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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. While technically releasable the scenario you propose is “Paranoid drivel with no basis in reality” // Colby +++++++++++++++++++++ Sunday at the Colby's YES ELITES LOVE ME YES ELITES LOVE ME YES ELITES LOVE ME THE NYT/WASHPO TELL ME SO Depopulation is a real philosophical idea held by numerous elites. This is shown in the starting posts of this long thread. +++++++++++++++++ Exactly, they don't seem to be spending a lot of money on this, thus there is no basis for your paranoid drivel. // Colby Reading comprehension and/or memory may be a problem for some. TWICE I STATED the key point is making orbit lift cheaper. If someone didnt catch that ,please rerread. Satellite to ground aiming/microwave technology are not new. I stated Drone science is already being funded. I also stated that funding on biologicals could be done in secret with NWO funds. (poor memory). Orbit Lift is now being funded (common knowledge). Only a small amount of seed money is need now to at this time to put together pieces already present. ####################################### I read that, which is why I asked (see above). Your comment is quite ironic since I have repeatedly caught you posting links and text “you havent [sic] read”or videos you haven't watched. The author doesn't agree with your 'experts' such schemes are inherently not economically viable. And presumably the owners of/investors in the private company disagree as well, how carefully did you read it? // COLBY ?? HUH THE SCIENTIST SAYS IT NOT ECONOMICAL . THE DREAMING PIE IN THE SKY INVESTORS NEED A REALITY CHECK. HOW IRONIC I have repeatedly caught you commenting on posting links and text “you havent [sic] read”or videos you haven't watched. YOU DISAGREE WITH MY INTERPRETATION AND THEN YOU SAY I DIDNT READ IT. PLEASE STOP THIS DISINGENUOS ARGUMENTITIVE LINE . I WONDER ARE YOU A FRAUD OR A FOOL ? I'LL GIVE YOU THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT AND THINK THE LATTER. (Gaal) FROM POST # 185 above In Summary I sense that people have a tendency to think space is easy. We have lots of satellites, we’ve gone to the Moon (remember that?!), we used to have a space shuttle program, and we have seen many movies and television shows set in space. But space is a very challenging environment, and it is extremely costly and difficult to deliver things there. If you go to the Fed-Ex site to get delivery costs, you immediately get hung up on not knowing the postal-code for space. Once in space, failures cannot be serviced. The usual mitigation strategy is redundancy, adding weight and cost. A space-based solar power system might sound very cool and futuristic, and it may seem at first blush an obvious answer to intermittency, but this comes at a big cost. Among the possibly unanticipated challenges: The gain over the a good location on the ground is only a factor of 3 (2.4× in summer, 4.2× in winter at 35° latitude). It’s almost as hard to get energy back to the ground as it is to get the equipment into space in the first place. The microwave link faces problems with transmission through the atmosphere, and also flirts with roasting ducks on the wing. Diffraction of the downlink beam, together with energy density limits, means that very large areas of the ground still need to be dedicated to energy collection. Traditional solar photovoltaics in good locations can accomplish much the same for much reduced cost, and with only a few times more land than the microwave link approach would demand. The installations will be serviceable and will last longer. Batteries seem an easier way to cover storage shortcomings than launching stuff to space. I did not even address solar thermal schemes in this post, which competes well with photovoltaics and can very naturally build in storage capability. I am left puzzled as to why we would want to take a harder, more expensive road to solar power. I think it is just not intuitive to most how difficult and expensive space is. And perhaps they think it’s very futuristic and cool to push our power generation out to space: it fits the preferred narrative about where we’re going. I don’t know—I’m just guessing. Astronomers frequently face this issue: should we build a telescope/observatory on the ground, or launch something into space? The prevailing wisdom is that if the science can be accomplished on the ground, then by golly you’d best do it that way. You’ll have the result sooner, at less expense, and with a greater chance of success. The lion’s share of astronomical advance is carried out from the ground. Space is reserved for those places where there is no other way. The atmosphere blocks many interesting wavelengths, creates turbulence that makes high-resolution imaging difficult, and produces variations in transmission that make it impossible to measure fluxes to high precision. The rotating Earth gets in the way of continuous observation of a single target for long periods. Some of the more exciting (an well-publicized) discoveries come from space missions, because these avenues are not generally available to us, increasing discovery potential. Space-based solar power contains little intrinsic advantage that we can get “only from space.” It looks like a wash at best, and the astronomers would say “don’t bother.” IN SUMMARY NOT ECONOMICAL GAAL ####################################### Quote The issue of space beams has been an idea knocked around for decades (even the NAZI may have looked into the idea). GAAL Get back to us with evidence the idea of using them as WMD's has been “knocked around”, then get back to us with evidence they could kill-off many people surreptitiously.// COLBY ========= Beam it down, Scotty Harvesting solar power in space, for use on Earth, comes a step closer to reality Jun 23rd 2011 THE idea of collecting solar energy in space and beaming it to Earth has been around for at least 70 years. In “Reason”, a short story by Isaac Asimov that was published in 1941, a space station transmits energy collected from the sun to various planets using microwave beams. The advantage of intercepting sunlight in space, instead of letting it find its own way through the atmosphere, is that so much gets absorbed by the air. By converting it to the right frequency first (one of the so-called windows in the atmosphere, in which little energy is absorbed) a space-based collector could, enthusiasts claim, yield on average five times as much power as one located on the ground. The disadvantage is cost. Launching and maintaining suitable satellites would be ludicrously expensive. But perhaps not, if the satellites were small and the customers specialised. Military expeditions, rescuers in disaster zones, remote desalination plants and scientific-research bases might be willing to pay for such power from the sky. And a research group based at the University of Surrey, in England, hopes that in a few years it will be possible to offer it to them. WOW how off can you Be !!!! ????? Are you a fool or a fraud ? I will give you the benefit of doubt on the matter and think the latter. (Gaal)
  2. http://www.activistp...ericans-as.html Sunday, April 7, 2013 Feds Identify 300,000 Americans as Terrorists Good explanation of above is that the DHS anticipates civil unrest for such an absurd wide net. THATS COMMON SENSE.
  3. It should have been clear from context I was talking about schemes to use satellites to produce solar energy how much is supposedly being spent on them? // COLBY ================== Gee SEED MONEY (NOT MUCH) DIDNT YOU READ POST # 187 ?? Seem you have a very bad habit on commenting on thing you havent read. FROM POST # 187 repeated below NASA Funding Satellite That Would Beam Solar Power Down to Earth Written by Megan Treacy on 17/04/12 NASA is providing Artemis Innovation Management Solutions with seed money to build a satellite that could collect solar energy and beam it back down to Earth. Harvesting solar energy from space has been talked about for a long time, but has been deemed too expensive or the technology just wasn't there. Now with former NASA engineer John Mankins at the helm, it looks like this concept is finally set to take off. The turning point for this technology is all due to the biomimetic design that Mankins came up with, which mimics how flower petals collect solar energy. The petals would be covered with small, thin-film mirrors that could be curved to direct sunlight to solar cells. The satellite would be positioned far enough away from the Earth so that it will never be in the dark. The energy collected would be converted into microwaves that could be beamed or broadcast back to Earth where electricity would be generated. The design allows for the use of small, lightweight mirrors and solar cells so that the satellite could be constructed and transported at a not-ridiculous cost. The potential for this technology is huge. The satellite could feasibly send a constant stream of microwaves because of its position -- possibly thousands of megawatts worth. That constant stream of unlimited energy would utlimately make any upfront costs totally negligible and could bring a huge leap in amount of renewable energy fed to the grid. Truly, this is the stuff that clean tech dreams **** are made of. The NASA funding is for a proof of concept study that could lead to a prototype being built if all checks out. That prototype would then be tested in near-Earth orbit and then, fingers crossed, full scale satellites would be built and launched. via Phys.org Images via John Mankins **** SELLING POINT (GAAL) Its ECO GOOD !! ITS ECO GOOD !! WE MUST HAVE IT !!!! ################################ Central Banks can make money digitally out of whole cloth if BIS goes along. (and the BIS is part of NWO scheme). GAAL Citations for both claims por favor // COLBY GOLLY I HAD THIS BELOW ON THE INTERNET THREAD (Poor memory ?? Gaal) see http://www.bilderberg.org/bis.htm ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (How about inject a phoney vaccine cure ?? Human I am from the government and here to help you. Please uncover your arm for saving injection......beep ) Gaal or (How about replace workers in dangerous areas after a depopulated world is created ?? beep !) Paranoid drivel with no basis in reality. //Colby ============================================== [*] Robots in the Medical Field www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/5a0e30/robots-in-medical-field/Cached Jan 16, 2012 – But what happens when you visit any hospital and you will find robots carrying first-aid trays going into private wards to give injections to the ... Fuzzy information processing and robotics research dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=800174.809789 You +1'd this publicly. Undoby PP Wang - 1982 It is perhaps not too far fetched to think of a robot with the “sensitivity” required to give injections to patients in a hospital. A robot might be programmed to roam ... A Novel Epicardial Crawling Robot for Myocardial Injections www.ri.cmu.edu › Research › Browse PublicationsCached The HeartLander miniature mobile robot has the ability to adhere to the epicardium, travel to the operative site, and perform intramyocardial injections under ... ############################ COLBY INTERNET HACK (see JUST ABOVE COLBY COMMENTS AND MY RESPONSE) WHAT CAN I SAY , HE SEEM ONLY TO HAVE THE ESTABLISHMENT REALITY .....WHICH CAN BE PURE FANTASY.
  4. HOW TO STOP THE BANKERS ?? JUST SAY NO !!!! (Gaal) ========================== Solution to the Debt Crisis in the European Union: Outstanding Debts are Illegitimate. They Must be Cancelled By Eric Toussaint and Marie Dufaux Global Research, April 06, 2013 CADTM ==================o0o====================== Eric Toussaint in Tunis: “The creditor’s must be disobeyed and their demands for reimbursement of illegitimate debt refused !” This is a historical moment. On 23 and 24 March 2013, a coalition of left secular Tunisian political parties (in which there are 11 political formations) organised a meeting of Mediterranean region progressive parties to call for the abolition of the odious and illegitimate debts of Northern and Southern Mediterranean countries. Two half-days of debate produced a final declaration and were followed by a grand public conference bringing together over one thousand people and all the strength of the left-wing groups united for a common cause. |1| Below are highlights of Eric Toussaint’s speech at this first Mediterranean coordination meeting against debt, austerity policies, and foreign domination, and for a free, united, democratic, social, solidarity-based, feminist, and environmentally responsible Mediterranean region. Eric Toussaint, President of CADTM Belgium stressed that this budding political alliance is the continuation of the struggle initiated by Thomas Sankara, President of Burkina Faso, who was assassinated on the 15 October 1987, after he called on the people of Africa and the rest of the World to unite in a common combat for the non-payment of the illegitimate debt. It also extends the struggle of the martyrs of the Arab Spring, including Chokry Belaid, assassinated on 6 February 2013, not to forget Ahmed Ben Bella, the first President of independent Algeria, who died in April 2012, |2| and who, towards the end of his life, had made the abolition of illegitimate debt one of his principal struggles. This new coordination is facing another major challenge. All too often, left-wing parties limit their engagement to a radical denouncement of illegitimate debt without giving the question further importance in their day to day public activities. Once they start to approach positions of power, some of them abandon their promises to put an end to illegitimate debt, and end up agreeing with the terms of repayment. Eric Toussaint presented the initial definition of odious debt as debt taken on by a dictatorial regime such as that of Ben Ali. According to international law, when such a regime falls, the part of the debt that is odious falls with it, and therefore should not in any case be repaid. Of course, we must often fight for international law to be respected. To achieve this goal, only a strong social movement can convince a government to suspend payments and repudiate odious debt. It is therefore essential to create a favourable balance of power in order to defy the creditors. Marie Dufaux Introduction Today, international law defines odious debt in terms of three criteria: |3| the non-consent of the people in the indebted state; the lack of advantages for the people in the indebted state; the creditors were aware that the loans they consented were not in the interest of the people and were not approved by them. The debt “owed” to the Troika (European Central Bank, European Commission and the IMF) by countries like Greece, Ireland, and Portugal should be denounced because it corresponds to these criteria: 1. The people in the countries concerned did not give their consent, and many governments elected on anti-austerity programmes bend to the will of the Troika once they are in power; 2. This debt is not favourable to the people, on the contrary, it is linked to violations of their economic, social, and civil rights (reductions in social services and wages, large scale lay-offs, difficulty in gaining access to health services and education, repeal of collective bargaining agreements, disregard for the democratic choices made by electors, legislative power that bows down to the executive); 3. The creditors (the Troika and bankers), know perfectly well that the loans they advance are not in the interest of the people, because they are made in order to pay off the debt and in exchange for drastic austerity measures. It is the Troika itself that imposes these violations of human rights and dictates its conditions to governments and parliaments of indebted countries. As for the governments that have come into power since 2011 after the dictators Ben Ali and Mubarak, they have themselves taken on new debt, which is much more to the advantage of the creditors than to the people. This is done to pay back the odious debts inherited from the previous dictatorial regimes and to pursue policies weakening their countries. Therefore, this new debt is also odious. Tunisia and Egypt are currently negotiating new arrangements with the IMF. |4| This is a fruitless process. If these loans are granted, they will be illegitimate for at least two reasons: they will be used to continue making repayments on inherited odious debt, and they will be linked to policies that are contrary to the interests of the people in these countries. Other elements that may make a debt illegitimate On the one hand, the debt may be the consequence of unjust fiscal policies. In real terms, states accord fiscal advantages to big (national and international) companies and the wealthiest households, this reduces tax revenues and deepens public budget deficits. These practices increase public debt, because the governments must again borrow in order to finance their budget. Debt taken on in these conditions is illegitimate to begin with because it is socially unjust. On the other hand, it may derive from bank bail-outs. Since 2007, governments of the most industrialised countries have flown to the assistance of private banks, that are responsible for the crisis, injecting billions of euros into their capital and/or providing other guarantees. Any debt taken on to finance these bail-outs is equally illegitimate. Creditors and governments maintain that debt must always be repaid without questioning its origins, even if they are illegitimate. Then they justify the imposition of anti-social austerity policies by insisting on the effort necessary to balance the budget. It is within this context that a growing percentage of the people in Mediterranean countries (and beyond) are rejecting the repayment of illegitimate debt. In some countries (Tunisia, Greece, Portugal, Spain, and France) citizens audits have been called for in order to identify the illegitimate part of public debt. They are seeking to establish how, why, and by whom the debt was taken on, and if it has really been used in the interest of the people. These citizens audit committees are seeking to convince as many people as possible that illegitimate debt must be repudiated. Saying “NO” to the Creditors It is possible and necessary to defy the International Financial Institutions and the Troika, to refuse the diktats of the private creditors in order to create leeway for improving the situation of a country and its people. As we can see in the following examples of several countries that have dared to say “No” to their creditors, it is worth being adamant. Argentina’s suspension of debt repayments At the end of December 2001, after three years of economic recession (1999 – 2001) and pressure from a massive popular rebellion that caused the fall of President De La Rua, Argentina decided to suspend payments, amounting to about $90 billion. This represented an important portion of its commercial debt. Part of the money freed up was reinvested in the social sector, particularly in benefits paid to unemployed ’Piqueteros’. Some would claim that the real reason why Argentina recovered as of 2003-2004 is only because of the increase in the prices of its exports. This affirmation is, however, false, because if Argentina had not suspended its debt repayments, the revenue from exports would have been swallowed up by them. The government would not have had the means necessary to stimulate economic activity. In addition, thanks to this suspension of payments that lasted until March 2005, Argentina was able to impose a 50% reduction of this debt on its creditors. The CADTM, as well as numerous social movements and leftist parties proposed to Argentina to abolish, not only the debt that concerned private creditors, but also the IMF and other public creditors. The Argentine government did not follow this recommendation. It is important to note that Argentina has also suspended payment of $6.5 billion to the Paris Club since 2001. So we see that twelve years later Argentina is still holding out against the Paris Club. In spite of the 44 law suits brought before the World Bank and recent threats of expulsion from the IMF, Buenos Aires maintains its position. Argentina has not borrowed on the financial markets since 2001, but the country continues to function! The Argentine experience must not be misinterpreted. It is not to be taken as an example, and we always need to adopt a frankly critical point of view. The Argentine government has maintained Argentina within the bounds of capitalism, no structural reforms have been undertaken, Argentine economic growth is largely based on the extraction and the exportation of primary products (genetically modified soya beans, ores,…). Nevertheless, what Argentina has demonstrated is that saying “No” to the creditors is possible. Elsewhere, an authentic left-wing government could go much further on the basis of this precedent. Ecuador: audit and suspension of payment Ecuador gives us another example. In July 2007, seven months after his election, the Ecuadorian President Raphael Correa decided to instigate an audit of the country’s debt and the conditions in which it was contracted. An audit commission, made up of 18 experts including the CADTM, was created for this purpose. Its final report was presented after 14 months of investigation. It showed in particular that numerous loans had been contracted in violation of basic rules. In November 2008, the new administration, on the basis of this report decided to suspend the repayment of bonds payable in 2012 and 2030. Finally, the government of this small country came out on top in the tussle with North American bankers and those holding Ecuadorian securities. It repurchased bonds for less than $1 billion, which had a nominal value of $3.2 billion. Public finance thus saved $2.2 billion dollars of debt stock to which must be added $200 million a year (between 2008 and 2030) in interest payments. This allowed the government to allocate more means to social projects in health, education, social assistance, and communication infrastructure development. The Ecuadorian constitution now prohibits private debt from being transformed into public debt and illegitimate debt from being contracted. |5| In addition, Ecuador no longer recognises the World Bank’s jurisdiction in international disputes court. It has rejected free trade treaty propositions from the US and UE. The Ecuadorian President has announced his intention to audit the current bi-lateral investment treaties. Finally, the Quito authorities have put an end to the US military presence on its territory. In the case of Ecuador, we must again be careful not to hold up this ongoing experience as a model to be emulated. Critical analysis remains indispensable. Nonetheless, the Ecuadorian audit and unilateral suspension of payments experience shows that saying “No” to creditors is perfectly possible, and there are advantages to be gained in terms of making more means available for public health, education, and other sectors. Iceland’: refusal to pay the demands made by the Netherlands and the UK After its banking system collapsed in 2008, Iceland refused to compensate the British and Dutch savers who had put deposits amounting to €3.9 billion into subsidiaries of Iceland’s failed private banks. The British and Dutch authorities covered the losses to their citizens and presented the bill to Iceland. Under popular pressure (demonstrations, occupations, and referendums), the Reykjavik authorities refused to pay. Britain put Iceland on its terrorist list, froze its assets and, in conjunction with the Netherlands, sued Iceland the EFTA court. |6| Meanwhile, Iceland has completely blocked the outflow of capital. In the end, Iceland is faring better than the other European countries that accepted the conditions imposed by creditors. Here again we must not present Iceland as a model to be imitated, but learn from its experience. These examples demonstrate that saying “NO” to creditors leads neither to catastrophe nor to the collapse of a country. We must also recall that these experiences were preceded or accompanied by a popular movement that put pressure on the governments concerned. It is therefore important, as Eric Toussaint reminded us, that knowledge of this at times, complex question must conveyed to the whole of the population. The task of a public audit is to raise public awareness. The illegitimacy of public debt must become visible to the majority of people. To conclude this workshop, Eric Toussaint repeated that the above examples are not to be taken to as political models to be followed, but that these experiences are a source of important political lessons! Translation : Mike Krolikowski and Charles La Via notes |1| See Pauline Imbach, “Tunis: Birth of a Common Front of Political Organisations Against Debt”, http://cadtm.org/Tun...-of-a-C…, published 25 March 2013. |2| See Eric Toussaint, “Remembering Ahmed Ben Bella, first President of independent Algeria who passed away on the 11th April, 2012 at 96”, http://cadtm.org/Rem...-Ahmed-…, 12 April 2012. |3| See CADTM, http://cadtm.org/Droits-devant, and in particular Stéphanie Jacquemont, “Que retenir du rapport de l’expert de l’ONU sur la dette et les droits humains ?”, http://cadtm.org/Que...-du-rap… , 25 January 2013 (articles in French only). |4| http://www.imf.org/e...np/sec/… |5| See Eric Toussaint, “La Constitution équatorienne : un modèle en matière d’endettement public”, http://cadtm.org/La-...tion-eq… , 27 December, 2010 (in French only). |6| The EFTA (European Free Trade Association) court, which is in no way a progressive organisation, has judged in favour of Iceland’s position. See CADTM, “EFTA court dismisses ’Icesave’ claims against Iceland and its people”, http://cadtm.org/EFT...dismiss…, 29 January 2013.
