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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. I AGREE WITH BELOW ONE TRILLION %PERCENT% Obama’s Budget. US Heading Toward a Social Explosion. Millions More People to be Thrown into Poverty By Joseph Kishore Global Research, April 12, 2013 World Socialist Web Site The Obama administration’s budget released on Wednesday is a historic milestone. The Democratic Party administration is taking direct aim at the two core federal social programs established in the United States in the 20th Century, Social Security and Medicare. The consequences of Obama’s proposals are not hard to predict: millions more people, particularly the elderly, will be thrown into poverty or be cut off from life-preserving medical care. The corporate and financial elite that runs the United States has long complained of the “unreasonable” sums of money spent on preserving the health and well-being of the elderly. In the minds of the Wall Street speculators and corporate executives that control both political parties, broad sections of the population simply live too long. While the administration and the corporate media have sought to downplay the significance of the attack, the cuts proposed are a significant step in dismantling the programs altogether. The $400 billion in Medicare cuts, when combined with the $500 billion already included as part of the administration’s health care overhaul, add up to 13 percent of total spending on the program over the next decade. As for Social Security, by modifying the way the government calculates inflation, the program will be cut by $130 billion. According to one analysis, for a worker retiring at the age of 65, this will amount to a loss of $650 a year in benefits by the time the worker reaches 75, and a loss of $1,130 by the time he reaches 85. About 70 percent of seniors depend on the already meager benefits for at least half of their income, with 40 percent depending on it to keep them above the poverty line. The administration’s proposal, with a raft of other cuts in key social programs, is only the starting point for negotiations with Congressional Republicans, a process that will drive the whole discussion even further to the right. The dog and pony show of American politics will enter a new phase, as the two big business parties, united on all essentials, conspire to gut and eliminate programs that have the overwhelming support of the American population. To the extent the American ruling class had a policy of social reform, it is embodied in the two targets of Obama’s budget. Social Security was established in 1935, while Medicare came into being in 1965. Both were byproducts of mass social struggle and represented attempts to contain social conflict. Social Security was part of a series of reforms implemented by the administration of Franklin Roosevelt during the Great Depression, in the midst of insurrectionary class battles (including a series of general strikes throughout the US). The political backdrop was the Russian Revolution, which inspired working class struggles and provided the ruling class with a portent of its own future. Medicare came in the midst of the mass civil rights movement and the wave of strikes of the 1960s. Enacted as part of the Great Society program of Lyndon B. Johnson, it was the last gasp of social reform in America. In those periods, the ability of the ruling class to implement reform measures ultimately reflected the strength of American capitalism. The situation today is vastly different. The financial aristocracy that runs the United States has presided over a steady erosion of the country’s economic foundations. It has amassed its wealth primarily though looting and speculation. For four decades, the American ruling class has been engaged in an unrelenting attack on the working class, a social counterrevolution that has produced an enormous increase in inequality. Up until the present, however, it has been deemed politically impossible to directly attack Social Security and Medicare. Obama has taken up this task. Obama’s assault on health care programs began with the 2010 overhaul, hailed by the “left” supporters of the Democratic Party as a major social reform. Such attempts to cover up the reactionary character of the administration have now been thoroughly exposed. To the ruling class, Obama has made clear that, in the defense of their wealth, everything is “on the table.” There are no “sacred cows,” he wrote in a letter to Congress. In a move that has both immense symbolism and practical implications, the administration said it was also considering the sale of the Tennessee Valley Authority, the largest publicly-owned US power company, and the most significant public entity set up during the Great Depression to provide electricity to large parts of the American South. Earlier this week, Obama took the occasion of the death of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to associate his administration with the policies initiated by Thatcher in Britain and by Reagan in the United States during the 1980s, including efforts to “roll back” everything that detracted from corporate profits or restricted wealth accumulation. “Here in America,” Obama declared in a press release, “many of us will never forget [Thatcher] standing shoulder to shoulder with President Reagan, reminding the world that we are not simply carried along by the currents of history—we can shape them with moral conviction, unyielding courage and iron will.” The “iron will” that Obama is emulating is the will to ensure that trillions can continue to be handed to Wall Street, and that corporate profits can continue to soar, through an increasingly frontal attack on every social right of the working class. All of this has consequences, for the Obama administration and the political establishment as a whole. In 2008, Obama was brought forward by sections of the ruling class seeking a facelift for its reactionary policies. He replaced George W. Bush, the most hated president in US history. The fact that he was the first African American president was used to promote the illusion of change, with the assistance of the upper middle class proponents of identity politics who orbit around the Democratic Party. The “transformative president” hailed by the liberal establishment and pseudo-left has become the most reactionary administration in American history. This will not dissuade the professional promoters of the Democratic Party, who will do everything they can to maintain political illusions in the two-party capitalist system, though with increasing difficulty. The United States is heading toward a social explosion. By its own actions, the ruling class is demonstrating the necessity for revolution. The immense anger and opposition that is building up in the American working class must and will increasingly be directed against the Democratic Party. \================0o0o0o0===================/ Related content: Scrapping the US “Social Safety Net”: Obama Budget Slashes Social Security, Medicare US President Barack Obama unveiled his budget proposal Wednesday, calling for a historic attack on Medicare and Social Security. The move, coming after the imposition of $1.4 trillion in spending cuts over the past two years, marks a new stage… Bipartisan Theatrics and the Obama Budget Crisis: “Deeper Cuts” to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security Less than two weeks after the start of $1.2 trillion in government spending cuts, under the so-called “sequester,” Republicans and Democrats have unveiled budget proposals that include far deeper cuts in social programs, including Medicare and Medicaid. Paul Ryan, the… Obama panel proposes destroying social programs US deficit panel launches offensive against social programs The proposals announced Wednesday by the Democratic and Republican chairmen of the Obama administration’s budget deficit panel amount to an all-out attack on the working class combined with even bigger tax cuts…
  2. CREATE CHAOS,Gaal Are Drone Strikes Creating More Terrorist Than They're Killing (That's THE PLAN Isn't It?) http://xrepublic.tv/node/2914 ======================================== NGO's phoney baloney covert operatives,Gaal EXPOSED: Syrian Human Rights Front is EU-Funded Fraud NYT admits fraudulent Syrian human rights group is UK-based "one-man band" funded by EU and one other "European country." April 12, 2013 (LD) - In reality, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has long ago been exposed as an absurd propaganda front operated by Rami Abdul Rahman out of his house in England's countryside. According to a December 2011 Reuters article titled, "Coventry - an unlikely home to prominent Syria activist," Abdul Rahman admits he is a member of the so-called "Syrian opposition" and seeks the ouster of Syrian President Bashar Al Assad: After three short spells in prison in Syria for pro-democracy activism, Abdulrahman came to Britain in 2000 fearing a longer, fourth jail term. "I came to Britain the day Hafez al-Assad died, and I'll return when Bashar al-Assad goes," Abdulrahman said, referring to Bashar's father and predecessor Hafez, also an autocrat. One could not fathom a more unreliable, compromised, biased source of information, yet for the past two years, his "Observatory" has served as the sole source of information for the endless torrent of propaganda emanating from the Western media. Perhaps worst of all, is that the United Nations uses this compromised, absurdly overt source of propaganda as the basis for its various reports - at least, that is what the New York Times now claims in their recent article, "A Very Busy Man Behind the Syrian Civil War’s Casualty Count." The NYT piece admits: Military analysts in Washington follow its body counts of Syrian and rebel soldiers to gauge the course of the war. The United Nations and human rights organizations scour its descriptions of civilian killings for evidence in possible war crimes trials. Major news organizations, including this one, cite its casualty figures. Yet, despite its central role in the savage civil war, the grandly named Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is virtually a one-man band. Its founder, Rami Abdul Rahman, 42, who fled Syria 13 years ago, operates out of a semidetached red-brick house on an ordinary residential street in this drab industrial city [Coventry, England]. The New York Times also for the first time reveals that Abdul Rahman's operation is indeed funded by the European Union and a "European country" he refuses to identify: Money from two dress shops covers his minimal needs for reporting on the conflict, along with small subsidies from the European Union and one European country that he declines to identify. ###################### hijacked real oposition ( for what/why ? =NWO),Gaal US Conducts False Flag Operation in Syria: Randy Short Press TV April 13, 2013 This is while the United States has updated its military options for a direct intervention in Syria to aid the militants fighting against the government of President Bashar al-Assad. Press TV has conducted an interview with Randy Short, human rights activist, to further discuss the issue. What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview. Press TV: What exactly are the so-called Friends of Syria after? I mean are they really concerned about the plight of people in Syria? Short: Of course they are not concerned. If you ask me the FSA or the Free Syrian Army or whatever, they are a subsidiary of the CIA. Some people call the CIA the cocaine importing agency in terms of its relationship to drugs coming into the United States from Afghanistan and other places. There they are to destroy a strong secular Muslim society that has shown itself a leader to fighting against the excesses of Zionism as well they want to punish the people of Syria who quietly helped resist the American invasion of Iraq and as well have preserved Lebanon, preventing it from becoming a colony of Israel. This is a crime of the Assad dynasty, they can’t be forgiven as if they dare to want to have their own path, their own chart and the FSA and the others who they are to hide behind Saudi Arabian Wahabi Islam which is basically working with Zionism and European and American imperialism, racism and Islamophobia in the world. They want to destroy Syria. It is obvious they do not care anything for the people. And most of the fighters, 95 percent according to German Intelligence are not even Syrians. So I mean how can people who come into a country invade and destroy infrastructures, kill children and desecrate Masjids and profane the [Prophet] Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) and kill Imams, how can they really before anything other than covert Zionistic attack on the people of Syria? Press TV: Mr. Short, I’d like to pick up on your mention of Israel there. You know, none of the so-called Friends of Syria have any problems with Israel, indeed some of them are allies and supporters of Tel Aviv. So what then is the role of Israel in this war on Syria? Short: Of course, to throw rocks and hide their hands, to do things like have a role in assassination of leaders in other countries and try to attribute it to a third source, black flag operations or false flag operations seem to be the hallmark of not just Israel but the United States and Europe, the European Union with Operation Gladio or for that matter many people here suspect 9/11 and somehow is some sort of false flag operation. And so there is a false flag that people care about the freedom of Syrian people. If they did, they wouldn’t be killing them, executing people and marking their bodies on YouTube, I cannot even watch it. How can such people care about Syrians? And caring about Syrians you can’t just care about the Sunni majority. You have to think about the Bedouin, the Shia, the Kurds, the Christians, I mean Syria is a complex society, you cannot really care about a nation and only like some of the people.(YUP,Gaal agrees) That is the problem we have in United States as you know, I am an expert on that.
  3. BIOWARFARE RESEARCH CONTINUES Virulence. 2012 Oct 1;3(6):510-4. doi: 10.4161/viru.22056. Epub 2012 Oct 1. Distinct human antibody response to the biological warfare agent Burkholderia mallei. Varga JJ, Vigil A, DeShazer D, Waag DM, Felgner P, Goldberg JB. SourceUniversity of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA. Abstract The genetic similarity between Burkholderia mallei (glanders) and Burkholderia pseudomallei (melioidosis) had led to the general assumption that pathogenesis of each bacterium would be similar. In 2000, the first human case of glanders in North America since 1945 was reported in a microbiology laboratory worker. Leveraging the availability of pre-exposure sera for this individual and employing the same well-characterized protein array platform that has been previously used to study a large cohort of melioidosis patients in southeast Asia, we describe the antibody response in a human with glanders. Analysis of 156 peptides present on the array revealed antibodies against 17 peptides with a > 2-fold increase in this infection. Unexpectedly, when the glanders data were compared with a previous data set from B. pseudomallei infections, there were only two highly increased antibodies shared between these two infections. These findings have implications in the diagnosis and treatment of B. mallei and B. pseudomallei infections. PMID: 23076276 [PubMed - in process] PMCID: PMC3524150[Available on 2013/10/1] The following toggler user interface control may not be accessible. Tab to the next button to revert the control to an accessible version. Destroy user interface controlPublication Types, Grant SupportPublication Types Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural Grant Support 5T32AI055432/AI/NIAID NIH HHS/United States R21AI73923/AI/NIAID NIH HHS/United States U01AI061363/AI/NIAID NIH HHS/United States U54 AI065359/AI/NIAID NIH HHS/United States U54AI065359/AI/NIAID NIH HHS/United States
  4. How many times have we been over this krapola? OK highlight just the part which documents how the exercises delayed response times // end Colby II. One would expect that having so many exercises would have caused some confusion, which might have slowed down the military response. Indeed, statements to this effect have been made: According to a summary of a 9/11 Commission interview with Canadian Lt. Gen. Rick Findley, who was at NORAD as the Battle Staff Director at Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center (CMOC) on September 11,2001, there was, following the second attack on the Twin Towers, “confusion as to how many, and which aircraft, were hijacked. There was no situational awareness that was directly credible, and CMOC was relying on the communications over the phone lines with its operations sectors. Findley opined that AA 11 was reported still airborne and headed towards Washington, D.C. because of the added confusion of many hijack reports.”31 At Andrews Air Force Base outside Washington, DC, FAA Air Traffic Controller James Ampey, stationed at Andrews Tower, reported in a 9/11 Commission interview that there were an unusually high number of aircraft taking-off and landing at Andrews that morning because previously scheduled military exercises were underway. The radar screens were showing “emergencies all over the place.”32 General Larry Arnold, commander of NORAD’s Continental U.S. Region, said: “By the end of the day, we had 21 aircraft identified as possible hijackings.”33 Pentagon spokeswoman Victoria Clarke: “There were lots of false signals out there. There were false hijack squawks, and a great part of the challenge was sorting through what was a legitimate threat and what wasn’t.”34 FAA Deputy Administrator, Monte Belger, said:“Between 9:20-9:45 there were many confusing reports about various aircraft being unaccounted for.”35 An independent study in 2011 gave detailed accounts of nine falsely reported hijackings on 9/11, plus nine other reported aircraft emergencies.36 Any new investigation should probe the fact that, taken together, this evidence suggests that: (1) the Pentagon, after creating conditions that confused the military response to the attacks, sought to cover up its creation of these conditions, and that (2) the 9/11 Commission facilitated this cover-up by not making public the information held in its records cited above.
  5. hilarious since you don't believe OBL's confession tape or the pilot's martyr videos or even acknowledgements from some of the hijacker's families they were involved. // END COLBY ########################################### WHEN HAVE I DONE THAT ??? PLEASE NO WORDS IN MY MOUTH.
  6. Bailed-Out Banks Using Government Aid To Pay Back Government Loans http://xrepublic.tv/node/2918
  7. Big six energy firms accused of 'cold-blooded profiteering' Doubling of retail profit margins prompts call for radical overhaul of regulation Energy executives are due to appear before parliament’s energy and climate change committee on Tuesday. Photograph: Matt Cardy/Getty Images The big six energy suppliers have been accused of "cold-blooded profiteering" after official figures showed they had more than doubled their retail profit margins over the last 18 months and were now earning an average of £95 profit per household on dual-fuel bills. The industry regulator Ofgem, which produced the estimates, said profits per household would reach £100 over the next 12 months. Other new figures obtained from British Gas, EDF and the four other suppliers showed their profit margin from power generation – a separate part of the business – averaged more than 24% in 2011. They are believed to have risen since. The escalating earnings were condemned by fuel poverty campaigners, rival energy companies and the shadow energy secretary, Caroline Flint. They have led to further calls for the gas and electricity market to be reformed to break the stranglehold the big six have on supply, and will increase pressure on energy executives who are due to appear before parliament's energy and climate change committee on Tuesday as part of an inquiry under the title "energy prices, profits and poverty". Sam Robertson, a campaigner with Fuel Poverty Action, said millions of UK households facing a choice of whether to heat or eat would be left wondering what difference an extra £95 could have made. "This cold-blooded profiteering has to stop, but piecemeal market reforms will not go far enough, especially given the threat of a dash for gas that will send bills through the roof," Robertson said. The big six, which include SSE and RWE, already under fire for increasing domestic bills during an economic downturn, but the latest weekly Ofgem projections show dual-fuel retail bills are now up to an average of £1,420 a year, delivering £95 in profit per customer – a profit margin for the firms of 7%. That is up from an average bill in 2011 of £1,030 and a profit margin of 3.2%, according to figures provided earlier by the companies but only now published by Ofgem. The 2011 figures – the first the companies provided under the regulator's drive to bring more transparency to the market – also revealed the profit margins of the big six on their power generation divisions. EDF, the French-owned business that is demanding huge subsidies from the UK government to build nuclear plants, had a profit margin of more than 30% in 2011 while Centrica's was 17%. Ofgem said average margins in generation across the big six increased from 18.4% in 2010 to 24.4% in 2011. Caroline Flint, the shadow energy and climate change secretary, said the Ofgem numbers revealed the true scale of the problems in the power market. "Energy companies always claim that when they put up people's bills they're only passing on increased costs. What these figures show once and for all is that energy companies have increased their profits on the back of spiralling bills for hard-pressed consumers," she said. "These companies like to pretend they are the victims of wholesale prices, but they have been allowed to arrange their businesses in a way that enables them to make huge profits whatever the cost of wholesale energy." Ed Kamm, chief marketing officer at Warwick-based First Utility, a small energy provider, said the figures underlined the dangers of huge companies dominating the wholesale and retail markets. "The control the big six have over the wholesale market makes it difficult for independent suppliers to compete on price, which ultimately harms consumers. The big six firms' generation margins are nearly 25% and increasing because they are not exposed to the market pressures which drive efficiency unlike other truly competitive industries. This is bad for competition and, ultimately, bad for consumers." A spokesman for Centrica said the company's post-tax profit margins on the retail market had averaged 5% for the last five years and was currently the equivalent of £50 per customer. He said the wholesale margin needed to be higher given that it funded power stations and forward contracts for up to £50bn of new gas supplies. "We believe it is a fair margin." EDF was unavailable for comment. SSE said retail operated as a standalone business as it did for all other energy companies. "Cross-subsidising energy supply with profits from the wholesale business would create a barrier to entry into the market, to the detriment of healthy competition. We expect to make a profit margin of around 5% in energy supply over the medium term, which we believe to be fair and sustainable." An Ofgem spokesman said it was up to individual companies to justify their profits and prices to their customers, but the regulator was playing its part by forcing companies to release their internal figures while shaking up the market. "We are planning the most radical changes to the market since competition began, to make it simpler, clearer and fairer," he said. "To achieve this we propose to cut down the number of complex tariffs and simplify their structure. This will make it easier for consumers to find a cheaper deal. We also want to introduce other major changes to increase competitive pressure on suppliers. Our reforms are due to take effect from this summer." All of the big six energy companies increased their prices between October 2012 and January 2013. The firms blamed rising wholesale power and other costs. Ian Marchant, the chief executive of SSE, which raised its gas and electricity prices by 9% from mid-October, said at the time: "The increases in costs that we have seen … can no longer be absorbed and mean that we are unable to keep prices at their current levels beyond this autumn. An increase in our prices has therefore, regrettably, become unavoidable." The SSE boss warned last month that "there is a very real risk of the lights going out" in Britain.
