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Tim Gratz

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I am pleased to announce that I have solved the assassination. I now know who the “big fish” really was: Blessed John XXIII.

It is of course well known that JFK was elected President in large part because of the heavy

percentage of votes he received from Catholics as well as his strong support from the Catholic church hierarchy. See for instance the memoirs of Tip O’Neill (“Man of the House.”)

In 1956, Democrat Adlai Stevenson got 37 percent of the Protestant vote and a bare majority of

Catholics. And he lost to President Eisenhower.

In 1960, the Democratic vote among Protestants held up, even though Kennedy was a Catholic.

What put Kennedy over the top against Richard Nixon was his soaring support among his fellow

Catholics -- nearly 80 percent.

Source: “The Role of Catholic Voters” Cnn.com April 2005. (By Bill Schneider.)

But once elected JFK double-crossed his Catholic supporters just as the Mafia thought he had double-crossed them (the record is not clear that JFK knew the deals his father made with the Mafia). And of course I need not belabor the point that almost to a man the leadership of the Mafia was strongly Catholic. Anyone who has seen a Godfather movie knows that.

JFK doublecrossed Catholics by opposing the issue dearest to the hearts of the Catholic hierarchy: aid to parochial schools.

Nor was the ecumenical movement all that the Baptists were against. The U.S. Catholic

hierarchy came in for a resolution taking them to task for waging "an aggressive campaign"

to force federal aid to parochial schools. The resolution opposed grants, loans, tax support or

any other direct Government assistance to private education. Yet one of the heroes of the

convention was the Catholic politician whom last year's convention had officially opposed for

U.S. President. The messengers voted unanimously to send a telegram to President Kennedy

expressing appreciation of his stand against aid to parochial schools and for the separation of

church and state. Wisecrack of the day: "Jack Kennedy is making a pretty good Baptist


Source: Time Magazine, June 2, 1961

President Kennedy reminded a 1961 gridiron-dinner audience of a popular anti-Catholic story

following Al Smith’s defeat in 1928. As told by gleeful non-Catholics, Governor Smith,

immediately upon learning of his loss to Herbert Hoover, sent a one-word telegram to the

pope: “Unpack!” Tongue in cheek, Kennedy said that after his stand against federal aid to

parochial schools the pope sent him a one-word cable. This one said: “Pack.”

Source: American Heritage magazine, October 1974.

I suggest that the Pope (Blessed John XXIII) did more than send JFK this proverbial telegram. I suggest the assassination was ordered in the Vatican and carried out with the assistance of Johnny Rosselli and Carlos Marcello, both good Catholics, and David Ferrie, who we all know pledged allegiance to the “Old Catholic Church.” (Shortly before his death, per his biography, Rosselli met with his long-time friend, a priest, and confessed and received absolution shortly before his murder.)

I suggest that the assassination planning started in September of 1962 when Blessed John XXIII was diagnosed with stomach cancer and knew he would not have too long to live. The plans were completed prior to his death in June of 1963 and I have no reason to believe the new Pope was privy to his scheme.

And of course it would not be the first time Catholics had assassinated a president. Many conspiratorialists believe, of course, that the Catholic church instrumented the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

My theory puts it all together and I suggest makes a whole lot more sense than arguing the captains of the steel industry or oil barons killed Kennedy. The Catholic Church had motive galore as well as means and opportunity and we all know that several prominent Catholics are widely reported to have played a role in the assassination. Moreover, it had a history of assassinating an American president.

Of course my tongue is planted firmly in my cheek but this post ought to demonstrate how easy it is to construct silly assassination theories. Catholics had as good a reason to want to assassinate JFK as did any other interest group that he opposed such as the steel industry.

Edited by Tim Gratz
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Hey, I am NOT serious!

Although I am sure if you searched the assassination literature you could find nuggets to support the theory. Perhaps Mafia visits to Italy? I remember Giancana had gone to Italy in the early sixties and when he returned had a conversation with Rosselli re his trip. Maybe Giancana met with a Vatican representative at the time.

It is true that some saw JFK as more of a Deist than a true Catholic. Even Jackie once commented that he was not a "good Catholic".

It is interesting that Sen. Ted Kennedy continues to oppose aid to parochial schools.

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We can even tie my theory into "secret society" conspiracies since there were those who claimed that Blessed John XXIII was secretly a Mason. See the Wikipedia entry on him.

I expect James will post a photo of Blessed John XXIII so we can all get a look at the "big fish".

At least he (presumably) has no offspring who can be offended if he is wrongfully tied to the Kennedy assassination.

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If your theory was true, John Connally would have said, "My God, the Pope's going to kill us all!"

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Guest Stephen Turner

So it was Guy Fawkes on the Knoll all along.........."Remember, remember the fifth of November, gunpowder, treason and plot."

