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A Certain Arrogance by George Michael Evica

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"The Will of the WASPS - Genocide, Tyrannicide, Politicide, Democide and Xenocide" © 2007 John Bevilaqua

This book is a definite keeper. This is one you want to own not check out, because there are lots of new references even for those who are well-read on

the history of the Cold War.

This book connectes China Lobbies, foreign and domestic, with European goings-on. That is rare.

It will especially interest those who want to explore the rich formica of the CIA's janus-faced "liberalism". The machiavellian nature of this liberalism is revealed in great detail.

Since I have just ordered this book with great anticipation, I am limited to going to books.google.com right now

for references and citations. Nathaniel, would you be able to post relevant portions of The Pioneer Fund and Frederick Osborn and Wickliffe Draper segments from that book here within the limits of the fair use doctrine? I plan to post

a subtopic or a new topic called something like:

Confederate Yankees in King Camelot's Court - Wickliffe Draper, Frank Wisner and 'The Ghosts of Mississippi'

Genocide, Tyrannicide, Politicide, Democide, Xenocide and The Will of the WASPS.

You guys are not going to believe what I have come up with in this article which will become a chapter in

my upcoming book. Any help that serious researchers can provide to fill out the missing pieces will be greatly

appreciated and thanks will be forthcoming in an afterlife if not sooner.

What do you guys think of doing this as a new thread vs. a continuation here?

Edited by John Bevilaqua
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"The Will of the WASPS - Genocide, Tyrannicide, Politicide, Democide and Xenocide" © 2007 John Bevilaqua
This book is a definite keeper. This is one you want to own not check out, because there are lots of new references even for those who are well-read on

the history of the Cold War.

This book connectes China Lobbies, foreign and domestic, with European goings-on. That is rare.

It will especially interest those who want to explore the rich formica of the CIA's janus-faced "liberalism". The machiavellian nature of this liberalism is revealed in great detail.

Since I have just ordered this book with great anticipation, I am limited to going to books.google.com right now

for references and citations. Nathaniel, would you be able to post relevant portions of The Pioneer Fund and Frederick Osborn and Wickliffe Draper segments from that book here within the limits of the fair use doctrine? I plan to post

a subtopic or a new topic called something like:

Confederate Yankees in King Camelot's Court - Wickliffe Draper, Frank Wisner and 'The Ghosts of Mississippi'

Genocide, Tyrannicide, Politicide, Democide, Xenocide and The Will of the WASPS.

You guys are not going to believe what I have come up with in this article which will become a chapter in

my upcoming book. Any help that serious researchers can provide to fill out the missing pieces will be greatly

appreciated and thanks will be forthcoming in an afterlife if not sooner.

What do you guys think of doing this as a new thread vs. a continuation here?

John, I could put some up tomorrow and over the next few days. (time is short till weekend)

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Greg Parker was chasing down this Schacht connection at one time as well and I attempted to find out if

Robert Schacht's father was closely related to Hjalmar, but Greg reports to the contrary.


The son said he "had no knowledge of any family relationship to Hjalmar" which is not the same as saying there was none.

I don't believe Hjalmar was his father, but I do believe there is a distinct possibility they were related in some way. There are other relatives of Hjalmar in the US that I've found through genealogy websites... and his friendship through the Unitarian Church with a cousin of Horace Greeley's also points to a familial relationship to Hljamar given his father's connection to Horace.

What such a relationship to Hjalmar might mean (if it existed) is the question...

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Here is St. John Hunt on his father in Rolling Stone just in case anyone is having trouble with the concept

of Hunt and Rockwell hitting it off as early as the time frame betwee 1936-1940 at Brown University...

E. Howard said, "Deaths? What deaths?" Like Saint says, he never felt guilt about anything: "He was a complete self-centered WASP who saw himself as this blue blood from upstate New York. 'I'm better than anybody because I'm white, Protestant and went to Brown, and since I'm in the CIA, I can do anything I want.' Jew, n**ger, Polack, Wop -- he used all those racial epithets. He was an elitist. He hated everybody."

And as far as the Rockwell mentor Gerald L K Smith:

"The Kennedys are nothing but whore mongering, whisky swigging fake Catholics, who want to take away this

country from the White, Christian Patriots like you and me and hand it over on a silver platter to the N**gers, Kikes, Wops and Spics."

Wow and Evica called this A Certain Arrogance? More like A Certain Impudence and Certain Master Race Supremacist to me.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Tom Scully
Greg Parker was chasing down this Schacht connection at one time as well and I attempted to find out if

Robert Schacht's father was closely related to Hjalmar, but Greg reports to the contrary.


The son said he "had no knowledge of any family relationship to Hjalmar" which is not the same as saying there was none.

I don't believe Hjalmar was his father, but I do believe there is a distinct possibility they were related in some way. There are other relatives of Hjalmar in the US that I've found through genealogy websites... and his friendship through the Unitarian Church with a cousin of Horace Greeley's also points to a familial relationship to Hljamar given his father's connection to Horace.

What such a relationship to Hjalmar might mean (if it existed) is the question...

1910 US Census Record: (Father is 46 years old, our subject is 6 years old...)

Name: Robert H Schacht

Age in 1910: 46

Estimated Birth Year: abt 1864

Birthplace: Germany

Relation to Head of House: Head

Father's Birth Place: Germany

Mother's Birth Place: Germany

Spouse's Name: Maud R

Home in 1910: Brookline, Norfolk, Massachusetts

Marital Status: Married

Race: White

Gender: Male

Year of Immigration: 1883

Neighbors: View others on page

Household Members:

Name Age

Robert H Schacht 46

Maud R Schacht 36

Frances K Schacht 9

Robert H Schacht Jr. 6

Marshall W Schacht 4

Sharah J Marshall 58

1930 US Census

Name: Robert H Schacht

Home in 1930: Brookline, Norfolk, Massachusetts

Age: 65

Estimated Birth Year: abt 1865

Birthplace: Brunswick, Germany

Relation to Head of House: Head

Spouse's Name: Maud P

Race: White

Household Members:

Name Age

Robert H Schacht 65

Maud P Schacht 55

Franziska Schacht 29

Marshall W Schacht 24

Boston Passenger Lists, 1820-1943

Name: Robert H Schacht

Arrival Date: 29 Aug 1937

Age: 34 years

Estimated Birth Year: abt 1903

Gender: Male

Port of Departure: Liverpool, England

Ship Name: Samaria

Port of Arrival: Boston, Massachusetts

Birthplace: Brookline, Maid

Microfilm Roll Number: 428

Wife is Clara H., address is "7 Charles Field St. Providence, RI

It is the street on the map, linked below alongside the Unitarian Church....


