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Who killed Bugsy Siegel?

Wim Dankbaar

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My answer: Chauncey Holt on orders of Meyer Lansky. With an M1 Carbine on a tripod.

Just another solution of an unsolved murder, you don't have have to believe it, I don't give a damned, as long as I know myself what the truth is. And by the way, I think Chauncey was a likable great guy, much less a criminal than David Atlee Phillips and George Bush (senior or junior).

I am getting private messages through this board that I don't know how to answer. Whoever wants to get to me in private, do it at info@jfkmurdersolved.com.


There is a new book out about the Black Dahlia killing, which claims that Benny was involved and then dumped the body about two blocks from Jack Dragna's house. It also claims that Dragna's driver did the hit and confessed to it on his death bed. Interesting book cuz it claims the Black Dahlia was pregnant with Norman Chandlers child and refused and abortion, hence the killing. The mutilation was done by the abortionist to conceal the pregnancy, or so the book claims.

Sorry, I can't remember the title.

The name of the book is "The Black Dahlia Files: The Mob, the Mogul, and the Murder That Transfixed Los Angeles" by Don Wolfe.

It is quite good.

And the irony of his conclusions is that they were only made possible with the LAPD's inadvertent release of Black Dahlia-related files when it opened a lot of other quite stale, and presumably mundane, files.

Which begs the issue of why the LAPD needs to keep the files sealed on a murder which took place over 60 years ago.

National security, of course.

She was a sad creature, made even more lamentable by her savage murder at a very young age.

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My answer: Chauncey Holt on orders of Meyer Lansky. With an M1 Carbine on a tripod.

Just another solution of an unsolved murder, you don't have have to believe it, I don't give a damned, as long as I know myself what the truth is. And by the way, I think Chauncey was a likable great guy, much less a criminal than David Atlee Phillips and George Bush (senior or junior).

I am getting private messages through this board that I don't know how to answer. Whoever wants to get to me in private, do it at info@jfkmurdersolved.com.


There is a new book out about the Black Dahlia killing, which claims that Benny was involved and then dumped the body about two blocks from Jack Dragna's house. It also claims that Dragna's driver did the hit and confessed to it on his death bed. Interesting book cuz it claims the Black Dahlia was pregnant with Norman Chandlers child and refused and abortion, hence the killing. The mutilation was done by the abortionist to conceal the pregnancy, or so the book claims.

Sorry, I can't remember the title.

I can't remember either; 'cause it's an awful book. Dragna has become some kind of bigshot over the years. He was really more of a stolen hubcaps guy than some kind of boss/chieftan/don.

Elizabeth Short died having an abortion. It was an accident. The jerk who messed it up wanted the gangsters who'd refered her to him to get rid of the body. When they refused he did the mutilation and then attempted to dump half of the body near Dragna's and the other half who knows where. It didn't work out so he ended up dumping the two halves in the same spot. That's why cars were seen and heard in the area the previous evening and in the early morning hours. Seigal and Chandler didn't know of or care about Elizabeth Short. Chandler had debutantes. Siegal starlets. Not likely they were interested in a mediocre looking taxi dancer.

The LAPD messed the case up immensely right from the start. They fed the newspapers disinformation and likely had a hand in the "anonymous" letters sent to both L A Times and Examiner. Because of their (Homicide division) highly egregious actions and ineptitude, some files will be locked away forever if they haven't been already destroyed. Nothing like an official mess up to get a result that keeps the files locked. There's a whole string of cases just in L A that fit the bill. Monroe for one. The disappearance of Charles Manson's attorney, (hey remember that!) sorry, can't recall his name. Cops mess it up and the files are gone for good. Sound familiar?

Don't call her The Black Dahlia. Black Dahlia Case, OK. I'd prefer so-callled Black Dahlia Case. It wasn't her fault she died. She's been exploited mercilessly ever since. Not that she's entirely innocent. She may have been the go-between for a girl who'd "gotten herself in trouble" and the abortionists who could fix it. But she does deserve to be called Elizabeth Short. And her murder, the Elizabeth Short Murder. Cutesy names for murder victims is sick and a thing of the past. Let's leave them there.

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My answer: Chauncey Holt on orders of Meyer Lansky. With an M1 Carbine on a tripod.

Just another solution of an unsolved murder, you don't have have to believe it, I don't give a damned, as long as I know myself what the truth is. And by the way, I think Chauncey was a likable great guy, much less a criminal than David Atlee Phillips and George Bush (senior or junior).

I am getting private messages through this board that I don't know how to answer. Whoever wants to get to me in private, do it at info@jfkmurdersolved.com.


There is a new book out about the Black Dahlia killing, which claims that Benny was involved and then dumped the body about two blocks from Jack Dragna's house. It also claims that Dragna's driver did the hit and confessed to it on his death bed. Interesting book cuz it claims the Black Dahlia was pregnant with Norman Chandlers child and refused and abortion, hence the killing. The mutilation was done by the abortionist to conceal the pregnancy, or so the book claims.

