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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. S. California fishermen ‘skunked… haven’t seen a squid’, usually 10,000+ lbs/day — ‘Complete crashes’ at oyster hatcheries — Sardines, mackerel missing in areas — Pelican sites alarmingly deserted — Record # of sick sea lions — Ultra-rare whales appear after decades — Mammals, birds, fish in odd places Published: June 17th, 2014 at 3:23 am ET By ENENews*************************************************************************** KPBS, June 11, 2014: Unusual Fish Catches Off San Diego Signal Large-Scale El Niño [...] “We’ve already started to see very unusual fish catches here,” [Tim Barnett, Scripps Institution of Oceanography said.] “Yellowfin tuna was caught in May — that has never happened before to anybody’s recollection [and] dorado Mahi Mahi — first of June [...] has never happened” [...] Pete Thomas Outdoors, June 13, 2014: Unusual catches, whales in odd places, pelican woes could be signs that impending El Niño will be significant [...] mammals, birds and fish showing up where they don’t typically belong [...] Earlier this week two Bryde’s whales [were] off Huntington Beach [...] Sightings off California, however, are extremely rare. [...] between 1991 and 2005, there was only one [...] Less than a week earlier, a large pod of pilot whales showed off Dana Point [...] nearly 20 years since they were last spotted off Southern California. In late March, false killer whales, another ultra-rare visitor [were] off Orange County. [...] Sam Anderson, a UC Davis biologist [...] would typically encounter tens of thousands of breeding pairs of pelicans, there were only sparse numbers. Some nesting sites were alarmingly deserted. […] Anderson, however, was reluctant to place all of the blame for the pelicans’ plight on the developing El Niño. Wall St. Journal, June 7, 2014: Record numbers of distressed sea lions have washed ashore in California for a second straight year [...] a record 367 California sea lions have been admitted to the Marine Mammal Center here just north of San Francisco, nearly five times the average. [...] The problem may have implications for humans, researchers say. “Sea lions are living and feeding on the same resource as humans are.” [...] Evidence suggests a problem with one of the animal’s major food sources, sardines [...] Some researchers suggest rising toxicity [...] Mark Rayor (Baja California’s East Cape region), April 13, 2014: The bait situation is still very grim [...] with sardines and mackerel nowhere to be found. Marin Independent Journal, June 16, 2014:”We are seeing an issue of availability of (oyster) seed [...] There have been complete crashes at these hatcheries.” Long Beach Press-Telegram, June 13, 2014: The squid boats that net the market squid commercially get an average of six tons nightly [...] This year the boats are getting “skunked” and haven’t seen a squid for the last three nights. See also: “Weird things” seen on California coast: Previously unknown toxic algae proliferating; Unprecedented mass of oxygen-poor water nearshore — TV: Mystery strandings of large squid covered miles and experts baffled… “killing themselves, it’s just really weird” (VIDEO)
  2. so much so that it would be foolish to be confident in using to single out particular modern nations as the target of God's wrath! (Norman Pratt) (BTW Wars of aggression/Conquest are unBiblical unless God gives permission. The Pauline way would be opting out of military service unto death.) +++++++++++++ to above quote Yes and no. Just took a 20 week class in OT. The Old testament Prophets make very,very very very clear. God uses nations. Golly please dont throw out the Book of Revelation (many do for various reasons). We can argue this and that about it but it seems clear IMHO ,at a point in history a human (very small h) world government comes on stage. Russia is not going to be the most judged nation (Bible is very clear on existance of levels of punishment)......its USA for its aggessive/inhuman/diabolical/murderous policies. Its the inner heart of its Church members who HATE PUTIN. (Ive met tooooooooooo many) God judges the heart (contrary to what the majority of Jewish leadership thought at Jesus's time). I'm not putting Putin/Russia on a pedestal ...but really..we (West/USA) are on the march to take over Russia any nasty immoral why we can. ================================= http://www.tektonics.org/af/danieldefense.php =========== DNA is a code ......only an intelligence uses code. Great is our GOD !! All praise to Him !!
  3. Gee John my bio states..... protestant theology. I follow the Lord Christ. Yes but to someone Bible illiterate it is very readable start. Jehovas Witness are'nt really Protestants (not really Christians since they dont believe the GODHEAD of JESUS CHRIST) ,see bottom link. THANKS SG =========================================== Repentance is made up of three changes: A change of mind Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is (Romans 12:2 NLT). A change of heart Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit (Ezekiel 18:31 NIV). A change of living God is working in you, giving you the desire to obey him and the power to do what pleases him (Philippians 2:13 NLT). Come to God humbly and confess your need of forgiveness. God’s Word says that if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong (I John 1:9 NLT). ++++++++++++++++ Be born again ........ John if you read the works of Paul with commentary for context I love to hear back from you. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DNA is a code ......only an intelligence uses code. New Living Translation ROMANS 1:20 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. ======== Its no mystery. +++++++++++++ New Living Translation EXPOSED! by Robert J. Stewart http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Bible/NLT/nlt_exposed.htm
  4. Main dread of the British Foreign Office // AMERICAN ISOLATIONISM ======================== NOW that became past tense... ELM ST HAPPENS...CIA takes over French Intell SE Asia heroin networks, Anti-Castro Cubans by 1966 became heroin distributors, Anti-Castro Cubans became a political tool of militant (non-isolationist) Republican Party, drug war creating justification for higher policing/monitoring controls .....WORKED OUT VERY GOOD FOR ELITES FOR A TIME ... but that faded ....now muslim boogeyman ...FALSE FLAG 911......NATO expands starting NWO FROM POST # 49 ABOVE • (1950). Testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17, James Warburg (CFR), son of CFR founder Paul Warburg, prophesies: “We shall have world government whether or not you like it — by conquest or consent.”
  5. Salvation equals heaven....how can that be a bad thing ?? Our evil leaders will create a New World Order,however, nothing is hidden from GOD (nothng) and they will be punished. A new heaven and new earth ( A NEW UNIVERSE) will be created for the saved,ie THE FAMILY OF GOD. ++++++++++++ Accept that you are a sinner,repent, trust Jesus Christ as Savior and King of Kings. === SALVATION God loves you! He is concerned with your needs and your life. He is closer to you than your own breath. More than anything, God wants you to spend eternity in His presence. Step 1: Come to Jesus Maybe you’ve been feeling the need to turn toward Jesus and salvation, but you’ve held back, thinking, I’m not good enough. I can’t live a good enough life. Not one of us could ever make ourselves become “good enough” to meet Jesus. But Jesus isn’t looking for us to be good enough; He only wants us to come to Him, just as we are, with all our flaws and imperfections. Jesus is able, once and forever, to save everyone who comes to God through him (Hebrews 7:25 NLT). Everyone, not just the good and perfect. Second Corinthians 5:17 KJV tells us that If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. We bring God our damaged goods—our lives—and through His mercy and goodness we can become new creations, with our pasts left behind. Step 2: Repent of Your Sins The second step to salvation is to repent of your sins, but it goes beyond asking for God’s forgiveness. When you repent, you are sorry for your sins and recognize how your sins have kept you from the abundant life God wants for you. You realize that without Christ in your life, you are lost. Repentance is made up of three changes: A change of mind Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is (Romans 12:2 NLT). A change of heart Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit (Ezekiel 18:31 NIV). A change of living God is working in you, giving you the desire to obey him and the power to do what pleases him (Philippians 2:13 NLT). Come to God humbly and confess your need of forgiveness. God’s Word says that if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong (I John 1:9 NLT). Step 3: Believe in God and His Word We alone cannot save ourselves from sin. Salvation is found in only one Person, the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the one and only Savior. Why should we believe in salvation through Jesus Christ? Read what God’s Word says: We are made right in God’s sight when we trust in Jesus Christ to take away our sins. And we all can be saved in this same way, no matter who we are or what we have done (Romans 3:22 NLT). Salvation…comes from trusting Christ (Romans 10:8 NLT). Jesus [said], “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die like everyone else, will live again (John 11:25 NLT). Take God at His Word. Believe the promises in His Word. It is just that simple. Step 4: Confess the Name of Jesus Acknowledging Christ as your Savior is a vital part of your salvation. God’s Word says, If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved (Romans 10:9-10 NIV). When Jesus comes into your heart, you’ll want to tell others about Him! Confessing the Lord publicly with your mouth is important. Jesus said in Matthew 10:32-33 NKJV, “Whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.” God’s Word is so clear, so definite on this. If you confess Jesus with your mouth and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. A Prayer of Salvation for You We invite you to reach out and receive Jesus into your heart right now. Repent of your sins and surrender your will to His. Believe Him and receive Him. We’d like to pray for you. Repeat this prayer and let God give you a joyous new life in Him beginning today: made, and I ask O Lord be merciful to me, a sinner. I have lived away from You. I’ve made wrong choices in my life. I am deeply sorry for the wrong choices I have You to come into my life today. I sincerely repent of every sin I’ve ever committed and ask for Your forgiveness. Lord, I ask you to come into my heart, for I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He went to the Cross for me. I receive Him into my heart as my Lord and Savior. Beginning at this moment, I will serve You all the days of my life. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen and amen! Now What? If you have gone through the four steps to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, you are now born-again, ready to begin your new life in Christ. Christ saves you and keeps you saved, but now it’s time for your part—to build your life around your Savior. To draw closer to God and to center your life around Him, we suggest that you have your own personal Bible. The Word of God is the only weapon that can make possible a life of victory, as the source of faith is God’s Word (Romans 10:17). You can become a strong, effective Christian by reading and standing on God’s Word. Fellowship with other Christians is important. Find a church that believes in the real Jesus, one that teaches and demonstrates His power to save, heal, bless, and keep you. Another vital part of your Christian life is prayer, or talking to God. You are His child now, and He’s interested in every aspect of your life. Share with Him what is on your heart. God’s Word says to Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about what happens to you (1 Peter 5:7 NLT). Your New Life in Christ You are saved the moment you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, but you walk out your salvation for the rest of your life by following the Lord step by step, day by day. Being a Christian doesn’t mean you’re perfect. Christianity isn’t living in perfection every day, for we all stumble and fall from time to time. It doesn’t mean that you’ll never commit another sin. But the Bible says that if we sin, we have an advocate with God the Father—Jesus Christ (1 John 2:1). If you ask Him to forgive you, He is faithful and just to forgive. Being a Christian means that the thrust of your life is toward God. If you do sin, you don’t turn completely away from God in your heart. When you become a Christian, your roots, your very life, is in God Himself. God loves you, and He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth to save all sinners, including you (John 3:16). Jesus isn’t one of the ways to get to heaven, He is the onlyway! Don’t let Satan and sin cheat you from becoming a child of God and receiving all the blessings God has in store for you. You have a need for God that only He can fill, but God has a need for you. He needs you because He loves you, and He created you to have a personal relationship with Him. No other person can ever fill the place created in God’s heart just for you ********************************************************************************************** DNA is a code ......only an intelligence uses code. New Living Translation ROMANS 1:20 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. ======== Its no mystery.