Image of above ship manifest page, Robert H. Schact entry is displayed in lower third of image:

(The address, "7 Charles Field St." is the only thing I can make out without downloading image file and enlarging in a viewer)


Edited by Tom Scully
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Hjalmar is an interesting name (to me) given it's Swedish (helmeted warrior).


From past postings:

Yale, Skull and Bones:

(Bush George Herbert Walker 1948)

Breen J. Gerald 1950

Buckley, Jr. William Frank 1950

Draper III William H. 1950 (Draper Arthur Joy 1937)

Frank, Jr. Victor H. 1950

Galbraith Evan Griffith 1950

Guinzburg Thomas Henry 1950

Henningsen, Jr. Victor William 1950

Kemp Philip Sperry 1950

Lambert Paul Christopher 1950

Lovett Sidney 1950

Luckey Charles Pinckney 1950

MacLeish William H. 1950

McLean III Robert 1950

Pionzio Dino John 1950

Shepard Donald Carrington 1950

the boners from the previous year nominate those for the next etc. Bush (and others)can reasonably be assumed a participant in further nominations.

"In addition to the Pioneer Fund, Draper also gave money directly to support causes that he favored. He funded advocates* of repatriation of blacks to Africa and during the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s Draper secretly sent $215,000 to the Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission in 1963 in order to support racial segregation ..." through JP Morgan.


"Earnest Sevier Cox and Wickliffe Preston Draper met for the first time on June 7, 1936, at Draper's New York apartment, beginning an association that lasted until Cox's death in 1966 and one based on the two Colonels' sincere admiration for each other's contributions to their common cause. Cox was genuinely grateful for Draper's generosity and Draper equally appreciative of Cox's tireless efforts to create an America for whites only;..."

"Draper also made clear that strict anonymity was a condition of his assistance, and in correspondence with allies in the repatriation movement Cox typically referred to his unnamed benefactor as "our Northern friend." "

"Of course, Draper was even less eager to have himself publicly associated with Carto and the Liberty Lobby than with Cox, and extensive precautions were taken to ensure his anonymity. The funds for the new edition of "Lincoln's Negro Policy" were described merely as donated "by a long time friend and associate of Colonel Cox who wished to establish this type of memorial to him." "


"The Dal-Tex Building, sometimes called the Dal-Tex Market Building or Dal-Tex Mart Building, was a center of the textile business in Dallas."

"Wickliffe Draper,... father was a top executive in the textile-machinery giant Draper Corp."

There are very may websites that mention the DalTex building but nne that I can find that go in to the history of the building, the companies that were there and whether Draper had any business interests in it.

Does anyone have a source for any such connections? I know that such connections can readily be buried in all sorts of criss cross connections.


The other link is to a chapter in which Greaves appears.


Part of it refers to an individual mentioned in the 'deaths of Civil Rights Workers'*

"....Upon his return to the United States, Pearson, now in possession of a doctorate in anthropology, began a transition to a more respectable, academic career, abandoning his image as an overt, fire-breathing Nazi. While searching for a position, he headed for Jackson, Mississippi, where the Englishman had clearly established connections before his departure for South Africa. Although the New Patriot's letterhead had listed a post office box in Hollywood, California as its address of record, the journal had actually been published in Jackson, as was a reprint of Pearson's Northern League pamphlet, Race and Civilization. In addition, while in Jackson, Pearson was put up by Elmore Greaves, a well-known opponent of integration who had just received campaign contributions from Draper for his unsuccessful bid for political office. The editor of a publication so extreme it labeled Senator James Eastland a leftist, Greaves had circulated a handbill after James Meredith was admitted to the University of Mississippi, calling for the student body "to keep the colored boy in a state of constant isolation ... avoided for the NAACP leper that he is, ... unwanted and ... treated as if he were a piece of furniture of no value." 89

Finding his houseguest "brilliant and charming," Greaves recommended Pearson to a friend on the faculty at the University of Southern Mississippi (USM), an institution regularly referred to on campus as Fort McCain after its president, William D. McCain. Having served in the regular Army and the National Guard, the president was addressed as General McCain—"Generalissimo" behind his back—and he ran the institution like a military base, unceremoniously firing liberal professors and resenting civilian authority. Called to testify in a criminal proceeding in which one of his deans was charged with embezzlement, McCain was fined $500 and given a thirty-day suspended sentence after threatening to "beat [the prosecutor's] damn brains out." 90 Also Adjutant in Chief of the Sons of the Confederate Veterans and Adjutant General of the Military Order of the Stars and Bars, McCain was still fighting the Civil War, maintaining that the Fourteenth Amendment was not legally part of the Constitution. A leader in the Citizens' Councils and a member of its "speakers' bureau"—the select group chosen to present the South's case in the North—McCain had been accorded the honor of introducing Carleton Putnam at the Jackson banquet to celebrate "Race and Reason Day," and in regular articles in The Citizen he reported the latest statistics that Weyher had privately compiled on the number of favorable reviews of Putnam's book. 91

Naturally, the General was opposed to the prospect of having any black recruits at Fort McCain. Indeed, had James Meredith attempted to enter USM rather than Ole Miss, the outcome might have been very different. When Clyde Kennard,* a decorated Korean veteran and Mississippi resident, had requested admission to USM two years earlier, McCain promptly notified the Sovereignty Commission, which launched an investigation into the applicant's friends and references, insisting that they dissuade him from such a foolish goal. Undeterred from applying, not only was Kennard personally rejected by McCain but, immediately upon leaving the president's office, he was arrested by local officials on the first of a number of charges so transparently trumped-up, with the assistance of campus security, that even the sheriff and prosecutor were shocked (although they did not intervene when Kennard was sentenced to the hard time that led to his death three years later)."

