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Mr. Gray wrote:

It's neither coincidental or noncoincidental, since you haven't documented that Hunt was anywhere near Cuba "in July of 1960." If you have any dispositive evidence, posting it would be worth 1,000 forum pages of ruminating theorizing, and would be worth at least 10,000,000,000,000,000 (to the googolplex) forum pages of false or incorrect "information."

I will look for the reference. My recollection is that it is in Evan Thomas' book on the CIA but I could be wrong.

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I read BK's posts with much interest and respect. I'm not as well versed as you all are, but my study of all that transpired leads to a strong conclusion that disinformation was rampant and evident after Dealey Plaza. Messrs. Hunt and Phillips were well known for this particular skill ... the Mafia, angry Cuban exiles, LHO (as the perennial loner) and even Castro's resources at the time do not hold a candle to the people best equipped to provide this specialized deliverable. The clear and persistent trail of disinformation is oa compelling indicator for me, personally. And the folks who are expert in this specialty seem obvious. - gene kelly

Hello Gene,

Thanks for your reasoned response.

As someone versed in physics, have you ever looked at the ballistics, acoustics, etc. in which such science comes into play?


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Hi again, Bill.

I'd originally hoped to complete my response in one post, taking up a few of the events you had listed in chronological order and adding to them in ways relevant to the Hunt/JMWAVE/Bringuier data in my first post in this thread, but I've encountered enough material that I've decided that I'm going to have to take it in more discrete chunks, and for the moment I want to concentrate on this event from your list:

1) A leaflet was distributed to the Florida Cuban community in November, 1963that warned of an "Act of God" that would put a "Texan in the White House." See: Dealey Plaza an Act of God or Psychowar? thread :


Before I get into the data, I have to say that after all my praise of your meticulousness in research and presentation, it is my unpleasant duty to point out that the correct date for this event—at least from all the information I can find on it, including the other forum thread you cite—is 18 April 1963. Please clarify if there is some reason for the November 1963 time frame you put into that entry, but for this exercise I'm going with the 18 April 1963 date.

And it's that date that has centered me to this particular event, not because of the event itself in isolation—however bizarre its own fascination—but because of the events surrounding it.

In fact, so much data came gushing out surrounding this date and event that I'm going to have to break this post down into two parts. The month of April 1963 and the few days just before and just after it is jammed with what I consider pivotal events, and while they do not all go directly to the subject of black propaganda by any stretch of the imagination, they certainly do go to a context and motives for just such black propaganda.

I'm loath to do anything that smacks of hijacking this thread, so if you feel that what follows is out of line, let me know and I happily will edit this down here, and move it to its own thread. I hope, though, that you will find the context for the "Act of God" issue to be as captivating as I have.

While E. Howard Hunt makes no on-stage appearance in this act of the drama, it is vital to understand that just weeks prior to the events of the following chronology, on 11 February 1963, CIA officially had created the Domestic Operations Division (DOD), and Hunt had been made its Chief of Covert Operations. Therefore, at all relevant times, E. Howard Hunt, with Tracy Barnes as head of CIA's DOD, were in positions of complete oversight and control on events related to the domestic Cuban exile operations.

It also cannot be pointed out too forcefully that at all relevant times the Cuban Student Directorate—of which Carlos Bringuier was "New Orleans delegate"—was "totally dependent on CIA funding in 1963." (Cite: "What Jane Roman Said," Part 6, "Dick Helms's Man in Miami")

And Carlos Bringuier is front and center in several scenes below, themselves acts of propaganda. A compelling case is developing tying Bringuier to CIA, Hunt, and their Cuban front groups, one part of which case was presented in my earlier post in this thread.

I believe that I can serve the data no better than to present it unadorned, without commentary from me, in as brief a section of chronology as I can manage, but even then I'm having to break just this month of April into two posts in order to preserve the fullness of the context that I find so curious about it all. In doing so, by your leave, I also am expanding your description of the "Act of God" leaflet distribution to include the mailing on the same day—18 April 1963—of a letter containing the same text, postmarked Arlington, Texas and mailed to Tony Cuesta in Miami.

The following chronology is of selected events from the timeline bracketing the 18 April 1963 event by about two weeks in either direction. This first section will go up to and include 18 April 1963—beginning, as it happens, with one of the other black propaganda events you listed:

Sunday, 31 March 1963

Marina Oswald purportedly takes three (or four?) photos of Lee Harvey Oswald in the back yard of their Neely Street apartment, with Lee holding a rifle, carrying a pistol, and also holding up two leftist newspapers:
The Militant
The Worker
. [NOTE: Marina Oswald first said to investigators that she had taken only one photo of Lee, then said under oath that she took two when she learned there were two, then later said she took three when a third was produced, etc.]

Monday, 1 April 1963

The day after the alleged "backyard photos" incident, Lee Harvey Oswald is terminated at the graphic arts firm of Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall—but he will continue working there through Saturday, 6 April 1963 [see].

• On the same day, the wife of CIA's James McCord arrives on American Airlines flight #20 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, returning from a trip to Lubbock, Texas via Dallas. In Philadelphia she again is met by CIA's Special Agent In Charge of the Manhattan Field Office (who might be James McCord himself) and is set up in accommodations at the McGuire Hotel near or at McGuire AFB in New Jersey, 45 minutes from Philadelphia, 90 minutes from New York...and there the trail ends. Supposedly she was put on "space available" status for a MATS flight to destination unknown, but there was no "space available;" the CIA document says that the CIA's Special Agent In Charge of the Manhattan Field Office was "advised that Headquarters could offer no further assistance" to James McCord's wife other than "accommodations permitted under her present orders."

Tuesday, 2 April 1963

Lee Harvey Oswald and Marina Oswald are driven by Michael Paine to a dinner with the Paines at the home of Ruth Hyde Paine, even though the Paines are separated. At the end of the dinner, Ruth purportedly asks Lee for a way to reach him by phone, and he purportedly writes in her address book "O—Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall." [NOTE: But Oswald has received notice of termination at Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall just the day before.]

Thursday, 4 April 1963

The following article appears in the New Orleans Times-Picayune:

Exile Unit Hits Kennedy

Order to Continue Liberation Efforts--Spokesman

The Cuban Student Directorate of Miami will continue efforts to liberate Cuba, "despite action by the United States to stop raids originating from U. S. soil," a New Orleans delegate to the group has announced

Carlos Bringuier, in repeating a statement from the organization, said that Cubans have "never received any efficient support from the United States in their struggle against Communist oppression," and charged that "imprisonment of Cuban leaders by the U. S. and the British - U. S. blockade to curtail attacks of the freedom fighters ... are direct results of negotiations effected last October between the USA and Russia."