  6. Main dread of the British Foreign Office // AMERICAN ISOLATIONISM // solution communist Cuba // There were many opinions about sending arms to Castro but arms were sent by the British. If the British would threaten JFK not to help ****when British Guiana might go communist when the British were asking for Polaris technology,then why then is it a stretch to think that the BAY OF PIGS OPERATION WAS sabotaged on purpose for British interests ?? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you don't know what the Chatham House is, you are not alone. Like the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in the U.S., the Chatham House, formerly known as the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), makes an effort to be out of the public's eye. Only recently, thanks to the Internet and its non-controlled sources of information, people are beginning to know what these institutions do and what are their ultimate goals. And both of them were twins separated at birth. The new intelligence agency created by Col. Edward Mandell House, which the conspirators disingenuously called The Inquiry[3] served the international bankers so well that they decided to make it permanent. A few days after the end of the conference, a group of conspirators from the U.S. and Britain Round Table Groups met at the Hotel Majestic, where the British delegation was staying, to talk about how to continue their intelligence and espionage experiment. To this effect, they planned the creation of a permanent espionage agency, with branches in London and New York, to continue serving their interests. As usual, they used an innocuous, disinforming name, the Anglo-American Institute of International Affairs, as a cover to hide its real espionage and intelligence activities. Just a few months later, however, the American branch of the conspirators decided to go independent, and created their own espionage agency. It was named the Council on Foreign Relations, and Colonel House was one of the founding fathers, together with Elihu Root. The initial group of secret agents was augmented with the inclusion of promising new members anxious to get into the espionage business. Prominent among them were Herbert H. Lehman, W. Averell Harriman, and John Foster Dulles. The British conspirators changed the name of their own intelligence agency to Royal Institute of International Affairs, later changed to Chatham House. /// http://www.newswithviews.com/Gonzalez/servando102.htm //3. See, Servando Gonzalez, "The National Security Agency: Spying for the Rockies," NewsWithViews, servando101.htm ==================================================== http://www.intelinet.org/sg_site/articles/sg_chronology_of_treason.html Behind every act of treason to the American people there is always one or more members of the Council on Foreign Relations. Enumerating all these acts of treason would make this list too long, but just a minor cut to the fruit will reveal its rotten entrails. • (1891). Cecil Rhodes establishes a secret society called the Circle of Initiates. Like most secret organizations, it had one individual or a very small group at the center. • (1909). Lord Milner, an agent of the Rothschilds, and the principle trustee of the Cecil Rhodes fortune, creates an outer circle to the Circle of Initiates. He names it the Association of Helpers, also called the Round Table Group. • (1913). President Woodrow Wilson (CFR), and his advisor, “Colonel” Edward Mandell House (CFR), illegally create the Federal Reserve Bank and the Internal Revenue Service. Both organizations are private corporations under the guise of U.S. Government institutions. • (1919). The Round Table is later transformed by “Colonel” Edward Mandell House, John Maynard Keynes, Arnold Toynbee, John Foster Dulles and others into a publicly acknowledged, formal council know as the Institute of International Affairs. • (1919). President Wilson (CFR), “Colonel” House” (CFR), and a group of Wall Street bankers, al of them CFR members, create the League of Nations, as a first step for he establishment of a world government. The U.S. Senate refuseses to approve the League, and it crumbles. • (1921). The conspirators decide to break down the Institute of International Affairs into an American branch, the Council on Foreign Relations, and a British branch, the Royal Institute for International Affairs. • (1922). The Council on Foreign Relations begins the publication of its official organ, the magazine Foreign Affairs. A few years after, the magazine becomes a sort of crystal ball, forecasting the direction where the U.S., and the world, is heading to. • (1924). A panic in the Wall Street stock market, followed by a full crash, causes a severe economic crisis, later known as “The Great Depression”. The crisis affects first the United States, and, soon after, Latin America and the whole industrialized world. Some people suspected that the crisis was artificially created by the bankers who own the Federal Reserve Bank. • (1941). President Franklin D. Roosevelt (CFR), provokes and facilitates the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor as a pretext to push the American people into war in Europe. • (1942-1945). While American soldiers are dying in Europe fighting Nazi Germany, Prescott Bush (CFR), Henry Ford (CFR), Nelson Rockefeller (CFR), and Allen Dulles (CFR), keep cutting business deals with German corporations, helping that way the Nazi war machine. • (1945). The U.S. delegation to the San Francisco Conference, where the creation of the United Nations Organization is discussed, includes 47 CFR members, among them Adlai Stevenson, John Foster Dulles, Nelson Rockefeller, and Alger Hiss. The Charter of the U.N.O. they approved, had been previously written at the Harold Pratt House in Manhattan, headquarters of the Council on Foreign Relations. • (1945). Following advice from Secretary of State Edward Stettinius (CFR), Secretary of War Henry Stimson (CFR), and General George Marshall (CFR), President Truman (not a CFR member) orders dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Nagasaki, where no military installation was located, was the site of the largest Christian community in Japan. • (1945). At the end of the war, the Rockefellers (CFR), with the help of their agent Allen Dulles (CFR), allow many Nazi officers (Eichmann, Memgele, Priebke, Kutschmann, etc.) to escape to America via Argentina; recruits ex-Nazi officers to work for the CIA; and, through Operation Paperclip, bring Nazi scientists to America. • (1946). John D. Rockefeller, Jr. (CFR), donates a piece of land in Manhattan, appraised in $8.5 million dollars, for the construction of the UN building. • (1947). Writing under the pseudonym “X”, George Kennan (CFR) publishes an article in Foreign Affairs, explaining his theory of “containment.” It means just containing the expansion of Soviet Communism, not fighting to win it. Immediately, President Truman makes Containment the core of his Truman Doctrine. • (1947) President Truman creates the Central Intelligence Agency. • (1948). George Marshall (CFR) and Dean Acheson (CFR) press President Truman to stop providing military supplies to Chiang Kai-shek, thus allowing for the communist takeover of China. • (1949). Headed by Frank Wisner (CFR), Allen Dulles (CFR), and Richard Helms (CFR), the CIA begins Operation Mockinbird. Its goal is to recruit under the false flag of fighting communism American media news organizations and journalists as agents to disseminate disinformation. Some years lateter, the CIA admits having recruited more than 400 influential journalists and at least 25 organizations of the U.S. mainstream media. • (1950). Testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17, James Warburg (CFR), son of CFR founder Paul Warburg, prophesies: “We shall have world government whether or not you like it — by conquest or consent.” • (1950) Following the Containment doctrine, Dean Acheson (CFR) and Dean Rusk (CFR) arrange the no-win undeclared war in Korea and the removal of Douglas General McArthur. Gen. McArthur (not a CFR member), had a plan to win the war. • (1950) Senator Joseph McCarthy exposes the treasonous activities of State Department officials Alger Hiss (CFR), and Owen Lattimore (CFR), accusing them of being Communists. He also accuses General George Marshall (CFR) of treason. President Eisenhower (CFR), Secretary of State Dean Acheson (CFR), and journalist Edward Murrow (CFR), join forces in defending the accused and vilifying McCarthy. • (1953). Soviet Prime Minister Nikita Khrushchev, declares his doctrine of peaceful coexistence, by which the fight between capitalism and communism must continue in the field of ideas but not in the military one. The fact causes consternation among the ranks of the American military-industrial complex and Wall Street bankers. • (1956). J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), receives hundreds of letters from concerned citizens and members of Congress, accusing the Council on Foreign Relations of treason and promoting communism through its agents infiltrated in the U.S. government. Hoover orders to begin an investigation. Soon after, President Eisenhower (CFR), dictates an order prohibiting the FBI to investigate federal government employees. • (1957). Journalist Herbert Matthews (CFR), interviews Fidel Castro in Cuba’s Sierra Maestra Mountains. In the interview, published in the New York Times, Matthews describes Castro as a Cuban Robin Hood and tropical Simon Bolívar, and a lover of democracy and justice. The New York Times’ Chairman of the Board was Arthur Hay Sulzberger (CFR), and the publisher Orvil Dryfoos (CFR). • (1958). John Foster Dulles (CFR) and Allen Dulles (CFR), of President Eisenhower’s (CFR) administration, betray Cuba’s President by confiscating arms he had bough and paid to fight Castro’s insurgency. The fact demoralizes the Cuban Army and allows for Castro grabbing power in Cuba. • (1958). While State Department official William Wieland (a protégé of CFR founder Sumner Welles), undermines President Batista’s government. The CIA’s chief of station in Havana, and the American consul in Santiago de Cuba, provide Castro with plenty of money as well as weapons and ammo smuggled from the U.S. military base in Guantanamo. • (1958). Following the advice of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles (CFR), and his brother, CIA director Allen Dulles (CFR), President Eisenhower (CFR) sends William Pawley (a close friend of Allen Dulles) to Havana. Pawley informs Batista that the U.S. no longer support him, and suggests him to surrender power and leave the country. • (1959). President Batista leaves Cuba on January 1st, and soon after Castro takes power over the island. Breaking with a long tradition, the U.S. is the first country to recognize the new government. • (1959). Castro makes his first official visit to the U.S. During his visit, he gives a speech at the Harold Pratt House, headquarters of the Council on Foreign Relations. The event passes unreported by the American mainstream press. • (1960). To the conspirators’ surprise, millionaire Joseph P. Kennedy, with the help of his friends in the Irish Mafia, buy thousands of votes in Chicago and gets his son John F. Kennedy (not a CFR member) elected President of the United States. • (1960). In his farewell speech, President Eisenhower alerts the nation about the existence of a military-industrial complex in the United States. • (1960). On the 50th anniversary of the U.N.O., Castro travels to New York, where he gives a long speech. Later he is the honor guest of a reception at the Rockefellers mansion in Manhattan. To avoid a confrontation with people who protest in front of the mansion, the place of the event is changed to the Harold Pratt House, headquarters of the CFR. There, Castro has a long and friendly private exchange with David Rockefeller (CFR) and other Wall Street bankers. • (1960). The French freighter La Coubre, loaded with arms, ammo and explosives, explodes in Havana’s harbor. The mysterious explosion kills several people. Next day Castro goes on TV and accuses the U.S., and specifically the CIA, of terrorism. Then, he dictates some antiterrorist measures, including the elimination of habeas corpus and other rights guaranteed by the Cuban Constitution. He also orders to create the Ministry of State Security, and Committees for the Defense of the Revolution – a national red of informers in every city block. • (1961). Following the advice of McGeorge Bundy (CFR), Adlai Stevenson (CFR), and John McCloy (CFR), President Kennedy orders a change in the invasion’s landing point. On April 4, CIA’s Richard Bissell (CFR), outlines an alternative plan for the invasion, with the Bay of Pigs instead of Trinidad as the landing place. • (1961). On April 16, McGeorge Bundy (CFR), Dean Rusk (CFR), and Adlai Stevenson (CFR), persuade President Kennedy to cancel the rest of the planned air strikes previous to the invasion. As a result, Castro’s fighter planes shoot down the invaders’ planes and sink their ships, thus guaranteeing that the Bay of Pigs invasion fails. The failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion consolidates the Cuban tyrant in power. • (1961). As a result of the Bay of Pigs debacle, President Kennedy fires CIA director Allen Dulles (CFR), and appoints John MacCone (CFR) as CIA Director. Kennedy tells some close friends he wants to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the wind.” • (1962). In his book The Fourth Floor, former U.S. Ambassador to Cuba Earl T. Smith (not a CFR member), exposes how a group of State Department officers, particularly William Wieland and Roy Rubbotton, conspired to bring Castro to power in Cuba. ======== audio British Prime Minister Douglas-Home Defends Trade with Cuba
  7. TO Mr. Burton there are only "COMMIE" conspiracies. In Mr. Burton's own work place there was a conspiracy of abuse and coverup. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SEE BELOW RE WTC 7 SEE LINK Stew Bradley Challenges the Skeptic Community on 9/11 Free Fall On the most recent episode of the No Lies Radio show "9/11 Free Fall", Andrew Steele interviews Debunking the Debunkers contributo... =========== SEE BELOW RE conspiracy and its debunkers 6 more "insane" conspiracies that actually happened (That you probably won't read on Cracked.com)Posted by ScootleRoyale === http://911debunkers.blogspot.com/2012/07/6-more-insane-conspiracies-that.html ***********************************TO REPEAT from above. And according to CBS News, at 9:53 a.m on 9/11, just 15 minutes after the hijacked plane had hit the Pentagon, “the National Security Agency, which monitors communications worldwide, intercepted a phone call from one of Osama bin Laden’s operatives in Afghanistan to a phone number in the former Soviet Republic of Georgia”, and secretary of Defense Rumsfeld learned about the intercepted phone call in real-time (if the NSA monitored and transcribed phone calls in real-time on 9/11, that implies that it did so in the months leading up to 9/11 as well)((IF above is true you would have to be a idiot not to believe some type of conspiracy surronding 911 that isnt the official explanation. GAAL ))