  5. Distressing as all this is, there are still no signs of a looming civil war. // Colby If you have followed this weeks news ,the possible next (2016) POTUS advisor ,the Ragin' Cajun speaks. http://dailycaller.com/2011/06/06/carville-2012-could-be-very-rough-for-obama-says-civil-unrest-imminently-possible/
  6. . But explain to us why Vietnam didn't become a Japanese puppet after it borrowed money from their banks. // END COLBY You mean the country that defeated the DOD compared to quisling countries that depend on the NYSE/DOW levels ?? Gaal +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ How the Arab League Has Become a Tool of Western Imperialism By Finian Cunningham Global Research, February 09, 2012 9 February 2012 http://www.globalresearch.ca/how-the-arab-league-has-become-a-tool-of-western-imperialism/29174 ################################ … NATO Plans “Middle East Chaos” http://www.globalresearch.ca/nato-plans-middle-east-chaos/31426 On May 16, 1916, in the middle of World War I, Paris and London approved a secret agreement to dismember the Ottoman Empire and divide the Middle East between themselves. The Sykes-Picot agreement set new boundaries for many countries
  7. Stunning video: Blaze engulfs skyscraper in Chechnya Posted by Joe on Thu, 04/04/2013 - 6:31am Stunning video: Blaze engulfs skyscraper in Chechnya http://www.infowars....s-not-collapse/ Skyscraper Engulfed By Fire, Does Not Collapse Building refuses to conform to post-9/11 understanding of physics Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com April 4, 2013 The new understanding of physics since September 11, 2001, that limited fire damage can cause buildings to implode at almost free fall speed into their own footprints, was confounded once again as a 40-storey skyscraper in Chechnya was engulfed with flames for hours yet did not collapse. The blaze consumed an apartment building in Grozny, the Chechen capital yesterday evening before it was eventually put out in the early hours of Thursday morning. Fires burned on every single floor of the structure apart from the ground floor. “According to the emergencies service, the blaze has damaged an area of more than 14,000 square meters. It has completely destroyed the plastic trimming used on the building’s exterior, but the interior remained untouched,” reports RIA Novosti. The building is the tallest structure in the region outside of Moscow, standing at 145-meters (475-foot). No one was injured or killed in the blaze but dozens had to be evacuated. Although officials expressed concern at one point that the building could collapse, its core structure was not affected by the huge fire. Compare the skyscraper in Grozny to the similar-sized WTC Building 7 on 9/11, which was not hit by a plane, suffered comparably limited fire damage, and yet collapsed almost into its own footprint at near free fall speed. Following 9/11, scientists agreed that instead of accepting the premise that some form of explosives must have been used to bring down WTC 7, physics itself must be wrong and that normal fires can burn hot enough to weaken steel cores, despite the fact that they were barely hot enough to break the vast majority of windows in Building 7. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was forced to invent a “new phenomenon” of “thermal expansion” to explain to collapse of WTC 7, labeling it “the first known instance of fire causing the total collapse of a tall building” in history. The collapse of Building 7 was so highly anticipated that it was reported before it happened by several news stations, including BBC and CNN. Firefighters, police and first responders were all told to get back from the building because it was about to be brought down. The Grozny skyscraper is just the latest example of a building refuse to conform to our new post-9/11 understanding of physics, following the example of a similar sized building in Beijing which was also consumed by fire in 2009 but remained standing. Chechnya High Rise Burns For 29 Hours With No Collapse, WTC 7? http://www.activistp...-for-29-hour... Chechnya High Rise Burns For 29 Hours With No Collapse, WTC 7? Chechnya high rise burned for 29 hours Joe Martino Activist Post On April 3rd Chechnya’s tallest building, a luxury hotel, caught fire and burned for 29 hours before finally being put out. The building is completely destroyed; however, it did not collapse. This raises many questions as to how World Trade Center 7 could have collapsed on 9/11 with only small fires on a couple of floors. Looking at the photo taken of yesterday's blaze and comparing it to the WTC 7 photo taken on 9/11, we see two very different situations. In one we see a large portion of the building on fire and the fire appears to have been burning for some time. In another, we see almost no fire at all. Yet the building with little to no fire collapsed at free-fall speed into its own footprint in just 7 hours. The 29-hour blaze of Chechnya’s building left the building still standing. This should raise some interesting questions as to why WTC 7 collapsed so quickly, or even why it collapsed at all. I wanted to end this one off with one of my favorite WTC 7 videos. Although it doesn’t go into every shocking detail that proves WTC 7 could not have collapsed by fire and was in fact a controlled demolition, it gets straight to an obvious point that doesn’t take a scientist to figure out. I would suggest that anyone who hasn’t researched WTC 7 yet, spend a bit of time checking it out. WTC 7 also fell on 9/11 and was not struck by any planes. For me, it was another nail in the coffin to an already obvious truth. I also would like to be clear that this isn’t just about making a point, but also about the fact that there are some serious questions that have been raised about 9/11 and the US government has refused to answer or re-investigate. As a society we must stop negating any real questions by calling them conspiracies, and instead open our minds up to the fact that there is some big time denial going on here about an event that has drastically changed the way our world functions.
  8. FTR #484 3rd Interview with Daniel Hopsicker Posted by FTR ⋅ November 16, REALAUDIO Intro­duc­tion: Flesh­ing out dis­cus­sion in FTR#’s 482, 483, this pro­gram fea­tures more infor­ma­tion from Daniel Hop­sicker, the author of Wel­come to Ter­ror­land: Mohamed Atta and the 9/11 Cover-up in Florida. Mr. Emory con­sid­ers this vol­ume to be one of the most impor­tant books about 9/11. Be sure to check out Daniel’s web­site. In addi­tion to fur­ther dis­cus­sion about the numer­ous evi­den­tiary trib­u­taries run­ning between the Iran/Contra scan­dal and the milieu in which the 9/11 hijack­ers oper­ated in Florida, the pro­gram details the extra­or­di­nary back­ground of the asso­ciates of Wally Hilliard, Rudi Dekkers and Arne Kruithof. Hilliard’s asso­ciate Mark Shu­bin has, as Mr. Emory says, more con­nec­tions than a switch­board, includ­ing con­nec­tions to Ken­neth Good, an asso­ciate of Neil Bush (the President’s brother) in the crim­i­nal activ­i­ties sur­round­ing the Sil­ver­ado Sav­ings and Loan in Col­orado. Much of the pro­gram cen­ters on the pro­found Ger­man links to the hijacker milieu in Florida, includ­ing Arne Kruithof’s asso­ci­a­tion with Pas­cal Schreier. Daniel notes that some of Atta’s Ger­man asso­ciates in Florida were the sons and daugh­ters of promi­nent Ger­man industrialists. Pro­gram High­lights Include: The links of Kruithof’s part­ner Glenn Good­man to air units appar­ently involved in the Iran/Contra-related drug traf­fic; Jeb Bush’s endorse­ment of Dis­cover Air, one of Hilliard’s bogus air­lines; Pas­cal Schreier’s wife’s pur­chase of another of the strange avi­a­tion schools through which the 9/11 hijack­ers tran­sited; Jeb Bush’s role in the spir­it­ing away(to Wash­ing­ton, D.C.) of the Venice Police Department’s files on Rudi Dekkers; the remark­able story of Hilliard pilot P.J. Kahn—licensed to fly reg­u­larly into Havana, Cuba; alle­ga­tions that Rudi Dekkers is Ger­man, not Dutch; Dekkers asso­ciate Rick Boehlke’s work for a wealthy Ger­man indus­tri­al­ist named Folker, who was buy­ing up large amounts of prop­erty in the Pacific North­wes; Iran/Contra oper­a­tive Diet­rich Reinhardt’s busi­ness asso­ci­a­tion with Rudi Dekkers; the unusual cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing the crash of Arne Kruithof’s plane—it was com­pacted before the FAA could deter­mine the cause of the crash!. 1. The pro­gram begins by review­ing some of Wally Hilliard’s back­ground and, in par­tic­u­lar, his stew­ard­ship of Huff­man Avi­a­tion, the flight school through which sev­eral of the 9/11 hijack­ers infil­trated the United States. (The descrip­tions for FTR#’s 482, 483 con­tain mate­r­ial about some of Hilliard’s back­ground and activities.) 2. Fur­ther devel­op­ing the extra­or­di­nary, cloak-and-dagger milieu in which Hilliard oper­ated, the pro­gram sets forth the col­or­ful espi­onage back­ground of Hilliard asso­ciate Mark Shu­bin. “Mark Shu­bin was Hilliard’s busi­ness part­ner in a num­ber of air­planes, includ­ing a $35 mil­lion Gulf­stream. Shu­bin lived in Miami. We had heard a num­ber of dif­fer­ent sto­ries about him, each more lurid than the next. . . . The true story was that Shubin’s father was indeed a KGB Colonel impris­oned after being caught by his own gov­ern­ment spy­ing for the United States. He and his fam­ily, includ­ing young Mark, had been ‘traded out’ of Rus­sia in the spy exchange involv­ing Fran­cis Gary Pow­ers, the pilot of a U-2 shot down over Rus­sia in a famous inci­dent in 1960.” (Wel­come to Ter­ror­land Mohamed Atta & the 9–11 Cover-Up in Florida; by Daniel Hop­sicker; Mad­cow Press [HC]; Copy­right 2004 by Daniel Hop­sicker; ISBN 0–9706591-6–4; pp. 262–264) 3. “After set­tling in Amer­ica, the KGB Colonel’s son grew up to become a CIA pilot fly­ing U-2’s over Rus­sia, where his native Russ­ian lan­guage skills proved use­ful. We were already well into spy lore, and we’d barely sat down. ‘Wally was manip­u­lated by some­body with a lot of power,’ said Mark Shu­bin. ‘He was black­mailed. Rudi was the one per­son who knew what was going on.’” (Ibid.; p. 264.) 4. “Shu­bin had quite a bit of busi­ness with Wally Hilliard, we learned. He had a com­pany, Sky Bus, Inc., whose planes were shared in com­mon with Hilliard’s Plane 1 Leas­ing to Sky Bus between March and August 2000. Plane 1 Leas­ing remained an ‘owner of sorts.’ Two of the planes that flowed from Hilliard’s Plane 1 Leas­ing, tail num­bers N11UN and N111UN, were listed as being owned by both Plane 1 Leas­ing and Sky Bus. We thought the ‘UN’ des­ig­na­tion on the tail num­ber might be a clue. We were right. We dis­cov­ered Shu­bin had estab­lished a com­pany called ‘Inter­na­tional Diplo­matic Courier Ser­vices,’ on August 28, 2001.” (Idem.) 5. “We asked an avi­a­tion busi­ness owner about the planes with ‘UN’ num­bers. Coy Jacob said the last let­ters in an ‘N’ num­ber are picked by the indi­vid­ual plane owner. So Shu­bin and Hilliard’s two planes either flew for the UN or were try­ing to look like they did. Then we rec­og­nized the name of another busi­ness part­ner of Shubin’s, a man who gained a bit of fame dur­ing the Sav­ings and Loan Scan­dal of a decade ago. Mark Shu­bin was in busi­ness with the noto­ri­ous Ken Good.” (Idem.) 6. Next, the pro­gram high­lights the activ­i­ties of one of Hilliard asso­ciate Mark Shubin’s partners—Ken Good. Good had been one of Neil Bush’s cronies in the Sil­ver­ado Sav­ings and Loan deba­cle. (For more about the Sil­ver­ado case, see—among other programs—Miscellaneous Archive Show M43—avail­able from Spit­fire, as well as FTR#249.) “Ken­neth Good was a big part of the Sil­ver­ado Sav­ings and Loan col­lapse. He was in busi­ness with Neil Bush. In fact, Ken Good had been so clearly a Bush fam­ily retainer that it strained credulity to think that Shubin—and Wally Hilliard—now were not sim­i­larly con­nected. In 1983, Neil Bush, Pres­i­dent George H.W. Bush’s son, and our cur­rent president’s brother, became part­ners in an oil ven­ture with Ken Good and William Wal­ters, a Den­ver devel­oper.” (Ibid.; pp. 264–265.) 7. “Two years later, Bush joined the board of Sil­ver­ado, a Den­ver S&L to which Wal­ters and Good already owed more than $100 mil­lion that was never to see the light of day again. Neil Bush received a $100,000 ‘gift’ from Good, as well as other major finan­cial assis­tance. Yet he was press­ing Silverado’s management—without men­tion­ing these favors—to let Good off the hook on his debts. There was no con­flict of inter­est. It was all just a coin­ci­dence.” (Ibid.; p. 265.) 8. “By the late sum­mer of 1988, exam­in­ers made ready to seize the com­pany. But then they got a phone call from the White House, accord­ing to TIME mag­a­zine. The elec­tion was too close; Silverado’s col­lapse would inevitably have spot­lighted the Repub­li­can candidate’s son, whose con­duct had cer­tainly been uneth­i­cal and pos­si­bly ille­gal. So the bank board’s seizure of Sil­ver­ado was delayed. When Sil­ver­ado finally col­lapsed, it cost U.S. tax­pay­ers over $1 bil­lion. But it hadn’t been anybody’s fault. . .” (Idem.) 9. “The Hous­ton Post’s Peter Brew­ton, who broke the CIA-Mob con­nec­tion to the Sav­ings and Loan Scan­dal, said Neil Bush’s Sil­ver­ado part­ners ‘all had con­nec­tions to indi­vid­u­als or S&L’s in Texas that did busi­ness with orga­nized crime fig­ures or CIA oper­a­tives. Good is one Sil­ver­ado bor­rower who got a large loan at a Texas S&L con­nected to (Her­man) Beebe, allegedly con­nected to the under­world.’ Her­man Beebe was an inti­mate, as they say, of New Orleans ‘Mafia King­fish,’ Car­los Mar­cello. So Ken Good hung with both the Bushes and the Mob. Ken Good cost Amer­i­cans over $132 mil­lion, just from loans from Sil­ver­ado.” (Idem.) 10. More about Good’s oper­a­tions with Shu­bin and the extra­or­di­nary irreg­u­lar­i­ties that char­ac­ter­ized the busi­nesses through which Atta and asso­ciates infil­trated the United States. Again, note the numer­ous evi­den­tiary trib­u­taries run­ning in the direc­tion of the Iran-Contra affair. “ . . . Shu­bin and Good’s part­ner­ship seemed to share a lot in com­mon with Hilliard-Dekkers and Richard Boehlke’s. Good’s air­line, Express One Inter­na­tional, sup­plied both air­craft and crews to Sky Bus, the way Boehlke had for Dekkers and Hilliard. And Shubin’s Fort Laud­erdale based car­rier was soon-to-be-bankrupt, a fate which Atta’s Florida asso­ciates seem to face with an awful reg­u­lar­ity. Good’s Express One—drat the luck—will itself soon be bank­rupt, and in bank­ruptcy pro­ceed­ings the company’s lead­ing lessor will be revealed to be Finova Cap­i­tal, A Cana­dian com­pany ‘linked’ top the CIA, and which also financed Iran Contra-era pro­pri­etary air­lines like Richard Secord’s South­ern Air Trans­port.” (Ibid.; p. 266.) 