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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. SEEMS THE GAURDIAN LIKES HIM, WORKS ON TV,MANY,MANY ARTICLES/BLOGS GAURDIAN Charlie Skelton is a comedy writer, journalist and olive farmer. He is script editor of Channel 4's 10 O'Clock Live and writes on various similar sorts of things for television and radio The Syrian opposition: who's doing the talking? The media have been too passive when it comes to Syrian opposition sources, without scrutinising their backgrounds and their political connections. Time for a closer look … ############^^^^^o0o^^^^^############## NGO/CIA/STATE DEPT = ARAB SPRING = COLONIALISM = WHAT GAAL'S TALKING ABOUT The IMF & Arab Spring Posted on May 26, 2011 by Sara “Could someone please arrest the head of the IMF for screwing the poor for 60 years?” Paul Kingsnorth. I recently read that the IMF offered to make several loans to Egypt to speed up its post-revolution economic recovery. My immediate reaction was dread. No country has ever taken a loan from the IMF and survived. My personal theory is that the IMF (and World Bank) are there to make sure that neo-colonialism is kept in place and that no developing country succeeds/does well. I just read a fantastic article on the IMF and Egypt by Austin Mackell, who argues that IMF loans would ruin Egypt & Tunisia even before post-revolution elections take place (link here). To some extent, though, the IMF is aware that its policies contributed to the desperation that so many Egyptians and Tunisians currently face, and is keen to distance itself from its past. Beginning in the 1990s, IMF-led structural adjustment programmes saw the privatisation of the bulk of the Egyptian textile industry and the slashing of its workforce from half a million to a quarter-million. What’s more, the workers who were left faced – like the rest of Egypt – stagnant wages as the price of living rocketed. Though you wouldn’t know it from western coverage, the long and gallant struggle of these workers, particularly the strike of textile workers of Mahalla el-Kubra, is credited by many Egyptian activists as a crucial step on the Egyptian people’s path towards revolution. I think that’s a very important point: the Egyptian revolution did not begin on Jan 25 2011. It began a few years earlier when workers at Mahalla began strikes demanding better wages and benefits. The protests were brutally suppressed, but they were a clear sign that neo-liberalism, which include IMF loans, was ruining the country. In fact the first signs of unrest were in 1977, with the Egyptian bread riots. These riots were a response to the first wave of neo-liberalism, in the form of Sadat opening up the economy (opening it up to be raped, really). This failure to appreciate the revolutions as a rebellion not just against local dictators, but against the global neo-liberal programme they were implementing with such gusto in their countries, is largely a product of how we on the western left have been unwitting orientalists, and allowed the racist “clash of civilisations” narrative to define our perceptions of the Middle East. We have failed to see the people of the region as natural allies in a common struggle. This is brilliant! The revolution can’t work if it only happens in a few countries. We ALL need to revolt against the capitalist, patriarchal, neo-liberal system that enslaves us ALL. That’s why it is so amazing to see what is happening in Spain. A global revolution is needed, not just an Arab one. These new loans from the IMF threaten to bind the newly democratic Egypt and Tunisia in much the same way. Once more, local elites could collaborate with the institutions at the helm of global capitalism to screw the broader population. If this occurs, these revolutions will be robbed of much of their meaning, and a terrible blow will be dealt to the broader Arab spring. An important question is why the IMF is making back-room deals with the old regime instead of addressing the new players on the Egyptian scene. Hmmm, I wonder. Easier to bribe? control? manipulate? At this point, taking a loan from the IMF is maybe the worst thing Egypt can do. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NGO/CIA/STATE DEPT = ARAB SPRING = COLONIALISM = WHAT GAAL'S TALKING ABOUT HAY ONLY A BUCK !!! From Arab Spring to American Colonial Rule By Kazi Mahmood $1.00 Rating: Not yet rated. Published: Nov. 08, 2012 Words: 19,388 (approximate) Language: Simple English Short description The Arab Spring The Arab Spring is a cleverly masterminded tool by the Western powers. Instead of sending troops to be killed while regimes are overthrown in the Arab-Muslim world, why not use the populations of these countries to overthrow their regimes and install purely pro-American/Western ones? In the same breath, the strategic advantages and the oil and other resources in these 'colonized' EXTENDED DESCRIPTION The Arab Spring The Arab Spring is a cleverly masterminded tool by the Western powers. Instead of sending troops to be killed while regimes are overthrown in the Arab-Muslim world, why not use the populations of these countries to overthrow their regimes and install purely pro-American/Western ones? In the same breath, the strategic advantages and the oil and other resources in these 'colonized' states falls right into the lap of Washington and the EU. Sunni Versus Shia? <a href="http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/252882#longdescr">(Read more) The Arab Spring The Arab Spring is a cleverly masterminded tool by the Western powers. Instead of sending troops to be killed while regimes are overthrown in the Arab-Muslim world, why not use the populations of these countries to overthrow their regimes and install purely pro-American/Western ones? In the same breath, the strategic advantages and the oil and other resources in these 'colonized' states falls right into the lap of Washington and the EU. Sunni Versus Shia? On the otherhand, we all know – unless you did not know – that the Arab Spring is also to do with the fact that Iran is poised to become the most powerful nation in the Middle East. The Sunni majority states in the Middle East do not want to see that happen. Thus they are doing everything to stir trouble in the region, establish 'slave' regimes to the US-West and to the Arab monarchs, thus hoping to 'isolate' Iran in its march to conquest of the region. More on Iran's role in the Arab Spring will come in our second edition. With the Arab Spring comes the Arabian 'Neo-Cons'. The Project For A New American Century or PNAC devised by the Neo-Cons in America well before the retirement of Bill Clinton as President of the United States resembles strangely to the PNAC of the Middle East (Project For A New Arab Century) promoted by TV Channel Al-Jazeera. Could this be the undeniable evidence that the Neo-Cons are the ones in control of Al-Jazeera? Could they may have 'captured' the Qatar government in the process? We leave this to 'Wikileaks Cables' unless the Wikileaks too is part of the American-Middle East PNAC. By all means, nothing in the events taking place in the Middle East and North Africa suggest a 'genuine' revolution led by angry people is underway in the Islamic world. Libya had its revolution in 1969, Iran in the early 70's and Yemen too in the late 70's but they are still convulsing and the voices we hear is a pro-American one, not an Islamic one. Not at all. And the Syrian Quagmire? From attempts to find faults with Syria's regime to the creation of panic on the country's supposed Weapons of Mass Destruction, the Syrian Spring is well under Western control. A rebellion that has used extreme violence to achieve its goals and will probably end up being the regime of the future. Towards a global war On top of that, the American declaration of a global war is soon and this has much to do with the fact that the Arab world in particular is in ebullition. In this edition of our annual publication, we attempt at explaining the Arab Spring in several countries with a different view point. Our view point differs from that of the main stream media which we believe is the sold out media. .
  2. Iran training Chechens to fight in Russia Nov 28 Oh, this is going to just thrill the boys at the Kremlin – Iran is training Chechens in terror techniques: Iran is secretly training Chechen rebels in sophisticated terror techniques to enable them to carry out more effective attacks against Russian forces, the Sunday Telegraph can reveal. Teams of Chechen fighters are being trained at the Revolutionary Guards’ Imam Ali training camp, located close to Tajrish Square in Teheran, according to Western intelligence reports. In addition to receiving training in the latest terror techniques, the Chechen volunteers undergo ideological and political instruction by hardline Iranian mullahs at Qom. If it’s true, of course. Iran does some pretty stupid things from time to time, but is it really going to get caught offering terrorist training to the enemies of its only real superpower? Well, actually, I wouldn’t put it past them. ################## ################## OR Moscow Terror: CIA-Saudi-Mossad Operation? By Feroze Mithiborwala 02 April, 2010 Countercurrents.org Mr. Putin vowed vengeance. "A crime that is terrible in its consequences and heinous in its manner has been committed," he said. "The terrorists will be destroyed." (March 29, Monday) G-8 Foreign Ministers Meeting: Foreign ministers of the leading industrial powers and Russia discussed nuclear non-proliferation and Iran, at a meeting near the Canadian capital, Ottawa. The ministers, preparing for the annual G8 summit in Canada in late June, are urging "strong steps" to curb Iran's nuclear program. (March 30th, Tuesday) U.S. President Barack Obama says he wants to see a tough new round of sanctions against Iran taken up by the UN Security Council "within weeks." (March 31st, Wednesday) Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has warned that imposing new sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program would be a very dangerous step. He suggested that new Iran sanctions might even lead to war. "We don't want to repeat in Iran what happened in Iraq" (March 10, 2010) ======================= The Russians have been convulsed by a spate of three terror attacks targeting Moscow as well as the regions of Chechnya, Ingushetia & Dagestan. The immediate fallout has been a heightened phase of Islamophobia across the global airwaves. It has also taken the focus away from the growing schisms within the US-Israeli tensions over the so-called ‘peace process’ with Palestine & Israel is busy as usual bombing Gaza, with Netanyahu venting his frustrations in a Freudian fit of rage. During the same period, the G-8 Foreign Ministers Summit was being held in Canada, where the focus was on the threat of ‘International Terror’ & the ‘Iran Nuclear Programme’. And remarkably now there is a growing consensus within the G-8 as well as China with regards to sanctions against Iran. "China has agreed to sit down and begin serious negotiations here in New York... as a first step toward getting the entire UN Security Council on board with a tough sanctions regime against Iran," Susan Rice, the American ambassador to the UN, told CNN (Wednesday, March 31). The terror attacks seemed to have achieved their political & strategic objectives. But firstly let us analyse the terror attack itself. The Moscow Subway terror occurred on the 29th of March, a very significant day, which is the eve of the “Palestine Land Day” & the “International Week for the Boycott of Apartheid Israel”. Last year on the 30th of March, there was a high profile terror attack on the Manavan Police station near Lahore in Pakistan, which captivated the International media & their audiences, thus successfully relegating the global "Boycott Israel" mobilization to the background. Thus, firstly this attack has well has been timed to counter the growing worldwide 'Israel Boycott Movement'. The strategic period & the timing of the terror attacks are a pointer to the powers behind the perpetrators. And there are no coincidences in Politics!! Soon after the terror attack, fingers of suspicion pointed towards terrorists from the ‘North Caucasus’ & Chechen terror groups were suspected. The attacks are believed to be the handiwork of two women suicide bombers of North Caucasian origin, called as the ‘Black Widows’. Someone as ridiculous as the ‘Russian Bin Laden’ also cropped up. More than a 100 false terror alerts were received, a suicide belt was 'found' near the FSB office (Federal Security Bureau, former KGB) & this continued to unsettle the Muscovites. Soon the internet was raging with stories & animated chat room discussions of the possible hand of the CIA-Saudi Intel & the Mossad. Thereafter, on the 31st of March Doku Umarov, who is supposedly the ‘Emir of the North Caucasus’, claimed responsibility for the attack. There was also a denial by Shemsettin Batukaev, a spokesman for the ‘Caucasus Emirate’ organization who said that “We did not carry out the attack in Moscow, and we don’t know who did it. (Reuters) On searching for the obvious & deep links that Chechen terrorists have with the CIA, one will find that Doku Umarov’s links to the CIA have been removed from the Internet!! Shades of David Headley & Ken Haywood in India, I must add. But fortunately Umarov's links to the Saudis are even deeper!! Doku Umarov was named amongst the most influential Muslims of the world in the 2009 list of 500 compiled by the Prince Al-Valid ben Talyalya American Centre of Muslim-Christian Understanding (ACMCU) at the Georgetown University (USA). Umarov is presented in the list as "the head of Ichkeria Caucasian Emirate". The BBC adds that the title of the most influential Muslim of the world was awarded by the ACMCU, which is funded by the Prince Al-Valid ben Talyalya, to the King of Saudi Arabia. (Nov 28 2009). The whereabouts of Mr. Umarov are not known & nobody seems to be asking the question. Is he in the Caucasus or in Riyadh or in Miami . . . ?? Doku Umarov is also very closely connected to Brigadier General Ruslan Saidov (head of the Istanbul Bureau of the External Agencies of the Republic of Ichkeria & the FAR WEST LTD, a front company based in Dubai). Ruslan Saidov was himself closely connected to the late Turki bin Faisal, who was the head of Saudi Intelligence & ambassador to the US. Saidov was also actively associated with al-Walid who was the Saudi intelligence operative in the Caucasus (Anton Baumgarten, editor of Left.ru). Last September, Russian-backed Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov said that he had good reason to believe the US and Britain were covertly aiding the Chechen rebels: "We are fighting U.S. and British special services in the mountains.” (Reuters) Further is the case of Rizvan Chitigov, the number three man in the Chechen insurgency. He was known as "the American", because he had lived in the US for years & "Marine" because he is said to have been trained & graduated from an elite subversive and reconnaissance school and had signed on to the marine squad. According to the Moscow News, "Chitigov had a green card — a permanent residence permit in the U.S." The Russian government openly accused him of being a CIA agent. Aleksandr Zdanovich, head of Russia’s Federal Security Service Directorate for Cooperation Programmes, told "Russia Today", "Rezvan Chitigov, who I have named and whose photo I have shown you from the computer, lived in the USA for a long time. There are very serious grounds for suspecting him to be a CIA agent.” American & Saudi presence in the North Caucasus region, as well as the deep Israeli presence in Georgia & Turkmenistan, have a measure of great strategic depth, more than sufficient enough to cause a major upheaval or a crisis for Moscow, whenever the need arises for Washington DC, Tel Aviv, London or Riyadh. Also do note the relationship between the now-exiled Russian Zionist Oligarchs, who in the Yeltsin Vodka days, pillaged & monopolised the Russian economy. It was Putin who challenged their vice like grip & rescued Russia. The Zionist Oligarchs have very deep ties with Israel, America & Western Europe & within, ties with the Russian Mafia. There is also a strong connection between the Chechen rebels & the Zionist Oligarchs. Boris Berezovsky, Oleg Deripaska, Leonid Nevzlin, Roman Abramovich, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Arkady Gaydamask, Vladimir Gusinsky, Seymour Kislin & Michael Chernoy amongst others comprise this Russian Jewish Zionist global cabal & each of them have an axe to grind with Vladimir Putin & they are united in his destruction. To further understand the situation in greater detail, I decided to speak to Mr. Israel Shamir, a Russian Israeli & a prolific anti-Zionist writer, who fortunately for me happened to be in Moscow. I requested him to offer his assessment of the terror attack & the political fallout, to which he kindly agreed. Mr. Israel Shamir stated that “the first strategic objective of the terror attack was to weaken Vladimir Putin, as he has been the pillar of the Russian nationalist revival & has successfully countered the Americans as well as neutralized the Israeli Zionist Lobby in Russia & across the region.” He also stated that “the economic travails within Russia are leading to an anti-Putin mood amongst the people & the terror attacks will also strive to drive a wedge between President Putin & PM Medvedev, though the two continued to enjoy a strong friendship, but they were forces at work, that sought to break this bond & thus weaken Russia.” The second objective, he further said “is to create an atmosphere of Islamophobia, thus pressurizing Russia to join the sanctions regime against Iran.” But Mr. Israel Shamir stated that the Russian people are basically committed to the struggle against the hegemony of America, Israel & Western Europe, but yet he was concerned. Interestingly, he said that the general discussion amongst the Russian people was the plausibility of the involvement of the CIA-MOSSAD-SAUDI INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES in the Moscow subway terror attack. EXPOSING THE POLITICS OF TERROR Soon after the attack, Gordon Duff who is a very prolific writer & a Marine Vietnam Veteran, advocating the rights of 23 million veterans, made the following three points.1) The Article was titled: Terrorism, Always Suspect A False Flag First. 2) "Who benefits from today’s attack on Moscow?" 