  8. v19 Because God said by Isaiah (Isaiah 29:14), ‘I will destroy the wisdom of those who are wise. I will bring to nothing the clever ideas of those who are clever.’ v20 Find me the wise person. Find me the expert in the law. Find me the great thinker of this time. God has made the wisdom of the world foolish. v21 God in his wisdom planned that the world would not know him through its own wisdom. But God was pleased to *save those who believe. They believe through the foolish message that we *preach. v22 *Jews demand wonderful signs. Greeks look for wisdom. v23 But we *preach about Christ’s death on the *cross. That offends *Jews. And *Gentiles think that it is nonsense. v24 But Christ is God’s power and wisdom to those whom God has called, both *Jews and *Gentiles. v25 The foolish things of God are wiser than human wisdom. The weakness of God is stronger than human strength. Verses 18-21 The world considers that some people are wise. But these wise people cannot use their human wisdom to understand God’s ways.(SO,below,GAAL) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ God’s Providential Use of Nations By Wayne Jackson ============================= As informed Bible students have observed so many times in the past, the providential activity of God is beyond human analysis. I sometimes refer to it as a provable-nonprovable proposition. This is what I mean: the Lord’s providential operations are certain; for, in principle, Bible examples demonstrating such are very clear. The experiences of Joseph are sufficient within themselves to establish this point (see Genesis 45:5-9; 50:20). It is equally certain, however, that providential actions are veiled from human perception at the time they are transpiring (Ruth 2:3; Esther 4:14). Paul, in referring to the conversion of Onesimus, could not be sure whether providence figured into the glorious event or not (Philemon 15). He suspected that it did, but he could not positively affirm it. One aspect of Jehovah’s providence is his international operation. He is “ruler over the nations” (Psalm 22:28), and civil powers rise and fall at his behest (Daniel 2:21; 4:35). The general rule seems to be, “righteousness exalts a nation” (Proverbs 14:34), but “nations that forget God” are consigned to Sheol, i.e., the region of the wicked dead (Psalms 9:17). Let us note several categories of this mysterious process of national providence. The Use of Righteous Nations The Lord can use a righteous nation to overthrow a wicked one. This certainly was the case in Israel’s early history when God led his people into Canaan and commanded them to destroy the tribes of that land (Deuteronomy 20:16-17). The ultimate potential redemption of humanity was at the root of this moral surgery. The failure of the nation to carry out completely the instructions was a source of severe hardship in the years that followed. The Use of Wicked Nations Jehovah may use an evil nation to chastise a relatively better one. There is no question but that the nations of Assyria and Babylon were far worse than both Israel and Judah, yet the Lord employed both of these pagan powers to punish his people who gradually (and sometimes more than gradually) were drifting into apostasy. The Assyrians came marching against the northern kingdom of Israel under Tiglath-pileser (2 Kings 15:29; 16:7-9), and then twelve years later under Shalmaneser and Sargon. The capital city of Samaria was under siege for three years. It subsequently fell, and over twenty-seven thousand Jews were taken to Assyria as captives. All of this was because “they obeyed not the voice of Jehovah their God” (2 Kings 18:9-12). A little more than a century later, Judah fell as well. Through the prophet Jeremiah, Jehovah pledged that he would send his “servant,” Nebuchadnezzar, against Judah, bringing desolation upon the land, and most of the people would be taken captive into Babylon. This punishment was “because you have not heard my words” (Jeremiah 25:8ff). It is estimated that some seventy thousand Hebrews were transported into the pagan king’s land. The prophet Habakkuk disputed with God about the use of a heathen king to chastise his own people; but the Lord assured him such was necessary, and Nebuchadnezzar would be dealt with in due time (Habakkuk 1:5-11; cf. Jeremiah 25:12ff). When the Jewish nation reached the zenith of its rebellion, even to the extent of murdering its long-awaited Messiah, God determined to send the Roman armies (called “his armies”) to destroy many of the Jews and burn their city (see Matthew 22:7). According to the Jewish historian, Josephus, more than a million Hebrews were slain and thousands more were sold into slavery. The Lord had instructed Jewish Christians to “flee” the city (Matthew 24:15ff). What do you suppose would have been the fate of these children of God had they insisted they were patriots and therefore had the right to defend their Hebrew kinsmen and their homes against the evil empire of Rome? Does the Principle Still Prevail? Now here is the intriguing question: is God still working internationally—raising up and overthrowing powers, consistent with his ultimate will for mankind? Paul argues that he is. The apostle contends that God “made of one [literally, out of one male] every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed seasons, and the bounds of their habitations” (Acts 17:26). The providential purpose in this international orchestration is revealed in v. 27. How, then, does one know which nations to favor and which to condemn? He doesn’t! That is God’s affair. He acts consistent with his own sovereignty and purpose (regardless of whether we understand the reasons or not), and no one is wise enough to question him (see Daniel 4:35; Romans 11:33-35). The Christian’s duty is to love the Lord, do his will, serve his kinsmen in Christ, work for the conversion of the lost, and conduct his attitude and life so as to facilitate his enemies’ salvation, if at all possible.(MY DUTY TO JOHN DOLVA,this post,GAAL) Unfortunately these are biblical truths which all too many appear to have forgotten—if indeed they ever understood them ++++++++++++++++ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ below from http://orthodoxengland.org.uk/nationalism.htm ======= Conclusion Thus, a lack of love for God has secularized the understanding of God, reducing Him to a national myth. However, the lack of love for humanity has equally led to the secularization of the understanding of humanity, notably to the denial of man’s divine origin and destiny. Darwinism and evolutionism are clear examples of the former, abortion and euthanasia clear examples of the latter. In this way, humanity has fallen victim to all manner of secularist ideologies, from imperialism to colonialism, from Communism to Fascism. Such secular ideologies, formed on the basis of a lack of love for humanity, littered the twentieth centuries with corpses. Moreover, such secular ideologies also affect the understanding of the rest of creation. Thus, exploitative secular ideologies, lacking love for God’s creation, have only contempt and scorn for the material world. For them, creation is spiritless and Godless, and so they can set about the systematic rape and destruction of the material world. Such industrialist ideologies have led to the massive pollution of the air, water and earth, to the contemporary, apocalyptic concern of climate change. (Here I differ some for Carbon as major climate change driver is elite HOAX,Gaal) In the early centuries the Church rejected secular understandings of God, calling them heresies. It rejected heresies because they were in fact secularizations of the reality of God, God adapted to man, God anthropomorphized. Heresies adapted God to human consciousness, so deforming His reality. However, one of the greatest forms of secularism is nationalism, because it reduces our understanding to a mere thisworldly and spiritually empty attachment, to a denial of God. Nationalism attaches man to the earth and so leads to the denial not only of creation, not only of humanity, but above all to the denial of God, the Source of all being. Thus, nationalism is a form of secularism. And secularism, the denial of God, because it expresses and justifies the lack of love for God, is the ultimate heresy, because it leads to hell. ==== So when Dolva speaks HERSEY, I think along these lines.(GAAL) The fall of Russia is a eschatological necessity for the future history of the Book of Revelation to become real/true. Thus the desperate move to overthrow Ukraine is a necessity for our corrupt evil leaders (see TOP article and God's use of wicked nations) ,however it is within God's plans to fullfill His sovereign plan for antichrist world government. God turns evil into good and eventually this evil will be turned into Good (capital G). === New Living Translation ROMANS 8:28 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. see also http://www.myspiritfood.com/contentView.php?page=387 ++++++++++++++++ to repeat The Christian’s duty is to love the Lord, do his will, serve his kinsmen in Christ, work for the conversion of the lost, and conduct his attitude and life so as to facilitate his enemies’ salvation, if at all possible.(MY DUTY TO JOHN DOLVA,this post,GAAL) 000000v00000 Putin will not declare/wage a defensive war on Christian values and thus Ukraine will become a human hell created by humans. If he did this then this hellish ending would not occur. ================= TRUST GOD
  9. Great article but here is the real truth. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The fall of Russia is a eschatological necessity for the future history of the Book of Revelation to become real/true. ============================================================ Servants of Christ An EasyEnglish Bible Version and Commentary (2800 word vocabulary) on Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians www.easyenglish.info Hilda Bright The translated Bible text has been through Advanced Checking. Words in boxes are from the Bible. A word list at the end explains words with a *star by them. About this letter CorinthCorinth was an important city. It was on a very narrow section of land (called an ‘isthmus’) in the southern part of Greece. 1. It was the capital city of the region called Achaia. 2. It had two harbours. The harbour on the east coast was 4 miles (6 km) from the harbour on the west coast. Today a canal joins the two harbours. In Paul’s time, people pulled small boats across from one harbour to the other one. They dragged them on a kind of ship railway. Porters carried goods from large boats to the other side. They put the goods on a different boat. The journey would otherwise have been over two hundred miles round a very dangerous part of the sea. 3. As it was a busy centre for trade, Corinth was a good place for the *gospel to spread. Merchants and travellers would hear the message and take it with them. There were many different people in Corinth. There were *Romans because it was a *Roman colony. (A colony is a city or country that another country controls.) There were Greeks, *Jews, people from Asia and from further east. There were rich people and many slaves. 4. There was a *temple to Aphrodite, the Greek female god of love. There were thousands of *prostitutes in the city. Many of them belonged to this *temple. Corinth became well-known for bad *sexual behaviour. To live ‘like a Corinthian’ meant to become a drunk often or to visit *prostitutes. 5. The Isthmian Games took place near Corinth. They were famous and only second in importance to the Olympic Games. Paul’s first visit to Corinth Acts 18:1-17On his second journey to take people the good news about Jesus, Paul arrived in Corinth from Athens. He had only very little success in Athens and he did not stay there for very long. But he stayed in Corinth for 18 months. He spent longer there than in any other city apart from Ephesus. He stayed with Aquila and Priscilla, who were tent makers like himself. He *preached first in the *synagogue. When the *Jews opposed him, he used the home of Titius Justus. Titius Justus lived next door to the *synagogue. Paul *preached very successfully. Crispus, the ruler of the *synagogue, became a Christian. When a new *Roman ruler arrived, the *Jews took Paul to him. They said that Paul was teaching ‘against the law’. But the ruler refused to listen to the *Jews. This happened in about AD 51. Paul later went to Syria. Paul’s letters to Corinth1. The ‘previous’ letter. Paul said, ‘I wrote you a letter. In that letter, I told you to have nothing to do with men with bad character’ (1 Corinthians 5:9). This letter is either lost or it may be in 2 Corinthians 6:14–7:1. 2. 1 Corinthians. When Paul was in Ephesus, he received news about troubles in the church at Corinth. This news came from people who were living in Chloe’s house (1 Corinthians 1:11), and from Stephanas, Fortunatus and Achaicus (1 Corinthians 16:17). A letter also came from the Christians in Corinth. They asked for Paul’s advice about various problems. Paul wrote 1 Corinthians. 3. The second ‘painful’ visit. Paul heard that problems in Corinth were worse. So he made a second visit. There is no record about this. But Paul writes about when he visited Corinth for the ‘third’ time (2 Corinthians 12:14; 13:1-2). So there must have been a second visit. 4. The ‘severe’ letter. Paul’s visit was not successful. So he wrote a letter when he was feeling very hurt (2 Corinthians 2:4). He was almost sorry that he had sent it. Some writers believe that chapters 10-13 in 2 Corinthians are the ‘severe’ letter. 5. The letter to show that the Christians at Corinth and Paul were friends again. Paul was so worried about his ‘severe’ letter that he went to meet Titus. Titus had taken the severe letter to Corinth. Paul met Titus in Macedonia and learned that all was well. So, he wrote chapters 1-9 in 2 Corinthians. It is possible that someone put the severe letter and the next letter together in the wrong order. The contents of 1 Corinthians1:1-9 ~ Greetings and *thanksgiving 1:10–4:21 ~ Quarrels about leaders in the church ============== The *gospel and human wisdom 1:18-25v18 The message of the *cross seems foolish to those who are dying. But it is God’s power to us whom he is saving. v19 Because God said by Isaiah (Isaiah 29:14), ‘I will destroy the wisdom of those who are wise. I will bring to nothing the clever ideas of those who are clever.’ v20 Find me the wise person. Find me the expert in the law. Find me the great thinker of this time. God has made the wisdom of the world foolish. v21 God in his wisdom planned that the world would not know him through its own wisdom. But God was pleased to *save those who believe. They believe through the foolish message that we *preach. v22 *Jews demand wonderful signs. Greeks look for wisdom. v23 But we *preach about Christ’s death on the *cross. That offends *Jews. And *Gentiles think that it is nonsense. v24 But Christ is God’s power and wisdom to those whom God has called, both *Jews and *Gentiles. v25 The foolish things of God are wiser than human wisdom. The weakness of God is stronger than human strength. Verses 18-21 The world considers that some people are wise. But these wise people cannot use their human wisdom to understand God’s ways. They think that the message about a *crucified *Messiah is foolish. They want God to act in ways that seem wise and powerful to them. But God *saves those who are willing to trust him. Verses 22-23 The *Jews thought that the idea of a *crucified *Messiah was an insult to God. The *Romans *crucified only slaves and dangerous criminals. And the *Jews believed that anyone who hung on a tree as a punishment would suffer God’s anger (Deuteronomy 21:23). They did not think that the message in Isaiah 53 was about someone who would suffer for other people. The *Jews also expected wonderful signs when the *Messiah came. In the past, God had done wonderful *miracles for their nation. So they expected him to perform even greater *miracles by his *Messiah. Therefore the *Jews kept on asking Jesus for a sign to ‘prove’ that he was the *Messiah. But he refused (Matthew 12:38-39; John 6:30). The Greeks thought that God does not feel human emotions. And they thought that he cannot change. Therefore, God could not become a man on earth. The idea that ‘the word became a *physical person’ (John 1:14) was impossible. The Greeks also liked to discuss ideas. And they liked to speak in clever ways. The message about the *gospel was simple. Paul *preached it in plain words. A *crucified God seemed to be the mad idea of people with little education. Verses 24-25 But God’s plan was to *save all those who believe in Christ. No human wisdom or great effort can bring anyone into a friendship with God. *Sin has spoiled that friendship. However, Christ’s death on the *cross was not ‘foolish’ and ‘weak’. ‘God’s thoughts are not our thoughts. His ways are not our ways’ (Isaiah 55:8-9). The *crucifixion was a sign of God’s wisdom and power. They are greater than any wise efforts that people can make.
