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As virtually anyone who visits here should be aware, there is considerable confusion as regards:

1. The Dealy Plaza/Assassination survey data.

2. The Injuries sustained by JFK & JBC

3. About everything else related to the actual assassination.


Just before I completely sign off and go do something worthwhile, such as work in the yard with the plants & flowers, or merely go roam through the woods and attempt to get myself either lost or at minimum "temporarily mis-oriented", this posting will make a final attempt to explain to those who recognize exactly what fact is, the answers to any final questions on the first tw0 above stated items of confusion.

1. Survey Data:


Mr. EISENBERG. Could you explain your reference to a map? You have made several references to that.

Mr. SIMMONS. I refer to the survey plat which is dated December 5, 1963.

Mr. EISENBERG. And how were you supplied with that?

Mr. SIMMONS. To the best of my knowledge, you gave it to one of the employees in my office.

Mr. EISENBERG. Mr. Chairman, this is a plat made by a licensed surveyor of the area immediately adjoining the Texas School Book Depository. I would like to introduce it into evidence solely to show the basis which Mr. Simmons was using in his test, and not for the truth, of the measurements which are shown in here.

Mr. McCLOY. It may be received.

Mr. EISENBERG. That would be Commission 585.

CE585 IS NOT the US Secret Service Survey Plat of December 5, 1963.

It is in fact the survey plat for the FBI work of 2/7/64, in which the FBI changed the impact location of the second shot/aka Z313 impact point and moved this point some 24.5 feet back up Elm St. to an impact point which was approximately mid-way between the alignment with the Lamp post at Z272 and the yellow stripe at which Mary Moorman & Jean Hill were standing.

For this survey, the FBI left the impact point for the first shot at exactly the same point on Elm St. as was the true December 5, 1963 SS Survey Plat.

In addition, the FBI left the impact point for the third/last/final shot in exactly the same point on Elm St. as was the true December 5, 1963 SS Survey Plat.

That position/impact point being at stationing 4+95, which is directly in front of James Altgens position, down at the second yellow stripe on Elm St.

Lastly, the FBI deleted the impact point for the Z313 headshot, and attempted to "fudge" the location of this shot back prior to JFK even having passed the first yellow stripe at the MoormanHill yellow stripe location.

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Needless to say, the "fudge factor" survey work in which JEH & Company attempted to move shot#2 impact location, went down like the Titanic.

First off, the headshot at Z313 absolutely could not be kept quiet as far too many witnesses had observed it.

Secondly, the yellow curb mark located where Moorman & Hill were standing, more or less "fixed in stone" the impact location for this shot.

And, if the impact at Z313 could not be made to disappear, and JEH & Company was claiming a shot impact to JBC at 24.5 feet prior to the Z313 impact location, then, due to elapsed frames of the film/vehicle speed/operation time of the rifle, there would have had to have been the mythological "Multiple Assassins".

And, that folks is how the myth began!

Thus, with the late/great JEH's lie pretty well exposed, we inherited the WC which was going to straighten all of this out in order that we could all understand it, have great faith and belief in our Government, and thereafter go back to watching baseball and football.

So, the WC Came along and successfully moved the impact point of the Z313 headshot back where it absolutely had to be, which was within a couple of inches of where the SS had placed it, and thereafter made the impact point of shot#1 as well as shot#3 (down in front of James Altgens) completely disappear.

(A "double-whammy" Magic act)

And, with this, we inherited the famous "The Shot That Missed"---------------------------CROCK!


When, in reality, the Time/Life work of 11/26; the US Secret Service work of December 2, 3, & 4th; as well as the FBI "fudge factor" work of 2/7/64; as well as virtually everyone associated with the WC, knew where the impact point of the first shot, at/about street elevation 423 (423.07 actual) occurred.




Mr. GAUTHIER. The survey was made on May 24, 1964, by Robert H. West, county surveyor, a licensed State land surveyor, located at 160 County Courthouse, Dallas, Tex.

Mr. SPECTER. Have you brought the tracing of that survey with you today?

Mr. GAUTHIER. I have; yes.

Anyone familiar with the subject matter of the survey work should also be aware that the WC assassination re-enactment was done on May 24, 1964, and the final survey plat was drawn and completed on May 31, 1964.

In which, we have drawn and resolved ONLY the impact point for the headshot at Z313.


And of course again, the WC insured that we had "quality" examples of this evidence in order that we could sufficiently determine that they were telling us the facts and truths.

Which quality evidence has also confused many as although the WC told us that they could resolve only one of the impact points for shots fired, they demonstrated two downward angles which appear, to the uninformed, to be related to shots.

