John Bevilaqua Posted November 15, 2007 Share Posted November 15, 2007 Past Programs - Audio RealAudio files hosted by the Berkman Center for Internet and Society Please click on the red links below to listen to these programs. Many of the older selections have been edited for broadcast on Boston Radio Station WHDH, which aired Forum events from the late 1940's through the early 1970's. The more recent programs are presented in unedited form. "Crisis in Education" (Nathan Pusey - President, Harvard University; Frederick Weed - Headmaster, Roxbury Latin School; Dr. Robert Ulich - Harvard Graduate School of Education; Lee Dunn - Senior Advisor, Boston Latin School; moderator David Cavers - Assoc. Dean, Harvard Law School) - October 22, 1954 Walter Reuther, "Priorities for Survival"- May 1, 1960 General Maxwell Taylor, "Blueprint for Defense" (with panel including Dr. Henry Kissinger and others) - April 21, 1961 "The First Hundred Days" (Barry Goldwater and others) - April 30, 1961 "Unrest Within the Democratic Party" (Eleanor Roosevelt and others) - May 1, 1961- Part I, Part II Dr. Leo Szilard (Professor of Bio-Physics, University of Chicago; Developer of Atomic Chain Reaction with Enrico Fermi) "Are We on the Road to War?" - November 17, 1961 Billy Graham, "Evangelism and the Intellectual"- April 1, 1962 - Part I, Part II Jimmy Hoffa, "Area Contracts and the Teamsters" - April 8, 1962 - Part I, Part II Martin Luther King, Jr., "The Future of Integration" - October 24, 1962 - Part I, Part II Madame Ngo Dinh Nhu, Member of Parliament, South Vietnam - October 14, 1963 Allen Dulles, "The Role of Intelligence in Policy Making" - December 13, 1963 Malcolm X - "The African Revolution and Its Impact on the American Negro" - December 16, 1964 - 30 second audio clip only General Lewis Hershey, Director of The Selective Service System, "Future of the American Draft" - November 21, 1965 Bishop Fulton Sheen, "God and the Intellectual" - February 13, 1966 "Women - Dare We Not Discriminate?" - Betty Friedan (Author, The Feminine Mystique), Mary I. Bunting (President, Radcliffe College), Pauli Murray (Lawyer, Author, Jane Crow and the Law) - February 18, 1966 Edward Bennett Williams (Counsel to Joe McCarthy, Jimmy Hoffa, Bobby Baker, Adam Clayton Powell...) - October 14, 1966 "LSD: Methods of Control" (Dr. Timothy Leary, Dr. Norman Zinberg) - November 4, 1966 "$50 Billion for What? The Federal Welfare Program" (Dr. Ellen Winston, Edward C. Banfield, Daniel P. Moynihan) - December 9, 1966 "The Johnson Presidency" - Panel discussion with Prof. Hans Morgenthau, Robert Novak, and Prof. Adam Yarmolinsky - March 17, 1967 "American Movies: Growing Up?" - Panel discussion with Joshua Logan (Warner Brothers; Producer-Director of "Camelot"), Judith Crist (Film and Drama Critic, NBC-TV), Shirley Clark - (Director, "Underground," "Portrait of Jason") - October 27, 1967 "Abortion: The Issues" - Panel discussion with Dr. Alan Guttmacher (President, Planned Parenthood); Robert F. Drinan, S. J. (Dean, Boston College Law School); Hon. Albert Blumenthal (New York General Assembly) - December 4, 1967 - Part I, Part II Justice Tom C. Clark (U.S. Supreme Court, Retired) - December 6, 1967 - Part I, Part II Dr. Wernher Von Braun, "After the Moon --What?" - September 6, 1970 - Part I, Part II George McGovern, "U.S. Foreign Policy: A Critique" - October 28, 1982 Ernest "Fritz" Hollings (U.S. Senator, D, South Carolina), "Economic Alternatives for the 80's" - October 25, 1983 Caspar Weinberger - November 11, 1983 Alan Cranston (U.S. Senator, D., California), "Peace and Jobs" - November 30, 1983 Shimon Peres, "Israel: Today and Tomorrow" - December 5, 1983 Andrew Young (Mayor of Atlanta; Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.), "Civil Rights with a Global Perspective" - April 8, 1984 (first few minutes missing) Stevie Wonder - April 19, 1984 Phyllis Schlafly - "The ERA - Is There a Future?" - April 25, 1984 Rev. Jerry Falwell, "The Role of Religion in Politics" (introduction by Professor Laurence Tribe) - September 20, 1984 Commandante Daniel Ortega (Coordinator of the Government of National Reconstruction of Nicaragua; Presidential Candidate, Nicaragua) (introduction by Carlos Fuentes) - October 8, 1984 Joseph Wapner (Judge, "The People's Court") - "Law, The Media, and 'The People's Court'" - October 25, 1984 Peter Jennings (ABC World News Tonight Anchorman and Chief Correspondent), "U.S.