11. The aura of inter­na­tional intrigue sur­round­ing Hilliard, Dekkers and com­pany is height­ened by dis­cus­sion of one of Hilliard’s pilots—Pakistani P.J. Kahn. “ . . . P.J. Kahn, we knew, had crashed one of Wally’s Lear jets in Sep­tem­ber of 2002, with eight doc­tors on board. All eight needed treat­ment. Other than that, he was a mys­tery, a Pak­istani national who had some­how ingra­ti­ated him­self with south­ern Florida’s movers and shak­ers. ‘Hilliard signed a con­tract with P.J. Kahn, who bought the old Air Florida Cer­tifi­cate,’ said an avi­a­tion observer. ‘P.J. Kahn moved in with Mr. Hilliard’s back­ing. He’s an Arab oper­a­tor with a license to fly (an air­line). Kahn’s got a con­tract with the U.S. Trea­sury For­eign Assets Con­trol to fly directly to Havana. He has spe­cial per­mis­sion as an autho­rized car­rier to fly direct to Havana.’ We were puz­zled. For­eign nation­als aren’t allowed to own U.S. air car­ri­ers. Also, U.S. air car­ri­ers aren’t sup­posed to be fly­ing to Havana. Puz­zle­ment turned to incredulity when we heard from sev­eral peo­ple that P.J. Kahn had dis­ap­peared. ‘I heard he has to flee the coun­try for some rea­son,’ shrugged an avi­a­tion insider in Naples, who would say no more.” (Ibid.; p. 267.) 12. In FTR#483, we exam­ined Hilliard’s and Dekkers’ Florida Air, an air­line that was still­born from a busi­ness stand­point. Despite the fact that it was appar­ently lit­tle more than a dummy com­pany, it received the endorse­ment of then Florida Sec­re­tary of State Kather­ine Har­ris, who presided over the theft of the 2000 Florida vote. Another of Hilliard’s bogus airlines—Discover Air—also received a celebrity endorse­ment from a big-name Florida politi­cian, Gov­er­nor Jeb Bush (another of the President’s broth­ers). “ . . . Hilliard’s lat­est ill-starred avi­a­tion enter­prise also offered com­muter ser­vice under the name Dis­cover Air. After not one ticket was sold on its inau­gural route, it went—almost immediately—out of busi­ness. Notwith­stand­ing this uniquely dis­mal record, for rea­sons unknown, Florida polit­i­cal lumi­nary Gov. Jeb Bush stepped for­ward to tour its facil­i­ties and praise its com­pletely un-praiseworthy man­age­ment.” (Ibid.; p. 328.) 13. Jeb Bush also was present when the FBI carted-off all of the Venice (Florida) police department’s files on Huff­man Avi­a­tion. “ . . . We wanted to know if Dekkers had any local ‘pri­ors.’ But it made Sergeant Marty Tre­anor sigh. Then he started to say some­thing, thought bet­ter of it, and sighed again. He said he couldn’t tell us if Dekkers had been in any trou­ble in Venice, because all of his files were gone. ‘Gone?’ ‘The FBI took all our files, every­thing. They loaded the files right out­side this win­dow,’ said Tre­anor, indi­cat­ing a park­ing lot out­side the sta­tion, ‘into two Ryder trucks, then drove them right onto a C-130 mil­i­tary cargo plane at the Sara­sota air­port, which took off for Wash­ing­ton with Jeb Bush aboard.’ We will come back to visit the ques­tion of the Gov­er­nor of Florida’s national secu­rity respon­si­bil­i­ties. The impor­tant point was that tak­ing files was a lot dif­fer­ent than copy­ing them. The FBI wasn’t tak­ing any chances.” (Ibid.; p. 31.) 14. Return­ing to a sub­ject cov­ered in—among other pro­grams—FTR#477, the broad­cast fleshes out Atta and company’s Ger­man con­nec­tions. Through­out the milieu through which the 9/11 hijack­ers infil­trated, one finds Ger­mans. Hilliard’s and Dekkers’ part­ner (in Florida Air) Rick Boehlke worked for a wealthy Ger­man indus­tri­al­ist who was buy­ing large amounts of prop­erty in the Pacific North­west. (It is worth not­ing in this regard that White Suprema­cists have long focused on the Pacific North­west as an area that could be turned into “an Aryan home­land.” Is it pos­si­ble that Boehlke’s Ger­man bene­fac­tor was involved with such a scheme? Note, also, that an acquain­tance of Dekkers alleged that he told her he was Ger­man, not Dutch. “Who had Rudi Dekkers and co. been work­ing for? We didn’t know any­one you could just walk up to and ask. We maybe got a clue from Mike Pick­ett, the avi­a­tion exec­u­tive who had watched Rick Boehlke with the same amaze­ment with which avi­a­tion pro­fes­sion­als in Florida watched Dekkers. ‘When Boehlke came in he was just a restau­ra­teur at the Gig Har­bor air­port,’ he said. ‘Then he became the Gen­eral Man­ager for a Ger­man named Folker, a Ger­man indus­tri­al­ist buy­ing up all the land in that area.’ [Empha­sis added.] More Ger­mans. Jes­sica Daley, an attrac­tive air­line pro­fes­sional in her late twen­ties, worked for Rick Boehlke at Har­bor Air and later trans­ferred and worked for Rudi Dekkers at Florida Air. While Har­bor Air was going under, Boehlke told Jes­sica to fly down to Florida and see Rudi. ‘When I walked into his (Rudi’s) office he was yelling and scream­ing at peo­ple,’ she recalled. ‘He said, ‘Peo­ple call me a bas­tard Nazi because I’m loud and I’m Ger­man. And I’m very demand­ing.’ Dekkers told her he was Ger­man, not Dutch, Jes­sica said.” (Ibid.; pp. 233–234.) 15. Arne Kruithof—the other “Magic Dutch Boy” at whose schools many of the 9/11 hijack­ers trained—also had a Ger­man con­nec­tion. The pro­gram focuses on Kruithof’s Ger­man asso­ciate Pas­cal Schreier. Schreier and Kruithof had a busi­ness in Ger­many called “Avi­a­tion Aspi­ra­tions.” Author Hop­sicker spec­u­lates about the pos­si­ble role of Avi­a­tion Aspi­ra­tions in get­ting trainees from Europe to the U.S. “Spec­u­la­tion about [Arne] Kruithof cen­tered on his rela­tion­ship with Rudi Dekkers, and also to another part­ner, Pas­cal Schreier. A Ger­man national liv­ing in Munich, Schreier and Kruithof had a co-venture, called Avi­a­tion Aspi­ra­tions. Accord­ing to its lit­er­a­ture the com­pany pro­vided finan­cial assis­tance and a ‘Men­tor Pro­gramme.’ About their ‘men­tor­ing pro­gramme,’ the company’s lit­er­a­ture said: ‘The help is both finan­cial and prac­ti­cal. We now pro­vide one-to-one prac­ti­cal assis­tance from expe­ri­enced Pro­fes­sional Pilots (our Men­tors) whom we have estab­lished through­out the world.’ ‘Men­tor’ sounded a lot like ‘han­dler’ to us. Were we being too cyn­i­cal? French News­pa­per Le Monde had reported that Osama bin Laden’s brother Yeslam sent stu­dent pilots to Venice for train­ing. Noth­ing more about this mech­a­nism has sur­faced. Was Avi­a­tion Aspi­ra­tions the vehi­cle that had been used to insert Yeslam bin Laden’s pilots into the Venice flight schools?” (Ibid.; pp. 294–295.) 16. Schreier’s wife took over another of the highly unusual “flight schools” through which many of the hijack­ers passed. That school—Professional Aviation—was another of the schools at which Atta had enrolled. “Schreier’s job was recruit­ing flight stu­dents from his Munich base. Had he recruited in Ham­burg? We didn’t know. We did know that the company’s motto was ‘Bet­ter train­ing because we care.’ Who was Pas­cal Schre ier, and why did he care? ‘Pas­cal Schreier has an infe­ri­or­ity com­plex.’ Venice Air­port insider Max Burge told us. ‘He’s 6’2” blond, good-looking, Ger­man, and you could see it in him. Rudi And Arne, too.’ We didn’t get to meet him, but we learned a few inter­est­ing tid­bits to share. ‘Pas­cal Schreier is mar­ried to a lady who took over the 135 School at Port Char­lotte,’ said one avi­a­tion source.” (Ibid.; p. 295.) 17. “Pascal’s wife, San­dra K. Hamouda, who was half-French and half-Tunisian, now owned the flight school in Punta Gorda once known as Pro­fes­sional Avi­a­tion, the one which went bank­rupt in Feb­ru­ary 2001, while Mohamed Atta and all those Tunisians were there. Now it appeared that they’d kept the school in the fam­ily.” (Idem.) 18. It appears that Schreier, Hilliard and Dekkers were also in busi­ness together. “Later, we learned that the new own­ers of Huff­man Avi­a­tion were from the largest flight school in the Nether­lands, which used to train up in Lake­land, Florida. It was near Rot­ter­dam, the city from which Arne Kruithof hailed. Pas­cal Schreier was also appar­ently involved with Wally and Rudi’s failed avi­a­tion ven­tures. The true name of their flop air­line, which flew as Florida Air, was Sun­rise Air­lines. And Pas­cal Schreier owned a com­pany called Florida Sun­rise with an address at the Venice Air­port. It was too close for coin­ci­dence.” (Idem.) 19. DANIEL REPEATS A POINT OF INFORMATION COVERED IN FTR#483—THAT DEKKERS, AN EGYPTIAN AND A NUMBER OF GERMANS WERE CONTINUING TO INFILTRATE THE UNITED STATES ILLEGALLY, THROUGH THE BAHAMAS. THEY ARE APPARENTLY TAKING JET AIRCRAFT TRAINING IN TENNESSEE. 20. DANIEL ALSO NOTES THAT SOME OF ATTA’S GERMAN ASSOCIATES IN FLORIDA WERE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF PROMINENT GERMAN INDUSTRIALISTS. THIS WILL RING FAMILIAR TO THOSE MEMBERS OF THE AUDIENCE WHO ARE FAMILIAR WITH THE PARTICULARS OF THE BORMANN ORGANIZATION. 21. Sup­ple­ment­ing dis­cus­sion in FTR#483, the pro­gram sets forth the unusual cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing the crash of Kruithof’s plane. Recall that Dekkers was also in a near-fatal air crash at around the same time. Dekkers’ heli­copter went down when he was en route to a con­fronta­tion with Wally Hilliard over their busi­ness part­ner­ships. The wreck­age of Kruithof’s plane was com­pacted before the FAA could exam­ine it—a highly irreg­u­lar set of cir­cum­stances. “ . . . There were sus­pi­cious irreg­u­lar­i­ties in the offi­cial inves­ti­ga­tion into Kruithof’s plane crash that observers at the air­port said had never before hap­pened. With­out any find­ing on the cause of the crash. . . before inves­ti­ga­tors were even able to get a look at the downed the plane, the wreck­age was gone. Things like that weren’t sup­posed to hap­pen. ‘Even though the FAA hadn’t yet deter­mined the cause for the crash,’ said one shocked observer, ‘the plane was almost imme­di­ately dragged off to be com­pacted.’ He looked stunned. ‘That’s not just irreg­u­lar. It’s highly irreg­u­lar. We’re all kind of won­der­ing just what the hell’s going on.’” (Ibid.; pp. 293–294.) 22. Kruithof’s busi­ness part­ner Glenn Good­man was another of the highly inter­est­ing peo­ple in the Venice/Naples area. “ . . . Kruithof’s plane crash also threw a spot­light on the pilot of the downed plane, Glenn Good­man, the pilot at the con­trols of the downed Beech D-18. Good­man and Kruithof were part­ners in Arne’s flight school at the Venice Air­port, just like Rudi and Wally were in theirs. . .” (Ibid.; p. 295.) 23. “ . . . Kruithof and Good­man formed ‘Florida Flight Main­te­nance,’ in July of 2000, just as Mohamed Atta and Mar­wan began train­ing at the Venice Air­port. Good­man also owned a DC-3 that sat at the Venice Air­port for two years before being donated to an air museum in July, 2000, called the ‘Florida Mil­i­tary Avi­a­tion Museum.’ This was a major red flag. Donat­ing planes and then get­ting them back from air muse­ums is a ruse which has been used to pro­vide planes over the years to a rich and col­or­ful crop of elite deviants with intel­li­gence con­nec­tions.” (Idem.) 24. Once again, we find evi­den­tiary trib­u­taries run­ning in the direc­tion of the Iran/Contra scan­dal. “A mil­i­tary flight museum was the same venue used by the CIA in the past to ‘lib­er­ate’ mil­i­tary planes and heli­copters in var­i­ous sor­did para­mil­i­tary schemes. It was being used right next door in Char­lotte County, we remem­bered, to ‘re-assign’ 23 heli­copters to new bil­lets. Also trou­bling was the fact that as Goodman’s com­pany was closed invol­un­tar­ily by the State of Florida on Sep­tem­ber 21, 2001. Was it’s clo­sure 9/11-related? [Empha­sis added.]” (Idem.) 25. “Known as N90079, Inc., the com­pany was named for the ‘N-Number’ of the business’s sole asset, the aging DC-3. Because the com­pany never filed an annual report, much about it remains a mys­tery. When we ran the plane’s reg­is­tra­tion, or ‘N’ num­ber, we dis­cov­ered that the plane’s col­or­ful his­tory has included long stints in exotic locales. It spent quite a bit of time, for exam­ple, back in the 80’s, in Manuel Noriega’s Panama. The DC-3 could be traced back to an infa­mous South Florida Cus­toms air­plane ‘bone yard,’ where ‘planes with check­ered pasts’ sit in a fenced stor­age yard, like the sis­ter ship to the famous C-123 shot down over Nicaragua in 1986 with Eugene Hasen­fus aboard. Prob­a­bly just a coin­ci­dence.” (Ibid.; p. 296.) 26. In FTR#’s 482, 483, we exam­ined the highly irreg­u­lar oper­a­tions out of Char­lotte County air­port. This pro­gram high­lights still more irreg­u­lar­i­ties around the Char­lotte air­port. Again, note that the milieu in which Jamie Hill and com­pany oper­ated is also con­nected to the milieu of the Iran-Contra affair. “ . . . Jamie Hill had been a tar­get of the Char­lotte County Sheriff’s inves­ti­ga­tion, we’d learned. ‘He’s got seven heli­copters sit­ting on his prop­erty today that don’t belong to him,’ one local law enforce­ment source stated. ‘He’s got mil­lions of dol­lars of air­craft parts with the num­bers filed out.’ Jamie Hill’s part­ner in the com­pany strongly sus­pected of hav­ing been a con­duit for the dis­ap­pear­ance of 23 heli­copters from the County Sheriff’s Air Wing turns out to be another noto­ri­ous covert oper­a­tive with a sig­nif­i­cant pres­ence at the Char­lotte County Air­port. Diet­rich Reinhardt’s name, which could have been lifted straight out of tran­scripts of the Iran Con­tra Hear­ings, had also been linked with Barry Seal’s infa­mous Mena, Arkansas cocaine smug­gling.” (Ibid.; p. 126.) 27. “We dis­cov­ered that one of Reinhardt’s com­pa­nies active at the Char­lotte County Air­port, Caribe Air, had been doing busi­ness with Rudi Dekkers’ Huff­man Avi­a­tion. Caribe Air was an espe­cially noto­ri­ous CIA pro­pri­etary whose past included ‘blem­ishes’ like hav­ing all its air­craft seized at Mena, Arkansas after gov­ern­ment pros­e­cu­tors accused the com­pany of using its planes to trans­port cocaine worth bil­lions of col­lars into the U.S.” (Ibid.; pp. 126–127.) 28. “It was begin­ning to feel like Old Home Week in Char­lotte County. Reinhardt—apparently not con­tent with the dis­tinc­tion of being busi­ness part­ners with a man sus­pected of mak­ing heli­copters disappear—was linked to the man who trained both pilots who crashed air­lin­ers into the Twin Tow­ers of the World Trade Cen­ter. Dekkers had had a ‘main­te­nance con­tract’ with Reinhardt’s com­pany. This is no doubt just another freak coin­ci­dence. Why would Diet­rich Rein­hardt know Rudi Dekkers? . . .” (Ibid.; p. 127.) 29. “Rein­hardt had also oper­ated the now-defunct St. Lucia Air­ways, referred to as a CIA pro­pri­etary com­pany in a Sen­ate intel­li­gence com­mit­tee report. Reports in The Wash­ing­ton Post linked St. Lucia planes to the deliv­ery of Hawk and TOW mis­siles to Tehran, Iran in 1985 and 1986 as part of the covert arms-for-hostages deal between the United States and Iran. But busy guys like Diet­rich are hard to get on the phone. The Post reported, ‘Attempts to reach Rein­hardt by tele­phone in Frank­furt, Ger­many, were unsuc­cess­ful. His tele­phone had been dis­con­nected.’ Was Diet­rich Rein­hardt Ger­man?” (Idem.)
