack Ruby was part of Civello’s organization. FBN agent John Cusack linked Civello with Marcello, Santos Trafficante, and Jimmy Hoffa - the House Select Committee on Assassinations' three prime suspects in the Kennedy ================= Here is a summary on the Google Book page: <quote on> The Strength of the Wolf presents for the first time a definitive history of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN) from its birth in 1930 until its wrenching termination in 1968. Carefully and extensively documented, the book is based largely on interviews with former FBN agents, and in this respect The Strength of the Wolf represents a new chapter in American history, one that introduces a cast of fabulous characters. Douglas Valentine tells how the FBN's premier case-making agents penetrated the arcane world of international drug trafficking and, by uncovering the Establishment's ties to organized crime, brought about their own demise. As the book reveals in startling detail, the CIA and FBI were often protecting the FBN's major targets in the Mafia and the French Corsican underworld. The CIA and its Nationalist Chinese allies were found to be the largest drug-trafficking syndicate in the world, but for political and national security reasons, the FBN was prevented from investigating this overarching conspiracy.
  24. 'Hands off' list? Senator questions whether DHS allowing those with ... www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/05/08/hands-off-list/‎ Cached May 7, 2014 ... Senator questions whether DHS allowing those with terror ties into US ... according to one senator, might allow people with terror ties to enter ... ############################################# Al Qaeda in Kentucky: US May Have Let 'Dozens' of Terrorists Into ... abcnews.go.com/Blotter/al-qaeda-kentucky-us-dozens-terrorists.../story?...‎ Similar Nov 20, 2013 ... Several dozen suspected terrorist bombmakers, including some believed to have targeted American troops, may have mistakenly been allowed ... ######################################## US May Have Let 'Dozens' of Terrorists Into Country As Refugees gma.yahoo.com/exclusive-us-may-let-dozens-terrorists-country-refugees-083619354--abc-news-topstories.html‎ Cached Similar Nov 20, 2013 ... Exclusive: US May Have Let 'Dozens' … Several dozen suspected terrorist bombmakers, including some believed to have targeted American
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