3) "Intelligence agencies are, in actuality, the biggest terrorist organizations in the world." Certain excerpts are reproduced below: “An educated guess is that 75% of terrorist attacks we hear of were staged, never happened or were done by “radical groups” that were first infiltrated, then controlled and eventually financed and supplied by intelligence agencies. Intelligence agencies are, in actuality, the biggest terrorist organizations in the world. The CIA has blown up more buses, airplanes and markets than any almost anyone else. The Mossad may be number one, followed by, well, everyone, the RAW, ISI, MI-6, IRA and dozens of others.” “We now use terms like “Low Intensity Conflict” and “Surrogacy Warfare” to describe terrorism operated by governments against either foreign governments or, more often, their own people. Most “false flag” attacks are used to influence elections or to push through “Patriot Act” and “FISA” type legislation or to justify acts like the invasion of Iraq. Control of both the press and any potential investigation makes such operations a mainstream effort of national policy, so commonplace that those who work in intelligence or at the highest levels of law enforcement automatically write off major terrorism incidents as staged.” “The primary groundwork for terrorism is control of the press and the molding of public opinion. With foreign governments with highly suspect intelligence agencies infiltrating the press, as they have in the United States, there is little doubt that providing cover for “false flag” terrorism is in the cards.” And I might add that the above statements hold true for India, as they would for practically the overwhelming number of nations across the world. TARGET IRAN Undoubtedly the greatest strategic target is the neutralization or the destruction of Iran, with the attendant 'Regime Change' & this is the shared objective of the USA, Israel, Western Europe & Saudi Arabia. The reasons are primarily two-fold. 1) Israel's expansionist & hegemonic designs, which include the total ethnic cleansing of all of the Palestinian population from all of historic Palestine & 2) Iran's Natural Gas Resources, which are a threat to the existing international energy architecture. As for the first point, the total transfer of the Palestinian population to Jordan has been a stated objective of all the dominant political, military & religious leadership across the spectrum within Israel, as well as within the rabid Zionist diaspora. It is clear that they cannot achieve this objective as the Israeli military could not defeat the Hezbollah (2006) or even the Hamas (2008-09). The Israeli's have realised & rightly so, that the only major stumbling block, or rather nation that stands between them & their diabolical objectives is Iran & thus the Iranophobia that is being sought to be created. For Israel to achieve this objective, they will have to drag in America into the war, which they successfully achieved in the case of Iraq. Israel has not only neutralized the other major Arab powers in the region, but Saudi Arabia, Egypt & Jordan are clearly part of the Israel-US alliance. Israel's deeds over the last few years have made their objectives very clear. The ever increasing Settlements in East Jerusalem & the West Bank, the continued inhuman blockade & bombing of Gaza & the very threat to the Masjid-i-Aqsa & the Dome of the Rock have clearly indicated the Israeli gameplan. Netanyahu's oft repeated claims about Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Eretz Israel leave no doubts in the minds of billions of people across the world. In this objective, Israels' allies are the Neoconservatives & Christian Zionists within both the Democratic & the Republican parties, as well as within the Military-Intelligence apparatus. The Israeli Zionist Lobby & their myriad organizations cajole & pressurize the Senate & the Congress to support Israel, even over the interests of the USA. Though that may be slightly cracking. This is mainly due to the resolute resistance of the nations occupied by the USraeli-Nato forces & the both the military losses faced by the American military & the resultant financial drain are weakening the US politically & strategically. US is clearly a superpower on the decline. The rise of Iran is also the revival of Nationalism in the region & the spread of democracy, which is a clear threat to the existing monarchies & dictatorships. In other words, it is the entire culture of Resistance & National Self-Respect, due to which the Muslim & Arab masses, as well as the rest of the Third World look upon Iran with admiration & hope. The second core issue is the politics of Energy & the Pipelines. Here again Iran is emerging as the centre of the future energy market, both in terms of the incredible reserves that it holds, as well as for it's very geographic location. Natural Gas is progressively replacing Crude Oil as the energy of the present & near future, both for Industrial & Public needs. Natural Gas is more cleaner, cheaper & has a higher calorific value. According to Finian Cunningham, within the Middle East, Iran is the undisputed top holder of Gas Reserves. It's South Pars Gas field is the world's largest & would dwarf the reserves of the Saudi Ghawar Oil-field. Soon he says "Iran will replace Saudi Arabia as the world's beating heart for energy." Iran will become the major supplier to Europe via the Nabucco pipeline, which will include Turkey, as well at to China via the CIS countries & to India, either via Pakistan or by a direct pipeline across the sea. Both Qatar & the UAE will export their Natural Gas via these pipelines. Thus Iran becomes the centre, both as the dominant global supplier & the central node for the pipelines. Currently the Chinese are developing the South Pars fields & will be the largest consumer of Iranian Gas.The Russians who have a monopoly over their Gas supplies to Europe are a bit worried as well. We all know that it is the Russians who are the major providers of nuclear & military hardware & technology to Iran. It is obvious that both the Russians & the Chinese have great economic & strategic stakes in standing with Iran & keeping the US & NATO at bay, but only time will tell. Thus the US fears & rightly so that it will continue to play a diminishing role in the years & decades to come. The Saudis are a mite terrified. Israel is extremely anxious & impatient, just waiting to push the button & usher in Armageddon to the glee of it's maniacal Judeophobic Christian Zionist supporters, who are committed to the belief that requires the genocide of untold millions, if not billions, so that their Messiah will come & rescue a world destroyed by an "Apocalyptic Nuclear War". Unbelievable, but true! THE ENCIRCLEMENT OF IRAN Iran stand encircled on all sides with 32 US bases stationed across the region in Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Jordan, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan & Kyrgyzstan. The US military buildup is an ongoing process. Israel is conducting aerial sorties as practice runs that will target the Iranian Nuclear reactors. They are conducting these exercises in Arab airspace & I believe that both Saudi Arabia & Jordan will provide them the permission for the aerial route. Mubarak's Egypt has allowed an Israeli Dolphin submarine to make it's way up the Suez Canal. The "Grand Chessboard" is ready, all the pieces are in place, Mr. Brzezinski. The American-Israeli sanctions regime will be two-fold. One which will include the consensus at the UNSC & whereby China & Russia will ensure that the sanctions will be specific to the Nuclear issue. But this for the US is important to build international support & isolate Iran. A second sanctions regime that is currently underway will include the dominant Western powers & their cronies & attempt to cripple & thus weaken Iran, prior to the impending war on Iran. As soon as Iran is attacked & the 'USRael' have identified more than 10,000 targets that include the nuclear, industrial & military-strategic locations to be hit within the span of a few hours. Iran will promptly respond & firstly block the Strait of Hormuz through which flows 40% of the world's crude supplies. This will send the prices rocketing, crippling the world economy. It too will attack all the US bases across the region with it's short & long range missiles. It's allies in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Hamas & the rest of the Palestinian Resistance, Syria & the increasing probabilities of Turkey, will join the war against the US-Israel-Nato forces. Both the American & Israeli political leadership have publicly threatened Iran with the use of Nuclear weapons, which they will use. In short WW III !!! The other Asian, African & South American nations too must stand as one. The people of Europe & America too must rise up against the fascists mass murderers that control their nations. The region & the world are preparing for this eventuality. The response of Iran & her allies will prove catastrophic to the US-Israel Imperial forces & will sound the death knell of the Empire. The next two years are critical to the very fate & existence of humanity & the world as we have 'know it' ############# ############# OR April 19, 2013 Saudis Claim MOSSAD “Hit Squad” Responsible For Boston Massacre By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers A new report prepared for President Putin by the Federal Security Service (FSB) on the 15 April Boston Marathon Bombing states that Saudi Arabia has claimed to the United States that an Israeli secret service MOSSAD “hit squad” is responsible for this massacre and is being protected by “certain elements” within the American intelligence community. According to this report, Saudi Arabia’s General Intelligence Presidency (GIP) [equivalent to US CIA] discovered the existence of this MOSSAD “hit squad” in late December 2012 operating within its borders and the United States and comprising individuals coming from at least 3 different nationalities including Saudi Arabian, Chechen and Yemeni. Upon the discovery of these MOSSAD agents, this report continues, Prince Mohammed bin Naif bin Abdulaziz, Saudi Arabian Minister of Interior, on 14 January met secretly with President Obama in Washington D.C. to advise the US of its existence. Curiously, this report says, two days after Prince Abdulaziz’s secret meeting with Obama, US Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano, on 16 January, signed an “arrangement” with him bestowing “Trusted Traveler” status on Saudi student visitors, shortcutting normal American security screening procedures for foreign nationals entering the United States. Russian intelligence analysts contributing to this report note that the US granting of Trusted Traveler status to Saudi Arabia could very well have been designed to trap these MOSSAD agents in complacency in order to track their international travels and destinations. Unfortunately, this report says, and as we had reported on in our 17 April report “Obama Warned Is “True Target” Of Boston Massacre” these believed to be MOSSAD elements were able to enter the United States through Saudi Arabia to join existing elements in the US, and exactly like the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing terrorists who were able to detonate their FBI-supplied explosives. Important to note about 1993 World Trade Center Bombing, this report says, was that in the course of the trial it was revealed that the FBI had an informant, a former Egyptian army officer named Emad Salem. Salem claims to have informed the FBI of the plot to bomb the towers as early as 5 February 1992. Salem's role as informant allowed the FBI to quickly pinpoint the conspirators out of hundreds of possible suspects. Salem, initially believing that this was to be a sting operation, claimed that the FBI's original plan was for Salem to supply the conspirators with a harmless powder instead of actual explosive to build their bomb, but that the FBI chose to use him for other purposes instead. He secretly recorded hundreds of hours of telephone conversations with his FBI handlers. Immediately after the 15 April Boston Marathon Bombing, this report continues, US Navy Seals on the scene captured Saudi national Abdulrahman Ali Alharbi near the Boston marathon finish line with two other Saudis who were tackled after fleeing the scene of one of the bombings. Prince Saud Al-Faisal, Minister of Foreign Affairs for Saudi Arabia, this report says, immediately flew to the United States after Alharbi’s capture and secretly met with US Secretary of State John Kerry on 16 April, and then met, again secretly, with President Obama the following day. From these two meetings, this report continues, US intelligence agencies were able to ascertain the “grave threat” they were facing as many Russian security experts have long suspected MOSSAD’s involvement with Israeli controlled Chechnya “hit squads” the Kremlin still believes were responsible for the 24 January 2011 Domodedovo Airport Bombing in Moscow that killed 37 and wounded 173. New reports coming from the United States are, apparently, confirming the Chechnya connection to the Boston Marathon Bombing naming Chechnya citizens Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, and his unnamed brother[photos 3rd left], as being involved in a massive shootout with American police in the Boston area with one them now dead and the other yet to be captured. To how fearful US authorities are, FSB analysts in this report say, was evidenced in Boston this past week where the highly secretive group of private military operatives known as “The Craft” were seen taking control of the bombing site. Also, and in what the US alternative news site Natural News says is “quickly becoming the biggest media cover-up in history,” pictures were taken and posted on the Internet of one of “The Crafts” classified communications vehicle.[photo bottom left] Most curious of all, this report says, is why the United States didn’t apprehend this MOSSAD linked terror cell immediately after the warning they received from the Saudis in January, especially as Russian intelligence officials had previously given to both the CIA and FBI detailed files on all Chechnya peoples residing in America, including the two brothers believed to be responsible for the Boston Marathon Bombing. Most dangerous to note about these Chechnya terrorists (who operate in cells of 10), the FSB says, is that they don’t fear targeting children, and was horrifically evidenced by the September 2004 Beslan School Hostage Crisis where they massacred 380 people, the majority of them being children. To if it can be conclusively proved MOSSAD’s, or Israel’s, complicity in the Boston Marathon Bombing as the Saudis claim, FSB analysts in this report say, the consequences could, indeed, be dire; especially due to the fact of the still highly suspicious links between Israel and the 11 September 2001 terror attacks on the US, and as we can read as reported by the Philadelphia Times Herald: “A memorandum sent to the 9/11 Commission, and Senate and House intelligence committees in September 2004, suggests that young Israelis who canvassed dozens of U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) offices in 2000 and 2001 trying to sell paintings to federal workers, may have been spying not only on the DEA, but also on Arab extremists in the United States – including the Sept. 11 hijackers who were living in Florida and New Jersey.” April 19, 2012 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL. ######################## OR ######################## MUST SEE VIDEO War on Whistleblowers by Sibel Edmonds FBI/9/11 whistleblower Sibel Edmonds describes that high ranking members of U.S Government directly supported top ranking Chechen terrorists (Shamil Basaev and Ibn al Khattab) tied to 'Al Qaida' and other terrorist groups prior to 9/11.
  3. NGO/CIA/STATE DEPT = ARAB SPRING = COLONIALISM = WHAT GAAL'S TALKING ABOUT The Syrian National Council The most quoted of the opposition spokespeople are the official representatives of the Syrian National Council. The SNC is not the only Syrian opposition group – but it is generally recognised as “the main opposition coalition” (BBC). The Washington Times describes it as “an umbrella group of rival factions based outside Syria”. Certainly the SNC is the opposition group that’s had the closest dealings with western powers – and has called for foreign intervention from the early stages of the uprising. In February of this year, at the opening of the Friends of Syria summit in Tunisia, William Hague declared: “I will meet leaders of the Syrian National Council in a few minutes’ time … We, in common with other nations, will now treat them and recognise them as a legitimate representative of the Syrian people.” The most senior of the SNC’s official spokespeople is the Paris-based Syrian academic Bassma Kodmani. Bassma Kodmani Bassma Kodmani of the Syrian National Council. Photograph: Carter Osmar ——– Here is Bassma Kodmani, seen leaving this year’s Bilderberg conferencein Chantilly, Virginia. Kodmani is a member of the executive bureau and head of foreign affairs, Syrian National Council. Kodmani is close to the centre of the SNC power structure, and one of the council’s most vocal spokespeople. “No dialogue with the ruling regime is possible. We can only discuss how to move on to a different political system,” she declared this week. And here she is, quoted by the newswire AFP: “The next step needs to be a resolution under Chapter VII, which allows for the use of all legitimate means, coercive means, embargo on arms, as well as the use of force to oblige the regime to comply.” This statement translates into the headline “Syrians call for armed peacekeepers” (Australia’s Herald Sun). When large-scale international military action is being called for, it seems only reasonable to ask: who exactly is calling for it? We can say, simply, “an official SNC spokesperson,” or we can look a little closer. This year was Kodmani’s second Bilderberg. At the 2008 conference, Kodmani was listed as French; by 2012, her Frenchness had fallen away and she was listed simply as “international” – her homeland had become the world of international relations. Back a few years, in 2005, Kodmani was working for the Ford Foundationin Cairo, where she was director of their governance and international co-operation programme. The Ford Foundation is a vast organisation, headquartered in New York, and Kodmani was already fairly senior. But she was about to jump up a league. Around this time, in February 2005, US-Syrian relations collapsed, and President Bush recalled his ambassador from Damascus. A lot of opposition projects date from this period. “The US money for Syrian opposition figures began flowing under President George W Bush after he effectively froze political ties with Damascus in 2005,” says the Washington Post. In September 2005, Kodmani was made the executive director of theArab Reform Initiative (ARI) – a research programme initiated by the powerful US lobby group, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The CFR is an elite US foreign policy thinktank, and the Arab Reform Initiative is described on its website as a “CFR Project” . More specifically, the ARI was initiated by a group within the CFR called the “US/Middle East Project” – a body of senior diplomats, intelligence officers and financiers, the stated aim of which is to undertake regional “policy analysis” in order “to prevent conflict and promote stability”. The US/Middle East Project pursues these goals under the guidance of an international board chaired by General (Ret.) Brent Scowcroft. Peter Sutherland pictured at the Bilderberg conference. Photograph: Hannah Borno ——— Brent Scowcroft (chairman emeritus) is a former national security adviser to the US president – he took over the role from Henry Kissinger. Sitting alongside Scowcroft of the international board is his fellow geo-strategist, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who succeeded him as the national security adviser, and Peter Sutherland, the chairman of Goldman Sachs International. So, as early as 2005, we’ve got a senior wing of the western intelligence/banking establishment selecting Kodmani to run a Middle East research project. In September of that year, Kodmani was made full-time director of the programme. Earlier in 2005, the CFR assigned“financial oversight” of the project to the Centre for European Reform (CER). In come the British. The CER is overseen by Lord Kerr, the deputy chairman of Royal Dutch Shell. Kerr is a former head of the diplomatic service and is a senior adviser at Chatham House (a thinktank showcasing the best brains of the British diplomatic establishment). In charge of the CER on a day-to-day basis is Charles Grant, former defence editor of the Economist, and these days a member of the European Council on Foreign Relations, a “pan-European thinktank” packed with diplomats, industrialists, professors and prime ministers. On its list of members you’ll find the name: “Bassma Kodmani (France/Syria) – Executive Director, Arab Reform Initiative”. Another name on the list: George Soros – the financier whose non-profit “Open Society Foundations” is a primary funding source of the ECFR. At this level, the worlds of banking, diplomacy, industry, intelligence and the various policy institutes and foundations all mesh together, and there, in the middle of it all, is Kodmani. The point is, Kodmani is not some random “pro-democracy activist” who happens to have found herself in front of a microphone. She has impeccable international diplomacy credentials: she holds the position ofresearch director at the Académie Diplomatique Internationale – “an independent and neutral institution dedicated to promoting modern diplomacy”. The Académie is headed by Jean-Claude Cousseran, a former head of the DGSE – the French foreign intelligence service. A picture is emerging of Kodmani as a trusted lieutenant of the Anglo-American democracy-promotion industry. Her “province of origin” (according to the SNC website) is Damascus, but she has close and long-standing professional relationships with precisely those powers she’s calling upon to intervene in Syria. And many of her spokesmen colleagues are equally well-connected. Radwan Ziadeh Another often quoted SNC representative is Radwan Ziadeh – director of foreign relations at the Syrian National Council. Ziadeh has an impressive CV: he’s a senior fellow at the federally funded Washington thinktank, the US Institute of Peace (the USIP Board of Directors is packed with alumni of the defence department and the national security council; its president is Richard Solomon, former adviser to Kissinger at the NSC). In February this year, Ziadeh joined an elite bunch of Washington hawks to sign a letter calling upon Obama to intervene in Syria: his fellow signatories include James Woolsey (former CIA chief), Karl Rove (Bush Jr’s handler), Clifford May (Committee on the Present Danger) and Elizabeth Cheney, former head of the Pentagon’s Iran-Syria Operations Group. Ziadeh is a relentless organiser, a blue-chip Washington insider with links to some of the most powerful establishment thinktanks. Ziadeh’s connections extend all the way to London. In 2009 he became a visiting fellow at Chatham House, and in June of last year he featured on the panel at one of their events – “Envisioning Syria’s Political Future”– sharing a platform with fellow SNC spokesman Ausama Monajed (more on Monajed below) and SNC member Najib Ghadbian. Ghadbian was identified by the Wall Street Journal as an early intermediary between the US government and the Syrian opposition in exile: “An initial contact between the White House and NSF [National Salvation Front] was forged by Najib Ghadbian, a University of Arkansas political scientist.” This was back in 2005. The watershed year. These days, Ghadbian is a member of the general secretariat of the SNC, and is on the advisory board of a Washington-based policy body called the Syrian Center for Political and Strategic Studies (SCPSS) – an organisation co-founded by Ziadeh. Ziadeh has been making connections like this for years. Back in 2008, Ziadeh took part in a meeting of opposition figures in a Washington government building: a mini-conference called “Syria In-Transition”. The meeting was co-sponsored by a US-based body called the Democracy Council and a UK-based organisation called the Movement for Justice and Development (MJD). It was a big day for the MJD – their chairman, Anas Al-Abdah, had travelled to Washington from Britain for the event, along with their director of public relations. Here, from the MJD’s website, is a description of the day: “The conference saw an exceptional turn out as the allocated hall was packed with guests from the House of Representatives and the Senate, representatives of studies centres, journalists and Syrian expatriats [sic] in the USA.” The day opened with a keynote speech by James Prince, head of the Democracy Council. Ziadeh was on a panel chaired by Joshua Muravchik (the ultra-interventionist author of the 2006 op-ed “Bomb Iran”). The topic of the discussion was “The Emergence of Organized Opposition”. Sitting beside Ziadeh on the panel was the public relations director of the MJD – a man who would later become his fellow SNC spokesperson – Ausama Monajed. Ausama Monajed Along with Kodmani and Ziadeh, Ausama (or sometimes Osama) Monajed is one of the most important SNC spokespeople. There are others, of course – the SNC is a big beast and includes the Muslim Brotherhood. The opposition to Assad is wide-ranging, but these are some of the key voices. There are other official spokespeople with long political careers, like George Sabra of the Syrian Democratic People’s party – Sabra has suffered arrest and lengthy imprisonment in his fight against the “repressive and totalitarian regime in Syria”. And there are other opposition voices outside the SNC, such as the writer Michel Kilo, who speaks eloquently of the violence tearing apart his country: “Syria is being destroyed – street after street, city after city, village after village. What kind of solution is that? In order for a small group of people to remain in power, the whole country is being destroyed.” Ausuma Monajed. Photograph: BBC ——– But there’s no doubt that the primary opposition body is the SNC, and Kodmani, Ziadeh and Monajed are often to be found representing it. Monajed frequently crops up as a commentator on TV news channels. , speaking from their Washington bureau. Monajed doesn’t sugar-coat his message: “We are watching civilians being slaughtered and kids being slaughtered and killed and women being raped on the TV screens every day.”Meanwhile, over on Al Jazeera, Monajed talks about “what’s really happening, in reality, on the ground” – about “the militiamen of Assad” who “come and rape their women, slaughter their children, and kill their elderly”. Monajed turned up, just a few days ago, as a blogger on Huffington Post UK, where he explained, at length: “Why the World Must Intervene in Syria” – calling for “direct military assistance” and “foreign military aid”. So, again, a fair question might be: who is this spokesman calling for military intervention? Monajed is a member of the SNC, adviser to its president, and according to his SNC biography, “the Founder and Director of Barada Television”, a pro-opposition satellite channel based in Vauxhall, south London. In 2008, a few months after attending Syria In-Transition conference, Monajed was back in Washington, invited to lunch with George W Bush, along with a handful of other favoured dissidents (you can see Monajed in the souvenir photo, third from the right, in the red tie, near Condoleezza Rice – up the other end from Garry Kasparov). At this time, in 2008, the US state department knew Monajed as ”director of public relations for the Movement for Justice and Development (MJD), which leads the struggle for peaceful and democratic change in Syria”. Let’s look closer at the MJD. Last year, the Washington Post picked up a story from WikiLeaks, which had published a mass of leaked diplomatic cables. These cables appear to show a remarkable flow of money from the US state department to the British-based Movement for Justice and Development. According to the Washington Post’s report: “Barada TV is closely affiliated with the Movement for Justice and Development, a London-based network of Syrian exiles. Classified US diplomatic cables show that the state department has funnelled as much as $6m to the group since 2006 to operate the satellite channel and finance other activities inside Syria.” A state department spokesman responded to this story by saying: “Trying to promote a transformation to a more democratic process in this society is not undermining necessarily the existing government.” And they’re right, it’s not “necessarily” that. When asked about the state department money, Monajed himself said that he “could not confirm” US state department funding for Barada TV, but said: “I didn’t receive a penny myself.” Malik al -Abdeh, until very recently Barada TV’s editor-in-chief insisted: “we have had no direct dealings with the US state department”. The meaning of the sentence turns on that word “direct”. It is worth noting that Malik al Abdeh also happens to be one of the founders of the Movement for Justice and Development (the recipient of the state department $6m, according to the leaked cable). And he’s the brother of the chairman, Anas Al-Abdah. He’s also the co-holder of the MJD trademark: What Malik al Abdeh does admit is that Barada TV gets a large chunk of its funding from an American non-profit organisation: the Democracy Council. One of the co-sponsors (with the MJD) of Syria In-Transition mini-conference. So what we see, in 2008, at the same meeting, are the leaders of precisely those organisations identified in the Wiki:eaks cables as the conduit (the Democracy Council) and recipient (the MJD) of large amounts of state department money. The Democracy Council (a US-based grant distributor) lists the state department as one of its sources of funding. How it works is this: the Democracy Council serves as a grant-administering intermediary between the state department’s “Middle East Partnership Initiative” and “local partners” (such as Barada TV). As the Washington Post reports: “Several US diplomatic cables from the embassy in Damascus reveal that the Syrian exiles received money from a State Department program called the Middle East Partnership Initiative. According to the cables, the State Department funnelled money to the exile group via the Democracy Council, a Los Angeles-based nonprofit.” The same report highlights a 2009 cable from the US Embassy in Syria that says that the Democracy Council received $6.3m from the state department to run a Syria-related programme, the “Civil Society Strengthening Initiative”. The cable describes this as “a discrete collaborative effort between the Democracy Council and local partners” aimed at producing, amongst other things, “various broadcast concepts.” According to the Washington Post: “Other cables make clear that one of those concepts was Barada TV.” Until a few months ago, the state department’s Middle East Partnership Initiative was overseen by Tamara Cofman Wittes (she’s now at theBrookings Institution – an influential Washington thinktank). Of MEPI, she said that it “created a positive ‘brand’ for US democracy promotion efforts”. While working there she declared: “There are a lot of organizations in Syria and other countries that are seeking changes from their government … That’s an agenda that we believe in and we’re going to support.” And by support, she means bankroll. The money This is nothing new. Go back a while to early 2006, and you have the state department announcing a new “funding opportunity” called the “Syria Democracy Program“. On offer, grants worth “$5m in Federal Fiscal Year 2006″. The aim of the grants? “To accelerate the work of reformers in Syria.” These days, the cash is flowing in faster than ever. At the beginning of June 2012, the Syrian Business Forum was launched in Doha by opposition leaders including Wael Merza (SNC secretary general). “This fund has been established to support all components of the revolution in Syria,” said Merza. The size of the fund? Some $300m. It’s by no means clear where the money has come from, although Merza “hinted at strong financial support from Gulf Arab states for the new fund” (Al Jazeera). At the launch, Merza said that about $150m had already been spent, in part on the Free Syrian Army. Merza’s group of Syrian businessmen made an appearance at a World Economic Forum conference titled the “Platform for International Co-operation” held in Istanbul in November 2011. All part of the process whereby the SNC has grown in reputation, to become, in the words of William Hague, “a legitimate representative of the Syrian people” – and able, openly, to handle this much funding. Building legitimacy – of opposition, of representation, of intervention – is the essential propaganda battle. In a USA Today op-ed written in February this year, Ambassador Dennis Ross declared: “It is time to raise the status of the Syrian National Council”. What he wanted, urgently, is “to create an aura of inevitability about the SNC as the alternative to Assad.” The aura of inevitability. Winning the battle in advance. A key combatant in this battle for hearts and minds is the American journalist and Daily Telegraph blogger, Michael Weiss. Michael Weiss One of the most widely quoted western experts on Syria – and an enthusiast for western intervention – Michael Weiss echoes Ambassador Ross when he says: “Military intervention in Syria isn’t so much a matter of preference as an inevitability.” Some of Weiss’s interventionist writings can be found on a Beirut-based, Washington-friendly website called “NOW Lebanon” – whose “NOW Syria” section is an important source of Syrian updates. NOW Lebanon was set up in 2007 by Saatchi & Saatchi executive Eli Khoury. Khoury has been described by the advertising industry as a “strategic communications specialist, specialising in corporate and government image and brand development”. Weiss told NOW Lebanon, back in May, that thanks to the influx of weapons to Syrian rebels “we’ve already begun to see some results.” He showed a similar approval of military developments a few months earlier, in a piece for the New Republic: “In the past several weeks, the Free Syrian Army and other independent rebel brigades have made great strides” – whereupon, as any blogger might, he laid out his “Blueprint for a Military Intervention in Syria”. But Weiss is not only a blogger. He’s also the director of communications and public relations at the Henry Jackson Society, an ultra-ultra-hawkish foreign policy thinktank. The Henry Jackson Society’s international patrons include: James “ex-CIA boss” Woolsey, Michael “homeland security” Chertoff, William “PNAC” Kristol, Robert “PNAC” Kagan’, Joshua “Bomb Iran” Muravchick, and Richard “Prince of Darkness” Perle. The Society is run by Alan Mendoza, chief adviser to the all-party parliamentary group on transatlantic and international security. The Henry Jackson Society is uncompromising in its “forward strategy” towards democracy. And Weiss is in charge of the message. The Henry Jackson Society is proud of its PR chief’s far-reaching influence: “He is the author of the influential report “Intervention in Syria? An Assessment of Legality, Logistics and Hazards”, which was repurposed and endorsed by the Syrian National Council.” Weiss’s original report was re-named “Safe Area for Syria” – and ended up on the official syriancouncil.org website, as part of their military bureau’s strategic literature. The repurposing of the HJS report was undertaken by the founder and executive director of the Strategic Research and Communication Centre (SRCC) – one Ausama Monajed. So, the founder of Barada TV, Ausama Monajed, edited Weiss’s report, published it through his own organisation (the SRCC) and passed it on to the Syrian National Council, with the support of the Henry Jackson Society. The relationship couldn’t be closer. Monajed even ends up handling inquiries for “press interviews with Michael Weiss“. Weiss is not the only strategist to have sketched out the roadmap to this war (many thinktanks have thought it out, many hawks have talked it up), but some of the sharpest detailing is his. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights The justification for the “inevitable” military intervention is the savagery of President Assad’s regime: the atrocities, the shelling, the human rights abuses. Information is crucial here, and one source above all has been providing us with data about Syria. It is quoted at every turn: “The head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights told VOA [Voice of America]that fighting and shelling killed at least 12 people in Homs province.” The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is commonly used as a standalone source for news and statistics. Just this week, news agency AFP carried this story: “Syrian forces pounded Aleppo and Deir Ezzor provinces as at least 35 people were killed on Sunday across the country, among them 17 civilians, a watchdog reported.” Various atrocities and casualty numbers are listed, all from a single source: “Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP by phone.” Statistic after horrific statistic pours from “the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights” (AP). It’s hard to find a news report about Syria that doesn’t cite them. But who are they? “They” are Rami Abdulrahman (or Rami Abdel Rahman), who lives in Coventry. According to a Reuters report in December of last year: “When he isn’t fielding calls from international media, Abdulrahman is a few minutes down the road at his clothes shop, which he runs with his wife.” When the Guardian’s Middle East live blog cited “Rami Abdul-Rahman of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights” it also linked to a sceptical article in the Modern Tokyo Times – an article which suggested news outlets could be a bit “more objective about their sources” when quoting “this so-called entity”, the SOHR. That name, the “Syrian Observatory of Human Rights”, sound so grand, so unimpeachable, so objective. And yet when Abdulrahman and his “Britain-based NGO” (AFP/NOW Lebanon) are the sole source for so many news stories about such an important subject, it would seem reasonable to submit this body to a little more scrutiny than it’s had to date. The Observatory is by no means the only Syrian news source to be quoted freely with little or no scrutiny … Hamza Fakher The relationship between Ausama Monajed, the SNC, the Henry Jackson hawks and an unquestioning media can be seen in the case of Hamza Fakher. On 1 January, Nick Cohen wrote in the Observer: “To grasp the scale of the barbarism, listen to Hamza Fakher, a pro-democracy activist, who is one of the most reliable sources on the crimes the regime’s news blackout hides.” He goes on to recount Fakher’s horrific tales of torture and mass murder. Fakher tells Cohen of a new hot-plate torture technique that he’s heard about: “imagine all the melting flesh reaching the bone before the detainee falls on the plate”. The following day, Shamik Das, writing on “evidence-based” progressive blog Left Foot Forward, quotes the same source: “Hamza Fakher, a pro-democracy activist, describes the sickening reality …” – and the account of atrocities given to Cohen is repeated. So, who exactly is this “pro-democracy activist”, Hamza Fakher? Fakher, it turns out, is the co-author of Revolution in Danger , a “Henry Jackson Society Strategic Briefing”, published in February of this year. He co-wrote this briefing paper with the Henry Jackson Society’s communications director, Michael Weiss. And when he’s not co-writing Henry Jackson Society strategic briefings, Fakher is the communication manager of the London-based Strategic Research and Communication Centre (SRCC). According to their website, “He joined the centre in 2011 and has been in charge of the centre’s communication strategy and products.” As you may recall, the SRCC is run by one Ausama Monajed: “Mr Monajed founded the centre in 2010. He is widely quoted and interviewed in international press and media outlets. He previously worked as communication consultant in Europe and the US and formerly served as the director of Barada Television …”. Monajed is Fakher’s boss. If this wasn’t enough, for a final Washington twist, on the board of the Strategic Research and Communication Centre sits Murhaf Jouejati, a professor at the National Defence University in DC – “the premier center for Joint Professional Military Education (JPME)” which is “under the direction of the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff.” If you happen to be planning a trip to Monajed’s “Strategic Research and Communication Centre”, you’ll find it here: Strategic Research & Communication Centre, Office 36, 88-90 Hatton Garden, Holborn, London EC1N 8PN. Office 36 at 88-90 Hatton Garden is also where you’ll find the London headquarters of The Fake Tan Company, Supercar 4 U Limited, Moola loans (a “trusted loans company”), Ultimate Screeding (for all your screeding needs), and The London School of Attraction – “a London-based training company which helps men develop the skills and confidence to meet and attract women.” And about a hundred other businesses besides. It’s a virtual office. There’s something oddly appropriate about this. A “communication centre” that doesn’t even have a centre – a grand name but no physical substance. That’s the reality of Hamza Fakher. On 27 May, Shamik Das of Left Foot Forward quotes again from Fakher’s account of atrocities, which he now describes as an “eyewitness account” (which Cohen never said it was) and which by now has hardened into “the record of the Assad regime”. So, a report of atrocities given by a Henry Jackson Society strategist, who is the communications manager of Mosafed’s PR department, has acquired the gravitas of a historical “record”. This is not to suggest that the account of atrocities must be untrue, but how many of those who give it currency are scrutinising its origins? And let’s not forget, whatever destabilisation has been done in the realm of news and public opinion is being carried out twofold on the ground. We already know that (at the very least) “the Central Intelligence Agency and State Department … are helping the opposition Free Syrian Army develop logistical routes for moving supplies into Syria and providing communications training.” The bombs doors are open. The plans have been drawn up. This has been brewing for a time. The sheer energy and meticulous planning that’s gone into this change of regime – it’s breathtaking. The soft power and political reach of the big foundations and policy bodies is vast, but scrutiny is no respecter of fancy titles and fellowships and “strategy briefings”. Executive director of what, it asks. Having “democracy” or “human rights” in your job title doesn’t give you a free pass. And if you’re a “communications director” it means your words should be weighed extra carefully. Weiss and Fakher, both communications directors – PR professionals. At the Chatham House event in June 2011, Monajed is listed as: “Ausama Monajed, director of communications, National Initiative for Change” and he was head of PR for the MJD. The creator of the news website NOW Lebanon, Eli Khoury, is a Saatchi advertising executive. These communications directors are working hard to create what Tamara Wittes called a “positive brand”. They’re selling the idea of military intervention and regime change, and the mainstream news is hungry to buy. Many of the “activists” and spokespeople representing the Syrian opposition are closely (and in many cases financially) interlinked with the US and London – the very people who would be doing the intervening. Which means information and statistics from these sources isn’t necessarily pure news – it’s a sales pitch, a PR campaign. But it’s never too late to ask questions, to scrutinise sources. Asking questions doesn’t make you a cheerleader for Assad – that’s a false argument. It just makes you less susceptible to spin. The good news is, there’s a sceptic born every minute. ARTICLE BY CHARLIE SKELTON @ THE GUARDIAN
  4. Yet for some odd reason he seems not to have produced the supposed document let alone the 'test' results. This is not the first time the judge made claims on the basis of a supposed document he could not produce*. He just turned 77 thus perhaps illustrating that old dogs really can’t learn new tricks. One also has to wonder if dementia is setting in. Reagan started to be afflicted with the disease at around 73 according to his son** and was POTUS rather than retired. * http://www.berluscas...ic/econ_en3.htm ** http://voices.washin...fered_from.html ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DR. Colby and his DIAGNOSIS.......SEEMS TO BE TALKING TO EUROPEAN PEOPLE THEY DONT MENTION DEMENTIA. AS FOR THE ECONOMIST TO ME THATS THE ESTABLISHMENT. http://stopmakingsense.org/category/global-elite/bilderberg-group/ Brent Scowcroft (chairman emeritus) is a former national security adviser to the US president – he took over the role from Henry Kissinger. Sitting alongside Scowcroft of the international board is his fellow geo-strategist, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who succeeded him as the national security adviser, and Peter Sutherland, the chairman of Goldman Sachs International. So, as early as 2005, we’ve got a senior wing of the western intelligence/banking establishment selecting Kodmani to run a Middle East research project. In September of that year, Kodmani was made full-time director of the programme. Earlier in 2005, the CFR assigned“financial oversight” of the project to the Centre for European Reform (CER). In come the British. The CER is overseen by Lord Kerr, the deputy chairman of Royal Dutch Shell. Kerr is a former head of the diplomatic service and is a senior adviser at Chatham House (a thinktank showcasing the best brains of the British diplomatic establishment). In charge of the CER on a day-to-day basis is Charles Grant, former defence editor of the Economist, and these days a member of the European Council on Foreign Relations, a “pan-European thinktank” packed with diplomats, industrialists, professors and prime ministers. On its list of members you’ll find the name: “Bassma Kodmani (France/Syria) – Executive Director, Arab Reform Initiative”.