  9. PLEASE LET ME ADD +++++++++++++++++ Repost: FTR #531 Interview with Lucy Komisar about Offshore Posted by FTR ⋅ September 23, Recorded Octo­ber 30, 2005 REALAUDIO Fea­tur­ing the bril­liant inves­tiga­tive jour­nal­ist Lucy Komisar, this pro­gram high­lights the use of “Off­shore” enti­ties to evade taxes, max­i­mize cor­po­rate prof­its and finance a vari­ety of crim­i­nal enter­prises. Much of the first side of the pro­gram con­sists of analy­sis and dis­cus­sion of insur­ance giant AIG and its pro­lific use of “off­shore” scams. In addi­tion to pre­sent­ing AIG’s pio­neer­ing devel­op­ment of “cap­tive” rein­sur­ance com­pa­nies to laun­der prof­its and evade taxes, the pro­gram high­lights AIG’s use of Coral Rein­sur­ance for a vari­ety of ille­gal gam­bits. It should be noted that AIG’s ille­gal oper­a­tions have been aided by a num­ber of pow­er­ful and influ­en­tial peo­ple. Much of the sec­ond side of the pro­gram con­sists of review of the piv­otally impor­tant Clearstream net­work, and its use by intel­li­gence agen­cies, cor­po­ra­tions, crim­i­nal syn­di­cates and ter­ror­ist organizations. Pro­gram High­lights Include: A work­ing def­i­n­i­tion of “Off­shore;” the links of AIG to the intel­li­gence com­mu­nity; assis­tance given to AIG’s scams by lumi­nar­ies such as Henry Kissinger and for­mer Sec­re­tary of the Trea­sury Robert Rubin; Clearstream’s use of unreg­is­tered accounts; the role of the Clearstream net­work in the Banco Ambrosiano, Octo­ber Sur­prise and BCCI scan­dals; the role of the Clearstream net­work in the financ­ing of Al Qaeda and 9/11; the role of the Clearstream net­work in the machi­na­tions of the Russ­ian crim­i­nal net­works of Mikhail Khor­dokovsky; dis­cus­sion of the “Bermuda Inver­sion” gam­bit; dis­cus­sion of “Trans­fer Pric­ing;” dis­cus­sion of an orga­ni­za­tion formed by Lucy Komisar that is work­ing to elim­i­nate cor­po­rate tax eva­sion through the use of “offshore.” 1. In this return appear­ance by the for­mi­da­ble Lucy Komisar, we begin the dis­cus­sion of “Off­shore” with a func­tional def­i­n­i­tion: “DAVE: ‘Define ‘Off­shore’ for us, Lucy.’ LUCY: ‘Off­shore finan­cial cen­ters are, mostly, con­fi­den­tial and par­al­lel finan­cial sys­tems seg­re­gated from the tra­di­tional bank­ing struc­ture of the juris­dic­tion and restricted to non-residents. There are more than 4000 off­shore banks thought to exist in about 70 off­shore juris­dic­tions. They lack the reg­u­la­tion and super­vi­sion of banks found in devel­oped onshore juris­dic­tions. In many OFCs, a bank can be formed, reg­is­tered and its own­er­ship placed in the hands of nom­i­nee direc­tors via the Inter­net. There are few, if any, dis­clo­sure require­ments, bank trans­ac­tions are free of exchange and inter­est rate restric­tions, there are min­i­mal or no cap­i­tal reserve require­ments, and trans­ac­tions are mostly tax-free. Some OFCs per­mit the licens­ing and reg­is­tra­tion of ‘shell banks’ that exist only on paper and do not have a phys­i­cal pres­ence. They gen­er­ally have legal frame­works designed to obscure the iden­tity of the ben­e­fi­cial owner. Some OFCs offer the abil­ity to form and man­age secretly a vari­ety of inter­na­tional busi­ness com­pa­nies (IBCs), trusts, invest­ment funds and insur­ance com­pa­nies, many with nom­i­nee — that is front –direc­tors, nom­i­nee office­hold­ers and nom­i­nee shareholders.’ 2. Much of the pro­gram focuses on the scan­dals sur­round­ing the insur­ance giant AIG. We begin with an intro­duc­tory dis­cus­sion of this enor­mous cor­po­ra­tion and its posi­tion in the cor­po­rate land­scape. “DAVE: ‘Now, let’s turn to the sub­ject of insur­ance giant AIG, the focal point of two of your Alter­net arti­cles. Tell us about the company’s size and impor­tance in the indus­try and the cor­po­rate land­scape in gen­eral.’ ‘LUCY: ‘AIG is the world’s sec­ond largest finan­cial con­glom­er­ate and the largest under­writer of com­mer­cial and indus­trial insur­ance. In 2003, AIG reported net income of $10 bil­lion. It has $648 bil­lion in assets, a mar­ket value of $195 bil­lion, $77 bil­lion in sales and $6.5 bil­lion in annual prof­its. It has oper­a­tions in 130 coun­tries and nearly 77,000 employ­ees. It ranks third on Forbes’ list of the world’s biggest com­pa­nies, after Cit­i­group, and Gen­eral Elec­tric.” (Note that the mate­r­ial on AIG was drawn from Lucy Komsar’s two arti­cles writ­ten for Alter­Net: “The Fall of a Titan” by Lucy Komisar; Alter­Net; 3/17/2005; “Take the Money and Run Off­shore” by Lucy Komisar; Alter­Net.) 3. AIG and its CEO Mau­rice [“Hank”] Green­berg are very closely related with the intel­li­gence com­mu­nity. “DAVE’ ‘Tell us about AIG chief Mau­rice [Hank] Green­berg, and his rela­tion­ship to the intel­li­gence com­mu­nity.’ ‘LUCY: ‘The Amer­i­can Inter­na­tional Group at its ori­gins was linked to the OSS (Office of Strate­gic Ser­vices) the fore­run­ner of the CIA. It grew from the Asia Life/C. V. Starr com­pa­nies founded by Cor­nelius Starr who started his insur­ance empire in Shang­hai in 1919, the first west­erner to mar­ket insur­ance in China. Starr served with the OSS dur­ing World War II, and the Starr Cor­po­ra­tion, located in the same build­ing as the OSS in New York, pro­vided intel­li­gence on ship­ping, man­u­fac­tur­ing and indus­trial bomb­ing tar­gets in Asia and Ger­many. When Casey became CIA direc­tor in the Rea­gan Admin­is­tra­tion, he wanted Green­berg to be his deputy, but Green­berg decided to stay with AIG. After the Ames scan­dal, Sen. Spec­tor floated his name as a replace­ment of Woolsey, but the job went to Tenet.’” (Idem.) 4. AIG fea­tures a num­ber of lumi­nar­ies on its board of direc­tors and inter­na­tional advi­sory boards: “DAVE: ‘Tell us about some of the promi­nent peo­ple on the board of direc­tors and inter­na­tional advi­sory boards of AIG.’ LUCY: ‘Henry Kissinger chairs AIG’s Inter­na­tional Advi­sory Board. Its board of direc­tors includes William S. Cohen, For­mer United States Sec­re­tary of Defense and Sen­a­tor, Caria A. Hills, For­mer United States Trade Rep­re­sen­ta­tive, Richard C. Hol­brooke, For­mer United States Ambas­sador to the United Nations.’’ (Idem.) 5. AIG’s ille­gal and/or uneth­i­cal strat­a­gems fea­ture a pio­neer­ing use of “cap­tives.” “DAVE: ‘Let’s turn to the sub­ject of what AIG does. What are ‘cap­tives’ and how does AIG use them?’ LUCY: ‘A cap­tive is an insur­ance com­pany that is owned by the com­pany it insures — and has that com­pany as its only client. Rein­sur­ance is insur­ance that an insur­ance com­pany buys so that if it has to pay out a claim, it doesn’t take all the risk. I dis­cov­ered and reported on a case where AIG used a rein­sur­ance com­pany secretly owned by its client’s CEO to help him evade taxes, and by the way, to increase AIG prof­its in a way that cheated the client’s stock­hold­ers. I wrote about the case on Alter­net, but it has not been reported in the cor­po­rate press. Vic­tor Pos­ner, who died in 2002, was a crook known as the orig­i­nal ‘cor­po­rate raider,’ famed for engi­neer­ing hos­tile takeovers of com­pa­nies and loot­ing them. He had a his­tory of cor­rupt deal­ings. He owned a Delaware fac­tory called NVF that made Vul­can rub­ber. NVF had a work­ers com­pen­sa­tion pol­icy with an AIG com­pany, which rein­sured it with Chesa­peake, a rein­sur­ance com­pany based in Bermuda, an off­shore cen­ter. It turned out that Chesa­peake was owned by Pos­ner. In the early 90s, a Delaware insur­ance inves­ti­ga­tor dis­cov­ered that NVF was pay­ing twice the mar­ket rate to AIG for the insur­ance. The trans­ac­tion meant all the par­ties came out ahead: AIG would keep a por­tion of the inflated NVF pre­mium before send­ing the rest to Chesa­peake, which meant AIG would have a higher com­mis­sion. Pos­ner would write off the entire amount as a busi­ness expense and enjoy the extra cash in Bermuda, tax free. A for­mer Delaware insur­ance reg­u­la­tor told me, ‘This was not an iso­lated case with Vul­can. AIG did that a lot.’ He said, ‘AIG helped com­pa­nies set up off­shore cap­tive rein­sur­ance com­pa­nies. AIG would then over­charge on insur­ance and pay rein­sur­ance pre­mi­ums to the cap­tives, giv­ing the cap­tive own­ers tax-free off­shore income.’ How­ever, the Delaware Insur­ance Depart­ment took no action against the insurer. When I gave AIG the details of this scam, com­pany spokesman Andrew Sil­ver told me, ‘We don’t have any com­ment on that.’ AIG declares on its web­site that it ‘pio­neered the for­ma­tion of cap­tives almost 60 years ago,’ and it offers man­age­ment facil­i­ties to run the cap­tives in off­shore Bar­ba­dos, Bermuda, Cay­man Islands, Gibral­tar, Guernsey, Isle of Man, and Lux­em­bourg — all places where cor­po­rate and account­ing records are secret and taxes min­i­mal or nonex­is­tent.’’ (Idem.) 6. AIG also used off­shore insur­ance inter­ests to move debt off its books, thereby mak­ing the com­pany appear to be more prof­itable than it actu­ally was. Of course, this did noth­ing to dam­age the price of its stock. “DAVE: ‘What else did [does] AIG engage in that was ille­gal?’ LUCY: ‘In the late 90s, four state insur­ance depart­ments New York, Delaware, Penn­syl­va­nia and Cal­i­for­nia were aware that AIG was mov­ing debt off its books via the use of an off­shore insur­ance com­pany it secretly set up and con­trolled. But despite clear evi­dence of wrong­do­ing, no sanc­tions were ordered. State laws require insur­ance com­pa­nies to keep a cer­tain amount of cap­i­tal avail­able to pay out claims. If they have rein­sur­ance, that amount can drop. The rein­surer, of course, has to be an inde­pen­dent com­pany; the risk isn’t reduced if it’s just moved to another divi­sion of the same com­pany.’” (Idem.) 7. The pro­gram turns to the sub­ject of AIG’s Coral Re gam­bit, and the con­sid­er­able assis­tance pro­vided by invest­ment firm Gold­man Sachs to the fur­ther­ance of this scam: “‘In the mid-80s, two of AIG’s rein­sur­ers failed. AIG now was going to show unac­cept­ably high lev­els of debt on its books from claims it would now have to pay out itself. So Hank Green­berg decided to set up Coral Re, a rein­sur­ance com­pany, to move his bad debts off AIG books. It set up a shell com­pany in Bar­ba­dos, where cap­i­tal require­ments and reg­u­la­tion was min­i­mal com­pared to the U.S., where Amer­i­can reg­u­la­tors couldn’t read­ily dis­cover AIG’s involve­ment and where, as an added incen­tive, it could move money out of reach of U.S. taxes. The scam com­pany was arranged with the help of Gold­man Sachs then headed by Robert Rubin, who would become Pres­i­dent Clinton’s Trea­sury Sec­re­tary and is now chair­man of the exec­u­tive com­mit­tee of Cit­i­group. It got some high-level cor­po­rate exec­u­tives to front for this sup­pos­edly inde­pen­dent com­pany. But I have a con­fi­den­tial mem­o­ran­dum by Gold­man Sachs which told why the com­pany was formed. ‘AIG’s inter­est in cre­at­ing the com­pany is to cre­ate a rein­sur­ance facil­ity which will per­mit its U.S. com­pa­nies to write more U.S. pre­mi­ums. For a U.S.-domiciled com­pany, a high level of sur­plus is required to sup­port insur­ance pre­mi­ums in accor­dance with U.S. statu­tory require­ments. The statu­tory require­ments in Bar­ba­dos are less restric­tive.’ The peo­ple who got this memo were cor­po­rate exec­u­tives who, in exchange for their names, were offered a guar­an­teed return of $25,125 in the first year and $45,225 each sub­se­quent year. They didn’t have to put up any money: they got financ­ing from Sanwa Bank of Chicago secured by the Coral Re shares, a guar­an­tee of enough div­i­dends from Coral Re to cover the inter­est, and agree­ment they could hand off the shares and debt when­ever they chose. Who got this no-lose so-called invest­ment? They included serv­ing or for­mer chair­men of Reynolds Met­als; Kraft; Itel, Men­nen Com­pany; Mor­ton Thiokol. The Arkansas Finance and Devel­op­ment Author­ity, headed by a man who went to work in the Clin­ton White House, became lead investor, although state law banned it from buy­ing stocks. Clin­ton was then gov­er­nor of Arkansas. He would make Rubin his Trea­sury Sec­re­tary. The new com­pany was not a legit­i­mately inde­pen­dent busi­ness. For investors, there was no money at risk; the board of direc­tors never made a deci­sion; and Coral Re had no office of its own but was man­aged by Amer­i­can Inter­na­tional Man­age­ment, a sub­sidiary of none other than AIG. Even­tu­ally, the scheme unrav­eled. In 1992, Delaware exam­in­ers smelled a rat, AIG ini­tially refused to pro­vide Coral Re doc­u­ments to the exam­in­ers, and it took them a cou­ple of years to nail the con­nec­tion. When AIG finally sup­plied Coral Re’s finan­cial papers, the reg­u­la­tor was incred­u­lous. He told me, ‘The books were def­i­nitely cooked.’ But the cow­ardly reg­u­la­tors in Delaware, Penn­syl­va­nia, New York and Cal­i­for­nia, though they agreed in 1996 that AIG owned Coral Re and that there was no trans­fer of risk, did not act to pun­ish AIG, just told it to stop using Coral Re. If Coral Re was an AIG affil­i­ate, it would have to pay taxes on its income. If it was ‘inde­pen­dent,’ that money came tax-free. But the IRS didn’t have the guts to go after them, either. AIG spokesman Andrew Sil­ver sim­ply denied the valid­ity of what all the insur­ance com­mis­sions found. He told me that ‘AIG was not involved in the offer and sale of Coral Re’s shares. That was done by Gold­man Sachs, which approached poten­tial investors with which it had rela­tion­ships. AIG did not con­trol or have an equity inter­est in Coral Re.’ That of course it com­pletely untrue. Gold­man Sachs failed to respond to inquiries about its role in set­ting up Coral Re. In May this year (2005), New York State Attor­ney Gen­eral Eliot Spitzer filed suit against AIG and Green­berg, charg­ing a pat­tern of fraud through the use of ‘sham trans­ac­tions’ that bol­stered the conglomerate’s finan­cial state­ments.” (Idem.) 8. Next, the broad­cast reviews some of the “off­shore” strat­a­gems used by cor­po­ra­tions to inflate prof­its and invade taxes, begin­ning with dis­cus­sion of “the Bermuda Inver­sion.” (For more dis­cus­sion of the Bermuda Inver­sion, see: FTR 458.) “DAVE: ‘Let’s review some of the var­i­ous gam­bits used by cor­po­ra­tions to uti­lize ‘Off­shore’ to their advan­tage, begin­ning with the ‘Bermuda Inver­sion.’ LUCY” ‘In a ‘cor­po­rate inver­sion,’ a U.S. com­pany cre­ates a new par­ent cor­po­ra­tion based in a tax haven like Bermuda. The com­pany and any for­eign sub­sidiaries become sub­sidiaries of the new parent—and the entire cor­po­ra­tion then ben­e­fits from tax report­ing and reg­u­la­tions that are often sig­nif­i­cantly less demand­ing and expen­sive than those in the United States. In the past few years, about two dozen pub­licly traded com­pa­nies have rein­cor­po­rated in Bermuda or announced they would do so. Among them are Tyco Inter­na­tional, McDer­mott Inter­na­tional, Ingersoll-Rand, Nabors Indus­tries, a huge, Houston-based oper­a­tor of oil-drilling rigs. Since they are now for­eign cor­po­ra­tions, they evade bil­lions of dol­lars of US taxes. Share­hold­ers — includ­ing pen­sion funds — lose too. In Bermuda, cor­po­rate laws shift the bal­ance of con­trol from stock­hold­ers to a company’s direc­tors and severely limit investors’ right to sue. There is no treaty with Bermuda guar­an­tee­ing the reci­procity of judgments—meaning stock­hold­ers may have a hard time ensur­ing Amer­i­can court orders are enforced. In addi­tion, stock­hold­ers’ abil­ity to obtain infor­ma­tion about Bermu­dan court deci­sions is lim­ited: the island does not even main­tain an offi­cial court reporter. Leg­is­la­tion to block the tax advan­tages of con­ver­sions was dec­i­mated by the Repub­li­cans, which applied only to future con­ver­sions.” (For spe­cific doc­u­men­ta­tion, see: FTR 458.) 9. Next, the pro­gram reviews “Trans­fer Pric­ing.” (For more about “Trans­fer Pric­ing”, FTR 458.) “DAVE: ‘How about ‘Trans­fer Pric­ing’? LUCY” ‘Is a way of evad­ing taxes by allo­cat­ing prof­its for tax and other pur­poses among parts of a multi­na­tional cor­po­rate group or to secretly owned com­pa­nies. These front com­pa­nies are always off­shore in tax havens. Off­shore ‘trad­ing’ offices or com­pa­nies han­dle imports and exports, buy­ing a U.S. export from a com­pany at a sharply reduced paper cost and sell­ing it abroad for the real-world mar­ket value, so the export­ing com­pany makes no profit. That stays with the tax haven trad­ing com­pany. In the reverse, a com­pany buys goods at a real price and ‘sells’ to the U.S. firm at a grossly inflated one, so the U.S. firm has a huge cost to deduct when it uses the item in man­u­fac­ture or resells it at a loss. Two US pro­fes­sors used cus­toms data to exam­ine the impact of over-invoiced imports and under-invoiced exports on U.S. fed­eral income tax rev­enues for 2001. The find­ings were stag­ger­ing. Would you buy plas­tic buck­ets from the Czech Repub­lic for $973 each, tis­sues from China at $1,870 a pound, a cot­ton dish­towel from Pak­istan for $154? U.S. com­pa­nies, at least on paper, were get­ting very lit­tle for their exported prod­ucts. If you were in busi­ness, would you sell bus and truck tires to Britain for $11.74 each, color video mon­i­tors to Pak­istan for $21.90, and pre­fab­ri­cated build­ings to Trinidad for $1.20 a unit? After all the deduc­tions, the U.S. com­pany has min­i­mal prof­its. The off­shore cen­ters levy no taxes on ‘prof­its’ claimed there. Com­par­ing all the stated export and import prices to real-world prices, the pro­fes­sors fig­ured the 2001 U.S. tax loss at $53.1 bil­lion.” (Idem.) 10. A bipar­ti­san sen­a­to­r­ial team intro­duced leg­is­la­tion to curb the abil­ity of cor­po­ra­tions to use Off­shore to evade taxes: “DAVE: ‘This past year, there was leg­is­la­tion intro­duced aimed at curb­ing these abuses. Tell us about that.’ LUCY: ‘In July, Repub­li­can Sen­a­tor Cole­man and Demo­c­ra­tic Sen­a­tor Levin intro­duced our ‘Tax Shel­ter and Tax Haven Reform Act of 2005 which would, among other reforms, require eco­nomic sub­stance for trans­ac­tions to be eli­gi­ble for tax ben­e­fits and strengthen the penal­ties for tax trans­ac­tions lack­ing eco­nomic substance.’” 11. Much of the rest of the pro­gram con­sists of review of the use of the Clearstream net­work by cor­po­ra­tions, banks, intel­li­gence ser­vices, crim­i­nal syn­di­cates and ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tions, often act­ing in con­junc­tion with one another. Lucy sum­ma­rizes the Clearstream net­work, its func­tions and its history. “DAVE: ‘Lucy, let’s review the Clearstream net­work and how it was set up. Let’s note in this con­text that ‘Off­shore isn’t sim­ply used by cor­po­ra­tions to amass ille­gal wealth. It’s also used by crim­i­nal orga­ni­za­tions, intel­li­gence ser­vices and ter­ror­ist enti­ties to move finances ille­gally.’ LUCY: ‘Clearstream is a clear­ing­house in Lux­em­bourg called Clearstream, which han­dles bil­lions of dol­lars a year in stock and bond trans­fers for banks, invest­ment com­pa­nies and multi­na­tional cor­po­ra­tions. It oper­ates a secret par­al­lel book­keep­ing sys­tem that allows its clients to hide the money that moves through their accounts. In these days of global mar­kets, indi­vid­u­als and com­pa­nies may be buy­ing stocks, bonds or deriv­a­tives from a seller who is halfway across the world. Clear­ing­houses like Clearstream keep track of the ‘paper­work’ for the trans­ac­tions. Banks with accounts in the clear­ing­house use a debit and credit sys­tem and, at the end of the day, the accounts (minus ‘han­dling fees,’ of course) are totaled up. The clear­ing­house doesn’t actu­ally send money any­where, it just deb­its and cred­its its mem­bers’ accounts. It’s all very effi­cient. But the money involved is mas­sive. Clearstream han­dles more than 80 mil­lion trans­ac­tions a year, and claims to have secu­ri­ties on deposit val­ued at $6.5 tril­lion. It’s also an excel­lent mech­a­nism for laun­der­ing drug money or hid­ing income from the tax col­lec­tor. Banks are sup­posed to be sub­ject to local gov­ern­ment over­sight. But many of Clearstream’s mem­bers have real or ‘vir­tual’ sub­sidiaries in off­shore tax havens, where records are secret and inves­ti­ga­tors can’t trace trans­ac­tions. And Clearstream which keeps the cen­tral records of finan­cial trades, doesn’t get even the cur­sory reg­u­la­tion that applies to off­shore banks. On top of that, it delib­er­ately has put in place a sys­tem to hide many of its clients’ trans­ac­tions from any author­i­ties who might come look­ing. Accord­ing to for­mer insid­ers: Clearstream has a dou­ble sys­tem of account­ing, with secret, non-published accounts that banks and big cor­po­ra­tions use to make trans­fers they don’t want listed on the offi­cial books. Though it is legally lim­ited to deal­ing with finan­cial insti­tu­tions, Clearstream gives secret accounts to multi­na­tional cor­po­ra­tions so they can move stocks and money free from out­side scrutiny.’” 12. Next, the pro­gram reviews how the Clearstream net­work fig­ures in the Banco Ambrosiano scan­dal. “DAVE: ‘Tell us about the Clearstream net­work and the Banco Ambrosiano scan­dal, cur­rently in the news after the indict­ment of four alleged con­spir­a­tors for the mur­der of its chair­man, for­mer P-2 Lodge mem­ber Roberto Calvi.’ LUCY: ‘By 1980, Ernest Backes had become No. 3 offi­cial of Cedel (the old name for Clearstream), in charge of rela­tions with clients. He was fired in May 1983. He told me the rea­son given for his sack­ing was an argu­ment with an Eng­lish banker, a friend of the CEO. ‘I think I was fired was because I knew too much about the Ambrosiano scan­dal,’ Banco Ambrosiano was once the sec­ond most impor­tant pri­vate bank in Italy, with the Vat­i­can as a prin­ci­pal share­holder and loan recip­i­ent. The bank laun­dered drug-and arms-trafficking money for the Ital­ian and Amer­i­can mafias and, in the ‘80s, chan­neled Vat­i­can money to the Con­tras in Nicaragua and Sol­i­dar­ity in Poland. The cor­rupt man­agers also siphoned off funds via fic­ti­tious banks to per­sonal shell com­pany accounts in Switzer­land, the Bahamas, Panama and other off­shore havens. Banco Ambrosiano col­lapsed in 1982 with a deficit of more than $1 bil­lion. Bank chair­man Roberto Calvi was found hanged under Black­fri­ars Bridge in Lon­don; the death was ruled a sui­cide. Michele Sin­dona, con­victed in 1980 on 65 counts of fraud in the United States, was extra­dited to Italy in 1984 and sen­tenced to life in prison; in 1986, he was found dead in his cell, poi­soned by cyanide-laced cof­fee. (Another sus­pect, Arch­bishop Paul Marcinkus, the head of the Vat­i­can Bank, now lives in Sun City, Ari­zona with a Vat­i­can pass­port; U.S. author­i­ties have ignored a Milan arrest war­rant for him.) Now sev­eral peo­ple are on trial in Italy for Calvi’s mur­der. Backes said that he and a col­league, who was found dead in sus­pi­cious cir­cum­stance, moved all those trans­ac­tions known later in the scan­dal to Lima and other branches. Nobody even knew there was a Banco Ambrosiano branch in Lima and other South Amer­i­can coun­tries.’” (For spe­cific doc­u­men­ta­tion, see: http://www.spitfirelist.com/f458.html.) 13. Much of the wrong­do­ing that sur­rounds Clearstream con­cerns the use of its unpub­lished accounts: “DAVE: ‘Tell us about Clearstream’s unpub­lished accounts, used and abused by major cor­po­ra­tions, as well as crim­i­nal syn­di­cates, ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tions and intel­li­gence ser­vices.’ LUCY: ‘Cedel/Clearstream vio­lated its own statutes by set­ting up unpub­lished accounts for indus­trial and com­mer­cial com­pa­nies. With accounts in their own names, com­pa­nies could avoid pass­ing through banks or exchange agents to use the clear­ing­house. They thus skirted man­dated due dili­gence and record-keeping. When Siemens was pro­posed for mem­ber­ship, Backes says, some Cedel employ­ees protested that this vio­lated Lux­em­bourg law. How­ever, man­age­ment told them that Siemens’ admis­sion had been nego­ti­ated at the high­est level. Among the major com­pa­nies with secret accounts, Backes dis­cov­ered the Shell Petro­leum Group and the Dutch agri­cul­tural multi­na­tional Unilever, one of whose accounts was asso­ci­ated with Gold­man Sachs. At the dis­cre­tion of Clearstream, clients can open ‘non-published’ accounts that do not fig­ure in any printed doc­u­ment or record of inter­na­tional finan­cial trans­ac­tions. When law enforcers ask to see records, they don’t exist. Unlike a bank, Clearstream has no effec­tive out­side sur­veil­lance. It is audited by KPMG, one of the ‘big five’ inter­na­tional account­ing firms. KPMG has either been igno­rant of or has over­looked the secret account sys­tem. Major com­pa­nies use the secret accounts. Backes dis­cov­ered non-published accounts of the Dutch agri­cul­tural multi­na­tional Unilever. The Shell petro­leum group had a non-published account in the name Shell Over­seas Trad­ing Ltd. The Ger­man giant Siemens had four non-published accounts. Siemens has just been accused of involve­ment in oil for food kick­backs to Sad­dam Hus­sein. Among the inter­na­tional banks with the most secret accounts are: Citibank (271); Bar­clays (200); Credit Lyon­nais (23); and Japan­ese com­pany Nomura (12).’” 14. Con­tin­u­ing analy­sis of Clearstream’s role in major intel­li­gence scan­dals, the pro­gram reviews the use of the net­work by the con­spir­a­tors in the “Octo­ber Sur­prise.” “DAVE: ‘In addi­tion to the Banco Ambrosiano and Iraq­gate scan­dals, the Clearstream net­work fea­tured in many of the other major intelligence-related scan­dals of the last quar­ter cen­tury or so. Tell us about Clearstream and the ‘Octo­ber Surprise’—the sab­o­tage of the Carter cam­paign by the Reagan/Bush forces’ col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Iran­ian fun­da­men­tal­ist regime.’ LUCY: ‘In Novem­ber 1979, the U.S. Embassy in Iran was seized, and 52 Amer­i­cans were taken hostage. Their cap­ture, and the Carter administration’s fail­ure to win their release, became a major issue in the 1980 pres­i­den­tial cam­paign. Carter had frozen $12 bil­lion in Iran­ian assets in U.S. banks, which was being claimed by Amer­i­can firms and indi­vid­u­als who had lost prop­erty in the Islamic rev­o­lu­tion. Amer­i­can and Iran­ian offi­cials were nego­ti­at­ing the amount of funds to be released in return for free­ing the hostages, and the amount to be kept to set­tle claims. The Ira­ni­ans also wanted Carter to release arms that had been ordered and paid for by the deposed Shah. Accord­ing to numer­ous cred­i­ble reports-many of which first appeared in In These Times-Reagan cam­paign offi­cials allegedly met with Iran­ian rep­re­sen­ta­tives sev­eral times dur­ing the 1980 cam­paign, promis­ing arms and money if Iran delayed release of the hostages until after the Novem­ber elec­tion. This scan­dal would become known as the ‘Octo­ber Sur­prise.’ Rea­gan won the elec­tion, but Carter offi­cials con­tin­ued to nego­ti­ate with the Ira­ni­ans. Finally, around the turn of the year, an accord was reached under which the United States would release $4 bil­lion but no arms. How­ever, the Ira­ni­ans did not release the hostages imme­di­ately. A few days before Reagan’s inau­gu­ra­tion, Ernest Backes recalls, Cedel got an urgent joint instruc­tion from the U.S. Fed­eral Reserve Bank and the Bank of Eng­land to trans­fer $7 mil­lion in bearer bonds-$5 mil­lion from an account of Chase Man­hat­tan Bank and $2 mil­lion from an account of Citibank-both in off­shore secrecy havens. The money was to go to the National Bank of Alge­ria, and from there to an Iran­ian bank in Teheran. Backes was informed that the $7 mil­lion was part of sums being sent from around the world and con­cen­trated in the Alger­ian bank. He was told the trans­fers were linked to the fate of the hostages. The Fed and the Bank of Eng­land were not mem­bers of Cedel, and by its rules had no right to order the trans­fers. Backes’ two supe­ri­ors were absent. He informed the pres­i­dent of the Cedel admin­is­tra­tive coun­cil, Edmond Israel, then acted to exe­cute the order. (Israel, now hon­orary chair­man, did not respond to phone and e-mail mes­sages.) On Jan­u­ary 20, 1981, about 15 min­utes after Rea­gan took the oath of office, the hostages were finally freed. Rea­gan and Vice Pres­i­dent George Bush have always denied the pay­off happened.’” 15. The Clearstream net­work was also uti­lized by the BCCI. Note that the milieu of the BCCI fig­ures promi­nently in the inves­ti­ga­tion of 9/11, and that FBI chief Robert Mueller was in of the badly atten­u­ated “inves­ti­ga­tion” of BCCI by Con­gress. “DAVE: ‘Tell us about Clearstream and BCCI.’ LUCY: ‘When Mayor Giu­liani was assis­tant pros­e­cu­tor in the inves­ti­ga­tion of the Bank of Credit and Com­merce Inter­na­tional (BCCI) in the early 1990’s, he received doc­u­ments from Backes. BCCI was a Pakistani-run bank reg­is­tered via shell com­pa­nies in the Cay­man Islands that used secret accounts to effect an $8 bil­lion global money-laundering fraud. Before it was shut down in 1991, BCCI was used by U.S. and Saudi intel­li­gence to fund the mujahideen, then fight­ing the Soviet-supported gov­ern­ment of Afghanistan.” (See more on BCCI-Clearstream connection.) 16. Clearstream appears to have been involved in the financ­ing of Al Qaeda through the Bank Al Taqwa and SICO. “DAVE: ‘You’ve also writ­ten about the Clearstream involve­ment with the Bank Al Taqwa, the main finan­cial insti­tu­tion of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood and a major source of funds for Al Qaeda, accord­ing to many intel­li­gence sources.’ LUCY: ‘Fol­low­ing the Sep­tem­ber 11 attacks on the World Trade Cen­ter and the Pen­ta­gon, the U.S. started focus­ing its inves­ti­ga­tion on the finan­cial trail of Osama bin Laden and the al-Qaeda net­work. Like any other large, global oper­a­tion, inter­na­tional ter­ror­ists need to move large sums of money across bor­ders clan­des­tinely. In Novem­ber, U.S. author­i­ties named some banks that had bin Laden accounts, and it put them on a black­list. One was Al Taqwa-’Fear of God’-registered in the Bahamas with offices in Lugano, Switzer­land. Al Taqwa had access to the Clearstream sys­tem through its cor­re­spon­dent account with the Banca del Got­tardo in Lugano, which has a pub­lished Clearstream account No. 74381. But Bin Laden may have other access to the unpub­lished sys­tem. In what he calls a ‘spec­tac­u­lar dis­cov­ery,’ A series of 16 unpub­lished accounts had been opened under the name of the Saudi Invest­ment Com­pany, or SICO, the Geneva hold­ing com­pany of the bin laden family’s Saudi Bin­laden Group it is run by Bin Laden’s brother, Yeslam Bin­laden. SICO is asso­ci­ated with Dar AI-Maal-AI-lslami (DMI), an Islamic finan­cial insti­tu­tion also based in Geneva and presided over by Saudi Prince Muhammed Al Faisal Al Saoud, and which directs mil­lions a year to fun­da­men­tal­ist move­ments. DMI holds a share of the Al Shamal Islamic Bank of Sudan, which was set up in 1991 and partly financed by $50 mil­lion from Osama bin Laden.” (For more spe­cific doc­u­men­ta­tion, see: http://www.spitfirelist.com/f356.html; http://www.spitfirelist.com/f357.html.) 17. The Clearstream net­work has been uti­lized by the bur­geon­ing Russ­ian orga­nized crime/oligarch net­works. “DAVE: ‘Lucy, you’ve also writ­ten about the use of Clearstream by the inter­ests of crim­i­nal Russ­ian oli­garch Mikhail Khodor­kovsky. This scan­dal has been por­trayed in the media as a rever­sion by Rus­sia to the bad old days of the Soviet Union, with the author­i­tar­ian cen­tral gov­ern­ment repress­ing the bud­ding flower of Russ­ian free enter­prise. In fact, the Khor­dovsky case could be described as a ‘Russ­ian Enron,’ with Amer­i­can investors among the main losers. Enlarge on that, if you would.’ ‘LUCY: ‘The Russ­ian bank Menatep is on the year 2000 list even though it offi­cially failed in 1998. Menatep is impli­cated in a Russ­ian Audit Cham­ber report in the diver­sion of $4.8 mil­lion lent to Rus­sia by the Inter­na­tional Mon­e­tary Fund in 1998. Clearstream’s deal­ings with Russ­ian banks are another area of con­cern. Menatep Bank, which had been bought in a rigged auc­tion of Soviet assets and has been linked to numer­ous inter­na­tional scams, opened its Cedel account (No. 81738) on May 15, 1997, after Lussi vis­ited the bank’s pres­i­dent in Moscow and invited him to use the sys­tem. It was a non-published account that didn’t cor­re­spond to any pub­lished account, a breach of Clearstream’s rules. Menatep fur­ther vio­lated the rules because many trans­fers were of cash, not for set­tle­ment of secu­ri­ties. ‘For the three months in 1997 for which I hold micro­fiches,’ Backes says, ‘only cash trans­fers were chan­neled through the Menatep account.’ ‘There were a lot of trans­fers between Menatep and the Bank of New York,’ Backes adds. Natasha Gurfinkel Kagalovsky, a for­mer Bank of New York offi­cial and the wife of a Menatep vice pres­i­dent, stands accused of help­ing laun­der at least $7 bil­lion from Rus­sia. U.S. inves­ti­ga­tors have attempted to find out if some of the laun­dered money orig­i­nated with Menatep, which they believed had looted Russ­ian assets. (The Jus­tice Depart­ment declined to com­ment on the inves­ti­ga­tion.) Even though Menatep offi­cially failed in 1998, it oddly remained on the non-published list of accounts for 2000. (Clearstream also lists 36 other Russ­ian accounts, more non-published than published.)’” 18. The pro­gram con­cludes with pre­sen­ta­tion of the web­site for an orga­ni­za­tion Lucy has founded (in part­ner­ship with oth­ers) that is work­ing to elim­i­nate the off­shore tax eva­sion by cor­po­ra­tions. “DAVE: ‘We’re almost at the end of the inter­view, Lucy. Many lis­ten­ers will be ask­ing them­selves what can be done about this sit­u­a­tion. You have formed an orga­ni­za­tion to deal with the use of ‘Off­shore’ to evade taxes. Tell us about that group and how peo­ple can find out more about it.’ LUCY: ‘I’ve worked with some asso­ciates to form The Tax Jus­tice Net­work.”
  10. Biofuel breakthrough turns virtually any plant into hydrogen By Stephen C. Webster Thursday, April 4, 2013 16:32 EDT Researchers at Virginia Tech announced Thursday that their latest breakthrough in hydrogen extraction technology could lead to widespread adoption of the substance as a fuel due to its ease of availability in virtually all plant matter, a reservoir previously impossible to tap. The new process, described by a study in the April issue of the scientific journal Angewandte Chemie, uses a cocktail of 13 enzymes to strip plant matter of xylose, a sugar that exists in plant cells. The resulting hydrogen is of an such a “high purity” that researchers said they were able to approach 100 percent extraction, opening up a potential market for a much cheaper source of hydrogen than anything available today. “The potential for profit and environmental benefits are why so many automobile, oil, and energy companies are working on hydrogen fuel cell vehicles as the transportation of the future,” study author and Virginia Tech assistant professor Y.H. Percival Zhang said in an advisory. “Many people believe we will enter the hydrogen economy soon, with a market capacity of at least $1 trillion in the United States alone.” The rise of such an alternative fuel could seriously disrupt the pollution-producing industries that run on oil and natural gas, and potentially spark a new industrial emphasis on growing plants with high levels of xylose in their cells. The environmental benefits of that potential future are twofold: the plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helping in small part to address the climate crisis, and the resulting portable fuel only outputs water when burned. Beyond hydrogen fuel cells in cars and industrial equipment, U.S. space agency NASA says that hydrogen in its super-cold liquid form makes an ideal fuel for space exploration due to its low molecular weight and extremely high energy output. If plants could be grown on a space station traveling to a distant solar system some day, it is possible future breakthroughs could lead to an onboard system that actually renders more fuel mid-flight. Of course, there are potential downsides to Zhang’s enzyme cocktail, namely in the costs of production on a large scale, questions about disposal of the enzyme goo and remaining carbon, and the likelihood of endless legal battles over who owns patents on which enzymes or combinations thereof. Nevertheless, if the world is to move forward into a renewable energy future, this is still a pretty big step. ——
  11. OR The Assassination of Robert Maxwell: Israel's Superspy Excerpt: ‘In Washington DC, it was shortly after 7:30a.m. when a duty officer in the CIA’s Langley headquarters tore a message from a high-speed fax printer. He read and marked the facsimile, “Immediate, DCI”. He then rerouted it to the seventh-floor suite of the Director of Central Intelligence. In Moscow, where it was already into the afternoon, the KGB’s public affairs chief, General Alexander Karabaika, was in the Kremlin with President Mikhail Gorbachev, discussing how the spy agency might respond to perestroika with more openness. A call quickly ended their discussion and Karabaika hurried back to his headquarters in the Lubyanka to find out whether the KGB had any additional information on what he had just heard. Gorbachev began calling overseas in the first of a series of enquiries that would go long into the Russian night. It was still late morning in London and frantic dispatches over the wires interrupted scores of meetings in the City, the financial heart of the capital. But it was in the clubs of Pall Mall and the newspaper offices in Fleet Street where the news had the biggest impact. People were shocked speechless by what they learned. Across the globe, there was stunned disbelief, sometimes followed by a frisson of excitement mixed with dread. Meanwhile in Tel Aviv, Prime Minister Shamir, who had received no response to his questions - ‘When? Where is he?’ - punched a button on his telephone console. It triggered an identical light on the phone of Shabtai Shavit, Israel’s meheume, the country’s supreme head of intelligence and Director General of Mossad. The conversation recorded by both Prime Minister and Shabtai Shavit, is a model of brevity and understatement. ‘Have you heard?’ demanded Shamir. ‘Yes, I’ve heard.’ ‘What happened?’ ‘He just vanished.’ Are you sure?’ ‘We’re looking for him.’ On that day, far out in the Atlantic, Robert Maxwell met a fate that had been decided in secret three months before.’ ACCLAIM: “Relentlessly and graphically seeks to expose the dead tycoon’s descent into the world of crime in Eastern Europe, his intimate dealings with the Israeli Secret Service, Mossad, and his provision of computer know-how to some very questionable organisations… the case for murder is comprehensively made and places Maxwell at the centre of a very dark and dangerous world. There is a crusading thread through the book to bring Maxwell to account and hold him responsible”. --Julian Cooper, The Times, UK “Astonishing new evidence about his involvement in global crime and espionage. Mafia deals in Bulgaria. The plot to oust Gorbachev. America’s web of espionage scandal. The true, astonishing extend of Robert Maxwell’s web of corruption”. --The Daily Mail “Robert Maxwell was a Mossad spy. He asked them for £400 million. They refused and feared he would expose them. So three assassins killed him with a nerve agent”. --The Daily Mirror “This fascinating book, which takes the reader deep into the intricate and dangerous world of international espionage”. --Elaine Margolis, San Francisco Chronicle “This book traces the money trail of Maxwell better than any previous efforts”. --Stephen Mc Mahon, Sunday Business Post “A thought-provoking and compelling book”. --David Pitt, Booklist, USA “Explosive… fills in the gaps and provides the true explanation for his mysterious death”. --Martin Shipton, Wales on Sunday “A convincing case for the thoroughness and responsibility of the research. This is a big and ambitious book”. --Michael Pakenham, Baltimore Sun “An impressive array of documents, including FBI and autopsy reports”. --Zeddy Lawrence, London Jewish News “This book has, to me, captured this image of one man’s belief that he could control everyone regardless of their position, allegiance or reputation. It contributes much to the Maxwell myth and offers an explanation of his death that will satisfy many of those who knew him.” --John Pole, Ex-Detective Chief Supt Anti-Terrorist Branch, New Scotland Yard and Director of Security, Maxwell Communications Corporation “Robert Maxwell deserves to be exposed - and this book does just that by the rigorous use of eye-witness testimony supported by solid substantial documentation. Greater praise I cannot offer. Here is greed and corruption on a truly mammoth scale exposed to produce a devastating indictment of a genuine monster. They have drawn upon exceptional inside knowledge which has been assembled through outstanding investigative journalism.” --Ted L Gunderson, Senior Special Agent-In-Charge (Ret), Federal Bureau of Investigation. Consultant on international terrorism and security to the US Olympic Committee “In exposing Maxwell’s deep ties to the Mossad, this book uncovers a link between Israeli intelligence and the US Justice Department. The book reports that Mossad sold over $500 million worth of intelligence-gathering software that the US Justice Department stole from INSLAW, Inc. The Israeli official for whom Maxwell worked admits to the authors that the US Justice Department arranged for him to visit INSLAW under an assumed name right before stealing the software.” --Bill Hamilton, President, INSLAW, Inc “Driven by greed and his lust for power - and, as he became financially overstretched by the accelerating urgency of his need for funds - Maxwell allowed his arrogance to obliterate any residual sense of shame, and to provide him with a false assurance that he could rely upon the protection of certain ‘friends’. But their patience was eroded as his fraudulent behaviour, and the stench of corruption which surrounded him, became a liability - just as Maxwell’s de facto espionage activities jeopardized the security of many countries, including those to which he owed the closest allegiance. Robert Maxwell literally pioneered today’s global criminalism epidemic, which has infected business and banking communities, and is undermining the residual integrity of governance. Two award-winning journalists have very successfully recreated Maxwell’s life, showing how he survived and prospered for years by thievery, asset-stripping, lies and scams - and by exploiting the sheer force and brutality of his obsessive personality.” --Christopher Story, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, Adviser to Former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher .
  12. Inequality – Both Economic and In Access to Liberty And Justice – Skyrockets to Historic Levels April 5, 2013 Source: Washington's Blog http://www.blacklist...tories=obinsite
  13. Guest Post: 21 Statistics About The Explosive Growth Of Poverty In America That Everyone Should Know April 5, 2013 Source: Michael Snyder, BLN Contributing Writer If the economy is getting better, then why does poverty in America continue to grow so rapidly? Yes, the stock market has been hitting all-time highs recently, but also the number of Americans living in poverty has now reached a level not seen since the 1960s. Yes, corporate profits are at levels never seen before, but so is the number of Americans on food stamps. Yes, housing prices have started to rebound a little bit (especially in wealthy areas), but there are also more than a million public school students in America that are homeless. That is the first time that has ever happened in U.S. history. So should we measure our economic progress by the false stock market bubble that has been inflated by Ben Bernanke’s recklessmoney printing, or should we measure our economic progress by how the poor and the middle class are doing? Because if we look at how average Americans are doing these days, then there is not much to be excited about. In fact, poverty continues to experience explosive growth in the United States and the middle classcontinues to shrink. Sadly, the truth is that things are not getting better for most Americans. With each passing year the level of economic suffering in this country continues to go up, and we haven’t even reached the next major wave of the economic collapse yet. When that strikes, the level of economic pain in this nation is going to be off the charts. The following are 21 statistics about the explosive growth of poverty in America that everyone should know… 1 – According to the U.S. Census Bureau, approximately one out of every six Americans is now living in poverty. The number of Americans living in poverty is now at a level not seen since the 1960s. 2 – When you add in the number of low income Americans it is even more sobering. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 146 million Americans are either “poor” or “low income”. 3 – Today, approximately 20 percent of all children in the United States are living in poverty. Incredibly, a higher percentage of children is living in poverty in America today than was the case back in 1975. 4 – It may be hard to believe, but approximately 57 percent of all children in the United States are currently living in homes that are either considered to be either “low income” or impoverished. 5 – Poverty is the worst in our inner cities. At this point, 29.2 percentof all African-American households with children are dealing with food insecurity. 6 – According to a recently released report, 60 percent of all children in the city of Detroit are living in poverty. 7 – The number of children living on $2.00 a day or less in the United States has grown to 2.8 million. That number has increased by 130 percent since 1996. 8 – For the first time ever, more than a million public school students in the United States are homeless. That number has risen by 57 percent since the 2006-2007 school year. 9 – Family homelessness in the Washington D.C. region (one of the wealthiest regions in the entire country) has risen 23 percent since the last recession began. 10 – One university study estimates that child poverty costs the U.S. economy 500 billion dollars each year. 11 – At this point, approximately one out of every three children in the U.S. lives in a home without a father. 12 – Families that have a head of household under the age of 30 have a poverty rate of 37 percent. 13 – Today, there are approximately 20.2 million Americans that spend more than half of their incomes on housing. That represents a 46 percent increase from 2001. 14 – About 40 percent of all unemployed workers in America have been out of work for at least half a year. 15 – At this point, one out of every four American workers has a job that pays $10 an hour or less. 16 – There has been an explosion in the number of “working poor” Americans in recent years. Today, about one out of every fourworkers in the United States brings home wages that are at or below the poverty level. 17 – Right now, more than 100 million Americans are enrolled in at least one welfare program run by the federal government. And that does not even include Social Security or Medicare. 18 – An all-time record 47.79 million Americans are now on food stamps. Back when Barack Obama first took office, that number was only sitting at about 32 million. 19 – The number of Americans on food stamps now exceeds the entire population of Spain. 20 – According to one calculation, the number of Americans on food stamps now exceeds the combined populations of “Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming.” 21 – Back in the 1970s, about one out of every 50 Americans was on food stamps. Today, close to one out of every six Americans is on food stamps. Even more shocking is the fact that more than one out of every four children in the United States is enrolled in the food stamp program. Unfortunately, all of these problems are a result of our long-term economic decline. In a recent article for the New York Times, David Stockman, the former director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan, did a brilliant job of describing how things have degenerated over the last decade… Since the S&P 500 first reached its current level, in March 2000, the mad money printers at the Federal Reserve have expanded their balance sheet sixfold (to $3.2 trillion from $500 billion). Yet during that stretch, economic output has grown by an average of 1.7 percent a year (the slowest since the Civil War); real business investment has crawled forward at only 0.8 percent per year; and the payroll job count has crept up at a negligible 0.1 percent annually. Real median family income growth has dropped 8 percent, and the number of full-time middle class jobs, 6 percent. The real net worth of the “bottom” 90 percent has dropped by one-fourth. The number of food stamp and disability aid recipients has more than doubled, to 59 million, about one in five Americans. For the last couple of years, the U.S. economy has experienced a bubble of false hope that has been produced by unprecedented amounts of government debt and unprecedented money printing by the Federal Reserve. Unfortunately, that bubble of false hope is not going to last much longer. In fact, we are already seeing signs that it is getting ready to burst. For example, initial claims for unemployment benefits shot up to385,000 for the week ending March 30th. That is perilously close to the 400,000 “danger level” that I keep warning about. Once we cross the 400,000 level and stay there, it will be time to go into crisis mode. In the years ahead, it is going to become increasingly difficult to find a job. Just the other day I saw an article about an advertisement for a recent job opening at a McDonald’s in Massachusetts that required applicants to have “one to two years experience and a bachelor’s degree“. If you need a bachelor’s degree for a job at McDonald’s, then what in the world are blue collar workers going to do when the competition for jobs becomes really intense once the economy experiences another major downturn? Do not be fooled by the fact that the Dow has been setting new all-time highs. The truth is that we are in the midst of a long-term economic decline, and things are going to get a lot worse. If you know someone that is not convinced of this yet, just share the following article with them: “Show This To Anyone That Believes That ‘Things Are Getting Better’ In America“. So what are all of you seeing in your own areas? Are you seeing signs that poverty is getting worse? Please feel free to post a comment with your thoughts below…
  14. Also it is quite a stretch to define the Persian Gulf as part of the West.// Colby TUNISIA "We think we'll be one third part for the internal and two-thirds for the external market." two-thirds of Bond money from outside Tunisia Shariah-Compliant Corporate Finance Forges Ahead ...... of abundant liquidity flows from recycling petrodollars in regional economies. No stretch , Middle East petro dollars invested in NY/London (the WEST ) for the most part. BUT NOW A PORTION GOES TO SUKUK. WE provide military backup for Middle East Dictators.(exp. Saudi Arabia) ######################################## ######################################## The Worldwide Network of US Military Bases The Global Deployment of US Military Personnel By Jules Dufour Global Research, February 17, 2013 1 July 2007 http://www.globalres...tary-bases/5564
  15. What Must a Humanoid Disaster-Response Robot Do to Win DARPA's Challenge? By Rebecca Boyle Posted 04.11.2012 at 2:01 pm Robots to the Rescue This disaster scene is part of DARPA's new Robotics Challenge. The robot on the left is fixing a leaky pipe, and the robot on the right is breaking through a wall using a power tool. DARPA DARPA has some details about its new Robotics Challenge, which we first told you about last week. Anyone have a robot that can drive a car for a $2 million prize? Formally announced Tuesday, the new challenge will take place during the next two years, with the first phase kicking off in October. The goal is to develop robots that can work in dangerous environments engineered for humans, not robots. They could potentially protect humans from harm by making repairs or scouting terrain. DARPA specifically mentions the nuclear disaster at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi power plant as an example of why this type of robot would be useful. (How about inject a phoney vaccine cure ?? Human I am from the government and here to help you. Please uncover your arm for saving injection......beep ) Gaal or (How about replace workers in dangerous areas after a depopulated world is created ?? beep !) The challenge is not focused strictly on humanoid robots, but some of the tasks — like driving a car and climbing a ladder — could be difficult for non-humanoid body plans to accomplish. Interestingly, the competition is open to international teams, even those with no connections to an American company or lab — DARPA may be aware that American development of humanoid robots has lagged behind our counterparts in Europe and Asia. Like we first heard last week, the challenge consists of several difficult tasks. The robot must: Drive an ATV or other similar utility vehicle, operating all the controls, ignition, steering and brakes. Walk across uneven, debris-strewn terrain. Clear a rock or cinder block from a doorway, turn a handle and open a door. Climb a ladder and move across a catwalk (potentially one of the trickiest tasks, because a human would have to use arms and legs to do this). Break open a concrete wall, like the drilling robot is doing in the image above. Find and fix a leaking pipe, as the other robot is doing in the picture. Remove and replace a small pump. These are just examples; the formal challenge will be more specific, according to the solicitation. DARPA might make it more difficult depending on how things proceed. Competitors can take part along three tracks: Track A would involve building a complete system, including software and hardware; Track B could be software only, developed using competitive funds; Track C could be software only, using a competitor’s own funds; and Track D would be a complete system developed at the competitor’s own expense. The agency is opting for a big-tent view, seeking input from universities, companies of all sizes and even individuals. “Achieving true innovation in robotics, and thus success in this challenge, will require contributions from communities beyond traditional robotics developers,” the agency’s announcement says. In that sense, DARPA may be taking a cue from the success of the Flypmode crowdsourced car, also the brainchild of a nontraditional source. And the agency expects this competition to stimulate a new generation of robot enthusiasts and builders, such as through the FIRST robotics competition. “The work of the global robotics community brought us to this point—robots do save lives, do increase efficiencies and do lead us to consider new capabilities,” said Gill Pratt, DARPA program manager, in a statement. “What we need to do now is move beyond the state of the art.”
  16. You might recall (if you dont have a memory problem),that Simkin started a thread that talked about the 21 TRILLION (thats the T not B word) in the offshore private accounts. Of course a lot of that is the ye old dictatorial leader skimming and organized crime monies ,however, its not beyond the pale that a portion of these trillions are slated for secret NWO operations . Central Banks can make money digitally out of whole cloth if BIS goes along. (and the BIS is part of NWO scheme). The issue of space beams has been an idea knocked around for decades (even the NAZI may have looked into the idea). On the net there is talk of DARPA work on releasing chemicals/(biologicals ?) via drones. When lift to orbit becomes cheaper the energy space beam will most likely become a reality ........duck !!!!!!!!!!!! Some of that private money could fund biological research in secret now . Government monies are working and perfecting drones as I type. The space energy beam may not ever be economical, but all it needs to be is closely economical and the MSM/governments can cover up this detail. As stated previously China,India and Russia must be on board. Later when cheaper orbit lift obtained a burst of monies from the trillions can put the project into final stage. This burst of money would be inflationary over time and elites hate inflation,however, how would this matter ?? The depopulated worlds NWO government could/would make a new currency. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [PDF] An Introduction to Biological Agent Detection Equipment for ... www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/190747-c.pdfSimilar You +1'd this publicly. UndoFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View spotted, the UAV will move in close and interrogate the cloud for biological content .... Once it is determined that the event is a result of a release of a biological ... Iraqi biological weapons program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraqi_biological_weapons_programCached - Similar You +1'd this publicly. Undo Saddam Hussein (1937-2006) initiated an extensive biological weapons ... It tested several delivery systems including aerial spray tanks and drone aircraft. Biological Weapons - Page 126 - Google Books Result books.google.com/books?isbn=8176487325 Sharad S. Chauhan - 2004 - Biological weaponsHence most biological attacks can be expected at night or at dusk. ... The USA had developed a drone vehicle as far back as the 1960's for offensive use. ... fuel can crash land releasing lethal agents over a vast area before self destruction. Experts: Drones basis for new global arms race - Army News | News ... www.armytimes.com/.../gannett-experts-say-drones-basis-new-global...Cached You +1'd this publicly. UndoJan 8, 2013 – Analysts warn that even a less-sophisticated drone can be dangerous. Such drones can be equipped with chemical or biological weapons or ... #####################o0o###################### NASA Funding Satellite That Would Beam Solar Power Down to Earth Written by Megan Treacy on 17/04/12 NASA is providing Artemis Innovation Management Solutions with seed money to build a satellite that could collect solar energy and beam it back down to Earth. Harvesting solar energy from space has been talked about for a long time, but has been deemed too expensive or the technology just wasn't there. Now with former NASA engineer John Mankins at the helm, it looks like this concept is finally set to take off. The turning point for this technology is all due to the biomimetic design that Mankins came up with, which mimics how flower petals collect solar energy. The petals would be covered with small, thin-film mirrors that could be curved to direct sunlight to solar cells. The satellite would be positioned far enough away from the Earth so that it will never be in the dark. The energy collected would be converted into microwaves that could be beamed or broadcast back to Earth where electricity would be generated. The design allows for the use of small, lightweight mirrors and solar cells so that the satellite could be constructed and transported at a not-ridiculous cost. The potential for this technology is huge. The satellite could feasibly send a constant stream of microwaves because of its position -- possibly thousands of megawatts worth. That constant stream of unlimited energy would utlimately make any upfront costs totally negligible and could bring a huge leap in amount of renewable energy fed to the grid. Truly, this is the stuff that clean tech dreams **** are made of. The NASA funding is for a proof of concept study that could lead to a prototype being built if all checks out. That prototype would then be tested in near-Earth orbit and then, fingers crossed, full scale satellites would be built and launched. via Phys.org Images via John Mankins **** SELLING POINT (GAAL) Its ECO GOOD !! ITS ECO GOOD !! WE MUST HAVE IT !!!!
  17. Oh yeah and get back to us with a qualified expert who backs your fantasy. // Colby FROM POST # 168 thread According to RSA member Andrei Ionin, there is little doubt that there will be no need for power plants in space, once other Earth-based energy sources — such as thermonuclear fusion — have been mastered. “Launching a plant to orbit and operating it there is very expensive — to say nothing of the environmental impact for the Earth,” Ionin says. “God forbid the laser beam moves out of position. What will happen to the Earth then?" Ionin asks. "We don’t know how such offsets may influence the ozone layer. What if the laser starts burning holes in it? (Historically the energy beam proposal from space to earth has been microwave not laser as now proposed ,but both can be but up at the same time.Gaal) 2. Depopulation is a real philosophical idea held by numerous elites. This is shown in the starting posts of this long thread. 3. Here is a bottom line question. When numbered crunched is the space beam economically sound ?? My understanding is that the answer is no. So why is it being proposed at all (see above (#168) Obama now on board with idea) ? Not economically sound. So why is it being proposed at all ? WHY ?? 4. DO THE MATH http://physics.ucsd....ed-solar-power/ BTW he talks about safety. Why does he do that ? ANSWER BECAUSE IT CAN BE 'UNSAFE' However there is no assumption of making the beam do 'unsafe things on purpose'. ++++++++++ IF YOU HAVE A and C and D, then you can extrapolate 'B'. Mr. Colby time and again cant seem to do this mental procedure. If extrapolating 'B' would go against the establishment ,Mr. Colby just cant do it time again to infinitum. FROM MOVIE 1984 MR. SMITH IF THE STATE SAYS THIS IS FIVE ,ITS FIVE.(interrogator only holding up 4 fingers) Would Colby say 5 or 4 ?? Dear Reader I think you know the answer.