E. L. Greaves was certainly a person with low regard for the lives of his fellow Humans. I suppose for him as a nazi sympathiser his standing was as an 'ubermenchen'.

Under Various Pen Names

William D. McCain. : served in the regular Army and the National Guard, the president was addressed as General McCain—"Generalissimo" (possibly referring to a Fascist leaning)

Roger Pearson : (Under Various Pen Names)"Of the many Pioneer grantees who argued that race and nation must be synonymous, that "biological homogeneity" was essential for nationhood, the most important was the British-born Pearson, whose entire life and career were dedicated to rationalizing racial separation in the name of Aryan purity...In 1959, Pearson spent five weeks in the United States, rallying neo-Nazi groups around the country to the Northern League banner, and a month later his transatlantic comrades returned the visit, attending the league's "moot"—an Old English term for a meeting of Anglo-Saxon freemen—held in Germany's Teutoburg Forest. The purpose of the moot was to commemorate the victory of Herman, the "Teutonic general" who had defeated the Roman legions in the forest during the first decade A.D. , thus, according to Cox's featured speech, saving the Nordic race from mongrelization. Cox had even once suggested that "those of us who do not wish to deify a Jew" refer to calendar dates as " B.H. (before Herman) and A.H. " The five-day event culminated with a ceremony in which Pearson's wife placed a wreath at the Hermansdenkmal, the memorial to their hero. 82

Pearson eventually came to the United States, where, under pseudonyms, he edited two publications in succession. During 1964 and 1965, as "Edward Langford," he joined with Carto, who had established the Northern League's "American Alpha Group" in California, in producing Western Destiny as the continuation of Northern World"

"In 1967, Pearson traveled to South Africa—where he had influential friends waging a more successful battle for white civilization—leaving his journal to be absorbed by Thunderbolt, the organ of the National States Rights Party (NSRP); the two publications were already linked by Pearson's ally Edward R. Fields, who served both as a member of the New Patriot's Editorial Advisory Board and as Thunderbolt's editor. A chiropractor by trade, Fields and his long-time associate, Atlanta attorney J. B. Stoner, who eventually served time in prison for the bombing of a Birmingham church,"

(Those who recognise Civil Rights as a primary Domestic issue leading a large grouping in the far right militant movements desiring Kennedy's death.) I recommend reading through a number of related threads such as 'the Minute Women'.

Because the search for the assassins has for so many decades, right from the early misdirections, has allowed this grouping to operate incognito, it is now hard to make progress. However with the growing awareness of the dubiousness of many of the usual theories and the beginning of release on documentation in relation to old civil rights cases occurring today, these past few years of the new century. the result has a chance of past research providing otherwise ignored information. If on;y the awareness or flags to look for are kept in mind.

ps: From an old 'Pure Speculation' post :: "Thirty members of the Dallas Bonehead Club flew to several Mexican cities in two planes last week as guests of D. Harold Byrd*. Standing in the back row, left to right, are Myron Everts, D. Harold Byrd and Dr. Gordon Maddox. Standing, front row, left to right, are M. M. Gardner, Neal Lyons, G. W. Wagner, E. J. Koenig, Dr. C. V. White, J. Howard Payne?, Capt. C. W. B. Long and L. M. Napier. Seated in the front is H. L. (Duke) DuLany."

- February 1, 1948, Dallas Daily Times Herald

*owner of TSBD. There seems to have been a few boneheads in dallas, wonder who the other members were.

I think I might have figured out who the boneheads were.

When searching for connection of Shaw with Mexico I came across a reference to the Yale Skull & Bones fraternity (Bush) that called its members 'Boneheads'. If that's correct then the other Dallas Boneheads should be identifiable.

Other Boneheads may have been Rockefellers, the Brothers Dulles and the Dulles' nephew, Cardinal Francis, Spelly? Harry Luce, (his wife Clare described as girlfriend of Charles Willoughby). Apparently during a party at Clare's house in Phoenix, everyone cheered when the news of the Dallas shooting was announced.

anyway, the Boneheads liked to spend time in Mexico.

Edited by John Dolva
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Greg Parker was chasing down this Schacht connection at one time as well and I attempted to find out if

Robert Schacht's father was closely related to Hjalmar, but Greg reports to the contrary.


The son said he "had no knowledge of any family relationship to Hjalmar" which is not the same as saying there was none.

I don't believe Hjalmar was his father, but I do believe there is a distinct possibility they were related in some way. There are other relatives of Hjalmar in the US that I've found through genealogy websites... and his friendship through the Unitarian Church with a cousin of Horace Greeley's also points to a familial relationship to Hljamar given his father's connection to Horace.

What such a relationship to Hjalmar might mean (if it existed) is the question...

1910 US Census Record: (Father is 46 years old, our subject is 6 years old...)

Name: Robert H Schacht

Age in 1910: 46

Estimated Birth Year: abt 1864

Birthplace: Germany

Relation to Head of House: Head

Father's Birth Place: Germany

Mother's Birth Place: Germany

Spouse's Name: Maud R

Home in 1910: Brookline, Norfolk, Massachusetts

Marital Status: Married

Race: White

Gender: Male

Year of Immigration: 1883

Neighbors: View others on page

Household Members:

Name Age

Robert H Schacht 46

Maud R Schacht 36

Frances K Schacht 9

Robert H Schacht Jr. 6

Marshall W Schacht 4

Sharah J Marshall 58

1930 US Census

Name: Robert H Schacht

Home in 1930: Brookline, Norfolk, Massachusetts

Age: 65

Estimated Birth Year: abt 1865

Birthplace: Brunswick, Germany

Relation to Head of House: Head

Spouse's Name: Maud P

Race: White

Household Members:

Name Age

Robert H Schacht 65

Maud P Schacht 55

Franziska Schacht 29

Marshall W Schacht 24

Boston Passenger Lists, 1820-1943

Name: Robert H Schacht

Arrival Date: 29 Aug 1937

Age: 34 years

Estimated Birth Year: abt 1903

Gender: Male

Port of Departure: Liverpool, England

Ship Name: Samaria

Port of Arrival: Boston, Massachusetts

Birthplace: Brookline, Maid

Microfilm Roll Number: 428

Wife is Clara H., address is "7 Charles Field St. Providence, RI

It is the street on the map, linked below alongside the Unitarian Church....


