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Tim Gratz

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Please look at the photo on the page.

It certainly seems to show that JFK's coat was "bunched up".

I still think the hole in his coat would be an inch or more below the bunching but it does place the hole higher in his back.

Could a bullet entering the back an inch or two below the coat-bunching have exited his throat?

Well I do not think the throat wound was large enough for an exiting bullet but for the time being ignoring that consideration if a bullet did hit JFK in the back about where the photo suggests and exit his throat right around the top of his collar it certainly suggests a trajectory far to close to level to be traced back to the sixth floor of the TSBD.

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Edited by Tim Gratz
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Please look at the photo on the page.

It certainly seems to show that JFK's coat was "bunched up".

I still think the hole in his coat would be an inch or more below the bunching but it does place the hole higher in his back.

Could a bullet entering the back an inch or two below the coat-bunching have exited his throat?

Well I do not think the throat wound was large enough for an exiting bullet but for the time being ignoring that consideration if a bullet did hit JFK in the back about where the photo suggests and exit his throat right around the top of his collar it certainly suggests a trajectory far to close to level to be traced back to the sixth floor of the TSBD.

Your comments?

Yes it can happen if you are playing a video game... make sure to grab the box of magic bullets on the way to the sixth floor and use the firing code: left-up-down-right-down. With the code and the box of magic bullets you can fire up in the air and it will hit your target everytime without leaving evidence or mangled bullets.

No exit wound leaves a 3-5mm entrance wound.

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Please look at the photo on the page.

It certainly seems to show that JFK's coat was "bunched up".

I still think the hole in his coat would be an inch or more below the bunching but it does place the hole higher in his back.

Could a bullet entering the back an inch or two below the coat-bunching have exited his throat?

Well I do not think the throat wound was large enough for an exiting bullet but for the time being ignoring that consideration if a bullet did hit JFK in the back about where the photo suggests and exit his throat right around the top of his collar it certainly suggests a trajectory far to close to level to be traced back to the sixth floor of the TSBD.

Your comments?

Yes it can happen if you are playing a video game... make sure to grab the box of magic bullets on the way to the sixth floor and use the firing code: left-up-down-right-down. With the code and the box of magic bullets you can fire up in the air and it will hit your target everytime without leaving evidence or mangled bullets.

No exit wound leaves a 3-5mm entrance wound.

No exit wound leaves a 3-5mm entrance wound.


That one is way over my head!


When the skin at the point of exit is restricted and/or constricted, the FMJ Carcano bullet can create an exit wound of small dimensions.

However Again!

When the velocity of the projectile is not impeded due to direct impact with bone, or having penetrated through an extensive thickness of tissues, it is not uncommon for the exiting projectile to actually "rip" and remove small tears of the Stratom Corneum layer of the epidermis as the projectile exits.

Which neither an entering projectile nor a slow velocity exiting projectile create.


As demonstrated in the attached 6.5mm Carcano Bullet (WCC) exit wound.

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Please look at the photo on the page.

It certainly seems to show that JFK's coat was "bunched up".

I still think the hole in his coat would be an inch or more below the bunching but it does place the hole higher in his back.

Could a bullet entering the back an inch or two below the coat-bunching have exited his throat?

Well I do not think the throat wound was large enough for an exiting bullet but for the time being ignoring that consideration if a bullet did hit JFK in the back about where the photo suggests and exit his throat right around the top of his collar it certainly suggests a trajectory far to close to level to be traced back to the sixth floor of the TSBD.

Your comments?

Yes it can happen if you are playing a video game... make sure to grab the box of magic bullets on the way to the sixth floor and use the firing code: left-up-down-right-down. With the code and the box of magic bullets you can fire up in the air and it will hit your target everytime without leaving evidence or mangled bullets.

No exit wound leaves a 3-5mm entrance wound.

No exit wound leaves a 3-5mm entrance wound.


That one is way over my head!


When the skin at the point of exit is restricted and/or constricted, the FMJ Carcano bullet can create an exit wound of small dimensions.

However Again!

When the velocity of the projectile is not impeded due to direct impact with bone, or having penetrated through an extensive thickness of tissues, it is not uncommon for the exiting projectile to actually "rip" and remove small tears of the Stratom Corneum layer of the epidermis as the projectile exits.

