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John Kennedy Jr crash analysis

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At the link below, you will find a 3-and a-half page plane crash analysis on the tragedy that occurred to John Kennedy, Jr and passengers. It's on Tom Flocco's site and it comes from Stew Webb, who got it from "Division 4." I believed this was on the up and up for a very long time. But someone here told me Flocco is a "sensationalist." Someone I trusted introduced me to Flocco's site. So, I took it as law.

Now I want members to read these short pages at this link and tell me whether or not this crash investigation is the real thing. Or is it left-wing disinfo? If it is, then Flocco and Webb are worse than my scandal sheets (Enquirer, Globe, Star) ever were.

I used the search engine here and came up with nothing on John Kennedy Junior, though I tried different keywords. So this is a new thread.



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An official (?) investigative report that blames John Jr.'s death on "the Illuminati" just somehow lacks credibility. I think it's also ridiculous to think that the FBI would request an investigation by Interpol or whoever this is. If it was a political assassination, the FBI would do it's usual whitewash job, it wouldn't request a real investigation from someone who might say it was murder.

Edited by Ron Ecker
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There are legitimate questions surrounding the death of JFK, Jr. Tom Flocco may or may not be a credible source, but since only internet researchers bother to question the official stories of significant political events like this, we don't have anywhere else to turn. The New York Times, "60 Minutes" or "The O'Reilly Factor" certainly aren't going to tackle issues like this. I have done some research on this subject, and I believe there is reason to question whether JFK, Jr.'s death was accidental. There was a well-reported phone communication between JFK, Jr. and the FAA, at 9:39 p.m., just about the time that his plane was supposedly going into a death spiral. Later, the FAA would claim this communication never happened, even though UPI, ABC News and local news stations reported it as fact throughout their news coverage. I have tape of some local television coverage of the event, and an official Coast Guard spokesman, Todd Bergun, was actually interviewed on air about this communication from JFK, Jr. It happened. So, we know that officials lied about this communication. Why would they lie about this, unless they were covering up something?

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I recall a story by Flocco from last summer in which he alleged that a shootout occured in the Rayburn House of Rep's building. I was working in an adjacent building at the time and my friend parked in that garage. Flocco's stories are crappy, really crappy. As far as I am concerned anyhow.


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John, that was a bungled CIA attempt to kill Congressmen who opposed the war in Iraq. Why are you covering it up? Are you on the Company Payroll? Ever heard of Mockingbird?

Kidding aside, thanks for your insight on Flocco. Any idea why he does this stuff?

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What about Alex Jones? I've seen some of his videos on youtube.com. The Bohemian Grove is incredible. And there's one in which he asks David Gergen, top advisor to several presidents, about his participation in Bohemian Grove. Jones says, "I'm the one who made the movie in 2000. I've seen what's going on there." And Gergen becomes so indignant. Even when Jones asks about the real human sacrifices in the '80's, he stands there like he wants to kill Alex Jones. I want to go back and watch it again.

The problem is drawing the line. A lot of Americans believe the United States had complicity in what happened on 9-11. But other people tell us we're crazy. And then you have a Tom Flocco whose stories are false scandals. I almost wonder if he isn't working for the CIA. Since people realize these stories are not true, then they believe the stuff about 9-11 can't be true. And that the assassination of Pres. Kennedy was perpetrated by Oswald alone.


Edited by Kathleen Collins
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