-Soviet Relations: A View From the Media" - February 21, 1985 Cesar Chavez (President, United Farm Workers of America) - "The New Grape Boycott -- Will it Work in the Eighties?" - February 28, 1985 - Part I, Part II John Chancellor (Commentator, NBC Nightly News), "Lawyers and Journalists: Differences and Similarities" - April 11, 1985 Simon Wiesenthal (Investigator of Nazi War Criminals), "Murders Among Us/ Consequences of the Holocaust" - November 16, 1985 Ed Koch - "Juvenile Crime" - February 12, 1986 Ruth Bader Ginsberg (Judge, D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals) - February 16, 1986 Rev. William Sloane Coffin, "Religion and Politics" - February 25, 1986 Willie Brown, "Politics and the Press" - October 2, 1986 Rev. Jerry Falwell, "The Evangelical Vote: Is It Monolithic?" - October 6, 1986 Carl Sagan, "The Nuclear Arms Race" - October 23, 1986 Ted Turner - October 29, 1986 Rev. Jesse Jackson - Harvard Law School Forum Fortieth Anniversary Lecture - November 11, 1986 Dan Rather, "The Changing Role of Television News in America" - November 18, 1986 Sergio Ramirez (Vice-President of Nicaragua), "Nicaragua versus U.S. in the World Court: American Policy on Trial" - November 24, 1986 General William Westmoreland, "My Experiences with the Media - March 2, 1987 - Part I, Part II Christy Hefner (President & CEO, Playboy Enterprises, Inc.), "Media, Morality and the First Amendment" - April 7, 1987 Paul Kirk (Chairman, Democratic National Committee), "The Politics of Values and the Value of Politics - 1988" - April 16, 1987 Judith Martin ("Miss Manners"), "Miss Manners Lays Down the Law" - April 22, 1987 Dennis Conner (Skipper, "Stars and Stripes"), "The America's Cup: Past, Present and Future" - October 21, 1987 Lesley Stahl (Moderator, "Face the Nation"), "Network Television News Coverage in Washington, D.C." - November 2, 1987 Rudolph Giuliani, "Organized Crime, Corruption, and Insider Trading: Current Happenings in the U.S. Attorney's Office" - November 9, 1987 Arturo Cruz (Former Director, Unified Opposition in Nicaragua), "Why I Left the Contras" - November 19, 1987 Sheikh Zaki Yamani (Former Minister of Petroleum, Saudi Arabia), "Islam and Its Legal System: Past, Present and Future" November 24, 1987 Marybeth Whitehead Gould (Surrogate Mother in the "Baby M" Case) and Harold Cassidy (attorney to Ms. Gould), "The Baby M Case and its Effects on the Future of Surrogate Motherhood" - February 10, 1988 "The Homeless Crisis: A Street View" - Joyce Brown ( Homeless Woman who challenged NYC's Homeless Policy) with her attorneys Norman Siegel & Robert Levy, NYCLU - February 18, 1988 Erma Bombeck, "The Exploitation of Kids, Family and Marriage for Profit" - March 15, 1988 Scott Turow, "1L Revisited: Thoughts on Legal Education After 10 Years in Legal Practice" - April 25, 1988 Alejandro Serrano Caldera (Nicaraguan Ambassador to the United Nations, Former President of the Nicaraguan Supreme Court) - December 1, 1988 Edward Asner, "Patriotism and Other Spectator Sports" - December 12, 1988 William Sessions (Director, FBI), "Balancing Individual Rights with the Rights of Society: Sensitive Investigative Techniques" - February 8, 1989 Madeline Kunin (Governor of Vermont), "The Power Shift to the States: View from the Executive Branch" - February 13, 1989 Marion Barry (Mayor of Washington, D.C.) - "The 90's Challenge to Public Service" - October 30, 1989 - Part I, Part II Maynard Jackson (Mayor of Atlanta) - April 25, 1990 - Part I, Part II C. Boyden Gray (Special Counsel to President Bush), "The Bush Administration's Environmental and Energy Policy" - October 23, 1990 Arthur Liman (Fmr. Chief Senate Counsel, Iran-Contra Investigation; Fmr. President, Legal Aid Society of New York; Fmr. Chief Counsel, New York Special Commission on Attica) - "Can Congressional Investigations Be Conducted Fairly?" - November 14, 1991 Edwin Meese III (Former U.S. Attorney General), "Freedom, Free Speech and the Courts" - February 10, 1992 F. Lee Bailey, "Television in the Courts" - February 27, 1992 Nadine Strossen (President, American Civil Liberties Union), "Civil Liberties and the Supreme Court" - March 4, 1992 Dr. Ruth Westheimer - December 10, 1992 