Edited by Stephen Turner
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I am pleased to announce that I have solved the assassination. I now know who the “big fish” really was: Blessed John XXIII.

It is of course well known that JFK was elected President in large part because of the heavy

percentage of votes he received from Catholics as well as his strong support from the Catholic church hierarchy. See for instance the memoirs of Tip O’Neill (“Man of the House.”)

In 1956, Democrat Adlai Stevenson got 37 percent of the Protestant vote and a bare majority of

Catholics. And he lost to President Eisenhower.

In 1960, the Democratic vote among Protestants held up, even though Kennedy was a Catholic.

What put Kennedy over the top against Richard Nixon was his soaring support among his fellow

Catholics -- nearly 80 percent.

Source: “The Role of Catholic Voters” Cnn.com April 2005. (By Bill Schneider.)

But once elected JFK double-crossed his Catholic supporters just as the Mafia thought he had double-crossed them (the record is not clear that JFK knew the deals his father made with the Mafia). And of course I need not belabor the point that almost to a man the leadership of the Mafia was strongly Catholic. Anyone who has seen a Godfather movie knows that.

JFK doublecrossed Catholics by opposing the issue dearest to the hearts of the Catholic hierarchy: aid to parochial schools.

Nor was the ecumenical movement all that the Baptists were against. The U.S. Catholic

hierarchy came in for a resolution taking them to task for waging "an aggressive campaign"

to force federal aid to parochial schools. The resolution opposed grants, loans, tax support or

any other direct Government assistance to private education. Yet one of the heroes of the

convention was the Catholic politician whom last year's convention had officially opposed for

U.S. President. The messengers voted unanimously to send a telegram to President Kennedy

expressing appreciation of his stand against aid to parochial schools and for the separation of

church and state. Wisecrack of the day: "Jack Kennedy is making a pretty good Baptist


Source: Time Magazine, June 2, 1961

President Kennedy reminded a 1961 gridiron-dinner audience of a popular anti-Catholic story

following Al Smith’s defeat in 1928. As told by gleeful non-Catholics, Governor Smith,

immediately upon learning of his loss to Herbert Hoover, sent a one-word telegram to the

pope: “Unpack!” Tongue in cheek, Kennedy said that after his stand against federal aid to

parochial schools the pope sent him a one-word cable. This one said: “Pack.”

Source: American Heritage magazine, October 1974.

I suggest that the Pope (Blessed John XXIII) did more than send JFK this proverbial telegram. I suggest the assassination was ordered in the Vatican and carried out with the assistance of Johnny Rosselli and Carlos Marcello, both good Catholics, and David Ferrie, who we all know pledged allegiance to the “Old Catholic Church.” (Shortly before his death, per his biography, Rosselli met with his long-time friend, a priest, and confessed and received absolution shortly before his murder.)

I suggest that the assassination planning started in September of 1962 when Blessed John XXIII was diagnosed with stomach cancer and knew he would not have too long to live. The plans were completed prior to his death in June of 1963 and I have no reason to believe the new Pope was privy to his scheme.

And of course it would not be the first time Catholics had assassinated a president. Many conspiratorialists believe, of course, that the Catholic church instrumented the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

My theory puts it all together and I suggest makes a whole lot more sense than arguing the captains of the steel industry or oil barons killed Kennedy. The Catholic Church had motive galore as well as means and opportunity and we all know that several prominent Catholics are widely reported to have played a role in the assassination. Moreover, it had a history of assassinating an American president.

Of course my tongue is planted firmly in my cheek but this post ought to demonstrate how easy it is to construct silly assassination theories. Catholics had as good a reason to want to assassinate JFK as did any other interest group that he opposed such as the steel industry.

I have the sneaky feeling that this "theory" had something to do with my thoughts on the Assassination. There was a Jesuit, Fr. Malachy Martin, who wrote books about the Vatican and it would curl your hair. Also, I believe Pope John Paul I was murdered, poisoned because he was too liberal like Kennedy. I'm going to try to get access to Martin's books. They came out around 1980. I do believe the Popes and certain Cardinals knew what was coming. The nuns sure as hell didn't. They blamed the Cubans. The old bitch teaching my class would stop talking, look at a Spanish kid and say, "Why don't you go back to where you came from?" A pleasant world. And a great religion.


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Re the Lincoln case, it is well known of course that the son of Mary Surratt, John H. Surratt, fled the United States and ended up in the Vatican. However, as one scholar put it, evidence linking Pope Pius IX to the Lincoln assassination is dubious at best.

Everyone please remember I started this thread simply to demonstrate how easy it is to construct silly conspiracy theories based solely on people's policy disagreements with JFK.

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Interesting re David Ferrie and the Old Roman Catholic Church:

Peter Levenda contacted me in late April 2005 after reading my web page which, in part, commented on Judyth Baker's involvement with David Ferrie. Peter offered additional insight into and correction of some misconceptions I had about Ferrie's religious experiences. It should be noted that Peter is the author of Unholy Alliance in which he examines Adolph Hitler's obsession with the occult. He is also the author of the upcoming book Sinister Forces.