Bringuier said that the CSD, one of the many revolutionary organizations made up of Cuban exiles and others, protests the agreement because the "will of the Cuban people was not considered." He said the Cubans believe "no one can impair our God-give [sic] right to bring into play whatever measures are necessary to regain the freedom of our country."

The Cubans in this country, Bringuier asserted, "never dreamed that the government of the United States would order a mobilization for the defense of the Castro regime."

Friday, 5 April 1963

A photo of Lee Harvey Oswald (purportedly taken days before, on 31 March 1963) holding a rifle and carrying a holstered pistol while also holding up two leftist newspapers (
The Militant
The Worker
) has this date, 5 April 1963, inscribed on the back in the form "5/IV/63." The handwriting later is attributed to Lee Harvey Oswald. Additional unattributed writing says: "Copyright Geo do [sic] M" and the words, in Russian: "Hunter of fascists, ha-ha-ha!" [NOTE: The photo doesn't surface until April 1 (April Fool's Day) 1977, when it is delivered to the House Select Committee on Assassinations by Jeanne de Mohrenshildt, widow of George de Mohrenschildt.]

Saturday, 6 April 1963

Robert Surrey, an aide to General Edwin Walker, reported that on Saturday, April 6, 1963, at about 9:00 p.m., "two white men in a 1963 Ford [four door Sedan], dark purple or dark brown, parked in the alley directly behind the complainant's [General Edwin Walker] house. These persons were witnessed getting out of the car and walking up to the property line and smoking the place over." They were dressed in suits. Robert Surrey followed them for thirty minutes as they left the alley and stated: "There was no license plate on this car, either front or rear."

Monday, 8 April 1963

There is a flight plan of this date for a flight from New Orleans, piloted by David Ferrie. Passengers listed are Hidell (an alias for Lee Harvey Oswald), Lambert (an alias for Clay Shaw) and Diaz. The destination is Garland, Texas.

• On the same day, Robert Surrey, an aide to General Edwin Walker, saw "two men around the house peeking in windows" of the Walker residence. [NOTE: This is a separate event from the 6 April 1963 (see) event purportedly witnessed by Surrey, which also included two men at the Walker residence.]

• The evening of 8 April is the last time Lee Harvey Oswald attends a typing class at Crozier Technical School.

Wednesday, 10 April 1963

There is an entry this date on Ruth Hyde Paine's calendar with the name "Marina" written in Russian, but an arrow pointing to the next day, Thursday, 11 April 1963.

• During the evening, there is a shooting by unidentified person or persons at the home of vocal right-winger General Edwin Walker. [NOTE: This later will be attributed to Lee Harvey Oswald from testimony supplied by Marina Oswald and "evidence" found in the home of Ruth Hyde Paine.]

Thursday, 11 April 1963

Gordon Chase, National Security Council Staff at the White House and Special Assistant to President Kennedy for National Security Affairs specializing in Cuban and Latin American National Security Affairs, writes a memo to Special Assistant to the President for National Security McGeorge Bundy. Titled "Cuba-Policy," the memo is suggesting the possibility of a policy shift from a "current nasty policy" to a "sweet approach" aimed at "quietly enticing Castro over to us."

Monday, 15 c. April 1963

On or about this date, Silvia Odio begins seeing psychiatrist Dr. Burton C. Einspruch in Dallas, Texas.

• On or about the same date ("some time between April 12, 1963, and April 18, 1963"), Lee Harvey Oswald purportedly distributes Fair Play for Cuba Committee materials in Dallas "apparently uneventfully."

Thursday, 18 April 1963

An article appears in the New Orleans

JFK is Reminded of '"Bay of Pigs"

A telegram sent to President Kennedy Wednesday by the New Orleans delegate of the Cuban Student Directorate asked that the President not forget the Bay of Pigs.

The telegram sent by Carlos Bringuier said:

Your promise is now two years old. If the Monroe Doctrine is dead, allow us to fight for our Fatherland. Remember Bay of Pigs."

A mass in memory of the dead of the Bay of Pigs invasion was held last Wednesday night...Bringuier said.

• On the same day—18 April 1963—a letter on Christmas-themed stationery is mailed from Arlington, Texas to Tony Cuesta in Miami, Florida. The letter says:



ONLY THROUGH ONE DEVELOPMENT WILL YOU CUBAN PATRIOTS EVER LIVE AGAIN IN YOUR HOMELAND AS FREEMEN. RESPONSIBLE AS MUST BE THE MOST CAPABLE? FOR THE GUIDANCE AND WELFARE OF THE CUBAN PEOPLE. NAMELY IF an inspired Act of God should place in the White House within weeks a Texan known to be a friend of all Latin Americans who, though he must under present conditions, bow to the Zionists who have since 1905 come into control of the United States and for whom Jack Kennedy and Nelson Rockefeller and other members of the Council of Foreign Relations and allied agencies, are only stooges and pawns, though Johnson must now bow to these crafty and cunning Communist-hatching Jews, yet, did an Act of God suddenly elevate him into the top position, would revert to what his beloved father and grandfather were, and to their values and principles and loyalties. There are sharks in the waters of the Atlantic. Perhaps one of them, or a group, may free you of the Kennedy-Khrushiev [sic] frustrations which now deny you your right to restore your homeland to control of the Cuban people and their own loyal and rightful rulers.

A Texan who resents the Oriental influence

that has come to control, to degrade, to

pollute and enslave his own people

• On the same day—18 April 1963—leaflets containing the same text as the letter mailed to Tony Cuesta, but printed with an image of the Alamo on them, are distributed by persons unknown to Cubans in Miami's Little Havana section.

• On the same day, CIA's Ted Shackley, with the JM/WAVE installation in Miami, is in touch with William Pawley, millionaire friend of former CIA director Allen Dulles, making plans for Operation Red Cross/Crypt—ostensibly a CIA op to get three defecting Soviets out of Cuba and to the United States. [NOTE: No "Soviet defectors" ever appeared out of this operation, and evidence elsewhere in the timeline indicates strongly that the entire thing was simply a cover for other black operations that included removing the U.S. fleet from strategic positions near Cuba and the Dominican Republic at a time that coincides exactly with George De Mohrenschildt's 1 June 1963 trip to Haiti via the Dominican Republic for involvement in a purported hemp farm operation with Clemard Joseph Charles.]

This ends the first half of the chronology of April 1963. The next part immediately following picks up the following day, Friday, 19 April 1963.