Sorry, I can't remember the title.

I can't remember either; 'cause it's an awful book. Dragna has become some kind of bigshot over the years. He was really more of a stolen hubcaps guy than some kind of boss/chieftan/don.

Elizabeth Short died having an abortion. It was an accident. The jerk who messed it up wanted the gangsters who'd refered her to him to get rid of the body. When they refused he did the mutilation and then attempted to dump half of the body near Dragna's and the other half who knows where. It didn't work out so he ended up dumping the two halves in the same spot. That's why cars were seen and heard in the area the previous evening and in the early morning hours. Seigal and Chandler didn't know of or care about Elizabeth Short. Chandler had debutantes. Siegal starlets. Not likely they were interested in a mediocre looking taxi dancer.

The LAPD messed the case up immensely right from the start. They fed the newspapers disinformation and likely had a hand in the "anonymous" letters sent to both L A Times and Examiner. Because of their (Homicide division) highly egregious actions and ineptitude, some files will be locked away forever if they haven't been already destroyed. Nothing like an official mess up to get a result that keeps the files locked. There's a whole string of cases just in L A that fit the bill. Monroe for one. The disappearance of Charles Manson's attorney, (hey remember that!) sorry, can't recall his name. Cops mess it up and the files are gone for good. Sound familiar?

Don't call her The Black Dahlia. Black Dahlia Case, OK. I'd prefer so-callled Black Dahlia Case. It wasn't her fault she died. She's been exploited mercilessly ever since. Not that she's entirely innocent. She may have been the go-between for a girl who'd "gotten herself in trouble" and the abortionists who could fix it. But she does deserve to be called Elizabeth Short. And her murder, the Elizabeth Short Murder. Cutesy names for murder victims is sick and a thing of the past. Let's leave them there.

You make some interesting points and posit a credible theory.

But, if she died during an abortion, why rip the corners of her mouth to her ears?

And you left OJ off of the list of high profile cases flubbed by the LAPD.

But kudos for thinking of Mansion's attorney, who was found way downstream from his campsight if I recall correctly. I forget his name, too.

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My answer: Chauncey Holt on orders of Meyer Lansky. With an M1 Carbine on a tripod.

Just another solution of an unsolved murder, you don't have have to believe it, I don't give a damned, as long as I know myself what the truth is. And by the way, I think Chauncey was a likable great guy, much less a criminal than David Atlee Phillips and George Bush (senior or junior).

I am getting private messages through this board that I don't know how to answer. Whoever wants to get to me in private, do it at info@jfkmurdersolved.com.


There is a new book out about the Black Dahlia killing, which claims that Benny was involved and then dumped the body about two blocks from Jack Dragna's house. It also claims that Dragna's driver did the hit and confessed to it on his death bed. Interesting book cuz it claims the Black Dahlia was pregnant with Norman Chandlers child and refused and abortion, hence the killing. The mutilation was done by the abortionist to conceal the pregnancy, or so the book claims.

Sorry, I can't remember the title.

I can't remember either; 'cause it's an awful book. Dragna has become some kind of bigshot over the years. He was really more of a stolen hubcaps guy than some kind of boss/chieftan/don.

Elizabeth Short died having an abortion. It was an accident. The jerk who messed it up wanted the gangsters who'd refered her to him to get rid of the body. When they refused he did the mutilation and then attempted to dump half of the body near Dragna's and the other half who knows where. It didn't work out so he ended up dumping the two halves in the same spot. That's why cars were seen and heard in the area the previous evening and in the early morning hours. Seigal and Chandler didn't know of or care about Elizabeth Short. Chandler had debutantes. Siegal starlets. Not likely they were interested in a mediocre looking taxi dancer.

The LAPD messed the case up immensely right from the start. They fed the newspapers disinformation and likely had a hand in the "anonymous" letters sent to both L A Times and Examiner. Because of their (Homicide division) highly egregious actions and ineptitude, some files will be locked away forever if they haven't been already destroyed. Nothing like an official mess up to get a result that keeps the files locked. There's a whole string of cases just in L A that fit the bill. Monroe for one. The disappearance of Charles Manson's attorney, (hey remember that!) sorry, can't recall his name. Cops mess it up and the files are gone for good. Sound familiar?

Don't call her The Black Dahlia. Black Dahlia Case, OK. I'd prefer so-callled Black Dahlia Case. It wasn't her fault she died. She's been exploited mercilessly ever since. Not that she's entirely innocent. She may have been the go-between for a girl who'd "gotten herself in trouble" and the abortionists who could fix it. But she does deserve to be called Elizabeth Short. And her murder, the Elizabeth Short Murder. Cutesy names for murder victims is sick and a thing of the past. Let's leave them there.

According to the book, she was beaten to death, didn't die of an abortion. Lots of facial and upper body bruises. The story is that she backed out of the abortion at the last moment and someone (Benny?) lost their temper.

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