Jean Bertrand Aristide (President of Haiti) - April 8, 1994 "Public Policy Responses to the Changing Dynamics of the AIDS Epidemic" - panel discussion with Kristine Gebbie (National AIDS Policy Coordinator), Nicolàs Parkhurst Carballeira (Executive Director, Boston's Latino Health Institute), Rodger McFarlane (Executive Director, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS), Mindy Thompson Fullilove (Assoc. Professor of Clinical Psychiatry and Public Health, Columbia University), moderator Jean McGuire (Former Executive Director, AIDS Action Council) - April 26, 1994 Charlton Heston, "Winning the Cultural War" - February 16, 1999 - Part I (prepared remarks); Part II - Q&A Asa Hutchinson, "Prosecuting the President: Reflections of a House Manager" - March 22, 1999 Vince McMahon (Chairman, Titan Sports, Inc., World Wrestling Federation), "The First Amendment Firsthand" (edited) - April 15, 1999 Mario Cuomo, "Public Spirit in the Private Sector" - April 20, 1999 - Part I, Part II Ralph Nader, "The Laws, The Practice, The Education: Continuing Illusion or Wake-up Time?" - October 29, 1999 - Part I, Part II Jack Gargan (Chairman-elect, The Reform Party) "New Politics for the New Millennium" - December 2, 1999 Helen Thomas (Senior White House Correspondent, UPI), "Covering the Presidents: From Kennedy to Clinton" - February 23, 2000 Stephen Reinhardt (Judge, 9th Circuit Court of Appeals), "The Supreme Court and You: Life, Death and the Quality of Life" - March 1, 2000 Nadine Strossen (President, American Civil Liberties Union), "Current Challenges to Civil Liberties" - March 7, 2000 "Innocent on Death Row: The Causes of and Remedies for Unjust Convictions" - panel discussion with Barry Scheck, Peter Neufeld & Jim Dwyer (authors, Actual Innocence); Richard Lewontin (Professor of Population Genetics, Harvard); Bill Kovach (Curator, Nieman Foundation for Journalism, Harvard); Michael Seidman (Professor of Criminal Law, Georgetown); moderator Charles Nesson (Professor, Harvard Law School) - March 15, 2000 Arun Gandhi (Director, M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence), "The Enduring Legacy of Mahatma Gandhi: Lessons Learned from Grandfather" - March 20, 2000 Joel Klein (Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division, U.S. Department of Justice), "Antitrust in the New Economy" - April 10, 2000 A RealAudio player is required to listen to these programs. (available from These recordings are for research use only and may NOT be used for commercial purposes. The original copies of these recordings are on deposit with the Harvard Law School Library Special Collections Department. Many historic Forum audio and video recordings not posted here are also part of the library collection. November, 1999 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Robert Howard Posted June 3, 2010 Share Posted June 3, 2010 Past Programs - Audio RealAudio files hosted by the Berkman Center for Internet and Society Please click on the red links below to listen to these programs. Many of the older selections have been edited for broadcast on Boston Radio Station WHDH, which aired Forum events from the late 1940's through the early 1970's. The more recent programs are presented in unedited form. "Crisis in Education" (Nathan Pusey - President, Harvard University; Frederick Weed - Headmaster, Roxbury Latin School; Dr. Robert Ulich - Harvard Graduate School of Education; Lee Dunn - Senior Advisor, Boston Latin School; moderator David Cavers - Assoc. Dean, Harvard Law School) - October 22, 1954 Walter Reuther, "Priorities for Survival"- May 1, 1960 General Maxwell Taylor, "Blueprint for Defense" (with panel including Dr. Henry Kissinger and others) - April 21, 1961 "The First Hundred Days" (Barry Goldwater and others) - April 30, 1961 "Unrest Within the Democratic Party" (Eleanor Roosevelt and others) - May 1, 1961- Part I, Part II Dr. Leo Szilard (Professor of Bio-Physics, University of Chicago; Developer of Atomic Chain Reaction with Enrico Fermi) "Are We on the Road to War?" - November 17, 1961 Billy Graham, "Evangelism and the Intellectual"- April 1, 1962 - Part I, Part II Jimmy Hoffa, "Area Contracts and the Teamsters" - April 8, 1962 - Part I, Part II Martin Luther King, Jr., "The Future of Integration" - October 24, 1962 - Part I, Part II Madame