I just came across your website and wanted to make a small correction/amendment to the page showing the information from Judyth Baker. As the author of the upcoming book, "Sinister Forces", which explores the phenomenon of the "wandering bishops" in some detail in two chapters, I have submitted some background on the case which you may find of interest.

You mention that David Ferrie was not a bishop in the Old Roman Catholic Church, and that there were very few bishops in that organization anyway. That may be true so far as it goes, but Ferrie was consecrated a bishop by Carl Stanley of the American Orthodox Catholic Church -- according to Stanley's own testimony to the FBI -- but was later deposed (according to Stanley) due to allegations of homosexuality. What has yet to be uncovered is why Stanley -- himself a convicted felon with a long rap sheet -- would have demured from having a "gay" bishop among his ranks; there was no precedent for this in the AOCC and, indeed, Ferrie's credentials were vouched for by another bishop, one quite well-known for his support of a ministery outreach to homosexuals. In fact, it may have been more the legal problems Ferrie had with Eastern Airlines over his homosexual conduct that contributed to his ouster from the church, once Stanley -- no stranger to the legal system -- learned of them and feared that close scrutiny would be paid to his own operation.

Further, the claim that the Old Roman Catholic Church had few bishops is a bit misleading. There are several Old Catholic denominations, and others that share an Old Catholic line of succession but which are not, themselves, Old Catholic. Like most churches of the independent movement, many of these had rather more bishops than congregants. While the total number of ORCC bishops may not have been great, when put against the number of actual communicants it will be seen to have been a topheavy affair. However, in all fairness, bishops of the ORCC did participate in the consecrations of bishops from other denominations, thus giving rise to even further confusion. If a bishop of the ORCC assists in the consecration of a bishop of the AOCC -- as happened more than once -- then is that newly-consecrated bishop a "member" of the ORCC or the AOCC, or both? Or neither?

Do not rely on the apostolic succession lists published on the web for an idea as to how many bishops were involved with either church, since these lists are by no means complete. They only name the prime consecrator in most cases, and there must always be a minimum of three consecrators. Often, these consecrators are not members of the same church as either the prime consecrator or the consecratee. Most bishops do not publish lists of all the consecrations of which they have been participants; however, they will publish lists of the bishops who consecrated them (in order to prove their bona fides). The student of the independent movement is then faced with the arduous task of matching these lists against each other to find out who consecrated whom. This, in the face of lost archives from small churches that went in and out of business frequently and other missing documentation, can drive one insane.

Thus, unraveling David Ferrie's religious affiliations is not a task for the faint of heart. That he was a priest and a bishop at some point in his life is beyond question. That he was "self-ordained" is, in my view, erroneous. He was definitely ordained and consecrated by others. It is up to the bias of the reader whether or not he was "validly" ordained and consecrated, or if his church was renegade, or heretical, etc. Carl Stanley himself was not "self-ordained" and, in fact, he was the beneficiary of several different consecrations during his lifetime. As I mention in "Sinister Forces", Stanley died only a month after David Ferrie; one of those coincidental timings that has fallen below the radar of most conspiracy speculation but which drove Jim Garrison (and others) apoplectic. The only bishop of that entourage that managed to survive accidental death and disappearance was Jack Martin, but that's another story!

Ferrie's affiliation was given several different times in different ways in "American Grotesque", Kirkwood's attack on the Clay Shaw investigation, thus pointing out the incredible difficulty in identifying Ferrie's actual denomination. His consecration by Stanley -- of the American Orthodox Catholic Church -- however, can be in no doubt; that there may have been others, though, is entirely within the realm of possibility. I would have dearly loved to watch "Bishop" Ferrie celebrate the Orthodox Divine Liturgy, though! What a surreal experience that would have been ...

Peter Levenda

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Dear Mr. Dunne:

The whole point of the thread was to demonstrate the complete illogic of many of the conspiracy theories posted here, e.g. "Did Big Steel Consider JFK Treasonous" (or to that effect).

I can assure you that the Catholic hierarchy did not consider the question of federal aid to parochial education "piddling". From their financial perspective, it was probably as important to them as the oil depletion allowance was to the oil barons.

My point was that while there is no evidence to connect oil barons to the assassination, if we take the "Vatican did it" scenario we have: (1) reported Vatican connections to other U.S. political assassinations; and (2) Catholic backgrounds of some people believed to be connected to the assassination. Why, my gosh, even the murder weapon came from Italy!

Of course it is a complete waste of time to argue that Blessed John XXIII plotted the murder of JFK in the Vatican. It is an equivalent waste of time to argue that the CEOs of steel companies plotted the murder in some corporate boardroom.