  5. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ NON OF YOUR COMMENT REFLECTS ON POST # 13
  6. It was natural to assume based on your general world view that you believed it was a black op, and you even posted a link with the claims of that loon in FL. // END COLBY ******************************************** GOLLY THE ASS -UME is certanly in the matter. WHATS MY WORLD VIEW ? Really a lot of ASS -ume on your part
  7. All the hits were to obscure sites, none alleged the cows died from malnutrition. ################### COWS HAVE DIFFERENT DIGESTION ,THAT MAY LESSEN TOXIC EFFECTS BUT STILL HEALTH PROBLEMS GMO FOODS SEE http://www.academia....on_Human_Health ********************************************* Health Risks Download the PDF of the Health Risks brochure In 2009, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) stated that, "Several animal studies indicate serious health risks associated with genetically modified (GM) food," including infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, faulty insulin regulation, and changes in major organs and the gastrointestinal system. The AAEM has asked physicians to advise all patients to avoid GM foods.[1] Starting in 1996, Americans have been eating genetically modified (GM) ingredients in most processed foods. Why isn't the FDA protecting us? In 1992, the Food and Drug Administration claimed they had no information showing that GM foods were substantially different from conventionally grown foods. Therefore they are safe to eat, and absolutely no safety studies were required. But internal memos made public by a lawsuit[2] reveal that their position was staged by political appointees who were under orders from the White House to promote GMOs. In addition, the FDA official in charge of creating this policy was Michael Taylor, the former attorney for Monsanto, the largest biotech company, and later their vice president. In reality, FDA scientists had repeatedly warned that GM foods can create unpredictable, hard-to-detect side effects, including allergies, toxins, new diseases, and nutritional problems. They urged long-term safety studies, but were ignored. Today, the same biotech companies who have been found guilty of hiding toxic effects of their chemical products are in charge of determining whether their GM foods are safe. Industry-funded GMO safety studies are too superficial to find most of the potential dangers, and their voluntary consultations with the FDA are widely criticized as a meaningless façade.[3] GM plants, such as soybean, corn, cottonseed, and canola, have had foreign genes forced into their DNA. The inserted genes come from species, such as bacteria and viruses, which have never been in the human food supply. Genetic engineering transfers genes across natural species barriers. It uses imprecise laboratory techniques that bear no resemblance to natural breeding, and is based on outdated concepts of how genes and cells work.[4]Gene insertion is done either by shooting genes from a "gene gun" into a plate of cells or by using bacteria to invade the cell with foreign DNA. The altered cell is then cloned into a plant. Widespread, unpredictable changes The genetic engineering process creates massive collateral damage, causing mutations in hundreds or thousands of locations throughout the plant's DNA.[5] Natural genes can be deleted or permanently turned on or off, and hundreds may change their behavior.[6] Even the inserted gene can be damaged or rearranged,[7] and may create proteins that can trigger allergies or promote disease. GM foods on the market There are eight GM food crops. The five major varieties—soy, corn, canola, cotton, and sugar beets—have bacterial genes inserted, which allow the plants to survive an otherwise deadly dose of weed killer. Farmers use considerably more herbicides on these GM crops and so the food has higher herbicide residues. About 68% of GM crops are herbicide tolerant. The second GM trait is a built-in pesticide, found in GM corn and cotton. A gene from the soil bacterium called Bt (for Bacillus thuringiensis) is inserted into the plant's DNA, where it secretes the insect-killing Bt-toxin in every cell. About 19% of GM crops produce their own pesticide. Another 13% produce a pesticide and are herbicide tolerant. There is also Hawaiian papaya and a small amount of zucchini and yellow crookneck squash, which are engineered to resist a plant virus. Growing evidence of harm from GMOs GM soy and allergic reactions Soy allergies skyrocketed by 50% in the UK, soon after GM soy was introduced.[8] A skin xxxxx allergy test shows that some people react to GM soy, but not to wild natural soy.[9] Cooked GM soy contains as much as 7-times the amount of a known soy allergen.[10] GM soy also contains a new unexpected allergen, not found in wild natural soy.[11] Bt corn and cotton linked to allergies The biotech industry claims that Bt-toxin is harmless to humans and mammals because the natural bacteria version has been used as a spray by farmers for years. In reality, hundreds of people exposed to Bt spray had allergic-type symptoms,[12] and mice fed Bt had powerful immune responses[13] and damaged intestines.[14] Moreover, the Bt in GM crops is designed to be more toxic than the natural spray and is thousands of times more concentrated. Farm workers throughout India are getting the same allergic reactions from handling Bt cotton[15] as those who reacted to Bt spray.[16] Mice[17] and rats[18] fed Bt corn also showed immune responses. GMOs fail allergy tests No tests can guarantee that a GMO will not cause allergies. Although the World Health Organization recommends a screening protocol,[19]the GM soy, corn, and papaya in our food supply fail those tests—because their GM proteins have properties of known allergens.[20] GMOs may make you allergic to non-GM foods GM soy drastically reduces digestive enzymes in mice.[21] If it also impairs your digestion, you may become sensitive and allergic to a variety of foods. Mice fed Bt-toxin started having immune reactions to formerly harmless foods.[22] Mice fed experimental GM peas also started reacting to a range of other foods.[23] (The peas had already passed all the allergy tests normally done before a GMO gets on the market. Only this advanced test, which is never used on the GMOs we eat, revealed that the peas could actually be deadly.) GMOs and liver problems Rats fed GM potatoes had smaller, partially atrophied livers.[24] The livers of rats fed GM canola were 12-16% heavier.[25] GM soy altered mouse liver cells in ways that suggest a toxic insult.[26]The changes reversed after they switched to non-GM soy.[27] GMOs, reproductive problems, and infant mortality More than half the babies of mother rats fed GM soy died within three weeks.[28] Male rats[29] and mice[30] fed GM soy had changed testicles, including altered young sperm cells in the mice. The DNA of mouse embryos functioned differently when their parents ate GM soy[31] The longer mice were fed GM corn, the less babies they had, and the smaller their babies were.[32] Babies of female rats fed GM soy were considerably smaller, and more than half died within three weeks (compared to 10% of the non-GM soy controls).[33] Female rats fed GM soy showed changes in their ovaries and uterus. By the third generation, most hamsters fed GM soy were unable to have babies. Bt crops linked to sterility, disease, and death Thousands of sheep, buffalo, and goats in India died after grazing on Bt cotton plants after harvest. Others suffered poor health and reproductive problems.[34] Farmers in Europe and Asia say that cows, water buffaloes, chickens, and horses died from eating Bt corn varieties.[35] About two dozen US farmers report that Bt corn varieties caused widespread sterility in pigs or cows.[36] Filipinos in at least five villages fell sick when a nearby Bt corn variety was pollinating.[37] The stomach lining of rats fed GM potatoes showed excessive cell growth, a condition that may lead to cancer. Rats also had damaged organs and immune systems.[38] <a name="dangers"> Functioning GM genes remain inside you Unlike safety evaluations for drugs, there are no human clinical trials of GM foods. The only published human feeding experiment revealed that the genetic material inserted into GM soy transfers into bacteria living inside our intestines and continues to function.[39] This means that long after we stop eating GM foods, we may still have their GM proteins produced continuously inside us. If the antibiotic gene inserted into most GM crops were to transfer, it could create super diseases, resistant to antibiotics. If the gene that creates Bt-toxin in GM corn were to transfer, it might turn our intestinal bacteria into living pesticide factories. Animal studies show that DNA in food can travel into organs throughout the body, even into the fetus.[40] GM food supplement caused deadly epidemic In the 1980s, a contaminated brand of a food supplement called L-tryptophan killed about 100 Americans and caused sickness and disability in another 5,000-10,000 people. The source of contaminants was almost certainly the genetic engineering process used in its production.[41] The disease took years to find and was almost overlooked. It was only identified because the symptoms were unique, acute, and fast-acting. If all three characteristics were not in place, the deadly GM supplement might never have been identified or removed. If GM foods on the market are causing common diseases or if their effects appear only after long-term exposure, we may not be able to identify the source of the problem for decades, if at all. There is no monitoring of GMO-related illnesses and no long-term animal studies. Heavily invested biotech corporations are gambling with the health of our nation for their profit. Help end the genetic engineering of our food supply When the tipping point of consumer concern about GMOs was achieved in Europe in 1999, within a single week virtually all major food manufacturers committed to remove GM ingredients. The Campaign for Healthier Eating in America is designed to reach a similar tipping point in the US soon. Our growing network of manufacturers, retailers, healthcare practitioners, organizations, and the media, is informing consumers of the health risks of GMOs and helping them select healthier non-GMO alternatives with our Non-GMO Shopping Guides. Start buying non-GMO today. Help us stop the genetic engineering of our food supply. Download your free Non-GMO Shopping Guide or ShopNoGMO iPhone App The health information featured on this page is excerpted fromGenetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risk of Genetically Engineered Foods, by Jeffrey M. Smith. © Copyright 2010. Institute for Responsible Technology. [1] See http://www.aaemonline.org/gmopost.html [2] See www.biointegrity.org [3] See Part 2, Jeffrey M. Smith, Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods, Yes! Books, Fairfield, IA 2007 [4] See for example 233-236, chart of disproved assumptions, in Jeffrey M. Smith, Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods, Yes! Books, Fairfield, IA 2007 [5] J. R. Latham, et al., "The Mutational Consequences of Plant Transformation," The Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology 2006, Article ID 25376: 1-7; see also Allison Wilson, et. al., "Transformation-induced mutations in transgenic plants: Analysis and biosafety implications," Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews – Vol. 23, December 2006. [6] Srivastava, et al, "Pharmacogenomics of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and the cystic fibrosis drug CPX using genome microarray analysis," Mol Med. 5, no. 11(Nov 1999):753–67. [7] Latham et al, "The Mutational Consequences of Plant Transformation, Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology 2006:1-7, article ID 25376, http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jbb/; Draft risk analysis report application A378, Food derived from glyphosate-tolerant sugarbeet line 77 (GTSB77)," ANZFA, March 7, 2001; E. Levine et al., "Molecular Characterization of Insect Protected Corn Line MON 810." Unpublished study submitted to the EPA by Monsanto, EPA MRID No. 436655-01C (1995); Allison Wilson, PhD, Jonathan Latham, PhD, and Ricarda Steinbrecher, PhD, "Genome Scrambling—Myth or Reality? Transformation-Induced Mutations in Transgenic Crop Plants Technical Report—October 2004," www.econexus.info; C. Collonier, G. Berthier, F. Boyer, M. N. Duplan, S. Fernandez, N. Kebdani, A. Kobilinsky, M. Romanuk, Y. Bertheau, "Characterization of commercial GMO inserts: a source of useful material to study genome fluidity," Poster presented at ICPMB: International Congress for Plant Molecular Biology (n°VII), Barcelona, 23-28th June 2003. Poster courtesy of Dr. Gilles-Eric Seralini, Président du Conseil Scientifique du CRII-GEN, www.crii-gen.org; also "Transgenic lines proven unstable" by Mae-Wan Ho, ISIS Report, 23 October 2003, www.i-sis.org.uk [8] Mark Townsend, "Why soya is a hidden destroyer," Daily Express, March 12, 1999. [9] Hye-Yung Yum, Soo-Young Lee, Kyung-Eun Lee, Myung-Hyun Sohn, Kyu-Earn Kim, "Genetically Modified and Wild Soybeans: An immunologic comparison," Allergy and Asthma Proceedings 26, no. 3 (May–June 2005): 210-216(7). [10] A. Pusztai and S. Bardocz, "GMO in animal nutrition: potential benefits and risks," Chapter 17, Biology of Nutrition in Growing Animals, R. Mosenthin, J. Zentek and T. Zebrowska (Eds.) Elsevier, October 2005. [11] Hye-Yung Yum, Soo-Young Lee, Kyung-Eun Lee, Myung-Hyun Sohn, Kyu-Earn Kim, "Genetically Modified and Wild Soybeans: An immunologic comparison," Allergy and Asthma Proceedings 26, no. 3 (May–June 2005): 210-216(7). [12]M. Green, et al., "Public health implications of the microbial pesticide Bacillus thuringiensis: An epidemiological study, Oregon, 1985-86," Amer. J. Public Health 80, no. 7(1990): 848–852; and M.A. Noble, P.D. Riben, and G. J. Cook, Microbiological and epidemiological surveillance program to monitor the health effects of Foray 48B BTK spray (Vancouver, B.C.: Ministry of Forests, Province of British Columbi, Sep. 30, 1992) [13] Vazquez et al, "Intragastric and intraperitoneal administration of Cry1Ac protoxin from Bacillus thuringiensis induces systemic and mucosal antibody responses in mice," 1897–1912; Vazquez et al, "Characterization of the mucosal and systemic immune response induced by Cry1Ac protein from Bacillus thuringiensis HD 73 in mice," Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 33 (2000): 147–155; and Vazquez et al, "Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac protoxin is a potent systemic and mucosal adjuvant," Scandanavian Journal of Immunology 49 (1999): 578–584. See also Vazquez-Padron et al., 147 (2000b). [14] Nagui H. Fares, Adel K. El-Sayed, "Fine Structural Changes in the Ileum of Mice Fed on Endotoxin Treated Potatoes and Transgenic Potatoes," Natural Toxins 6, no. 6 (1998): 219–233. [15] See for example "Bt cotton causing allergic reaction in MP; cattle dead," Bhopal, Nov. 23, 2005 [16] http://news.webindia123.com Ashish Gupta et. al., "Impact of Bt Cotton on Farmers' Health (in Barwani and Dhar District of Madhya Pradesh)," Investigation Report, Oct–Dec 2005; and M. Green, et al., "Public health implications of the microbial pesticide Bacillus thuringiensis: An epidemiological study, Oregon, 1985-86," Amer. J. Public Health 80, no. 7(1990): 848–852; and M.A. Noble, P.D. Riben, and G. J. Cook, Microbiological and epidemiological surveillance program to monitor the health effects of Foray 48B BTK spray (Vancouver, B.C.: Ministry of Forests, Province of British Columbi, Sep. 30, 1992) [17] Alberto Finamore, et al, "Intestinal and Peripheral Immune Response to MON810 Maize Ingestion in Weaning and Old Mice," J. Agric. Food Chem., 2008, 56 (23), pp 11533–11539, November 14, 2008 [18] Joël Spiroux de Vendômois, François Roullier, Dominique Cellier and Gilles-Eric Séralini. 2009, A Comparison of the Effects of Three GM Corn Varieties on Mammalian Health . International Journal of Biological Sciences 2009; 5(7):706-726; and Seralini GE, Cellier D, Spiroux de Vendomois J. 2007, New analysis of a rat feeding study with a genetically modified maize reveals signs of hepatorenal toxicity. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. 2007;52:596-602 [19] FAO-WHO, "Evaluation of Allergenicity of Genetically Modified Foods. Report of a Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Allergenicity of Foods Derived from Biotechnology," Jan. 22–25, 2001; http://www.fao.org/es/ESN/food/pdf/allergygm.pdf [20]Gendel, "The use of amino acid sequence alignments to assess potential allergenicity of proteins used in genetically modified foods," Advances in Food and Nutrition Research 42 (1998), 45–62; G. A. Kleter and A. A. C. M. Peijnenburg, "Screening of transgenic proteins expressed in transgenic food crops for the presence of short amino acid sequences indentical to potential, IgE-binding linear epitopes of allergens," BMC Structural Biology 2 (2002): 8–19; H. P. J. M. Noteborn, "Assessment of the Stability to Digestion and Bioavailability of the LYS Mutant Cry9C Protein from Bacillus thuringiensis serovar tolworthi," Unpublished study submitted to the EPA by AgrEvo, EPA MRID No. 447343-05 (1998); and H. P. J. M. Noteborn et al, "Safety Assessment of the Bacillus thuringiensis Insecticidal Crystal Protein CRYIA( Expressed in Transgenic Tomatoes," in Genetically modified foods: safety issues, American Chemical Society Symposium Series 605, eds. K.H. Engel et al., (Washington, DC, 1995): 134–47. [21] M. Malatesta, M. Biggiogera, E. Manuali, M. B. L. Rocchi, B. Baldelli, G. Gazzanelli, "Fine Structural Analyses of Pancreatic Acinar Cell Nuclei from Mice Fed on GM Soybean," Eur J Histochem 47 (2003): 385–388. [22] Vazquez et al, "Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac protoxin is a potent systemic and mucosal adjuvant," Scandanavian Journal of Immunology 49 (1999): 578–584. See also Vazquez-Padron et al., 147 (2000b). [23] V. E. Prescott, et al, "Transgenic Expression of Bean r-Amylase Inhibitor in Peas Results in Altered Structure and Immunogenicity," Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry (2005): 53. [24] Arpad Pusztai, "Can science give us the tools for recognizing possible health risks of GM food," Nutrition and Health, 2002, Vol 16 Pp 73-84 [25] Comments to ANZFA about Applications A346, A362 and A363 from the Food Legislation and Regulation Advisory Group (FLRAG) of the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) on behalf of the PHAA, "Food produced from glyphosate-tolerant canola line GT73," http://www.iher.org.au/ [26] M. Malatesta, C. Caporaloni, S. Gavaudan, M. B. Rocchi, S. Serafini, C. Tiberi, G. Gazzanelli, "Ultrastructural Morphometrical and Immunocytochemical Analyses of Hepatocyte Nuclei from Mice Fed on Genetically Modified Soybean," Cell Struct Funct. 27 (2002): 173–180. [27] M. Malatesta, C. Tiberi, B. Baldelli, S. Battistelli, E. Manuali, M. Biggiogera, "Reversibility of Hepatocyte Nuclear Modifications in Mice Fed on Genetically Modified Soybean," Eur J Histochem, 49 (2005): 237-242. [28] I.V. Ermakova, "Diet with the Soya Modified by Gene EPSPS CP4 Leads to Anxiety and Aggression in Rats," 14th European Congress of Psychiatry. Nice, France, March 4-8, 2006; "Genetically modified soy affects posterity: Results of Russian scientists' studies," REGNUM, October 12, 2005; http://www.regnum.ru/english/526651.html; Irina Ermakova, "Genetically modified soy leads to the decrease of weight and high mortality of rat pups of the first generation. Preliminary studies," Ecosinform 1 (2006): 4–9. [29] Irina Ermakova, "Experimental Evidence of GMO Hazards," Presentation at Scientists for a GM Free Europe, EU Parliament, Brussels, June 12, 2007 [30] L. Vecchio et al, "Ultrastructural Analysis of Testes from Mice Fed on Genetically Modified Soybean," European Journal of Histochemistry 48, no. 4 (Oct–Dec 2004):449–454. [31] Oliveri et al., "Temporary Depression of Transcription in Mouse Pre-implantion Embryos from Mice Fed on Genetically Modified Soybean," 48th Symposium of the Society for Histochemistry, Lake Maggiore (Italy), September 7–10, 2006. [32] Alberta Velimirov and Claudia Binter, "Biological effects of transgenic maize NK603xMON810 fed in long term reproduction studies in mice," Forschungsberichte der Sektion IV, Band 3/2008 [33] I.V. Ermakova, "Diet with the Soya Modified by Gene EPSPS CP4 Leads to Anxiety and Aggression in Rats," 14th European Congress of Psychiatry. Nice, France, March 4-8, 2006; "Genetically modified soy affects posterity: Results of Russian scientists' studies," REGNUM, October 12, 2005; http://www.regnum.ru/english/526651.html; Irina Ermakova, "Genetically modified soy leads to the decrease of weight and high mortality of rat pups of the first generation. Preliminary studies," Ecosinform 1 (2006): 4–9. [34] "Mortality in Sheep Flocks after Grazing on Bt Cotton Fields—Warangal District, Andhra Pradesh" Report of the Preliminary Assessment, April 2006, http://gmwatch.org/latest-listing/1-news-items/6416-mortality-in-sheep-flocks-after-grazing-on-bt-cotton-fields-warangal-district-andhra-pradesh-2942006 [35] Mae-Wan Ho, "GM Ban Long Overdue, Dozens Ill & Five Deaths in the Philippines," ISIS Press Release, June 2, 2006; and Mae-Wan Ho and Sam Burcher, "Cows Ate GM Maize & Died," ISIS Press Release, January 13, 2004, http://www.isis.org.uk/CAGMMAD.php [36] Personal communication with Jerry Rosman and other farmers, 2006; also reported widely in the farm press. [37] See for example Mae-Wan Ho, "GM Ban Long Overdue, Dozens Ill & Five Deaths in the Philippines," ISIS Press Release, June 2, 2006; "Study Result Not Final, Proof Bt Corn Harmful to Farmers," BusinessWorld, 02 Mar 2004; and "Genetically Modified Crops and Illness Linked," Manila Bulletin, 04 Mar 2004. [38] Arpad Pusztai, "Can science give us the tools for recognizing possible health risks of GM food," Nutrition and Health, 2002, Vol 16 Pp 73-84; Stanley W. B. Ewen and Arpad Pusztai, "Effect of diets containing genetically modified potatoes expressing Galanthus nivalis lectin on rat small intestine," Lancet, 1999 Oct 16; 354 (9187): 1353-4; and Arpad Pusztai, "Facts Behind the GM Pea Controversy: Epigenetics, Transgenic Plants & Risk Assessment," Proceedings of the Conference, December 1st 2005 (Frankfurtam Main, Germany: Literaturhaus, 2005) [39] Netherwood et al, "Assessing the survival of transgenic plant DNA in the human gastrointestinal tract," Nature Biotechnology 22 (2004): 2. [40] Ricarda A. Steinbrecher and Jonathan R. Latham, "Horizontal gene transfer from GM crops to unrelated organisms," GM Science Review Meeting of the Royal Society of Edinburgh on "GM Gene Flow: Scale and Consequences for Agriculture and the Environment," January 27, 2003; Traavik and Heinemann, Genetic Engineering and Omitted Health Research; citing Schubbert, et al, "Ingested foreign (phage M13) DNA survives transiently in the gastrointestinal tract and enters the bloodstream of mice," Mol Gen Genet. 242, no. 5 (1994): 495–504; Schubbert et al, "Foreign (M13) DNA ingested by mice reaches peripheral leukocytes, spleen, and liver via the intestinal wall mucosa and can be covalently linked to mouse DNA," Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 94, no. 3 (1997): 961–6; Schubbert et al, "On the fate of orally ingested foreign DNA in mice: chromosomal association and placental transmission to the fetus," Mol Gen Genet. 259, no. 6 (1998): 569–76; Hohlweg and Doerfler, "On the fate of plants or other foreign genes upon the uptake in food or after intramuscular injection in mice," Mol Genet Genomics 265 (2001): 225–233; Palka-Santani, et al., "The gastrointestinal tract as the portal of entry for foreign macromolecules: fate of DNA and proteins," Mol Gen Genomics 270 (2003): 201–215; Einspanier, et al, "The fate of forage plant DNA in farm animals; a collaborative case-study investigating cattle and chicken fed recombinant plant material," Eur Food Res Technol 212 (2001): 129–134; Klotz, et al, "Degradation and possible carry over of feed DNA monitored in pigs and poultry," Eur Food Res Technol 214 (2002): 271–275; Forsman, et al, "Uptake of amplifiable fragments of retrotransposon DNA from the human alimentary tract," Mol Gen Genomics 270 (2003): 362–368; Chen, et al, "Transfection of mEpo gene to intestinal epithelium in vivo mediated by oral delivery of chitosan-DNA nanoparticles," World Journal of Gastroenterology 10, no 1(2004): 112–116; Phipps, et al, "Detection of transgenic and endogenous plant DNA in rumen fluid, duodenal digesta, milk, blood, and feces of lactating dairy cows," J Dairy Sci. 86, no. 12(2003): 4070–8 [41] William E. Crist,Toxic L-tryptophan: Shedding Light on a Mysterious Epidemic; and Jeffrey M. Smith, Seeds of Deception, Yes! Books, Fairfield, IA 2003, chapter 4, Deadly Epidemic