Ashton Gray

Edited by Ashton Gray
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This is a continuation of the post immediately above—a chronology of April 1963 centered on the 18 April 1963 distribution of the "Act of God" propaganda leaflet. The first part of this two-part chronology ended with that and other events of 18 April 1963. Picking up the next day:

Friday, 19 April 1963

George and Jeanne De Mohrenschildt leave Dallas, Texas for Washington, D.C. [NOTE: See entry for 20 April 1963 putting De Mohrenschildt in Washington. From there, the couple will travel also to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania—where the wife of James McCord recently has traveled via Dallas—and to New York City.]

• On the same day, Lee Harvey Oswald purportedly writes a letter to the Fair Play for Cuba Committee in New York, requesting literature and announcing he has already distributed Fair Play for Cuba Committee pamphlets in Dallas. In the letter, Oswald essentially is begging for a free hand-out of the hand-outs, saying "I do not like to ask for something for nothing but I am unemployed." [NOTE: Contrast this with Marina Oswald's claims in letter of 27 April 1963 (see), saying that "we have money for about two months."]

• CIA's Ted Shackley is again in touch with William Pawley and others developing plans for Operation Red Cross/Crypt.

Saturday, 20 April 1963

According to a CIA memo, George De Mohrenschildt meets with someone in Washington, D.C. on this date, but the name of the person he met with is blacked out in the memo.

• One the same day, Ruth Hyde Paine is with Lee and Marina Oswald at the Oswald's Neely Street apartment, purportedly going on a "picnic" with them to a nearby park.

Sunday, 21 April 1963

According to FBI records, the FBI had informants inside the Fair Play for Cuba Committee in New York City, and on this date "the FBI in New York City became aware of Oswald's letter." [NOTE: The date of Oswald's purported letter is only two days earlier, on Friday, 19 April 1963. This would mean that Oswald's letter would have had to be magically transported somehow from Dallas to New York City overnight (in 1963) to have arrived in the Fair Play for Cuba Committee offices by Saturday delivery in order for the FBI to "become aware" of any such letter. This is a practical impossibility.]

Monday, 22 April 1963

ABC newswoman Lisa Howard has been flown to Cuba by Tosh Plumlee, a CIA operative, and is interviewing Fidel Castro.

Tuesday, 23 April 1963

Vice President Lyndon Johnson is in Dallas for the Second Annual NASA Manned Space Flight Conference. He makes an announcement that John F. Kennedy is going to visit Dallas.

• On the same day, George H. W. Bush files suit against Crawford Martin, the Secretary of State of the state of Texas, John Connally, and Waggoner Carr, Attorney General of the state of Texas accusing the statute apportioning congressional districts as being unconstitutional.

Wednesday, 24 April 1963

Ruth Hyde Paine goes to the Oswalds' Neely Street apartment, and purportedly is "surprised" to find Lee Harvey Oswald packed to go to New Orleans. Conveniently, though, Ruth is available to drive Oswald to the bus station with all his belongings.

Thursday, 25 April 1963

On or about this date, evidence indicates that Clemard Joseph Charles arrives in Washington, D.C., and is in touch with Army Intelligence's Dorthe Matlack. Charles has been recommended by Joseph Dryer of West Palm Beach, Florida (close to CIA's JM/WAVE) as "a man of great interest to the U.S. Government." [NOTE: It cannot be determined if George De Mohrenschildt is still in Washington, D.C. at the time or not, but the following day he will meet in New York City with Clemard Joseph Charles and others.]

Friday, 26 April 1963

George De Mohrenschildt and Clemard Joseph Charles go to a CIA front business in New York City:

1. WUBRINY/1 [Thomas James Devine] telephoned on the sterile line at approximately 17000 hours to report on a meeting held this afternoon, as described below.

2. WUBRINY/1 said that M. Clemard Joseph CHARLES, subject of earlier contact Reports, brought to the WUSALINE office [New York office of Wall Street investment firm Train, Cabot and Associates]:

deMORNENSHILDT [sic, De Mohrenschildt], George

DOB: circa 1910


CIT: U.S.A. (?)

OCC: Geologist and Financier

3. Mr. DeMohrenschildt (deM) is the son of a Swedish father who was in Baku on a Nobel Enterprise at the time deM was born, left Baku at age 2. He has had two wives, the present one having been born in Peiking of Russian-French parents. In 1960 deM spent a year in Mexico with his wife and child and a donkey and is publishing a book on this titled something like 'Trois et le Mule.'

4. WUBRINY/1 says that deM is a geologist who is presently involved in exploring the mineral resources of Haiti and in established [sic] a seisel [sic—sisal] plantation. This has been written up in Le Montour [or Le Monteur] of March 13, 1963, the official issuance of the Haitian Government. WUBRINY/1 has a copy of this in the event it is not available in Kubark. According to this article, a $280,000 survey has been awarded to deM plus a ten year option of a concession on seisel [sic—sisal].

5. deM claims that he has done geological work for the Meek (?) Company in offshore oil, the Arabian Peninsula, and mentioning this WUBRINY/1 says deM looked around the room and over his shoulder and said, "My connection with this is, of course, confidential."

6. WUBRINY/1 reports that deM claims to be an important person in Port-au-Prince and said that he did not go to the President to gain the concession, but, instead, worked through the Minister of Finance, Herve Boyer [or Boyar]. deM claims to be very close to this Minister, considers him a splendid person and says that he is likely to survive any change in the regime.

7. WUBRINY/1 characterized deM as being a typical international financier and wheeler and dealer who apparently shared with M. CHARLES various business interests including a bank and seisel [sic—sisal] business.

8. Regarding financial developments in Haiti, WUBRINY/1 said that M. CHARLES and deM said that they were anxious to develop a number of business interests in the country, including an office in deM's bank [sic—should this be Charles's bank?] which would enter into car financing and would buy some of the bank's commercial paper. WUBRINY/1 said that M. CHARLES made an unusual statement in this connection and announced that the third partner (in addition to M. CHARLES and deM) a Frenchman is arriving in New York n Sunday and a meeting has been set up for WUBRINY/1 to meet him on Monday. In this connection, M. CHARLES amazing statement was, "It is not appropriate for a banker to ask for money, " and he then deferred further discussion until the arrival of the French partner.

9. WUBRINY/1 said that M CHARLES and deM in listing the various investment possibilities in Haiti mentioned an insurance company, a banking company, a telephone company, a hotel (buy an existing one), a hydro-electric system, a wharf (interesting because of the availability of lumber in Cuba for this and the need to get it out).