You said:

It's weird diversions like these that often make me wonder whether you're not all working for the Company

My response is that it is some of the diversions into the looney tunes channel of assassination research (e.g. Greer did it and the CIA altered all photographic evidence to conceal it) that makes me wonder whether some here are not conscious, witting agents (paid or not) of Vincent Bugliosi and his ilk who would paint us all with a broad brush.

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Nobody apparently did a lot of research to debunk my theory. JFK had announced his opposition to parochial aid BEFORE the 1960 election so his position as POTUS on the issue could hardly be considered a "doublecross". JFK probably had to oppose parochial aid to prove that the Catholic Church would not dictate policies to him.


Re David Ferrie and the Old Catholic Church of America, there was a man connected to the investigation of the assassination of RFK who had ties to that same group. Most of you probably remember that story.

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Interesting re David Ferrie and the Old Roman Catholic Church:

Peter Levenda contacted me in late April 2005 after reading my web page which, in part, commented on Judyth Baker's involvement with David Ferrie. Peter offered additional insight into and correction of some misconceptions I had about Ferrie's religious experiences. It should be noted that Peter is the author of Unholy Alliance in which he examines Adolph Hitler's obsession with the occult. He is also the author of the upcoming book Sinister Forces.


I just came across your website and wanted to make a small correction/amendment to the page showing the information from Judyth Baker. As the author of the upcoming book, "Sinister Forces", which explores the phenomenon of the "wandering bishops" in some detail in two chapters, I have submitted some background on the case which you may find of interest.

You mention that David Ferrie was not a bishop in the Old Roman Catholic Church, and that there were very few bishops in that organization anyway. That may be true so far as it goes, but Ferrie was consecrated a bishop by Carl Stanley of the American Orthodox Catholic Church -- according to Stanley's own testimony to the FBI -- but was later deposed (according to Stanley) due to allegations of homosexuality. What has yet to be uncovered is why Stanley -- himself a convicted felon with a long rap sheet -- would have demured from having a "gay" bishop among his ranks; there was no precedent for this in the AOCC and, indeed, Ferrie's credentials were vouched for by another bishop, one quite well-known for his support of a ministery outreach to homosexuals. In fact, it may have been more the legal problems Ferrie had with Eastern Airlines over his homosexual conduct that contributed to his ouster from the church, once Stanley -- no stranger to the legal system -- learned of them and feared that close scrutiny would be paid to his own operation.

Further, the claim that the Old Roman Catholic Church had few bishops is a bit misleading. There are several Old Catholic denominations, and others that share an Old Catholic line of succession but which are not, themselves, Old Catholic. Like most churches of the independent movement, many of these had rather more bishops than congregants. While the total number of ORCC bishops may not have been great, when put against the number of actual communicants it will be seen to have been a topheavy affair. However, in all fairness, bishops of the ORCC did participate in the consecrations of bishops from other denominations, thus giving rise to even further confusion. If a bishop of the ORCC assists in the consecration of a bishop of the AOCC -- as happened more than once -- then is that newly-consecrated bishop a "member" of the ORCC or the AOCC, or both? Or neither?

Do not rely on the apostolic succession lists published on the web for an idea as to how many bishops were involved with either church, since these lists are by no means complete. They only name the prime consecrator in most cases, and there must always be a minimum of three consecrators. Often, these consecrators are not members of the same church as either the prime consecrator or the consecratee. Most bishops do not publish lists of all the consecrations of which they have been participants; however, they will publish lists of the bishops who consecrated them (in order to prove their bona fides). The student of the independent movement is then faced with the arduous task of matching these lists against each other to find out who consecrated whom. This, in the face of lost archives from small churches that went in and out of business frequently and other missing documentation, can drive one insane.

Thus, unraveling David Ferrie's religious affiliations is not a task for the faint of heart. That he was a priest and a bishop at some point in his life is beyond question. That he was "self-ordained" is, in my view, erroneous. He was definitely ordained and consecrated by others. It is up to the bias of the reader whether or not he was "validly" ordained and consecrated, or if his church was renegade, or heretical, etc. Carl Stanley himself was not "self-ordained" and, in fact, he was the beneficiary of several different consecrations during his lifetime. As I mention in "Sinister Forces", Stanley died only a month after David Ferrie; one of those coincidental timings that has fallen below the radar of most conspiracy speculation but which drove Jim Garrison (and others) apoplectic. The only bishop of that entourage that managed to survive accidental death and disappearance was Jack Martin, but that's another story!

Ferrie's affiliation was given several different times in different ways in "American Grotesque", Kirkwood's attack on the Clay Shaw investigation, thus pointing out the incredible difficulty in identifying Ferrie's actual denomination. His consecration by Stanley -- of the American Orthodox Catholic Church -- however, can be in no doubt; that there may have been others, though, is entirely within the realm of possibility. I would have dearly loved to watch "Bishop" Ferrie celebrate the Orthodox Divine Liturgy, though! What a surreal experience that would have been ...