  10. AND NOW the rest of the story +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Weekend Edition June 13-15, 2014 The War on Terror Has Failed How Obama Lost Iraqby SHAMUS COOKE The fall of Iraq’s second largest city, Mosul, to an al-Qaeda linked militia elicited a curiously muted response from the Obama administration. Yes, Obama “denounced” the terrorist invasion, but when the Iraqi government asked for U.S. airstrikes to repel perhaps the most powerful terrorist group in the world, Obama thus far refused, only hinting at some form of aid in the yet-to-be-determined future. This is perhaps the first time Obama has initially refused such an offer from an allied government. Indeed, he’s suspected to have approved airstrikes in 8 other countries under the guise of fighting terrorism. So why the hesitation? One might also ask why the Obama administration didn’t act earlier to prevent this invasion, since the Iraqi government has been asking for U.S. aid for over a year to combat the terrorist group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), which has been building its strength on the borderlands between Iraq and Syria. One likely reason that Obama refused aid to his Iraqi ally is that he has other, much closer allies, who are funding the terrorist group invading Iraq. For example, since the war in Syria started, it’s been an open secret that Qatar, Kuwait, andSaudi Arabia have been giving at least hundreds of millions of dollars to the Islamic extremist groups attacking the Syrian government. This fact is occasionally mentioned in the mainstream media, but the full implications are never fleshed out, and now that the Syrian war is gushing over its borders the media would rather pretend that ISIS sprang from a desert oasis, rather than the pocket books of the U.S. allied Gulf States. The Obama administration has consistently looked the other way during this buildup of Islamic extremism, since its foreign policy priority —toppling the secular Syrian government — perfectly aligned with the goals of the terrorists. Thus the terror groups were allowed to grow exponentially, as their ranks were filled with Gulf State cash, foreign fighters from Saudi Arabia and illegal guns trafficked with the help of the CIA. The Obama administration hid the reality of this dynamic from view, calling the Syrian rebels “moderates” — yet what moderates existed were always a tiny, ineffectual minority. The big dogs in this fight are the Sunni Islamic jihadi groups who view Shia Muslims as heretics worthy of death and other religious and ethnic minorities as second-class citizens polluting their Islamic caliphate. Middle East journalist Patrick Cockburn recently noted: “ISIS now controls or can operate with impunity in a great stretch of territory in western Iraq and eastern Syria, making it militarily the most successful jihadi movement ever.” Now that ISIS has invaded Iraq, a U.S. ally, you’d think a different approach would be used. But Obama’s hesitation to support the Iraqi government against ISIS may be a reflection of the U.S. having yet more shared goals with the terrorist organization. For example, the U.S. has never trusted the Iraqi government. Ever since the Iraqi elections brought a Shia-dominated government to power, the Bush and Obama administrations have looked at Iraq as an untrustworthy pawn of Iran. And there is some truth to this: the Shia dominated Iraqi government has many close religious and political ties with Iran. Further upsetting Obama is that Iraq hasn’t prevented Shia fighters from traveling to Syria to fight on the side of Assad. Many in Shia-majority Iraq were stunned by the Sunni extremist massacres against the Syrian Shia population, which consequently drew Iraqi and Hezbollah Shia fighters into the Syrian war. Thus, Iraq was on the “wrong side” of the U.S. sponsored proxy war in Syria. In fact, Iraq went so far as to refuse Obama’s ”request” that Iraq deny Iran use of Iraqi airspace to fly military weapons to Assad. Iraq’s consistent refusal to bend to key U.S. demands has strained relations with the U.S., which demands obedience from its “allies”. Most importantly, a strong independent Iraq is seen as a threat to U.S. “regional interests,” since Iraq is a potential ally to Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, the regional powers that the U.S. does not have influence over and consequently desires either their “regime change” or annihilation. Thus, when the Iraqi president came to the U.S. to plead for aid in October to fight ISIS, he was largely given the runaround, as U.S. politicians shifted the focus away from ISIS toward the Iraqi president’s “authoritarian” government. Of course, this criticism was pure hypocrisy; the U.S. never questions its Gulf State allies about their “authoritarianism,” even as these countries continue to be ruled by the most brutal dictatorships on earth. Some analysts have speculated that Obama will allow the Sunni terror groups to carve out a section of Iraq to help partition the country into smaller nations based on ethnic-religious regions, each represented by a Shia, Sunni, or Kurdish government. This would be the easiest way to ensure that Iraq remains weak and is not a threat to “U.S. interests.” Mike Whitney describes the Iraqi partition idea: “The plan was first proposed by Leslie Gelb, the former president of the Council on Foreign Relations, and then-senator Joe Biden. According to The New York Times the ‘so-called soft-partition plan ….calls for dividing Iraq into three semi-autonomous regions…There would be a loose Kurdistan, a loose Shiastan and a loose Sunnistan, all under a big, if weak, Iraq umbrella.’” The events in Iraq and Syria further prove that the Bush-Obama “war on terror” is not only a complete failure, but a fraud. Bush and Obama have not waged a war against terrorists, but wars against independent nation-states. The secular nations of Iraq, Libya, and Syria were virtually free of terrorism before U.S. military intervention, and now they’re infested. The war on terror has done nothing but destabilize the Middle East, create more terrorists, and drain the U.S. economy of billions of dollars it could have otherwise used towards jobs and social programs. *********************************** *********************************** Shamus Cooke is a social service worker, trade unionist, and writer for Workers Action (www.workerscompass.org). He can be reached at shamuscooke@gmail.com
  11. U.S. Has Been Secretly Flying Unmanned Surveillance Drones Over Iraq For The Last Year (Great surprise at ISIS attack.....you believe that ??....how deep a fool are you ???? ,GAAL) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ http://www.blacklistednews.com/U.S._Has_Been_Secretly_Flying_Unmanned_Surveillance_Drones_Over_Iraq_For_The_Last_Year/35914/0/38/38/Y/M.html
  12. 'White phosphorus' reports: Ukraine military 'dropped incendiary bombs' on Slavyansk Published time: June 12, 2014 20:31Edited time: June 13, 2014 09:45 ================================= http://rt.com/news/165628-ukraine-incendiary-bombs-phosphorus/ The use of incendiary bombs – designed to start fires using materials such as napalm, white phosphorus or other dangerous chemicals – is strictly prohibited by the UN. =================== WAR CRIME
  13. REALIST NEWS – State of Economy – Look At McDonalds Sales June 11th, 2014 ----------------------x---------------------- http://investmentwatchblog.com/realist-news-state-of-economy-look-at-mcdonalds-sales/ =========== Read more at http://investmentwatchblog.com/realist-news-state-of-economy-look-at-mcdonalds-sales/#M36Heg9aDY36JxVO.99
  14. 9/11 was not the only "big lie" =======X======== Among their list of claims against Iran, for which Jews have been collectively punishing Iranians for nearly 20 years, has been the charge that Iranians officials were behind the bombing of a Jewish center in Argentina in 1993. This morning, Just Foreign Policy reported : "1) Argentine prosecutor Alberto Nisman based his 2006 warrant for the arrest of top Iranian officials in the bombing of a Jewish community center in 1994 on the claims of representatives of the armed Iranian opposition group MEK, Gareth Porter reported for Inter Press Service. The central piece of evidence cited in Nisman's arrest warrant against senior Iranian leaders is an alleged Aug. 14, 1993 meeting of top Iranian leaders at which Nisman claims the official decision was made to go ahead with the planning of the bombing of the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association. But the document, recently available in English for the first time, shows that his only sources for the claim were representatives of the MEK. The record of MEK officials over the years has been one of putting out one communiqué after another that contained information about alleged covert Iranian work on nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, nearly all of which turned out to be false when they were investigated by the IAEA, Porter notes. The only significant exception to the MEK's overall record of false information on the Iranian nuclear program was its discovery of Iran's Natanz enrichment facility and its Arak heavy water facility in August 2002. Contrary to the MEK claims that it got the information on Natanz from sources in the Iranian government, the New Yorker's Seymour Hersh reported, a "senior IAEA official" told him in 2004 that Israeli intelligence had passed their satellite intelligence on Natanz to the MEK." http://www.justforeignpolicy.org/node/1443
  15. WAKE UP EVAN. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 9/11 Consensus Panel Releases New Evidence from Witness Testimonies and Architectural Drawings PRESS RELEASE: World Trade Center Building 7’s Controlled Demolition: 9/11 Consensus Panel Releases New Evidence from Witness Testimonies and Architectural Drawings --------------------------------------------------------------- June 1, 2014 –The 24-member 9/11 Consensus Panel – which includes physicists, chemists, engineers, commercial pilots, attorneys and lawyers – today announced three new studies confirming the controlled demolition of World Trade Center 7. The studies scientifically refutes the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) claim that, for the first time in history, fire caused the sudden and complete collapse of a large, fire-protected, steel-framed building on 9/11. (Note that whereas the Consensus Panel uses a scientific methodology to peer-review its work, the NIST report was not peer-reviewed.) The first Panel study deals with the NIST computer simulations, which purported to show that fire-induced thermal expansion caused a girder to be pushed off its seat at Column 79, thereby initiating a global collapse of the entire 47-storey building at 5:21 in the afternoon. However, a recent FOIA request has produced WTC 7 architectural drawings showing that the NIST simulations omitted basic structural supports that would have made this girder failure impossible. The second Consensus Panel study deals with NIST’s claim that it did not recover any steel from this massive steel-frame skyscraper. This is extraordinary, given the need to understand why a steel-frame building would have completely collapsed for the first time in history from fire alone, and to thereby prevent a recurrence. We know now that some of the steel was recovered. Photographs recently obtained by researchers show the strange curled-up paper-thin WTC 7 steel, with a NIST investigator pointing it out. The third Panel study shows that on September 11, 2001, many people were told hours in advance that WTC 7 was going to collapse. MSNBC reporter Ashleigh Banfield said early in the afternoon: "I’ve heard several reports from several different officers now that that is the building that is going to go down next.” Many members of the New York Fire Department were confidently waiting for the building to come down: Firefighter Thomas Donato: "We were standing, waiting for seven to come down. We were there for quite a while, a couple hours.” ========= Assistant Commissioner James Drury: "I must have lingered there. There were hundreds of firefighters waiting to -- they were waiting for 7 World Trade Center to come down.” ========= Chief Thomas McCarthy: “So when I get to the command post, they just had a flood of guys standing there. They were just waiting for 7 to come down.” --------- In addition, CNN and the BBC made premature announcements. This foreknowledge corroborates the evidence presented in previous Consensus Points (WTC7-1 to WTC7-5) that WTC 7 was brought down by controlled demolition. Source: The 9/11 Consensus Panel @911consensus consensus911@gmail.com Contact List: http://www.consensus911.org/media-contacts/ ============================================================================ YAWN.......... Under-Aged Sailors Allegedly Raped, Brutalized in Australian Navy ========================= Under-Aged Sailors Allegedly Raped, Brutalized in Australian Navy 16:40 05/05/2014 === http://en.ria.ru/world/20140505/189588787/Under-Aged-Sailors-Allegedly-Raped-Brutalized-in-Australian-Navy.html === MOSCOW, May 5 (RIA Novosti) – Australian investigators looking into abuse in the military have revealed that 227 sailors aged 16 or younger were allegedly raped or brutalized in the 1980s at the HMAS Leeuwin navy training base, Agence France-Presse reported Monday. “Complaints assessed to date suggest that there was a failure by Defense to address the culture of violence and bullying that existed at HMAS Leeuwin for many years of its operation,” according to a report of the Australian Defense Abuse Response Taskforce cited by AFP. Investigators received 2,400 abuse claims from officers, but the head of the inquiry insists the cases of those who served at HMAS Leeuwin in the 1980s call for a separate report to be presented to Australian parliament. Claims of 70 young cadets who served at the prestigious Australian Defense Force Academy in Canberra and were subjected to sexual and other forms of abuse would be reported separately, too. According to former judge Len Roberts-Smith, the head of the taskforce investigating the matter, the stories of victims are so terrifying that they are still afraid to go public. “We are getting a lot of people who don’t want to go public and are very apprehensive about any suggestion their identity might be disclosed to Defense or anyone else,” Roberts-Smith was quoted as saying. Investigations into abuse in the Australian army were launched after the so-called Skype scandal in 2011, when a sex video of a young recruit was streamed online. The incident triggered a string of revelations of sexual abuse and other forms of brutality in the military. The Australian government was forced to make a parliamentary apology to victims, whose suffering had been covered up for years. In 2012, the Defense Abuse Response Taskforce was established to hear hundreds of complaints and claims of abuse that occurred in Australian army beginning in the 1950s to the present.