Ngo Dinh Nhu, Member of Parliament, South Vietnam - October 14, 1963 Allen Dulles, "The Role of Intelligence in Policy Making" - December 13, 1963 Malcolm X - "The African Revolution and Its Impact on the American Negro" - December 16, 1964 - 30 second audio clip only General Lewis Hershey, Director of The Selective Service System, "Future of the American Draft" - November 21, 1965 Bishop Fulton Sheen, "God and the Intellectual" - February 13, 1966 "Women - Dare We Not Discriminate?" - Betty Friedan (Author, The Feminine Mystique), Mary I. Bunting (President, Radcliffe College), Pauli Murray (Lawyer, Author, Jane Crow and the Law) - February 18, 1966 Edward Bennett Williams (Counsel to Joe McCarthy, Jimmy Hoffa, Bobby Baker, Adam Clayton Powell...) - October 14, 1966 "LSD: Methods of Control" (Dr. Timothy Leary, Dr. Norman Zinberg) - November 4, 1966 "$50 Billion for What? The Federal Welfare Program" (Dr. Ellen Winston, Edward C. Banfield, Daniel P. Moynihan) - December 9, 1966 "The Johnson Presidency" - Panel discussion with Prof. Hans Morgenthau, Robert Novak, and Prof. Adam Yarmolinsky - March 17, 1967 "American Movies: Growing Up?" - Panel discussion with Joshua Logan (Warner Brothers; Producer-Director of "Camelot"), Judith Crist (Film and Drama Critic, NBC-TV), Shirley Clark - (Director, "Underground," "Portrait of Jason") - October 27, 1967 "Abortion: The Issues" - Panel discussion with Dr. Alan Guttmacher (President, Planned Parenthood); Robert F. Drinan, S. J. (Dean, Boston College Law School); Hon. Albert Blumenthal (New York General Assembly) - December 4, 1967 - Part I, Part II Justice Tom C. Clark (U.S. Supreme Court, Retired) - December 6, 1967 - Part I, Part II Dr. Wernher Von Braun, "After the Moon --What?" - September 6, 1970 - Part I, Part II George McGovern, "U.S. Foreign Policy: A Critique" - October 28, 1982 Ernest "Fritz" Hollings (U.S. Senator, D, South Carolina), "Economic Alternatives for the 80's" - October 25, 1983 Caspar Weinberger - November 11, 1983 Alan Cranston (U.S. Senator, D., California), "Peace and Jobs" - November 30, 1983 Shimon Peres, "Israel: Today and Tomorrow" - December 5, 1983 Andrew Young (Mayor of Atlanta; Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.), "Civil Rights with a Global Perspective" - April 8, 1984 (first few minutes missing) Stevie Wonder - April 19, 1984 Phyllis Schlafly - "The ERA - Is There a Future?" - April 25, 1984 Rev. Jerry Falwell, "The Role of Religion in Politics" (introduction by Professor Laurence Tribe) - September 20, 1984 Commandante Daniel Ortega (Coordinator of the Government of National Reconstruction of Nicaragua; Presidential Candidate, Nicaragua) (introduction by Carlos Fuentes) - October 8, 1984 Joseph Wapner (Judge, "The People's Court") - "Law, The Media, and 'The People's Court'" - October 25, 1984 Peter Jennings (ABC World News Tonight Anchorman and Chief Correspondent), "U.S.-Soviet Relations: A View From the Media" - February 21, 1985 Cesar Chavez (President, United Farm Workers of America) - "The New Grape Boycott -- Will it Work in the Eighties?" - February 28, 1985 - Part I, Part II John Chancellor (Commentator, NBC Nightly News), "Lawyers and Journalists: Differences and Similarities" - April 11, 1985 Simon Wiesenthal (Investigator of Nazi War Criminals), "Murders Among Us/ Consequences of the Holocaust" - November 16, 1985 Ed Koch - "Juvenile Crime" - February 12, 1986 Ruth Bader Ginsberg (Judge, D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals) - February 16, 1986 Rev. William Sloane Coffin, "Religion and Politics" - February 25, 1986 Willie Brown, "Politics and the Press" - October 2, 1986 Rev. Jerry Falwell, "The Evangelical Vote: Is It Monolithic?" - October 6, 1986 Carl Sagan, "The Nuclear Arms Race" - October 23, 1986 Ted Turner - October 29, 1986 Rev. Jesse Jackson - Harvard Law School Forum Fortieth Anniversary Lecture - November 11, 1986 Dan Rather, "The Changing Role of Television News in America" - November 18, 1986 Sergio Ramirez (Vice-President of Nicaragua), "Nicaragua versus U.S. in the World Court: American Policy on Trial" - November 24, 1986 General William Westmoreland, "My Experiences with the Media - March 2, 1987 - Part I, Part II Christy Hefner (President & CEO, Playboy Enterprises, Inc.), "Media, Morality and the First