10. WUBRINY/1 said that both men showed an element of bluff in their presentations and they spoke depreciatingly of the President, but spoke glowingly of the investment possibilities in Haiti.

11. WUBRINY/1 reported that deM was "a paper grabber" stating that every available handout in the office of WUBRINY/1 was sought by deM such as prospecti, lists of Directors, stockholders, etc., etc.

12. I congratulated WUBRINY/1 on eliciting such a tremendous amount of information in one short meeting and asked him to keep it up when the meeting schedule for Monday comes off.




DO/COEO/EFS:jj(29 Apr 63)


Orig - EO subject

1 - EO chromo


[ NARA 1993:07.31.11:47:55:210047]

• On the same day, in the Dominican Republic, three palace escorts are killed in an apparent attempt to kidnap the children of Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier. The attempt purportedly has been organized by revolutionary Clement Barbot.

• On the same day, CIA's Gale Allen, a case officer of the Domestic Operations Division (DOD), initiates a request for an expedite check of George De Mohrenschildt, "exact reasons unknown."

• On the same day, Guaranteed Warranty #64413 is issued in Austin, Texas, by C.B. Smith Motors to George Gordon Wing, of 717 Landon Lane, for a 1959 Rambler station wagon, with an identifying number of D-713121. [NOTE: This is a car later suspected of being involved in the Kennedy assassination.]

Saturday, 27 April 1963

Marina Oswald writes a letter to her aunt and uncle in Russia. Marina and her daughter are living with Ruth Hyde Paine in Irving, Texas. In the letter she says that "Alek" (one of her pet names for Lee Harvey Oswald) has gone to New Orleans to find work. In contrast to other information about the Oswalds' financial situation, she says in the letter: "We have money for about two months so all this is not terrible so far. In that time something should be found." She also says "Alka [another pet name for Lee] took all the things with him so it will be easier for me and Marinka to leave here on the bus."

Monday, 29 April 1963

CIA Office of Security finds that it has "no objection" to George De Mohrenschildt's acceptance of a contract with the Duvalier regime of Haiti in the field of "natural resource development." The Office of Security furnishes CIA's Domestic Operations Division (DOD) with a copy of a 1958 summary of the case of George De Mohrenschildt (#775). [NOTE: There is no known reason why DeMohrenschildt had been "of interest" to the CIA in 1958. This April 1963 event is indicative of one of the oddest anomalies of the many surrounding De Mohrenschildt: his entire raison d'etre, purportedly laid over years or decades, regarding working in Haiti was related to his geological credentials, experience, and research. Later, there even are maps he supplies for possible oil resources around Haiti. Yet this "natural resource development" that he's about to embark on in Haiti with Clemard Joseph Charles is primarily for starting a hemp farm.]

Tuesday, 30 April 1963

After her interviews with Castro and top-ranking Cuban officials, ABC newswoman Lisa Howard is flown by Tosh Plumlee from Cuba to Miami.

• On the same day, there is a top-secret meeting of the Standing Group of the National Security Council in which assignments are made regarding Cuba and Castro. The assignments are not memorialized until several days later, on 2 May 1963 [see], in a memorandum from President's Special Assistant for National Security Affairs McGeorge Bundy, but are as follows:

1. There will be an examination of the possible developments in Cuba if Castro were to disappear from the scene. This analysis will be developed by Mr. Sherman Kent and will be available for discussion at the meeting of the Standing Group on May 14th.

2. There will be an analysis of the possible use of contingencies for the achievement of wider political objectives. This analysis will be conducted under the direction of Mr. Alexis Johnson and Mr. Paul Nitze, and its first results will be available for discussion at the meeting of the Standing Group on May 14th. This first analysis will provide: a. A detailed examination of possible action in the event of interference with surveillance; and b. a more general assessment of possible use of other contingencies in Cuba or in the waters around Cuba.

3. The Central Intelligence Agency will prepare a general paper on the possible forms of effective interference with the economic life of Cuba by sabotage or other means. In particular, CIA will report on the oil problem in relation to Cuba. It is hoped that a first report on this study may be available next week for distribution.

4. The Department of State will examine the possible use of the sugar market as a means of complicating the life of the Castro regime. It is hoped that this study will be available next week.

5. The principal topic of discussion for the meeting of the Standing Group on May 7th will be the development of a U.S. program and policy toward post-Castro Cuba, and the initial lead in the discussion will be taken by Mr. Wilson for USIA. Appropriate papers will be circulated before noon on Monday, May 6th.

Wednesday, 1 May 1963

CIA's Deputy Director for Plans, Richard Helms, submits a memorandum to the Director of Central Intelligence, John McCone, regarding ABC newswoman Lisa Howard's trip to Cuba and interview with Fidel Castro. [NOTE: The thoroughness with which Helms had debriefed Lisa Howard—who Helms calls "Liza"—within one day after she had been flown to Miami by Tosh Plumlee seems to indicate a likelihood that Helms was in Miami at the time, not at Langley CIA headquarters. Of further interest, it is of record that CIA Director McCone was not at CIA headquarters during this time period, either. There is no record of his whereabouts, but his duties are being handled by Acting Director of CIA Marshall S. Carter. A bizarre note is that the signature "W. Lloyd George" is over Richard Helms's name and title at the end of the memo.] Here is the memo in full:





1 May 1963

MEMORANDUM FOR: The Director of Central Intelligence

SUBJECT: Interview of U.S. Newswoman with Fidel Castro Indicating Possible Interest in Rapprochement with the United.States

1. On 30 April 1963 Liza Howard [sic--elsewhere Lisa Howard], U.S. newswoman associated with the American Broadcasting. Company, returned to Miami from Cuba where she had interviewed a number of high-ranking Cuban officials, including Fidel Castro, Raul Castro, Ernesto "Che" Guevara, Vilma Espin de Castro, Raul Roa, and Rene Vallejo. Her conversations with Fidel Castro totaled about ten hours and included one session on 22 April which lasted from 12:45 a.m. to 5:30 a.m. Following is an account of those conversations and Liza Howard's observations concerning the present Cuban situation.