  8. RON THANK YOU FOR YOUR POSTING BUT COLBY WOULDNT EVEN BELIEVE THE VIDEO TAPPED CONFESSIONS OF THE PLOTTERS OF 911. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Its 9/10 midnight and my patient is asleep,ventilator working fine. Ray Taliaferro 810 KGO is ripping "W" a new one fom 12:08 to 12:59. When he states,"Its a failed Presidency,a failed Presidency and he has only one thing left to do,only one thing knowing the Bush's and I'll tell you after the break,after the break. " So KGO news is done and now its 9/11 @ 1:08 PST and Ray comes back on the air. Ray with energy,"Its a failed Presidency and the only thing left for him to do is have a terror attack outside the United States." (HE REPEATED THAT AGAIN). As he is repeating himself I am thinking ,"No RAY no !! ,'W' will have a terror attack inside the US,a terror attack inside the US". Its 1:09 PST 9/11. JFK slowly,slowly faded away as number one to me after so many years. ######################## Why were certain people warned not to fly on or about September 11 (or even earlier), and not the rest of us? Ashcroft Flying High, CBS News, July 26, 2001: “In response to inquiries from CBS News over why Ashcroft was traveling exclusively by leased jet aircraft instead of commercial airlines, the Justice Department cited what it called a ‘threat assessment’ by the FBI, and said Ashcroft has been advised to travel only by private jet for the remainder of his term.” Dan Rather: Bush Issued Bogus Terror Alert to Cover Up 9-11 Bungle, NewsMax.com, May 22, 2002: “After the CBS news anchor's interview, NBC Pentagon correspondent Jim Miklaszewski called Imus to correct the record, explaining that Ashcroft's decision not to fly commercial aircraft last summer was prompted by threats against his life - and had no connection whatsoever to pre-Sept. 11 intelligence information.” “A senior official at the CIA said he was unaware of specific threats against any Cabinet member, and Ashcroft himself, in a speech in California, seemed unsure of the nature of the threat.” - Ashcroft Flying High, CBS News, July 26, 2001Thanks to BuzzFlash.com for this catch. Heads-Up To Ashcroft Proves Threat Was Known Before 9/11, Harley Sorensen, SF Gate, June 3, 2002: “Bush knew something was going to happen involving airplanes. He just didn't know what or exactly when. His attorney general, John Ashcroft, knew. His national security advisor, Condoleezza Rice, knew. They all knew… On July 26, 2001, cbsnews.com reported that John Ashcroft had stopped flying on commercial airlines… The FBI did advise Ashcroft to stay off commercial aircraft. The rest of us just had to take our chances… “On July 5, 2001, according to a recent Washington Post article, the White House called together officials from a dozen federal agencies to give them a warning. “‘Something really spectacular is going to happen here, and it's going to happen soon,’ the officials were told by the government's top counterterrorism official, Richard Clarke. “Clarke considered the threat sufficiently important to direct every counterintelligence office to cancel vacations and get ready for immediate action, the Post reported.” Who Did It?,David Ruppe, ABCNews.com, September 11, 2001 “Most recently, on Friday, Sept. 7, the State Department issued a worldwide alert warning ‘American citizens may be the target of a terrorist threat from extremist groups with links to [Osama bin Laden's] al Qaeda organization.’” Willie Brown got low-key early warning about air travel, Phillip Matier and Andrew Ross, San Francisco Chronicle, September 12, 2001: “For Mayor Willie Brown, the first signs that something was amiss came late Monday when he got a call from what he described as his airport security - - a full eight hours before yesterday's string of terrorist attacks -- advising him that Americans should be cautious about their air travel.” ‘We’ve Hit the Targets’, Michael Hirsh, Newsweek, September 13, 2001 issue: “NEWSWEEK has learned that while U.S. intelligence received no specific warning, the state of alert had been high during the past two weeks, and a particularly urgent warning may have been received the night before the attacks, causing some top Pentagon brass to cancel a trip. Why that same information was not available to the 266 people who died aboard the four hijacked commercial aircraft may become a hot topic on the Hill.” Rushdie 'given US air ban week before terrorist attacks', Ananova, September 27, 2001: “Salman Rushdie says US authorities banned him from taking internal flights a week before the terrorist attacks. “He thinks officials were aware of an imminent terrorist strike.” Rushdie's air ban, James Doran, The Times of London, September 27, 2001: “THE author Salman Rushdie believes that US authorities knew of an imminent terrorist strike when they banned him from taking internal flights in Canada and the US only a week before the attacks.” [The above article is no longer available on the Times' website.--Caro] Instant Messages To Israel Warned Of WTC Attack, Brian McWilliams, NewsbytesNews Network (a division of The Washington Post Company), September 27, 2001: “Officials at instant-messaging firm Odigo confirmed today that two employees received text messages warning of an attack on the World Trade Center two hours before terrorists crashed planes into the New York landmarks.” Court-appointed commander, Editorial, Arkansas Times, May 24, 2002: “We know now that the Bush administration received numerous warnings of impending terrorist attacks, some arriving almost on the eve of the Sept. 11 disaster, and did next to nothing. Well, it did slip word to John Ashcroft, our faith-based attorney general, and Ashcroft stopped flying on commercial aircraft. Faith has its limitations.” What Did They Know Page Last changed: December 13, 2009
  9. - Truthers go on and on about the militarily exercises that day but failed to show that there were more than normal or that they adversely effected response times. // END COLBY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BALONEY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Point ME-2: The Claim that the Military Exercises Did Not Delay the Response to the 9/11 Attacks << Previous Point, Next Point >> Introduction Until September 11, 2001, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) conducted four major annual war exercises a year.1 These aerial practice drills, run cooperatively with the US Strategic Command and the US Space Command, simulated war situations for a period of one or two weeks. The two largest, Global Guardian and Vigilant Guardian, were command level (high level) exercises that ran together, involved all levels of command, and were designed to exercise most aspects of the NORAD mission. Global Guardian also linked with other exercises sponsored by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Unified Commands — which included Amalgam Warrior, Apollo Warrior, and Crown Vigilance.2 These exercises, traditionally held in October or November, were all running on September 11, 2001. The Official Account The 9/11 Commission Report states that when Boston FAA Flight Center called NEADS (NORAD’s Northeast Air Defense Sector) to report the hijacking of Flight 11, NEADS asked, “Is this real world or exercise?”3 The Commission’s footnote to this question reported that the large-scale exercise Vigilant Guardian, which postulated a bomber attack from the former Soviet Union, had not compromised the military response.4 This statement reflected the claims of several military officers: According to General Ralph Eberhart, Commander of NORAD at Peterson Air Force Base, “it took about 30 seconds” to make the adjustment to the real-world situation.5 According to Robert Marr, “we found that the response was, if anything, expedited by the increased number of staff at the sectors and at NORAD because of the scheduled exercise.”6 General Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, concurred, saying in 2005 that the exercises “actually enhanced the response.”7 The Best Evidence I. Although the 9/11 Commission mentioned only one military exercise – Vigilant Guardian – that was scheduled for 9/11, evidence shows that at least 12 exercises had been scheduled for that day: Vigilant Guardian: An annual NORAD exercise held traditionally in October,8 often in conjunction with Global Guardian.9 On 9/11, all levels of command at NORAD Headquarters, including NEADS, were participating in this command-post exercise (CPX),10 “24/7”.11 Global Guardian: A massive annual Command Post-Exercise (CPX) and Field Training Exercise (FTX),12 which was sponsored jointly by the U.S. Strategic Command, US Space Command, and NORAD, and was linked to Vigilant Guardian and Amalgam Warrior.13Global Guardian is traditionally held in October or November each year.14 According to a military newspaper dated March 23, 2001,15 the over-arching Global Guardian exercise had indeed been originally scheduled for October,16 but was subsequently moved to early September. Crown Vigilance was sponsored by Air Combat Command and was linked to Global Guardian.17 Amalgam Warrior was also running — a large-scale live-fly exercise involving two or more NORAD regions, traditionally held twice a year in April and October.18 Amalgam Virgo: NORAD officers told the 9/11 Commission Team 8: “On 9/11 there were two FDX exercises planned: Amalgam Virgo and Amalgam Warrior.“19 Northern Vigilance: A large annual real-world NORAD operation that on 9/11 diverted much of the US air defense fleet to Canada and Alaska to counteract a Russian drill.20 This operation involved NORAD’s Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center (CMOC) in Colorado.21 Apollo Guardian, linked to Global Guardian and run by the US Space Command, was also running on September 11, 2001. “Hijacks were included in these exercises to exercise transition in Rules of Engagement (ROE).”22 W-105at Otis Air Force Base: Six F-15′s from Otis (out of a contingent of 18) took off on a routine ocean training exercise at 9:00 AM, eight minutes after two “alert” F-15′s on the same runway were scrambled in response to the first WTC attack. The six training jets were recalled at 9:25 AM to be armed and to join the response.23 Andrews Air Force Base (outside Washington, DC): There were only seven pilots available in the AAFB 121st Fighter Squadron on 9/11 because many had not returned from the large-scale training exercise “Red Flag” in Las Vegas.24 Three F-16 fighter jets took off on a training exercise at 8:36 AM from Andrews AFB and did not return until 2:35 PM. Flight strips indicated that Andrews-based fighters were not scrambled in response to the hijackings until 11:12 AM.25 New Jersey Air National Guard: When the World Trade Center was hit, two F-16 fighters from the 177th Fighter Wing based in Atlantic City were on a routine training mission eight minutes flying time away from New York, but the pilots were not informed of the hijackings until after the second Tower was hit at 9:03 AM. Two other fighters from this Wing were also on a routine training exercise. No jets took off from Atlantic City in response to the attacks until after the Pentagon was hit at approximately 9:37.26 Washington DC Army Aviation Support Unit: Members of this Unit were attending annual weapons training, 90 minutes drive away.27 The Unit’s mission was to maintain “a readiness posture in support of contingency plans,” to exercise “operational control” of the Washington area airspace, and to provide “aviation support for the White House, US government officials, Department of Defense, Department of the Army, and other government agencies,”28 including the Pentagon. National Reconnaissance Office: NRO, a large intelligence agency of the Department of Defense, had planned a 9:32 AM simulation of a small plane crashing into one its own towers near Washington’s Dulles Airport.29 The rescheduling from October to early September of seven aerial drills — the two largest having been Global Guardian and Vigilant Guardian, and the five related aerial drills that accompanied them — resulted in an unprecedented number of simultaneous drills that morning. This was an enormous departure from other years. These drills included at least two hijackings (a Boeing 747 flying from Tokyo to Anchorage, and a Korean Airlines Boeing 747 flight from Seoul to Anchorage),30 and one drill in which a plane was planned to simulate hitting a building (the National Reconnaissance Office). II. One would expect that having so many exercises would have caused some confusion, which might have slowed down the military response. Indeed, statements to this effect have been made: According to a summary of a 9/11 Commission interview with Canadian Lt. Gen. Rick Findley, who was at NORAD as the Battle Staff Director at Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center (CMOC) on September 11,2001, there was, following the second attack on the Twin Towers, “confusion as to how many, and which aircraft, were hijacked. There was no situational awareness that was directly credible, and CMOC was relying on the communications over the phone lines with its operations sectors. Findley opined that AA 11 was reported still airborne and headed towards Washington, D.C. because of the added confusion of many hijack reports.”31 At Andrews Air Force Base outside Washington, DC, FAA Air Traffic Controller James Ampey, stationed at Andrews Tower, reported in a 9/11 Commission interview that there were an unusually high number of aircraft taking-off and landing at Andrews that morning because previously scheduled military exercises were underway. The radar screens were showing “emergencies all over the place.”32 General Larry Arnold, commander of NORAD’s Continental U.S. Region, said: “By the end of the day, we had 21 aircraft identified as possible hijackings.”33 Pentagon spokeswoman Victoria Clarke: “There were lots of false signals out there. There were false hijack squawks, and a great part of the challenge was sorting through what was a legitimate threat and what wasn’t.”34 FAA Deputy Administrator, Monte Belger, said:“Between 9:20-9:45 there were many confusing reports about various aircraft being unaccounted for.”35 An independent study in 2011 gave detailed accounts of nine falsely reported hijackings on 9/11, plus nine other reported aircraft emergencies.36 Conclusion Because of the rescheduling of military exercises normally scheduled for different times, there were an extraordinary number of exercises underway the morning of September 11, 2001. The Department of Defense and the 9/11 Commission failed to report all but one of the exercises that occurred that morning. They also denied that such exercises slowed down military responses to the attacks. Had the 9/11 Commission reported the full extent of the exceptional number of exercises it knew were operating that morning, the above-quoted statements by military officers such as Eberhart, Marr, and Myers – that the exercises did not, by causing confusion, slow down the military response – would have seemed implausible. Any new investigation should probe the fact that, taken together, this evidence suggests that: (1) the Pentagon, after creating conditions that confused the military response to the attacks, sought to cover up its creation of these conditions, and that (2) the 9/11 Commission facilitated this cover-up by not making public the information held in its records cited above. << Previous Point, Next Point >> References for Point ME-2 1. Steven Komarow and Tom Squitieri, “NORAD Had Drills of Jets as Weapons,” USA Today, April 19, 2004. 2. GlobalSecurity.org. “Global Guardian.” 3.The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States, Authorized Edition (New York: W. W. Norton, 2004), 20. 4. The 9/11 Commission Report, 458, note 116. 5.The 9/11 Commission Report, 458, note 116. 6. Ibid. 7. Myers said: “The important thing to realize is that North American Aerospace Defense Command was responsible [for managing the wargames]. These are command post exercises; what that means is that all the battle positions that are normally not filled are indeed filled; so it was an easy transition from an exercise into a real world situation. It actually enhanced the response; otherwise, it would take somewhere between 30 minutes and a couple of hours to fill those positions, those battle stations, with the right staff officers.” “Transcript of Representative Cynthia McKinney’s Exchange with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Richard Myers, and Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) Tina Jonas,” March 11th, 2005. 8. “NORAD Exercises Hijack Summary, 1998-2001,” a “Commission Sensitive” document. Vigilant Guardian hijack exercises took place October 25-27, 1998 and October 16-23, 2000. See: Senate Hearing 108-875, “Implications for the Department of Defense and Military Operations of Proposals to Reorganize the United States Intelligence Community,” August 16 and 17, 2004. 9. “Vigilant Guardian,” Global Security. 10. A command-post exercise (CPX) is one “in which the forces are simulated, involving the commander, the staff, and communications within and between headquarters.” See “Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms,” (US Department of Defense), 2005. 11. See the August 20, 2001, “Memorandum from Col. Robert Marr,” at the NEADS Command Center, outlining the 24/7 Operations that would be conducted September 10-13, 2001. The exercise included injects, or simulated track inputs, onto NORAD radar screens. 12. “Exercise Global Guardian 2001-2 Joint After Action Report,” US Strategic Command, Offutt AFB, Nebraska. 13. United States. Department of Defense. “Examples of U.S. Strategic Command Nuclear Exercise Activities,” 1997? 14. Hans N. Kristensen, “Taking the Pulse of the US Nuclear Arsenal,” Washington, DC, Basic, 1998. Global Guardian began on October 22, 2003. See: Hans M. Kristensen, “Global Strike: A Chronology of the Pentagon’s New Offensive Strike Plan,” Federation of American Scientists, 2006. 15. “21st Space Wing Priorities,” Space Observer, March 23, 2001, p. 2. 16.Global Guardian had been originally scheduled for October 22-31, 2001, according to NBC military analyst William M. Arkin, in his book, Code Names: Deciphering U.S. Military Plans, Programs and Operations in the 9/11 World, Steerforth, 2005, p. 379. See also the 2002 date, October 17 to 25. 17. GlobalSecurity.org, “Global Guardian.” 18.Amalgam Warrior took place October 15-20, 1996. It included the 101st Fighter Squadron from Otis Air Force Base. It took place on October 27, 2000. 19. 9/11 Commission interview with Merchant and Goddard, “Memorandum for the Record: NORAD Field Site Visit: Interview with Major Paul Goddard (Canadian Forces), and Ken Merchant,” March 4, 2004. 20. Lieutenant-General Ken Pennie, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of NORAD, said that “NORAD-allocated forces will remain in place until the end of the Russian exercise. NORAD conducted operation Northern Denial from December 1 to 14, 2000 in response to a similar, but smaller scale, Russian deployment.” “NORAD Maintains Northern Vigilance,” NORAD News, Sept. 9, 2001. Toronto Star, Dec. 9, 2001, “Northern Guardian” and “Northern Vigilance” (NORAD exercises on 911/2001); and originalToronto Star abstract. 21. 9/11 Commission “Memorandum for the Record,” Interview with NORAD Deputy Commander, Lieutenant General Rick.Findley, Canadian Forces (CF),” March 1, 2004. 22. 9/11 Commission interview with Merchant and Goddard. 23. TSgt. Bruce Vittner, “Historian’s Report for Sept. 11, 2001,” p. 2. 9/11 Commission, “Memorandum for the Record: Initial overview of Otis AFB operations by Colonel Paul Worcester,” October 14, 2003. 25.Lynn Spencer, “Touching History: The Untold Story of the Drama that Unfolded in the Skies Over America on 9/11,” Free Press, p. 156. 25. 9/11 Commission, “Memorandum for the Record: Visit to Reagan National Airport Control Tower in Alexandria, VA and Andrews Air Force Base Control Tower,” July 28, 2003. 26. Mary Lou Vocale, “Guard Tempo of Operation Noble Eagle,” Code One Magazine, Fourth Quarter 2002. 27. United States Army. Center of Military History. “Interview of CW2 (Chief Warrant Officer) _____,” (tape transcription), no date. 28. Jody T. Fahrig, “Davison Army Airfield Hosts Open House,” May 7, 1999. 29. 9/11 Commission. “Early Morning Flight Activity, September 11, 2001: Exercise Concept” (Commission Sensitive Document), Faxed July 3, 2003, 07:39 AM. John J. Lumpkin, “Agency planned exercise on Sept. 11 built around a plane crashing into a building,” Associated Press, August 21, 2002. 30. 9/11 Commission. “NORAD Exercises Hijack Summary” (Commission Sensitive), no date. 31. 9/11 Commission, “Memorandum for the Record,” Interview with NORAD Deputy Commander, Lieutenant General Rick Findley, Canadian Forces (CF),” March 1, 2004. 32. 9/11 Commission, “Memorandum for the Record: Visit to Reagan National Airport Control Tower in Alexandria, VA and Andrews Air Force Base Control Tower,” July 28, 2003. 33. “Conversation With Major General Larry Arnold, Commander, 1st Air Force, Tyndall AFB, Florida,” Code One, January 2002. 34. “Chilling Audio From 9/11 Hijack Played at Hearing,” aired June 17, 2004. 35. 9/11 Commission, “Memorandum for the Record,” November 24, 2003. 36. Shoestring, “The Many False Hijackings of 9/11,” April 10, 2011. This post is also available in: French, Italian