Image of above ship manifest page, Robert H. Schact entry is displayed in lower third of image:

(The address, "7 Charles Field St." is the only thing I can make out without downloading image file and enlarging in a viewer)


Thank you, Tom. Much appreciated.

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Robert Schacht in a sense is a tip of the iceberg type of person, in the Files of Evidence there is a document that contains a list of ASC that has over 65 ind., representing dozens of countries has anyone else seen it.....

Also you also have to factor in items such as the one below....

July 1952 Jeanne Legon visits Florence, Rome, Paris, London, Madrid for three weeks for Zelinka-Matlick WCD 535:65 Trip #9


Doesent specify date only “July 1952...Ruth Paine visits West Germany, Holland and France before attending Quaker Youth Conference in England

WCD 849:39......

As is this these are two separate documents


Sources: CE 1983; CD 522



There was also a document that was inadverdently released then re-classified, it referenced a flight by Elena Oswald. Somehow I believe it has something to do with Elena Garro, but that is just a guess, also look into Vanda Summers.

Re Vanda Summers, here is a document description Joe Backes gave from the Batch series releases.

Document # 104-10015-10369 is a two page report from Mexico City to the Director, CIA. It is dated 11/26/63. This is a weird one. LICENT 0-1 said 25 November that Ana Veleria Szekely Duno Tendler and husband David Duno Tendler left Mexi for Dallas. This is being reported because Valeria and her mother Elizabeth Shelly are close to Judith Ferreto Segura. A letter from (?) ester Chapa Tijerina to Peking, China mentioned that Shelly had been accepted by Chinese-Latin America Society of Friendship to work in China. The Chinese said that it is too cold to come in the winter so they suggest coming in the spring instead.




Sources: CIA Box 15, Folder 15, Doc 8935 (MMF 984-986); 104-10015-10369


Comments: 201-44623. DOB: Nov 7, 1912. POB: Poland. Arrived Brownsville, Texas, Sept 30, 1944. On November 25, 1963, he and his wife left Mexico for Dallas. Held Polish passport No. 6416, issued at Mexico City March 20, 1944. Wife is Ana Valeria Tendler, a Polish citizen residing in Mexico City. He was Metropolitan opera singer.

An interesting URL See Carl Brannin;cd=2&gl=us

Which reveals in part, that.....

Carl P. Brannin Papers, AR285, Box Number, Folder Number, The University of Texas at Arlington Library Special Collections.

Biographical Note

Brannin, born in Cisco, Texas, was a longtime resident of Dallas. A journalist and social activist, Brannin along with his wife, Laura, was active in politics, labor union organizing, and the civil rights movement. He was a charter member of the American Civil Liberties Union (founded in 1920) and an organizer of the Dallas Civil Liberties Union (founded in 1962).

Carl Brannin was a lifelong protestor, social activist and civil libertarian. Economist Henry George was his mentor, but he was also influenced by the writings of Upton Sinclair, some of which may be found in Box 9. Mr. Brannin ran as the socialist candidate for governor of Texas in 1936 and was a charter member of the Dallas chapters of the American Civil Liberties Union and the Americans for Democratic Action. He was also involved with Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Southern Leadership Conference and the Unitarian Church. He was a tireless writer of letters to the editor, many of which are reprinted in the book Dissenting Opinion (Box 4). Mr. Brannin's extensive travels are reflected in the files for his trips to Alaska, England, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Spain, Chile and Cuba. On Being Concerned, a biography of Carl Brannin and his wife Laura, is in Box 7.

Robert.....To be more specific

On Being Concerned; the Vanguard Years of Carl and Laura Brannin.

By Miriam Allen De Ford

Published Dallas, 1969

58 pages

Edited by Robert Howard
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Robert Schacht in a sense is a tip of the iceberg type of person, in the Files of Evidence there is a document that contains a list of ASC that has over 65 ind., representing dozens of countries has anyone else seen it.....

Also you also have to factor in items such as the one below....

July 1952 Jeanne Legon visits Florence, Rome, Paris, London, Madrid for three weeks for Zelinka-Matlick WCD 535:65 Trip #9


Doesent specify date only “July 1952...Ruth Paine visits West Germany, Holland and France before attending Quaker Youth Conference in England

WCD 849:39......

As is this these are two separate documents


Sources: CE 1983; CD 522



There was also a document that was inadverdently released then re-classified, it referenced a flight by Elena Oswald. Somehow I believe it has something to do with Elena Garro, but that is just a guess, also look into Vanda Summers.

Re Vanda Summers, here is a document description Joe Backes gave from the Batch series releases.

Document # 104-10015-10369 is a two page report from Mexico City to the Director, CIA. It is dated 11/26/63. This is a weird one. LICENT 0-1 said 25 November that Ana Veleria Szekely Duno Tendler and husband David Duno Tendler left Mexi for Dallas. This is being reported because Valeria and her mother Elizabeth Shelly are close to Judith Ferreto Segura. A letter from (?) ester Chapa Tijerina to Peking, China mentioned that Shelly had been accepted by Chinese-Latin America Society of Friendship to work in China. The Chinese said that it is too cold to come in the winter so they suggest coming in the spring instead.




Sources: CIA Box 15, Folder 15, Doc 8935 (MMF 984-986); 104-10015-10369


Comments: 201-44623. DOB: Nov 7, 1912. POB: Poland. Arrived Brownsville, Texas, Sept 30, 1944. On November 25, 1963, he and his wife left Mexico for Dallas. Held Polish passport No. 6416, issued at Mexico City March 20, 1944. Wife is Ana Valeria Tendler, a Polish citizen residing in Mexico City. He was Metropolitan opera singer.

An interesting URL See Carl Brannin;cd=2&gl=us

Which reveals in part, that.....

Carl P. Brannin Papers, AR285, Box Number, Folder Number, The University of Texas at Arlington Library Special Collections.