  16. UPDATE Iraq Today: America’s Genocidal Legacy Clashes Near Iraq's Fallujah as Conflict Toll Reaches 366 NDTV‎ - May 31, 2014 Baghdad: Clashes erupted between Iraqi troops and anti-government fighters on the outskirts of Fallujah on Saturday, as the militant-held city's ... 19 casualties in Fallujah hospital reported Aswat Al Iraq Iraq army 'using barrel bombs' in Fallujah Aljazeera.com‎ - May 11, 2014 Iraq army 'using barrel bombs' in Fallujah ... the government's denial, there was strong evidence that barrel bombs havd been used in Fallujah. Months-long fighting in Iraq's Anbar province hits business, adds ... Fox News Deadly bombings sweep Iraq after army shelling in Fallujah The Guardian Deadly attack launched on Iraq's Fallujah Al-Arabiya Al Jazeera America - Asharq Alawsat English Iraq: Medical supplies reach Fallujah ICRC (press release)‎ - 4 days ago Geneva/Baghdad (ICRC) – Staff from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) have delivered badly needed medical supplies to ... First Red Cross medical delivery to Iraq's Fallujah in months GlobalPost Iraq: Government Attacking Fallujah Hospital Human Rights Watch‎ - May 26, 2014 Remnant of a direct-fire rocket-assisted projectile outside Fallujah General Hospital in Anbar Province. Photo taken January 13, 2014. Iraq Dropping Barrel Bombs On Fallujah, Attacking Hospital: Human ... Huffington Post Iraq: Civilians and medical facilities bear brunt of fighting in Fallujah ICRC (press release) HRW: Iraqi army uses explosive barrels in Fallujah Middle East Monitor The battle for Fallujah: Fighting returns to Iraqi city as al-Qa'ida ... The Independent‎ - May 18, 2014 Thousands of civilians are fleeing Fallujah as the rebel-held city just west of Baghdad comes under heavy bombardment amid fears that the ... Iraq: Shell Kills 12 from one Family in Fallujah – Fighting Outbreak in ... Center for Research on Globalization‎ - 4 days ago 12 people from one family were killed after the fall of mortar shells on Tuesday at their home in Fallujah city, where fierce fighting and shelling ... 18 killed in Fallujah shelling gulfnews.com At least 18 killed in shelling in Fallujah RTE.ie Unrest In Iraq's Fallujah Killed 22 on Sunday: Doctor NDTV The News International
  17. crystal ball crystal ball crystal ball How evil is our system.......why a city can be picked out which is not in total submission !! ======= JUSTICE FOR Fallujah (see link below) http://thefallujahproject.org/home/ ======================== justice for Slavyansk.....crystal ball crystal ball crystal ball punishment punishment punishment +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BLUM (above post # 282) My dear, and recently departed, Washington friend, John Judge, liked to say that if you want to call him a “conspiracy theorist” you have to call others “coincidence theorists”. Thus it was by the most remarkable of coincidences that Arseniy Yatsenuk did indeed become the new prime minister. He could very soon be found in private meetings and public press conferences with the president of the United States and the Secretary-General of NATO, as well as meeting with the soon-to-be new owners of Ukraine, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, preparing to impose their standard financial shock therapy. The current protestors in Ukraine don’t need PHDs in economics to know what this portends. They know about the impoverishment of Greece, Spain, et al. They also despise the new regime for its overthrow of their democratically-elected government, whatever its shortcomings. But the American media obscures these motivations by almost always referring to them simply as “pro-Russian”. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Alfred Mendez (above post # 271) (1) The BIS occupies a central role within the global/European financial scene - to the extent that such institutions as the G-10 and ECB (among others) play a surrogate role. (2) The goal of the corporations is precisely the same today as it was at the end of the Great War. This is inevitable, inasmuch as inherent within the capitalist system is its obligation to the aggrandisement of profit. (3) As a consequence, sovereignty - in the sense of a country's or organisation's political independence - can be ignored and overridden. This is happening today. The signs are there for all to see: Is America really in the Gulf Region for the benefit of its inhabitants ('ragheads' in American parlance)? Ask any oilman. Are the two terms 'NATO' and the "International Community' really synonymous? Ask any country not in the Alliance. Is the 'Cold War' really dead? Ask NATO why it is still in existence. ?????????????????? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (from link at above post # 271) Carrol Quigley - the bankers' plan Carrol Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, 1966 - [bill Clinton's mentor and Georgetown University professor] "The Power of financial capitalism had [a] far reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks, which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank sought to dominate its government by its ability to control treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence co-operative politicians by subsequent rewards in the business world." ############################# SEE POST # 271 above punishment punishment punishment How evil is our system....... ????? Answer Slavyansk & Fallujah, just see whats there......you dont need a crystal ball to know which way the winds blow....... ========== JUSTICE FOR Slavyansk ........................
  18. update 'Iraqi Kurds close to declaring independence' Jerusalem Post‎ - 21 hours ago Ofra Bengio, editor of the forthcoming book Kurdish Awakening: ... Barzani would prefer “to sell out Syrian Kurds to al-Qaida rather than allow ... ISIS in Mosul, as Thousands of Residents Flee to Kurdistan Rudaw Battle to establish Islamic state across Iraq and Syria The Independent Iraq violence: Double bombing 'targets Kurdish parties' BBC News Christian Science Monitor - Aljazeera.com
  19. Retirees Forced Back to Work. Young People Remain Jobless June 9th, 2014 ================================================= http://investmentwatchblog.com/retirees-forced-back-to-work-young-people-remain-jobless/
  20. LEFTY OBAMA ?? UPDATE: To Well Sourced List of Examples of Obamas Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Etc.*(Now at 694)* (SEE LINK above) ========== Every President, every politician, and every human being tells lies and engages in acts of hypocrisy. But Barack Obama does these things to a far greater degree than anyone else that I have ever known of. His campaign promises were so much better sounding than anyone else’s – no lobbyists in his administration, waiting five days before signing all non-emergency bills so people would have time to read them, putting health care negotiations on C-SPAN, reading every bill line by line to make sure money isn’t being wasted, prosecution of Wall St. criminals, ending raids against medical marijuana in states where it’s legal, high levels of transparency. Obama’s promises of these wonderful things sounded inspiring and sincere. They sounded so much better than the promises of any other President. So when Obama broke these promises, it felt so much worse than when other Presidents broke their promises.
  21. (plenty of money for covert operations Syria & Ukraine ...but $$$ for the common man..no no no ...what you want more porridge !!!!!!) ################################## 9 June 2014 By: BethPH London Food Bank Demand Increases By 120% Demand for food banks in London has gone up again, according to a report released today, with 96,000 people seeking help over food poverty since April 2013. The ‘Below the Breadline’ report, produced by The Trussell Trust, Oxfam and Church Action on Poverty, identifies the causes as changes to the benefits system, a punitive sanctions regime, a lack of decent work and rising living costs. It’s not just down to welfare reforms – a 43% increase in food prices over the previous eight years combined with an average fall of £936 in the annual disposable income of 20% of Britain’s poorest aren’t helping either. Back in February, we wrote about the 400% increase in food bank use in just two years, and it doesn’t look like things have improved. Trussell Trust chair Chris Mould, said the fact they had to help 300,000 children is ‘a national disgrace’: “The troubling reality is that there are also thousands more people struggling with food poverty who have no access to food aid, or are too ashamed to seek help, as well as a large number of people who are only just coping by eating less and buying cheap food.” Unsurprisingly, the government rejects the charities’ findings. A spokesperson for Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) said welfare safety net was left out of the report: “We’ve also helped families by cutting the cost of living, more people are in work helping to support their family, benefits are being paid to claimants more quickly and according to independent experts fewer people report struggling with their food bills compared with a few years ago.” More people may well be in work, but as we’ve pointed out before, paid work doesn’t prevent people needing to claim benefits. According to the report, ‘protecting its citizens from going hungry is one of the most fundamental duties of government’ — the very existence of food banks amply demonstrates how the government have failed in this duty. Fortunately, not everyone believes the government’s risible claim that food bank usage has nothing to do with welfare reforms, or the tripe that was printed by the Daily Mail in April which led to a massive increase in donations to the Trussell Trust. The charity said it provided 23m meals to people nationally in 2013 compared to 13m in 2012. Photo by leica0000 in the Londonist Flickr pool.