  10. ================ # 23 Cheney's Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War By Angelo Young, International Business Times 20 March 13 http://readersupport...ion-on-iraq-war ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^o0o0o0o0^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # 1 http://en.wikipedia....Omar_al-Bayoumi http://911review.org...allahAvco.shtml HistoryCommons Profile: Dallah Avco Dallah Avco was a participant or observer in the following events: August 1994-July 2001: Possible Terrorist Front Man with Saudi Backing Settles in San Diego Dallah Avco logo. [source: Dallah Avco]A Saudi named Omar al-Bayoumi arrives in San Diego, California. He will later become well known for his suspicious connections to both some 9/11 hijackers and the Saudi government, although the 9/11 Commission will say that it received no evidence that he was involved in terrorism or the 9/11 attacks. [9/11 Commission, 6/16/2004] Saudi Government Spy - Acquaintances in San Diego long suspect al-Bayoumi is a Saudi government spy reporting on the activities of Saudi-born college students. [san Diego Union-Tribune, 9/14/2002; San Diego Magazine, 9/2003] Says one witness, “He was always watching [young Saudi college students], always checking up on them, literally following them around and then apparently reporting their activities back to Saudi Arabia.” [Newsweek, 11/24/2002] Chairman of the 9/11 Congressional Inquiry Senator Bob Graham (D-FL) and his investigators will, in author Philip Shenon’s words, “find it obvious that the amiable al-Bayoumi was a low-ranking Saudi intelligence agent,” and “someone who had been put on the ground in San Diego by his government to keep an eye on the activities of the relatively large Saudi community in Southern California.” [Shenon, 2008, pp. 52] 'Ghost Employee' - Just prior to moving to the US, al-Bayoumi worked for the Saudi Ministry of Defense and Aviation, headed by Prince Sultan. His salary in this job was approved by Hamid al-Rashid, a Saudi government official whose son, Saud al-Rashid, is strongly suspected of al-Qaeda ties (see May 16, 2002). [US Congress, 7/24/2003] Once in San Diego, al-Bayoumi tells people that he is a student or a pilot, and even claims to be receiving monthly payments from “family in India” (despite being Saudi). However, he is none of those things. [Wall Street Journal, 8/11/2003] In fact, as he tells some people, he receives a monthly stipend from Dallah Avco, a Saudi aviation company that has extensive ties to the same Saudi Ministry of Defense and Aviation. [Los Angeles Times, 9/1/2002; Newsweek, 11/24/2002] From early 1995 until 2002, al-Bayoumi is paid about $3,000 a month for a project in Saudi Arabia even though he is living in the US. According to the New York Times, Congressional officials believe he is a “ghost employee” doing no actual work. The classified section of the 9/11 Congressional Inquiry report will note that his payments increase significantly just after he comes into contact with two hijackers in early 2000. [New York Times, 8/2/2003] The FBI investigates possible ties between Dallah Avco and al-Qaeda. [Newsweek, 10/29/2001] The firm’s owner, Saudi billionaire Saleh Abdullah Kamel, will deny the accusation. [september 1998-July 1999: FBI Conducts Inquiry of Suspected Al-Qaeda Advance Man Omar al-Bayoumi. [source: Saudi Government via Al Arabiya]The FBI conducts a counterterrorism inquiry on Omar al-Bayoumi, suspected al-Qaeda advance man, and possible Saudi agent. The FBI discovers he has been in contact with several people also under investigation. [US Congress, 7/24/2003] The FBI is given a tip that he was sent a suspicious package filled with wire from the Middle East, and that large numbers of Arab men routinely meet in his apartment. His landlord notices that he switches from driving a beat up old car to a new Mercedes. [June 1998). However, the FBI closes the inquiry “for reasons that remain unclear .” [US Congress, 7/24/2003] Also in 1999, al-Bayoumi is working as an employee of the Saudi company Dallah Avco but apparently is doing no work. Someone in the company tries to fire him and sends a note to the Saudi government about this, since the company is so closely tied to the government. However, Mohammed Ahmed al-Salmi, the Director General of Civil Aviation, replies that it is “extremely urgent” his job is renewed “as quickly as possible,” and so he keeps his job. [Wall Street Journal, 8/11/200] ##################o0o#################### Spring 2000: Payments to Suspected Hijacker Associate Increase Significantly According to leaks from the still-classified part of the 9/11 Congressional Inquiry, monthly payments to Omar al-Bayoumi increase significantly at this time. Al-Bayoumi has been receiving a salary from the Saudi civil authority of about $500 a month. However, shortly after hijackers Nawaf Alhazmi and Khalid Almihdhar move to San Diego, al-Bayoumi’s salary increases to about $3,000 to $3,500 a month [New York Times, 7/29/2003] It is not clear whether this pay spike is from his Dallah Avco job, or an additional payment by the Saudi government [New York Times, 7/29/2003; New York Times, 8/2/2003] , but the pay spike appears to be a separate stream of money, because another report indicates his Dallah Avco job started with $3,000 a month payments and remained consistent. [Wall Street Journal, 8/11/2003] It also fits in with his claims to acquaintances at the time that he is receiving a regular government scholarship. [Los Angeles Times, 9/1/2002]
  11. LEFTY OBAMA ?? “Covert Justice” for Bradley Manning: Prosecution Witnesses to Testify Anonymously By Naomi Spencer Global Research, April 12, 2013 World Socialist Web Site http://www.globalresearch.ca/covert-justice-for-bradley-manning-prosecution-witnesses-to-testify-anonymously/5330995
  12. Following her death a few Brazilian media outlets claimed that Thatcher was the 2nd most influential British PM of 20th Century (after Churchill). Comments? // Colby Golly its a horse race,this is just like MSM thinking not talking about real issues or history ......and THATCHER THATS THE LEAD !!!! Offer More Than Just Horse Race Coverage of a Political Campaign media.about.com › Industry › Media › Writing TipsCached News media outlets are often criticized for only offering shallow horse race coverage of ... They should be given equal treatment when asking about the issues. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ see THATCHER ISSUES BELOW http://www.globalres...italism/5330573 and http://www.globalres...pol-pot/5330873 and http://www.globalresearch.ca/thatchers-funeral-dead-end-journey-of-the-british-working-class/5330974
  13. THREAD TOPIC ERROR OF COLBY'S WAYS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ OK WISDOM CAN CORRECT Ecclesiastes 12:9-14 New International Version (NIV) The Conclusion of the Matter 9 Not only was the Teacher wise, but he also imparted knowledge to the people. He pondered and searched out and set in order many proverbs. 10 The Teacher searched to find just the right words, and what he wrote was upright and true. 11 The words of the wise are like goads, their collected sayings like firmly embedded nails—given by one shepherd.[a]12 Be warned, my son, of anything in addition to them. Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body. 13 Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. 14 For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil. Footnotes: Ecclesiastes 12:11 Or Shepherd
  14. He "thinks", what is the basis for his belief? What is his relevant expertise? // end Colby ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HE SAW BODIES ANSWER IT WAS IN THE LINK THAT SAID READ TEXT FILE (UNDERLINED IN ORIGINAL) Star Wars in Iraq (16 May 2006) Majid Al Ghezali They used incredible weapons Patrick Dillon Experimental weapons? Majid Al Ghezali Yes… Yes, I think. They shoot the bus. We saw the bus like a cloth, like a wet cloth. It seemed like a Volkswagen, a big bus like a Volkswagen. This testimony was reported to American filmmaker Patrick Dillon a few weeks after the battle for the airport. The person interviewed, Majid al Ghezali, is a well-known and respected man in Baghdad, who is the first violinist in the city orchestra. In addition to describing the battle, Majid al Ghezali wanted to show Patrick Dillon the site near the airport where this mysterious weapon was used, along with the traces of fused metal still visible, and the irregularly sized ditches where the cadavers were buried before they were exhumed. We sought out Majid al Ghezali to hear more details of his story. We met up with him in Amman and he pointed out some inexplicable peculiarities on the bodies of the victims of the battle for the airport. Majid Al Ghezali Just the head was burnt. In the other parts of the body there wasn’t anything. Al Ghezali reported that he had seen three passengers in a car, all dead, with their faces and teeth burnt, their clothes intact, and no sign of projectiles. Majid Al Ghezali There wasn’t any bullet. I saw their teeth, just the teeth, and they had no eyes, all of them, there was nothing on their bodies. There were other inexplicable aspects: the terrain where the battle took place was dug up by the American military and replaced with other fresh earth; the bodies that were not hit by projectiles had shrunk to just slightly more than one meter in height. Majid Al Ghezali Except the ones killed by the bullets, most of them became very small. I mean… like that… Something like that. When we asked Majid what weapon he imagined had been used, he said that he had reached the conclusion that it must have been a laser weapon. Majid Al Ghezali One year later we heard that they used an update technology, a unique one, like lasers. We found another disturbing document on the use of mysterious weapons in Iraq, which referred to episodes that took place almost at the same time as those described by Majid al Ghezali. Saad al Falluji They were 26 in the bus. About 20 of them had no head, the head had been cut, some of them had no arms or no legs. The only unwounded was the driver and really I don’t know how he reach our hospital, because one arm was on his side, one head just beside him. It was a very strange and horrible situation. In the roof of the car there were parts of the body: intestines, brains, all parts of the body. It was a very very very miserable situation. Geert Van Moorter (medical doctor working in Iraq during and after the war, as a volunteer for the belgiam NGO Medical Aid fot the Third World) Do you have idea with what kind of weapon the attacked the bus? Saad al Falluji We don’t know with what kind of weapon they hit this bus. Doctor n°2 It seems to be a new weapon Saad al Falluji Yes, a new weapon Doctor n°2 They are trying to do experiments on our civilians. Nobody could identify the type of this weapon. We went to Belgium to find the filmmaker of this sequence, Geert Van Moorter, a doctor working as a volunteer in Iraq. Geert Van Moorter This footage is taken at the General Teaching Hospital in Hilla, which is about 100 Km from Baghdad, and close to the historical site of Babylon. There I talked with the colleague doctor Saad al Falluji, which is the chief surgeon in that hospital. Doctor al Falluji said me that the survivors that he operated said him that they did not hear any noise, so there was no explosion to hear, no metal fragments or shrapnels or bullets in their bodies, so they themselves were thinking of some strange kind of weapon which they did not know. Let’s hear Dr. Saad el Falluji’s story about this in more detail. Saad al Falluji This bus was very crowded, they were going from Hilla to Kifil, to find their families, but before they had arrived at the American checkpoint the villagers said to them “return back, return back”. When the bus tried to return back it was shot by the checkpoint. Geert Van Moorter No gunshot wounds? Saad al Falluji No, no, I don’t know what it was. We are here 10 surgeons and we couldn’t decide which was the weapon that hit this car. Geert Van Moorter But inside the bodies you did not discover ordinary bullets? Saad al Falluji We didn’t find bullets, but most of the passengers were dead, so they took them immediately to the refrigerator and we couldn’t dissect and see, but in those who were alive we didn’t find any kind of bullet. We didn’t find bullets in their bodyes. Doctor n°2 Something cutting organs, cutting limbs, attacking the abdomen, attacking the neck and goes out. Dr. Falluji also ended up speaking about a laser weapon.... Saad al Falluji I don’t think that the bombing, or the cluster bombs, or the laser weapons can bring democracy to our country. As in any war, the war in Iraq, left us a dreadful gallery of horror - images of mutilations that not even doctors can explain. The witnesses referred to laser weapons, arms with mysterious effects. We do not know what kind of weapons could produce such terrible effects. We tried to learn more about it, by asking for interviews to members of companies manufacturing laser and microwave weapons. Yet, the US Defence Department prevented any information from being released to us. They also did not answer – up to the time the film was edited – the questions we had sent them in order to know weather or not experimental weapons had been tested in Iraq and Afghanistan. We then reviewed the Pentagon’s media conferences released before the II Gulf War. Willingness to test new weapons emerged form the words of both the Defence Secretary and General Meyers. The questions from the media on direct energy and microwave weapons produced a certain amount of embarrassment. American journalist Mr. Secretary, can I ask you a question about some of the technology that you're developing to fight the war on terrorists, specifically directed energy and high-powered microwave technology? Do you -- when do you envision that you can weaponize that type of technology? Donald Rumsfeld Goodness, it is in -- for the most part, the kinds of things you're talking about are in varying early stages. (To the general.) Do you want to -- do you have anything you would add? General Myers I don't think I would add much. It's -- I think they are in early stages and probably not ready for employment at this point. Donald Rumsfeld in the normal order of things, when you invest in research and development and begin a developmental project, you don't have any intention or expectations that one would use it. On the other hand, the real world intervenes from time to time, and you reach in there and take something out that is still in a developmental stage, and you might use it. So the -- your question's not answerable. It is -- depends on what happens in the future and how well things move along the track and whether or not someone feels it's appropriate to reach into a development stage and see if something might be useful, as was the case with the unmanned aerial vehicles. American journalist But you sound like you're willing to experiment with it. General Myers Yeah, I think that's the point. And I think -- and it's -- and we have, I think, from the beginning of this conflict -- I think General Franks has been very open to looking at new things, if there are new things available, and has been willing to put them into the fight, even before they've been fully wrung out. And I think that's -- not referring to these particular cases of directed energy or high-powered microwaves, but sure. And we will continue to do that. But what is meant by directed-energy and microwave weapons? We went to ask retired colonel John Alexander, former program director in one of the most important military research laboratories in the United States, Los Alamos National Laboratory. Retired Colonel John B. Alexander The research and the concepts for directed energy weapons go back many decades. What is happening is that the technology has now advanced sufficiently that now we are starting to see these weapons becoming real. There are several types of directed energy weapons and basically what they do is they’re known as “speed of light” because they shoot electrons very fast over very long distances. Lasers of course are in the light range, then there are microwave weapons that are operating at other frequencies, but basically they’re beam weapons, which is nothing physical that goes out, because they move electrons, while the kinetic weapons shoot big bullets to go out and physically hit and destroy something. These work because the energy is deposed on the target and causes some effect. These images document one of the THEL tests. THEL stands for Tactical High Energy Laser. In the sequence, you can see the laser beam hit and destroy missiles and mortar rounds as they are about to hit the objective. In this other test we see the laser beam identify and destroy two missiles at the same time. It doesn’t make any noise and it’s invisible? Retired Colonel John B. Alexander Some are visible, some are just outside… You have, you know, in the infrared range… What’s emerging now are laser weapons where the effect is that that of the laser. They can be all burners, in what we call High Energy Lasers, because with the concentrated energy you can literally drill holes, you know, in the target. Former Pentagon analyst William Arkin, who presently works as a journalist for the Washington Post, also confirms this revolutionary change from kinetic weapons to energy weapons. William Arkin For thousands of years, the way in which you have killed someone is you have hit them with a sword, a sphere, an arrow, a bullet, a bomb. It’s kinetic, you’re killing them by hitting them. And now, all of the sudden, out of nowhere, you have a completely new physical principle being applied in killing people, in which they don’t know that they’re being killed because their skin and body is being heated by high power microwaves or they are being hit by a laser that would have an instantaneous effect. There are other types of weapons made with lasers, such as the device we can see in this sequence. The target is not hit by a projectile, but rather by an impulse of energy that manages to bore through the armor of an armored car. Excluding acoustic weapons, for the moment, the only sign of the use of energy weapons in a war scenario is a laser device known as Zeus. According to official Pentagon sources, military vehicles equipped with this laser device have been used in Afghanistan to explode mines. According to two reliable military information sites – Defense Tech and Defence Industry Daily - at least three such vehicles are being used in Iraq as well and some people report having seen them. Geert Van Moorter When you showed me the picture of what you described that is a laser weapon, it reminded me that I was talking with some American soldiers, in August 2003, and there was some kind of box on their tank with a blue light like this. I recall it very well not because they said me what it was used for, but because I was teasing a translator, which was an Iraqi female, by telling her “look, with this kind of thing they can look through and see somebody without clothes”. That’s why I remind it, but I have seen for sure this kind of thing on that tank. William Arkin is one of the American experts who follows the Pentagon activity most closely. So what does Arkin think about the possibility of the use of directed energy weapons in battle in Iraq? William Arkin You know, there’s even some possibility that high power microwaves have been used experimentally. I think that the panic about IEDs, about Improvised Explosives Devices, has been so bad that if these things are sitting in the lab, I’m sure that they want to get them to Iraq to see whether they are effective. So I can imagine that there could be some, what we call, “black” use of these weapons, but not in any significant way, and certainly not in such a way that one would conclude that they’ve had any impact. But let’s look at the Pentagon budget figures to see how important the outlay is for directed energy weapons. William Arkin Right now you have about $50 million a year being spent for non-lethal weapons, you have about another $200 million or so being spent on High Power Microwaves, Active Denial type Systems, you’ve got probably another $100-200 million being spent on “secret”, “black” laser programs, and then you have the big lasers, the High Energy Lasers of the Air force and the other Tactical Lasers. So probably, when you add all of that up, you know the United States are probably spending $½ billion a year right now on directed energy weapons. This is a significant amount of money; this is the size of the Defence Budget of some countries in Europe. You might think that energy weapons only pose a danger for the countries involved in a military conflict, but that’s not the case. One particular weapon called the Active Denial System – better known as the pain ray – has been built specifically for use in maintaining public order. Given its claim to be non-lethal and the suffering it produces, this weapon could become a very controversial one. Retired Colonel John B. Alexander The Active Denial System is a Millimetre Wave System, operates at about 93 GHz. It sends out a beam for a very long distance, and what’s important about it is that when it hits the skin it penetrates only a very slight, for a few millimetres under the skin and it it’s the pain receptors and causes, you know, people to be adverse to the pain. It hurts, it hurts a lot. The tests that had been run they were to go for 3 seconds, each individual was given a kill switch and nobody made 3 seconds. The answer to the pain is extremely rapid, and you don’t have to do it very long, I mean, it gets your attention instantly. To understand the consequences this new weapon could have for human rights we went to the Empire State Building in Manhattan, home of the offices of Human Rights Watch, one of the most important human rights organizations. Marc Garlasco We can see the effects of a gun very easily and understand them, but when you cannot see the effect of a weapon because it is not visible and because the science is not very well understood because technology is so new, then it becomes a grieve concern that enrages the states for potential human rights violations and abuses. And that is something that we have to understand about the Active Denial System, that it exists to create pain and is very different in most other non-lethal weapons where the desire is either to immobilize someone or make it so that they cannot walk in the area. With the Active Denial System the main desire is pain, and we have to be very careful because in international law is very clear that devices created solely for the creation of pain