When in reality, the first downward angle line is actually drawn to "Position A" on the survey plat, and is another whole topic of added confusion.

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And, then of course, there was "Plan "B"!"

Apparantly, even JEH & Company were not aware of the capabilities of Specter & Company to so confuse the simple facts that not only could they ultimately make the impact point of the third/last/final shot disappear, but they could also make the impact point of the first shot disappear as well, and thereafter send everyone looking for some mythological "Shot That Missed"!

In that regards, on June 25, 1964, a full month after the WC had completed their assassination re-enactment, Mr. West was again contacted by the FBI and informed to make a new Survey Plat.

Thus, Mr. West drug out the 2/7/64 "revision" which had been done for the FBI, in which shot#2/aka Z313 had been moved back up Elm St, and again revised this survey plat for the FBI.

In this "revision" we actually have two of the impact points for shots fired, relatively and accurately platted.

This "new" and for the most part unknown survey plat now completely eliminated the third shot impact down in front of James Altgens, (which Spector & Company had so efficiently made to disappear altogether (almost anyway); moved the impact point of the Z313 headshot back into it's well established location; deleted the "fudge factor" impact point which the FBI had previously established at 24.5 feet prior to Z313 impact; and left the first shot impact in it's original location.

In that regards, one should also take a close comparision of the Eisenberg drawing information which was given to FBI Agent Robert Frazier in March 1964, and compare it with the final version of the FBI Survey Plat.


From this comparison, it can be readily seen that Eisenberg and others, had always had the street elevations for impact points for shots fired in the assassination, and in fact, the entire WC escapade which initially began as a cover for the lie of JEH & Company, ultimatel grew in such proportion that not only did it make Shot#3 disappear, but it also informed us that the impact point of Shot#1 was unknown, and of the three shots fired, some shot missed.


Gotta love the capabilities of anyone who can, and did, pull this one off!

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Prior to proceeding:

1. The following attachment is from the WC re-enactment survey work, and constitutes that computation for the head shot at Z313.

Specifically, one should note:

A. Street elevation of 418. 48

B. That all elevation and angular computations have been corrected for the height of JFK's head above the actual pavement.

C. In comparison with the previously posted FBI "Plan "B" drawing, which has the Z313 impct point as being at street elevation 418. 35. A difference of 0.13 foot/1.56 inches, which is due primarily to the left/right of center location of JFK based on the WC vs. the SS work.

C. In comparison with the previously posted "Plan "B" drawing in which all SS as well as all FBI work utilized angular measurements and distances as computed to a point of impact on Elm St., as opposed to the actual height of JFK's head. Thus, creating slightly different measurements and dimensions between the SS work and the WC work.

D. In addition to the aimint point elevation differences, the SS utilized the window ledge of the sixth floor window as their reference point for survey work, whereas the WC actually utilized the rifle barrel as it was "jacked up" in the sixth floor window. Again, makeing for slightly difference distance and angular measurements between the two survey's.

Nevertheless, the key element being that the elevation (WC)418.48 and the (SS)418.35 is the impact location for the headshot at Z313.

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And, if the impact at Z313 could not be made to disappear, and JEH & Company was claiming a shot impact to JBC at 24.5 feet prior to the Z313 impact location, then, due to elapsed frames of the film/vehicle speed/operation time of the rifle, there would have had to have been the mythological "Multiple Assassins".

And, that folks is how the myth began!

Can't buy it Tom.

Please provide your perspective:

The rush to the 'knoll' can be narrowed down to essentially two main clusters of individuals - the stairs and the top of the grass slope at the corner of the underpass.

Many witnesses [that are on record] claimed that the shots came from the knoll, the stockade, etc.

There was a puff of smoke seen by witnesses - plural.

There are the Parkland Doctors who maintain that there was a blow-out to the rear portion of the head, a bit larger than the size of a golf ball.

There was the witness who claimed to have seen a round strike the grass, who failed to retrieve the 'pellet.'

There was the HSCA account of the .45 clanging off the fender of one of the DPD motorcycle cops.

There is the account of the sign being struck by a bullet and removed shortly after the shooting.

There is more than one account of a round which struck Elm.

There is the striation in the concrete by the manholke cover.

There is the round which appears to be the nose of a .45 which was guarded and collected by the so-called mystery man close to the area of the concrete manhole.

There was the account of Jean Hill with respect to the concrete being struck by a round close to her feet.

There was the account by multiple witnesses of a first shot that sounded like a firecracker which is still unaccounted for.