Biographical Note

Brannin, born in Cisco, Texas, was a longtime resident of Dallas. A journalist and social activist, Brannin along with his wife, Laura, was active in politics, labor union organizing, and the civil rights movement. He was a charter member of the American Civil Liberties Union (founded in 1920) and an organizer of the Dallas Civil Liberties Union (founded in 1962).

Carl Brannin was a lifelong protestor, social activist and civil libertarian. Economist Henry George was his mentor, but he was also influenced by the writings of Upton Sinclair, some of which may be found in Box 9. Mr. Brannin ran as the socialist candidate for governor of Texas in 1936 and was a charter member of the Dallas chapters of the American Civil Liberties Union and the Americans for Democratic Action. He was also involved with Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Southern Leadership Conference and the Unitarian Church. He was a tireless writer of letters to the editor, many of which are reprinted in the book Dissenting Opinion (Box 4). Mr. Brannin's extensive travels are reflected in the files for his trips to Alaska, England, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Spain, Chile and Cuba. On Being Concerned, a biography of Carl Brannin and his wife Laura, is in Box 7.

Robert.....To be more specific

On Being Concerned; the Vanguard Years of Carl and Laura Brannin.

By Miriam Allen De Ford

Published Dallas, 1969

58 pages

Which leads to the next question......Who was Miriam Allen de Ford?

This is where it really gets interesting......

Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, she worked as a newspaper reporter for a time and, in the early 1900s, was also a campaigner and disseminator of birth control information to women. She spent perhaps the most energy in mystery fiction and science fiction. Hence she did several anthologies in the mystery world. She also had interest in historical crime or criminals. In 1968 she wrote The Real Bonnie and Clyde. She also wrote The Overbury Affair which involves events during the reign of James I of Britain. For the latter work she received a 1961 Edgar Award from the Mystery Writers of America for Best Fact Crime book. She also worked for the magazine The Humanist.

However, in 1949 The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction began with Anthony Boucher as editor. Anthony Boucher wrote science fiction and fantasy, but also garnered attention in the mystery field as well. This gave his magazine some cross-over appeal to mystery writers like Ms. deFord. Hence much of her science fiction would appear first in Boucher's magazine. Her stories there dealt with themes like nuclear devastation, alienation, and sexual roles. Her two collections are Elsewhere, Elsewhen, Elsehow and Xenogenesis. She also edited an anthology of stories mixing science fiction with mystery called Space, Time, and Crime.

DeFord was also a passionate Fortean, a follower of Charles Fort, and did fieldwork for him. DeFord is mentioned in Fort's book "Lo!" Shortly before her death in 1975, Fortean writer Loren Coleman visited Ms. deFord frequently and interviewed her about her earlier interactions with Fort and her trips to Chico, California, to investigate the case of a poltergeist rock-thrower on Fort's behalf.

DeFord died February 22, 1975 at her longtime home, The Ambassador Hotel at 55 Mason Street in San Francisco.

Perhaps Bill Kelly remembers in his Arthur Young interview a particular question Arthur asked Bill.


At this point, I am as much in the dark as the person reading this.

But there is a final point I would like to make regarding the false, ie read official version of events regarding persons and places in the JFK Assassination. At least one documentary over the last year or so, maybe longer, made extensive use

of interviews with the Paines and Volkmar Schmidt.....

Unless I am mistaken, there is at least one document regarding Volkmar Schmidt that is postponed in full.

So the question becomes, unless he was/is a member of the US intelligence community, which I do not believe he was, there

is no legitimate reason for said document to be postponed in full. Of course, it goes without saying that in that same documentary Schmidt is part and parcel of that same lone nut Oswald myth, which is a fixture in American History.

If an attempt was made to obtain this document, I seriously doubt that it would be released and that the reason for that decision would be national security.

Having said that, there is the rebuttal, whose security is at stake here?

The security of never knowing what happened in Dallas to a point of virtual certainty, is what I would submit is at stake.

Perhaps the following document echoes my thoughts which are unfortunately, seen as anachronistic by an increasing number of individuals in the Age of Terrorism.....

Also this document confirms that there were German writers in Texas, and it is hard to believe at least many of them

were not in Dallas, covering the Kennedy Assassination. In and of itself, that means nothing, but in the context of

General Walker’s communications with German media it certainly makes one wonder. See


28 NOVEMBER 1963

2:46 AM

Incoming Telegram Department of State

From: BONN

To: Secretary of State

Action Department 1930, LONDON 6, PARIS 723














Edited by Robert Howard
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Earlier post......

Robert Schacht in a sense is a tip of the iceberg type of person, in the Files of Evidence there is a document that contains a list of ASC that has over 65 ind., representing dozens of countries has anyone else seen it.....

The document I alluded to regarding ASC is located in the Files Of Evidence Archives Collection released on microfiche in 1977.

Albert Schweitzer College

List of References


Mr. Anker Albin, Horsebakken 38, Copenhagen H.V.

Miss Lisa Jorgensen, G1 Havavej 4, Stege Mon.

Miss Greta Decelia, Landakronagade 80, Copenhagen.

Mr. Spren Dupont Strandjev 191, Hellerup.


Prof. A. Victor Murphy, President, Cheshunt College, Cambridge

Mr. James A. V. White, Waylands, 20 Coach Rd., Newton Abot, Devon

Miss. Elga Ellwood, 1 Abbot Road, Guildcand, Sussey

Mr. David Shorney 211 Knighton Road, Leicester


Dr. Elizabeth Swan, 20 Mayfield Road, Edinburgh, Scotland


Miss Elvi L. Saari, Director, Viittakivi, Heuho

Miss Pirko-Idisa Urrila, Iso Roobertinkatu 36.D.57, Helsinki.


Prof. & Mrs. Woytt-Secretan, rue Schweighasuser 37, D. 57, Strasbourg.

Mr. Heive Licktard-Vogt, Hotel de Luters, rue Victor Cousin. Paris V.


Prof., Dr. Hch. Herrfahrdt, am Weinberg, 8, Marburg/Lahn.

Prof., Dr. Kurt Lebse, Hallerstr 6, Hamburg, 13.

Frl. Jutta Heyer, Semperstr. 29 Essen.