  8. ++++++++++++++++ I DIDNT DO GOOGLE SEARCH I'LL OPEN TAB AND SEE IF DECAPITATION GETS A HIT AT BIGGER NEWS SOURCE ++++++++++++++++++ Syrian rebels 'beheaded Christian and fed him to dogs' http://www.theaustra...6-1226545322022
  9. Yet none of these men or their lawyers have been able to convince a judge or jury they were entrapped, nor AFAIK has the ACLU or similar group come to their defence. The author ignored cases like the Times Square bomber, the Ft. Hood shooter and the Detroit underwear bomber. // Colby ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ How the FBI Helps Terrorists Succeed (FROM THE LOON/KOOK ATLANTIC) Heather Maher Feb 26 2013, 3:08 PM ET Why the U.S. provided at least 150 people with bombs, transportation and other means of carrying out terrorist plots. FBI director Robert Mueller speaks during a Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism conference in Miami, Florida on June 11, 2007. (Carlos Barria/Reuters) Since September 11, 2001, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has claimed many victories in the war on terror. Each time a domestic terror suspect is arrested, the public is told that another horrific plot has been averted. But after combing through thousands of pages of court documents, investigative journalist Trevor Aaronson came to a different conclusion -- that most of the men arrested could never have done what they were accused of if the FBI hadn't given them the tools to do so. In his new book, "The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI's Manufactured War on Terrorism," Aaronson argues that the U.S. government is responsible for "hatching and financing more terrorist plots in the United States than any other group." He spoke to Heather Maher. You began your research by asking whether the FBI is "busting terrorist plots -- or leading them?" What did you find out? Trevor Aaronson: The FBI is looking for what they term "a lone wolf terrorist," which is someone holed up in an apartment somewhere who sympathizes with Al-Qaeda but may lack the specific means to do that. And so the FBI uses sting operations to [find] these people -- these people who may want to commit an act of terrorism, are right on that line from moving from sympathizer to operator -- and then through these sting operations, lure them out and get them involved in a terrorism plot that they're ultimately prosecuted for. But what I found is that of these cases, we can point to a handful of real, dangerous terrorists, like Faisal Shahzad, who came close to bombing [New York's] Times Square, or Najibullah Zazi, who came close to bombing the New York City subway system. But so many more of them, more than 150 people, were these men who were caught in sting operations who never had the means and, in some cases, never had the idea for the terrorism plot, and it was the FBI that provided them with everything -- the bomb, the transportation, everything they needed to move forward in a terrorism plot that on their own, they never would have been able to do. And certainly evidence suggests that in most of these cases, they never had any specific connections to terrorism. So it's really hard to believe that they ever would have had or acquired the means to commit some sort of act of terrorism. How do these FBI sting operations go down? Aaronson: In a terrorism sting operation, the FBI informant or undercover agent poses as an Al-Qaeda operative or an operative of another terrorist group and says to the target, "You know, I have what you need if you want to move forward on a terrorist plot. I can provide the bomb, I can provide the transportation, everything you need I can give you." And when they move forward in that plot, when they get the bomb together, and they put it in a car, and they drive it to a location and the target of the sting operation dials the cell phone that he believes is going to detonate the bomb and kill dozens of people, he's then arrested. And so in sting operations, essentially the government becomes part of the plot and then ultimately prosecutes the target of the sting operation based on his involvement in that plot, the actions that he took as part of that plot. You write that key to these sting operations are informants who find terror sympathizers and bring them to the FBI's attention. Who are these informants and what's in it for them? ​​Aaronson: The FBI has an unprecedented number of informants -- there's a total of 15,000 informants. And they are paid -- in some cases handsomely; $100,000 in some cases, $400,000 in a case in California - they are paid to find people who are interested in committing an act of terrorism, people who are espousing some sort of violence, who say they want to commit some sort of violent act, but may not have the means to do that, and it's their job to target them and to get them involved in these sting operations. But the problem I found in a lot of these cases is that there's a real question of whether the informant is actually a worse criminal than the target of the sting operation could ever be. In these sting operations, the FBI has used drug dealers frequently as informants, they've used an accused murderer, in a Seattle case; they've used a child molester -- people who are just odious in every way. And they also have a direct incentive to find terrorists and see them prosecuted because they can make so much money as informants. So when they enter mosques and they look for people who are interested in committing acts of terrorism, they know there's a lot of money riding on it for them to find that person. And as a result of that, what they're ultimately finding in most of these cases are people on the fringes of society who are economically desperate, in some cases mentally ill, and these are people who are easily susceptible to a strong-willed informant. Is the FBI's informant program at all related to the New York City Police Department operation that paid informants to infiltrate mosques and spy on Muslims? Aaronson: While they're not connected, there are a lot of similarities. The New York Police Department used taxi shields as leverage to recruit informants from within New York City Muslim communities. The FBI does a similar thing, but instead of using taxi shields, they use immigration. So, many of the informants who have been recruited from Muslim communities since 9/11 have been recruited under duress; that is, the FBI comes to them and says, "Unless you work with us, you may face deportation." Or, "'We know your family wants to come over from Syria, or Lebanon, and unless you work with us, that's not going to happen."
  10. LEFTY OBAMA ?? The US has No Intention of Leaving Afghanistan: Military Presence in Afghanistan to Maintain US Geostrategic Interests By Rick Rozoff Global Research, April 18, 2013 Press TV and Stop NATO The U.S. has no intention of leaving Afghanistan after the 2014 deadline for withdrawing its troops because of the geostrategic importance of the country, says Rick Rozoff from the Stop NATO organization. On Tuesday, Gen. Joseph Dunford, the current U.S. commander in occupied Afghanistan, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that U.S. troops should remain in Afghanistan after 2014. Dunford said he had not made any assessments on the U.S. troop level beyond 2014. In January, the Wall Street Journal reported that the Pentagon plans to leave roughly 3,000, 6,000, or 9,000 U.S. troops in after the 2014 deadline for NATO operations in the country. Earlier this month, Army General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, also expressed his support for maintaining 8,000 to 12,000 NATO troops in the war-torn country after the 2014 deadline for the withdrawal of occupying forces. “In a nation that borders Iran, borders Pakistan, borders China, and is not terribly far from Russia as well, the U.S. and its Western military allies intend to maintain military operational capabilities,” said Rozoff in a phone interview with the U.S. Desk on Wednesday. “The U.S. has massively upgraded air force bases that were built, in some cases modernized, decades ago by former Soviet Union, those in Bagram, Shindand, Kandahar and other places. “These are bases that have been increased by a factor of several times in size and in sophistication and are capable, or could be capable in short order, of hosting strategic bombers, that is, even long-range U.S. military aircraft that could be used for any military conflict within the general region,” added Rozoff. Stop NATO e-mail list home page with archives and search engine: http://groups. yahoo...pnato/ messages Stop NATO website and articles: http://rickrozoff. wordpress. com To subscribe for individual e-mails or the daily digest, unsubscribe, and otherwise change subscription status: stopnato-subscribe@ yahoogroups. com ###################### Related content: NATO Smit: “Enduring Presence In Afghanistan” Beyond 2014 NATO summit to define presence in Afghanistan beyond 2014WASHINGTON: The upcoming NATO summit in Chicago will determine its long-term presence in Afghanistan beyond 2014, the top commander of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) told audience in the United States… ^^^^^^^^^^######## America’s Long War: “U.S., NATO Want To Remain In Afghanistan Indefinitely” There is a growing sense among the Afghan people that all talk about withdrawal of foreign troops is only partially true and that the US and NATO intend to maintain a military presence in the country indefinitely, ^^^^^^^^^^######## NATO Airstrikes in Afghanistan Kill Civilians ^^^^^^^^^^######### Leaving Afghanistan by Staying Is staying in Afghanistan OK with you as long as we call it leaving? President Obama has signed an agreement with President Karzai to keep a major U.S. military presence in Afghanistan (currently about three times the size Obama began…
  11. 4chan 'False Flag' Conspiracy Theory Predicts Boston Marathon Bombing Arrest On Friday ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^o0o^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The online community 4chan has found itself in the spotlight ever since its users launched an amateur investigation into the Boston Marathon bombings, bringing their technological savvy and dedication together in an unauthorized and unofficial effort to identify who was behind the terror attack. Over the past four days, the anonymous 4chan message boards have seen a seemingly endless stream of photographs of possible "suspects," news items and tips, but one post in particular refuses to go away. The item in question was posted at 6:42 p.m. EDT Monday, within hours of the attacks, along with a well-known press photo of the one of the explosion sites, and it lays out a detailed series of predictions about how the federal investigation into the attacks will proceed, and what the anonymous poster believes will happen once it concludes. The poster, who claims to work "on a security commission," provides specifics about whom he the thinks authorities will arrest, writing that "they're going to try to pin this event on a male late teens to early 20s and say he did it because he's unstable," and that "they won't find the suspect til later this week and the raid is supposed to occur on Friday." The poster also makes the stereotypical "false flag" conspiracy claim that "this was a staged event. The people hurt are real but the event was planned." The poster predicts that investigators will find guns and a National Rifle Association book in the suspect's home, and that they will say one of the ingredients he used to make the bombs was reloading powder. That revelation, the anonymous poster predicts, will lead unnamed authorities to say "reloading powder shouldn't be for sale to the public," and that "because the powder in ammunition can be used for explosions that the number of rounds you can buy should be limited and taxed to help pay for these events." The poster then informs 4chan users that if he or she acts on the supposed knowledge, that "I'll lose my job and possibly face criminals [sic] charges" and warns them "please don't mention me. It will seriously hurt me." The poster claims that he or she has "just received word" that a campaign he or she has been working on for two months for the "security commission" should begin, so "now it all makes sense." "False flag" conspiracy theories are based on a naval term that indicates a ship that would fly another nation's flag -- a "false flag" -- in hopes of tricking its enemies into thinking they were from that other nation. It is now often used to describe conspiracy theories that suggest the government is orchestrating events that appear on their face to have been carried out by non-governmental actors. Other well-known "false flag" theories include the beliefs of certain factions of the "9/11 Truth" movement to people who believe the Sandy Hook mass shooting was a government-run hoax. There is no way to verify who posted the message, and the claims' veracity or lack thereof will only be revealed via the passage of time, but the assertion is not going away. A screenshot of the original post continues to pop up periodically on 4chan's various message boards dedicated to political and news topics, and it has slowly spread via Facebook, and Twitter as well. But the original post itself is gone forever as 4chan does not archive its content, as explained on the community's Frequently
  12. “What’s a ‘False Flag’?” Google Trends Shows Search Term Spike Adan Salazar Infowars.com April 18, 2013 see http://12160.info/pa...arch-term-spike for graphs Data displayed by Google’s web search trend analytic tool, Google Trends, shows more and more people are actively conducting their own independent research as an alternative to unquestionably digesting everything reported by the mainstream dinosaur media. Case in point, look at the search trend results for the term “false flag”: .
  13. Herald-Tribune: Sarasota family had 'many connections' to 9/11 terror attacks Posted by Orangutan. on Wed, 04/17/2013 - 6:42pm Herald Tribune - Sarasota Florida By Michael Pollick Published: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 The Al-Hijji family abruptly left this home at 4224 Escondito Circle in Prestancia, Sarasota at least a week before the attacks on Sept. 11,2001. - HERALD-TRIBUNE ARCHIVE Contrary to previous statements made by the FBI to the news media, a family living in the south Sarasota neighborhood of Prestancia had “many connections” to the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, according to newly released FBI documents. The family, Anoud and Abdulazziz al-Hijji, had links to 9/11 hijackers — including Mohamed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi, who trained at a Venice flight school in preparation for the assault on New York and Washington, D.C., that killed 2,996. Anoud al-Hijji is the daughter of Esam Ghazzawi, a powerful Saudi businessman with long ties to the Saudi royal family. The al-Hijjis have denied any involvement or relationship with the 9/11 hijackers. But the family abruptly left the Prestancia home that they had lived in for six years roughly a week before the 9/11 attacks, leaving behind clothes, food, children's toys and other living essentials. In the newly declassified documents, the FBI's Southwest Florida Domestic Security Task Force reported that the exit was done “quickly and suddenly.” The family left no forwarding address at the time, according to Realtors and property managers who were interviewed by the federal agency. After being alerted to the family's hasty exit by nearby residents and investigating the circumstances and participants, the FBI said it concluded that the family had no connection to the terrorists. “At no time did the FBI develop evidence that connected the family members to any of the 9/11 hijackers,” Steven E. Ibison, the FBI special agent in charge of the agency's Tampa field office, said in a Sept. 15, 2011, statement made in response to media questioning about the al-Hijjis at that time. But portions of the FBI documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act by BrowardBulldog — a journalism organization led by former Miami Herald reporter Dan Christensen, who has been investigating the attacks — seem to directly contradict those statements. “Further investigation of the (name deleted) family revealed many connections between the (name deleted) and individuals associated with the terror attacks on 9/11/2001,” a portion of declassified FBI documents state. The agency redacted many of the names in the 31 pages released under exemptions that protect people's names in law enforcement records. But it is clear who the subjects are because the documents specifically cite the al-Hijjis' residence, which was 4224 Escondito Circle in Sarasota's “Estates at Prestancia” development at the time FBI agents were investigating. Though the FBI stands by its statements, the documents renew questions — previously raised by former Florida governor and U.S. Sen. Bob Graham and others — that the U.S. has not fully disclosed the extent of its knowledge about links between the 9/11 attacks and Saudi officials. A majority of the terrorists who orchestrated and participated in the attacks were Saudis. The story of the Prestancia home came to the fore again this week because of a story by BrowardBulldog. Christensen and his organization has been litigating with the federal government in an effort to obtain classified FBI reports that illustrate the relationship between the al-Hijjis and the 9/11 terrorists. Abdulazziz al-Hijji could not be reached for comment, but in email correspondence with The (London) Daily Telegraph a year ago, he strongly denied any involvement in 9/11. “I have neither relation nor association with any of those bad people/criminals and the awful crime they did,” al-Hijji wrote. Revelations Among the more explosive revelations in the BrowardBulldog story is that an unidentified “family member” — purportedly of the al-Hijji family — was a flight student at Venice's Huffman Aviation, according to the FBI documents marked “secret” but with the word since crossed through. Huffman gained notoriety in the wake of 9/11 as the place where suicide hijackers Atta and al-Shehhi learned to fly. Those two men were in the cockpits when jets slammed into the World Trade Center towers. The story also references documents detailing a third person on a redacted FBI list as having “lived with flight students at Huffman Aviation” and being “arrested numerous times by the Sarasota County Sheriff's Office.” The BrowardBulldog noted that the recently released FBI documents disclosed nothing about Wissam Hammoud, an al-Hijji friend who is now serving a 21-year prison sentence for weapons violations and for attempting to kill a federal agent. Hammoud, 47, and an “international terrorist associate,” according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons, told investigators after his 2004 arrest that al-Hijji may have known some of the hijackers and that he considered Osama Bin Laden “a hero.” Though he acknowledged knowing Hammoud well, al-Hijji denied knowing 9/11 participants or revering Bin Laden in an interview with Christensen last year, the BrowardBulldog reported. Hammoud was arrested in Sarasota County during July 1995 for driving with a suspended license, according to County Clerk of the Court records. He was subsequently given probation and the case was closed. Questions Though much about the allegations and evidence connecting the home in Prestancia to the 9/11 attacks is not new, the matter has lingered because of a lack of closure. Questions remain, too, for Pat Gallagher, who was among the Prestancia residents who contacted the FBI in the aftermath of the terror attacks after “suspicious activity” — the agency's phrase — at the al-Hijji