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If The Hat Don't Fit

Guest Duncan MacRae

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So it appears...

Bill Miller


Calling someone 'midget man' is not any more politically correct than calling someone obese - 'Whale Man'. This has been pointed out to you sereval times - at one point you curbed your use of the word and yet again you are here showing your ignorance. As far as thinking you are going to get to me, let me share something one of the people on this forum had said to me once about you ...

"Like I have said before, I am quite sure, Miles' goal here is not to engage in true JFK assassination debate, but for some reason, to XXXXX off. He doesn't seem to attack others, he seems set on you. He is constantly trying to think of ways to discuss your research and to undermine it (at times he sticks to rather insignificant minute details, and argues about these for pages and pages)."

So you see Miles, your game has been exposed long ago. If you have far better images and they could prove me wrong, then there is no doubt that you would have posted them. The images Duncan used, while not all that great, show two different angles to the fence. The Hat Man shape is missing from the Bond photo and what Duncan has done was mistaken the foliage in Bond for the Hat Man shape in Moorman. I am certain that once Duncan sees this, then he will adjust his position because he has shown to me that he has enough class to admit when he is wrong once he realizes it.

Bill Miller


EDITED by moderator, due to language.

This post has been edited by Antti Hynonen: Nov 1 2007, 10:46 AM

This is the same quote that you have attributed to a forum moderator , although here you mask the identity of this forum moderator by using the cloaking language:

"one of the people on this forum"

So, first you say "one of the people on this forum," then you escalate that to a forum moderator.

I say that you made this up.

As usual, you were losing a debate, so, typically, you resorted to your old standby, your defence of desperation: you made up false inventions.


OK, prove it to Duncan & the forum.

What is the name of the forum moderator YOU claim said this?

Then, we will find out if you made this up or not!

Edited by Miles Scull
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This is the same quote that you have attributed to a forum moderator , although here you mask the identity of this forum moderator by using the cloaking language:

"one of the people on this forum"

So, first one say "one of the people on this forum," then you escalate that to a forum moderator.

I say that you made this up.

As usual, you were losing a debate, so, typically, you resorted to your old standby, your defence of desperation: you made up false inventions.


OK, prove it to Duncan & the forum.

xxxxx on, Miles. Just as the message said ... you are not here to debate the JFK assassination. And by the way, every moderator here IS A FORUM MEMBER! I'd post some of the other messages I have gotten about you, but the forum rules won't allow them to be read and by the time the moderators got done with them .... so many letters would have been removed that it would take a language genius to try and figure out what the message said.

And besides, once you have claimed to the forum over a dozen times that you will no longer respond to my post - you are actually supposed to do what you said you would do.

Bill Miller

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Not wanting to get in to a long waste of forum space debate about who said what where and when, here's my stand.

Hatman is in Moorman 5 Bond 4 and Bond 8....That's it, nothing more nothing less. You claim the Bond Hatmen are branches. I've pointed out the Hatmen as Isee them. It's now your task to point out what my Hatmen are if they are not indeed Hatmen. I've told you I have no problem waiting for your photographic analysis response due to your personal circumstances at this moment, so I see no point in the continuation of this until then, unless new evidence to back up or cancel my claim is forthcoming. Don't you agree that makes sense?


Your very first post whereas you placed a box over two branches forking and creating an upside down "V", thus allowing the light to pass through them should have told you something. Then when Robin posted his enlargement in response #45 ... it should have been even clearer. So yes, no sense on continuing if you haven't been able to see this by now.


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And likewise, no point in continuing if you fail to recognise the peaks and trough of the Moorman Hatman which correlate exactly with the peaks and trough of the Bond Hatman which should have had you shouting Eureka!.



Good one, Duncan. Instead of addressing that first images you posted ... you pull out the worse one of them all to make your case. I see you are still the same old Duncan. Why don't you do to that image what you did to the Black Dog Man when you turned him into the drunken AOL guy, then we may even be able to read the tag on his hat that tells us his hat size!