Peter Levenda


I would have hoped that you would have been aware of the "con" which unsanctioned churches have been pulling for years.

These backwoods of the south are filled with those who "get the calling" and thus establish their own church.

Certainly beats having to work down at the shipyard for a living!


Religious Groups That Use

'Orthodox' in Their Names

But Are Not Canonical

Eastern Orthodox Churches


Orthodox Catholic Church of the Americas - New Orleans, LA. This jurisdiction is run by the the "Basilian Fathers," "The Society of Saint Basil," and "The Society of Clerks Secular of Saint Basil."


Orthodox Catholic Church of the Americas - New Orleans, LA, (Archdiocese of Louisiana). The web site notes: "Holy Innocents Orthodox Church, 311 Hickory Ave., Harahan, Louisiana 70123, (504) 738-3502, is a Western Rite Orthodox Church of The Basilian Fathers, affiliated with The Orthodox Catholic Archdiocese of Louisiana, of the Orthodox Catholic Church of the Americas. The physical plant, in Western terms, would be classified as a Chapel, due to its small size. Its lineage is Russian Orthodox, and Eastern Rite Liturgy is observed in special schedules as an accommodation."



Here is you an application form. You too can be just like David Ferrie.

Please notice that the address is down here at Waveland, MS.


Enter Hartsie and one will also find that the "St. Mary Magdalene Orthodox Church"/aka "Holy Innocents Orthodox Church"




Type Entity: Non-Profit Religious Corporation

Status: Active

Annual Report Status: In Good Standing Add Certificate of Good Standing to Shopping Cart

Last Report Filed on 10/25/2006


Domicile Address: 311 HICKORY AVENUE, HARAHAN, LA 70123

File Date: 12/02/1992

Registered Agent (Appointed 12/02/1992): RT. REV. LEE S. MC COLLOSTER, 311 HICKORY AVENUE, HARAHAN, LA 70123








Which leads us back into the circle of:



Type Entity: Non-Profit Religious Corporation

Status: Active

Annual Report Status: In Good Standing Add Certificate of Good Standing to Shopping Cart

Last Report Filed on 07/17/2007

Mailing Address: C/O REV. LEE S. MCCOLLOSTER S.S.B., 311 HICKORY AVE., HARAHAN, LA 70123

Domicile Address: 311 HICKORY AVE, CHANCERY OFF., HARAHAN, LA 70123

File Date: 08/23/1990

Registered Agent (Appointed 8/23/1990): REV. JOHN J. LEHMAN, S.S.B, R.R. 1, BOX 333, HWY. 301, BARATARIA ISLAND, LA 70036

Registered Agent (Appointed 8/23/1990): REV. LEE S. MCCOLLOSTER, S.S.B., 311 HICKORY AVENUE, HARAHAN, LA 70123

Vice President: REV. JOHN J. LEHMAN, S.S.B., R.R. 1, BOX 333, HWY. 301, BARATARIA ISLAND, LA 70036


Secretary/Treasurer: REV. LEE S. MCCOLLOSTER, S.S.B., 311 HICKORY AVENUE, HARAHAN, LA 70123



Type Entity: Non-Profit Religious Corporation

Status: Active

Annual Report Status: In Good Standing Add Certificate of Good Standing to Shopping Cart

Last Report Filed on 09/18/2006


Domicile Address: 311 HICKORY AVE., HARAHAN, LA 70123

File Date: 10/29/1997

Registered Agent (Appointed 10/29/1997): MOST REVEREND JOHN J. LEHMAN, RT. 1 BOX 333, HWY. 301, BARATARIA, LA 70036

Registered Agent (Appointed 10/29/1997): MOST REV. LEE MCCOLLOSTER, 311 HICKORY AVE., HARAHAN, LA 70123

Director: MOST REV. JOHN J. LEHMAN, RT. 1 BOX 333 HWY. 301, BARATARIA, LA 70036





Type Entity: Non-Profit Religious Corporation

Status: Active

Annual Report Status: In Good Standing Add Certificate of Good Standing to Shopping Cart

Last Report Filed on 10/25/2006


Domicile Address: 311 HICKORY AVENUE, HARAHAN, LA 70123

File Date: 12/02/1992

Registered Agent (Appointed 12/02/1992): RT. REV. LEE S. MC COLLOSTER, 311 HICKORY AVENUE, HARAHAN, LA 70123









Type Entity: Non-Profit Corporation

Status: Not Active (Action by Secretary of State)

2007 Annual Report/Reinstatement form is required in order to reinstate Print Annual Report/Reinstatement Form For Filing

Mailing Address: 1311 N PRIEUR ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70116

Domicile Address: 1311 N PRIEUR ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70116