There was the dent to the chrome.

There was the report of the hole in the floorpan.

There was the crack / through-and-through hole in the windshield.

There was the report of a .22 lodged behind Kennedy's ear.

There was the 30.06 shell recovered by Heminger.

There were the furrows in the grass opposite the stairs.

There was the strike to the curb on Main street.

There was the shell found on the rooftop - of the Records building I believe. We can dispense with this one.

There was the shot to the throat from the front.

There was the shot to the back from the rear.

There was the graze wound to the top right of Kennedy's head which then penetrated Connally's chest and shoulder.

There was the striation on the sidewalk on the south side of Elm.

There was the account of Ed Hoffman.

Etc. Etc. Etc.

From appearances, it appears more likely that a series of operations were going on independently - one engaged in a phony assassination effort - missing their target wildly, along with another focused on exterminating Kennedy and succeeding in their goal.

But any 'myth' of multiple shooters wouldn't have originated from a manipulation of a film supressed from public viewing, or the deliberate tainting of evidence in this respect by the dame.

- lee

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And, if the impact at Z313 could not be made to disappear, and JEH & Company was claiming a shot impact to JBC at 24.5 feet prior to the Z313 impact location, then, due to elapsed frames of the film/vehicle speed/operation time of the rifle, there would have had to have been the mythological "Multiple Assassins".

And, that folks is how the myth began!

Can't buy it Tom.

Please provide your perspective:

The rush to the 'knoll' can be narrowed down to essentially two main clusters of individuals - the stairs and the top of the grass slope at the corner of the underpass.

Many witnesses [that are on record] claimed that the shots came from the knoll, the stockade, etc.

There was a puff of smoke seen by witnesses - plural.

There are the Parkland Doctors who maintain that there was a blow-out to the rear portion of the head, a bit larger than the size of a golf ball.

There was the witness who claimed to have seen a round strike the grass, who failed to retrieve the 'pellet.'

There was the HSCA account of the .45 clanging off the fender of one of the DPD motorcycle cops.

There is the account of the sign being struck by a bullet and removed shortly after the shooting.

There is more than one account of a round which struck Elm.

There is the striation in the concrete by the manholke cover.

There is the round which appears to be the nose of a .45 which was guarded and collected by the so-called mystery man close to the area of the concrete manhole.

There was the account of Jean Hill with respect to the concrete being struck by a round close to her feet.

There was the account by multiple witnesses of a first shot that sounded like a firecracker which is still unaccounted for.

There was the dent to the chrome.

There was the report of the hole in the floorpan.

There was the crack / through-and-through hole in the windshield.

There was the report of a .22 lodged behind Kennedy's ear.

There was the 30.06 shell recovered by Heminger.

There were the furrows in the grass opposite the stairs.

There was the strike to the curb on Main street.

There was the shell found on the rooftop - of the Records building I believe. We can dispense with this one.

There was the shot to the throat from the front.

There was the shot to the back from the rear.

There was the graze wound to the top right of Kennedy's head which then penetrated Connally's chest and shoulder.

There was the striation on the sidewalk on the south side of Elm.

There was the account of Ed Hoffman.

Etc. Etc. Etc.

From appearances, it appears more likely that a series of operations were going on independently - one engaged in a phony assassination effort - missing their target wildly, along with another focused on exterminating Kennedy and succeeding in their goal.

But any 'myth' of multiple shooters wouldn't have originated from a manipulation of a film supressed from public viewing, or the deliberate tainting of evidence in this respect by the dame.

- lee


In event you wish to attempt to resolve the issues of the shots fired with rumor; hearsay; innuendo; half-truths; unsupported allegations posing as facts; and plain old everyday failure to study and comprehend the pathological; phyiscal; forensic; and ballistic evidence, then it is hoped that you live long and prosper for another 100 years.

As 100 years from now, you will still be just as lost in this morass as you would appear to be now.

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Hopefully by now, most should recognize that the US Secret Service who was in possession of a first generation copy of the Z-film, was not so incompetent that they could not resolve where the impact location on Elm St. for the shot which we now refer to as Z313 occurred.

After all, the yellow curb mark is a pretty significant indicator.


In stepping backwards, perhaps one should evaluate the first shot, which the US Secret Service also claimed to have accurately located.

As those who have followed the bouncing ball are aware, I long ago posted portions of the December 5, 1963 Survey Plat for the US Secret Service.

Which of course showed the first shot impact point at a point on Elm St. which had a street elevation of 423.7.

This exact same elevation is of course also what the FBI has on their Survey Plat for the 2/7/64 survey work and FBI re-enactment, which can be seen in CE 585.


