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Cuban journalist had foreknowledge?

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A chronology of 11/22/63 by Ira David Wood III states "In Madrid, Spain today – the CIA reports hearing from a Cuban journalist who claims to have received a letter stating that GPIDEAL (President Kennedy) will be killed today."

Does anyone know anything about this? It's on page 17 of Murder in Dealey Plaza, and also at this link:


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I have read this a couple of times now but have never been able to lock in a source.

If the story is true, my money is on the Cuban journalist being Ernesto Delafe. He had associations with Johnny Abbes Garcia who I believe was a source for some assassination funds. Delafe was also arrested with Rolando Masferrer as they were both behind a plot to kill Castro in 1959. They got out and fled to Florida in 1960.

Delefe was also well known to David Phillips, the Diaz Lanz brothers and Eugenio Martinez. These connections were most likely through his militant brother Ramiro Delafe who is a very curious individual himself.



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