File Date: 04/27/1962

Registered Agent (Appointed 4/27/1962): J. S. MARTIN, 1311 N PRIEUR, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70116

Registered Agent (Appointed 4/27/1962): J. NEWBROUGH, JR, 5519 MAGAZINE, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70115




Type Entity: Non-Profit Religious Corporation

Status: Active

Annual Report Status: Not In Good Standing for failure to file current Annual Report

2007 Annual Report is required at this time Print Annual Report Form For Filing

Mailing Address: 106 HIGHWAY DRIVE, JEFFERSON, LA 70121

Domicile Address: 106 HIGHWAY DRIVE, JEFFERSON, LA 70121

File Date: 06/14/1985

Registered Agent (Appointed 6/14/1985): GEORGE A. RUNYAN, 4622 NEREY DRIVE, METAIRIE, LA 70004

Registered Agent (Appointed 6/14/1985): CARMEN A. NEWBROUGH, 106 HIGHWAY DRIVE, JEFFERSON, LA 70121

Registered Agent (Appointed 6/14/1985): JOSEPH NEWBROUGH, JR., 106 HIGHWAY DRIVE, JEFFERSON, LA 70121







Type Entity: Non-Profit Corporation or Co-op (Non-Louisiana)

Status: Not Active (Action by Secretary of State)

2007 Annual Report/Reinstatement form is required in order to reinstate Print Annual Report/Reinstatement Form For Filing

Mailing Address: 1448 JACKSON AVENUE, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130

Domicile Address: 70 WEST 6TH AVE., DENVER, CO 80204

Principal Office: 1448 JACKSON AVENUE, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130

Principal Bus. Est. in Louisiana: 1448 JACKSON AVENUE, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130

Qualified: 08/10/1977

Registered Agent (Appointed 8/09/1977): E. H. WOODS, 1448 JACKSON AVE., NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130

Registered Agent (Appointed 8/09/1977): J. S. MARTIN, 628 ST. CHARLES AVE., NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130


Vice President: J. S. MARTIN, 628 ST. CHARLES AVE., NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130

Secretary/Treasurer: EUGENE H. WOODS, 1448 JACKSON AVE., NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130




Type Entity: Non-Profit Religious Corporation

Status: Active

Annual Report Status: Not In Good Standing for failure to file current Annual Report

2007 Annual Report is required at this time Print Annual Report Form For Filing

Mailing Address: 1448 JACKSON AVE., BOX 30357, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130

Domicile Address: 1448 JACKSON AVE., BOX 30357, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130

File Date: 09/03/1944

Registered Agent (Appointed 9/03/1974): J. S. MARTIN, 628 ST. CHARLES AVENUE, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130

Registered Agent (Appointed 7/12/1977): E. H. WOODS, 1448 JACKSON AVE., NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130



It would also be hoped that one would observe that this religious newsletter also happens to come out of Harahan, LA.

311 Hickory Ave.



Bishop John Chrysostom Martin as co-consecrator, in New Orleans, Louisiana (+ all of the others above)


That left Jack Martin ? Bishop John Chrysostom Martin ? as the only other living witness to the Stanley/Ferrie nexus.?

That New Orleans bunch makes us ole backwoods MS bible-thumpers look like amateurs!

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Nobody apparently did a lot of research to debunk my theory. JFK had announced his opposition to parochial aid BEFORE the 1960 election so his position as POTUS on the issue could hardly be considered a "doublecross". JFK probably had to oppose parochial aid to prove that the Catholic Church would not dictate policies to him.


Re David Ferrie and the Old Catholic Church of America, there was a man connected to the investigation of the assassination of RFK who had ties to that same group. Most of you probably remember that story.


TIM , THe 1963 POPE was a informant for OSS man JJA in WWII. Now the intel services monitored the RAT LINE that got some hot NAZI's out of Europe. Mark AARONS and John LOFTUS both stated (in the later 1998 edition of UNholy Trinity) that the Church ran the RAT LINE for MONEY. JJA was in position to blackmail the Church.... Wasnt 63 POPE part of RATLINE ?? .... so maybe what you call playfull stimulation "is" a diversion . (Willfull or not). Now everything Ive read of the LIMO driver calls him a strong-strong Catholic...maybe the POPE allowed lower Church officials to be recruited by CIA. Gollly TIM who would think CIA-Church could work together ...right ? .... TO recruit limo driver might be an easy job. +++ JFKs playboy nature will destroy the Church (or something similar)+++As you may know TIM , this 63 Pope not really a 'good' guy...he issued order (secret) saying that any Church offical helping a child molestation case with people outside the church would be excommunicated. FOR MANY PEOPLE JJA IS SUSPECT NUMERO UNO in the DALLAS murder case. THANKS PLAYFULL TIM sg

ps I believe this secret order came out because of the recent BOSTON cases.

