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Unknown Photograph?

Guest Duncan MacRae

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Guest Duncan MacRae

Does anyone know who this man is, and what he is holding up with his left hand? If he is known, and it's a known photograph, can anyone identify it?



Edited by Duncan MacRae
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Yes, late afternoon, judging from the shadows.

What is really remarkable is that the place was not fenced off as a crimescene. For crying out loud , we are talking about the murder of a President. It's still a wonder that Billy Harper found that bone fragment the next day.


Absolutely a wonder. It's possible the man is holding up a newspaper clipping of a photograph. Maybe Altgens for comparison. Why fence anything off when Oswald acted alone? :ph34r:

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I know you were joking, so was I [...]



Prove it.

lol ....


Frank's joke =1 Joke

Duncan's joke = 1 Joke

Total = 2 Jokes.

Conclusion = Duncan and Frank were joking

UNLESS you Thomas want to submit your single joke theory? :lol:


What do you think of flying skull fragments, reflected in the trunk lid? If you look at the comments, there's a lot of people pointing out Bothun, Cancellieri, Moorman's Polaroid tab; but I don't think I got one comment on the actual trunk lid reflection, which is the centerpiece of my findings. Any thoughts? And yeah isn't the board quiet?

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