  22. How the Troika, the WSJ and the NYT Keep the Public Befuddled About Austerity and Deflation ///////////////////////// June 6/2014 ======================================== By William K. Black ====================================== If the troika (the European Commission, ECB, and IMF) taught sex education students would believe that storks brought children, that sex had nothing to do with pregnancy, that confident women never got pregnant, and that women should be forced to lose weight when they became pregnant. The Wall Street Journal and the New York Times would repeat these myths as science. The NYT would employ one of the world’s top gynecologists (Dr. Krugman). Dr. Krugman would debunk these myths nearly every week – and neither the troika nor the reporters for the NYT and the WSJ would ever listen to him. The last several days have led to a flurry of WSJ and NYT stories about “deflation.” I just posted critiques of some of the earlier stories here and here. There’s only one of me, but the dual U.S. heralds of the troika employ dozens of scribes who faithfully proclaim its message without any intervening critical thought. I’ve decided to make a bulk response to the scribes. Three Central Defects I offer this overall critique of the central defects of all these articles (and the troika’s policies). Both of them fail to address three points. Where does the troika think deflation comes from? Given that the troika’s says that the key harm of deflation is reducing already inadequate demand, why is thetroika insisting on inflicting austerity – which aggravates the inadequate demand? Why is their minimal discussion of the Great Depression levels of unemployment in Italy, Spain, and Greece and no discussion of the far superior alternative of using fiscal policy to speed the eurozone’s recovery? Five Articles: No Coherent Analytics, Economics, or Humanity Here, here, here, here and here are the links to the flurry of articles dated June 3, 2014, that I have not already discussed in prior columns. Demand: Several Mentions; None Coherent One article explains that core inflation is falling because: “That reflects, above all, the high unemployment and debt burdens in much of the region, which are holding down wages, spending and demand.” The quoted sentence is almost coherent. It is true that high unemployment holds down demand. “Spending” is “demand” so the scribe’s grasp of the concept is poor. “Debt burdens” reverses the accurate analysis. It refers to the long falsified claim of the austerians that if a government has debt it lacks the capacity to spend. Austerity is what is causing already inadequate demand to weaken further. Another article starts strong. It begins by answering the question of where very low inflation and deflation comes from – inadequate demand. “After a 5-year debt crisis, in a growing number of euro zone countries, businesses faced with slumping demand have been pressured to cut prices.” The article continues by appropriately emphasizing the importance of demand, but failing to understand it. ++++++++++++++++++++++ “After years of a debt crisis, a number of countries in the euro zone are grappling with the effects of economic lethargy. At clothing stores, cellphone companies and factories making items as disparate as aluminum and tiles, owners faced with slumping demand have been pressured to cut their prices. In hard-hit countries, wages have also fallen sharply from precrisis levels. ++++++++++++++++++++++ Again, the strength is explaining to the reader in the second sentence that the inadequate demand causes low inflation and deflation. The next sentence correctly notes that wages have fallen sharply and that this further reduces demand. Especially in the most fragile economies, the dynamic is crimping growth and dampening government efforts to pay down debt, regain competitiveness and tackle unemployment. ‘The big picture is that with low inflation, it is more difficult for debt to come down and for economic growth to come back, so you could have a period of stagnation,’ said Reza Moghadam, the director of the European department at the International Monetary Fund in Washington. He recently coined the term ‘lowflation’ to describe the euro zone’s dilemma.” Then things go horribly off the rails. The obvious analytical points and policy advice that would arise from these admissions are (1) austerity is the problem and (2) fiscal stimulus is the solution. Instead, the article careens incoherently as it must because it repeats faithfully the troika’s incoherence. This sentence displays the logical inconsistency: “[low inflation] is crimping growth and dampening government efforts to pay down debt, regain competitiveness, and tackle unemployment.” Let us count the many problems packed into this single sentence. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++/ The “dynamic” that gratuitously forced the Eurozone into a second recession – and Italy, Spain, and Greece into a Second Great Depression – was inadequate demand induced by the troika inflicting austerity. Low inflation may add marginally to the inadequacy of demand by causing consumers to defer discretionary purchases, but low inflation and deflation are caused by inadequate demand. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++/ “[D]ampening efforts to pay down government debt” would be a very good thing that would increase demand. The “efforts to pay down government debt” are austerity. Austerity is the disastrous policy because it decreases already inadequate demand. The article starts by saying that inadequate demand is the problem, and then immediately loses the plot, ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++/ “Regain[ing] competitiveness” is the troika’s euphemism for slashing wages in the periphery. Look at the quotation again – it is found one sentence after correctly noting that one of the important contributors to reducing demand further was the fact that “wages have also fallen sharply from precrisis levels.” Thetroika and the Nation’s leading financial papers cannot maintain logical consistency in adjacent sentences. The troika’s bleeding of the economy and workers is a major contributor to the slashing of wages that has made consumer demand so inadequate. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The last paragraph quoted above about “stagnation” again misses the fact that inadequate demand causes both high unemployment and low inflation. It also fails to note that because of the austerity-induced second Great Recession the eurozone suffered years of rising unemployment even when inflation was higher. The article then veers back and presents a logical view – with no indication that the scribe understands the logical inconsistency. === “‘Inflation is so low,’ said Simon Tilford, deputy director of the Center for European Reform in London, ‘because wages have fallen sharply and consumer demand and investment have been depressed.’” === The final article that uses the word “demand” states: ===== “Deflation, spurred by falling wages and depressed consumer demand, hits borrowers by raising the real value of loans, and has the potential to weaken Europe’s fragile financial sector.” ===== “Raising the real value of loans” could make a recession more difficult to recover from, but it is far down in the ranks of potential contributors. The far more important, and straightforward, point is that deflation and severe recessions have the same cause – grossly inadequate demand. Even this article, which is by far the best of the five, is incoherent. ========= “Adding to the pressure [on the ECB to act], a separate report showed the European labor market continuing to stagnate.” ========= Note that the journalist acts as if the obscene level of eurozone unemployment is created by some unrelated (and unidentified) factor instead of inadequate demand. Austerity: One Inept Mention The best article notes that unemployment is at Great Depression levels in Spain and Greece and provides the only mention of “austerity.” =========================== “The job market has been hammered by the euro zone debt crisis, which ushered in an era of fiscal austerity and, some economists argue, an insufficiently loose monetary policy by the European Central Bank.” =========================== But note that even the best article gets it completely wrong. The “job market” was not “hammered by the euro zone debt crisis.” The eurozone job market was “hammered” first by the Great Recession and then by the troikainflicting austerity, which made already inadequate demand far more inadequate. The largely faux eurozone“debt crisis” did not “usher[] in an era of fiscal austerity.” The troika forced fiscal austerity in conditions we have known for at least 75 years would prove self-destructive. The article, which is by far the best of the five articles, fails to even consider ending the bleeding the economy through austerity. The NYT’s “Draghi as Physician” Simile The most embarrassing of the five articles begins with this sentence. =================================================== “Mario Draghi might feel like a doctor trying to treat a chronically ill patient with unproven medicines.” =================================================== There are three vital things that are totally wrong about that sentence. First, it was the ECB and its fellow troikamembers that forced the eurozone – as it was beginning to recover from the Great Recession – back into a gratuitous second recession and in several cases a Second Great Depression by inflicting austerity. Second, the correct medical metaphor would be that Draghi is continuing to insist on “bleeding” the patient a century after we knew that the practice had no scientific basic and harmed the patient. His practices were not “unproven” – they were known to be quackery. Third, to the extent the focus is on low inflation, Draghi has been refusing to “treat” the “chronically ill patient” even though (A) the eurozone has repeatedly failed to meet the ECB’s stated inflation target and ( there are proven fiscal means of curing the “patient” which Draghi fights to prevent from being used. Conclusion The troika and our leading financial papers admit that very low inflation levels are caused by inadequate demand and that they are harmful because they could further reduce that already inadequate demand. The troika and the papers, however, find it impossible to recognize that the troika’s policies – austerity and forcing large wage reductions – are self-destructive because they further reduce demand. The troika and the papers, therefore, refuse to even discuss the ready alternative of reversing the troika’s self-destructive policies. The WSJ scribes have obvious institutional difficulties in writing honestly about the folly of austerity. The NYTscribes continue to perplex. The great majority of economists think the troika’s austerity policies are self-destructive. The NYT has a Nobel Laureate who has spent years explaining this point. The NYT scribes do not simply get the story wrong. Their deflation coverage rarely presents the views of scholars who make the argument against austerity. The papers do not cite Paul Krugman on the issue or the many other economists who have a far more successful predictive record than do the troika trolls. It remains a de facto job requirement thatWSJ and NYT scribes writing about the EU austerity crisis check their critical faculties curbside.
  23. Now back to reality .......... **************************** A History of America’s National Reconnaissance Office – part 1 26 11 2011 by Trowbridge H. Ford One of the least known agencies in the Cold War against the Soviet Union – and what little is known is often wrong – is the National Reconnaissane Office (NRO). Conceived to learn more about the internal workings of the USSR after the simplistic assumptions about ending the confrontation proved hopelessly wrong – e. g., the Soviets could easily be rolled back, spies could readíly unlock what real secrets it possessed or defectors could supply what the West really needed to know about it – the NRO showed that Moscow was much weaker than human intelligence (HUMINT) claimed. In achieving this result, though, it became so powerful that it functioned almost without any public supervision – almost a state within a state. When the Soviet Union collapsed, the NRO became the instrument of Republican and Democratic Presidents alike to win the war on Washington’s next opponents, whoever they might be, without almost any congressional or democratic control. The NRO became Washington’s preferred secret weapon in the “war on terrorism” because its capabilities were hardly known, hard to stop the continual development of, and much less capable of being defended against. In WWII’s aftermath, the reorganization and expansion of America’s intelligence agencies was a most confusing process because of uncertainty about its future, how to proceed under the circumstances, and bureaucratic opposition, especially by J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI, to any significant changes. Given the desire by the weakened Republican opposition for a return to America’s splendid isolation, the Democratic followers of FDR had a difficult time in gaining support for a continuing international role, particularly when many of them were increasingly suspected of being communist tools. The root of the problem rested with Earl Browder, leader of America’s communists who believed he had influence with the President, allying them with the Democratic Party, arousing beliefs among liberals that he had the support of the fallen President, and suspicions of betrayal among anti-communists – what was only compounded by Stalin seeing to Browder’s ouster from the leadership in 1945, and later expelled. Louis Budenz, a former leader of the Communist Party of the USA turned FBI mole, soured the situation even further by claiming that Browder’s successor, Eugene Dennis, “…had directed a ring of Communist agents in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) that included Carl Marzani.” (John Earl Haynes & Harvey Klehr, Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America, p. 218) The leader of the OSS had been Colonel ‘Wild Bill’ Donovan, and he was involved in trying to revive the spy agency after its post-war shutdown was being reconsidered, as the amalgamation of the code-breaking services of the Army, Navy and the new Air Force took center stage. Thanks to Hoover’s continuing opposition to any encroachments on his turf, especially because of his intense dislike of Harry Truman and his entourage, though, only the Armed Forces Security Agency (AFSA), and a weak Central Intelligence Group( CIG) – headed by a Director, and assisting a National Intelligence Authority – were allowed to be created. The beginning of the Cold War in earnest led to the expansion of the CIG into the Central Intelligence Agency, and the signal intelligence (SIGINT) problems surrounding the Korean War resulted in the creation of the National Security Agency (NSA) out of the AFSA. The NSA’s creation caused the greatest intelligence turmoil with the CIA, the fleeing of Soviet spies Donald Maclean and Guy Burgess to the Soviet Union providing the catalyst. Their flight proved that American intelligence had been riddled with leaks, and NSA’s decoding capacity provided a sure way of proving so at the expense of other intelligence agencies, especially the CIA and its forebearers. NSA’s challenge to the CIA was also most threatening since almost no one knew of NSA, aka ‘No Such Agency’, since it was established by secret presidential order rather than an act of Congress, like the CIA. (For more on this, see Christopher Andrew, For the President’s Eyes Only, p. 168ff.) While NSA was busy at Arlington Hall and later at Fort Meade working on Moscow’s coded messages during part of WWII with those people who had had contact with Soviet intelligence (Venona Project) – what threw far more panic throughout American society than the claims of Senator Joseph McCarthy about communist conspiracies – the CIA really got involved in overthrowing governments Washington did not like, and assassinating troublesome foreign leaders. While most people are aware of the successful coups that the Agency engineered against Iran’s Mohammed Mossadegh, and Guatemala’s Jacobo Arbenz, few are acquainted with its elimination of Korean opposition leader Kim Koo, North Korea’s Premier Kim II Sung, Mossadegh himself, Philippino opposition leader Claro Recto, Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, and Egypt’s President Gamul Abdul Nasser, plus unsuccessful attempts on several other world leaders. (For more on this, see William Blum, Rogue State, p. 38ff.) CIA also prevented NSA’s SIGINT capability from making inroads into its intelligence operations by persuading its leading codebreaker, Frank B. Rowlett – when the new agency wanted to make him head of its code-making business, COMSEC – to come over, and run its operations,”… stealing foreign cipher materials and recruiting foreign crypto clerks and communications employees.” (James Bamford, Body of Secrets, p. 447) DCI Allen Dulles hoped that Rowett aka The Magician could do some more magic on the Soviet codes. Rowlett had been the leading genius of the William F. Friedman’s Black Chamber which the Army had reconstituted from WWI back in June 1930, and Friedman was now running the CIA’s Division D and wanted Rowlett to rejoin him. Rowlett had been particularly responsible for breaking the Japanese diplomatic code Purple aka Magic on September 20, 1940, resulting in decrypts which increasingly showed that Japan was preparing to attack French Indochina – what meant war with Washington but failed to foresee that it would be triggered by the attacks on Hawaii. (For more, see Andrew, p. 105ff.) The only trouble with CIA’s ‘little NSA’, to use Bamford’s term, was that it had little to work with. Prohibited from operating within the United States, and having a most chilly relation with the FBI, it was unable to do what MI5′s Peter Wright in its D Branch had accomplished in Britain regarding stealing codes and breaking encryption machines at the expense of its SIGINT agency, GCHQ.