  18. ================= please hold the celebration DPRK’s “State of War” Declaration Is a Faulty Translation: Not an Official Policy Statement from Kim Jung Un By Scott Creighton Global Research, April 04, 2013 4th Media and Willyloman.wordpress.com “from that time” becomes “from this time on” and “from this moment“… little change, big difference As much as our leaders would like them to have taken the bait, North Korea has not declared war on the South or the U.S. in response to our unprecedented provocations. So when all else fails, leave it to yellow journalism like this piece of work from the New York Times or this obviously Photoshopped image that came out this past week. The much touted “state of war” declaration is not a declaration of war from Kim Jung Un but rather a statement of support for whatever decision he has too make from the “the government, political parties and organizations of the DPRK.” It claims only they will declare themselves in a state of war WHEN their leader makes that decision showing they are completely behind him. It is a statement of support from the people and perhaps a warning to the South that the North will not fold under their attack. But not a declaration of war from Kim Jung Un. There is a campaign of propaganda underway this week in Korea and I will show you that this latest crisis is nothing more than a continuation of that warmongering effort. It’s being reported across the globe that “North Korea” made these statements in a recent official release via state media Korean Central News Agency : “From this time on, the North-South relations will be entering the state of war and all issues raised between the North and the South will be handled accordingly,”Ria Novoski “Now that the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK have entered into an actual military action, the inter-Korean relations have naturally entered the state of war,” Huffington Post “From this time on, the North-South relations will be entering the state of war and all issues raised between the North and the South will be handled accordingly,”Reuters via Prison Planet As you can see, this rhetoric spans quite a wide political divide from the fake alternative left to the equally fake alternative right and very thing in between. CNN, Fox, NBC News all of them are reporting this crucial development as fact. Trouble is, it may be another lie. It’s hard to say because no one links to the actual original source of this statement. Also important to note, which is not being covered by most outlets, the statement is NOT from the usual official offices of the North Korean government but rather from “the government, political parties and organizations of the DPRK” and what that means is, it’s not so much a declaration of war as it is a statement to show the unified resolve of the North Korean people against the aggressive stance and provocations undertaken by the South Koreans and their masters, the United States. But with that in mind, it may not even be an accurate translation of the statement. Ria Novosti, to their credit, caught the “mistake” from the AFP and published a retraction calling it a “faulty translation”. A noncommittal way of saying a “lie” I suppose. “Faulty” is right. Later on Saturday, however, Russian media reported that a faulty translation might have been to blame for this apparent uptick in bellicose rhetoric. The North Korean original statement apparently stressed that the country would act “in accordance with wartime laws” if attacked, and that “from that time, North-South relations will enter a state of war.” Ria Novosti What they are saying is if they are attacked they will be ready to enter “the state of war” with the South and their puppet masters the United States. Seems quite rational when you consider the fact that the Unites States is running practice drills dropping dud tactical nukes on islands off the shores of North Korea. Were the North Koreans to have done that off our shores, Shock and Awe would have already begun. Hell, we claim the “right” to “pre-emptive warfare” on other countries and millions of people are dead and suffering as a result right now. This interpretation of their quote also blends seamlessly into what appears to be the North Korean’s official position gleaned from several other quotes released on the official media site. “He declared the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK would react to the U.S. nuclear blackmail with a merciless nuclear attack, and war of aggression with an all-out war of justice.” “The army and people of the DPRK are full of the spirit to defend the country as was displayed in the 1950s.” KCNA “The powerful countermeasures of the DPRK to defend the sovereignty are a manifestation of the firm will of its army and people to defend the country and socialism at the cost of their lives from the hostile forces’ aggression moves.” KCNA “If the enemies finally ignite a war of aggression, they will turn to ashes without having time to regret themselves over not paying due heed to the significant warning issued by the Supreme Command of KPA that they will have hardest time with their destiny at stake the moment they make a provocation. The strong countermeasures taken by the DPRK are not to threaten others but to defend the dignity and the sovereignty of the country and the nation. No one on earth can check the people turned out for just cause.” KCNA In this article, the leadership of North Korea calls on progressives to stand against the U.S.’s globalist expansion of late and in this article the state run news agency points out the fact that the South Korean leadership is attacking their own progressives who are still trying to push the reunification agenda that came so close to succeeding not that long ago. “A battle to be fought by the DPRK against the U.S. will become a war for national liberation to defend the sovereignty and dignity of the country and, at the same time, a revolutionary war to defend the human cause of independence and the justice of the international community.” KCNA As to the mystery of the misquote: The AFP quote about the statements made by the North Korean leadership seem to come from a website called North Korean Leadership Watch. They cite the statement as being published by KCNA, but AGAIN, like all the others, NKLW doesn’t provide a link to that KCNA article. However, they do make this statement: “DPRK state media published a statement (tamhwa) on 30 March (Saturday) from “the government, political parties and organizations of the DPRK.” Unlike the recent volley of statements, or indeed most communications published and broadcasted in state media, the 30 March 2013 statement was not issued under the name of any specific organization (s). The statement is not cited as the work of the DPRK National Defense Commission, the KPA Supreme Command or Ministry of the People’s Armed Forces from the DPRK national security community…” NKLeadershipWatch According to the origin of the quote, the statement isn’t directly from the government of North Korea and I am having a hell of a time finding the original source. You can find the statement here at Rodong and a few other sites as well. Take a look at how it is written in the context of what is said: … The government, political parties and organizations of the DPRK solemnly declare as follows reflecting the final decision made by Kim Jong Un at the operation meeting of the KPA Supreme Command and the unanimous will of all service personnel and people of the DPRK who are waiting for a final order from him. 1.From this moment, the north-south relations will be put at the state of war and all the issues arousing between the north and the south will be dealt with according to the wartime regulations. The state of neither peace nor war has ended on the Korean Peninsula. They are declaring they are at a state of war BEFORE given the order from Kim Jong Un? Now substitute what Ria Novosti thinks is the actual translation: … The government, political parties and organizations of the DPRK solemnly declare as follows reflecting the final decision made by Kim Jong Un at the operation meeting of the KPA Supreme Command and the unanimous will of all service personnel and people of the DPRK who are waiting for a final order from him. 1.from that time, North-South relations will enter a state of war and all the issues arousing between the north and the south will be dealt with according to the wartime regulations. The state of neither peace nor war has ended on the Korean Peninsula. If you look at the other statements issued by the official parties of NK you see a certain pattern. They have not declared war on the South though they fully expect the U.S. to instigate the conflict even more. They also clearly identify their posture as being in “defense” of their nation and not the aggressor, which given the circumstances, is rational. This statement which appears to say the North has declared war, is nothing of the sort, even if the Reuters translation is accurate. It is merely a statement of solidarity with their president at a difficult time. But at worst, this deliberate mistranslation is someone’s opportunistic attempt to create a narrative and a history that mistakenly directs the blame for yet another war on the leadership of North Korea. It is in that sense, blackmail, just of the sort the North Koreans have been complaining about. And given the fact that the leadership of the organizations signed onto the statement would NEVER openly declare war BEFORE given that order by their president, more than likely the Ria Novosti translation make much more sense. Therefore, given all of this, I conclude (until such time as I can read the KCNA article myself) that the much touted “state of war” declaration being presented to the American people is in fact a “faulty translation” The probably mistranslated statement reprinted below. DPRK state media published a statement (tamhwa) on 30 March (Saturday) from “the government, political parties and organizations of the DPRK.” The moves of the U.S. imperialists to violate the sovereignty of the DPRK and encroach upon its supreme interests have entered an extremely grave phase. Under this situation, the dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un, brilliant commander of Mt. Paektu, convened an urgent operation meeting on the performance of duty of the Strategic Rocket Force of the Korean People’s Army for firepower strike and finally examined and ratified a plan for firepower strike. The important decision made by him is the declaration of a do-or-die battle to provide an epochal occasion for putting an end to the history of the long-standing showdown with the U.S. and opening a new era. It is also a last warning of justice served to the U.S., south Korean group and other anti-reunification hostile forces. The decision reflects the strong will of the army and people of the DPRK to annihilate the enemies. Now the heroic service personnel and all other people of the DPRK are full of surging anger at the U.S. imperialists’ reckless war provocation moves, and the strong will to turn out as one in the death-defying battle with the enemies and achieve a final victory of the great war for national reunification true to the important decision made by Kim Jong Un. The Supreme Command of the KPA in its previous statement solemnly declared at home and abroad the will of the army and people of the DPRK to take decisive military counteraction to defend the sovereignty of the country and the dignity of its supreme leadership as regards the war moves of the U.S. and south Korean puppets that have reached the most extreme phase. Not content with letting B-52 make sorties into the sky over south Korea in succession despite the repeated warnings of the DPRK, the U.S. made B-2A stealth strategic bomber and other ultra-modern strategic strike means fly from the U.S. mainland to south Korea to stage a bombing drill targeting the DPRK. This is an unpardonable and heinous provocation and an open challenge. By taking advantage of the U.S. reckless campaign for a nuclear war against the DPRK, the south Korean puppets vociferated about “preemptive attack” and “strong counteraction” and even “strike at the commanding forces”, openly revealing the attempt to destroy monuments symbolic of the dignity of the DPRK’s supreme leadership. This clearly shows that the U.S. brigandish ambition for aggression and the puppets’ attempt to invade the DPRK have gone beyond the limit and their threats have entered the reckless phase of an actual war from the phase of threat and blackmail. The prevailing grim situation more clearly proves that the Supreme Command of the KPA was just when it made the judgment and decision to decisively settle accounts with the U.S. imperialists and south Korean puppets by dint of the arms of Military-First politics (So’ngun), because time when words could work has passed. Now they are openly claiming that the B-2A stealth strategic bombers’ drill of dropping nuclear bombs was “not to irritate the north” but “the defensive one”. The U.S. also says the drill is “to defend the interests of its ally”. However, it is nothing but a lame pretext to cover up its aggressive nature, evade the denunciation at home and abroad and escape from the DPRK’s retaliatory blows. The era when the U.S. resorted to the policy of strength by brandishing nuclear weapons has gone. It is the resolute answer of the DPRK and its steadfast stand to counter the nuclear blackmail of the U.S. imperialists with merciless nuclear attack and their war of aggression with just all-out war. They should clearly know that in the era of Marshal Kim Jong Un, the greatest-ever commander, all things are different from what they used to be in the past. The hostile forces will clearly realize the iron will, matchless grit and extraordinary mettle of the brilliant commander of Mt. Paektu that the earth cannot exist without Military-First (So’ngun) Korea. Time has come to stage a do-or-die final battle. The government, political parties and organizations of the DPRK solemnly declare as follows reflecting the final decision made by Kim Jong Un at the operation meeting of the KPA Supreme Command and the unanimous will of all service personnel and people of the DPRK who are waiting for a final order from him. 1.From this moment, the north-south relations will be put at the state of war and all the issues arousing between the north and the south will be dealt with according to the wartime regulations. The state of neither peace nor war has ended on the Korean Peninsula. Now that the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK have entered into an actual military action, the inter-Korean relations have naturally entered the state of war. Accordingly, the DPRK will immediately punish any slightest provocation hurting its dignity and sovereignty with resolute and merciless physical actions without any prior notice. 2. If the U.S. and the south Korean puppet group perpetrate a military provocation for igniting a war against the DPRK in any area including the five islands in the West Sea of Korea or in the area along the Military Demarcation Line, it will not be limited to a local war, but develop into an all-out war, a nuclear war. It is self-evident that any military conflict on the Korean Peninsula is bound to lead to an all-out war, a nuclear war now that even U.S. nuclear strategic bombers in its military bases in the Pacific including Hawaii and Guam and in its mainland are flying into the sky above south Korea to participate in the madcap DPRK-targeted nuclear war moves. The first strike of the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK will blow up the U.S. bases for aggression in its mainland and in the Pacific operational theatres including Hawaii and Guam and reduce not only its military bases in south Korea but the puppets’ ruling institutions including Chongwadae and puppet army’s bases to ashes at once, to say nothing of the aggressors and the provokers. 3. The DPRK will never miss the golden chance to win a final victory in a great war for national reunification. This war will not be a three day-war but it will be a blitz war through which the KPA will occupy all areas of south Korea including Jeju Island at one strike, not giving the U.S. and the puppet warmongers time to come to their senses, and a three-dimensional war to be fought in the air, land and seas and on the front line and in the rear. This sacred war of justice will be a nation-wide, all-people resistance involving all Koreans in the north and the south and overseas in which the traitors to the nation including heinous confrontation maniacs, warmongers and human scum will be mercilessly swept away. No force on earth can break the will of the service personnel and people of the DPRK all out in the just great war for national reunification and of all other Koreans and overpower their might. Holding in high esteem the peerlessly great men of Mt. Paektu, the Korean people will give vent to the pent-up grudge and realize their cherished desire and thus bring a bright day of national reunification and build the best power on this land without fail. by Scott Creighton
  19. BECAUSE OF BELOW THEY WANT SUKUK MONEY (HOWEVER IN A PINCH THEY WILL USE IMF MONEY) Tunisia: IMF “Economic Medicine” has resulted in Mass Poverty and Unemployment Protest by Suicide as a Symbol of Resistance http://www.globalres...mployment/22587 By Prof. Basel Saleh Global Research, December 31, 2010 31 December 2010 +++++++++++++++ (REUTERS) SUKUK ISSUE Fakhfakh said Tunisia planned to issue its first sovereign sukuk, or Islamic bond, in July to raise $700 million. The government, led by moderate Islamists, is keen to develop Islamic finance, which was neglected for ideological reasons by Ben Ali's government. A Tunisian sukuk issue could potentially attract large amounts of Islamic funds from the wealthy Gulf. Fakhfakh said the government was in the final stages of pushing through legislation that would allow a sukuk issue, and hoped parliament would approve the bill by the end of April or early May. Authorities are still studying issues such as what assets will underly the sukuk and how the issue will be divided between the domestic and international markets, he added. "We think we'll be one third part for the internal and two-thirds for the external market." The state budget deficit is expected to rise to around 5.9 percent of gross domestic product this year from an estimated 5.1-5.3 percent last year, Fakhfakh said. He noted that inflation, at 6 percent, was high last year, particularly since prices of basic consumer goods such as food rose around 8-9 percent. "Now we have a programme to control inflation because it affects a lot the citizens with low income," he said. Measures being used by authorities to fight inflation include interest rates and limits on borrowing, efforts to curb smuggling across the border with Libya, and financial support to unemployed people, he said. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THUS two thirds of SUKUK will just be GULF Petrodollars. THUS TUNISIA WILL STILL BE UNDER WESTS INFLUENCE. ================================================ Features : Shariah-Compliant Corporate Finance Forges Ahead ...www.gfmag.com › Archives › June 2012Cached You +1'd this publicly. Undo A $400 million issue of sukuk backed the $1.4 billion leveraged buyout of ... of abundant liquidity flows from recycling petrodollars in regional economies. ########################################## April 4, 2013, 12:40 p.m. EDT Lockheed Martin Delivers First C-130J In Africa To Tunisia MARIETTA, Ga., April 4, 2013 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] delivered the first C-130J Super Hercules to the Republic of Tunisia today, marking the first delivery to an African country. Lockheed Martin signed a contract in 2010 with Tunisia to deliver two C-130Js between 2013 and 2014, in addition to providing training and an initial three years of logistics support.
  20. his difficulty understanding what he reads and memory problems // Colby ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Well seems you have relevant expertise to evaluate depopulation ?? Where did you get this expertise ?? Its your claim I dont remember or comprehend because you have emotional problems. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Oh and explain to us how “electromagntic beam kills many but attributed to conflated 'as one' biological agents” would work. // Colby ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Is the US the royal WE ???? Historically the energy beam proposal from space to earth has been microwave not laser as now proposed ,but both can be but up at the same time. COLBY NEEDS TO BE SPOON FED ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The beam disrupts communication leaving only controlled media outlets. Drones can release the Biological agents using the cover of terrorist monitoring. Biologic agent released first with skin eruptions in worldwide pandemic mode. Second lethal agent released near controlled media outlets. In on it media assets given unpublicized cure. Graphic death throes videos given wide spread release. Fake social media assets given same secret cure. Vivid grotesque reports also come from Social media. Martial law declared disrupting travel,isolating area from area. Private planes are accused of spreading the infection after martial law. This covers up the drone infection release. A key fact is that the second lethal biological has such a low infectivity that normal governmental quarantine methods would stop the infection by said second agent but thats not apparent because of the deaths by the space beam. If the second lethal infection gets out of hand into areas that want to be preserved , said space beam can be a great firewall ad hoc quarantine. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The beam takes out targeted shipping worldwide. (as this is also an avenue of communication). Of course oil tankers keep operational to help military operations. The land attack begins. Done in a manner to decrease communication. The beam kills in a 'U' pattern from seashore to seashore.Opposite the first 'U' pattern is a second mirror 'U' pattern killing beam from seashore to seashore. A third beam pattern connects the two 'U's.making a type of box between the first two 'U's. The killing beam then finishes off the areas inside the 'U's. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Phoney killing cure given out to eager exhausted fearful lemmings. Second real cure given out......however a great depopulation has occured.....the people are more than ready to accept a NWO. As previuosly stated none of this occurs in the current time frame, ######################################### Jake Whitney Daily Beast 2/21/13 ============================= (According to the war correspondent Michael Hastings, DoD now employs 27,000 media professionals at $4.7 billion per year and even creates phony Facebook and Twitter accounts of pro-American Afghans.) This huge PR machine has been accompanied by a strategy of public disengagement—through policies like the elimination of the draft, a refusal to raise wartime taxes, and an increasing reliance on long-range weapons like drones. All of this makes war far less impactful to most Americans. ############################ Here is a bottom line question. When numbered crunched is the space beam economically sound ?? My understanding is that the answer is no. So why is it being proposed at all (see above (#168) Obama now on board with idea) ? Not economically sound. So why is it being proposed at all ? WHY ??
  21. the US & Israel [might] Hack The US Banking System Computers and Falsely Blame It On Iran (or Russia or China)” was 'rabid speculation'. I think Liberman is a major arse but he never pimped such stupidity. ========== ++++++++++++++++++ YES HE ONLY PIMPED IRAN IS ATTACKING USA..........which is PURE BS......ITS US ATTAKING US(A) FLASE FLAG> AS I CONTEND http://articles.latimes.com/2012/sep/26/business/la-fi-mo-bank-cyber-attack-iran-lieberman-20120926
  22. Robert , I went to see Bo Gritz give a lecture at the University of California Santa Barbara. Gritz played a subtitled video tape interview proported to be of Khun Sa. The 'Kuhn Sa' fellow talked about his drug deals with Armitage as the bag man. The money was in the billions.
  23. Even IF true how does this support your claims? // Colby There is an increase in the use of electromagnetic weapons. If a depopulation plan were to be initiated electromagnetic weapons could be part of the scheme. (Gaal) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^o0o^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An idea Ive had for more than 15 years on depopulation. Use two types of biological agents. 1) one biological agent has high infectivity but ultra low lethality and has some type of skin eruption. 2a) another biological agent has ultra low infectivity but high lethality and elites have unpublicized cure. 2b) Release both agents, but the MSM conflate the two on purpose. 3) large scale marshal law invoked. Movement of vast populations world wide hindered. Communications disrupted. 4) electromagntic beam kills many but attributed to conflated 'as one' biological agents. 5) first cure a Phoney cure that kills more , but establishment works hard (YES AND IN ON IT REPORTERS WORK HARD TO GET STORY OUT OF Second cure invention and implementation and hard,hard,hard working establishment) . CULLED POPULATION MANIPULATED TO BE GRATEFUL TO THE ESTABLISHMENT. LONG LIVE OUR WONDEROUS BENEFICENT LEADERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ############### Colby,"Mr. Gaal arent you impressed by the MSM as shown in the Movie 'All the CDC's Men' in the coverage of the world wide epidemic ? " =========== YUP, just as much as in 'All the Presidents Men' movie ( LIKE COVERUP) (Gaal)
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