Frl. Beate Thoma, Heidenreichstr. 7, Ingolstadt.

Gunter Bohr, Hof Goldstein, Frankfurt M. 28.

Frau Ellita Engelhardt, Kreistr. 3, Hamburg-Gr. Flottbek

Staatsanwalt Eberhard Kulcke, Marcusallee 1, Bremen


Dr. Sape van der Woude, R. Vinkeleskade 57, Amsterdam

Miss Margorotha Heuff, Staionsweg 6, Heede

Miss Marijke Heuff, Staionsweg 6, Heede

Miss Diny van Lochem, Buursarwag, 84, Haaksbergen.

Paul A. Pijn van Draadt, Kempenasrstast 88, Oegetgeest.


Miss Anna Louisa Leonardi, Via Alberto da Gusisano 26, Milano.

Mr. Bruno Segre, via Mercalli 38, Milano

Miss Maria Giovanni Turchi, Pierra Wagner 6, Milano.


Miss Siri Rynning, Stavernveien 20, Larvik.


Rev. and Mrs. Horace Fort, Upplandagatan 11, Stockholm

Miss Gunnel Meijling, Galonvagen 18, II Bromma.

Ing. O. Arne Sten, Spangbergsvagen 13, Filipstad.

Miss C.M. Louise Dubois, Kungeholmstorg 8. Stockholm.

Stud. theol. Synnove Lonnell, Walhallavagen 132, Stockholm O.


Frl. Vera Kauschler, Pulverturmgasse 21/I/7, Wien, 9.

Harald J. Mandl, Wegmayrgasse 11, Wien 21.


Pfr. Dr. Jakob Amastutg Frauenkanpelen, Bern.

Ing. Peter Hauenstein, Birchatr. 247, Zürich 11.

Max Flüge 34 av. Majon Davel. Veway

Frl. Annette Strait, Weisenhausatr. 2, Thun, Bern

Men. Solinger, Rauthanplatz, Thueis, Grisone

Frl. Edith Teuscher, Villa Montane, Kassagnc-Lugano, Ticino.

Cladius Scheuffler, Schütgenmattstr. 9, Base

Frl. Cornelia Wolfer, Schütgenmattstr. 15, Basel


Miss Ursula Heinse, 207 Donahue Bdlg., Regina/Sask.

Donald A. Bailey 327 Sask. Crescent West, Saskatoon, Sask.


Prof. Dr. James L. Adams, Harvard Divinity School,

45 Francis Ave. Cambridge 38, Mass.

Dr. Dana McLean Greeley, 33 Brimmer St., Boston 8, Mass.

Dr. & Mrs. Robert B. Tapp, 7 Hillside Rd., Canton, N.Y.

Rev. Ed A. Cahill, 1681 E. Clifton Rd., N.E. Atlanta 7, Georgia.

Rev. Robert H. Schacht, 1 Benevolent St., Providence 6, R.I.

Rev. D. Stanley Rawson, 51 Columbia Rd. Portland, Maine.

Rev. Robert W. Sachtjen, P.O. Box 175 Lancaster, Wis.

Benjamin R. Barber, Music Inn, Lenox, Mass.

William P. Morris, 777 Gravel Hill Road, Southampton, Pa.

Miss Martha Mayo, Dublin, New Hampshire

Miss Jovena A. Jones, 2945 Morongo Trail, Palm Springs, California

Miss Patricia A. Johnson, 5920 Lewiston Rd. Lewiston, N.Y.

James M. Otto, 18494 Pelkey Detroit 5, Mich.


Miss Sylvia Faesi, Soledad 33, Mexico 20, D.F.


Miss Marion Lovas, 6 Dudley Road, Rosebay, Sydney


Miss Claudia Gerlinger, Caira Postal 3465, Sao Paulo


Mr. Dieter Sydow, Apartado 21, Barquisimeto

British East Africa

Miss Eugene M. Hirsch, P.O. Box 125, Wakaru, Kenya

South Africa

Miss Renate Penghorn, “Oorsaak”, p.o. Kroondel, Dist Runstenburg, Traansval.

Mr. Bruno Penghorn

*Year Course Students

There are more than likely some grammatical errors as the copy is transcribed from a very poor copy of the document.

Edited by Robert Howard
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Ah yes, The Company, lostcojones. Very thought provoking. Ta.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ah yes, The Company, lostcojones. Very thought provoking. Ta.

In the Mary Ferrell archive there is an article entitled Albert Schweitzer College Revisted by Dennis Bartholomew



Dennis, besides mentioning Hans Casparis, Robert Schacht and Oswald's references[1] submitted to ASC relates some rather strange facts relating to Marguerite Oswald's use of multiple addresses in the time when correspondence was going back and forth between her and the ASC, as well as Rep. Jim Wright who was assisting her.

1. A. Botelho, R. Calore, Chaplain W. Walters.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This post is entitled "Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood."

Paul McCartney once said back when the Beatles were in their active day's, that he wanted to know what everyone else knew, he meant that in an intellectual sense. I also read a interview Mac did not too long ago, where he kept referencing Lord Lucan, for more on that you can peruse....


But back to the topic I wanted to delve into......It is basically an allusion into the real world of 1963 and the period leading up to it.

Aliester Crowley's later years were shadowed by poor health, drug addiction, and desperation for money. He had a talisman, called Segelah, which was intended "for finding a great treasure." When British printers refused to print his works, he had them produced in Paris. Soon he was also deported from France. He had started very early to experiment with psychedelic drugs to find a substance which would "unlock the girders of the soul". During WWII, Ian Fleming suggested using Crowley as an interrogator of the Nazi leader Rudolf Hess, who landed unexpectedly in 1941 in Scotland and was fascinated by the occult.

Justice and World Order: A Philosophical Inquiry

by Thompson, Janna.

Publication: London ; New York Routledge, 2002.

I doubt seriously if anyone will appreciate this post but it is necessary to realize that the integration of esoteric aspects pertaining to the 1960's assassinations cannot be ignored, it certainly will not be dealt with on any other level.

Other researchers recognize AMORC as being important, Peter Levenda in his series of books

The Sinister Connections, mentions in Book One: The Nine, occult activities in Mexico in the general time frame of President Kennedy's Assassination.