can eventually lead to torture and are therefore illegal, and it’s very critical that the United States does a careful legal review of the Active Denial System and is open with their findings. To date they have not been open. William Arkin Some people say “ooh acoustic weapons, or High Power Microwave weapons, the Active Denial System, we can use it for crowd control…” What crowd control? What does that mean? It pretends that anyone in the crowd is eighteen years old, and male and in good health, and we’re just going to shoot these microwaves or shoot these acoustic weapons on this crowd, and it’s going to be carefully calibrated at a power level, in the intensity and at a range to affect all these eighteen years old men in the crowd. Well, what crowd is made up of just eighteen years old men? Look at the Intifada, look at any riot in Iraq today: children, women, pregnant women, old people, and so the effect… the effect that you would need in order to have an impact on a healthy male, you target, would be too much for a child or a pregnant woman or an old person. Marc Garlasco There’s been a lot of discussion also about the potential for eye damage. They have done some tests on the skin to show that is not harmful, but where is the eye test? And there are concerns raised by scientists about potential harm to the eyes. And we also have concerns about the effects to children, to the infirm, to the elderly… Why are they not producing the data? Why are they not sharing it with us? As regards the use of the pain ray in the field of war, the military review Defence Industry Daily reports that three Sheriff vehicles were ordered at a price of about 31 million dollars, and that approval has been requested for another 14 vehicles by Brigadier General James Haggin, chief of staff of the multinational forces in Iraq. Retired Colonel John B. Alexander In my view the next global conflict has already began and we don’t have an understanding of what that conflict looks like. Because of the issues of terrorism for instance the adversaries are going to be I think mixed in with civilian populations. We need weapons that allow us to be able to sort, minimize what they call “collateral casualties”. I think the battlefields are going to be in urban areas. William Arkin If you look at the Active Denial System, or the High Power Microwaves, or the LRAD, the acoustic weapon, what you see is enthusiasm for those are being displayed by the Us Northern Command, which is the homeland defence command of the United States, or other counterterrorism organizations, which are looking at them like “oh well, maybe, in some special circumstances we can take these secret weapons, boutique weapons, you know, we have only 10 or 20 of them somewhere in a secret place and if we need them we can pull them out and use them in this kind of specialty warfare”. So ironically, even though the Americans would probably think “oh yeah, special new weapon, it would make sense because Iraq is such a mess and maybe we can do something to turn that corner in some way with the use of this weapon, the truth is that the only real way in which they, the military, sees the prospects for the deployment of these is in their domestic use. And you know quite well… that if the United States adopts these weapons for their domestic defence… Nato in Italy are not far behind…
  15. Poorly documented claims from an obscure kook relegated to teaching at an obscure community college. See if you can come up with a citation for the above // COLBY LINK AT END OF ARTICLE HE CITES HIS SOURCES (blued lettering/bottom source sites) http://preventdisease.com/news/13/040913_What-Really-Lies-At-The-Heart-of-Biotech-and-Medical-Technology.shtml
  16. So you have no comments regarding the material presented ?????
  17. LOL speak “moving the goal posts”!! But you are doing so in reverse. The thesis of the article which you posted into the OP and got the title of the thread from was that, “the Muslim Brotherhood is one of the most powerful weapons of the Western ruling class in the Muslim world.” the author repeatedly claimed that the MB was “a tool of”, is “controlled by”, does “the bidding of” etc. “the West”. Al-Rasheed's beliefs are quite different from Draitser's (and yours). The former believes in a realpolitik alliance forged after the Islamists came to power. // end COLBY ++++++++++++++++++++++ TOOL OF WEST . THE MB IS NOT CONTROLLED BY WEST , BUT ARE USEFUL IDIOTS THAT CREATE CHAOS> THE CHAOS CREATED IS VERY SIMILAR TO THE STRATEGY OF TENSION OF GLADIO FAME. THE ELITES KNEW THEY WOULD COME TO POWER IN EGYPT . WHO ELSE COULD ?? (they deny this obvious truth) THE WEAK MB HAS BEEN DEPENDENT ON WESTS HELP FROM THE BEGINNING ( the MB came on my radar via SUEZ Canal Company finnacing first MB mosque and Dallas Murchisons in business deals with said company) ,MIDDLE (NAZI/CIA) , AND NOW (STATE DEPT APPROVAL).MB ARE IDEOLOGICALLY AUTHORITARIAN ANTI COMMUNISTS......gee the WEST'S ELITES CAN USE/WORK WITH THAT AND DO.THE MB ARE MORE INTERESTED IN GETTING POWER THAN ATTACKING ISRAEL. THE MB'S DRIVE TO POWER CREATES CHAOS THAT FITS INTO ELITES PLANS.
  18. see http://www.freedominfonetwork.org/profiles/blogs/obama-s-dhs-fema-raising-an-army background An Ancient Phenomenon The use of citizen informant networks dates at least as far back as the Roman Empire. Delatores (informants) were recruited from all classes of society, including knights, freedmen, slaves, wealthy families, philosophers, literary men, court officials, lawyers, etc. Similar to the TIPS program, it was an "all hands on deck" approach to empire security. Setups were routine, and informants sometimes received a portion of the land of those who they helped destroy. More recently the fascist dictatorship of Portugal used the International and State Defense Police (PIDE) as the main instrument of political oppression. It consisted of secret police and a vast network of Bufos (plain-clothed citizen informants), who were apparently on every block. Money and a need for recognition (a pat on the back) motivated them. Second only to the Stasi in its thoroughness, the PIDE neutralized all opposition to the dictatorship. Other countries have used massive citizen informant networks to destroy perceived opposition to dictatorial rule as well. In Czechoslovakia they served the Czechoslovak State Security (StB), and in Poland they worked for the Ministry of Public Security (MBP). The citizen informants of the State Protection Authority (AVH) ensured the survival of the Hungarian dictatorship. Targets were harassed, threatened, confined to mental institutions, tortured, blackmailed, and framed. Even their friends and family were co-opted to persecute them. Probably the best recent example of citizens Gang Stalking people on behalf of the state is East Germany. In Germany the plain-clothed citizen informants were called IMs (inofizielle mitarbeiter), or "unofficial collaborators." Unofficial means that they unofficially worked for the Ministry of State Security (MfS), also called the Stasi. For her book, Stasiland, Funder interviewed former IMs, targets, Stasi Psychologists, and professors who trained IM recruiters in Spezialdisziplin (the art of recruiting informants). "The IMs," wrote Funder, "were 'inofizielle mitarbeiter' or unofficial collaborators [plain-clothed citizen informants]." Funder continued, "In the GDR, there was one Stasi officer or informant for every sixty-three people. If part-time informers are included, some estimates have the ratio as high as one informer for every 6.5 citizens." In his book, Stasi: The East German Secret Police, John O. Koehler agreed that when you add in the estimated part-time IMs, "the result is nothing short of monstrous: one informer per 6.5 citizens." In Russia, the People's Brigades were told, "We have growing problems in our country with enemies of the state. They operate internally, intending to undermine the authority of our government." Sergei Kourdakov tells how he was used to harass enemies of the state in his book, The Persecutor.(*) These specialized groups were referred to as the Voluntary People's Brigade. They were given a "License to harass," and charged with the "Maintenance of Civil Order." When they sprung up all over Russia they were directed by plain clothed police on orders from Moscow. The citizens were told that they were part of a "special-action squad" and would be given tasks that the regular police couldn't or didn't have time to handle. They wore regular street cloths, and were convinced that they were ordinary citizens aroused into taking action against undesirables. Their leaders informed them that some of the people they'd be harassing were worse than murderers. So in Russia and Germany, these informant groups were basically told that they were their country's first line of defense against threats to national security and criminals. But where are they getting the hordes of citizens who surround targets in public today? Well, they probably do pick people off the streets and use door-to-door recruitment. But due to the shear number of individuals now involved and the pervasiveness of this program, there must be a blanket recruitment process. A Familiar Pattern Targeted people have reported that everyone from homeless people to white-collar workers are participating in Gang Stalking. This also includes neighbors, friends, co-workers and even family of targeted people. Federal, state and local governments are reportedly complicit, such as local police, fire departments, EMT personnel, city workers, utility companies, taxi drivers, security guards, and stores and restaurants. According to Dr. Kilde, other participants include, '"Down and out' people, jobless, freed prisoners, mental outpatients, students and orphans." These people "are trained by this organization to harass, [and] follow ... innocent people, who for whatever reason have been put on the organization's hit list." The April/May 1996 issue of Nexus Magazine revealed that "Tens of thousands of persons in each [Metropolitan] area," are now "working as spotters and neighborhood/business place spies (sometimes unwittingly)." There is a legal loophole that allows people to operate on behalf of the government, without knowing it. Executive Order 12333 states that organizations used by U.S. intelligence do not need to know that they serve U.S. intelligence objectives. These spotters, it continued, are charged with, "following and checking on subjects who have been identified for covert control by NSA personnel." This helps to explain the Mobbing and Gang Stalking accounts of targets both in the workplace and in public. In order to sell the community on this program, its creators probably equipped it with convincing propaganda, which is delivered by professionals. Although there has been no official admission that the following federal resources function as recruitment programs for public harassment, they are similar to ones used in German and Russian dictatorships. The Terrorism Information and Prevention System (TIPS), appears to be a bulked-up version of a community-policing program. Even though TIPS was officially rejected by congress, the American Civil Liberty Union contends that it and similar programs are being used aggressively across the nation. Other programs must have sprung up around the planet because the reported tactics of Gang Stalking in other countries are similar. But who is the threat? According to some of these documents at www.citizencorps.gov, the targets are criminals and terrorists. However, the definition of a terrorist in section 802 of the US Patriot Act is frighteningly vague. Basically it defines terrorism as any action that endangers human life or that violates state or federal law. An article entitled, US Planning to Recruit One in 24 Americans as Citizen Spies, which appeared in the Sunday Morning Herald on July 15, 2002, provided us with another clue. It stated, "The Terrorism Information and Prevention System, or TIPS, means the US will have a higher percentage of citizen informants than the former East Germany through the infamous Stasi secret police." The articled revealed that the system is poised to recruit those whose work provides access to homes, businesses, and public transportation systems. Postal workers, utility employees, truck drivers, train conductors and others are to be recruited. On "state and local" levels these informants are to be directed by FEMA. This provides a motive for the reports of people being stalked by 18-wheelers, busses, city, postal, and utility vehicles. It continued, "Informant reports will enter databases for future reference and/or action ... [which] will then be broadly available within the department, related agencies and local police forces. The targeted individual will remain unaware of the existence of the report and of its contents." This also helps to explain why inquiries by targeted individuals regarding the harassment have been met with denial by friends, relatives, neighbors, law enforcement, and colleagues. In August, 2004, the ACLU, published a report entitled, The Surveillance-Industrial Complex, in which it contended that there is currently a vigorous citizen informant recruitment process. It stated, "Only under the most oppressive governments have informants ever become a widespread, central feature of life." Recognizing a familiar pattern, they charged, "The East German Stasi ... recruited from among the citizenry ... as many as one in every 50 citizens, to spy and report on their fellow citizens." They warn that a "massive" recruitment effort is underway. The New American stated in their October 7, 2002, article called, TIPping off Big Brother, that the current effort to build a colossal network of informants is being done to, "enlist American citizens in surveillance activities that the state is either legally or physically unable to do." They say, a society, "where neighbors, co-workers, and passersby are all enlisted in a vast network of civilian informants--resembles conditions that existed in Stalin's reign of terror, and in all modern totalitarian states." Continuing, they add, "Realizing that a cowed and brainwashed populace can carry out surveillance better than a million trained agents, Communist tyrants from East Germany to Cuba created revolutionary circles, youth groups, and other organizations specifically to enable the Party faithful in every walk of life to police everybody else." On July 15, 2002, the Washington Times ran an article entitled, Planned Volunteer-Informant Corps Elicits '1984' Fears, which stated, "1 million informants" would be "initially" participating in a citizen informant program. And that the program would involve a combined effort between the DOJ, local police forces, as well as state and local agencies (businesses). "At local and state levels, the program will be coordinated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency," they described. "Critics," they added, "say that having Americans act as "domestic informants" is reminiscent of the infamous Stasi" which targeted "dissidents and ordinary East German citizens..." This evidence helps to explain how stores and restaurants are participating in the harassment. In addition, it appears that these informant squads are coordinated by local and federal law enforcement. According to www.citizencorps.gov, the directive of the informant program is to "harness the power of the American people by relying on their individual skills and interests to prepare local communities to effectively prevent and respond to the threats of terrorism, crime, or any kind of disaster." This may explain the reports of targeted people who allege that local, state and federal workers are using skills within their profession as part of the harassment. For instance, city vehicles, postal vehicles, fire trucks, school buses, and taxis are reportedly stalking people. Construction projects encircle a targeted person's home and also spring up at frequently visited places. Utility companies interrupt service. Local businesses provide poor service, appear incompetent or clumsy and work with civilian informants to harass targeted people in their stores. In East Germany the IMs included doctors, lawyers, journalists, sports-figures, writers, actors, high officials in religious organizations, pastors, waiters, hotel personnel, and other workers. "Schools, universities, and hospitals were infiltrated from top to bottom," wrote Koehler. In other words, what Koehler is describing is that the controlling faction of the organization was recruited into a policy set by the Ministry for State Security (MfS), which was then filtered down to its workers. Interestingly, when I asked a manager at a retail establishment in Medford, MA if he had heard of Gang Stalking, he told me to "contact corporate headquarters." In all likelihood these programs originate from the organization's Corporate Headquarters that have adopted it as part of a federal or state policy. The pattern that is unfolding is that all major departments of the community are involved. Other questionable programs include VIPS, Weed and Seed, Cat Eyes, and Talon. Part of the Weed And Seed program calls for a combined effort between local, state, and federal agencies, as well as community organizations, social services, private sector businesses and residents, to "weed out" undesirable individuals. In a May 14, 2003 article entitled, Building a Nation of Snoops, the Boston Globe stated, "Watching America with Pride, not Prejudice," is " the Orwellian motto of the New Jersey-based Community Anti-Terrorism Training Institute, or CAT Eyes." CAT Eyes is, "an antiterrorist citizen informant program being adopted by local police departments," spanning from the east to west coast. The Globe described how this informant program was poised to recruit 100 million citizens! The program will, "dwarf the citizen informer programs of the most repressive totalitarian states, making them appear amateurish by comparison," they wrote. "Even communist East Germany," they proclaimed, "was not as ambitious about citizen surveillance as CAT Eyes." According to the Globe, the goal is to recruit one out of every three citizens. Catherine Epstein at the Department of History at Amherst College, contends that East Germany had the highest agent/informer to population rate in history. So if the U.S. has implemented this or a similar program, it has set a historical record. Former FBI Special Agent Ted L. Gunderson indicates that eventually about one in ten people will unofficially work for the state as an informant. In Germany the recruiters were given quotas to ensure a minimal amount of expansion. Due to the shear number of people now participating, I suspect quotas are being used. They've recruited the youth Children are now participating in the Gang Stalking of targeted people. Infants too, are dressed in colors that targets have been sensitized to. They are used as a billboard for symbolism, as they're paraded around by their parents who encircle targets in public. As demonstrated, after a target has been alerted that they're being watched, this color essentially acts as a uniform and a weapon. Later as the infants can walk and communicate they're used in other types of Staged Events (Street Theatre). Even at young ages, these children are able to understand how to perform these skits. This program appears to be multigenerational, for both targeted people and the stalkers. Reportedly, entire families are now participating in patrols (Gang Stalking). Similarly, according to the book, The File, by Timothy Ash, sometimes entire families were recruited as IMs in East Germany. At this point we don't know exactly what these adults are told to encourage their children to participate. But by their behavior, we can logically conclude that the same factors which motivated them are used to get them to recruit their children. Reason indicates that after a parent has been recruited, a message similar to, "there are bad people in the community and mommy and daddy need your help," is conveyed to the child. The child then receives some type of training and is used for patrols (Gang Stalking). Family participation also seems to serve as a type of bonding, summed up by the adoption of attitudes such as, let's work together to keep the community safe, we're the good guys, etc. Consider that in East Germany, an astounding 6% of the IMs were children. Due to the number of youths participating, there must be a broad recruitment program designed specifically for them as well. These programs are probably offered in high school and junior high school. In 2000 and 2001, University Wire, ran articles such as, Boston U. Adopts Crime Watch Program, and Police Enlist Ohio State U. Students in War on Crime. The Atlanta Journal and Constitution published articles in 2001 entitled, School Police Enlist Aid of Students in New Crime Watch, and Student-led Crime Watch on Duty at High School. Students Keep the Peace appeared in the October 2000 issue of the Sarasota Herald Tribune. Some of these policing groups are restricted to school grounds while others are not. Similarly, children were also recruited as IMs in East Germany while at school. But the organization which appears to the central point of recruitment for youths, is the Youth Crime Watch (YCW), which is international in scope, with headquarters on five continents. It is partnered with the Citizen Corps' National Neighborhood Watch program, and works with adults to patrol the streets. Schools are used as recruitment grounds for students from grammar school up to the university level. Participants include all core components of the local government, such as law enforcement, school staff, businesses and restaurants, as well as adult citizens watch groups. After a period of training, they conduct youth patrols under the supervision of a nearby police officer or plain-clothed adult. Like their parent organization, they're fighting crime and terrorism. They have at least hundreds of thousands of members. In addition to being used to carry out some of the standard tactics, the use of children may also be intended to disgust TIs.