2. It appears that Fidel Castro is looking for a way to reach a rapprochement with the United States Government, probably because he is aware that Cuba is in a state of economic chaos. The October blockade hurt the Cuban economy. Liza Howard believes that Castro talked about this matter with her because she is known as a progressive and she talked with him in frank, blunt, honest terms; Castro has little opportunity to hear this type of conversation. Castro indicated that if a rapprochement was wanted President John F. Kennedy would have to make the first move. In response to the statement that Castro would probably have to make the first move, Castro asked what the U.S. wanted from him. When a return to the original aims of the revolution was suggested, Fidel said that perhaps he, President Kennedy, and Premier Nikita Khrushchev should discuss this. Liza Howard said that she thought it was a more likely topic for Castro to discuss with President Kennedy. Castro said that he doubted that President Kennedy would talk with him without Khrushchev being present. When Howard pressed Castro for further information on how a rapprochement could be achieved he said that steps were already being taken. Pressed further, he said he considered the U.S. limitation on exile raids to be a proper step toward accommodation. It is Liza Howard's opinion that Castro wants to pursue the discussion of rapprochement with proper progressive spokesmen. Based on her discussions with the following persons Liza Howard feels that Guevara, Raul Castro, and Vilma Espin oppose any idea of rapprochement; Roa and Vallejo favor these discussions.

3. Castro asked Howard, who had previously interviewed Khrushchev, for an appraisal of him. When Howard said that Khrushchev was a shrewd politician who would break and dispose of Castro when the Soviets no longer needed him, Castro made no comment but only nodded his head as if in skeptical agreement. Liza Howard had no insight or advance notice on Castro's travel to Moscow.

4. Castro appears healthy, has no visible nervous twitches or tics, and was calm, rational, humorous, and non-argumentative during all discussions. Vallejo, Castro's personal physician, also acts as secretary, interpreter, and confidant.

5. Castro is in complete control in Cuba. No major decision is made without him. Neither Guevara nor Raul Castro would be able to rule Cuba if Fidel were assassinated.

6. In discussions with Castro about terror and secret police methods Liza Howard received the impression that he was not completely aware of the extent to which terror has gripped Cuba.

7. Castro refers to Soviet troops in Cuba as "technicals" and indicated that they have a training mission in Cuba. He made the point, however, that if an internal revolt takes place in Cuba Soviet "technicals" would fight with Castro to put down a counterrevolution.

8. Liza Howard said that Emil Stadelhofer, Swiss Ambassador to Cuba, is an overworked, timid man who does not have Castro's ear. She believes that the Swiss need a larger staff in Habana [sic--Havana] and that Stadelhofer needs recognition for a job well done. Howard also said that in her opinion the Western diplomatic community in Habana [sic] has no influence on Castro or his government.

9. While discussing a possible rapprochement Castro asked for full assessments of President and Mrs. Kennedy, and Robert Kennedy, and wanted to know if Adlai Stevenson had power in the U.S. and if his voice was heard in President Kennedy's councils. Castro commented that James Donovan was a good man; it was Liza Howard's impression that Donovan had not talked politics with Castro but that Donovan had a platform from which he could launch political discussions on the philosophy of revolution.

10. Liza Howard said that she was willing to undertake further discussions with Castro concerning a possible rapprochement. Other possible candidates whom she suggested were Edwin M. Martin, Adlai Stevenson, and Luis Munoz Marin. She also mentioned Donovan but was not quite certain that he was progressive enough. Liza Howard is willing to arrange a meeting for any U.S. Government spokesman with Castro through Vallejo, who will be the point of contact.

11. Liza Howard definitely wants to impress the U.S. Government with two facts: Castro is ready to discuss rapprochement and she herself is ready to discuss it with him if asked to do so by the U.S. Government.

[signature of "W. Lloyd George"]

Richard Helms

Deputy Director (Plans)


Orig: The Director of Central Intelligence

cc: Special Assistant to the President

for National Security Affairs

The Director of Intelligence and Research

Department of State

The Director, Defense Intelligence Agency

The Attorney General

The Department of Justice

The Deputy Director of Central Intelligence

Deputy Director for Intelligence

Assistant Director for National Estimates

Assistant Director for Current Intelligence

Thursday, 2 May 1963

The Acting Director of the CIA, Marshall S. Carter, sends an urgent missive to the President's Special Assistant for National Security Affairs McGeorge Bundy:

Washington, May 2, 1963.

Dear Mr. Bundy: With respect to the Lisa Howard report, Mr. McCone cabled me this morning stating that he cannot overemphasize the importance of secrecy in this matter and requested that I take all appropriate steps along this line to reflect his personal views on its sensitivity. Mr. McCone feels that gossip and inevitable leaks with consequent publicity would be most damaging. He suggests that no active steps be taken on the rapprochement matter at this time and urges most limited Washington discussions, and that in these circumstances emphasis should be placed in any discussions on the fact that the rapprochement track is being explored as a remote possibility and one of several alternatives involving various levels of dynamic and positive action.

In view of the foregoing, it is requested that the Lisa Howard report be handled in the most limited and sensitive manner.

Faithfully yours,

[signature] Marshall S. Carter

Lieutenant General, USA

• On the same day, 2 May 1963, McGeorge Bundy issues a top-secret eyes-only memo to the Members of the Standing Group of the National Security Council that details the assignments that had been made in regard to Castro and Cuba during the Standing Group meeting of 30 April 1963 [see].

• On the same day there is a meeting between CIA and Clemard Joseph Charles in New York City: "Charles expressed hope that President Kennedy and other high U.S. Government officials will give him an opportunity to present his plan to save Haiti from 'Duvalier and Communism.' He plans to visit his friend and American business partner, Joseph F. Dryer, in Tampa and hopes that an audience with high U.S. Government officials could be arranged after the weekend 'most discreetly.' Utmost caution imperative in this regard since "Papa Doc" Duvalier would kill his family if he learned about Charles' cooperation with U.S. After the four hour interview Charles insisted that we meet his good friend and business partner, DeMohrenschildt. He told us that he has absolute confidence in the honesty and ability of Charles whom he considers a potential leader in a Democratic Haiti. Charles' great advantage is that he has never been tied up with any political party." [NARA 1993.07.31.11:51:57:280047]

I am ending this chronological context for the 18 April 1963 "Act of God" piece here rather arbitrarily. I hope to get an opportunity later to introduce some context also for several of the other events that Bill Kelly outlined in this thread.

In closing this particular section, though, I have to say that if there is anyone who can read this chronology of April 1963 and the few days preceding and following it, and still not realize that there is sentient—if hidden—coordination in the actions and movements of the principals and bit-players scattered in multiple locales in this drama, I urgently recommend that you check immediately to see if your breath will fog a mirror.

Ashton Gray

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The November, 63' date on the list is from when the list was first compiled, over a decade ago (circa 1996), and is superseeded by the more recent research reflected in the thread on "The Act of God' leaflet, April 63'.

Also pertinent for inclusion in the chronology are the dates and activites of Dr/Col. Jose Rivera and Adele Edisen, whose JFK odyssey begins in April '63 (See: "From April to November and Back Again") and dovetails with other events.