Amendment" - April 7, 1987 Paul Kirk (Chairman, Democratic National Committee), "The Politics of Values and the Value of Politics - 1988" - April 16, 1987 Judith Martin ("Miss Manners"), "Miss Manners Lays Down the Law" - April 22, 1987 Dennis Conner (Skipper, "Stars and Stripes"), "The America's Cup: Past, Present and Future" - October 21, 1987 Lesley Stahl (Moderator, "Face the Nation"), "Network Television News Coverage in Washington, D.C." - November 2, 1987 Rudolph Giuliani, "Organized Crime, Corruption, and Insider Trading: Current Happenings in the U.S. Attorney's Office" - November 9, 1987 Arturo Cruz (Former Director, Unified Opposition in Nicaragua), "Why I Left the Contras" - November 19, 1987 Sheikh Zaki Yamani (Former Minister of Petroleum, Saudi Arabia), "Islam and Its Legal System: Past, Present and Future" November 24, 1987 Marybeth Whitehead Gould (Surrogate Mother in the "Baby M" Case) and Harold Cassidy (attorney to Ms. Gould), "The Baby M Case and its Effects on the Future of Surrogate Motherhood" - February 10, 1988 "The Homeless Crisis: A Street View" - Joyce Brown ( Homeless Woman who challenged NYC's Homeless Policy) with her attorneys Norman Siegel & Robert Levy, NYCLU - February 18, 1988 Erma Bombeck, "The Exploitation of Kids, Family and Marriage for Profit" - March 15, 1988 Scott Turow, "1L Revisited: Thoughts on Legal Education After 10 Years in Legal Practice" - April 25, 1988 Alejandro Serrano Caldera (Nicaraguan Ambassador to the United Nations, Former President of the Nicaraguan Supreme Court) - December 1, 1988 Edward Asner, "Patriotism and Other Spectator Sports" - December 12, 1988 William Sessions (Director, FBI), "Balancing Individual Rights with the Rights of Society: Sensitive Investigative Techniques" - February 8, 1989 Madeline Kunin (Governor of Vermont), "The Power Shift to the States: View from the Executive Branch" - February 13, 1989 Marion Barry (Mayor of Washington, D.C.) - "The 90's Challenge to Public Service" - October 30, 1989 - Part I, Part II Maynard Jackson (Mayor of Atlanta) - April 25, 1990 - Part I, Part II C. Boyden Gray (Special Counsel to President Bush), "The Bush Administration's Environmental and Energy Policy" - October 23, 1990 Arthur Liman (Fmr. Chief Senate Counsel, Iran-Contra Investigation; Fmr. President, Legal Aid Society of New York; Fmr. Chief Counsel, New York Special Commission on Attica) - "Can Congressional Investigations Be Conducted Fairly?" - November 14, 1991 Edwin Meese III (Former U.S. Attorney General), "Freedom, Free Speech and the Courts" - February 10, 1992 F. Lee Bailey, "Television in the Courts" - February 27, 1992 Nadine Strossen (President, American Civil Liberties Union), "Civil Liberties and the Supreme Court" - March 4, 1992 Dr. Ruth Westheimer - December 10, 1992 Jean Bertrand Aristide (President of Haiti) - April 8, 1994 "Public Policy Responses to the Changing Dynamics of the AIDS Epidemic" - panel discussion with Kristine Gebbie (National AIDS Policy Coordinator), Nicolàs Parkhurst Carballeira (Executive Director, Boston's Latino Health Institute), Rodger McFarlane (Executive Director, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS), Mindy Thompson Fullilove (Assoc. Professor of Clinical Psychiatry and Public Health, Columbia University), moderator Jean McGuire (Former Executive Director, AIDS Action Council) - April 26, 1994 Charlton Heston, "Winning the Cultural War" - February 16, 1999 - Part I (prepared remarks); Part II - Q&A Asa Hutchinson, "Prosecuting the President: Reflections of a House Manager" - March 22, 1999 Vince McMahon (Chairman, Titan Sports, Inc., World Wrestling Federation), "The First Amendment Firsthand" (edited) - April 15, 1999 Mario Cuomo, "Public Spirit in the Private Sector" - April 20, 1999 - Part I, Part II Ralph Nader, "The Laws, The Practice, The Education: Continuing Illusion or Wake-up Time?" - October 29, 1999 - Part I, Part II Jack Gargan (Chairman-elect, The Reform Party) "New Politics for the New Millennium" - December 2, 1999 Helen Thomas (Senior White House Correspondent, UPI), "Covering the Presidents: From Kennedy to Clinton" - February 23, 2000 Stephen Reinhardt (Judge, 9th Circuit Court of Appeals), "The Supreme Court and You: Life, Death and the Quality of Life" - March 1, 2000 Nadine Strossen (President, American Civil Liberties Union), "Current Challenges to Civil Liberties" - March 7, 2000 "Innocent on Death Row: The Causes of and Remedies for Unjust Convictions" - panel discussion with Barry Scheck, Peter Neufeld & Jim Dwyer (authors, Actual Innocence); Richard Lewontin (Professor of Population Genetics, Harvard); Bill Kovach (Curator, Nieman Foundation for Journalism, Harvard); Michael Seidman (Professor of Criminal Law, Georgetown); moderator Charles Nesson (Professor, Harvard Law School) - March 15, 2000 Arun Gandhi (Director, M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence), "The Enduring Legacy of Mahatma Gandhi: Lessons Learned from Grandfather" - March 20, 2000 Joel Klein (Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division, U.S. Department of Justice), "Antitrust in the New Economy" - April 10, 2000 A RealAudio player is required to listen to these programs. (available from These recordings are for research use only and may NOT be used for commercial purposes. The original copies of these recordings are on deposit with the Harvard Law School Library Special Collections Department. Many historic Forum audio and video recordings not posted here are also part of the library collection. November, 1999 I am bumping this, so I don't have to go to page 15-something to find it........ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Robert Howard Posted June 3, 2010 Share Posted June 3, 2010 Past Programs - Audio RealAudio files hosted by the Berkman Center for Internet and Society Please click on the red links below to listen to these programs. Many of the older selections have been edited for broadcast on Boston Radio Station WHDH, which aired Forum events from the late 1940's through the early 1970's. The more recent programs are presented in unedited form. "Crisis in Education" (Nathan Pusey - President, Harvard University; Frederick Weed - Headmaster, Roxbury Latin School; Dr. Robert Ulich - Harvard Graduate School of Education; Lee Dunn - Senior Advisor, Boston Latin School; moderator David Cavers - Assoc. Dean, Harvard Law School) - October 22, 1954 Walter Reuther, "Priorities for Survival"- May 1, 1960 General Maxwell Taylor, "Blueprint for Defense" (with panel including Dr. Henry Kissinger and others) - April 21, 1961 "The First Hundred Days" (Barry Goldwater and others) - April 30, 1961 "Unrest Within the Democratic Party" (Eleanor Roosevelt and others) - May 1, 1961- Part I, Part II Dr. Leo Szilard (Professor of Bio-Physics, University of Chicago; Developer of Atomic Chain Reaction with Enrico Fermi) "Are We on the Road to War?" - November 17, 1961 Billy Graham, "Evangelism and the Intellectual"- April 1, 1962 - Part I, Part II Jimmy Hoffa, "Area Contracts and the Teamsters" - April 8, 1962 - Part I, Part II Martin Luther King, Jr., "The Future of Integration" - October 24, 1962 - Part I, Part II Madame Ngo Dinh Nhu, Member of Parliament, South Vietnam - October 14, 1963 Allen Dulles, "The Role of Intelligence in Policy Making" - December 13, 1963 Malcolm X - "The African Revolution and Its Impact on the American Negro" - December 16, 1964 - 30 second audio clip only General Lewis Hershey, Director of The Selective Service System, "Future of the American Draft" - November 21, 1965 Bishop Fulton Sheen, "God and the Intellectual" - February 13, 1966 "Women - Dare We Not Discriminate?" - Betty Friedan (Author, The Feminine Mystique), Mary I. Bunting (President, Radcliffe College), Pauli Murray (Lawyer, Author, Jane Crow and the Law) - February 18, 1966 Edward Bennett Williams (Counsel to Joe McCarthy, Jimmy Hoffa, Bobby Baker, Adam Clayton Powell...) - October 14, 1966 "LSD: Methods of Control" (Dr. Timothy Leary, Dr. Norman Zinberg) - November 4, 1966 "$50 Billion for What? The Federal Welfare Program" (Dr. Ellen Winston, Edward C. Banfield, Daniel P. Moynihan) - December 9, 1966 "The Johnson Presidency" - Panel discussion with Prof. Hans Morgenthau, Robert Novak, and Prof. Adam Yarmolinsky - March 17, 1967 "American Movies: Growing Up?" - Panel discussion with Joshua Logan (Warner Brothers; Producer-Director of "Camelot"), Judith Crist (Film and Drama Critic, NBC-TV), Shirley Clark - (Director, "Underground," "Portrait of Jason") - October 27, 1967 "Abortion: The Issues" - Panel discussion with Dr. Alan Guttmacher (President, Planned Parenthood); Robert F. Drinan, S. J. (Dean, Boston College Law School); Hon. Albert Blumenthal (New York General Assembly) - December 4, 1967 - Part I, Part II Justice Tom C. Clark (U.S. Supreme Court, Retired) - December 6, 1967 - Part I, Part II Dr. Wernher Von Braun, "After the Moon --What?" - September 6, 1970 - Part I, Part II George McGovern, "U.S. Foreign Policy: A Critique" - October 28, 1982 Ernest "Fritz" Hollings (U.S. Senator, D, South Carolina), "Economic Alternatives for the 80's" - October 25, 1983 Caspar Weinberger - November 11, 1983 Alan Cranston (U.S. Senator, D., California), "Peace and Jobs" - November 30, 1983 Shimon Peres, "Israel: Today and Tomorrow" - December 5, 1983 Andrew Young (Mayor of Atlanta; Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.), "Civil Rights with a Global Perspective" - April 8, 1984 (first few minutes missing) Stevie Wonder - April 19, 1984 Phyllis Schlafly - "The ERA - Is There a Future?" - April 25, 1984 Rev. Jerry Falwell, "The Role of Religion in Politics" (introduction by Professor Laurence Tribe) - September 20, 1984 Commandante Daniel Ortega (Coordinator of the Government of National Reconstruction of Nicaragua; Presidential Candidate, Nicaragua) (introduction by Carlos Fuentes) - October 8, 1984 Joseph Wapner (Judge, "The People's Court") - "Law, The Media, and 'The People's Court'" - October 25, 1984 Peter Jennings (ABC World News Tonight Anchorman and Chief Correspondent), "U.S.-Soviet Relations: A View From the Media" - February 21, 1985 Cesar Chavez (President, United Farm Workers of America) - "The New Grape Boycott -- Will it Work in the Eighties?" - February 28, 1985 - Part I, Part II John Chancellor (Commentator, NBC Nightly News), "Lawyers and Journalists: Differences and Similarities" - April 11, 1985 Simon Wiesenthal (Investigator of Nazi War Criminals), "Murders Among Us/ Consequences of the Holocaust" - November 16, 1985 Ed Koch - "Juvenile Crime" - February 12, 1986 Ruth Bader Ginsberg (Judge, D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals) - February 16, 1986 Rev. William Sloane Coffin, "Religion and Politics" - February 25, 1986 Willie Brown, "Politics and the Press" - October 2, 1986 Rev. Jerry Falwell, "The Evangelical Vote: Is It Monolithic?" - October 6, 1986 Carl Sagan, "The Nuclear Arms Race" - October 23, 1986 Ted Turner - October 29, 1986 Rev. Jesse Jackson - Harvard Law School Forum Fortieth Anniversary Lecture - November 11, 1986 Dan Rather, "The Changing Role of Television News in America" - November 18, 1986 Sergio Ramirez (Vice-President of Nicaragua), "Nicaragua versus U.S. in the World Court: American Policy on Trial" - November 24, 1986 General William Westmoreland, "My Experiences with the Media - March 2, 1987 - Part I, Part II Christy Hefner (President & CEO, Playboy Enterprises, Inc.), "Media, Morality and the First Amendment" - April 7, 1987 Paul Kirk (Chairman, Democratic National Committee), "The Politics of Values and the Value of Politics - 1988" - April 16, 1987 Judith Martin ("Miss Manners"), "Miss Manners Lays Down the Law" - April 22, 1987 Dennis Conner (Skipper, "Stars and Stripes"), "The America's Cup: Past, Present and Future" - October 21, 1987 Lesley Stahl (Moderator, "Face the Nation"), "Network Television News Coverage in Washington, D.C." - November 2, 1987 Rudolph Giuliani, "Organized Crime, Corruption, and Insider Trading: Current Happenings in the U.S. Attorney's Office" - November 9, 1987 Arturo Cruz (Former Director, Unified Opposition in Nicaragua), "Why I Left the Contras" - November 19, 1987 Sheikh Zaki Yamani (Former Minister of Petroleum, Saudi Arabia), "Islam and Its Legal System: Past, Present and Future" November 24, 1987 Marybeth Whitehead Gould (Surrogate Mother in the "Baby M" Case) and Harold Cassidy (attorney to Ms. Gould), "The Baby M Case and its Effects on the Future of Surrogate Motherhood" - February 10, 1988 "The Homeless Crisis: A Street View" - Joyce Brown ( Homeless Woman who challenged NYC's Homeless Policy) with her attorneys Norman Siegel & Robert Levy, NYCLU - February 18, 1988 Erma Bombeck, "The Exploitation of Kids, Family and Marriage for Profit" - March 15, 1988 Scott Turow, "1L Revisited: Thoughts on Legal Education After 10 Years in Legal Practice" - April 25, 1988 Alejandro