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Bugliosi's Conspiracy Leads

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Hechsher ... I got it. Fascinating circumstantial affiliations. Berlin/Harvey, first-generation cold warrior and OSS veteran, that infamous circle of friends. Plus, you can't find much biographical on him (e.g. no pictures, not even from James Richards). Apparently bounced out of Saigon for bucking administration policy. Death squads, Condor and Latin American action resume. And he apparently died peacefully, with no sinister implications... no suspicious heart conditions, no refusal of autopsy. Fonzi didn't write about him, the HSCA didn't investigate or pursue as a person of interest. Untainted by Church Committee. The Agency kept him on a low and protected profile. And - my obsession noted - he has shades of Harvey written all over him. Does anyone have a photo? -- gene

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Sorry, Hoover never attempted to make a case linking Oswald to Cuba.

As I understand it both the CIA and the FBI in Mexico City received orders from DC not to investigate any possible conspiracy, and at least some of the people in Mexico City who received those orders were livid about them.

The last thing the "powers-that-be" wanted was evidence of a conspiracy that might lead to a nuclear war.

Whether or not he had anything to do with it, no doubt LBJ reaped benefits from the death of JFK. No doubt LBJ thought he would be a greater president than JFK kad been. His personal purpose was served by the death of JFK. And whether he seriously regretted the death or helped plan it, either way LBJ did not want to start his administration with a war.


Don't you think that LBJ did, in fact, begin his administration with a war? His escalation of Viet Nam - almost immediately following the assasination- in essence started a war, one that went on for more than a decade and divided this country in a profound way. I recognize our involvement predated both LBJ and JFK, but it signifcantly escalated during Lyndon's administration. I also realize it wasn't nuclear, but it was a war nonetheless. I think the Cuba /Castro context was simply a superb cover for the murder...as far as the plotters were concerned. Blame it on the enemy (and Communists) close by. Perhaps there were subtexts to the apparent events in Dealey - operations within the operation, so to speak - such as a Northwoods -like precipitation that had no intent of actual murder. But I do agree with your point that an invasion of Cuba was not the real motive for the murder.

Further, IMHO, savy experienced government bureaucrats like Hoover, Johnson and Dulles knew full well what happened and why. I think we shortchange them and underestimate their influence, when we believe they were without clue relative to the perpetrators' motives.

-- gene

IF--and I say it is a very very big "IF", some of the conspirators thought the death of JFK would lead to an invasion of Cuba, they had no idea where LBJ was coming from. One of the reasons I doubt that was a motive for the assassination.

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Sorry, Hoover never attempted to make a case linking Oswald to Cuba.

As I understand it both the CIA and the FBI in Mexico City received orders from DC not to investigate any possible conspiracy, and at least some of the people in Mexico City who received those orders were livid about them.


While I don't believe they really tried to seriously investigate any evidence of conspiracy, other than that which led to Castro and Cuba, and we know of FBI agent Lawrence Keenan (See: Russo) did little in MC after being sent there, your 'understanding' that they were 'livid' about such orders is hard to take. We should be 'livid' about having to continue this investigation on our own, and those involved in the MC aspects of the conspiracy were certainly not 'livid' about the investigation being hampered.

The last thing the "powers-that-be" wanted was evidence of a conspiracy that might lead to a nuclear war.

In addition, the "powers-that-be," as Larry Hancock points out in his excellent SWHT, there was never a threat of nuclear war, LBJ and his cronies and the military knew it wasn't a foreign conspiracy, and the exposure of the actual domestic conspiracy behind the assassination would not have led to a war other than a civil one. As Larry mentions in his book, the military never moved the DEFCON alert status.

And as for Gene's statement that:

IF--and I say it is a very very big "IF", some of the conspirators thought the death of JFK would lead to an invasion of Cuba, they had no idea where LBJ was coming from. One of the reasons I doubt that was a motive for the assassination.

The anti-Castro Cubans believed LBJ was more of a hawk on Cuba that JFK because they were told that by the CIA propaganda machine. After a leaflet drop was cancelled by Kennedy and the NSC at the urging of former CBS news guy Morrow.

While I can't find the copy of the phamplet I used to have, a leaflet was distributed to the Cubans in Miami that said the anti-Castro Cuban cause could only be advanced "If an act of God put a Texan in the White House who was a friend of Cuba."


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Bill: Subject matter expert for leaflets/propoganda? Answer: CIA, disinformation, David Phillips and E. H. Hunt. Theri reputation preceeds them. As I recall, the message also used the word "inspired" act of god... - gene

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Gene wrote:


Don't you think that LBJ did, in fact, begin his administration with a war? His escalation of Viet Nam - almost immediately following the assasination- in essence started a war, one that went on for more than a decade and divided this country in a profound way. I recognize our involvement predated both LBJ and JFK, but it signifcantly escalated during Lyndon's administration.

This is a good point, Gene, to be sure. Why was LBJ apparently so afraid that an invasion of Cuba would spark a nuclear war yet willing to expand a war against a Communist client state so far from the US? One answer might be that Cuba was protected by the Soviet Union while North Vietnam was seen as primarily the client state of China; but certainly the Soviet Union was also assisting the Communist cause in Vietnam. I remember that the fear of a nuclear exchange decreased significantly in the LBJ regime, in large part because the war in Nam seemed to demonstrate that we could fight a war against the Communists without fear of escalation. On the other hand, I believe it was indeed fear of escalation that caused LBJ to put restraints on the full use of American military might in Vietnam.

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Bill: Subject matter expert for leaflets/propoganda? Answer: CIA, disinformation, David Phillips and E. H. Hunt. Theri reputation preceeds them. As I recall, the message also used the word "inspired" act of god... - gene

Gene, The leaflet in question is mentioned and quoted in Manchester's "Death of a President" and also in Tim Carroll's "The Whole Bay of Pigs Thing" article.


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