Bringuier's book "Red Friday" has a small chronology that includes some rare and interesting items and names of Cuban commandos who were captured in Cuba on raids, that should be filtered into your chronology.

I also tried to relate the National Securtiy Council Cuban Operations Committee memos and directives to the commando raids in an article "The Administrative Details," which is posted here somewhere.

I'd also like to apply Paul Linebarger's Propanal (Propaganda Analysis) and STASAM techniques to each of the listed items.

Your chronology certainly speaks volumes, even without commentary.

Many thanks,

Bill Kelly

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The November, 63' date on the list is from when the list was first compiled, over a decade ago (circa 1996), and is superseeded by the more recent research reflected in the thread on "The Act of God' leaflet, April 63'.

Excellent. I expected there was a reason for it, and will make a note of it in my copy of the timeline.

Also pertinent for inclusion in the chronology are the dates and activites of Dr/Col. Jose Rivera and Adele Edisen, whose JFK odyssey begins in April '63 (See: "From April to November and Back Again") and dovetails with other events.

Bringuier's book "Red Friday" has a small chronology that includes some rare and interesting items and names of Cuban commandos who were captured in Cuba on raids, that should be filtered into your chronology.

I also tried to relate the National Securtiy Council Cuban Operations Committee memos and directives to the commando raids in an article "The Administrative Details," which is posted here somewhere.

Thanks. The timeline is always a work in progress, and I'll bring these things to the attention of all contributors to try to get those sources processed into the chronology.

I'd also like to apply Paul Linebarger's Propanal (Propaganda Analysis) and STASAM techniques to each of the listed items.

I'd sure be interested to see it.

Meanwhile, I've just updated the introductory material in the first part of the April 1963 chronology above to add important data regarding Hunt and his relationship to Bringuier and the Cuban Student Directorate (CSD) at all relevant times. For any who might have read the chronology before I made the update, it bears repeating here:

While E. Howard Hunt makes no on-stage appearance in the April 1963 chronology, it is vital to understand that just weeks prior to the events of April, on 11 February 1963, CIA officially had created the Domestic Operations Division (DOD), and Hunt had been made its Chief of Covert Operations. Therefore, at all relevant times, E. Howard Hunt, with Tracy Barnes as head of CIA's DOD, were in positions of complete oversight and control on events related to the domestic Cuban exile operations.

It also cannot be pointed out too forcefully that at all relevant times the Cuban Student Directorate—of which Carlos Bringuier was "New Orleans delegate"—was "totally dependent on CIA funding in 1963." (Cite: "What Jane Roman Said," Part 6, "Dick Helms's Man in Miami")

And Carlos Bringuier is front and center in several scenes of the April 1963 chronology, themselves acts of propaganda. A compelling case is developing tying Bringuier to CIA, Hunt, and their Cuban front groups, one part of which case was presented in my first post in this thread.

Thanks again for focusing attention on this black propaganda issue. It is radioactive.

In my next contribution in this thread, I'll be addressing the fact that Bringuier and CSD were "firstest with the mostest" in the aftermath of the assassination to pound home Oswald's Fair Play for Cuba background, using, of course, the Punch'n'Judy "conflict" that had been staged in New Orleans and subsequent radio program—all of it black propaganda.


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Back again, Bill, to address a few other events related to black propaganda ops that you listed.

In this message I'd like to take up the following entries, post-assassination:

6) Julio Fernandez, one of three anti-Castro Cubans whose boat was financially supported by Clair Booth Luce, called Luce, wife of the publisher of Time-Life on the evening of the assassination to report information on Oswald's activities in New Orleans. Fernandez, a former Cuban publisher, was married to an attorney who worked for Catholic Welfare Services in Miami.

7) In Miami, shortly after the assassination, Dr. Jose Ignorzio, the chief of clinical psychology for the Catholic Welfare Services, contacted the White House to inform the new administration that Oswald had met directly with Cuban ambassador Armas in Mexico.

10) Brothers Jerry and James Buchanan, CIA propaganda assets, began promoting the Castro-did-it theme immediately. According to Donald Freed and Jeff Cohen (in Liberation Magazine), the source of the Buchanan's tales was the leader of the CIA supported International Anti-Communist Brigade (IAB). "Back in Miami," they wrote, "a high powered propaganda machine was cranking out stories that Oswald was a Cuban agent…" Sturgis is quoted in the Pampara Beach Sun-Sentinel as saying that Oswald had talked with Cuban G-2 agents and fracassed with IAB members in Miami in 1962.

There is another blatant black propaganda op that took place immediately after the assassination, this one significantly involving Carlos Bringuier, an op that that I believe is central to all the above. Before I get into specifics on it, though, I want to restate a crucial overarching datum:

On 11 February 1963, CIA officially had created the Domestic Operations Division (DOD), and E. Howard Hunt had been made its Chief of Covert Operations. Therefore, at all relevant times, E. Howard Hunt, with Tracy Barnes as head of CIA's DOD, were in positions of complete oversight and control on events related to the domestic Cuban exile operations.

It also cannot be pointed out too forcefully that at all relevant times the Cuban Student Directorate (CSD—a.k.a Student Revolutionary Directorate, a.k.a. Student Revolucionary Directorate, a.k.a. Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil, or DRE)—of which Carlos Bringuier was "New Orleans delegate"—was "totally dependent on CIA funding in 1963." (Cite: "What Jane Roman Said," Part 6, "Dick Helms's Man in Miami")

In fact, at this point, given the cumulative evidence, I believe it is established beyond a reasonable doubt that Carlos Bringuier at all relevant times was financed by and taking directions from CIA, and that any and all such domestic activities were known to and sanctioned by CIA's DOD, including E. Howard Hunt as Chief of Covert Operations, whose acknowledged specialties—as documented in my first post in this thread—were psychological warfare, propaganda, and covert operations.

This brings me to a masterpiece of black propaganda: this broadsheet slammed out by Bringuier in conjunction with the Miami arm of the Cuban Student Directorate on 23 November 1963, the day immediately following the assassination of John F. Kennedy:


For anyone having trouble with that image of the broadsheet, here is a direct link to the image on the web, and I recommend a close study.

This has to rank among the most sophisticated pieces of black propaganda. It is black propaganda artistry.

The top headline alone, standing above the smirking face of Oswald and the arrogant, threatening image of Castro is pure genius:


The use of "presumed" evokes the American, democratic "presumption of innocence" doctrine while exactly reversing it to "presumption of guilt." The use of the plural "assassins" makes instant connection between Castro and Oswald, and there is no question about how the "master and servant" relationship would have stood.