Edited by Steven Gaal
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First, I apologize for misspelling Mr. Dunn's name. In no way would I want to incorrectly associate him with Mr. Charles-Dunne and I appreciate his concern in that regard!

In any event, Mr. Dunn wrote:

Thank you for warning us about "the complete illogic of many of the conspiracy theories posted here" -- who knew? But I'm unconvinced this was "[t]he whole point of the thread." And I will repeat that it's misleading to use the phrase "policy differences" and proceed to argue that policy differences about federal funding of parochial schools (or, viz., highway projects, etc) are commensurate with policy differences about things like the enforcement of court-ordered desegregation, banning nuclear weapons testing, eliminating the oil depletion allowance, etc.

Several responses. First, I tend to be quite careful about questioning someone's motives. That was the purpose of my starting the thread. It was certainly not to start a debate on whether Catholics killed JFK, as baseless a charge as saying that Greer shot him.

But Mr. Dunn's point about an alleged distinction between policy differences over aid to parochial schooling and federal highway projects on one hand and the oil depletion allowance on the other is, in the famous words of Mr. Spock, "illogical." Let's compare say highway spending versus spending on the military industrial complex. Let us assume that JFK advocated policies that would cost businesses in the highway business $100 million and policies that would cost defense industries $500 million. Is it Mr. Dunn's point that a military industrialist might agree to kill JFK over $500 million but a highway contractor would not kill him over $100 million? Welll, what then is the cut-off point?

Mr. Dunn wrote:

Would you concede there was quite a large difference in the amount of money involved? And that in the one case, the question was whether financial aid (money) would come from the federal government and go to the "private" organization, whereas in the other case the question was whether the private interests would be "allowed" to keep more (or most) of "their" money?

I submit that money is money and it makes no difference whether an organization loses federal funding or a person loses money because of a change in the tax code. If someone wants to murder a politician over differences in policies that relate to one's economic interest, that person is noy going to be deterred by the distinction made by Mr. Dunn.

But I think it highly unlikely that the assassination was fueled by the economic programs of JFK.

Mr. Dunne wrote:

I think you make a valid point about really outrageous conspiracy scenarios; but you seem most unwilling to consider that very powerful people -- by definition, those who have lots of money or access to same -- could possibly be involved in anything nefarious like murder. I don't believe you're actually that naive, so I assume there's some other issue involved.

Well of course very powerful people might decide to commit a nefarious deed up to and including murder. People are in fact murdered over business deals, a fairly common occurence. But it is silly to speculate thst this group or thst group MIGHT have killed Kennedy when there is no single piece of evidence that they did. Mr. Dunn indeed recognizes that many of the theories suggested in this Forum are "outrageous", and I salue him for that. It is my point that sitting around a computer contemplating "possibilities" does nothing to advance the "cause" of finding JFK's killer and it feeds into the hands of those who argue the WC got it right.

Mr. Dunn wrote:

And frankly, the same goes [it is "illogical'] for a Bush Republican "leading the march" in "JFK assassination research" among a group of (apparent) "Left radicals." Why in the world is there any illogic in this? JFK was my president too--even though I would have voted for his opponent in 1964 had I been old enough. I am sure I took his murder about as hard as any American except those who knew him personally. One's devotion to the cause of justice is not--or certainly ought not to be--related to what one thinks of the victim's politics, even in the case of a political murder.

Mr. Dunn wrote (re VB's "Reclaiming History") "In the meantime it provides an opportunity to go over 'the basic facts of the case' in a systematic way, the process of which will (I believe) result in its discrediting." I could not agree more. There is much to be learned from the VB book and to the extent it offers legitimate criticism of certain of our positions, we ought to consider those positions. I find it regrettable that certain of our members automatically refuse to consider arguments merely because the argument was first offered by a defender of the WC position. The argument ought to rise or fall on its merits.

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First, I apologize for misspelling Mr. Dunn's name. In no way would I want to incorrectly associate him with Mr. Charles-Dunne and I appreciate his concern in that regard!

In any event, Mr. Dunn wrote:

Thank you for warning us about "the complete illogic of many of the conspiracy theories posted here" -- who knew? But I'm unconvinced this was "[t]he whole point of the thread." And I will repeat that it's misleading to use the phrase "policy differences" and proceed to argue that policy differences about federal funding of parochial schools (or, viz., highway projects, etc) are commensurate with policy differences about things like the enforcement of court-ordered desegregation, banning nuclear weapons testing, eliminating the oil depletion allowance, etc.

Several responses. First, I tend to be quite careful about questioning someone's motives. That was the purpose of my starting the thread. It was certainly not to start a debate on whether Catholics killed JFK, as baseless a charge as saying that Greer shot him.