Serrano Caldera (Nicaraguan Ambassador to the United Nations, Former President of the Nicaraguan Supreme Court) - December 1, 1988 Edward Asner, "Patriotism and Other Spectator Sports" - December 12, 1988 William Sessions (Director, FBI), "Balancing Individual Rights with the Rights of Society: Sensitive Investigative Techniques" - February 8, 1989 Madeline Kunin (Governor of Vermont), "The Power Shift to the States: View from the Executive Branch" - February 13, 1989 Marion Barry (Mayor of Washington, D.C.) - "The 90's Challenge to Public Service" - October 30, 1989 - Part I, Part II Maynard Jackson (Mayor of Atlanta) - April 25, 1990 - Part I, Part II C. Boyden Gray (Special Counsel to President Bush), "The Bush Administration's Environmental and Energy Policy" - October 23, 1990 Arthur Liman (Fmr. Chief Senate Counsel, Iran-Contra Investigation; Fmr. President, Legal Aid Society of New York; Fmr. Chief Counsel, New York Special Commission on Attica) - "Can Congressional Investigations Be Conducted Fairly?" - November 14, 1991 Edwin Meese III (Former U.S. Attorney General), "Freedom, Free Speech and the Courts" - February 10, 1992 F. Lee Bailey, "Television in the Courts" - February 27, 1992 Nadine Strossen (President, American Civil Liberties Union), "Civil Liberties and the Supreme Court" - March 4, 1992 Dr. Ruth Westheimer - December 10, 1992 Jean Bertrand Aristide (President of Haiti) - April 8, 1994 "Public Policy Responses to the Changing Dynamics of the AIDS Epidemic" - panel discussion with Kristine Gebbie (National AIDS Policy Coordinator), Nicolàs Parkhurst Carballeira (Executive Director, Boston's Latino Health Institute), Rodger McFarlane (Executive Director, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS), Mindy Thompson Fullilove (Assoc. Professor of Clinical Psychiatry and Public Health, Columbia University), moderator Jean McGuire (Former Executive Director, AIDS Action Council) - April 26, 1994 Charlton Heston, "Winning the Cultural War" - February 16, 1999 - Part I (prepared remarks); Part II - Q&A Asa Hutchinson, "Prosecuting the President: Reflections of a House Manager" - March 22, 1999 Vince McMahon (Chairman, Titan Sports, Inc., World Wrestling Federation), "The First Amendment Firsthand" (edited) - April 15, 1999 Mario Cuomo, "Public Spirit in the Private Sector" - April 20, 1999 - Part I, Part II Ralph Nader, "The Laws, The Practice, The Education: Continuing Illusion or Wake-up Time?" - October 29, 1999 - Part I, Part II Jack Gargan (Chairman-elect, The Reform Party) "New Politics for the New Millennium" - December 2, 1999 Helen Thomas (Senior White House Correspondent, UPI), "Covering the Presidents: From Kennedy to Clinton" - February 23, 2000 Stephen Reinhardt (Judge, 9th Circuit Court of Appeals), "The Supreme Court and You: Life, Death and the Quality of Life" - March 1, 2000 Nadine Strossen (President, American Civil Liberties Union), "Current Challenges to Civil Liberties" - March 7, 2000 "Innocent on Death Row: The Causes of and Remedies for Unjust Convictions" - panel discussion with Barry Scheck, Peter Neufeld & Jim Dwyer (authors, Actual Innocence); Richard Lewontin (Professor of Population Genetics, Harvard); Bill Kovach (Curator, Nieman Foundation for Journalism, Harvard); Michael Seidman (Professor of Criminal Law, Georgetown); moderator Charles Nesson (Professor, Harvard Law School) - March 15, 2000 Arun Gandhi (Director, M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence), "The Enduring Legacy of Mahatma Gandhi: Lessons Learned from Grandfather" - March 20, 2000 Joel Klein (Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division, U.S. Department of Justice), "Antitrust in the New Economy" - April 10, 2000 A RealAudio player is required to listen to these programs. (available from These recordings are for research use only and may NOT be used for commercial purposes. The original copies of these recordings are on deposit with the Harvard Law School Library Special Collections Department. Many historic Forum audio and video recordings not posted here are also part of the library collection. November, 1999 I am bumping this, so I don't have to go to page 15-something to find it........ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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