residence at Escondito Circle, including the family's sudden exit. Though the house has since been sold twice, at the time it was owned by Ghazzawi, an importer and exporter whose circles included the Bin Laden Group. Ghazzawi's influence also extends to his children. His 42-year-old son, Adel, is a board member of the New York-based think tank EastWest Institute, which counts the likes of Michael Chertoff, a director of Homeland Security under President George W. Bush and co-author of the Patriot Act, and retired Gen. James L. Jones, a former national security adviser to President Barack Obama, among its members. The younger Ghazzawi operates Conektas, a firm in the United Arab Emirates that helps multinational companies establish businesses in the Middle East. Abdulazziz al-Hijji was completing undergraduate work at the University of South Florida when he lived in the Ghazzawi house. He went on to receive a bachelor's in computer science. FBI records indicate that he took a job after graduation with the Saudi oil concern Aramco in London, though he no longer appears to be working there, BrowardBulldog reported. Interviewed by the FBI, Anoud al-Hijji said the family's flight was a “regularly scheduled departure.” But the FBI conducted a substantial investigation centered on the al-Hijji household. Six weeks after 9/11, agents found that Prestancia's digital scan system had picked up at least two license plates registered to Atta and Ziad Jarrah, another 9/11 terrorist, who had allegedly visited the Escondito Circle house in the months leading up to the attacks. The men purportedly identified themselves to security guards. But the declassified FBI records say the agency “appears not to have obtained the vehicle entry records of the gated community.” Graham — the former head of the Senate Intelligence Committee and chairman of the joint congressional inquiry into U.S. intelligence gathering surrounding the terrorist attacks — said he remains convinced that the federal government at several levels has failed to divulge all it knows about 9/11 and its Saudi connections. He contends that 28 pages of a final report to Congress were censored because they dealt with the Saudi role in 9/11. Ties The U.S. and Saudi Arabia have had a special and mutually beneficial relationship since 1957, when the Saudi king made a state visit to President Dwight D. Eisenhower. King Saud visited the U.S. with an entourage of at least 60, one of whom appears to have been Esam Ghazzawi's father, Abbas. At the time, Eisenhower agreed to sell Saudi Arabia up to $500 million worth of weapons in exchange for permission to maintain an airbase in Saudi territory. The deal did not gel overnight. Abbas Ghazzawi apparently worked on it, after flying into New York from Madrid on Jan. 25, 1957, according to a passenger list kept by U.S. officials. The elder Ghazzawi was accompanied by three other Saudis, including a man who would later serve as Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the U.S., Faisal al-Hegelan. The Ghazzawi family's ties to America grew stronger years later when, in 1970, 17-year-old Esam Ghazzawi married American Deborah G. Browning. Their first child, Adel, was born that year on Nov. 19. The family later established what has been a long presence in Southwest Florida, through the purchase of a pair of bayfront lots on Longboat Key's Putter Lane. Neighbors had little interaction with the man they referred to as “the Arab.” “That's what we called him,” said former neighbor Betty Blair. “We didn't know his name. All we knew was his kids were in camp so he came for the summer. Two little boys.” Esam and Deborah Ghazzawi bought the Prestancia home in September 1995, records show. Five months earlier, Anoud Ghazzawi married al-Hijji. He was 19 and she was 17, their Sarasota County marriage license shows. While here, they made an effort to blend in, driving popular cars like a Volkswagen Beetle, a Jeep Grand Cherokee and a Chevy Tahoe. But they did not stay completely under the collective radar. FBI documents reference a dispute with the Prestancia Community Association over unpaid homeowner dues. The Ghazzawis were frequent visitors to the al-Hijji household, neighbors, acquaintances and an attorney familiar with the case said. Carla DiBello knew the al-Hijjis and met Esam Ghazzawi on several occasions. “I remember him being very eccentric. He loved going to big dinners and always had a lot of security,” said DiBello, who now lives in Beverly Hills and is in charge of developing business for Kim Kardashian Productions. As for how Esam Ghazzawi made his living, “all I know about him was that he worked for the King of Saudi from what Anoud told me, but she was always very secretive about what her dad did for them,” DiBello said. Ghazzawi is still active in business in the Middle East, and sits on the board of the London subsidiary of EIRAD, which makes connections for global firms. When United Parcel Service wanted to do business in Saudi Arabia, for instance, EIRAD became its handler. When the al-Hijjis left Southwest Florida for Saudi Arabia “on or about 08/27/2001,” according to the FBI documents, they flew first to Washington, where they met Esam Ghazzawi. When Ghazzawi left the U.S., Adel Ghazzawi apparently took over the family's affairs here. It was Adel, then 30 and an American citizen, who tried to get a Prestancia lien lifted so the house could be sold. The lien came after the series of brushes with Prestancia's community association. “The HOA had great difficulties with them,” said Jone Weist, at that time property manager for much of Prestancia. “It was nothing criminal, but this is not a neighborhood where you let the grass grow for a month.” Problems mounted when the family departed in 2001, leaving a large mound of garbage at the curb. Eventually, a foreclosure lawsuit was filed. When not helping his family, Adel Ghazzawi worked with Conektas, a company that “assists multinationals in developing synergistic relationships with credible partners to successfully penetrate and establish solid businesses in the Middle East region.” “Adel has a vast wealth of business, family and personal relationships within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,” his biography reads. On the EastWest website, Ghazzawi says he has raised more than $1 billion for Middle Eastern projects. The family ultimately settled the homeowner case and sold the house in September 2003 for $440,000, to Joel Schemmel, records show. Schemmel has since sold the property, according to the county. Documents Because Floridians made up his former political constituency and many of the 9/11 terrorists lived in the Sunshine State just prior to the attacks, Graham has made it a personal mission to delve into the connections between the attacks and Saudi Arabia. Graham, 76, says that neither he, nor his staff, ever received any information regarding the alleged activities in Prestancia from the FBI or other law enforcement. The FBI contends there is a good reason for that. “At no time did the FBI develop evidence that connected the family members to any of the 9/11 hijackers,” Ibison said in 2011. Now, despite the documents from their files, the agency is standing by its assessment. “What Ibison said back then, that is the conclusion, knowing everything we know today,” David Couvertier, an FBI spokesman, said Tuesday. “The Bulldog is getting information that was already taken into consideration.” But Graham is unswayed. In an interview Tuesday, Graham said he is “extremely pleased” with the FBI's release of new documents. “Basically, they said they had conducted an investigation and hadn't found anything,” Graham said. “Now we know that as far back as April of 2002, they had a statement in their files written by a responsible law enforcement official, who I cannot name, saying there were many connections between the hijackers and this family in Sarasota.” “There are more than those 30-some pages of documents which would indicate that the public statements of the FBI are not accurate,” Graham said. Full Article: http://www.heraldtri...732?p=all&tc... CLICK HERE to read newly released documents about possible Sarasota connection to 9/11 hijackers. +++++++++++++++++++++++ The FBI has a credibility problem The typical FBI message amounts to trust us even if there is no reason to do so. The FBI has never explained to the public why the UBLU obstructed the investigation into al-Hazmi and al-MIhdhar. The FBI has continuously promoted Dina Corsi who played a key role in preventing criminal agents from being involved in the search for them. She has never had to explain her conduct to the public. Al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar tie into Graham's linkage of high level Saudi support. Evidently it was just a huge coincidence that the UBLU protected two guys who lived with FBI informant Abdussattar Shaikh. Nobody at the FBI has to explain any of this. Instead a spokesman issues an authoritative statement and that is good enough. It is definitely good enough for most US "journalists" who evidently have no curiosity about this story at all. That definitely includes Steve Coll who refers to the al-Hazmi/al-Mihdhar issue as an unforced error. Kurt Eichenwald in 500 Days praises the CIA for warning the Bush administration but he has zero to say about CIA/FBI obstruction. Think about it this way. Imagine if we were to learn the CIA and FBI knew the ID of two Boston Marathon bombers months ago but continually prevented agents from pursuing leads. When the public finds out an FBI spokesman says "There is no substance to these allegations. We had no idea." And then the US media says "Good enough for us. Who are we to question the intelligence community?" The same media then goes on and on about how much they care about the victims even though they were unwilling to do the one thing they had the capacity to do and that is get answers as to how and why people were murdered. ########################### <a href="http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=complete_911_timeline_6921#complete_911_timeline_6921" title="View in context">August 27, 2001: Saudi Family Flees Residence Linked to 9/11 Hijackers A Saudi family abruptly moves out of a Sarasota, Florida, residence linked to individuals who will later be accused of being among the 9/11 hijackers. The residence is owned by a Saudi couple, Esam Ghazzawi and his American-born wife, Deborah, and is occupied by Esam’s daughter, Anoud, and her husband, Abdulaziz al-Hijji. An unnamed counterterrorism officer will, in 2012, describe, “The car registration numbers of vehicles that had passed through the Prestancia community’s North Gate in the months before 9/11, coupled with the identification documents shown by incoming drivers on request, showed that Mohamed Atta and several of his fellow hijackers [Marwan al-Shehhi, Walid al-Shehri, and Ziad Jarrah]—and another Saudi terror suspect still at large [Adnan Shukrijumah]—had visited 4224 Escondito Circle on multiple occasions.” The counterterrorism officer will also say that “link analysis… tracked phone calls—based on dates, times, and length of phone conversations to and from the Escondito house—dating back more than a year before 9/11. And the phone traffic also connected with the 9/11 terrorists—though less directly than the gate logs did.” [Broward Bulldog, 3/12/2012] According to the Broward Bulldog, “The counterterrorism agent said Ghazzawi and al-Hijji had been on a watch list at the FBI and that a US agency involved in tracking terrorist funds was interested in both men even before 9/11.” [Broward Bulldog, 9/8/2011] Residence Hastily Abandoned - A suspicious neighbor, Patrick Gallagher, will email the FBI on the day of the 9/11 attacks, but apparently the FBI will not investigate until about a month later, after Larry Berberich, senior administrator and security officer of the Prestancia gated community, contacts local law enforcement. According to Berberich and the counterterrorism officer: “[T]here was mail on the table, dirty diapers in one of the bathrooms… all the toiletries still in place… all their clothes hanging in the closet… TVs… opulent furniture, equal or greater in value than the house… the pool running, with toys in it. The beds were made… fruit on the counter… the refrigerator full of food.… It was like they went grocery shopping. Like they went out to a movie.… [but] the safe was open in the master bedroom, with nothing in it, not a paper clip.… A computer was still there. A computer plug in another room, and the line still there. Looked like they’d taken [another] computer and left the cord.” [Broward Bulldog, 9/8/2011] The family also leaves three vehicles and “huge piles of trash in front of the… home.” [Broward Bulldog, 9/13/2011] Terrorism Links Alleged by FBI Informant - In addition to the visitor logs and call records, FBI informant Wissam Taysir Hammoud will allege that al-Hijji has links to the 9/11 hijackers. In 2004, the FBI and the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office will interview Hammoud at the Hillsborough County Jail. Hammoud will tell them that al-Hijji introduced him to Adnan El Shukrijumah, that al-Hijji considered Osama bin Laden a “hero,” that al-Hijji may have known some of the 9/11 hijackers, that al-Hijji talked about “going to Afghanistan and becoming a freedom fighter,” and that al-Hijji tried to recruit him. At the time of the interview, Hammoud will be serving a 21-year sentence for attempted murder and weapons violations, and is classified as an “International Terrorist Associate” by the US Bureau of Prisons. [Broward Bulldog, 3/12/2012] Al-Hijji Professes Innocence - Responding to the allegations in email correspondence with the London Daily Telegraph in 2012, al-Hijji will acknowledge having been friends with Hammoud, but will say the other allegations against him are false: “I have neither relation nor association with any of those bad people/criminals and the awful crime they did,” he will say. “9/11 is a crime against the USA and all humankind, and I’m very saddened and oppressed by these false allegations.” [Broward Bulldog, 3/12/2012] FBI Repeatedly Denies 9/11 Links - Following news reporting on the events, the FBI will say in a prepared statement given to the Tampa Bay Times that the related leads “were resolved and determined not to be related to any threat nor connected to the 9/11 plot,” and that “[a]ll of the documentation pertaining to the 9/11 investigation was made available to the 9/11 Commission” and the Joint Inquiry. [Tampa Bay Times, 9/13/2011] And in a letter denying records requested under the Freedom of Information Act, the FBI will say, “At no time during the course of its investigation of the attacks, known as the PENTTBOM investigation, did the FBI develop credible evidence that connected the address at 4224 Escondito Circle, Sarasota, Florida to any of the 9/11 hijackers.” [Broward Bulldog, 2/20/2011] OOPS !!! Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Disputes FBI Statements - Senator Bob Graham (D-FL), chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, will deny that the Joint Inquiry received information regarding the Saudis and the Escondito Circle address, and will press the FBI to provide the records it says it turned over. The FBI will delay turning these records over for several months, and when it finally does provide two classified documents from 2002 and 2003 to Graham, Graham will say, “An important investigative lead was not pursued and unsubstantiated statements were accepted as truth.” The Broward Bulldog will also report that Graham says, “[T]he agent suggested that another federal agency be asked to join the investigation, but that the idea was ‘rejected.’” Graham will attempt to interview this agent, but find he has been ordered by FBI headquarters not to talk [ Broward Bulldog, 2/20/2011] ####################### OOPS !! Florida al-Qaeda fugitive Esam Ghazzawi linked to BCCI and two dead Saudi Princes This follows up my posting yesterday, which examined the Miami Herald report Wednesday that the FBI had covered up the escape of a Saudi financier living in Florida who had hosted Mohamed Atta at his Sarasota villa in the months leading up to the 9/11 attacks. See, http://journals.democraticunderground.com/leveymg/595 Esam Ghazzawi, his daughter, Anoud, and her husband, Abdulazzi al-Hiijjii suddenly disappeared on August 30, 2001, leaving behind a million dollar, fully furnished Sarasota home, several automobiles, and their personal belongings. For ten years, the FBI withheld information from Congressional investigators and the public that Ghazzami has been visited by Atta and another hijacker, and phone records showed numerous calls to other figures involved in the 9/11 attack. Read more: http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/09/07/2395698/link-to-9... Ghazzawi linked to BCCI and two dead Saudi Princes Background checking since yesterday’s news account reveals evidence that Ghazzawi, who was on US government watch-lists along with his daughter and son-in-law, has a long history of association with Saudi financiers linked to terrorism and major global bank frauds in the 1980s and 1990s. He now lives openly in Jeddah and owns the posh Orient Restaurant in Khobar, KSA. Most intriguingly, he is mentioned in a 1997 London court document as having held funds for Prince Fahd bin Salman, a member of the Saudi Royal family who died suddenly at the age of 46 on July 24, 2001. Prince Fahd's father Salman is the governor of Riyadh and brother of King Fahd of Saudi Arabia. The eldest of four brothers, and born in 1955, Prince Fahd acted as deputy governor of Riyadh's Eastern Region during the Gulf War of 1991. Little has ever been written about the death of Fahd, but his involvement with BCCI was noted several years earlier in connection with a law suit in London. Reprinted at: http://www.sauduction.com/issues/11 PRINCE FAHD BIN SALMAN'S DUBIOUS BANKING PRACTICES Private Eye reports: "Prince Fahd bin Salman, eldest son of ... Prince Salman, the governor of Riyadh ... a court case brought by the BCCI liquidators over the little matter of $397,000 owed to the rogue bank. Since 1994 the liquidators had been seeking repayment of this money under a guarantee given by the prince for the overdraft of an offshore company, Colchest Corporation N.V. In an unusual response, Prince Fahd sought to offset against this debt money held at another BCCI branch in the name of one Esam Ghazzawi, claiming that this was his money. The court of appeal rejected this suggestion on the basis that it was unclear who owned what in the Ghazzawi accounts." Prince Fahd’s death five weeks before Ghazzami suddenly fled his Sarasota home, barely 6 weeks before 9/11 might not in itself be more than coincidence. However, the unfolding story takes a particularly sinister turn when one realizes that Faud’s older brother, Prince Ahmed bin Salman died almost exactly a year later (November 17, 1958 – July 22, 2002), and his death has been labeled the first of a series of post-9/11 U.S. targeted killings of prominent figures identified as having had leading roles in the attacks. In his 2003 book Why America Slept, author Gerald Posner writes that Prince Ahmed bin Salman had had ties to al-Qaeda and had advance knowledge of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States. When 9/11 figure Abu Zubaydeh was captured, Posner claims that he revealed to American interrogators the identity of a number of top al-Qaeda backers, including Prince Ahmed, and the head of the Pakistani Air Force, who died with his family and closest aides in a February 2003 mid-air transport plane explosion. To the timeline of events leading up to 9/11, including the 08/30/2001 flight of Ghazzawi and his family, we must now add the death five weeks earlier of Prince Faud and the death almost a year to the day of his older brother, Prince Ahmed. Their father is a co-director of the Saudi intelligence service along with Prince Turki bin Faisal, who suddenly resigned his 25 year commission as the Director of the Saudi General Intelligence agency and departed his long-time post in Washington suddenly on September 4, 2001. That is another important date that should put on anyone’s 9/11 timeline. It is now past time for the redacted material in the 9/11 Report about Saudi al-Qaeda finance to be released, and the case reopened to examine new evidence. ### OOPS !! adnan khashoggi BCCI http://www.fas.org/i...cci/11intel.htm
  14. April 18, 2013 28 migrant workers working at a strawberry farm in Manolada, Greece have been shot because they demanded to get paid (how dare they !!,Gaal), after six months of unpaid work 28 migrant workers working at a strawberry production farm in Manolada, Greece were shot because they demanded to get paid, after six months of unpaid work. According to the press reports, there were no fatal injuries among the Bangladeshi workers. New Manolada is in Peloponnese and according to Greek daily Kathimerini the farm owners have a history in abusing migrants. The incident occurred when approximately 200 workers demanded six months’ worth of unpaid wages from their employer. According to ilialive.gr the representatives of the farm owner informed the migrant workers that they are not going to get paid and they demanded from them to get back to work. Then the strawberry pickers became involved in an argument with three Greek supervisors. According to the police, one of the supervisors opened fire and injured 28 migrant workers. The farm owner was arrested but the three supervisors were being sought. However, the police claim to know the identity of the man who opened fire. According to Kathimerini, Manolada has been at the center of cases involving violence against migrant workers a number of times in recent years. Last year, two Greek men were arrested for beating a 30-year-old Egyptian, jamming his head in the window of a car door and dragging him for around one kilometer. Back in 2008, workers on farms in New Manolada went on a four-day strike to protest against the low wages and the poor living conditions. According to enet, several thousand migrant workers (many of them reportedly undocumented) are employed as strawberry pickers in New Manolada. Back in 2008, the government had ordered a labour inspection to stop the abuse.