Even greater genius is evident in the immediate use below the photos of:


Now "assassin" is singular, and all "presumption" has been eliminated from the equation. Hunt giveth and Hunt taketh away.

A complete analysis of the propaganda in this piece is beyond the scope of this post, and some of it will be covered in a later post about the staged New Orlean's row between Oswald and Bringuier.

What must not be lost is how fast such a sophisticated black propaganda smear job was produced.

Another point of interest is the particular photo of Oswald that was used, and there are significant questions of how it was obtained so fast with rights to use.

Finally, without belaboring the details here, it is amazing to read the convoluted garbage that has been scattered around this propaganda piece in the attempts of the CIA to distance themselves from it. The tortured writhings are well chronicled in "What Jane Roman Said," Part 6, "Dick Helms's Man in Miami," which I cited above, and they, too, should be studied, with careful attention to the utter absence of actual evidence for any of the anecdotal disclaimers of non-participation.

In other words, even while acknowledging that the Cuban Student Directorate had been funded by and under close control of the CIA at all other relevant times, the CIA claims that this masterpiece, above, of sophisticated black propaganda was strictly the "rogue" act of the Cuban Student Directorate.

The CIA are professional liars.

And the CIA-generated piece above is unrivaled in having planted the idea that Lee Harvey Oswald had assassinated John F. Kennedy while acting as an agent of Cuba and Fidel Castro.

Ashton Gray

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In fact, at this point, given the cumulative evidence, I believe it is established beyond a reasonable doubt that Carlos Bringuier at all relevant times was financed by and taking directions from CIA, and that any and all such domestic activities were known to and sanctioned by CIA's DOD, including E. Howard Hunt as Chief of Covert Operations, whose acknowledged specialties—as documented in my first post in this thread—were psychological warfare, propaganda, and covert operations.

This brings me to a masterpiece of black propaganda: this broadsheet slammed out by Bringuier in conjunction with the Miami arm of the Cuban Student Directorate on 23 November 1963, the day immediately following the assassination of John F. Kennedy:

.....For anyone having trouble with that image of the broadsheet, here is a direct link to the image on the web, and I recommend a close study.

This has to rank among the most sophisticated pieces of black propaganda. It is black propaganda artistry.

Ashton, thanks for your efforts past, present and future. Forum member Dan Roberdeau has posted this article by

Jefferson Morley that appeared in the Miami Daily News in 2001. I think it is pertinent to the research you posted.

(After posting this, I belatedly saw that you indeed posted a link to Morley's important piece: What Jane Roman Said.

Slightly chagrined, I decided to let my post stand. I do prefer this link over McAdams': http://www.history-matters.com/essays/fram...RomanSaid_6.htm


I'm going to excerpt a few passages:

Through four intensive investigations of the Kennedy assassination, Helms withheld information about a loyal CIA officer in Miami -- a dapper, multilingual lawyer and father of three -- who guided and monitored the Directorio Revolucionario Estudantil (the Revolutionary Student Directorate, or DRE). His name was George Joannides, and his charges in the DRE were among the most notoriously outspoken and militant anti-Castro Cuban exiles in the early Sixties. For several weeks in the summer of 1963, those same exiles tailed, came to blows with, and harassed Lee Harvey Oswald, who just a few months later changed the course of U.S. history....

The story begins on November 6, 1962. The Cuban Missile Crisis had just come to an end the week before, when Kennedy accepted the Soviet Union's decision to withdraw all its missiles from the island. The fear of nuclear war that had lasted for thirteen anxious days was easing.

That afternoon the Evening Star in Washington hit the newsstands with a disturbing front-page headline: "Exiles Tell of Missiles Hidden in Cuba Caves." The Star's scoop, which alleged the existence of seven previously unidentified and camouflaged missile sites around the island, was based on information provided by the Revolutionary Student Directorate.

At the time the DRE was the single most popular exile group in Miami, according to a CIA survey, with a hard-core following of 2200 supporters. Since the group's founding on the University of Havana campus in early 1960, it had been receiving funding, training, and logistical support for its leaders, thanks to a CIA officer named David Atlee Phillips, known for his role in the 1954 overthrow of a leftist government in Guatemala. By the time of the missile crisis, the agency was giving the group's young leaders in Miami $25,000 each month.

The CIA wanted the DRE "for one simple reason," recalls Luis Fernandez-Rocha, the Directorate's secretary-general at the time and a 23-year-old who had been expelled from medical school at the University of Havana. "We had the best organization in Latin America they had ever seen....."

....In 1978 José Antonio Lanuza told Gaeton Fonzi, an investigator for the House Select Committee on Assassinations, how the DRE reacted to Kennedy's murder. On November 22, 1963, Lanuza was coordinator of the DRE's North American chapters. When he heard the news stories linking Oswald to the shooting, he remembered delegate Carlos Bringuier's reports from New Orleans and went to DRE headquarters to check his files. There he found Bringuier's letters about the confrontations with Oswald, along with tapes of the WDSU radio debate. The group's leaders gathered, he said, and one of them -- Salvat, Fernandez-Rocha, or Borja -- "made the first outside call about the discovered material." That call, he said, went to the DRE's case officer at the CIA's JM/WAVE station in Miami.

The Directorate "was told by the CIA not to do anything or contact anyone else about the discovery for at least one hour, time enough for the agency to contact Washington and get back to them with instructions," Lanuza told Fonzi. Later that night the case officer called back to say the FBI would come by to collect their evidence.

By then, however, the DRE had already gone public. The group "was so anxious to get word out about Oswald's association with a pro-Castro group, that [we] waited only about 50 minutes," Lanuza related to Fonzi. Other members of the DRE then spread a variety of stories -- some true, some false -- about Oswald: He had attempted to infiltrate the Directorate in New Orleans (true), he had once lived in the home of the Soviet foreign minister (false), he had recently been in Mexico City (true).

The details of Oswald's pro-Castro activism, as they hit the American airwaves on the evening of November 22, 1963, had an added benefit for the Directorate: They advanced the long-standing goal of the DRE's military section. "We wanted to put pressure on Castro," Salvat explains today. The ploy worked. Castro responded by putting his Revolutionary Armed Forces on high alert along Cuba's northern coast.

There is a lot more of interest in Morley's article.

Although Carlos Bringuier was an educated man, a comparison of his Warren Commission testimony to the syntax used in that article you posted demonstrates that someone assisted him in the writing. No way his English was that good.

The list of principal players at the end of Morley's piece is interesting.