(Spycatcher, p. 80ff.) While Britain was finding out what Egypt was up to during the Suez crisis, NSA did not have a clue about Israel’s ambitions because that was co-conspirator Britain’s responsibility during the preemptive action, and the Eden government didn’t tell Eisenhower’s anything about what was planned. Up until that time, NSA had been going great guns with its RB-47 reconnaissance flights over the USSR, their Air Force Ravens operating electronic cameras to photograph Soviet installations of interest while other equipment monitored Soviet responses to the intrusions – what established that the USSR was unaware that it could be attacked with devastating results by bombers flown over the North Pole from Greenland (Project Homerun). Once Moscow learned of these numerous intrusions – what Eisenhower approved despite the fact that they could trigger WWIII – and protested to Washington behind the scenes about them, NSA’s capability in this regard became greatly reduced, as the planes could be shot down, and the Soviets rapidly improved their radar all over the vast country to achieve it. NSA’s embarrassment over these difficulties – what caused the retirement of its first director, Ralph Canine – provided the CIA with an opportunity to recoup, and Richard Bissell, the new Deputy Director for Planning, was quick to take advantage of it. Bissell had been given the post after its warring factions in carrying the war to the Soviets had been humiliated by the Hungarian uprising – what they helped foment – and Eisenhower was looking for a more reliable instrument for containing the struggle. Bissell’s claim to fame was the designing and construction of the U-2 reconnaissance plane which flew above the range of Soviet defenses. “The plane could in one flight,” Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones wrote in The CIA & American Democracy, “take up to 4,000 high-definition photographs of an area 2,174 miles long and 30 miles side.” (pp. 107-8) To put the U-2′s capability on an analytical intelligence basis, Bissell was given the assignment. It was, of course, because of the U-2′s ability to systematically monitor a given piece of territory that Soviet IRBMs were discovered in Cuba in September 1962 – what resulted in the Cuban Missile Crisis. As R. Jack Smith, a senior Agency analyst who helped brief the President about the crisis, claimed in a somewhat biased way: “American intelligence, and especially the CIA, experienced one of its finest hours…we sifted and sorted until we finally got the evidence that enabled us to target the U-2 correctly.” (Quoted from Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones, Cloak and Dollar, A History of American Secret Intelligence, p. 191.) Unfortunately, the Agency’s HUMINT, its dominant side, did not see matters that way at all. The settlement of the Cuban Missile Crisis was its final humiliation – going all the way back to the alleged “missile gap”. Back then, William King Harvey, who had taken over Division D after Rowlett had gone back to the NSA in 1957, had arranged an engine ‘flame out’, it seems, which brought down Gary Powers’ unauthorized U-2 flight – making it look like the Soviets had brought it down for the May Day 1960 celebration – but not only Powers but also his aircraft essentially survived to Eisenhower’s great embarrassment, making the claim about the intrusion a matter of international record. Given the fuss that Khrushchev made over the flights, the Paris Summit was canceled, and Ike was forced to show what they could potentially disclose, somewhat minimizing the assertions by the “missile gap” scaremongers. Still, the downing of Powers’ U-2 ruined the summit – what the President had put such great hopes in, and seriously considered resigning over – once the lying by the White House was exposed. No sooner had it denied any such overflight than the Soviet leader produced the pilot and part of the U-2 wreckage on television. Of course, the Soviet explanation of the crash – a missile did enough damage of bring it down while destroying a Soviet fighter which was closing in for the kill of the U-2 – made no sense, and the Agency did not help matters by failing to explain how Powers still survived the doomed flight, as did the plane itself. Damaged U-2s were programmed to self-destruct. Moscow had been tipped off about the U-2 overflights by two NSA analysts, mathematicians Bernon F. Mitchell and William H. Martin. The increasingly dangerous antics by its Deputy Director Louis Tordella – who ran the agency for a generation – finally persuaded Mitchell to fly to Mexico City in December 1959 where he asked for political asylum, but the KGB persuaded him to stay in place, so that it could learn more about NSA operations. Tordella was Wright’s leading ally in Washington, prepared to do any operation which stirred up anti-communist paranoia. (See Spycatcher, p.145ff.) While Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin tried feebly to make out in The Sword and the Shield that Mitchell and Martin had somehow defected then (pp. 178-9), they were in Washington on May Day when Powers went down. They told Moscow of the planned ‘flame out’, and the Soviets made sure that it was shot down. And after the crisis had passed without any claims of American spying having contributed to the crisis, Mitchell and Martin made their escape to the USSR, via Mexico City and Havana. On September 6th, they gave a press conference in Moscow’s House of Journalists, explaining that they had defected because Washington had been spying on the secret messages of its allies, like France, Britain and Israel, which had recently caused the Suez Crisis! Of course, it would have been a far different matter if Mitchell and Martin had explained that they had helped shoot down Gary Powers’ U-2 – something that neither Krushchev nor Ike wanted known. While the defectors ultimately settled down grudgingly in the USSR, ultimately marrying Russian women, they contributed little more to Soviet covert government. They even contemplated returning to the West, but they never made it, as Andrew and Mitrokhin have explained: “As chairman of the KGB, Yuri Andropov gave personal instructions that under no circumstances was either Mitchell or Martin to be allowed to go, for fear of deterring other potential defectors from the West.” (p. 179) Moscow, actually, could not afford them saying that they had made such sacrifices for nothing. To prevent a recurrence by the Agency, Eisenhower took its photo-reconnaissance capability away from it, creating the National Reconnaissance Office right after the embarrassing show trial of Powers in Moscow had ended and right before the embarrassing press conference by Mitchell and Martin. “For the next generation,” Andrew has written, “NRO was to be the most secret of all U.S. intelligence agencies. Its existence was not discovered by the media until 1973, and not officially acknowledged until September 1992.” (For …, p. 250) It was a high price for CIA to pay for just keeping the “missile gap” myth alive. To limit further damaging fallout, the CIA exchanged the most successful Soviet spy, Colonel ‘Rudolf Abel’, for Powers when it got the chance. Then, thanks to the prodding by Wright (see Spycatcher, p.145ff., esp. p. 154.) Harvey got Division D deeply involved in trying to assassinate Castro, using the cover story that it was trying to steal codes and recruiting Cuban cryptographers. Thanks to poison pills provided by the Agency’s Technical Services Division, and contacts supplied by the Mafia, two unsuccessful attempts were made to kill the Cuban leader while power was being transferred from Ike to JFK. After the ill-fated Bay of Pigs invasion, Harvey was again at it – thanks to more prodding by Wright – as head of the Agency’s Task Force W in Miami, providing agents with a wider variety of weapons to kill Castro but still no success. To get a handle on increasingly runaway covert government, Kennedy had rightly raised the alleged “missile gap” claim and the plans to overthrow Castro’s regime during the 1960 presidential campaign in the hope that the electorate could make a reasonable choice about the risks America faced but Nixon wrongly declined to debate the issues on the grounds of national security. It was only after Jack’s election that Eisenhower – along with Bissell and Art Lundahl, the head of the Agency’s National Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC) – set the record straight by briefing him about the intelligence capability America had in terms of technology and allies, concluding spiritedly: “The enemy has no aerial photographic systems like ours!” (Quoted from Andrew, p. 258.) Still, soon after JFK was inaugurated, he suffered the black eye of the Bay of Pigs fiasco (Operation Zapata) by Bissell’s people, and the President reacted by forcing the retirement of DCI Dulles and DDP Bissell because of the fallout from the fiasco. While the President had assured the public at a press conference on April 12th that American armed forces would not take any part in an armed intervention in Cuba, the facts turned out to be far different, as Aleksandr Fursenko and Timothy Naftali have reported in The Secret History of the Cuban Missile Crisis: “One Hell of a Gamble”: “Reconnaissance missions flown by U-2s on April 8, 11, and 13 picked up that Cubans had thirty-six combat aircraft, some of which were T-33 jets.” (p. 92) The NRO had helped the anti-Castro Cubans before JFK spoke, and continued to do so right up until the invasion. Thanks to information supplied by the NRO, as Andrew has indicated, “Zapata began at dawn on Saturday, April 15, with an air strike against Cuban airfields by eight B-26s flown by Cuban exiles.” (p. 263) When the White House learned of the NRO’s support for the bombers – what happened the next day at 10 a.m. during a meeting at CIA headquarters (see National Security File, Maxwell Taylor Papers, Box 12, Memoranda of Meetings, JFK Library, Boston.), Secretary of State Dean Rusk and American Ambassador to the UN Adlai Stevenson insisted that there be no more aerial attacks, dooming the mission. To make sure that Bissell did not maintain some informal influence in the NRO, Kennedy appointed Dr. Joseph V. Charyk, an Air Force undersecretary, as its director in Setepmber 1961. Charyk, though, was an areonautical engineer, only interested in developing replacements of the U-2s and new satellites. Ultimately, Charyk, and his replacement Dr. Brockway McMillan, relied upon gung-ho Air Force Brigadier General Jack C. Ledford to carry out NRO operations, and he was ready to follow up any discovery of Soviet IRBMs in Cuba with attacks by the 1040th Field Activity Squadron, stationed at Washington’s Bolling AFB. When JFK was assassinated, Ledford was director of the US Air Force’s special operations projects. To receive more reliable intelligence and fewer surprises from the CIA, Kennedy approved the creation of the Defense Intelligence Agency, and transferred the CIA’s paramilitary operations to the DOD. To head the new coordinating agency, SOD McNamara picked one-time FBI agent, and Air Force Inspector General Joseph Carroll because he was not just another Pentagon bureaucrat. Carroll had not only arrested Public Enemy No. I Roger “Tough” Touhy during WWII, but also helped explain away the defections by Mitchell and Martin – making out that there were more homosexuals in government because of abnormal sexual activity while they were adolescents. While the agency was being revamped from top to bottom because of their leaks – what had been attributed to more communist disaffection – Carroll determined that they were homosexuals who feared being caught! And the showdown with Cuba and the USSR over the IRBMs – what hardliners in government planned to result in the end of the Castro regime – did nothing to redeem them despite all the evidence that Oleg Penkovsky supplied about Moscow’s strategic weakness. As an unidentified source, most likely NSA Diretor General Gordon Blake, in the Cabinet Room on October 19, 1962 explained during the height of the crisis about General Joe Carroll’s capability: “The National Reconnaissance Office is involved in this. They’re, in a sense, a third agency, responsible for the U-2s, responsible for the drones, anything relating to special reconnaissance for CIA, DIA. Carroll knows how to do this.” (Quoted from Ernest R. May & Philip D. Zelikow, The Kennedy Tapes, p. 188.) To rub in Carroll’s triumph, papers like Washington’s The Evening Star ran stories about how his analysis of photographs taken by an NRO U-2 – what CIA analysts had not found convincing – had changed “the days that shook the world”. On October 15th, Carroll had noticed signs of construction being carried out in a remote area of western Cuba, near San Cristóbal, and alerted the Deputy Secretary of Defense Roswell Gilpatric about it, starting a process which would only end when Khrushchev started removing the IRBMs from the island. (Kelman Morin, “Gen.Carroll Saw Something,” November 1, 1963, p. 1.) Carroll’s son James put it this way in his biography of his father, An American Requiem: “His rivals within the military intelligence establishment had been defanged, and his turf-protecting counterparts at CIA, NSA, and the State Department had learned to work with him – a tribute to my father’s skills as a bureaucratic infighter, and also a signal of the strong support he had from McNamara.” (p. 140) As evidence of this, Carroll was appointed to the U. S. Intelligence Board two months before the Dallas assassination in the hope that he could continue to keep the renegades at bay. The fallout from the settlement, however, drove Harvey, with Helms’s tacit approval, to increasingly desperate measures against the Kennedys. (For more on Harvey and Helms, see my articles on Veterans Today, and in the Trowbridge Archive at codxxxx.com about them.) Harvey – as head of the ZR/RIFLE project in the Agency’s new