(**) This appears to be a triple attack. First, the act of someone using a child seems to be intended to cause revulsion. Secondly, the understanding that a TI would probably not be believed for even implying that a parent would involve their child in something like this, appears to be intended to amplify the revulsion. After all, nobody would ever, under any circumstances, use their children like this. And thirdly, the act itself. Most of these parents seem to exhibit no disgrace, which leads me to conclude that they believe it's a necessary honor. If children are being used in this program, and if there is a faction of it which frames people for crimes, then is it possible that this faction would use children to frame targeted people? All that the parents and child would need to be told is that their country needs them to do something very important as a matter of national security. If they're sufficiently naive, they'll probably consider it an honor. Children of criminals, or those vulnerable to blackmail or bribery, can also be recruited to accomplish this. A nation of Gang Stalkers Most of the citizen informant programs previously mentioned are now organized under a National Neighborhood Watch program, known as, USAonWatch.(***) "USAonWatch is the face of the National Neighborhood Watch Program," declared the Citizen Corps website. "The program," it announced, "is managed nationally by the National Sheriffs' Association [NSA] in partnership with the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, [and] US Department of Justice." So far, this information suggests that the program is coordinated locally by the FBI and police. The National Neighborhood Watch Program has existed since the late 1960s. This helps to explain reports of people being Gang Stalked by citizen patrol groups since the early 1980s. "For more than 30 years," proclaimed the National Sheriffs' Association, "The National Neighborhood Watch Program, an initiative of NSA, has been one of the most effective ways for citizens to become involved with law enforcement for the protection of our neighborhoods." Neighborhood Watch is now partnered with Citizen Corps. And Citizen Corps is run by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Its website states, "Citizen Corps is coordinated nationally by the Department of Homeland Security," and "works closely with other federal entities, state and local governments." So in essence, USAonWatch is a Department of Homeland Security program. This means FEMA, DHS, the FBI, and local police are working directly with the state and local governments to coordinate these operations. So if USAonWatch is the current public front, then that would mean that a portion of the Gang Stalking which targets speak of is done during these citizen patrols. It would also signify that this network, with full complicity of all levels of government, is trained and directed by local police, working with FEMA and the FBI. Again, we find another parallel to the Russian and East German dictatorships. The National Sheriffs' Association exclaimed, "The Neighborhood Watch is Homeland Security at the most local level!" It was created to "empower citizens to become directly involved with Neighborhood Watch for the purpose of homeland security." Its targets, according to the NSA, are criminals and domestic terrorists. What else would the East German IMs do besides inform? Markus Wolf, a former East German executive Stasi officer, and author of the book, Man Without a Face, indicates that targeted people were Gang Stalked by "informers who literally encircled their everyday movements." According to Wolf, the residences of some targeted people were "put under siege," and every family member, and every visitor, was kept under close observation. Even some East German state officials were, "surrounded by unofficial informers for the Stasi," proclaimed Mary Fulbrook, in her book, The People's State. The book, Stasiland, reveals a similar citizen patrol scenario, where targeted people would be stalked by a network of IMs on a daily basis. This was done using a rotation of IMs. "In the morning when I went to work, there'd be someone close behind me," reported one target. "[And] if I went in to Alexanderplatz to do some shopping a man would come with me..." People would be followed by IMs from their doorsteps, into public transportation systems and then back home again. "They changed the personnel," she continued, "but there was always someone there. They wanted us to feel it." Despite what these IMs were told about threats to national security, this blatant Gang Stalking was done for intimidation. In 1974 the former Deputy Director of the CIA, Ray S. Cline, drafted a report published by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), at Georgetown University called, Understanding the Solzhenitsyn Affair: Dissent and its Control in the USSR. It stated, "The Committee for State Security" [KGB] ... functions as a secret political police force, which through nets of agents and informants, reaches literally into every crevice of society." The word, "literally" is noteworthy, because when it is used, they mean it. Just as with East Germany, you can bet that this means every major area of society was filled with informants. This would include workplaces, grammar schools, universities, businesses, restaurants, apartment buildings, etc. Literally, everywhere! The report continued, "By watching every critical echelon in society, the informant networks also serve to insure that the administrative or daily controls are in fact working." The Soviet Union was run by a small group of wealthy elite. They used their private security force, the KGB, to ensure their control. Although the surface claim for the existence of the networks was for state security, it was in reality used to terrorize the population into submission. "These informants," it sustained "serve the fundamental purpose ... of inhibiting people from speaking freely to one another; from speaking out; from sharing and germinating thoughts." Shockingly, according to an independent media report, there was an attempt to integrate Markus Wolf and KGB General Yevgeni of Russia, into federal law enforcement. An article entitled, Ex-KGB and STASI Chiefs to Work Under Chertoff, appeared in the Foreign Press Foundation on December 16, 2004. It explained how the U.S. would pay former Stasi officer Markus Wolf, and KGB General Yevgeni Primakov to help co-op citizens into participating in state-sponsored harassment. The article was based on a U.S. Department of State Daily Press Briefing, that occurred on June 9, 1997, which stated, "We're talking about Markus Wolfe (sic), the former head of Stasi, right? ... He actively aided and abetted and fostered international and state-supported terrorism when he was an East German government official..." So, when they sprung up in Germany, they were called "IMs" who unofficially worked for the "Ministry of State Security" to "protect the state" against dangerous elements. They were called the "People's Brigade" in Russia, and their duty was the "Maintenance of Civil Order." The current citizen squads are apparently fighting terrorism and crime. I'm not aware of the official names of groups which conduct these patrols in other countries; no doubt the participating countries have assigned them noble titles. According to this information, those who have been recruited into the current citizen informant program include people who have access to homes, businesses, and public transportation systems. Others include postal workers, utility employees, truck drivers, train conductors, local police forces, as well as local and state agencies. And, if these youth crime-watch programs are being used for Gang Stalking--children. This helps to explain the reports of targeted people who attest that a variety of local and state vehicles are being used to stalk them. Restaurants and retail stores are also involved. Employees, clerks and/or managers of these establishments participate. If mainstream publications are alerting us to a "massive" recruitment process, then what they're doing behind the scenes is probably much more intense. All of these volunteer Neighborhood Watch programs are sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Interestingly, in East Germany, the adults and children who Gang Stalked targets operated on behalf of the Ministry for State Security (MfS). In Russia, citizen informants worked for the Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti (Committee for State Security), also known as the KGB. In Czechoslovakia it was the Czechoslovak State Security (StB), etc. Because these harassment programs involve a combined, coordinated effort between federal, state and local governments, logic would suggest that the chief of police, mayor of the city, and governor of the state must be aware of it. The program involves the use of too many resources for them not to be. It can't operate without their knowledge. As previously described, the TIPS or USAonWatch programs would have accomplished this. East Germany had a variety of different types of informants, which served different functions. So, in all probability, in addition to bulk recruitment programs such as TIPS, and Neighborhood Watch, there are individuals and groups of informants which are also recruited. In my estimation, these units and individuals work alongside the public front organization to harass people in public. If this is true, then this would further compartmentalize these operations, possibly to the point where all of these factions are unaware of the existence of one and other. Consider the FBI's known use of criminals as informants, which was described in the Tactics section. Also note an article which appeared in The Chicago Sun-Times on May 31, 1998, entitled, Family of Spies on Run, which described an, "unknown number" of entire families who are citizen informants. "They are ordinary citizens who, for reasons ranging from petty revenge to pure patriotism, agree to work with the bureau," stated the Times. The article revealed that these families work with the FBI, DEA, CIA, RCMP, as well as local law enforcement. Most of these agencies are now part of DHS. "Because this is the lifestyle they have known almost since their birth, the ... children rarely complain," they wrote. Secrecy To my knowledge, at this time, no one has openly admitted to being part of this program. Targeted people have been stonewalled when confronting their tormentors in public. The citizen squads are obviously told that under no circumstances are they to admit they're part of an organized program to remove troublesome individuals from the community. In Russia, the state emphasized the need for total secrecy when recruiting people into the Citizen's Brigade. According to Kourdakov, during their lectures they were told that, "Under no condition was the public to know what was going on." The reason was that, "some people could misunderstand what we're doing and why we have to do it," and "don't appreciate the danger that these people represent to our society." When citizen informants in East Germany were recruited, they agreed to a, "code of secrecy," and some had to sign a waver, which stated that they would not mention anything about their connection to the MfS. By their behavior it is apparent that participants in the current program are told that targeted people can't be reasoned with, but must leave on their own accord, by way of a collaborative community effort. In all likelihood, stigma is probably used to justify the harassment. This includes labeling people threats to "national security," or criminals who have escaped justice. These tactics have been used in other countries to justify persecution of political dissent. As part of their training, it is also possible that they engage in skits where they witness people breaking down or fainting in front of them, as a result of being systematically Mobbed out in public. Some of the training is apparently designed to put their conscience aside when harassing targets. As we'll learn in the next chapter, when you combine these desensitizing drills with lies, you can get most people to do just about anything. "As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit atrocities." -Voltaire Filtering Another reason participants are told to deny their involvement in this program is obviously because their handlers know that because they operate on huge lies, they could not rationally justify the cause. It is critical that participants receive no outside information that can penetrate this barrier. Precautionary measures must have been taken to filter information that would undermine the group objectives. It has been said that those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it. The people who created this program are obviously aware that it is absolutely essential that no parallel be made between similar historical events and what is taking place now. If this program originated from a Think Tank, you can bet that they have accounted for this, and it has been integrated into the training curriculum. Therefore, certain phrases, such as "New World Order," "Dictatorship," "Cult," "Nazi Germany," "Hitler," "Cointelpro," MKULTRA," "Experimentation," "Gang Stalking," "Harassment," etc, are probably covered with mental mindguards to disengage critical thought. Similarly, according to cult expert Steven Hassan's book, Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves, these mental blocking techniques are given to members of mind-control cults to reject information that undermines the cult. It basically means that when they're confronted with a particular phrase or question, they should think or say a certain phrase to reject it. This is used to stop critical thought and funnel external input into a mental recycle bin. It works remarkably well. In his book, Vital Lies, Simple Truths, Dr. Daniel Goleman stated, "A mindguard is an attention bodyguard, standing vigilant to protect the group not from physical assault, but from an attack by information." "'A mindguard,' says Janis [author of Victims of Groupthink], protects the group 'from thoughts [information] that might damage their confidence in the soundness of the policies to which they are committed.'" More on the Group Mind will be covered in the next chapter. The Nazis and their educated followers were essentially a political cult. The cult was fed massive lies which were reinforced by the careful filtering of information and propaganda conveyed by mainstream outlets. Literally, a whole country was under this spell. This is happening now. "Hitler and his troop of amateur magicians and hypnotists in the 1930's and 1940's were able to reconstruct a technologically advanced nation such as Germany into a vast theatre of illusion," stated Professor Marrs. "They were also able to induce educated and intellectual [people] into becoming ... oppressors of their fellow men..." Some may disagree, but arguably, this international group is a political/corporate cult. Various cult experts themselves don't seem to agree on any set definition. But in my view this group is a cult. More evidence will be provided in the Structure, Purpose, and Motivational Factors chapters to illustrate that this group is an essential part of a massive political movement. Communication There is communication between the surveillance faction and the citizen informant squads and local businesses in the area. Obviously, the managers of local stores are contacted by a representative of this program, possibly by cell phone, pager, or walk-in, and told to prepare for the arrival of the targeted person. A picture or video of the targeted person may be shown to the participating staff. The targeted individual may also be identified as he or she walks into the store. Consider that the IMs in East Germany communicated using non-verbal cues, so this is also a possibility. When the TI arrives, those who have been co-opted follow through with the tactics they've learned from their training. They also work in unison with plain-clothed citizens to harass the targeted customer. Advanced electronic methods of communication, which are not commercially available, may be used by the coordinating faction to direct specific citizen informants. More than likely the current recruitment of informants is done using a beneficial appearing program, equipped with convincing propaganda, which is delivered by trusted authority figures. The recruitment programs offered to the public probably don't refer to this activity as "harassment," or "Gang Stalking." In all likelihood it is cloaked in a beneficial sounding name. The behavior exhibited by these citizens indicates that they are absolutely convinced that this policy is legitimate and necessary. If it originates from a government Think Tank, you can expect no less than an intellectual and emotional masterpiece that is very cleverly delivered. This program was very well thought out. Friends and Family Friends and family of targeted people are sometimes used to harass them. As shocking as this sounds, identical tactics were used during Cointelpro. According to the book, War at Home, by attorney Brian Glick, FBI records reveal frequent maneuvers to generate tension (harassment) on targeted people by recruiting their "parents, children, spouses, landlords, employers, college administrators, church superiors," and others, into investigations. The word "frequent" leads me to conclude that, just as in East Germany, this was standard practice. This helps to explain the current participation of friends, and family of targeted people. Moret added, "What we've studied and reported and identified is that neighbors are contacted and co-opted, [and] members of the target's family are co-opted..." Similarly, according to Wolf, the residences of targeted people were "put under siege," by the Stasi, and every family member, and every visitor, was kept under observation. The recruitment of friends and family of targets may not just serve to harass, confuse, and isolate, but also as a discrediting strategy. After all, a person's friends and family would never systematically harass them, so someone complaining of such an ordeal must be mentally ill. This may be compounded if a handler forces a targeted person's family to have the target institutionalized. Remember, one in ten citizens will be recruited as informants anyway, so co-opting ten or fifty friends/relatives of a targeted person is not difficult. How can a good friend or relative be recruited into a harassment campaign? Simple. They can be lied to, intimidated, or blackmailed into becoming informants during a bogus investigation. Then they can be given a gag order and threatened with jail time if they mention anything about it. Both the Stasi and FBI have done this. According to attorney Glick, blackmail and threats, using statements such as, "We know what you have been doing, but if you cooperate it will be all right," were often used as leverage for the recruitment of a relative or associate during Cointelpro. Family members or associates who targets have a shaky relationship with can be bribed if they are greedy or in financial ruin. Naive ones or youngsters can be lied to by appealing to their sense of patriotism. This would be especially effective if delivered by a trusted community authority figure, such as a local official. When gaining cooperation in this way, these friends/family members may be fed some truth, and then some damaging lies can be thrown in. After the friends and family of a targeted person have been recruited, they can be directed by their handlers to perform carefully scripted harassment skits, which include some mentioned in the Tactics chapter. This harassment by proxy is optimized by the use of sophisticated electronic surveillance equipment. Summary Multiple citizen informant programs are now operational, with the goal of recruiting a significant portion of the population. We've seen the political Left and Right justifiably compare these informant programs to ones that emerged in Germany and Russia. These programs are supervised by the Department of Homeland Security. They are similar in operation and purpose to those used in Russian and German dictatorships, which were created by the Committee for State Security and Ministry for State Security, respectively. Those mentioned to be recruited, reflects (to some degree), those reportedly Gang Stalking targets. A massive network of citizens (probably millions worldwide), stalk and harass targeted people in public. They include a wide strata of individuals ranging from seniors to children, and often the friends and family of targeted people. Local governments are fully complicit in the harassment. The federal government can also recruit groups or individuals as informants, which are not connected to any official organization, such as a Neighborhood Watch network. Without even being aware of the existence of the other network, these entities too can be used to harass people in public. [Footnotes] * Although the portion of the People's Brigade which Kourdakov wrote about didn't exhibit the exact traits as the current global stalking group (due to the frequent use of overt physical violence), his account does illustrate the emphasis on secrecy with state-run harassment programs. Furthermore, the Soviet Union did (and still does) possess a huge network of plain-clothed citizen informants, which is used to stalk (shadow) enemies of the state. See the report entitled, Understanding the Solzhenitsyn Affair: Dissent and its Control in the USSR, edited by the former Deputy Director of the CIA, Ray S. Cline. The report was based on a conference held by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), at Georgetown University. ** On multiple occasions I have noticed children being used in skits which were obviously intended to convey sexual innuendos. *** Picture taken from www.usaonwatch.org.