But Mr. Dunn's point about an alleged distinction between policy differences over aid to parochial schooling and federal highway projects on one hand and the oil depletion allowance on the other is, in the famous words of Mr. Spock, "illogical." Let's compare say highway spending versus spending on the military industrial complex. Let us assume that JFK advocated policies that would cost businesses in the highway business $100 million and policies that would cost defense industries $500 million. Is it Mr. Dunn's point that a military industrialist might agree to kill JFK over $500 million but a highway contractor would not kill him over $100 million? Welll, what then is the cut-off point?

Mr. Dunn wrote:

Would you concede there was quite a large difference in the amount of money involved? And that in the one case, the question was whether financial aid (money) would come from the federal government and go to the "private" organization, whereas in the other case the question was whether the private interests would be "allowed" to keep more (or most) of "their" money?

I submit that money is money and it makes no difference whether an organization loses federal funding or a person loses money because of a change in the tax code. If someone wants to murder a politician over differences in policies that relate to one's economic interest, that person is noy going to be deterred by the distinction made by Mr. Dunn.

But I think it highly unlikely that the assassination was fueled by the economic programs of JFK.

Mr. Dunne wrote:

I think you make a valid point about really outrageous conspiracy scenarios; but you seem most unwilling to consider that very powerful people -- by definition, those who have lots of money or access to same -- could possibly be involved in anything nefarious like murder. I don't believe you're actually that naive, so I assume there's some other issue involved.

Well of course very powerful people might decide to commit a nefarious deed up to and including murder. People are in fact murdered over business deals, a fairly common occurence. But it is silly to speculate thst this group or thst group MIGHT have killed Kennedy when there is no single piece of evidence that they did. Mr. Dunn indeed recognizes that many of the theories suggested in this Forum are "outrageous", and I salue him for that. It is my point that sitting around a computer contemplating "possibilities" does nothing to advance the "cause" of finding JFK's killer and it feeds into the hands of those who argue the WC got it right.

Mr. Dunn wrote:

And frankly, the same goes [it is "illogical'] for a Bush Republican "leading the march" in "JFK assassination research" among a group of (apparent) "Left radicals." Why in the world is there any illogic in this? JFK was my president too--even though I would have voted for his opponent in 1964 had I been old enough. I am sure I took his murder about as hard as any American except those who knew him personally. One's devotion to the cause of justice is not--or certainly ought not to be--related to what one thinks of the victim's politics, even in the case of a political murder.

Mr. Dunn wrote (re VB's "Reclaiming History") "In the meantime it provides an opportunity to go over 'the basic facts of the case' in a systematic way, the process of which will (I believe) result in its discrediting." I could not agree more. There is much to be learned from the VB book and to the extent it offers legitimate criticism of certain of our positions, we ought to consider those positions. I find it regrettable that certain of our members automatically refuse to consider arguments merely because the argument was first offered by a defender of the WC position. The argument ought to rise or fall on its merits.

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Nobody apparently did a lot of research to debunk my theory. JFK had announced his opposition to parochial aid BEFORE the 1960 election so his position as POTUS on the issue could hardly be considered a "doublecross". JFK probably had to oppose parochial aid to prove that the Catholic Church would not dictate policies to him.


Re David Ferrie and the Old Catholic Church of America, there was a man connected to the investigation of the assassination of RFK who had ties to that same group. Most of you probably remember that story.


TIM , THe 1963 POPE was a informant for OSS man JJA in WWII. Now the intel services monitored the RAT LINE that got some hot NAZI's out of Europe. Mark AARONS and John LOFTUS both stated (in the later 1998 edition of UNholy Trinity) that the Church ran the RAT LINE for MONEY. JJA was in position to blackmail the Church.... Wasnt 63 POPE part of RATLINE ?? .... so maybe what you call playfull stimulation "is" a diversion . (Willfull or not). Now everything Ive read of the LIMO driver calls him a strong-strong Catholic...maybe the POPE allowed lower Church officials to be recruited by CIA. Gollly TIM who would think CIA-Church could work together ...right ? .... TO recruit limo driver might be an easy job. +++ JFKs playboy nature will destroy the Church (or something similar)+++As you may know TIM , this 63 Pope not really a 'good' guy...he issued order (secret) saying that any Church offical helping a child molestation case with people outside the church would be excommunicated. FOR MANY PEOPLE JJA IS SUSPECT NUMERO UNO in the DALLAS murder case. THANKS PLAYFULL TIM sg

ps I believe this secret order came out because of the recent BOSTON cases.


TIM , The 1963 POPE was a informant for OSS man JJA in WWII."

I believe you're referring to Pope Pius XII, Steve. He was the one who squirreled away the works of art, family jewels, and valuable antiquities belonging to the Jews Hitler was "liquidating" in Aushwitz and Bergen-Belsen. He hid them down in the catacombs beneath the streets of Rome until the war was over, after which they could be "laundered" through the banks of Switzerland.

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