  15. The Boston Bombings in Context: How the FBI Fosters, Funds and Equips American Terrorists By James Corbett Global Research, April 17, 2013 GRTV ============================== The Boston Marathon bombing has provoked shock, grief and outrage from around the world. After decades of conditioning, the public automatically equates such terrorism with Muslim radicals. But the evidence shows that every major terror plot on American soil in the past 10 years has been fostered, funded and equipped by one organization: the FBI. People around the world watched in horror this week as explosions rocked the finish line of the Boston Marathon, turning a day of sportsmanship and celebration into one of shock, grief and outrage. As with all such events, the desire to discover who was behind this cowardly act has driven many into a speculative frenzy. And, in a sad reminder of the indoctrination that the Western world has been under for over a decade now in the mythical “war of terror,” it did not take long at all before the collective finger of the mob was pointed squarely in the direction of Muslim terrorists. Like this video? Visit our YouTube channel and click the “Subscribe” link to get the latest videos from Global Research! Within hours of the blast, fear spread throughout the international Muslim community that the bombing would be connected to an Islamist extremist. A Libyan Twitter user touched a nerve—and received thousands of retweets and worldwide media coverage—by tweeting “Please don’t be a ‘Muslim.’” The backlash began shortly thereafter, with the New York Post falsely implying that a Saudi national was being questioned for his possible role in the attack. The next day, a plane departing Boston Logan Airport returned to the gate and two passengers were forcibly removed because they had been overheard speaking Arabic before takeoff. As data continues to pour in regarding the bombing and who may be behind it, it is instructive to take a moment to step back and consider this knee-jerk tendency to conclude that this is the work of Islamic radicals. In the minds of millions of Americans, bombs targeting innocents on US soil are inextricably linked with the image of the bearded, turban-wearing boogeyman that has become the shorthand for evil in this age of terror. This association is not only incorrect, it is dangerously incorrect because it signally fails to identify the one unifying thread between all of the recent terror plots in the US. Lurking behind the shadowy armies of would-be jihadis in the popular imagination is the sober reality that every single major terror bust in the United States since 9/11 has sourced back to the same group, a single entity that has in every single case funded, equipped and even incited the would-be terrorists into action: the FBI. In 2005, federal prosecutors charged Michael Reynolds, a 47 year old drifter living with his elderly mother, of attempting to wage jihad on the US by blowing up fuel facilities. In reality, his plan for jihad was little more than a series of conversations he had on a Yahoo! Chat room with a US judge posing as a militant. He was arrested after agreeing to meet with an FBI informant who had promised him $40,000 for his cause, and two months later the FBI quietly announced he was likely mentally ill. He was eventually convicted and is curently serving 25 years in jail. In 2007 the so-called “Fort Dix Six” were nabbed in a much-hyped FBI terror bust after allegedly hatching a plan to attack a US military base and kill the soldiers there. At the time, a 26-page indictment revealed that the group had “no rigorous military training” and “did not appear close to being able to pull off an attack.” The next year it was revealed that the FBI informant who had infiltrated the group had in fact offered to organize the members and lead the plot itself. In 2009 the Newburgh Four were arrested for an alleged plot to blow up synagogues and shoot down military airplanes in Newburgh, New York. The group was a ragtag bunch of poor black men, at least one of whom was mentally unstable and stored his own urine in jars around his apartment. The group’s fifth member, Shahad Hussein, turned out to be an FBI informant who had promised the members hundreds of thousands of dollars to carry out the plot. In sentencing the defendants, Federal Judge Colleen McMahon said: “[The government] created acts of terrorism out of [the defendant's] fantasies of bravado and bigotry, and then made those fantasies come true. The government did not have to infiltrate and foil some nefarious plot – there was no nefarious plot to foil.” In November 2010 the FBI busted the so-called Portland Christmas Tree Bomber, who was allegedly attempting to bomb the lighting ceremony at Portland’s Pioneer Courthouse Square. “The threat was very real,” the FBI intoned at the time. “Our investigation shows that Mohamud was absolutely committed to carrying out an attack on a very grand scale.” The alleged bomber, Arthur Balizan, turned out to be a teenager who bragged to undercover agents that he could get a gun because he was a “rapper” and wrote an article on workout tips for jihadis. In 2011 the FBI arrested a man that they themselves had supplied with a remote controlled plane and C4 explosives in a harebrained attempt to bomb the Pentagon. In 2012 they busted another would-be jihadi that they again had supplied with a fake gun and suicide vest. Also in 2012 the FBI busted a group of five “anarchists” who were allegedly going to bomb a bridge in the Cleveland area, although it was quietly admitted that the FBI informant who had infiltrated the group had in fact initiated the contact with them and been present at the meetings where they developed the plan to blow up the bridge. One of the most ridiculous examples of this pattern dates back to 2006, when the DOJ attempted to make it seem as if they had just nabbed a group of dangerous jihadis who were preparing a full ground war against the United States. The picture that is painted by these facts is as overwhelming as it is difficult for much of the public to comprehend. The conclusion, nevertheless, is incontrovertible: that without the FBI, many of the so-called “terrorist cells” that have been hatching their inept, bumbling schemes against the United States for decades might never have existed at all. Despite what many would believe, this conclusion is not even controversial. Rather, it has been backed up time and again by in the official record and multiply to by FBI insiders and whistleblowers themselves.Given all of this damning history and insider whistleblowing, it is vital that the Western public break out of their media-induced programming and question the core assumptions of the war on terror paradigm that we have been programmed with for decades now. If there is to be speculation at all over events like these, and if there is any group that has to present a thoroughgoing case for why it is NOT responsible for this atrocity, surely it is the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Having been at the heart of so many terror plots in the past, both the hilariously inept and the chillingly successful, how could the public refuse to even interrogate the organization that has the most to answer for? The simple fact of the matter is that the history of the modern age of terrorism has proven time and again that the FBI is the prime suspect in any terrorist atrocity that takes place on American soil. Let us all keep this in mind as the details of the investigations into this (and all other) American terrorist incidents begins to emerge.
  16. ALL AROUND THE GLOBE CORRUPTION IN BANKING ............Gaal Senior R.B.S. Executive in Japan Expected to Resign in Libor Scandal dealbooknytimes 4/11/13 By MARK SCOTT Peter Macdiarmid/Getty ImagesJapanese authorities are seeking to punish Royal Bank of Scotland over its role in manipulating benchmark rates. LONDON – A senior executive at the Royal Bank of Scotland’s Japanese investment banking unit is expected to resign in the wake of a rate-rigging scandal, according to a person with direct knowledge of the matter. Ryusuke Otani, chief executive of RBS Securities Japan, will probably step down by the end of the week, added the person, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly. The resignation of Mr. Otani, a former Citigroup banker, follows moves by Japanese authorities to punish Royal Bank of Scotland over its role in the manipulation of the London interbank offered rate, or Libor. The Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission of Japan asked local regulators last week to issue a so-called administrative action against R.B.S., which is based in Edinburgh, after some of its traders attempted to alter a key benchmark rate for financial gain. The Royal Bank of Scotland, in which the government holds a stake of about 81 percent after providing a bailout during the financial crisis, reached a $612 million settlement in February with American and British authorities in connection with the Libor scandal. As part of the agreement, the firm’s Japanese unit was required to plead guilty to criminal wrongdoing. Global authorities already have fined three banks – Barclays, UBS and Royal Bank of Scotland – a collective $2.6 billion for their roles in the manipulation of Libor. Other major financial institutions, including Citigroup and Deutsche Bank, are still under investigation in the rate-rigging scandal, which affected complex financial products worth trillions of dollars. In the latest regulatory action against Royal Bank of Scotland, Japanese authorities said on April 5 that some of the firm’s traders had tried to profit from altering rate submissions to yen Libor from 2006 to 2010. The British bank also was sanctioned for failing to spot the wrongdoing over the five-year period. Japanese regulators have taken similar steps against UBS and Citigroup after investigations found that some of the banks’ traders had attempted to manipulate key benchmark rates in the country. Royal Bank of Scotland’s chief executive, Stephen Hester, apologized in February for the bank’s role in the scandal, adding that six people had been fired because of their role in manipulating rates. An additional eight bankers left before the wrongdoing was discovered, while six other individuals have been disciplined but remain with the bank. A derivatives trader, Simon Green, was fired last month in connection to the Libor scandal, according to a person with direct knowledge of the matter. A spokesman for Royal Bank of Scotland declined to comment.
  17. ++++++++++++++++ RELATED ?? jobs jobs jobs ?? http://www.infowars....ious-backpacks/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ UPDATE 4/18/12:11 PM http://www.thecraft.com/
  18. AUSTERITY BACKED UP BY FAULTY RESEARCH,Gaal How Much Unemployment Did Reinhart and Rogoff's Arithmetic Mistake Cause? http://www.truth-out...c-mistake-cause ################################### ALSO SEE Krugman: Holy Coding Error, Batman! Short version: Two of the most cited pillars of the empirical case for deficit panic turn out to have reached their conclusions only through programing errors and improper data categorization. Personal observation: A study that supports conventional wisdom tends not to be questioned very hard, even when wrong. I expect that these two papers, central to the 'serious' case for austerity, will continue to be cited, despite their non-reproducible results, because their proponents need them to be right. They are the fig-leaf for what is really ideology not inquiry, and no matter how full of holes the leaf gets it still looks better than going naked. Holy Coding Error, Batman! Paul Krugman April 16, 2013, 1:38 pm The intellectual edifice of austerity economics rests largely on two academic papers that were seized on by policy makers, without ever having been properly vetted, because they said what the Very Serious People wanted to hear. One was Alesina/Ardagna on the macroeconomic effects of austerity, which immediately became exhibit A for those who wanted to believe in expansionary austerity. Unfortunately, even aside from the paper’s failure to distinguish between episodes in which monetary policy was available and those in which it wasn’t, it turned out that their approach to measuring austerity was all wrong; when the IMF used a measure that tracked actual policy, it turned out that contractionary policy was contractionary. The other paper, which has had immense influence — largely because in the VSP world it is taken to have established a definitive result — was Reinhart/Rogoff on the negative effects of debt on growth. Very quickly, everyone “knew” that terrible things happen when debt passes 90 percent of GDP. Some of us never bought it, arguing that the observed correlation between debt and growth probably reflected reverse causation. But even I never dreamed that a large part of the alleged result might reflect nothing more profound than bad arithmetic. But it seems that this is just what happened. Mike Konczal has a good summary of a review by Herndon, Ash, and Pollin. According to the review paper, R-R mysteriously excluded data on some high-debt countries with decent growth immediately after World War II, which would have greatly weakened their result; they used an eccentric weighting scheme in which a single year of bad growth in one high-debt country counts as much as multiple years of good growth in another high-debt country; and they dropped a whole bunch of additional data through a simple coding error.... http://www.nextnewdeal.net/rortybomb/researchers-finally-replicated-reinhart-rogoff-and-there-are-serious-problems http://www.peri.umass.edu/fileadmin/pdf/working_papers/working_papers_301-350/WP322.pdf ___ http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/04/16/holy-coding-error-batman/
  19. LEFTY OBAMA ?? Obama Joins the Club Monday, 15 April 2013 10:26 By William Rivers Pitt TRUTHOUT President Barack Obama and Jeffrey Zients, acting director of the Office of Management and Budget, during a news conference about Obama's budget proposal in the Rose Garden at the White House, in Washington, April 10, 2013. (Photo: Christopher Gregory / The New York Times) I spent the week trying to think of new and novel ways to call the president stupid for putting a Social Security benefit cut into his budget, because coughing up this Chained CPI thing raced into the Unforced Political Errors Hall Of Fame so fast it left skid marks and smoke, and is currently jostling elbows with Nixon firing Archie Cox and Clinton offering the intern a cigar for the marquee spot at the top of the list. Think I'm exaggerating? Serving up a cut to Social Security benefits - and it is a cut, no matter what the Smart People tell you - was galactically stupid from a tactical perspective. Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR), the anointed mouthpiece for the GOP's House re-election campaign, has already called the president's budget a "shocking attack," and accused the White House of "trying to balance this budget on the backs of seniors." Get ready for a lot more of that. Never mind the hypocrisy of Republicans attacking the president for doing exactly what they wanted him to do - a comprehensive lack of shame is, after all, the GOP's greatest political strength - and remember the 2010 midterm elections, when the Republicans ran a very similar game against Obama regarding Medicare and very nearly took over all of Congress. Every Democrat running for re-election in 2014 will have this stinking dead albatross hanging around their neck, and the smart ones are already putting daylight between themselves and the White House. Feature this response to the president's budget proposal from Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN): "They cannot lay that dead cat at our door. I don't know how it's going to affect the president's brand, but it would be completely unfair to affect the House Democratic Caucus brand, because we had nothing to do with it and most of us are affirmatively and explicitly against it." If you're in the business of getting anyone with a (D) after their name elected in 2014, it's time to start stocking up on canned goods and survival gear when an excellent Democrat like Keith Ellison gets to talking about dead cats and "the president's brand" in the same breath. The rest of us get to spend the coming election cycle watching this communication -deficient administration try to square that circle with seniors who will already be terrified by the GOP's blistering message campaign. The best answer the White House will be able to conjure is, "Yeah, cutting Social Security benefits was in our budget, but we didn't really mean it, it was only a negotiating tactic, trust us." Quiz: which political demographic shows up in great numbers for mid-term elections? Answer: seniors. Do the math. The single biggest impediment to this administration's agenda is the Republican majority in the House of Representatives, and with this budget proposal, President Obama obliterated any chance the Democrats have of reclaiming that chamber at a time when the Republican Party is very publicly flying apart at the seams. An opportunity of historic proportions was available here - not just in this election cycle, but in the next one, and the one after that - to beat back the madness of these deliberately destructive conservatives at a time when they are falling upon each other like sharks in a blood pool. All Mr. Obama had to do was hold his coalition together, a task easily within his means. Instead, he threw a live hand grenade at his own people. A Democratic president has put Social Security on the negotiating table. The fact of it is offensive in itself, whether or not this budget ever sees the light of day. Rank-and-file Democrats are astonished at this turn of events; it is a profound betrayal from a president who was re-elected on the promise to defend that which he now offers as fodder in a deficit debate that should not include Social Security to begin with. See, all the "responsible" people in Washington DC and the "news" media push very hard on the idea that working people have to eat cuts to the benefits they've already paid for, because these responsible people think that is the only responsible way to be responsible about the deficit. William Greider explains why that whole argument is howling nonsense: Again and again, self-righteous critics have portrayed Social Security as the profligate monster borrowing from the Treasury and sucking the life out of federal government. Guess what? It's the other way around. The federal government borrows from Social Security. The Treasury has been borrowing from the Social Security Trust Fund for 30 years, and the debt to Social Security beneficiaries now totals nearly $3 trillion. The day is approaching when that money will be needed for its original purpose: paying Social Security benefits to the working people who contributed to the fund. That is the real crisis that makes the financial barons and their media collaborators so anxious to cut Social Security benefits. They would like to get out of repaying the debt-that is, giving the money back to the people who earned it. The only way to do this is cut the benefits-over and over again. Count on it. If the president and Congress succeed in this malicious scheme, they will come back again and again to cut more and more. Mr. Obama has, finally and forever, joined the club. He has sided with the people who stole the Social Security trust, and who now argue that the only "responsible" thing to do is to make old, sick people pay the freight for that theft. They don't want to pay back what they took, and the president has chosen to play their game. He did not have to do this - indeed, he was elected twice on the promise to defend what he now begs to give away - but he did it anyway, and in doing so, he sold out the people who put him where he is. A lot of people still think George W. Bush was stupid, and a failure as president. All he did was translate billions of taxpayer dollars into the bank accounts of his friends by way of tax cuts and war profiteering. He was not stupid. In fact, one can argue that, according to the metrics of those he most closely represented, Mr. Bush was the most successful president in American history. Mr. Obama is not stupid, either. It was no mistake, and according to the metrics of those Mr. Obama most closely represents, this will also be considered a success. The final attack on Social Security has begun, and it was a Democratic president who struck the blow. Even if his budget goes nowhere, or is voted down by his fellow Democrats, the deed is done. Disgraceful.
  20. Google and VIDEO PLAYER DOWN FOR COLBY TSK TSK =========== Video says only hand guns inside with shooter. Colby will say FOG of reporting. More like first reports good before idea to add to story. COLBY+++++++++++++++++++++++++ RECHARGE BUTTON SAVES GAAL FULL, THIS JUST IN Mainstream Media: New Information ‘No Assault Riffle Used In Sandy Hook School Shooting’ http://intellihub.co...chool-shooting/ ############### BTW I NEVER SAID IT WAS A BLACK OP ,THATS COLBY SAYING I WAS SAYING THAT. HE ENJOYS PUTTING THINGS IN PEOPLES MOUTH'S I GUESS. I COMMENTED ON REPORTING,please reread anything I wrote in this post about black-op .YOU WONT FIND IT. I WAS SUGGESTING A AR-15 wasnt used.....maybe I was write ehh??