  19. The Depopulation Agenda by MARCO TORRES (April 8, 2013) What Really Lies At The Heart of Biotech and Medical Technology? We need not look further than genetically modified foods, our toxic food supply and vaccines to understand that depopulation technology is alive and well. The Earth and its organisms (including humans) have NOT been thriving for last several decades...they have been dying. We are only now beginning to understand the extent of the scientific dictatorship governing world technologies and the impact on the human race. The good news is the trend is reversing. People are finally waking up to the dangers of depopulation technology and they're are refuting initiatives on all levels. Overpopulation or Depopulation Long before now there have been debates as to whether the world was really overpopulated or not, or if overpopulation is even possible. Many argue that Mother Nature knows exactly what to do with the planet and its inhabitants to maintain balance at anytime and I agree with that assertion. Between 1798 and 1826, an English Demographer and Political Economist, Thomas Malthus published a famous and controversial treatise "An Essay on the Principle of Population." The thrust of his postulations was that human beings will reproduce at a geometric rate while food production will occur at an arithmetic rate implicitly asserting that the world will be overpopulated. Let us take a quotation which succinctly captures his views - "The power of population is so superior to the power of the earth to produce subsistence for man that premature death must in some shape or other visit the human race. The vices of mankind are active and able ministers of depopulation. They are the precursors in the great army of destruction, and often finish the dreadful work themselves. But should they fail in this war extermination, sickly seasons, epidemics, pestilence, and plague advance in terrific array, and sweep off their thousands and tens of thousands. Should success be still incomplete, gigantic inevitable famine stalks in the rear and with one mighty blow levels the population with the food of the world?" (Malthus, T.R. 1798 p.61). He proposed prostitution, abortion, birth control including the use of contraceptives and celibacy as a way of checking the human population so that the world will not degenerate to a level of acute starvation and possibly cannibalism. Due to technological, agricultural and societal developments largely brought about by the industrial revolution, food supply became abundant thus making the Malthusian theory a colossal failure (Wolfgram, A.). His infamous "Malthusian Controls" which are taught to every first year sociology student, has become a cornerstone belief for many modern day globalists who advocate population control by any means necessary. This radical and dangerous idea promotes the unproven notion that the poor deserve to die because there are too many of them for the Earth to adequately support. Malthus believed that higher wages and welfare should be withheld from the great unwashed because he believed that these two factors would allow the poor to survive and exponentially breed, thus compounding the overpopulation problem. Some Scholars sturdily opposed Malthus: Henry Carey, an American economist and thinker opined that food supply will outstrip population growth only in an economy where the government lacked a clear cut public policy and failed to adopt novel technologies. This was well espoused in his book "The Principles of Social Science." In Friedrich Engels book "Outline of a Critique of Political Economy 1844," he said that the problem of inadequate food production will be taken care of by advances in science and technology. Economist Simon Julian implicitly called Malthus a Prophet of Doom as the massive geometric population growth of the 20th century did not lead to a worldwide catastrophe. Was Malthus entirely wrong? Some of his modern day disciples attribute the problems of Africa and the Middle East where the population doubles repeatedly to food shortages and its concomitant effects which include diseases, water shortage, internal strife, conflict, large migrations (Danaher, G. 2011). Overpopulation is a radical and dangerous myth promoted by elite and international societies. A problem that exists only in dramatically erroneous theories that are not mathematically based. It is simply one of the most flawed concepts right up there with global warming. The theories are based on myths, not science or accurate statistical correlations or causation principles. Is the world really over populated or is there an attempt to hoodwink a vast majority of people into getting their support for a depopulation agenda? According to Stephen Mosher, President of the Population Research Institute, the population of the entire world could fit into the American state of Texas. The square miles of Texas is 262,000. Using the old population of 6 billion as at 1999 and a conversion from square miles to square feet, it came to 1,217 square feet per capita. A family of five would occupy that with the status of a mansion. (www.pop.org). The extra 1 billion people may not alter much this calculation. If we look at Canada which is the second largest nation on earth after Russia, the land mass is 6,198,186 square miles with a population of about 34 million. Most areas are uninhabited and the potentials for it to be tapped are abundant. Can we honestly say the world is overpopulated when many areas are sparsely uninhabited? What about the creative powers of man which population promotes? What about his problem solving ability? Dubai which was largely a desert area has been transformed into one of the most attractive tourist hubs in the world because of man’s prowess to turn challenges into opportunities (BBC UK). That brings to a reiteration of an earlier question, if there’s more than enough room for everyone on earth as seen above, is there any depopulation agenda and if there is what is the real raison d’etre? Planned Parenthood - Malicious Advocacy Depopulation agendas have existed from time immemorial as far back as in 1550 BC in Egypt (Time Magazine US). However it gained momentum and became a topic of global discourse when Margaret Sanger surreptitiously propagated the eugenics agenda. The agenda is hinged on the elimination of 'inferior races.' One of the broad misconceptions across those who blindly follow the advice of Planned Parenthood, is that they are a trusted health care provider and passionate educator who can only serve women in their highest interests when it comes to matters of health, whether sexual or reproductive. We are living in a delusional society where organizations that promote health damaging vaccines, cancer causing birth control, invasive mammograms and radiation screening are supported and actually praised by our governments and the population at large. The most dramatic irony comes from the fact that all of these services are offered in the guise of the "nation's leading sexual and reproductive health care" whose intention is always health and safety. The International Statistical Association expressed grave concerns about the World Health Organisation’s inaccurate recording of abortion deaths. It is hard to determine how abortions contribute to maternal mortality and the abortion is hinged on this false data. WHO has admitted that getting accurate data is an uphill task yet they churn out policies based on the apparently flawed data and passing them off as valid and objective. They then influence other international organisations and member countries on the basis of a flaw. It has lent its support to abortion by equating maternal deaths with unsafe abortions. It has also mounted severe pressure on Sovereign states to change their abortion laws as well as assisting in the management of unsafe abortion cases. In a special UN session in 1999, when governments collectively agreed that in instances when abortion did not run afoul of the law, healthcare service providers should be trained on how to provide safe and accessible abortion services. In 2002 after a fact finding mission to China by some officials of the United States Department, it was exposed that women who had unauthorised pregnancies had severe penalties ranging from forced abortions to the payment of outrageous fines and other forms of emotional torture. Former President George Bush Jr defunded them as a result of their complicity in the barbaric atrocity. However the incumbent, Barack Obama on March 11, 2009 reinstated funding to them and has since approved about $145 million to the murderous cause (Saunders, B. 2011). The UNFPA and the International Planned Parenthood Federation collaboratively drafted a document that provided a framework on sexual and reproductive rights and health. In addition to the infamous Maputo Protocol, they aimed at pressuring the bureaucrats in the health sector and policy makers in different countries to make abortion more widely available. (Singson, S. 2007). In 1984, a report was written and presented to the controllers of the World Bank. The summary of it was a population reduction plan so as to maintain economic growth for developed economies. It was titled “World Development Report 1984.†Poverty and hunger were touted as a consequence of overpopulation. It advocated the elimination of subsidies for large families, incentives for smaller families and the praising of China for its one-child policy and holding them up as a model. It canvassed the availability of male and female sterilisation, IUD's in countries such as India, Indonesia and Thailand. There was also the idea of the creation of concentration camps where people could be taken for sterilisation. (Miranda, L.R 2012) Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: Save The Third World By Depopulating It Through Vaccines The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have been focused on reducing the population of poorer countries through the promotion of killer drugs such as Depo-Provera. The foundation is partnering with the British government to raise $4 billion to finance their birth control plan by 2020. This is under the guise of family planning. The foundation is also known to fund an NGO committed to children vaccination known as Gavi. This vaccine has been used on children in Malawi, India and Pakistan. In Malawi, these kids were vaccinated at gunpoint in 2011; Non-polio paralysis struck some of the kids that were vaccinated ( Posel, S. 2012). The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is committing $10 billion over the next ten years to make it the most aggressive decade ever to roll out new vaccines to poor nations around the world. The commitment will also effectively create widespread fertility problems across vaccinated populations. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the World's most powerful charity. It is funded to the tune of $34.6 in addition to $30 from the investments from Warren Buffet. In 2000, the foundation founded the Global Fund for Children’s Vaccines (GAVI). It is an international collaboration among the Rockefeller foundation, Governments, the World Bank, WHO, International Association of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, Vaccine Makers and UNICEF. (Gale, R; Null, G 2010). During the World Economic Forum, he promised to make $10 billion available for child vaccine development in poorer nations. With the history of vaccines in Africa and third world countries, has any proven to be the solution to the problems there? Does it not make more sense to clean up the filthy sewages to put a permanent solution to needless ailments rather than provide vaccines which will not solve the fundamental problem? Do these vaccines enhance the quality of lives? Is it a solution to the problem of squalor in the continent? In a TED conference presentation, his reasons for massive investments in vaccines may have been revealed "The world today has 6.8 billion people... That's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent." (Adams, M 2010). Fertility has been declining rapidly since the 1950s in all countries of the world and the start of the change coincided with the introduction of the first mass vaccination programs. For instance, in the UK in 1947, a mass DPT vaccine campaign was initiated and in 1958, the first polio and diphtheria vaccines were brought in on a mass scale for all people under 15 years old. Vaccines contain many ingredients that are potentially damaging to fertility including detergents like triton X-100, also known as octoxynol 10 which is a known spermicide and has been used in experiments to "strip" sperm so that they are no longer capable of fertilizing an egg. In a 1977 study in the Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, triton X-100 was listed in a table of "most potent spermicides" that would produce 100% stripping of human sperm and the dosages needed for such an effect. Another ingredient that is problematic is polysorbate 80 (also known as tween 80) that is in numerous vaccines including the Pediacel five-in-one vaccine given to infants and the gardasil HPV vaccine. Polysorbate 80 is a known sterility causing agent in rats. It caused changes to the vagina and womb, ovary deformities and degenerative follicles and this impaired the rats' ability to reproduce. Interestingly enough it is also an emulsifier used in popular brands of ice cream. Some medical professionals argue that it has only been found to cause infertility in rats, not humans, but the Depo-Provera contraceptive shot also contains polysorbate 80 and it has been added to experimental animal contraceptive injections as one of the ideal sterilizing ingredients. Baby female rats who were injected with polysorbate 80 at days 4-7 after birth had caused changes to the vagina and womb lining, hormonal changes, ovary deformities and degenerative follicles. According to the World Intellectual Property Organization, which is part of the United Nations, scientists from the organization are developing vaccines specifically to damage fertility as a method of contraception. A suggested ingredient for the vaccine is Polysorbate 80 (also known as tween 80). As it is a preferred ingredient, scientists are obviously aware of its ability to cause infertility. Far from being mere anecdotal reports, scientists are aware that an ideal sterilizing recipe is polysorbate 80 and squalene oil together, as they demonstrated in this patent for an animal contraceptive vaccine: "In a preferred embodiment the vaccine comprises oil, preferably a biodegradable oil such as squalene oil. Typically, the vaccine is prepared using an adjuvant concentrate which contains lecithin in squalene oil. The aqueous solution glycoprotein is typically a phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution, and additionally preferably contains Tween 80." This is exactly what some vaccines contain. In fact, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System lists 25 pages of teenage girls and women who had miscarriages after being injected with Gardasil when pregnant, and that is just for one type of vaccine. So if you're considering having a vaccine or giving your child one, don't have any if you intend to get pregnant within three months of the vaccine and avoid any vaccines that contain polysorbate 80, octoxynol 10 (Triton X-100) or squalene (known as adjuvant AS04). According to Professor Iles, of Middlesex University, a new cancer vaccine being developed in conjunction with U.S. firm Celldex Therapeutics will rev up the immune system, directing it to destroy Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) which is made by around half of bladder and pancreatic-cancers. Perhaps an ulterior motive was the driving force behind such irresponsible research since scientists have known for decades that any attempts to depress or destroy hCG may lead to permanent infertility in women. Ironically, the hCG hormone the researchers are trying to destroy is actually used during female infertility treatments in order to stimulate the release of eggs from the ovaries. Temporary depression and disruption of hCG causes a range of hormonal imbalances and is considered a leading cause of miscarriages. Consequently, many once infertile women may suddenly conceive with repeated injections of hCG. One of the primary reasons that women who abuse cocaine can no longer conceive is because of hCG disruption. Cocaine inhibits hCG concentrations in maternal circulation which affects secretion by the placenta required to maintain pregnancy. GMO Technology and Decreased Fertility Scientists in Austria recently conducted the first ever long-term multi-generational feeding study of Monsanto's genetically modified (GM) corn (NK 603 x MON 810) in mice. The study consisted of two groups: an experimental group, which was fed a 33% GM corn (maize) feed, and a control group, which was fed an equivalent non-GM corn feed. The mice were allowed to live a natural life and were monitored for four generations. Scientists recorded organ weight, gene expression, body mass, metabolism, life span and number of offspring of both groups of mice. The scientists found that mice fed GM corn had significantly less pups per litter than the control group on the third and fourth generation. Furthermore, pups whose parents were fed GM-feed weighed less at birth and at weaning and experienced significantly higher mortality rates than those fed non-GM corn. Lead author of the study Professor Zentek reported that there was a direct link between the decrease in fertility and the GM diet and mice fed non-GM corn reproduced more efficiently. Using a microarray analysis, the scientists reported that 1016 genes had been differentially expressed in the mice fed GM corn with most being up-regulated. Essentially, the GM-fed mice had hundreds of their proteins, which are encoded by genes, expressed in an increased or decreased quantity, which as a corollary altered certain biological processes in their bodies. For example, sensory perception, ion transport and the ability to breakdown proteins (proteolysis) were down-regulated or under-expressed, while the ability of the mice to regulate T-cells (a primary immunological response especially in fighting cancer), circadian rhythm regulation and the FAS signalling pathway (which is a major pathway for cell apoptosis and is important in the elimination of cancers) were over-expressed. This study elucidates the fact that biologic damage from GMOs may not manifest until the third generation and details strong evidence for the mandatory labelling, and even more so for the mass extinction, of these highly dangerous and unnecessary foods. Alexey V. Surov and his colleagues set out to discover if Monsanto's genetically modified (GM) soy, grown on 91% of US soybean fields, leads to problems in growth or reproduction. After feeding hamsters for two years over three generations, those on the GM diet, and especially the group on the maximum GM soy diet, showed devastating results. By the third generation, most GM soy-fed hamsters lost the ability to have babies. They also suffered slower growth, and a high mortality rate among the pups. Surov told The Voice of Russia, "Originally, everything went smoothly. However, we noticed quite a serious effect when we selected new pairs from their cubs and continued to feed them as before. These pairs' growth rate was slower and reached their sexual maturity slowly." He selected new pairs from each group, which generated another 39 litters. There were 52 pups born to the control group and 78 to the non-GM soy group. In the GM soy group, however, only 40 pups were born. And of these, 25% died. This was a fivefold higher death rate than the 5% seen among the controls. Of the hamsters that ate high GM soy content, only a single female hamster gave birth. She had 16 pups; about 20% died. Surov said "The low numbers in F2 [third generation] showed that many animals were sterile." The published paper also included measurements of organ size for the third generation animals, including testes, spleen, uterus, etc. Surov's hamsters are just the latest animals to suffer from reproductive disorders after consuming GMOs. In 2005, Irina Ermakova, also with the Russian National Academy of Sciences, reported that more than half the babies from mother rats fed GM soy died within three weeks. This was also five times higher than the 10% death rate of the non-GMO soy group. The babies in the GM group were also smaller (see photo) and could not reproduce. In a telling coincidence, after Ermakova's feeding trials, her laboratory started feeding all the rats in the facility a commercial rat chow using GM soy. Within two months, the infant mortality facility-wide reached 55%. When Ermakova fed male rats GM soy, their testicles changed from the normal pink to dark blue! Italian scientists similarly found changes in mice testes (PDF), including damaged young sperm cells. Furthermore, the DNA of embryos from parent mice fed GM soy functioned differently. An Austrian government study published in November 2008 showed that the more GM corn was fed to mice, the fewer the babies they had (PDF), and the smaller the babies were. Central Iowa Farmer Jerry Rosman also had trouble with pigs and cows becoming sterile. Some of his pigs even had false pregnancies or gave birth to bags of water. After months of investigations and testing, he finally traced the problem to GM corn feed. Every time a newspaper, magazine, or TV show reported Jerry's problems, he would receive calls from more farmers complaining of livestock sterility on their farm, linked to GM corn. Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine accidentally discovered that rats raised on corncob bedding "neither breed nor exhibit reproductive behavior." Tests on the corn material revealed two compounds that stopped the sexual cycle in females "at concentrations approximately two-hundredfold lower than classical phytoestrogens." One compound also curtailed male sexual behavior and both substances contributed to the growth of breast and prostate cancer cell cultures. Researchers found that the amount of the substances varied with GM corn varieties. The crushed corncob used at Baylor was likely shipped from central Iowa, near the farm of Jerry Rosman and others complaining of sterile livestock. In Haryana, India, a team of investigating veterinarians report that buffalo consuming GM cottonseed suffer from infertility, as well as frequent abortions, premature deliveries, and prolapsed uteruses. Many adult and young buffalo have also died mysteriously. Chemicals - One of the Biggest Predictors of Depopulaton One of the biggest predictors of long-term depopulation is a society's endorsement of chemicals in consumer and medical technology. Edinburgh University researchers claimed a crucial window between eight and 12 weeks of pregnancy determined future reproductive problems. Exposure to chemicals found in products such as cosmetics during this period may affect later sperm production. The research team was led by Professor Richard Sharpe of the Medical Research Council's Human Reproductive Sciences Unit, based in Edinburgh. A study by Brunel University, the Universities of Exeter and Reading and the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, shows for the first time how a group of testosterone-blocking chemicals is finding its way into UK rivers, affecting wildlife and potentially humans. The research was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council and is now published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives. The study identified a new group of chemicals that act as "anti-androgens". This means that they inhibit the function of the male hormone, testosterone, reducing male fertility. Some of these are contained in medicines, including cancer treatments, pharmaceutical treatments, and pesticides used in agriculture. The research suggests that when they get into the water system, these chemicals may play a pivotal role in causing feminising effects. Lead author on the research paper, Dr Susan Jobling at Brunel University’s Institute for the Environment, said: "We have been working intensively in this field for over ten years. The new research findings illustrate the complexities in unravelling chemical causation of adverse health effects in wildlife populations and re-open the possibility of a human -- wildlife connection in which effects seen in wild fish and in humans are caused by similar combinations of chemicals. We have identified a new group of chemicals in our study on fish, but do not know where they are coming from. A principal aim of our work is now to identify the source of these pollutants and work with regulators and relevant industry to test the effects of a mixture of these chemicals and the already known environmental estrogens and help protect environmental health." Men exposed to high amounts of pesticides in foods are far more likely than men with less contact to have diluted or deformed and sluggish sperm. Each of the semen problems can reduce the ability of sperm to reach and fertilize an egg and could make conception harder, the researchers say. The chemicals -- two plant killers and an insecticide -- most likely reach men through the water supply. Drinking water in some areas contains significant levels of the substances. Exposure to current levels of Bisphenol A (BPA) can affect gene expression and fertility of women just 12 hours after exposure. BPA is a chemical found in baby bottles, water bottles, canned foods and an array of other consumer products. The potential health effects of BPA are no longer debatable and the evidence of its impaired affect on fertility are now well established. Human studies have found BPA in many tissues and fluids, including urine, blood, breast milk, the amniotic fluid of pregnant women and the antral fluid of mature follicles. A national survey conducted by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2003-2004 found BPA in 93 percent of the 2,517 people (age 6 and up) who were tested. Previous research from North Carolina State University and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) showed significant reproductive health effects in rats that have been exposed to bisphenol-A (BPA) at levels equivalent to or below the dose that has been thought not to produce any adverse effects. A study published online in the journal Biology of Reproduction found that exposure of pregnant female mice to the endocrine-disrupting chemical bisphenol A may produce adverse reproductive consequences on in fetal ovaries after the mother has first been exposed to the chemical. The European Science Foundation (ESF) launched a report showing that reduced male fertility may be making it even harder for couples to conceive and be contributing to low birth rates in many countries. More than 10% of couples worldwide are infertile, contributing to the growing demand for assisted reproduction techniques such as in vitro fertilisation (IVF) which itself causes cancer. Sperm counts have dropped significantly in the last 50 years in developed countries. Today, at least one in five 18-25 year old men in Europe have semen quality in the subfertile range. Testosterone levels are also declining. This is mirrored by increasing testicular cancer in most industrialised countries and more developmental abnormalities such as undescended testes. All of these factors are linked to reduced fertility and may have common origins during fetal development. Why Don't We Empower People Instead of Depopulating? Instead of spending billions of dollars in futile depopulation efforts, why can’t the circumstances for these large families to live a more dignified existence be created? Why spend billions of dollars to provide vaccines when it can be funnelled for the provision of a healthier environment which will translate into prosperity as health is wealth? Why can't there be more pressure put on African leaders not to still the commonwealth since the west is bent on playing a big brother role. The rogue behaviour of African leaders has led to the impoverishing of the continent and not large families. The creation of failed states through western conspiracy as evidenced by the fact that as a condition for the receipt of loans from the World Bank and IMF, subsidy on essential items are always asked to be removed in the name of development (Abioje, P.O 2012). Isn't it hypocrisy for the West to subsidise education, healthcare and other essential citizens for its citizens and tell African leaders to remove them? Isn't the lack of subsidy killing the poor? The overpopulation hue and cry is all hogwash and an attempt to divert attention from the real issues. If more love can be shown to Africa and other developing economies by meeting the real needs of these people, there would not be any need for a depopulation agenda which is not only counterproductive but a source of misery for both parties. As an old cliche goes, there is enough for everyone's need but not enough for everyone’s greed; the mindless quest for power is the real evil that needs to be rooted out as that is the root cause of the needless depopulation agenda. The good news is that people are awakening to the depopulation agenda and they're refusing these initiatives at all levels. Rejection of vaccines, GMO, medical technology and chemicals in our consumer goods is taking place at record levels. Populations worldwide are coming to the realization that we do not need to kill ourselves to save this planet or its inhabitants. The real question is when will the bubble burst and when will we transform technology to benefit the masses rather than a select few? *** Marco Torres is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy. ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED What Really Lies At The Heart of Biotech and Medical Technology? http://preventdisease.com/news/13/040913_What-Really-Lies-At-The-Heart-of-Biotech-and-Medical-Technology.shtml
  20. The Secret History of the British 'Royals' by GREG HALLETT/ JIM FETZER (PHOTO: In order to retain the crown, they sold their daughter into marriage to Prince Philip. Lord Louis Mountbatten also included rights for under-aged sex with the firstborn – Prima Nocte,Droit du seigneur, Right of the Lord where the Lord takes the virginity of the serf – and that serf was Prince Charles. Prince Charles was a paedophile victim from a young age. Prince Philip and Lord Louis Mountbatten also had sexual relations. From left to right - Prince Charles with Lord Louis Mountbatten and Prince Philip.) (Excerpt from a transcript: interview of author Greg Hallett by Jim Fetzer) Queen Elizabeth II, or the invention of tradition called "Queen Elizabeth II" fails to be the Queen on several counts that have occurred during her lifetime, from her birth, and from her purported lineage going back to 1840. So the person called Queen Elizabeth II is actually an 'Invention of Tradition' carrying a 160-year line of Illegitimate Royals who were brought in concurrently with the British Empire being a Mafia Empire.
  21. The Secret History of the British 'Royals' (continued) by GREG HALLETT/ JIM FETZER What we've had is a Mafia Royalty and that was due to last for 200 years from 1812 to 2012. So now it's the time to bring it out, to show that the Royal Families that we've had from 1852 on have been illegitimate. Queen Victoria had 9 official children. Before that she had one child that was born legitimately and in marriage. That was Marcos Manoel. The other 9 children were born bigamously and from incest, unbeknownst to Queen Victoria; and incest is not illegal if you don't know about it, but the person who sired the children did know; so he would be guilty of incest and that was Lionel Nathan Rothschild -- as the siring partner. Prince Consort Albert didn't sire any of Queen Victoria's official 9 children. So the next person to reign after Queen Victoria died on the 22nd of January 1901 was King Edward VII, who also knew that his elder legitimate half-brother was alive So King Edward VII's coronation was delayed for 18 months from the 22nd of January 1901 to the 9th of August 1902. At the same time, King Edward VII got the Secretary of War, Lord Kitchener, to alter the mandate of Freemasonry, which was originally about keeping the True Monarch on the Throne, and he changed it to, whatever it is today. In the Colonies, like in New Zealand, it's extremely corrupt and supports massive wrong-doings and the same is true of other countries as well. So there is a correction there that needs to be made. Now King Edward VII and his reign from 1901 to 1910 organised the murder of the Portuguese Royal Family, organised the Abdication of the next Royal Family, organised the murder of his legitimate older half-brother, and then passed instructions on to his son, King George V, who reigned from 1910 to 1936, to assassinate the exiled King of Portugal, King Manuel II of Portugal, in Twickenham in South London. So that destroyed the last vestiges, or thereabouts, of the last vestiges of the Portuguese Royal Family. And then we had from 1936 to 1936, January to December, we had King Edward VIII who was never crowned. And then we had King George VI from 1936–52, who was crowned, but he was retarded; and he had a child with the person referred to as the 'Queen Mother' or 'Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon', and that child turned out to be epileptic. So King George VI was removed from being the siring male. He was replaced with Winston Churchill who was the illegitimate son of King Edward VII. So there was still some supposed Royal blood there, but it was from incest. King Edward VII was a Warlord. Winston Churchill, his biological son, was also a Warlord. Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon was initially engaged to the person who became King Edward VIII, who reigned January to December 1936. He told her he was going to abdicate, so then she was given the option to become engaged to the person who became King George VI, but he had knocked knees and was one IQ point above retarded. So she brought in her 'Whipping Boy' to became engaged and then marry King George VI. Now the 'Whipping Boy' is somebody that an aristocrat is raised with, and sometimes it doubles for them in photos. And sometimes there's two photos taken, with say the brother, where Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon is photographed as a child with the brother, and then the 'Whipping Boy' is also photographed with the brother, as the sister. So what you've got is photographic opportunity to show a complete history. And the 'Whipping Boy' came from Waterford, in Ireland, and the Irish accent had to be taught out of it, so it was more of a Scottish brogue. The true Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon got married and lived in France and died in 1950. And I got this from a British and European Royal who is incredibly renegade, so Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon's 'Whipping Boy' married King George VI, and then Winston Churchill provided the sperm for the artificial insemination with Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon’s Whipping Boy, resulting in Princess Elizabeth who was born above the Coach & Horses pub in Mayfair in London. And that's why Queen Elizabeth II's nickname is "Lilybeth la bonne" meaning "The Maid". That meant, she was the daughter of the Maid, the daughter of the "Whipping Boy". Then when King George V died in 1952, the very illegitimate Princess Elizabeth became 'Queen Elizabeth II'. In 1946, Prince Philip became engaged to Princess Elizabeth under the extortion of Lord Louis Mountbatten. Lord Louis Mountbatten extorted the 'Whipping Boy', Queen consort Elizabeth and King George VI on the basis that the Royal Family had been fake since 1852. So in order to retain the crown, they sold their daughter into marriage to Prince Philip, and it appears that Lord Louis Mountbatten also included rights for under-aged sex with the firstborn -- Prima Nocte, Droit du seigneur, Right of the Lord where the Lord takes the virginity of the serves -- and that was Prince Charles. And there's photos of Prince Charles and Lord Louis Mountbatten shaking hands at a Polo event when Prince Charles was still quite young. Jim Fetzer: Greg, would you repeat that, he had the first rights to 'sex'? Greg Hallett: Yes. Jim Fetzer: Sex! Greg Hallett: Yes. Jim Fetzer: S. E. X.! Greg Hallett: Yes. Lord Louis Mountbatten had first rights to sex with the firstborn of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, which was Prince Charles. So Prince Charles was a paedophile victim from obviously a young age. Lord Louis Mountbatten was absolutely known for his paedophilia and he was known for having schools under his own name, like "Mountbatten School" in Singapore, and one of the pupils there spoke to me. He would have been in his mid- to late 50s, and he was saying that it was his role to meet Lord Louis Mountbatten at the gate when he was about 5 or 6 years old, and after that he couldn't remember what happened in the next few days, and then he started to have very adult thoughts flashing across his mind, like sexual thoughts. And it appears that Lord Louis Mountbatten was testing drugs for Roche including Darken and Silence and Date Rape Drugs, and using it for sex with children. Now other people have also brought out that Lord Louis Mountbatten is a paedophile. Now Lord Louis Mountbatten introduced the well-known paedophile Jimmy Savile to Prince Charles. They used to spend quite a bit of time together and go to parties together. A lot of it was under the guise of charity events. On Jimmy Savile's 80th birthday, Prince Charles sent Jimmy Savile a pair of gold cufflinks, a box of cigars, and a note saying "No one will ever know what you've done for this country". There's now just a phenomenal amount of children that Jimmy Savile’s abused. And it appears that Prince Charles was definitely not the father of Prince William and is not the father of Prince Harry, and it was Princess Diana who ensured this, possibly on the knowledge that she knew 'A' definitely that Prince Charles was having a long standing affair with Camilla Parker Bowles, and that Prince Charles may have been a paedophile. And that may be why the current Laws of Succession are completely bypassing Prince Charles. Prince Philip and Lord Louis Mountbatten also had sexual relations. Prince Philip was also known for getting drunk on Royal Navy Ships and then falling over on the stomach so that he could be sodomized. And some of the sailors who sodomised him told co-researchers of mine that "Oh yeah, I had Prince Philip!" So he was quite into sodomy, and into children, and now on Sandringham Estate in Norfolk they're finding lots of bodies of children and women buried around in the yards. So it looks like Prince Philip, who extorted his marriage with Princess Elizabeth, is a paedophile who then agreed to marry Princess Elizabeth, and that their firstborn would be sodomised as a child by Lord Louis Mountbatten. Jim Fetzer: This is all so unbelievably disgusting! Greg Hallett: Well... Jim Fetzer: What was the location where the bodies of women and children have been found again? Greg Hallett: Sandringham House, which is actually Sandringham Palace. And it is actually on the Dragon Line that runs from Transylvania where Prince Charles has bought a lot of properties. It’s where the Dracula Castle is. Jim Fetzer: So are you implying then that the graves have been dug up, that these bodies have been unearthed, and if so, who is responsible for that? Greg Hallett: Yeah, but the problem is that Queen Elizabeth owns the Court buildings, so there's no hearings in court against the Queen. Jim Fetzer: Have these bodies then been excavated as you imply, and if so, by whom? Greg Hallett: They have been exhumed. And they were buried randomly, not as graves, and they were buried to be hidden and investigations are on-going. Jim Fetzer: I mean, yes, if they were buried randomly, it would be very difficult to locate them. I think it’s remarkable that they discovered -- you imply, quite a few. Greg Hallett: There are quite a few bodies there. So we've got the sexual indiscretions of Prince Philip who is married to Queen Elizabeth. Now Prince Philip used to keep a Black British Taxi, a London taxi and a chauffeur's cap. And he used to put his chauffeur's cap on, get in the taxi and drive to a brothel and walk as so he was going to pick someone up, and then he would stay in the brothel. And one of his favourite sex-hunting buddies was Kate Middleton’s father. Jim Fetzer: One of his favourite sex-hunting buddies! Greg Hallett: Yeah, so there is a sex-hunting connection between Kate Middleton’s father and Prince Philip. Jim Fetzer: This was for the purpose of paedophilia. Is Kate' father also a paedophile? Greg Hallett: If you think of the movie "Eyes Wide Shut", it is kind of a "Everything goes" party, but what they show you in the movie is very tall skinny model-like girls -- generally in their 20s. Jim Fetzer: That's the film that gave orgies a bad name. Greg Hallett: Kate Middleton is good friends with the owner of the Killing Kittens sex club. And Killing Kittens offers a sexual service like "Eyes Wide Shut" which is the tall skinny model-like women. So, it appears that Prince Philip has got together with Kate Middleton's father and arranged an "Eyes Wide Shut" type event with Kate Middleton and Prince William, and then used that to entrap Prince William into marriage and therefore make Prince William completely controllable. Now since the Monarchy is illegitimate, and all the parties in it have been illegitimate since the birth of Queen Victoria's second child Princess Vicky in 1840, then whoever has the most control over the Monarchy gets to run the monarchy. And it appears that Kate Middleton is an agent, in a similar way that J.F.K.’s wife, Jackie Kennedy who became Jackie Onassis was an agent. She moved from President of the United States to one of the biggest shipping magnate and heroin traffickers on the planet -- Aristotle Onassis. And whenever Aristotle Onassis got in trouble with his heroin trafficking, he would call in the highest diplomat that he could to fluff around so that anyone who wanted to charge him would be too embarrassed to charge him. And the person he used for that was Winston Churchill. So post World War II, Winston Churchill spent a lot of time with Aristotle Onassis. So the "Eyes Wide Shut" type Sex Clubs like Killing Kittens which Kate Middleton is associated with, links to the Drug Trafficking. And there are a lot of reports, actually on-going reports, of Prime Minister David Cameron, his father being a Ship Jumper between the heroin and the money, taking the heroin over and taking the money back. And this sort of thing can only happen with an illegitimate monarchy, and Queen Elizabeth II doesn't have any say in the matter because Lord Louis Mountbatten and Prince Philip have extorted Princess Eliz abeth into marriage, and control of their children, including Lord Louis Mountbatten's sex with Prince Charles, and the parentage of the other children. A Triumvirate formed for the heroin trafficking which involved Prince Philip, Lord Porchester and Lord Plunket, and it appears that Queen Elizabeth II who is virtually a slave, because she’s compromised, that she had a child with the heroin trafficker Lord Porchester called Prince Andrew, and then she had a child with the heroin trafficker Lord Plunket called Prince Edward. And then Prince Philip had sex with Prince Edward’s wife, Sophie Rhys-Jones, and produced their child. So in compromising the Royal Family, Prince Philip who was initially an outsider, has taken control of the British Royal Family, he has turned it into a paedophile, heroin trafficking and Nazi organisation which is not a Royal Family at all. The British Royal Family, as they are illegitimate, is completely destroying the United Kingdom from within... ... Greg Hallett: Yeah all by