Here is a segment of an old post by Peter Levenda on his blog:

We know that Lee Harvey Oswald was befriended by George deMohrenschildt. a White Russian expatriate who was very involved in the oil industry on one side, and who was a CIA informant on the other. What is not emphasized is the fact that deMohrenschildt lived and worked in the milieu of the White Russian community in Dallas, which itself revolves around the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, known by its initials as ROCOR (or, to those of us familiar with it for many years, as simply "The Synod" or even as "93rd Street" since that is the location of their headquarters in New York City).

ROCOR was a violently anti-Communist group composed of refugees from the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. They fled first to Paris, and when Europe seemed on the verge of self-destruction in the war years and the period immediately following the end of the First World War, many Russian nobles (and their clergy) fled for the safety of North America. They purchased a mansion on Park Avenue and 93rd Street, and it was divided into a residence for the nobles on one side and a monastery and cathedral for the Russian Orthodox Church on the other.

When Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested, he had an address book showing phone numbers for the White Russian emigres in the Philadelphia area. It is assumed that these numbers were given to him by his friend, Ruth Paine, who had many ties to Philadelphia and who, indeed, visited that city in the months prior to the assassination. Ruth Paine brought Marina Oswald, Lee's Russian-born wife, into her home so that Marina could learn English and Ruth, Russian. That was the story, anyway.


It is worth mentioning that for the most part the only people who knew in 1963 what Levenda was referencing, were the people living in Dallas and the intelligence agencies, it definitively had nothing to worry about regarding it's exposure by the Warren Commission.

I had the piece from Book One regarding Rosicrucian connections in Mexico on my old computer, but lost it has anyone else read that segment?

Edited by Robert Howard
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Here is a segment of an old post by Peter Levenda on his blog:

We know that Lee Harvey Oswald was befriended by George deMohrenschildt. a White Russian expatriate who was very involved in the oil industry on one side, and who was a CIA informant on the other. What is not emphasized is the fact that deMohrenschildt lived and worked in the milieu of the White Russian community in Dallas, which itself revolves around the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, known by its initials as ROCOR (or, to those of us familiar with it for many years, as simply "The Synod" or even as "93rd Street" since that is the location of their headquarters in New York City).

ROCOR was a violently anti-Communist group composed of refugees from the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. They fled first to Paris, and when Europe seemed on the verge of self-destruction in the war years and the period immediately following the end of the First World War, many Russian nobles (and their clergy) fled for the safety of North America. They purchased a mansion on Park Avenue and 93rd Street, and it was divided into a residence for the nobles on one side and a monastery and cathedral for the Russian Orthodox Church on the other.

Robert, a little to add, fwiw....

The fin-de-siècle religious renaissance

During the final decades of the imperial order in Russia many educated Russians sought to return to the Church and revitalize their faith. No less evident were non-conformist paths of spiritual searching known as "God-Seeking". Writers, artists, and intellectuals in large numbers were drawn to private prayer, mysticism, spiritualism, theosophy, and Eastern religions. A fascination with elemental feeling, with the unconscious and the mythic, proliferated along with visions of coming catastrophe and redemption.

The visible forms of God-Seeking were extensive. A series of 'Religious-Philosophical Meetings' were held in St. Petersburg in 1901–1903, bringing together prominent intellectuals and clergy to explore together ways to reconcile the Church with the growing of undogmatic desire among the educated for spiritual meaning in life. Especially after 1905, various religious societies arose, though much of this religious upheaval was informal: circles and salons, séances, private prayer. Some clergy also sought to revitalize Orthodox faith, most famously the charismatic Father John of Kronstadt, who, until his death in 1908 (though his followers remained active long after), emphasized Christian living and sought to restore fervency and the presence of the miraculous in liturgical celebration. In 1909, a sensation-creating volume of essays appeared under the title "Vekhi" ("Landmarks" or "Signposts"), authored by a group of leading left-wing intellectuals, including Sergei Bulgakov, Peter Struve, and former Marxists, who bluntly repudiated the materialism and atheism that had dominated the thought of the intelligentsia for generations as leading inevitably to failure and moral disaster.

Occult practices

1922, Sept. 13 The Council of Bishops Abroad resolved: in accordance with the directive of Patriarch Tikhon to abolish the Higher Church Administration to create the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Church Abroad. The Council issued an epistle concerning Spiritism, Magnetism, Theosophy, and other occult practices.

Russian Orthodox Timeline

When Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested, he had an address book showing phone numbers for the White Russian emigres in the Philadelphia area. It is assumed that these numbers were given to him by his friend, Ruth Paine, who had many ties to Philadelphia and who, indeed, visited that city in the months prior to the assassination. Ruth Paine brought Marina Oswald, Lee's Russian-born wife, into her home so that Marina could learn English and Ruth, Russian. That was the story, anyway.


FWIW, Ruth Paine denied she gave him the addresses (which consisted of Russian Language institute and Russian Orthodox Church). What is interesting is that Oswald had told RP that he was going to either Houston or Philadelphia to look for work. She further testified that it was her impression when he arrived back in Dallas that he had in fact been looking for work. This is all backed up by the statements made by the manager of a small employment agency in Houston who claimed Oswald had been in to her agency late October (she no doubt was a month out in her memory). She included at least one detail which was not publicly known prior to then - that Oswald had the help of a friend in his job hunting (prior to leaving, he had told Marina that he had a friend who would help him get work).

Houston, We Have a Problem

ROCOR was a violently anti-Communist group composed of refugees from the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. They fled first to Paris, and when Europe seemed on the verge of self-destruction in the war years and the period immediately following the end of the First World War, many Russian nobles (and their clergy) fled for the safety of North America. They purchased a mansion on Park Avenue and 93rd Street, and it was divided into a residence for the nobles on one side and a monastery and cathedral for the Russian Orthodox Church on the other.

They were assisted to leave Europe for the US by the Park Ave Caudet Bros law firm. A smart young lawyer with this firm up until 1941 was Robert Morris (later of Dallas and walker fame via various government anti-communist work). Did he help any of the De/Von Mohrenschildt's into the US? I think it is very possible. The law firm was at 200 Park Ave. George shared a place with brother Dmitri at 750 Park Ave.