Which neither an entering projectile nor a slow velocity exiting projectile create.


As demonstrated in the attached 6.5mm Carcano Bullet (WCC) exit wound.


Dr. Baxter - Well, the wound was, I think, compatible with a gunshot wound. It did not appear to be a jagged wound such as one would expect with a very high velocity rifle bullet.

Mr. Specter - Assuming some factors in addition to those which you personally observed, Dr. Baxter, what would your opinion be if these additional facts were present: First, the President had a bullet wound of entry on the right posterior thorax just above the upper border of the Scapula with the wound measuring 7 by 4 mm. in oval shape, being 14 cm. from the tip of the right acromion process and 14 cm. below the tip of the right mastoid process--assume this is the set of facts, that the wound Just described was caused by a 6.5 mm bullet shot from approximately 160 to 250 feet away from the President, from a weapon having a muzzle velocity of approximately 2,000 feet per second, assuming as a third factor that the bullet passed through the President's body, going in between the strap muscles of the shoulder without violating the pleura space and exited at a point in the midline of the neck, would the hole which you saw on the President's throat be consistent with an exit point, assuming the factors which I have Just given to you?

Dr. Baxter - Although it would be unusual for a high velocity missile of this type to cause a wound as you have described, the passage through tissue planes of this density could have well resulted in the sequence which you outline; namely, that the anterior wound does represent a wound of exit.

Mr. Specter - What would be the considerations which, in your mind, would make it, as you characterized it, unlikely?

Dr. Baxter - It would be unlikely because the damage that the bullet would create would be---first its speed would create a shock wave which would damage a larger number of tissues, as in its path, it would tend to strike, or usually would strike, tissues of greater density than this particular missile did and would then begin to tumble and would create larger jagged--the further it went, the more jagged would be the damage that it created; so that ordinarily there would have been a rather large wound of exit.



Mr. SPECTER - In this report, Dr. Jones, you state the following, "Previously described severe skull and brain injury was noted as well as a small hole in anterior midline of the neck thought to be a bullet entrance wound. What led you to the thought that it was a bullet entrance wound, sir?

Dr. JONES - The hole was very small and relatively clean cut, as you would see in a bullet that is entering rather than exiting from a patient. If this were an exit wound, you would think that it exited at a very low velocity to produce no more damage than this had done, and if this were a missile of high velocity, you would expect more of an explosive type of exit wound, with more tissue destruction than this appeared to have on superficial examination.

Mr. SPECTER - Would it be consistent, then, with an exit wound, but of low velocity, as you put it?

Dr. JONES - Yes; of very low velocity to the point that you might think that this bullet barely made it through the soft tissues and just enough to drop out of the skin on the opposite side.

Mr. SPECTER - Will you describe as precisely as you can the wound that you observed in the throat?

Dr. JONES - The wound in the throat was probably no larger than a quarter of an inch in diameter. There appeared to be no powder burn present, although this could have been masked by the amount of blood that was on the head and neck, although there was no obvious, amount of powder present. There appeared to be a very minimal amount of disruption of interruption of the surrounding skin. There appeared to be relatively smooth edges around the wound, and if this occurred as a result of a missile, you would have probably thought it was a missile of very low velocity and probably could have been compatible with a bone fragment of either--probably exiting from the neck, but it was a very small, smooth wound.


Dr. Jones -- Mr. Specter had said, "Would it be consistent, then, with an exit wound but of low velocity, as you put it? And I said "Yes, of very low velocity to the point that you might think that this bullet just barely made it through the soft tissues and just enough to drop out of the skin in the opposite side." In other words, if this thing was coming out instead of in, there sure wasn't much blast effect as Dr. Baxter alluded to. And so I mentioned that it just maybe had dropped out.

DR. PETERS: But you know, If there really was another bullet, was it of the same caliber and I'd like to know what's known about that. I couldn't contribute anything, but it's just of interest. It makes it, as Ron said, a little more complex thing to have another bullet available in addition to the bullet that was found in the car. Isn't that correct?

MR. GUNN: This is a bullet fragment, so this is not -


MR. GUNN: -- not a bullet. It's a small fragment.*

*(emphasis added)


Certainly not that much which is difficult to understand here either!


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