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Cheney to Assume Presidential Powers

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I believe Bush senior authorized some arms deals (possibly with Israel) when Reagan underwent surgery at one point. Can anyone refresh my memory on this? Reagan said that he never remembered signing such a deal, and he couldn't have, because Bush was acting president that day.


(AP) WHITE HOUSE - President Bush will undergo a routine colonoscopy Saturday and temporarily hand presidential powers over to Vice President Dick Cheney, White House press secretary Tony Snow said.

Snow told reporters Friday that Bush will have the procedure done at his Camp David, Md., mountaintop retreat.

The last time Bush had colon and rectal cancer surveillance was on June 29, 2002. Doctors then advised him to have another colonoscopy in five years.

"The president has had no symptoms," Snow said.

The procedure will be supervised by the president's doctor, Richard Tubb, and will be performed by a medical team from the National Naval Medical Center at Bethesda, Md.

Snow said that because president will be under the effects of anesthesia, he once again has elected to implement Section 3 of the 25th Amendment to the Constitution. Cheney will serve as acting president until Bush notifies authorities that he is ready to reassume his powers.

In 2002, Bush transferred presidential powers to Cheney for more than two hours during the routine colon screening that ended in a clean bill of health.

It was only the second time in history that the Constitution's presidential disability clause was invoked. President Reagan was the first to invoke the Constitution's 25th Amendment since its adoption in 1967 as a means of dealing with presidential disability and succession.

The earlier colonoscopy for Bush also was done at the well-equipped medical facility at Camp David near Thurmont, Md. Bush felt well enough afterward to play with his dogs and take a 4 1/2-mile walk with the first lady and then-White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card and his wife. He then went to the gym for a light workout.

Tubb said two polyps were discovered during examinations in 1998 and 1999 while Bush was governor of Texas. That made Bush a prime candidate for regular examinations.

The 2002 procedure began at 7:09 a.m and ended at 7:29 a.m. Bush woke up two minutes later but did not resume his presidential office until 9:24 a.m., after Tubb conducted an overall examination. Tubb said he recommended the additional time to make sure the sedative had no aftereffects.

(Copyright 2007 by The Associated Pr

ess. All Rights Reserved.)

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John (We're going to have to come up with a nickname for you),

I remember the incident you refer to (Reagan goes under knife, gives power to VP during okay to send missiles to Iran) but can't find a reliable source, yet.

This is one of John Judge's Top 10 conspiracies, so he should have a good source for it.

Here's an obit of Casper Weinberger from China News that takes note of his role in the Iran-Contra, his pardon by Bush (Deja Vu all over again) and - at the end, mentions Weinberger's novel, which may be closer to the truth than previously suspected:

.....Last year he debuted as a thriller writer. "Chain of Command," which Weinberger co-wrote with Peter Schweizer.

It is the story of a staged presidential assassination and the desperate efforts of a Secret Service agent to thwart the vice-president who takes the reins and declares martial law.....


Former US Defence Secretary Weinberger dies

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Caspar Weinberger, who oversaw a massive US military buildup as Ronald Reagan's defence secretary, died on Tuesday at the age of 88.

Weinberger, who was a central figure in the Iran-Contra scandal during the Reagan administration, had been suffering from pneumonia and high fever for about a week.

President George W. Bush said in a statement that his fellow Republican was an "American statesman and a dedicated public servant" who as defence secretary "worked to strengthen our military and win the Cold War."

As head of the Pentagon, Weinberger was Reagan's zealous Cold War ally, presiding over an unprecedented peacetime military buildup costing more than US$1 trillion.

Weinberger became caught up in the Iran-Contra scandal that plagued the Reagan administration.

He resigned as defence secretary in 1987 and afterward was indicted on felony counts of lying to the independent counsel investigating the administration's programme for selling missiles to Iran and giving the proceeds to the right-wing Contra forces fighting Nicaragua's leftist Sandinista government.

Pardoned by first Bush

He was pardoned by the first President George Bush in 1992, days before he was to go on trial.

In 1985 Weinberger had called the Iran missile plan "absurd" but supported Reagan a year later after the president decided to send missiles and spare parts to Teheran.

"He was someone who encouraged me throughout my career when I was a young academic and a young member of government," Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told reporters.

"He was a wise man and a great public servant. He will be missed. His advice was sought even in recent times," said Rice.