I'm presuming you are utilizing Larry Hancock's Someone Would Have Talked.

Ashton, I don't want to sound like I'm harping, but any timeline is not quite complete without some of the stuff John Armstrong dug up in his book Harvey & Lee. In my opinion, it would be an invaluable resource for the research you and your associates are conducting.

Edited by Michael Hogan
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After posting this, I belatedly saw that you indeed posted a link to Morley's important piece: What Jane Roman Said. Slightly chagrined, I decided to let my post stand.

I don't know why you would consider doing otherwise, and it's a fine contribution and enhancement to this work that Bill has done. Thanks for the additional link to "What Jane Roman Said" and for the excellent reference to Roberdeau's REVELATION 1963 and the excerpt.

I'm presuming you are utilizing Larry Hancock's Someone Would Have Talked.

Ashton, I don't want to sound like I'm harping, but any timeline is not quite complete without some of the stuff John Armstrong dug up in his book Harvey & Lee. In my opinion, it would be an invaluable resource for the research you and your associates are conducting.

The timeline is using any an all sources that can be scraped up, but in every instance primary sources—documents and testimony—always take precedent over a secondary or tertiary source interpretation or description or explanation of same. In other words, the first entry for a given event might have come from some book talking about it, but the minute there's an actual primary source for that event it will be added, and quite often will supplant the "placeholder" entry that might have come from a secondary or tertiary source.

It's also being done by precious few people with precious little time and resources, so if you or anybody you know would like to timeline, e.g., Harvey and Lee and post it, I guarantee you it will get incorporated. Failing that, I'm afraid the ones doing the job are going to have to get to the sources they get to as they get to them.


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The timeline is using any an all sources that can be scraped up, but in every instance primary sources—documents and testimony—always take precedent over a secondary or tertiary source interpretation or description or explanation of same. In other words, the first entry for a given event might have come from some book talking about it, but the minute there's an actual primary source for that event it will be added, and quite often will supplant the "placeholder" entry that might have come from a secondary or tertiary source.

It's also being done by precious few people with precious little time and resources, so if you or anybody you know would like to timeline, e.g., Harvey and Lee and post it, I guarantee you it will get incorporated. Failing that, I'm afraid the ones doing the job are going to have to get to the sources they get to as they get to them.

Thanks for your reply Ashton. Both Larry Hancock and John Armstrong relied heavily on primary documents and their work is marked by accurate citation of those sources.

I would be more than happy to loan them working copies of both books, if and when they would want to look at them. They could keep the books as long as necessary, and I would consider the contribution as advancing a very worthwhile cause. Much of Armstrong's work is arranged in timeline form anyway.

Bruce Campbell Adamson has compiled an extensive, well documented timeline. I would be glad to donate that as well.


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Daniel, it is always nice to agree with someone with whom one has had disagreements in the past.

I agree with you that even if the backyard photos were authentic that does not negate the possibility [fact?] that Oswald was being handled.

I had one addition: is it not correct that Oswald had written to BOTH the Daily Worker and the organ of the Trotskyites offering to write for either publication? I am not sure what all that tells us but if recollection serves me he did do that. I do submit, however, that that does mean that his holding both publications in the photograph presumably means nothing about the validity of the photographs.

One thing that does bother me is that apparently when his interrogators asked LHO to list the various addresses where he had lived he inadvertently (?) omitted the address where the photographs were taken.

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Daniel, it is always nice to agree with someone with whom one has had disagreements in the past.

I agree with you that even if the backyard photos were authentic that does not negate the possibility [fact?] that Oswald was being handled.

I had one addition: is it not correct that Oswald had written to BOTH the Daily Worker and the organ of the Trotskyites offering to write for either publication? I am not sure what all that tells us but if recollection serves me he did do that. I do submit, however, that that does mean that his holding both publications in the photograph presumably means nothing about the validity of the photographs.

One thing that does bother me is that apparently when his interrogators asked LHO to list the various addresses where he had lived he inadvertently (?) omitted the address where the photographs were taken.

I don't think Dan is correct in describing LHO as unsophisticated enough to understand the difference between The Worker and The Militant type of Communists, as he certainly described himnself as a "Trotskyite" and was pals with Michael Paine, the son of the co-founder of the Trotskyite party in USA.

What is most interesting is that no hard core Russian Commie would associate with a Trotskyite and vise versa, so brandishing the two mags like sidearms says SOMETHING, though I'm not sure what.

I've also wondered what was IN those mags? Has anyone actually read those issues to see if there's anything about Castro and Cuba or the maritime commando raids?

It's taken a few days, but I've also digested the DRE propaganda from 11/22/63 and AG's report, which I think deserves further review and analysis.


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I would be more than happy to loan them working copies of both books, if and when they would want to look at them. They could keep the books as long as necessary, and I would consider the contribution as advancing a very worthwhile cause. Much of Armstrong's work is arranged in timeline form anyway.

Bruce Campbell Adamson has compiled an extensive, well documented timeline. I would be glad to donate that as well.


I'm very grateful for your offers but access to the Hancock and Armstrong books is not an issue; man-hours is the issue. This is compounded by Watergate information also being timelined.

As for the Adamson timeline, I'm not sure about it given that it is a copyrighted timeline and the one I'm using and contributing to as I can is strictly public domain, but this is also wandering far afield from the topic of this thread. There are several threads in the forum on the subject of timelines, so I'd be happy to discuss this further there, or feel free to PM me.


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In fact, at this point, given the cumulative evidence, I believe it is established beyond a reasonable doubt that Carlos Bringuier at all relevant times was financed by and taking directions from CIA, and that any and all such domestic activities were known to and sanctioned by CIA's DOD, including E. Howard Hunt as Chief of Covert Operations, whose acknowledged specialties—as documented in my first post in this thread—were psychological warfare, propaganda, and covert operations

Anyone who cannot see this is either braindead or lying.

Great stuff Ashton.


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Dawn, you are wrong because:

1. I know I am not lying.

2. I cannot be brain dead because if I was the rest of my body would also be dead and it ain't.

I read that newspaper article. How can it be "black op"? All it does is recite Bringuier's dealings with LHO and LHO's defection to the Soviet Union and association with the FPFC Committee--all true statements. I do not believe there is a factual basis for asserting that Bringuier was under such tight CIA control that he would not go public with that information without first checking with his CIA handler or case officer. Clearly he had reason to want to link LHO with his arch-enemy Fidel and given his dealings with LHO that was not hard to do.

That ad is totally different than the Alvardo incident which involved planting a false story about Oswald.

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