itself, but you know, there’s just a plethora of information here, and again I want to say that, I want to get this information out, and it's the dark side, because the Incumbent Fake, Flat Lie Royal, Invention of Tradition Royal Family is a Fraud and they're up to all sorts of sexual, murderous, and drug trafficking tricks. And part of the result of 'the Shin', in the middle of 'the Shin', was to turn the British Empire into a Mafia operation, which the people of England really know that it is, which included World War II and the training of Adolf Hitler in 1912, from February to November 1912, and it turns out that Adolf Hitler is first cousin with Queen Elizabeth II. Jim Fetzer: Hitler was a cousin of Queen Elizabeth II? Greg Hallett: Lionel Nathan Rothschild was the father of King Edward VII who was the father of Winston Churchill who was the father of Queen Elizabeth II, and Lionel Nathan Rothschild was the father of Alois Hitler, Hitler's father, and then Adolf Hitler. So actually, Queen Elizabeth's father was first cousins -- Winston Churchill was first cousins with Adolf Hitler. And Adolf Hitler was trained in Britain in the Tavistock there and or the Tavistock which was in Ireland up until 1920, 1921, until the Irish Civil War and the South gained its independence. What I'd like to point out, it shows it very clearly in the video, Prince William is very definitely the son of King Juan Carlos of Spain, and the photos that I've got up there show them to be absolutely identical. You just look at them and go, that's father and that’s son. I’ve got photos of them at age 24 and 28. And their partners, Queen Counsel Sofia and Kate Middleton, also look incredibly similar. So the last video we discussed that perhaps fathers and sons pick wives which are similar to their father's wife. Prince Harry is the son of James Hewitt. Lady Diana organised that both of Prince Charles’ sons would be illegitimate. So now we've got a Law of Succession proposed change, instigated by the Fake Royal Family, backdated to Queen Elizabeth's abdication on the 28th of October 2011, that the Royal Family and the Monarch jump Prince Charles, the current Prince of Wales, and go to his children. And in all of the literature that's up on the government websites about the proposed changes to the Laws of Succession, Prince Charles is not mentioned; and it's not mentioned that it's only for the children of Prince Charles, it’s just mentioned on the PR side of it, that it's to allow for the Monarch to marry Catholics and remain being a Monarch, and for the elder daughter to be the Monarch over the younger son. So everyone goes - oh great, that's equality for religion and equality for the sexes. But in actual fact, what they're doing with the Change of Laws to Succession is creating an entirely new Kingship because Prince Charles has no legitimate children. So what they're trying to do is to get the Commonwealth Heads of Government to vote for a New King. Obviously, what's happening is they're voting for a Mafia King because Prince William is illegitimate and he's controlled by Kate Middleton who's got strong associations with the Killing Kittens sex club, and who's father was a sexual playboy with Prince Philip who didn’t have any limits to what he would try sexually. He was basically into everything, men, women, boys, girls, snuff. Queen Elizabeth II couldn’t do anything about it because she's illegitimate. Jim Fetzer: Who is into all of that, Greg? Greg Hallett: Prince Philip. Jim Fetzer: Prince Philip himself into all that, including snuff! Greg Hallett: That's why there are bodies round Sandringham House. He was very closely associated with Jimmy Savile who was a well-known paedophile, who was guiding Prince Charles and whom Prince Charles gave him an 80th birthday present and said Thank you. Nobody will know what youv'e done for this country What Jimmy Savile was doing, was organising children for paedophilia for the Royals and Elite, which are the Fake Royals. Because Prince William is illegitimate, the line of Windsor has ended. Queen Elizabeth II abdicated on the 28th of October 2011, confirmed that to us with finding the body of the True King on the 7th of December 2012; and they changed the Laws of Succession done to bypass Prince Charles who appears to be a victim of paedophilia, and a paedophile, and has close friends who are paedophiles, and it appears that his father is a paedophile, Prince Philip. So they're creating an entirely new kingship, which is a Change to the Laws of Succession to the Throne of England. ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED The Abdication of 'Queen' Elizabeth II http://www.theworldo...ml#.UWcy5GdX-So
  22. LEFTY OBAMA ?? I AGREE WITH BELOW ONE TRILLION %PERCENT% Obama’s Budget. US Heading Toward a Social Explosion. Millions More People to be Thrown into Poverty By Joseph Kishore Global Research, April 12, 2013 World Socialist Web Site The Obama administration’s budget released on Wednesday is a historic milestone. The Democratic Party administration is taking direct aim at the two core federal social programs established in the United States in the 20th Century, Social Security and Medicare. The consequences of Obama’s proposals are not hard to predict: millions more people, particularly the elderly, will be thrown into poverty or be cut off from life-preserving medical care. The corporate and financial elite that runs the United States has long complained of the “unreasonable” sums of money spent on preserving the health and well-being of the elderly. In the minds of the Wall Street speculators and corporate executives that control both political parties, broad sections of the population simply live too long. While the administration and the corporate media have sought to downplay the significance of the attack, the cuts proposed are a significant step in dismantling the programs altogether. The $400 billion in Medicare cuts, when combined with the $500 billion already included as part of the administration’s health care overhaul, add up to 13 percent of total spending on the program over the next decade. As for Social Security, by modifying the way the government calculates inflation, the program will be cut by $130 billion. According to one analysis, for a worker retiring at the age of 65, this will amount to a loss of $650 a year in benefits by the time the worker reaches 75, and a loss of $1,130 by the time he reaches 85. About 70 percent of seniors depend on the already meager benefits for at least half of their income, with 40 percent depending on it to keep them above the poverty line. The administration’s proposal, with a raft of other cuts in key social programs, is only the starting point for negotiations with Congressional Republicans, a process that will drive the whole discussion even further to the right. The dog and pony show of American politics will enter a new phase, as the two big business parties, united on all essentials, conspire to gut and eliminate programs that have the overwhelming support of the American population. To the extent the American ruling class had a policy of social reform, it is embodied in the two targets of Obama’s budget. Social Security was established in 1935, while Medicare came into being in 1965. Both were byproducts of mass social struggle and represented attempts to contain social conflict. Social Security was part of a series of reforms implemented by the administration of Franklin Roosevelt during the Great Depression, in the midst of insurrectionary class battles (including a series of general strikes throughout the US). The political backdrop was the Russian Revolution, which inspired working class struggles and provided the ruling class with a portent of its own future. Medicare came in the midst of the mass civil rights movement and the wave of strikes of the 1960s. Enacted as part of the Great Society program of Lyndon B. Johnson, it was the last gasp of social reform in America. In those periods, the ability of the ruling class to implement reform measures ultimately reflected the strength of American capitalism. The situation today is vastly different. The financial aristocracy that runs the United States has presided over a steady erosion of the country’s economic foundations. It has amassed its wealth primarily though looting and speculation. For four decades, the American ruling class has been engaged in an unrelenting attack on the working class, a social counterrevolution that has produced an enormous increase in inequality. Up until the present, however, it has been deemed politically impossible to directly attack Social Security and Medicare. Obama has taken up this task. Obama’s assault on health care programs began with the 2010 overhaul, hailed by the “left” supporters of the Democratic Party as a major social reform. Such attempts to cover up the reactionary character of the administration have now been thoroughly exposed. To the ruling class, Obama has made clear that, in the defense of their wealth, everything is “on the table.” There are no “sacred cows,” he wrote in a letter to Congress. In a move that has both immense symbolism and practical implications, the administration said it was also considering the sale of the Tennessee Valley Authority, the largest publicly-owned US power company, and the most significant public entity set up during the Great Depression to provide electricity to large parts of the American South. Earlier this week, Obama took the occasion of the death of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to associate his administration with the policies initiated by Thatcher in Britain and by Reagan in the United States during the 1980s, including efforts to “roll back” everything that detracted from corporate profits or restricted wealth accumulation. “Here in America,” Obama declared in a press release, “many of us will never forget [Thatcher] standing shoulder to shoulder with President Reagan, reminding the world that we are not simply carried along by the currents of history—we can shape them with moral conviction, unyielding courage and iron will.” The “iron will” that Obama is emulating is the will to ensure that trillions can continue to be handed to Wall Street, and that corporate profits can continue to soar, through an increasingly frontal attack on every social right of the working class. All of this has consequences, for the Obama administration and the political establishment as a whole. In 2008, Obama was brought forward by sections of the ruling class seeking a facelift for its reactionary policies. He replaced George W. Bush, the most hated president in US history. The fact that he was the first African American president was used to promote the illusion of change, with the assistance of the upper middle class proponents of identity politics who orbit around the Democratic Party. The “transformative president” hailed by the liberal establishment and pseudo-left has become the most reactionary administration in American history. This will not dissuade the professional promoters of the Democratic Party, who will do everything they can to maintain political illusions in the two-party capitalist system, though with increasing difficulty. The United States is heading toward a social explosion. By its own actions, the ruling class is demonstrating the necessity for revolution. The immense anger and opposition that is building up in the American working class must and will increasingly be directed against the Democratic Party. \================0o0o0o0===================/ Related content: Scrapping the US “Social Safety Net”: Obama Budget Slashes Social Security, Medicare US President Barack Obama unveiled his budget proposal Wednesday, calling for a historic attack on Medicare and Social Security. The move, coming after the imposition of $1.4 trillion in spending cuts over the past two years, marks a new stage… Bipartisan Theatrics and the Obama Budget Crisis: “Deeper Cuts” to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security Less than two weeks after the start of $1.2 trillion in government spending cuts, under the so-called “sequester,” Republicans and Democrats have unveiled budget proposals that include far deeper cuts in social programs, including Medicare and Medicaid. Paul Ryan, the… Obama panel proposes destroying social programs US deficit panel launches offensive against social programs The proposals announced Wednesday by the Democratic and Republican chairmen of the Obama administration’s budget deficit panel amount to an all-out attack on the working class combined with even bigger tax cuts…
  23. http://www.newworldwar.org/hpm.htm “The space-based high-power microwave (HPM) weapon system is capable of engaging ground, air and space targets with a varying degree of lethality,” declared the US Air Force in 1996. “Its effect is to generate high-electric fields over a target area,” they announced, “thereby disrupting or destroying any electronic components present.” The area which these spaced-based weapons can target can be as small as a couple of meters in diameter, up to hundreds of meters in size. 1996 hundreds of meters .......2040 ?? KILOMETERS ??,Gaal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ also see pg 30 below https://docs.google....dLTV4fE4owbzgsQ ###################### ##########0o0######### ###################### Raytheon's "Silent Guardian" Microwave Weapon is LETHAL! Coming Soon ... To a Protest near You! Once I read the article on the use of Microwave weapons as crowd control as a "test", I had to do some research. Here is what I have found after a very quick Google search. It is scary beyond belief! I also noted, yet did not post it here, it seems as though the US has already been using these weapons in Iraq. It is not clear in what manner they have been used, Lethal or non-Lethal as it appears they are perfectly able to be racheted up to the Lethal level easily. Microwave Weapons for Crowd Control http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArti... VIDEO: CLICK TO VIEW 30-second video, with soundtrack August 9/06 Microwave weapons for crowd control used to be top-secret stuff. No more. Raytheon, which makes them for the military, now promotes its Silent Guardian, a smaller version of its Active Denial system (see MWN, M/A01), on the Web. Silent Guardian is "available now and ready for action," Raytheon promises. The company even discloses its range, which used to be closely held. It can "de-escalate aggression" at 250 yards, Raytheon states in its best defense-speak. To tempt you further, you can also download a 30-second video, with an up-tempo soundtrack. From http://www.microwavenews.com / The Silent Guardian™ protection system is a revolutionary less-than-lethal directed energy application that employs millimeter wave technology to repel individuals or crowds without causing injury. The system provides a zone of protection that saves lives, protects assets and minimizes collateral damage. Silent Guardian produces precise effects at longer ranges than current less-than-lethal systems and provides real-time ability to establish intent and de-escalate aggression. Various commercial and military applications include law enforcement, checkpoint security, facility protection, force protection and peacekeeping missions. The system is available now and ready for action. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/6420AP_Air_Force_We... Nonlethal(???) weapons touted for use on U.S. citizens By LOLITA C. BALDOR ASSOCIATED PRESS WRITER WASHINGTON -- Nonlethal weapons such as high-power microwave devices should be used on American citizens in crowd-control situations before they are used on the battlefield, the Air Force secretary said Tuesday. Domestic use would make it easier to avoid questions in the international community over any possible safety concerns, said Secretary Michael Wynne. "If we're not willing to use it here against our fellow citizens, then we should not be willing to use it in a wartime situation," said Wynne. "(Because) if I hit somebody with a nonlethal weapon and they claim that it injured them in a way that was not intended, I think that I would be vilified in the world press." The Air Force has funded research into nonlethal weapons, but he said the service isn't likely to spend more money on development until injury issues are reviewed by medical experts and resolved. (So we will be Guinea pigs??) Nonlethal weapons generally can weaken people if they are hit with the beam. Some of the weapons can emit short, intense energy pulses that also can be effective in disabling some electronic devices. ARE THESE "NON-LETHAL" WEAPONS IN REALITY "LETHAL"? Let's take a look... <snip> AFRL says that the 3-millimetre wavelength radiation penetrates only 0.3 millimetres into the skin, rapidly heating the surface above the 45 °C pain threshold. At 50 °C, they say the pain reflex makes people pull away automatically in less than a second - it's said to feel like fleetingly touching a hot light bulb. Someone would have to stay in the beam for 250 seconds before it burnt the skin, the lab says, giving "ample margin between intolerable pain and causing a burn". Little data But critics question the AFRL's claims that the weapon's undisclosed exposure levels are safe. John Pike of think tank Globalsecurity.org fears that the beam power needed to scare people may be too close to the level that would injure them. Air Force scientists helped set the present skin safety threshold of 10 milliwatts per square centimetre in the early 1990s, when little data was available, says Louis Slesin, editor of Microwave News. That limit covers exposure to steady fields for several minutes to an hour - but heating a layer of skin 0.3 mm thick to 50 °C in just one second requires much higher power and may pose risks to the cornea, which is more sensitive than skin. A study published last year in the journal Health Physics showed that exposure to 2 watts per square centimetre for three seconds could damage the corneas of rhesus monkeys. http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn1470 <snip> Details of US microwave-weapon tests revealed 22 July 2005 NewScientist.com news service David Hambling VOLUNTEERS taking part in tests of the Pentagon's "less-lethal" microwave weapon were banned from wearing glasses or contact lenses due to safety fears. The precautions raise concerns about how safe the Active Denial System (ADS) weapon would be if used in real crowd-control situations. The ADS fires a 95-gigahertz microwave beam, which is supposed to heat skin and to cause pain but no physical damage (New Scientist, 27 October 2001, p 26). Little information about its effects has been released, but details of tests in 2003 and 2004 were revealed after Edward Hammond, director of the US Sunshine Project - an organisation campaigning against the use of biological and non-lethal weapons - requested them under the Freedom of Information Act. <snip> The ADS weapon's beam causes pain within 2 to 3 seconds and it becomes intolerable after less than 5 seconds. People's reflex responses to the pain is expected to force them to move out of the beam before their skin can be burnt. But Neil Davison, co-ordinator of the non-lethal weapons research project at the University of Bradford in the UK, says controlling the amount of radiation received may not be that simple. "How do you ensure that the dose doesn't cross the threshold for permanent damage?" he asks. "What happens if someone in a crowd is unable, for whatever reason, to move away from the beam? Does the weapon cut out to prevent overexposure?" During the experiments, people playing rioters put up their hands when hit and were given a 15-second cooling-down period before being targeted again. One person suffered a burn in a previous test when the beam was accidentally used on the wrong power setting.(!!!!) http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=mg18725095.60... To conclude... Air Force secretary Wynne is INSANE. These weapons are clearly capable of being LETHAL! PLEASE someone tell me they can not do this with out congressional approval. Then please tell me Congress would NEVER DO THIS!! #################o0o################### System to vaporize dangerous people asteroids is in the works Opps !! System to vaporize dangerous asteroids is in the works http://science.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/02/15/16977657-system-to-vaporize-dangerous-asteroids-is-in-the-works?lite
  24. You mean the link you added after I started writting my reply? Cite the appropriate passages. //COLBY ############################ NOPE all three links were there from beginning. GOLLY YOU WANT THE INNER SECRET PAPERS OF THE NWO ???? see https://docs.google....kyZLerAcpnlNFug
  25. TL:DR give us the highlights. // COLBY It would be reasonable to expect new types of weapons to be tested in this war. We as the citizens of the world should stop the endless development and use of these weapons. (...) I think that weapon that fried the busload of people is a version of the microwave weapon that the US Marines revealed in a press conference 1-2 years ago - they wanted to use it in the US for "crowd control". These are called NLW, non-lethal weapons, but all you do is turn the dial a little more to the right and "oops we fried them".... Many of the new weapons and the military research has been on "directed energy" - pain beams, heat the enemy up until his skin is burning, fry his brain or scramble it, alter moods, its really really really really wicked. What are the Brits there for? The US is going to ruin their reputation... (...) There are many types of microwave, EMF and pulsed and shaped energy weapons which have been developed and which we may or may not know about because they are classified. Dai has demonstrated the information it is possible to get from patent applications. (...) Watch Dr Geert Van Moorter's testimony in the RAI Video: Star Wars in Iraq (16 May 2006) - Read text file
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