Despite his reputation as a big spender at the Pentagon, Weinberger began his Washington career as a cost-cutting budget director under President Richard Nixon.

But when he took the defence job under Reagan in January 1981, he soon got rid of that image and the nickname of "Cap the Knife" that came with it.

He persuaded the US Congress to spend more than US$1 trillion on arms in Reagan's first term and billions more after that.

Reagan's long-time supporter

A long-time member of Reagan's inner circle of California friends, Weinberger was one of the president's strongest supporters in the Cabinet.

"He was just a great American," Caspar Weinberger Jr. said. "He was a respected world diplomat."

Weinberger also served as secretary of health, education and welfare under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.

Weinberger was a Harvard-educated lawyer and served on Gen. Douglas MacArthur's intelligence staff during World War Two, his family said.

At the time of his death he was chairman of Forbes Inc. and before that had been publisher of the magazine.

Last year he debuted as a thriller writer. "Chain of Command," which Weinberger co-wrote with Peter Schweizer.

It is the story of a staged presidential assassination and the desperate efforts of a Secret Service agent to thwart the vice-president who takes the reins and declares martial law.

Weinberger's funeral will be held at Arlington National Cemetery.

Source: China Daily

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My friends call me 'lepo', short for leprechaun, though, as you know, I'm quite tall.

The arms sale was indeed from the white house to Iran in repayment for the delay in releasing the hostages during Carter's term. Now, I could be wrong, but that sounds right to me.

Let's take a look at all the executive orders released today shall we?


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Guest Stephen Turner

John, Cheney "assumed" presidential powers just after Bush swore to protect the Republic. He did so by shoving his hand up Shrub's tukas, and manipulating him after the fasion of a glove puppet. Never mind, in about eighteen months the human lawnmower will slide back to Halliburton, and proceed to accumulate even more millions for the good cause that is Dick Cheney, lets just hope he doesn't decide to treat Iran to a bit of "shock and awe" before he rides of into the sunset......Steve.

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Guest David Guyatt

I'm in "shock and awe" of you Steve. Shoved hands up Shrub's "tukas"... widely grinning stuff. :huh:


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Guest Stephen Turner

David, here is the strange bit!!

After posting that particular homily at work yesterday, I arrived home to be confronted by Steve Bells Guardian cartoon of.......CHENEY USING BUSH AS A GLOVE PUPPET.

Should I sue for intellectual copywrite.

BTW, the Bush puppet is saying (from memory) "Good noo's Dick, they found my ass"

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Guest David Guyatt
David, here is the strange bit!!

After posting that particular homily at work yesterday, I arrived home to be confronted by Steve Bells Guardian cartoon of.......CHENEY USING BUSH AS A GLOVE PUPPET.

Should I sue for intellectual copywrite.

BTW, the Bush puppet is saying (from memory) "Good noo's Dick, they found my ass"

Steve, If there's any chance at all of getting some dosh, then sue them for any goddamned thing imaginable! In addition to intellectual copyright, and you should defininately try that one when you consider all the Cousins who visit this hallowed place -- you could also try: "glove puppet under patent application".

But ol' George has had more things up his arse recently then just fingers:


Which serves him right for wearing such outlandish clothes (besides bringing an entirely new meaning to "I got the horn"...

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I also don't [personally] think there will be a 2008 election...cynic that I am....so don't think the puppetmaster with his hand up someone's tukas will be leaving the throne

anytime soon.....rather I'd expect an issue of Martial Law after a false-flag Reichstag-type 9-11 clone event. Anyone a betting man?...I need the money.

I'm not a betting man, but no matter. I think you're right.

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Guest Stephen Turner
...so don't think the puppetmaster with his hand up someone's tukas will be leaving the throne

anytime soon.....rather I'd expect an issue of Martial Law after a false-flag Reichstag-type 9-11 clone event. Anyone a betting man?...I need the money.

OK Peter, i'll make the bet, what say several bottles of good French wine. :ice

Just cant see it happening when all you need to ensure Julie-arnies, or some other GOP duffers succession to the Kingdom of America is to hang some chads, drop a few thousand Black and Latino voters in close call States, or, failing that, wheel out the trusty electronic voting machines that worked such a treat in 04. Really, there is no need for all this bang bang, boom boom stuff :rolleyes::lol:

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