  21. FBI found direct ties between 9/11 hijackers and Saudis living in Florida; Congress kept in dark By Anthony Summers and Dan Christensen, BrowardBulldog.org United Airlines Flight 175 hits the World Trade Center's south tower Just two weeks before the 9/11 hijackers slammed into the Pentagon and World Trade Center, members of a Saudi family abruptly left their luxury home near Sarasota, leaving a brand new car in the driveway, a refrigerator full of food, fruit on the counter — and an open safe in the master bedroom. In the weeks to follow, law enforcement agents not only discovered the home was visited by vehicles used by the hijackers, but phone calls were linked between the home and those who carried out the death flights — including leader Mohamed Atta — in discoveries never before revealed to the public. Ten years after the deadliest attack of terrorism on U.S. soil, new information has emerged that shows the FBI found troubling ties between the hijackers and residents in the upscale community in southwest Florida, but the investigation wasn’t reported to Congress or mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report. Former U.S. Sen. Bob Graham, the Florida Democrat who cochaired the bipartisan congressional Joint Inquiry into the attacks, said he should have been told about the findings, saying it “opens the door to a new chapter of investigation as to the depth of the Saudi role in 9/11. … No information relative to the named people in Sarasota was disclosed.” The U.S. Justice Department, the lead agency that investigated the attacks, refused to comment, saying it will discuss only information already released. The Saudi residents then living at the stylish home, Abdulazzi al-Hiijjii and his wife Anoud, could not be reached, nor could the then owner of the house, Esam Ghazzawi, who is Anoud’s father. The house was sold in 2003, records show. GRAHAM HAS QUESTIONS For Graham, who served as Florida’s governor from 1979 to 1987, the connections between the hijackers and residents raise questions about whether other Saudi nationals in Florida knew of the impending attacks, which killed nearly 3,000 people. The FBI investigation began the month after 9/11 when Larry Berberich, senior administrator and security officer of the gated community known as Prestancia, reported a bizarre event that took place two weeks before the hijackings of four passenger jets that originated in Boston, Newark and Washington. The couple, living with their small children at the three-bedroom home at 4224 Escondito Circle, had left in a hurry in a white van, probably on Aug. 30. They abandoned three recently registered vehicles, including a brand-new Chrysler PT Cruiser, in the garage and driveway. After 9/11, Berberich said he had “a gut feeling” the people at the home may have had something to do with the attacks, prompting the FBI’s probe that would eventually link the hijackers to the house. As an advisor to the Sarasota County sheriff — Berberich was with the group that received President Bush during his aborted visit to a Sarasota school on the morning of 9/11. He alerted sheriff’s deputies. Patrick Gallagher, one of the Saudis’ neighbors, had become suspicious even earlier, and had fired off an email to the FBI on the day of the attacks. Gallagher said law enforcement officers arrived and began an investigation, with agents swarming “all over the place, in their blue jackets,” he recalled. Jone Weist, president of the group that managed Prestancia, confirmed the arrival of the FBI, which requested copies of the Saudis’ financial transactions involving the house. SIGNS OF A FAST EXIT Berberich and a senior counterterrorism agent said they were able to get into the abandoned house, ultimately finding “there was mail on the table, dirty diapers in one of the bathrooms … all the toiletries still in place … all their clothes hanging in the closet … TVs … opulent furniture, equal or greater in value than the house … the pool running, with toys in it.” “The beds were made … fruit on the counter … the refrigerator full of food. … It was like they went grocery shopping. Like they went out to a movie … [but] the safe was open in the master bedroom, with nothing in it, not a paper clip. … A computer was still there. A computer plug in another room, and the line still there. Looked like they’d taken [another] computer and left the cord.” The counterterrorism officer, who requested his name not be disclosed, said agents went on to make troubling discoveries: Phone records and the Prestancia gate records linked the house on Escondito Circle to the hijackers. In addition, three of the four future hijackers had lived in Venice — just 10 miles from the house — for much of the year before 9/11. Atta, the leader, and his companion Marwan al-Shehhi, had been learning to fly small airplanes at Huffman Aviation, a flight school on the edge of the runway at Venice Municipal Airport. A block away, at Florida Flight Training, accomplice Ziad Jarrah was also taking flying lessons. All three obtained their pilot licenses and afterwards, in the months that led to 9/11, spent much of their time traveling the state, including stints in Hollywood, Fort Lauderdale and Delray Beach, among other areas. The counterterrorism agent said records of incoming and outgoing calls made at the Escondito house were obtained from the phone company under subpoena. Agents were able to conduct a link analysis, a system of tracking calls based on dates, times and length of conversations — finding the Escondito calls dating back more than a year, “lined up with the known suspects.” The links were not only to Atta and his hijack pilots, the agent said, but to 11 other terrorist suspects, including Walid al-Shehhri, one of the men who flew with Atta on the first plane to strike the World Trade Center. Another was Adnan Shukrijumah, a former Miramar resident identified as having been with Atta in the spring of 2001. Shukrijumah is still at large and is on the FBI’s Most Wanted list. But it was the gate records at the Prestancia development that produced the most telltale information. People who arrived by car had to give their names and the home’s address they were visiting. Gate staff would sometimes ask to see a driver’s license and note the name, said Berberich. LICENSE PLATES PHOTOGRAPHED More importantly, he added, the license plates of cars pulling through the gate were photographed. Atta is known to have used variations of his name, but the license plate of the car he owned was on record. The vehicle and name information on Atta and Jarrah fit that of drivers entering Prestancia on their way to visit the home at 4224 Escondito Circle, said Berberich and the counterterrorism officer. Sarasota County property records identify the owners of the house at the time as Ghazzawi and his American-born wife Deborah, both with a post office box in al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia, and another address in the capital, Riyadh. Ghazzawi was described as a middle-aged financier and interior designer, the owner of many properties, including several in the United States, said the counterterrorism agent. While Ghazzawi visited the house, the people living there were his daughter Anoud and her husband al-Hiijjii, who appeared to be in his 30s and once identified himself as a college student, said Berberich, who met the son-in-law. The couple’s sudden departure two weeks before 9/11 was tracked in detail by the FBI after the attacks, the counterterrorism agent said. First, they traveled to a Ghazzawi property in Arlington, Va., then — with Esam Ghazzawi — via Dulles airport and London’s Heathrow, to Riyadh. The counterterrorism agent said Ghazzawi and al-Hiijjii had been on a watch list at the FBI and that a U.S. agency involved in tracking terrorist funds was interested in both men even before 9/11. “464 was Ghazzawi’s number,” the officer said. “I don’t remember the other man’s number.” About a year after the family abandoned the home, the FBI made an attempt to lure the owner back. Scott McKay, a Sarasota lawyer for the Prestancia homeowners’ association in its claim for unpaid dues on the property, said the FBI tried to get him to bring the Saudis back for the transaction. “They didn’t say you must do this. It was more like, ‘But we’d really, really like you to make this happen,’” said McKay said. McKay said he tried to get the Ghazzawis to sign the necessary documents in person, but the ploy failed because the documents could legally be signed elsewhere using a notary. Records show Ghazzawi’s signature was notarized by the vice consul of the U.S. embassy in Lebanon in September 2003. Deborah Ghazzawi’s signature was notarized in Riverside County, Calif. CONGRESSIONAL INQUIRY KEPT IN DARK Former Florida U.S. Senator Bob Graham During an interview on Sunday, Graham said he was surprised he wasn’t told about the probe when he was co-chair of Congress’ Joint Inquiry into 9/11 — even though he was especially alert to terrorist information relating to Florida. “At the beginning of the investigation,” he said, “each of the intelligence agencies, including the FBI, was asked to provide all information that agency possessed in relation to 9/11.” The fact that the FBI did not tell the Inquiry about the Florida discoveries, Graham says, is similar to the agency’s failure to provide information linking members of the 9/11 terrorist team to other Saudis in California until congressional investigators discovered it themselves. The Inquiry did nevertheless accumulate a “very large” file on the hijackers in the United States, and later turned it over to the 9/11 Commission. “They did very little with it,” Graham said, “and their reference to Saudi Arabia is almost cryptic sometimes. … I never got a good answer as to why they did not pursue that.” The final 28-page section of the Inquiry’s report, which deals with “sources of foreign support for some of the Sept. 11 hijackers,” was entirely blanked out. It was kept secret from the public on the orders of former President George W. Bush and is still withheld to this day, Graham said. This in spite of the fact that Graham and his Republican counterpart, U.S. Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, both concluded the release of the pages would not endanger national security. The grounds for suppressing the material, Graham believes, were “protection of the Saudis from embarrassment, protection of the administration from political embarrassment … some of the unknowns, some of the secrets of 9/11.” Anthony Summers is co-author of The Eleventh Day: The Full Story of 9/11 and Osama bin Laden, published last month by Ballantine Books, an imprint of Random House. Dan Christensen is the editor of the Broward Bulldog.
  22. US-Backed FSA Rebels Decapitate & Grill Victim April 16th, 2013 Another example of Obama supporting bloodthirsty terrorists in Syria (PaulWatson) – A gruesome new photograph has emerged of US-backed FSA rebels grilling a decapitated head of one of their victims, another chilling example of how the Obama administration is supporting bloodthirsty terrorists in Syria. The photo is too graphic to show uncensored in this article, but a non-blurred version can be seen here. According to SyriaNews.cc, “On Thursday, 11 April 2013, a Syrian Army helicopter transporting food supplies to villages and Army units besieged around Maarat Noman city in Idleb province when it was attacked by NATO’s best assets Al-Qaeda FSA terrorists not with chants of course calling for a better election law, but with latest weapons provided covertly and openly by their sponsors, and the plane was downed. On board 8 officers and soldiers, the terrorists rushed to the site of the downed helicopter, decapitated the pilots then GRILLED them.” The story is not hard to believe given that it fits with the pattern of atrocities committed by US-backed rebels throughout the conflict. Although the Obama administration has tried to portray the extremist elements in Syria as a minority, the opposite is in fact true. Jabhat al-Nusra, a militant organization which killed US troops in Iraq, was declared a terrorist organization by the United States back in December and yet almost immediately the rest of the so-called “moderate” FSA groups pledged their allegiance to the Al-Qaeda group. According to numerous reports, far from playing a bit part in the conflict, Jabhat al-Nusra is “essential to the frontline operations of the rebels fighting to topple Assad,” and the group conducts “the heaviest frontline fighting” in Syria. Innumerable videos and photos depicting FSA rebels committing atrocities, including beheadings, forcing prisoners to become suicide bombers, and ransacking Christian churches, have all emerged with virtually zero coverage from the mainstream media, which instead has focused entirely on the narrative that the Assad regime is indiscriminately killing innocent civilians. The Obama administration has remained steadfast in its support for the rebels, sending over half a billion dollars to extremists who have been caught on tape burning US flags, and singing the praises of Osama Bin Laden while glorifying the 9/11 attacks.Not only have Syrian civilians and members of the Syrian Army fell victim to the FSA’s war crimes, but now women and teenage girls are being trafficked to the country to service the sexual needs of FSA fighters. As we reported last week, Islamic clerics are issuing fatwas permitting Syrian rebels to rape women and girls as young as 14 years old as part of a “sexual jihad”. The video below shows the aftermath of the helicopter crash on April 11, including the dead pilot before he was decapitated. The most recent example of FSA rebels beheading a victim can be seen in the video below, but should not be watched by those of a nervous disposition. Related posts: US-Backed Rebels Beat, Humiliate Old Man; YouTube Censors Video Nearly 1 in 10 Syrian Rebels Are Now Terrorists In The Eyes Of The US Video: Syrian Rebels Try to Shoot Down Commercial Airliner Your Tax Dollars Fueling ‘Al Qaeda’ Syrian Rebels Praise OBL Video: Syrian Rebels Make Child Behead Prisoner US-Backed Syrian Opposition Demands Support for Al Qaeda Syrian Rebels Caught on Tape Discussing Chemical Weapons Attack Lebanon’s Western-Backed “Future Movement” Caught Smuggling Weapons & Terrorists into Syria **************************** IF YOU ARE CURIOUS PUT IN GOOGLE FSA child decapitates Teach a man to fish and he will never go hungry. Teach a child to decapitate and you will have a assassin for life. (thank you CIA)
  23. 10 IRREFUTABLE evidence that GMO can harm you http://www.seattleor...-harms-dangers/ ################################ CHINA/RUSSIA BOTH SKEPTICAL ON GMO FOOD ################################ China Adds Genetically Modified Rice to the List of Rejected GMOs by Andre Evans February 2nd, 2012 Updated 11/06/2012 at 12:35 As awareness of genetically modified food and the dangers associated increase, actions are being taken to eliminate the issue entirely. With countries destroying their GMO crops, scientists showing the facts, and individuals voicing their discontent on the matter, there is a large and growing contingent across countries that are taking action to preserve the integrity of our food supply. China is the latest nation to take a stand against GMO crops, rejecting genetically modified rice. China Rejects Genetically Modified Rice China recently suspended the distribution of genetically modified rice within its commercial food supplies. Rice, being perhaps the most common and prominently used food within Chinese diet makes its safety and reliability very significant. Acting as a staple food for over 1.3 billion Chinese people, any compromise to the integrity of their food supply should be accordingly assessed and acted against based upon the interests of the population. This action helps to preserve the sovereignty and safety of their food supply, something that largely must still be addressed in our own country. In the United States GMO foods are not only accepted by loose regulation standards, but are not even labeled appropriately. The dangers of GMO foods are so great that they are still not — and may never be — fully assessable. With a large number of documented negative effects on its consumers, GMO foods are a highly dangerous threat to individual health alone. If this weren’t enough, genetically engineered crops actually threaten the integrity of the food supply altogether by devastating the environment with powerful superweeds and mutant bugs. The nature of genetic engineering is so volatile that unless properly handled, the integrity of the entire world food supply could be ruined. No wonder China added genetically modified rice to the GMO rejection list. As such, any form of action that a government takes to prevent or eliminate GMOs from the equation is significant. Reassessing the nature and scale of the threat in light of new evidence should compel even more action in even momore locations around the world.
  24. No one disputes Saville was a pedophile, get back to use with evidence for the claims about “the Royals”. ++++++++++++++++++++++ IS Michael Shrimpton a credible source ?? British royal and political Establishment It is starting to get silly now and the arrest and questioning of major political and Establishment figures must take place in at least the next few weeks if the police investigation is to retain any public confidence. The evidence for a massive pedophile ring infesting the royal palaces, Downing Street and the Westminster Parliament is overwhelming and mounting by the week. The implications of the full truth being revealed can hardly be overstated - the devastating discrediting of the major political parties and the end of the monarchy. It would bring about a total public re-evaluation of everything they have believed about the country they live in and the forces that dictate its laws, direction and methods of operation. The same is true for much of the rest of the world because what I am about to describe is happening in every country - not least in the United States. The revelations about record-breaking pedophile and child procurer Jimmy Savile have exposed the former BBC ‘star entertainer’ as a purveyor of sheer evil on a scale that would challenge any imagination. Here are the cold and shocking numbers according to the police - and these are not even nearly the whole story: 450 people of both sexes have made complaints about Savile involving 28 police areas throughout the country and among them are 34 alleged rapes. The abuse spanned a period of 54 years between 1955 and 2009 when Savile was 82. The abuses happened to 23 children and young people on BBC premises, at 14 hospitals and at least one hospice. More than 70 per cent of his victims were under 18 and one was as young as eight. Metropolitan Police Commander Peter Spindler said that Savile’s crimes were 'vast, predatory and opportunistic' and he had effectively 'groomed the nation'. Sounds good, but I would not personally trust the Met’s investigation Operation Yewtree to pursue the full truth about Savile any more than I would have trusted him to produce the school nativity. Spindler added - ludicrously - that Savile used his celebrity to 'hide in plain sight'. Oh, no, no, no, mate. That will not do. Savile got away with it for 54 years because he was protected by the highest levels of the pedophile-Satanist-controlled British Establishment for whom he was procuring children. Lest we forget: Disc jockey Jimmy Savile was a very close friend of the royal family including Lord Louis Mountbatten, Prince Philip and Prince Charles from the 1960s until he died aged 84 in 2011. Savile was also a close friend of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher who ran one of the most pedophile-infiltrated administrations of modern times - yes and with all the competition, too. Now a new front is emerging to expose the ring’s sickening activities - the notorious Elm Guest House in Rocks Lane, south-west London. I have been on the trail of Elite pedophilia and Satanism on both sides of the Atlantic for two decades but I still shake my head at the same recurring names year after year in location after location. Names emerging from sources seeking to expose what happened at Rocks Lane have included a Thatcher cabinet minister who has come up so often it is extraordinary testimony to the Establishment’s ability to cover up that he is still at large and considered worthy of political influence. Another ‘Elm name’ familiar to me is Anthony Blunt who is alleged to have used the name 'Anthony Goldstein' when visiting Rocks Lane. Blunt was one of the infamous ‘Cambridge Five’ British Intelligence insiders who spied for Russia. Four of them were Blunt, Burgess, Maclean and Philby and the 'Fifth Man', never named, was Lord Victor Rothschild although there were actually more than five. And Blunt leads us once again to the British royal family… What David Icke has said since 1998 about pedophile and child killing Prime Minister Ted Heath is backed-up here by barrister Michael Shrimpton, an Intelligence and national security consultant, from his own contacts and inside experience: Prime Minister Ted Heath is Backed-Up here by Barrister Michael Shrimpton, an Intelligence and National Security Consultant, from His Own Contacts and Inside Experience The NSPCC’s Savile Dossier said the entertainer’s abuse ‘ simply beggared belief’ Michael Shrimpton says that Prime Minister Heath (1916-2005) was a pedophile who murdered his young boy victims or had others do it, often by throwing them into the sea after Heath had abused them on his yacht. The record-breaking pedophile and BBC 'star' Jimmy Savile supplied boys for Heath - many of them from the Jersey children's home, Haut de la Garenne, with the support of those who ran the home. Savile at Haut de la Garenne. These facts were covered up by Heath Cabinet Secretary John Hunt, Baron Hunt of Tanworth, who Shrimpton says was also a pedophile. Hunt was appointed by the Queen to be a Companion, Knight Commander and Knight Grand Cross of the British Order of chivalry known as the The Most Honorable Order of the Bath of which the Queen is the head and Prince Charles the Grand Master. Hunt was also given a Papal Knighthood by Pope John Paul II - so was Jimmy Savile who was also knighted by the Queen. Savile and Hunt were both given a Papal knighthood by the biggest child-abuse network on Planet Earth: the Roman Catholic Church (Church of Babylon relocated). Jimmy Savile was a close friend of Lord Mountbatten, Prince Philip and Prince Charles from the 1960s and this continued for decades AFTER the cover up of Heath's pedophilia and child murder in league with Savile. You mean they didn't KNOW? Is someone having a laugh? British Intelligence didn't know? Ditto. What's more... AFTER the Heath-Savile cover up, Savile became such a close friend of Heath's successor and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and her husband Denis that he was invited to be with them on New Year's Eve every year for more than a decade. Thatcher's government and circle of associates and aides was alive with pedophiles including Chester MP Peter Morrison, a close aide to Thatcher from 1975 to 1990. He was a notorious pedophile, well known to colleagues and the media, and yet Thatcher and her Cabinet and inner circle did NOTHING while he was abusing boys in North Wales children's homes and elsewhere. Anyone in that circle MUST have known. Thatcher minister Edwina Currie wrote in her published diaries: 'One appointment in the recent reshuffle has attracted a lot of gossip and could be very dangerous: Peter Morrison has become the PM’s PPS [Parliamentary Private Secretary]. Now he’s what they call a 'noted pederast', with a liking for young boys; he admitted as much to [Conservative Party chairman] Norman Tebbit when he became deputy chairman of the party but added' 'However, I’m very discreet' - and he must be! She [Thatcher] either knows and is taking a chance, or doesn’t; either way, it’s a really dumb move. [Conservative MP] Teresa Gorman told me this evening (in a taxi coming back from a drinks party at the BBC) that she inherited Morrison's (woman) agent, who claimed to have been offered money to keep quiet about his activities. It scares me as all the press know, and as we get closer to the election someone is going to make trouble, very close to her indeed.' Morrison with Thatcher I named Edward Heath as a serial pedophile and child killer in my book, The Biggest Secret, first published in 1998 - seven years before he died. I also named him and his Chancellor of the Exchequer Anthony Barber as practicing Satanists, as I did the leading members of the royal family. Heath was read what I said by an excuse for a 'journalist' days after publication and he did nothing because to do so would have had the truth exposed in court - as it would be now if anyone from the Thatcher cesspit wants a go. Michael Shrimpton mentions Barber in this interview as being in league with Heath and Cabinet Secretary Hunt. If Operation Fairbank, the police investigation into political and 'elite' pedophilia, does not make arrests of big political and royal names so they can be questioned under caution then it, too, will be shown to be a cover up given the evidence that mounts all the time. Michael Shrimpton goes on to talk about what he says happened to, the abducted little girl Madeleine McCann the assassination of Princess Diana the murder of weapons expert David Kelly who could have trashed the lies used to justify the Blair invasion of Iraq what he says was the murder of former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook I can’t confirm what he says about Madeleine or Cook but for sure I can with everything else with regard to Heath, Savile and the Conservative Party and government. Nor do I agree with all of his assumptions about who was behind it all, and certainly not that British Intelligence are the ‘good guys’. But it is very interesting information very much worth hearing. Michael Shrimpton is the author of the book, Spyhunter, which he’s apparently having trouble publishing in the UK. Read more on 'Jimmy Savile... Doorway to the Cesspit.'
  25. TL:DR What was the point of posting that in this thread? //END COLBY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ GEE I GAVE A PICTURE AT THE END FOR THE SLOW ONES TO ENCAPSULATE IDEA. Ye old thinking cap Orwellian SOCIETY BECAUSE ELITES WANT US SAFE AND LOVE US OR Orwellian SOCIETY BECAUSE ELITES FEAR REBELLION
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