Here is the image you first posted showing the same spot. I assume that this one was too clear for what you needed it for, but lets show it again anyway ...


Edited by Bill Miller
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lol..I'm presuming you still have not had your eyes tested since your discovery years ago that Johnny Weissmuller was a swinging gatling gun assassin.

Weissmuller, sounds a bit like WiseMiller, but somehow that just doesn't fit. Here's another Moorman Bill, don't tell me you see your swinging tarzan assassin in this too.


Hey Duncan, why did you leave the Tarzan image so clear ... can't make a Hat Man out of him that way. And about this 'gatling gun Tarzan' thing ... sounds like one of your happy out of reality moments. Can you cite anything about that because you've lost me. You see, I have never posted anything about Gatling guns or assassins up in the trees except when talking about the guy you come up with that I call 'floating cop torso and/or that claim you made about someone being atop of the colonnade in the Betzner photo.


Edited by Bill Miller
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What Tarzan? you need a rest Bill :rolleyes:

No rest for the "maker up of fictional & false crutches!"

Miller's ducking the issue:

This is the same quote (See post # 93 on this thread) that you have attributed to a forum moderator , although here you mask the identity of this forum moderator by using the cloaking language:

"one of the people on this forum"

So, first you say "one of the people on this forum," then you escalate that to a forum moderator.

I say that you made this up.

As usual, you were losing a debate, so, typically, you resorted to your old standby, your defence of desperation: you made up false inventions.


OK, prove it to Duncan & the forum.

What is the name of the forum moderator YOU claim said this?

Then, we will find out if you made this up or not!

Edited by Miles Scull
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Robin, Duncan

Do you see what I see?

Someone, with malice, is studying the hat.


You certainly keep echoing those immortal words about you not being here to seriously debate the JFK assassination. The foolishness of writing 'batman' on your illustrations says it all.

So humor the forum and tell them why after it has already been pointed out that Moorman took her photo almost 4/18s of the second after the head shot, and its already been shown by way of the Zapruder film how far someone can turn their head in 4/18s of a second when they want to, why on God's green earth would you be trying to make some ridiculous case about how Hat Man is not looking at the limo?

Do we need a few frames showing how far a head can turn? Maybe showing how someone merely shifting their weight from one foot to another could make them appear taller or shorter depending on the elevation at which they are being viewed would help ....


Bill Miller

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Your arrow isn't pointing to what I see as the hat shape Alan. I agree that your arrow is pointing at what looks like a branch.



Duncan, Alan's arrow is pointed at exactly what you labeled points #1 and #3 in your illustration in post #97. In that post you wrote and I quote: "And likewise, no point in continuing if you fail to recognise the peaks and trough of the Moorman Hatman which correlate exactly with the peaks and trough of the Bond Hatman which should have had you shouting Eureka!." It appears that your "Eureka" is over a tree branch according to what you have written in the response to Alan and its in response to you thinking it's Hat Man elsewhere. Would you care to tell us which one is the correct one?


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Alan's arrow is not pointing to points 1 and 3, simply because I have never added points 1 and 3 in Bond 8. If you care to double check post number 97, you will see that you have got your facts wrong. I did not label points 1, 2 and 3 in Bond 8, I used Bond 4 for this comparison purpose.



You are not picking up Miles dirty tricks - are you? In post #1 you use Bond #8 which is the same image Alan used. Then you slip in Bond #4 and move your alleged Hat Man figure east while the forked tree branch in Bond #8 is still visible just to the west of your new point location.

If you look at the forked tree branch that I have pointed out several times in the past - one branch runs pretty mush straight down while the other tails off on about a 45 degree angle. The location in the Bond #4 that you have chosen is that same branch and the angles the branches (points #1 and #3) are pointing has remained the same. Without even looking - I am fairly certain that Bond moved between Bond #4 and Bond #8 and that shift has fooled you as to the correct location at the fence. Alan got it right IMO.


Edited by Bill Miller
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