The only problem that I have with this is the fact that the WC found it so difficult to place the first shot that they had to make up their circular reasoning tale in which some shot may have missed, and it may have been the first shot; the second shot; or the third shot;.

Just too difficult to tell which one.


Now! One can only question exactly why, if the WC wanted to know the impact location of the first shot, that they did not bother to even question Melvin Eisenberg, as he was apparantly in possession of the FBI survey plat of 2/7/64, as well as being in possession of information which could only be gained from the US Secret Service survey plat of 12/5/63, both of which clearly demonstrated the first shot impact point at street elevation 423.7.

Which Melvin Eisenberg clearly demonstrated his knowledge of when he gave that information to FBI Agent Robert Frazier in March of 1964, well prior to the WC's completely staged and completely phony survey and assassination re-enactment.


And, as this information demonstrates, Melvin Eisenberg knew the street elevation of the Z313 impact point as determined by the US Secret Service, as well as the slant distance from window to this point on Elm St.

Which information had been changed on the FBI Survey Plat of 2/7/64 due to the "fudge factor" movement of this impact point by the FBI, to a point some 24.5 feet prior to the 418.35 street elevation.

Thus, up to, and through the date of 6/25/64 (the date of the last survey plat drawn for the FBI), it would seem that everyone with the exception of Arlen Spector, knew, with relatively close proximity, the position of JFK on Elm St. at the time that the first shot was fired, as well as the impact position for the Z313 headshot as well.

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As virtually anyone who visits here should be aware, there is considerable confusion as regards:

1. The Dealy Plaza/Assassination survey data.

2. The Injuries sustained by JFK & JBC

3. About everything else related to the actual assassination.


Just before I completely sign off and go do something worthwhile, such as work in the yard with the plants & flowers, or merely go roam through the woods and attempt to get myself either lost or at minimum "temporarily mis-oriented", this posting will make a final attempt to explain to those who recognize exactly what fact is, the answers to any final questions on the first tw0 above stated items of confusion.

1. Survey Data:


Mr. EISENBERG. Could you explain your reference to a map? You have made several references to that.

Mr. SIMMONS. I refer to the survey plat which is dated December 5, 1963.

Mr. EISENBERG. And how were you supplied with that?

Mr. SIMMONS. To the best of my knowledge, you gave it to one of the employees in my office.

Mr. EISENBERG. Mr. Chairman, this is a plat made by a licensed surveyor of the area immediately adjoining the Texas School Book Depository. I would like to introduce it into evidence solely to show the basis which Mr. Simmons was using in his test, and not for the truth, of the measurements which are shown in here.

Mr. McCLOY. It may be received.

Mr. EISENBERG. That would be Commission 585.

CE585 IS NOT the US Secret Service Survey Plat of December 5, 1963.

It is in fact the survey plat for the FBI work of 2/7/64, in which the FBI changed the impact location of the second shot/aka Z313 impact point and moved this point some 24.5 feet back up Elm St. to an impact point which was approximately mid-way between the alignment with the Lamp post at Z272 and the yellow stripe at which Mary Moorman & Jean Hill were standing.

For this survey, the FBI left the impact point for the first shot at exactly the same point on Elm St. as was the true December 5, 1963 SS Survey Plat.

In addition, the FBI left the impact point for the third/last/final shot in exactly the same point on Elm St. as was the true December 5, 1963 SS Survey Plat.

That position/impact point being at stationing 4+95, which is directly in front of James Altgens position, down at the second yellow stripe on Elm St.

Lastly, the FBI deleted the impact point for the Z313 headshot, and attempted to "fudge" the location of this shot back prior to JFK even having passed the first yellow stripe at the MoormanHill yellow stripe location.


In event that one truly wants to recognize exactly why most honest americans despise politicians and lawyers, then one only need read that portion which deals with the "TIME SPAN OF SHOTS".

I would also reference one to the "earlier publicized reports", as this actually references JEH & Company's little CE585 "fudge factor" attempt to sell a tale!

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So, the US Secret Service, as well as the FBI, state that the impact point for the first shot was at an a point on Elm St. which had a street elevation of 423.7.

(Now, we all know that the WC was just completely left out on finding anything)

So, perhaps one should see exactly what Time/Life had to say!

But first!

One needs to see exactly how important the elevation 423.07 came into play.

This location (Nail#1 became the "benchmark" from which multiple other measurements as well as elevations of various points and positions were referenced from.

It was, as far as the SS & FBI were concerned, the location of shot#1.

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