center of operations in Miami, code named JM/WAVE and run by a leading operator Ted Shackley -crucially misused NRO’s capabilities to conclude his own war against Castro and the White House. Claiming that he was still trying to achieve Rowlett’s objectives (see Bamford, pp. 478-9 for details.), he actually arranged to make it look as if Castro had shot down another U-2 reconnaissance flight – what constituted an act of war, if true – once his efforts to recruit two Red Army colonels from the island as spies, and to claim that Castro had not removed all the IRBMs had failed. (For more on the Bayo-Martino-Pawley mission, see Peter Dale Scott, Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, p. 113ff.) While most people thought that Cold War relations were improving with the Soviet withdrawal of its IRBMs from Cuba – with JFK and Mrs. Kennedy trying to make amends with the disgruntled Cuban-American community, Department of the Army adviser Major Al Haig trying to find livelihoods for veterans of the Bay of Pigs operation, Attorney General Robert Kennedy beginning to enforce the Neutrality Act against those who still wanted to overthrow the Castro regime, Harvey finally being told to cut his ties with Sam Giancana’s contact Johnny Rosselli and forced to take off for Rome, the President signing a Limited Test Ban Treaty with the Soviets, etc. – the changing mood just drove the hardliners to more reckless measures. The first alarming sign was when DCI John McCone reorganized all the Agency’s science and technical capability under one roof, ignoring the concerns of its predecessor, Deputy Director of Research Herbert Scoville, Jr. As Scoville, a dove, wrote to McCone on April 25, 1963 – after he had resigned and refused to return when asked because of his continuing disputes with the other directorates about the planned reorganization – “he also expressed his frustration with regard to a joint CIA-DOD program – a reference to the CIA’s participation in the National Reconnaissance Program and the National Reconnaissance Office.” (See synopsis of ltr., Document 20, in The National Security Archive of SIGINT material, obtained by FOIA applications of its managers.) Scoville had been at odds too with NRO directors about its authority, their authority, and their relation with the DDR. “McCone,” John Marks wrote in The Search For The “Manchurian Candidate”, “apparently believed that science should be in the hands of the scientists, not clandestine operators, and brought in fellow Californian, an aerospace ‘Whiz Kid’ named Albert ‘Bud’ Wheelon to head a new Agency Directorate of Science and Technology.” (p. 209) The DCI, though, in letting the scientists who had tried to create intelligence zombies – former Technical Services Staff head Sidney Gottlieb, his new chief Seymour Russell, hypnotist Dr. George White and others – know what he thought of them, he just angered them, and induced them to more reckless operations, as one ex-CIA recalled upon learning of wild cowboy Seymour’s appointment: “The idea was to get a close interface with operations.” (Quoted from Marks, p. 210.) And this is what Wheelon wanted too. While this close interface was demonstrated when White tried to quickly hypnotize Lee Harvey Oswald, it seems, in Mexico City in July 1963 to kill JFK (pp. 202-3, and n., bottom p. 244) – which failed, and led to Miami Agent George Joannides helping set him up as the fall guy for the JFK assassination, the more relevant experience for this article was the apparent downing by the Cubans of NRO Captain Glenn Hyde, Jr.’s flight while over Cuba on November 20, 1963, on the eve of JFK’s fatal trip to Texas – what crashed into the Florida Straits, activating new agent Porter Goss to retrieve the plane and its photographic material in the hope that it would show that the Soviets still had IRBMs on the island, and were willing to use force to hide their existence. The LaGrange (Ga,) Daily News (LDN), the paper of Hyde’s home town, headlined its issue the next day thus: “LaGrange Pilot Missing In U-2 Crash Near Cuba” and printed under it a large photograph of the smiling pilot. There were three stories under the headline: one about the man behind another downed U-2, another about Hyde’s last moments Stateside before his sudden disappearance, and a nationally syndicated story about the apparent shoot-down. A United Press Bulletin reported that Navy divers, operating from a PT boat in the Florida Straits, had found the wreckage of the plane, and had started salvage operations to raise the plane. Then there was a story about his wife, entitled “I Believe My Husband Is All Right”, from Leland, Mississippi where the flight had originated from, and where she was residing while he was performing this crucial duty. The crux of the stories was what while the Strategic Air Command (SAC) theorized that the plane had experienced mechanical difficulties, military sources in Washington “…did not discount entirely the possibility of a Cuban attack on the U2, the intelligence craft that discovered the Soviet missile buildup in Cuba last year and has kept the island under surveillance since.” On the day JFK was assassinated, the whereabouts of the missing pilot was the headline on the front page, and the story added that an all-out search was underway to find Hyde, and that “divers, during a preliminary investigation at a 100-foot depth, said there was no signs of Hyde inside the fuselage of the plane.” Its implication was that evidence on the craft would determine what it had encountered, and what was the cause of the crash. The day after the fouled-up conspiracy assassination – what had accidentally or deliberately included Texas Governor John B. Connally, and he had survived, threatening to prosecute those who had apparently double crossed him – the interest in connecting it to Cuba simply died, and with it the fate of Captain Hyde and the evidence within the downed U-2. In the LDN, these concerns were reduced to a three paragraph story on the bottom of a inside page, the fuselage on the bottom of the Florida straits reduced to merely “minor debris”. Much of the hoax was in evidence when the alleged deceased’s survivors were awarded at the Greenfield AFB in May 1964 his Distinguished Flying Cross and the Fifth Oak Leaf Cluster to his Air Medal for flights which did not include the one which, it seems, killed him. The crude cover up of this NRO hoax might have been exposed if several other more immediate cover-ups of the killing were not already underway, and the agency was not the vital instrument of JFK’s lasting legacy – landing an American on the moon by the end of the decade. The Apollo program was the NRO’s baby, and it played it for all it was worth. While the NSA was getting embroiled in the Vietnam War because of its fabrications regarding the Tonkin Gulf incidents, the CIA because of its illegal MH-CHAOS operation against its opponents, and the Bureau because of its similar COINTELPRO program, the NRO, with its satellites, spacecrafts, and new aircraft, was pushing everyone’s vision towards the stars. Still, in its most secret enclave, it would get into much more dangerous projects and results, as we shall see. See Also - A History of America’s National Reconnaissance Office – part 2
  24. War Crimes and 9/11: Why Dick and Don Are Suspects Posted on June 4, 2014 by Kevin Ryan ================================================ Richard Clarke, the former counterterrorism official, has recently come out suggesting that George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld should be brought up on war crimes. Unfortunately, media outlets reporting this story have failed to examine Clarke’s long relationship to Cheney and Rumsfeld and his record of having prevented the capture of Osama bin Laden. These omissions highlight that, although Cheney and Rumsfeld undoubtedly are guilty of post-9/11 war crimes, suspicions that they helped create the pretext for those crimes go unreported. Clarke’s history is regularly misrepresented in the media. It’s often said that he started in his counterterror position under Clinton when he was, in fact, appointed to it by George H.W. Bush in 1992. Clarke is a right wing hawk who had close ties to Cheney and Rumsfeld going back at least another decade with his selection for a secret Reagan Administration project. Clarke, Cheney and Rumsfeld were among a small group that spent nearly 30 years practicing to takeover the United States government in the Continuity of Government (COG) program. Their secretive COG plan was implemented only once—on the morning of 9/11. Considering the media’s treatment of Clarke, it’s no surprise that most people have little or no understanding of his relationship to Cheney and Rumsfeld. It’s also not surprising that some people don’t know why these men are primary 9/11 suspects, despite the many reasons to consider that Cheney and Rumsfeld were behind the attacks. Apart from the lack of critical reporting, much of the evidence against Cheney and Rumsfeld is circumstantial. But the amount of evidence linking them to the crimes is far greater than that used to accuse Khalid Sheik Mohammed and Osama bin Laden. Apart from George W. Bush, who was well controlled on that day, Cheney and Rumsfeld were in the most important positions of power on 9/11. Some of their closest colleagues were also in positions to affect the crimes. Rumsfeld’s direct subordinate Ralph Eberhart was in charge of the military exercises that disrupted the nation’s air defense response on 9/11. Cheney’s protégé Duane Andrews led SAIC on 9/11. Andrews was a leading expert on the DOD systems that failed and SAIC had numerous suspicious links to the facilities and systems impacted, as well as to the official accounts for what happened. Rumsfeld’s deputy Paul Wolfowitz managed the Pentagon renovation project that was focused on the exact spot where the Pentagon was hit. Rumsfeld’s fellow ABB director Peter Janson managed the company that did the renovation work at the Pentagon and that was hired to clean up the Pentagon and the WTC. After the attacks, Cheney’s old business partner Bruce Bradley went into business with WTC security company manager Barry McDaniel. Rumsfeld’s close friend Frank Carlucci ran the Carlyle Group, a company that was partly funded by the Bin Laden family and that employed Barry McDaniel before he left to run security at the WTC. Cheney and Rumsfeld were both on the advisory board of Salomon Smith Barney, the company that occupied almost all of WTC 7. (SEE ABOVE POST RUMSFELD, "DOESNT KNOW ABOUT WTC 7 ???? ....HUH ???... ,GAAL) Paul Bremer, the terror propagandist who was selected by Rumsfeld to govern occupied Iraq, had an office in the WTC and helped present the official account of what happened. Porter Goss, the old CIA operative who ran the initial investigation, had “long shown himself to be under the spell of Vice President Dick Cheney.” The actions of Cheney and Rumsfeld on 9/11 also suggest their involvement in the crimes. Vice President Cheney was in charge at the White House. That morning, he had an unusual early meeting with Sean O’Keefe, who was deputy assistant to the president and Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget. O’Keefe had been a close colleague of Cheney at the Pentagon and served as Secretary of the Navy under George H.W. Bush. The meeting with O’Keefe was remarkable in that, unlike Cheney’s normal meetings, it was unscheduled and lasted longer than Cheney normally allowed. And although the conversation seemed urgent, “In time, neither man would be able to recall what it was that had been so important.” The attacks began as Cheney and O’Keefe were meeting in Cheney’s office. O’Keefe then left and Cheney began another meeting with his speechwriter. It was reported that other members of the White House staff began to congregate there until the Secret Service came in to move the vice president to the lower levels. When questioned by the 9/11 Commission, Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta testified that he came to the basement operations center at the White House, around 9:20 a.m., and Cheney was already there. Mineta said that Cheney had an exchange with a “young man” who came in and out over a period of time, giving Cheney updates about an incoming plane and asking if “the orders still stand.” Mineta’s testimony indicates that Cheney was aware of Flight 77 as it was approaching Washington, before the official account says that anyone knew, and that he was maintaining orders about that incoming plane. Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld was in charge at the Pentagon. As the attacks were beginning, he was finishing a breakfast meeting with Pentagon leaders. Attendees said that at this meeting Rumsfeld predicted that a shocking world event would occur in the near future, one that would remind people of the need for a strong U.S. military. By the time that the second plane hit the WTC, Rumsfeld had moved on to a meeting with his CIA briefer. Reports vary on where he was after that, but national security advisor Condoleezza Rice claimed that she could not reach him. Some said that Rumsfeld continued with regularly scheduled meetings after the second strike, and that he was on a roll with his predictions that morning. Apparently, he told Congressman Christopher Cox “Believe me, this isn’t over yet. There’s going to be another attack, and it could be us.” Minutes later, the Pentagon was hit. After the Pentagon was hit, Rumsfeld wandered out to the parking lot for approximately 30 minutes. His presence there showed that he was not concerned about other planes that were reported hijacked and that he was not considering the danger to other potential targets. It was as if he knew what to expect. To explain his behavior, Rumsfeld later stated; “I wanted to see what had happened. I wanted to see if people needed help. I went downstairs and helped for a bit with some people on stretchers. Then I came back up here and started—I realized I had to get back up here and get at it.” Rumsfeld did not concern himself with the work of his direct subordinate, NORAD commander Ralph Eberhart, and he did not do his job to ensure the nation’s air defenses. Meanwhile, NORAD experienced inexplicable failures and Eberhart lied about it to Congress afterward. After the 9/11 attacks, Cheney tried to prevent an investigation. It was later learned that Rumsfeld co-authored a letter to the 9/11 Commission, warning it to limit its investigation and denying it access to critical evidence. According to Kean and Hamilton’s book Without Precedent, each of the commissioners was also invited to have private meetings with Rumsfeld, who gave them advice throughout the investigation. This was despite the fact that Rumsfeld’s DOD failed to provide many of the documents that had been requested. Considering the unraveling of the official accounts for 9/11, people don’t need more deceptive comments from Richard Clarke about the obvious post-9/11 crimes of Cheney and Rumsfeld. What people need to understand is that Cheney and Rumsfeld were running the show on 9/11 and were in perfect position to coordinate the attacks. Their actions on that day, as well as their surprising links to others who had the access and knowledge to accomplish the crimes, make them prime suspects. ######################### see also http://www.globalresearch.ca/profiting-from-911-saic-the-private-company-that-played-a-major-role-in-the-war-on-terror/538... Profiting from 9/11: The Private Company that Played a Major Role in the “War on Terror”
  25. One baby has died and 14 others are fighting for their lives after being poisoned in NHS neonatal care units. (CLICK LINK) A public health alert was issued by health chiefs last night after it emerged that all the newborns' infections were caused by a contaminated batch of nutrition drip. The children were affected at neonatal intensive care units at six different hospitals, but the infected nutrition is believed to have been used in 22 hospitals across the country.
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