George DeMohrenschildt and Robert Morris

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Here is a segment of an old post by Peter Levenda on his blog:

We know that Lee Harvey Oswald was befriended by George deMohrenschildt. a White Russian expatriate who was very involved in the oil industry on one side, and who was a CIA informant on the other. What is not emphasized is the fact that deMohrenschildt lived and worked in the milieu of the White Russian community in Dallas, which itself revolves around the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, known by its initials as ROCOR (or, to those of us familiar with it for many years, as simply "The Synod" or even as "93rd Street" since that is the location of their headquarters in New York City).

ROCOR was a violently anti-Communist group composed of refugees from the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. They fled first to Paris, and when Europe seemed on the verge of self-destruction in the war years and the period immediately following the end of the First World War, many Russian nobles (and their clergy) fled for the safety of North America. They purchased a mansion on Park Avenue and 93rd Street, and it was divided into a residence for the nobles on one side and a monastery and cathedral for the Russian Orthodox Church on the other.

Robert, a little to add, fwiw....

The fin-de-siècle religious renaissance

During the final decades of the imperial order in Russia many educated Russians sought to return to the Church and revitalize their faith. No less evident were non-conformist paths of spiritual searching known as "God-Seeking". Writers, artists, and intellectuals in large numbers were drawn to private prayer, mysticism, spiritualism, theosophy, and Eastern religions. A fascination with elemental feeling, with the unconscious and the mythic, proliferated along with visions of coming catastrophe and redemption.

The visible forms of God-Seeking were extensive. A series of 'Religious-Philosophical Meetings' were held in St. Petersburg in 1901–1903, bringing together prominent intellectuals and clergy to explore together ways to reconcile the Church with the growing of undogmatic desire among the educated for spiritual meaning in life. Especially after 1905, various religious societies arose, though much of this religious upheaval was informal: circles and salons, séances, private prayer. Some clergy also sought to revitalize Orthodox faith, most famously the charismatic Father John of Kronstadt, who, until his death in 1908 (though his followers remained active long after), emphasized Christian living and sought to restore fervency and the presence of the miraculous in liturgical celebration. In 1909, a sensation-creating volume of essays appeared under the title "Vekhi" ("Landmarks" or "Signposts"), authored by a group of leading left-wing intellectuals, including Sergei Bulgakov, Peter Struve, and former Marxists, who bluntly repudiated the materialism and atheism that had dominated the thought of the intelligentsia for generations as leading inevitably to failure and moral disaster.

Occult practices

1922, Sept. 13 The Council of Bishops Abroad resolved: in accordance with the directive of Patriarch Tikhon to abolish the Higher Church Administration to create the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Church Abroad. The Council issued an epistle concerning Spiritism, Magnetism, Theosophy, and other occult practices.

Russian Orthodox Timeline

When Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested, he had an address book showing phone numbers for the White Russian emigres in the Philadelphia area. It is assumed that these numbers were given to him by his friend, Ruth Paine, who had many ties to Philadelphia and who, indeed, visited that city in the months prior to the assassination. Ruth Paine brought Marina Oswald, Lee's Russian-born wife, into her home so that Marina could learn English and Ruth, Russian. That was the story, anyway.


FWIW, Ruth Paine denied she gave him the addresses (which consisted of Russian Language institute and Russian Orthodox Church). What is interesting is that Oswald had told RP that he was going to either Houston or Philadelphia to look for work. She further testified that it was her impression when he arrived back in Dallas that he had in fact been looking for work. This is all backed up by the statements made by the manager of a small employment agency in Houston who claimed Oswald had been in to her agency late October (she no doubt was a month out in her memory). She included at least one detail which was not publicly known prior to then - that Oswald had the help of a friend in his job hunting (prior to leaving, he had told Marina that he had a friend who would help him get work).

Houston, We Have a Problem

ROCOR was a violently anti-Communist group composed of refugees from the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. They fled first to Paris, and when Europe seemed on the verge of self-destruction in the war years and the period immediately following the end of the First World War, many Russian nobles (and their clergy) fled for the safety of North America. They purchased a mansion on Park Avenue and 93rd Street, and it was divided into a residence for the nobles on one side and a monastery and cathedral for the Russian Orthodox Church on the other.

They were assisted to leave Europe for the US by the Park Ave Caudet Bros law firm. A smart young lawyer with this firm up until 1941 was Robert Morris (later of Dallas and walker fame via various government anti-communist work). Did he help any of the De/Von Mohrenschildt's into the US? I think it is very possible. The law firm was at 200 Park Ave. George shared a place with brother Dmitri at 750 Park Ave.

George DeMohrenschildt and Robert Morris

Am I getting old, or is it true that AMORC has always had a big linkage to the city of Brotherly Love, I know they have a library there now?

At any rate I did manage to find the Bishop's listed in Levenda's book The Nine.....

A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft

Book One: The Nine

By Peter Levenda

Bishop H.P. Aluya, (Holy Prophet)

Bishop John Christian [Chiasson]

Bishop George A Hyde

Bishop Michael Francis Augustine Itkin

Bishop Earl Anglin Lawrence James

Rev. Xavier von Koss

Bishop Andre Pennachio,

Vladimir Walter Propheta

Bishop Hubert Augustus Rogers,

(Archbishop Christopher Maria) Carl J. Stanley,

Bishop Pierre Michel Lorenzo de Valitch

I believe it was Vladimir Propheta, whom Levenda stated was in Mexico, if so it may have been in 1964, as opposed to 1963........

It's not that I think that esoterica, freemasons, AMORC or what have you are at the apex of resolving the assassination, but there is so much information that has been discovered that has helped answer some of the truly perplexing areas of JFK research, that was, to some degree, in the background so to speak, that everything has to be evaluated, if that means delving into areas that are "politically incorrect," so to speak, so be it.

Col. Philip Corso went on and on about UFO's and the Kennedy assassination, and nobody busted his

b_ _ _ _, about it, but if one of us does it, we are ripe for the funnyfarm.

as someone once said, "Only in America........"

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